Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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    735p3s!ET5f3.W -"t?'"
h" r5if ,
1"w??K?Mcaf5's' .'-" '
it i-p,vw
f- ?
Vienna Opera Star to 8lng In N. Y.
New Ynrl(. Vb. 22. (ly A. 11
Mnrinin Solmn Kur. for mnny years
prima donna of tlio Vienna opera torn
pony, lin liccti engaged to rIiir nt the
Metropolitan Opera limine here next
nion. It was announced lafit night.
It will be her first Atiicrlean nppcar
nnec In pratnl opera.
Denies Charge, but Evidonce of Will Leave to Historians Task of ,
Woman Victim Causes Bail ' Interpreting Paris Con
to Be Refused feronco Events
Bernard Cnllnhn a pnttolm.111 ar- H.v tlio Ajwoclated Press
mted yesterday charged with holding I Washington, l'eb. '22 - President
tip and beating a. woman, denied the Wilon, in an nddreM toda to n dele
iharge today before Magistrate f'ai-i.n gation from tlio Woodrow Wilson Club
in Central Station. of Harvard T"nlverlty. nt the White
Callahan, who ha been on the police IToiip. declared he would bend his ef
force for two weeks, and who lives nt fnrti to the last In Mippoiting the rnuse
103 North TtalMon street. nid he of world peaee.
"went out on a party" with bis brother' To the group of W Harvard under
Paturdav nn-l has no reeolleetion of . Kraduates whom he received in the
fitting the robbery ho us ftyfJ'S
The accu-cd patrolman took this, '" ""orJT ,I,1P V"t. f ,nn rp,r,,,,nB lu'
Und despite ev'denre against him in '"-7 "f the 'arh Teaeo Conference
the form of n ring found in his p,. I . tearing that if he iyp d-voted ,
session and identified by Mrs. Annie h mi.( again to writing, it would be
Vowasad. of 1010 Callow Mil street. "'""P impersonal lines the President
whom he is alleged to have held up. ,"" p most preferred to spend the ve-
Mr3. Nowasad said she was viPitod , nmiurter of his days in advancing the
today by Callahan's wife, who he stys J-"'""' of w"rl l10'ce and to that end
offered bcr J.M) to stay away from City ' he would give his whole strength and
Hall during the hearing. ,? . ,
"I would have ri'ftteil a biil.e of' Hobert (. Stuart. Jr. who hpadeti
J10.000," she said. ,'he delegation, told thu President that
Mrs. Nowasad testified she was ,v I the Harvard Woodrow Wilson Club
coated by Callahan on the Parkway, wished upon the anniversary of the
between Sixteenth and Sccutcenth birth of Washington to extend their
ulreets, early Sundaj morning. She greeting to "you, the gieat American
ald the patrolman, who was in plain of our generation." and that in-pircd
clothes, placed a revolver to her tinple by Wllsonian ideals, the club purposed
and acked her for her money. When to perpctuuti. the Ideals to whleli the
lihe told bitu sne hail none she said he President had given concrete expres
knocked her dowu and then kicked her. sion
During the scutfU- 11 police badge fell Mr WiNon. who was standing b
from the man's vest, and it. was tuisUide the President, apparently much
which led to his arrest yesterdaj . moed by the tribute expressed' bv the
"It isn't true that I struck the , allege men, expressed 11 wish that she
woman." said Callahan. "1 have never ! might make a speech, but she would not
In my life hit a woman. 1 because she never had. '
Did you join the police force to ''he President shook hands with eneh
Magistrate of the members of the ilelee.itlon iinrf
. , , 'chatted with them informally ufter his
was the prisoners reply. "I . f.,,.,,,,,1 i,,.l.1inuin,in,nr,f r ti.ni. t. ;,...,.
He declared he was deeply moved by the
pvldctiie which they brought to him
that the eause of world pence and the
principles for which he had fought had
Auto Victim Identified been espoused bj a new gpnerntioii of.
William Mayer, of Pederal street I Americans. '
near Second, today identified as his, .Members ot the delegation after their
Your Credit's
.loin Geo. Kelly't Eaiter
$5.00 Bill
N On lour
a week
mikti you a
Imambar. You'll
Iweur a (mart
"new Outfit for
Eaitar. You pay
the bill a littla
nt a time each
week while you
enjoy being
, N, ttyliihly dressed.
Write for Club Plan
Your Credit's Good
624-28 Market St.
2330-34 N. Front St.
1816-18-20 Atlantic Ave.
Atlantic City, N. J.
5 "
commit robbery?" asked
didn't rob the woman. I don't know
how the ring came into ray possession
He was held without bail for rourt.
Browning. King
& Company
w it the body of a woman killed by an
automobile, last Saturday night near
Weftville. N J. The identification
was made at the Woodbury N. ,T.
n'orgue Maer said he had been sep
arated from her for some time.
visit to the President described him as
iu good spirits :md uid they gained 1
the impression that he was quite rapa- .
ble of conduetin; for a long time a vig- '
orous eampu'gn in behalf of world'
1 peace. ,
Millinery Space for Rent
in Exclusive Walnut St. Shop
This presents an unusual opportunity for an estab
lished milliner. Excellent location ; adequate window
and store display. Quick action, if interested. Pox
A 835, Ledger Office.
D. B. Coal
and Trousers
Made from
fine blue-black
j I'C. p. o.
if 1 Stiii
Heywood Wakefield
ro vi irr tkrms nn ged
Philada. and Atlantic City
517 Boardwalk
1723 Chestnut SL
.Made from
good quality
Blue Serge
Browning, King fc Co.
Chestnut St.
Philadelphia Suburban Gas & Electric Company
lo Our Consumers.
Tlio whole matter of this com
pany's rates, with full facts appertain
ing thereto, is now in the hands of
the Public Service Commission. This
body, representing our Common
wealth, is above coercion by any
individual or corporation. It is, there
fore, quite irrelevant for this company
to enter into any sort of a controversy
with the general public on the quca
tion of rates.
It is apparent, however, that
company's policies arc being
justly attacked by certain parties and
interests; that our rates arc being
misconstrued in point of fairness,
and that the facts relating to out
operating costs and our earnings are
being widely misrepresented by the
uninformed. We. therefore, with
reluctance direct your attention lo a
few salient points
Due to the extraordinary and un
expected increase in the price of coal
and gas oil during the summer of
1920, our earnings were so adversely
affected that in some cases the actual
operating costs were not earned, and
through this decrease in the earning
power, our credit was impaired,
thereby hampering us in the matter
of extending our facilities. On ac
count of these conditions we insti
tuted rate increases properly filed,
advertised and posted in accordance
with law. Remonstrances were re
ceived and hearings accordingly were
held before the Public Service Com
mission. At these hearings it devel
oped that a satisfactory determina
tion could not be decided upon until
a complete valuation of the property
had been made.
This valuation the Commission
ordered us to produce and it was
further ordered that the inventory be
completed by July I. 1921, and the
Valuation finished by October I ,
1921. We therefore engaged the
Stone 6c Webster Engineering Cor
poration, engineers of world-wide
reputation, to make the valuation.
Present indications are that the -work
will be completed considerably in ad
vance of the time limits prescribed.
We stand ready at all times to
meet our consumers in any reasona
ble demand they may make, but in
the light of present conditions, we
deem it proper to rest our case with
the Commission and await their
action. We cannot, therefore, in
fairness to either the public or our
selves, become engaged in an unoffi
cial hearing of our case.
February 21, 1921
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
Frocks of Spring Taffetas
$12.75 $15 $16.50 $18
Away with the dull clothes of Winter,
here are new taffetas, fresh and dcliRhtful
as Springtime. Scores of pretty frock'j
havo come during the past few drvys and
their prices aro pleasantly low.
Some of tho frocks have Georgette
crcpo sleovcs and ovcrskirts; some are
beaded or embroidered in contrasting colors.
Many tiny ruffles or pleated frills adorn
In navy, brown, black and Copenhagen.
Lovely Frocks at $25
Taffeta frocks with eyclcl embroidery,
often showing a contrasting color benoath.
Taffeta with many ruffles, puffed sleeves
or surplico bodices.
Taffeta with beaded or braided patterns
on tho skirts.
Frocks of Canton crepe, crcpo do chine
and kitten's-ear satin.
All show the now stylo points of tho
Spring season and there are all tho fash
ionablo colorings that women like best.
Extra-Size Frocks
$16.50 to $23.50
Dresses of charmcusc and serge arc cut
on lo'ng, straight lines and simply trimmed.
Navy and black.
Women's Silk Umbrellas, $5
Silk umbrellas, in navy, green, garnet, purple, taupo and black
aro tape-edged and have stub ends. Tho handles arc mission stylo
tipped with bakclito and finished with bakellto rings or.leathcr strapj.
Black Umbrellas, $2.50 .
Women's serviceable umbrellas of American taffeta (cotton)
tapc.cdgcd, have silk covers. Tho handles have bakclito rings, leather
straps or are trimmed in various ways.
Boys7 Good Storm Shoes
Special, $4.90 -
Sturdy shoes that fasten with straps and buckles shoes
that boys like! They arc made of tough tan leather and have
thick soles. Sizes 10 to 5',6.
(Oallerr, Market)
e Oppwtiiifies
Women's Cape Gloves
at a New Low Price, $1.25
.Ml sucj to btart with in these soft brown capeskin gloves of
marvelous quality at the price. They have slight (laws which rank
them as "seconds," but it is pretty hard to find the imperfections.
Well cut and smart enough to wear with Easter suite.
Strapped Wrist Capeskin Gloves
Most Unusual at $1.85
Another shipment from the factory of extra long strap wrist
capeskin gloves with slight flaws. They come, in rich dark brown.
Every woman who sees them agrees that they arc quite wonderful.
Pink Bandeaux, 35c
Slender women will like these pink cotton or crash bandeaux
with tape shoulder straps which fasten in the back.
Pink Brassieres, 50c
Good pink brouhe brassieres for slender women, and more sub
stantial ones with heavier boning and wide lace trimming for larger
These Pongee Blouses
Will Be Chosen Quickly at $2.25
new low price for a quality that was a third more a short
whilo ago. Made of the good Japanebc pongee that is free from rice
powder and which launders satisfactorily, Five styles, including Peter
Pan, roll collar, pocketed, pleated and tucked kinds. All sizes to start
with. Pongee blouses aro immensely popular and this is far the lowest
prico of the s-cason.
Gingham and Chambray House Dresses
$1.50 and $1.85
Sizes from 3G to 40 in these generously cut, good-looking morning
dresses. $1.50 ones are of blue and gray striped gingham in "Billy
Hurke" stylo and with plain collars and cuffs. $1.85 ones aro of plain
chambray in green, pink, blue or gray with white pique collur.t.
Pretty Wash Dresses for Juniors
$1.50 to $3
A number of styles, nicely made, of plain color checked and plaid
jringhams. They arp the good study ginghams that will wash well.
Most of tho dresses havo collars, cud's and usually pockets of contrast
ing color. G to 1 1 year sizes.
New Bloomers and
Straight Chemises
New step-in bloomers, of pale
pink tub silk, trimmed with hem-
i stitching und ribbon buds, are
Satin bloomers, with clastic at
the knees and waists, are finished
with many rows of hemstitching.
Straight chemises, or vests, of
pink batiste, aro ?1.50.
At $3, you may choose from
straight chemises of crepe dc
chine or gleaming fiber silk in
white and pink, also those of pale
pink tub silk.
Imported Swiss Organdies
Delightfully Fresh and Colorful
Fine and sheer and beautiful in color and design, these arc tho
loveliest dress materials in several years.
Plenty of the red blocks; striking brown organdies with white de
signs; white dots on orchid, Nile or navy; realistic flowers on various
colors and organdies in tiny dots. 42 to 45 inches wide.
Prices range from $1.50 to $2.25 a yard.
Another Shipment of
Scotch Plaid Ginghams, 50c
Richly colored Scotch plaids in many combinations Firmly woven
and fine of texture. 31 inches wide.
All- Wool Plaid Blankets
$10 a Pair
70x80 inches. Blue, tan, pink or gray plaids full Itvo
pounds weight. Just 100 pairs; so best come early.
Bien Jolie Corsets
Unusual values all the bel
ter corsets and all laced, ready
to adjust and put on. Among
them arc fine figured poplins,
broches and coutils, in models
for slight to heavy figures.
Pink and white and sizes 21
to 30 in the lot, but as these
are samples there arc not all
sizes in nil model--.
Carriage Covers ,
for Baby's Outing !
White eiderdown carriage cov- ,
era, bound with pink or blue satin I
ribbon, arc soft and warm.
Covers of double eiderdown,
makinc them reversible, arc
I $3.50. '
I Cunning white eidcrdo w n
sacqucs, trimmed with pink or
blue shell stitehing, arc $2. Sizes
1 to 2 years.
Every Young
Woman Wants
a Wool Jersey
For service, comfort and all-around
satisfaction nothing seems to equal
wool jersey. It will stand a great
amount of hard wear and still retain its
Spring suits in plain color and
heather mixtures have tuxedo collars
and tucked or patch pockets. Navy
blue, brown, Copenhagen and green arc
the predominating colors. $15, $10.50
to $25.
Tailored Suits of Serge
or Tricotine Start at $25
Youthful box jackets, jackets with
rippling peplums, or jackets plainly
tailored are among these pretty suits.
Many aro trimmed with braid, with
hand-embroidery orjride.scent beads.
Nnvy und black hairline striped
."erges, braid bound, arc among them.
$25, $27.50, $32 50 to $02.50.
Tablecloths at $1 and $1.25
58-inch tablecloths of good mercerized cotton damask in pretty
designs are square and hemstitched or round and scalloped.
Other Good Values
fullv bleached tablecloths
mtton damask with a heavy satin
finish are in sgvera round de
signs. Size G2xCt inchc.-. $2:
70x72 inches, $3 and $3.50; 7272
inches, $5 each.
At $3
round scalloped tablecloth of
cotton is 68 inches across.
Hemstitched cotton tablecloths
arc in two sizes; 62xG4 and GO
inches square.
Cotton damask breakfast and
full-size napkins are in various
patterns. $3.50 to $0 a dozen.
( Mitral)
Good Rugs Low-Priced
The rugs that Wannmaker's Down Stairs Store
makes a specialty of!
Colonial Hit-or-Miss Rag Rugs
Woven on Hand Looms
27 x 36 inchea, 75c
25 x 50 inches, $1
27 x 54 inches, $1.25
30x60 inches, $1.50
36 x 72 inches, $2
4x7 feet, $3.75
8x 10 feet, $10.50
9x12 feet, $12.50
Japanese Straw Rugs
of Exceptional Quality
I'jcsh fiom Japan, uhcro they were made according to our
own careful Fpceifications. Tho rugs are woven with double
warps. Tho patterns are stenciled in oil and the bindings aro
carofully sewn.
27 x 54 inches, 90c 6x9 feet, $4.50
36 x 72 inches, $1.50 8x10 feet, $6.50
4.6 x7.6 feet, $2.75 9 xl2 feet, $7.50
Individuality in
Girl3, Spring
Coats, $15 to $27.50
A loose rippling back and
a belted iront, box pleats and
straight lines or inverted
pleat sports models oh, the
new Spring coats for girls
have real character!
Polo cloths, heather
tweeds, velours, etc. are
the materials and the coats
are half or fully lined. Sizes
6 to 14 years.
Gingham Frocks
Special at $3
Springlike plaids, fresh,
pretty checks' and some plain
colors among them; all ex
cellent gingham. The dresses
are practical and good for
school. Sizes G to 12 years
several styles. Some of
the frocks are slightly
Dainty White Frocks
$3 to $8.50
Voile or organdie, sheer
and white, soft or crisn!
Confirmation is nearing and
Dimity Bedspreads
Snowy dimity bedspreads of
good quality. 81x90 inches.
Satin Camisoles
In navy, brown, black, flesh and
white, they are of excellent qual
ity satin trimmed with hemstitch
ing. (Ontrul)
Low Prices on Women s
Winter Wraps
o0 silk-lined wraps and coats, plain or trimmed
with fur, are now $35.
10 silk-lined coats and wraps, some fur-trimmed,
are now $16.50.
GO sports coats and silk-lined dolmans are now ?10'
Women's Pumps at $2.50
Many women have taken advantage of this opportunity
I in tho shoe sale and many more will to their benefit.
, The pumps are of good black leather with welted soles
I and curved heels.
I Also, some Oxfords and one-eye ties in broken size.
Women's Shoes at $6.90
! Splendid Value
I Comfortable shoes of black kidskin have medium toes.
I The soles aro welted and the heels are medium. "'00'' hC11'
sible shoes.
Children's School Shoes
l Sizes 6 to 8, $3 Sizes 8 V2 to 2, $3.50
Pan leather shoes of th loncwoarincr. serviceable khw
that is ninkinir Wnnnmnlrnt-'a nnwn Sfnirs Children's Shoe
ouiuuiiiuwuii in injuring ami w " "" . . i iu0
the girls must have whito store well known to mothers. The soles arc thick ana m
frocks. Sizes 6 to 14 years. ' toes are wide enough to be comfortable for growing icew
(Murl.fl) (Clifklnul)
vfc, 1.