"i-fty'j'? rgtv-y-!??! t?t 1 " r t- -f v ?rrfnp , rifr i . " ' . 'V - t" ' . tt i . ,. - RYENJKG. PUBLIC EaEBr-JPHILABEPWA, FKIDAY, tfEBltUARY, 25, 19U1 IT ?S Trig fi&h Ml Of fHf Trff'?y:Tja 7? JLJJ New Spring Suits on the straight, smart lines so becoming to every one;" splendidly tailored and of superior quality Surprisingly low-priced here at only $23.50 Of line serge in the good-looking style pictured, belted loosely and finished with flat braid or embroidery. Excellent choice for the all-around suit that must do gen eral service. fjetntrtfgs. (S'LXnbS) Suits for Spring in all the new styles and colorings, nt .$12.75, $15.00, $18.50, $25.00, $35.00 and $37.50 Fine, firm and smooth in quality tho very best wool jersey that con be mode in plain and heather mixtures, also in white (these quite stunning, indeed!). Superbly tailored; very stunning in style. hHFl I fnburqS Second Floor if h?W n m m wk Finest Assortment in the City of Women's Silk Hand Bags The Very Neicest and Smartest for Spring at $4.95 Easter hand bags, they are here in nil their charm more than a dozen stunning styles, in pretty new shades those wanted to harmonize and to contrast with Spring costumes. Black, brown and navy blue. Distinctive in style, beautifully lined and finished; fitted with change purses and mirrors. bf.'ELLENBURCS Fjrst Floor Special Lot of Very Smart $15.00 Tuxedo Sweaters Priced Tomorrow at Only $7.95 Here Are Beautiful Blouses &0 verblouses to Admirably Complement New Spring Suits Trimmed with brushed wool col lars and cuffs very snappy and smart; all the newest colors; all sizes. Stylo pictured. SrTLLEi'lBl'rixjS il r II &Lil lUiltf r mfwlv M at $7.95 Quite Second Floor a remarkably low price, if you re member what you paid last Spring! And wait 'tu you see the blouses themselves! There's a captivating frilled model in soft est of pink, white and bisque Georgette with frills going back from the cuffs apd fine lace edged pleating trimming the cascade in front. And a delectable ovcrblouse with rows upon rows of lace mounted on the Peter Pan collar and trimming the front in fetching fashion; n mode featuring perfectly charming new sleeves, and a tic-back sash! $8.00 & $10.00 Georgette Crepe Blouses and Overblouses (j?C Aft liraided, embroidered with wool, Jtyvl" trimmed with net-and-Val. or net-and-Vcnise laces;-with necklines in new round, square and V-effccts. Flesh, white, bisque and navy. Also some wool jersey overblouses in the lot. Fine Voile, Batiste and Organdie Blouses 7 AA & d9 05 In tucked, P&VJ $-.70 tailored, lace-trimmed and embroidery-trimmed styles. With collars in Peter Pan, roll, V- or convertible effects; SnelIjENBURCS Second Floor The Most Successful Sale New Spring Skirts Launched This Season Because of the Splendid Breadth of Choosing and Extraordinary Generosity of the Choosing Offered of $10 to $12.50 Wool Sports Skirts, at $5.00 Wool-finish velours, wool serges in broken plaids and stripes, silk poplins in plain colors and helf-color plaids and silk Faille. Fine serges in both black and navy. Box pleated, side Pleated and shirred. ' $13.50 to $16.50 Sports Skirts at $7.50 Trientinna niul lavma in Vtlm.U mill nivir lm mhiI lrnifi nl p.'itpd. snmn braid trimmed and ahirred. Baronet satins in bluck, white, navy, 'flesh, rose, com, orange and orchid. Plaids and stripes in velours and wool hcrges in shirred and pleated styles with pockets. $18.50 to $22.50 Wool Sports Skirts 11.50 Wool velours, Prunella cloths and worsteds in two-touo stripe effects, nnd Inrgo and small broken plaids. Colors include navy and gray, black and white, green and gray, blue, red, tan and brown. Side and box pleated. These Skirts Come in Band Sizes 24- to ,'12-Inclies. The Majority of the Pleated Models ro htltchcd Down Over the Hip Line in the .Most Desirable Way. Sl.'iLl.NIVJRijS Second Floor SmiDAV, F1JII. 21, I021. HUrtr Optrnn Ilnlly nt 0 A. M. Clou H OlSO I M. f " nellenbukgS ENTIRE BLOCK MARKFTli7?:T0Ff:TS V. J Sweeping End-of-the-Season Clearance! All Our Men's & Boys' $10 and $12.50 Sweaters In Sweater Coat and Cardigan Jacket Styles $6.50 A splendid lot of sweaters gathered in this big spring clear ance and priced at close to half formerly. Shaker Knit, Jumbo Stitch and Plain Ribbed Styles In shawl collar, button front, V-shaped neck and slip-on models. All moat desirable colors ; splendid qualities and weights. Marvelous values ! SnellenbursS ihird Floor Jm 2f5p3tof Headquarters in Philadelphia for all of Professor Milliter's Famous Nulife Corsets and Appliances Recently demonstrated hero to such ex traordinary advantage by Professor Munler himself recommended highly b physicians everywhere; tho greatest health-promoting ap pliances known with medals of honor from prnctically every country in the world. Nulife Corsets for Misses, $3.50 & $5.00 Nulife Corsets for Women", $5.00 t0 $16.00 Nulife Belts for Men & Women, $3.25 l0 $8.00 Nulife Braces for Men Women & Children, 31.50 & $2.00 Experienced Nulife corseticres to aid in selection and supervise fittings. Special Fitlincr Rooms For Men With Male Attendants Extra Specials for Tomorrow in Corsets and Brassieres $4.00 Corsets, $1.98 $6.00 Corsets, $2.89 In low bust and girdle top styles; of plain pink coutil und fancy broche; all with the de sired long hip lines. $1.25 Brassieres, 69c In lace-trimmed stjles; trimmed at top and bottom with ribbon shoulder straps and hooked in front. $1.00 Bandeaux, 59c In pink mesh; hook back styles. b'H FSBIROS Second Floor In conies a brand new lot of the very prettiest $1.50 to $2.50 Silk Camisoles 98c to $1.98 Tailored and be autif ully trimmed mod els in whito and flesh color; vory dainty for tho spring bride's r ous scau; charming per sonal acquisi tions and at a fourth to half less than regular! $3.00 to $4.50 Silk Envelope Chemises, $1.98 to $3.95 In crepe de chino nnd" satin of fine quality, lace-trimmed or prettily tailored daintily made und in a variety of nttrnctive styles $2.50 & $3.00 Envelope Chemises and Gowns . . In batisto and Windsor crepe finely made, very prettily styled; all exceptionally fine in quality. $4.50 and $5.50 Crepe de Chine Gowns, $3.95 and $4.95 Pretty tailored models with hemstitching and tiny tucks, also styles with handkerchief shoulders and lace trimmingB. SNELLEN bURijS Second Floor Two Extra Specials for Men Tomorrow in New Spring Hats $4.00 New Spring Soft Hats, at $2.65 $4.00 New Spring Cloth Hats', at $2.10 In the combined lots about 900 hats; all brand-new and perfect; very nuwest Spring styles. Good range oT colorings. $10.00 to $25.00 Genuine Velour Hats, $4.25 to $8.00 $6.00 to $7.00 Soft Hats and ,an QP Derbies tyOJsv $8.00 Derbies, $5.00 Boys' and Children's $2.00 to $3.00 Har,Spr.,nB....$1.65 ,0 $3.50 The good-looking sort of headwear particu lar mothers choose for their kiddies; smart in style, superior in quality and in a variety that provides for all tastes. bN'El.LENHURGS First Floor Stunning Fur Scarfs for , Spring Wear At End-of-the-Season Prices Tlutt Bring Big Savings! Beautiful Stone Marten Neck pieces, $39.75 & $47.50 Large, soft, lovely pelts in one-skin choker and two-skin styles. Exquisite in coloring. Hudson Bay Sable Scarfs, $52.50 to $89.50 Of all selected skins one- or two-animal scurfs. Natural Squirrel Scarfs, $12.50 to $25.00 Of one or two skins. Beautiful quality! Novelty Pieces in Excellent Assortment at Similarly Fine Savings! In kolinsky, Hudson seal, Jap. mink, Jap. kolinsky, squirrel, mole and skunk $1.50 $650 Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Coats, $475 Plain coat of selected pelts, with deep collar and cuffs. Beautifully lined. 40' inches long. $450 Sealine Wrap, $249.50 50-inch wvup with beautiful deep collar and cuirs. Well finished. $210.00 Natural Muskrat Sports Coats, $149.50 Made with deep cdllar and cuffs and pelts lined in border effect. Length 36 inches. $167.50 Near-Seal Coat, $110.00 Self-trimmed mode, full flare back with deep shawl collar and bell cuffs. Border effects. Length 30 inches. $575 Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Coat, $397.50 A beautifully styled coat .trimmed with squirrel collar and cuffs. Length 38 inches. b.MELLENBURcS Second Floor Prices that are very, very low on this new lot of Pretty Kimonos in Plain and Figured Crepes so low, in fact, that you'll decide "it doesn't nay to make them" and, any way, no home dressmaker can dupli cate their styling and the excellence of their finish Cotton Crepe Kimonos, (7 7 c In all the wanted shades light K-LifJ blue, pink, rose, copen and lavender. Empire styles, with bell sleeves, finished with bands of ribbon. Long Kimonos of Fine Crepe, $2.50 In plain colors, with elastic at the waist, line and collars and cuffs prettily embroidered in silk. All shades. Long Crepe Kimonos fry rr In floral and oriental designs pVO all in straight-line effects, finished with ribbon girdles at the waistline. Jap Crepe Kimonos o ng In' pretty Japanese designs PO I O lined throughout with white silk and finished with big sashes to match. Beautifully em broidered! SfTFLLFl-milPnQ Second Floor The smartest sports models imaginable make their here tomorrow in our Springtime showing of bow W (Sold exclusively at Snellcnburgs ) Suits for Misses and the very best feature of the showing is the prices, which are really remark ably low $16.50-118.50 $25.00 Stunning sports effects, with notched or tuxedo col lars; belted styles; coats featuring all sorts of clever novelty-pockets. In plain colors and heather mixtures and no erid of snappy models ! Sizes 14, 6 and 18 years. Fetching New Frocks for Misses, $15.00, $19.75, $25.00 You'd know at once thev were Snrinrr frnrt i ,,,. ... son you saw them they've that crisp, fresh smartness that oniy .... i.j"r.i ".; "' "" .7 " annual, enuiess assort- '. il L, 'nTJi Jl 1 W S1G.30 Most Becoming New Spring Togs for Girls and Juniors Juniors' & Girls' New Frocks, $10.00, $15.00 and up to $35.00 beaut"funvCotmbrn1In'rnt0n CT-epe nnd, 9cWtte; all pretty shades; models Ne.Confiation Dresses, $10.00, $19.75, $35.00 GeorS TXrinPd fleuffv"CVVeenp ? 8Ies for rl and W' f manf whh riffin l&JlJf iZr?" ha-embroidered !-! ment; tricolcttes, satins, crepes de chine, crepe Georgettes, nv ponettcs and rr cotinee also. Styles with apron, panel or sea -oped tunics; with narrow ruffles, with tucks; with eyelet em broidery a-plenty: with braiding and beading to add to th?r nttractiveness. Sizes 14, 16 nnd 18 vpari $l'5.O0 J "Wi . Girls Of & T LH?4nv 'Ue Cllars and cuffs- braid-trimmedch 'fit00, Yhlte Re"lation Dresses, $2.00 Government evrons on sleeves. Girls' & Juniors' Spring- Coats, $8.95 to $35.00 Advancc showing of smartest nniv h.id L T.i. ,." v. . checks. Smurt m.rt mir.;7"; ''r "?,es J.n P' otn ana velour ' " """ t-"J" enects. aizes 8 to 1C years. sNE'-LDiBURGb Second Floor JHwIllI) i(il jHjf! I III IB I S! j! Petticoat Opportunities $6.50 All-Jersey Petticoats, $5 Good quality petticoats with pretty pleated flounces, some in contrasting color effects. Light and dark shades. $5 Silk Petticoats, $3.95 Messaline, taffeta and all jersey petticoats with ruffled, pleated and shirred flounces. All wanted plain and change able colors. -$7.00 Extra-Size Silk Petticoats, $5.50 Messaline and jersey top petticoats with pleated flounces. Black and colors. $2.75 Sateen Underskirts, $2 .Soft, lustrous sateen petticoats in black and colors. Some with pleated flounces in novelty figured effects. SNELLENBURGS Second Floor Men's Elgin Watches Special at $12.45 Fine gifts for a February boy's birthday a splendid timekeeper, with guaranteed nickel Elgin jeweled movement fitted in guai antccd gold-filled case plain polished. Women's Solid Gold Bracelets , Q 7C Special at DO.IU Benutifully hand-engraved bracelets safety wires to protect opening. bNELLENBb'RcS First with Floor Imported French Mocha Suede Gloves For Women at $1.95 Pair. nni,JTiad?!mochVucde Kloves' serviceable fuil !Jnat,00Wni.', . P. K. sewn, with the Eng Tui. uUmb8,whIch ,nsure Perfect fit and weir, rncy have heavy novelty embroidery in con trasting effects. In beaver, mode and ecru fi .??. L,?k nBetier " the IIand-o Glove If dl Give Better Service Than These Men's Suede-Finish Gloves ft A Spring weight, suede finish M.UU fabric gloves in gray and chamois color. Nov elty embroidered backs; one clasp. -Washable: good looking and serviceable. Children's $3.50 Kid Gloves, $1.85 cry fine quality imported kidskin gloves, good looking and specially fine in fit and finish. Pique and overseam sewn with Paris point em broidery in contrasting color. Two clasps. In white, tan, black and browTi. Sizes 8 to 14 yeara- SmeHNBLWCS First Floor Big Sale of Fashionable New Spring Veils and Veilings The Season's Smartest, Most Becoming Kinds at Prices Considerably Lower Than Other Stores Ask French Chenille Dotted (1 ir Veilings, Special, Yard PI.u In all fashionable colors and the most asked for color combinations. The smartest and most popular veilings of the season. Chenille Dotted and Scroll 7c Veils, Each '. I oC In black and all combinations. 1 1 ; vards long. Novelty Veilings, 50c Yard In fancy effects and dotted patterns plenty of wanted colors and clever color combina tions. Veil Lengths, 35c Each Desirable lengths and colors. 'NELLEKBTRijS First Floor Women Who Require Fashionable Spring Apparel in Extra Sizes will find incomparably good choosing here and simply matchless values! The women who so rarely can be fitted satisfactorily in ready made clothes, and who generally have to pav extravagant prices to dressmakers because they require extra or in-between sizes, can Und a whole gajaxy of beautiful Spring fashions here in SSSr.tn $18.50 t0 $125.00 Serges and tricotines for street and afternoon wear, some joWo amuuuii nnnasome dresses of the finer silks. With tunics and panels to lend long, graceful lines, some braid-trimmed, -..v. ......siu.ucicu ucuuiuuuy. Mzes 412 Vj ft A I . iu ": Clearance of All Coats & Suits in Winter Stock at Extraordinar' Reductions! Broken range of sizes from 42V& to 58!., but an excel lent range of styles and wanted color: Mostlv nn J. S St ' rr.J5Uti.;? .-I'cond Floor ho early selection is suggested. mu ; 1 1 1 En n l M ! A I I N. SNELLENBURG & CO.: : N. SNELLENBURG & ! N. SNELLEMIURG & CO.: X ,-f !&'"- ".MVMWg.r -,. - , j i'ii1l