C7-,"Wll icr-iR. v',, V.-' '"9 il & r ., i ubltcffie 1 -., j THE WEATHEh ' Fair tonfglit ami Saturday, iov i...rftiiiri nlMiit no tlcgiTos. Warn .'. I-v". NIGHT EXTRA 1 Clt mcr Naiiirday: modrrnlo wind. nairi'.nATrnr. at i:acii Horn V"" rM W h iTTjiiUlUJiLLLLai iLLLLf ! xrfii ,:i p m l-'iti l7 I i i A , -i : ' sUrJ', W&i V0I VII, NO. 147 IJntorul an Second-dura .Matter at the l'oatofr.ce. nt Philadelphia, Pa. Under tlic Act ot March 3. 187a I'uuwahtd Pal l.x - s, . ' J. "1 . ".-." 'r teaf by Ma" CopiKit inai in rubllr hodfter Company PRICE TWO CENTS PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 !' f i ARREN ES THE flew Executive Pledges Nation Will Be Safeguarded Against Foreign Entanglements sf? & It HARDING tlUGlEf B 3 IIS, ) FINED S1QQQ i-i-l.- lurlrrn Fy. Magistrate r.uua a Ms.& .. coriates Him for becona Fatal Auto Crash DRUNKEN AUTOIST IS CALLED REAL MENACE i Immediate Appeal Taken and Bail Asked Status on Bench Doubtful kJ ' f? 1 The Third Time Was Chech-time J. Howard Goodwin has an office in the Real Estate Trust Building, where ho pub lishes a textile magazine and boosts the Marine Exposition, etc. Publishing a tex tile, inngazine is enough to drive a man to llmerickitis, because every day or two .hero's something new to report about how little clothing Paris thinks necessary. So Mr. Goodwin, who lives in Logan, sought refuge in lim'rickin', and here he comes up smilin' the third lime he tries. His limerick was: v LIMERICK NO. 65 Said a poet with wild, woolly hair, And a dreamy and far-away' air, "Though butchers may die Much richer than I Wtt'll to;. ...,, . ,..r i; ...,. T mm ic- yuuu livers , .,.., " f.flliu., lip there. 80 Ileal Estate Trust Hldg. Youngsters, You'll Find Jade's Jingle Box in Again Todag Third Page From the Last HARDING'S SPEECH SHOWS DESIRE FDR i New President's Smile ST An- PRE-WAR STATUS ? s PAIR SARMY L1VIMH-DMHUI I i WILOUH blVD JAILED FDR 5 YEARS! BILL TOCKET VETO' Judge Monaghan Sentences. Appropriations for Next Year Bernard Callaghan for Holding $3,806,029,647 Estimates Up and Robbing Woman I Cut $1,453,485,926 INJURY-IN-WAR PLEA FAILS NAVAL MEASURE IS LOST Washington, Mnreh I. Tin' Sixty sixth Congress oxpiied nt I- :.'! o'clock I'nlrnlninti Hernard Cnllnghnn lodnv ns scntouorrl lo five jrurs in the county prison hj Judge Monnghnn in Quarter todav bv oonstitiillnnnl limitation P.rtcf So-sii ns Court, lie pleaded guilt) last sessions vnro held in both, houses, but Tni'idiiv to holding up mid roliblnjt Sim, I no now business wns tnkon up mid the iiiiii Novvnsnd. of 1010 Ciillovvhill members innrk"d time unlil tlii hour -I t ret. Kebruarv 110. nt Sixteenth street ! for udjouninient wine die nrnve.l mid llie Parkwav. Anion? the lint of President Wilson's A plen that nilliiRhnii. who wa nt- ,lffioin, ars , , f ..pi.Ut., tiii'hi tl to (lie Ivwnticlh nnd Tint ton - .,...,, . , ... wood stints station nnd whoso fuller "'" ' '' "r,"v "IU"opnun.in inn iKo is n mouther of the police force, wii- wmtpij injined in I rnneo while donitf polii'iMlulj in tin nrin . n tnUen I in. di r coiiMiilernl Ion hj the court. Tins iiijurj. t'lillii'linn Mild, Imd cnu-'Cil him Mlllslrnte IImoii r Wrigle, . ' I" J-- me..,orJ nt tilnei. a . . . I . T .' KMCMM IMII- " .erc mree ,cnrs in ; , ,.,- ,:.,. ,.r ,.., ... ....... .... , ... ,.., JWUlhlltM'l'. MCKiMCY I tlii' time uf I he iittnci on the womilll :Connl ! -..i mi I tn pin n line of'-hould lime Inileil mill hIioiiIiI prove to J1PO0 on .nm.ctmn .if invnluntao I "nve lieen clni- r.n nil points iiiini"- ... , , . i ! "liulch hefoie nnd nftir it -ecepl in initulatishtrr in.l ,I n ,ii mi ililliii.lol.ile, r,.Mr nliilp ltii.ni in.l i wile." -.aid .IiiiIrp MoiinKlin'n Thr maji Irn i Ho li.nl nl 'tmn Tliomns I". Cookiiii. cnuii'.el for ('ill- hr.ilii.ini.nl. :.,. i. ...I t...-M..,l ui.ii,. inslinti. nul il tin- court wouicl nilow hrn .IikIjp J)a i- proiioiiiieoil -ciileuee. Cnlliinhnii to l'i. free iiinh r n susiiendoi sent r he ,,iil,l he ahle to cot lilm He Inokiil a. ilnu' lown-.l John I'. S(lll n nunlli from tlie nriny and edit ConnPlh in .ni.ii uei . mi. I then luriied alion llin.ush the vocnlioilal trallliiiK bi.i.ni.iN.. 'T ''v 'sij;- ZIT pap,'rs liow.'d in. record of an injury. Vnim-v . n.iposH m Ciiniinnll n ,;w roiifehslon Calliislinti minutely Court l.ore ",-le mis friuiid Kiiill ,d."Ci'ilied the hold-up. Jii.lse .MoniiKhnn iliftminl ..hi.,,,. I, I',.,,...,... K,.il.i i.v ineiilioned llil'. nnd lidded Hint he will . nnr t n 1 1 f I Imn i ii el, eiil lier M.ij 1,.'ae I'eneli In nrld 1 1 . in I. I ne unit thn e vear.-, In .ri on H, i mni-hntc l.n. liii H eu" 'i- in mi .I.il.. drivei and ""i. hn M i, i linn, ii jnli a- nin'i-ir-t.i Tli m ini ...,, Ki,ni,.n,.. ! out "f Hi" killn,- ,,i . u- 11. Ilra.h. 7J.' Sunn i ,, ,,,i uii-. struek hj Sr':lf lie i,e;hl of I rcu.her lis. l V ;lei.. . ". i .i 1 1 . T -ee. Mil II v i i ml the inn-:, -iiiile " i 'I lnii I. ihe oiiin' i he nl.le lo do "oniotlnns K.r ( allncuiin if he fiuiU lliere is liulli in the ".tnle ineiit Hint he sufrer1. loss of uionior.N I Ihi'oiish no injiir while serving in the , in niv 'two breweries seized Favors Cautious Entrance Into International Co-operation LET US WORK IN HARMONY, IS PRESIDENT'S ATTITUDE l.v CLINTON V. (.II.IUCItT Stnn" Correvponilri.t Kri.in: rul.llr LnUfr fopirloit, 1911. lu I'nbllr l.rilatr e- Wnslilucton, .Mil' Ii 1 -President Ilnrdinu'.s Inatictirnl nddiess is Hie plat form of his ndiiiinistration. Accord iiiRly. It is ns general us n party plat form It does nol commit him to aiiy IliinR uoie definite tlinn did his ram paignXddiess nnd his Mirious publli' nt I era noes since his election. It favois u cautious entrance into international co-operation. It presses optimistically the doiie lo Ret lmcK to t ti n t life, piililic nnd private, which preceded t ly. Rient vnr, before debts bcRnn to press upon us end world lelntions troubled us and iniiiien.se prob lems intruded upon our conseiousness. It expresses perfectly nhnl 7. ."(10,0(10 more people voted for I linn voe, for the other IIiiiir. Hie iii lo resume "mil' norinal onward n There is little doubt 1 tin t Ihe address will be applauded lij a uiaioiitj of 7.500.000. For it disappoints no hope of those who inst Republican ballots in .November. Ilni'dliiifs Mom nf l.endcrslilp if il strikes the (ounirv us some IhinR different from whnl in recent yen is it hns been hem ins from its l'n sidents, the country voted for some Ihiujt different. This is mil the sU'cch of one-ninn Roveriimenl. 'I lie President once drew n picture of his idea of leadership. lie said "You .ill know what n town meeting is like. Well, if I wanted lo Ret a plan accepted from n town meetiqi; I wouldn't liout il from the housetop,,. I would po to ihe four or hie men in Ihe cominiinily'wlio had Ihe most in lluence. I .would talk il out with them. I would j iehl whatever of m.i views was neeessnrj to reach an agreement with them. "When we weie niTrcd the pioject would ro tlin.ush the lown niettiiiR. It is llie snuie thiiiR if inn are dealing with u nation or with the nations of the world " This speech Is no (.limiting from the houselops Like n paily platform, il e pi esses Ihe roiiciiiI purposes of the ndininistrntion. The details nin to be Hilled in us u result of the talks with the i. or eight men who can uirr.i the lown meeting, whether lh.it town meeting is of the world or only of A morion. Itlggesl Tasks rc lnternatinu.il most important town meemig i- "t- ' MMKKKKBM 1 Text of Inaugural 1 of President Harding Washington, Mnrrh i.l'rrvxlriii flmdntj'n n'mirinnl tnhivtat vn an fbUivi i : This, with the failure of Hie unvnl ap propriation mensure to pes, will throw Uioi. Hie nevt Congress t,r neeissitv ot providing for llie tnninleiinnee of' the military departments of the government uet yenr. The I'residenl signer the suiulrj civil find hospital impropriation bills', the icso'iitlon vo'ins S7."00 (o Mis. Champ (!lnrl, nnd some minor hills. I wns mid ho would pocket the immigration restriction bill. Totnl nppropriatietis in Hie prefont session of Congress for the fiscal war liyjli were S:,..Rnn.ll2!I.O7. Chnirmnn Warren, of the Somite appropriation cntnmittee nnnniineed in the Senate to day. This represents n roiliiction of SI .'(.-.".. ISo. 012C from the esliinnles sub mitted and a cut from appropriations for iirji. of ssns.urii.oio. he Miid. Itilllnn-Dollar Cut in ICvpensrs rni'ure of the naval bill made ihe reiiiir tion u, mi csiininles anil lasi e,ir i appropriations nm 'nlroll .said I liuii.uirii nnil il passeil, lie nili ei . Iiielw ,., ,,r., .,,,,. ... i,:v WI,..i, ,,, ,l, j Jiftunl ;"' ""''''I hnvo been s,glu lj ,. ,),, ,,.i,p,s InnM s.,,:1i--. though Oil',, I ,',,,',iil.ni,,,r,m, i .l..,w ,n, . ... .... ,n ,. ... 1... . ,,,, ,,V,,r II ru-. I--.' Ins WAKKICN C. KAUDINTt The twenty -11111111 I'residenUnf the I niled States goes into ofllrrt in cheeifiil niiioil, though with a deep setup nf Ihe responsibilities lie is assuming iiieh larger. SemUoil , (,,. the mienial ion.il one The new Including its Mil., . i.i,,,,,, kr,.es foreign wlulioiis It (In motion of Senator I.oiIrc. I publican 'ender, 'llie Senate i outii nn i I mid over iiEit'ni to his finorile theme of 'hormulcv " .Mr. Ilmiling's picture ,.f mini' -a .Ii nn Ionian In t.i n.iir it ,i Cllin .. Cinrci i The .i,:, ari! BOlor' ii- (Iff Hi i, ' l' li' e. .Ill'lge I l.l l , ''' i '.i I lllllld ng to l ' HI ll, Il Wl igle had 'I Ii eh , . ',h icllllei i 'I li.it he si I, Mihin HtRt BY hbUbKAL AlibNIb, '"' nn'"!l,,lt,,.", '" Vl",lll ": "I1V- .'"hhe iuteinuliouul older which he woul-1 (lie the Ainericin reproseiiialnc on Hi. , ,,, ,, , nllf,, ,, ,M;U. ,,n .,,.,,, nr-wlnn inrl Phllarielnhla I ,n'"r""1. "',l ,1l"ll,n"",i'''.lV".n" "lll,''r. " was made during the iiiiiipaign He American i3rewing ana Hhllaacipnta ; ,,,,,, Senalor Lodge si, ii was ,e , ,.x ni,Iln,.(i this once: Brewing Plants Closed ' I siinl.le to retain Mr. Minis in i luii I ..j ,i ,e unwise i commit nn 1'e.leinl ngenls lime sei.r,) ,wo I'liiln- I cnpnciti. The Senate also lonlin.ie.l .,.f , (,h fr,t shall probnbix lme deli.hiu l.reweiles for ulle-eil violntinn ' ,1"' nominnlioiis of William It i' , , ., ,,,,,,.1, f ,ln ,,, j rtn. , of the laws ,','laiiii- to the sale of lieer '""'V- n',,,'t1.f"""1, ""r'"""'1 "f "'" ""hill." il incepted " f mnic than one-lia f of I per cent (')i-'lon W "inlbur. . ii-Mhim seci-nm yr Unrding siill has io gel M plan alcol.oli inlent. "f ,'"' nav 'in, opted, so he tells u.s nothing inoie The plains weie iho-e of Hie Amen- t yy.M. C,,ils Simii lo M'liale tlinn: .in liiewiii',' Co.. nt I bin v-lirst nnd' ,, . . ... , . ...... "We lire lend., t.. ii-iii'intc hiimups Mi... ti.ets. nnd the Mijimlelphin i 'V,,l.r" '""" """"'"J','1 '",',"" I " '!' H'" nalioasof Hie w.n Id. g,, l nnd llrewing Co. Sixth nnd Clearfield' ''V1" l.,"l" '"P"' '" "' "'", '" '-mall, for .onf .,. c. foi loiinsel. lo sl I'tM'l 'Mil Hlli'lH i uii-'i'MMIi II' r II nil II i H" Seiu.es we,,- mmle In l.-n ;0llU Uiiille ug'iils in i:ii'.'lin.d und the Hill .7 ..I. I!... iihi..i.ii' ot ni. i ..nn. lit... I I . nin mi ii.il utiornt in" iMi.lm- l ip.1.. ii-" '"' ' """ '" "-! iiinii-. u-'u i J ,.,,r In " , nn .i I' Pdlun nad in id n, .l,i. I', i,n 1,0 ,o ill 'I,'; TumIj man lull inn M. '., hn I, l I. I'e'.lj II Us .1'nJge 'iliand, tied Hie driving of lionot lleputj Ilovenue Collectors John ... I" I ii, w bv , vpei i I Sine, nnd Tliomns T.nnev . The phints 'oi, .mi ,,, so -afeh. ,wci'e nlineil under guaid. mid uie now iiii.peialive. I I'.r.oK. III.. I reco.'fls of .he linns .toe - .., ui, u lor h,. i a- rein.. vol. nnd oxpoil in cnuutuut lire "i" '" " "Hi t was , on .now ..inducting an cvainiiiation nf Hi. Himj in. d allowed his mi u.,,,r,. in determine if ixcsilile the ""' "'"II loimiie Hull j animiut of boor sold, nnd on which the '', -i I'clore senleii, e ' Koei nan nt expects to make a d"inniul il' hi iRisli'iit. . f, alleged iiiip'iid levenne Hi 'Mil III III .ll."l tl I'll), !. 'CI... ll ,.l,.l, 1 !,,. ,lw. I.r,,.. n. ...j , ' ' "" Misliicl Alt, n ne. I Inn ,' disposed of beer containing mote .' ' ". d the .as,', was, ,,.,M the one nnd one hnlf per cent. um I I'HH 1 'I' I I' I ,f.. m i lieu lo,' son,,, siiuill Ainei." an clil.eii' lor ilnmiige. arising nil of the iuli rfi leui e with the -hip j ping before the I'nit.o Stales enleie.l the war with l.ei mniiv . lln- letter llllle.l back lo 101:., ,111.1 no mli'inpl r-i'i l III.' eiiesseil views ol win h opill i..n; to i ecoininenil a wnv in nppr..i iniiie di-ariiianicui anil iclievc t he ill I ..Mil... c.l I .. I'.ire Iw. ..Poll,, simr,. WITNESS CHASES TWO MEN WHO TRY BRIBE AND THREAT iluii. in i nni'tiin'iM'n, tiian aro due t he t .( nt' ii inn n f it..:., i i ' " : - l.,.,,,n;M1e'";,,,frfr,,,;; x,',"! mercury down to normal ni i M 1. 1. ,i i. .. i. .it i '"'I i . i i ... I..-',, r urge. the But by "'' m Hint the big inli of his '' '' litem n. g of ihe iiiitiliv nppouicil, "ll'klllg in will. '" I 'I'd inking I1,,. pin, ,, he ' 'I 'liintij ihe ii ml. " ' "v ll'ld Ml llonloo linn, WiirI... Drop Was Emphasized March Wind's Arrival 'l'h,. e Mni.'i winds wl.iih we hear s mm h iiliout had lliiir in.iugiiratu.n to.l.iv A fonilei'ii mi'e nn hour wind swept I'hilndclpl.M ii oilic imliiis mid I'liide feminine ninignlion. isper'ia,v mound liiond and Chostnui stieets. rwl.i 1' . , Mai , I magistral . I In i hkm.i i Sir I, , Ihil Mi I "'( I . ,. ,.... ,!... .,... ,. ill (lllllCI'll Pnt . .,,,, llstMii'; ,,,,. - ' . -"' iikIii''' I. ..I.... ., I The .. th. in loicn-t lor tonight nnd lr'nh I i i ,,. , f ii...... 7.....I ininiirriiiv follows' I'liir loniL'ht nml ''"I crn.i.'i ,1 ,i... .1.., ., ! s:, , ,..l,i , i,..li....,,l ,.l,l ,-,!, ., I,,,, . I. ,',, ",,,w,.. , ..... est temi'cintiiif uhmil .'111 degrees, Wi.iiiier Satiiid'iv: inoilerale northerly I winds becoming light and variable. SI' .i n M nin In ni,. i.i' ii de'uv , npp.iieiillv . ml' mpi.il to niguc tm irn ... ii.oi i,n ,i new n mi. "'nin i Approached as He Walts to Testify Against Alleged Pickpockets T I' linliewelinl. S12 Noble sire, t. landing toilnv outside Ccntial Slaiioii in Cif Hall waiting to te-tif.v against two alleged plckiinekels, was lir-t of fered a bribe and then tliieatene. iiiii-lnng burdens ,,f militnrv ami unvnl I , -lablislrnenls I "We elecl to p,n I icipale in suggest ing plans lot- mc.ii.iti.m. ouciljiitiou nnd in bili-'itiou. mid would gladh join in lliiil evpnss.'il inn., ii ni o of prog i'-s win. h s. el, lo .lnifi and write ihe laws of mi. i naii'in.'.l lelntionship. mi. I .si.thlisli u woil.l ..mil for the .lis 1,1-lt.nll III Mllll III -1." I.I 1)1.' llOM,,ns s ii iiimis .'re iigiei d I., s'lhinil Hi. Meto." Musi Keep l.ibeil.v of Ai 1 inn I'.ill in sin h mi iisseition. we iiiii-i i rt.iin this inuniiVs nui ami iniilitinii.il lib.-. 1 1 "f ;i' lion '1'ieri . ommitmetii inusl be made in I ihe i m'm isc ,. our iiali'Hial -m, wiguty ,i hoi id -upcr' government with i. loniiarv in . ver.v Hung we . Iierish, Mr. Harding Bids Gond-by lo President If 'ilson Washington. March I i Hv A I', i President Wilson did nol mnk" known until after he arrived at the' Capitol that he would ii"l attend the inauguration of I'r sldenl Hard ing nnd Vice I'rosideiit Cnolidge. After lie cached hi- n.oni nl the Capitol, he requested Ihni the Presi dent -elect and 'v l'l-osidi'iit -elecr bo invited lo see liim. He (old then that because of llie stops loading into the chamber he did not think could ettend the ceremonies there. Mr. Harding clcnded his hand and Fnld: ."(iOod-by. .Mr. President. I know y-n nro glad to ho relieved of jour burden and woiries I wnnl lo (ell nut how much I have npiuicinled llie courtesies, j0u have oUendod lo me." Mj i oiinl i j iii.'Ii. when one suivojs the wot Id nlioul him atler th" great storm, noting the minks or1 destruction nnd vet lojiilcing in the iiiggedncss of the things vvlilch withstood it. if he is nn American lie breathes the cluri h"d atmosphere with a strange ming ling of regret nml new hope. We have si en world passion spend its fur, but we conteinnlnte our rcnublic unshaken l nnd hold our civilization seemo. Lib- orty--libertv within llie Invv -mid i ivilizution nie itisepurnblo. nml llioijgh both wore llirciiteiied w lllid them now serine, nnil lliere comes to Ainci'ii'dtis Hie profound assurance that run representative gov. riuiietit is llie highest impression ami surest guarimtv of both Standing in this piesence. mindfiil of the soleinniti of this Decision, feel ing the einolir.iis winch no nn miiv know until he semes ihe Rtenl weight of lesponsibihiv fc)r himself. I iniisf utter mv ledief in the divine inspira tion of th,. foiindiiig.-fnlhers. Surelj there must huve been (iod's intent in tile limning of this new world repub lic Ours is mi organic Inw which nnd hut one niubiguitv. nnd ve vm Hint effaced , ,,,.isni of saerilice rod blood with union maintained, llie tuition supreme ami its mucoid inspiring We Imve seen the world rivet us hop, fu gmo. ,,n Hie greul truths on which the founders wiouglil. We have seen civil human nnd ie,i gious bhorti v, riliod nnd cloritied. In t(ie beginniiig. the Old World scoffed at our expermn nt. loilnj our founrlnlltins of political nnil socu'il l.e lief stnnd inislinken. u piecioiis in lieritimee to ourselves tin inspiring oMimplo of freedom nnd civ ilir.nl ion to nil mankind Let us cm. res ,, nrstveij and stiengtheiieil devotion, in grajeful reverence for the ininiottnl beginniiig. mid utter run vouliilr n. . in the supremo fultillmenl I'rogtess l'rnr.H isihuii The record. .1 pi ogress of run le-J.iilili.-A ninterinll nnd spirilual'j . in itself provi's the wisdom of tle n'lhf r itod ir.ic of . on. iivolv ment in old world nflairs Confident nf mi uhU Hy to wot It nut cup own desthi and i .jo.iioinij Rii.iMiing i.r ifnt lo in -a. we t.vrt n part In ili-erling the lies I linles of I ho r-PI wrb'. e r'o imt I nii'su lo lie ciitnngliil. U,' will : ofpl no iosirnsl'ii!itv oM'i pi as . ur own ceiisi'lein" and Jndgntriil in ene'i Inslarce n'aj I'e'o. ni'iie. ' Our imp never ii , I, 'in, I i , n ,, I veh , ping mem " run I'nrvii "i .I'll to Ihe , all of I'ivili. at mi. V, 'r.og I nir.e Hie new onlei in th, v n dil with ' the e'oser ,"inl.i"ts vlnc'i i ere h,, I wrought. We Vnse the call of Hie 1 liintnn heart fu fellowshin fiaio,. i nili ll ml i n-opcri'tuoi We crave fr.eiulshiii and hnrl.or m. hate ',.n America, our Ameriia. Hie Atncrii.i Imlldi'd on Ihe roiiiiilaCuu laid h the inspired fa.'hers. can he u p.irly la no lei maiiPiit i-iilil.n- alliance. It ..in inter into no politn-ul ooinioitiiu nts. no" ussiinio ii it economic obligations or subject oil" decisions I,, nnv other 'Minn nm ow n mitliiii in I am sure our own ncoplc wi'l not I misiiiirlertnnd nor will the world niiscoiistiue. Wi' huve no thought to impede the pnths to -'oer lel'i-linn-liip U'e wish lo piolnotr mi deisii Hiding Wo wnnl to rlo our pint in mnli'jrg offensive win fa re ... hati'ful that governments -1 r i 1 people who fesort to ll lll'lsl piove the i igliteo.isnes of their cniise or stand as outlaws before the bar of civil Izntion sM.i,'illoii for Cnillisrl We ale I'oadv III Us-OCIIlle "Ml selves with th? nations of the win hi. gieiit nnd small, for lonference. for ' ioiiiisi'I, In sp,., the expressed v'nws of world opinion. n reminmend n wn to npprnximale disnrninment j nnd relieve the iTushintr burdeiiH "f I inilitniv mid nnv. nl establishments. We e, i to pnrtir ipatc in suggest ing plnns for medial ion. oiuioillutinn nnd arbitration, nnd would rIii'Mv lo'n in thai cvpres.ed musr lenee nf piogre-s which se, ), tr, ilmifj ami wide the luws of internal ioiinl icln tiotisbip. nnd csinbli-l. a wot Id -oiii i for the disposition "f sm h tiisticitible question- ns nations .ire ngn cd to siibi.iit liiiieti. In i'.,'"lng 'i-pir-ntioiis. in seeking pniitial plans, in tiniisluting liiimauil' 's new eoticepl of I'ig'it.'oiisii. ss, j , i -1 : . . nnd its lint i",l of war Inl.i re oioni. niled nctimi we are leadi un.-i henrtilv to unite, hut cverv . nun niiii.'iil must In' inaile 111 the evroi r n1- ,,ur l.lll.l.llill -MV eieignl i silive freeiloin i.niolleil. and in- ilrpi'tiit. in e ii'.sni. id ami initionalitj eN.illed. a vvotli supergoveinnienl is i mitral" lo ovrrjlliing we ' cherish .mil can Imve no s.-mctinn In. our ro pul'li". This , not seltislniess ll .- sun, t.n i is mil nloofness h . ,.- einr,!' Ii n ii'.l siispii'ion of . r.l.er I' I- patrol. i nillieii'i.ee to ' I'.e thing- which mad" us what we ur 'I "dm. I.e'loi than over befo.o. vve I now ll" iispiiulioi.s of liutniiiikiud n I sha.e tbr'in 'r hive com" , il ii" ir ii i t '.itlion of our place in the v,o hi "ml ! new nppraiwil f out n t l'l. i-v He wol-lil Till uttc'flsl ' e i,,' tlti.1- I o.leil Stall's is ,l tl' llg I'MiU'li. nllf devollou to ln'Ilcn to" in... 've. itn lor Hi' world i . .. ' , -1 ; i ' I 1 1 I nm r one, 'i n for pre .i'". . n-ilixiil ion lin- hud its in. pa- iono'l mid heroic expression To wn- no xmcricuti fnilure to 'f -I thr' attennitnl reversion of I ...iliniir,! .. 1 c l.tchlren, r, I. ...... live NE1 0. S, Cif !S 101 II i Tlffll CHEERS SAY HE PREACHED BY DAY ! ANDJOBBED AT NIGHT! i Camden Police Seek Man Who Left Behind Bible and Burglar Tools What lh" polo p believe is u "Jekjlli and Hide' ca-e was uncovered in Cam den cntlv tlii- morning. I In ii ile-erie.1 iipnrtment in a loom ing house Inst occupied, according to (lie police. In a Negro clorgjinnn. wci p found loaded dice nml tools for making them, burglars' kils and n (iinntitv of groceries thought to have boon stolen la-t month. A nnine on the llvleaf of n small Iiilile is believed to be that ol the iiinii sought The house is nt 11." Spiuoo street. Camden Motectiv.es Murraj. fiiltlirie nnd Sliute sentchod the room. I'pon Hits num. who tho.v I'laim possesses u dunl character and has led n double life. Ihev put the blame for the hold-ill. of a Cunip Mix soldier la-i Mouilaj night, for the holding-tip of a woman a vv -ok ng.. and other net- of Imndilrv "He eviilenllv pleached in Hi,, ,j,iv t me nnd iohb.,1 at night," said the detectives MAYOR ANSWERS MITTEN Moore Denies P. R. T. Head's State- y HARDING TO SUBMIT CABINET TO SENATF TN PEP. 01 Tv'ASHxIviGVOTT. March 4. Jubt hefoie Mr. Hiu'uir, went to the cast portico, it was learned that he planned an innovation in submitting the names of his cabinet officers to the senate bv returning to the senate chamber immediately aftei deliveviff ht--speecli and presenting the names of his cabinet to the senat" personally. ALLIED GENERALS ON THE RHINE ENTERTAINED COBLENZ, March 3. All the allied genet als, ol the nimy of occupation wcit entertained today by Faul Timid, pveuidtnt of tlie international Rhmeland commission. The a"psto included Lieu tenant Geuernl Sir T. L. N. Morland, commandei -in-chief of the Biitis.h army on the Rhine; Geneial Rouquncy, of the Bel(,.nn forces., and Geueials Moulaicq, de Porydiaguin. Caif-n, Dlllniau. D'Anselme, Gauchei. Ilucher and Putoib. all of the Tiench Rhine armies.. It xv.is. officially stated the generals atttnding weie simply the guests of M. Timid. lentil, lie nut sited the two men who mid ti ri have no sanction In- our te made the offois, hut llie) escaped. pub ,. " The two alleged pickpockets vveie a i i i going torwaid low'iid interc.l- rested lit Light'il nnd (ireen -tieets this ,,ln, pirnliot. in Ihe spirit of morning i t T . - (iabevv eliut. had i '- Washington's I'nicvvoll iidilros.. the iiled llieni ns Hie men lie believed I ok i n,.v m inteni nui- in coinpatiied hv ifl' from hi- poi kel nil un Klglilli st , ,,,, un , ,,,,, ,mllM, voted for rar Satiiidav '', ihuai'- n t,, he worked out in A few minutes in lore t'lev vine in Moore Denies r-. n. i . Mead's State- nin HI I A I JT' I fl ment "L" Agreement Is Reached , A I I A I j V I S W Mnjoi looie into, Thotu.i. P lfJ UUnL! I LU ll . Mition. i.re-id.ni of the Philadelphia W' ,V SW,,UI ' LV " COMMISSION TOLD vT'l mi I'm,- I wii ( iiIiiiiin line Rut-Lin Drin-r ll orsv 'Hunt 'Drunk' With Gun . ''' "-'i d ..I the law In dineis ,"",' f'' '""' I'csev.lelv pun '""' mil .In.l,. Mavis, in sen lt ' .'.He Wi'igh. , "" " dr i i m I,, th.nl, ,,,. ' ' Ml .'Ill upon the high- ' v " ; ''' d'- u'f Is n greater ' " ' mu nn iiiiiiMcnled nitin tslli HICSJ f 'l.'il 'I. MI'I tl I 11,. I' MM! I II,, , - 'lUlll-sl 1 1 1 1 1 - Oil I ','l ig I'll' ,lbl the and DIES AS MOTHER PRAYS Death Finds liiigneil hemic .viagi-iraie iieiisnnw a til ( ii npproa. lied I liil.ewcliiit, shovel 'J."i ill his bund nnd jiiil' "You ve got voiir iiinnev bail., now gel out of hole lialiewolint' Ii ii 1 1 it-f 1 niter llie mm. who dodged through the . mi idol's and esiapi'd. I.aier, afler llnbewelint. ha I again taken up bis stand outside Cci tral Com i. ii mil mail approached 1 1 i 111 "If jnu I 'Mlfj we'll ktio.k jou ..If." Woman's Two-Week ihe man said .,, m . .u.i n r j i , ' ( al ing l"l' help, nn new i lint Sinn Vigil at Child's Bedside i , ,1Mnli ,, B,lllriN JlllniH, , , 1,'iuai Iviible ilonionstratinu of , , imse. bill Hie man escaped, i.n.lh'i Invi wis levelled lodav with (Juhow olint' testified against the nl Hi. dei'lh In. in burns of six j.ar-oid ,.ge, iiickpo. Lets and thev w ic held l'liin't Kilt?., ol I .Till South Poiirtn in S'JOOO hail em h for n fiiltliei' h. m in; licet. I'm iwo t !s hi- mullicr. i. Ti Ii. IxiiJ. knelt or -at In his ie.sie In Ml Sinn Ho'pilal ti.vitig to i is,. Ins paiu , i ml offiiiii't Ii.m own sKin for n grail 1 in" ii,',al bin 1 Mining the cn.'uc lime, il.iv ami night. Mis, Km iievi s,. ,t ex. cpt f.n n do o i ow in.l then, ni en Co A .-I. 'lb" iitt'i . imp died this mmiiiiig n tin n other pi mil nt his bedside, mil Hun Mi - lxi.1. collapsed. I Wli.n ynu think of wrllllu, think of vVlilTINO. Ail. l'ebi nun 1" PRISON FOR JOHN M'SWINEY i mi tun. ' ion with lh. six i von who . in .ivini, ihe g .at lown meeting of all mankind. - ,i wot Id fci.e we uinv oi we inav imt he h, imp. ted on oil. pi.luj win, li is in on,.' dome.! ic ami lonign. ami ihni I. tin i n Uf. In tins held, as in ... iiuiin .iihcis, tins .on, iti v wants t,, eit Us , nin and Iihw it It wint- t,. k. op tile whole llnllll'sll. III. Ilk. I to itself. Il'd .'I llie s.nne time have the t'oleign mm I.i I i is not Mr ll.ii. ling win. want, n is It is a pie n,,i j . 1 1 1 aware of I ei.lliiio',1 ,n. t'.ii;.' I Icliti'i'i,, ( nin nm i:i.-,t SLAYER GETS 20-YEAR TERM for Itiipid Tiatistt ( ,, lodav that lie win! I await furtlie. ndvioos from him ,on corning the pi ..posed l'ranklor.l ele vnteil opeia'iiig agreement The litler was the resu't of a re cut siateiiieiii hv Mi Mitten, who -aid negotiations b.'iwocn Ihe .itv nml llie . iitupnnj weie alniost complcieil. nnd the oil) liii'l ngieorl to what, in effect . would be a guatantee of a ,". pel cent annual i el urn on Hie inmpanj stock. Tin. view ot the negotiations wit . .ml I mil. ted In Ihe M.ivrtt Saihsc- iiien(h Mr litt"ii intimated lip would make publl .I'm .u'respondon. e eon . . mng Hie ninttei Tne Mnvo r loih.i instiin toil ' rau.it I num. inn I'lmn' III oooiu.uNU Harding Calls for Association of Nations to Bring "Ap proximate" Disarmament WILSON TOO FEEBLE TO STAY FOR CEREMONY Inauguration Marked by Simple Services Coojidgc Becomes ' Vice President i j DEMAND FOR NORMALCY Incoming Excutiv Pleaches Doctrine of Frionchlvp on Assuming His Duties xVnsiiifoi! . Mnir-h I W'!i- on O. Illlldillg look the o,t ,.f Hi, n, I Ivvetitv -ninth Presideiit of the I'nilerl ' Stnt"s ,n js. ,, , toilnv Pro., in;. , Mv tn ,, hj.),...., ;.,V is,d m ihe ii.miRiii-'itiop of (n'orge j V's!iinci,,i the ,e, Pie. id, nf t.,,,1,- ),r. "I'lli ndmi'n.e,'", I,. Chief .Imtlee While lie had i l,o.r, the ,.;..' , (.s(. rmi th. .,t, chniiier .,f Mimh. ..iv- ing : i ' ' lint doth Ihr l.nid requiie of I in-e I '",l ' do in '. and io Ir.ve n.n.cv nnd . In vvn"l hllliil.lv v, ill. Ihv I inrl " Pre. idem Wilson, v i'-l. i,.. t,, H,e Inst -minute cut rentie. ,,f his faii, ami Ins plivsjHnns, t,,, ,,,., iM ,1P i(t. 1 augural ru'runoines nthee H.mi t. no. oniiuinv the inc.ni 117 President irnni llie While II., use l (be Cunitol. where he igne.1 rp ,i.. ,,,! ,,H, f with Mr- Wii.,,,, ( ,, ,, mP win. li he piiiehiised i tj,, r,.sido,ii ial -ei lion nf ihe eit v SPCl.s to ;.S C-,,,,,1 llllll.erll.llelv llftl'l- the ,tl, , ,, t. , ,, in "T ill. ..nl., Mr iir.iiiK (,,,,, .., ,, t,e v.tsi ii-.... i which stretcher! u, ro.. ihe Cai.il il plc11. and began th,. deHverv of his ni.iiigniiil ;,, hires. ."sound amplifier iat-.o,l (,,, ,,,,r t III, oill.Lirts nf th, I,,.. ,.. ...I.i. t 'lull wind I. .-l.lv w 11 1,. I ,v 1, ,s,t NO -wept the In nn, I , , I, ap. I'e.iiid sinin-e'v 111 . miliitsi of othor "in- when 11 h.i bi.i, iPiiniiiiaterl hv the I inform. nf We I point i.'l'iets ' ml Inpiiieii from n,,-i. .In nnd 1 0,,,,.. PI dging hi. t'n 1I1 ane v to Amcricnn instil 11 i.m . l'n. idem II, 1,, I ng -oil"!-. I 1 oil 11 ule.i t,. 1 let,, 1 , ,, ,, ,,,,;, , ("I llldu-ti ml 1, ru,,. f, fi i'l,sip v I l!"' 11 "rd I -poke Mg'llll II pi '.III' e 1,1 'i'" k fm an a ., latmn ,,1 ,,ni mi,s to III nig ahnol pi ,e, IM, . ,,C,r,,v mill' .In, in. lament p.ut . ,,,,,ln,i hi- 1 em vv el ilcr lut.itiiiii. vv.it, :) fre .11 I"" "" ni g,i iit.ii.'.ling a li in, 1 . ' ' A 1 1 1 , 1 a 11" pol.ll al ,.in 1111 -'ihe . t .nn ,!, 1 1-1,111 mi ,m n mil in, 1 it v No Untangling i, lines I 111,1 -in,, nm 1 il,. i ,,,,, mj,. 11 d' 1 I n ill th, win Irl mi., ,.i. " in il'd 1 no new -Pie.,,1, ,,. 'HI 11 I lllO'lglll to 1 '.. 1 1. ,, l, p.,i 1. 10 " 1 1 1 1.11 I' 11 lil! 1 vv .1, t , iirn- ' -lid ' .111 , lite. Mill) 1, unit 111, 1.1. imi 11 nM obligation, w hn n w ill in i.iiici il,, in ti I IRRFn FOR PFNNr'r'"'"":' "- Consumers Complain Bitterly at Dr. Harrison Also Would Have Hearing Given by Mayor's Special Inri'nrers University Refuse State Control Mot " tii'io 11 '1 v ic, n lilied tod. iv bcfi 1 " u 1 1 1 1 'i I in odor 1 wining 10 exainiiie tins 1 or I .'. potldell' e mill ',. he prelim o. I to un el ' 11. v I ill t li. 1 -I 11. ii.ents It. nil Ihe tiuusit .ompanj head STORK UNDAUNTED BY FIRE Van AI30 Under Indictment Death of Second Victim I'll, 11 lo- W nil 1 . gii . slavoi Brother of Fo.mer Cork Mayor Sen tenced to Fifteen Years -. nun I t ) 1 i.l.i .111 I -.mini. I Lnkcii. Mav II I.i 1 v. .ir t uinv w is rout, n, t' 10 nil lo-. Hum ii'iicti.n vr.ns nml sv i.n.nths ami not i...',e Hum tweniv v ,.,, ,1 ,,,, ,i 1,0 , .. . , .,, . ., , ,. 1. rdili" lo Mot. ut, Cni'll, vlaii h I (I.v A P 1 John m the l.i-ln'i P. nil. ml 11. rv ' I'. .,..,.. 1 l,,rSl,i,i,i,, In, ill,,,, ..I ,...l..r.l I t .... out' (Scan 1 MncSwinej, In ot In r th, Un 11 ted of Hi ' miirili'i nf l.nken former lord ma) or of Cork, was one of .lunge I'inlettei m (.iiimlci So tln Ion men who weie -,, lti ..,,,.,,,) ,, Couil tin lllioou jeni-s i.iipii-.mi'ii 111 ncie loiliiv,!- Ulllier 11, ill. nneili oi tl 111 1 lie Walk. fur waging wnr again-t ciuwu forcos. 1 brnin lie shot Hi, 1,1011 I I cing in p..--csson of arms, munition ' alien ntbui 'n and explosives. North Tenth stie.'l -tore nj 0711 Twins Born at Hospital as Garage j,', !,!,' Next Door Burns Six ,iiit.iiitobli's vv i" , ue.llovi.l hi no in (lie gina nt 117 "'l lSiiMnli vood sire. 1 at I .III I o'i tm k tin. ni'iin ng Tvv ii. weie born during I In- , iloineni in th- ( Isieop.iiln llospiial 11 V d'.ol .1 III I ill' ellllle ne.glil.ol hood I. '("Ills. O W I.i u 1.1. ti prodm ' il Ic t lie I 11 1, , 1 1 ; tnetil 1 '.. Miss Ix.iil 1 v 11 ' I . i ir'. 7 . no ot Hn 1 in .... , 1 , ol.lt. 'II I ,"'10 1 . said ' It 1 I'll, . m , I l 1 il.ii'. Hi uuiiiii 1 iiifcrti't in.l liilitiit. I to hciltb i.ii.l is not til Had In Change I'lxiuics Miss Mnv said tliat because of tK, cluing.' from the caoillet.nw or i. r im thermal unit stand ml she , eni ipelled to pav S'JII for new g'.s tixfur s in her home. She doubted, -he sin. I. th.it such 1 1 ,.r expense lo iitcon. wn. , .i, minted. ,... lo.uige.l 10 ..no one to,,,,,,; " 'l','" ""I ,jns ,,"'1V" " aC '""' Anotliei tooiing cm. m ,. ,,.,,,!,. Itoinarking Hint ctirens h v o il.ln'i no ,v III,') o .1 ... 11 inc.. .1.1111 I I I. nest ugnitisl I4i s ingn - tiiinde,! ,1,11,111 M, ,j. New oflv. M.i ', I CI, Miles l'i,.tis ,, ,,. H.lf II,,, I p.nv.i. ,,f t,o I 01 1 ' isll i 1 P. 11. - Iv.in 11 tn.l.iv .nn a ' ''"I1"! nui 1 1 ' Hi,,' '11 -ii inn tm ,,f ihe s,l, mi ,, , ,,t P, 11 -v 'v ,111 11 Chilis I . 1 e, li". loot. nig. 11. ,1 Lid.' i'1 - i' 11, 111 ot I iin,i-iiv I ,1 '. ,,. I'lnp... h ;i. Till '.' -t ' I - vv 1 .' him , ,,, ,,, i,"1 1 1 ,..' Hie I niv is,' V 1. ' ,. 1, ,' "I C' I ml .1' I' 1 .'.,. , ,,1,,. t, I, t,,' an,. 1 , mi wa. tm a .sill lliiil 1 d.lligiv ""ll.iid.wii.ii di.ve A I, whi.ii 1 1111 i., is 111 Inn vviih a ti,,n.' alumm .,1,11 m 111. . a siaiemeut nf I'outinuoil m .1' penden, . ..f siat tin ail (In Meeting Trustees A t Imd .iiggciion vv In. h 1 to meet mining H i-Xpi w ho 1 loll must I,, ,,v,. ii,, , ,..,. . , 1, 'ism.. ,1 tli,. , ,inis, ,, si, in, 1 j,. out. In w . hi i.m . 1 ho n ol . v ilintn.n ' 'I noli -peaking nt his del ermmntlnn to . nl' r in. '. 11i.1i1gl.11g minimi. Ml II 11 d li). do. m .1 I In. 1. not ..'itislni.'ss ,i is sun, 'i it v. l Is ll"! III".. fill's. 11 , .I'lmilV t . nn 1 sii.pi, inn nf ni hers , 11 is patrionr f a. I.i' 1 c 11 e 1 . ll. thing, win. h 11 'i,e us vv I. n't w " ni . . I Iniiie.iiiii.'i v ,.1 tin . mi. lu.inn of ihe ,IIUU.illll addle., llie .mall ',l, 1 v ,u 1 m.i in. ( nn. I i.nk 111. t. ne 11 . Im, k tn the I Will " lioi.se os, n rtei bv the ctj vn I ry trn,,,. win' 11 Ii ill In. .light 11 lo thf , Capitol l'h" n ii.,iiimI ptogiani gni under war il. 1 o . Hi. i ' si ne,! il,. pt-oinpilv at 10 u , In, k tin- iioiiiing. when the eon-gi.-Mimil cum iilftee III ilimge of the iifli.n niiv-,.,1 nt ihe ,. Willnril lintel .it nui ,1 , in ' inge vv eve dost nm d Th. 11 unions of the ( Utcopuilii, , liilill at I lie south., 1st coiuei of Nn leenin ami .-in nig iiunien -t'lels wen ..!.., I, M.I, III,' 1.11 I ' ..,. m. ami the luii'diiig nn, : ", 1 1 . , with illlv I, pie., in, line, .ai In ularlv ,1. 1, geogiapln, al -, me 'I'll" Pi 1111 iiliiinni nieinbers m ,,P As.,.,,!,.,..! I' i,,.,l,,,.... .'!..,... ... 1. 1. 1. .j .... ..,1 . . : ..... . . ,., , ,,,,,. ii,, u,s . in ........ we 1... 01s.11 -I I holding their s,m, mn.iial .onferenie grntcful 10 Mnvor Moon, ami Hn. ,, , .,.,, ,, , 1., ..,.,.. ., ,,,,,.. '' ...1 , , . . !,,,..,,., ,", ,',' I" Illllllll, ,1, s,,l,o Olj with widespie.ul muuoviil m rl tin Pi , -It cut -, le. I nnil M r. illllllll, Is tllllt V Ilea in ,e. 1 .,.. V. .. .... ........ . 1.., i,,,,., 1 , ,,,, , , . , , , ..inn. im 1. '.'. ii' . '. i- 1 r. Niiieui e net ine 1. 1. a. 1 ,1! tin.! ,. ho n 'i I ,t. . ic, a imn in 10 make the trustee,, i,,,,,,. 'and Mi- C,,ll,je 1,, tin- White lions. beliiiv till In "I Mi" S11.1I1 M.llugh. Mu. I1..I' M .1. Sin I, XIII .Men nnd women von Mr II eludi AMI I V ,, 1, ."il,. uinele.l the imn, -n't. ,,,,, I '..-.. I "Ommissioii's lilllll ietl.ul and tll.'u, Hon . . ' . .' '"' i"' .... ,. pan. I llicm lor rupi.l lemoviil if the liie " ,, .,' , II I 1 'sou le 1 on III 1 .0111 III pel si. 11 I ho go 1 on. tin 11 ton Th. .iitunic 1 mivv nl.le II, i.i I In b. lis sig all ilu-er. Then their ''line n hutrv nl the twins were In It M ll.inic HI CI vim -.ihl bo was nn 1 ngiu, and mother hud come from an up -stale town. rontin.ie.1 mi ne r mum mi. .11 "I ' oiivi 1 -mi. M, in III! I.i.lllv 11 wtition imn- Iroipieni V I'l V gl 0,1 p of I e suggestions ouiboiiiod in the not., wo, ( ol 11 11 null! II.11 ding lines lo While House Pi. 'sid, mi elei 1 Harding, with Jlri, Hauling ami the Vile ProNiilenl nnd Mi. Cnolidg" l 11 then hotel for thn While House m 10 JO II Tl ley W'er1 II' eiltllilinl n.i ll. I. llllle.l bv llli'lllblls of 111,, con giissiiuial lining, mil oiunnl toe nnil rid ing in minimis on I'lthoi i-lde of tlia nuioiiioluie weie 1, on tioops of cavalry froi 1 I'm 1 M'.i with 1j1nw.11 KubrcN. Aiionipnnviiig the President elect In l'.tp Two (olumn Sli. ( oiillnuisl 1111 I'nai, rjhteen, ('oiiiran Ontj B. &f r. -r4 , '. k fe L m m4. Vr (, .-si . . -1 r. aartros-j xsa&x t yfrtri'h. 3i!MJ tlWkSKiVJ!, ('mw-Mm'.