tjr'i-'rtf fc , w v ' T,K Vfk ''6T V EVENING ' PUBLIC LEDaEB-PHItlADELPHIA, TUESDAY,' FEBBTJABY 22, 1021 1 fv e'i,r,ip''' - - T"3 rTv' VtfWf' t"'vuw 6 PENN 'CAMPUS COP DONE M HIS 1 joo' Patterson 'Through With tho Law' Aftor 20 Years on Univorsity Boat GOING ON PENSION LIST The firt man openly to ncournR re volt flftnlnst the low which wan him M!f at the University of Pennsylvania, ;8 through with the lnw entirely. He hail hntl thirty years of It, nntl nobody regrets his fining fnrc tlian tll0SC wno hiive lived nnd worked In nnd around ColleBC Nail, or hack and forth on the heals that parallel the historic beat of "Joe" Patterson, famed as "the campus cop." In other words, Pennsylvania grad uates will know that another real land mark In the history of their alma mater line been passed with the retiring of .To FPph Henry Patterson from the active llt of Twenty-first district patrolmen. "Neter an arrest of one of the boys themselves have I made in my twenty jears on that beat," said Patterson to thy. "Yes, it's true that I'm retiring ca pension. I thought now would be a pood time, when I had no enemies on the force. Otherwise some might think I was leaving under fire, nnd Mint's tomcthlng I wouldn't do. I played poll ties with nobody, although I might have gotten well along if I bad. Understood One Another "I was contented to look after the j-oung fellows on the campus ; they knew me and I them, and wc understood ons another, and there "were mighty few ilmcs when I had any of them 'in wronj.' And when I did have one of 1 1 cm so of an evening If I saw him the next morning, I forgot who he was." How Patterson lent his good-natured n.d to the job of defying himself which as the law is typical of the way ho made friends with "the lnds" during his twenty years on the university campus heat. The sons of Pennsylvania were feeling their oats (This was a few years rfo, when oats could be safely con sumed). They wanted to annihilate somebodv. preferably Old Man laiw'n' crder. That meant Joe Patterson. Joe hadn't been on the campus a dozen jears or so Tilth his eyes shut. Ho had seen this thing break out on hi proteges as regularly as tho dande lions came up behind Houston Hall. So when he heard thaf the University reds were after the man who regulated the practice of "campustry" on spring cvo nines, he let what might hnnnen. han- ten Accordingly wniic be was off duty Is uniform disappeared without trace. It turned up at the gymnasium, Muffed, with n face arrayed In Patter onian whiskers and helmet a la mode. "Sic semper tyrnnnls!" shouted a few (loren undergraduates. And then tho unresisting form of the Campus Cop was sunk many fathoms deep Oh, well, M) half a fathom in tho swimming pool. Made Them Pay Well "I made them pay well for that uni form," smiled the grizzled, lean, clear eyed veteran, as he told the story on himself. "And I remember we had no more trouble than previously. After they had 'drowned' me I managed to get along with them as usual. And any old '(trad' will tell you that wasn't bb awfully bad." When Patterson was seen nt the home of his daughter, .Mrs. John Mann, 102 South rorty-seromi street, ho didn't lifilt the years that have passed since Ms birth in 1SC3 down in Chester county. He is lean nnd he still thinks he could make his hundred jnrds in twelve seconds u little way be had idth his feet that won him eeveral medals in service contests. But he's ready for (piieter living nnd he appre ciates the fact that ho is sleeping nnd eating regularly for the first time in thirtj .-nrn. Back in 1004 ho won a gold watch for being tho most popular pauolmcin. It was awarded him In a newspaper contest, nnd, thanks to the Pennsyl vania men grnds and near-grads who knrwjnm, lie i oiled up n total ote ot 32S.277 votes. "There were three others G who got prizes," he said, laconically. One wbh a sergeant, two lieutenant nnd I I was tho only ono with a high hat meaning a helmet." hen Patterson entered service under John I.ntlmcr, now nn ex-firo chief, the old Twenty-first district wbb no small one. It ran from the Hehuylklll to the county line nnd cowpnths rnmblcd where automobiles whizz on solid asphalt now. Patterson fitted in well at the Univer sity from the beginning. And untlj 1010, when he wan sent for duty on the long bhorcmen's strike in the "bloody Fifth" ward, he had never been out of the Twenty-first district except in emergency. BOMBS BALLOT ARGUMENTS Chicago Campaign Is Marked by Three Explosions Chicago, Feb. 22. (By A. P.)-, Three bomb explosions enlivened the city aldermanlc campaign which ended nt the polls today. Groups of live to n dozen police were assigned to each pre cinct In the Nineteenth ward, where Anthony D'Andrae fs opposing Alder man John Powers, who has been In the City Council for more than thirty years. Sixteen of D'Andrac's adherents wero Injured while nttcndlng a campaign meeting when a bomb, said to have been hurled by his political enemies, exploded Just outside, tearing a hole through the wall. At another meeting the doors were blown in. but no ono was Injured. Alderman Powers' home wus bombed several weeks previously. ROLAND! RICCI SI INWASH1NGT0N,D.C. II Nuovo Ambasciatoro d'ltalia Sara' Subito Ricevuto dal Presiclonto Wilson Published snrt Dltrlbuled Under PKIIMIT NO. 041. AuthorlMd tiy the. net uf Oelobjr fl, 1017. on fll at th rostofflco of Phila delphia. Pa. A. 8. TlUn.LF.SON, , Foitmaater General. Washington, D. C, 21 febbralo S. K. Vlttorio Rolando Illccl, nuovo am basciatoro d'ltalia per gll HtaU Unltl, fu prcsentnto oggl nl Segrctarlo Colby ol Dlparttmento dl Stnto e si nttende chc sara' ricevuto subito dal Presldcntc Wilson, nl qualo presentcra' le sue ere denzlall. TAmbaselatoro Rolando Illccl era Bccompngnnto dal Comm. Albert!, two del piu' espertl In cose dl finanza, !1 quale rimarra' qui' per un certo perlodo dl tempo comeconslgHcrcdeH'Ambascia torc riguardo le qucstloni cconomlchc c dl finanza chc potescro sorgerc. Estcrl del govcrnoxbolsccvlca ruso, c glunto in Homa nnnunzlnndo la partcuzn dl una conimlssione com mcrclalc soviet per l'ltalla, capltanata (la Vorowsky. II Gotorno Itallnno ha llmitato II numcro del dclegatl dti dettn inlssionc ed hn negato ancho il dlrltto dl segrete comunlcnzlonl tclcgrafichc. Clo' per prevcnlre che l'opera dl detta mlsslone o commissiouc mlrl n propaganda bolsccvlca. Parlgl, 22 febbralo II Dlpartlmcnto dl Stnto degll Stntl Unltl ha Invlato una nola nlln Lega delle Nazlonl circa la (iiicstlonc del mnndotl. IAmbasclutore Americano a Parlgl hn notificato II Dott. Da Cunlia presldcntc del uoiiewo deiin I.ega, che II Dlpartlmcnto dl Htato pre detto intende chc 1 mnndntl per le colo nic degll cx-ncmlci dovrnnno cssere an provatl alia riunione del Concillo ed hn oggiunto chc gll Stntl Unltl hanno da fare osservnzfonl importantl al riguardo, I,a discussioue clrcn la pubbllclta' (idle dellbcrar.lonl chc sarnnno prose dul Consigllo dclla Iega delle Nazlonl nou fu complctatn iiella seduta dl ierl, c snra' rlpresa nucsta mnttlna. II Mar ohesa Impcrinll, delegato per 1'Itnlla, si e' Btrenunmcnto opposto all'amrals slone del pubbllco c del rnppresentanti detla stnmpa alia sesslonc od alia pub bllclta' delle discussion! del Consigllo. Arturo Balfour, dell'Ingblltcrra, tento inutilmcnte di cercaro un accordo trn le cstrcmo veduto dl alcunl suol col legia. II Dlpartlmcnto dl Stnto dl "Washing ton hn rlrhlcsto 11 Consigllo dl non prenderc nlcuna dcfinltiva dccislono Ann all'arrlvo della notn che nl riguardo sara' prcscntata, o cho si crede potra gliingcrc da un momento all altro. QuesU c In nritnn nota cho gll Htati Unltl mandano dlrcttamcnto alia Legu delle Nazlonl. Allied Commission Leaves Vienna Vienna, Feb. 22. (By A. P.) Mem lirrn nt fhr nlllpil nnd military con- Urol commission left Vienna jeslcrday, I their work hnvlng been virtually finished. MJIano, 21 febbralo da M. Tchltcbcrln, -Un telegrammn mlnlstro degll vvw 5 BIG REDUCTIONS aflWlHihJ TAXI SERVICE POPLAR8TOO fRBoO United Taxi Service 805 No. Broad St. Silks Woolens v Dress Goods 54-66. In. All-Wool Plaids, newest design, JS.00 value fZ.IA j 80-In. All. Wool Twitds, $4.00 valu SMS 5 36-ln. Silk Mescaline 113 2 SO-ln. Cnmrl's Ilalr Cloth, Itenl Shapr. fl.00 Value 2.4ft 3il-ln. Sterllnc Wah Uurr Satin (white only). $1.23 salue Ble 5 36-ln. Habutal Silk. Heavy we-'eht, fl 50 value 80c S M-ln. Flntat Pranch Sorgc, tS.Ou al'ja $1.00 H.nWn. All-Wool Trlcotlnc. permanent finish. 1.1 no atuo $2. OS HS-ln. All-Bilk Import-d Toneee: regular alu $1 SO. now B5r S 0-ln. Hca-yweUht Satin Charmeuse (nil colors)! $3 no nlu S2.2.1 ? 40-ln. Crcpo do Chine. Heavy Weight, $32.25 valuo .' tl.33 J NEW ENGLAND WOOLEN CO. Open Evening Till 9 o'Ctock. Except Friday, 6:30 o'Clock UtHvimMHw 721 SOUTH FOURTH ST. vtvwtvtvtwwtv I i m AH the Refinements t and Niceties of Home People of discrimination appreciate Vendig servict! Vendig "finesse" Vendig atmosphere. Get acquainted with the tastiest food in town by trying our Special 90c Luncheons At before and after the theatre supper parties you will find people with a full appreciation of what is best at IsfiGjVbfef XJondig 13tf and. Pk Filbert Sis. !SmWBRlDGEttCLOTMER iiiiiHiTniimuiiiunniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii iu ii hi i mm i ii i mill i mil 1 1 inn i in in ii 1 1 inn rDvVi """ t INSTALLATION and REPAIR WORK I gg covcbino the ENTint field or bim,HNICA1- EQUIPMENT FOR Fi 5LN0S POWER-STEAM A ELECTRIC-HEATING PLUMBINO WATER SUPPLY 6YSTEMJJ LIGHTINO VENTILATING QCNCRAU PIPING WORK ETC. Snupr warmth and good lighting contribute gener ously to your winter com fortPlumbing that is sani tary, promotes good health find adds to the joy of liv ing. You can get it here. Ask tho man wo have served. ...... -.-. -eTSil S? SEASHORE iLANTICCITY OCEAN CITY WILDWOOD Uu.ism,andCAPEMAV 'p "i.atl Ferrit . ' r aui VW'cXSS'Sft-11'' M So"h l)"i-mx 2'; T"T 7 50 I I . City flailmid mui mi w umM mM Charge Accounts Invited! OMail Orders FillcdMliilli Fur Repairing till (gfkiM 1ti& Fur Storago Tomorrow! Furs and Millinery Tomorrow! This sale ia proving to be the biggest, sale event of one line of merchandise that has ever been consummated in Philadelphia. Because of the absurdly low prices which have been quoted since this sale started, there are many incredulous people who have not been able to realize that the quality of this merchandise offered is unsurpassed at any price. The Mawson & DeMany label on a fur garment is known in the Retail World as the standard by which all other makes are judged, In the Retail Fur World the claim is often made that a garment is almost as good as Mawson & DeMany, or even as good as Mawson & DeMany, but it is well known that there is none better produced. Thousands of customers who have attended this sale with no intention of buying have gone away pleased purchasers, and many of them have purchased garments not only for themselves and their immediate needs, but for friends and relatives, and their future needs. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in our Storage Vaults until required. Payments to be continued monthly throughout the Spring and Summer. Marmot Goats 35.00 Regularly 100.00 to 125.00 French Coal Coats 36-lnch Length with Very Large Collars and Cuffs of Good Quality; Deep Full Furred 74.50 Regularly 160.00 to 17S.00 Special Low Prices on these, of which there are only a few of each remaining: in our stock Tn pt rci? rvrTT nt much ,ess 1 VJ tJLAJoU UU1 than half price FUR COATS (5) Australian Nutria (4) Trimmed Leopard Cat. . (8) Marmot (4) Trimmed Canadian Seal. (5) Hudson Seal (6) Trimmed Muskrat (4) Raccoon (4) Jap Mink (5) Trimmed Hudson Seal . . (1) Trimmed Caracul Wrap. (1) Taupe Squirrel (1) Broadtail (1) Australian Opossum.... (1) Trimmed Caracul Wrap. (5) Hudson Seal Wraps (1) Mole Cape Wrnp (2) Natural Squirrel (1) Ileaver (4) Hudson Seal Wraps .... (11 Alaska Seal Wrap (36 inches lona) Sport Coats Sport Coats (36 inches lor.g) Sport Coats (S6 inches long) Sport Coats Sport Coats Sport Coats Sport Coat Sport Coat (36 inches long) (Full Length) (Full Length) (Full Length) (36 inches long) (36 inches long) (Full Length) (Full Length) 69.50 UU.50 Y4.50 08.50 125.00 135.00 145.00 165.00 175.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 R75.00 K75.00 K95.00 395.00 495.00 495.00 750.00 Australian Nutria Coats Smart Models 50.00 Regularly 125.00 to 165.00 French Seal Wraps Full Length Beautiful Models With Deep Overcnpe Collar to Waistline 125.00 Regularly 295.00 to 325.00 Trimmed Marmot Coats Our Entire Stock of 36-inch length fine quality Russian Qrv Cf Marmot. L;9 shawl collar and cuffs of r"9 il B Natural TIbMBx. J ' mJ V Itecularlv 185.00 to 225.00 Hudson Seal Coats 36-inch length in a Snperb Quality of Soft Fine Skins Full Flare, Beautifully Lined, Great Deep Collars and Cuffs of the Best Quality Skunk, Beaver or Seal 250.00 Regularly 495.00 to 595.00 49.50 Regularly 125.00 Pony Coats 36'inch length. 69.50 Reeularly 165.00 Lnrtre collar nnd cuffs of Ponv. Australian Dnnnm or Natural Raccoon. A Quantity of Dark Gray Siberian Squirrel Full Length Wraps 545.00 Regularly 1150.00 to 1400.00 Hudson Seal Wraps Various Trimmed Models 295.00 Regularly 695.00 to 695.00 30-inch French Seal Coats $69 5fl Regularly 125.00 to 175.00 V mJJ French Seal Coats with great deep collar of high grade Skunk Genuine Beaver Natural Squirrel Remlarlv 225.00 to 275,00 125.00 Natural Mink Wraps Full Length Dark Lustrous Skins 995.00 Regularly 2250.00 to 3000.00 Hundreds of Fur Chokers and Scarfs from which to select, in the following Furs: 25.00 Rfgalarl 60.00 75.00 Stone Marten rUnUcr 7.50 Rtgularly 13.00 to 25.00 Naturn! Squirrel Australian Opossum Jap Mink Natural Mink 15.00 Htlilttrlf 30.00 to 45.00 Natural Mink Stone Mnrton Korean Kolinsky Natural Fitch 19.50 Rtgularly 40.00 to 30.00 Taupe Fox Brown Fox Tnupo Wplf Brown Wolf Black Wolf 45.00 Rtgalarh 100 to 123JM Hudson Bay Sable Chokers i At nrim nwr than the raw aklna can b bnunht today direct from tho trapper llibcj-'tx Hoiids anU Purchasing Agents' .Orders Accepted i . Z7 'B i 1 MmWlSmWm nwi ft Vv Requiring Direct Action on the Part of Men Who Know Reliable Clothing and Appreciate Savings Fine Worsted Suits, in all regular and stout sizes, now $31.50. Suits of good, closely woven cassimeres, less than half price $18.50. Conservative and youthful Suits, each with two pairs of trousers now $24.50. Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Ches terfields and other Winter Overcoats at about half the early - season prices now $18.50, $26.50 and $31.50. Fur-lined Overcoats, half price at the reduced prices $75.00 and $125.00. Separate Trousers $2.75, $4.75, $6.75. These are but a few of the many attractive value groups available in the general clearance of Men's Winter Clothing. Strawbrldiro . CiothlT S'cond Floor, Eaet New Furniture for a New Home or Any Room of the Old Home at a Reduction of One-Third ONLY FIVE DAYS remain for profiting by this un precedented reduction our entire stock of Furniture is in the February Sale, the greater part at 33'$ per cent, less than the prices marked on the tickets and the re mainder at 50 per cent, reduction. And never lose sight of the fact that we had previously reduced all prices (at least 10 per cent.) in conformity with anticipated lower cost on future purchases. Also bear in mind that this DOUBLE REDUCTION brings the prices down far below the level of future prices as based upon future prices at the factories. In other words, we are selling Furniture at a net loss now, and cannot replace our slock now to sell at prices as low as the prices in this Sale. But we shall have reduced our stocks to a very low point, ready to buy and sell on the basis ol the new cost. Whatever that may be it is certain that regular re tail prices cannot be as low as our February Sale prices for a. long time to come. lis trtpfs Therefore, we say with the utmost confidence that it will PAY TO BUY FURNITURE NOW, whether you wish lo furnish a home completely, or to buy a single suit or piece for BEDROOM, DINING ROOM, LIBRARY, LIVING-ROOM or HALL. An excel lent assortment here for your selection artistic, well made, beautifully finished Furniture, at one-third or one half reduction. 5 -. Strawbr'.dite Clothlfr Third Tlocr A W ell-Known High-Grade Player-Piano at a Great Saving We have arranged to sell a limited number of these excellent Player-Pianos at decidedly less than the regular price. Three different styles all the product of well known factories. Instruments we are proud to sell and fully worthy of a place of honor in any home. Cases of mahogany highly polished or in the rich dull finish. Player action of most recent approved type. By Special Arrangement We Can Sell These for $590.00 Which is $60.00 less than the regular price. And not only do you save that amount in cash but you can buy the Player-Piano on terms of $15.00 monthly if you desire. Charge customers who wish to take advantage of this payment method can have the amounts added to their monthly bill. Come in and inspect this fine Player-Piano to-morrow, or as early as possible, for the limited number wp have to sell cannot possib'y Inst long nt this price. A liberal allowance will be made on your old Piano or Player-Piano as part payment. -t- Straw hndce & Clothlsr l'lfth T oor. Wst Deferred Payments If you are considering refurnishing your home or furnishing a new home, wc will give you the expert advice of our Interior Deco rating Department, and, if so desired, arrangements may be made in our Deferred Pay ment Office to extend your account, payable monthly the amount purchn;ed gocrning the time extended. There is a small charge for interest und clerical expense only. TwlirldE d Cloth'ir r ftrr(t pmnt Onire. Door -m. niUrt Str.wt Smart Silk Dresses All Refreshingly New $18.75 to $65.00 As practical or as frilly in effect as one desires. Really a wondorful a.-sortment among these group.s of Women's Silk Dre.-tcs. And new models are added daily. At $18.75 to $30.00 a ?rouP of lovelv After noon Dresses, of crepe de chine, taffeta and satin. In giny, brown, navy blue or black. Many handsomely embroidered. Plaited tunii and surplice styles, some on straight lines,, trimmed with silk frills or box plaits. Tin taffeta model sketched is $30.00. A t S32.50 to $65.00 Afternoon 1 Diessp.s, of unusual distinction in line. Models of Canton crepe, crepe de chine, satin and crepe Georg ette, in gray, nifct, blown, navy blue or block. Many women find tho new Moused modi-'.b most becoming. Others prefer the cqunllv , , t. , , . , ,"a' oiruiKiu-iine, paneieu or tunic btv es. AJld "?C ,lfi"I,","K! P'auont little plaited fulls, ribbons a-flutter, adorable little lace nnd batiste collars and voatecb. All the newest vagaries in sleeves and in artistic drapery. Serge and Tricotinc Dresses From S15.00 to $30.00 A lemarkable group of tmart Drerses in nay blue or black. JXoid'eryTbraid. ,aight'lrt,C StyleS' Variou5,y tr"",nc"1 v'"h be;iJ tr--Strabrrlg CleihUr .., rd Pair Market Wet Perhaps These Books at Half Price Will Interest You A Pilgrimage wli a Milliner' a Xeedle by Anna Walther. A charming narrative of .Miss Walther's "millincnng" her way through three continents; 15 illustrations, now $1 00. How I Filmed tl.r War a record of the extraordinary ex periences of the innn who filmed the Great Somme battles, etc. by Lit-ut. Groffrty H. Malms; 41 illustrations., now 51.23. Fifty Years of a Civiiiztntj Force by Harry Chase Brejiky, an historical and critical .tudy if the work of tho National Board of Fire Underwriters, 3." illus trations, now $1.25. Army and .Wiy Uniform, and Inaignxa. How to know rank, corp? and M-rvice in the military and naval forces of the United States and foioign countnes; 8 illustrations in color and 1HS in black and white, now 80-:. Stfiuh ,1 , ,hl r .-KVt.d i or, ni-t .S'l-l WM Clearance of Misses' Winter Suits, Now $29.50 and $45 ' rmnini; n tn i J u vo, one-"alt on nil Misses' Winter Suit-, remaining in stock. An excellent variety in models, chufly one of a kind. Many are fur-trimmed. tr-- 6lrawbrldB U ClotJil r Sf-(.r.J Hoor Market Btrt Base Ball Uniforms Team managers please note tlmt our 10J1 line of reliable flannels w now reudy. Many distinctne new patterna are included. Wo Ixl.ive l enn .save nany dnl'urs for any bast- ball tram desiring uniforms, and equipment Our repre-putntivp win cull, prepared to show samples nnd submit prices, without obliga tion on jour part. -ir n Ijili.-" A. . oil I T IV inli r r MirH' : trt Umbrell Strawbridge & Clothier MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILHERT STREET rams Unusual at $4.50 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S sturdy Uinbiolla., covered with piece-dyed I'runn Taffeta (sil and-cotton) with tniio Handles vnnously of bakclll aukchtt'-ti mutual, finished w wrist cord or ring. On Men's' Umbrellas, crook handles of plain or carved wood. !.irahrflire 1 Clol,r AIbIj T Market fjtrttl 'Mm I nw -. i lm( wm i i v t i V? . J "-. ; -g tin., v . . a ' - 4 - , i .... iw . li- n ii'M