-srv 'r- M- ' 1 V r, EV.ENT&Of PUBRO LflDGfiBPHItADBLPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 W LADYFINGERS By JACKSON GREGORY Copyright, 111, V OharUt Boribner't Bona TSfiiAItTS THE STOIHf li" j ,alt Sat betn cracked and the V dlZ ctcape' Ambrose, a deteo- .Wj'Ji oitd demand o 'now no riJcf ... j.it. J.;-. i '8 if'- and ''Frank" know nothing "1 and denounces Ashe, other tW. H' j?.rt." a the criminal. Iffl&or'mout evidence, tho Lrce to " thc "rlnte on him. Wtt.nnlnt. Potty, daughter of Wf&eolnt, rottv, dauohter of Wfi thirsty and has como for a l ." w;i... n a iearm rtaard '.. dlsouista ",p ,M"r . ". 'I'Vl'l-o. ore Lc Brunt And Wnt to talk with von aoout J. " .,imrd AaftC AA0 .1 . -i r- .Ineroett no consldtra- Ljktntlt. ".'" r. ' a menace fo ItOn ' - J. jirf ii iauc nc w """,vw I 1". "":. ..: "? r.- -. INI: society. ft ii w orrciru - . fi ufflcin( evidenca &' cried Potty, comltip- in and SmTi read Jfotfier Ooojs to tiic." AND HERB IT CONTINUES HE TuaBL.u j " ""i llDblD(f. "Rosy N the est, nmT I the South. Roiei (ire her cheeks; And a rose in bcr mouth. ii" Buotcd happily. "SoundB like led happy. The ret might just ns well "With n merry atng-aon.-. II8PP7. Ry and 'reo With a merry sing-song, Happy let us be." tell tou. Bobble," expostulated t, JeeKing to 00 seTcro. "And I tell you. Polly," ha cut in I MS BCr evident uvmny, Mini. ii. " rjllaitlme. What say you to this, JIIss Pull: "Tbs Tear s nt the spring. And day's ot the morn : Morniim's at 7 ; 'Xhc hlllnldo's ilcw pearled ; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's In his heaven All's right with the world." uitt then." he continued with no title for the whiting impatience of Foil;, "Stbald said, 'God's in Ills tfiten!' Do you hear Uint? And I ar. 'All 8 right witn tne worms' That's a triumphant line. Miss roily L Bran.".. .. . . . "Humph!" was l'oiiy'B horn oi a Icoament. "Is It Maybe tlie guy tfctt wrote that didn't crack safes for a !irls and didn't know a cop named Anbroie. You'ra a funny sort of fel low, Dobbls Ashe." "Politely put, Tolly ! lou mean I'm rriirr xon'ro wrong, l m just mau. Ui in'plration has como to me, Polly ; H'n Inspired, if you like ; obsessed, if It prefer. I'm glad you came. I trii about to try to write the morning kto bad verce; now you've (.topped me kid I m co ns to keen in tuno Willi tiic torjnttime by living it I Living is Dcticr Itta writing, k, Polly? I'm eolng for k, vacation. Where's my hat?" I "Whit An tou mpnn?" nRked the t.tl, the shadow of uneasiness in her f;i. "Are you just stringing mm Wlire are you going?" The words were accompanied by a tick flourish of tho rarely sensitive aada: Polly marveled at thc enra-free lOTjihness of bis wide smile, the bright- hi ot tils eres "I'm Mine whore a fellow can chase 'ool butterflies and run races with his aadow." he informed her with an as -jmBtion of eravltv. "I'm coinc to Mt the Lady Springtime in her own 'oaie. 1 m going whero I ran batlBiy irtain lifelons curiosities. I'vo alwars rinted to know If there really ore such sines aa bir. mossy boulders with thin treami of clear, cold wntcr trickling it from between them. Ivc always id o hankerine to learn first hand a ii oi things about lettuce and onions. 'tc always been consumed with curl tltr about pumpkins!" "Punklns?" said Polly. "Eiactlr." hi nmliled hnpk nt lier. 'What kind of a bush they grow on, on know? I I have never tola ny one before, Polly but I nm ot eure they don't dig 'cm, llko potn i. you know." "Do punklns grow this time of (ar?" asked the practical Polly. "We could telephone thc grocery man t the corner," ho suggested. "Hut, o; he'd He about it. Grocers always ome to the telephone prepared to lie bout their goods, and can't help it. o: i'ii go ttnd out. Polly." "nab!" said Polly, laughing a lit . Then, a look of frank ntlmiratlon i her eyes, ''You've got the coolest trve or any man I ever saw, Hobble int. llerp Tmi lnAf n eifi lsca'n turn f?ma 10 and tlie whole mob of cops is after . un top ot tnnt you ve bleu a -tt for a nnil nf mnnvv. f)h tabrose told dad and I'm not nsleep ' umo I'm snoring! And ow you carry it off like a man that i ivifr rviin nrnin n unani iaw f'j,8,hl t0 mc nbout soing to pick She looked nt htm nanoralv Alftiniifrh ue did nnt tfnnti, It TYnllw n-au i..ln nu ii th a morning aa was Ashe. No fist the springtime, triumphant in a pitch don cobbled streets and cement 'waus, had something to do with e matter In her case, too. Polly was 'OlUniCd With till- umrmlli nt ho. .to.lrn l Mother something, to mother the inj she loved most In nil- the world. lit. i .m')'niing eyes Hobble Ashe was rvv ooyisn just now with his rum kit h ttnJ dancing eyes ; more than i be btood alone and many men, ""rose, her father. the murclril irihw. . .. o-ow -" were so many crouching, nun- ii.j. i" pring oui oi mo JiaOWS Unntl htm nnA ,lrn l.l.r, ,l.r. ' was Poilv' nn-M urri. i.n... ui.. t..,i l".1"! ?f what was afoot; while she r,X n,0w everything sho suspected lUCll, The linnwln.lnn nr.,1 ...l.ll.nl I"Piclon combined had brought her in " to Ashe's rooms. trn.'.n ,'?nn may '"" tho light so learir ii CCW thnt ,le cnnnt Heo Ut i. j, Vu" AS" "i uecn. as ne lV.'idlvlnc,y d this morning, had M' 0Ul lint ). I. III.. I ...i.u iL. frl.. . i . u:,:" nn'cii wnn mo iiiyic td m ua Loul,k'f "nil yellow-bel- Whi-C -" ""," " no miiHc nave seen tnat kltr. ii " rlfnt nna nnkcd In the RI1' look. As it wns ho taw In Pollv THE GUMPS-Old 'knbuhlt-AU By Sidney SmtUH I Ti...- " . " wn " taw " i ouy vai n.nimercl' tho Pretty girl who "hemB,.t'l0,,Vft.fr'e n nny ho had, ud iJl. "'B"PI1 "en but of whom he nwtalV. Ir'1'00'1 of thinking oentl tuM uaho ntt8 Slvll h'm a frank ,"B1 he Wished Well l.llt nf whnm l. LI.:i",r,U&l 48 nilnrl . .,!... ..,., '.". "I In.. i l,'"''1"" wnH mig Jorin C'.wnself Mttillr llnnn llm ton rnll nf riii !:..cl!c.w,n at a wisp of green a comfortably grunting HUlte used to Ashe's flashlnf : wnieh .i. ,i : .. n 'i. .' "i uwvo ent u iictco t.iT. "TOUKh I. eiltnnnnt Amlirn.o, In fill um,i '""e a comtortab y gru V2 cltl'n? a Rreedy lot of nKV LiS HUlte used to AhIi.L flo Tin. ."IV'"" "l ? wisp oi green flltoA." 'V"." ""! to ASI PU,' 'R-,i ,nl5ue them as "Joshing bn. ttn! refund to take them serl- hallVed hLn.ow'i ,Not yet h?d .Hh0 r tiut i. V'.'"-" "v incaiu oi wnai TM but t.in, ,,,a b,,bblo of pumpkins I " OUltetU CS. IlmiT rnl,l n , uow could a man standing in a position such as sho Knew ma to ba, mean a word of It? Tho gates of a penitentiary woro yawn Ing for him arid Polly, knowing ft, felt that ABhei must be as poignantly aware of it ns himself. . "Hobble Ashe," she said verx so berly , "you've got to cut out this ninny Business and come alive. They're after you and they mean business this time. If it was Just Ambrose I wouldn't be Beared; I guess you can be one too much for lilni moat any time he stacks up against you single-handed. Hut pnpa'a In cahoots with him, and Joo Lc Drun nover went after a man yet ho didn't get." Her words Jarred against the light ness or Ashe's mood. He frowned, then laughed carelessly. "They can't get me. Polly," he told her with youthful assurance. "If your worthy father gets obstreperous I've got a certain magic word to whisper Into his car and he'll drop the business "I"1 1 a hot brick. Ab for Ambrose ." Ho lifted his shoulders in a contemp tuous shrug. "I've been playing tag with him for halt a year." Polly, while openly admiring, shook her head. Maybe Ashe knew what he was talking about r,lth Just Joo I JJrun and Ambroso opposing him; Polly doubted it, for no one knew bettor than sue me resourcefulness and stubborn ness of her father when once ho sought to run down a man. But there was tho third person, the goggled stranger, the Unknown Quantity, clothed with a real terror to her chiefly because ho elected to bo cloaked In mystery. Polly had como to Bpeak of him, to tell Ashs v.aai one Knew and what sue feared, her suspicions that he was the envoy of a powcriui enemy or perhaps some hlghup of the secret service. Sbe knew enough to senso a "frame-up." And her experience anil observation were large enough to tell her that n frame up, Into which k polko officer, a gangster and an Unknown Quantity entered was a terrible thing with which to cope. All of this and more wns at the tin of her tongue when Ashe quite inad vertently opened a new vista for con sideration and so Denied for himself ono avenue of cscapo. You are a good hid. Pollv." he said. Polly caught hungrily at the words, her heartbeat quickening. But tho heartbeats came only thc aiower with tho realisation thnt while sincerity lay back of tho words, there was utter ly lacking that deeper emotion which, had it prompted the speech, would have made ber heart leap with the great joy. "I always scorn to take your kind nesses to me sort of as a matter of course, I'm afraid," he smiled at her. "I believe that I forgot half of the time that Joo Le Brun is your father, that his fortunes arc yours, that you are doing a wonderfully unselfish thing iu siding with me. I don't know that I ought to let you como to mo this way. One of these days it's going to make positive trouble between you and your father." Polly's hard little laugh startled him. "Trouble, did you say? It busted wide nncn last nleht. Par a und Am brose nnd tho other guy were cooking up their dirty moss and it's Polly to take n chance on gottlng wised up. Ambrose's big cars wouldn't miss the noise the fog makes scraping along tho alley walls; he yanks the door open and there's me, looking fussed and getting red. 'Her. Joe.' he sneers, dragging me in. 'Hore's Tolly getting thirsty nealni' And bcfoic we're through slap Ambrose's face so my hand hurts and papa gets iresb and i siap nis iacc I was for yanking off No Narao's gog- sled In the mlx-un. to get a better squint at him when they throw me off . !.... .! Jamh mm1 .Vm' Anil. siago ami sum mu uuui uuu uuu . w so loud." "I didn't want it to come to this, unlit Anho crrnvelv. "I didn't want you to quarrel with Lo Brun. Nor with Ambrose. You must make up with them some way, Polly. Mnltn nn?" Kho flared out angrily. "I'll see the whole crowd In hell first! If they think I'm going to stand by anu Ben em ilonhln cross VOU. ' Sho broke off abruptly, biting ber lips. Her breast was suddenly tumultu mm with her nulck breathing. Ah Ashe looked wonderingly at her she stared back in a queer sort of de fiance, stared until her two cheeks went ns red ns red blood couiu mauu incm, until she dashed her hand across her eyes as she grew hot with a new sort of shame and a ncrcc anger at mm, m herself, at the world In general. God knows Polly Le Brun was no prude; conventions woro for bar in significant obstacles which might clatter tho path for nnotber but which she thrust aside with an impatient foot. But deep down where the reul Polly Le Brun existed, deep down under the badness of her and tho boldness of her was the puro womnnliuess which, stung suddenly, writhed under that look iu Ashe's eyes. And Bobbie Ashe, pro fessional thief, gifted none the less with thut wonderful quality, a rare, innate delicacy drawn from his father s blood, suckled from his mother's milk, In Hllllcd In an infancy in which bodv nnd brain nnd eoul expand so swiftly, nbsorb bo lutimately, understood. Understood, almost clearly, thut which Polly her self could but gropo after blindly. His liner naturo baw tho beauty of the in stinctive emotion which had set thc cirl trembling. Even whllo he was painfully at loss for the thing to say or do he knew that the poems iu his books wcro not so fine as the love in the soul of poor little Polly Le Brun. "Polly," he said Boftly. "Polly" "I'm a crazy little fool!" she cried, dabbing angrily ut her eyes. "I Oh I'm n fool." "Polly," he said. Arm I n she flu n 2 un her head defiantly. But in her eyes was something more than challenge. There wns hunger un hidden, yearning, not to be disguised im matter how bravely Polly struggled tvUIi (t. And. so many things mny crowd Into one swift, tragic look, there was something there probing deep, seek ing eagerly, btrlving to find that she need not be ashamed of her shame. And in the ond fcho laughed u trifle uncer tainly and hjHterlcally and dubbed at her eye-) again und turned away. "You've always occn mignty gonu w inc. Polly," thc boy said slowly. "I ve alwuvs liked you better than an body else 'I knew. too. But I didn't quite understand, Polh " , , , . "I'ntlorstand?" Polly Jerked her head up, her wet eyes hard upon hi", her voice hard. "Understand what? It was hard to frame thc words in reply, but be saw the futility of evasion and procrastination. "That you felt like this. 1oilv s utile snm, n minium nci.u.., was something of a failure. But at this moment of high tenilon it did as well as another. , , In a general way Bobble Ashe wished nil In ..vpv fn1lnu VflTllCCr 1)01111(1 (lOWD the great stroam of life. lie could rob an overfull snfo or pick a bulging pocket with the morrlest heart In the world ; It Is Tcry much to be doubted if, though a golden reward were offered him, he could have borne to have wounded tho feelings of n littlo child or of the old woman who sold paper nt tho corner of Kearney and Market. Ho was a criminal but no vandal) he, wao a thief, but none tho less a gentleman. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) "' ' "1 I IU ' IIIB I II HI ! ! !! lnl " , i. i... .1 . i . . , ... ,-g VALL- VMtM I GCt MlttUPto J . L K0tf OME OF SOD I . fX fULoto wncr t 1 I NAPPY COrTTCNTtTJ Mteret I ' f ffli iWt s I Hmj) AEsooX ,. a m. m Asm mi Hbm u.vj mmji v "Mill anaiiaiiaiia&'.aaiBMiaaK vnj aanaiiaiiair- wf "N. ifctffl Mi js 95" FERcatT op All the mwumonial troubles S A MAM 'HAHR-IE UFE IS JUST ViHA.Y VoU MAKE IT VoVvE 30T Yo MAVCE a PAL 0)X OF VOVR. VASE. JUST TREAT HER. UkfG A SWEtTHEART AtL YHETfME- TAKE HEi OITT To PINNER. AHt A "TNEATR?: OCCASIONALLY- BRIMG HERA BOUETOF FtOWErJsi AMP A BOX OF CNPY ONCH IN fs WJHIVE AMP PON T COHE" HOKE WITH A GSOUCH AHt AH APPETITE VftZi ENEXlNti AMl V,HtH VoO 3ET THROUGH WW VOUR PlMMEvl. tIEAXOUR ?APEfc. AH FAV.L ASUEP- liM m tlSTEN- WHO'S TMKIN&- WHERE PIP YOU GET AU. YMtS EXPEReT1CE ? VMAT BOOK PU VOU OET ALL THAT STVFtV OUT OF? VLL BET A HONPRED POUARS SOME WOMAN WROTE IT TUAT SOUNP UKE: Mi EtUCATEl eoti TBYING TO TELL A HEN HOW TO RMS6 CHICKQAS I lo YIm g'pwtY: SOMEBODY'S STENOGFtre! Fire! Fire! Copnmht 10- Public Iydr Co By Hayward Tho Youno Lady Acrosa tho Way TOMBOY- TAYLOR S I ma ZT- 1 LLJ L I nm w 4ttrn J&&&. -r ij un ., iHr-o in i r. i iii ,w"miiu,..!ii ( ' i - sjr, "-.virza. Ry FOSTAISE FOX SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG Wo asked thc jouug ludy across the way if hhu thought the dato of inauguration day ought to bo changed, and she said it certainly would bo better to have it in w armor weather, but it had been in November so long that sho sup posed It would be hard to get peo ple to agree to having it ot nny other time. JtS LooKiT AT ' ' wtL YoH ! ah7 me. MTV THIS Ok' AlrX GUN ALL CLOGGZP UP I t... iM.'" t m i. M i i ili I f '!. -1 i m ' i si .in i i 1 1 ii i vi Zrf vv ti i i iiifu. ! 'IWH wnm-zzZ' PETEYSure, He's Different By C. A. Voight T -, "-. ' :'. ) f VHo-ls YI)WW. ,. f I MtLLO, 1 T ET WfflOKm 15 THts if ' ? .Lww noT-1B5.'M L-y ? -HoldThe " i ??; UWC AMINUIE I f rVks IT 1M VH AJDOY NOU VAWTEfa. KWOW VWHD'3 CAVIIMC WE Op FOR AMvtfH? CAM't t HAVE A imiE PRWACY" -AlWANS CURl00iV0UAj?E! -y a? HBMMBHtallMBMAMM . - . .- , , I ' II 1 I I t -, i 1 i i i i le$ VIISH To SPEAIc 1 ( P ) VT-PlEA5E If 1 Y A wW Wlllii rlB 'JrdliL U I sBr Zr--n5SWiW 2L WXZ WCbs ra it f-i, - 1 ? W 1 ' ' ' WR 1 jUli-HM--' W' THE CLANCY, KIDS Thafs Why, Joe By Percy L. Crosby - - 1 "WfrOOE. vH s WIN' ONE YASOfTl A LOT LEPTfNTHtf l! 'r- R -ci i j ;f THSOTrieRp t St - ..i iiai in, !?P .. vl - '& I W w-4 V ' v "