' '? IJ .'j y . r, jpyw ' '" ' STt3P?!"t v"7 l V W,.";' y.-rrf, x i , $ r' wfv " t " ' v , ..r . n r , - ' i ' ' y "" 7 .-Bl& fits - rr EVENING PUBLIC LEiDGER PHIIADELIHlA, THTJftSftAY, MAllCH 3, 1021 23 frfclTHH funeral. Hnl.. Mrtrcher St. IS yours to be a successful life? The answer is to a great extent in your own hands. If you want to be come proficient in business a course of study at this school will be of incalculable advantage to you. Keep on reading Mr. Educa tor's talks. n j.i m.u-aniu-iinj-n-i Chestnut ot ILADEUPHIA i WI.IIIJ.I.lll'.VtKl i -.-. viwilM 'lll.llH i,i.Mr.i) " .. . ... iinnti Inv Mlinrlhutirl nml ff courie will nullify you fur any pliieo. Our courjn,lvlclual instruction. Day or night classes. Catalog. iihla. nisiNiw college nncl College of Commerce inn riifiniu s. riiii.irt-iiiiiii Thefor school ,s.r;;. rDier.D'l,;rl,.'i;!r!,?!nno,tUU50nei: " PARCEL POST fJH JHE3bI1I Flner-FIno JEDI A-HO b. m., residence, 2731 N, llAl.mi. rn,iti,i. mS ftltircn of the Vie tntlnn lo a. m. Irt, prlvnt. . dougiass nn. 2m. hoiikrt nouq- uamh. itcinllvcs nml menus invucu to av lend service, at 120 W. Hnlnes it.. German town, Prl,, 11 ii, in. Int. private DOYM3. On Feb. 2S. 1021. JAMES C. h'jstund nf the Into Ellxibeth Doyle, RelA Hc and friends nlwi Tonnwandn Trlb, Nn, SI, I, (1. It. .r:, nrn Invited to thn scrv Ice, on Saturday afternoon, a( 2 o'clock, at 111 Inte residence. (1.12(1 Gesner at. In lermcnt at Sit, 7.lon Cemetery. ERERWEIN. Of diphtheria March 1. FLORENCE LORRAINE, onlv Child nf John A, nnd Kthel I. Eherwein Mid granddaughter if William ami Ijivlnt.i Tlcmnnn, lined 3 vara 3 months, nt residence of ho,- parents, 1311 E. Carey t. Int. Ardsley Cim. Nn funeral, FLHUHMA: March 2. 1021. THRO- DORE FLEISHMAN, aged SO, Funeral eerv n't' i ft.. 2 r. tn.. At this old Man' imnw. .nvihnnd Hariri atf. Int. Ornmount C'm. rOHMAN.-At I'olntvllio. N. .1.. l'eb. 21. 1031, (irinimi; I hul.and of May Tor; man (nc Mavvllle). ad 42. nlatlw) and friend Invllfd to fun;nil a"rlr'i Thtira., 7 P. m,. at lata raildoiwo. I'otntx tl1. N. .1. Int. MlllaMa f.Vni.. Phlla.. Pi.. Tri.. 1 ,n. m. PHA'.KI.--Mircli 1. AUNKH H. nil" "t A., lllnlr Frnrft? (na Itould). nMatlvos ami fil'n.)) an Intltfd to attend funoral. I'rl., J P. m., Into roildencf. 407 N. Rth t.. ramden, N. J. Int. private, HnrlelRh ftm. Krlind mif call Thurj. iVf. FJIBNCH. On Fah 21. J. V. TOKN'CH. -il llphnrminn llniipltal. aeod 70 f'Ir. rtxnialna ant to Now Hampshire for hurlal. Kfl.linn. lb, 28 UOI1KHT AllTllt It, aon of Jefffmon n. and Allro Newton KuU mer, Ilalathoa and frlenda nrn rfapeetfuliy Invited lo attend funeral aervlrei. I'rl., 2 P. m.. at hla pareftta1 residence Chealer Helihta, Ia, Int Wcit laurel Hill Ccm. VleWlmr Tliura. evt, QftEnN. March 2, at 122 II. r-hll.nilena t Mt. Airy. KATIK 13.. wife of Walter (J. Oreen. Ilelatlfoa and frlenda Invited to fu neral aervlfei. Sat.. 2 P. m.. nt the Church nf thn nrrthren, Oermantottn avo. nbove Shirpnark at. Int. private. Friends may call Frl eve. ClftlMM. March 1. 1D2I. JOHN. Iiiulnnd of Iiu aa O-lnim, arl (17. nlatlea and frlen.lt. ul. William 11. BrhnluVr Ixl. No. 419, F. aid A. M . and all nthr ancle'le. are Invito to fnneral. Frl., 2"S0 p. m.. reel denee. 403 rtooeevelt Illvl. Int. Northirood (em. lUmalnn may tm viewed Tliura. 8 to 10 p m. onilflAN. On March 1, 1021. CHAIU.EH II. oniroAN. HAKFNRIl. Mnrrh 1. MINRItVA, wlfo nf Albert IJ. IIaefnr. Itelatlva and frlrhda. Udla Darrah Cnuncll. No. 110. Inltitl to funeml. Frl., 2 p. m.. 02.10 I.awnton at., ltnxlior"URh. Int Lcverlnaton Ctm Frlenda mar eill Thura., p. m. HAMPTON. At Mmire. Ta.. March 2. AN N1I3 8 . wliio-v if Thir.-naa T. Hampton. nrd 117. Funral Sat , Isan p. m residence of ecn, tlnlph I,. Hampton llonevhrnok Ta. Int. I'fxhvtertan Cem., ?onyhrool, I'n. JIANNON. March 2, MAIlOArtET, daugh ter of lit Owen and Mantrt Hannon, Itelallvei nn.l fr!nd8 arc lnvlt;d to nttnil funeral Pat., H-10 u. m., late reald -nee. 020 K. Thayer t. flolemn high ma Church of the Ascoiuhn 10 n. m. Int. Old Cnth'dral CHAni'Kn. March 2. It. DAVKNTnUT. rliVlt nnd belovel aon of John and Idella I). Itarrer (net Daonport). ttud 14 years. Itelatlva And friends Invltxl to rlre, Snt.. 2 P. m., pirent.V residence, 0017 I.nni-ilnwni- ne. Int. nrUate. Frnwoud Cem. Friends may cRII Friday evenln. IIAUTWBV, n eto. xu. ivi, mari. MTim MEtP WAKTBTJ fEMALE New Pianos, $245 to $950 New Players, $375 to $1750 Baby Grand Pianoi, $395 to $1500 HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH SIXTH ST. N. CORNS & CALLUSES BrmoTfil In FIVE DAYS AnnOTTS PLASTER ctuits no Inconvenience. No troubU to "er tiO'- whll" U"."1"' .HVly. .'! t "an Very thin m-dlcated pUater. Vwltt lOe & 2Bc. All Drua- fltor-a or by Mali. 1 AIIIIOTT ni'.MKOIKS CO. Mli and fllrd At-., I'lillaflelphln nrn rnVKns rkmovkd lTrlte nr phone far sample nnilprlrti ibis rraa forif Atre. C. SCHMITT, Mfr. Why Be Stout V (No Drugs) Successful treitmunla KUen liy niedlcal msisuRo t electricity by hospital araduatc reurllls k stiff muscles also treated. F. N. ADAMS PLAZA n.nn. (2d Floor) nmvR srnrri: 1210 iln .Mien ST ano iinilali for rnrnlturr, ane and nutomobllra, .10c r" eini 1 cans for ft, postpaid, now.vnn vintknt. hsi-oso-bio n. cm PD O I''"n -' V. rnn 2Beafl)s wife of iMnlel Hartney nn.l dauithler of Tatrlclc Henry, or County Meath. Ireland. Ttelatlvea ami friends Invited to funeral, on Friday, at 0 a, m.. from her late residence. 1(110 Morrla st. Holemn requiem rnnii at St. Thomas Aquinas' Church 10:30 a. m. Int. Holy Crora Cem. New 'Jorft and Dublin. Ire land, ran-rs pleaso copy. HlfMPHninS. March 1. W IIJ.UM FHANICI.IN. sot of William Tranela anil laabslla Sleart Humphries, naed 2 cnrs 0 montha. t"neral rrlres Frl., 2 n. m., 5132 Marlon at (lermantnun. Int. private. JOIl ANNS. March 1. 1021. HEI.KN A.. slnuahter of Walter J. and Julln A Jnlinnns (ne Fullan). aced 14. lle'atlveg and friends nro Invited to attend furf-rnl. Sat.. H'30 n m.. from her pan-nta" rosldcr.ee, 11.1 Users ae Cheltenhnnr. MnntK Co. Sol emn requlera mass t'hurch nf rreeentotlon 1(1 a. m, Int. Holr Sepulchre Cem JOHNSON March 1. Mist JANR P. JOHNSON ned 72 Funeral services at Kirk & Nice's, ami Rermantown avc.. Sat.. S p. m. Int. private. K4.UT. Mir-h 2 1021. jnsnrit. husband of Jnsphln Kiut e.ited .17 Itelatlies and frl-m'i are Invited to nttend funernl. Sat., et H a, m , from hl late residence; f-tuno House Inne and Canal bnhk. KlKli mas nt Ht. Alphonsut' Church 0!30 a. m. Int. Holy Cross". KKLIjT. March 2. ANNH! F . daurhler of nornird and Catharine Kelly (nee Ilren nnn). Relatives nnd friends are lnltcd to attend fuenrnl. Sit.. 7:110 n. m.. residence. 2124 Msnton st. Solemn high mass of re. nulem St. Charlea' Church 0 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. T-ANIMS. Woodbury, N. J , Mirrh 1, KMMA S. widow of Dr. I. II. Iindls He'n. tlre ami friends arc Inxltcil to nltend ru neral, Fil. March 4. lO'.ld a m.. from th residence of CHIT A. Orcrne, N W. cor. Cooper st. and Woodland ne., Wondb'jry, N. J. Int. prhate. Ivy IIII Cein . Fhlli. Ia6KF.Y. March U. FltANCr.S j he lned wife of Maurlco Ijisltey (nee fin). In her S.l'h enr, rtelntlM1" and f rl .nds nre Invited to attonii riinerai, rri. 8:no a. in., i from her Inte residence. 012 n. Hilton st. i Itequlem mnni nt ChU'Ch of the Ascension 10 a. m int. :vew camenrai rem. New I l.&CTJWOn.-.Mireh I. MART, wife of the. wh.2S.nmf" J,' Connor, formerly of 2.137 W,.5r'." '!.' "'""tlves and frlerds ara In- La"SS' ln'." readence, 2037 Fltswater it, ia. lLrcu'.,'mn!s St. Charles' Church rA'nwiMln,;."n,' crn rem. sliWl'"1 V. ,r,!r,"n (neo Itlri. In hla l'l,tJAc,,,r' .""latUea and friends, alt so cletlea of which hum n mmlsr, nr. In J..t'i.IS,"?J?V,.rfl 8!1(' ''la late f f famny. "' ,nl' ' convenience Af.'Jni " .r.KAN,N0- Rervlcei on lerldnr inurtiln. at 10.30 n'cl.,ck tl the residence Kiii'T,. ''-""Ifhter. Mrs, John I. Cnulbni-rn, 04N2 Sherwood roiid dvrlif(ili Pi Ih' r- nyit ht artuiimouni Cemetery, Ilnltlmore, Md. . I'll I t.Urfi. March 1. JAMKfl I.. hut- l-and of Mnrv A. I'hllllnr. Itelatlts end "lends, nlso Oenernl Harrison Ivlite. No. H.1. I. O. O. F Invited to funeral, Frl.. 2 P. m residence. 2ii0n B. 17111 st. Int. prl yA!2l.f'rtini'' mnv call Thurs. eve. of John V, Tope liie-nl s. rvicea Sat., 2 i. in. nreciseiv, in ner laio reel i"nre, i.i.u Mnnariink arc, rtoxh rouith. Int prlvnts. '.".a'.'1'''- March 1. 1021. MWtY II. PinVBI.l, (reo Martini, wife of the late William II. Pnwell. sited 72 year. Itflntlves shd friends nre lnlted to attend funeral. Frl., March 4, II n. m from her late resi lience 1134 Mechanic St.. Camden. N. J. Int. Pcmberton, N. J on the arrival of the I:3t Pm. train from Camden. N. J. , ITIIRSTI.KY. March 1. 1021. JlF.HBrrA N I'llIKSTI.nr. dauihtr of the Iftte Thomas and Bnrah A, l.ocKerman. Ilelalhes anu trienus are invited to funeral services, I'rl., 1:30 p. in., nt the chapel of Andrew J. Hair f: Son, Arch and 10th sts Int. prl lots. ItRICIIWKIN. On March 2. iOJt. OLAItA, daiiithter of Harah rtnd the late John a. remuson. Funernl service on Sat urday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 2010 K. Tloita St. Interment nF.IlXr. March 1. CATHKrUNr.. wife nf Michael j Hiy nnd dauchter of th? Inte Michael and rrlditet rphy, of County Mao. Parish of Aunhamnre. Ireland. Itela thes and frl"n.1s nre imlted to att ml fu nernl. Frl.. K'.1u a. m.. residence. 1337 S .list st. Mass if requiem at Church of at. Oabrlel 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. noillNSON. At Conshohoctien. March 1. 1H81. IHAITRMjA SMITH, wifa of Thomas It Hnson, Sr. Ttelatlvea and frlelids In-x-lted to funeral, from her late residence, 240 i:. Hector St., Conshnhocken. PA., Sat., 2 p. in. Int. private Darren Hill. Friends may call Frl., aftor 7 p. m. ntJOHJlB. KeP. 2,S 1(121, DAVID, hus band of late Catharine Rogers (ne- Jen nlhrs). rtelntlves and friends are Invited to attend funeral, Sat.. A:.10 a. rti., from her sister's residence. 2025 S. Crnskey st. With mass of requiem St. KdmomVe' Church in n. m. Int. Holy Cross. SANKF.T. Feb. 27. MAIlOAnnT !,. wire of Amer It. Snnltey nnd riauffh'.er of Catha rine nnd the late IJdwnrd Dever. Funernl. to which relatives and friends ate Invited. Frl.. S n. m.. from her late rekidence. 2.133 H. 1 toward tt. Solemn mass of requiem at Churcl nf Our I.ady nf Mt. CarmeJ i:80 a, m. nr'rlselv. Int. HMv Cross Cem. 81NCI.AHI. Feb. 28. EM2AP.ETH. widow of William Rlnrlalr. sued 01. Funeral services Frl.. 2 p. m., nt daughter's resl dence Mrs. Mary S. Michaels. 4207 Orchard at.. Frsnkford. int Oakland Cem. SMITH. At Ventnnr Cllv. N. J., rrch 2. IjAIIHA I)., widow of Mowry S. Smith, npred 70. Funeral services Frl.. 8 p. m.. nt parhrrs of Jeffries & Koatos. 1713 Atlan tic av... Atlantic City. N. J. Int. Westmin ster Cem.. Phlla., Mat., 12 noon, HM1T1I. Jlarch 1, JOHN THOMAS SMITH, son of Hurloek and Marg-aret P. Smith, aged 0 weeks. Services Frl.. 2 P. m.. tientt me and Oik lane, nienniden. SOUDRUS. Feb. 24, at Tucson. Arli.. NOI1MAN J., sop of II, W, and V. T, Snuders In his 28th enr. Funeral eerwros Frl.. 2..10 p. m., nt his parenta" reldence. Ityberrv ave.. Snmerlnn Phlla. Int. Wm. Penn Cem. Train for Somorton leaea Head Inif Ter 12-4.1 p m. BTEWAItT. March 1. 1021. ANN P.. widow of Henry Oscar Stewart. aed 0. Itelatlves and frlendn are Incited to nttend funernl. Sat , 2 p. m.. residence of her iHughter. Mrs I.ydln Knhllak. 1812 Harrison St.. Frankfnrd. Int. private. Weft I-nurel Hill Cem. Friends ma call Frl. eve. STOKF.S In Penns Manor. Pa. on Teh. 28. 1021. JANB n . widow of John Stokes. nKed 7H years. Itelatlrs and friends In vited to attend tho funeral eorvlere. from her late residence. Tenns Manor. Pa., on Friday nftenioon, at 1 o'eloclt. Autos will mct (rains from riilln. r.i.. at Tullytnwn. P... nt 12:11. Interment nt Friends' Tlury In Ornunds, Penns ifmor. Pa. SWHKNKY. Fob, 2 JOHN, husl.nnd of Mnrfrnret Sweeney (nee Trnjnor) Itelatlves nnd friends, also emnl.vns of P. ft T. 1-1"-voted shops, ar Incited to nttend funeral. Sat.. 8:,Ki e. m.. leie r-sld-uee. oot N. 41th M. Solemn requltm miss cnuren or our Mother of Sorrows 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross f'ein. .SWIWNBT. March 2. 1021. KATK i.-lfe of late Jnni's Spenv, naed 72. ncinl serlce Sat.. 2 P m . at her residence, .12 II. Slat t.. Medli, I'n. MflVulrt. .....-. .. t. - t..T 1V.T1WWT A I iailir.ur.. .itirtu .. r.t, .'-,, c , ,. nmners me i-osieuoi. so 11, V. M. HOIIK1- eral. Frl.. 8 n. m,. lite r'SldenCe. 3fln7 Mlilvilo iivl.. Fills or Schuylkill. Solemn rwiulcm mass St. lirld net's Church 9.H a. m. Int. Westmlnitcr CV(iN OI.MIN. Sudd'nlv, r.t nronktjn, N Y. M.UtY K. VON UI. WIN (lire Ilnrnerf) beloved wife of Ai'ffut Von Olnhn. Funeral WSUf WANTED MATiB I I MKSSnNflBIl Younif man. ilut JV '".S,2 HELP WANTED MALE CI,Krtli A YOI'NO POSITION MIJNT. . WOMAN IN OUR FOIl A Ct.Knifi.W, C1IUDIT DKPAIIT- N. SNr.I.t.KN'lltfrtO kmi"ix)y.mi:nt iutiif.ai A CO. itF.Atr FIFTH. FIAKllt, SOt'TH IIUII.Dt.S'O MAtlKRT, 11TH lO 12TH BTB. DICTAPHO.MJ OPKItATOIt and reneral of llco workl perm inent isisltloni plessnnt surroundlnks: retaursrl In bulldin. Phone, write or call, S. I,. Allen A Co,, Inc., 8th and (llenwood ave , I'hllaileiphla. Drtr.SSMAKCn wants waist and skirt fln Inhere cisstst nlro Improvers. Apply 1301 Vf ItimoiDI'ltKns wanted, experlfnced. ply Paris Hmbroldery Co.. 1812 li. Pa AP- A SUCCnsfiFt'Ij. Pennsylvania corporation with wonderful liahklnii connections w.shes to add to Its sales force it number of men qunllOed to meet bankers and bualness man, W have a Dlrsrt Isd Syalem. Posllloa permiinsnt to thuae who make itood. In I'hllailelphla aiyini Office ?SV; , f uw must bebleto tyucwrllei OTfln"' r'e?.i nl "J. northeast section of cllV! e tlal; a tooitfr ,.h..i-im. .1 t.ref.rre.1 liijt answer In own nanuwrmnu liter Oince in .1 essen- V llio. Our representative will be soon to Interview applicants, tslephone number, M 722, Address, slylna leaser HANK Cl.IlHK Younif man. alsiut 18 to 22 yea-s of ftfej must Iw eblo to tjpewrltei Christian, resident of n.rtheasl section of city: ixperlemed preferre,!, wit not essen tial ips"er in own handwriting. P f)17, VeAft Offlcej . IIOOKlfKKPKn Youn man for position out of town! must have knowledge of general and cost mt'ourttln. preferitbly In foundry workl esculent opportunity for the rlshl mam lve ae. esperience and salary desired In reply. M 802, ledger office. funk ave. OIIll, wanted for general housework! to go home riRliis, Apply Tuesday inornln. Mrs. Marvin Hrenner. 2133 Spring Qanlen st. HOSIECllY TOPPEHS AND KNITTUnS ON FINi: SOCKS Ari'f.Y WAI.T.ACR WILSON HOSHtllY CO, OrtCHAHD IIEIXIW UNITY. niANKFOTtD HOlWKWOItK Ilsii-rlenced whl" el'l: 3 In family; no washing, Mrs, John DraWnn, 80 15. SprlmrO -1.1 ave. rhentnut Hill 421 W. INSPKC.TP.ES3KS CANVABHF.flS Kgperlencea men for Install meat house. Apply 7:30 a. in,, Ms son ft l.lnn, 238 iv. Hiram ave. of COMPOSITOU wanted to take eh stones! for a man competent on hlnhet grad nf color, catalogue nnd booklet print ing we have a splendid position st an ex cellent siilsryi advise fully reardlt ex- yerlence. The Uddy Press Corp., Pitts- imrsp l'a.. PIIKHHIUIH - KMrllSr I"""- l"?.'"" ' on men a roais, ainur J-::.':r hTa nroa'd and IVsllace sis Miilfr.t llldg. COMPOSITOU Middle-aged man. one famil iar with Onrdon press. Deputy Ilroe. It Co,, 03d ami nicks ave. F.lmwnml nve, nNOINFinil to take charge of small bras valve manufacturing plant as well as handling plw and nttlng supplies: mutt be Mperlenc'ed In inr.niifacturlnr small pans end capable, of developing Improrementa and the securing of results as well eo the handling of the supply snd of the builness: state fully your ixpcrlence. refer nees, nge nnd If murled end salary desired it, start. P Oil. Ledger OfOee. TOUNO WOMKN. PAST OUIt MAIUCINO noo.M. 10 T11AKS. FOIl w. sNtn.t.rNiiuno A co. F-MPLOYMDNT ntlltKAU FIFTH FLOOIl. SOUTH 1UIII-DINO MAniCnT. 11TH TO 12TH STS. KNIT mil lliind-knltier in sew un sweaters In shopi permanent position. Araily Sweater Shop. 17(10 lllttenhouse st. MOTiiKri's iiiji.pnn wanted to take care of small bibv; good room and living (lUnrlrrs; must hale refei. fnec. Apply Mrs. John 8. Saylor, 000 N. Sth at.. HcnUlng. r.i. FOHIIMAN plumbers wanted on building operations; good wares nnd steady Juh tn right man. Write fully, giving aite. places tthefc previously emplncd and length of Service In each Place. I .120. I.dser periee MtmiltlVH HKI.PIIK Ilellned yoking ladv: ref. rMinlred, Phone Oei-miintnwn OOOt XV nEPnnsENTATivn women Can make a permanent connection en (hj sales force of n strung, re llihie corpornt on Inlernntlonil In Ita Scopes thorough Instruction given: pes'tlnns tendered those who can quality; Imnd Is required nnd references win no exenangen. A personal Interview mar he bv calling at our omces. nos. 45.1 Wldener Iflflg.. at 2 p. m. No information gien over phone. hed 423- tele- n.. Il ia's Int. TlMIJKllJ. .Marcn i. wife of William .1. Tlmh Helatlves "end f rli nils, nl, Ity. lnvleitn attend ftine fi TtAMnnr.nEn jl Attnntio niv v t Msrrh S FANNY wife of the late Jacob H. Hitnue-ccr. In h t 84lh ear. Itelntlves i id friends are Invltid to attend funi'nil sfrvlees Frl., 1 p. m .it 22.1 8, Vurmont are, Allinlle City, N J., or at tha clnp-l of Jit Slnnl Dm . at 8.80 p. m, New York liajiers please copy. IIAL'IIKH - March 2. ANNIE, wlfo of Jo reph llauilfr (neo Hlndmnn), nited 40, Itela tlvn and friends, Liberty Chapter, A It,; Jumes (I Illaln Council, 8, and D. of L. ; mmberi of St fleorne P. E. Church, are nvlttd lo altend fiii--ra services, Snt.. 2 m t l,it. residence.. aOO.1 M-mnhl, u. nt Oak.and Cem. Viewing Fil . 8 in Id P. m IJAVCIIL . Suddenly, at Palm llench. Fla., Vrj 1 1021 DANIEL IIAUflH. I'umrnl rvlcs at tho gravo. Laurel Hill Cem on i rrlviil nf the train Snt afternoon about a 0 tUielc efl,Il.:S',TTJ,ft,,l 2i MAHY K,. widow JL.-Y1". "'"null, nelntlvea nnd friends nre irvted to iittmil funeral services. Frl.. 3 ii, nt n" lnt(' residence. 8731 Locust at. Int. prlvite ..n1'.K,,5;o;',,h 1. MAItY J., daughter 5; V,.I,.U" RnJ "Inn nicking. Itelatlves ..e'Ci-J "i" ' '""'I"! to attend f ineral r..,?n"- h,1 ".,&. m" u h,r brothir reildcnre, Hrr F. Hlcklng. 4080 Wyoming f.'l f'fiKford Int. Oakland Cem. . iA"iTA.,nf residence, ,1014 llnce st , en .March 2. 1021. JENNIE, daughter nf tho ' jnnn and Margaret It. Illulr N'.nie. .Mitrr,,, mipi- of tll..L Mir. I. 1 ,VK'!,' t ..11. ... eea t Illau aged Oil. Funenl services itiio.".,'' w ,rLr flilence. U13I Chan- AIllv i nA,JMw " "1 rtucnui.vii iinnpiini frl.n.1. i.riV'"' "''!, " "'latlves and lit - nN""' IO ",,,", 'un-ral services lrvln".. pi .m ' "''",' residence. B003 llei i ?'. Inl' "-lvto. Itenulm may be irw ii 1 1 1 ovf, M?.bfnl. 'i' ,Knr "'' f"l S) year? ": "fill lin SntUrilH. mnrnrn,, din !!-1. feh, ,: A.ru0i,'5i,nM?,u,'"irj-..i interment orl- iii.nv.o-. -i"". v.Tnieiery ,.".V.nSs Milch 2 MICHAEL, husband nf 'fiend. ., S """ fondon) nolatlvcs nnd m"nr Tar". L'Wa'V" ."' """n. H. Horst- Albert lUker. .1002 ? em. man I'hurth ,,f sn n, .',..,":' Ilnlv P.... i,-7 --"-. v ... ChuVeh . ."J" . H,,l"nn reqi hiSES "I ,h" Assumption. 12 Pit.".,"'." ,,, "'clock. if,mV,"L cfnss cemeler it? ,ii.,:r., ?. rtu"hlr nt"sfiry II lata llernsr of his daughter. Mrs iiieiua st. solemn re- of St. Oreirnrv in n m. Cein hi. (AE O.. vvlfo nf 1VII- 1 daunhtnr nf Siw 1? nn.l frlfnds r. '-..iV'.. r,lllon' Ilem'lves nnd ".Dam iKii'4 ?H'nn funeral Sat., eelenin S' ''' ""Wence. .10,10 Elliott st. "Imrd Zrl'.rT' .'"'"'Ion Church of Most cim """anient 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross "'''lamCM7tonrc .'-.."AUTIIA K.. widow "Pal to iiiL'ni' ""'"tlvig and frlonds arc t m si in! ,"?.'rl.1 eervlces. Thurs., 'Kitchen I?nJ'ln'nr " real.lenee. Jennie Int iiruJ?. V01 "fX"10 "I-. (Jermnntovvii 'l Ui. wm'e1 ,0:,, MAnY- """ lltle eVi'V1?1 rnn0r tnee Hamilton) 'uneral "sj,n ifin10" ft". nvUrii "' K,,,,n,l -Irnii, "lion 'v " T1r. '" ' frmn ,"r la" r"U iv.eu nnl Jrv.- Orleans nsliers nlense eonv LEX. March 2, MAY E. LEX (nee tim ber), wlfo of Clcorqo W. Lex, 211.1 Oxford rt. DU4 notice of tin funeral will be given, LINCOLN. March t. 1021. OSCAIt M.. ton nf Howard and Harriet Lincoln, nged 2.1. Itelntlves nnd frl-ndi nre Invited to at tend funeral. Frl , 1:30 p. m.. from his lute residence. IMS Tyler ave . Darby. Int, Mt. glnn Ccnv Jlemalns mny be viewed Thurs. "LINDSAY. reb. 2S MAIHA LINDSAY (nee Klllacky, w'fe uf late Lewls.C. I.lnd sav Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral Frl.. S:30 a. in . residence of son. Iwls C. Lindsay, r.01 W, Norrls st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Mlchnel'a Church 10 a. m. Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem. MPPINCOTT. In Mlllvllle, N. .T , March 2. 1021. D. PATtKEH MPl'tNCOTT. aged nq. nelativea anil inenni nre inviieii to at tend tho funeral services, at his lito resi dence 220 E. Oak St.. Mfllvllle N. J;. Frl 10 30 c. m Int. Egllnton Ccm.. Clarks. ti.to N J. I'lcise emit flowers. LUCAS. firch 1, of scarlet fever, JACOI1 A. I.tlCAM. aged .11. Ilesldcnce. 3141 Cedar nve. Interred March 2 at Arlington CLYTLE March 1. MAIU1AIIET JENNIE. Onughter of Edward fl nnd Margaret E. I.ylle (nee IVIIIe). aged 8 rmnths. rtelntlves and friends Invited to aervlces Frl.. 2 p. m . uranduarenM' resldenji. A730 Olranl ave. Int. private mrnwooa iein iri-nos mnv cnll Thurs eve. t MACPHEItSON. MAHY STREET, aged 8.1. Feb. 28. Hurled Mercer Cem., Trenton. N. J . March 4 at 2 o'clock. . MAOII.L. Feb. 28, 1021. MAItOAUKT aETHKN, dnuRhter of Inte William II. and Elizabeth C McbIII. I"unenl servlcis at her residence, M'll Klngsecslr.n ave., Thurs., I ii m Int. private. MtllTIN. On March 1. 1021 EL1ZV nisril MAKTIN, vv'dow of John W. Martin, ae-d 8(i years rtelntlves and frlerds Invited to f un ral services, on Frldal, at 2 p. m.. nt her late residence, 1 ,1.lli Highland terraco, Cheater. Ta Int. I'ernwood Cem., city. MiCALLION Fell. 28. SUSAN, wife of Patrick McCnlllon (nee McClmkey), Iteln tlves nnd frlenda, also St. Patrick' Altar. RoH.irv and Hdly Face Societies, are Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8:30 n. m , late residence. 422 S. 2'ith st. Solemn hlsh mass of requiem St. Patrick's Church 10 n. m. Int. Holy CrcsH Cem . McCOLl.EY March I. LEMUEL McCOL I.EY. husband nf lain Wirnh I.. McColIey. aged 00. rtelntlves and friends, nlso mi mb T Intigrlty Lodge, No. 4S. K. of P.. and com iuIskIiii men of Dock st . Philadelphia, urs InvltcJ to attend fumrnl, Frl., 1 p. m . from his late res dence. 207 3d uM'.. Hnddnn Helhis. V J. Int. private. Evergrein (Jim. Filei.ils mny cull Thur-,, 7 to II p. in, McCOY At Davtnnn. Fli.. on Feb, 28. lliJl. WILLIAM II P McCOY Notice nf funeral later, from the Oliver II. Hair llldir . M2n Chestnut st Plilln MEALEY Feb. 2H. 1021. PATRICK, hus. band of late Miry Menley (nee Carnv), IVd at'ves nnd friends, also Vetirnn Flnmeng A.is'n of Phlla. Volunteers' Fire Funral lie fief Ass'n of Phlla . Interniitlornl Ass'n of Fire Enalneern, nlnn Firemen's Iteilef Ass n nf (lloucester N I., and Camden Lodg, No 211.1. II. P. O. E.. are Invited to attend funeral. Sat . 8 a. m , from his late resi dence, 411 N rirondway Oloucster. N J. Solemn r.qulem high mass ut St. Mary a Church 0 a. m Int. St. Man's Cem. Frl mt msy call Frl. eve MILLER. March 1. l'l. ANN. E. widow of the late William Miller, aifil 77. llolnthra nnd friends nnd all societies of which she vvns a msmlier, nr i Invited to fu iiernl servlc.B. Sat.. 2 P m . lite residence 2.187 N. iJiwrence st Inl. prlvvte. North- "m'olZ FeTi. 27 11121, JACOI1, husband of Idv Mob men dnre). aced rs Relsllve. and frl'n.l. also Cheokee Trlb.. No II' I. O It. M ; I W. c Ass'n Phlla. Ilrnnch. nnd oniplnvci of Poviero-Welglitin.ii-noflan-I'lirlen Co, are Invited lo nttend fumriii srrvlces. Frl 2 P. m . lain residence. 21411 S lrt st. Int. Fernwooii ii sv b view id Thurs ,rrvlce Frl,. 8 i in, nt upnrtnunts of F. H Simmons Co . 30'i M vrket at.. Camden. N. J. Ini Hir' Igh Cem. . WARRICK. March 1. 1IJ2I. EMMA I'., widow of the late Woodward Warrick. Rela tives and friends are Invited to nttend fu neral Frl.. March 4. 1021. from her reel demo, (llasshoro N. J . lii'SO o. m. Service,. In St. Thomas' P. E Church. Olnssboro. N, J.. 11 a. m. . WARRINOTOV At Sweilfslmro. N. J.. March 2. ANNA WARUIN'OTON igu.l 7.1 lt'latlves and friends nre Invltid to nttend funernl servlci. nt her lain residence In Swedcnboro, Sat. 2 p. in. Int. Lnko Park WEATHERRY. At Woo.lburf. N. J . March 2. C1IARI.E8 F. WKATIIERHY. age.) 7.1. Relatives and frlerds. also Oen. Howell 11. A. It. Post, ure Invited to luneral serv ices. Sal., 2:30 p, m . late r. sldence. ,Ti (llasshoro ave Woodbury. N. I. Int. nt Hurffvllle. Friends may call P !., , to 0 I ".m ...,...,.. ....... , reirn. v lljl.l.l.vi . nuiiuriny, .11,11,-11 i . ,..-.-ER1CK. lMisb.mil of Maiy 13 Will nn, aged l.U ears. Rolatlvrs nnd friends Invited to funernl. Sat., 2 p. m resld.nce of son, Frederick Williams. Jr.. 0S03 Cl'-nrvlew' st Mt. Airy, Uermantowu Int Ch.'lten Hills Cim Viewing Friday eve. Cumden papers please copy. WILSON. F'b. 28. 1021. HARRY C WILSON, husband of Emim F. McOihej and s.m of th Iste Cnptnln Thomas nnd El lin Wilson Relatives and friends and nil snrletles of which be was a member. In vited to funeral services, on Thursday at S p. m.. from his late residence. 4820 llnltlmnre v. Int. prlvivte. Friends may cill Wednesday evening. 8 u 10. I ffALEc-VOMEN A limited opportunity Is extended you to make h permanent connection with a rapidly expanding corporation of International scops; only experienced women over 30 ears will lie considered: Imnd will lio required nnd riferinces exchanged; give telephone number. If possible. Address II 227. Ledger Office. DRASS FOUNDRY 11RASS B.MI7LTERH AND IIEI-PER3 for Bchwartr and Pit furnaces CA8T1NO CLEANERS AND GRINDERS IRON FOUNDRY FOFNDRY HELPER8 AND LAIKMEHSJ CUPOLA TENDERS AND HELPERS CASTING CLEANERS OPEN SHOP COMPETENT MENJNLY Wanted st once for lonr-tlmo shipbuilding Job Length of Job depends on your ability and deslro to work. COME READY TOR WORK Apply after 7 a. m. CRAMPS' SHIPYARD EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT RICHMOND AROVE NORRIS ST. A number of saleswomen. SALESWOMEN good openings for capable Apply llureau of Employment WANAlfAKER'H HTF.NOOHAPIIEH. e-tperlenced; downtown office: oimd anlary; reference. P 010, Ledger Office r-TKNOOMAI'IlER. roust f exp.. give exp. e t(e, ref. & salary desired, R ,107. Led. Off. Ri" Co N, - " S S1MII MS-( 4l- l-ISI" .Ilfl Mt. Knlmn raniiUtn "' ni Cfirt.ti. rw-r... ;.... :".: . covi''' " rinr " ' ' '" lnX r0NvAVYi""iIl,i 28- lOSl. DAVID W '-"nwiT' '"'!".''' husliumf Vf i.llllan M '"i 3. ii.i.; .""lrr'-.' imrnsiKii 'uiierni i .,V" '.' ' .' ". nn, friends, si WBSSi. .'!.?". noral v-.. "., II..;. '.' . ' ?" .Int ro. N J Imn Tennil Assn. nnd t'hlln l!ni. nre Invited in nttend fu. in, i...' i "' lr,"n pariors or jnspn unilertikrr HH1 iirnadwnv. Com. e."k,bor'. N. J. Ronm.ns nny w vlau.a u". 'A,UOI. -i. IriVnnV'i , "V"1 "0 ynr 10th ii h ,'""n 1l,r lt ..M1. si nn i-nii. r.n,.i. 1021. SUSAN rs. Ro atlvee ami ..1 ,-.!.,... .. ,,, . '. .....r,n,, ,,n , I I'll,, ni I" from lur latu lo'lilence. 72A N. of Hi. a...'1'"1!' requiem muss at tin. ( hutch ('reii rmeil1 "' 10 m "H'rinenl Holy &--?fci . ,02,. WILLIAM 'It BMV-a .t . "" ,', - Mlllliiii" e llfh' ,"'"" ,""1 "' Nmni. Society in ? "'. alteml funeml, Sat.. 8.30 Dauphin ,n J'1" ,,v", resilience. 2001 E. Nms "chulei (,,0l"nn requiem mass at Holy Ctn2d, com " m 'recl,",,'' Int- Nw ('CtSTJ,"nttrV, ' HANNAH A . wife .....rV pnn o rn.i.- ....... uu ....... -..... ..H-il nn f.llirrrt, in., son s residence, Pennrth id.. Cvnwvd. stiee, ,,'-' i.aurm iu cem tonvey. ''Ai i I,'d.Tt"1?','"Jli. Jmroh l. WIL- iMhfs'.nd re?1"', ot iv, J. Donnelly, " and rrUnds nro invl'ed to attend I.KIIM, ADVI'.IITISJ'MKVTJ) KS POLICY LOST. NO. 2271. COMMEIt- -" clal Union Assurvnre Co.. Ltd.. of Lon don: Issued In name of Mary R. Carty. cov ering 3030 Fontaine -it. VEK.SOr.rtXB IF THE WIDOW OF ROHERT MORTON. who some years ago m lnd nnd shipped coal from Mt. Cnrmel or hhamnkln. Is In the dty nf I'hlludelphln. will he klndlv mil, on uniiersiuneii or iniorin nun n irr .- the dreej? (JEOROE and Poplar sts.. CIIANIHER Philadelphia. PAUL, Pa. 7th STKNOORAPHERS Although we may not have o. poslt'or fur you Just at the present time, we shall be very Blad to become ncqunlnted with nu. beeiuse we know that there will be oppor tunities opening up In "our organisation fn m lime tn tlm. especially when business begins tn pick up an It surely will In the near future. Therefore we desire to accumulate a re. serve list of desirable young laillen who would like to enter our employ, nnd with whom we have lieoime ncqualrted: the. will receive our first consideration when openings occur Fo"l perfects free to dron in and hecm acquainted with our Mrs. Pntton nny tlnn nu are In tho vicinity of our Employment 0th and S.insom sts. Curtis Publishing Co TASSEL COVERING rxp. nan's,, nn linm covering tassel molds to lake work home also Inside workers. F. W. Miiurer A Sons Co . 4311 Wavne nve.. near 181h A fltn. ave FTENOORAPHERS nnd tjrl'ts I'ermnm-nt poiltlons nre offered -Jrls nnd ounc women In our offices, n few of these post tlons offer exceptlonnl niinnrtiinltlrs. Sears Roebuck A Co.. Roosevelt Uoulevatd. WOMEN We can use the srrvlces of several women of mature Judgment nnd good appearance; we desire only earnest worn-n who are serl nusly Interested In establishing u permanent connection, na well ns Increaelnrt their earn tnr nower. Applicants will he Interviewed nt only. Room 423 Wldener llulldlns. P. in. Hull No matter what has hnppcned Jet us hear from you Ixive. HELEN. LOST AND FOUND DEEDS I-ot No .1, section 0, dlv R John 8 Sn.iBg. have been lost Application now b lug made for new deeds tll-ASSEH I.oet pair tortoise shell glasses 1,-olng from 20th nnd Allegheny nve in (lermnntovm and Chelten nos after 7 10, MarJh 2. Call Tlnga 4 US W 2031 W. j Allegheny ave PEARLS Lost. Mnrrh 2. a string of penrlsl with small diamond clasp between 17th1 nnd Rllinhiiise "t md 1.1th nnl Ch stunt. Mrs Richard Norrls. Falls of Schuylkill. Reward Phone Oermintoivn 100, PIN Lot a diamond Pin form of en allow, going from Cafe L'Alglon to Walnut St. Theatre to lintel Majestic. Liberal reward Teleiihom, Lwust IS, I. half-grown Alrednle PUPPY- nunov -l.ut. In (ttn Rew ,37 E Thomo on st Oln 772 W Remains tew ' J ?rd wu,t.'r 3n'1 Cem tr. , O nrt onv I'IMTIl Mnr,h 'J HAS1UEI-. hUS- I nnd if Bllxelielh Monti llll. Itelntlves nnd friends also Washington Cnrnp. No 414 P (). S of A. nro Invited to funeral. Sat . 2 p. m . resldeno of his fnthei -In-law. Jnhn Hreen, 22.13 St. Albans st Int, Arlington Cem. 'itiwlng Frl. eve. MORRIS March 1, THOMAS, husband of the late Mary Morris (neu Rellly) Itela t mes sm! frlendi am Invited lo nttend fu neral Snt . 8 30 a. m , residence of son John A Morris. 4201 Orleeotn at., Frunkford Solemn requiem mass nt St Joachim's Chuf'h. 10 a, in. Interment private. Pirns. emit flowers, MOYNAHAN Pel, 28. REI1F.CCA widow nf James .MoM'alian, aged 7u Relative mid friends nro Invited to atltnd funeral services Frl 3 P til., late residence. 142 13, Duval t . Ur-mantown. Int. Ivy Hill Cerrr VKI'KI'll. Mnrch !l. ANNA wife of Charles Necker (nee Messerschmldt) Friends mnv call Frl , 7 to 111 P in , nl her late rialdenee, 1107 Him ave. West Callings-wre-.d N J. Funeral Hat montliu at ton vrnlence of family UNI.FRTAKEItS I(lVA', BROAD and IJF DIAMOND SPANIELS' tist, Tuesdii) nrnurd Ithnn. Pa 2 Peklngesn sivinlels 1 pirtly nnd 1 mild cnloied Lib. reward Phone Wayne 001 HELP WANTED FEMALE IllNliEI'.Y tllllL. exi erlenceil, tn paste on swnti'h.-s, ill rents k-i l-nur, h"urs s .10 tu ,1. Plv Charles Fuist Co.. 027 Ari.li et u lll'Tl'OMKii'l. MAKT.ivri up. on meo's emits appIv Die)fous A lJin, llroad and Wallace sts., Mulfurd Hide WOMEN Wauled Wh le wom-n on our day force ti do general cleaning. Apply Ilure.iu of Emplojment WANArAKER8 WOMEN Dennlson M inufiiclurlng C.i miiT Chestnut st,, wish women nnd girls of In telligence In len-n the builners. Aditre-i P 00H Ledger Office WOMEN nml i.l'le in In elligenc- tn learii the liuslness. D tinlson Manufiir'urlnir i'o 10117 Clustniii i Ipi-lv I' iin-i l.nl. Off. YOl'Ml LADY in !"! illarge nf stock and records; one with ex;erlence preftreii state age. experlenc and salnry expected Address P 44 P n 'tm 344.1. IIU'MI HUM IN-inn., of nianufHo'tirln printing liuslness requires servicer of voun'i viimnn In II- et iiepnrimi mi tn, work consists mainly In recording fnrtorv time cards on nfflie records; previous ex pirlence not nerissiir. hut pirsiin muet hnvi aptitude for handling nnd tronsferrlng fig. urea; write fullv In own Ii indvvrlllnc nnd Hate sslarv desired P (U Ledger Office, (lenerel " MAKE MONEY AT HOME- You can earn from II lo 2 an huur In our spnre time writing show cards; quickly and easily 230 Rrlc Illdg . Toronto, Ont.. Canada, leirmd: no tnnviiselngl we tench )ou how nnd sell Miur work Write ti.dny for full particulars to American Show Card School, CRANE RIOC.EHS Men with marine expcrlenca preferred MACHINISTS Outside and Inside ROILERMAKERS F1.ANOB TURNERS FLANGE TURNERS' HELPERS LIGHT SHEET-IRON WORKERS HLACKSMITH8' (heavy (Ires) III.ACKBMIT1IS' HELPERS ANOLESMITHS ANGLESMirilH' HELPERS COPPERSMITHS For longtime shipbuilding J.ib length of Job depends on vour ability and desire tu work OPEN SHOP COME READY TOR WORK Apply after 7 a. m. CRAMPS' SHIPYARD EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT RICHMOND ADOVE NORRIS ST MACHTNEUY AND TOOLS RIVETERS IIOLDF.RSON HEATERS PASSER HOYS Must ho over 10 year of aire (Urine birth certificate. Complete gangs preferred SHIP TITTERS JOINERS WOOD TURNERS SIHP CARPENTERS MOLD IjrTBMEN SHIP-SHED MACHINE MEN Fabricating shop .. TLATi-- TUNCHERS AND SHEARERS Rending .rollers (ship shell plates, Mangle rollers Cold pressmen or frame setter COMPETENT MEN ONLY MA.mTJfNVfcvr AND, TOOLS RECEIVER'S SALE VALUABLE PLANT, RESIDENCE, MACHINERY, TOOLS, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9TH, 1921 , AT 1 0 A. M. AT CLAYTON, NEW JERSEY KNOWN AS THE PLANT OF DAVID P0TTASH, TRADING AS THE , CLAYTON SHODDY AND COTTON MILLS COS'SISTINO OF: DESIRAIILE FACTORY OF MIL! PROPERTY W StDINd IN Till! HEART OF CLAYTON. AND ALL OF TIN AND TOOLS NOW IN THE SAME Til RA1LROAU VAI.l'AIILV: MACHINERT ETC. Wanted at once for loni-tlme shipbuilding Job ALSO ALL OF THE STOCK. CONSISTING OF LINTERS. RURLAP, FELTS. ETCi, Will Be Sold as an Entirety or in Lots to Suit the Purchaser INVESTOR'S OPPORTUNITY For Further Details, Address WILLIS TULLIS PORCH, Esq., Receiver. Pitman, New Jersey OR JOHN A. ACKLEY, Auctioneer, Vincland, N. J. Length nt Job dipenda on your ability and desire to work. OPEN SHOP UNLIMITED PRODUCTION COME READY FOR WORK Apply after 7 a. m CRAMPS' SHIPYARD Employment Department RICHMOND AROVE NORRIS ST. ELECTRIC jrOTORS. Immediate deliveries from one nf the largest stocks In Last all makes slsn and klnd: attrac. prices niiususl guarantee Bmlth-O'Hnra Co.. 140.. Rcnl Ft TruM Hld Phone. Walnut ,80' ELECTRICAI- MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS. POWER F.OUIPMENT . O'RRIEN MACHINERY CO., 110 N. 3D ST PULLEYS shafting, hangers use,! leather, ruliter and canvas belling at Haddock , .Miiciiim ry Depot. 31.1 J4, ad si VS .1 ED V l it-Is Call E II. Hunn I mi Co Market 10 Ieclr'. snut welder. U-orgs Sschaentnalrr MnDEltN machine miop. ami drs vve do mltlwrightlng. 211 tares or N Front- SITTJATIONS WANTED FE1MALI. llOOKKKEI'ER feni.Me will give me nf of fice nml phone nnd keep sls .if Im-kt most re-ieonalilv. II 134 I.edrer OfOce SALESMEN MR. HIGH-TYPE MAN Opportunity knocks once at each niatr's door, but generally he Is down the street telling some ona of the good chances he hag missed This minute opportunity Is knocking at your door. With us, after a few days' training, you will enter the local field representing a group of prominent business men. Your work, dlgnlfled. fiisclnatlng uisi permanent, will yield weekly commissions upward of 1130; later jou will be developed Into a top. notch salei. executive. What ou are doing now makes nn difference, so long as you are a high-type man. Sounds too good! Rend the first sentence of this ad again. Then net! Cnll HI tn 4, Suite 00.1. Vandnm llldr.. 10th and Market sts. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Av.tOUNTA.Nl', tux epeolallst. will oi-n and close hooks, Install systems my pirt time bookkeeping dep.rtnient will l.eep nur Looks for concerns who do not renulre the service of a sternly bookkrepi-r at n vr low eh. rue f.H2 Ph'V 'sv It'll LOOKKKEPKH mornings bnly 1) It E . 30-J rtxVt incut r Led-jer Offlc fs EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 311 S. lUth st (phone Sprue. 3401, Situations wanted for llrst-cliss cooks couples hutleis houi-nen kitchen n aids, waitresses. Infant nursos hnusevvork girls, etc.: also wanted, number of child nurses Cnll at one BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If yoj wnnt tu l,e convinc-d iha vr lire stilt paying i'1'f more th in .ithers for d nmondi tolso imwn tl'ke'i. hnutht) ei'l ut KELLY & CO. rn floor (private orFicr.s, 032 ( HFOTNTT IT PRO WAL 7114. DIAMONDS BOUGHT T, WAN'I't.l) lump, lint help in every capniilv, referencew re.iulred mill Italnbrldite st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 3-DAY REDUCTION SALE A sfe neighborhood te cill If vou hive one nr more dlimonds you wish te I for rasii A. McCulch- eon. 031 Rnl Estate TruM I1M" Rrnad and Chestnut sts. Hours in to 4 Est 22 esf, TRENCH AMERICAN COLLUDE INC.. 1228 Market st , Instruction given tn mnnt etirlrir hnlrdreselng. Amerlrnn and French marcel waving dry and wet nhampoolng. Clipping and slnge'ng, "calp treatment? facial massage iletrl nl and vibratory treatments vlo'et-rny treHtmenis evehrnw arching etc Idi E 111. h n"e Edna A. Rann. Instruei's W-'7iai e II nr write. SALESMEN ARE YOU INTERESTED ENOUGH IN YOUR FUTURE TO ARRANGE A TEH RONAI. INTERVIEW WITH OIW MR THOMPSON? WOULD INCREASED IN COME. PLEASANT. DIGNIFIED AND PROK1TARI.E EMPLOYMENT RE AN IN. DUCEMENT TO COME IN AND SEE VH1 WE NEED FOUR SALESMEN. EXPERI ENCED OR INEXPERIENCED AND WE HAVE SPLENDID TRAINING FACILITIES WHICH WILL AID YOU MATERIALLY IN ESTAULISHINO YOURSELF TERMAN. ENTLY. THE SMOOT CORPORATION, 423-23 WIDENER III-DG. OF PIANOS. PLAYF.R.PIANOS AND RAIIY GRAND PIANOS During this limited 1-day reduction sile our entire stock of plnima, plftjer-plano und bnby grand pianos will li sold nt a tre mendous reduction In prl'. Dun t fall to take advantage of this golden oprhirtunlU. hut call at "nee or ml for citnlngue. llpen Monday. Wednci-day nnd Friday evenings , o-e.grl.AI1U8IIn lm HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-642-844-846 NORTH SIXTH STREET PIANOS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Highest prices nald U tn in cunts lft to 3.o(i old j-nlil T.li'lnum and silver bought. The Diamond Shop 1niVl, ROOFS repaired and painted nny loealltyj gu-iranteed .1 venrs coilel 10 years: snouting nt a reduction. Am-rUan Sheet Metnl nnd R lonnu Co.. 1.133-31 Arpletree t Lorn' 4.'4 DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMI'nr 717 PNOM nt ELECTRIC TltEATMrVT ard M'sses H inron A Wilson. 10' Locust 3PI12 mmlcurlnr. lloe.i nidr. INCOME TAN r, turns enmnu'.-t corn-ctlyj Recounts k'pt Imnk -p-nid cloeed. atldltft- rh'ipe llelmnnl 1".0" I) rl-'e-.en 'JP'ld W. REAUTIFUL MWIOOANY UPRIGHT. s'ool nnd scarf, like new. 11.1.1. Ask for plan" No7 14fl"li. FULISIZE UPRIUHT. lltliL Ask for Piano No 142H1 MAGNIFICENT APARTMENT UFHIOHl' 13.V Af!c foi piano No. 207H1 The.e PIANOS are JON; 'Eri7t!!A,nmr-Am!,tf Se'nd I ''. ff '.." for catalogue" Open Monda, Wedmed I and Fr.day evenings until Ii o clock SEIVINii machine repnlred b) specialist, an make chalt-'lltch or Inrltstltrh Cretin Apnllmee Co 12.11 eh Ph Snrnce 2024 SCALP specialist facial mns. nil branche. Hlsrkweii linn HtiM-M-d-n. Pop ar fn)15. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT hmir. 11 to 6. ins s. l?ih et i.oc"t r.nt'. in m 'I llhl l.Vli.. I i 3(1.1 S 11th, i. mo ijiunlcurlnl SALESMEN Cholcn Philadelphia and vicinity territory Is now open for hlgh-vrude eilismen Prosnt business conditions are Inereaelng the demand for nn efficient huslntas ap pliance, selling at a popular price, fur which truro Is n wide enlcs market. The opportunity Is presented for nlilalnlns a thorough schooling In our successful sell ing meihods which will onnble men uuallfy Inir to earn liberal commissions. Whthr expe'i need or n-it If vou are Interested In an unusual opportunity and nro not a drlft-ir. s.e Mr Fullam. Room 31 022 chen-nut si after in n m SALESMEN for Phlladelphli office of a national aatra orginlzatlon exparh-ncc de slrable but not essential, permanent posi tion and good salary, state age. reference and phone number. P 010. Ledger O ft I ce SALESMEN Due to n reorganisation, men of nhllilv und stindlt r am wnnted bv Inrre corisiratlon, vxcvllent future for thn. nhc luallty. Call In person Room 303, 28 S. fi2d t. HOWARD VINCENT RSn.MS-MH.M2.R4."4n N IITH BABY GRAND PIANOS STEINWAY. CHICKTRING, SO II ME P. DECKER nid other makes In SATIN FINISHED MA1ICK1ANY. which are off. red at a TRE.MFNDOU8 REDUCTION In price DON'T OVERLOOK THESE WONDERFUL V I UES Open M'on . Wed snd F.-l evenings until H o'clock. Convenient terms. HOWARD VINCENT mn.h.1M.4(l-H42-R4 l-MO N IITH PLAYER-PIANOS A limited number of brand-new M-nntc plaer-pinnne containing metal tubing Hnd II the latest Improvements at 5370; tvvenn. nvo pianos nt 143 each Those Initntm.-nt rre n oihlhflon In our slow window a. with large price togs Open Mm Wed and Frl evKs until n o c ock l.st vblMied Isrtn HOWARD VINCENT S.lfl 1- Hi-S2-"ll--llfl N (ITU HEATERS ranges, rn-iflna- t- spouting, regs. prices H Pentlanil. 1.120 rnrrl'h Pop.1407 J- FACIAL. sclp and etecirlc onr 10 to . Annette Reriman 3P2 S .Rroad . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SALESMEN experienced tu sail Mumor and Watson motortrucks, complete line 1 to 0-tnn cnpaeitle Fischer Motor Co , 031-033 N Rrond st. SECURITY SALESMEN Two hlgli.grado men, producers for local house; leads fur nished: big money being made. 11 220 L O. SHOES FIRST AND SECOND LASTERS AND .TACKERjl ON LADIES' FINE TURN WORK. ZiEGI.ER IIROS. CO , 22D ND LEHIGH. SHOES Kxp trlnrmn.g .utters wanted in the cutting room Applj Laird, Schoher it Co. 22d and Market sts STEWARD vv.nileil A steward for EIk's Club nt Tam.iqiM Pa. Apply to J. II Shepp. 034 E. Rrond st.. Tamsnu . SUPERINTENDENT v anted thorou. oxporlenced in nunm nnd oenernl ro, . mining, fimtllar with op rati n ind un keen of crtihlng nnd imlverl-in-r ulnnls ability In hind'e men In reply ijlve fu i pur tlculara a" to trnlnlni nnd exiwrh iiti Ad dress :.! SIC. !. .liter Office. MANHMA.V sklsllrieil lo .p-iln Ii i r and barrel wuhlnir tnnihlre unge t:in 1 er week. Ent. rprle Conier.igi'. .Snjder pve ,ind nrworlll it VICTR0LA BARGAINS vietrolaa, severil like new. Including cihl -re's and II 10-lni.h double-fared records cheap and sev, nil other makes lp. ludlng I vrlc disc cabinet machine; end for full draerlptlvi Ut of theso bargains we offer Open Mnn Wed nnd Frl evgs, until a . HOWARD VINCENT fafl-hilHtO.S 12-84 I-S40 N Oth virnoLA IN Includlnc 0 in.lneh dn'ih'e faco records (12 selection), SRii.in thl, , . handsome mnchlne with Intest Improve, menle: 1 wklv It. II Todd 130,1 Arch 1023 Chestnut OPtrOlon Frl & 3s t. evg t A 10 STORY . CIMHv. NM-note plajer" piano tienu ruse und a si .rt whle mil J7O0: terms enn he arrnnued guir R II. Todd, land Arch Open Mnn 1 rl & .st eve. VICTIM 1 1 A VI -vlth I) 10-Inch doulil-faee records, J4d 10 a beautiful mtf.t for lit tin mono II R Todd. 13uii Arch. 1H2.1 Chestnut Open Mnn Trl t at ev.-g PIANO 170 ens-v $1,1, one doli.ir week, f,.r I mujnlflcert J3.10 plino- been used decide 1 liirgiln. " I' Tmld 1300 Ar.h t ()r'.i Moinl.i Ft .1 iv hmiI atunliN evenings SECURING BUSINESS .-'' CAPITAL QUICKLY Fircfful hlgh-poiv rul . .nr nclng presrntt, lion, through ilcht chenr is limed on or Inil int'Illg-nt silee iin,.. II get dev,l opment or vorklng emit I in nnv amount, in record tlmo and at inlnlmum cos- Y-J special!? on every phan of Oninclul wrltr Ing and dlr'ct-liv-mill s lllui- TwelVo v.-ars successful expetl.nce. Advertising Svrlce Co. I'arl.v. ay llblg 'Iruxd fcnd i herrv et T.lenlm--" S- r n e ld'n HIOH.GKADE bus'n a msn lo kins far bigger field to rink- uo of energv and c-t psclty. will 'Join s-rv Ices und ciplti! with gool rnnnufjrtui Inr c nci rr nn.i help man-, ager nnl msrkd prod-ict line i tperl nee In hu.vng sell ng anil nrtinnlrinir. capibla ei-j eeutlve highest Integrlf .xcptlnnsl op portunity 'or r ineern hiving inem for marr" vvlth pinv.d ounltricntlons . male gmd core- nect'on pr pnltlon must tw- le.in-cut and n( a chnrnrter t i ittrnc -n-in from good poal lion. R '.'17 Li direr (iffr-. er ADDITIONAL ( Al'ITAL for n.lv rrtlsTncvTJ cte , b cimitKn nieichuridlstng one nt ihe best rem , 1 1, on the inniket nnsiiclatloigfl. of men of hirh business nod ftnanclal stand'" Ine opportunltv '!T..riil to Invest large let! small amount which will enrn treinendeos dlv'dirda QUI I .nl irr. Office - -J. A. 1 i-1 -ill-Ill. ., ' I'.. I IU ii Mi.vni J1J w.lsir Mslt -'rnliiet C.irn'n In PhlladW phln Addrnss R .l seise Mult Produ4W Corn r i'i n t -null .1 N" V if J A .iMAI.L Inveetmmt It. a craln oF enniy ' stor. eout led "lib. j pjrt of your iparj time wl'l brlii? 3 ou .1 hm dsomi; returo.. P 11 Ii ledger OfOce. ' l, lINAN''IAI. h -unite lo hus.noi, meif. .Manrle- I iht-ii-i '.11.1 Cnlnnlal TruV ll'rtr 11th nod Mii.i-ei Snruee II77H, v, ( I.D LST4.I 'iMI'lh gnu en utme f Af ''tlQS Apph nt 007 Diamond st 1 e-7 PRiiMiiTER wniitnl to rorm imvll enmpae iie.-..'oiiinir inieni nioinr 11 .KM lieil. -13 FOTl SALE linn SPKINWAY upright con 4.1n guar anteed mil mint cmdlilm II I! T I.I l.lnn Vrch On n Mon Frl ind it e g j.j 1 vi.1 iiriiutlful new unruh' fur sale at ..iirte,. I -II V ''I 1 ml v . 1 r .-.- I umcc rurnuure ana rartition' Dei.' clalrs. steel fl.lng r-..liinet srels I ooljcies etc lei 01M tirtre liefnre .-i0 . nr e XATIilS'lt, FCHMTURB f I 001 ffi nut llnih nhones HIGH tlRADI" Inne bar T11 In n.ii 221 r in no l.'ll ns note One N 27ih st AI.I tllilie phi iiigriiiuis 1 expe t Soloione rtion . 1 In futon IT.'" i'hetnut WHIHICIilloiiM M.Mvlllt crs. gil Thn M. & M Aug Us C If tiers and st'trh. ITrooin Co , Los . OLD QOLD ( AMI clot ' .nil fur old itold ,s Pugers 41 S, Sllv.. 17th mil untlque l.ncjst 12p Itll'Ntl MA" tn rolled In" Apply liet 1-0 unj umiei i unis bonk keeping for ni.-ouninnt. ssl nnd com everv evg .1112 PirkVrsi RI1I1 flenernt FOREMAN Merfii'tlitcrs vvinted on lulidlnn opijrallons, gnnd vv-ages and stend Jolt to right nun Writ., full), giving use plncrs where prevlouslv i-iiiplued and length of jelVlCe III enrh nlil'e P lllll. Iedger Offli e. I "1K1, .MAN luuintiirs wnntirt up building opurutlons; cihhI v .igcit jnd ste.dy JaW ti. rlsht Man. M'rlle fully, giving nge, pHces where pnilously employed and length nf ri lee n e.eh uteee p s.li I ,. iU- r 1 irfte- MAN fninlllar ullh iiiinufiii 11110 of tnrpel P 021. Li-dgir Office. Il llllle CREENEWALD'f A 8PECIAIIED EMPUIY.MENT SERVICE APPLICATIONS SOLICITED from men and women with clean records nnd proven ability, nfnre executives, technical engineering positions I "SPECIAL 1 OFFICE .MOR also mgr for branch hous pliimtilns siippl, : exp ciedlt nnd inlleetlnp man plumbing supplv ev,p machine shop fnrennn driftsmin (meih ) technical crad prlvnte ircrei irv luink offlclal, tnveetlgntor 1 life Ine. enrp salnr position, Imokkeepers I stenographer ofOt polilons executive nnd I assletnnts. all rapacities 2.10 s 11th. In. tsrvleiv 1(1 tn 2 nnlv Vt'HITiiltH. imokkeete-rs clerks irsila.iv mall. tile, d- pirtinent il pn'tnl. (lldl foi invernmeni tm-ntinns o-i-iiuinent Free In ROOFING ROOFING DESK of everv ikwr pti.ui i,n,( ,li-lf mstch "not and te. I niln. iW.I("4 Kinds of labl s lelenhons booths rmr( tvpewrller. adding tuiuhinis nnd other nlete nfilce eiiulpin.nl In iiIlc iiiiidUlu r, no" .hi nr 1 ed Hi ours iitii i iu-ttovwo 1 All 1 rr-. , I U opt- -tunl.v Jin to 11.1 r. Ijctlon runrani.e 1 ii.ivs rn e trial m.k lo- . -" 11 uv 1001 1 1IFTVI T T PPfONA V J-TIIII. I'AIJ 1 i .1 , .. 11 v 11, lie I -, TrI- ri'Ri ijrrn-c TYPEWRITERS" rvPEwniri TO'tr; Ft rn 1 " iin t-ii-ri vuf IU 1 T S'CT C v 1 m 1 ,); formallnn institute iHiokkeettTs clerks d- pirtinent il potii. ndvlse nosltt in d.slr.il W.ishlngton D c Don't Paint Your Old Tin Roof -;' b,erd. Let Mc Ustininto to Cont Your Old Roof nRil GuntriRtcc It TeR Years ROBERT A. MAYS Expert in Roofing, Roof Coating and Spouting 1242-44 N. 16th St. -roo'tV I I'.MIIER nn 1 inn tti n lutnb iin.li' U n iliu le nil trneilv prUe J s Rngeii. Cu. Mi tor fn 7th i and fiiange a- liniiVPr i. II P mint -m..i.r , Tinlierlxer dell ni.ieeen refra et ne tine! restaurant he ollll nd as r." sue from l.in in OUy thini- (Mi Itnh st Pi lla OFFICE Ft'llNITCRE PARTITIONS 131 ERYTHIN'O Fi'R TH'. SEE l'S S WE ,Mii." 1 1 - - i.i'i, 11 - 1 Fedtral STOHAOE AND MOVING GASOLINE ALLEY Care and Operation tin tiu a VICTORY STORAGE f.JCO Fliliert for etlnnl. Plion Ilelinotit 4 70 I'll 1 1 e. A,rt (11 1 m MOV IN.) hauling nn tract inled 111 10 W Ave bceh riaoin. u in me i s' WuTTl) fx S,W5I-SM ow UERE 3Tfttw ? l"'t0) fr 5 HVT Fc Toflf TMHMrti: -.r-S. J l,ZrJ.Zf.. fZ? THCE Y0v)R 0001 FiMJH IS ClASSy 5vj.PcnSIOM ? IM fi. K Expcel KtEP yova.Lf frf Rjt tie. -.en ub rtiv-ffERf '. I pnO a tPH0L4TeBy ti EceuCNT!7 ! dSTTiNq SOI CMi ,; , 'rSHn Tank wii i isjjf t,4 V fcr tvo u.c.s.j-..ic ihm( u j Smift SMoorenv rV-'rsYv 1-flR.T KU'-lf jt V&H0Ula rx)gBil.iryjXx' N ?5lf ft 1 W EEWrHiK0jA jhSH'-ts. KV-" 1 ill-i lllliTT J '-riHe 5, -I . v."M as .-,?. 1 11 r-m I f - - 1 -fil I ATSON h Slor.Me ( insult us tfnre ni after gong e'. where . It. nnd lnng..i 1 1 nee moi Inn 04" N 17ih n Pnpinr S34 THE IOIIN I'.IIOMIP.M co " p.icKin-7 niivin. . nrr. cie-ning. MNi' VTER VVF 1 FVI IMIII HOVARCH STPOVnl' 'n ,S7ll U.M'VS, i eii ave FTu Mh.iv ici: sTiiiivai: ll'UliiVil I (iii H- Wi'i- M (V N'i l( 1 gee S tn -i ' Hvi r 1 . ,1 . "t "In 7,17i I ' U'N HONEY extrn.te.1 honr 1 I V-J11,A fi n Uj fii( f r S3 delivered hy pvrc.il I ion guariinteed or munev ref t II .eieit.r R F ! No f. S OFFICE FIMINITI large lot of ileslis sufe ll. I geuvial iiflli ftirtlturr. eio We liuv - II md x- I PATTI'V ri'RNITI'RI I 'iil.XiI LlrJ A"'J1 r-T -. UI IlilM-IH .nn. 1- iintnlii mode' 1 11 dlspin. 1" II ( 01 I tmi.Kneii I 1721 Mi'1" ' CI 11 'k Mlihiignnv 1. 1 it nil fii 1 1 .1 chimes v-iinilerful 1 iruain 1 VuinlHV nr eyentnga I'tt 11 v in I'M I I Mi .11 So ith P. SEWING MACHINES ,311 NEW IHtOPHEM) IU vveeklj tt 4fi elsowhere Slngir nnd nihers JS to 11.1. tub gu.irnnt.ed 110 N Huh st WAITED WE WANT it "lie. linue lull. I I lp, r ir 1 e . nn suunre 1,1 Nv'lllNC, Imr muriili ion 1 rilling priii new T N'eC.r FI.Vri'REH Eidlre n n'r nf , ,r nnd tallies, lilmnat neii The 1 ritr 22.1 eiiilRliiKe 11 vi '1 YI'E proimiv nnn 1 u d r lug P'll'a P Inter nut 11 II s Ii SAFES nreproof 1 henp lim slight) sitis, makes and l.tye 72 N I WE W.WI it nor. nnue lull. I fu nnuie Ke Mm in- nl 'i- 1 sifei store ilmuris ofllr- lumllurr pny nu.it1 in 101 linn- IliieS il. r nnd lesh hoiii Ht vtlui Pli.int ti iihout 11 1 .- vv . v-r r-iiVT,7T.n,.i.i ." 1.- a -.ustjSII md.hnrch cor. l.,hi,,,M,,,.r'ry JWTi' ITOTvJnA OLD SUlls nv ri-onts shoe, hit. ,iu,t 2130 r hlgbe-t prlres phI.I 1 e cnll nn, ih, . , ,ti 1 ne iouiiir ni iltm W-lte . 1 I nr nil. u " Diet, n.i.1 I-, .win,. .1 11 e u. i s '.:,!. I PAINTINGPA PKRIIANOI ,,(!" . l '..., " ' i 1 1 1 1 i I'm p'PERiiiN'ii'V I '""' Ledger oriici r a ,At aijvs i pi, t-j ft. X . -i.V K ,Bj.4 e --4fci . Sfc -, , ft Ft t i .Ul&', ,, 1 v-Ovsisl, I Jl )tdUtJp .B,-W4 it A. r.'i