:'$" v ;" - Ti,n?qt vwi " -, H... W ' " , V ti .r,m'- 1.. .? :ti'SM kj 28 EVENING- PUBLIC LED OrER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 1 -T .1- 11 . w;; . W.HH 'idi 1 I WAVi Vv ill'4 kTO, ifl MK- U . . " r. i m i E :f-Y Vt .. PKfflLV rE . : .; J fS iM 1 , ' .v .:J I'l,-1: w ; . ( i cy ' t li'f ;i H 4mm m fljlW 'IS i ttIhS..!'.n aitifi nia.'ti :, :i " j"!!:' w (?? E n$ tffi 'I ' P" , ' 'r! I, i i 114! 'i USED AUTOMOBILES EVERY CAR EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED 1 sed-esr value here fa o known man .it) Tou I:riiw w-h-t -u'i i' ljWr nil we must !,niw that ou art iI.1ad. lJ-HO RtutK. 0 pawtnrer 1019 Stut2. bearcat 1919 Stuti, 4 raifcnjc IMS fltutx, roadster. 1918 Stutu, 4 pasaer.get. 191T Stuta. 4 pasaenge-. W-stcott a-dn: wonderf-l bargain. Weatcott touring. 1917 Paige, Ilttla sir 0 ratitnte". Ct.andier. 4-pa.i chumni;- roidatei 191P Chevrolet. Milan. 1913 Chevrolet cylinder, touring 1918 Bulck. c-ilnler, lourlnr. STUTZ AGENCY CLARKE D. HUNTER Wgr Exchanged Car Dept 009 N. BROAD Phone Foplar 392 PACKARD r.n Six 4-pinxr roariiit- "p.n J'd condltloM. .' con! tirs MARM0N 1020 -paHener pract'su.". ritw price cy reRin..blp MERCER Seflea 5 S-piatemt.-r. ernau ed LOCOMOBILE HARE'S MOTORS, Inc. 1t)l7 '. mouir-, rhftuld nnd ie Ma314-23a2 MARKET ST. Telephone 450 Locust Auto Parts USED AUTO PARTS MOi'ons, p.kap.9. GSAP.a sTAiiiKna. TIT.K3 M.AONET03. AXLliJ. tAH BUnUTOr.3. SCHOBER 34 1H a:.d maukp.t sie AP.t: UI' IN Tilt. MAHKKT r"l! A CADILLAC. STUTZ. MARMON, PIERCE- ARROW, PACKARD. CHANDLER. BUICK. DODGE, IIUPMOBILE, FORD, or a.- o'her cood rebuilt tar' ' ur prices o: th- lo'ireit In the cltv and our terms an b- nade to ault purcha.e. i im.l arroimtd j 'n. balante In 1 ear ve In 't" y.u- lnnwctlon opn Hundavs ROYAL MQT0R CAR CO.. Inc. ft'2-022 n immn iv Poplar C031. AUTO REPAIR WORK " .. Mr. r ntf d. irp c riiuUtPi' ar oanp urd i' rrounu part mad er pfrtnrT.t.' wnrV CAR RETURNED SAME DAY SI'Ki'IA!. PRlfCb THIS MONTH: ALt, WOP. iil'AUAS'TBEI). SUN MOTOR SERVICE 'MTTIlOMl'SllX POPLAR 0303 HATT:;itIKS. -volt. reba'lt for ill; caual to ii.v . Ttatterv Swcialtte., 1.10-t Vine at Biddl Tf,aie in i . 1 rnsilali.s tntak THAt' -. I"il Hilt Wits li'in.'- ei-. -- - C i-j?ran'J. 010 X irro.td Pop 7820 ST4.N1.KY AL'TOMOniLi: ''O Rliirlr tour.n.s ard roadsters a 1 rrod . H-nd i- Ton ar iltliii ROYAL MOTORi-AR CO . IXC C!J-ll."2 X. Rr.i,l 1'i-ni r Lull. caainac J -j,.,,,, ,n A., ean,it.a sip :: unoAii bt ropin 72o STANLEY Al'T'MiHIL,B CO I aHl he n.i 03 aid .13 modols- tour- t gs r. a later, and coupes low ! prices ..i tho elf 1 -ear to pa- KUTAL VOT'jRi.WR CO. I.V'." dlJ-i.-'J N. Br.iid st rinia- Miro itjok --cr.ipp."-i.w )Tii. bviijk chbv- V.uLL'H. lAEI'.UXI'S, MAXWELL?. Hnv! -'KI.IKS iHLMGT:tf and others M-r: lu v pr . a', 'at- and ddslrabte lod s. p. rf. c- r. -dlt.or nirpe In and In "ti ,j- g-..i m ir of all ma-tea of -.Isr.' jjie 1 tir - u-i '-xpia'n our easv T.lri n," :n t,l ' inder i i ol'hg.i i!on fill' N Uro.id s". Op-n Sundava P' ore Pon'ar 7i- STANLEY ALT0M0BILE CO. D J . D,Lu. Kir 'ondlt n 1200. odge Koadster biUnf . , f0 ray norti, -'iiTunip. Co ou-r,:2 x tiad ' Pop's r .1038 D.J CJ, i ite i.iod'i perfect condl odge iedan .,,., h , bo,n . wlth y, j r :sri" of c n- , :?e O.Te- HOYAI. -IOTOR -ATI C l'11'.r (.Ojr, l'-B2J N uroaa st FORDS FOR SALE 100 Css u ; " a t f inrMlrfltf tut H4ii 'r on o I or m .- v i '..lKht- ar aid'ie nd !oai "n 'l it .f 'j nn in the mir- rt for h una m of oriM v hvr ? i et Voo.' n! tho L"n!tiJ StaCt pr qcb r rtcht vu'i n m .U- mon: ; i'Ai.ri:R FORD SEDAN y ' "- ni'i ' Hl .'! pCiP.-VR 7i.0 HrvVLEY U ...IIBILE C'd I.I,,Jrn., Ii1.'!" ruar in A-l -oi.l IIUUSOIl r.19 .V l'p.dAD PuPLAR 7S2i SH.M.SV AVTuidOIIlLE CO. Hudson Touring Car ZTw! co-i.;- hal net :- IV.' ills .1. H(iV'. MHTOPCVR CO. N itroi . Popiar ir, Hudson Limousine M":!.n.". .,:,';,.',': as liec- i n .-r Mc IIOIAI. MOTORi All i'ii e' P.5PI ir HD39 112-.122 N Bro.d OCOmOOlU iltll N TIROAD. Pop 7S2li 1TN1ET Al TiiM'HIILII U Mn.n tour ra all mide s rial:- Te armon cm v r.n.-,i pi.i.v- 7"o sNLKI U1U...OHILE Cd Nasi I M-.r . -. n.vi- nil R'oad 1 1 par TS'.O SUVIBT tt-TO.MOlllLW ' O PIERCE ?R0W SEDAN in1-- -.,f tj " Vuni,r i'M. j'n PREMIER :hT"n:','! v";.?.."0'"" Paigf-.Urchmont ;;;;---.: com f (11" N III. IAD 1'nPI.AR 7i-n --TVNLKl M-fnM MULE CO V'UICANIZING Anv art, " o! Ul.UAUill.linu r.,,fr rcpa'red. JeC -ea and tut-. t'1 nt-i- for sale, -' -a; 7 VTyR'-TATE RT'HHER CO .'".It S' loTI IT.r,,-.,. toiirlng wire i heels, rord t're- IVHIIUH turnol t-v to'd frm new '1 ' V lfroHd a- Ponla- Ta.O '!' - I .HY ' T' " "".' 'j ''' WHITP lTde. 10 ilnuua.r.e like n-, .YflllC ,.,,, N 1'A! P.IPIAR T.i) MTAM EV M'TiiMORlLE IVI VV..Inti T..;., Cr Prait'w !- """-Ul1 u""o - n ,ke offer, h:y"' ROYAIi iiU'lTiRCAi: 0 INC U1J 02.' .s n oe, 1 ' I'minr Jiinij fi-IXIUAiir IIAT'l I Itli.K lor .a'e foi make o' iar d oil f7 12 'O.' 110 a . lattei.ta pre no.. ei g'lrtrjnteed r- ar Itcraae Halle Co 2(1') N 13:'. a: I'lione 1 1 u t '-.n' .STEARNM-KMOHT 'ouilig 1920 rura like new loo'. a tie ine s-e Jlr i.i".i . T.lfl Poplar '.'piarJI.Ml ' ito'HCK tourln. "l17fir .-iv-jent shape near paint, rni b" aton at 1407 I.oout t Pellet ue Uarag Spruce 180" Race 1800 BOABDINO aisnMANTOWN. Oretnor 182 K Walnut lane Two delightful seeond-floor corner teems; ucellent tablei individual service. Verne cooking! conenltn) to train and I trol mil rates reasonable. Oermantown g- . VAI4irr. t'001 N'lwlv fur. Ur front rro . syitbotrU, an tanvi. prtf , Sd-Osor Pt- rooms ro Rv.ni HRINUHUHST. nlahed room: station. Thone W MS- Second-floor f-ir-convenient to Uucen Lano tlcrmantown TOT M. u'liiarNor sr,, aos iitirBi limit room COLUMIlIA AVE?! V.. ilsaj Zjiirn. rnom: ill oonv.i elert. t'hnne l"oplar l'JTB .T. UIA.MO.NU. lnnT DtKlrnble ainctle, also ult- t!i' ir room for ecntlctnani bun. mtrhln no '.t. pMn. Hl'itgUKItANNA AM;., 8024 neautltulh i ertrlclty ami tinm het Iwirlc ami rtntm lieata ' AMjAi'B M'., nun Tivo nicely furnlohed r.vmn, rurnlnjr wrter l'hono l'oplur 4T4. I UVfi'l. FT; T3iT HoTrJI, llVHir lleau' funi roomn srotle clean, elec, h.-v mi: tlnll .4- ue"!;l' rate, cor.v to etattnrs' erl ir'rrJi for t rn-MJn ntoule. Snrn 1P.4 1STII x 3210 Nlrply furnlnlieil mom "- A2l'rt"""y-". Tioga B2iw v ..'.'!AX"Vi.vvma m'nrttuw HAI'IIHI OllH' quarters Two or a pleaatit roonn, with ba'h unfurrlrhnl or par fumlB'iril prlat hoin". het re-.l- dentlal atetl.m of Oermanton: conf. tn t-ollev ard fenra n n P SOU 1.1. Off XEW JKKSTCY WB,nOKK , ATt.VXTIC CITY ROOMS irlth bath- modern 8. New TIatr.pa'itr ar.. b'ar.ta Ui-la. 11 cor. Kucua ava. APARTMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT THE BERGER BLDG. " T'l nnd Pprlrr (Tirden at 'iaa 1 l":i leno.leleJ nd equipped as a f.rat- PURNISHED-ROOJt HOUSE GENTLEMEN' ONLY MTIUCTIVW VUIl'I-.S .l ,'..Me romi ttea-n hfa? e ertr'e 1 IlKhta litt-e. h't ind noil water rf. l-ea'ilrrd Phone 'a-t.et 3T1( Mali J93S. A T Tar.KK .Tr Alanacer 1820 PINE STREET Mnl. rn npartmenf, cheerful Hnd ' t ji " o. idi'.l for ar.iai. tanuliea nnd ',nrhelot. een- convnnlenee ind .. 'at t,r rli:a J12S per month ALBERT B. MILLS WEST KNI Tl'.l'ST Ul.Diji 'X)CCST 27ST THE TOURAINE SPr.Ujn 16TH AND Dl TANCKT ST3, Pa'.ladelphU' larreit fireproof houn- l:;ep:rr.t aar:mnt HHAK.OWOOD app.tmi;ntsj 60 S 17th. nenl- bull'. 1, 2 and 3 roou prl .ti bati ararlmenta, leautifullv f.nl'hed: a', convenience.: braid nen . reasonable rrtals. J60. S73 aid $123 per month! larjvnod f.oora s'esm heat. separate reter? tter-bOT,e. door t.peiera. Janitor er Ice: housel:ep; 'i: or nnnroue!eep'.nr Apply o proml"e a to 3-10, dallr. WAVERLY APARTMENTS 1402 KKIE AVE .-.re aoa-trrent f.r hou.rktep.ng. 2 bd rnumi Itot-'vat- Ilea modern, rent 163. W n"Hr ! W ,nr, llroid and Erie Park Ave. & Dauphin New thor o'lhl- mad em. 0 roo:r.. aid bath, frort ar.d back au-.r.' i porch on av.fi act.; r.Ti:'s 1130 to 1110 per ' r.onth; open fo lrepc.lon'da'.y unt.l p. m. C. H Joliii". H2Q Che.tnut Fpruca 4446 ' '817 PINK ST Larg- ll-.'ng room, with fl-eplare. bi ra,uett floor. sin ii cay: large D-aru. m mo.- moa-rn cr Bath, kltrhen- 1100 per mon-i- n"-nwr and P' rrc' ur furt.lsnefi APARTMENT for -.'n-. 3129 N Proad a: Vppl!' on premer or to Rerr.helmer t Su-dhelm . ShuWt. .! le. 230 H R-nad st PAIr.Mi;.NT J1H1 Miec.ier.v ave.. lliil Iiec.ir.v ave.. I room j ' md pith. immedLit . potta.tir TlorA 47 ' W Phon. , U'20 WAI.I.Al-K ST flior. all c jr.venlenr.t .tour.t Vernon Mt Thr r.vims. .ind b.i-h. Call 1922 li04 MOl'NT'VKRNON ST. Srni.d f.oor. rooms. 11 cier'.r.ces Col' at 192 .fr.uit --r.oi .t IlkuATi ST K.' ro.imi. n,l bath, p-l a:e porch s'toml flor: thoroughly modorn. r; A Hnh.on .IQ.'s X. rimad si RARING. 1031 Kid 1.-.0 S. 4li-r I ft-" r ba-h, Tlth kitrh : will fum Pre, .fii',1 .t LION'S HEAD. 12111-18 Ioei!,t st lteaut'. full furr'sheil for nentienrn WKT rlMLAHKI.PIUV AITS.. rioarn. ti ii r.--.- 1 rr-imii nnd bath Prj.t-r 119 15 .1(1-1 t lie, jDfi.l FURNISHI7D APARTMENTS lli-M.-l'Li I'KDPL- d'nlr..- mum ' t h . room, ahow .-r l.ith. t2.il excetau hrnie 1- " s roo r. bed-Pi- PI R.N PTS Srerivowl Apt -a i lo b-Acem-T. I S3 1 Ae! If ue. Wc.njt q APABTMENTS WANTED WANTIiI- To riSle: uit.l M.n ju fJI. ll.r.ed n;iartm(rt ii kh c-cr u ' -.. ne.gh'oo-. '.ood .1 "i- Tiv -.irrs v!' -,i (3J1 a --ioiih .an f-ir'h hlgh-.t refe-er.ee. M 71'). I.-'lt. r i if lire APARTMENT HQTSL3 HOTEL BARTRAftF 33D vnd riif.sr t r .-.--rs-r. . .ed and unfurnlsro.l . pa-tmea Inr nin. P .one P-eaton 2310. Din- cmwi.Bw ii nianmiix OWNErt HOTEL COLONIAL T o riv.m. ar.d bath. 3 i Air.t-.c!-. r,',in cM-ellent SF'jr.i AT 11 ni ST. --". trd .a-h: rri.l 'iLio '---. - t 1-5 K f. IADSTONF riT.MA.N IIAKKII Ir 'U-r t-Tll CD PIMJ S.3 AlloO.'.'TEi.Y I IRLPRdO? rHI- TIIA-'Y 1-th k i Che n L "i.Jinj aft! la' j.-rer hotel ap-. REAL ESTATE rOB SALE cm W0RKINGME.YS HOMES Comfortable, Cozv, Charming .-i- el Ii d'e'ia . A'.-gli. n, -rm.. n Mo I: iron ai -e'd md en I i.- THINK OF IT 1 ... .urp-.iinR ' T e. a 3.'uO eO'-l., rri .g v. "-. n 1 ili.-,i ii the ri'sh JI E SMITH -di rfu a: d -, ....r.a v I ' i". h'gh. r n 'h i ulil I -a-. ab o coa :.m Ere sve -.."..l .' I1TH ST -il ror-i - . ,x::t ..ml M.i-v'n- et 2-' u- ,M ."i hi'J- 1.21 '.irlli'l- " -' """" ' .n Rad'e l.o'j. ol.'l Hroad h- 1 or Ml'lec 1 j.e n1i N 12'li - -:i '-. 1 1 fH I. rdle it- -s -i mi Hi j ln- w n ruAMDrnc ;. V Li V-l iniMUIl.l4j II.'i-iAIi ST. PENNA. 0FRCE Pa- t' r'lMJr- lis S'o ne 91 ' It ' yL2i. ' " Cheerful. Idea 41.-4 Perfect Order ,.1 1 rr jet ' (O I tl 1 A 4'tT Lj-I MOM. .1 1 "..-at. npp.ri jn! i.r.f. and u 'i IJlll erf Il 'A '"D'lrf If P HMiTI ;j. w k'-u 1 S-l U. yin N jdo.' va'l. el. l-t-1 nr1.. 13700 -S room. 'ht mnu.- hat 1 I. r. cor an e '-e .ajl N 103 N . nil Jt'DSliN " nn - he !'!. McCREA 1323 Ar:! . 1 'mill, gh. in p. -..a 1 oh Pietiirli- W nreh.iiie. s ' I... IT Mfg riir. l 1 R r- '- 75,000 Sq. Ft. yt on is. ffi . 1 . . A r cj-fl h'i REYNOLD H. GREENBERG u 4J1 .JtRlH III. Mi i'III'STSI'T H'' FACTORIES AN.'i TORY "ITK K fr -li-r. Ii Ph .Ht'e ph' r.ni ! fiismiERij t.lll .'lie.'l I n' MOIiL'ltN 1-stor f. lor bulidlrg eicellen ,ril '..i, o er 13.00n aiuHr.- feet, --glue r,aln .Inn shafting, tmm-.llaie pjaseealon wi.i help fliirtiiri re;) -nUiie pnrty Cb-stei P. " -ej 14J1 Cheetll-lt t I vi-Tdry iii"iliun(1 (in si "ri noor spa e. .' litre lot aide erst'e. 40-horai.powf r siejni Doiiar. ano wman eng.ne ahsrrin; 'if arnarr i-r.orepoer electric motor r, Hot .ni Paint 'irg Va INDUSTRIAL PI.ANT8 WAREHOl'HES. HAIU10AD AND RIVER FRONTAGE J. L Stevenson 6t Son tiiti2a FACTOltlES, wareho iei jnd'istria) altes, C. A. wxitini, it Ear 'j Bldf. Wl,233i HEAL ESTATE FOB SAIiE CITY Hture. and Dwelling 401 FA1IIMOUNT AVB. bluht lunch bual. i nm. K'mil Schurgot. 4227 Oermantoyn Onrwrm HOOU KO. KT. . concrete bldir,, elec. light, (tin j P. llrdford & Co.. 2BS N. 02d nt neat. n. F. Ilrlmont 41S3 b'cti; rnii.Ar.i.rmA UNEQUALED l.V CONSTRUCTION-or PRICE ONLY $8500 Cviiipare theee with any !9O00 homes it? a I' Warrington Ave. Bet. 3Gth & oTth St. Oarace and oery lnovrn oonvenlence JAMES C. ENBURG, Builder Only oltlce 57th and Warrington ve. Phone Woodland 4934 fiOirt at car to 5Mh and Mrrlng tnr.. or 18 vn Walnut to JUtli and Cheeler (2 1'locl.a north, affiTMnTiwaEra 48TH& WALNUT STS. Sonnenfcld'a Artistic Homes I O.T.iltr o most bean'Iful tno- i latorr aetnlLelaBled 'lomi rr.th all I modern appolntmenta Ideal loea t:oi i - hun rariora with llardroofl . !n;ori.. rcV P.ooma Two Patn I Phower I'antrv. Laund.-v. IltlMard i iHoom. Hji-t ater Heat, nitUL) ' illo'-'notar Ifater. Kleatrl. lty. 'Jarbate and Valet Barlia, larc uanre etc. lour intpactlou la lol.cP.d LE1CK & WOLDOW 707 WALNUT ST 'm&Mmmm ipaasEWHiwi KiffliattKHii tssm muBF "a i 1 ,n ., qi7 a montii $10,750, With Garage BOTH CHBSTNLT ST SKCTIOX ItUht thu end of the. elevated T large room tile hath with shower, hot-wstr lie.ii ectrli- llnht. hard wood floors Springfield water: ta-Tffs 190 a year Delaware ctur.ty), 'mme diato poa.es. loi. tern., to suit a'.mos an" purchase- f-: .her par.ltu'.ars J. H. MECKE, JR. O He. 10S7. Wld 4IMS I) oJOS Race sr Eamr.ia!n VVCANT 2220 H. IfoVon s , r,:th and WnjilMnl: 7 rm ar.d 'a'lidr Dy'ch hall and hot-water htat. acant 142 s I'ar-oi .".nth and Areh; 7 roon s ar.u iaur.dr- , acant; 703.1 and 23 Savbrool. .r 7 ro mis in laur.dr. , nw'.r renovated aid tord iucutlon K. K XOCk. 33th an I nltlmor ye. MATCH It If you can .'.OO block S. CPth st 7 ro. ms- mode-n th-ojirout. J(!00. and or the mo.t complete 1 st of Wen Philadel phia homes you should remember CROUS tid oi all that e good Real Kstate TOth and Larehwnod ae. l,,.l U2M f.r tharrrln- lit,-. h... h. Ins p'LinMng nnd el.ctilc Tx'ures al'l na hur. 0'KI noor. .it mlnite. o Clt Hall ' arl- Dosee.eion. n-lmoT S343 J or !' V r.'lnif e.t Vnri T- ll'clr iliM HI ii -K MARLTN ROAD; v'de street ieurooii art.iiun oroom .hd.a H'rnlncn. roal. etc.: modern home. : vacant: can be 1100 Penn Square Ifir..i-.ci' Wll O NIXON. I Hide Snru-e 3303. I1J..100 The lvst house at the lowest price win Wn'h-il 10 rooms 2 bath., hard vool f.no-. eleitnc i.Kht -oca oi the bet ,n W st PI"' A-t'jur r Leupold 52d and ',ir..iniivl Wii. Hand 4ftn HAZRL 4.VK --!.' room, and ntt.e, sl'le '-r'l a-ep .in., Knoa cor.altlon -, JOS. ALLEN POTTS 3991 RALTI- , MORE KVB. r.jijo iu.ooiv uitcK'.vwji' avi:.: e,i.bj7t ' li-n.ii -,oorn hm.. e-, e.i-it .-nndi-'on li-.lnor.i ! pr Vi M O. NrXlIN 1100 IieTin v M'lrr f it- Snr v M'l 1 4lti-42l IJ.r..4.'7 ' roTT". 'h'ji 2D Tl.no atorj 10 M CV.V., 18.1 Aroh t ,310 11..SNKR sr""i,3l nn l"'endih"i-d u".i' 4401) tbed-.-Hjpv lie- 'igh girtd condl t'en I' T I.ni''. 493 N ll.ld llel 3777 1300 CASH. S". pr mo-.th 7 room.- elec- tr-clf Mi re t.on nits rr,i-.-rut (II KUAN'IIUVN j 312 West Upsal St. I S KV l.:i-Dri 1 g UPSAL sTATIiiN jQ S Tl.-.e 'or- till ..r! V h'j'S 11 g ,2 roi-i. a-d 2 In' vi in- l,-t gas M ii and i.lev.triclt' 2 oD-n dreplace.. en- SS 4 t!re! rfnoaed 'mmedlate rosses- (a li slor S g Fi::sr ko'.'hn in pklham H 5 PRICE 520 000 Sy $ G. RAYMOND LLTZ I ii -u.)'. i.khmt.ivn ak. J: '' . '. Til' . I' " SKAX W H", W ' Jif WMiidJ1 One of die Finest Locations ' . Oi"- .' ' ".. 3 bedroo- . ba h ca i----a .e :.-r- ioie or . t rinse 1'... 'rt betw e 31si h-irr ar.d .s i p;i i.'i '. -t ' 'jb aciig .a.- il " lli-.il ' l" 3. ivth. ' ( .ar ',(n;. IT ' ,r ir.ipe t.'. . '.-- 1 , . Vi'llfl-IK 1 - -'-g.ii-i r.nancd, S irda , 3 niln to j -r.l --urch a-d i. ! .'i2V Otn. ii - 1.0 K P'easa- U',3 :n. a-. . !: ut 134 o .- I M.-ll. 14.', N. 34tli atorv, porch. 4 isi Run 2 to ): ;in',nt CC84 niwiironn He -Perfection Homes lomes- bi.AUTin L NORTH WOOD SRCTION Ton.d 'oj hpera the balance ' --our daya n ''us i'.-re-r tin d of liumeaT Amrpg a sub tsrtla' rharti te- of people A home lujfiri-l- ii-d du-ahle a id fl"ed fo- no on bet'er """ 5'iOO Block Saul Street QK I.WK AT niv I.ANi; AVE -"No better i. I" I' J' j " t Mi dwg. : read wii' Irspe i tod..- Sehulte i ile-rrar toi'-n a s TI' ST I i rim, fin-Vif:i: 7 rnonTi iatn. IscVi. HI T.'h ' r I2J7 ilerinanlown ave 3Jf'0 JIT ! MIL Hi mow 8&m8!Rgmffii 4700 BLOCK WARXOCK fT. ':. icth and llth) .'- 's tlsu H.-r.ti to H'i . Pu-hia-home con'at-s 7 large. Ii- e 1 .- F i-h -''serf ' h 1 . 1 I ' r.Tns a complete ttis "l .er.ra's tile. ahover r- vl h .' Is n"'re nrup- Wl r -, ' lrdwood floors throughout. IVii best o. la I'y lUhtltg and hratlrg e-j . Kie.H-lr .nj-d hratol n re' t eated garaku, etc moat I np r h n.e at this price offered ! " - er.ti-e sef t'on. We want you ' er.-n-e fjr-'r'i.-d sample WEISMAN&MELGIN Mi44 . It'Od.i St., Wyo. 4004 i UR " ..lf 7 WIOMINO . K P FTNI1ERO 717 1 M.vcr SI 143.' I(ii.KI.AM- Price 17300 inspect t.Ta-. cichvlte L Co rpantown ave. bedrooms 8S2J Qer ry.NNBYi.vAMA M'nrit ri NINE ACRES SUIT CoJIMUTEHS .kaii rrrATlON 43 minutes from Uroad rt 13-room house, with conv i B-room bungalowi stable: 70 fruit trees, old shade, fine spring water: early poae, PETERS A HONMIOK CHESTNUT HT, PHI LA n iIMN" LINE garage; Mneoln High ksult- b. Ir aiencj, vox ioj, jto .V. BEAL ESTATE rOR SALE 1'KXNr.YI.VANIA Slllll'nilAN pfflOiHmiiimaiiiiiiiiiiiiira OAK LANE .ciiiaiiiinstiuiiHiasii Modem njone, and plaater detaclurt renldencet center hall, 8 chamber, a wood floor throuuhouti lot 116'x200': nlth old nha.lM excellent 10 ocatlon on Old York noad, price 130. 000. E.A HAENS CO iijffiMaiai, ctcfiB!1 LAND TITLE BtW. MERION 1 me all-atone Corner P.ea idencs, high location South western er.pouri 11-v tner room, dlnlnir room brrakfaat porch, etc.; 0 chambers, 3 bnthe. linen room and aervnntx' quarter with hath: excellent tonHtlon throughout, elec tr!u!t, hot-water heat larfre lot I WM. H. WILSON & CO. fi :oJ-Ol-0J Morrli Tllds Members PhllR. Iteal IXate Hoaru ttrf Tll.KINN PAIlK NEW detacher C.ilonlal dwelllnea. 10 rooms, baths: lot 33xl2A. convenient to tram and trollnj Ilnanred to suit. Mel ormlcl & T.lnroin Uldr. or Blhlna Par'rf. McC.irmlc;:. hk;iiim) park MU1ii:k.V UWKU.INO; 6 mlnutia from 00th f 'ermlnat: Uvlna; room. oln fireplace, .llnlnc rnom. Mtihen. 3 Iwdrooms. '.lied baih. t attic, hot voter heat, ei-s and elcttilci price U(I50 financed: small i.mount c-vsli OeorKO I. arr i201 Che'tnut M. Walnut 49S3. nnxniiRouiiH , i KOxKiKuYdH - Ilenuttful manilnn liouae i on one of th hluhent elevations In vicinity of Philadelphia. owrlooUlnj Wlssahlokon and Schuylkill alley", the uround of 4.' ncreT extend, westward almost to Behulkl!l . river In ndilltlon It ha? a beautiful stonn ' , barn and .. k'.irao that will accommodate 30 1 cam; al. c " water, electric light and irn, this is an unusual opportunity for a prlvatn , i home or juntry club. Apply only O. C. T K. POKKlt. 4371 Main nt., Manaxunli; R00 Libert" nid , Philadelphia. II.IX)1 (iROVK BUXOALOWS5 .Jirge lots and conveniences; easy terms. ulo 10-room frame house, eonvcn!encs 33000 see some. reas. houses. Carl OoesH'T Hatboro Phone Hatboro 10. tt-ROUM simldetached hnuai-, conv.. $2300: act quick, t'ARl, (1QKS3LEH. Hatboro NEW JIUISKY MILXSHOIIK LOTS, homea or farms 1 mean everybody, i a cltv lot. 3 acres of farmland! also com- Plelu farm with houses, 11 down, balance o-i an- term. m..t .if our properties are lo- rated In N"W Jerse-. in the .towns of Mupah, Newlnmll.e Hammonton. Klwood, Camden and Chlcigo III. our title guaranteed by the OUARANTEE MOHTUAGE AND TITLE IN HVRANCE CO uf Newark. N. J ; we have enough property to supply RO.OOii to "n.ono buvers: I have made up my mind to break the h'gh-rentai chargr REMEMI1KR. vou are dealing d.-.ct with the owner, our office Is open from 9 a m. to 8 p. m. agents wanted. MIKPAII LAND IMPROVEMENT CO. X RATHRlxiTT. Owner. 1093 X 7th st Philadelphia Pj Bell phore Market 331; Xej stone Park 191. '( ST. tIAKTINH I Jf "1t!1iartins , ra ' a l ra-rn i auouroan i C'n Hj i J- o en toklnr Oreaheim Va'.y, v Inrif U inir room with flr- I En X pUco tpactoun iiorcheit; 0 ft H cAinh rr, n baths; litc.oitd S gl t e j) rjr porch; trleit, T ft X V-o:-ratr hiAt; 7traCF; cm lj T.?r ot nfr hu.lt ucre beaut,. 4 in jt Xii1'" p'aiVfd ntar Vh la. X g 4t Cr rt Cub, t I WM. H. WILSON & CO. A 7"u i'l-02 Morr i U dg JL Me-.u-i Phlla. Real Lstats JX ' v'.x jioaru vw Jack's Jingle Box Contest for the Best Last Line Open to Children 14 Years of Age and Under Prize Ten Dollars Daily CUT OUT AND MAIL To JACK'S JLN'GLE BOX . O. Hox 1539, Philadelphia JACK'S JINGLE NO. 11 Simple Simon with school books was slow; His hist'ry I'm sure you all know. The teacher said. "Simon, When you buy from pie-men (Writs your answer adJrtai City and State ume of Parents or Onardl in 7ie li'inner of Today? Contest Will Be Announced One , Week From Today Tl.e winning line for Jack's .Ilnjlo No 3 was s-lected fc a Jur;- of teacheis a' the Colllnsswood High School. A pho 'ogrspli of them end their names app-a- n the ba"lt page. Today's Winner II. BOsiTvATHON .125 South Twenty-Unit strert, riilliuklphl.i Ate Nine TII1J WINNINO JIXdl.1. See the funnv old fat porcupine, I wouldn't icani hit coat for mmo, for the points would all catch At.d I'm aure they xcould scratch Like a chettnut-burr poked down your epitx. 11IK HONOR nOLL, Thuy are quills, but Ii can I pen a line. Raymond hwnn, fllf Thoypr street. Age twelve. Like bone,. In a shad licn yon dine. Eleanor McKent, 407 NortU Redfield Btreet. Ae twelve. I'd b4s all stuck up were it mine. John Finney, 210 East XorK i etreet. Age nine. B&AL ESTATE FOB SALE Pennsylvania si'iirnn n ; MUtiJiiiiiiiiTiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinfiniiiiiiifiiiinTiTTTriTriTTni DTezo Jihxnes Wayne avenue Coplev Road Idwer Merion Realty Gdmpany builders a Owners 1644 Land title duildino i Phone -Locust 268Q Mjir,:';ii.nMiiilniiniiliJMniMlniMMii;mMiiiniiri;iluiiii'iiiinlilhll-liiilnwiihiiniMiiiii;iu WiiWWi? THE LARGEST SELECTION OF HOMES but to irle absolute sitlsfactlon to those seeking our aerwecs. n organized to accomplish this result. Working from our central einco are a number ; of experienced : "!'"nlJ: tires residing In tho principal auburhan '""''."' ?Sr,ho.V tlons whom Is In rloie touch with conditions pertaining to those sections. Your Inquiry Is ns.ured of prompt attention. Sec our complete list 0 fine home). Your inquiry tffliJ reeeU-e prompt oHenUon SMULLEN & BARRY it Linr.nTT buildiko proad -.- ciikstnut srs Phone Hrancli Uxthange Walnut 5100 1200-11 OLD HOMESTEAD Ha e or rent, on Shore road: handy to At lantic City marietta: water frontage; . acre, dwellln and ..iitWIdlngii. A 082. Led. Off ATTAXTK" CITY. X. J. 113 : Mir Trntf fi rt 10-room cottawi: 5 bed- . 3 hatns: lot wiwj;j,viiia "v." ' ' Imrr Vallate coaMsMon TOWN" JlWlWt& A. SEND. 'JKOr. AtUntic a PKXNSVI.VANIA FARMM "" A RARE COMBINATION Far-n and rountr, seat. 7T acres. 18 miles to Ci'y Hall on Mate highway: 2 mlnutea' ira.k to stat.nn: IB-room dwelling of artlettc design, old Knglnh hall: modern conven lence.i spacious lawn: grand old shads, abundance of perennial shrubbery: clay ten nl court: garage and stable: stone farmer s house, S num. and bath: large barn: i.eces- sary nmnuiidinm variety oi inm, i-.....- er,i tas at S.M.OfiO: will divide. W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON. VA. DAIRY TARM .. . J0' '!. ,'' ml"i i ;. ',''"'l " ""J -iZ"Ji SJf, min. walk tu elation on ?e.v- on state nignway- "" pasture, good soil, peach and apple orchard. Colonial atone dwg.. IJrji",, all conv.. Jmes sanitary cow-barn stanch ions for 80 head: all necessary outbuildings; price 121,000 for prompt fjle, W. FORnEST MAOEE Southampton. Pa. NINETY ACRES, choice location, on atato highway, near Southampton: s-room atima 1 dwelling: hol-alr heat, electricity available. complete set outbuildings: fruit, woods and I stream; prlco 113.0OO. W. FORREST MAOKE qouthamntoi. Pa BUCKS COUNTY farm... Write for free catelogu-. J. II. HORN. Perltasio. Pa All P..AINLT oo this llne.l Hut u quill for a pen would be fine. Thomas H. Keely, 3122 North Dakota street. Agt thirteen. But lil.i bplhes trim my inotlier'u hat fine. Uorothy MndRcy, 2310 -Vrnmlngo avenue. Age ten. All the paint off my hat vilifri I dine. Cecil Mahoney, C02 Mun grve stroet. Ago ten. An a pin cushion I'd never slilnc. Frances H. Denney, Elkins I'ark. l'o. Like sixty, If not sixty-nine. Wayne Henry, 11H Went Mar shall tftrtet, Norrlstovn, l'o. Ago ten. Fop they're long and they're sharp and they're fine. Marion Ounn, 3312 Lancaster avenue. Ago thirteen, The rules of this contest are exactly the same ea the rules for the grown-up Urn'rleks contest on Page 2, Oet some member of your family or your school teacher to explain them to you and than you will not make mistakes, Be sure, to address your answer to the poatotflco box number that le given In the coupon each day. All ajltwerj to today Jlngla MUST be In this office by 0 o'olock Monday ersnln. I ' I BfllA Al XI AjA IAU IA'A'A'-AyAiAiAJsAtijAj.i JAVyv RrrrT,fr?TtWt7rTr. i inTTrriiTrrffTTiTTiTnTiiwiTiiiTi 1 iTlnTI ii tT TTiiTiirTufTini I vmw jKitsKV 1 sinsHimr. 1'kxxhvi.vama fatims . ' I BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE rt.NNSYi.VAMA HimrnnAN WAYNE AVENUE BYW00D Detached homes, 2 minutes from 09th St. Terminal. 30-foot fronts. COPLEY ROAD 69TH ST. TERMINAL Semi-dotachcd homes, three minutes walk south from Terminal. Unequnled anywhere at the price, $13,000 and financed for you. Afjents on premises daily and Sunday. .$650 SECURES 62 ACRES WITH HORSE, COW AND fodder, etc ; nar large R. R, town; rich, dark loam soil; wire-fenced pasture; 1000 lords wood; variety fruit; snug house; 2 barns, plggerj : all 11300, easy terms. See page 49. Htrout'd Illus. Catalog Uargalns 83 $700 SECURES POULTRY I FARM NEAR PHILADA. 120 acres, edge II. R. town; tillage, wood- land, fruit; warm C-rooin house, barn poul i try house: forced sale; 11400, easy terms. Details pago 33, fitrout s Cntalor. 151000 SECURES 114 ACRES WITH 14 COWS AND heifers, machine,--, household furniture, bar. etc.; wood, fruit, sugar maples: good -room .S'iZV . ". poultry house: owner alonel 13050 takes ever thing. oaBy terms. Details rage 24. Stroufs Catalog. 375 ACRES WITH HORSES, 24 COWS AND heifers otrr. niachlneri. hay, etc.. near '"Sf"1 ln0l) cords wood, 200,000 ft. timber. 200 apple tree.. 1C00 buckets equipped sugar 'grove: good house. 3 barns, silo, en- tnnnn JfikM everything, oasy terms. Pore 10.1 lu. Catalog 1200 Uargalns FREE STROUT I I Ad KNOT 1422 I.. I.uirt Title. Uldr.. phlla. OLD HOMRSTRAn ', .. "' i :,'X, Vrl?' . "" ""- f0mo timber, stream, JOft fruit trees. 12-room store dwelling, hot- nir neat, gas: necessary outbuild ngs: 1 mile I to ".-.lu.!. iniie.i 10 wny iia 1 on ateni . road; price 112.000: act aulck. W. FORREST MAOEE. Southarrrpton. Pa. BEAE ESTATE SALE OB BENT LOOAN I rnrtorle Wlnreliniiaen. Mfc. Floor SUNLIGHT FACTORIES TWO NEW TWO-STORY 80,030 si. ft. 27.000 W. ti. Steam heat Elictrldtr Elerators Sprinkler systems Light four side Dr.vewaya on all ildt, LEyiCK & WOLDOW 707 WALNUT STREET llsmbers Philadelphia Real A..bw ouaria B. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE ' J20.000 EQUITY on boardwalk corner in I rant pruperous seashore resort, with fix- ' tures and ciulDmcnt for nrnetiHrnn. i..i.. I In exr4iangn for central real estate, or garage P 411, Ledger Ortlre. ' I BEAL ESTATE WANTED WANT to buj 2-ston. or i front houvo; ;la price and f SI. Ledger Office. room pon-h-Itcatlon A I IF TOU alue prompt & efficient aeivlce . I want jour houae sold In the nhortest time, then list It with us. HARRY J. 1COKHL11R ti CO. 14110 Chestnut st Locust OTliJ. I DOCTOR w-nnta house In Oermantown: price , anywhero from JT3O0 to $15,000: aend par- titulars to JOHN U. MoOAFFKRTY. 5721 tl-rmnntnwn Ave. 1 B OFFER rellablo and etllclent oendrp In salu or managtment of property. West Ph la Real lietnte Co.. r.llflfl llaltlmore 1 WILL HUY near city. ..Walnut 4US4 small bungalow with garage, from owner. Phono 10 to 4, WANTED, building and lund suitable for warehouses and factories M 710, .editor Office. otn ii ec a for home hliveps Walter H Kuehn. Boon qermantowrr ave. WI3 hae buyers for modern sty. homes; uulclc fiction Armstrong? 4233 Otn ne. I E in 10 Kuuaia a bathe, preferred on 5 early leaae. V 122, ledger Office, BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT city I I.hT'H TALK IT OVLIt: Large Store Building 1 4000 sq. ft.; Huntlr.c Park. Venango unii wimanic'Kon uob.; oppoaito uudd a plant; new; tile floor and walls, REYNOLD H. GREENBERG MORRIS I1LDO. 1421 CHESTNUT ST OFFICE SPACE MONTHLY LEASE PARKWAY RUILDINO COR IIIIOAI) AND CHERRY STS. 7.ROOM houae. ERHART. 742 all cimvonlencea; rent T2&. Maater. nnalness I'ronertles nnd Btnrew iWOSIiffUiIkWiUI RENT J. 15. CORNER Broad & Locust Sts. STORES & OFFICES EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENER III.DO. Loruit nllJS Race K07 i AMOTU aAiaCbllOOll at Walnut nnd 411th at. with ea ft. frontage on Walnui. st.. by 40 ft ... .Vila 1. ... . .- k..lk 1... ' tV. 'V s handhomest and hest in West Philadelphia, ible for an automublie annolnted salesrooms 1 nnd Is especially suitable nr.Kn.uii- .uurrrvivmi leni roasonaBie in- Quire your own broker or Stanley .Motor rr. I nage Cc... Walnut at 4C'h l HeU phono i Preston 1411 1228-80 RACE bT. About S100 sq, ft,: 3 torleai light front, rear and aide: Imme diate possession. 120 N. CAMAO ST. About I0OO sq. ft. J Q luii.., vw,,., viuy.,,1 yu..e..gn April 1, 1021 irENNA.CO.,'817 CHESTNUT ST.. ': I BEAL ESTATE FOB RENT riTY GOJilSillilllDIS () STORES AND OFFICES S. E. Cor. 18th & CHESTNUT Two modern stores on 18th Street; remodeled ; attractive fronts. 25,000 Square Feet on Upper Floors Now passenger elevator will be in stalled and floors put in first-class condition, suitable for office purposes. JOHN H. SINBERG Exclusive Renting Agent 1218 Chestnut ftmmatiiaJM rjnaffffinsmiiirai () IN AUTOMOBILE SECTION First floor of newly erected concrete and steel 4-story building. 1346 BROWN STREET (90 feet from Broad) Suitable for truck, automobile, tire or accessory business. Leased to distributoi's of Diamond "T" Truck, who have moved to another city and desire to sublet. Reasonable rental. JOHN H. SINBERG Exclusive Renting Agent 1218 Chestnut fistniiMMiaEian SMtTj'nrasrasaWaSiri by 1231 ARCH STREET 21io feet x 117 feet to Appletrce 4-story and basement building; suitable for retail and wholesale business; excellent location. JOHN H. SINBERG Exclusive Renting Agent 1218 Chestnut fiKiiiiii Factories. Wafehonaen, Mfg. llooni FOR RENT LARGE ONE-STORY BUILDING OCCUTYINa THE ENTIRE RLOCIC WHARTON ST. 25TH ST. TAYLOR ST. OAKF0RD ST. SCO FT. LONG loO FT. WIDE PENNA. it. R. SIDING HU1TA13LE POR IFACTURNG WAREHOUSE GARAGE OrFICEH ON SECOND TLOOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM MODERN HEATINO SYSTEM TOWER LIQHTINO PLANT RENT FLOORS S. K. Cor. Broad &, Spring GardeR MODERN CONCRETE TILDO. 7000 sq. ft. to a Floor Srr'.nlt'tr System; pasaengnr and freight elevators: llshts on 4 sides. HBYMANN & BRO. WIDBNER HLDO. loril.t Kll'.'n Rare S07 LIST'S TALK IT OVER ?. 150,000 Sq. Ft. Concrete BIdg, i Centrally located: railroad elding, show room on Wulnut st.: in 000 sq. ft. on two floors; modirn: plenty of light: possession September 1. REYNOLD H. GREENBERG MORRIS HLDO. 141 CHESTNUT ST. 1 AOTORY building, over 4.I.OO0 mi, fl., Jer manton district: power plant, sprinkled: Immediate poiseaaion ry low rent! will di vide: we have other floor space CHRHTER ROTTNF.R. 14'.'1 Chestnut st. 10 000 SQUARE FEET or 10,009 sonar feat of excellent warehouse space, Front nnd Walnut ats, FRA8KR. 21 8, 12th. Fli- i " bertaiJZj flanires GARAOE for rent; , H lid at. roam for 8 cars, 2018 I omens. nrHiNKSH nooM.s. fTTC. F " DENCKLA BUILDING OFFICES N W. COR. 11TH It MARKP1T STS. HEYMANN & BRO. WIDBNER RLDO VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut St. Several Dea'rablo Offices for Rent Albert M. Greenfield & Co. 15TH AND t'HEHTNI'T STS. 1000 SQ. FT lat fl.. facing Walnut at.: good for any line of bus.: preient ocoup. by rjr! danre atudlo.; pos. Iin : will imp, lino w'ai't. OFFICES for rent, Rhubert Hldg.. "ou n Broad st.l outside light: Immediate Boai aeialon. OFriCES with wonderful north llshti ateam haat. eleo.i ver- reasonable, llpft WsiniAi DESK and desk epace fur rant: very liberal lerme. Apply B03 Parkway Hldg. "''r" 0 OFFICES, lat and 2d flooraj excellent loco, tlon. Write 1311) t Uroad st wfwt rnii.VDKLniiA SOO HOLLY ST (rnr Wramtmlns'rr ave.) Three.rlorv lo-rom dw inn ni-uin Ileal: ll'.fl iKVli.r h Hon 24 H Hlllli 1 1 CORNER STORE and dwelling, 51sti"nd ro , irr4 ' c"j-2 ualtimoni ave. PRUDENTIAL REALTY in h. hoi ii at. Iti-imiint .lour. 8 CHESTER AVE. - Apply sample ,'K85l, 1 Ryliror. house. lilljl cntalor nve. C. SIMON. 20th and I'aia-unk ave I'KNNHYT.VAMA- srmmiiAN itKinoN uent lurnisned for 0 months, mod. ern stone Colonial. 11 rooms, 0 baths: sa. rage. Phone Marion BJfl W. " ga. fl W, furli trim (i iinwioN 1 llllNOAlXiW, atrbnJ' Vri8ilLPera,n,aUl' nunutsg .,...,, swlfM VW4 SEAL ESTATE TOR REmt CITY oarsj ITwftorlea. Wwrehoosei.. 3Ifg. noora APPLY TO OWNER J A. T .AFORE 1418 WALNUT ST. I.4MIAN 4700BLK.N. WARNOCKST. (DBTIVEEN 10TII .VND 11TR) Two-story . modern lionirs, aev.a with garages: hot-water heat, eltotrlcl:. hardwood flooni throughout, incloica purob. LEVICK & WOLDOW 70T WALNUT ST MORTGAGES ?orky MORTGAGES TEMPORARY LOANS PERMANENT CAPITAL Central Mortgage Company U0.1 REAL ESTATE TRUST IlLM. Wa'.nut 1014. MONEY JUR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES E. C. VON HELFENSTEIN 1784.3."l Real Eatate Trus' Ilidg. 1 -i Funds for First Mortgages t Various amounts ' Chas W.Miller cg,!. Funds for 1st & 2d Mortgage MAIlDirir U MATC.rMllFR REAL ESTATE TRUST ULIXS Member of Phlla. Real Eatate Hoard, Mortgage Money Any Amount 1AMES S. CLARK una iii-'iiiniT. allT.q. PPRUCK IW I tVVL AND "WAIA'UT STS ""SfcTl Real estote security! immiolali. "VJV settlermsnt; interoit on ! " TO hntinht. Cash at once. 3J uou t,Lw. ivi. muLL, ,..,. MORTOAOI5 OR NOT! Funds In any amount. Immediate eettlemert, Rulldlrg aaaoclatlon monir DK.M P.'IEY b CO.. 27 S, jtha'. MORTOAOK3 . ,(l -. L. . ....ii.Mi.r.1 --.. tn.n a.puclat.on ii..- frxr. Ii. ..-,4 M n'nrl 71141. prOmi'' SeiI.- DONNELLY A SUL3S Irfhlgh n id i-i.epiantown area RVILDING and loan ni.soclationij.H-- drat nnd arcond mortgages to hum In Went PMIadellihle. ..,i.n.sa ' OS ALLlfV.' 1-OTT.4 4!H). Ha ' !L?llJ- I FIRST MnnrOAailS for -sale, '-'jiutlll cent. .uvvii ,u,?. t. -. - TON. .Ir. Hnrrlii.n Hldjc- - - TOU CAN cent on HOUROW diamonds. money l"V.,if Rleder't. l- "" , I i . street ' JS In large TOunts I" IfiJ, jl"' J es: rates II nr cent '.S , jjldar . ; fc Btetson, ll lai"1 Si-r I mi iso.ooo for first. and ,tf5i."Mfi l FUNDS gages; I HAVE taO.flOO fr nrst nrt 'Sfa pes. elty or eountp '-' i m V. ny amount "ia?ivuss:irS ffiSM ws, FIRST IRST all mam, nd second mortgage nut. nm--- '. FIMI Ji7,I v.r -