Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 01, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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. 2
Penios Either Had Anything to
, Do With Fixing Price
of .Copper
By the Artcl.ilrd I'ttsi
Washington, Match 1 - l'reiiilont
"Wilson came todaj to the defense fmlt,,,p J '"'"'.'J thnt he bml referred
,,,., , ,,,-.., , the correspondence to Scrrctar t olby.
TV M. Itaruch nnd .tohn 11 Iljnn. who 0f ,le s,ntl. nt.m,lnc,,t, for dctermiim
have been chnrgrd bv Itepi tentative
Maoon, Hepublican. Illinois, with profi
teering in copper vvhi'e serving the tjnv
crnment during the war
In n letter to Hepiesetuiitive (inr
rett, Pemorrat, Tennessee, the PmI
dent naid "the harps eand iiicinun -tions''
had been atisfactnrilj an
swered, but that he thought n state
ment of the facts from him as to the
firing of the price of copper during the
war might elnrlfy the situation.
TllO TPABl,lMt ,Ia..IA.1 tl..1.. .1.... .ll.-
Mr. llaruch or Mr. 1()n., had on; thins B",1 "'j' B' " l, m?A"w. " in"
to do with the price-fixing ntiu? rabinet member- for whatever informa
tions for which be mid .ludge Unbelt """ "'" ,W",n'il
S Lovett, priorities commissioner for' ,, .,,.. .
the government during the war. was BIBLE SAVES MAN S LIFE
responsible in the initial stages i ... iTT.P, DV DiniTO
''As a matter of fa. t." the Prejsl i IN A I iAUK BY BANDITS
dent's letter said. "Mr. Ueinnnl M
Baruch nnd Mr. John 1 Kjnn, whose
names have been linked with irrespon
sible gossip in .connection with the fl
ngof the price of copper, had nothing
whatever to do with the price-fixing
negotiations, winch final resulted in i
the statement I made fixing the price,
either nt tlio time the price was tmd.
or subsequent thereto
"Judge t.ovett acted ns rhninn.in nf
ths committee which considered the tint
juice Axing of copper, and. nfter due
'onslderntion. recommenileil to the.
President, in September. HUT that Ik
had fixed the price nt twenty-three nnd
"ne-half cents per pound on condition
thnt the wnges rf the emploes nf the
opper producing companies should not
be reduced below the then prevailing
price, which wns based on twenty-seven
cent copper
A year later a readjustment of the
price was mnde necessary b an in-1
crease in the railrood rates and musts;
of nipplies and nfter negotiations. I
which extended over man months, a,
lurther increase as recommended he Mr
t, . :. ... i. . , ..... .-.. 1
nooert jirooKing, cnnirmnn 01 t ne war
tndustrics board Neither Mr Ham-ln
nor Mr. Hyan hnd nin part in these.
irKuuuiiuiis mril i'-imei in III' iisiiik
of the price announced by me "
The president said "(lint for hit'
months after this oUntr. entered the
war no pn. e for copper wn fixed nnd
thnt the producers tool; the "admirable
position thnt they would furnish all the
copper necessary for war purposed and
ndiust their business so whatever prices
cue government wouiu consider nur nivi exports to (Jennniiv decreased mnrlv
just in the circumstnnecs I IO,f)OO.0t)O. ns compared with Pecem-
"To state that either Mr llaruch or . l.r and mipoiis from that rotiutrv
Mr Kynn hud intluencc'd the netmti of'ncnrl.v Sl.OOO.nOO The export figure's
tho Federnl Trade Commission in as-, were'.s.sci' noil nnd the total imports
eertainlng the cost of production or tit- , vi() ihki
tempting to dictate the reeommenda I Kxporls of Slin.sn'J.OfH) to f.rent
tions either of the wnr industries board Uritnin conjured with SlJls.s.'n.noO the
or any o the nnce-tlxing committees, . ,,,ntli lu.forn tm.l mini'irt- ,.,. sir .
.. - ... , , . . ......i
is utterly foolish nnd without fouinla-
tion of anv kind." the President con
Timicd. "The price of coptier was tixivl
,wcnnt , .. .,,., ,..., ..f
...iuvus .,.. ...!.,..,., ....,.,.,.... KIDqrts t Itnl w,.re ."l s.-ici ono cte nlnt
upper producers or Mr. llaruch nr Mr , 3t 04 1 oe tli month ifore nnd irntsin
Ilyan to exert nny pressure upon thisl"" 13 .tJ". ono romped ifh M fiss 00
.,r,,.rn..,.,r I l"SPrts to SPlf( were til Alls OOO ne
internment. ngulnot SIT OtH uoo and imports JJ 4in cioi
"1 cunuot allow this 0. c usion to pass, nealnet 1 oil 000 Hxrsirti to iirazll
mv dear (iarrctt, without again express- -re li ljs nr, uirjliijt 110 s.w.ooo and
ing mv great enfldence i the gentle- 'jTOm.oo ",rB ,'''12,,0n "' ui!,,""t
men, .Mr. uernani M. uiirucii nim ,vir 1 i:spnrts 11 ml .nipnrtu froirr Clue Ar
.Tohn D. ttvun. whose names have been I sentlne frusuav nnd c-ntrni America
iinforiuntelv ennneelecl with this h0''1 Pre ln tlonsto r-ductlnns Tho Cj
iimoriuuateiv lonnciuu wnn tins uril) f,r , ,, ,.r, i;xr,ortn r;.t .".mi -
matter ono n c nnwr. 1 to fit nun out nn.i m
"There was not n succoxtioii f V"r" '1J '" "" "J ngainut I'.i .vm cnui
MP.i mini connected with either of these
gentlemen in anj of the wnr activities in
Mhii.fi tliev clni,ul 411 iinrnliln n linrf I
nnd I wish, before the dosing dnss of I
this administration, again to say how
admirably they served the needs of the
nation, nnd how uiisc Itlshlv thev devote el 1
their" fine talents to the government In I
every crisis whl.-h faced 1 is during the
c riflcnl clays of the wnr , .uHgiecriue nrn, who noes most 01
"Iu every transaction who h thev his business nt his p-lvnte otEc e at
JiBtidled fur the government in the Thirty -seventh 11ml Market sticoH, bus
varird activities in which they plnveel 1 been resting e ontetit upon his compli
no distingnished a part, thev were 1 "u niurv lain I "jmlr'e ' Hut ml anv
nctuutcd by the highest patriotism more
- 'I'oelnv le" joineel t'ie rnnl.s of tin- in-
paviull and lie vntrs no dock eif higii
Contractors Have Replevin Writ sounding initials nfter his nnme, but ilie
Served on Director Caven ' MT,II',.,'S,i.n''Mt, Ue, " " Vi"rnfi " . 1
, , , lleeentlv Magistrate Harris extended
Ownership of thirtv six tubbishnn mvitntiou to the hnv Hudenu to
xvngons now being used by the cit.v is 111 , . , nls 0n,.,, nnd sttulv law
fiuestmii, following service of a writ of Tho lirst "dass was held in his of
replevin on Directed of J'ubli.- Works fi, ,. thie. morning when ten students
( "y,cn todav i nttend. and wut. Ixsi the disposal of
The writ was issued by II A Me- many different noes of ,nsos 'phev
i lemen una iiioincr. ...nirneto.s. nur-
teenth anil bhunk street- They sought
10 recover possession ..f the wagons ,
xvhieh they snid Intel gone fiom their
lemen una liiother. i.entrnctcns, lliir-
possession to thnt of I.imos Irwin
Tliey allege that Irwin, who held nl
small street .leaning contract in IPl'li
but who did nut hid for or did not re. .
. eive a lillll contract hnd no right to
dispose of the rubbish wngons to the
city. When the city authorities stnrteei 1
..perntions cleaning certain -treets this
jear the iieeel of wagons was apparent
nnd n deal wns pngiuceicil with irwiu I
. , ., .1 ..
tioxernor. He said ho mine here spe
cincnllv Willi regnrd to nn apprnprin
tion f'ir Teinpln Vnlversitv
Informally ho discusseel Ins proposal
to have the Volsteael act umended ej
us to provide rensonub'e regulation.
Dr ("onwell announced tliat ho was
nwaiting the nutromo e,f n convass lie
is mnking nmong ministers and statf
legislators in mnny ttntos, s to their
views on modifying and clarifying tho
Volstead net.
Two Boys Hurt by Autos
n.ie,.isc n tit.. nnnfn... . I.
..,,.. .,. .... ......,. uin, inurgi-ei;
V71U1 rtllllllllg eiovvn UI1I1 injuring tWO'
ROTen-year-old boys last night, were
helei linilec SSOO bnil todnv hv Mhi-w.
trato Pennock for n further hearing
rrhy were Clifford A Puvton, of Hull1
North Hrvlno strctit. and William
.vv., ... -x. ..n w, tuiioi rn
itreet, Pnyton l said to have struck'
j,U VUn..uuu r.t I'. i-,.t. in...
)iouu treut. at (i.-rmantown aveimel
and Iiittcnhoiific street (llemser is
.burcetl w th lllunni (Jenrcii MrCnn.
by, of lit Munheim street, at (Jcr
tnuntown nvenue and Matiheim.
Penn Frat. Plan Dance
Tbo intcrfraternlty dance, one of the
fur big University dnnces of thu year,
will bo held in tho ltellevue-Strntfortl
ballroom Friday eveniutr. Aurll I It
erty of the titv, nt about S'J.-.O cadi, ''i afternoon from the .New Wlc Ship- untnilly retires fro i. active duties in i the following dnv Vester,l '.'.'''' bn"
ihe bill now being in pre ess .,f pUv- .yard. itiii.bn ntuining Into tomorrow ' u n ici . r. .cm hr i tlim powder compunv Not onlv end he snid to have confessed ,, 'li "",,.,l'
inert. II"1 "-T1 "no "' . "'" similar pas I ' I h'in a lonp cr.we of vci ... ,,rnll2i, nmnv disasters but he was t.ulnv ihev were. I ....'. ..."." "line:
111 1U1 I 11 llirj .,l, IH !',- Mil. 'Ill, III . Ml . '.,,.. L.ll'llll,' ' 1 - it 1 - J"' Tl inn IT IK 'I urn 11 r lllll rii U III lllIIII,'SI,'li: ri nt ,.,.. I. .. ,
s. nger and cut go liners being c,n. I'll look round, but I m rnjuarc In the the oldest employe in point of service their trial, on charges of ' I ,"n,,,row
HR miMWFl I AT rAPITAl 1u"'"f"' '"rn" -n" 'ioilt Shipvur.l.l eore." in the .iibhstown pant. He wus uIm) gravnted n ski tilt nncl blfrv n,!T ' nC'
UH. LUNWtLL A I LAf I I AL ires N , , , n)iir u , ,,,-, , , lmprovemcns .,,. .ng con-eaied rl,,w"n Z" , Tt&v
, , , , V ; i"",1 V" n Nn 1 I'll stack declcs where 1 i ' hit lug the hnndsotne du Pont dub- nce ""lane
Vl.lt. Governor In Interest of J'T;' i '"'V' '"''" ''- I M-rablWdlici" Isefore. -Kchwtr.i f Mc ! 1'" In Ids you-h he wns a minstrel
Temple Appropriation ., iew at the ship ,, ,l,e absence l'""' .'' "'' l''"''' n,M,ntg,wrUer,ndn.e1 nius'icinn Man EseaP" "Live" Wire
IIurriMmrg, Mor-h 1 -Pr Ilussell of masts, w hie 1, have been repla, e,l with nm.lcn N I n son,, winter and ., inusiclnn. Willmm HiNkv ",'il P,nrT
II Conwell, pastor of the Iliiptist Tern- king posts a new construe turn eletnil No. 'J 'Slead o( white caps. I've narrow lv escaped ' liiinrv it,i. s,rr,f't.
pie. wii8 a xihitor to the Oenernl As-.whi.'h permits me vessel (,, be .iiiipped ! night caps galore. - He,.s K. Mat son. ' Shipyard Worker Beaten when a trollev wire bte I e . n l r 'i'i1"rn .' c
setnbly todnv nnd also called on the, with the m.,st tr titituil v . Inleornto ' fl-l N""n Pighlh street I hester pH .v.lnlnhe Atmiiiiui. of L'OKl Nr.rtli mc him ..,.'.1 i i.... ., !en h'rilt-
XS.Si!5eUi4L'n.iI il,I,,;B "f V'" Iui?-
tratsrnity t ounctl last night Te v
Jlagcrty is fha'irmun of the elan, ,,
Committeemen Hint at Contempt
Proceedings If He Ignores Order
Washington, March 1 Sccretitrj
Houston Is "directed" In ft resolution
ndnptcd today b the Senate jitdirlorj
committee to produce romplcto trrnnirj
files of correspondence relating to for
eign loans. Members eif the commit
tee Maid the resolution wan vlrtiinllv. a
"Hintitity subpoena" In form,
Tlio resolution was introduced b
Senator Heed, author of the bill to
prohibit further loans to foreign gov
ernments, nnd vat adopted In executive
session, ('ommlttecmen unld it made
If ' mandatory" for the pecrctnr.v to
appear before the committee teumu row
with the full correspondence
Jverctarv Houston informed the umi
tion as to what part of it could be ub
mltted to the coiiimlttee without nf
fectlng the public interest.
Senator Heed reiterated todav that
Secretary Houston ought to lie " ited
for contempt," nnd declared thnt un
ices tho secretary produced the papers
as directed bv the resolution he would
ask the Senate to take action
Some members of the committee said
the failure of the secret nrj to complj
with the committee's "direction" would
make him liable to contempt proceed
ings before the bur of the Senate, as
the tcsolution had been adopted under
Robber's Knife Pierces Coat, but Is
Stopped by Book
A Bible which he bad i nrried in his
cst pocket for ve.irs Inst night sated
the life f Il,,lu.i t ltn ,.f Tiei vr.i.
, Kru'Meentli street, when one of three
men who held him rp on Thompson
Uticct near llroad attempted to plunge
n long knife into his heait
Huminc toward his home slinrttv
oeioie iiiMinignt. inissv was set upon
bj ih" thiee men. one of whom pressed
ii retolver against nis breast nnd or
dered him to throw up his hands He
compiled immediately nnd the others
proeei ded to ritlc his pockets The
reliced him of a watch, $70 in cash,
a stickpin and a railroad phh
In reporting his experience to the
police, liussj said that us lie moved
n,, f ,, lneI1 ,rew n long-blnded
knife and lunged nt him. The blade
,,lerrd , ,t at,d penetrnteil halfway
through the leaves of the testament
v ki uu :m i uaiil tni 1 c
u. j. 1 uiiuiuo 1 iimul i hllo
Big Shrinkage In Business With
Europe and South America
Washington, Mnnli 1 There was n
harp falling oft 111 American trade with '
Kurope ,n .Innunrv as compared with
December and a r duet on in the volumel
of trade with f"uth America
A tr.ide leview issued totlnv bv the
Denni tment. of fnimnon-,. l,,,n,i tlm
:v : ui,"'
U.rt7.(M)0 compared with ?l!,.'i.'l4,000
Imports o. FSnin.- were ss s2S 000
lainst l.isoil nn m neremN-r nn.J 1m
P." lloiMJonn as.nsBlnst, $tl sniosit
r ,u.'' .""".... !" H "'.' ""
.p;ii emu n , an met mo too ono
is a mpto Tr 10 nrmii .nnnri
"inum 1 nn 1 u iv 1 urns 1 nvi
That Is. Harris Conducts
s,.... ctj.-tm , ui. nui. It
cl" for Students at His Office '.
vveie pcimitttd to ask cpiestions. nnd
,,.,.. p. 1 11.1t t. , to sk epiestlons. ,,n.l
Ilt ,!. , !,, ,hl. ,ag,s,r.e g.,ve then
.nt-restlng talk on tbt- we.rking. .,f the I
minor Jodie ur in this . ty Ten more I
w ill nttenel next wee li
oHlr UN I HIAL I illr I UUAT
The Wenatchee to Leave Camden
v,.j Tki. a..
,. Vard This Afternoon
'Ine steamship Wi-nati-he e mining
'"ore 1 In. 11 I1X1 prominent iiu-u as g ii'st.
.. .IT ........ L. ...1. ., . I ..'.
.cargo hnnelling gear
Dr. Gllbrlde at Mercy Hospital
lr ,lohn J dilhrido n surgeon,
hns been elected to the hlnlT of Slerey
Hospital. He was formerly assistant
proiessor ot surgerv unu assistant eieni
I onntrntor of nnatomv in Medlco-Clu
College Dr tiilbrid" wul have chatge
of general surgery at the hospital, us
hlsteel bv I'rederick SI. Hopkins and
Pr P. Fortune
j,nrrwvrgel'. .'(.XXVot
i. el X fti
Peslt-oe '.49 I'ernnn fl
Harry K llitterllilt Mn cedar tn and
' J-Ucv " Normarr Uutle.lge P
I iirodsiev 2'.3X s rtih st
Michael Durant sso n rordm et an
, ?tf? u'?" h'.7 '.X ,:.?Lh ,r'
lOiet i- IISI!) .1 I i.'M flOl P rf . )a f
s'lehoiss a carter nu v wire i
Marls 11 llogan a'.'SS N 17eh
ii n I
lLr;$$ J?'l?un " " M"r
ai Kraune jsir, n ssth hut ! ,im.
yranmai. iu i-d einorpese
niihen A .S'olsnn I31U V Uth i
It 8nwer HiT N !Seh st
Alexander XVIllUme X ineand v
rillle X Cooper HKMl Wciocl i
Be i) ;ulu
t SI rl
llsrry Nuskey 2J.1H N loto st anel Mrali
Cory 223H K Mure si
Luther Vdlenilne 12.M Myrtle st ani 8,r.xh
llogan 1230 Myrtle st
XVInfleicl fl MiKeown llovlestown Pi an I
Clara Keei 2111 Ncfalo eel
Frank H Mlllei ir.7 N 4th st nel Ehr
netn e.regson ic .- 4tn st
v iiTrUJ,0uV'sx7;,r;' "
!. " r .ee n.'em vi ' , i
i .mir i.k
' ' tu n i ar I
' iluwc il Svhuiiz 3oOS .N 22U st
Ray E. Uachcn Fought Off
Lim ripkitis for a Long
Time, but Succumbed
and He's Glad
Jury in Income Assurance j
Syndicate Offices Awards
Him Highest Pay Pcrj
Word He Ever Made
Thanhs Jach for Prize
To Jack s Jingle Box .
I was vetv tlad to get your letter
with n check for $10. nnd I wutit
to thank jou for it
I think most of the boys in Mer
clinntville will try for a prize now,
ns they want me to whack up with
them. Very sincereb yours.
khank w hi:nky. Jr
l'J7 MhpIc terrace Merchnntville.
i There's another Jack's Jingle
Hox today for all the boys nnd nil
the girls in Philadelphia nnd all
around You'll And It third page
from the lout -opposite the funny
pictures )
Today's nunnl In tlie llmpin' llm'rlck I
NY. II. Hoceit Co., 310 Chestnut street,
commercial Illustrators nnd photogra
"Well thnt s certainly the highest
price I ever received for nny writing
thnt I ecr did." remarked today s
llm'rick winner, who is on the repor
torial staff of the North American and
who has nlso done considerable wnR
for magnzincs "1 only wish that 1
... , 7. i. ..ni.i nf thnt rate, be-
COlIKl UlHIlJi in; ium . . ,
awnT IZ Sr twriWP until I had
1 m....i,i nvnF ffer. me
..,1.1 ,, f trie sum
i""i "i- i....v - -- , , 1
Mr Machen told us thnt.hc had been
reading tho "lim'rick column'" ever
hincc the contest opened, but that he
Cn . in oiiv of the lines that,
he thought of until ten days or so ago,
when his attack of ' Urn rich It is be -
came w ere that he h ad to kj
chnnce like all the rest 01 1 niiauci
phin sceins to be iloing
11. .....i !, ii i,n,i nnlr sent in four
- o..'. line, for the various' lim'ricka
published recently and had kent this
fact strictly to himself, as he did not
want to be "kidded" bv his friends.
... . .- -- . .
He emtio to rhll.ltleipma irotn ."
sisslppi in 1017. ami since that time
hns been engagu! In writing for maga
zines in addition to hireportorinl work
for several locnl newspapers.
In explaining how he came to think
of the line thnt won the S100 prue for
him. he snid that one of the first things
thnt a sailor thinks of after he is paid
off by his ship, is to look around not
onlv over the sights of the city but
nisei for a "job." nnd since be wanted
to end the sentence with n word thnt
rhvmes with either "ashore" or "more
he thought of the old snying nbout
"being square to the core."
Simple, isn't it when it is all ex
plained Just goes to show how easy
it is for some people to enrn SKX).
We. onlv wish thut we could pick up
n hundred shekels with ns little trou
hie. or even that wc were paid MOO
for writing a whole column. It's n I
mil worm
The uirv that mnde the nivnrd nn
.-... 1
tiriini-eti today wns composed of em-
contest was made !)' n jury 01 employes Albert C. Sttxkcr 1 11 rch stieet ""'" " ! Anyhow, when the line
.1 ; tl.o Income flA..n'c naj.. MMmtn. Arch ' ' -'; A ?iA
with nfflccs nt lt Wltlcner Uilllclltig, nm.ri.L-. 1-.1 ., for le,,ln,f u ", through that wav nd
Juniper nnd Chestnut streets. A plioto. Joe 1.1m rltkcrs IXtrr Ilo we'll try hereafter to get up enrly enough
trnii) 1 of tlio Jun appears on the bncl( , ro"L.?uc Dnm in tho mornlne to see tho llm'rlck. K-fore
The -iwanl to be announced tomorrow ' .7. " hich.J ""1 ery dv,
,.,'IS "h a Jury of empl.no of the A" ifi'S? fVi.nV. ".Li"?'"! ' ' .."7J? -!A-"l.BmlM.. a..ui.m. .uperln-
'Lawiploves of the Income AsMiiuncc Svn-
dicate with nfliceH in the A idener llulld-
inr nt .TiiiiinGr nnd Chestnut htrts
...... . .... 1 . .. nmi n ,,,. u i n nut . . u'n
... K.,s,ees
Afte-r thv had nil enst their votes,
Mrs V. 1 Hess, 11s ehrector ns well
ns the sules mnnngcr 'if the company,
which deals 111 securities and invest
ments nnd financing industrial con
cerns exlained that the reasmi that
she voted fur the line was that it ex
nressid eo clearly the ide ns of the syn
eliente 11, tore wo nrriveel nt the office
Mrs. Hess was woiried because onh
few 01 tne twenty -c-isui -eiec-eeeien rni
ployed b tiie company nim arrived at
the onVo. but ns soon as the word had
sprint! ammig them, they all made a
I ! " ' " , V nil xV 1 itc. 1 to take a art
' s''' .n" l , Z red loUn " .. soine'un
M f u,' '. , erimv
'" " ,
When lh voles Were counted w
found that tne winning line had been
written bv
03('J llegetil 5tt''l
'1 ue nin rid, us completed I i Mt
Mm he n was
l.lmerlcU No. n-i
I ieeV.,i "iii"' "illitip iiahtnr
.. . ...... .
Ml. a. 1 liotlgll iii steni' tale I
"Ikiw," 'oar" and "oar."- Mm I'
Swain fl-is North I'lftv -sulli street
,c iirono. i ii vvem lo "i
as "III." -.Fumes Wittv. 'JO'.'T North
I wenty -cnirei screei
No. II. Kor you Sc.i Isle Sea Oir( at
th shore - ,1 Alfred Horsi 1,',1(
Neirth Nineteenth street
No. 7 I II take 's from the n
galoie Mies ticiluule M Nolnn iri.Vi
Pratt street, Prnnkford. Pa
No. s l'or I'll shirk in my main
sheets and snore. Alfred II King
I'Vel Votl Mnrshnll street
No. II Uke Sir Ilaiton. I'm off
Man If Wnr." Fiedenih Willumi
lliish 111 North Pighth street.
No. 10. Hut it land cruise for boat
trews spells war Miss Catherine ('
" llryne il I'ast Pine street Oorinan
tow l
'I'he line wiittni hv Sir Mnchen. wns
No I on the ballots and lecciveei ihi
of tile eight votes east In the jury,
while line No (i bv Sir Horst , line
'o S liv Xle Ivn.e rrtl ll.tn V,. CI
i - ...r . " .....
bv Sir Hush i in h received one vole.
The inemheiH of the iuri were.
.Miss M. ,1 Wood, 'JOU I North Park I
nvenue, saleswoman
.Mrs. K. C Hess r 1 1 5 Itegeni street , !
1 nev c erieeieii,, .-,- ., ..i..nv ,--..,. ,. ..- - ..rw.--. ... ... ............
1' vv-i.n,, -n n aii. Iii to then- ofllee I to eertan rulee which you hne s'at.d mn
crowd W hen wewent in to tnen ""','; I c,rnI1K the compoiition of limeilck. The, f
lit it4 Wielener Ullilding. thev elltln t ,oro t. m edition of the paper h,ia them ' w
un,in n nimiite) in ccttins: right downier- 'hre
much manager
Sllss Miriam P Polis, I.VtL' North
Tenth street; score torv
(' Klenle. 'J.'ll 1 North S xtccnth
street . salesman
I'iniiIvS 1'ite 1S1D Noiili Tlmii niu
Stic. I -(lll-,nllll.
.fie ii' si i,, rinsi m i-ginve
-i Si i. AU.. ul 51U.IU.
One Hundred Dollars Daily
For the Heat Last Line Supplied by Any Reader of the Evening Public
Ltdgcr to the Incomplete Limerick Which Appears Below
t ontesi I" open to nny one All that Is
fniulrc.1 for you to do Is t, write einel
fend In our lt lines to the Umorlck,
'Wnr for convenience the coupon printed
t'elow rieoee write plainly nnd be
uro to ndd our name nnd address.
. All answers to tho Limerick wlilrh Is
l.rlntlSl IpelOU mill, h. raniilin.l n M,-
office of tho Eesisrj IM-nnc I.t.tmni hi I
i. ".',i?.ck Thursday evenlni? Address I
",""""' "" iiumner siven on coupon l.mcrlcll contest will 1k nnnl.
wi;kk vuom today
.,,-, r,V f J . .,.,. ,iin ,.,iiii,.pr
Cut Out and Mail
K r.NtNO I'liu ic J,Kl)OKIl.
'. O. Ilur 1521, Philadelphia
Cried a Bolshevik wild, with Ion; hair,
"Wo saw war would make everything fair;
We will make the poor rich,"
But they said, "Nix-ovitch
'Wrlto oui nnsuer on (his line I
street mid .o. .
Ctty anil Stale. .
T. V. O wllliam, 1400 Iiedflrld street ; ,
And lt'a nnw ,.n ... . .
To explsln why ou treat me thu w
Anj'rn?,ilfi5,t ' Ion for ,hf mon.
-rL,"!? "It ,1,n"'' ton.
you favor the rich.
Th,,A "1 '"" and elch
That I neer reach the finals ti fun
?i v,,l,AlniM mny .l" Cr- thnt dnn i mntter
COTU,3--.ep on '"' "our" wlth this ratter),
I don t scan, nnd mv feet
Are not ntj complete,
1 laik sense hut I'm mad ne hatter.
near i:flitor .Thin ! t.i.i.
w' SrSj.W AS.K Vh
wto dnn iB ,i,. j;.
Why their iinaie Tim nk7 ,.i.".t
"ny ,,n,e ai not the . nek
nut cher up. deor e.i von r n wis
"""a.'T.nT'eh.'A"' v, 5,nu, wh" "' "
$1. fan, chati.r ,!, , ,lj
Ho-, ou duck their fowl came-ciever 'tis
,, arc r.CflvlnB consideration in the L.lm-
ertck Contest tVe hn been uinslanlni Inr
answers to the tender merrlea of that Cor
In th Ledger nftre marked Limericks' I
u inner m, ji t ne contents of hat cmx
are collected In time to rni.r is. nni.,
We hope so
"Vv'e wlcih tn extend to the Llmerlclc
Ldltor our tnoit ,slneero nppreclntlon of his
uniform courtev and uood nature Wo will
not grant him nny advantage however on
account of hli bald spot nnd fringe of grav
hair for we. too can bonst of a bald spot
and a fringe And dear L'm Eel If you
wnnt to prevent our tmld sfot from M-
irnye? UnKlli!TVlV.''
aeciinv (.'niuer over inis gnrne ennn vou nro
and we hnven't n chance of winrlng the
imndrnd v.,,. h..v .."..is "
- .:. . ""- -" "!
a i..M.::-- .'. - ,w, unuvni vi jonn iinncofK .Mutual Lire intur-
ine; ,,r, put nmoner those t b. votMon lit nerlck contest nl hough have'never even
spo's hut whnt cn do ahom if 1Vere,S Z uVhU Z , ."."J c0.me ,ln .10
?,or!,.y,",mtt"ly t Certainly 1 think soma
or mine have been belter than the winners
From M At Hrtn. IflCKI Prown e'rert "n.1' "t,,ou,ld ,R 'fast have been among thorn)
I m ono of our Inilefntlsnble limerick 'u'lmitted. but I must bow In humble sub-
ers. I have eubmltt'd u line or llnei for1"11""10" ' hate a vvhlner ()o tn It Keep
rverv limerick since the content atarte.l Ho J1 "P low enough" to enable mo to get ic
far I have remained In the 'also-ran clnsi vr'.T . , ,
not oie of my brain children having been ,,' , ,r,'',1 llke Putting ou among the f"vv
considered worthy of n place In the floo Jim ricking ealnts for sending ua a letter like
hnlt nf fAIAf. nop cvn nmnnir th tn nU- that Lately V e nnflr.. ,s.. .. -' i. -
I v.on which appear nightly However hon '
SK"J''PJ , 'f . a1,! ,
.u uj i" cviiiv t a niHii ruuinik n iiii-j rviiivn
..'-'A f.mou,.,,', ' l",v'r r". . .. .,
'... ... re 1 v - i
airuv,uc' r'""1 -"'H'w. - v -
service, escapes scores 01 mania
Hprbfrt G nia.( of Gibbhlnvin. X.
.1 , has led 11 charmed life He has been
in the midst of eleiith nnd destruction 011
scores of occasit ns when fire ami ex
plosion visited the du Pont powder
works, where ic has been employed for
forty one yen's He has helped to
esciie nunv of Ins fellow w 01 ken, but !
mh never been seriously inpired htm-
elf .-Xcwepapoi men were so sure nl
the chnrni that whenever there was 1111
explosion nt the plant they would seat
out Mr Ohnse lie was always r'adv
to tnlk und give uifoiinntioii in the
Hut Mr Chnse will no longer hnve
neeei or ins ciiarm tor toiiieertow en vol-
.. .. ... . . .i ........
i.levenili street, nirtsi vesteruav as a
worker nt (,rniiips sliipjnrd, was beaten
up liv strike svmiintliiers nt Knst
lluntinguon nnu i.nst, i.eiugn nv enure
this morning A riot call was sent in '
lltlllllliK'i"" "' '" i..iiihii ii. .-iiiii-.
tins morning A riot call was sent in
to the P.ast r.lrnnl and Montgomerv '
avenues station Ho was taken to St.
Marys Hospital No arrests vveie1
eurtlclently -punaisir to entitle It to es u '""" ificers rrnm knockers lust tn ect
care ehe wacte-raper basket '' W' really had nry frlenda left We cto
' Vou seem to bs aulto n stickler for rhme not play the "hlt-sncl-mlsi" gnn'i X" have
nnd rhthm In the contenting llnm and. this staff who do nothing but rlasielfv n 7 Ii
Is .11 right but In this -onnectl -n may I swera received first nccorellng to last worci nt
refer you to one rf your own (auppoeediv I at line and then each pile according 10
liree with the reii.t list vou scan the ""s Otherwise) how reVuld wn 4 auV ihi?
same The line In oueetlon Is the flret In' didn't overlook u doi-n duPllcStei of .hi
ie,n.rii. Vo rn ..hirh inmri lo ,. int.n, .. wlnn ng ne' ' aupiicaiej or the
van ev mm n- jou -,ii,-u -nis cine wnetner or not iin 1- .7 . . '".tiiii;.
sour venerable " and bald (?) head nodded, correct , icinr i .i1 Vun.c,uol? enactls
llomer-llke' Or shall blame the tn- and the lino contains th.Tcles'T" rh5m''
"'AvVrcallv lid h-,r. di.ea,, ,., a,,PX'tu'Ho,n ,"nJtfraeouV,!';HM''1,n(l"1 bi"
when we saw that In In the rap-r too , meaning nf r, ,,nt,nr, , f. chsng. ih
late to chsng It V. c wrote It. 'A fnnioui ' lend do It carefullv 1 ' t0 Jo "
Chinese Jade
Of deep apple green and pre
sented in necklaces, finger rings,
pendants, charms, tassels,
brooches, bar pins, earrings, hat
pins, cuff links and scarf pins.
J. E. Caldwell &
C'he;tnul nnd Juniper
Answers left at 'he office of the
ntrsivi T't nur lAtsirn will also lio
.1 Tho winner of tho ONE HUNDRED
tKL.tAI prise, for tho best Inst lino to
each I.lmerlclc will be announced ono
Week after Iho I.lmerlck Is printed.
4 In ense of ties, f ion will be nwsrded to
chcii eiieresMUi conteslnnt,
a I ur. urcipiuu (I np JIIURen ill men
ni,n bill piner. it '
MRybe the tjpe-
1111CB Co. rifty-aeeond and Walnut streets.
Our nitcncy constats of fifty men, Every
Fnturdav for the last four weeks eve have
had n llmerlclc contest, run alonic the lines
of your contest. Each week I entered sev
eral linen and, to my surprise, all of my
lines were entered In the list of tho beet ten
ich week and one of my lines has won one
of the two prises lven each wek-
"The surprising part Is that with n few
exoeptlons I have sent In several lines to
uur cunlcit each night and as yot hau not
nod the honor of being considered Rood
enough to put on the ballot The wlnnlni
lines ns a rule hive been vry clever, but
eomo on the ballots were far from It
' I rorull one about a moos and a dcor
and a doe, what In thunder have animals to
do with a stenographer? One of tile lines on
the ballot was, 'She slipped, but she's still a
none J'rububly u printer s error
' I wrote you a friendly note somn weeks
ago but It hag not appeared In tho column.
'"mas class,
ha .""benYh'Jo ubnVh'Dne'.elnihPof thi
if""" VcSi rSSS,h..TPdnlk.'
w 'remember yours, and It war as you sav
1 am uiram 1 am supping into tna aouuung
H 'rlendly one. It accomplished one very
Important mission It cheered us up for o
uhlle '" the rnldst of the gloom of a llm'rlck
1 V: uu wo reucrmuor. anuuiiv iiwni
'the itiirt of the contest, how vou usod to put
a little memorandum after vour lines, tellin
V" H,,ou' th" llm'rlcklng thnt wan going on
J" 5"ur "lce So sou eu sour coupons
have not gone astra Tou must remembol
"l1"' 0Lr contest Is on a much larger scolo
'"".wrs, and wc have more competitors,
". ""P" ou won't get clleoouragod and
P'ese don't doubt )
..?" ""J""?. "V ll"HM. MO. Itelgrade
here nn.i hu.. -Z ","-- .. ..u u iw
S! the m lt, . u hor! and ,ru1"'
til tne Kills ay, read them n ? if o vm
sports the people who can Tn i,h.
Zn'a,e ' ,'h ". We hoped
ileal n m nv ta nt
&Rm ",: l "n. It,nv, r.
'hrough , ocr "iT.,n"n A'. .. ""owing
,r'ck. contest
. -i-i- . . ! 111-anrii nrr inn T 1
.n- in ... " " "
n..,., - . .
wu.ck i rial Promised Men Accused
of Attack on Woman
Two men charged with nttacking.
-rutnllv heating and robbing school
teacher on Pebruarv 11' ,., ,,ii,.t,l
t,U"ioSvJ"rJ """ -' "W
'ihev ate Henrv XV.C.. ...
j!1"''''' "Vlr Twenty -hrM. anel Tlioiins
t.a1''' ''tctwater stieet neai Hrnn'el
, "" " "" --"'Kreies Tiie womnn nt
,.",'7 . , ''M 'orie Sterrett (,f .,vi..
I ''"nuriiige street, who was struck o.-T,
1, ''fid vjitb a mi'k bottle and .lraeerncl
1 '" n alley near Twentv sec.m.l ,,n.i
'I - lUwoter Htreets "" "ml
On IVbruan 2., the ,.. ..
nien were
init-su-u; cnev
.,.. 'ft inn vii nnn.
jiiishj with c rnsKinir Hnm.
Tenth A pedestrian saw tbo v ?i?r
ing nml shoutid n vvarnlnir it i i
jiiinpeii imtK lis the velm Jt. V . '
shoulder after misslnir ,i ,tw llls
fraction of ,in InrE rJ?V hv n
M..itl,bon.l Te' i 1 street vw.r ',"7;
ul for nb(l,lt j5 f t ..ri ,,, . ., ,, 1 11 M'1
jumped bntk ns the u.r . ',";"
shoulder nfto, ......... V "ri"'l' his
ki liar usa nn ill t i. -. 1 1 .1 !.!.. 1 m .1
..... n ,1 mnu a ...v
MARCH 1, 1921
Former Candidate for Super
intendent Say3 City Has
Groat Opportunity Now
Atlantic City, March 1. The Mqtil
centennial celebration In 1020 furnishes
Philadelphia a definite, concrete oppor
tunity to work for the best kind of an
exhibit, the best big school Kystcin In
the country, saya Dr. Harry B. Wilson,
"uperintendent of schools nt Berkeley,
Dr. Wilson, who ia stopping nt the
Hotel Tray more during the convention
of the Nntlonal Educational Associa
tion, addresses the nuperintendents of
the country todav on " How n Superin
tendent Should flpond His Time.'1
Dr. Wilson w-as strongly favored by
a number of members of the Philadel
phia Hoard of Education during the
eailler stages of tho long deadlock over
n choice for school head, but withdrew
from consldertitlnn.
"During my visit in Philadelphia."
said Dr. Wilson. "I could not help
notice that thero was a wealth of latent,
good material there. All that Is needed
is the proper Incentive for united effort.
"In Dr. Edwin C. llroome, the
schoola have disco vcretl n very well
trained leader who could put through
n splendid program, if everybody would
get behind him and give him their xery
best effort.
"I hnve been told thnt much motion
Is lost In your city, by the tendency of
factions to scrap nmong themselves. If
given something concrete in the way of
a goal to strive for. thev could forget
theno differences and achieve something
of which they all might be proud.
"With this thought in mind, if every
body in Philadelphia got behind Pr.
P.roome and started right away, th'v
xvould hnve an exhibit to show the world
in 1020
"Think of a great set of schools all
in perfect sanitary condition. Think
of model classes working before the
eyes of the public, and mnnv other
splendid features groomed for the
world's gaze. Think of an enthusi
astic Fet of teachers vicing with each
other to see how far they could pro
gress. "Think what a great advertisement
it xvould be for the city, to the world
nt large. It seems tn me thnt your
business men and Chamber of Commerce
and public-spirited citizens generally
would be too keen to overlook this bet,
nnd xvould do all that lav in their power
to mnke this dream come true
"Education can be sohl to the
public anel bring good prices, too, if
the proper ideals ure held up. a
sound, progressive program innpped out
and proper sincere effort nnd co-opeVu-tion
be brought to bear unou it.
"The best big school system in the
country is n possibility for tne sesqut
centennlal celebration in Philadelphia,
one of which evcrv citizen can feel
proud if this united, sincere nnd lienrty
effort on the pntt of everybody cun be
put into effect.
"Put it would have to begin nt once.
for, after all, five years is a short time
in which to accomplish n grcnt ielcal like
this. It is a scientific axiom thnt
great things must be accomplished
Thirtieth Day 8eea Close of Testi
mony Against Hatfield and Others
Williamson, W. Vn.. .March 1. (P.y
.x r.j ine prosecution rested in tlie
Slatewan gun fight trial shortlv be
fore noon today The stnti", however,
reserved light for consultation until
later in the day, and a recess wns taken
until 1 o'clock this ufternoon.
The defense announced that it was
ready to proceed. Toelay is the thirtieth
day of the trial of Sid Hatfield and
eighteen others accused of tlie murder
of Albert C. Felt, detective
One of tho first steps that will be
tuken by the defense will be nn at
tempt to discredit some of the wit
nesses who hail testified for the state.
Among these is Miss Elsie Chambers,
whose father nnd brother are among the
nineteen men on triul The story she
told on tho stand, repeating the al
leged conversation between Hatfield anil
Doputv Sheriff Tony Wells, in which
the former was represented to have de
dated his purpose to kill the Itnldwln-1-elts
detectives, will be attacked as
un invention
Befriend Any Good Cause, Speaker
Tells Wellesley Alumnae
Addressing the nlumnne of Wellesley
College ut the College Club tiiis after'
noon, W. Ham ark Payne, publicist
anil advertising mnn, told the Phila
delphia graduates of Wellesle v who
lire planning to do their share in rals
ing n foundation fund of $2,700,000 for
Welleslev, thut the nevvspapeis would
s the greatest single factor in insur
ing the success of their work.
He said also thnt the newspapers of
Anienco were invariably ihe friends of
nny good cause, as thev were invaria
bly the enemies, of any hnd cause
Extra Fancy
Hawaiian Pineapple
Hawaii's finest Pineapple packed in extra
heavy syrup so as to bring out the rich
luscious flavor of the ripened fruit.
Wc offer both the Paradise Island and the
ti. u. Brands at the unusually low prices of
Sliced No. 2'2
No. 2
Grated No. 2Ja
No. 2
Moving from
Chestnut at 12th
Rather than pay an excessive rental, which
would necessitate increasing costs to our
customers, we will concentrate our distribu
ting centers after March 26th, and maintain
our accustomed value-giving policy,
Mitchell Fletcher Co.
Finley Acker Co.
18th & Chestnut Sts.
5600 Germantown Ave.
Romance of Clubman and Mrs. Aus
tin T. 8actett Culminates Tomorrow
iii i.i.- .,. t'nlm Tteneh tn New
...inuevirili:-, .,'... ....... .
York todry tell of the marriage, to be
performed nt noon tomorrow, nt
Leonard M. Thomas, former dlplonint
and wealthy clubman ' New York, to
Mrs. Austin Townsend Hurkctt, of New
London and Palm Mourn, tlie ceremony
to take place In the ballroom of U
Mlrnsol," the -villn of Mr. and Mrs. h.
T. Htotesbury, of this city.
It Is Indlcnted In the dispatches the
wedding is the culmination of a romance
of Palm Beach, and that even the
closest friends of Mr. Thomas did not
know, or will not know until they re
ceive an invitation some time today,
that tho wedding wns planned to take
place this week. ,. ,
Sirs. Joseph E. Widencr xx-ill be in
tho select cotcrlo of guests nt the xved
ding. A number of Intlmnto friends
of Sir. ,Thomas, from New York, are
also to attend.
Mrs. Sackett recently xvas awarded
a decree of divorce from Austin Sack
ett. Beforo her marriage she xvas Miss
Marie Good, of Brooklyn nnd Long
Mr. Thomas was divorced late In 1010
In Paris by Mrs. Blanche Oclrlehs,
Thomas, society poetess and once re
garded as "the most beautiful woman
In America." In August, 1020, she
married John Bnrrymore, the actor.
Mr. Thomas has been personally su
pervising the construction of n $n00,000
Spanish villa on the ocean front at
Palm Beach, nnd, it is said, this will
be the southern home he and his bride
will occupy.
Mr. Thomas is a son of the late
George C. Thomas, of this city.
Chaplain Weed, of Camp Olx, Ad
dresses Phllomualan Members
Earl D. Weed, chaplain, First Di
vision, Camp Dlx, spoko before the
Philomusian Club at Its monthly
meeting this afternoon. Chaplain Weed
told of the plans for the new army
and how tho women can co-operate.
The meeting was preceded by a re
ception, at which the president, Mrs
H. H. Birncy, and tlie executive board
received, and followed by a ten, with
Mrs. H. C. Boden nnd Mrs. Walter C.
Hancock at the tea table.
Henri Scott, baritone, and Ophelia
Averman Vogel, planiste, visiting from
the Tuesday Musical Club, of Pitts
burgh, presented n miscellaneous pro
gram nt the meeting of the Matinee
Slusical Club this nftcrnoon at 2:30
in the ballroom of the Brllevue. Strat
ford. Sliss Slay Earley and Sirs. Ed
ward Philip Idnch were in charge.
Mrs. Edwin B. Gnrrlgues, the presi
dent, presided.
"The Old-Time Colonial Hymns ontl
Songs" were discussed by Mist Jane
Campbell this afternoon at the meet
ing of the Germantown Chanter of the
Daughters of the American Ilevolutlnn.
The meeting was at .131 C.owcn ave
nue, the home of Sirs. E. Wheeler Jen
kins, the regent. There followed n
tercentenary celebration nt which papers
were read by the Slayllower descend
ants ninong the chapter members.
The Emerson Club met this after
noon nt 247 South Comae street
Following tlie; election of officers nil I
the business meeting vnrlous topics were
presented by the members "Colonial
Days," "Philadelphia as n Shipping
Port," "Tlie Sinking oi' nn Americnn
Penny," "The Modern Symphony,"
"The Flume Question," 'America'.
Policy in Heference to Aliens." "Sci
ence nnd tlie World War." Sirs.
Charles E. Barber presided
Sons of Delaware to Dine
The annual Indies' night, banquet
and entertainment of the Sous of Dela
ware of Philadelphia, will be held nt 7
o'clock tonight in the ballroom of the
Bellevue-Stratford. Besides n musical
program there will be addiessts by
Hobert E. Speer on "Some Tilings
That Ought to Be Clearer to Cs Than
They Are." nnd Fletcher W. Stitcs on
"The Soul of Democracy."
.xmvoijori: HEriTAi.
neserved sfsls on sale tit Acacltm) unci
IjANDIS At XVeiodliury, N J Mrch 1
i:.MMA 8 , widow of the late Dr I It I.an
dlu Ilolatlves And frlendee tiro Invited to nt
tend fursjral I'rldny, March 4, 111 30 n m .
from the residence of Ollft A Greene N V
vor Coopr st and Woodland avc . Wood-
liury M .1 interment iiriveue, ivy mn
Comtury, Pa
PARKS) At Atro N J , IVb 28 1.XJ1ES
husband of Curollne 1'eerlcee, Html 7S I'u
neral resrvlces, Thursday 2 p. m . nt lati
residence, Atco, N J. Interment nt Herlln,
HIITL - Kali 2f. nEI.IX M HKYI Ttela.
lives and friend are Invited lo attend fu
neral services, Wr.lnvsela) 11 a m , st lior
latu residence 40SJ Aspen st Interment
.TOnpO.V Suddenlv. Tub 27, - ki).
Ml'NU husband nf Hannah S Jordon Itel
atlves and friends are Invited tn attend fu
neral Ihureedav 7 30 a m from hla lata
residence 75 Church Isne Clermnntovv n.
High mass Rt St Vincent Church l u clock
Inte-ttmnt Old Cathedral c'einetorj
Ki:H 11 28 MARY M. widow of
Trederlck Hech aged UU Ilelatlvos and
friends are Invited to attend funeral services
Ihursdai 2 I m at late rejldenc mult
Amber st Inteemont Oakland Cemctorj.
X'lewlng XX'fdtiesdnv H lo lo m
MiiTHBIVS HilM'Ml wanted lo take care of
email bnbi ecood room and living ouartors
inuet have reference ,Aiply Mrs, John b
(-.olcir (V00 N Mh st Ttenellnif, Pa
12th & Market Sts.
and Atlantic City
Poindoxtor Charges Borah With
Misstatements Concorning
Naval Strength
By tlio Associated rrcss
Washington, March 1. Big and lit
tic navy champions continued today
their battln In the Hcnato over tlicjiavj
appropriation bill. Senator 1'oiitdex
ter, of Washington, In charge, gave
notice that ho intended to "fix re
Mionsiblllty" if the bill failed.
Declaring that ficnator Borah, of
Idaho, had made several niifmtatementA
In his upeech yesterday regarding the
bill, Senator Polndoxtcr xaid that with
tho completion of the present building
program tlio American navy would be
"50 per cent behind Great Britain,"
instead of 31 per cent ahead, as stated
by Senator Borah.
The Washington senator declared
that it was proposed to destroy the
one thing tho United States got out of
tho world wnr "tho opportunity to
develop tho navy."
"Wo didn't even get the Island of
Yap," he ndded, "although Japan got
an Imenso empire of 4,000,000 square
miles of island nnd water In tho Pacific.
After it Is too late to protect American
interests wo begin to assert our rights.
The United States i confronted with a
very critical situation In our foreign
General Sought to Head U. of P.,
Says President-Elect
General Leonard Wood has been of
fered trip post of provost of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
It is understood tho salary, should
he accept, will bo between $20,000 and
523.000 n year.
Presldcnt-clcet Harding told corre
spondents that the general had been
offered the position to succeed the for
mer provost, 'Dr. Edgar Pahs Smith.
He made the fctatement" on his train en
route to Marlon, O.
Today trustees of the University de
clined to comment on the report.
"Tho figure of 525,000 named is, 1
am finite sure, not correct," declared
Dr. Bobert O. Lo Conto, ut his home
early today. "I cannot say, for I tin
not know, whether or not the general
has accepted. I must refer you to Mr.
C. C. Harrison."
David Milne, from his home in Oer
ninntown, nUo referred to Mr. Har
rison, but did not deny the pending
"There is some smoke thero, oil
right," he declared, "but Mr. Harrison
Is the man whom you should ooimult for
confirmation on tlil. I ran neither
e mi firm nor deny it."
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