7 " "vf ipyr? "","1 'r nspwspyRri I'JF5" ,0-4, a.7 jv . . ar -nwffni i-jr v V N . . 20 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 "t , H ItflU 111" iifei t i : ! Ml) rtV - '& 'VSf.li .iiv. 4 '. ' .i I I' 1uP if.i.ijr Ni.fj.rri" 3k i Iff; ' thi i o r , T Etl m V1 t 4 LANE MEN LOSE POLICE CLERK JOBS Return of Patrolmen to Actual I Street Duty Presages Big Shake-Up DEMOTE ACTING SLEUTHSj 1 Important ,-hanges n ere f ,,r?, as, Jctei tives. have been i"pnt to the Hlghth and fefTerfin troet -tut ion. wnien M 'n PhvuI II. T.nne'!. ward, the Twen tieth t , John SnevJ (or inr tnan twelve rent-s a ledger ierk n the superin- I rent-s a ledger itk n n"- i,"u tendent's office. hads Hie li-t of trans. A ih , n..HAm.int Af 1'itniii ni 'iv ...... . , ww ........rf .... -.V. - . V trnnsfVrr.d station: William Dyer and Harry J. traction for farm boys from Kansas nnd ' representatives throughout tbe country who naa signcao pennon, yosicraay np when four elerl - tr"n"" " , (;0stcllo. cf the Fruit and Westmore- Texas, who are InC.crmnny after f v"y optlmlstlo all looking forward pcj ,to jgtc. Trcnchnnl. of the Htf V o nr patrolmen who hi u eld re.pon . 70Q oss 'VeV- continuing s'on lESSr P"01' Court' for the PPnH"nt of tn Hble i-osltions in hoadm mi ers for tl. Murphj. of the FoMth'the United States. Half the party ?$& ?liiuM t'nSi,t0Jmnti'nUs 9 ,itt,lln 9t &t n,ttVr,,,r:Wr7m1,nl,xla u 'and Snyder avenue station. hails from Hlll.boro. Kan., but none ioiUm oflu to b l.oSW e. tminiclpallty. dnts. Which thev becun a' muiniglil. All . .. , m t i.i,i. .i ii .....i.... .i...i.. ,m in I The nnnllentlon tix onnosed hv ' .v,... .... .;,.,!,, ith three net na - - - ur raiBimi. p O..IUB Hici,! y"'i "'."', "","?' .s"v"7"ir viiwii;. fr.r""; "o..:-i ,vi.r;.- Ora to "trPrtK;'"V-fn",Vl of T,nnc i I $300,000 each, has been added to the ,, on Wcjnewiny from Dresden. Tohn V simmer's, n .haw of ,ml Ice ' resources nvailnb'e for the new "hool Their adventure wan partly spoiled at ry?olls in he ofti.e of Cuof Clerk Oil- I 0f medicine and dentistry of the I'nl- J" ran-cfort when they wer.. forced to or'. "- nnnth-r veter.w, who was re- u,.itv nf ll(K.hMt,P. !t ,, unou,ed. . '"" Syol Horn' turned to ..tret ,lutt Summers wn Tlu. t,onors nr(1 M. Gertrude Strong ?n Tx IS a hoanltnf I ater Wolf perennalh m.p.-inte.i m Lane to the Af.hinos and Mrs. Helen Strong far- ! J- '" " ??Uai,n eomnanlons Mice to-.T'M-. . . trr. daughters of the lato Henry A. '"1. nV i L ,iVfi, P Two other follower ,.f t e Twen'ien strong, who died In Itochchter in 10111 ".. not t",,,1 of th ' dcat ' , , . ward lender who wer-ret jrneilt-.strert I The whole amount will used hen not inspecting inthedral.Si and tJ 1 '.!. In n'.tf; ... l. ..aHah rm a AllHlnnl lifM9. lUUPllllllt, nriritll Ilk Lilt' VlllfL ll'illlH In the Ktorerowins. and Ausu-t Kre . pltal as n joint memorial to the late spent tho.tr time seurchlns for rela "V i .....i .- n..n.hnr ..f v.-nrs tt.-t A and Helen Phoebe Strone. ' tive.s residing in Germany Frank i.. .. ,Ur!..ol ..Mt.M, it m the Heteetive a, ii ....-. I- --. - The Market Street National Bank Philadelplda. Pa. !'cbrL.ir' Is RESOURCES l.e.ti s .i. .1 1-est'Pfnts t: S C'ustoirers' t. al.'1!' under '"orpmeroa letters of ''red'.. a-..1 ciptnc- . Hue from Bar.!.; exchanges for C ea' r.B Hcsje t ,u"h md Ilser e ui m n i?i Gc-3 :; ;- 44J.D3 OFFICERS r-esldei.' n.f.LKsi k i:tn Vlce-rrcsld.?ns THKO ABBOTT HARRY H. HUIST , . VLFRED WOLSTKMIULilk. "'cc-Presldcnt ar.d C.isl.f " .T. iHX O. MUIR tslstnnt Cashi"1: HARLES II CR.VMBR DIRECTORS i'hn v,' nuif Uii C WVlfh E K Schllch'.r. Chu E n-J-. Mfrid Woltienl.o.m V'Ib'ir H. Zlrnmcrrti II K ftoler il 1' if-rmar. L Hohlfe.1 KnJ. w Orr J John O Mulr Edwurd L. Rich. llrlxrt E. Wlt? John R. JIor Harry K Hrl- rrnnk C Snmrn- '". hard Y Yfrlr- '! Tmkv ! samuil I. ''hrv 'r O l"ri.!irfr p Mrltmmtt.- M ' TCink-d llii.ni I it.n T '3!1.-' .7rrTZrZZZ-7 grandson Fom h declared tint the, Business ncpenm.is.i o . "'";'.'" $19,912,275.45 .$19,912,275.45 woman was unduly influenced and also lSnV . a not of mind able to make a will. She """.', -"i vanishes nre in sllirht Third National Bank In the Center of Things Opposite Broad Street Station STATEMENT ill HI 1.11 1 1 ui. n Pi'k. I'rn ' llrinion K.ilrrt. 1. l'rf l . llTor.1 vmI Ca.Mff H m T T(Tilin.on A't Cn.hr Hiinttirvd U llowwurch ' t Cnhirr llrrurrt . hlte A.itCtt.hltr STATEMENT February ASSETS Gush and in banks .$1,145,1.: 88 Collateral Loans i5.467,efi8.K Investments . . 4, 925.83d.40 Miscellaneous 91,971.34 $12,630,874.63 TRUST FUNDS (kept separate) Wnt. T. Murphy, President. i were iut to City Hall from the Klghth nml Jefferson ctreets ntnttoti, will ulso be returned to utreet duty. They are Jolm M.ilinney, Hurry Klein nml John! Cojle Itoth (Vle nml Muhnncy hare n number of yeniV service in the l)e -, teethe Iltirenn to their credit. Ailatn Ilrcy, of the Fourth and York streets Mtntlon, who was detailed at the Knlseonal Hormltul. N ordered re turned to street duty, while hi pinto win be tufcrn by Policeman John Town- i .end. of the Maine Matlon. Policeman , Marls S. Keribtl. of the Klghth and Jefferson streets station, will be do failed in the Detective Bureau to sul teed Coy! . The poHts left vacant by the trans J of the veterans will be filled by the' following men, who have been ordered to r''iort to the office of Superintendent i - M"" thN rf.i. Yl MILLION FOR UNIVERSITY - ? Two Women Give Funds to Ro Chester, N. Y., Institution Itoclifstw. X. Y.. Feb. 23. - The ' iwit-iirsin , .. ... i -. ,,um of JI.OOO.OO'I in two gifts ol father and mother of the donors. - ? I LIABILITIES v aiu. Mock . . ? 1.000 fiOO 0 Surplus and N": J'rorlts 2 0u4,0?f.70 ""irculatlon . Commercial Letters of frtrtlt and Accept ances i Loan ar.d Rediscounts i federal Reserve Dank Secured by Vnlted i States obligations. I Bills Payable Federal ' tl ABU S LA T ? gs: coo "0 t :41 si US 3j0 '0 Ilesenw Bank 00.000 0"! Deposl's i ii i inn rriri iiiiiircnpi i v fc iur uiuiwi lmijivj mu iiitviiiH iif iui - - - -- . . . ...... . . . i .. - .-. .....kaiKai ..r hi nhl.A.tiiHl f.- mmI nn lln f no IJTISIt UI'IIIILIIU. .UI lUUUil UUUI ICCTH 11 II II.IIIC AtllllUlli. lUIIUJtl AKl L LUC UL Depos!'s '. 11 'Henry L. Fonda, of rhlladelptla, her tnat there will ue .nair voiuraoiwi The NATIONAL BANK of NORTH PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia OPEN FOR BUSINESS. JANUARY 10. 1921 STATEMENT OF CONDITION Close of Business February 21st, 1921 RESOURCES l.ouna and Investments U. S. Government Securities Accruud Interest Due from Banks Cash and Reserve . . . LIABILITIES Capital .Sioik Surplus $500,000 . 100,000 I ndividcd Profits Reserve for Organization Expanse Interest earned uncollected Shareholders advance payment on Certified Checks DEPOSITS Condition at Clone of Business February ilnt, 1921 RESOURCES '. a- s a'-.d Invest- r tr.-R ... 5 138 S35.2T wuc from Danktt ard Hankers "47,1 6 j. 1 Z ami ann nt-sci" e So;. 3 Kx"hangtsi for Clear ing Houe TMrst K-rrl nor illect'Ml j.stf.mers' I.labll'.t". count of A.cppt- ii-ts cx uted tj ' s bank Si; 8S1.D4 J3 634 It $11,311,696.78 LIABILITIES .ip.ia . s 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 'i j fdrp us and Vndl- Wded Prints, r.e. J Hi, 808 61 T'n-amed Discount 41. 651. IS I'lrou'ation : I" 00 00 II 1 : , s Payable t Ketleral Iles-r Uank ... . CC: "OC 00 --ptances hk .'.i J for C-5to'r.ers C,"'.' 07 Ppos".s 8,057.81') S) $11,311,696.78 rIRKlTOR t rank I Croft leul. R. DlcU Jacob H. niMlon amuM I'. Hotlon lovh J Martin Hamilton Din. ton llnmkrt ft ronrrll il Ilrtnton Ilobrrta Mtar I Stow W. I-eMnr Talbot f.orta i. Vrntr IV. Clifford VTood 21ft, 1921 " " " LIABILITIES Capital StwK $l,000,0o0.00 Surplus . . 1.000,000.00 , Undivided Profits 194,882.22 Deposits 10,435,992.41 $12,630,874.63 $22,417,519.26 Clarence C. Hrinton, Treasurer. Tiwnn q pnwRnVv I llU Ui U. UUllDUIU No Material Change Viol I btlvmAn mNl&IH&S?? yarn In general, however, Is without i ' material change, with buyers unwllllnt; I One of Seventeen Dies at Frank- fort While Companions Are Sightseeing NOT INTERESTED IN BEERl e,'ouirh to Ucc lho mlIls runnlnir tram. Trenton, Feb. 2S. Alleging iiregu NU I INI LHt I LU IN Dttrll o ,o W per cent of a full ime basis. .,.. . ,,. ' e AtMt. Sn r r Crh r D prV U. Ca, ''. . 'J I llcrlln, Vh 1J,. itoozt hoius no at- opportunity for making un their Mtnte'.s prolonged dryness. "We rushed from town to town sightseeing nnd did not have time to buy 1 beer, one of the farm boys declared, ""i,',v.V w forgotten that boose mi,.,j h Thiele. from Norton. Kan., found his purents living in Dresden, and Arthur Sailer, from lllllstxiro, visited an aunt llvlns at f'ann.statt. near Stuttirart. ' Sailer and David Kck, ulso from Hills. ' boro, vere soldiers In the Thirty-fifth Division, which participated in the nnnl Argonne victory over me ier i mans. ' The German hosts were greatly sur- prised at the absolute Americanism of . the majority of their visitors, whose parents were German. They declared I the Kawas and Texas climate must I .-v ..--r-, m.v v- -. ,,. .nange me metal appearance ns well as the character of German sons. J Fonda Will Caveat Dismissed John I Carr, register of wills for Northumberland county, has dismissed a caveat against the $300,000 will of Mrs. Caroline l'onda, of Milton, by $570,631.00 133,928.00 U.098.4G 09,372.38 7C,661.92 $853,192.32 (Paid ir i 3300,000.00 60,000.00 371.14 6,26G.4o 5,256.16 124,370.00 27.50 356,901.07 stock . . . $853,192.32 at the clote of buaineia February 21t, 1921 RESOURCES I.oar.j .trd Investments. .. 6 811 S10.TC United States Bonus 386.750.09 United States Bonds to se cure clrcu'.atlon 3 DO. 000.00 I Customers' Liabilities under j Letters of Credit 3.448.72 Due from Banks 158, 124. 61 CASH AND HESKIlVi: ... 714,660.67 $8,364,712.75 LIABILITIES Cap.ia'. :oc!c s i50.00u.00 Surplus and Net I'rof'ts . P31.S10.79 Circulation H0.t00.00 Hills payable with I-'ederal tesrv Hank 200, 000.00 letters of Credit 3.6.72 P.cser'fd for Interest .. . D0.000.00 , Deposits . 6,761.066.24 i $8,364,712.75, FRANK ADSHEAD. Caahler. Fetruary 21, 1921 RESOURCES rvo',. arrt Investments . $9.860,tl2 01 Aocru-a Interest . . 49,818.71 Tnlted States Itnnds 30fl.00U.00 Hanhlng House :?I'h'J i? ''faring House Kirhunges. 161,804 0d , fash und Ileserve . ... 1G22.32.0 I'e-riianent Bond Account. 6", 000 on Customers' Liability Account o A -eptari'.es . . . . SO.CQfi 00 $12,975,67325" i LIABILITIES i i ap.i riturk , . i Surplus and Net l'rollts I 3O0.C00.O0 1,371.43) H7 34,276,8') 23,139.80 260,200.00 1.298,023.0? ' 1 3C0, 000.00 60,000.00 50.000.00 , I rnearna uicouni Reserve for Taxes, etc Circulation 1 Individual Deposits . . . . i Due Federal Ileserve Ban!; Uonds Borrowed ... 1 Acceptances Executed for Customers $12,975,673.2e MAifrii ucsirrnpiH nrnvHii in cut him ott with a set ot family plate. ---,jldemand Builnets In Cottons Generally Shows' ' io commit tne-mscivcs ior a longer periou r than thirty days Conditions In the wool trad are nttll i quiet. A small volume of business 18 , reported. There appears to be, however, I n gradual Improvement. Most of the textile manufacturer believe thla year will le slow nnd draggy, with few price changes The demand Is Just about ; .Tfhhrq nf wooUnn nnil ntrA irooila fay business flliows a marked Improve- Slfil,1 &T?Xy&X noted In connection with bulldlmr ODcra tlon worh, but It !s anticipated with the opening of spring an Improvement will bo noted In this respect Prices are firm and collections fair. "The stove trade is fairly busy In staple goods, more SL'iibonnbie weutlur having stimulated the demand. Supple mental heating apparatus la moving freelv and Jobbers and rtalierfl are well employed Foundries are runnlnr at about SO and 85 per cent capacity. Prices are pteady and collections fnlr. "The leather market shows-steady Im provement 8olo leather prices aro stead and the bu:ii of the stock Is held by tnr.nrs and dealers Glazed lId mumifnfturerM hnve made substantial sales und Mock of better grndes Is low. Manufacturers of snoes nave oniy mou- erate stocua or materials on nana imu art) bujing to meet Immediate needs. , but sales nr) Increasing In Blze. Shoo provemei'it In volume of business. Whole-1 sale shoo dealers dnd an Increased lie mand for shoes and, while the season has been previously unfavorable to tho sale or runner tooiwcar, recent aiumm have enabled the retailers to bcII this atcck. 'The chem cat market Is fairly active. I" the drug line ,"""'"": report IZJV mfuotS pharmacists Is small with no prospect of Immediate in.nrovement. Prices keep high. In the chemical nnd dyestuft liner. - o . -- ;-- -- --.,,. .,i "-i'".""" A""1'.' WV r p .0pp? market shov. s little change, I Manufacturers nnd JohOers report verj little buying vxcipt for Immcdluto needs and prices nre deollnln?. "Manufacturers and Jobbers of wall paper report business at a standstill. This Is the dull season In that line. Inquiry from dlftercnl points inaicaie 1 demand and prices ar ettll nigh. Weather conditions will no aouoi navo some bearlnc on demand for merchan dise In this line. ... "The leaf tobacco tmde has been com i paratlvely quiet Healers and manu facturers are or.ly buying to meet tno wTbrubSak lVS Ooo5aarS of Pennsylvania and Connecticut aro In I fair request, but prices gencrauj- ruie . high and the new crops aro understood , to bo of somewhat Inferior quality. Su- , matra and Havana arc on ly oelns sola i In small amounts at high pr ceo Porto SLlfV oU &urJ .!A.d' ,- 'in. .onitfjK-turers renort somo improvement in business and or- viscr, and as a consequence had not been ders aro commencing to bo duplicated, i pr0perly advised as to many legal mat Factories, as a rufe, ar working almost 1 1 Although disposed to admit fnll !?..fu" .ff aciP;,MLheJTi ierOI!nacwunJ I ure to comply with certain provisions of lutein c atw "... ". - of lack of capital." . CHESTER OUSTS GAMBLERS Proprietor! Shut Places and Leave Town on Tip From Police Chester. Pa.. Feb. 25 OfBiclal con tirmation was made tonight nt police headquarters of the closing down of every gambling joint in Chester after a hectic career of several weeks, due to the influx of many Philadelphia gam- 1.1 rri... ,il,l. lrff Philmlelnhin biers. IhOi-c worthies lctt 1 miaueipnia after Mavor Moore got after them. "o arrests were made, but the pro- nrletors of eleven establishments were given a quiet uord on the side, and Inst night the places were in darkness. Tho irnns order was issued by Mayor n.nur .-. thi. Pnllee Dennrtment. nnd lm Ineldent was n closed matter In a down every afternoon nn the "Monte Carlo special." ns their train was caneu. With their arrival yesterday, conster- nation was manifested when it was learned Chester had followed in the footsteps of their home town. - .... .. - Pelrce Murder Trial set tor war. l a Peter D. Treadwny. Joseph H. Moss and Marie Kogers will be plneed on i trial on March 15, in the Court of Oyer I and Terminer, charged with the murder I of Henry T. Pelrce. according to an- I nouncement yesterday by William Kind lay llrown, nsslHtnnt district attornev. Counsel for Marie llogers stated he , would lit once make application for a severunee. so that the girl may be tried opart from her co-defendants. I ..- i.lf limn Since the closlnr ud setback ln exchange, but Japanese were very brief e. !" '"eh,,'sl"fnpuP firm. Irreirularlty was noted In the In of trnny Philadelphia gambling places d tria, stclon, Hudson's Bay was this city has received the patronage of E .j.16 n large number of gambler, who come Generally, the market were dull, with PENN NATIONAL BANK February 21, 1921 ASSETS Immediately Available: Cash and Tie- sen-e Ilxchanges for Clearing House Dui- from Corre- epondents . ,. Illlglblo l'aner Discountable In Federal Ite- se rve Ilanl: . . . V H. Certificates and llonOa . . . 2S1.S7S C 434 272 SI s s;i i"i v.' S 203.95J r0 $14,262,600.36 Other Loan, and Discounta Due within 30 da a Due 30 to SO days ......... Djh after CO dayH United H t a t e s and other Bonds ... . BanVIng House. . Ui i at i oio.i't ; 271 OuO.OO $18,579,965.88 LIABILITIES Deposits 1J 0C 9 Due Federal Ue berve Hank Circulation . Iteservo U '' earned Inter est) . ltesen-e (Taxes, etc) . ... 179 -9 Capital Stoclc 1 000,000.00 Surplus & Profits 2 670.546.S4 $18,579,965.88 "ALWAYS COMMERCIAL" Market at PTnth ti l OWN MISMANAGED I Phillipsburg, N. J.f Citizens Ask Supreme Court Justice for an Investigation of the town of I'hi.Hpsburff. Charles B. "?. representing forty taxpayers town commissioners, with the result that after hearing tho goueiil crounds of complaint nll?t!cd by the taxpnyorit. Justice Treiichnrd adjourned the case until Friday of next week, when Mr. Dumont will have opportunity to argue ugnlnst the appointment of an expert, or to Join in the application for an Inquiry, which he Intimated might be the course pursued by the commission. The general ground of complaint, as indicated in Mr. llrady's statement to the court, deals with the financial af fairs of the town. Mr. Hrady charged among other things that tho commis sioners had violated the law by ex ceeding the appropriations made for various purposes. Por the year 1010 ho said the excess expenditures amounted to .(KM, in addition to unpaid bills . sis.4.-,0. He 1so rlmr-eil that the their own salarlw without appropriat ing money to pay them nnd that tho dcficii thus created was met by trans, ferrnij S2000 remaining in an account for the construction of n scwagc-dls-;ifal p'nnt. In that resneel Mr. Krady also at tacked the salary-increasing ordinance as illegal! passed, because it received only three of the five votes of tho com mission instead of the two-thirds votes required by law. Answering that charge w. a .ft .L. al. 4k&1 Innnna i .nr. uumont saui wnen xiib i was brought up two of the five com- i mlssioners wore on their way to Louis- lnna, where they were taking two young Italians afflicted with, leprosy to a leper colony. Mr. Brady charged that the lommis sioners habitually approved bills with out requiring the prescribed affidavits from the persons to be paid. He cited a number of examples of that kind. He also charged that the areounts of the treasurer are not kept In accordance with Inw. nnd that the commis-loners had failed to conserve the interests of the municipality in nwarding contracts to persons other than the lowest bidder. Admitting that Philllpsburg is not a well-governed town, Mr. uumont ac , j intentional wroing-dolng on the part of George W. Smith, mayor, and his four associates on the coramls. . sion. .ir. iiumunv niu "i '" " ( ft town council was superseded by the prcscnt commissioners, the nffalrs of the j own h1j hl,on found t0 1ie ln n tangled cha p con,,,Uon . commlssion. ' . he said, hnd retained a young nnd ' Inexnerienoed lawver us their leeal ad- the luw of n technical character, Mr. Iumon,t denied any intentional wrong, doing on the part of the commissioners. LONDON STOCK MARKET Oila Checkered Dollar Descriptions Harder Kaffira Mixed London, Feb. 25 As the result of a partial closing down of diamond mines ln the Klmberly district, DeBeers Issues were weak on the stock exchange today. Changes In Jiafflrs wero narrow and mlxd. j The oil group presented a checkered appearance, ovinn 10 aujusuiitiun. nnen Transport and Trading was 5 3.16 and i Mexican Kagle 5.7-16 I Dolltr descriptions were harder In i sympathy with .New loric exchang, Home rails remained heavy and Orand Trunks, too, lacked steadiness. South American rails also sagged. Gllt-edgo Investments were dull, out wero well maintained Continental loans werecasler on the the usual week-end absenteeism. i ; . j J PARCEL POST I ri Aiunvrvc Dnnrirr" DIAMONDS BOUGHT i jnght prices paid: 1,4 to 10 carata, tin , lamio. old gold, platinum and allvar boUKht. hi. n: 1 el 43 n. loth si. 1 nc uidjiiunu ouop ioih abo Mariet 1 Jeuno grille jffSSL Mi tt a a Far Dainty Hainan fccij 11.10 ff.t fac. modir aed loan MiiDirt in fcMutlful Btal toi mlrtor i tiff. Tn paid. fxqulaltely frasrant purest mate ria.! MHitT tan bur. Not laid In itora. H. S.CLARK ,5h,,!E,"rfS.81- OFFICERS m. g. iiAnra President v. n. wAitn Caihler jr. c. niriTZia, Aaalatant Caah'tr e. n. dkish Asalatant Ca-ti.ar ii. a. roi.HK.Mis Aaslttint C'ahlar DIRECTORS iimnl P. Mhn Chairman of Heard lVlntbrop Hmlth John 1. Morr Abram C, Moll Kalph n. Nartk Ur.llct Collins Kraa 0. Chanilif. MflTlllr (1. IUI.tr KJwIn I.. Illabon Irrlnr Kohn lVllIlam a. rilllnK William 1 Tnrnar 450 lt : 4 o - C9 COO 00 750 00 0 IS'.' Si L AXPAYERS CHARGE PARCEL TOST GLASSES uiw AH $ m K)-f Rsnrolnrd IYee , I-t1 it Joseph, I no.. 733 Huniom St irrarnpiions ruiru. Artificial f,ytt Innertrd COIN MACHINES Bell Fruit and ottitre, . Card rtcl (1H17. Modeli), Jackpot PoUr Card, Dttrarsi 1U0 nw and rtbullt. All bartmlni. Kantern Onir SLOAN NOVKI-TV JIFO. CO, set K, 9th Kl, Tr mrXhlneeteacue Bir Ojtr frmh frm ma aaiiri re dalirt narnntfeA aniTtty I? jottr a nor Ierel Toil for n.OO nrr rallon. Ntd I'srrtl rcM or tblr narer. All orders will hare mr prvniDt atlentlon NELSON P. COLLINS Franklin Cilj. Va. - KVENIN'G CLOTHES"--' TO i IIIRK ANI -OK 8AI.K I'ullDrMi and Tnirdit Pults (.ulawa.rs for Momlnr Weddlncs J.ateit Modfli ot Ulil.mt Uaallly 1010 GIRARD AVE. Tnr, OLD" PHOTOGRAPHS REPRODUCED AMATEUR SUPPLIES MYLAND SON ZI23N. Front St. OPEN SUNDAYS pnss Victor mm Vietrohs IBe Asi ortment tf Record 0135 mixm piQNr slobs CLEARING OUT SALE HIGH-GRADE FURS run coats, $53 ui run scarfs, $10.00 up All Goods Guaranteed TRIDENBERG'S .'17 N. lltlt ,m.TivKK.v Ol X. AlUI nibert and Arcb Cor. 9th and Ruttonwood Sts. 50Gla&ses -VALUE. 3.1S Kj-fclmos and rpe laclrs for rrnllne or lptanc. ne. Optome- trutf. 1.1am. zr. HOME OPTICAL CO. 10i N. lOTH ST. Tiro Doors North of Arch jgj1 $14.50 Hot Water (inarantrtil Dnnble Copbct Coll Uu Water Ilfalfro. Thti I th rttirfttrd Haile Heater. Nendoreed It tlie leading saa dAn n ai at I aa S4I"H " ltani. LaTatorlM. Flnta. rrril I natbtnba. Tollrt Ouinti. Hum IHiiUBaaL Phrcr ant Molarslo Oa Itrat T era. Fold at a aarlat of 80 to p?" to per eont. UI 'fas mobt coMPr.imt lixb in 8 rmUlDEWIHA. Walnut Gas Range Co. 832 Walnut' St. 1'hone Walnut 150tf NINTH & WALNUT STREETS Open Mon. and Frl. Ere..UutII 9 P. M. Jtv rare of addren. Closing-Out Building Sold 25 Per Cent Below Our Regular LOW PRICES on Everything in Our Stock TOOLS CUTLERY PAINTS HARDWARE ELECTRIC SUPPLIES POULTRY WIRE DILWORTH 1604 Market St LOOK! 1200 , Officert' Raincoats To Be Sold This Week $4.85 Then enats are madn of s.nulne ian mask rubbr cloth. P o a I -tlvely watfr rroot; 2 pool. nr. ll.lt til match: very dr.?.!'. VkIu., 112.00 Mlrra. i'i to SO I'srerl 1'e.l, lOr I'.itrit MILITARY EQUIPMENT CO. 511 Market Street .OI'KN nVKNINOH. 23,001) Pairs Reclaimed U. S. Army Field or Trench SHOES la Good "Wearable Conditio! 1 Parcel Poat 10c extra U I rs K i 7"s"Sawl ti'JI i M i?i3 'm m None sent jr wr JkW C. O. D. HLuOf CMjJa4 rj Wltli or vntbaut Uob Kalis , Army Trading: Co. 303 Market SU Phila.,- Pn. sti: MMHi' miticiim WHITE STAR LINE OLYMPIC cherb ourg March 19 Apr.20 May 14 SOUTfiTAMPTON Adriatic. . .Apr. c May 4 juno x J Nstr Totb-I.tTniol Vedlc Crdrlc Celtic Mar. 10 (3d Clans Only) Mar.lS.pr. IBlMaySlI .Apr. !.Apr.80'Mr2Hc'ki.ople. .... ""..."VSK ! AMERICAN LINE and RED STAR LINE N. T.. Vlruibnth, Cherbonrr. Antrrarn Kroonlnnd . .Slur. clLapland . .Apr. t Fintaml ...Mar. :oKroonlnd . Apr. 0 Titw Tork Kambnrc DIRECT SERVICE Manchuria Mar. 8Apr. 14Max I Monirolla Mar. t?Apr. StlJaa 9 MlnnekahOa (nw) Mar. St (Sd CUit enU) Triple icrew, 17,120 tons. T lilUdtlphia OU no w Vtt Taeook Mar, ta inlniad April 0 l'Wladslplila--Ifamburc Osawatomle Mar. In Ratt Indian Mar. It EASTER CRUISE tMiU Star IUne S. S. Mtiantlci Lartrnt, Moat Comfortable. Crnlilnc Stcameri KollrilT olrd to Criitn lasasanrai BpcI11t Selected rort or Call) No Cnnoi it ari ii DrTotrd utnfard, iamatra, Klnsaton (l'ort Antontet. Marllntqne. Panama Canal (t'anama Citr). Porto life? Trinidad, Venesuela. Vlrln Inlands, Haiti, etc. ' INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY I'amnrcr Ontfe. Walnnt Ht Pblla. S. .Maiiha Kefier Bldf. WM!miinrnurln'VlJRitDflEniKSf f I IihII QUI nliinii lW mm- M tin Klf''ftuu'(A,u' dC i ill I w NAWSCO LINES Direct Ptnlee Vlthont Trans-shipment Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND S. S. Yalza March 5 S. S. West Isleta March 22 S. S. Artijraa April 5 l'relfht rtctlred dallr. Plr lltlt Line Delivery NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Aqcnia U. S. Slilpvinp Hoard 13G S. Fourth St., rhlla. Phone Lombard 5791-2-3; Main 3202-3 PUMMINS LINEQ U. S. Shipping Board Stool Steamer a' Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN A STEAMER Feb. 28 PHILADELPHIA TO ANTWERP & ROTTERDAM SS "BONNIE BROOK" March 15 For apace and ratet apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St., Phila., Pa. Lombard 4127-412B-S467: Main 1348 TtAfWX2& f Rico Visit tlus lovely Island of En chantment with its unsurpassed climate, its luxuriant tropical scenery and its fascinating Spanish old world life. Miles of splendid automobile roads; excellent hotels, includ ing the new Condado-Vander-Lilt, finest resort hotel in the West Indies. ALL EXPENSE CRUISES j $180 UP H -omnia iron .nw aortt nn Nnturdaya for lfl-daj erulara nnd on alternate Wednesdays for 20-day crularg. Dig, comfortable steamers especially equipped for service in the Tropics. Steamer is your hotel for the entire voyage, and rate covers all necessary ex penses to and around the Island and return to New York. IKrffe for llUtatuic. PORTO RICO LINE General Offictt 11 Broadway New York U-tll m .. I BERMUDA Two tlaja from New York In nermuda you may Lilly rtat or play your favorite aporta of iglt tannin rid. ins, driving, motor-boatlnir. ealllnir, bath Ins: and flahlns or dance at the cay par ties at the many modern Hotel, No 1'aaaiKirts Rtqulrrd for lUrmoda Two salllnsa werkly durinr Feb., Mar,. nnd April. Tla I'u.t. de I.me Twin Serew Htramrra S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14.O0H Tons Dl.nlac.ment Balllnsa from New Yorlt Feb. 'JO. Mar. B, 12. 10, 111 S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11,000 Tone Displacement Nalllnc from Ne Yorle Nrch 2 Ii. IB. 23. no fiend for dcscHtiUve literature to rurtNUHH iiinim:riA link SI Whitehall M Nnv ork 1TKNKSN. WITHY "(.. LTD. Ilourae lllue., l'hlladelphla, fa. LLOMOYALBELGE BLOIAM UNi- Philadclphln -Antwerii A STEAMER Early' .March rice. cymnMjti co Annit ihkjbsk uLoa, rniLA i 3PpVp Sgafgj, M , ,'tfiwag itiumsiii i- MiTirKs rtilladelphU to ItTerpoei ItaTerford Mar. llApr.23n . , Olbraltar NapUs j.n0. rhlla., Danxlg via Hsmbnrr Oalhland Mar. j rhllidtlpbla Antsrera Maeblaaw Mtr.3t ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE rhllaflitphlo - IjOndoa Mahopse Feb.ts Maoktnair Mar.ij HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE rhlladelphla to notterdam Schledyk ...., mt t Treltht Onlce. 405-tli Itonrn ni4., rktu SONSTEAMSHIPLINE Regular Eipren, Passenger and Freight Serritt N. 7. to Rio ie Jantlro, MesttriJe. Banot Alru Wnsblniiton, lrt.000 tons (b) ...Mar. r, Mir.tj s uukp., i,,iou tons in Htcamera of U. H. SMpulup- Board fa) vnt. second ana mini clan. (bl First and second class. For rntes nnd nnrtlenlara anDlr to any Passentrr Annrr or to aiUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE 82-92 Beaver Street. Now York Drcxcl Building Philadelphia Eiltiaore Mobil St. Louii Conway Bldr., Chiciit S. S. Lehigh April 20 S. S. West Togus May 3 S. S. Brush May 20 10. North. Central location UNITED AMERICAN LINES reconrortATKP JOINT, SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG SS MT. SIDNEY Mar. 12 TTmotmn ntLLfl op t-athno via IIA.Mllt'RIi. IflHtTED TO ALL Scandinavian and Baltic Ports BATE8 A1 FrmTlIKn TABTICD. L.E8 O.V AFTLICATION TO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING -CORPORATION Lafajttte Blag. Tel LonWrn 3S33 UNITED AMERICAN LINES INCORPORATED Freight Traffic Department 39 BROADWAY. NEW YORK TELErnoKn Whitehall toto 327 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM SS "CHARLOT" (U. S. S. B.).Mir.l FOR BREMEN-HAMBURG SS "'EASTERN CITY" FV.29 SS "ALAMOSA" (U. S. S. B.) . .Mar. 5 SS"1IAIM0N" Mar. W SS f'SATARTIA" (U. S. S. B.) Apr. 9 Via New Tork tVla Ualtlmoro. ltalea quoted and tliroucli bl i ( lading laaued to all HcandlniMan anl Tlaltlo porta la Hambure. Kerr Steamship Co., Inc. 016-10 LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA Bell Telephone Keystooe T.leobona Lombaru D3W aiuin loo 21,000 square feet pier Storage! Centrallr lo cated; Philadelphia. Firat class docking facilities. Serred by all railroads. For Particulars North Atlantic & Western S. S. Co. Philadelphia nnxtt .UW1 and Mailing Tobrt EDWINJ.5tHUfci 513N.llihSt. PWUei ' i AiHltl 1 I if.i IIV.., Jolifl .Sonneborn, Cashier K.r UaU 1330 - L . i . 'v. Lombard J(WJ