PWivM r , ?v - prfif ! mvKm ' ' -M - v $nrhr "r?fj" ' 'fl 4 "tiVmim PUBLIC LEDGEBr-PHlLADELPHlA, KKiDAY, FEBKUAKY 25, 1921 7 'foreign trade falls off Exportt and Imports Shrink, but Balance Is Favorable lo U. 8. tVafJilnrton, Feb. 25. (By A. 1M a VbrinVwo of $00,000,000 in Amr. An export trade In January M !il today by the Deportment of IhmntrM. Imporle for the month ell iff IBS 000.000, ns rompnred with the u favor of the United States for Jan .rruns $440,000,000. Imports during the seven months' ..rind ending with last .fanuniy were 'fifi 000,000 in tho corresponding period he'Vear before Kxports totaW 4,- tiaSOOOOOQ, comparea wnn 9,uo,it Jooo00 in the corresponding period last "rmnorta of cold amounted to WS, 000000 in .Tanuary and to $342,000,000 inthc seven month, as compared with tloSo.OOO In January, 1 MM. nnd $38,. MO 000 fn ho corresponding seven Bon'ths the oar previous. Ooid ex mKs showed n Jarge drop, amounting u. , aalv S3.O00.0OO in January, as torn iircd with f48.O0q.00O In January, ffi20 Imports of silver for the seven month-, were $37,000,000, as compared ih .S .UUliVVUt it win- vwv.w ".-.- 3S,000,000. o against $122,000,000, PANAflIA TO FINANCE ITSELF I I Native Fiscal Agent to United Statcfs Expert Tft.Ii 'r, Mlv A i II llMffUlwt Jfc. Vf - "' w m r - ' Imintlal divorce of the United States and Panama is coniciupiuicu u uurmu f the Panama Government. President form Indicated here last nUht. He Jttd that after Addison T. Ruan, rjolted 8tates fiscal agent here, leaves March 28, n Pnnaman of "exceptional abilities and nbsoluto integrity" would fcr made fiscal agent. fie added it has been decided not to Knew the contract with n United States bank to act ns depository for govern-mf-nt fundB, because "we have a na tional bank, efficiently managed and in prosperous condition. ' KRUPPS TO BUILD IN CHILE Government Grants Concessions to Gunmakers, Berlin Report HerUn. Teb. 25. (By A. P.) The v.tlrhi Zeitunc rcnorted vesterrluv the ri.iTAsn nncprnnipnt "hns civpn il ron- I Chilean uovernmeninHs Riven u con .ession to the Krupps, With the right .. M.M.,!rA lunil fn htlftrl fnrtnrloQ 4 nnmW nt flpmn nn,trmfl . vill take ndvantoge of the concession, th newspaper says, and emigrate lo Chile. George E. Kane Dead NmI Cliester, P., Feb. 2C. Georce T.. Kane, aged sixty-seven Tears, died early today at his home. West Barn ltd etreet, followint; a ions sickness Mlh diabetes lollowod by gangrene in t tool, its was a cnaricr memuer ot West Chester Cnstle, Kmshts of the tolden Ungle. nnd Captain Roberts Commnndery of the same order, as well as of the Fame Fire Co.. West Chester Rand and other organizations. He had Veen master of records of the castle for utnty-uve years and for thirty-two tear, unci cntuce or tnc piess depart ment nf the Daily Local News here. He nas lormeily a superintendent of the R?l Chester Machine Co. Wills Probated Today Wills were admitted to crobiMe to. nV in the following estates: Richard l.tviii. JSZI Wa ace street. ?9",500; Dr Isaac E. Roberts. 1005 orlh Kifleenlll stret. SfiO.000 : Ed- Mtd .1 Thompson. 2045 North Fif teenth street. $15,500: Aueubtus Welch 4100 Mnin street. $0050. In- I Tfntortes were filed in these estates: WINTKIt IIFSORTH ATLANTIF OITV. X. J. aAQaXQO, WilS &, id-' I- -1.-' ATLANTIC CITY! STRANGE AS IT MAY SCEM, THERE IS NO SNOW ANYWHERE IN ATLANTIC CITY he Boardrfalk Is thronged Willi visitors enjoying Atlantic rity'e on "Jul climate. They are promenading roller thalrlnr. baeltlng in the sun e'une, gossiping along the 'WnlU und enjoying th excellent shop wlndon alsjUTs. Btlt Water Swimming Pools Mntorlnir, Horseback Rldlnc Theatres, ilovles, Danclrut. Concert, etc In addition to the Individual entertainment offered bv the Hotels. NO HNOW ON THE GOLF LINKS rh- Coun't-v Club ISlhota course Is In excellent condition Tin: i.i:.niN(i hocskh unexcelled lor culeln and Hospitality Alwnisopin Phone Wneoi vm Information. Rale Ets (All nio American pUn unless otherwise noted ) 'o!ihtm Hotel Rtranil F. 11 Off an J II. t; Edwsrds The Rreat.rra mer A En. I'lan Joel Illllmsn. Prop Seaside Home r l Cook' Sons The Wiltshire Samuel Ellis, Owner N J Collins. MgT 'liloh White t Son Co Mner St. En Plans Alarnar Ilotel Mner 4. En Plans Varlc Lata Co Hotel Ilrnnle Salter J l?uih , .Hotel Ht. Charle. harvard E. Orostcup irusieo ficnuent tralna moal anv hour with PulLman.cai via Ph la Reading- ot Penna Ferrle From Rrotd Street Station via Delaware River Bridge Route Jjillv 9 i) A ST. 1.40 P. M 4 14 P. M.. 7:14 P. M.. ttopplng at Welt and :orth Philadelphia For furthor information phone local ticket office mfo& ati Aurrirrrti-rv.w.. 1 AnAnvenicftiA. Plan. Hi lfDisimrUoiKtaalCoir liaimoofaaaini. tu- LSottcoo ,j, iifaBtrJUtaa&i I . ... , THE BREAKERS ! Atlantic Citv. N. J. . .,, vn Ocean Front Fireprof yauiuallr attractlr AtiFln- f.'liili, al 04T Gsisens ItoriebaeU on tb baae. t If. laooor Swimming and th Trl rOlIt "If Ml Ilm. rtk..ltt ... n.v.e4alt itinilrk ?"""" IIir Wil W7aaW gk Ji ,yj,,,s "PPCinxea liOPDit una un ittrltlPei stwllk alt...... H.tMl aaaasl jJ!jJiW Tea Bnle. which invttea J AOertoan and European plan. '" l" .V" Yo" ffl M""" ln lhe j., i OJGll i ,. a - "Wtr of Rolnut lltalth" ' 7? HOTELMORTONlf. Il.lJ,r"nr M Virginia Are. Cao.icllr SnO. llaths. elr. Alfiass Oneii. I V IIKI.T, It VKVI. M. I'OPK, Prop. I Rqauois a; fcoiff.?.i?.r: Utth- ffiwrnTsmsm i'i run tr.f.l4 Ti,"lti- cv- 850' VtlUf M Ki 1 io7!r- eleistor. etc Amer. rl". ' riU.13, Oantr. N. J COLLINS. MgT. iraicnlieltn trrrvu.i aTcUai-e7T,i HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alw... Itrt.. Wrli. ..iW f:"' Term md. M. AYalth Duncan. .RRl.T.uan, ,..... . ITIIETTrr "muiiv. ri..i. "ttgWtW. Ptlltmlr IW.UI.. .. t:!irt Winter Resort. r a".n?ri.."i. .Canada -- "uutr lieuotrt Wlatlborouo .l.-eVTJAKrrff - -.-"iWll -r-T-aignEo, Vanadi . I Vincent Oawronskl, $1L0B3.33; Stroll A. Pile, $8151.04. John Crist, $14,300; Alfred Walton, $0837.02; John J. Meyers, $12,032.07; Charles J. Evans, $38,881.04; Celena B. Boo, $12,015.30, and Annie It Kiefaher, $11,404.32. IN MKMORIAM . NEWHOPFERi - In levlnr memory ,, I.OU18 NBWilOFFRR. who departed tbta life February 20 ISJO. wins and children lJALLOWKLL. IIKNRY R HALLO AYKLL Loving remembrance Departed lit rb in. ioos, DAUoirrnn. AVILLtAMEON. In lovlrf rem mnranceof cur foiiT uncle, JOHN' D WILLIAMSON, who departed thli life Feb 34. Idle JOHN Kl.HIE, ELI A Beatlj ARMSTRONG Feb 2S, WILLIAM G , nn ot Ul William and Anna Ian Arm. Krone Funeral service, MOI itbndav 10 Residence, ra n, buu Hishvras' riurnu Invited t Knipiovet or HOYLK On Fab 24, JOHN .1 POYLK relatives tit friend Invited to funeral, on Monday, at 0:10 a. m , from Inte tesMenca 1(118 llrovinn et. HUM uata at Qeu Church 7.50 m Interment Ilazleton, l'e I?.yI3.H.TAL'vt',ore,",wn'.N ' Feb 2. COMA RULEY. beloved wlfo of Walter I, Koyer. In her 4th r. Funeral Bat . 3 p m lat retldence 813 K 2J , Mooiss. town. N .1. Int. RRINKAVORTH Feb. 21 13.-J JANE jildow of Oconee Rrlnlcvorth Inee Rm'ivl Due notice of funeral !11 be given from her son-in-law's residence SOA Rooteve.t boil'- ard BURNS Feb 2J DANtKf, V. eon ff Daniel nnd the late Urldret lturns ateil 2B. JtelatUee nnd frier dn. ateo Holy 1,'imt Ro cltv, are Invited to attend funeral. Bet . q, , ,....l ""O rn" 'rom '" fther' realdenc 4!4 ouccoeu.afnnnntoivn av aermentown Solemn I requiem mits at Ht Francis of Aultl Churoh 10 a m . Int Holy Seoulchre Cera. . BURNS let. ., 10111. WILLIAlt 3., nor) relative and filenda invited to fit neral. Bat.. 8.S0 m . from hie late resi dence, 017 8, 421 at b'oiemn requiem mttj Nt. James' Church 10 a m Int. private, Holy Crcii Cem CAHPHKLL Fob, 113, WILLIAM F, f!AMll)KLL SI. V nmaln mav be vlewei Ftl., 7 to 9 p. m . at his lata r!dnre. ISO N. Orsnze at., Midla. I'a. Vervlcra Bat , at convenience of family. , CANTF.H. rb. 4 IBal, MAUIXTCK-J.. husband of Lesh Canter rv fllcliel). sued ?7 He!at!en and friends, also Chera.IlI(Vr Chollm. the Unherslty Club. Etsrineers' Oiub and Atumnl L'nlerslt' of Fenna , Class 11S, are Invited to attend funeral aenlces. (Jan.. 10 a. rn.. at his Isle residence. 1931 N l!Sth at. Int privets, CASBDEEn Fob. si JOHN W husband of IfAry A. Casebeer Inee Dalton) and son of Ernnu and ths lata Charles Casebesr, ned 24. HeLatlrte end friends, also On elnnatua iMita. No 200. I. O O V.. Invited to funeral services. Sun S p m . at late residence. SSS4 . HUbee si Wlsslnomlnr. Int. Man , Stroudsbutsr t'a . CLAIIE. Februsiy 21. 19'Jl SJLEANOn V , beloved daushter of Harrv K. and I.stira V. Care (nw McCarthy), aced 8 veare HelitUes and friends ar Invited to attend the funeral Saturday. 7:30 a. m . uudu.ii.u v, s, iiui 11a iiu wnn" fro.ti parlors of Phil J Donahue. 800 B Lehlrh eve Him mass of requiem 0 a Cnren of ,h, vieitatlon, ir, v. M int Holy Crosn Ccmeter:. Washincton papen Dles, C-DV. . CLEARS". "F0 21 lam T'A'i'ninv r . nusoana or nannsn t-.ry (tin Clnncy). IteHtlvs and friends, also emplojes of Raid win's l,th St. Hhop. imlted. to attend (it ncral Sat . 8.30 s. m , late re!dence 117 W. Oxford at Solemn tequiem mtsa at t Michael' Church 10 s m. Int Holy Cross Cem. , CONnOT At MnoresloA-n N T Feb 24. BniDOKT, iBIfo of Jchn Conrov Inee Olen nrn). Relatives and friends ale Invited to attend fufnsral. Sot.. 8a.m. from her late residence 841 W 2d at., Moorestown. Huh nines ot requiem Church or Our Ldy of Clood Council 0:30 a m int Mt Carmel Cem. CON'WAT Feb 28 IAMKB T CONWAT Funeral Sat from residence ef II J O'Neill. 1203 rilmcie st . Frankrord lie. qulem hlsli mass at 8t Joaehlm'a Church 11 a m. COONICr I'eb. 21 1921, JOHN K. COONUY Relative nnd friends Invited to attend fur.oral, Monday. a m , from his late residence. 11134 S. 20th rt Mini) mssa of requiem til. Thomas Aqulnes Church 0-30 a m Interment Holv Cross Cemetery COYLB. 4.t St. Frentla' Hospital. Tren ton N J.. Feb. 22. MARY A COYLK r.els. tles and friends are Invited to attend fu neral from the residence of Mrs. W. M Herron, 4 Burllnxton at., 'lordentoivn. N. J . Rat., 8 a, m Solemn high mass 4t Murv's Church, I) a. m Int Ht Mrirj i Cem , Ilorderttnwn CROltniE On Februarv 2.1 ANNIE be loved wlfa of Richard Cronrble trj'e Div). nelatles nnd friends Invited to funeral Mon. tyv. at 830 a m . tro-n hrr ltn residence. 1312 N. Hobart st Solemn requiem masa n.t Our Lady of Tlofsvy Church 10 a m. Interment Ho'y Cross Cemetery. Dubl'n, Pa . papers please cop CROMWF.LU Feb 23 at ths rfllled'.st Jtplscopsl Home. IIUNICIC widon of Charles Cromwell, aed. 103. IMneral "erviees at thi Home, llelmon: and Bd?e!v aes Sat,, 2 30 r m. preelsel- int Mt Peace Cen DAVIS Feb 23 1321 IDV LI8ETVA. IVINTMl K1X1UTH ATINTTO s-irV. N. .1 Ilotel Chelsen I U Thompson L Oalen Hall Oalen Hall Co Th Rhelbnrnr European PUn l Welkel, Mgi The) llolmhurel A II. Darnell Hotel Morion Co t Hell i Cope, Orvneie. RAYHbRE ATIANTIC rirv tr JVbrfdj Greatest Hotel Success GRAND ATLANTIC Mrginla av. ynl bearh Hot sni' coM run ting water. Prlvtte btlht. Ratss 14 day tin special weekly Capsrltr (inn. RnoUet. OBCAB D. PA1XTEB II.1B0LD LA.NpoS Hotel Boscobel K'nl;1.c1,y An- R!"r. " "T "c Estellsnt tabl. I1T.6 rd un wKklr. Phon 117. A. W. MAHIOV. iKKivonn. j B MUKELHOK h LAKEWOOB -NEWsJERSETai K dillahtful tocltl atmosphere prevails at laurel House and maU It th favored winter home of a particular and dltorlmlnat Ing clientele Indoor ate open flrepr, nn orchettr of trtltts dancing, home-like charm, ttrvlce V r mount, iiuptrlurcultlnt, Ardmtnoopen WINTER GOLF and RIDING A .1. Murphy. Mgr.i C. V Mnrnlir. Asst.Mtr. INEAIr? HEALTH FARM I iiivr.iv uuii, n, j. Real. ItM-relion. llkerelse T.trs nymnaeliiru. Turlt'i. E.e tc Ilvdrotharunv Tlatls llsTidball Rldlrir, Oolf Til,' Sunpll.d from 10U acre far-it Itnnii'.t Phone 626. WILLIAM J0NKH ROTH IllreeUr CI.KAKWWKfl. FLA ULELAH INN. rirarwalrr. Florida Modtrn In Drtnll On Uay Uhoit Oolf a rountrs- Club, trnnlt boating, bathing nh. lta. hunting. Quail eesson now on SassonJ Novsmber to Juns nates upon application JACKKON nrBINUB, N. C. WAtKovl.N lWI.1U illHJO. Jsciitoa nprios. jn. v. . a J . - li5vCTv'vB L jwlT j Near Plnthuitt and famous oil eoiirett. ntte rcurTs!brt70y!Wf5Tw,t nKATns S',0lf dhtr of Anna C. Davn. Due Sf.,h!t '"I"' "iS1 J ii'n. r Hr moA0.'.r." res dene. 2347 JC Torlt at. CO,i0fl1Ba b.' 5S' An'n'A DAVIS PAX. STiSi iTlf .r. "" W Dories. Funerl ??"'" Bat.. 2t30 p. m.. residence, 4 W PnA1At,,.2tn'"T', " Hvte. . f-20l'P,,.5'l.Tlr' M Camden N. .T . on Feb 24. 1091. f tl.tlw tiy? ntimtlirhvr iO?.?j8m""'i,1 20, PMnerul services on n,iv,'?t .m. l lt resldswe. West ueriin, Ns.j. Interment areenmount Cem- 1 "'". lonaav, 11 a. p) 1 1 1'P3v'7' ot Francis v' Kasila'clt. Jr.. , and dauffhter of the lata Frederlcli and of Atonement Xforton, I'a . Mon,, 2-80 P. m rlerdo msv call un.. 3 to B p m, Jt her hte resldtnce, Hithland ave , Mor ton, KtCiniANN' Feb 2S WILLIAM O son of deorire and Sarah Klchmann In his 18th ai' Iteutltts and friends aie lnted to utend funeral fat. S'30 m . piren's' tesldene. .ItlO Church et FrstMford. He qulm hlsh mass, St. Joachim's Church 10 .V3...W Ho'V Redeemer Cem wA'JMjK.-"1 .Moorestown. N. .T . Feb p, WAKN'Sll O K KWAN husband of Eva Lwsn. need 4i Uelatlei and friends In Ulcd to attend funeral, from Ills late resi dence, 4C0 E 3d at , Mflorestown, N'. J., aV..'..- B,rn ' ,nt Hsrlalsh Cem Fi.VLbT -Feb 22. JUHN .T husbund of Catho-lne Hnle RelatUes nnd friends nre Invited to attend lunerol, Rat . 8 a. m.. Horn late itsldence 1788 H. 2d st Hlrh mjss of requiem at Church of Sscted Heart 9 '80 a ni precisely. Int Holv Crnse fern. FLKTCJIEU Feb 23 CHARLES 11. rLRlCHUU. huibind of lala Anna 1L Fletcher, sacd 07. Funral serlc- Hat 1 p in . at his 1st residence 41.1 N. 2d at., Cemrten N .1 Int. private. Friends may call rrl. after 7 p. in OOULD Feb. 23, af Chlcsco, III. C1 NKS. widow of Jsmea K tlolitd. RelslUes and friends ar Invited to attend funeral services, Eat.. 2 p, m at th residence of her rephew. Wil lam M Smith, 053jj Tor reidal se . Tacony. Int. Maimolla Cem.. UAT.T..1, tlM.lm 1,,tt Mftfl ITeh 24, CAROLYN LADD HALL, wife of Lvmn.) llcecher Hall, of Haerford Pa Funeral services st Massaehusetts Crematory Chapel, Forest Hilts, Mass , Saturdav, Fob 28. PHICR I'eb. 22 BVSAN. wife nf Al IIARLEY. Feb. 24. KATHRYN U HAlt- fred J. Price (nee Lamont). aired 71 Rl LL wife of Tliomaa J Hnrley, at the tlves and friends, atao Rlloam Church and residence of her mother. Mrs A E. Koester, Sunday school, are Invited to attend fu 402D Spruco st Funeral services. Monday, neral service Sat . 2 p m lata residence 2 p. rn., at her lata residency S722 Pember- 2480 IS Dauohln st. Int private. North ton st. Interment private. Northwood Cem. Cedar 1II1I Cero FrlenJ may call Frl etery Friends may clt Sunday evening aflr S p m flArintaON Feb. 22. at Lakeland. Fla.. 1USMUS3EN Feb 24. KNUD husbtrrf WILLIAM 8 HARRISON, Relatives and , of Laura llasmussen, age.) 60 Relatlvee friends, also Prospect Lodge, No 67. F. r.rd friends are Invited to attend funeral. na A M are lnltert to attend funeral IJIondsy, 11 a m. from 1st residence, the Sat , 2 p m, chapel of lljrsce I Griffith, iHranee, B2d and Federal els.. Camden. N. Norwood Pa Int. Ml Peace Cem , 1. Intirtnsnt rrlate, Thornton Delaware HIOLLEU Feb. '.". ANNA M (nee ' county Pa . 2 80 p in Friends maj' call Ciroves). wife of Cbarles .T. llAttsr. .Ir. Ftl-I Hundav ntnr?. 7 to u n m. neral sirvlre at her Ute residence, 420 N. diui at . Hst , 2 p may call Frl eve Int private Friends HIBUS On Feb 22 KDWIN n hutbtnrt of Elizabeth U Hlbbs R;atles and friends Invited to service. Sat , a p m., at resi dence ?f her brother-in-law. it. a. Mapgan l'3?! '"Irmourrt aie Int. nrivate, HOLLY .At Colmar. JOHN, husband of Jlargsretta Holly (nee Urlk) Relative and (rtend are Invitrd to attend funerl, from his let retdenee, Celmar. Saturday mom Ing. Feb 21. JS21, at o n. High mas ef requiem a st Stanltlauj' Church Lane dale, at 10 1(1 . m Int. adjoining iem. Body ma be viesed Friday trom 7 to 9 HOUSE In West Ch'tter. I' . on Feb 24. 1021, LYDIA W . joungest dauahter of the late James end nebtrra Units IJV. nerai privair intcrm'ni Friends U round nur.tll JOHNS On Feb 25 at her residence. 237 Hirst ve , East T.antdowne, MILDRED M,. wife of Harold E Johns Due iiotlcs will be Hlven K.IDD At f.of V. V-h CUTIiTI. widow of Frank W. Kldd ed S4 Funeral service Sat Ham at tl-e rhapel nf An-dree- J Uair L bon A ron nnd 19th ata Int priaie K1M1 On Feb 23. WILLIAM W tills, band of Lrdla King Ine Hairts) Roll-; requiem mass Ohunh of St Iznattu 10 s ' tlves and friend also member of Mathlss m Int. Holv HJ'emer II. llerrdoreon Ixidgo, No. 1I. F and A. M 1 RUD6LPH - Feb. 2 1321 M4.ROAR and other order of which h wt a member , ETIIA widow of Auut Rudolph gtd SO Invited to funeral services. Sat 2 p, m at her lata rosldonte 170J S 4th st. Due late resiuence uuio wamut et rrienus may call Frl. 7 to 9 p m KNOT1I Seb 24 of rcrebro-splnit menlngltlt, BERTHA It daughter of Ou. lav ond Mrv Knoth Inee Alexy). aged 4 Parenta' resldencs, 2840 N. 21th at Int Norlhwood Cem. No funeral KRETZ8CHMAR. Feb. 28. WILIIEL. M1NA. wlf of Paul C Krelrtchtnar, aged 68. Rolatlve and frlerds are Invited 'to tena runtrai service sat.. 2:30 p m. pre eieely, at her husband' residence 2317 W ' Wlllarrt st, Int. Oreenmount Cem LANCE On Feb. 23 1021, FANNIE wife of Alfred M Lnce, Relative md friends, olio Women' Auxiliary of the Out. W. Town Post No. 'B a A. R. ore Inv ted to thei tervles on Saturdtj sfternoon, st 'J o'clock, at her late residence. 2634 H HOlli et. Interment prlvste Friends mav Men remains rrlday eventrg LARK1NB Suddenlv. on Feb 22 10JI PATRICK, husband , f Rosa mm Lirkln Relttltes ard rnenit Invltei to fnieral on Rsturdav. at 7:30 a ni . later residence. 10.11 N. 7th at. Solemn high mss of reipi em at Ft. Malaehv'a Chu'cli at 9 a m Int Ho'.;. Close f'em LECKNER Fob 24 1921 ANIK MITCHESON. nlf of Chtrle Leckner Fu aervlee Men 2P in . et reslderc of her husband 1 York st . Camden. N T Int private Hirlelgh Cem Fi l'nds mt cjll Hun , 7 to 9 p m. LEOPOLD Feb 28 JOHN hllsba'id of the Isle Anne n Leopold (nee Springer' tged 78 Relatles apd friend, also mem bers of Old Uuaids cf 21 Rett Infantry Corps Veternns' Also, of Penii R R . ill Invited to attend funerii. Sun . 2 i. m . from hi late residence; 8B22 Pop'ar t Int Montro" Corn Friend mav call Sat t LEVERINO. I'eb 2J, ALUER1' M LEV. ERINO, aged 66 Relstlve ard friends are lnx-lted to attend funoral aerMres. Sat 1 P m., nt Ins Into residence 3012 Stolclei st Queen Lani Manoi Int prlMte. Westmin ster Cem LfVEZEY - A i Woodburv N I Feb 21 IENNIE A widow nf John D. Lne?c aaed 78. Funeiul Mon 1pm. from Flrat Dtp tut Cliurch. DoMrstJWn Pa Int prltte Dovl(ton Tern .MAHONEY. Fell 1.. CATHARINE widow of John Mahoney ( tlenrv) Jlela ttves anl friends InMled to fuilural. Sat,. 70 . in. latn residence t!J(r7 Chew at.. CIcrmantown Solemn mass of rsqujero at Immkculito Conception Clunk l a, m. Int. Holy Sepulchre MARTIN. Suddenl on Fib iK 11JI HERMAN O husband of Maiv W. Msi- tin. Relative and friends also Oriental lA)i!gB. No. 885 F and A. M . Naunl Tribe. No. 170. I. 0 P.. M . and employe of Hco'.l Powell Dairies, are levied to the services. on siturdtv aiteraooii. ar .' o ciocu at h's Int. r.H,np. AIO N. 4Tllt dl lnl.tmanl . Arllnzton Cem Trends may vuw remains Frldav vcnlrt MATHEWS -At hi letid.ire 1622 J t. timr ot , o-i I'tb 21 11)21 THOMAS hus - bsnd of Ks'e Mstheiv. Relative anJ filends also tho Penrose Republican Club ond fleegum Tribe. No. 137. I. O, R. M nro Invited to the funeral on Monday morn- Inr. ot 8 f0 o'clocl:, from the' Oliver II. Bllr Hid? IS.'O Chestnut s. llol'mn h'yli mas at 8t Potrlclf Church t 10 o'cloc: Interment at Holy Cross Cemeterv MAZIKIN rep. js. uiiAivj.r.u r iiA. , nftM- tlue not'ee of (uneral w II he r.ven McCULTtUN I'eb 22 MARY J. (nee Dave1 rf Tliomss 1. McCulker. Re'i. lives and friend Invited to funeni Sat , SiSO a m la'e tealornee. ro73 Ocden at Solemn reoulem ms st Churoh of Our Mother of Sorrorrs 10 m Int. St Den.' CMDO.VNr.LL Fb 22 1021 ELLEN, wlfo of the late Philip McDonnell (nee Mur. tar). Relatlvee aid friend Invited to fu n.nal Sat R 30 o m. retldenco of ton-'n- tiw Oeonre Pueh 1414 H, Martton at R.v. 1 enm reoulem mssi St. aabrlcl' Churcn 10 II in ini ot. w.-.ii. v.. in MeriLLIN On Feb 23. 1821 CORNE I.H ri J JlrFfLLIN. eon of til lato lm and Rose McFlllin Rejatlvt and trends nro invited fo the funeral, on Saturday mornlnf "t 8.30 o'clock, from the O.lvar II Pair Rids . 1S20 Caettnut t Requiem main at St Itsnc'a de Hales" Church t 10 ocI,cl Intermjnt at Old Cathedral Cem. "moKNIOHT F.b 24 1DJI RICIIATtD WORK McICNIOllT Due ivotlc of funeral fron lato r't'dence. 733 N 20th st. MEAD Feb 22 EVA XfARlE. wife of Frank C Mejd and daughter of Jehn and Anna Martha Wagner aged 22. Relative nrd friend Invited to funeral services. Bit , 1:30 p. m. nt temporary parlor of John H Rerkelbach. 1601 Erlo sve Int. prlvste, dreenmourt Com nmiiiPT i ain i r inn mt" r-Hii in . 7 frt n n m MEADE Feb. 23. HARRY If husband' nf Mary Mende aged 03 Relative and friends a'so Orebl Camp. No 10. H. of V ' Invitrd to funeral services. Sat., 2 p, m , rtsldrnre 1031 H 12th st Int private. Fornwood Cem Viewing Frl. eve 1 Feb 22 CHARLES P . him- I band ot Anna Melsle, aged 61 Relative and - frlenda. alto HhacUaipton Tribe. No. It!, I , O of R M ne Invited to attend fune-ai service, hi"i J p ni pariu.-i or William Itotven 307 B Ulrrd avt hit North Cedar Hill Ueni V. 106 H Hit on Feb 21 1021, AUIJUSTE MrVTKll. gd 67 vears I Sorvlcte on Monday sfteinoon. at 1 -SO o'clocl. at the Oliver H Uair llldg 1.'0 1 ChoJUiW t Intermsnt at . rllnEton rente . tery. Friend may lovv lemain Sunda 1 event ic GASOLINE ALLEY Walt 1'IUT YOU HONKING A60L1 f.0v? mILN 7 ( -ONOGR! THE VAawA 'lirCE' Mu mt, "N 'Vccik' ive psiiirn ve,; a ( 'fas ri l iA l vara vvvxr v.orkct .& 5 mv motto- dom Tmea but :j'j v!iH vkg,-! r y?'vnT0 ENURCe THC vTuork ok I - ?$3fiH P ' 1 . h4y,. , ""&, 1 . 1 rz r -r 1 sAV : 1 DEATHS MILLER. Feb. 24, BL12ABETH liAKE MlLLKIt, In her 71st year, Funeral sen lets Son., 3 p. rru at the residence of her daush ter, Mrs, a F W'elland, 910 Collins aw Usit Coillnrse,ood, N, J Int. private MOORE. FeK 22 1921 JANH. wliatof James Moore Relative and frlmna iij It vited to aitenJ funeral service. Sat., 2'80 v m , restdenco ef till son-tn-lsw Wllllem 1. Shields 234 4 UoudlnH st Int. prUatr. MULDOON Feb flJ JOSEPH V , leloed husband of Anna Muldoon (nes Micneii) and ebn kt ths lata John and Mary A. Muldoon. Relstlves end friends art, Invited in attend funeral Mon 8 80 o m . from the resi dence of hi father-in-law. K, J Mlchll Mprton and Ridley ave, Ridley Psrlt. Pa Solemn requiem rhif at St Maritime Church 10 a m Int. prhate.. MULLEN Feb. 22' MARY MULLEN 'nee McNanly), wife nf Patrick Mullen, Rela tlves and friend r Invited ts attend funeral, Mon , Feb. 28. S;80 . m , from tier late residence 1BJ0 Haines t Oak Lne. BBlenin requiem ma, Holy Ant!' Church, 10 a. nv Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. . .. .. MURRAY Feb. 21. 1921 JOHN M , husband or Mary Murray (na Preen'. Rela tives and friend, alto all societies of which the 4ecie0 wa a member. Invited tofu neral, Bit , R-,10 a ni.. residence, 1005 Por ter at, flol-mn mai of re-iulem Church of hi. Ainnir! in . m. in, 11017 ltoii .em NORTH. Fod. 28. M 1021. JOSEPH !L ,3 ESTATE Or JAMF. MOON. e NORTH. Relative and friend, alto Penn- KXT !, Letter le.tamenUry on the I Ide. No, 880. K. and A. JL. InUted 0 b ,,, h,nt un itranted to the attend funeral service,, Bat., 2 p. m ltle overtimed, l Persons Indebted to eeld e- "1 IStlSS'.iVf ii "A"1!, "S" ,.n,-,P.5,,vt,,.in-iist" r requested to mtke raiment ond I'ENSIIAy. On Feb 2S l'.i21, MARY JJ lisvfn da'ms to present the seine. A., wife of the let OlUer Oprmnaw. eied Jiiihrin Jelsv to SO jears Relttlvei. snd friends Inv.ted to recvices on Sat , a 1 p. m , late realdtno 713 KIotrlc axe Wvncote, Pa Int. pri ste. Mt. Morlah Cem Friends tnal call Fr'dsv even'rr PtKRCB Fob 8S JOSEPH 11 . VMsban.l of Charlotte K. Pierce (ne .Kuru) and ann nf ltr" R. Pierre lee Naelel and th Ute Joteph Kennird Pleree. Relatives anJ friends, aiko einplo ,-f Plant Dt.. lletl Telephone Co.. are muled to atf-nd fu neral set 8 30 a m., from hla late reel dene. 924 N. 4th at Solemn hlch mass of requiem Chuich or Immaculate Concept!,,!) ID m trt, ffAlu j3ft,,lrhra f?m. REGAN, At Bordentnn N T Feb, 8.1. mart ,T . daurhter of late lohn and Ktn 1, arlne Regan. Relative and friend IhMted to funeral, from retldence nf her brother-in-law Jme McSorlev. Ilordntown N. ." Xton , 8 "10 a m. Solemn hlch mass st Ht Mary s Church 0 80 a. ni Int. at St. Mary' Cem . Bordentown. RE04N Feb 28 19JI MARIE O . wife of loeeph Regan (ne Quirk) Relative and friend are Invited to attend funeral Mon . S:S0 a rn . mother's residence, 2001 Christian Solemn mss of requiem St Anthony Church 10 s. m. Int. Holy Grots Cem. ROHINSON Feb '13, st Flatbush. Jlrook. hn, N Y. WILLIAM M. husband of Ida Rarne., TtoMnson, formerly of Philadelphia. Relntie and friends are Invited to ettend funeral eerily In the chapel of Mt. Peace Cem., Altt el end Lehlrh ave Sat . 1 p. m prerit'iv in' in em. ROLLER Yt Feb, 23 1921 JOHN, hus band of the la'e Catharine Rnllr. aeed SB Res'denc 7.02 Noble st Sen'lce In 7.1on iDermtn I.uth.rin Church, Sat 2 p in. Hit 1 Oermsn Lutheran Com ROTH Veh .3 1'iai. CHRISTIAN T, . i husband of Caroline Roth Relstlv and ' frl'mls also Typ.Krephlral Un'on. No 2. are Invited fn attend funeral, sat., s 30 m Isre r.iMnnr. 1720 V. r.1A ml. Rnlslnn none RUBBKLL Feb 23 1921. MARQARET beloved daughter of Wltlla n nnd Mirgire' Rursell. sged 12 vears 4 month Relative snd friend are Invited to attend tuners' Sit.. 2pm frjm the residence of parents 1633 S Rlnrgo'd al, Int Mt, Morlah Cem Remain may u vl'weil Frl. ee sriiAAi, Huaaeniy. on Feb 24 t-JcjIARLES SCHAI Due notice of fine'l will be gUen from late residence, 81R N 03d st rtCHEEREn Feb 2l 10J1 CAROLINE TIdow of Clnrle It, Scheeter ag'd 74 rears srvlcos Sst 10. SO s. m , at PresbMenan Home. 3eth ant are-iia u Int. Laurel IIUI re'.i. SEMREI.I.O Feb 2.1 FRANK, husband pf Msrle Herohe'lo r.elethe and fr' sre Invited to ittend funeril. Mon r k to late re ilence 111 Da'v st Solemn 1 me.,, of 'equlim St. Vlcholas' Church 10 a. m Int 11,'. (mm f'.wi SHERRY. Feb. 23 1021. THOIM1? so". . of Thomas ard Catherine Sherrv (nee Small) ' irrnieriv 01 j.Toaa mil unnsiian sis., nam 17 Re'stlves nnd frl-nds also atui-snts of i I Ls Salle Cohere invited to funeral Sal. S 80 ii m from his parents' residence 62.1 V'.nreme ue (near 62d and Baltimore tt i Solemn high mass of retinl-m at f'liurrli of the Vost Blessed Sacrament 10 e in Int IfoU- Croes Cm. SHOEMAKER Oi Flfth-dtv Second Jfonth 24th. COMLY II SHOEMAKER. In his 83d year Relative and frlerrts are In t'lrd to attnrd funeral service. Second-dav 21th Inst.. 11 m t his 1st residence 1716 (Ireen st Interment private I r-KIIEN. -- Feb J3. 1921. ANNA 1 I SKEEN daushter of the late James and Mary Ann bkeen (nee Johnson). Relatives 1 and filende are Inilted to attend fun'a' eenlce. Hal 2 p m late residence. U37 Winnevood icsd Int private, rrnooJ Vlewlnr Fri H p ni MMITIL Feo 23 ROSS SMITH Funera' Mon , 7 30 ni from her late rosldroce. J10 Kdewood ae Auddboi N J. Mass at St Ross of Lima. Church IfartCon Heights, N. J 0 a m In' Calvary Cem Friends mav call Sun after 7 o, m SNOWDEN Feb. 23 LEAH, wife of Jo. eeph Snowden Relatives st.l friend ar In. Mted to attend funertl Sat , 2-30 p m I no uuuiv uj iirjr uroincr'tii iffTl AIDftll Efnow. den. 102 Havwood sr Fa of Schuyltlll Int private. Mt Petes Cent Remains mav be viewed Frl eve SPALDINO. Feb .'3 IKJ1 CATHE RINE HOFFNER widow of Phar.'es E Spaldln;, Relative end f lende ar Invited lo funeral service Mon Jim. late resi dent 437 W f'helt-i .iv O'l lot private. STORK Suddenlv Feb 23 PHILIP F husband of Margaret StorK Services Mote, - P m.. resiaerce ijm I'Jirlsn st. FrlenJ intV CSll hUn CV C , HJROUP. Feb 24 r THEODORE husband of Marian U Stump lale retldence Andalusia, !, Me-nber of University Chap Mer. O. K S relatives jnd friends lr-vlted I J 'Vror.k.1 e,rv'e Sat 2.p m. at 8f I Paul' llp'scnptl Church Jvenslngton ave. and Iturhlua st I . .u'Ul,a Suddenlj s' BeverW N ,T.. Teb. 22. JOHN II.. Jr.. son of John ir. and Daltn I H Uhng aged 111 Funeral aervlce Sat. S J m, at resldenre ot grandmother, Mr. I Elisabelh Ilutsy, 6243 Catharine at , West n u. xni, privair r-emsins may u vievrea ar Herl- Tllurs . S n m WARNER Fjb 21 CHRISTLAN II WARNER. Funeral from the resldenc of th 1st.. Ootlleb Kress Plttsgrav. N. J . I Mon . 2 p m Aula will meet tram at , Elmer. N .T t n m WKHER On Feb 24 uj. SARAH E. widow of V.'lilla-n T "Veoor Relative snd friends are Invited to ihe service on Mon day afternoon nt 2 o'cloclc. at her late real. nencr, 1E16 N, Aldcn st Interment prlvote. Pletme omit flowei Friend mav call Sun dav evening 1YHSULKR -A.' tho Pressei Home, on Fob 24, 1021 MARIA S WHEELER. Sen'. Ire on Mo-idav nftiirncon at 2 o'clocl: tt he Oliver 11 lleJr Rldg 13.'0 Chestnu st Interment privet Klndlv om t flowers WHITE F.b 2.1 JOHN P.. husband ot Rebecca Wh'f" and son of late (leorga an.4 Ann White, of Solebury. Ilurks county Pa., aged 00. Service st the residence of hit son-in-law Welter Neff 17 Btanlev ave.. aienslde. Ps Sat . 1 30 p rn Ir.t private wiirrn -on l-eb 21. 1021 Ei.iznivrn A. daurlttei of ths late Dv!d II and Catharine White Funeral services on S urdiv ninrulnit nt 11 30 o clock at iu lato resldenre 1320 Soruce st Interment trlvnt, WRHiHT U Lhslnwn N J I'eb 24 THEODORE T WRiailT. agsd 7. Rela tire and friends aie Invited to sttend fu neral front hi late retldence Jnbstonn N I. Mon 2 P m . without further notice Int Odd Fellowf Cem,, Famherton. N. .1 '.INK Feb 22 IB21 MART R l-eloved wlfa nt aeorsa Zlnlt (nee Deemerl In 'nth vesr Relative nnd frlenda at tnrlted to attend funertl service sat 2pm at tier n'o r silence 4140 N Reese t Int, Greenrr.nunt Cem View rematns Frl eve XrNDERTAKKRS Li BROAb a'hd DIAMOND llV BROAb AND Knows the Fundamentals, Anyway f-rlAT. ADTEItTIBlPlT (5SN0TICK IS HEMBI1V OlYKS THAT -i" an application will b made to the Governor of the Stat of I'ennsylvapt;. on Monday, the list day of Maffh 192J. bv R4wln H. D(ion. ir.. Wlllfaso MrMnllun and llorare Steplifn, ui5sr the act of Aasembli of the Commonwealth of P'"i,'R,,11.'n" titled 'An act to provide for the Incorpora tion snd regulation of certain corporations. approved April 29 18T4, and the UMilemnts thtieto for charier of an intendedcorpo' Him lo be called rlllrer Lat Cm Cotaixinr. the character ar.ii object, of which I pur ehalnr. letting nnd otherwise, adqulrlng exchantln holdln tnrt developinr coal Itnd and other rati ettat nd personal propert. necetttry and convenient for tne purpoo of the ortanuatlon ard buelnees 01 the corporation, and of mlnlnr nd preparing coal nl uch other m.neral as may be in. eldentallo developed, and manufacturing coke and other product nld such mineral, ond of shipping ar! eellin theltame. and or purchalnjr. acquiring, erecting, hiring arid maintaining -all rolling stock, boat, barest. Plants, machinery and other property necat sary and convenient for tho carrying on or said buslwts, nnd for these purpose to ha end poaet and enjoy ell rlW. bene nt nd privilege of the said set of Assem bl' nd l" Mpplemrts. . DICKSON. BEITLKR t McCOUCIt Solicitors. HENRY KNOX- V. D Eseutm f.000 Spruce st Phils Pa Or 1 is sllorne CHAPMAN k CHAPMAN 1418 Wlderer H'llMIng Philadelphia Ts a-V KIITATB OF KM.MA MATILDA Kaj SKNFJt. dereaaed letter talt mentary on th abov esial htwnr been itrtnted to the urdertlmed, all person in dsbted lo the said ettat M requested ft make pavment. and those having claim t' present the same without delav, t WILLIAM HENRY SKINNER O- 1,1 uttornev CHAPMAN CHAPMAN. 1418 Wldener Rldg , PhiladelDhla P TERSONAI.S SAMUEL WAXMAN has sold his bulche butlnot and fixtures at 2134 Rldg e Creditor apply to J GOLDSTEIN a: SON. 1S28 B st. I WILL not be reeponsibl for any dbte unlets contracted br myself. ,Alf red, E Tarwood 6780 Keyton t.. Wlttinomlni LOST AND VOVVV SUITCASE Lost, from running hoard of cir, betwton Metropolitan Opera. House, on .vest tide ot Dread or on north a dj Fetrrnount ave.. between Rriad and istu eultctae, contaln'ng pagean'. coitum-s. re ward. Comer 022 Loeuit tt HELP WANTEtt J?EKAI, HOOKS A veiv jiiutusl buslntts oppoitunu; sponsible Inside petition for a Hie man c woman with business ability, vulture po tential social rcntact, Unowledfe of book nri book tlu. exparlene in booK-B.uin, end cotaloging woutrl be helpful. .VUre, In eonfldenc. with full ptrllcultr P 385 Ledger Office. j i BU1TOI10I.E MAKERS on men s coals Ap pl Dreyfou A I.aiig Broad and Wil li. Mulforrt Hldr CLEANING Women white for aenersl clean. u on ,ui i dsv foite, onW eteadv. dependable, workers ne-J sppli cell before 11 a. in. Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER S CORSET WORKERS First :: ooenlngs for corsn inske- psh TJureAU of Emplojmem First Fioci. Osllery W A NAM A KERB FINISHERS wanted on silk perlenced need only sppl). Rn'n. T21 Cherry t. dreaat et- Kdeltnitn HOUI.EWOItK qin wanted for gsntrsl' hou'nvrorli 200 Q"rmaitnwn ave. MOTHER'S HELPER, wh te. PrOt : ISL Mill noneo ana 3 ciiliomn. otn 1220 w NURSERY GOVERNESS, white, for B chil dren; must have experience: reference re-aulred- Oerman preferred. Mrr , Halt, lain Ritt.nhous a 01'fc.llA'lOHS 1 ANTED EXPERIENCED O.S ALL PAR I'M OF CHILDREN S DRESSES. ES PECIALLY FRONT MAKERS AND HEMbTlrCHEKh lKOD PA1 STEADY WORK NEW DAYLIOHT FCTORT ROSEN At? BROS fax and WesimoreUnJ -; betvtien .'I I, ,nl j-.-ii nfn v.'zhsm s OPERATORS, eleever. on slllt wuielr, vx perterced on double mtchlnt. good op portunity for right people. Frledberr Bros , 607 Chestnut st. HTENOURAPHER- with office work" 141 N. Juniper Prllitlru; oIT.ce, tn sstlst stetdy position. 133 and 'TELEPHONE OPERATING The Ueti Telephone Company Just nnir has posiiii-ns for a few voung women, but what la desired Is the right lllnd rarrvst and alert girls nho are amblt'ous, In other words this comntnv want more girl 1' tboto it elreadv has, permanent position t., all who uuallfy, they will be paid while training tn excellent opportunity for voum women between the mai of 18 and 26 Aoplv Xa Miss Htevonson BELL TELEPHONE COMPAN'I 1031 Arch s' ' WOMAN middle aged wno'can take avoun 1 woman Into her own I oiro for campanlon-1 hip and care: must U of high character and iflnrrnt Protetttnt religion, eiburban or nearby country preferred in replv giv de tailed reticulars st.-J teferences A 23, I Ledger Offc lOUNvl l.D1, neat, accurate, experienced on perpetual Inventory worli. Apply Em Pltyment Departmemtnt, II. K Mulford Co.. foii'th ffoor 16th tnd Wallace nu tlenenit MAKE MONEY AT HOME- You cen earn from i to $2 an hour n lour spare time writing tni . carvla qulclfiv nd casllv learned no anvassinj wa tearh vou how and tell our vrorli Wrlto todsv for full particulars to AMERICAN SHOW CARD hCKOOI. J80 Pt-rle Hid. TnroMo, Cansde CLERKS, ovr 17. for postkl mall sjrvlcs; 1126 month, capcr'mce urnoceesary. l"qr free partlcjlars ot exmmatljn. write f Leonard former civil srles eamtner. 9112 Equltab'e Hldr Washington D C IBLP WANTED 2tAL "lIRONZE AND IRON 1'ITTElfs Flitt-clast men on ornvmerr'al nork 4S hours open shop, (44 per weak- steady posi tion for good experienced men. hlta good op portunity for working foreman t aatn-ant 'Apply In person or by letter, giving fail par- j ucuiar vv imam n jackson v:o siii Pre. Idem st . Rrooklyn CANVASSER Necessiti I pay, no collections I Pjrka.v. after a. ni iry h Par gcou 1600 Sir CARPENTERS wanted Applv with" tools" lrvvln ti Ltlthton. idntractoi, Lakehunt, COOPERS "on"tlght baTrelt is'" per weak I for 4S-hour thlff- convenient anitar:. hop Enterpr'te Ccorrrtge Hnvder end Dilworth m HEM? WAlTEDMAIiT J "IS31.H1 AM UL1ER A LARGK PITTSITUROIf. HA DF.PART1IENT STORK reounes the sen leer of an eapetiened S8H7I-ANT BUTER (MALE) TOR READY 10-WEAR DEPARTMENT VlUtt bo lln lo the merchsndlsing game, stste experience mJ of the In replylra Write M 72n l.4er OffiC UOOKU A mj injaut! business otDCrmnity ter I lte men or woman mth business ablltti I culture, potential social contact, krowleda 1 of books ard book alues; experience In boeV. sell ng sid catalogitir would be helpful. Ad. ' dress In confidence, with full cartlculere P 631, t-ilier Offlce nflASS I OUNDRT UlUtiH MELTERK AND 'HELPERS fot Schwartz and Pit CASTINO CLEANERS AND ORINDEH5 IRON FOUNDRY rOUNDRV HELPER! AND LABORERS CUPOLA TENDERS AND HELPER" CASTINO CLEANERS OPEN SHOP COMPETENT MEN ONl.I ranted at once fei long-lime shlpbulldlns Job I.srrili of ,1ob dtpend on oir sblllty and detlr to TOrk COME HEADY FOB WORK Apply a fur 7 a in CRAMPS' BlIIPTARD EMTJXKUENT DETAr.TME.N f RICHMOND ABOVE XOKRIft T CRANK RlGUEIle with msnne egperlence preferred U.aiINISTf Outside and ms.dr COILERMAKERS FLANOE TURNER" fl A.NOE TURNERS HELPER' I IOH1 SIIEEI IRON WORKER- niACKJMITHS (heav. ".reel riLACKSMITH 3 HELPER VNOLESM1THS ANG1.E3MITHS' HELPER COPPERSMITHS Mi. fO RFPAIR PlJvTIX)r.M JCAl h.S For a long-time shlpbJlldlnr lot i.encin eStlltv ef lob depends on vour .arv. snd desire to OPEN SHOP COME KEADT I OR WORK Apply tfte 7 in CRAMPS SIIIPYIP.D EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENI RICHMOND ABOVE VORRIS -7 D1SIR1CI' MANACJEll New lork imnorl. ing nrm selling 10 aeaiers. is open nr brai-ch office in Philadelphia, in handle the trade In eatte-n Pennsylvania. relawar and Nor.' Jersey and want a, ltvsv-ta Irts branoh I f maminri miuw nuin 01 mo uusires unneces. sary. but mutt be e.l recommended and le sponsible and capabla of organllng srM hsndling an efficient tales force Appll tant for this position will be irtervlewtd by Mr. Oej It McLeod, Pres , at the Adelphla 'Hotel on Frlda 1 b 2Jih betvreen 10 30 lard 4 30 ESTIMATOR for builder's ortlce. experl. erced In all branches of vi-or.; on'v h'gh grade mm will b cons'dered P 603 Led ger Office MECHANICS with s desire to Decerns salts men will be gl en free trstruitlon and . eharre to rnle more than double their earnmc upacit Call In rrtoi Wodnee day l'r It nr Mondav mornit.g. (1 to 12 or even.nfs 7 80 Room 605. Bulletin RIOr PRACTICAL RKPAIRMS for lire country ettat who understands CARPHMERINO. PIPING AND PA CM INO A3 r'le stating age. experience t rr ei 6r alngle una references Repairs. P 4SS Ledger Off .. PRESBERH l-inlsheil pressers on men coats Applv Dr)foue 4 Lir.r. Broad sua Wllaee sis Mulford Hldr SALESMAN WANTED A salssjnin or proven ability, with a, hnowledg ot con feetlonen or food product wanted b a Pehnsylvaru manufacturer to Mil fcotl, 'lob ulng and rctil! trnd In PhlladelphU, Vh j aaleamau s.ho wants to advance himeilf through the edvuntement ot his o n terri tory. alioi'5 write and rtv full Information In h! tlrst 'ett.i ddress llov 631 ilea, ford, Pa Hy King HELr WANTED MALE IIIVKI'FI IIOLDHns OS UKATlir.i) Complt Oant, Piefeiiert IIHPFI1TKIIS AVI) Hit'FiTrEnj iini.rr.ii I.YERR-OFF From Mold Loft Templet" JOINERS OOt T URNERS Hlllp C'A It PEN"! BUS IOI.D I.OI'ISMEV SHIP I1IED MACHI.NK MEN Fabrics ting Shop PLATE PUNCHERS AND MlKARKrt flenUIng Rollers (3Mn SeIl Pltes Jlenrle Rollers Cold Prejemeu or Frame Selter PI A IK AND A.SGI K FUnNACF ME' COMPErilM MBS' ONi.l Wtn'ed si Ore tn Ixina-TIme ShlpbuiMms leb Length of Job depend on in ability snd doslre tu o:r OrEN SHOP UNLIMITED Pl'ODU-'IIO fOJIB READY FOR V.OR ppu s.ei T s in r.AitP.s mtiPVAr.Ti e'.nlploment Depsttmeo R r,irnonl bae Norri,1 SALESMAN W irs.-ii a man lo sell the -. .JiiJ?.'"" ."nB, ,0 ,h r'11 rde In itern l' comm'tsinn basis onlx Line csn be !eti at r.coin 387. lmp-r'i.1 Ho'el New Torlt cll a4,LF8MAN for adert'mr no eltin must ha experleic in this lire gl fjn p.r. tlcularsi e9iIonsl opportunity, no terntori restriction. A 031 Ledger Office 3AS2K-X,1 ;i";1'n"'. to sen .lech commercltl bank proposition good coin missions, splendid opportunity nono but ex- I oerlnced men need nppl lead furi-'hed m men who qua' lf Apph Room 801 Fltisn-e MIoC SALESMEN commission o Introduce ir vtry Urge cllv. hlnh-st grnls ct-srTeT f j. hotels, restsura-its. dairies, hospital- bo ' rf- 'te bJ'.ts -5nl7- r tmvellnc C'lnrtor, Sale r,in ",4 MnrVet t miiH(i. r 3AA5Hi?,s "frited Motorlnirtc le7meri and other who o!d accounting jtems! '"e n an ti entlonm proposltlcn to oiler leal setlln-r ability backed bv flrst-c'ass """"" unrwsry ..I i.l l.eflsnr Offlf-e SAI-ESMEN WecKlv tncom records nd"ln come tax nrorde we include 1 ad ..fPn "r.Tieei ccwd money fo- bustler 4400 Fran'tfnrd are 8ALESMRN for utemobll lnurari an ex opnortunltv for rood i t. men ronndentl! M 720 I-Hlger Off ce WATCHMAN Night watchmen .. d;r!,.t'S'1J.cir' "f boilers git r I' 602. I-'dge. Office - fiem-rol irusi un references fcCIIOOL OP S VLES.MfHIJt tF '. P'"nion men sitniilng openii g school of .alriman.hlp for m-n via i e . mm, rn.nnipn nil, .mh , . . ... ... . . - a.Ismj-nsilp (.5 n professloin rr are t in a course In i evening 7 tn (, sdmlts on flee those quallfvlng w I be Uve-v a position where earning pover rur.e in jl'o a ee or mn Addres p f,ni t-n Off WE TEACH TTO DRIVE ANlriREPAm IVf! FOR Ft'LL COMPLETE COURtr: l -. &3Ln& ?LA,?S5" $& 4ATTLER b, 1001 to 16 Spring Oarden st SITTJATIONSWANTED FEMALE KIOK SCHOOr rjRADCATF IIU.4INESH EXI'ER II1NCE ' Fsile of American :' reprint IS ,r emp.ojed desires to plar her in ii.i n enerlng better future sh- k,n . -..."'J.,, analytical mind and exclle-it rr.emnn graduated S months ahead of her class taklns: extra, studies has vson 2 scho'srs'up meda1 was valtdlclorlan of he- c.a.V grammar school hso aliovn esreotlorat ' : i n matn.matlcs algsbra clrmls'rv b'o oirx snd other ana';i!r-al s'udlts ha. irij voracluuil o t'slde of her sciool woik .- proficient In English reflnnl i.te. ,!...,.,, . jii-.i .iio suo i neaun cJ'turd nom- -. t'lronmen' (rraduate Phi.s Reheml of Flllnr .miliar with till leadlnc svst-ins par,cj i isrlv Llbran- llureau S month busln e)Te-eni- now emplovert In position offer, ig .a.... . . .-... .: . .".. . umiii-Q iio.&iu. i:ies, situation uestrtd Phllvdelohlt convenient to cemden ferrv I' I n Cnmden alarv I5 if 71S lt- WOMAN r-incd Ii.:elII-nt middle aeeu' et h-vrd of hearing -viv pr' of fy 1 tne worlt. I obllinng. kitdtv td uheei fu tood reader, pl.ln --er "--ry fond of chr oren and egeil perso-.. does not -vant t- do 'ha drudgen of iinurevrnr but is vvillme- '1 help. i'l travel If deird 01 would i.e oleasrd to worl; In e.n In.tltution up to " - mil of her rspa.b htier "tTeTiu unau s ..ned M 602. ledger tlffice KITTJATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT tea rreclills' will open and ' closs booUt, irsiall kyslerre nu prt i.n, nooklteeplnv dept wi.l keep Uoo'.s for con 1 erna vrbo do not rnqu re the eoni'C nf a leadv bookkeeper a y vet ,ow cnaige 602 Prk-ar Illgg ' UOOKKEKPER Double en'iv mofle'rr'u counting method. 10 c.irs e:perle-i,, row on staff ot rertlfled public terourtati' desiiTjs stead' t.osltlon in Philadelphia -1 accept smat s..ur '0 i, ,.iu 1llitng ss s' , present A 02,1 Ledger Off c C'H'IL engineer wants poeu on tviiiT rnanj ftcturer wha dftlrei ta bjild eTporienveu In Industrial ro-it-.i-tlon b referentT A -'! Idgnr Office , EXEi'l'TIVE Abo e-tlie-u' otlc , fattor'- executive e nrs-d In hdiui. l-g correspond nj eipo Ir? and sd irtis mg desires posit on wtie-e n mm- snrt lr-lti ative will be anprac vtej r1 croourtrJ V H10 Ledger Offlre 1 HDDUCTION .le. rjs ejtDc.fl e position experienced In facor- lav ou' cost reduction drafting, effirionrv rnetrod utilization of waste editing ho 'se organ nnd Inert-inert pioductlor resj cj-aTi'erHl Write 2610 Atpen tt or call Popli- IOOj EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EDUCATIONAL and" Domestlo Kniplrnin' Club 2J6 9 bvuenham (I6ta and AVjl t governess pfeUM" SIX cooks wh.Te HJ.lT.A 10 K.neTiii "iTt i work- sjltl while cr colored $'0-$l? ,'ji S Oth : AGENTS UJENTS'warteo Rur-on AA .i e- (13 lira Eetate Trust Ride MACHINERY AND TOOLB MACHINERY , Wanted Sleam shove, cat. rpi.lar up. , bucket' g ve lull purt'c.i.a-j na to undii ou matt nnd pne M 723 I iler Otru -ELECTRICAL MOTORS MACHINE t'OOLS ItlWER EQUIPMENT O'ltfUEN MACHINERY. CO. llu N" 'fi SI' OTTO gas engine 14 horaepuuei sjmi cur dltlon. I2S0 Leon C c'ardon u.'4 An, hourne rd Ashbourne Pk Me'r ,. lsti PULLEYS shafting hangeis ujej" leaf.e nibbur and canvas teltl'ig a. Ha.. oc Machinery Depot B4J N 3,1 at PUI.l.UVS hanger shafting iialf p , Motor Exchsryir 827 N. 3d MONITOR JJO-ft. iie e- i radiator Yearsley 4 Co . ot 224 r i'a PIP 3d STORAGE AND MOVINO ESTABLISHED loT CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING 1 Miller. North Broad Storage Co. Rrosd above Ih gh l'h&n Danonj unn Moving hrb k and ilii'ii nt sttirngo p U'r HAFETY'rltorage A mi" Puri.ii g Co " ifit". Market st Phone Raring 40S moving tiU Ing separal lo-1 storage rooms Sv' Eir BTORAOK 1NHURES NATIKPArTIOV I VICTORY STORAGE "" C6 Fi'bert , r e.t1 t Phono it t'l v moot 4 o Mil a UN I. Ill) UJI..-I l II aiurag't rarnin. msvinie .mrne 41flT-.Ml lAM'AlfCK AVE 'YF 41fi7-.Ml lANCAlfCl AVE iVteu W,, MfiVAiu'u tnunaiiiyr- T7 , . .'- M5rn V(!ie,iiVfWi,tr.,. kVu !A.M. Jh i a?M,.1B,'7ViWn.vl-'.!'T,,1,K lAyivINU I.O.NvJ DISrANOi: iU'A'i.N-J BUSINESS PJBKSONAIiB litAMDNDS v "' '"t tn VltWIlyjriUD t,, ,f ,.oU hata ami or ROT IP1-JT mo1 llmond you wltlt to UUUvJH I lta for c,,b A. McCutoh on 031 r.eal Kttata Trust Dldg , llfoafl Chestni t n't Hourn 10 to 4 Et. 33 years. , '"RENCll-AMLIHCAN COLLEalO INC I22S Motket et Inetructlorrs Klven in mm. ncurlne helrdressng American and French nurc-l if,, ni- -. tnii i ghampoolns 'UPPl'B onrt iceiig calp treatment f cisl moisuvi- eiecr ri and vibratory Ire nvnr violi r treJtmem evebrow arrh mg etc Ia h i i,, prss.denl r.Attt F l.ii mtijci-j Walnut 7S0I. fall o rit DIAMONDS A hA'i nelgnborhood to s 1 If oil hue one or BOUGHT :; ino litHnonds you wish to It t a ih McCutch , I eMi ATI R '"Jhestn 11 si Et l T,ust llidg Ilrosd and Hours 10 to 4 Est 22 year DIAMONDS BOUGHT MlrM nld 'i if 1 Cfra.t: J !. ft fj!d ttlsi f trtitni mrA all hnnht. ILt) e, ''.lie ihr Diamond Shop igfh'&ffifeii. noriFs re)iird r.nd painted, unv locality. irunrt.tefd ., vear coated 10 yeitrsi jpou'ing r 4 reduction. American Sheet Hotal and Roortng Co 1633-35 Appletrte. s 1 o-nsi 4JHI FURNITURE ii thine lh 01 f'irr, tne t ioh, will shoo - " aT-'1 ilm t P 4311 Led rfr. DIAMONDS BOUGHT 'MRRY W SMirif. 717 RANSOXf BT. i; r.LUCTRlo TREATMENT also manlcuilut -1" " "-?.1)''J! JJiil.el FACIAL 1. up aiiq" mectrlc hour 10 ta 8. Annet'f t)rtrran 802 8. nroad . ggSIKESS OPPORTtTJTITIES LIKE TO M;17t paiti who can telle, aotlre nte rest In mr-eru n anufaeturliw high grade steel specialties apolyli z -o atorB. I I t-lil A ntA Lei'ger Offlee ll'LliLDlli opportunity Mou7f jrnitntnc nd i f.rMturo utorH do'ii, snlendlrl huslnsss innnr n-ll-inK V'M'irrv. s E not rn'fh cash rroulred cor Front and Marlie nt 1946 lUTNTINtJ haIIIC AV. Fins sut" ireesso-v 'oitlon poaosIon Ilm' Styjrjro J,.'T neisntoTin , WANTED t.'O f,r one weslc t 30pr oint V 9 10 L"dser Ofnre f.OC'VL msaarlne publishing bu for ! will ret 12000 yearlv. P 482. Ldr Off ron s a lb BUILD NOW Demoiishr g t' of Hog 11. rd sno mm - rrett aMpplng-lwar heists re are now on th lest unit final -Ind up of mil camp. LUMBER 23 -xi xR i'TlO 3c rer eoua'e fiot PLASTER BOARD " r p v .pplleJ fo- IHng ml ' "millwork I lep 101 me ?iti t a a J n i tJ !ioutin(Jj of door th h Udrd mi rt.1i tlnxt. SHINGLES i 'fir ari'om ' 'ith 1 ne V STEEL FACTORY WINDOWS '000 of dlffsienf :i brand-new ledlstor". nlir pijwi ifil cm wis brfs ns ihe oheap. es n.a-e in thu eastern rrerkei to get your lenultemen'n gel our pnce be'ore closing rur co-'rsc's Penn Silvtge Co 1141b ard ' Tlrlrum eve wooolsnrt 41Bn 33 FINE eleel X Ue- l olc snd nishogtii telephone louths 260 fert off'cs partition 21 draft nc table nnJ the best and lrgst essortnient of , IgMIs used er shown tinier ono roof n Philadelphia consist of o a X mi' osinv deslit table, chairs fl . tr driver d l flial--lat condition ' price, that wl'l p es vou IflMIIEM 'ITU AND HirrrONWOOD OFFICE FURNITURE I i assortment of n be'ier grade tt bu snd eeji lentral Serond-Hand Furnitu-e t.o fcul Cm I ohlII Filbert 4m(i . nnm trj. n ..m! , and lion rsblret gas lsn. s. Axmlneter rur mahoasrv - -- rarioi set mhozanv r-srdiobi burestis. (IrtA 0.1 palming and othsr househb'd goods No ' 4037 Msrltet f PIPE AND FITTINGS ailsji pip. cur per unetclt I'.1iiuo 'oftl.i rt-onl-lland Plpo Mupph. U08 N 7ih si Phlla Pa lphor Matket 356 Ket stone phone PjTI. Ill "RPENTER'tt TOOL.1 T YOUR OWN TRICE I1AROA1NS v-'i'EP a i i' m cum; FKHRUa-RY 2i',Tr 1384-80 FAWV SI AT omen fi;p.niti-rf I art lot if desk (tfes flies esblnets and tenersl office turnlture. store fixture. We buv ell and rhtna-. p'rrcv njp.NiTURE co i ot rsT 407Q ii'jt Anrir ni . r.irr 260C $2.50 1 P -TRUNKS bag and sultcatet. vls-h sra le bli v lues ardrob IrjrVs t.'J ui large .itortmen 'et If n inr.f s E '3-. II"- fr Mcb i n io ( I t 1 i vofi i r-. -,- LUMHER aid mer tlon ijin r i d lion n so t r'ej ci . IS Rnsii . i - leaned housres i ate ft' -...... VftX fotnr t'o Ttli or.l Oe-"-e -e DALY tito gur, 12 HU( 1(1 bllle.B ceilent .nil tlon pric t.'"0 Vdilres , 727 'rtn' Oifi JH R1.NOES a' m tlun ulioimle nnoi' ril5 for 11 . ib ret r-.rg i, -tn I t-r te5 cn bo t 114 t'opl r , it '5h f Termnft v.' " r Mr Ff '1 RESTAURANT mill !c cretin c"nl-," ani table ne- u-d tie-d lowest pilces i'haih Kvnuvai M y ir itn r Mi. STANDS catin-ts "etc."" big bargain" Philadelphia Printers' Sunplv 14 M 6th el iriiTrni" wed wood J3 10 load de- ilril 1012 Lrmhard Wahu' 14', 8n: "rerroof .h-ap i'ii use"i1 e 1 maltss it'in "i ' l'.nirth s "MUSICAL INSinUMENTS " FEBRUARY PIANO SALE X) 11 ing Febi ua: 0 ho.d ih- t i 'l UlOfi ie.eirfshe.1 .1 1 een reduced ; eatett at' v'enos an4 bui t siil 20 rer int Tl If, H SO ot the entl plaver irftiG' s-e I rices have K n- ,h firme- j-v p-Ite .vr.nt'r.n.1 .hon.e lo eecJle rn'ue We 1-c ude a of the ll-ppe .: jaunt jnd p-lviee a fo.lovv Free exrhaik" tr. i ,v . e.i J.Tir.j t'a. refjrd in thiriv da msoo ti un satipfsrtor 'three f i'l vem s ' pay largest s'ocVc to e ect fiom 7i secunJ-hand p alio-, reb i rd ,-elln lshed like rw "r .eil fiuir t)An ' fjAO sei.v' eeLi a liatnt plaver-o ar (Ji incitil. Ing Ore Match'" Cmr nglom tn One Stoi 4 OirU nt S.A'.'". One A'e-er Pun, .a o IfiOH llestb Pianos with three si i-.i.ns s e 33 pei oent more retonati-o nil brl 1 ancv than the ordinal- plan i-i one tiun4ltu board lite Itp-e 1 "r TlllneT th Hepree jtar, e His l.douard lu -s 1 ancetca and II C P, hou kr planus 100 Plat i a I j'-is mails b . ,-:eat ,s lltn Co ut Via Y li- j, r 'b. Frati- .s f'.-t - P " t ''I- II. 'm Plane a Plan., ' o Si-i u 1), AH l'a-jn s -, I Ibe U'hl'OiU D lO A ' Pit,, A In ni'-l Me ,'a J er .uera .tee I Deniorstre'lon t-aarfn'ty gl ei l'hee nio, ei - 1 l - e v i.rld s best mJHli- tv Mi pf-'.L- .Tpre's 3- iree 'rom al n e-ran a m ee Cill o- n-r e ft 'a ge i s -s'el eats Hues snil siwilt ' r' tm te HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES n . n i ' ! FojndeJ isr- I.ARviB S.I ee pitCttt TOv 1 n imps too i i nnd ini trar teej n. mor.n-., he,e.s LJinii j'e ca'alogus .,u f J ir at c f, i HEP Alt. V I '.IS M va tNTE'trit fc Phil In,,, 1 iinsOvlRAPHS varlnua tu es trkei In -is in lor - LtrtLK-t to I.e. pod j i,s,f i.tri lese 11 nu rnt-ed . f tondltlon i-,.f.s -n sn 2IHIT touth s t tlHH -vlil b is.d for useo i..jr.nst s i I pUtios ln li-t-cUst rondlt'on to supv v s -io rnt.s ts v orn or old n'siiOT nnt '""'led I 1 l!er"e. JLoil 1117 '"''estiiut el t O 7l'MIii"":rifiinul i wfth ""l met "" "l' ,,'ttr,t hr-a' ICA (Invisinsli ,Mi7 s'o, . , PlNO IlejMtlf i rz r!6c, I.I.I ni-u inr th fo st N 1.0th s' USED AUTOMOBILES P.,,, llinin v t al r m rcmicr u oin n u- un ni im i:a ti ,tv i pij i- Packard 638- Touring ', 1 .at f ruinl.t'oi a ' omb rful ,i 1 OP ' UU11- I a tut i n lot luck ! to Ml ser Ice stiinu siiuumi men i P.OYM. MOTiRll'AP. to "112 ' t Pmitr tj'Kli) 13 v Dioai Paige Larchmont (H. Hn ,a sno't lit lfurillli a llt.iA, tp Dls'e ' lte h . i la .s e ' . r Micll up, 'i ittry una i ssen n Phlisde 11 la ri l,"ii en lirst let if '' I'AR O IN' n' 'nr il",.1H with tit t i ,1 tims. nf R'tVVI, MUTlill I f us i i It tl.'J Roamer 1920 ,4. I a Slei ger IA es rig U4S slot 1 il I An i lltd limed "i a .0 ,, , Steal ns.Km8htVJ,S,0l".u", 11 i I 'I1 AIOIWJU. I li I eu r.TTTv".-S --.W'iS? l If i iliU'i.Ww airleta lliu wluimit 11 tub. Mum ll tire, nu Llov aatt, li, HIIItc It Kfilitaj " 'Insj-U vrt Paul twii iiraVi in 22!F S" lltjll I'Uimor al PtJ adf'BliV H f"r4l. e.2 "roan 1'orisr Mian k '. 4 in . :w " i 01 iVi' vl& ) SBS a fl W$