JTj-r. ' " "i . f ' "r"C7l .WT,,,)nll.JMr'i ' .' Ji 5r. 'IU a " .n'i ! isx,j .:7t..-Mir4t ' '-' .-'. wirf 4 r. 7T! I W i i,i .- ;" "'',' -5 ." " fv ' i ; r" -. -v'j,-- ., - ';r,- ,-. ' ' I t" ,v '- j' fVJ fe FINDS IS lieEMNAHY ... . I S. Thirty Per Cent of Applicants (jet Work Througn oumau nt Headquarters EV&NtNG PtffoLIO LfiDGrER-IHlt;At)ELrHlA; FRIDAY, MARCH! l()21 i,.,.pt iltiintlnn It I Thr noninii""-' , , I ... (.....rlpilll l.PEiOll 1 1 - .lift I" "" " I H " i.rMilmmrtrrR of .li)"""" """ ",.. roinmit lie- tin' 00, i (lie k ll'IS 0 tl III 111 , unci nun. 'font iVM' tl lie iir nlnooil. mi nr nit nil rite, of nriiini'"" " " ... nullity roininitl . .i. rt Mlrect. lx t . . l f n V ..luiiit .".00 Jul i.r.orloi' p. VJlit . .inn li Bjff tlm bnroiiil fnrli XVUV'GXfi?& " ,,.... I.,- In w. I asr V " n.' Vi,n,,n, iiBjFi'v iii rliiw of ... "in nor COIlt. ..i i.licirti tnn; '".. '....l,,- ,,lni .,.. i r '' " ""-.' i 1..,..iilnr 111 errit'Aino.i.-nn l-nn. irni'" . .... hi iiii i nuu "'' . "l Tf il... mtOpo wltlimil Hinn ...... If nf II" . ' . ... ......I. f.tiiti t,n' r Union iin'ii ''" ,. iit.ii r.ttin 1 '" . .itini. nf tin rlill ir-iipl"'""''1 . ,.. ,j,I.mi. r""' ,,',..,, 'I'uovOii.n nl the ,. ,, Mnrrh inc. "!;' " ' ;, i,.,. i!''':v:): !Lo k .th "c;-tinK &'ltn,rp nkoSl'iUnnJInB the t.,. " ! ..,,1,-Ami'ih'''"' .. ,.. fil ' , .1 . IMi Imloli.hia TuriiRonioini . (l"n ', . n 1 '.' 'inil.la nx Mine. Tin I"M,l't: '. n ' n,1nillnn tlokots hino i .in iHin'o I'liininiii'---. """ ,.'", '' . ..e tlin ini4t TX ...o.!...-,' 'f tho ol.,rt .1. '"!"! ; ,. , i nf f'"i fi,r u', ,?am..MnB..fll.oIonnW.I.Sli... , ,:"iw N.. I!. U tin- HiikIiimt LVVin mum' i -trcol. ('.mininnloi f ,r Vim .n...l thnl tin ni'Xt inert; yr. ,,l urRp.1 wr nioiii""-' ' ' .nl i'i hw f ili r n April 1.. ,, ,r .-.. roi.nslMiniii iin.l tin 1 I , '!.", irom .ho rhilmlolphi,. 5',r , t, a - iiniiiiiiutioii iiil.lros.,! Jl'..".! fi '! "" io-.t stnto.l til.' (Vis-nt.M-s p. iii"" "' horns h-liln.l tho p.. r. I ' n Hi. So.mti' imil tin ( up " " i, no llmiM- at Washington. 9BBSS ATTENTION! I'ii-i,i. null' lli fulhirtliiB Inlrrr rli , il li r it k i jliic to nii. ' i n run nut i: i.ijT) I sll II I.IMIDS 1,11 I b. KUII'm per li J J" ! c-. In palls HI) His.) l"ir in -lliisr In I'M-. Ir ,. I KiWn I B ti"r ( r I ts ( r I , ( 'irrr l.rcs V, iiliiul I ti;h I In I r r , Hit ( r. I 'bus i . M M fK, I'lltlllll1 M. M. l.--s 'I M l.ci:s I r I it:s I'. 1,11s f In (I IK 'lis- n i (HK r'.'s 1 1 -i -j,, i. M . I il.r Vn I 'rlo I I l ( III li i nr Hi. Ilia's iier Inn Vi'n nor bnx 2 's nor li it's per lux Si's per lix IV prr lfii Vl'n prr inx per Hi.t. IS'm 4S' IMT llllX rjd's prr Ixix Tin's p.r Imi l"i)'h pr Ihix rfl's pr Imx I Mi's IMT Imx llnu I'kics H'h vvr lin ii ( r I ks r tin. ( r I bcs IHT ilnf I i.r ( r I.4bs prr thir. prr mi.: .per nrs( ,prr nrs( I'S .1 t r- ( ( r. I.u- I -l-t ll.'il ! lu nest I (rr II , i is l(l) HI. N. l,i-n I ( 'i I, Uixttafrrs . 1 ! !',i Hi i llnliliUs ..prr ilo7. 5'm ( m .nit tr It .libit prr ilii. J'l ll'ir . Itnlililt . Si's 111 ( UN I' hi, lis PIT till ;,r I irtir I ix i i.mlilnn'inus l.fKI's f.i I i" r I .-i- liMiil.liiilliins tlOOO. Iirli I,ii inl .!.' .11 .III .71 .51 .71 .71) .-!! .71 .71 .Rt .HI .71 .71 .71 .71 .!t .71 I. Ill ".7H I). III! 'JI.IMI .HI 1.71 l.ll I 117 i.Vi i.M .711 1.(11) IH.IM) ai.no 1 " I ,.tr inn ..turi' will Im. oprii """ ' P M In ni'i nnininil ito iinr ru-in i, r- niii irn ntfi.hlo In ninio In " il" i'm In miilio llirlr silrt n 'i , , M H UUIVl.s 1 ill II s J"l si .r .,, ,,, "in.il OriiiBP (.inn f , Jl ' (Ii nlin; (,uin I nllrrsil M '' ' Im I li rr i . ' I'i Ins ilnrrl.N . J "ill I ml i ,r l brim i Mm, Mill ink ( ln nl it.. '"lit. ( h" l rMiin illuns J " in linn (rnniiH . '' fr II i, . (l ir I , l'i. II rii,. Hi", 1 1 ii it liars, o'ik it II ir ,' J-lli li1 ( iurr Droin. ((.. ; i'i. iMin. ii.. n.) - i J 'mi l-..,s IM, .. . 1 1 -. r i I ii in i,, it, ii,.., ,"'.' '" "..in s-t b I. Mr li II (. ,,orKr '"' " i i , n,ii.,, ...... s I, ,,, ,l l,l.,,. I .I'J I, s..,i;i:s, 't i riii's $. ISO's , Ull's . fill's urn' l Mil's 1 l.rt's I . ISO's . Hill's i Ill's . .Ill's fill's , fill's .Vi'H 1 Jill's liu's . 'it's it's M.) K's I Hill I Il Isr. i . . Ilrlil M.i.7 ' III , I . IhniK M ' in It ir r- Mi nl li lt, 1.. .,, (li III III II, Mr, I II r II r T II il , . ii . tl' in. .V.'..; I'm I ' V t 'in, li' Hi i iris "us i It. nrts si mil, rr ( r.iilll ' sin..-,,!!,,! din,, II 'itlili mpit (.mil ' I nut (,iiin b ' mi.- Iiiimi ( u lit, P.I 1 1. 1 ii I. s..i, null t ( t'l, hi, I illfiiriiln fruit Cum t I iMilnr (,,, , i ' s rlli.'s In J.irs lftll's lid's fill's I .'(I'll . Ii's ro nidi:.. Kill's fill's 7i's fi't's I id's tin's lid's fill's ill's "(I'm id's 'id's id's id's d's Ill's Ill's i ill' ( I Pi, In ! i i p ii Nut I .nl I X llllllll.l 1' .r.. Miiini il llirs Nut I'tri, il M r.'iiui.llnws i I.' I' it t ii . ''Its 'f . 'it's I i's it's it's it's 'it's , it's it'll it's I 'it's t 71 71 71 71 111 mi liH 7S .7 l .HI .H'i .711 .HI) .!H .Mil .7.1 .71 .7.1 .11') .0') ..'Ill HI .hi; nt .il ;.3t .71 .7S .71 .71 .(,11 7" '.ii .71 .Ml .77 .71 .71 ..VI ..Ml .,711 .mi .III .(II .III .(1.7 VI 1.1 h Milium). ''I' II .1111 1,. " Mmi mils ' I ..kits " - ( llli' Nil is 'S i I, llll !-,.,s (.is.t.) Ill 1 1 !f if III' ii ' fi I'M ' I. ,r l: ..Is Hi V ," , llml Il , . M, III i, I. I Punt ( in i i ( ip '' ( '! Dn IMIlll nil l.r. . ''lirl si 111 III I. l(s , I. .. ' r s ( inl, ( i,.,,,. I ll'i nl li- '.IPs I "'i! ' Inn. id'h I, l ( l.'s id's I, ' ' J-I l. bus, III lbs. a. prr llll, H lllll.l s il) , I,) PIT tin Ml VI I 4i .1 I i , 411 I 4ll, i I li Ml I.I I 41 II II M pir ilii. n pir tin. 7 , iwr ilu. fi M r ilii, I) pi r t'li. I'i PIT llll II PIT llll. n prr ,ln It) i i i:s in lirs llll'1',,, I I b ' 'I mil Mi iir ii ,; , : A-lln i I I i in J ir.nl i,r, i li"' '" ' ' ' ll,' I I I il'i , n, Mlnilriil r. pir Pir pit Pir PIT In i inr pir prr pir PIT Pir pir in r UK) Kill Hid lllll I "II lllll llll llll) I I'll Idl) inn lllll until Id i. Id :,,.il ( mr Until im r lima ,n n) tl l' in rill PI T! .Ill III .".II II (li III OH n 1 1 in l it: Ml tin :n :n , i :i. "Uocommend u Friend" -11" ' ' ' sll till, loss Mill III). Lakoff Bros. ni W. .Market Strei-t Hlini ,ii, ( ,.,f.(. i,i,or 11,1 r.rnrri.l ni '.'T' I'l.t.ills" nt ( 1 T I'lliri'.S M! '',,"' I'ti'ii crilrrs lll rrrrho pronipt ? II i'i". ' ",''i).'.iilril b tiKi.ii. itrilrrti niltiril (i74 i,onr Miiln SU3 'M. I II. VH C'su O.M.V Orgnn plnys nt 0, II and 4:50 Cliliiif nt Nun n WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S gigiuwmiiiunmnuujigM w ahamaker Down Stairs Store's yr y gy y aster rasnion oaie G reat 8000 Fine Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses for Women and Young Women Many of the Dresses Marked at Less Than Cost of Making ASiER comes early this year, it's just three weeks away. ? sves Particular emphasis to a sale of this character a sale which offers all that is fashionable and fine in women's and children's Spring apparel. Every one of these 8000 garments is fresh and new. Every one is correct in fashion and bewitchingly lovely. Every one is marked a fourth less, a third less, and many even half price and less. f li mimr Ml . M MlMSk mi 1 i ! Mr y 1 Cull! W, x& $18.73 il V &J j in u u PJ .sAs -sl $15 V i y ' 5 Jr- 200 dresses of navy blue serge in three styles and of black and navy satin or crepe de chine in three styles at 100 dresses of navy blue tricotine or serge, wool embroidered, and made in a variety of pretty styles, at 200 dresses, in 10 different models, of serge and wool jersey in navy and brown, embroidered in wool or braid, at 300 dresses of mignonette, of eye let embroidered taffeta or of taffeta in many other interesting styles navy, black and brown, at 250 dresses of navy blue -tricotine and taffeta. Some of the taffetas have pleated Georgette overskirts; trico tines are embroidered in wool 650 dresses of taffeta, some with scalloped skirts, of serge and wool jer- , sey wicn emoroiaery or oi mignonette m a variety of styles B fi, - .w Jl Jr JrJlF Fine Easter Coat News! Three Specially Priced Groups of Women's and Young Women's Fashionable New Coats and Wraps At $10.75 to $16.50 510.75 coats are of tan polo cloth lined throughout with figured silk. $15 and $10.50 groups comprise capes of burclla or velour in na'y and tan. Sports coats of jersey. Coats and wraps of velour, half lined with sillc. A $15 suede velour dolman is sketched. It is in brown, reindeer, Pekin and tan, half lined with silk. At $19 to $25 (Many Fine Samples Over 300 coat3 and wraps in this gathering, including at $25 a wonderful collection of sample coats and wraps of very fine tricotines, polo cloth, JBolivia and covert cloth. A $19 coat is sketched. It is a loose-back model in I velour, with a pointed collar ending in a tassel. At $23.50, some exceptional velour dolmans in tan, Pekin and taupe, lined throughout with plain or figured silk. A good $25 model is a cape with a gay block-plaid facing. At $29 to $39 Really lovely wraps and coats of the most fashionable fabrics. Wraps of wooldyne with wool embroidery, $39. Capes and coats of Bolivia and Ramona, $35 and R39. Dolmans of navy sergo, elaborately trimmed with black silk braid and touched with gold thread, $29. Natural camel's-hair coats lined throughout .vith navy Hue silk, $35. (Mnrkct) Wonderful Dresses Many Half Price Women's Jersey Suits eye. $10, $12.50 and $13.50 .50 to $20 $16.50 for fine jersey, charmeuse and taffeta dresses, heavily embroidered ; for ey lot iinihrnirlnrnrl dinnnoimn in nntrtr fnnn. nnrl lft...i AInnv nf trinso !M'n KlimnlfiS. $18 for scalloped taffetas, trimmed with soutache. i In heather mixtures of Copenhagen, green, brown, tan $18.75 for embroidered Poiret twill dresses, handsome dresses- of navy Georgette and Oxford gray, these suits are made in a simple sports heavily embroidered with bronze beads; for eyelet embroidered taffeta drosses. I style with plenty ot pockets. The jersey is all-wool and $20 for many different taffeta dresses, some elaborately trimmed with steel beads. "' ni wiui.-i.wiiii8 '" Splendid Suits at $22.50 and $25 Beautiful Sample Dresses, $25 O A AT l Uir D Tailleur frocks, afternoon drnssns nnd pynnisitn dinner crowns mostlv one. two or I vs'-ome rc rtUOUl iao.ii r ricey three of a kind, a noint which fastidious women like. Materials are of delightful quali- Some fine sample suits of English tweeds.-, mannihh Ml ties in ecru, navy, brown, black, henna, silver, white, turquoise and orchid. Here are , suiting and hairline stripes and ot nay blue serge !sW 9 E. w lJrk . V a a . k - " W. 1 wt dresses of lace or filet mesh over taffeta; Georgette in plain colors or figured taffeta with many tiny ruflles; patterns; Canton crepe and heavy crepe de j . '. ' ,. , ..-.,, i . i cnjne. ' tricotine, beautifully embroidered; -crene-back satin often combined with crepe meteor or eyeiet-emuroulereci The hair-line stripe suits have little flannel vests, three- tier pockets and are lined with beautiful silk. Simple tailored suits of tweeds in soft gravs and tans are $25. ( Murl.rt) $A !W$ "Copies of Distinguished French Dresses KR888' V50 y . g ) ' i I A -' Plnid RinKlinms in red, blue, brown and pink or tadot blue, n'f i 11 I $15 h b P ft T (t A T or nink irinirhani with white vesteos ir C'lrtr.-htniir tnlln-s. V.,v v. Callot, Paquin, Lain in, Madeleine et Madeleine, Drecoll and Agnes made the origi nals from which many of these dresses were copied or adapted. Just one or two dresses of a kind and each dress expressing the highest art in material, in fashion and in finish. There are light colored dresses of heavy silks for sports wear; some very handsome all-black dresses; dresses of Sheeba crepe and of heavy Canton crepe; ace or embroidered Georgette over fine twill cord over satin ; coat dresses of allover embroidered SiZL's 10 to 1,J or pink (rmrfhani utn wmtc vestees ir cu'tr.'stitin lolluib. Kir pretty una lre.sh and in all sizes irom li to 1 1. White Voile Dresses, $2.65 Soft whiti diessps, prettily tucked and trimmed with lace ., ribbon cashes. Sues (i to 14. Pleated Skirts, $3.75 and $7.75 S3. 75 .skuts ate of checked material in sizes foi Juniors. S7.75 skirts are of plaid scrgca made with belts or on white Kl i Girls' Spring Coats, $10 Prettj new coats of vilour in reindeer. Cnpenhngin and I'ek.n lined thiounhout and bos pleated under a bilt. Sre.s G to 10 ytais iMiirliftt X JKW ,,lm a -i wj.'Sfl,tMaio iWk ., nTr. .. . t.'i fi nt !. (t..lVIUWr".1.1.Y rlll:ilL ....s.v ZHCnrMKWr,viHiNk a loHVOrsJilimirLl.v.C'KX it .. ifi iir ,10 ....,1 1A ...!l I. ...... !....l. ..!.. .1.....,..., ,.l.n.......IM ... .... 0 ...,I i l U fir kT 5wB'SS'lffiWll,l5 ul'l-il iuJ llt J"-' 'J-1 Cllin iv, nun mi liniiuii,, 1....... . v ...jw.:,.,., ,11 i.-v, uu mill iv g $0' V irWlBPnN affl iM'TiH-tt 518 H1 520 ' I,.' KWA kr " . . M J'' A ','. '.'1?. L- -4& i M M l -? ; L . , , J.. V fe). $23 WEATHER Fair u, , m? v VI VrM' T3vm rtmtti v m 5 A.-..?,.. vJ i r iLW V ' v r vT-rAysV S.I Ti &8M " Tf. S'l w. hf0 rs. wi ? t.tiu r , 11 ivZ.-tj r VLLk?3&&r. e rtW,'i ' P MH 'X" T J 1 A ,A r j J, -' $10 vvi - y.jk i-. ii k uvtp4u-i ml v L5 rr-&jn "ft 1 h$ SS.65 Vl f, 'j lb' LA f . 7 if- B .j ii I ?W!i temwMw8m&&m iBvm&sffi'i rilii KkifmTQ . .. v j f l . jjWi.t 'mm&iWittotMmwm&i