ryi v-v P'PiS RW H ,vy Suentti0 Ihdtffc f e&set PHIllADELT?toA' TUESDAY, rAEOH 1, 1921 LA am. . j&mk MW.t"k- vzz W&'M , ' -'j-rj . ,i,r .Twiiwr Baa? rs i -i! sk ? r-i , ''' 5ft. "t. h&,jWWpV w'-Va ' wW'. ?-"'' 1iHHHHIiHHHMPp?3H IHIHBiRiii -!t HKI4 . f ziiJ rdm&. t .'. cwt "vst&jr- - s&Aimyw'f't - s V.vy. !'.,, .' ' , ?7i .'.i', v-aB fJSt ?' A,'4f ' '-.l Ji -IIMKPKWA "iwfa. vv yrx isjc, v j4MBaa.r?viHiHHn h j? .mEiHHPM anri' ran ',.-' . - ? . !'icv m,vimn..w- GX Ar K A VJ .TwWyw j! .4 jr73iVr f ,-' HaM k? pi f .sK ". ' r L-: ri , i ffeSr ''." ' ' ' '- 5! r J&ffiftS' Wftti&m? ;yl rfMrr.ft, .y 3&V Trf-y-r- X THROUGH THE SNOW AND OVER THE FENCES. Cadets at tho Pennsylvania Military CollcRe ire cloinjr their winter stunts. In the group aro (left to right) Albert Nobles, 1817 Spruco street; Newton Wymnn, Chester; William D. Boswell, Troy, N. Y.; Modorall K. Salcn, Roscmont; Abram Minus, Jr., Savannah, Gn., and Charles Allen, Washington, D. C. j. e. orccn DANIELS KEEPS HIS CHAIR. The secretary of the navy didn't want to go home without the chair lie has used in meetings of the cabinet. Members of Congress from North Carolina bought the chair nnd pre.-cnted it to the retiring nay head Ii t'rnut n i A SIX-YEAR-OLD SKIING TEACHER. At the left is Master Peter Lunn, son of Arnold Lunn. the skiing expert, who is teaching Ins playmates the art Ccn'ral New a Photo HERE WE HAVE THE WIRELESS PARASOL. Yis, the parasol has wires. They are ued with the receiving wireless set. All you have to do is tie up to a fire hydrant or some other material that will act as a ground. Then start your set working i - tr :m 0' .5 t y TA. if -Z odfc fSfotil. a. . mU i mr "$ ," t FIRST NIGHT OF "WHY NOT?" Miss Caroline Nixon, Miss Frances Leech, Miss Rachel Price and Miss Betty Elliott (left to right), as Rittenhouse flower market aides, at tho Little Theatre, Inst evening Ledger Photo Senlec W$f i. "., ( - ' HES? WINTER SPORT ON THE BEACH. Peggy Barnett, of Philadelphia, enjoying the waves and breezes, as she rides in the airplane-cart, at Atlantic City. lydcor rhoto Service HOOVER VISITS ALEXANDER. Herbert W. Hoovci (right), appointed by President-elect Harding as -.eeretary of commerce, called on Joshua W. Alexander, the present sec retary. a few days ago S.i n.i I L H A M P I 0 N 11 1 U II .11 Ml'ER. Mile. Llisi Constant, sixteen-yoar-old French girl, who cleared the bar at - feet R inche. Tnrr n CONGRESSMAN WAS PASSENGER BRAKE- MISS ELIZABETH McELROY MAN. Patrick McLane, Democrat, represented the appeared last night in "Why Not?" Scranton s-cction until unseated a few days ago in as a flower girl 'ivor of Congrcsbinan Farr. He may return to iz-Jmr ri. to sni p lailroading .n itionai rhoto mm? M wmwarrrrrmw w n-nprmVHfaiwiHMipVB' mim3mm mswfkmmM, -jati'-sv- t ' &jva&'&''c&v mA$w ''.:'"? .. ZVfi TX i i A IfZ. . x . K ViWiSCf 1 T& ' tiAil VMOu t .. ..wt ajiM MJka sp ;zTiv T(JS'Kw'?'.tXE.jJ7'.4srf.'s i irv. .. '""-t "yrai .v rgY ,,: JOHN L. CLARKSON. of ih Na tional Federation ot Construction Industries, talks on building con struction in an Editonul Page in terview 1"j -u rnfts-i KKTIRhli YESTERDAY R..r im ral .re-- J Badger, h-a I f 'he i ,a general b .ird ii if fh X.. k7 J. J.XC j iSA- - . .jV..- i ' -&0js ""S7TV -Ttj?. in; lit,. Krw' SSoSbgg, ii OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO .;.?! - Zn'ifi 1 25'A "''W'i.J w !J !ak , .flS-" JWX" s. f Ofc. I 'T-1' ' V a trtiL?.V.' : . ,..ftyy JtJto tfhULs; :Sytv iKiuRi? gK. fe'? rs-wwta RVV,'T- ' ' IK INCOME ASSURANCE SYNDICATE EMPLOYES' JURY PICK LIM'RICK WINNER, announced to day on Pago 2. In the picture, fiom left to right, are Albert C. Stockcr, J. W. Gwilliam, C. Kienlc, MiS3 M. J. Wood, E. G. Hess, Miss Miriam, E. Polis, Frank S. Fito and Alfred P. Sykcs T'W!rk I WW I A SECTION OF RIVERSIDE, N. J. Tlio fling photographer snapped the plant of the KeyMonc Watch CYNWYD GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEACHERS SELECT WINNER FOR JACK'S JINGLE. The Case o, nlong the railioud at Riverside, from the Ledger nowsplanc, a few days ago. Part of the town children's award is announced on the page "opposite the comics." Loft to right (sitting) Marthu was aNo on tho negative Addis, Ardmore; Agnes Hoffman, Aidmorc; Kathryn Forrest, Ardmore; (standing) Edna Adams, i,.iB r . , sCrice Philadelphia; Minnie Dukes, Philadelphia; Esther McKeon (principal), Philadelphia, and Lillian Recce Philadelphia SEMAPHORE SENTINELS :w iSwv rwkSiw t ' . is. .v;?f !, ' S' T ri.Y, f wm pi h ir s .1 1 'tomamJ 1 Urn? MmMl THE BEAUTY CORNER MISS OLGA M'NEIII. up. nhng a m.uh i. . tli- Edwin J Srhoutth Co. box works, 5.'i3 North Elewth str.tt whuh .I'Uihes turner and idgi. stays to the boxe iwUar I'Uulu aor'i'4 I HE EAST WORD IN PASSENGER CONVEYANCES. It ,tiii will mnki a hit with tin boj -, and girK. The new niachiiii- i known as a "-, esuwmobile." It run-, ju-t i long us the byja keep cccouwnig .STATIONED AT THIRTEENTH AND ARCH STREETS. Reserve Patrolman John McMnhon has been at that station for three months. He lives at 1MK Noith Sixteenth .street. McMnhon has been a patrolman for fourteen years i.m.cr J hoiu a r WiUfWwmhi W& ''? MRS ARTHUR V MlS(JRAK. wifo of the sio.it u . ol the British embassy. Both Mr. and Mis Musgrave aro pa m, t s ,Nauonul I'uoiu MISS HOSK SILVERMAN '171 j Garden street Philadelphia Eh Wc I. JL-I1. .rfth.M -l.-l TttT -U Q t - ' ' -