$n .l -'TV i-..-"r j Tit vil 'L i imi. ", ; 1 4 r x ' - 5EJ ddl SH?I Jgfg HP the' hs lik.J ino"t hoi: 4 tvci. II ancj TVtts ft rSp ,2 rix.LN'Ci.u, "L IpWHSVL'tJLnIA . RAtl.IIOAL) CUM. li.lV , .& Crotrl.tioe mlh Section !0 ej the S?l- mi .and wit;-, the r.-rul.tlont there 2Tg.ljfr1bti or in. IntsrjtaU Commn "f'TO-'atMleA, Wit kit hereby reo.ue.led anil W3 KrwlTa hy th P.nniylvenlo. nail- .JTfCcr dantA!, NO, 0001 rrti aM flttlnee tor maintenance of Vatn)ieuik Air llnikf, And Train Big nal equlpmirH m may be required durtna lh month of April, May And June, ivtt. CONTjtACT BBIUAI. NO. 11003 P-rmlr rarte for Kltctrto Driven Air Cornpr.e.art, ae mar t-e required during the month of April, May and June. , . Blfl. tni.,1 hi -prepared and .iit.mltt.d Iff 111 undrr.lkn.il l hi. nff re. N W. cor. r.y.! ,17,h n Gilbert t.. (seventh floor). I'MUdenhla. 1ii. hv ti n'rlMk noon. Kniit ' era Bt.nd.rd Time if Phll.dc phla, th, 17th S " "in nni ro coiiBiarrra. nMli.i . V-.iiiT T jV iV 'Wi- Hi ik. I Or Dmnnft In .ulimll I.M , Th rlht I rnrvrd to rJret Any nd ell bid or to ncpt nnr p.rt of .ny ou pia. 8. Th ueifut blddrr will b rpqulrwl to fnter Into nd riecuta proiwd cuntr.ct, rul aumtxr nl.tfvii contnlnlnx Krnernl trru. ml conditions, which will be .upplltd to pro.poctlte bldddr. upon AppllCAtlon to the vndenlcnd. 0. Evrry rxrinn. firm or corporation thnl rr.y .ubmtt a bid .lull Accompany hi., their or It. Mil with the tndr of bond In th. iwnl .urn of Five Thounnnd llollnr. (,10(!0), nlth .urTlcrnt surety or umtl., to b. up proved by the undcr.li.ncd. conditioned upn the faithful And prompt pcrfnrinnnce of Alt the tcrm of niild c intr.ct. Dated thl. I.t day of .Mireh. A. V). 1021. TUB PENNSYLVANIA ItAll.noAIJ COM- I'A NY. KontBomery Bmlth. !tirrhlnir Arent r.t ern llrsion, N. V. corr.r 17lh and ni twit st., (eetunth floor), riillAdelptila, rinnavlvanla "Ht JKRSUY AND SRArlllOIIK HAII ltOAI) t'O.IIPANY 1. In eomtillAiice with Hectlon 10 of tho Clayton act, nnd with the reulntl.in. there llh pre.crlbl hy the interKtatc Cnmmerr Commli.lon. bid. are hereby requeued And Jill be recehed bv the West Jcr.ry and Heaihore n.llrund CimpAny, for! .. CONTItACT Kr.UIAL. NO. 3O04 ISO-dearee C.rbon Keronene Oil Not Ira. than StiOO it.illonj nor more t(mn ."tinxi itnlloni. 65-deurte Jlotor Oaaollne Not lee. than X ralloni nor more than flOd rAllons Tank w.Bon rtellverle. a. m.y be re. quired durlnsr the month, of April. MAy and June 1921. to point. Hlona- the Vitl Jerey and Ke.i.liore ftallroAd. In the alKt of New Jrer betwein Cam din, Atlantic City, VWIdwo'd nnd Cape Muy. S. Hid. mut be prepared and .ubmttt'u to the undemlifl.td at t.ls office. N. W. correr of 17tli and Filbert n. (.menth riior), Philadelphia. Pa by 13 o'elocli noon I'.NM.rn Standard Time of Philadrlphln. th 17th day of Mnrch. 1021. Illd. received nfur that time will not he c nild"red. 3. lllds muat be prrparcd on fornix trlvln. further detailed Informant n. which will bo furnl'hed on appllmtlnn. Furtrn-r InfurtnA tln In reir.jrd to material required ma be oniainei on application at tn nnica t the !',r..i-",,rn'1 '!urlni business hours of any rv".,niTrb."s.,'hom,,yd"'r:: nil b!di or tu accept any part of nny one bid. C. The suetessful bidder will be required to cr.ter Intf. and execute proposed contract. Atrial number as nbmc. rontalnlnr; general termr nnd con.lltlon.. which will N up pud to prospccllte bidder, upon application to the undcrtlcned 0. Every pvfon, firm or corporation that may submit a bid shall accompany his. thlr or It. bid with the tender of a bond In the penal .urn "f Two Hundred Dollars (1200) with .ufflelent surety or sureties, to be Approved hy the under.lnned. conditioned upon the faithful And prompt performance o! all Iho terms of said contract. DMed thl. 1st day of Mircn. A. D. 1921. WEST JKKSKY AN1 SK VSIIOHE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. MontKomary Smith, Purchonlne; Aitent Knit- t-rn lleirlnn. N v corner 17th and Fit- lrt it. (ajventh floor). Philadelphia, IVnnsvlsftn'n , THK PI:.VNSM,V.NIA RAIUtOAD . . toMPANY 1. In compliance wlih Section 10 of the ' Clayton Act and nlth the regulations there- I wnn pre.oriDeu ay tno intcratate Commene Lpmmtseltin. bids .ire hr-by requestid and will be received by th. IVnusjIvanln Railruad Company, for (intrnct Herlnl No. BOOS 150 dcree carbon or kerosene oil Not less than 50 gatluns nor more than lO'i irnllons. 60 degree motor kim .lln Not lets than 2000 salient nor more than 304)0 itnllnns. Tan!: wmten ilt'hcn to polnta alonit the rennalanla Itallrnnd as may he required during April May and June, ltiai. in the tAte of New Jersey )M.tween M.inunk.i Chjnk. Trenton Je s.y city. Seaside Park and Lnmilrii, In the state ut Maryland !" ween Maugnnsv II.. and Wllllnmeport sta tion lictwnn Plney Creek and rroderlrk. la'tween T.tinilosk C wnwlniro and Lnndoxer, Utneen Waldorf and Pnelund In the state of West VirnlnlA letwen Talllnir Waters nnd HI lrrewn In the .late of Virginia be tween Clearbrook anil Winchester 2 lllds must be prepared and submitted to the tmderslitne.1 nt his off lie northwest corner of Sciente-nth nnd Filbert streets "venth flo..r). Philadelphia. Pa.. I,v IJ o'clock non eastern standard time of Phlla delpbla. th .rieiifeenih day .f M.ir h. 1021 Illd. rxeelvnl after that time will not b. considered 8. Itlds must is prepared on forms cMnc further detail. d Information whl-h will he furnished on uppliiatlon Further Informa tion In rcicard tj material required may te Obtained nn tippllrn'lnn nt the off Ire of the undesigned during business hours of any business dav b hp p. r.( ns who may de sire or propn... to pjbmlt bl.ts 4. The right Is reserved to reject nny and a I bids or to nn ept nny part of nny one bid. C. The successful bidder will be required to enter Inw nnd evemn proposed contract, erlnl numler as nlK.e containing rnernl terms unci cndltio-is which will te supplied to proepectUe bidders upon upplicitlon to the undersltrn' .1 0. nerv perron firm or rnrporutl m that may submit i bid rhs.ll v . iupan hie. their or Its bid with the tendir of a Uind In the p'-ii ii sum of three hundred dollars (1.1001 with sufficient ruretv r sureties, tn be Hppiovd bv the undersigned, conditional upon the f iltbful .nd prompt ferf irtnnnre of all the t"Hin f sal, I cnntrict Dated this ftrsi dav of Mnrch A D. 1021 Tin: pi:nnsylvnia uailroad CiiMPsNY MONTOO.Mr.RT SMITH, purcl.aslna agent. astern region N. W. corner Kth nnd l'llbert sts. (7th floor) Plillndelph.n Pa. . HKyt'K.sr in inns 1. Pursuant tn tr.e regulations of the In terstate Comnvric Commission presTlherl In Its older dated Omits r 0. 1010. in Do.-ket Ex I'nrte No ',4 and amendments -hep to the Lehigh nnd Ve Knt ind llsllrn-id i om pnny hereby rtqj-sts bids nnd hereby din m.tlrc that It w ii r. ilw Mds'for' 3SO0 tons of N 1 buek'vh.at nnthrn rite ioal to lie dellr(J on th . company's trucks at Pen Argji Pa 1700 tons of No 1 buckwheat nthr ctte coal to be delered nn lh.. company', truckii ut l.insfu-j Pa. To be shlpr'-l It npproxininte.y ' ui! dally iiuantltliH for L'.l ..r'ilnc dayi begir. nnrr March in 1021 'i arrordniics with the .p..iltl' Ath.n. Il relnnfler lies. rlb"d . ItidH must be suunltt'd and iidlrs-ei to the undi r.lnnsd. at his office by m riIK( poon. in- nn '" ' ..,1,, iii.i iiiq ,-...,...--- ,,.. ... .,-'"" " C!1'B, . Lfn-i ,. Vo-AirL1""1''1'"'1 tav r.nm'd ni' i' " ii . - -..,. j. in ,n a lllds mjt M lh. forms r be prepared md suVmi'ied pre.ee t.ii m the r-gu'ations mentioned ahoe. wtilih forms will be fur- l.lshed on reque.i .' me unqersigneq 4 Tli successful b'dder will be required to enter Into and execute proposwl outran .trial No. I containing, subslnntlaliv inf genera terms nnd rondltlrns as fuliuws Sp. i Iflcntlons. t nnnges diM tries, pr rei terms of -imenl etc A. The rlglit Is n-sired to rejerr nnv nil nil bids, and lu acpt nny port of any one 0 Cemn'ete specinotlnns nre now on file In th" office of the undersigns I nnd s i ,t .Pf eiflcallons may b. lnsp.le t and et mined free of rhr.rge during business hours f ar business dav by any tureens sch" "' 'le-lre or propose to, suhmlt hid. i and ui m i' quest nf an such iorion. mp.es of said spu locations 111 l. furmsllel Pat'd thl. 10th dn nf 1'ebru.iry. 1D.M LF11IO" t VKW RNULAN1) HAII.ItOAD COMPANY I 13 llurfhee l'urelieslng Agent , llmm 11 J 01 1 I.afnsMi. II, dg I 417 I'He.tniit st l'b"sdr'.hn Ps ' fnKAM'KV 11 1. PA It ni KM, III RKAl' or j:nirrn tft.' and Printing Wnshlngton I) I C Maich 1. 1021 Sealed propn.al. are In- I vlte.1 to furnl'h Dejtrln- nils Testlle. irn grnn-rs Supplies IJ'I I'olnr. Patr Ilexes p.per and Clie'k ''!"' ,dur ng tho IW-ii year beginning JuH 1 fi.l Th rlgh is r, ierved l reject itv ..r nil bids or parts of bid., h. nudes or n SI' ne 91 . Textile, I Kngrnveis Huppll and Dry t olors must be recel.cd .it the Ilur.n.i of h,igrnlnu and, Prln'lns ""' ' .'. r J' "", - ''."' Monda-. I April IS. 10il SiiMi.ie. of Paper n, i Plane Pniwr and i Ii. ' k P ip. r . rot Inter tbun 8 Ii ni.. Mondu. April 1. lfl-1 Plana fnrins with si" lllc id ms for prupo. als gU. In dates on ihi''h the rids for -he s viral .cheduh n will le iipeni-l and further In formation will be furnished on application to ,t inn s 1 'oi Hi llirect.ir hp.m.i pittirii-Ai.ri nut si ppi.iiii pun the State llosidlnl for the Insure, Hmilh .istirn Dlstrnt of l'enni inla Nnrrl.tnun, Pa , for the M.ir endln tlirih 31 l'l'.'2 will be r ield lo the tlx-nitue Committee At Die InstltUtliui as foil' . - ltld4 will be on. n. d Miri-h IS 1021 10 ., in . for quarter April 1 in July 1. 1H21 June IT in-.'l to ii m foe iimrnr July I tn Seplembe- Pli'l September Id, 1021 I 10 a ni. for ouarter fr mb. r 1 lo January , 1 IP"" Pe . mber Id r'.'! 10 a in,, for cVhirt r Win"- I 'i "" ' ' IO"2 Haiunles i II b r ad fur 1)1,1.1. m to In- rr" M.ireli s l-t Iw T in'.'l S, piemuer , 1021 and peeem 1 t"2l. IV i paiilculars ail Ire.. o. f.n i. scaw vin ateward, ' ' riNlNrtAi. llll)S(IU l.llll,l (lA.i AND KI.KCiTRK' COMI'ANV. mit MOUTOAOK SmYbll MNKINd PCNII MIX I'Kll I'KNT OU rori-oN HONK, mx 104.1. 1'umiiKnl tn trrmn of Mortttan dittrd April 1. 1P1S. fl,700.00 of ..Id bond, numhrrrd filnklnjc Kuni ivt 1074 nnd anrue.t inuroit, kd of April Ut, lit I. vh-n All tntrcflf C ,20 J p 4 I M 020 I it (U4 C Jos m 2 I M n;.i ! m 711 Abovi txiniln, llh nil uninitturrd coupon. nttnchMl, ihmild bo prr.fntfd for prtmfnt ' olllco of Trutfc on or Aflrr April 1st, ."iTKIlAI, TIuSTt miYSVl. S!iW i!?X?J ,Jl.,iUi.il,lJ.tlA.?l'",XA(IW IOM "&; Jh orovtlUn. ? .V?0',,...... ...MP.?' IVl..r?.I."."i.n '..-.h morUaie, fnt ,7 th" sink n rnd .mtii ftlirn(l Tt-uil tnt th m!. i . th . ruiuniii nnoaiu oe inanrsfa ,rropoi' Hi to AAA q. rtvn rr. it.nt. THE IE PltrtVIDENT LIFE ANn TI1U3T COMPANY OK PllILAUnU'ltlA. N. W. cor. 4th and Clie.mut .t . Philadelphia. P. Annnnl Mert'n. JJTHK l'H.NHl.VA.MA 11AILROAII Oencrnl (MTIte, llroml Strret Slnllnn Philadelphia, uth January, 1021. The ANNUAL MKI1TINO of the Stoolc holder, of thl. Company will be held on TUMdny, th Bth d.ir of .Marrli. ltl. At It o'clock a. m , In Wither. poon IIAII, 1.121 Vvnlnut .treet. Phll.delphlA. nt which mt Intr there will be luhml fed for con.lderntlon nnd action by the Htnckhol.ler.. the AnnuAl Ileport of the Hoard of Director, for the enr endod 31. t Decembtr. 1020: the question of author .Inr an Increair of the lndebtedni. of the Company, to be made when and n prescribed by the Dlrer'or.i the queatlon of chanRln the dnte of tlio annual meeting of, end the annual election of Director, hy the Stockholder.; lea.f. of tbe rAllroads. prop erly nd frnnchl of the follnMnit Com panic, now operated .a part, of the .jatcm of The Penn.slvAnii llallroad Company, to wit: The Clnclnna'l. Lebnnon and Northern ItAllway Company. The Cleveland. Akron end Clne'nnatl Ilillnay '"r.mpanvj Curnbrr "und Valley nnd Martin. hunt Itallroad Torn pnny The nnfflewiml Crnnccllnit nallway Compan! flrnnd ltapldi nnd Indiana Hallway Company; Indian. poll, nnd Frankfort Itall toed Cnmpiny; Lnulstlllr Ilrldice and Ter minal Hallway Companyi The New York n.iy lt.'lrohd Company; New York. Phlla delphlA i.n. Norfolk Itn'lrond Company! The Ohio Conne.-tlnir Rallwnv Comrnnvj Perth Ambiv and Woodhrlder- rtMlrnuil Company! Th" Plt'.hU'irti, Clnclmiatl, Chlcairn and St. Iiul. Ilallri.ini Ccmpany; The Pltt.bumh. (.hlo Valley and rinclnnnll ru'lroad Corn pAny: The South Ch'ctirn and Southern lt.lt roAd Company; Tt-e Toledo. Columhu. nnd Ohio nter llillrond Company. And WheellnK Terminal nnll.iy Compnny; and audi nthvr r-ubj"cta n may propery be presented o the mert'nu Stookhn'dera may obtain rople. of the Annual lleport of th Compnnv nnd the prce.rnrv tickets for admission to the meet tnrr on nt d nfler the first rfiu of .Mnrch. 1WI. bv personal iprl ration n- or bv Utti-r to. the Srcrttnrv s rfTlc. Room 20!'. Itrond Street Statlcn. Phl'ndi'lph'n. t.PWIS NTJT.SON eerfetnrv. - P1I.AI)KI.I'1IIA IlPII) TIlAN.s; ssshK-"1 r"rlfP' R,h "' TIIANMT ind vrrrrrr! Tti HTnriritOf.nmts The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Phllsdelphla Rapid Transit Company w be held n' York rosd rind Luiernr st., nn Wednrsdnv. March lfl. 1021 nl 11 .10 n m.. for the purpose of clecMon of Dirctors for the ensuing vear. nnd the trnns.ictl.in of such other business n. may come before the meeting. , m The Record of Stockholder, will bo tnken at the close of bu.lneis on February 2a. 1021. Trnnsf"r Imnks will remnln open. FRANK H. BLI.IS. Secretnry. Dli blende Till: Kl.r.CTItlC .-TOKAIIK n.TTi:ilY CO. Allegheny ave, ann nun st.. Philadelphia. March 2, 1021 The directors hae declared n dividend of three dollars (J3.00) per ahnre from the net earnings of the company on both common nnd preferred st.,cks. paynbto April 1 1021. to stockholders of record nt the close of business on March 1 1. 1021. Check, will be mailed. WA l.THR O Hr.NnilRSnN. trea.urer. (ll'ARANTKK, KINANCB TKl'.ST 311 Chestnut Street. Philadrlphln. Pn. The pireetnrs hni" declared the regular quarterly dHld-nd of S per share nn the preferred stock, payable April 2. 1021. to stockholder, of record Ifarch 1.1, 1021. Cheek, will be mailed, TACL KOMinn, Trens. March :i i-l. Till. I'lllI.ADIll.rillA KI.KCTRIC CO, 10OO Chestnut St. Phlla a... t-eb. 10 1021 Th Itnnrn or IJIrectors nave Ihla riiv a. rlared n quarterly dividend of one nnd three, quarters HWI ptr cent (belnit 43.73 cent. a share) upon the common capital stock of this Company. pnab!e March 15, 1011, to atoek holder, of record February 11, 1021. 11. C l.CCS, Tieasiirer. " THK PlIII.AnKI.PIIIA KM'.CTRIC CO. " lOOII Che.lnut St. Phlla., Pa , Feb, 10 to2t The Hoard of Directors have thla day de clared n quArterly dividend of tno (2) per rent, (bring 50 rrnls n share) upon the preferred caultul stink of thla Company, pay. able .March 13, 1021. to stockholder, of record Febril-irv 1" 10"! It. C. MICAS Tr... lMI'IJtlAI. TllliTlli:S COUP. of Phllndrlplilii l.as declared its Initial quarterly dlildrnil of S'--, payable Mnrcli 1, 1021. In fully paid common slo kliolders on ricurd Tibruarv 13. Chicks w II l- mailed. (Slgn.d' F S STOVi:n. Secretary nnd Trensurcr Proposals T1II2 I'lTTSItl KUH. CINCINN.VlT ('IIICA(H) AM) ST. LOUIS KAIL KOAI) COMPANY TRWirnr dcpaktmknt Pittsburgh Pn March 1, 1021 Consolidated mortgage bond, of Vandalla nallrond C" to a total cn.t of Mn,fl70 0(1 will 1' purchased for the sinking fund Mnrch .11. 1U21. at the agcnc) of tho coiniiany, the Farmers' Ixian and Trust Co, Niw York ipy under tno following provision of tho muitgagi'' "Sealed proposals for the sale of said bonds will ! received at the agciu-j of said rabriinn company In the city of New York, nnd bonds off ere 1 at the prlco which, es. eluslto of accrued Interest the-eon snnll be the los.'it percenisnit of the prlnilpnl there of wl'l l accepted and paid for nt not eg. reding par and iirrnud Interest Should luind" f different holders be offered nt the same price, th number of nnch bonds pur chased .hall be on a pro rntn basin, ns nearly uh practicable In proportion tu the whole number of bund, offered ut the fame price." Proposals to sell bonds to tbe sinking f jn.1 i must l in me nnnos or ine rnrmera' iim ,unl Trust c N w York clt, before 3 nilorl: p iii or. Weiln.sday March 311. 1021. and must state the series letter of irte .bond 1 offered. On March 31 notice of . jcptance will be malted an 1 lnteret to I pril 1 1021. will I" pild on bomls aciepted 1 llonds aictted mutt l dellierrd on April 1. or security lurmsneu on m.u nn), it le. qylre.1, that d.-llery slll b mido within ten day. T. II. II. MnKNIHIIT. Tua.ure " T.NI.VNIA SI'ATI'. llll.llHAl HnrrlsbiirK Sealed proposals will lie r-rried at the Snne Capitol until 10 n. m .11 irrli 11, 1021, ,n lids will be public) nwn -d and ucr.nd. u'ed nnd contracts awarded as soon there- . arior bm pussim,. iur i urnisiiuiK aim apiuy i inn KtumlnouH mut.r.Mj to im ua-d In , niini4Mi ini iw.i m k ' f thrt 1-nirtmnt. i Itiiininv r-idiutH urn upper .iiion ana mil partkutnri cn ari'llr-ntton tf I.KWIS fl. 8AD!.,H. ytili l! ifh'..v f'-rrim'-ilrinr "Jlotfc Pap-cr Boxes " mH Milllno and Malllne Tubes EDWIN J. SCHOETTLE CO. 533 N. Uth St Philadelphia JONES & BAKER Sptcialistt in Curb Market New York Securities Booklet containing the General Rule, of Trading, Commlnion Charge., etc., on reque.t. Cnl', phone or write for No. T. U.-374 PHILADELPHIA OFFICE WIDENER I3U1LD1NQ Telephones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 EQUITABLE BUILDINO Telephone St. Paul 8431 Offices In 8 Principal Cities Direct Private Win. OKOltOK II. 14TIIA11T .?.! Vr,ir.i. rhll.di'lphlA. I'a, tVbruiiry in, 1B!1I. nui juriiiniiAf ii ftiiti.w riiiuw EVENING PUBLIC U. S. DEALS DIRECT Wholo Problom of Mandato9, Howovor to Be Loft to In coming Administration HOLLAND ENTERS PROTEST iVrtsJiinrton, Hatch 3. The T'nltcd Stnto nlrpnily lifts tnken up the qiiM tlon of Ynp illrecily with the .Topnnoitc Oovernnicnt. Tlio Hnrjtir. Mnrch .1. Ilollnml Is fiRnlnet noffotlatliini with nny Indi vidual power conrernlnjc control of the rnbli-H from Ynp to Mlntlo, (V IpIips, or to Hhnngjinl. I"hltrli repro Rfntntlvcn nt Wnnhlnston hnvc hern nil vlnotl thnt Hotlanil fnYors Intcniutionnl (llsciirNlons nnd would pnrtlclpnto in tlio cnhlo oonfcrtMico. Slip linn nothing tn cay on uientloni involrinjc war opollt, but opponoi control of (lit cable by J 11 pun, Aincrlcn or nny one clue, It Is declared. The Dutch cables were lnld by n. pri vate fompnn.v of (icniiaiiH nnd Dntrh ini'ii. During the war the Shnnglint M'i'tltm wit. cut. o.m.liiK crcnt Incon vcnlrnce, nnd Holland wlniies Interna tional n.Riirnni'e ngaliiAt n like occur retire in the future. Thr Council of the League of Nations refiiHee to go behind the record, of Its decision in nwardlng the lalnnd of Ynp to .Tnpan under 11 C'Iokh C Innndnte. The full text of the council's reoly, mnde public here jestertlay, revenls thnt it Ii willing to postpone fiction on ('In.. A nnd It innndntcH for former Turkish ter ritory nnd former Ocrinnn colonies In Africa nnd would welcome the presence of a reprenentntlve of the t'nitetl StntM at Its next eHlon in May or June. The Harding administration muxt, however, take up Its cauKe for the lidnnd of Yoji with (Ireat Britain. France, Itnly and Japan 111 the allied supreme council, not the league council nllo cntetl the nmndatet, the league merely detiulng the terms of the mandates. The whole mandate problem, In fact, will be left to the Harding ndmlnlttrn tlon, for It wnf announced yesterday by Norman H. Davis, uiider-secretnry of rtatc, that the league council note nnd the Itrlti.h nnswer on Mesopotamia, which also win received, but not made public, would lie the last word that the Wllsnn administration would have on the subject. "We have taken steps to protect the position of the t'nltcd Stnten Govern ment." Mild Mr. Davis, "nnd the ntnt tor is now in n position to be dealt with ns effectively and in nny manner the in coming administration may see fit to do." The league answer, a. had" been fore tnst, did not meet tlie Amerlcnn posi tion. OITicInls said thnt it was ''con rillotory" in tone, but Itt very character makes it but one of a series which must pass between the I'nlted States nnd foreign governments before a satisfac tory conclusion can be reached. The league's position if anything Increase the difficulty which the new administration will have In bringing order out of the chaos which the dis position of the Island of Ynp has en gendered. An early decision must bo made by Mr. Harding whether he wishes to give qunsi-recognition to the League of Na tions by naming a representative tn argue the American position on Ynp be fore its council. The lengtie note nil but says the exchange of further written communications cannot hnve a satisfac tory result. PRICE DEFENDS ART SALES Declare Originals of Wllstach Col lection Have Not Been Changed Wholesale purchases of pictures in lots often of 100 r more, were made by the lnte John (5. Johnson, nccordlng to Kll Kirk Price, vice clinirmnn of the Fnlrmount Park Commission. Mr. Jolmson did this in order to cull his collection, he said, nml retain one or two good ones. It was denied by Mr. Price that the 107 paintings of the Wilstnrh collection, sold recently nt low prices, were dis- Cosed of secretly or illegally, ns chnrged y Pnsqunte I'nrinn, an nrtlst. "The original collection is intact." he snid. "Those which hnve been added are liought with the interest from the endowment nnd will be changed by the committee from time to time, whrneuT opportiu.ity presents to improve the collection. As for the recent snle the WINtnch cnmmittpp has n perfect right to dispose of pictures nnd buy new ones without consulting the Park Com mission." UNWOOD FOLK ORGANIZE Trade Board Formed to Promote In terests of Jersey Town J Atlantic City, March .1. Atlantic 1 count is able to boast eight chambers 01 commerce wiin a uusine.-s men s or ganization just formed nt Linwood to 1 Louis Jones, secretary, and John S Ireland, treasurer. A campaign will be outlined at a general meeting March 11. There nre chambers of commerce also in Atlantic City. Vcntnnr, Pleos nntville, Somcrs Point, Kgg Harbor City, Hanimonton and Mays Landing. Haverford Hears Drainage Talk The plan of Haverford township to Install a S.iOO 000 sewer system uts ' outlined to the members of the town- ' slilp League of Women Voters at their nnntial meeting nt Oakmunt yesterday. Itlehnrd S. Dewees, of the board of township commissioners, in discussing the plans, mndo It plain thnt the sis teni would not increase the township tux rate, hut Hint the sewers would be paid for by those who used them. This statement was mode to check I o possible protest from some of the towns nnd villages in the township, which, because of lliolr locution, will not nave the n-wers now. Dr. A. I.ovett Dewees. of the town ship hoard of health, talked on drain age in relation to loiiununity health. Dffiterts of the league were re elected. The nre Mrs. Kdward V. Hartshorns, chairman; Mis, Herbert Hlckels. first vice clinirman : Mrs. Caroline It, King, sis mid vice chnlriimii ; Mrs. C. (!. Hong, secretary, and Mr-. Puxon, treasurer. Auto Mirror Revealed Theft .lames Williams, of Klghlh nnd llolnbrhlge street-i, wos nrrestrsl jester tlay at Thlrtienth nnd Walnut streets after nn exciting chnse and charged villi stealing tin automobile robe from the car of .Mrs. Anna M. Rcbcr, of Ridley Park. The car was parked at Thirteenth and Spruce streets. Ilerunrd MeAleer, of .11.1 North Wnnamaker street, testified thnt lie was sitting In another car close bj and saw WIIMains in a mirror on hie car In the act nf taking the robe. Mr. MeAleer chased Williams olid t irii'd hi'u er to a policeman. WITH JAPAN ON YAP ,.1 Tl- a. .- i t. . e . . 1 I , ., , . i ",t"""n" """ Constantinople. Is being rushed to this promote its interests along other lines. ,.,ty (I', Htroj Pr fo? n consultation Borneo were elected to two places the w h ,j1(.rk ,,,,.,.! w,m have officers being I IenrvS. Scull pros dent ,)(lpn trt,tI1K ,,. ,!atPut. A physician (.eorge ronton. Miss Itessle Mltr-iinl w, ntten.led the princess while she nd Mrs Mnrj Somcrs.. vice presidents: ... n re)(,rnt (lt Switzerland has also LE)GRr-PHtLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, WEDS SOJjTS SWEETHEART Palmorton Man Mnrrlea French Qlrl Wooed by 8oldlor Palmerton, Ph., March 8. Henry George Deppc went to Kills Island, N. y., yesterday to marry pretty Mine. Julio Veimet. Mr. Deppc Is sixty-two year old. Mine. Vcnnct !b thirty-two She came to this country two weeks ago from Kfanee upon Mr. Deppc's promise of marriage, Mr. Deppc is the father of Lieutenant Arlington Deppe, who has been In the regular army of the I'nlted, Htntes for eleven years. In 1017 the lieutenant wns In France. At the village of Dijon the lieutenant met Mtrto. Vennet, whose husband wns serving under the French tricolor. Mine. Vennet became very fond of Lieutenant Dfippe. The American officer after the war left France for the Cnnnl Zone where he has n wife nnd three children. Mine. Vcnnet's htisbnnd upon his return from the war obtained a divorce. Llriitcnant Deppe, in letters to Jicr, suggested she write to his father, whose wife died two years iigo. Mme. Vennet dld so nnd two weeks ngo arrived In New York on the Ln Frnnre, after Mr. Doiipe had sent money for her pnssnge. She was held up bv the Immlgrntloii nuthor itles, but fiiinlly wns permitted to land. DISCUSS HAYS' SUCCESSOR G. O. P. National Committee to Con sider Situation Today Washington. Mnrch 3. (N.v A. P.) The probnblc successor of Yt 111 Hays as chnlnnnn of the Itrpubllcnn Nntlnnal Committee wns expected to be the chief subject of dlfcnsstnn at the meeting of the full membership of the com mittee here today, together with the executive committee. Mr. Hays, who has been named by President-elect Harding ni postmnster general in the next cabinet, hnd nunounced thnt he would resign the chnlrmanshlp ns soon ns practicable. The formal business before the na tional committee today wns the ques tion of a readjustment of southern" rep resentation in the national conventions of the party, n resolution adopted nt the last convention requiring that n decision on the question of represen tation be reached by June 12. A llnnl decision, however, was not planned nt the present meeting, otner meetings being scheduled to follow. Other busl- ncsA before the committee today in- . eluded means of raising funds to inetu the deficit of n million nnd n half dol lnrs incurred in the Inst campaign. CHICAGO OPERA CUTS PAY Salary Slashes of Artists Run From 20 to 50 Per Cent New Yorli. March fl. Thnt Chlcngo opera nrtlsth have accepted salary cuts from 2(1 to HO per cent under this year's schedule, that prnctlcnlly nil the singers will return tinder the new nr- rnngement, that (linetn Polacco will be the chief conductor In Dlrector-Gencrnl ' Mnry Garden's forces. Glno Narlnuzr.1 1 returning to Italy on Mnrch i), ntut thnt from fiH) to 1000 guiirnntors will be sought to finance the company In place of Harold F. McCormlck and the little, group of public-spirited Chicago men i who hnve stood the deficits of previous I years, are the principal points In n long statement Issued last night nt the Man- , hnttun Opera House. George M. Spongier, business man- nger, who spoke for the compnny, also, made it known thnt the next Chicago1 season will be ten weeks, opening No- ' vember 14, followed by five or six in New York nt the Mnnhattnn. . Mine. Gnlli-Curcl and Luclen Mtirn tore were the only nrtists not asked to take a salary cut. I "ANCIENTS" REPLY TO ELIOT Effects of Liquor at Banquets De clared Mistake Itoslon, March .'(. Members of the Ancient and Honornblc Artillery Com pnny tnkc exception to assertions of Dr. Chnrles W. Flint, president emeri tus, of Harvard I'nlversl'y, regard ing the free use of whisky nnd its effects nt bnnquets of flint military or ganization before prohibition dny, "We hnve tnken in .1011 men this yenr under nrohibiton, more than in nny other yenr In the hlstorv of tho orgnnl .ation," said Captain Clarence J. Mc Kcnzic, commander of the company, "so one ran see there are lots of things beside liquor they Join for." Past Commander F. H. Appleton. of the cotnpon) sold: "In yenrs gone bv it may have happened thnt Indi vidual members may have gotten hnlf-i-eas over, but I have been n member more tnnn twenty cnrs ami i never knew of whisky being served nt nn Anc.lenLs' banquet, ln the last few cars ull liquor litis been dispensed with." MRS. LEEDS SERIOUSLY ILL Red Cross Physician Hurrying to Athens for Consultation Athens. March 3. (Ily A. P.) Princess Aimstnsln, wife of Prince Christopher of Greece, who hns been violently ill of stomach trouble for sev eral days, seemed to be In n -crlrnis condition yc-tcrdnv. Dr. Hoover, chief of the Amerlfiiu Hetl Cross hospital. In been suminoned. Attending surgeons, who are the .ame men that treated the lnte King Alexander during his last illness, have I been unable to agree upon n diagnosis i iu the case nnd fear is expressed thot an operation may become necessary, i The king nnd rpicen called on the pa tient this nfternoon. Wall Piaster Board That Will Not Burn SHEETS OF ROCK Mon't Mnrn, P.isi- to Krett PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. 1317 AltCII HT. 21-Hour Delivery on Rawhide Gears Up to IVi" Dia. ACME GEAR CO. N.W.Cor. 7th & Wood Sis., Phila. vri:.visiiip .SOTICKI .. FLORIDA By Sea Htenmer r.vrry Turaday, S P. M. Meals nml Urtli In Ml.inronm on main Serk inelUilcd. Ilest, Pleasure, llinnnmy Merchants & Miners Tjcani. Company r.slnlillshrd 1R.1I Million, nf niissriiKrr. c Jrrlril nut it life Inst l'lcr IB B. Del. Ate, Jel. Lvuiburd 1149 AUDIT IN M E County Commissioners Not Sat isfied With Finding in ox-Rog-ister of Wills' Accounts NO CHARGES PREFERRED Media. Pa., Mnrch ,1. The county commissioners of Delaware county yes terday nppealed from the audit mndo by Wllllnm Cloud Alcxnnder, stntc rcpro sentntivc of Media, of the nrcounts of Theodore F. Kreeger, formerly register of wills nnd now n resident or Nor wood. The npnenl Is mndo directly to the Common Plcns Court, Albert J. Williams, county solicitor, having been Instructed to frnme nn issue asking for n rrntidlt of Mr. Kroner's accounts during his term In office for the yenr 1010. Mr. Kreeger was defeated for re election In 1010 by Colonel Frnnklln P. Hnlier, who wns barked by the Hpfoul forces, nfter n bitter nnd memorable fight. Mr. Kreeger ut the time of the cnmpnlgn wns n candidate for a third term. Mr. Alexander, who audited nil ol the nccounts of the county officers for 1010, gives the following figures: lie celpts. $1 2.430.40 ; expenditures, S10. .108.7.": net bnlnnce, $20.17.74. Under the lnw the county nnd the register of wills ench receive fiO per cent of the bnl nnce. Thus Mr. Kreeger nnd the count) each received the mm of If 101 8.87. It is thnt bnlnnce. which seems too smnlt In the eyes of the county com missioners, which hns started the move ment to nppeat from the audit made by Mr. Alexnndcr. The commissioners contend tliat Mr Kreeger bus not kept 1VINTKH RKSORTH MINIKIN. KXfll.AM FIGHT APPEALED HOTEL CECIL LONDON Oie Rendezvous of theTWorld RE-HABILITATED RE-DECORATED RE-ORGANISED Accommodation for over 600 guests Cablegrams : "Hotel Cecil, London." ATI.X.NTIP t'lTV. N. .1. ATIANTICCITY.N.J. I i AivAmcrican. Plaa Hotel i iof DisimciionandRealComlort i rmcpp.oor OARAOr., I ViiiilnU Av.. 'Jil luiue. Irmn Itininliislk nnl leel I'ler. Ilvmy npnt'lntmont. llloti.st stand. rd In rulslne und service, llonloet. Sreel.l winter i sprlnu rste.. 1. ItflTIIWlll.T.. Pro.. irai.achru'.lt. anu near Heaeh. A. C. MrCt.KLL.AM pREDONl I TMC HOTCL THAT I A- ATLANTIC CITY, REDONIxlKte MAti e.Dvenri-if'D roR an Ytaf ajj- THE SENATOR Vlr-Hnla Av. nt tlnardwnlli. Plrrnrrmf Oaf hprln. rate.. Amerlenn nl.n. 11.00 day. HOTEL CONTINENTAL AIw.s open AIh ax. resdv Term, me'l erste Write nr phone M. Walsh D'lnean Hotel Boicobel K'ntucky Ave. Ilefurn. i noiCl DOICODCI K,eelent table. I17..10 I pril " ie.,1,1,. phone 117 A I' MVItinV. i nmirx povh I'Uinih. ft. QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL' CIreen rove Hprlnirs. Vlorldn Plreprnof Intel with modern Imprnvs nienis -and cnnenlences. lint euloho. mamieslK spring, snd hatha, .filf, bath. In casino, tennis huntlnrr. Hate. IB per dav upwards. Rummer connection! Hotel Dunmnr l.slie nunmnre Vt nnsroR a. maiivei. AMIKVIM.K. N. . ASIII'.VII.I.i:. N. C. Land of the Write Heard of Trade for Ilooklot. Sky. Toms tDem i ssirsasraBrasarar'ssra Some Day you intend to travel make Will you ever be better able now? We are offering at the present time moat attractive programs for escorted and individual travel to CALIFORNIA rail or steamer route, duration 40 days or more; FLORIDA, from 9 days up; BERMUDA, 8 days and longer; EUROPE by all routes, frequent departures; WEST INDIES, 23 days; AROUND THE WORLD, etc. Booklets and full information on request. THOS. COOK & SON 225 South Broad Street (below Walnut Street) Philadelphia ,. MARCH 3, 1921 rt proper nccoiinting. According tflh nutllt. Mr. Kreeger only mnde $.M)18.ni In 1010. In the latter figures nre In cluded $2000. the' legal salary of llie register of wills,, and which Is Included In the expenditures of the offilce. which ihc audit shows to have been !Jl(),8li8.7u. While, no charges have been preferred against Mr. Kreeger for nny nllegcu Irregularities, the action of the com missioners means that they ore not sntlsfled with the nudlf. .Mr. Alexan der hns been appointed by Judge John son to audit the accounts of the county officials for the year 1020. Colonel Holler's receipts In the register of wills office for 1020 show more Hmn $li,000. Just what the outcome will be no one can conjecture, but the cltlr.cns of the county are much Interested In the nppeal. , MRS. ORTHWEIN GETS BAIL Slayer Released by Chicago Judga on $28,000 Bonds Chicago, .March 3. Mrs. Isabella Cora Orthwcln, who killed Herbert P. Zleglcr, n tire agency manager, for love, ns she sajs, Is homo In her apart ment with a nurse nnd sympathizing friends. After reading testimony taken at tho inquest the court decided the woman wns ndmlssiblc to ball. A bond of $2.1,000 wns fixed. Hnrry II. llrnn stetter, president of nn automobile com pany, signed the bond. Sirs. Orthwcln nppenrcd in court clnd ln furs and radiant With gems. Tears fell from her eyes nt times nnd she kept her veil down during the procctd ings. The Inquest hns been postponed for the puriMisc of uncovering more evi dence. Dr. Gallagher Goes to Conshohocken The Itev. Dr. Phllln J. Gnllnsher hns resigned his post on the council of Mount St. Mary's College nt ICinmlts burn. Mil., which he hns held for four teen years, to accept the rectorship of Ht. Matthew's umirch in (.'nnsiioiioencn. Dr. Gallagher grailtintcd from the sem Inarv of Mount St. Mary's nnd wns ordnlned to the priesthood in 1807. He was born in Coaldnle, Pa. WINTKR, HKHORTH MINIKIN. KNdl.ANII For Tariff Apply Manager f.Attl.WIIOl). N j. Laurel-iathe Pines LAKEWOOD.N.J. Situated among the Pines and overlooking Lako Carasaljo 'New "Palm fJrlli"-l-Ho!e Golf Course. Ilor.ehaek KldlnK, Moiorlnir Pictureequa Walks. Music. Privi.le G.raBe. New K ectro. hydrotherapy lluth ay. tern KUANK I'. SIIUTi:. Manager Dr.nch O.lleeof GKO A. HUIIN U SONS Member. New York Slock Exch.nne NE1V TOniC CITY HOTEL MB Mew ygric ueventy Third Sfreet Ker Broadway and Seventy Second Street Subway Station Coscfurfrd bu LPLUEGaMAN u Tllflts Vfe? C00IS a real tour. to go than .OW A) ?WVJ a ,n.nyPff??Pr.ffvAf FAftM AND GARDEN -.. TEAR m GARDEN Mp (BMH (-MM MM Burpee's Annual a a coniploto guide to tho vegetable and I flower garden. It tolls' tho plain truth about tho best seeds I that grow. If you nro interested In gardening, Burnet'. ' a I . Ill I.J f1 J A. . fnA Taa-al . .1 I '. Annual win do mmicu vo uu nm uuai, n-ur out tins coupon . rill t. .... a.. Uhlnitf " ' ana 1111 in your nuinu uuiuw. W. Atlee Bunrnc Co., Seed Growers, Philadelphia. ( ' Please send mo o free copy of Burpee's Annual. NAME- R.D.ORST.- TOWN. .-..--. TP.ARMBRP. fsTKAHSIHP NOTiri'l Ocean Route to Texas Direct Service on Fast Steamers NEW YORK Jtm I 'gSflR, O) Calling at KEY WEST, FLA. Connections for all Texas resorts, Oklahoma, New Mexico, ArUona, and the Pacific Coast. Alio via Key West for Miami, Palm Boach,Tampn,St.PeteraburC, Havana and other Florida East and Weit Coast resorts. March and April Bookings Now Optn MALLORY STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. A. MONTIETH, Com. Agent, 629 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Passenger and VERUANIA .. ALGERIA ... MASSILIA .. CARMANIA . VERENTIA . SAX0NIA ... IMPERAT0R , .Pbiladelpliia to London ...New York" Londonderry and Glugow Boiloa ' Llrerpool . . . .New Toik " LiTerpool . .Plilidflphla M Liverpool, Bristol ( Avonmoulh) . ...New York" Uililax, PI;moiitk, Cherboarf and Hamburg , ...Ntw Yatk " Cherbourg and Southampton... RIVER 0R0NTES Pbila. " Piraeui, Smyrna, Salooica, Constantinople VEILAVIA ....Philadilplia" London .. CARONIA Ntw York" Liwpool AQUITANIA New York " Cberbonrg and VASARI Nw York " Liverpool PANN0NIA Nw York" Vigo, Gibraltar. Patrai, DubroTnik. Trieste and Fiume Mar. 23 ALBANIA W").. New York" Liverpool COLUMBIA New York" Londonderry and Wngow Mar.Z6 Apr. 23 Mi,2 MMIRETAHIA . NewTorW- Chtrbourg and Southampton Apr. 7 Mar 12 Jbii l'.senier Oniee. 1 5 U0 tV.Inot Bfarret. IHlln. PUMMINS LINEQ a U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer. e Regular Frejpht Service PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN A STEAMER March 5 PHILADELPHIA TO ANTWERP & ROTTERDAM SS "BONNIE BROOK" March 15 For apace and rates avply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St., Phila., Pa. , Lombard 4127.4128-5467 ; Main 1348 NAWSCO LINES nireet Servlee Wlllinut Trims-shipment Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND S. S. Yaiza Mnrch 10 S. S. West Isleta March 22 S. S. Artigaa April G I reimt received dully, pier 10. North. Central location licit Line Drlltrry NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 17ttf"i fr R, Fhlpnlnn Rnnrrl 136 S. Fourth St., Phlla. Phone Lombard 5791.2-3; Main 3202-3 SHIP BY RAIL AND WATER Philadelphia to the Pacific Coast wil-liams STEAMSHIP CO.. INC. c c r'-H ' Marchn'li . c. n ,sm . . tuurcn 3lst v, & willpola . . May 10th for Los Angeles Harbor, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland For rates, nnd nil particulars, npply Geyelin & Company, Inc., Agents '08 South lilt Street, Phlla. 10 LJk vv!A "Morcan Line" To New Orleant PreuV,"'.""1; ".I.,.nir. "' 8.iturd.7 Trelalit lervlee IVedne.Unv. 4 baturdsr. To Galveston ry.,t., sle-imsr; IVeilnesdne. mi , hhlns wiill fruin 1' rr in N. n. ,V Through ticket, and f?elEnt write. t5 JI..I..IPP. Louisiana. Tixia. jieftcj, fcfm. i?,100-,. Arlrona. CalUornlaf OkS: P.7lfl'e N.vada. Oreaon. Trant. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Spruce 0577.J8 loM ChV.innt Hi. AMERICA LINE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Boulogne-sur-Mei JJVHDAM Mar. 9 Apr. 23 M.r 28 N.AMSTERDAM ..Mar. 26 Apr. 30 Jono A rtuynuAOT Apr. "May 7 June 11 ROTTERDAM .... Apr. 9 M.y 21 Junc2S Pauufcr Office, 1531 Walnut St, Pldia. V FARM AND GARDEN HERE -v t V- 1 UUIDE Jr REE I ' RurDees XJ Seeds urow , STATR. STKAMSIIIP NOTlt'KS Krelilit erlfr .Mar. S .Mar. 5 Apr. ..Mar. 5 6 Mi, 1 .Mar. 8 Apr. 16 Mi, If . .mar. iu .Mar. 10 Apr. 21 . .Mar. 12 Apr. 28 Jan I .Mar. IS .Mar. 10 a Mar. 16 Apr. 30 Jim I Southampton. .Mar. 22 Apr. 12 Mi, .Mar.ZZ 1 Mar. 24 Apr. 26 Jim J rrenriit orflM. Hours. Hide.. I'luii, S. S. I.ehlKh S. S. West Togus S. S. Brush ... April : ...May 5 May 20 t S.S.Willfaro . . April 20th s. iruipt BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP. PHILADELPHIA to Antwerp Am.S S "Fiahklll'About Mar. 14 PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam Am. S S "Collinj.wortli ".About Mar. 22 Am. SS "Edg.mont"... " Apr. W. J. Grandfield & Co. Philadelphia Agents 30S Cheatnut St. T.nnihnril .1 lld-l-.-O .llnln flOtO-j SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Christiania, Reval and Stockholm U S. Mail Stenmor. S.9.U.H, K. Murgiw. About H-r. H. Mn T Hllil'I'INO lltlAIIII ItATK? ThrAllsh lllllu nt l.nlnv iMHIiell Isslird 10 .11 Mini es Inn. Harilsh nnd Hnedlsli ln'i Direct siillliuis for nil rlritndliimlun M lliilllc l'orts ii r. rnrifo ofTers. SEAGER STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. IMIIl.A AORNTS 308 Cheatnut St. '.inihiinl fiUll-7.8.9 main BOiO'l Nurnrsliili, Kanlsri nnd Hnedlsh I'.nsi l 1 1 TV V J mV-C f M A4. -Jtt mH,t. .-.ji-m... tt.- ,.i.) f'Ai -'" ' i4.ft.W - IV ' ,'x:'t'iin'mL i1 j I