Tr 'ir S ' T. "ji9WW ' ftl yfv?7 -iinipi "wr. ' V lw. f , r r I l i a I .i I at : K .t II'.' M ' BU'ffii. a S6&M 9 i tasbi I -.iTi'f nni . Jr r I VL t ' ", ' tf '' I V ' W 1 M I 1' ' i i' &f entng public &6ger PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 ( i YDMIRED M HUNDREDS. She wasn't on the MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH CHAPMAN. Members of the Phila ' UlE DOWN FROM CANADA. Miss HE'S A CHAMPION. Shcrwin C. Badtrcr. national ncurc-skatinf: GETS DEGREE OP DOCTOR OF LAWS. Mrs. Julln M... program, b .t Boa nee Be'. fa got "a hand" cvevy dclphia Skating Club, who gao an exhibition of their skill Lthel Kirkpatrick, of Toronto, appeared champion, thrilled the folks that crowded the Palace by his lowe Sothcrn, noted Shakespearean actress, is honored by thj turn she appeared on the ico a- a Persian princess in the fancy cos- wonderful work Gcorgo Washington University tume contest The Delta Kappa Fsi r 101 ducting a kat ' g carnival at the Ice Palace last night. snug sum was added to the funds that will help greatly in the work of Broomall Holiday House Underwood & Underwood Ledger Photo Serwco a English a -tress, appra PHjwBPSaEiWBgliM I niJMBMl W "' '' I I in ! H"l "W IMJMrt11 liiWHWi IBiilMMii Wi Wii'i " ' " An 'i Bjgggjgjpj - r -N'GRFRSMAV 'MI, JR.. ai' .. . rurg r.r pi- i . nidentificd Amo lUMITTf if bill au- "' an can oldier I to A CLEOPATRA. Miss ( ath'een Nesbit in a show ariangcd for cku t in Lond photogiaphtd THE SWRTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, at Swarthmore. The aerial photograph shows the athletic field and some of the surroundings. An announcement of the incorporation of the school will be made at the alumni dinner which will be held tonight Aero ftrUre Torp. PRACTICING ECONOMY. Commander Oliver Lockar Lnmpson, member of unusn raruameni, remea nis mansion ana is now living in a stable attic Central News photo TL(HERb IrRoM THL COLLIN CM OOD. , J., Hig.. iuol and O-amnur Sd ooi pick wmncr foi Jack s J.rglp fr m 'tft o (front -ow i - Helcr K. ( .a-k, Jcnn Oidham, Ida M W lon, Elizabeth J. England, L. Paxcn i Back row -Martha enaole Mldrci I Woodward, Janet I. Walker, i rt".' i vl K.nni" a' 1 M.Hrod ( Tatum YfjF - rKtHM9HL h Mmri&gmiMK&i& ' j$5MirryBR M&&mftn & & NEW CHINESE MINISTER, Eao Ke Alfred Szo, arrived on Wednesday aboard the S. S. Aquitania. He is photographed with his daughter Kudel tc Uerbeit SEMAPHORE SENTINELS I'O.T N ) are cither attfnl ng " under ' i' Wf i UI.RIi IH.ION'.JllM.r 1 IM RICKR. A ea i minituo of tellers., who l f' '' i r'1-' r 'he La.i - j . ary. an'i ' o co J the rte ca'-t by those ' .n i" 'K- pictj " jPi ' f- to nt'Lt i ), "t,- i Sinn-' 'i, Mrs. Wex- M n H Bi"te-, Mi M m h M - - i c s np rj an I M ! (' Mothei- .. '. an ..I ,hapiro, A C. Ru F. K W r , H F vn t ton and F I. R Worley TAR CRICKLTER. Pat Hendro 'amous Middlesex plajer of England gently Bcored -6- runs and not out i witm riOHH i n ' OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ..I. i- i i ......,.....-, . i,. " --- i ..M... i .I ? FT HKwB Kis 1 "- -1 ? - - 11 -.ll ' "DANCES OF THE NATIONS." C hildren associated with the Sherwood Recrea tion Center will entertain their parents and friends tonight and tomorrow night. Left to right Kathcrine Bogart and Annn Caldwell, as America, and Hilda Cohen, who will do n Spanish dance created by herself Ledger Photo Seru THE BEAUTY CORNER (111 I'M' indp' i tin ' i at the '-i-n u R i K ' i! Ill I t itlCM 1 JI.III . i ing-. in d H f the 1 hi.rr ! I n I" iiii U'u N ' ii i ni' ' ;l , t ni iii i il South ikickneil stri.', h Ir i ' -1 t t. i u j . i n jr ' iunk-.hnft bearinn u ') . I i.ti -1 jii i cl li. i l.ainbi idire -triit- i. uer . 'tuto hoi MRS. THOMAS R MARSHALL, wife of the Vice f'n iident, with the stiver "it presented to her by huln - in I nitid States S n itn cnclcs I i 'll'JIO ON DUTY AT BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Resorvo Officer Patrick Doughty on the platform, built by himself and Reserve Patrolman Alexander Ritchie, so that thuy could get a better view of tralllc. A Mnnll mirror on the semaphore is another addition to their equipment idor l'tolo Berries - ' - pvl;- nz krY-v - --?":&JK V.". fA SriSI ,. Is i Or ? r jjv ' w & MAY BE HORSESHOE CHAMPION. Hughio Palmer, of Akron, Ohio, is in training at St. Petersburg, Florida, for the national hoiHeshoo quoit championjihjp. MISS ETHEL BAKER 2017 South Sixtieth iticct Philadelphia J fl ;. v f 9 fit ,jf. v,A AV. W--.! -i