rwww'sWfftv -J4T J v J' w Fff i 22 EVENING PUBE1C LE13GEJEPHILVDELIRIA, FJRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 ...... stre I 1 Pi..'. fey; .i. it 3K l $ L. . tlftY " i nr , rfe if r In ; y i'jV v . '.ji , &. m .; ,d. ?iw IP 1 l',IM,' VWl ' t Of ' HtiB bum... la l.Wl rM mi 53 i.TV-1 'S PI .1 d St. (H Ji r'.- . yn ' ' N If' Mis. C .11," "JrJl it;, i awr i ':fi vfu ' Mfia r '' .'Jffil 'KM ' .1 ft if f 1;' Sf t- r i; i Wfl . . 'Mi' ' " MM. 7' y f t ML'.,, m u iTSsr tal- . vi"i i-? FOR THE VESPER CLUB James Regan Will Row in 'Four and 'Eight' With Jack Kelly's Crews 'AIL.. 1 ROUND M i' NTERCITY SQUASH Boots and Saddle "1 Ily SPICK 1IAI.L ANOTHER hukv oarsnim M bo seen on the Schuylkill nut sum mcr we.irinc (he colors of the Veeper Huh Up m Jntnc Ilcjan, all-routul athlete nndfarmrr wo-ivimiannf the Wt&t Philadelphin Boat Hub. Tiejtnn ha bern rowing (or aevoral ye.ri on the Schuylkill mid Harlem, but has urvor had tiny one in the sh?!l with hitn tha fould kep up a winning pnie. This oson Itxan will have hU chance for ke will Hit in the four and eijht-oatvd hell lth .Tack Kelly and other star member of the Vesper Uoat Club. AmoiiB the othera ho prnbnbly will try : nut for the four arc Tnck Co9tcllo. brother of Paul, who is world'H double -scnllltis 'Iiamnion with .Tack Kelly , Kent Myers und Morehcad. .Tack Kellr Mill stroke both the four and eight in races which will be held here, in Ne York. TifiKton and Detroit Although Kesan has be.-n active in atulctl-fi for only five years, he haa made Btartlinj: prosrei At the age of iijthtccn he had grown to his present height. 0 feet 1 in'h. but he hadn't filled out. The result was that he was never able to get in condition to com- i jeto seriously in any brand of sports. A year later, however, he had put on weight rapldls and now weighs 1SS1 pounds, riverside. Catholic High Bo: Regan was a siudnt at CaUio... i High School and later attended night achool at I.a Salle Af neither of these institutions did he take part in ath- , leties. At present Uegcn is noc only a fine arsinau. but be i a baseball, basket , alt and footb.ill p'.avcr, cross-country runnsr. shimmer ana ooier. iic nas w .v , n'? GAMES TOMORROW I 8hreieport has had more rain, adding to the dlflicultici of a green horst'trsck. Horses entered in the various races to- I day which appear beat suited to the conditions are: First race Plain Hill, Foreclosure, Delwood; Second race Pliiiarlplnhia Tam Is Cotrmoind Morton, Justice Ooebel, Mickey Moore; f-niiaaeipnia ieam is uomposoa hirdHopenti MIgg 8tcrn(,t Clefln of Pnnrson. Hnrritv. Jolinson. P I wnrinKCBo, i O. King. Al Huhn and White Fonco : Hlxth -Capt. Burns, Sundurla, ! Uoryuon. In the Colon Handicap at Havana today Helen Atkin will be pitted ngninst Attaboy II, Mutnbo .Tumbo, and Penelope. ma B.; fifth Prunes, Clean Up, Harry Thitre Is n bill before lh Illlr.r.. T.hIk. inture prapoiinar to IrrulUe horn r&cinr a-' the creation nt a Mit raelnc cnmmliilun under the pirl-muturl ttcm. C'hlcasn vi once r. wreat raclna point, when the Amer Mti Dtrby run at that rle ran one ot th )ilhtt clais fixtures en '.h continent. Thfi booltmtkera. horr. cut rutin on tha bum In tbat stale another h'nt 10 a certain irsort writer on .h New York Bun who 1 conductlar a prepaeAr.tls, drive for boolc- mikcru and aurrcptltlouj innatnm w aialnit leisllred tracUe, Tlie veteran turf writer. John t JH. m ha! the. fact tlint n. real Inlereat la ho race horas req'jlrea an Inlereat In ln breedlne ot the thoroughbred. , "A .arejter Interest In tha breeding end that Is belnjr taken," he a. "means, a aafegunrd to tha sport of racing Itaelf. for ttmeana that atates wherein large bleeding ilabllihmn , are foatered. III Kentucky, are "1" practically certain to have ttclnr ot the very h'gheit claag " Mobile, At., whloli Jin . flr ,n f,nl!' track, li nirtlnr with horaemen t Bhreve iiort for als-J' meet, to begin .March 7. traCKi wan !'"' n"" " -v .VVK.V? rTtl.'. : ca, ''SSIfe K wtXc.-', under ; .b? A ' 7Sy jggggggggggH Vgggg m JgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggH :gggH tgggV JggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggV4 JgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggV 0MVHgMrWSgngainVIHIQaVIIW9VIIHPBHH' .I.VMIiS UCGAN oarsman, vtho will Vesper Boat Club's next summer to co!or Tomorrow and Sunday intercity , squash racquets matches will be played at the Rermantown Cricket CInb. It is expected that Detroit. Boston, Balti more and Xew York will play against Philadelphia. The team to represent Philadelphia will be: No. 1. Stanley AV. Pearson. Oermnntown Cricket Club; Xo. 1 William F. Harrity, Ovcrbrook : Xo. 3, Wallace F. Johnson, 'Cynwyd; Xo. 4. W. H. T. Huhn, Jr.. Bacrjuet Club; Xo. C, Frank White, Gcrraantowr. Cricket Club. According to hc present schedule, the preliminary matches will be playtd tomorrow nnd the finals on Sunday. The matches are ("rv'd to begin at 2 o'clock tomor row afternoon. Tito Philadelphia team is composed of Ihe leading live men who tompctcd in Uic Pennsylvania tournament that ended at the Racquet Club en Monday when Stanlev Pearson defeated Hnrrity in the finals. Harrity played well throughout I the tournament, defeating Wallace I Johnson in the semifinals and Frank .Whito in the third round. White, who the Main Line championship Shortly after placing with the Dun team Rezan enlisted in the navy, where he remained during tee remainder the war. He was no o!d cnou V drafted, but ven nto tbe service anyway. wucre dcr o.'l jgh toj teams of Philadelphia, but he has been too busy with his insurance work to take it un. Karly in tbe 6pring he will I...., ,ti K.t.. i' ton ' .. begin .training for his rowing bonson, f b M, alnt Harrity, but lost and.audging from his appearance now, u,tJmatej Sn foUr dose araM It it will not take him long to get into wok Harrity five games to beat Wallace ""P" Johnson. Began really 13 in good condition now, Tevis Huhn played the most sensa although he says tbat he will be in much ' tional squash in the tournament, but he better shnpe when he can get on the . finally fell before the masterly plav of river. He is keeping in trim now by ' Stanley Pearson in the third round, giving boxing lessons to the boys at i Huhn won the first and second games Precious Blood Church i from Pearson, but in doing so he burned Began is twentv-four tears old. con- i himself out, and the more experienced sequentlv he should have'roanv years of man then proceeded to take his younger rowing ahead of him. With the in- opponent over the hurdles, tniftinn that b will rnr from tbe Yes- ' As the winners of tho state tonrna- per oarsmen, he should Foon become one I raenti are eligible to compete for the i-earson again e crown for the won in 3D15- Schuvlkill and vicinity, where Jack , 10-1 , but O C Pcabody Boston, won Kelly and Paul Costello hold dominion !'f?B"l St i14 .uVV. T monv hitehall fenmi per oarsmen, lie snou U Foon DOCOmc one ' meni.i are cugiuie io i !U$"K 'M LA. n.SiSS m HiVr O Dnn & theswecp-oarsmen on the Schuykill. , national title, 8tanley hif 'n !? ,"mirU Mi ? " tweiub oS Kegan live-, on North Twcnty-fifth Trill try to capture the ' UZ.Z, ' 7fif?i- Ti..Vi.0.Zun:M treet and is well known at Falls of fourth rime. Pearson last year. FIVE TEAMS DEADLOCKED WIU Play Football Xext fall Began will toter Villa -nova He expects to plav in the line n the football team. While he haa not had a great deal of football experience, he unquestionably will meko tbe Main T.tnt rtlltat.ti sn ATrllnt fnTnm rr! . nis speed, combined with his 163 Ontral T. M. C. A. when Hahnemann pounds, should make him on of the i surprised Osteopathy and won by the Situation in City College Basketball League a Most Unusual One One of the most pctuliar situations ever confronting a basketball league has developed in tho City College circuit as (he result of last night's game at the GOOD things from 0 sun shiny climes poured into a tingle glass for you. The Coca-Cola AtlamSiQa. best tackles in the business. Last summer when the trials for the Olympics were being held, Regan began training to enter the amateur boxing tournament, the winners of which were nent to Antwerp to represent Amerlen. Unfortunately, Regan was cot in the i best shape acd developed a series of I score of 2-t to 14. A victory for Osteop athy would have meant the pennant of the second half, but now the entire five teams in the circuit are tid for first place. Each hai a percentage of 5o0 'vitn boils that prevented his taking part in two games won and two lot. Halino tbe tournament. He nays that when the i copped first hnlf uonors Ag yer no arrangements oeen mane a to how the winner will be decided. The teams in the City College League are ORteopathy Textile, Pharmacy, Hahnemann and Philadelphia Denta' School Olympics are held again he surely will make a bid for tbe soxmg team as a heavyweight IUslietball Player Regan had intended to p aj Oiskci ball this winter on one of the amateur XKMmggF iMli MVHgfligggM i Co. Iilggggggglk. 9fiJgf779771gggggggggggggggggg gg!a!SgEi!SjE!ja', KMiHai! ;Mmi,iij! warn 1 Tit a Feat to Fit Feet jj 1 P " ,nJ ' -" ::;viksNv COME IN AND TRY ! 1 .-:v5T?sr. V'tvfjv ON THIS HAND- I ! M J9 wllsv S0ME BR0GUEi I I MAIN FLOOR 1 I i fp i S y n iW A M fW M M JM 6 ' IS JArf I Last I I Days ! I STYLES q THE SALE! "Always Big Now Biggest" of Philadelphia 's grea test price-lowering Shoe Sale 1 Brogues Semi'Brogaei Winp Tipi Center Tip English Medium Tot Broad Ton Foot-form 6 Shoes That Sold at $8 to $10 LEATHERS Cordovan Scotch Grain Norwegian Calf Tan Viking Black Steel Calf Black Kid Patent Colt All Winter Weight. Men's Shoes To Clear at About ' Real Value B u y Tomorrow while size are plentiful. $.60 Shoes That Sold at $12 to $14 THE SHOE BIG STORE Men's Silk Sox Full-fashioned Re-priced for Tomorrow $1.00 1204-06-08 MARKET STREET SSS3-3-SSJi, II .WWN1sWaDTwAMMMi JBHdPFyg JPMHtMw9VllJg'JlOTrMTK 1 II , I I 1 w Winter Suits and Overcoats -that sold up to $40 NOW AMONG them hundreds of the popular silk-lined suits in Henna, Oxford Gray, Browns, Greens and mixtures. One, two or three button, single and double breasted models. Balance of all our Winter suits and overcoats proportion ately reduced. Satisfaction Alterations Money Back F"c L2SW ggavKv"BLifragMfc'' lgggHCTwt IgggggVNuttgaggKtv'&flgBfti gHPwvW HFmK fTarfgSggggggggggPBgPTi tnBgggggBgggggggg ?BgggKjw xt Wij Monroe Prices Blaze the Trail for Spring! Our 21 Upstairs Monroe Clothes Shops are ready for you with thousands of men's and young men's beautiful ALL - WOOL, SILK - SEWN Spring Suits at Twenty-Five Dollars Nowhere can you find such an extensive assortment of hand-tailored, all-wool, silk-sewn SUITS at prices that you will gladly pay. Monroe TWO PANTS Suits for Spring $35 MONROE Two-Pants Suits for Spring are here for you in all the new effects -pencil stripes, bilk-lined iridescents, gray herring bones, cassimeres, cheviots, homespuns, tweeds, hard-finished worsteds, blue serges, flannels and many others at a saving of $10 to $15 on every suit. We Are Busy Because Our Prices Are Your Prices! Come Up! See and Save! You Buy Monroe Clothes direct from the maker via our lower rent Upstairs Shops from America's Largest Clothiers Second Floor 18 Uptair Monroe" Clothes Shops in New York City Raltimorc, 1'aternon Yonkers, Hrooklyn Others Scrnnton, Jersey City Albuiiy, Newark p!rimWniiiArjw,uiIW!t,ifi.jb 1 PKN EVENINGS I Comer 10th and Market Sts. over Woolworth'8 OPEN EVENINGS M E N! Taking The Town By Storm! Choice-of-the House Sale Here Is Your Chance Again---The Wonderful Opportunity to Choose From Our Entire Stocks Suitings & Topcoatings Made To Your Measure AT THE ONE PRICE H B LWe Hold This Sale ror a Limited ume .Is There Is a Loss on Every Order We Take Finest Silk Mixtures, Worsteds and Blue Serges Included Please remember it was the many who missed this wonderful event before and many who shared who wanted another such oppor tunity that forced ub to repeat this CHOICE OF THE HOUSE SALE. There are going to be many that will be sorry again when this opportunity comes to a close so we advise you to Come in Tomorrow! Don't delay a minute. Make a note of it now. Philadelphia has never known such u wonderful bona fide saving event. And tho savings are even greater than before. There is a decided loss on many of the orders we take, for Every Yard of High-Grade Woolens in Our Store Is Embraced ! without any exceptions or reservations. All our new Spring suitings have arrived, and they arc included, too. Make up your mind get that Easter suit that you will need shortly Easter is but live weeks away. MAN by all means, take advantage of this .saving ! You could hardly expect us to repeal tins offer for a third time. Chas. Adams Co. 1617 Chestnut St. 18 North Warren St., Trenton, N. J. Open Mturday Evening Only Until 10 o'Cloclj M B v SI E ' ' ilfflEgH ifc::. iiMgiT,r.rron