J -' ft r i N ,ri5wv. ,jMl EVENING PUBLIC"1 $EW HEADGEARS FOR BATTERS ARE OUR MR. MACK BELIEVES BAKER WILL BE BIG ASSET TO THE YANKS; DOWNPOUR KEEPS THE A'S IDLE Lake Charles, "Uft youthful athlete were in rare -' lowing tlio vnrntinn hnmlctl tlirni jcitordiiy by Connie Mack, A wandering ralntnrm horiipil in without any ad- Tanco notice and the pluKKliie pilot told the plnyrra to Jtcep nwn.v from thp bnllp.irk bpcnup lip hnd bom tipped .off that a fpw of Ids' collar stars couldn't swim n llrk. No imllznntton meetings wore hold following this order bccatiHC If here Is anything tho bull players like better than a vacation It Ir two vacation. Therefore, n rainy day was upent in thp training camp. Italny dnjs are wonderful Institution! in this section of tho country because the front porch of the hotel in wide and spacious and the roof Is In no way similar to the top of the Phillies' israndstaud. There Nn't n leak in the place. For that reason evprjhody acted as they do in Now .calami in wet weather. The) let It rain. , Connie, surrounded by some of the hard-working cribrs, entertained on the front porch of the Majestic Hotel In the morning. It n an ideal spot for conversa tional purposes, but that's all there was to do. The de serted street, the heavy downpour anil tho murky weather, to fay nothing of the closed movie theatres, made the audience and principal speaker stick around for self. de fense. "So Frank linker has decided to go back to the Yankees," mused Connie after Rotting nn eye full of the sport page of a New Orleans paper which had been left on a chair by n careless traveling man. "Frank will be a great help to tho New York club despite his two j oars' layoff. He is not so old. He alwajs Imq taken good care of himself anil if ho makes up his mind to play b.ieball be will do better than any other third baseman they could let. He isn't more than thirty-four or ihirty-llve oars old nnd has the strength and endurance of a man in tho twenties. He never dissipated. Ihod In the open on his farm nt Trappe and will not need much work to get in playing form. UJ4R pi0ninr'Y ha' (M he played inth retainril hii hatting eye, several independent clubs the last two summers to the etuh." linker leill This Is Unusual, Connie Is Silent fPHKN Connie lapsed Into silence. He had spoken nn - armful. This brought back memories of the past when the home-run king was monarch of all he survejed In tho American League. He used to hit as many homo runs in a season as llabe Ttutli now turns in every month, but it was great work In those days nnd tho fans placed him ou the pedegtnl Bambino now occupies. The world loves a slugger nnd IlaKcr was one of those things. After lenlng the Athletics, Frank did not sot tho world on fire. He did only mediocre work for the Yankees, cracked n couple of ribs while speeding toward the grandstand to snare a foul, got in bad with Dill Don ovan because he did not take his woik seriously and finally passed out of the picture with the announcement that lie was through with baseball for all time. Raker is a peculiar person. He likes to piny tho game, despite his annual retirements, nnd when playing with tho semipros comes in for his split of the purse. One fall he toured Delaware and Mnrvland with Herog's team and received as nuHi as ?1."," per game. When the split dropped below a dollar ho quit, aiug his time was worth more thau that. Another paradoxical angle Is Frank's statement that he doesn't like the training trips or tho constant riding on the trains. Ho should be accustomed to the small towns in the South or nn other section of the country because Trappe isn't what one might call a thriving, busy, noisy and seething metropolis. Anybodj coming from that town would kick at tho noisp at Iletz wood, Pa., and that constant riding on the train excuse can come in for n brief discussion. Trappe is blessed with a singlc-trnok system which proided two trains per dny going' nnd coming. F.very time Ttnki-r plnved a game of baseball all he had to do was catch a train at 4 or ."J in Mud-Laden Divots I5y SANDY TT7HEN jou have been struggling " around the links nil thee jcars in1 that Civil Wat score, '(11 out and '0."i In, can't seem to do nny better, swing looks like (i rainbow, head pops up, knecfl and elbows out of plumb, sway ing like n busted sign when your sole i ambition In this life is to crack u bun- I dred nnd one day jou do yourself proud, Therefore, Maude's triumph wa.s coni 3T0U shoot n Of), is that a cr-r-nnd and, plete and the others wore witnesses of gl-lorious feelir.'? But if you are playing in the OO's, feel you ought to do better, and can't seem to analyze the trouble ti'l one big day you get out nnd in better than -1."), what's that? I Ask "Hill" Haude, Whitemnrsh. A military golf bawl was held the other night in one of our prominent I, oneirics in bin honor. For ho has dipped from pyrotechnics in the late tiO's ti an 'J ! Now he's all beams. The only thing is thnt hoV n littu embarrassed by the score. An - makes you stop nnd think If u enn get an 82 you might bo able to break Mi. And if you get that habit regularly mi are in line for the championships AtnN'w. if you get un S, you ought to do it regularly. An S'J i n rosponttilitv . "Won't Give Ground Golfer Maude will have to ru-M tn n or hcttlo back in the 'Mi-. Mm at pn- , cnt ne'e hanging on to his ,v'. ,-' jA&arrlvcd and lie's g'ung to stay nrr.vi-d IS There nro thousands who would gn" tr their what-not to brmk in around " ' like be did. Our latest expert accepts his honor modestly, but was preyed t tell oiln i liow to accomplish the foul "I did it mostly with no iigle nn, two birds." he snbl "The inure " -yon get tho easier it is to score well I got five. I hnd wnen ."'- f mr -and only two l's This, -i m . .ii wnysi good for an S'J " NATIONAL A. A. HATruD.w r. i;mm- hwuii .1 JOHNNY I'KHIIV s Kll IIKKMXN AI.l.X Mlt.l.Ul 1". J i K llll ll .KIK ( i.iri NELSON vs. BENT S.MIITIV Mil JUDGE vs. WAGNER KID .1 U K WILLIAMS vs. PERRY nCKRTS AT I)0(iin'S, 33 S. llth ST. fMrnmrnrnm BIG NIGHT TONIGHT Tliinrlnic onlmt MU iikIi I'rlf s llanildomr snmnilr fihfn Any rri'iK ixii.f.s roil i.un:s IIAMIMIMK I'KIZKs 1011 MKN Bchwurd 3. Ills 1'iilm (,-nlrn Orrlirtiru rruturtnic 1.1 New I'Urrrn College Hasketball Snturday WEIGHTMAN HALL, 8:1.-) I. M. PENNSYLVANIA vs. YALE rttn Krti-li. 1. IMIIInniwm rhiMil-1.1S I'.M DAVCINO AITKK iMI". JUrnr.l hrntM. $i.U0 .1 S1.30 ill (ilmWlV A. A. A, Onlie. 1'runklln Hrlil. Ailuilio.lan. $1 ICE SKATING 4 .IT 1 1 AM) MAIUIKT STS. in: iiockkv rrldur NUlit lVnn t. Dartmouth flaturdu) Nleht I'rlncrton . Durtninuth well K. 0. in Hlnnnieir, I'uimdlun htnm Orurrul .ilmlloii Nulurdiiy N'UliU, fl.ou All Othrr Mdita. 7S t. KI.blK AM) I'A I' I.HON In Apaclie Ilnnce i'bour l'rran 010 11 tl 301 Ity KOHKKT V. MAXWELL ports' Kdltnr r.trnlitc Public Lfdcrr La., March ft splrltw tnrluy fol- I T'S a trifle enrly hasn't seen, but he a tireat help D ,u vimrd, "I Not w to the Athletics on Wintry Links McNIBLICK - All of which shows it's easy enough, litre's his card at Whitcmnrsh: . Haul out I il .1 3 3 3 3 fl 3 10 Par Oil! 1 I r, 3 r, 4 4 33H H.,u,l, In ' ', 4 .1 3 3 3 ft fl 428:! Par - In I 3 ! H I 3 ! 4 3C 72 The sooro was made in u foursome, the others nlnvinr n sneed urnund P.". tho font. Mut. though lub members assert this is the best score he has ever bad by many counters, we will wager the old horn rimmed nose bicycles that the latest -tar is already scientifically Greatest Demonstration of Shoe Values Ever Held in Phila. HPT BUY Have a Good Cigar ON US and COO NEW SPRING STYLES IN MEN'S SHOES ON EXHIBITION In our windows nd laid out in our shop for your examination. No obligation to buy but they aro selling fnst on their own merits as Philadelphia's bipk'est shoe values Here's our greatest sensation Today and GENUINE CORDOVAN I a BROGUES .85 Exhibition SPECIAL A Cordovan Shoe at a Price No Other Shop in America Will Duplicate! Here is concrete evidence that we've not only reached a 191 1 level of shoe prices, but we are $2 to $5 below other Philadelphia shops this spring At $0.85, $7.85, $8.85 and $9.85 you'll find any good spring model you can want at this saving in price. Don't miss this exhibition, don't miss a good cigar nnd, oh, man! see these CORDOVANS at $7.85. Come for This Special Today & Tomorrow I OTSL OPEN EVERY MGUT 1 ABaoanH 35So.13h'ST. m 9 f ' .j ,-- r , " ,W.'Vir"""1'f "'' tho morning and rldo five hours in n coach of nncient lnlago. Then, after playing the game, he would return the same night, traveling part of tho way on tho train and the rest In an automobile. Ho would hit the hay about 'J a. m., which proves that lie does not like traveling or riillng on the trains. i TRW to Chicago it much easier than one to r Trappe, and even Eddie I,ewii, tcAo knotcs all about thoic things, trill admit this. Therefore, Frank probably has laid aside his prejudices, has become resigned to his fate ami was introduced aaain to a I'ullman coach, irhich is the latent form of profiteering, lie is expected in Shrrveport on Monday, and when he gels there the sluggers of the league will be on one ball club. Bettor Too Soon Than Too Late to talk about a baseball club one on paper the Yanks have one of tho wickedest aggregations that ever was smeared over a sport page, .lust grab nn eyeful of the bnttlug order: Ilodie. Uuth nnd Until In the outfield: Pecklnpnugh, linker, Hobby Mouse! nnd Ward or Fewster In the In field, nnd Wnlly Schang liehlnd the bnt. That gang if fence-busters should make the other pitchers in the league have nightmares even nt this early dnte. It's tho greatest hitting team wo have had In years, nnd if the Yanks don't win the pennant this senson there is absolutely no hope In tho future. This prediction, however, is subject to change without notice because we haven't seen the New Yorkers perform jet. Hnlny-day dope that's that. Connie Interrupted our train of thought when he came out of his reverie nnd said: "For a time I thought 'Washington would get Tinker, nnd when I rend that (irltnth hnd pnid $.'0,000 for him I considered It n master stroke. That much money for Hakor at this time Is not too exorbitant, for he would strengthen the club, give Ctrlff a drawing card and he could cash in nt the gate. It looks like anybody's race in the American League this jear. and Washington would hnvp as good a ehnnoo as any other club. Also, linker's presence would help the league." "How about llrower, who was purchased from Head ing for $20,000 last year?" Connie wns asked. "I don't know." replied the talkative tutor. "Looks as if drift is wondering where he can piny him this yenr. First base is tnken care of by .lodge and the only place left is the outfield. Ho might be used there. believe he will be just as good as ever and you knotr what that mraiM." Then Connie folded up Ihc same paper which had been deserted by a traveling man, walked into the hotel and told the pitchevs and catchers to take tiro shower baths in the afternoon one during and the other after practice. Bail Advice at That rALTF.lt KINNEY, it southpaw, who bade farewell last season to hove his name In the electric light in tho Oil League, trotted into the Majestic Hotel today. Ho traveled from his home in Denisnn, Tex., to ask Connie Mack If he could not have another chance. Connie told him thnt personally ho wouldn't have tho slightest objection to killing the fatted calf nnd make the pitcher feel as good as the Prodigal Son on the Inst lap. But. added Mr. Mack, the ruling powers of base ball decided that all the blithe young jumpers should wnlt five years before returning to the fold. Ho Connie sug gested thnt Wnlter go back and wait that long, practice earnestly and then come urnund nt the end of that time anil get n pardon. Copvrloht, ton, bu rubllc t.cdair Co. studying ways and means to cut oft nnnther ten strokes nnd round out n perfect par 711. Now it's the ladies of tho Western Golf Association who have become militant, as it were. "Dictation" ! without representation is tyranny, or something. Anyhow, th" fair golfers I out thero figure a woiun ought to be on tho I. H. S. A. executive com mittee. Tho fnlr sex has to abide by tho rules, 1 nnd after it selects its championship i course it has to accept the "yes" vote of the male delegates that it can piny , there Now the western women, nt least want a seat in the councils of tho na tional body Nothing much, fr or ngn nst, has been snid ns yet. Thp wVplily rolf iillrrlmairc to r!mlrw via the 9 43 uj nAKeil kh uiuiI ymtfnliy. Doc V..uo ' Hml K V. O'llnnlon showed the way If You Don't Want to Just LOOK Tomorrow A rUh brown Cordovan brosus of (Ail ooali'tv on Chtitnat or Matktt ttrtiti would coil voa tl2. Htrt only Of OS nALF BLOCK DELOW MARKET ST !!Li'sBft jemmmr AS2&miV at$&r mwmm&r BOOT SHOP 'V"',Fl7p;rW''"t" " LEDGER-PHIL ADEJLPfflA, THURSDAY, MARCH , 8, ' ,1921 NEEDED BY EVERYBODY BUT THE SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE WELL WU6o - WMr,T DO You ThiwK I've ?oMe AMD DQtm'.l? Bought A Placb oor lJ THE couwtky 3oiwa "E MOVt out nwT or HAY-- .SVACLL f LO.ee ATHLETIC FIELD Coach Lackey Starts Baseball Practice 100 Candidates Are Out Six "Veterans" "Ouward to greater fame" is the slogan at Germantown High School, This also Is the spirit of tho student body nt that institution which, despite Us comparatively few yenr. in competi tive sports, has established nn envious reputation, Handicapped by the lack of nn athletic field the 'Germantown High athletes really have accomplished wonders, or something like that. With tho spring opening of baseball practice. Kalph Cnrfield Hobson. nn ac tive student of the school nnd an assis tant In Germantown 'b Athletic Associa tion, has organized n concerted move ment throughout the vicinity for the onrly obtaining of njj exclusive field near the school for tho general use of the student body. Several meetings have been held nnd plans devised for prompt action. Until Germantown High succeeds in getting its own field, the Green nnd White athletes will have to continue nrnct cing nt AVaterview recreation park. It was announced officially to day that the Germantown High home baseball games this season would bo held on Houston field, where Central High's athletes hold forth. Prospects for another winning team nt Germantown High nro bright. Hnlf a dozen "veterans" from Inst season's championship nine will bo back In the line-up nnd about n hundred aspiring voungsters will try out for the other three berths. Yoekel Lackey, coach of the Green nnd White basebnllians, is going to work his men hard so thnt they Liooett & Myers Tobacco NlCe .SDE 7 MIS KID WAS 1 "ISSou, YOUR KIMDMGSS-y TRBSA - COOPLA r TMRRATeWHD j OUGHT To HVJOUJ I otf, y with oncu- Tho Truth - v S $& - W k . mm 1 1 m '11 m m NEEDS m "-ifwiy.y -j. I f only Thirty- miles ( " XHAT TfrL. oar - HDLUKUMVILLe V VpaM- l( ftiZS, "&Mrr I AMD 5KY-- AM ;...,.,...,.? " S RHeuMATt.sM H. CnHiS n, r. ! Scholastic Basketball Scores tathomc ijitoin: West Cntholto Illfh, SRi Vlllnnotn Trto.. 14. West ruthnllc Itfurnm, 43 1 Vlllnnovn Ito- (.rrtft,, is. OTIIKU (1AMKS StAtrn JMdnd. 881 Clfrmnntmui Vrlrnds. 33. Olrard Collrro, .Wi I'mxr Dnrhr lllch. 10. Wnionali M, I.. 2ftt Ht. .loneph's I'rro.. 24, rriMIe Institute. CZi Contest lllo Illitli. 10. will be in excellent shnpe when the season opens. Kugene Ilnrrctt, second baseman nnd enptniu of the Germantown High team, has been ill for several days, but he ex pects to get out with the other baseball men by next week. Among the other eterans arc Muffler, short stop; Lun grcn, first bnse ; Quint), third base; Collbart, catcher, and Kuufmnn, pitcher. The Stnten Island Academy five, scholastic champion of New York, yes terday afternoon handed the German town Friends' School u setbnek In the latter's gymnasium by the score of 38 tt .'jr.. The game was nip nnd tuck through out, neither side having any Inrge nil vantage in tho score nt nny time, nnd tho result was in doubt until Murke, the speedy forward of the Stnten Island team, scored 11 field and foul goal just before the final whistle. Germantown led nt hnlf time by n 1-point mnrgln, IS to 17. Lindermnn was the high scorer for the Metropolitan plnycrs, tallying seven two-pointers. Though n guard. Lin dermau managed to cut down the floor on numerous occasions and send the bnll spinning into the net. Although Germantown lost. Ather ton wns not responsible. The plucky forward scored ten times from the field nnd his two-pointors enabled Friends to stay in the running nt all times. Princeton Skater Injured Princeton. N. J., Man.li 3 Princeton's honk-v tenm r-eelnl 't firm srtbivrk whn It bcamo known thn 1'rHnlt I,. Corcnrnn, n Netertm player, will te lout for the r-maln ,ler of the sPHHon. ilue to water on tlio Knee Hf HUHta nerf hlK Injury In tho frumu with Penn lust Huturilij. a. . J L. 'to.-?Ni FATIMA CIGARETTES Co. W? JOY OUT OF LIFE L PLAYNDCT WEEK Penn Star Suffered Broken Nose in 29 to 17 Win Over Swarthmore "Mnsennst will bo on tho sidelines for Saturday nlglifn game with 'Y'nle hero, but I 11111 sure thnt ho will be nblc to plnv next week in tho crucial games." said Dr. Wnlter Carlss, conch of the baseball team, who attended the Injured Ited nnd Mluo star last night in Weight man Hall after hn had suffered n broken nose In a tussle for the ball with Uuss Yarunll. sturdy gunrd of the Swarthmore live. I'enn won tho game, 'JO to 17, but it was a costly victory. Hosennst will be missed Saturday night when the lied nnd Blue tJickle tho re.fuvennted lale tpiintct in Weight man Hall. "Fos Miller will start nt forward on Saturday night." said Coach Eddie Mc Nlehol this morning. "With Miller and Hiintzinger nt forwards I think we will bo strong enough to offset the Y'nle nttnek. Miller started with ltnsenust nt New Hnven and did well nnd I expect him to do the same hnturuay night with lluntzinger us ins mate. 1 sure nm glad to hear that Kosomist will be back in the gnmp next week for wo sure need him with two rrlticetnn games nnd n Dartmouth struggle still on our sched ule. Ueinember. wo must meet State ( ollego here, a team that has been do fen tod but twice in two years, nnd we need our full stiongtli to defeat the upstnters. The freshmen oulntet scored its eighteenth consecutive victory of the season by handing the reserves of Swarthmore. n 41! to 1.1 reverse. Label, Goldblatt, Itrew and Jimmy McNichol were the stnrs of the game. . ' -X ROSENAST WL mm? ""wwi , U BONEHEADED PLAYERS INSTRUCTION AND 'PEP' BIG BASEBALL ASSETS Manager Must Impart Helpful Directions and Keep Men Hustling to Come Through The Cobb vs. Evers System Watched Ily (JKANTLAND IHCB OWc t the team plnv that ire've needed 1 To drive together for the noal, Give ua the dream for which ice re nlcnded That does not fenr tho braver rote. Give us a leader xcho is rendu To set and hold a record nace. Alert, clear-headed, cool nnd steady, With visions tcorthy of the race. A chief icho'll be an inspiration well worthy of the worla s acclaim, Wherein a pennant winning nation Can follow one who plays the game. With upraised whip for lop-eared grafters, Rwag hunters, crooks and profiteers, irAoic clean base hits will leave the rafters Reverberating to our cheers. TIIR Anicrlcnii l.cuguc is now tinla Ing swift couriers to go out nnd tlrng rrcMiiptit itnrume In from tnc lour trcnth hole to nltrli the first bnll on opening tiny in WnHhlugtou. w IIICII nlso reminds us that so far very little nubliritr has been net adrift concerning Mr. Ilnnling's pitch ing nrm. If interviewed he would doubtless finy, "I expect to pitch the best bnll of my life," etc. Managerial Temperaments JOHNNY KVKHS hns outlined a driving, rigorous cntnpnign for bis CnrneM nthletes, while Ty Cobb litis an nounced n training campaign built upon much Kofter lines. "We are nnxious to see which system will succeed," n contemporary writes. On the nlternatn paw both may suc ceed or neither may succeed. The fnct that the two systems nre diametrically opposed means nothing minus seven. flierc never were two managers wider npnrt in their met nth thnn one ,1. J. McOrnw nnd one Connie Mack. Yet tliev nro the only two mnnngers In base ball who have won six pennnnts enrh. Frank Chnnce wns a fire-enter with his men. while Wilbert Hoblnnan has always believed in "the soft answer" thnt turneth nwny the peevish &cuawk. XAMJLM JJ XAAMJJLA MM J.1 1 Open TIM 0 P. Ride 8 Blocks from City Hall il And you'll find your way to Big Savings on Spring Suits Men & Pocket the Middle m a n's Profit. Thnt is what vnn An when you buy from us the makers and that ac counts for these astonishingly low prices. But come in, see the goods and mark the sav ings. It pays to investigate. 17 vXYEJtoi MF" '"'. v-..v-l """fcf ' tl l5ff' IfllSaW kj A 4,,iri,J gv 's the price for the . O V) niftiest Tuxedo Coat nnd Pants thnt ever graced a dance room or dinner party. Silk facings 'n all! LIMERICK PRIZE No. 7 Another our of tlione fitmnui Hnfrty-Klritt Tuxrdn Coot nl Punts or uny other 17.'B0 new uprlnit Hult will l Blrrn free to the nrrson nrmlliiR In the bent taut tine to the follow lnK l.lmerlck. Two dUlntrr ented iiiHtrtlnlllB men lll net iih JucIkch. Conteiit clones Hnturdny Jlurrli 8. Winner will lie nnnounerd In our regular udveiiUement In tlill puper Thumdny lJenlns, -Mnrcli 10, mid letter for Identineatlon will be mulled the. nme dny. Tomorrow is "Inauguration" A day that will waken the nation, We "inaugurate" clothe Of new stylet for those AiH Nume Street nnd No. Tlty nnd Htnte Jtull Coupon U Our Fuctory, , , t W t 4 il. II-.. - Meyers Bros., Inc. Safety First Clothes N. E. Corner 22nd & Market Sts. 8th Floor, Above Post Office jmrrnrfifrfiPurcluising Agents' Orders Accepted rfirfffrfifJ SIW'VV ''j let both arrived ana your uncio Wil- bcrt is still mopping up. All That Counts Tim main things that count In n managerial way ore ability to Im part instruction nnd uevciopmom and tho knnck of keeping a club hustling through tho ivcury six months' grind. It mnv seem easy work, but even golf, which is a much less strenuous gam, brings on its stnlcncfs and moments of lnssltude to any one attempting to play every dny from early April to October. nig league ball players now average thirty exhibition games nnd 104 league games with vlrtiinllr no Intermissions. If things break badly tho zest of pas timing Is likely to disappear quickly In tho heated senson, nnd It is here that tnanngcrs such as Speaker and Robin son, with strong personal magnetism, nre invaluable at keeping their men worked up. MrOraw in the old days could do it by driving. Mnck by leading. Hut they both secured results. Minus Three of Big Four IP WE hnd to name tho Wg Four of American golf today the quartet would embrace "Chick" Bvann. Francis Ouimet, Hobby Jones and Hob Gardner. And now it begins to look as If Cap tnln Hill Fowncs had to nssnil the Brit. Ih golfing lion upon his txittve heath with three of the big four missing. Kvnns. Ouimet and Gardner seem to be out of the picture. And It so hap pens thnt Evans, Ouimet nnd Gardner have won every amateur championship over here since 1013, with one lone ex ception. With these three nnnble to swap mnshle shots with British stars, the brunt of the nttnek will fall upon Bobby Jones, who will be tnklng hla first trip over. .Tones is certainly a better golfer thnn Tolley, Armour, Hope and Wcthered, who came over last fall, but one star, of course, hnsn't the chance thnt n combined assault with four hcndlincra would carry. Copirlolif. Hit. All rlahta reserved M. Saturdays Ride 8 Floors Above POST OFFICE AT 22nd & Market Young Men TJirecl from the manufacturer, or course, and for two rea sons : A big saving in cost and the assurance of per- ieci nt and latest style. Just look at these prices for Spring suits! RIda 8 Floors Save 8 Dollars y, K. for. 2Sd"& Mii'rkVt'Htii.' .yv-'.w'.lx mm X fl Mr M M . WINNER OF LIMERICK NO. 6 WALTER C. MENK .... ,.r ,!IuntinB"on ApartmentH J44 W. Huntingdon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kmulojetl by riius. A. Hchlren Jl.ltlnr Co., l'hlludelplila, l'u. From twelve nnd a half up to twenty, Easter Suits nro here aplenty; Blue, black, gray, richest brown; Meyers Clothes lead in this good town If Clothes make the man, wc make many. 1 S v y' L XrT - -. b'-il ' sr