'-"'tHffVi0v" -" "w-viipipi r i''l l - A - ' - Tfr ?$jv t 13 BVEN'lNa PUBLIC LJiDGEU PHiLAJDKLJHlA, ' iMiUliSDAT MAKOH 3, VJZL 1 - mw wM'r'f7 ' "$i-r Jfrn. i J..ttttirtft Wltll (l I Ul v trylitp to make Mm Bo ulieml, T ho dVCnlul CO " ,. . ,,iUnBo mul tlio poor animal will tftTH n sport suit you will wmu 0 Uow1 , ,, u A WwJMfoffl rc ff of Tour coat. Aifil Tlio euft o llic iv 11 1 tins over ;!. S"? Tour coat. Aifil P""?P "' M cu '.: Vmi would not wans i k i "ry J.o of btljlDR kill RlOICH. flinj- W1K lho fabric glove better. Well, C,!S has "nt I wild consider a me ll0Pjl?i linrenin in cliamqlsctte good prdty ?..,.ti.risf stylo. They look Ilk toM'S co "in their shorn. And tuey S?e,l5 craV and tan. Their price Is f, 05 n ralr. . .,t, little scncrai uuniy "" ; A niciJf thine to have nroutul Ui " 'nt thine i Jfc )(j n8 , hou,ii tractive- os those I want to ion really ""'.""ti,,., aro Httto Japanese TOU JiHfflcnuc'r bocs, I should .ay. And lioies Ia" ,.rt the size of n sonii cako ,heyXvconVln back, green or rod, ! T1,'y Rustically decorated with SSr Kor Ph.". "tumps, collar ,0d fiRurc'. x k Umt ,s b?J Si f7r nny number of things. The $ ii Vcntynveccnts. . r hoo widrfM woman n Mtor r 'pUHJklmjM' 3000. NOVELETTE TH THE DAILY NOVL Storm Hound rty I.OUISU HOl'I'MA.V .t,1 lho wlnd'H blowing alxty mile ,mir nml everything will bo drifted "..'mSrnlnV." prophes cd John Beck full by Sne BtamplnB' Into the kitchen i'Ri"Me? the . hena , "I thought I'd wMown away onco or tw co myself. I 3Z nn caught out In this etorm &ht. , Heard tho 4:20 fro up yet, UrT'ltecMln. a remarkably trim. i looking woman to bo the mother joung looKiHB look nc son. waa &..& thJ ' Uble and alternately b.uS creamed potatoes on tho stove. "'.Tohn 1 : haven't heard a sound," A?rwlled " motherly tone "But SMJntii I saw a sleigh with two 1 ,h. una tho bend In tho road a ". "n r "e bn watching every lMteVhlle.ibut I haven't seen nnythlng msihcwent to the window again. It "nhUStJohnS!f' he exclaimed. "There I. ,ome one trying to get through the drifts by the old barn. There, tho horse l5Jo0hnnBUlln came to tho window and peered out Into tho fast deepening ''"Why It looks on though there was . nmaii In the Blelgh. Too bad they've w ? wight out in this. But tho drifts .T son yet, and may bo thoy'll pull fhroulh I wonder who they are? They I?? be Btrangers, or they- wouldn't at Snpt to drl"o8 through tnat spot." "Well, tho horso is up," announced Becklln wllh relief, "but they aro only man- ngo to get through this bank, they ijan't go on in this blow. It would ue (ruro doath, with nlRht coming on, and It'p growing colder every mlnute. Oh I" nhn irnnnnri. "thitrn ornN thet n1llirh ocr. i. " "r; " . '. -"-;;"." "-....-".. , iicry I i nopo inai poor woman i" hut V' , Sho turned "Where are jou going. .John?" she riucstloned as ho began putting on his things. "I'm Bolng to tako down the bars so that man can come through Hcywoods field." "tint. .TnVin." r.tnnnR(ra((Ml Vln mother In keen distress, "Vou never can reach them on foot In this storm, You'll be blown away. Get tho hired man to go with you." "Don't worry about mo, mother." laughed John, soeuro In his young strength. "Just keep your eyes on those potatoes." ho warned. "They wilt need a good hot supper, and that cofToei will smell good to them." Ho was gone nnd tho mother watched with keen anxiety as ho battled affalnst the flcrco wind nnd whirling snow. Once ho tutned hla back to catch his breath. Twice ho sank out of sight, but finally succeeded in reaching the two weary traclers. ' John directed tho strangers through lho perilous drifts Into tho open field nnd up to their barn, where tho hired man took chnrgo of tho almost" ex hausted animal. . . . Mrs Bocklln rushed to the kitchen tlnrtr nml throur If fln hosnltnblV WHIP as tho storm would allow to wolcomo the strangers. "Come In, como In out of thin wind,' sho Invited cheqrfully. "Vou must bo tinnrlv frown. fiomn Uri to the fire. lending tho woman bundlod In furs toward a comtorinnio cnair. i nuiiu you didn't get hurt?" beginning to un fasten her coat . . . "fortunately wo both escaped, but such an expeilcnco," returned a sweet young olce, as tho man, divested of his furs, camo Into tho living room. "Myra," ho gasped, gazing straight Into her clear gray middle-aged eyes. "Is It possible?" ,r , ,, "Wilbur," breathed Mrs. Ecklln. scatcely bellelng her eyes "I I thought jou woro in tho West. And thlV' she paused gaslng at tho pretty blue-oyed girl. "Is my daughter, Una," lie said brief ly. "And this lad to whom we are In debted for our escape Is " "My son," roturned Myra, After a moment'o silence, "If It wero not for .thfl children, we might think time had almost stood still," ho mur mured. Over delectable creamed potatoes, sliced pink ham, hot rolls and coffeo. Wilbur Norcross told how tho urge to como Hast had been too strong for him. In tho fall ho had bouuht a small farm nt rallsburgh. His sister kept house whllo Una taught school In the old Everott district about fle miles distant. Myra nodded. Sho had heard nbout n. Norerosa family moving Into th6 village. " As tho weather looked premising nnd as It was Friday night he had started out to drive Una home. Shortly after ho left, tho wind roso and In a short time they found themselves In the tnlrlnt nf a rnelntr blliznrri caused by tho wind piling the looso snow Into hugo Impassable banks. ' Tor three days the travelers wore olnrni bound In tho mountains. It was Impossible to shovel out roads until the wind abated. During this tlmo n, friend ship and intimacy sprang up, which rlperted Into something warmer, and when tho storm han ceased 'ana tno roads wero open, Myra and Wilbur told tho children tho snmo old over-new otory. Yearn ngo they had quarreled, becntiso Myra refused to llo in the country "Huch a silly thing." laughed Mjra hnpplly, "because I live on a farm now and lovo It. oven to bolng storm Itniind and cut oft from clvlllzntlon." "We'll make It a delightful binding for life," ndrted Wilbur. John looked nt Unit. "I KUers wo hno something to con fess, too. It's a pretty short courtship, but but Cupid linn been flinging his darts around so lively ho has struck us riunrely, .too " "The second edition, bound for life," murmured Wilbur. Then with boyish enthusiasm : "Ixst's mako it a double wedding." And so It happened that In a fow short weeks tho neighbors nodded their heads and Joyously announced: "Spring's coming. Tho young will marry, but tho old well they may. Sure sign " Next Complete Noreletle "The Hells of St. Albntin" ?.t-tTmtSa! 1ASCO ASCO ASCO aMKOTmfflW5 ASCO ASCO ASCOf a!f!iT5SR5ST A SOLEMN REFERENDUM If we took a nation-wide referendum on the question what is the cleanest, most nutritious breakfast cereal in the worlcfthere is no douht that the verdict would be in favor of Shredded Wheat BiSCUito It is something more than a breakfast cereal.lt is a substitute for meat, eggs andpotatoes for any meal , much more nutri tious and costs much less. Two BiscUits with hot milk make a warm, nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents -the most real food for the least money. Again We Cut the Price! Here's further convincing proof of how our Producer-to-Consumer Plan operates to save you money on your grocery bills. t We have shown you, time and time again, by actual demonstration, how we are able to give you the imme diate benefit of all changing conditions in the food markets of the world. We are the connecting link 'betwqen your table and the actual Producers -the Farmer, the Miller, the Canner, the Packer, etc. For this reason, we are quick to receive the benefit of all market fluctuations and just as quick to pass them on to you. We have repeatedly cut the price of eggs in the past "month, but, notwithstanding this, we are today making another reduction.' Eggs are splendid body builders, and at this low price, everyone should eat plenty of them. 7 V fa ?--!& "Gold Seal" Eggs carton 48' The finest, meatiest egg's to be had. Positively new aid right from the nest. One dozen big beauties in every carton. Strictly Fresh Eggs egg guaranteed strictly fresh doz Every about it. 42c- no question Sliced Bacon cut to 19C Pkg "Asco" No-Waste "Gold Seal" Eggs nnd "Asco" Bacon here is a combination to make your mouth water! Sweet sugar-cured bacon. In sanitary packages. Horseshoe Salmon'.? 30L Yes, no mistake about it genuine Horse shoo Salmon at this unusual price. How much do you pay? . Best Pink Salmon can 12'jc FSdeatOranges-27c35c- Fine quality Florida fruit at a very attractive price. Begin the day with a nice orange. Fancy Messina Lemons ....doz 18c D,ca3Pork&Beans,12c Selected domestic beans cooked with pork and packed in a delicious tomato sauce to give them added, zest. A bargain you should not miss. "Asco"DriedBeefpxgl2c Sliced as thin 03 a wafer, very tender and wonderfully appetizing. Try it creamed on toast. The Finest Butler in America I f S3 meaap lb Butter "Taste it!" There are seventy-five thousand cows in this country 65.' that ore entitled to their share of glory they are the finely m . E rich cream from which "Louella ' nH bred cows that srive the pure the finest butter in America. is made, cow to be proud of, isn't it? Something for Richland Butter 60c Right from the creamery. A pure rich butter. Hawaiian Grated Pineapple 1 Qc .... 1 cc JL7 "- to J-J 29( size Cut to tut ti can 25 Grated ready to serve. Packed with all Its wonderful tropical flavor in a pure cane sugar syrup. Nice fruit to serve for bieakfast as is. Delightful for Sherbets, Pies, Ice Cream. Try it baked with a Tapioca Pudding. You will enjoy it. Cond. Milk! 15 "Sealed" , Brand A rCal condensed milk bargain. Mote economical to use than fresh milk for all kinds of puddings and custards. "Asco" Maine rnrnyific,.. Genuine Maine-grown com, crushed and packed with all its natural sweetness and tenderness. It's "Asco" quality the best to be had at any price. "Asco" Shoe Peg Corn, cut to 16c can !g "Asco" Blend 1 1 Coffee lb 29' fsl m "Taste the difference?" There is something about the aroma and -flavor of "Asco" Blond that is irresistible! Try it and learn what good coffee really means. "Victor" Bream8c We have no hesitancy in saying that Victor Is equal to the Best Home-Made you ever ate. In fact its character is so similar, because baked largely after the same formula, that it is impossible to tell any difference. TEAKS ROASTS Legs of 2lb. THE MARKET ST. BEEF GO. Tho wondor itore$ of Wet Philadelphia. Where you get your money't worth, or your money back. 16 ounces guaranteed to tho pound. Our ever increasing butinett enables us to sell you tho fineik rneaU at the following prices: RUMP I ROUND -SIRLOIN ! All well trimmed PRIME RIB PIN BONE BOLAR RUMP Yonrlinrr I nmk .25c lb. Nice Littln Hnn, r..wJ ci,: nl, Unm 2Sr lb. Lean Boneless Bacon any amount 25c lb. Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak 2 lbs. for 25c lbs. fine Country Scrapple , 2Sc fresh Country Sausages none better 20c lb. Mnctly Fresh EKBs big and meaty 40c dz. Lean Picnic Shoulders 15c lb. Once you try a pieco of our Corned Beef you'll always buy it any cut 15c lb. 1 v ?-me Marte Sauer Kraut for 5c pk.F; Wilsons Certified Oleomargarine free with 2 lbs. at 25c lb. . MARKET ST. BEEF CO. 5221 -23-95 Marlot Cf RQQQ Uorliot St naw IIIUI IIUL Vtl IUfJ IIIMI IVk Wkl One car ticket will bring you from nlmoit anywhere Q OPEN HUDAYND SATURDAY TILL 930 P. M. , 8 &y7c cab Peaches Z 28ccan I I sXf Potatoes r& 6C Big cans delicious halves; wonderful i Bushel (30 lbs), i5c flavor, packed with a pure cane sugar , , , ,, , i 6yrup. Big, dry, mealy fellows very low price Extra Fancy Calif. Sliced Peaches, can 22c Taney Yellow Globe Onions lb 2'jc I , , Sun-Cured Fancy Calif. Apricots 35c Extra Fancy Calif. Muir F'caches, lb 27c Tho very choicest of California's evap orated fruits. 1! P AJ- ; hi r . m I M A Fancy Norway Mackei;el7c,15c,25c Nice, fat, mild-cured fish. 'You cannot help but enjoy one of these, btoiled and served with a little melted "Ljuella" butter. A : '4 'A i "i Which is YOUR blend? 1C ( We have five distinct "Asco" Blends of Tea - 50' Orange Pekoe India Ceylon Old Country Style Plain J Black Mixed r S C Or "Asco" Blend Teas lb 45' ',-lb pkg, 23c; U -lb pkg, 12c The same price applies to all. Tell the clerk which flaor you desire nnd he'll gladly tell you which of the five blends above is your favorite. nte Asco Blend Teas are grown in the finest tea garjtena of tho uoihl. WANAMAKER:S 1 WANAMAKER'S I wanamaRer s uown oiuus oiuik iter Opp O 0 1, !aC Lenten Needs . "Asco,rThread. Codfish. Wc "Asco"Pure Codflsh,brlck22c Fancy Shrimp . . an 22e Choice Sardines . . can 5c Big Smoked Illoaters. 12'jc Calif. Tuna rish.can 15c20c Nova Scotia Herring (3 In bunch) 21c ft Cherriesiw,20c-30c Ileducrd from 25c and 50c. Rich, juicy cherries they melt in your mouth! Ami.. Catsup i 14c Nono better made. Try it. For Breakfast Choice Itnlled Oats, 6 lbs 25c Jjs' IS' Quaker (Junkies ...nkir 7c' Jersey ( orn Flakes, pkg 10c i "Asco" Farina ...pkg 10c Shredded Wheat .pkg 13c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 12c "Asco" Oats pkg 9c 3 pkgs . 25c Is" c 0 Dur bin new Combination Grocery & Meat Market, at 230-241 S. 10th St.. is !S TSf rapidly making a name for itself among the folks in that neighborhood, in " Drop around and see it. -V or a Don't fail to read our Meat advertisement on another page. Asco" Storea all over Phlla. and throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland ASCO ASCO ?.kA s, C" 0S k ,t .S y v ,. , .A ASCO ASCO ASCOH Women's Practical Petticoats, 50c Cotton jersoy tops with lus trous sateen flounces arc in black, navy, purple, green nnd lose. They've sold for n great deal more all along but this special lot enn go nt this remarkably low mice. At $1.85 Cotton jersey tops with taffeta flounces in plain nnd changeablo shades; in navy, green, blnck, brown nnd the like. Men's Shirts at $1.55 Plenty of the black nnd white and blue and white nent atripes which men like tho kinds they always nsk their wives to buy. Of 80 count percale fast colors and made the "Wnnamaker way. Striped Crepe de Chine Blouses, $3.90 Considerably less for these cool, easily tubbed crepe de chino blouses for Spring nnd Summer weather. Smart to wear with tweed and wool jersey suits. Convertible collars. Various col ors. Sizes 36 to 46. Kiddies' Rompers $1 and $1.50 Practical white madras ones in creeper style, 1 to 3 years, are $1. Dear little pink or blue cham bray ones in creeper style, 1 to 3 years, have -white collars stitched in black, white cuffs and little birds on the front, embroidered by hand. Button-on stylo with peg-top trousers in pink or blue and white madras waists arc, in 2 to 6 year sizes. 1800 Corsets at . $1.50 Topless, low and medium bust models for slight to average nnd stout figures. Good plain and fancy white, and white materials. Women wearing sizes 21 to 30 will be able to choose well. 36-Inch Percales 19c a Yard s They aro in neat light nnd dark stripes and figures, usually on white grounds. Men like them for shirts, women for aprons, houso dresses, son's blouses and daughter's frocks. A fine, smooth quality. East Aisle 4-Pound Cans of Epsom Salts, 25c Epsom salt is recommended by many for baths to reduce weight and for saturated solutions on Inflamed rheumatic joints. This Epsom salts was originally put up for government use nnd has been secuicd by us to offer at this notably low price, which is less than half of the current market value. Smart Hats $9.50 Something about tho clean-cut lines thnt suggests March, itself. Smart and good looking and Huitdble for car right now that is tho big point. Straws of exceptionally good quality arc used nnd there nre plenty in tho dnik street shades as veil ass the bright Spring colors. Ribbon, glj canned ostnch (some of it i'i beautiful in shndings of blue) and interesting pins nre used. (MurUi-li Sounding the Trumpet for the Biggest Easter Fashion Sale that the Down Stairs Store hns ever held. It will be THE fashion event of the Spring season, from the viewpoint of quality, variety and economy. 8000 Coats, Dresses and Suits for women and young women. Easter apparel for Juniors and their younger sisters. Saturday, March 5 Is the Day Women's Dresses as Low as$5 Women's Suits as Low as $10 Women's Coats as Low as $10.75 Men's Medium-Weight Suits, All-Wool $25 All-wool cassimeres and cheviots in conservative and semi-con-servativo styles. All sizes in most patterns, almost all in others and a few one-of-a-kind suits. Choosing is good. There aren't 25 suits in the whole lot that a man couldn't wear all the .year lound! (5nllrr.r, Murkrt) It's Warm Enough! Men's Athletic Underwear, 75c Well cut, comfortably fitting underwear of checked nainsook. Shirts are in athletic style; drawers arc knee length. (Oallrrj. Market) Women's Long Silk Jersey Bloomers $3.65 Pantalettc bloomcrb with pleat ed lufflcs or two iovb of elastic below tho knees. The slim lines of the Spring suits make bloom ers of this type especially prac tical. In rose, navy, black, green, smoke, Pckin, gray, purple nnd Copenhagen. (( rulral) Guest Towels, Special at 10c Of good whito cotton buck. 11x19 inches, and the kind tha is needed in the offices of doctors dcntistb, manicurists, thiropo dibts, etc (( 1'iitral) 10-Yard Pieces of 36-Inch Longcloth $1.90 (( ntriil A Little Sale of Blankets A gioup of bnmple blankets, one oi two pan of a kind, most of them soiled on the patts that ate folded outside, offeis a good chnuco of econ omy to tho homekcepor. $6.50 to $12.50 a pair nie the new prices. Tho blankets Hinge in sizes fiom 70x80 inches to 70x81. In cluded nre white blankota with colored bordcis and some plaid blnnkct3. (Onlrnl) Fresh White Middy Blouses New ones, clean nnd white, have just been unboxed foi I Spring In straight middy style I or with a buttoned band around the hips. Sizes SJo 20, SI, $1 25, $1.50 and ?2. I (Murkrt) All-Linen Toweling 30c and 35c Yard 17-inch linen nash with red borders. it nitrnli Men's Brogue Oxfords, Special at $5.90 Ian biogues with double soles the sort that men want for wenr right now The soles aro welted and the heels nre low and broad. ir.atleo, Mitrkrt) Boys' Storm Shoes i Special at $4.90 Storm shoes of heavy tan leather, fastening with straps and buckles, nre in sizes 10 to 5's. They are cut Blucher nnd , hae round toes und thick soles. (f.allrM. Market) Women's One-eye Ties $2.50 a Pair Good-looking one eyi tics of black leather hnvo welted soles and high turved heels Tln.s is nbour half prut High Shoes at $3.50 hidskin shoes, in black, gray rr biuwn, huvo welted soles anil high hod h'idskin shoes ait always nice for Spring Kidakin Oxford Tics at $5.40 Man. women want comfort ablo, s ft black ktdskin Oxfords and these aie made with tho wider tors that they like The soles arc welted and the hcela am low orMiiedium Rlack spats are $1 7,j a pair Black Brogue Oxfords i 9.60 a Pair Smuii ij.ack brogues with full wing tlPb are of durable i ulfikm The soles are welted and the heels ure low (( liealnul i Splendid Purchase of 27 x 54 Inch Velvet Rugs, All Going at $3.85 Nearly n thousand of these good rugs for hulls, bedrooms and to cover worn places in the carpet if buch thciS bo Five good-looking patterns in modifications of Oriental designx. Brown, taupe, tan, roso nnd blue effects. Not since the war huvo wo had nnything- so good and so inexpensive at neur this price Woven well, properly finished, good colors everything that chenp ruga ordinarily are not. Hemcinber the hize 27x51 inches! (I'limlnul and (enter Mtle) m I iu rih'VM ? hbCO ASCO ASCO ASCO "... f dN-.