''lWlfy0f!P "rt' " f'fllfBf -.yejj, "-mr',l", iwsifr TTW T r' TTWi "MACKS SHOW PROGRESS IN SOUTH" . - n TO DECIDE AMERICAN CAGE TITLE TONIGHT Post 26 and Hancock Clash Standing and Schedules in Final Contest; Double Tic in Eastern Leaguc Causes Excitement ' rnllH 10'Jl r-lmnipionsliiu of the Atneii rnn llaakPthnll I.eaKiir- ill be do- eScJcd toutftlit. The teams tlinf will buttle for tbe honors me I'oat iiil, firt half ttlnncr, nnd UnncorU, tho present chnmnions nntl itlnne'ii of the. ypronrl- hnlf lioiiori Two jennies bavi" nliemiy Kami nlntoil In llm fiprin. ntnl (hn rotnlta ' are one victory nnd one ilefcnt for the rontentllni: quintet.. , t.nst Monrlnv Ilnncnd. won In the wnrKln of four point1", and on UVdne. ' rlar I'ot 20 turned the tnble. win ning bj -0 to 21. The contender fire evenly tiintelicd nnd the xiiniic"- hard to forerast 'I lie same team tint started for the service lads ill the Inst came will iiR.iin be on linncl tonlcbl They tvjll start off with llownid nartrell nnd Hroo, nt foiwnid Smith at renter nnd MrMriininin nnd .Inmlcon Riiard. Hmirocl. will intilo 11 ohanae h senditiff Sam Moorebead in ccnler He ha been out of the grime on account 1 iicsM but plmed Rieat ball foi- in on Thnr-dny ncalns,! I'.aldwin ef of the team will be l'lko Ilml nson, fmwnrds. nnd Wood nnd n 111 DobRnn The re Stetenso Armtinni;. giinnl Mill liz-fr.-it Itriiliiu- .... --.... -- -, 'Hie l'hiladelnh'n HaMein I encue hve Uiged one of the mosl reniaiknble nil- battle at (icruiantown tonioirow night lies ever witnessed bj (age fnus on will bine an important bearing on the Sflturdnj evening nt Musical l'und Hall situation The final score was !il to It" in faior of'.,... . ., . .. . ... the honi" team, and fourteen of the 1 U lm AIm,ui Imiton Pljyen? Msltorn' points were registeied In the It IooUh as thougli some one on Ticn firt ten minutes, when the Iliarn made I"11 is due foi suspension before the Pot the home talent nppear foolish 'tcrs pln al Camden Wediienlai night. AVhen Oeorge Moiri ilipped nw,i'Tbe mien admit the absence of one from Tominx Diinlcnxi for (wo easv I'lnyer in anntlier line-up, but nn more haskets. mnk ng the totals II lo ,", ' tlinn one mint plajlng in the State Manager Hill Mycr yanked Tommv T.nigue or elsewhere will be dropped foi from the game and sent l'.ube Mot? to 1 center and ''Skeetei" Wright to fo - waid. An immediate iinpiovement -l- noticeable. Heading did not seoio oilier point, while tbeiiome tumi made ' mognN mto wecntive s.wion and in fiic and finished (behalf in the real at 'formed them that the laws would bo "4 lo 10 Mrlctlv odhired to In he futuie Yor eight minutes of the second half I'p at Tienton liir-t Trlday, OrimtitcnU the visitors did not tnlly. Then Har- rev cnged the only alien point of the puixliig elcu Iiti-, on ording to leports. half With tbe Hcore Ifi to 1!l In fnxor' Picsldent Soluffr has withheld his xer ef the visitors. Passon counted frnm , (In 1 until he gnu positive informition, Mie field and tied the score at 1." all. and the fans ire anxious to mm what Cross was replnced bj And" Mc will bo the declslun. AVhieh one the Mnhon. The Phils added six points to 'Tienton temn will u-.lt to be dropped is none for the Hears, and the game ended nllo awaited with interest. 11s Johnny 21 to 15. It mis one nf the most re- lieckman misses mini games anjwn. markable pieces nf defensive plating It now appears that the Potters received ever staged lit an Eastern League team. ' nil the tvoit rf the lucent Hex'Unmu ....'. 1 Dunlcivt trade. Tie in Lantern League The Eastern League is in the midst Jttitustt-I.Tl CliJinplonsliIp of the most exciting rncc in the his- The second gauie in the "erie foi the tory of the organiration as two pen- nants nre virtuallv nt stake and the 1 onlestnnts in each case are tie. Camden ftDel tiermaniOXtll are untiling lor second half honors nud Heading nnd Trenton rc staging .1 iace for tbe pennant of the flSt sfries They. too. arc dead- locked. . - ,..,,.. ... .... The play-off for the title will he l.... ' .." C! CJI,-.... .... ,.,. I neiwreii iuv jviiim .11 on.-.-i.-i-. ..n "i hand and Trenton or Heading on the 1 .ti, lrw.nl (una nro miltlmr f.ir the dorma (n mmo thrnuch. but thev have hnrd road ahead of them, as tbe Skectcrs have taken on a renewed lease PEARSON 10 MEET MORGAN IN FINAL Utiy at Cermantown Cricket' 'Club This Afternoon for U. S. Squash Racquets Title By SPICK HALL Stanley W. Pearson, of the Gorman town Cricket Club, Pennsylvania tltle nolder and three times national cham pion, will meet Hewitt Morgnn, of New Tort, this afternoon nt 12 o'clock nt Manheira in tbe finals for the squash laoquetB title of America. The dawling .,.,., . . ,, . . i., exhibitions xvhich Pearson has been giv- i leg recently make him n faxonte over hu mctronolitau rival, although Mor ran's vicory over Mort Netyhall. De- j rrolt, yesterday xvas impressive for lis teadlness Pearson xon his waj to the finals b trimming Constantino Iliitchius, of Bos on, on Saturday afternoon Lnter on the same day Morgan reached tbe semi finals by beating W Hutchins, of Bal timore. Newlinll drew n bje The flic players who entered the tournament were state champions Onlj those bear fng such n title nro permitted to enter the nationals Pearson won the Penn sylvania championship recent) at the Hacquet from one of the biggest fields hat eier contested for the event Ist Iast Year Pearson wns Mate champion Inst yeai, but he lost the national championship to '' C Penbodt, of Boston The latter tompeted in the Massachusetts tourna ment this .tear, but lost to Hutchins This afternoon gallert spnee will be ' premium In nil of the contests 'aged nt the ficnnaiitown Cricket Club ,pl IllfUlInu 11 i II 1111 fpitm lirlnnil llllil (lefeali'd Ila.tward nf Boston Both ""stem ami Piii'ndidpliiii mm two tnatches but Plilladelphia got the ilc- "-Ion b, wining 'mn,'! ban tlie Huston pln.ters This piciloush bud ;; i'F.c;. up,,,, a, the m.thnd f-T '" 'ding tic idiitests iu inse two tennis tlid iu tlie mnniii-r of matihes 1 1 1 1 ICjsj Winning I .H Holm's tictoiv titer t 1, .11 ,1 .11.11 11 '"tiniat was an ia oiie lor th toung 111 tuiHii,d.ni II. bud things his "ti wnt ihmughoul the iiiatcb and was hi I 1 11 i... 1.1, .t ' ii -aeii 11. no tne opening m'uik ""I the tlu.il pnlm liinl been Nu,i, t vs Iliihu who gate Sl.in PeniMUi bnini-i bailie In the tn .. num. '.it for 'he stnti (liiiiiipioiiNlup llem.t Man '"t 111 tbe sMiilfliiiils and won the ll.st " gjini but the experience nf the 'ornii cluiniiinu linallt proud ton mm li ""the tounijer iiliiter W rilla. e I .lohnson of Citiwtd m t ' I'll 1) Powers, of Boston testenliit h,! .wn8,llf't," in a fast four game ""itch. Johnson won the Hut game at IL: ' I1.1. '"M ""' ,u'xt h,i'' l,y 'insu golf"' )V-.' "'. tbe llierbrook final,. ' w ,0 ,of,t lu ''eursem III the dtiltu "jalo, alw Aran trlininetl. IHh con- yw was rP8(Pr p KpIIoss, of Uom ton 'csteniaj am Sntun a.t eter.t sent was , ""t p...K...... " """'" "r. ' aken earl and cult those who wen; , The following dirccto i 11 . filing to -put 11, a long time waiting 'd-arg. "f '"''TnHnm V Tow, , d' "" f'Tlnnu lougl. to see the . ham- , '7s,,11'"1 ';a,P, V ..nnli hor i' l"oiisliJp and intercitt matches f '.iliiiiibiis. N .1 ' iml h los,H' Pblla.lelphia won the tnterclty I 1 i Kobert Ca. tei of J lount I . llj . n..itehos testerdat when Tens Iluhn. " l"r";;-. I"",,-1 , 'T , ,. u'n'he "Hill- Hnniuet Club, beat Mark Win I J n Hollt . mi le and swine Wilbut dell of Boston and Prank S White. ' " Lngle. of Mclfnrd. .N .1 -: of Basketball Leagues j( iwsnaiN i.uti: w i t t a "e Tren.on 3'lonn Camden Ton ah. r. rr m ,i 7K.I riilla t in . 7 5ni C Mill 'J 12 Till. MrtVn S,lrup '.'8(1 14J Philadelphia nt Content llhi Tll(la J unrniiRv i rcntmi nt ejamdon. rldj nA0ln at Trenton Cnatoxillle nt noidtnir. .. -- vbiiiuvii at vi-i uini,i, II m COM.MIH lEMlfK Phxrnn v 2 ,-,f.u ieTti 1 r r ..'.Of. ((JO '' rnn mi 2 ".'ntala ' "00 in pith. J .'HI A,,KH'i'A i.rii ij-ir..-nrr skriih ,, , V !.'''.' W ' I " llaiicotl. ' 11 1 1141(1 I'ot Irt 1 TIM Mcck'n .SiiicUuip ronlclu - HnncM.1. J'oal Si, Mvrr.tTiiiKnc l.i.xt.i r. I'ln-otT Scrim . w 1.. re x 1 Drbciin 0 1 oon II Id vjr 0 1 Tuvla. Dobson f Flaldwtn I c. 000 of lite juilKinj. hi the ball plnccd last week 'ninilen and (ierninnlowri nlntivl limt wecL (It a I 000 olm. wnrlnc? n nnir nf victories The Hennls L'lnn has 11 Kliclit S,,fe,,,?c ".widins to the . licdtilc. , V',J, J ? ' p'' "V hon" '' -linden. ,, mi'TmIm ni"i ,r'iTt0n a,!,,1?w"5 Ath ' lilnlelphin, Itcadins nnd CoatiHille. Camden, nn tin- other hand, must nl.iv ,iii.! ..... .1. ... . , .,:.',.. in mien rai.es with (.ciinnntouii, l'litla urin 1111 uiiii 1 reiiLnn 111111 ni 1 cimo 11 r 1 Tientoii. Iteiidiinr riml Coatestllle. Tli ... - " ...-.... .. . me 'est of the 'en-on. the managen were In: in enforcing '-i'V. ''' ' S-l-ffcr, -lied, the ami Mfcknvui were nbsent The were clianipioiml ip or tli" rniineieipnia .xian ufaeturei-s' League will be plnjed to- morrow night al x.onnh unll. whcn'Nnvt after eleven straight tictoiies, 1 wnusiio i-msini v. nn i.HiuiM". 1 in- m-i meeting on I'mlux icsttlted 11. 11 win ' for Dubson. ! A t.ctmy fur the Pall five will g.te 'it the pcunint II will not be the Hist j 1 . .!.. 1... I. . ...!l I. 11.1.. 1.. in... .!. 1 one r.ir tin wnnson ciuo. roiu jmrs n I. r,,n,l ll,o l.lclw.ll liniinl-M l tl.. ..-' ,. .. - .... .....-. w ... .... old ludiitilil League, nnd it is ne.ult the same line ,111 liiat won on that in- c anion. A t i to"t 'or Bnliiwin will necessitate n tliiid game to he plnjul on Tliiirsdat F. 1 ARMSTRONG - SUCCEEDS WRIGHT Burlington County Fair Asso- ciation Holds Banquet and Elects Officers for 1921 The Burlington Count) Pair Asso ciation banqueted and elected othcers and a board nf directors in nnnual ses sion at Mount Holly, N. J The electloti resulted as follows: Presiilenf. Dr. Clinton D Mendeiihall. of Bordentown ; vice president. Dr. Hobert W. Carter. of Mount Hollt ; trc.iMirer. Miss r,nn (. Curtis, of Mount IIollj : socretarj, w mK of Mmnt Hf)lj' . ,re0t0is. ,1 Hume Carter. William .lones. It W Wills and V Wnlln Annsi.ong who was elected la immdie. of the bonrd to succeed William Wright of Mount IIollj I W. Armstrong is widely known throughout this section of the country lint ing been interested 111 sporting events nnd public churities for man enrs He is tlie owner of setcral ten fine show hoiscs and tnkes much iu terest iu the thnioughbred nnd hunters Tlie one time good race horse Yindcx, n ginndson of St .Simon, is nt the head of tlie stud Dliector Armstrong I con sidered 11 strong addition to the direc torate of the Mount Holly l'nir.Assj. elation The week following Labor Da was again selected for th nnnual fair and rncc meeting, which will 111e.u1 the annual fair will open on Ttiesda.t . September HI to loutinue lite dajs and nights It was decided to again '.en classes and carlt closing etents for n big Fourth of Jul matinee The . eb in at ion will hme tnriid atti actions to mi 0111 me De Palma Wins at Los Angeles Iia Anrelrs l' - li ti 11 1 llm nt 'in b . rac .it .rlof'n no n i.Tr ."". K! i-...-l fr ..UI .11 1 a of isa In. 1 -IN ' '. .ffi1, .lir.iiiW.I.t.".!,.''!?; I ,, , nfih ami Iih- Miller al li on 111 art. mo in. 1 New Football Coach for Amherst Mni-.rsi, M.... r.i. 'i-nr.v:.z.l .,., nrlnl . "' ,"".," .".. 7, ..1,.. .., 1 ,. anno nfi i-t.- fo..u. 1 ,' '",",". ' V 1. . V' .'"', --""'. .i " tl a-h'-.i. ' ...li,.i.xr 1 11 in next fell I ' "ofn Tl C'HI i' ..H...1-.1 .... oinui 1 oil' ill t II I lit i'u ! Inialeur Sports iM'iiiii 11 i iniMll.u iiumlt leala . Ih (i ini , . ,,11 I o Mill I e.u i!(tv tu si'Vdii in I I, a c uh ,fr'0ii; rea- 1 01111b (n.lucllelll hi t'uinuu in o.' rieuil I otirth -irce. llbick.l.i.x .Iiinliira ut I 1.1 e 1 a iiS miliiea ttllh lite hav , lulls sain Hcnaru HHt KoulhJtvi mo aluct ltnihlnclmi V, A., a nnt-ciaaa traxallna ririllon. Hal "lt. in March' open for ami 1 of Its "l '"Tfrliur lea.onablo ituar- or phoaa Kenbu(tonJi w J, St. atq-'. " Jw"J 1.,'2SS Wli?.21nSLE jMiTCSSj aI irry H1 I 1.. . f ..- ,i Im .illlWllHM'lXl III tOr KTENTNO PUBLIC I PRINCETON OUIOF ; BASKETBALL RACE Defeat by Yao n Extra.Perod Game Eliminates Tiger3. Ponn Humbles Delaware Intercollegiate League Basketball Standings or. at. i 101 ,n ri 17 e.i m K4 02 Hi) 121 ."7 47 no ,m ni 177 in ,11 'I he Iiiteniillei;lntc IlaKetball T.ennue 1 ace ha definite) narrowed down to a BtniRRle between Pennyhnnin. Iat yeni'fifhaiiipinim, and Dnttnoittli. Sat urday niitht nt 1'rinccton tli Tiger-, were nlimiiinteii, when Ynlo, mmh to the viiiptisp of the collese world, de ( foatt'J "' Ti?ers in an cxtm pciiod lEamc. 80 to -8. the nle ictory whs nil the more Fenationnl when it ;. ionldeied that it wot, their tiist of the euiiii nnd nRninst n team that cutlcn have been nnlnx about iceentlj The brilliant game ph)ed b Cuptnin Ople and his mntcs agiiinst D.irtmoiitli was taken as nn indication that it would tnke an exceptional team to hand the Tigers n lexersc 'I,,, n,n . j .-... nit l,.t,l frnolO ... . . II .utll, tui ,,I I'll ,.'i,. ftv..,- I'lliueton having the advantage in double deckers, elcien to ten. Alder -nun caged ten out of fourteen tries fioin the free line, while Legeudre, llrnwner and uiciinson coniDineu scored but four out of ten Onco again the value of a good foul goal shooter is apparent, despite all that the New York critic of late b.ivc been Haxing. Tli. race would be much tighter if ever; team in the league had looked to tbe d.M'Iniiment of a foul-goal shooter ns' 1 has PcniiHlvaiila. T H.o,. ,,nme nope nntei itl t IC 1 111.. ..-1.M ..n.-.ne Ann ntfltcl f I fllP W l.yen andforne , ,n C- l'-'" " '""r K. ln"'r K?fiPZv 1th". an-.crt.on that the In'nil ' Heights team is a v rong one on tlicir '' '" ,IIn JT0'itb?.C",,T,?ni" . CoiifRc. w i r c pt J.'rnn ! I 1 137 Cmitirmitin n 3 7f.n 181 rorne'i a 4 r.no im ColutnMa 2 t itj j, f'rlneMon 2 1 a.11 1.17 Va! r. r,l till cage foul goals the, Ithacans would have " been the leciplent of a defeat I Horses best suited to the inifuioiable This xteek three games will bo played 'Hack umdltioiiH at Shrevcport m to in the league, Columbia meeting Yale at d.H laid, which is c,t an oidm.irj New Haxen on Wednesday, Ynle play- found themselvif Penn s victory over iJeinttnrc hatur dnx nigiit was expected, but not with H.A ,..,, l,nt the U-tn-1:', score illdl- the ense that tne w to 1.. scnri imii nird. The lmrs from the l'each rtntu. wiHi n record of bating humiliated the . , -1 l.-..- .1... .llnJ. nf MCilieil powerless wmr" nn- "ll"' " ' j Cnptain D.innj and Ms mates. Bill (irate led the slaughter with .six- field !. Wnltcr Hnntinger scored five. Bnsennst three. Miller two and Mc- irhol ami t oeeiin one ciui. ' " I..III... I,,,l ,.f I flint ItlCfPl- W .IS liiiiiihiu ........ ... - - ensilj the feature of the game, lit linn- .Mini' of lie hull mm scintillating pass 'Ins and tutting in biingi.ig rounds nf L'lifi-M fiuin the sjiei tutors. I.VUIV11.UAI. l-CdJUNU iitHi Ceil IXnil, Ph. Pi i sr i pn-lilon cillot' -ullin If llirtmouth Sldman r. , Cornell ti.Vlchol rg Penn J.ilinxi.i rf e,1urnl U lilrtriuali c X'ftle 'lollno If Corn. I I, niro rrf . Prims ton 'Kiliir rx Dtrtmouth Urat.nfr M Prlrcto-i 1 i k i . ii a Prim ion llatth r if . V.I Mull! if Dar mnjtl. I.. nan If. Columh a II. p Ir Oirtmouth flrn . Pent ,, ninn . tor-i." .Toffr'. a m Prlncnoi Piirl.iiew tf Cnrtii 1 Cornlnh rf . Cormll Watnon c Culumblj Ilosi-na. rs . I'tin C.plc rf Princeton . Miller if Penn r Chamrorlali c , mrt Ailama c Val Horn.. It 1 Columbia X'nitolln ra Pnn Here n rir. Prln.-tcn . Klrr'c ra . Yalo Hinn l le, Cohn re. V'1, . icclllv rn. Columbia. . . . . llunUlnicr e Penn ., rihi" r al , , . . i lit i;1 I,ulhr rf . ( orrfll j. . ing Penn here and Primeton meeting 'm """''n iaii.timn, .1. u. inriz, ,mln,l that etertbndt on his ieMM-e li-t " ,r lu "ir "" ' "" ' no t tu i,i- niBiniler went to Penn. The first half Columbia in New York on Saturday sjrond. Asiime.Mcrnmn. Uokiop (,oose , h.r(, PX, ,,.)ti,IB Cluttieloer IVnnk ','',',' ",J"' ,vr w '"''' '" vx ' r- I'-H1 . nded S to II and Coach Connor vent in night. A vietoij is expected for the third. Ito Met. r. Lad, niter lum- w,,,. ,, ,.,', , j . Vt. '," ein.n.lr? V. n .'!. "n ri cV;rKj,,n hi" MibstituteH. The Tigers managed lied und Blue, hut the game should not 1 ",''" ! 'oUrtlJ ,rrr- ii ,, h?'.'" T -. ,w rookie outfielder IMcns and the nn. inai swlia me! ..n umlof.-nti I inciuUo.l to Iircnk thinugh the Red mid Itlue de be as easv as the one in New Haven, fifth. Caplain Burns holid I.ock ( oek- terlons Mauii.e Shanuou Webb and 1 ', Li,",, .'',! L'i' " '! ', '' ''.; (,',thu''"1 ' fense in the sc.ond ball and s-me. the Bulldogs evidently ut last having ruachi vixth. Ihunderblid. Ixtho. Doc ieo. nre on their vjt here but Witt ur iJ.V." ,. ., ,' 1,,1 in,,' h "?, Kd.lie Ynre was the Mar w ith S ,-onls to I'M 1 ' SI 07 fi.l i ."'.' 4C ' !;.' -,.' ,.' ,,. Tj ,y (, i jn ,. ,. - - t S II ITllUIClUll 1 u inoir. W Prlncdoii j foe lh c.'ornlj PulUtn Ik Columbia 11 01 . '4 :. .1 71 10 17 I J .IJ . 21 4 1.1 .'0 IS -' 9 1, IJ I s in 11 A. GMC user said last week, "It will be five years in August since we put our GMC to work and I'd cer tainly hate to give it up. It has made 60 miles a day and does it every day. We have never hod any trouble with it." Five years old and still young. That is why GMC trucks are economical why the first cost is of little importance. It is the ability to perform year after year at a low maintenance cost that counts. Investigate before you invest. General Motors Truck Company 205 NORTH 22ND STREET . PHILADELPHIA, PA. .O&iL-Z LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, PROBABLY QUAKER flH r3swsW$liwJslKssssssssm. sm. "m llllR3l9iB mssssmsssB rssssm smswBKEswsMSsssssm. jBflBjHH9BaHF7B HhV-HK IBBr m 'P IHk ' smkkm. Mrkssskssmssssssmku. -AiailflBr BkkkmkmBBkmGEkwBmkkm&iaM&A jRHskmkmkkkwkkkmwmk Skwkkkksk$akmkkkBkRfflkKjkmto&&Bk iPsssmBL Jsm(sssssswtssssssr ,ssSasWssmssssm.ti t wlLwWKr .KtE&ts. lJKswkssmi Top row (left to right) Jack (illmore. goal; lien I'raiiMln. n.ssisl.int iiiana'jer: S. . lllon, ro.icli; Joo Dex ter, point; .lark IIuliii, manager; Ilarte, goal, heated sliton Soiurcr. wing; Man tr.iwfoid, wing; l.ddle Hill, rnptaln, rover point; Herbert Henrique, centir, and Sidney Clirli, wing WILD BILL HITS TRAIL Phil' Leader and Sam Payne Leave for Gainesville Training Camp Wild Hill lloiioMiii. new ninnnfii of n. iiuiiii ,i , ii, c. ,,,, , , j . ,,. .. . , . ... t niaVur. left Phllndelilna nt 11 o'clock this inoriilmj for dainc still, ttll , wheie the 101" Natiomil I.iugu" rllam(i1H w rn,u. ' 'Ihex will truth their de-tiniition to-' uiorrow eienlng nnd lif 11 woik nn tne niinmoiiu tne wiiiowing iiij. .-.aicn , . ' Xllisuuiu "l nil- 1 mil "in 1'Hie nn- All of tlic menibeii "' club e xpu. ed to nacb the March ! Boots and Saddle cuius, appear to uc: 1 irst race, iiiinn tor Shufei the Keniurkt Ucrlit liooka with 1 sirlti In the J.IJ 0n0 d-iani.. Inteatlq t(on of U)n l)r.od,npr a,j nv.iv,ir id r, r nt ,i,A ihrM.i..r ,,i.iu hirii nt 1 nmi-i lVllh (he imnounicinifiU of the cl'siti? of H u tend rnrihampioiiahiii honors hj tecum a. fator ".... iv of iniir. Hi abut larr- i,riil M I tiiiiifii den lwlow a score bofore th mi nlntc rf th Dri on Mai 7 Air. idj in ortvNhtrfrt'liri i''. (nio II illii loursnif, i'iurii,ua iml ' ! ' 3 yx th" iril' wii 10 Tmii "' !' I'"?J1 ". I " t7l 1 KO to I r) 1( r ln nCup ura i.atr tirhit insion x'oit nxodu, and rrudert Slur Xtrra.lr ttbnl Is kno.i.i as tie utntri 1 iok ha apisjreil In ChlciRu an'l lm., .Ill That lts ii lino upon ..lint tho ej PrtH In tho huslneas think of lh. han,M ef tli enirtea A few or tnos (lUoiailons nr Kl.en iih nn Inill. alien of tin itrlf rh" llirure are often ou,t, fur from th mark, ns h miijorlls of porhj raca nr ajr prlra In oterbilj for Inatam. the last on won b Paul J. na' Hint of IH1H .oi l.v Sir Harton ..ml ..hen Kxlermlmitor .on ih Prtrli. h ..pa not erlnu.ls tonsllril a- i puftilbl 101 tentlei lloncrail p.i d l(l to $1 In Iho mutucla Tli wlnlar linoks on ih Drbv ni ilxrn l'a.ne XVii'in. s rr.ater fn.orlt.. ,t 4 to 1 It la i.iiil. 111111 that li. adilltloi t hi llns: unbeaten Inst .nr ho aho.e,i ihm he could am Iierl,. i.elsht Ills .itir. In Ih tOntuekt Ii,rl, e-luh &taka i i mil rarr:lnir l.'il pounds found lum m parntl. with nouich In rsre to hat 1.01 ts n.,il.... . 1 .....i. ,.r .. .u. ......i... . ,.n n. ...,.,. .11. 1 l",..,. .., iv ,,111. 11:11. 111,-1 111 .k Tt....,. b. . 1 1 I .....va .. ...a ...l... ill" eri u) -11111 mi-..- ivi" iiiii-u ivill. lnit that Trssier l only a sprinter xirClrlland and Slmnis' Ler.nxrrto li .h. RTfat son "' HlMop l.thej I,ie, la qU01rl ,T 8 to 1 II I th main bono of the wsi m contlntfiit ami la lnirln promllni.-l. n( Hot Srrlnsa Th arumnt as-alnst him is that h t.. la a sprinter The iinlienten Inehcnpe, the 11(10 000 oo't f Ram HMilreth la held nt 1.1 tn 1 Th,. I iu , ' urlce oir tills ureal colt probably la du( t. a t his lnna- akklies of ait .nr follonlnz hi 4iliurchas 1 Illldrcth tf h has reml I hla perfeet realth thero la no raon f. r I i " 1 not le ns ere of th favorites In th l , ' tn fai"! no ono but his irainr Uno..., u " ' hoir civid InchripD 11 S5! cncwl Motor; Trucks MEANING THEY HAVE REACHED LAKE CHARLE WV?l CITY ICE HOCKEY ' nt" F IVlain BOOV Ot AtnetlCS Keacn- ino-Trainino Cantonment o o at Lake Charles .Snrciir' Duriafcl lo Kirtw u I'm! c , fell 'S liU" -The Lilie riiarles. Li., full strength of the Atnletb icimpant will be found nt Lake Ch irle-b ill perk". Last night the otitlielders and iiifielders, chaperoned lit Vii e President Thomas Sliibe, arriteei and loined the piti here iind intchcrs, who hme lum here for a week When talis sounded ( unum Mink lias until M.neh 10 lo rerort He has been ill. Nothing is known about the intentions ot the man of nij.steij, Shan- nun 'I I'p tosseis who pr.ietup ni" Pitchers, Peie. Vntl.. Krl-eil IIiilt Ilnril IViACKSSTARTTODAY W H LL RE . .... ,...v ......... ......... - ien-.il 11111 nn w it OIKin 11 ,tiut or llri Ixeele, Itniiiiiiel. IJigbie. Bnriett. Knx.irrn t lin I i)d entr in th wi mlnir nnm lom-. Heiim.eli and Slnpp.-t Ml nie ',,.1"',' h. A T,"j """ , "' ' h ml. .1.,, . .1 , . .1 cff hi' ..I.o I I l". a (lrl elan- .nan r M right hatiebrs ex. epting the hist time .,.-,, .n,i is .. 1 iitt-i for th ., ..ittn L limned The latcheis here ale Per l.lns. Styles, j Wnlkei nnd Mjntt Tlie inlield rs an (iiifhn. ltk, (.il Kiwnt, Dugan. M.Cnnu and Binil '1 iu oiittbhbrs aic 'llllt Wr.lker. 1'r.uil. Wulkci and . until .lohnson of Won is to. ; Heal Work Todn.t Mack had a handshake fm nil nf his men, and told them liiat 1 igiel prnc tbe wTluld start tod. i.t. Tin pitiheis and i ate hers are as bruwu as beiriis, and gate etulence to the newennurs what kind nf climate thet hate had in Lake Chniles 'Hie batten men are glad tliat the others bine united so that ece.-cise will If inoie intel .'"ting llian it wns Inst week While 110 exhibitinii games will be plntiil until Sntuidat when the Mack -men tackle the Ciirdiunls 111 llrnnge Ti , xthhh is onlt a tew miles tnuu here, thetemat be snme infiirm.il g lines between the regulai s and Yiinignns this' w 1 ek 1 Mack (ins 11 iienehnnt for earli gitnes, and oier.xbo.Ix iire.liitsth.lt he will order n gime carlt this week Harrj Daxis' returned from u scouting trip in Texas , . (. ,, , ,,.,, ,, ,11 l,,,l,, Xli.ok nl"'. with I'nii Miirpiix. will help Xlnek 111 tbe i .inching. Dnx is was ter) much I surprised beeause thpre hate been ton , few college gnincs this spring, liotwilh- standing the mild w.nther The col leglnns in this part of tlie count! t -tern to le mnking a lute start Lots of Kntliiisiasni Without a doubt, Mail, netei hi- lind n more enthusiastic team in .-ccm! tears All the boy aie anibinniis ntnl 1 I7CSI EUBttUARY 28, 102J TEAM anuoiis in gel in shape l'or instnnre .loe Diisiiii his hanl-hittiiiL' Ihlrcl hsse- mini, was dehghti el to know about waim weathir pretailing heie. He said tliHt a few el.i. in the sun will tix bun for high presure plnjing. Uiignn is hup of the leading stleksmiths in the A itcricnn League Few iuflelders are m Ids 1 la-s in halting He has third base e niched. Hikes (s nUo a livtuie nt seiotid base. tn,. 1 .,-- .- .tin in- i-niiiie liiiiiji 1111 riic "r" '""M nU sluuisleip positions. (Jrif- 'in is the li.iib'i at the initial corner, but will hate t step some to hold the ,(..i. ,..! ,.., --,;-, -.: j-i. """" nn- mi eiiriiesi ritai at sliorl in limine!! MiCunii, the toung I'lillilrli.l.ilitnt. ..I... 1 1.... ..I... 1.. I.t. .,..u.,. .. ,..,, 1,11., iiu uiieini iu uir jttstem 'I'hen Prank Hutzil the heat v hitter, .inner bi oterinnked In two straubt -.i.isuus Hra.il made a wnuerjiil remnl , hatting above the 1 J00 ""rI " f"1"' league s in tlii.s streUh ".'' x.'"" . A V1?" wll rn" In tlllU 1H J"sll.llPfi '" inititiiiij a nputalioii for ' """'fteii' slugging " Penn State Star Off for Camo sinte (nllrcr. K. i 1 1 ri,...i. ",r i'it(l-'l ui ! 1 irf Ault to Captain Navy Basketeers Xnruiiolls y .s -Tl'r.' Is lulu feule l!in the civil" fm lb. cniKlnr nf th- ' 'l.V.u. .! "..'v ai'r,iraii !iim for. m t hh an llulltldili! ilnjr iCn 1 a ' udr. Steve Yerkes to Captain Cressona llellll.lZ. I' I .S s t i f-ii r I. -t n i .n. ii i th , i i f - 1 a ; i r- i. ! I I -ii ir.l -i ,t i h it i in Til p i i.i T :r. lh X INI Kit Jj.f(urs 111' I I.I XIII IM.K.HTs I I. jlc BELLEYIEW BEUEAIKHEIGHTS, 7orida .Most bonutifu! nnd interesting place in Florida durins Fcbruarj' and March Golf Tournaments HandNome troph. o..ord Mixed Fourorne Tourn mint I eb 281 W omn s Chmnpionahip Mjr 7th to It tli t it Const Open Cham- plonahlp Mar ;,, to 0t(, Hcllertlr Championship Mar 2 1st to 2uh .Xational Southern Air Tournament .Mar. 2flth. 27th. 2Slh 'I li r n u c li Pull in a n le the (louls XTI.XMK ( 1TX. j. 1ES uannc uy, in. j. i On Ocean Front Fireproof '..nu.ualu attracllt during Wlntar a4! vrtni; Ssaiont. Horbcc ca the buria, i Golf Indoor Bwlmmlng and the irMj popular "Reillnc Chalra ' on Hoardwain. ' I.uturloua'j aprolntid Lobblea and 0 Parl- with afternoon tnuitoala a.o4 1 comcllmentary Tu 6rttc which lnllj Aruttiican arrl Euronaan rlana. - Laurel-iivthe Pines LAKEWOOD.N.J Situated among the Pines and overlooking Lake Carasaljo Vaw Valo Grill i ho' Golf Louree HoriebarU Hid rs: Motomir rin.re.u,ga ttalks Mnatc I'r vaM darac Naa- blectr" hydr thrrapc Hall i.atem Fit NU T 1111 l I , Manager Brtr, OffireorGrO A lll'IIN K ONS Memban New Xcrk Stoik 1 irhenca m,ii xnuu t t fc hife 'HOTEL MILT0J lF.w nnK Seventy Third Street Hear Broadway and Seventy Second Stieet Subway Station cc.ceurOd tu IFLUEGahlAK vas I llil ttdllll" V , mvmfih 6 PENN TEAMS SCORE WINS OVER WEEKEND Thrpp Ihisho.thnll Tennis. ,- ' ,r, , v resucrs t triors, w ime otcunmcrs ana ooxers uuau for Average of .750 Eby Wins o00-Yard Special KirIii I iiimmhim of fonnsylvanm held hi nrhei'mt off for nlinosl 8 mln teams snw iiitmn ovr in" week-onu uteB in a thrilling encounter mid nl of that number ifglsliTed tn- Coach Oeorge Kltler nnd his awlm- uuiph. foi nn 10 cragc of Toll ThL ,l'r', defeated Mamaehufctt Tech in A continue!, tbe ei i-lleni ijsord of tl '.one contest. !." to U." Tor tbe flrit indoor teiiinH that -tart'Ml with tin' opiMi- tiim- since he lias bepn repreaentinc mc of htc M'UKnn Not n inglf week- did tias i"cn the team fall below the "00 mark Three basketball Icim. ibc indoor polo trio the wriitlcrN nnd the im nicru were the vie torlou teams. The )at named bint a meet to Yale Tridnv mglit, and the other defent is charged to the bo.ing teiipi that unci umbecl In a -lo(h LOtitis'cd ni'M't with ct I. .int The armt cpuntet handed lcla wnrc o reverse in AVelghtrnnn Hall Sat Midai n'ght 44 to 13. with Hill Ornve nnd J IiiutiiiKT In Hie stellar roles The mime night m.w Captain DunV Hlioacl.- the former West Philadelphia High Si hool ntliletc. and his iunior ar sity mules humble the I rinmf- repl iant, 11'.) to I!l Jthoades idaied the lend, si onng eighteen nf ids tenm'n total of point Tbb. is the mosl noi.l ! tnumpli lori'd bv the I'jtuorn this season In IMien.lei nl... is n umiliomorH rnnil. I-Mille MeVIrliol of 111,- vnrsiM . v,n- i In-mlii t,r,,ii.u-t for nei Mensnn's cjulntet "Pnstj." nn excilient flour- iiihii. can shoot f 1 urn anv nngl". and 1 a dead t-heit from the foul line 'I hose who hate seen him plu.t predict that he will make the tars.tt 'nijLt tear. The fie-hman cuint(t lontiniiPcl its unbroken string of victories bj bumping ' Villauot a College fresh. 51 to 'J(S Label 1,11 iiiiinrr. roe loriner niiucnerTi iitn .School nl around "tar. lei in the '' mg with six double-dccki rs Jimmt MeVlelinl. hrntlier of Dim nnd I'd. , ,,; ,, v ...,..:,-. --,.. ,:;. piaxeu iikp ins lamous mouiers imer ne enteied the game scoring three field .. .1.. 1 L . I S.. , ...I f.. . 1. .. gouts ami ociug iiiMruiiii'iiuii 111 m-i stnriug of mant inoi-- by his assigns near the basket. 'llie indoor pnjo trio linncled Prince ton the wmst def.-it anj polo team has suffered this season the tinal figures rending 111 to li Last Tue-dn in New York with the Rd and Blue team poor- lv mounted the Tigeis won 1 to 'J Snt- urdu night it was a ilifferint case '''"' Primeton team was given the hf't selection of the ponies and the re his credit, .Timtii Sexton lind 1, Hyi'k - and .lerrenis nnd 1 n.ttield one acb. With Captain Ashbt back 111 hnrnef the xtrcstling team scou.l a win otei f'olumbia IS to 1.'!. Dm is, Mjers and Aslibj scored wins on falls niul Chars, sens on n decision Tbe work of Dims wns especiall.t notewortbt nnd gite Coiu h Sertais nn exeellent prospect in the intercollegiate". Columbia tn X.arct sk and Hart produced two stnrs w hn silnlllil tlgure in tin 1 liiinipK.lisliips Phi! Km l won in two . Iiis-p-. the 1!.". aid 14." and sbonnl skill 111 n inning iiret skt. gnmg Chief Mtirs a hniidbnp of ",". pounds in tlii beax; w igbt . Iu WINTIJl ItrMlUTs nn 1 k.mii 11 1. ic, iits 1 Ti'iiis, trnp sliootinc, .xuchtmj; fisl intr. ci cat swimmini' i atu'iH urn. wheel chairs, hor.seli.u s mlitu 'liioiit-h the pines )., :i'w,nH uisif, dam inp; and so. iuI ch,i ni THi: HI:LLI:M1;0. until Mnrch ."HI. XT t WTli l TX Wem Va,Ctf I ATLArVTICCITY.N.J. I AAmeiiican.PlaiHnf0l I jf lsiinclj(maruiItjealCom6rt I rirwr UAJUUaBi H CAPACITY COO. waiX&Iuzfcf Let l Mnl, ton I eel nt Home in (Ue "City at Robust Ilaaltb" HOTEL MORTON ,.," "" ';n'' Xlrslnli r Cnnirln Juci ifVA'T ,..r.'1.' n",'s 'Ir Xl Open L71(Xf lllll I'l Xf .C (IIM Tnn. grand Atlantic 1 1- a a d I, i nine war t - t xn it t OritAH II, I'AIMI K H I it' ot4 r id ' "j-ea 4 flr i, rnn n vit IIXII.ILl) I.XMIU.si SneVIDTHlRE? ' iris in 4 e a batha run i.ait b.Xil k. , - i. I i ca Sit l'rlvt eie atur ecr Atnar pHrv. " J cut I I ,-, iifT WarIborouaTi8lciiIicim JoeflWrilt A. mr. C9n.fi Hotel Boscobcl , ' t i. n-. ' ' 'UJ- N ' '" ' M'KIM s lit QUI-S1-SANA SPA HOTEL- (rren lot Mirlnes I'lurlilu I '-j- h ' ' v i t nn, .,,. 1"' t i i , p n t sisif,.- .tfhli s ' i I ' i nc tt J3 r-tr '" " i '. in. lioial 1 1 i i o I i v re X H'is t t xi if t r 1X1 liMIX splllM.- N ( te isiis, sihim.s imii i I ii ksnn sirtnirs N ( ' ' ti i ,, , V , I t k Si S , t l i lu,. ( I I.AIttt Ml.lt ' lll.UXll s,N. (Iry,v.m(rr. Ilorlihi, Xo(lern In Detnll On w Shot il I ,. i ouniry Club, tennu Ui.tliiB bxliium tlh . ii!. huntlnK Quail Muacm now on He.Mon I Novmbr IP June.' llatcii upon Mllft'on I 19 Swimmers. Poloustx arid? c , r, T V ivnn .Mllllln Armstrong was nui out. In the fancy dive His teammate, Werner, won the (nnt Aimy won thf lift -rani dash. Ilmnlm the 'J20 and Uursk the plutige The relaj race w lost Ijv a few f t and would have been won had Itlnbon been along 'j'lf. mrft lost to Ynlc on Friday niKi,t , n wn'.kover for the llulldog ,,., fh fl,,- - i .. 3r fo jn 1hi- Hli relni ciunrtet broke the inter- collegintn record In clefeating the Red and Blue. i oacii ucorgf iiqi-kpt s nnxing icam '. tn". 1?.MS of r,n.I,tnl,n Tom" mv U Mnllex and lomnn I owell. ram? came withm n bout of winning from the Artnv The final xeore tood 4 bout to .'!. .lessp lliirkcrt, in the 115-pound clnvs. M-nrod the only knockout by stop ping his )ldler rival in '1 minutes and ,' 'econdH of the fir-t innnd Nate net.ei, neiing cHpinin, won ins uoui on a elee lsioll 111 Hie 1,)N poiinei class. Willie Luc a did the nme llilllg III til" 170 pound i)b. Ixret and Oesterlclier , loi't their bouts in tin heat t weight and 3-5-pound elnsseu respietively Botli men were hoting fur the lirt time for the Ilisl and Blue and then work great- Ix impressed the conch Karl Kby made it n good week-end for the 1'niversitj In winning the 500-(rd siee!al in the Itronkhn Legion games. 1 tie rnvi. tmirpii i.initiii,, ,ii,re,,tfwi Nrr.. cn-'iiii, of Princeton I.e-lie, n Nexx ork club star, and Murrn.t. another Piimeton st.ir. Tlie medlet reln.v lclu ::"'. v " tailul to placP in their item May Be New Golf Record sun l)lxo. fnllf irl f I n world f li 2s - x-int la d irrrr.J in profssalonnl jl nf Imhi v nn niil.l Li 1 . 1 i'-rj;i.i or uni- tn htn he w.m '1. iournBmn at tlia 1 nroiwili I'ountrt ul fur rrnfoasionala. r!e rn 1 wn tjlb c r of 270 strokes for 72 hola over a rrjulnilen Ges0 varil coura. rii fonni ifijrd nn a.i J lo be 273 atro Eastern Collegiate Ski Association Mnntrnl 1VI. ." 1-' rmitlon of the '' in Ifii'-i'ult : iv' 1 tsnn. iitien iH)m - Ins u iiiui'Imii 1 I f. nr L nltfd State !!' I a N c 1 ,1111 "d liere Thuv nu I'nrtni ,uli .li 1 ' tu i X onnont and ttll! inn from tl I'tnt . Main and Me 1ill if Hiitirii 1 inti.ti llrlfric uf Drt 111 tj I Witl inIUni KIl'i(TIVy, lloih sr,es WHAT IS THE GOAL OF YOUR AMBITION? P toil want t'j succeed in ,i litiiincss xx.ix ? Do you l.u 1. the Ini-incs., training tli.it x on know will In ncces aix lo youi siKei? This - ii. "1 will furnish you the pi i 'pot tutcl.ifrc and give ton practical m-ttiiction keep on reading Mr. Educator's talks. I The Auditor or Comptroller I tin- lilt?! din i- n i i'cu. i' f ho orsram . -. a-ii el reels 1,f ac mint'iii. i. ii.niini'iit of ox i.' liip; corpmntion lrii nf sour, luelynu'nt, who llJcrs faith in themselves, . n i t isioii tlnni" in n liif way .ire nooilcd in tlin lieli). It' ou han the fundnmcntal ciualiiioations xxe tan train you. Internat,'onal Accountants Society Inc. 509-511 Witlcncr Bldg. Phone: locust 3410 JBJi ACaS WjrcrAJiCcel or w v-tsyj Day School 1SJUXJJZU, Night School It the Srhool for You 1 4 11 i irouah f. of t ra cniiraaai ' ' t Seera. 1 tleamanaMp, ''Hail JUal Ea. ant tahi- t . Ice nf ri, 1 irt "t n 'ate I niai,h r Hnii,h T-ach- r- i KiTiini. " .ri l ivil Br? f.xi xi m r st rnn.x a nn inn m hi i ii nisiriiiNs ' ' i and ljj-. ' ,? tralmnc ( . ' ' isialtlona 1 " ' . Pay nr ' t. a for lllll X III sm i,h ril,U'.()R ..nil olli.Li. nl (r nrnirr.. Ini. I In-sliiiii st rtilliiilflplila School of Music! :-' ' i ttt. Temple University 6'.!S ir,r?.b.,,,.,,.:,;V. All llntnthrn nf Himlc. Ilrclmitrt ui Atlrunrrd run)l.A Cutaloi, lluti irouu lurlilnv tvli lurtai .ton I., n. s j .n'v. vs. :i ;rvY. nr.- i.v. nvni: 3IOIJi:ilN II'ACII KltS' roc nri.llii lit'm'tfi IWJ MUIUUI MTKUfct 1 807 Chestnut t I Ipmilapelpmia I -y