OMiiMM PMj- rwT 'ipTii Vji't. ""jOT! WY ,. iv Jv J' r, th Air a S wi," tu thK p WU lie, mi ptl. cof th? n cai f Jj 14 tha la, loo km ! ing nm dre yoi fee see da; wh 1 mi nil in No 1 rm yot 82. if in ori' '8. cnt: Watt fin the .4 Ilk. ( uio )0 I twi yoi I am wai J V lafeitingj iJubfi C fl&lbliiCt ' SfflTCABHCPHIAi KTOKSKAX MABOH 9, 1021' . ' vL jjJ&Tll?'f, Wt f ? s """ -. jmESmvA !V,!isv B(!w?fc'ft5 "1'fM1i '4'?j'jJp'WAVC' JK1 B ' .. mwiC ' 1 if '?j X" Vi J H '" jtlw"("wfe'i 1 y ' 'iCTiwwt " jffim'jTfff ft Suls-Tvyj; 3g8iH8IT'';iil 3F- .ja ' --: '-TVF ...'., J SgEB8ife5iS JZ: ItLua &&& v' " 1 --1 J.'tijJn in1"- " ' "" I - Ti i' ' WATCHING THE BATHERS. Mrs. John Wanamakor, Jr., of Philadelphia, one of tho sojourners in Florida. The photographers caught her on the sands at raim ucacn. Intern titlonal. SKETCHING AT THE ZOO. Mis3 Eleanor Tweed, n student of tho Academy of tho Flno Arts, keeps busy with her pencil and pad nt the zebu cage. Art students arc seen daily in the several sections of the ZOO. Ledffcr 1'hoto Service. NEXT SECOND LADY OF THE LAND. Mrs. Coolidgc, wife of Calvin CoohdRc, who will be the Vico President of the United States dating from an early hour of tomorrow afternoon. National t'lvit Elir555PFv iff A I V4, . HH WMF w - j- r . klB LIEUTENANT COLONEL FRANK K. HYATT, of tho Pennsylvania Military College, doing a little fence jumping on Governor SprouPs farm at Chester. Tha military college official is a horseman of repute. Orcfn THE BATHING GIRLS' CHORUS,. These society folks arc appearing in "Why Not?" given during this week at the Little Theatre, in aid of the University Settlement House. Right to left they nre: Miss Alva Sergeant, Miss Caroline Smith, Miss Theodora Lillie, Miss Catharine Ogdcn, Mrs. Joseph Rollins and Miss Lysabcth Boyd. I.ciIot Photo SerWce MR. AND MRS. J. WILLIAM SOUTHER. Mrs. Souther is better known to folks as Miss Georgette Cohan. They were married by a justice of the peace at West Palm Beach, Fla. in"rnat , ONE OF THE "BUDS." Miss Eliznbeth Strubing, of Chestnut Hill, ih assisting in the presentation of "Why Not?" nt the Little Theatre. I edcer Thoto Serlce JHHHJfl i rwwff wuiii jMig X9Kb a -&i 'Iw OvS 1 VIhHkE p5 k n lvP9l ft t;V 1.7(! u..i'. , v's. vR ' oiB : K Tit"'..! Bl?j ' Ti V" J J ss ''vV.W.., VT "T'jr JB U I .vAJ. vjrjfy':.. . aBiMi .X J J AXyC-y "rf- siT' A. HER PET. Miss Ruth Roland has trained the lion to bo as playful as n pet dog. She feeds the animal milk and dog crackers. Kadei & Herbert fW7AvyVVfeuV90vS Av s f C i J ll. t jlm-uL i i'irix J y tjbdH GUEST OF PHILADELPHIA. f'M. VPib.. Vlllife&JN I "Jimmie" Thompson, one of the Chi- JM Yu'MMwIwi 1 cago schoolboy ice skaters, who ar- . .SaKJK'.'i&CTllA WILLOW GROVE Pl'BI IC SCHOOL TEACHERS AWARD PRIZE IN .TAC K'S JINGLE CONTEST. From left to MADE HIS OWN MOTORCAR. The Rev. W. H. Peacey, chaplain of the Barnswood right (sitting): Mi'-s Estlur 1, WiIUav Groc, Pa.; Hannah J. B'ca.l., Willow Grove, Pa.; R. Elizabeth Asylum, Gloucester, England, couldn't afford to buy an automobile. Re-enforced bicycle Harry, Willow Grove. Pa ; M Harding, Willow Grove, Pa : Elizabeth Morris, Hatboro, Pa.; (standing), wheels nre used. Ralph R. Sn ith (prinupali, Willow (,wo, Pa.; Josephine E. Reck, Willow Grove. Pa ; Carrie F. Hcaton, Willow Grove, Central News rhoto J'a., and Elizabeth E. Eddowes-, Ivyl.ind, Pu. I OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO HENRY P. BURKE, member of American Olympic Commission, talks on dredging the Schuylkill river in an interview on tho Editorial Page. WOMEN IN FORESTRY SERVICK. Miss Helen Dowc making observations from ono of tho United States fore3t bervice stations in tho West. U. S. Torcst Hcnl" EH X W SEMAPHORE SENTINELS I 3K J I mtmsmm,& wmiw i n i m . .w.r-- '-.l mui - . mmmzi-mumt' tmmmmn. n nam w i imi hi i -:. 1..1 mm&. - - m iHiiiiiwiiBi 1 iw !!! hi in i i i i i - irw ',.'. jvibi jrittw.g mFTmm& imiiiiiiiiiiiaHUHrKa t-fe tUMamtfjSBm&me&amvmtP' --v- - vt.. -v tr-. BgmmgFBfmltimfbW TryJW "" jW'MW" , " ilWi nran Mr .1 ffnt..irrn tftiiiiwuiiviffm-ir.-. " '" " 1. ft?Mf,YJ THE BEAUTY CORNER & fM V V s SSSSS&? !. 1?'4 5 " '; Vf Ati, B -.a:',x?' ! ' "v iMmmrv- Al mm Mm IBs ' BkMAW ?9R9BFflFaBH JULll'S MOTT, 4015 F.lla s'rfft, hildmg plate gluxs, su h it- 1 u-il foi disk top1!, while win el makes edges sun jth, at the Hire 5 Turner Gla a c 0 . Thirtmh and Marin t streets. Fifty of these iuj)a are iiuuuiavu 111 4 uu. ixJ r i'hjtu b cuj, MAY BE THE NEXT SEN ATE CHAPLAIN. Tho Rev. J. S. Montgomery, of Wash ington, who litis been acting chaplain for several .weeks. Njtlunul 1'llOto, HERE WE HAVE MARTIN LUTHER. He is n reberve patrol man. For many months ho has been chucking up on motorist! who infringe on the city parking 1 tiles. Ho has been on the lorce eight yeats. Luther lives 111 r rani.ioni. ' t.u'Je r riiulo 1 ttervli. A BOY .SCOUT AT SEVENTH -FOUR. Henry Stewart, a Citli forninn, who lias just cdohed a tr-ii-pui tour of the woild, hah declared hi intentions to jjpLUo duwL'for a fpell. ' MISS ANNA MILLER 3110 Almoin! street Philadelphia y i- unuerooa 5. unaernooa. i 9 I J ! -I, I- i.djU'1 .? - ,A- ;; atijt.-witii'w' , itufi f i. m lrl' .