fTTiifmtmf- tj$T! wwwwvm K)vrTK V? ! 1 -. f l'-" , LEDGER- PfllLADBH'XirA, WfiDKESDAY, ' MARCH 1921 h BT33STJCN3- PUBLIC i4-.-fSft I..S .m j.i HARD K 10 CHOOSE1 SUCCESSOR OF HAYS O. 0. P. Committee Awaits Word From Daugherty on Selection of Chairman HERT OUT OF RUNNING Hy ('UNION W. UIMIKItT tffr Cnrrr-piiiiilriit I'trnlne I'nlillo l.nlcrr (Corvrlaht, toil, hit 'I'M J rf ' o WaslihiRlnii. Mm-'; L' I'tmi. . of the sumiii in Will IF IIiivi n elirtlrmnti of the llipuuliinti Nntlnc.nl Committer will bo iiindo li I'lv-mli'tit fleet Hording. The niomlii of tin committer hrri- fur tnilm' inn-tun; urn WaltltiB the word from ltii-r M I'niiRlirrtj . who i tn lie Hiiril nc Mlonir.v sriinnl. nml wlm is li im lltlrnl nrivirr If Mr. DniiRlicrtj iiulnnt.' a t trener, Ills innii will l' uninril t'tttil tln iti iiitni' fnmi M.ii . the wi'loil ttnotii. fur tin cliiiimritis , i hnvu Do I'lpfiiit "iKnilii niii ! .Iohi T Allnnio. of InMll, Willi w.'ls tli-fr-ati' i f the plnri- hj Iltu. is hkiiiii it I'liml. date. Tlirri nln lm nnn up ' S" ' I deal of talk of Klmrr Dnvn-. wli.i i forctnrj of the niitionnl i-oimintt-'i- m .MrKitilr " ailniitiNtriitinn ami wlm li i I cluirKP of llunliii;:' rainpaiitn in th. Nortlivet. Tin- names of Si'tiatoi Marry New ittxl nf Clinrli". IVwin Hilli'i, ljoth uf tlii'tn former i liatrtiii'ii of the nntiiuinl I'ciiiiiiiitt . are aln lnentioned. but it h ilnulitftil if eitlier man would rnvi'pt unless strnngl-, iini'il to do mi by President -eleet llardlns. Elmer Iiur hns -i ronir i initioi tlotlR with the 1'resiilent-elPi'l. He is nil Ohlonn bj birth, liavmg jnn' into bn-l ness in the Northwest after hi- rented to be active in politic He was private MTt-ctary to Mark llnnna and un mnile secretary of the national uuninitiec bv llnnna. At this period lie liernine a rinse political friend of Senator I lurry' New. who is one of President elpct llnrdlnif's closest political ussm-iate. I)ocr lives rather fur iiwhj. in the' Northwest, to be cliairinaii. and wim' question exists as to whether lie eotild Rive Hiifficient limp to narlv worle. I'robably Mr. 1 Innlitic would prefer Senator New to nnj one el-e. but Mr. Now', who has been chairman, is not attracted to the job. lie. moreover, has a hard tight to be le-ejei'ted in Indiana, and it is thought that this will occupy all his energies. I'nless Mr. Harding insists and. in p of Mr. Xcw's difficulties in his own state if is not believed that he will insist, the In diana senator is not likcl to take tlic chnlrmanhhlp. John T. Ailanis is the candidate of the old line members of the roinmittcc lie is understood to have the support of men like Senator Watson, of Indiana, and Senator Penrose, but the letter of pro German inclinations which was urc to defeat him when he was candidate ngaitiRt Will II. Ilnj-. i still reealled. And there is no i!ti that his candidaij is making any progress. Mr. Ilnvs win iiiiiow precedent in je.signing from the chairmanship if he enters the cabinet and the President is alwa.vK allowed to pick hi own chair man of the national committee. TIip President is the leader of In pain and. for the ake of peace in the pnilv, he wants one of hi friend a uatmwil committee chairman. President AVr on . Kelected the two chairmen of the Hpiiio cratic National Committee preceding George White Vance Met 'untuck anil Homer dimming lieoige White was chosen by the Democratic candi date, Mr. fox. The nuestion of southern ieprei illa tion in the management nt nlluir of the Republican pnrt was taken up here todnj hj a siilicommiltec of the Id publican National Committee in prep aration for a meeting of the fn'l com mittee tomorrow. Woi k of the uh coJ'niittee wil lie cntirch inl'm mill, and no decision will be readied hi eiihir the Mtlicommitlee or full lommittec meeting. Decision on the iiiestin ul n pre Kentation is reipnnd I" .lune l'J under n resolution of the lat natiounl imi ventinn. and it wa indicated 1 1 1 w rm lil be no haste in propuMiig a change. lies in State Robes IVr- rafTSSsrir Illi Irm -if 1 1 IX' " fill jK1 -! wR ilil Mi wv ill J Mm &m mmmm mm. W mm ' iM HI f mm w mm MM UmM f-jWMW&mBmKIM I OHNSON ARI RULE ADVANCES PHILA 'aliingtiiii. Mar. li ' i P. A. T. Ilel-I Iteplllilb an li. r rommitteeniaii fnmi Kentn. I, nouneed tmhn ihni he wn mu .i ilidate to u I Will li Him i hnirman of tie natmnal ii.ui and that n would not le i-!.!' him to u pt if elei ted With Mr llin- uinnein. im n' he would rein a oon a .o,il. becoming potiiiiiN r rim ci a I in li . cabinet. diciiioii of a iimlialili cessoi iiteri'd iiiiiiiuil tli hiiui' Mr. Ilett nii-l i .m t ' - l H 'l New York lon.ll an i an a it lee . fol Ih I' III 'I hi ii - ..I - i I The luir (o Itiilain's llirone was :i slrlldiig llguie .it the iipciiiug of Parliament, where In .ipprarril In the nij.il apparel BOY ROBBED P0ST0FFICE Youthful Prisoner at Media Impli cates His Brother Two ilielts at tic Wallingfnrd posl office ami the robbery of the lniker nt llie Springliaxen Coiintn Club, more lliaii a j I'll r ago. weie cleared up lo thij , .liihn A Itnler. eenteen jear old. nml his lit-ntlnr. ImciI. twehe ears old. both Necioes, of Palmer's Corner, in ither Pri.idence township, were ar rested by Cornoral Ta lor mid Private Dans, of tin- state police, on suspicion of i be rob'ieries. liiestiolied 1 1) detectives In the office of DNtriit Attoruej Tin lor. at Media, lohii Kliler is deelnred to lune confeed robbing the potofficc lYIiruin.i 1 tin a- ited. and again mi rehruarj L'T. at wlm l tune, lie ni'l, lii brotlii'r wiis w illi him i a'so eonlesseil, it i said, to the Springha en Coiintij t 'lull lobherj. While a fiitnlioii was in pi-ogres m .1 tin nri r I'.ljli. some one gainiil access to ; In cloak i" and locker and loe tiioie t Im ii S'jiin iroin poi kcilnpoks of women gin t M.igiir.ite Wiliinmson held .lnhn Cult r under Solid lnil for trial ati'l re'e.iseil tile oiniger tbov on Ills own i igni.aiii e ior apiiearaiice at Hie uct eioti of .Ium nilc Court WOMEN GOING TO INAUGURAL Philadelphia Will 3e Represented by Navy League Members Philadelphia will he repiccnti d m i illl III the niilllgill'iltiiili of President I Ini iliim bv a ih 'eg ition "I woiueii. who Will I 'live tol tin l.lilllll toluol low. Thoc who will ul tt ml in - Ml. I'.riHM l.nw. Ml Charles Hi in . Scott. Mr Matilcv i; I'lagg. Mis Klh .lakon. Mrs licniaimu I". Chile. Alt. oi ii lltiic. Mi 'b,i P. .lohu son ami Mr. M AI.wt. 1'itlei All are iiiembeis of the Philndi'lphia eiiioii of the m League, ami while in Wnlniigioii thev will attend the ii ii n ii it I iiiiitiifg oi the haguc. uliiili Will In held illlllill . At the muting the pole u- of the oi giiiiiiil'iui lor lln i inning m ii will lie t i.iiiimI Tin esion will li. ion ihnliil Willi a hiiiMiiel Saturilt. . night nt which Kiiwm l'enb.v. I lie cietai-' ei i i of tin n.iv. i- eieiid to speak WILLS PROBATED TODAY W ills ill-Ill ' l.f IsllllCs .Ig'jll g.lllll iii ill. i Spin ium ni'U' udiuittid to pro- I .11 Ill Kellgloll oiiellcs of the ('.ill'. iln- .1 i"'. were retni n,bi red fur li 111! .11 '1 HI !i Vlillli S Seen. Mi; Manh'-iii si,.i iiiln'i' will- iiiolmti'il in li.ind i:ibrnlu ;. S'ii-iiI. 1717 lie i k ii. . i. S7". ium Ainu, i I.. ,t. A'iIhh ll-.'cl Svi nun . Pt,, iI'i.iii.s. s-'s ,, , i-',, .ni'il M". .'nil II, ' C li I i, lll.-'.l It, miv i,,, s-i ,i n.."ilHi I i - t Ik tli II Pi'i'ig ii, mi l' Win wood nan s.".7nn l.rii- Mi. to .'"''' vain si. . t S",S i .1 I I M. -i r. li '. I' Hi. . ! I , si, stlil Decisiqn on Collection Puts City in First Rank as Possessor NOW EQUALS ANY IN EUROPE Thai Philadelphia will lune the eoiml if not the .itpcrtor of nti an gallerj in I'.iirope through the decision of l. llniunton Todd, mnsler in the ilisptile ovir the .John 5. .lohtison nrl beipiest. is stated today. Air. Todd rceoiu mended that the collection be housed in a spenal wing of the Aliinlclprtl Art Mueum now under construction in I he I'arl.wnv and that the .lohtison resi dence In .11(1 South Itroatl street lie old. s a matter of legal roittliic it is c. ncctcd objections will be Hied, but it also is expected the court will lind for the master's report and make it possl bin to bring together under one roof the various art treasure! that have been lef to the clt . The Johnson group I valued at S I . "1)11. (MM) and the George W. Klkiti collection nt S'J.riOO.nilO. In addition there are tin Wil'tach collection and the Airs Ihuil I-. Harrison group. The John Unwind Alcl'nddcu collection of eighteenth criittir) , Kuglish pur trulls and landscapes was left to the lt only two dins ago. Findings nf Air. Todd So far as the disposition of the John, son collection is concerned. Air. Todd ...-I l.tu t ... ...itnwillilnl Innu In Ins t'i iii'iiii'n ins . v-s. ...,...-. v.. - ... ... - poit tinder the hemline "Conclusions' in the following maimer: "After Khlng careful consideration to the facts established by the proofs, I he authorities cited and the argument of counsel, the limit ur Is of the opinion: "Pii'st. Thai the municipal authori ties of the cii of Philadelphia and the executor and ti listen of Air. Johnson's will were fullj justified in removing his art collet t Inn fro tnthe building, olO South llroad sheet nml storing the atne for safekeeping until a unliable ami salt art museum shall he erected for its pub lic exhibition Air. Todd's lecoiiiiuendntioiis coincide with the news nf Aln.wir .Moore, who has been advocating a special wing in the Art Aliieum for tin Johnson col lection. The .Minor's absolute refusal to have the picture placed in u separate building led to the resignation of Joseph I. Wideiier as pri-sident of the art jur.i . Air. Widener fmored the erection of a miniatiiie temple of art in the Parkway in which to house the Johnson paint- illgs. Aloreoer, Air Todd's findings are in complete harmony with those of a spic!al committee, headed b. Alba II. Johnson, whldi tin.' Major appointed 1:11 minium to timl n solution of the intricate problem, Fight on Mure 1H The petition concerning which Air. Todd will lile his report was pieseutcd in the Orphans' Court In December, l'.U-. In the i itv of Philadelphia in con junction with the PeinisjlMinia Co. for Insurant es on I,ic nml (inintliig An nuities, executor nt tin Johnson itate. and the rniorit of Peunvlvaiiia ul lunate 'egntee under the will. Air. Todd was appointed uiiisi, .) in th,. spring of P.iP.t. ami since the curb Miiniuer of that jeai he has been conducting hear ings in tlie i ae. Positive assertion that the Ait .Mu seum would he completed within three .cars was iiade .esterdii. bj Charles I. I'orie. ol '.init.iiiger. Piorie 4: Ale ilar . an Inlets of the buihliug. We arc proi ceiling us fnt as is compatible with safe ami intelligent i otistrm tloit." -ii ul Air. Ilorie. "Speak inz i'onscrutivel,, I shmiltl say that the iiuiseum would lie fiiin-hul in three cnrs nt the outside, but it i tpiite possible ami probable that if may be completed in two j ear "The citj has been most genet-nun in its appropriations ami. now thnt the war is oer. it bus become easier to obtain the necessary labor and building material." Thus far SsOO.OOtl hns M.P ,. . peinleil on th instruct on of tin- iiiiiciint and an atlditional S2,."itltMl00 i now nwiilahle for the purpose Mi. Johnson left his collect on to tin cit x in April. 11117. While It cmet xirtuallj riorj school, it is remaikablp cl,i. tl f..r nil iinispiuli ii gump of ex ninpli's of Hie iiritniliM's and for a mag nillieni s, i of pictures by mnlers nf li' I'.., i Inon school, mid ispfctaih b Coli't Judge Audenrled Marries Couple I I I i- i iisi in do. hut hard in iihIo .1 I I wish inn nil happiness " ' iii,,ii,i 1,1 .1 Judge Ainleiiiled esicnla .is In- i ii i, ed Samuel !. Iliowii. nf j Niw . ,ni Siuvih 1 Wii'icri, Alas ii r -ti ' .il.me Sixth , jj VI ys ISthJSte -, -a I it : T W- ' jik '-".1 1 tm wMfc1l?'Ji; a' - 'a I MMMmimmMmm ' mmMKKm1 X , am j-jJtsisv ' 'jvArfv-i(i-S--vv3 . SOLDO BEAM i .Tin inn TiiJr miri HUbo AM m fi ' j ,. i Suspfects Identified After Victim" Is Robbed Following Fight iiy Camden BATTLED' TO SAVE CASH MIS I.II.UW (ilHlll Miss MK IIOSKINS Wlniicis in flit pnpiilaiity ciiiitest cniiilticlcil h the Mxtlcth nml Alar , Mrerts IJtisiness .Men's Association GIRLS WIN ON POPULARITY : Lillian Grob and May Hosklns Get' West Philadelphia Prizes ( Two Wes Philnilelpliia .Miuug women proxeil the fmorltes in a popularitj I contest held b. the Sixlielh ami Mar ' kel Stieel Itiisiuess Associntioll whii't, has ittst ended. Tonight a bainiui i will be gien the successful caiidldates who in' linlcd a 1 1 ii lil !:. 1 1 x , a mini at Ilii' Hotel Adelphia. The pi t.e- will be presintiil hj K, J. Cuttell i it tiitistn-iiiu, nml rdwnid Kclh will in the loiistmnstcr. The winner of llr-t pii.c wa Mi s l.tlliaii (iron, -IS'I- Cedar nieiiue Ai, Alnj lloskins, ,":il Willows menu, was seciiml choice. Third prize w-i won bv I .eon Attarliin. "il-ij Cham el 'or stn-ct. The prizes im ludeu an auto iiiohtle. house furniture ami u talking machine In addition s(1cral liuudii 1 ilnllar worth ol cuii prt.es weie gien n'Mix I ix the iiierdiaul. Jiulgis of the coiilcsi wire Willtaiu Cihle us. . II. Hlliitg and .Imob Picld picsiieiit of the association 3 SHIPS NEAR THIS0R; Roehambcau and Haverford May Dock Today and America Later The I'tcmh steamship ICoeliiiniln tin was sighted at the Delnwnie iiei break water at !': In o'clock tin morning. The Ilinerlord is due later toda.x and the America is t xpectetl tomorrow. The Itoi hiiiubi'titi liiitx, ilocl; hcic late todtn. The Itocliamlieati ami the Aiucin.i i uMoiunrilj dock nt Ni w oik. hut due to the iongeti'd comlition of that pott the. h.ne been ilicrted hcic The l-'reiich liner nileil fnuu lliutc ni I'ebiiiar.i "O ami clinic 1LMHI pa sengcts, French ami Italian. The I In -erford is hriuging 1." and I he Atnct n a 'JIOII pa-cllger lli'iilllt othcinl ai Hie M s i;,. iitaiatitine -I ill i u will ghe all n-i sengeis u ligid im 'Ileal c:ilit: tut tun due in the iihu. ii l.t i in that was created when a iiuinli' i nf passcuci's from Ijirope weie inlitillctl to New Vic I, with that di-His. j Oscar Ilaiighn, twentx-two xeavs old, a soldier from Cnnip'Div. refused Jo hand tier his iiioppv o two bandits in Cititiden early (IiIn uinining. lie i in the Cooper Hospital with concussion of the hrnlit. as the resultlof his resistance. Two men are under nf- cst. on susp chin. Ilaugliii. on n cot, identified the mis peels ns the men who held him up. The exact amount of money tilUen from the soldier was found in their pockets and the) luie been hold for a hearing when Ilaughn is iihle to leave the hnspltnl. The onng soldier was passing Sec ond nml Pine streets, at 2 o'clock. Two Vi-goes stepped up to him and demanded Ills money. "Not li a ilarncil sight. I don't Rive up my iiinnev to any one. You'll have to tnke it from me, and you'll know rtoit iiivp been in n light befoie vim get It, retorted Ilaughn, and he "snileil into" the men. He knocked one bandit sprawling Ilcforc he could turn, the other innu mil struck him on the head with the butt of u revolver, and llanglin sank unconscious to it .doorstep. Tin men i rilled his pockels of .? I". Itaughn xvns found ten minutes lntm In Patiohnnn Ira Hull, ami sent to 'the Cooper Hospital. lie was revived, anil gau a description of lit) assailants. Detectives later nrrcsjed the suspects In n house at UOIJ Piho street . Thev gnxe names which the police believe to i be fictitious Allen Smith, Ihirtyrsi'.. ' of '.'Oil ritzgcnild court, nml Albert Smilli. thirty the. of 2uX Division street. They said they were not related, nml denied holding up the soldier. Ask Wilson to Veto Bill . Members of the Older Itritli Sholom I sent n telegram to President Wilon protesting im:llls (h,. p.i. 2 YOUNG GIRLS DISAPPEAR I Brooklawn Man As(s Police to Find Daughter and Friend Samuel Dempster, of 0S I'liesttiilt street, Hrooklawn, the government vil lage below (ilotieester, is grief-stricken over llie disappearance of lil fifteen year-old daughter l.llznbcth. " Ho has appealed to the (Ilotieester ami Phlhidelphla police tu Hud the1 clrl. who. wllh'.Aiiiin Kane, sixleen. ( of (tlotieesier. lpff home n week ago, I The Iwo girls were 1M heard of on Filday when taken Into the. custody of police in I'ott.itowii, Pa., ntid put on n train for this city. Whether they nf rived In Plilladelphla Is not ktiowii. Aecorillng to lite father, both girls look older than I hey arc. Ali-is Dehlp ster's mother Is dead ntid Air. Dempster is on the verge of llliien fioin worry. sl nla f Hie nnssid bx Mt.t it The prntel held that the bill is talse to the fundamentals upon whiih H ntrj is founded tlie Dilliiigliapt immigratioii bill li Congress ami urging him to IN HIS CREED ONE of tlie fundamen tals in tiic business man's creed is: "Deposit nur cash and pay by check! The man who pays bv theck writes his own un (liiestiojied receipt for the payment. Sturl your check ini account here irltcrt modern bdiik imj t(n ililicu arc nt iioiir loinmund. REMOVAL SALE We are clearing out All our Boyrj Suits at less than .cost in our ?g Removal Sale Bring Your Boys Tomorrow and dress them up in these Stylish Suits W- iflia-r jk ,fv IKuB vf"i 1'iViW $5.95 $13.75 $1.00 a Week Pays the Bill Boys' Scout Shoes $3.95 GEO. KELLY'S 624-28 Market Street 2330-34 N. Front Street 181C-20 Atlantic Ave , Atlantic Citjr, N. J. mm Priced With vto-rt' Because Priced Only Otic Profit " By The Producer ' The Stamp Of Art vs. Tfo Rubber-Stamp IT is the fashion to talk Fashion, but it is not so much the fashion to pro duce it. For STYLEBILT Clothes, we work out lines and lapels of our own;1 shoulders and sleeves of our own; pockets, patterns and even pipings of our own. A Suit or a Topcoat here is something individ ualistic and far removed from the same old, tame old thing. It bears the stamp of Creative Art, not the rubber-stamp of Trade 100 ALL-WOOL HAND-TAILORED S1YLED DY OUR OWN RESIGNER fen Hilton Company 1211-1213 Chestnut Street Clothes Shops ift 'Principal Cilits NEWARK NEW YORK BROOKLYN PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO WiW' fly-ti h la J k Wv t V raH ffl iimmi mww i - -- Esflf WW J'lH I .p311 Charge Accounts IinitedflMMMlill ! in r- 1 Vlflrifttrnnrf t-nnrth u . Os t Fourdcil in 1SC." Tnl WW &! $ I E li- Inn jjr'.'.i'i-1 tin tttip Prue S st,.ni in 188 1 Downtown 1 1 17-1 I 19 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets Any VICTROLA model you desire and a year to pay for it on Heppe's Rental-Payment Plan H1. Mr S I'll ''i ll 1 1 i r4 rfHROLGH the Heppe one-year rental- payment plan you oimply rent a Victrola and have al! the rent applied towatd the purchase price, being free to purchase or return the Victrola at any time. This is the easiest and most sensible plan ever devised for buyers of Victrolas. Call, write or 'phone for full particulars. When writing, use this coupon. .vvvv-vvvvv-vvvvvvvwl.l."l.4l.. J r sESSMZnSSh I 1 y . CAPITAL & SURPLUS f M 9 Jf J? ff l 1,500,000.00 J 1 W0W ki mJM$ Mail Orders Filled iSKSft fet iBMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiu:,.:a & Furs and Millinery MfTiiil-l. A New Strap Pump and a New Price for Super-Quality Dalsimor makes a forward step in presenting Spring Footwear for fashionable women and are offering this new design pump which lias smartness of line and excellent workmanship and is icasonable in price. Fa-ihioncd in Brown s-nicdn Brown .Satin Black Suede Light Tan Calf Special Value at $'i0 Victrola XI, $164.35 with ten record Pay (IS down, and $3 uetkly through the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan r t i C. J.Heppc & Son j V.2?,r ;r ' I Philadelphh 5 PtB inl mo full piriir-nlarii nlw.iit thf Hpppu Victrola J outfltH imrt the Hoppe 1 jMr ltntnl I'liyiiiont Plan. Sum , A1(1lM , I hit .1.1 ASWYkY)rWViWWft VVWWWVW VrV WV I BEST HOSIERY PRICED U'hy Buy Spc-oihIs or Irregulars.' nt W'hi'ii UHlhinuT oircm you Iull-Ka-sh- (t 1 Af iunul Tlnond-Silk Hosierj, llrt quiility. P ' v " 'Tis a feat to fit feet" o .. MfU iV U SM MSlf' E1I MDiliilllillM'liiilM The Big Shoe Store 1204-06-08 Market Street Itcmcmber that all qualitie- in this (ircat Sale of Fiirh remain at the .ame, old lliaii standard of excellence that has always distiniJiiislied Mawson & DeMany Furs, I'or the Furs announced at .such absurdly low prices in this adertiscinent are not mere "Sale Furs," but the very Furs that comprise our rcKiilur Hall'-Million Dollar Stock. J This assurance of (Jualily doubles the Values you receive in this Sale, as all our Fursthe entire stocks of two j;rcat floors are marked at Half Price and Less! This opportunity is open only for a very brief period. Come in Tomorrow ! A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in our Stoiafcc Vaults until lequiied. Payments to be continued monthly throughout the .Spring and .Summer. Marmot Coats 35.00 licyulartii 100.00 In ll'tM French Seal Coals .'Hi-inch Length with Very Large Collars and Cuffs of Good Quality. Deep Kull Kiined '74.50 llctliilmlu IJ0.00 In 175.00 Special Low Prices on these, of which there are only a few of each reinaininf, in our stock FUR COATS TO CLOSE OUT at much less than half price CO French Seal 00.50 (i) Trimmed Leopard Cat f),50 (8) ltussian Marmot ... . 74.50 (10) French Seal 100.00 () Natural Muskrat 115.00 CO Hudson Seal 1155.00 (J) llaccoon 145.00 1 ' ' L05.00 Iriiniiied lludsun Seal 175.00 Trimmed Caracul Wrap 1295.00 .-MIHIlTfl 121)5.00 (3) (1) m (1) J road tail 1205.00 (1) itstralian Opossum . .205.00 (1) Hudson Seal Wrap. 1205 00 (5) Hudson Seal Wraps . :i75i00 1) Mle (ape Wrap. :J05.00 ) Hudson Seal Wraps -105.00 tf-L r,u,ru,uMV -( 0:,,', 05.00 (')li'sKil1s'';lIl)i'l' - 750.00 (2) .Natural Mink Wraps. 005.00 Australian Nutria Coats 50.00 Regularly 125.00 In 165.00 French Seal Wraps Full Lentil- Beautiful Models With Deep Ovcrcape Collar to Waistline 125.00 Itvgjduiln 295.WI Id 325.00 Pony Coals iin-iniii Ii'iikiiis, 19.50 (ii).5() lii-Kiiliirlt K.i.on It K llllirl.l inj.iio I. UCn I ollur nml Iiiiiki' I'dHnf nnd utft f ViiHiiullnii iff of l-oiiv ';i'o-stuii or Natural 111 III 1 (lll ! U,l(,CO0,. Hudson Seal Coats .'Hi-inch leiiKlh in a Superb (Jualily ol Soft Fine Skins, Full Flare. Heautifull) Lined, (Jreat Deep Collars and Cuffs of the Hest Quality Skunk, Beaver or Seal 285.00 llryularly 11)5.00 to 595.00 French Seal Coats) cn nn llcyularlu 125.00 to !75.0o VV.dV French Seal Coats with ureal deep collar .r hiKli grade Skunk ) (ieiutine Heaer ' inr aa Natural Squirrel f I S I II 1 llvyularly 225. to 275.) lLty A Quantity of Dark Gray .Siberian Squirrel Full-Length Wraps 545.00 llcgulnrlu 1150.00 l 1100.00 Hundreds of Fur Chokers and Scarfs in the Following- Furs 7.50 livy. 20.00 In .15.00 N a I it r a I -inncl, Australian Opossum, Taupe Cone, Jap Mink and Natural Marten Chokers. 29.50 llcyulmly 60.00 tn 75.00 Stone Marten Chokers 15.00 livy. 30.00 lo 45.00 Natural Mink Korean Kolinsky Stone Mnrtcn Natural Filch Alprhes loicvr Hum the raw shins can bv boufjhl totlau direct from the tranncr gpKS Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders Accented IlS I M I .:. it1. ,,.. -Lu. a. ;, t 3KK:. " -ywarr-. rtssFVj -Y-- - j, ..ii. J- j. m ?t& sw!.- -y A i H.,.flsaLW s- r 24p--.-i i&tJfkl4VH t