8awu,-;otJ v$j ; t 1 r si m, . r aflFtiiijiu JiHiKiE .PES r" StK. til Mi' 'if; !J- i .M 1 a , -t , (W Kin .'i V i,. ' r 14 EVENING PUBLIC ibtiD&ttilVmbADULVtyilA, flMUllHDAY, iVLAKOH 3, 1021 TOZMFS MYSTERY STORY ' y riHUr FKANOIS NOWLAN OF CREPE DE CHINE WITH BEADJRIMMING Yesterdays Mystery Solution ' r'" "M i1"" crimlnoiogi timiins to N THBcnso of "'Jhc brostcd IJordcr" jphonc lienclqinirtcrs to lend n mini out Harvey Hunt knew Hint somebody ' rlftlit nwny No, wnlt n minute t.et a uad been In flip Mipptiedly empty bouse see. Tell tliom to look tlirmtgli the flies y the fnct Hint tbe frost lind formed n nnd sec If nny forger with n pollre border only nrouml tbo edge of the roof lecoril bns been In tbo institute here for This proved to blm tbnt there bud trcntment, or even out of (debt for been a source of hent within, even if no nny time. He might linc been lieic einoke could be (seen nt the time coming under nn nssutned wimp. ou know, from the chimney. Thr bent vtlthlu bnd Tell 'em to pick "blm up first, nnd then prevented the frostf forming on tbnt bcml n tnnn up here," Twrtlon of the roof which nctunlly cov- I The doctor rclmoil Hunt's inriigo to erod tho building. The border wan . liendqunrtcrH. Then lie turned to thr formed by the deposit of frot on the ' crimlnologit, djcs, which projected rvyond the w nils, i "What 1h it Hunt. immlrrV ' lie ake(l. The other looked nroimd nt I lie gin" XCIII Can von tell ivhat happened lns- f'0," tM lnl"'r"",r i"t" in the case of Stolen Radium A IS'D what chemicnl did ou siiy hud caused death, doctor?" Hnrvev "No," be said. "I'm inclined to think tbnt it wns ju"t n nc of lobbcrj nnd. Inking ndvnntngc of nn opportunity The fellow mnde n bnd blunder, ( though." i Cnn you rxphimt , The auiwcr u ill niirir Inmuimir. (Comr1lit IDSt 1itr!'ulillc t.mUar f'o ) CITY LOSES BOSTON MUSIC Runt nnd the medicnl ctnminer stood In the little Inborutory where the bnd found the body of Professor Pornold. head of the lturmnn Institute, sti etched out upon tbe floor. "Chlorine gns undoubtedly. ' he re viled. "See. th'TP is the big cotitnuicr. It either exploded .r as struck by "" ' something benvy. nnd for some reason Orchestra Makes No Arrangements' or another Dernold wasn't able to get, for Next Season Here I out of the room 01 open the window ' quickly enough. 1 don't wonder. One ' u N'""01 ''Phoi Ouliclm , good whiff of the stuff would throw n which tirst plnjed in this cit in ISS.'t u man into convulsions ot cougliiug ninl will not pl'i here nest ensoii Wok! Sagging. i.ii ns received from Itoston Inst niglit Hint Allllll riuui'lll llllltlll. null ii.ntu piece of paper from the floor, Siul denly he looked nt it tntcntH. "Hello, there seems to have been tone writing on this. ,nnt the chlorine nan blenched out. I no ntrnngement hns been made for nn engngement in 1'hllndelphia in (he 10-M-till" season The on-hvutrn, under leadership of "It would hlrnrli cerlnin kinds of l"'rrl" -"onic-ut. pinys acre .uarcn H. Ink, of course," conim.-iiii'ii the nicdi- ! The death of Henrv I.ee lligginson. cal examiner. "What does it snj ?" founder of the orchestra, has hnd its Holding the paper up to view it in n ' rf ., fi. ,, ,.: rn... n. Klancing light, the criminologist lend: Krl A,M),v it.cllti , uH-li nation i "It cannot be long now before the uj((, ,,,.,,( ,.,.,,.,! ien Mr. Muck i loss of tho rndium ih discovered. I rcfs,,,i t piMX The Stur-Spnngled I took it. 1 sold it anil lost the money 'tanner" at n conceit soon nfter this! in speculation. There is no oilier wa . miintiy declared war on (ierimun, hnd out. I am sorr. A. (.'. Dernold ,ts ,.ff0-t Muck resigneil. as did eight - "Is theie nny indium iiusingV" ,.,. nther (icrmnns in the otohe-tia. I asked Hunt, turning to Professor After Dr. Iluck lesigncd. Hem i Itabaud, I "Wilkes, the ascistnut director of the 0t Paris, was made tbe leader. He ip- , Institute. . uiained one -eason, and wus succeeded "Why why I guess we'd bettir go hy Pierre Monteux. nee. My, my. this is terrible," said - - ' I.W 1 Vil ' if- Two Minutes of Optimism By IIEIIMAN J. STICH John Francis Murphy "JUNIUS! No hovel Is safe from It!" says Whistler. '.T John FrancU Murphy, celebrated landscape painter vho hns Just died, was a (jplcal victim of the garden variety of genius tho genius that mctfi.i rising nt (I in the morning, working ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen hours n dny, pnd succumbing completely to the artistic conscience the impulso thn.t makes a wan scorn to do nnything save bis best. , He first "felt the urge" when a mere child And there still exist many of the plcluics which be (ben drew rude, crude, uncertain; yet, with that elusive "something" that Instantly distinguish? them from tho sort of crayou'sketches most children nt some time or another perpetrate. Kvcry mlnuto of every day of bis boyhood nnd early manhood the truth wns pressed home, upon Murphy that there was nothing nnd no one In tbe itnl erse to help him but himself: that if ho was ever to do something and to be somebody In this world he would hnvc ,to rely completely upon bis own efforts nhout the greatest lesson anybody can over lcnrn, and which bears best fruit if implanted early. Murphy wns bitlngly poor. Ho was called the "self-taught American painter" because he. necr studied art tinder n teacher. Tho fact Is bis folks weto in such straits he never bnd n chance to study fundamentals, let alone nrt under a teacher. The family kepi many cats. They made excellent plunder ing for bristles for his brushes. Vor more than halt bis life Murphy bad a terrific struggle with poverty. He knew what it means to hunt for work, to sleep on park benches, In doorwnys, in empty wagons, even on the Hat stone slabs of (he graveyard. He used to enrrv n portfolio with little sketches, which he peddled among the dealers nt "two for $3." One of bis works not long since sold for ?ir,000, nnd his Imid senpes nre found today in nearly all the big galleries and prominent private Murphy succeeded because he could not quit. Ambition was his mistress nnd exnctliig she wns. hut he never tired of her tyranny. He would not stay down, and ho won. Voi the winner is tbe man who will get up, keep up, and go on, 'When lie reaches the mark he hns set he rcnll7.es his standnrd wns too low. So be goes on. Always on. The man who quits falls because he doqs not deserve to succeed. MOTHER AND CHILD FOUND IN HOVEL ARE RESCUED Woman Goes to Hospital anjj Boy Will Be Sent to a Home A ..w.ilinx 11 ml n linir fnr lU'n TCflrM existed in n hotel, tight by ten, in the rear of a bouse on llainbrldge street, where they weto found by 11 tenement Inspector fast week. Lpg on a part of a mattress, stretched over three sonp boxes, was Mrs. Anna Wntonlfsky. forty-eight years old, the mother, nnd huddled In u corner was John, aged six. For four days they bad been locked In. without food, water, lire or light. The only food these two hud hnd re cently enmo from n shopkeeper who pitied tho child nnd nhout twice a week would put a loaf of bread or other cold morsels at their doorway. Miss Antic 12. Grimes, ngent for the Pennsylvania 6. P. C. 0., to whoso. at tention the caso wus brought originally, took the woman and the boy beforu Judge Urown yesterday. Mrs. atonlf sky was pronounced weak -minded ' sent o the, Philadelphia. (Jcncral IlT pltal for further observation, q" The child will bo placed In a homt (oiisin. Miss Grace ('. Itenkirt. ot Clndnnntl. The wedding took place at 1 ho llcakirt summer home nt Stunrt, Pin. Mr. Ucakirt s one of the richest men In Cincinnati He inherited nn es tate from his mother, the largest woman rcnl estate owner in Ohio. The ton, Robert, nnd his wife uttended the "Wilkes excitedly. The radium. $100,000 worth of it the nrizcil possession of the institute. -s indeed gone from the little safe in Wills Admitted to Probate 1 Wills were admitted to probnte to dnv in tliee cstirtos: f'hniles AV Dm is. rS4" Peutridge street. ,0'J00 t,.. ,. . 1 it . : 1 .t. 1'inn S "??-.."," l."""i -":.J 'roi Grifhth. Hhnwn see, I1Cnr vuiuuiiiiiiiuii uuu '"""- ' " -".-. Hiticton iivenue. SHO.OOO; Clnrn A. one. Besides, Dernold as well as ., who U in ,1C chestnut Hill "VVllkcs and the other assistants, knew nMlltlli. Si."500 ; Charles Onpcrnmnti. the combination. 'J lie radium had not ,.-j (Joodmnn street, S0700 Jacob been needed for more than 11 week, so M-nnn. Majestic Hotel. SSO.OOO; lini- of course its loss bad not bceu dis- barn Stengel. -lU Mascher streft, covered. S7-00. Ineiitones were tiled as fo "Do you recogni7P this- writing as ws- Charles M Sabold SPJ 0'l lit; Dcrnold's!" asked Hunt K0t. y Iteutter Ss.'.T.'t 'S2 , ltnijnmiii Wilkes examined it and nodded j. Starling. W.M " :',0 . Henry S Stro- l&fflrmatlvelv lur iili:-(! Chiiktiau Slot, SJ7 "This is a police case after all doc 401 -'. It) COKINNK I.OWK Yes. m nre still heuiiu -"minded ! The mood ted-brown which has con tribiited for some seasons to millinery, mouses, frocks ami wraps is sun snown b) the sniuitest designers. For the in evitable crepe de chine gown and bat it is purticularl) faored, and we show in the iceoiiipnu)iug drawing a ciepe de chine of lliis tint which disclaims nny need for trimming further than the pc- ciillnr design nf bended embroldPry that drop-, from mskline to below tbe glidle. ' 'lhpe beads are carried out in green. I dark brown anil gray. And, by the way, the crepe de chine employed here ' is not ns it was born. It is the kind with n slight mixture of tussah to which has bceu applied the term Moroccan crepe. OHIO MILLIONAIRE WEDS J - 1 Llewelyn Reaklrt, Twice Divorced,1 Marries His First Cousin Uewclyn H ltcnkiri millionaire, of Ciniinuitti, fut 'ut of UtlM-rt Heakirt of lliis iit and twice diwirced, bns mnr lied ngain His thud wife is Ills tirst For the Scalp and Skin Sunray Tnnir c minerals and lOnlC 0iis jn Sunray Tonic have won derful healing qualities used on the scalp as a tonic and on the face and body to soften and pre serve the skin. Your dealer sells Sunray. Send .'5c for Liberal Sample Sunray Manufacturing Co. 540 N. 5th St., Philadelphia riione Mnrkrt S3I wedding. Mrs. Anna Howard Heakirt. mother of Ilobert Itcaklrt, was granted n divorce in 1000. ' Mrs. E. G. Conduit English Skin Specialist Announces the Opening of her-new Beauty Salon nt 1315 Hoardwalk, Atlantic City t TJepot for Mme. Helena Rubinstein's n. ........ 1! 11 ICIUIMUUI!H Ilnohlrt tt ntlirtcc fiee on request. tenIIhuhdthou1mill 1 gi2356789 ) Indicator always viible.In$lnntlysliow tho number of figures that have been registered on tho mund&tSamL huvhino nAcuiNr. Only 10 keys, one for each numeral, and handles 'every kind of figure work. Let us show you on your own work. Suiislrnnil Snlrs Aurnry 13!) H. 1 1 til Mlrrt I'lionrl Wnlililt 3H3I ILL Vs.. 7 9 if u1I!LtP11i1 JOHN L. MERRILL, Prat. 7'n UiMtira rnnltl. direct and or- curate handling of vour cablet ill omcr paini-i w tn nhlltt nttrl nil Central and South mark them "Via Ml A tiiWrn. ,1 111 erica." CHILE In the nine years from 191 0 to 1919 Chile's imports from tho "United States increased from over nine million 'to over fifty-three million dollars' worth of merchandise, ALL AMERldft CABLES has played an important part in tho development of trade with Chile nnd other Latin-American countries. 0K Stationery For Stenographers BI.ANIC HOOKS Bound nnd Ioosi I.taf LrrnoanArjitNO rniNTi.vo KN'ORAVINO 0 price STATIONEnt AND SUPPLIES GOOD stenographers' not only want but also descrvo high-quality sup plies. Mann products always measure up to the most exacting requirements. Stenographers' note-books and penelln: ftUtloncry racks and holders : carbon papr and second sheets; typewriter ribbons and craters. And so forth I Mann's "Shcn-KInfr" If lbs Ideal paper for loose carbon copies of correspondencs. In stock for Immediate dollvory, WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: S6t Broadway. Founded in 18i8 Is your factory "ready made" or built to your order? MWIIMIlllll'IIIWiIWiilllJItttfJUJW)WM)iW Easy to serve in even portions c. the only kind sold in machine- filled TTOO much here, not enough there -- that's been your trouble in serving ordinary ice cream. But not so with Abbotts Ice Cream in the sanitary "machine -filled package." It's easy to divide a pint into three even portions or a quart into six. And vou'll find it's easier to carry the neat, sealed package home from tho store. It cannot leak, and will keep in the ice box until dessert time. Whatever your favorite flavor, you'll find that in Abbotts Ice Cream we have given it a new. fidded deliciousness ! Will ynu have Abbotts for dinner tonight? ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. Known tn PhiUdrlphia Sine 1H77 pi,A . Bll, Lombard 2S84 J hone. v Key.ton, M.in 3650 bbotts packages a A r&S2b W$& & T6PV2& &'m-v- A aJ&x$wk'' J0 .$ K iaL You seldom get the full efficiency or usefulness out of a fac tory that is not especially designed and built to fit your particular business, dented or "ready-made" factories do not readily lend themselves to every industry. They arc often more expensive to run and maintain. This is especially true in some industries. It is more economical in the long run to build your own factory, even if the first cost may be higher than the purchase price of a "ready-made" one. If you are contemplating buying, renting or building a fac tory consult us first. Put your problems up to us. We may be able to help you decide upon the most practical course. Or, if you have already bought or. rented a building and want it remodeled to suit your production needs, we can be of service. For fifty-seven years it has been our business to fit fac tories to definite manufacturing problems. Our experience ex tends into 87 different industries and includes practically every important line in America. Thus equipped, can't we be of some servicp tp you? We will be glad to consult with you about your problems. Phone or write for an interview. It does not obligate you in any way whatsoever. WM. STEELE & SONS CO. Architects : Engineers : Constructors Philadelphia &- v"'v-r"- .rv U 1 i.rm ri :fvf vt$N6fflr r? MJrSm. 29N9lHwSSMt" TIBWi'- Toronto n'f m fimDSruWfl ,-:JmmaaaaWL. , .? tj4i -1. ii4ibW y I. -'-'. W?v -MiS'aA.m M