Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 19, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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',rny y.?tf"vF''y,MiS,t'' it ' '
TSTMWQ!. PtJBlift! teWEIffillTA'pEEPHta:,, SXTXRDXT, FBBKtTABT- lft 1921
t '
A'rtiry PyiHe 'A? o the Reception ami hesentati
0f lironzc.Kelwf to Mrs. Stevenson She Hears
Various Bits of Social News
illT vvn n """', ',,,r,,,,,"nK ieet-
111 . i.. til! .!...
Ill HIP AM lIHHHi-i- jvnitiua)
II una n rcropi Kill RIVIMI 111
JL ms
?"."' ii- Cnrm1lin Stevenson . who
l""1"1 " ' ... t nrM n'll. ' 'lii-ri' won'
vrn, ,-,,,,., ,,.....- .. . -
IIIIIM.V p"'!'"' ' ' "" 'T'' I
,....., .mi , r ' IP Ml
r v our linn rneor to Mlrllnlp her nml
fir Ml a"110'4 lt,Hlill'i- -I'coch
. 1 1 , .'. iiip-c-nt.'itli to Mr. Ntovi'iisnn
,, portrait "f lir lirw-lf jloiii. In,
.l",ilrt.l"r i.n-hh-il ill tli.- r.Mliull t.M.
tijs ""' M,s" U'-UHli'T "lnlf niol,
'''l!.',.!' V...ni. ikiIIi l wonderful pleec
. u,i, nml ii MrlkliiK IIIjimicmx. Thnr
' ' i ....nil lll'W rs. I1VIMISI11I III
llll ll'l' " ' .' ... .
,n ier Inline or Her iiiiipi'.kiiovv
Itlon wlilcn iir. .urm-imp
IVn oi li'il In one huiiil. I
vvitli her -lorsnoii with the,
xotiiel lines lislnj: it 11 1x1 lit !
, liiililiiic It in her lm ml while
IhiliKs over wnni sue is
.WIN a,ul Situi'luy next. 1-Vliriini
,,"'', '''rancM T. I.enf. ilnucliti-
'nn. r.uvvnrii iinn'mnn i r -(fin- ,...,
nut Ml I'M. loft yPHtenlny for li'l.e Pi.,.
nlRllI ' "llere ",,e wMI ""'"' " iul-1-
l,i.J"Y, '"''lie I'olls rniler. of Minon
','" ' ,a"' " v,"':"t" h"- f'h..i
Ale. Wllllnni K. (.Mrt'i, or Aihei. S r
Ti'. nml Mm. r a n,. i,s, lirl. -v,,n.
...... rrirmi wil'liH.II '.liii llc.irli
f,f ,- VVlM
U ,1-1.
(.. the po
tills ipieil
sir tm
i line-
nlk or
In ".iv
iv vv-ri-i
'" ' . . -i t ..i ..ii. I ..riil I in vr oiik
. . i ...... ..
present rppirsrimuivr-. u
.Ml seiini nun rriiiiui
of which Mis. Stevenson is
ti vvn ii most t'tijii) nbfe
siins iiffnii".
, Hl'I'ISM I"
..,,, mi inn
n ne'iiiii'
ml n'eie
tii.' tun cer seen nii.vthinc
11 ,1, n.imher of wrilillliSs ptniuie.
,. i.n.irr weeh. the week fo lowllltf nml
. , ,,e the weel: preree. I.1C Miliej
' . .... i. i l.n mnrr ei the week be-
S l.nsier The dale h.ls jnsl been
" i ,11 .'Ike ph.ee In -nllej Korse
IV " " i i'i I, w-lmpp is bride-elect.
lll'll'i-i "" ' " , .. .
Vmel'll ,;'"' ',v'
til of 'lie Hev
..t rninkllli
Sfnlnill Ml1".
r.llhr lleeves.
ll ..! Illlllllll It I'I' . II llll
I lie weildliiR
rJ.7 n""." A ."""I'"!, of to: south
floin ;i Mioil M..t to New Vorl
.MSS t 'll.ll-lnllA l..
. .. ........,, .iinf ii;i.s :il!Cr
of Mr. ,,,,,1 Ml. Kt,lnnil .,. V s i V. , -
Cli'i'im mown, wl-o lins l.rii -n'mlic ,,
ll'W II.Il'U III It.. II I.I. . I. n ... . " '
..." ." .nil iiimii r, ,M
tuuipil to Per home.
IlieSonloi I'loin of Hip u,M
""'"'"I) "Hi lie fiiveij on Mi
k ni'M. iriininr .'i
TIlK Hlxlll ,'lllllllal lillllip ol i M
ford oll-ae Mu-lcai iMiili ns vo.
IHM nlfjlit nt Hi,. Maolii'lm i'inu,. V'liu,
Mr. ami .m,. . hiik,.0 jrkM ,,,
ri .i . ,'!"l0.v slicet. ar entertaiiiii,K i
' ,i ,,' "J'.'. "' " " WCPK"
find Mis .lolm llPiniililll. of l i'
I in.iiilow
onrl.'i . eil-
She is the 'iilUSli
t i . i '
mid .Mi's, ikiiii'i i ! ".
I hrnr thnl Mrs. tieow
A S. .Innewn.v. Mrs.
i.iiiv Sin Hi. .Mincy Linn
of ilip .Iniiior Mil
held on ,Satiirda
"Mill will
eil li ii
.. ...i... i . Ill
. i t'l i :iunti ll 1 1 1 1 i .1 ill1- -
Hull i noil I'.ieiiuoi- "i"". -
remain lm
Hill I.' ill
, . sislee
f.ii' .
ril'i: KINU of Hie
LJ l.'iiice leiHIHils me
hiireli at "Vnllej
if. one 'of I be
f.islilolinb'e WPtlillliR "nit took
t. n, ii pre iiMiii'"" " .
Li,n n.nri'ieil DillU'iin Selfl'ldg'
iniirt anil llii'i have.
Ilostin oi ralhei
been livinu III
npiir t icre. .o
llOsl-ill "i '. , , u...
koneier Uie. have come back t" St , af
fowl nml are oceiipvlni; Kleanor s II ti
Selflide! nre
inve nioveii inio
i,,i,sp nisi lielweeii ine .1111 mi '""'V
ftn.l Hi" IMwnrd Henlcs places. 1 lie
llrni' Ihirtol Ilra7.lers renteil the house
f,.i ii lnlv. but now tin
in.., mill the Itrn.iers
low ii
T III l!l nnollier nice lilt of iH'w
1 ,,. .'n:ii The llnlli-rly I'osler.
,V. Inne a oii. He wiih born alioiit n
I'u'iint'ii a?" I uiiilei'stnml. but there lin
liri'i mi ni'hlie aiiiiouneoinent ol il.
Tin' IhiI' i" cnlleil nntneriy rosin-. ..n
Mi I',-
hill II l
,s '
was isa
sscr of
be a ie-
Another si-ter
I'iiiI IlaHiird. id Clicstiiul inn.
ii- I'raiiees SIoiirIiIoii.
tor. j on remenitier.
SiiiiiKbtoll. MH" Is 'I
v Siiiiiu I on. WHO is 1
1 1 ol next si'iisou.
IS I'.etsj Ilnvis the other ila.i nod
I'., i. 'i -be looked very pretty. She
a. .iii ins a dark blue suit, the coal
li,, ,i Mil-, ii loose model, finiined
,ii, ii iiiiiiow braid of beima. Iler hat
ti ., i mis iiciiim 'mill was iprfilllj be
riui mi: It wii" Iriinineil with ostrjeh
fppt.iu. Willi lllis cosliime lie ore
r, up, i i , of sable.
Ill .eiicr il:i Teddy was silliue in
, in mi w'ith mother and auntie.
s hi fail plajiiiK on the Moor
ii' i' iientlj not nolieiiii; their rou
nt n Presently,- however. Aunt
ii iiiiarkeil to inolher, "And von
i 'o Imve lasted' (hose iii'mels. ihcy
il', lipsi evil- iniide." Teililj
,l !,! Ins enrs and then he went
I., mother nml said. "Whnl's vose
i ', mis of la'meli. unit her V" "What
i ' mil do jiiii mean. ilenrV" nkeil
,, ' Win." reiilied Tedilj . " -,'in
i,i lues mil at the .no ,
(I'll ,,
V lint ileliiilanli' of nest .10-
t I,. Mi's Hannah M. Klliott.
ila is ' "' I'olonel and Mrs. Wllllmi
of 1" Soulli Sexcnieentli ;
k in 11 be formally prnwntcil I" I
.' n ti'ii to be clven hv tier I
l.i '' ii i' ","li' liuinu on Krbla nflci-l
rm . ,. inber f
U li. i ll.P 1 1 I'ol Ipi, ilHlulilei of
M ' I lli-i I'liniles A. ('oiler, of
' s' ! iiM will lie formally presented
1 ' ii lur pal, ills ,it ii lea on
J i i,l i ' i'iIipi II. MIhs l'oi-ier with
'' I'm'', will leave eailv net inonlM
f"r II, si,, I,, RJ. ' . wiipre tlie.N will
f' ' I . ml weeks
'' i Mis. Iieaeon Sli'liiinet. ,in
r" ' I'liKHKi'inenl of llu'lr da'mli-
' v -- 1.iii Ulnilys ( 'rosin, to .Mr
Jr" ' ' "le. son of Mr Charles .).
" Mns Park.
I bo last inppiinit
Mi'nle ciuli ivlll Iip
"ftenioon. Aniil :iu
The Akocs IiwIii Mushal
e ii iinislenle. . follow
IllllirP. at Hip .Veu' .mi ii.... ....
l.v evci.lriK. April -. ' ' ' I
Mmi'o, ,',(,fl',''k Met I'-alel. of SI
in'. M.I ' hu". ''""",l ll'VltatloiiH for ,
v ,i I "i"''10';. SUh" m'"- lck on,
''piliiRllelil arnue and l.iiiioln drive,
h..;wi!l',l!,nly.iSlt'"l(' MontKomcr.N nml I
I, , "'"''K "'' Mfs Thomas l (I'll metber '
on. of tli,. Moodle,, .Merlon, will Ipiim '
on .Momla ncvi fm. n,.. !.... ..
..n. ....... .. .-
. III. I. 1,01a III... 111
., . ' ' ' ' inf. ,
Mill ell 1.
The liiininil ,ln.il .,...... i .i I
I ,.. , ,, ;'"" ' "" ' ' i.iio u.iin-i' in
! the i ombliird Musical Clubs f s.irlli I
11.01.. .111,1 llnve, fold ColleRes uill be
V .."., "',' ?" 'ntil.'ii or tli.. llelli-uie-.M
la! ford Hotel n Mon.hu I'M-lilllu I
.itnonir tin. iiiitioiii'Ksev m-. iw i ..
m.'i . V"1''!'""'. -Mil. William Hyde.
Applelon .Mrs. Cbatles ,: l,lK,.. m,.
.eoi'K,. laeobs. Mim. Chmles K Jen
Kins. Mrs. Howard Coop-r Joluison. Mrs.
; .?Vl!!.'''. .'''" lM' Mr''- '' l.'Wiime Up
PUnotl. Mi HeoiKe ()ii.-nlaiidir Mrs
' l."' I''!!,,s"""t'' -VIH Mien White
and .Mrs. William P. Worth
The boiiid of iii:iii:ii!pi nf ii,., .!.....(.
I'bllds l.lbrar In lV:n ,,,, in i
Iioine at tlie lilirui to ll,pr friends nml
."UbserlheiM fiom :' mil 1 1 .-, (iclo, 1, in the
afternoon of Washlnmons lilithdm '
I'ebiumy -i Mrs. Thomas I-: Walton!
and Mrs. Knllen MiCunlj will bp as-I
'isted bv membeiH ..f tlw. I....I .! ..r ...1.1..1. ,
Mrs. A. II. I'ailier. of SlmlToid. Is preM
dent; Mrs. T Slewarl Wood mid Mr
James IIiiRlaml will pour tea
Mis. Ilolda Knlin. d.iUKbtei nf Mr
Suiuuvl Hlumenthal of i:ihlnn r:n!( m
Ml. Sol Mlnrk. of Tienton. .1. win he
luairleil toinonow wenlni; al lb- llltz
('iirllon if r and Mi Tbibeii i: l.wnilierlnt,.
of .!i; Wesi S.jiiifi" ... . lieiMiim.
mivii. ale spi'iidlns a fei dajs In Atlan
tic I'lty.
.Mr. and ills (ieoiKe l.eum bne re
turned to their home In ltu:.e Vnl.. from
a foi IiiIrI. fs ata. al Atlantie iii prior
10 .Mr. l.ewls' departur,' for n ulp to
.Miss Anna Cocliian. ,il W.illev Still
Kiirni. near 1 liester. lias announced the
eiiBnBcment of ber nleoe. ilihs Allele llll
I'ourmon Cochran, to ill liaiiiel Ii
lals, of I'itlsnui-fih
il'-. and Mis lieoiKe W rurlln and
Hull' little son, of Carac.i'. Venezuela,
who have been the kucis for .some weeks
rf ills Curtis' paivnts. ilr. and Mis
.lolm l. Mawvvll, at their lionm In
l.ansdow in-, will leave on Monday for
Summon Hie. S. ', to remain until April,
when Ihey will letun'i In l.ansdim li
1111 1 1 1 they leave early in .lime for South
ilr 1,11,1 ills .lolm l.i iloiix eiil. 1 tallied
the lirillK' club to whlijll lllej belong
last "cnlliR Tlieir quests were ilr.
nml ills, .lospph lliilnes, ilr. and Mrs
lald S. I.iiillnm. .Mr and Mis Wil
liam l.addls. .Mr. and .Mrs. Kdu.nd A
Stockton and ilr .mil ills. .Samuel C.
ills Albeit Knsl'i- Damon bus le
I ill lied to lie i- liiilue In l.alisilowue from
a visit to Itliaca. N V.. where she was
11 Kiiest al u bouse p.uty at Cornell I'nl
M'i"lly, of which ber Mm. Mr llemy
illlroy n.imon, is a sindeni.
ilr. an'd ills. Climb's lleiilelle ipr
hiivo returned lo their home. III Atlan
tic avenue, Atlantic 1 llv. nftet . spend
Iiik several weeks visit Inn in New Yolk
and Baltimore.
ilr. ami Mrs. Isaac Ibnlelli.'iKei. for-
I merly of Atlantic Cltv. liave taken a
liotioe. fit 1111 lialnoi ro.ol. Wvuu.lleld,
where they are livim:
1 The U. T. 1' Soioiitv of the William
j Peon IIIkIi Seliool vvtll uivi- 11 illinier.
f.ollovv-pd liy daucluu for 1'n't uuests at
! t'be llliz-f ailtou Hits eveiimi;
1 , -. ,
mM ' '('4 1 jJIews u '
Jin lujif X ' t JKi TTTml ! )Ju
If asPin ;:-- 1 IP-: VP
tw4i(ty-four RueMM nrcBont from
cltv iinrl I'otlstown.
Me anil Mrs tlnrrv Hiiivlr.k. of Hl
ItocuM: street, entertained nt n children'
pntiv nt their home in honor of the,
fourth hirllulav anniversary of their
small dntinhtef. MIr Doris Henwlclc.
Sixteen little friends were, prepent.
Tbo annual banquet of the Mont
tromerv count v metnbers of t'ralnus
College ColIeKPVllle, I'a.. will b held
nt the Hotel Hamilton, on Tuesday eve
nliiK. Mutch 1 Mr Paul A. Mrlz Is
, Ii in ma 11 of the Ijanipiel coinmitt e.
.Mis William I'i lee will enlertutn al
il inn r nt b' r home In .Media this ee
1 'tiff In honor of Miss l.ucy Logan and
Mr Ii ifwen Slilihens, whoso inairliiRn
will take pine., on Tuesday evenlne.
Mr. and ills llosroe K. Ilallaul, of
f In 'Mrr, .'up b'-itfi; conitratulated on tbo
I1.1II1 of n ilaunh'i r. I'lllzabetb Cochran
ilKllard .1 lev. iln.vs nco
AiuoiiK those who attomleil the Vulen
1 'tie 1 osi niie .l.iiii-.- given thli wepli In
11. Hull.! Hall of Hose Valley. Were
Mr nml Mi" Wavne Marshall, ilr. mid
M' ll ll'-ilitiRs. ilr. and Mis.
lions c.iipiii l.i'v'l". .Mr. and .Mrs. .lolm
; P. vv. Mi nml Mrs William P. Ilar
',. Mi ami .Mi" William Mills, ilr.
,1 Mrs .inlinn liibson, ill. and Mis.
In v I'll Lewis SbiM. illsM KllXlllivtll I'OX.
i ib-i M.11101." Parker. MNh r.uth I'ai-;
li"-i M.uv.ii"! Puce, ilins ilnrKiuet
.lm. k. Mirs iinini,i C.lbson. illtis
,i'f. Wil;b!. Mr William lleulllij;,
Ibi.lorin S'liulz ill Kdward WrlKhl,
i'iiI tie Moll and .Mi IT T. Drlnliet i
liii,." w:,s civ. 'ii ibis week In the
1 '! inn or 1:1,11. v I'm 1, lor mr
111 i.r I be .v.'.n- i:,ist III
I- lorenee l:ilit'i' vva
I le .iftll I
like this, she
"iioo,lli. I
MISS S.lll i:ltKIMil.lC
Datislilir of Mr ami Mrs. Daniel Moriau llaniicer. nl Jltir. Walnut sliie.l
New School3 Superintendent to Bo
Guest of City and Civic Clubs
M in. al., nml leaders and public men
I rue a vveleoinili!! trilillte to I'll'.
Idvvin C lb lie. incoliililK superin-
1 d 111 ol s, linols. slioitly lifter lie jii
ii s hi. duties hei'e ni'xl liiotitli.
I lie afl'iiii'. which probably will be at
' ,- IVlU'vue-Sti'iilfoid. will take the
1 10 ol a dinner nail public reception.
li v ill )" iindei 1 lie auspices nf the Cilj
1 1 i. ( mi' 1 "lull ami llie I'ubllc IMina
1 n iri'l CI11I.I Labor
I'. 1 i,si ! 'in'ui
More limn Mill J".
' it. ,1 in tin diniici'i am
l.irf'i ii.iniber
Mavni- .M, me
Kiin. -Ml" Mipi'iilitendent of public in
siru, Ii1.11 : oilier public olliclnls, tienme
Wlitit'toii I'cpiier. members of the ltoa.nl
oT Liliicatiou mid proiniueut. cilucalors
TTH N'OnDKD; ho w-nn nt the door.
"I thought you'd slay nod and
hnve luneh with me. It's mv own took
Inc, Stan," she Mild.
"Tlinnk ou, no. I won't Slav ; you
hnve Blven me mv answer. Sunny, I nm
coluir. inoil.liv " iin iioi.i mil bis hand.
Tbo tenrs came Into her ees "t doti'ti ,,iir:
wnni 10 part with you
"ilooilb' ." be mi Id ncitin
am sorry 1 ennie back "
Slie slilvpred a little, "(iood by. tnen.
Stan." she said centlv, "If you feel like
that about it '"
"Ve." I,.. H.ild. "I am sorrv I ennic
hnik. I - I might hnve known 11 ultl "ke
mi would cbiinRC. You ate I 1k Jou
weip onh 11 child, there vmh no renllty
In vour love, it was merely 11 fnney, h
passlnc f.mi v for me. I suppose 1 should
be proud thai I awakened fur IlklnR ir
only for n little while Uoodby. Sujmy !
"flood-bv. Stan." sho Paid utlletly."
lie vmi-koiip. ;ne heard him K out,
hfiuil tin- . I'Kliie of the ear start up,
beam the seals k In and Iho M'ltnil
of 1 be ues itirnUiR on the ground.
I lone '
Sb.- sxioil bv the maiilelpb'cf and
look., I down Into the lire I low easuv
be bad shifted all the blame of It fiom
bl own shouhleis on lo hem,-, ln" 1lr""
welled In her eves and trickled slowly
down l.ei eheelis -unuminl .tears-
lies hurt and iinKry." she tboURiu.
"lib li doi'Kii t matter wiint he tliotiKiu .
.1 .. ... ...! "ni.t it vvms eiisles-t 'or
I, ,1 was nv. raun ; " "
never koiii avvav. I'd have B"-,"" ' '..,
him and tlten I s pose "''. '"'
l,,v little love fin III'" would luive
,1 i-rent love: Thai s what I
tell him. Inn i."iic.'i'',." ".""
love, a cblldH love, inn '.',""'
b:.v" mown and pi ,u" "".', ,.,.,VS.A
a. ,.l b-ttei- if It bad been allowed to
stand In llie sunshine.
ii .una !... whinnered. v es.
..'., i ..I-,., .-- -. . . ,
It died I ktl"W 11 7ien . n...
didn't kimw it u".i" mi ihn.
all light: '
ef 1'iinil. him lo llll
i.balririan '
I,.-. .1
Association nl
have been in
a coiisiileialilv
will attend the reeeptiuu.
, I if. Tluumis II 11110
11 iiv.l
( ItAI'Tllll IAV
I he I lllllB Mile mild Nnl '
Vmmiii CirtlMS did not come lo Imicli--on
1 ii.it ilnv. nor the next; 11 whole
week passed Sundays he often cam..',
anil simuv watched for htm inls uri.
.1.1 v morn'itm. but be did not lom"
S'liinvvllle, mi Sunny Rot out the Hill"
1 .ir which sin- bad liunml to dilve lier
se'f. and she ilmve to seo Hert anu
ileit was ntriiKKllnft llh a'nevv
.1. .. ,.1. l.,u v. if.M bell), ll'
,,''n,.n- iiiiiiiiiiI Siinnv. Vile wonted
Mid out bow ll was KettlliR on.
a liny box of n iilace.
.is her own vwe cotlaKc
elaborate as leKiirds It"
Th.'ie ws a I'liuiiRn
,. ' ' " II Lai-Rp. of l-'l South
' ' "'"I slieet. who s.,iie,l In si
I'uronc Willi ilr. and .Mrs.
' x.nhold Wilsh. expoits to re-
'.,' ,, 'wo months Her ilniichlcr,
M ' M ' 101 el, Larue, who Is spend-
' 'v weeks In Cuba vvllli .Miss
" ' '' N'orris, daUBhtei of .Mrs.
""' '' 'i.iiesi'l.e NorrlH. will leturn
J ' '"ine the latter pmt of this
jn 'li l -s l.arKe will be presented lo
, '' 1 lea the latter part of Xo-
illss l.llliibr lie ll.ii-,. nt :'r.il7 South
111eiee11lb street, will intiitaln the
uicnibers of the P.nnsvlvanl.i Club of
Skklmoie School oT Alls, nt lea today
Iler uticats will linliide Mls lllizabclh
Iteilfern. .Mrs ll-niv Wlll.les. illsa
l-nitahelh .Men lit .Hid ils S'.ia Kell
drick The Hervl Club will Imbl a novelty
dance at the Studio IMns.iui. ISJ11 .Mar
ket stieit. mi WasliiuulonV lllitbilav
The nieinbers of the club iintudi- ilr A.
.1 1 'lark. .Mr. .1 McC.iffre.v . ill- Thomas
I'ovlc. .Mr .1 l.eabv Mi .1 Tnvlor. ilr
T. Qultslcv and ill. S Sb-rliUtn.
Tlie wiildinR of iliss ll.'len P.utlei'
and Mr. Kdward llirlur look place on
Wedn.silav, at Klkton. .Mil 1'pon tbolr
leturn In Ibis city th.' were bJvi'H n
suipii.s- p.ulv bv I heir I'rlunds. inuHil!
those ijreM'iit' weie illss C stinilt. illss
H Monte ills A liorranc.-, illss I,,
l-'iaii.is, illt-s Itobi it Dounely, ilr
lleoiue Hales. '.Mr. .lullus A. Itussell. ilr.
.lolm Crollv. .Mr Thomas il.i'ottnack.
ilr I. .1 Kelly. Mr H.oli;,' YounK anil
Mi Itoheii Stew, nt
ilr and Mrs. I'liarles il Ui.iss. of
I'.'S smith Lamb it stieet. ine a't th"
Cbalfant. Allanllc i'lty. for seveial daj.s.
Mr and ills lieoice W Kinlc.v. "f
JJl'; South Tvvi ntv-s-eroiid Mtrcel. will
lm in us their uiievt lor .1 few vveik.-
1,1 1 ll.i.icli, of l."il.; lain
' nt. 'i 1.1m ai luncheon .it
1 .Mombiy afternoon In bono.
Ttaiib. Tbo decorations
ill be yellow. The
f 211 Central
illss Crosbv is
IlIVS Willi li' i
Crosbv, of f.-llll
.Miss I'lltth II
nv.'tiu.' (Mam,'.'. N .1.
now speinlluK i l'-v
brothci. ill'. William .1
Xollll I'llllisl" Stl-'C'
vNnnoimcenient has l'"ii lu.ide of th"
eilRliKi'llielil of iliss il .'x'He ' ill.
W. Lee The vmsIiIIiik will take place In
d ilr- ciinil. " T. 1 adwallader,
avenue, w 1
her home o
of .Mrs .1
and color
Kliests will lie .Mis Cbatles Collier, ill
John i.iiMellii .Mrs John Crowhui. si. !
.Mrs. Amos Heiklef. Mr. N'evvton Kirth 1
Hill. .Mrs Chains I'ow. ilrs Thomas
Poole and .Mrs I .nils Smith.
The Xeiul b.ii" Club which vva . 11-I
tertnineil lasi week bv Mr. and
.Newton 1'iitii li'il, or I..:'! l.rle av.nu...
Will meet .,11 'lliill-iluv ewhlllK. I''el)l tl.l I '
SI. lit I he 1 " of .Mi and ills. Albeit
I to.it . 1.1:10 lae a Veil 111.'. The ill. .nl... IS '
include ill- an. I ilrs cli. ,i, Cillinan. I
ilr. and .Mrs Vinos iieikler. ill., and
Mrs. N'evvton IMHi IPP. .Mr and ilr.s .
Chalb'M .Mel Mr and .Mis Charles
Miller, ilr a ,1 ills William lioa. h.
ilr. and ills Vlbert Smith nml Mr i.ml ,
.Mis. P.oiii
G. H. FRY ESTATE $218,000
It was
almost us small
but lathir more
i furnishing!),
in Hert, a veiy
illtlnct I'lmnmi for tne neuer. j;- ...
iluowti ulf IiIh slouch; he held hc h..irt
or. tbei" was III his eve. nil expression
of i nlltUletlce. Of Bl-eater !eir-ri'Kl"C
spoke Willi less llticcrlll llll V '. He
tliislu.l when he talked of the plav
the IIkIh of enthusiasm Klowd i
Siinnv saw It She looked at him and
nodded aniil f-ciativ cly.
. .... ' ....! ... .ir. 1.1... .. I.
... :s.K. A U.IIIIK u '." 'I
Vic (llieeior o tlie .-... ,, t.iuklnir a mini of !! i
P.r. wer 11C 'him out of llie old mi
nl and , thought : and she was t iRln
in tier own way. was ,
clever than llei I ; belle
cited, ber outlook on 1 1 r- was blonder:
siio knew a great deal that ho had never
.I'eamed of. Jl was a rnlld compared
with this swpoI -faced little wie of his
Vel to se them toKclher
of Hi
will intend
The dinner is in
tie. which illi'llllll
Itiddle. president
Joseph lllisedliril.
I'iiv l 'mil. and I'r.inhlin N
mid I'm. i' M. Wnlsoii. piesid
se.ii'taiv of Ihe Public I.dui-aliou ant1' l.vy
Chilli l.nlior Associiilion of l'eimi I - I mot.
, V ll ll lit . respectively.
I his
if a commit -Kdw.iiil
Civic Club, i '
how elever v on are"' Sunny ivhlaiipretl
to I Ivy vvben they w.ie illone. -'Vou
ale the eleven's! Kill and (he best I"
Clever, t" l'v v Hul'ed. "Why? 1
don t iindnrstanil , what do you mean.
Sunny" '
"You'te inakltiR tlei , you've made
he's dlffeient. he's a innn now :
lies pot something In him; lm always
had. com" lo that, hut he wius afiald
of himself, didn't ttunt hlmnolf You're
tea. hlim Ulm to believe In hluislf a
bll. and It's the bel thini; ou ever did,
Kvy '"
".Sunny, do- do ou thnk 1 tun sue
icedinR?" b'.v.v asked
"I know vnu me. Herts dlffeieiit. I
wouldn't have believed It' Onlv. I'.v.v ,
bo i nrefnl, don't let him net too much
the other wv, don't let him Bet think
ing o much of blmrelf and loo little
of vou' If he does, I'll have h word
to say to Pert ',"
Mvv smiled : she shook her bead
'That's where vou are wionc." she -aid.
"Vou understand Bert all right, but
Uet t is very, vety itood to me, and we
are verv happy, Snnn t Iblnk I know l
we shall be happier Hiid hHppler as tbej
.veins pas We iniderslaml one an
other. Iteit nml I '" '
Sunny huiIIi.I 'Th.i' vvheie voitl
make a mistake'' ,sh s'd ,u mi-'
flemtanu lien an riKiit. n-u im ,ioesi. .
undei-stai il jou, he tliltik" he does, but
hA doesn't ' No man ever does iimlei
stand a woman ptoperly yet. and I 11
Pel vou Hint to the lust ilnv of your
liv-s' Ileit il never ipiHe imderntnnil his
wife; and Hs Jnt as w-H be
shouldn t '"
I don't undetstttinl vou. sunny.
Lvv crlnl. "I hide nolhlnu from Pert
there's not bhu? In the past thai t
havn't told him '."
I don't menu thai'' Siniiv fiil
i 'I don't understand wli.n ..u .,,
mean, Sunny, dear '"
! Sunny shook her lead "When vou
nie as old nt in.'. Kvv -"
"As old as jou. I tn veins o'd.r than
i you are, jou child '. '
"In dome was I'm a lot older than
you sunny said. '.V iot. a lot l;vv!'
The liny coltace in Siinnv v illp seemed
very empty touiebt r'unuv shivered a
little as be lleh'e.l tli krh Ii ws
jonelv innilnir back here to the empti
ness, the mm e so bv eoniiuinson with
the hnppv Hill.- bo rbe had .lust left
behind ber
"Anvbow. ii don i matter about me."
she ihoiiithi 'Herts linpiiy and Hvy's
bappv and even aunt Is happv as shell!
evei be ,ii Hit eorld. ami me: If I am
a lot lonely 1 s'io.' il'H mv own
fault' Mill T know what 111 do. I
know : ' Sh nodded ber bend
The idea had been in her hem) for :i
lontr 'line "I'll P.et a. woman to come
and do for me' she iIioukIu. 'and III
have deai old illhhluw here; It's Reltinc
to be too mu, h Ids comliur dovvn here
four days n week I II have hini her...
irei ii.iMiis foi him next dooi with ilr
Pauley, and he'll lw bapti.v as a kiup.
bless bis old heart ' '
Willi Sunny to dn !de wan to act
immedialelv. Three davs later old Hlb-
blns was insianeii in Jin iiaeievo
what luperm," ah wlilepered. "you
ami ine triRetlitr, tbo best of frittnt.
rue friends ' sbn paused , sho lifted Tni
biile fare
"There" she Bald, "do-' y0u rc It
".nv, wie Fineii or vincgarv it always r
minds mo of llert."
Siiimy w-nn sewlni; Industriously. On'
on the scrap of n bark Harden, old Olb-bin-.
wb manfully dlg&lnjr.
irom outRldo there rmmo tb Bound
or n car. Sunny listened; her fnen whlt
ened a nttle. Hho listened Intently, th
car had Mopped; she heard the (sound Of
footsteps, and the colof flooded her
cheeks suddenly. ,
r thntiRht you -you'd forgotten ftll
nliout me, Arthur:" she sald.
".ou didn't ihlnlc that, Sunny'" h4
said nuletly. "You knew that v.aa not
'Then win -why didn't you come'"'
she fcald. "J've been looklnc for you, It'
weeks now since you were herb; you
never came thnt day. and t -I had -sot
mirh n nlco lunrh for you."
"I did come that day," h said. "1
came, but " He paused.
"Hut you didn't come, I didn't see
.vou." Sunny cried.
"You had a visitor: some one wan
here, no I went awny aRaln." he said.
'"I -I don't understand," ho anld
"tlenr, you do. I knew who It was,
It was OobrlnRton, so 1 did not comoj
I knew that you did not want mo thai
lav. today I have just eomo to tell vou
tlmt .1 am Rind you h.ivp found your
happiness ! 1 Umlerntand thern wan some
misunderstanding, some little quarrel,
b? Ilul It H all over: he catnn back to
von, Hiid -so t kept away like a cow
and. I had a flRht with myself, hut.thanlv
flod : I've trot the better of It. I'm licl'ti
t"da to wish you Joy and happllie"3,
Suimv I do front the bottom of liy
benri. without tcprct. without pnln.
ileal "
"Vrihui." she said Arthur 1 Ihlnl;
1 know what you mean, but but 3011
nre wionc all wroiifr!"
"Wrontt." he snld. "Wronir. Sunny'"'
She nodded. "It was Stnr . be- -!n
. nme hack llko you snld he did hue
Arthur, when he came bnck I t knew
thnt something hnd happened, som'
ihhiR that made all the difference to me
and to him."
"Siinnv." he Mild. "Sunny, what do
vou mean'' Do von mean that '-ou n'
not ills pionilse.d wife"" ho cried "I
counted on tb.it. I made, up mv mmil
when I saw him here, bis cat- waiting i
thought It would be nil rlRbt for vol
again. Sunnv dear. Is thern an thine t
can do' Tell me. is no' the ipiarrel made
up' Is there anv thins tin" needs ex
"Iberes i.nthinir to nut rlRbt yevcrv
thitiRS put iiKln" sin; said Tt'n
-and he's jrone
awjy '"
ap of
t. cel-
'" she
times I
fiont bedroom, as happv as
Sunnv bad said be would be
Hut Sunnv ' home was his Pome ho
I tool: hi" meal" Willi hr they roamed
! about the place tocelher and talked to
one nnothei. and 'here was a perpeiiiMl
u. iI1a .i, IIia nl.l matt'a fn.-p
( ' i bid has been very (rood
I Sunn.v ' li" said "very, verv
' Nod to, n, e" Suiiiiv vad oui",
bo ii' about Ills h.'lpl'm
cleared cp Aitbur . and -
' 'lone ' v .hi sent him
SI n nodded
"Then ou vou don't - it was not"
l,e iniise,l -"Sunnv. did vou no love
I him "
"n. e." she said. "I thought t did
, then 1 l.nevv t was wronn! I told htm.
and be was anqrv. verv nnKry with me.
lAeihitr. but It's all over now Do yot!
lenifinbev once here tn tills little hous
, vou said I- I vvns a wonder, was there
nnvthnu; I could riot do" And I I
I sabl - "
"You mild tlieir were some thins tnar
vou . null not do. but vou would not icu
"'-; Widow Is Chief Beneficlnry Other epltoni.. of wisdom at., s. at. lanorant
Mis I .little thine she appealed to him ever
wins Mica tor prooate moment; she su-mo t" put connuei
into him. nm
i miotenlatlous
The old man put his hand affectionm...
will of lieni'si' II. I'rv . "JJII Si
. iiKHKi'lili'lit
daucliter of
of HeKalli
Yiakle. son
Yoakle. of 1 1 I last I'r
.Mrs. lb oik" C.imbi
lent b-is been mad. of the
"f illss r.leanoi 1 1. t'uinn.
Mr. ami ilea .lolm ijulnn.
Meet, anil Mr T. lb. stums
r .v r. and .Mis i-.m-eiie
ill, v sire, I
of West via, li
ticet, cut'
l.uudrcd i.i
llsineil it bl IdK'
In r home The
III. I tl v .
i '"i 'tin sii k men lor pninati'!, husband, and
IiiiIik. dispose, n ii ti estate va'ueil at , , tl,, Hert bob' "'.
S''lS.lltni. Mrs. Sarah I'.. I'tv, Ids ' n subjects of vv bleb,
widow is given most of tlie isue. he bail been entirely
ll du-eits thnt S.'i.tlllll lie iiliH-eil in self-assurance winch
trnsi lor a s,m nml an coual sum for nioesseu neiore
dnuulilei'. Twenl.v thousatid dollars is
devised lo tlie I'.cthany Orphans' Home j
at Woiiiel.silnrl". I'a.. ai the death of the ,
cliildrcn. Tlie resiiliii" i left Mr.
I-'rv's Ktuuttcliihli'i'ii.
The will of V. I' MeAniir, f I'll;:
Voi'lli Si'vt'iilh nlrci. is viiliied at.
S'Jil. 11(111. liiMiitoiies of eitiilivs were
tiled today us Willows ;
Siisiin C. .loslin. S''i!.."i(l.'5 ; Mnry I-'
Ihisnn. S'JI.'llli: Murpnret tireiir
. "" .!,,
I . ' . . .... ,,.,i '.I.' ' '...":'. thai help themselves'
1,1 sv -.. .v iaiitkl I- (,l 1ij ii l'll
I il'i 'li-l III III
"We ve helped one
Stiiim " he sal
,. ,. . .i ... i.. . i. f...
. a. i . was -n 1 1 van iii:
,.. .
Kile SUI'teell' 111 M Olllet I . ,
Sunnv saw- it She
:i; .'iiiliusnistleally i
a fe.v mnatliH ;iho '
iKiioiant lie had j
be bail never pot
bc'-e. happier thai
si,,, ii ,' I," ' II ,ppi.
th-, n I des-Mve to
hand t'Kiitetiecl
I. "And
very, vei
, I hi" tl
i- mv rl.-a-!.'
He pin
her '.In r,i
You're the cleverest SHl t ever ..v
til" I
Sum, looked up at
irs ill 1 ' - old ," ew
o I er i ..
,u at. l i" i o a
as I me what th"y were, Snnn ' ,
I "1-l ,...ii-f tell vim now' she said
' You senl him nvviiv." he snld. yovf
Sf it lilm nwn whv '.'"
' lie, aue 1 knew that 1 did not lovo
blni an once T thought I did . be dldn".
trust me. Arthur, and that killed lie'
iove for him "
"Sunnv, little Sunn.v, s thete. ' He
paused , Into bis even there cane '
aKnies. a new-horn hope "Dear, is,
ibere anv hope for me now ; In there atiV
hop In this woild for ine. Sunny'"
Sunny looked out through the window
at tbo old man laboring slowlv over ht-t
'!". wiiil.. she looked back into his n. c-,i.
lie but iil.jiilinir. hopeful eyes and sho smiled. .'
happv "That was wat. It," vhe whlsncreif.
""-" . ' ono oi ine minx l cooiu
pet imps thur- Just to- to tell vou.
s.-'i. ins . "
a inn- "Caieil for m " he
1 1 il saw "Cared Sunnv : '
''I lii" Sunnv noddud
not do. An
dear, that
' iif'.iS3USui.,i;Ui
"111 i
1 ...
I' .,
( ll.
i' i,.ibeti Ihei keni hK(. I'leld,
"i I'omiiiamlcr W. Itov .Mason
- N" and .Mrs. l-'leld. of Stem
' liestnut Hill, who has been
I n the uuest of Mis. ( isboru
N'w llavcii. Conn has re-
'"'. home.
Mis (ifoi-Re Kales Maker, ol
Itosemont, and tlie llellevue-
'I will cnteiialn .lusllce nml
'it von iloschlzsker at dinner
ii their bo at the opera on
' iiitiK. March I.
1 Mi- .loshua Ash Peaisnn. of
I " , stieu (iermaiitowii, will
' mi Friday evenliut. ilanh
' ;i .Mr Stansbury Miller, son
' 'I -Mis Warrick illllcr. belon
''R "f Mis. Charles Sii.wati
i ' ' uiR i-lass
V' ' uL,.,V-,""1' diiURhiiT of
" - s ili'lveiin Ha.vatd, of iii.'i
"a stieet, (ieimiiniown, left
1 " " fortnlslil'a sta.v ilu Hoh-
M alter llw.vuiie llcmlei-
v'liecn bine, lieiin.intovvn.
i dinner on Salnrdav eve-
i honor of their dniiRhte.,
Ileuilerson, before tlie
s.itmduy cvi'iiliiR danc-
I s
' 'I III
, 'h, r
'" lr v
-"1 .VIrs w
'vins Pmk,
hi partv
Mis .laincs Waller lluiiei-
I, I' lilt and Sltlisel lie..,, new
liave Issued liivllalions
"" li.iitv. followed b) supper
' ' ailton ou Apill :.
'I Mis Willi'.... I ... r
... I. Illllt'S Ol
, ',','. V.'11,1,';'"1 J!.'" 'nRaKunieiil
.. )";. '''h'linoi' llolm-s,
......in aioore. son or Mr.
INuk iloore. Wlliliu-ellff
at a kitchen show..,- ,,.i,i
"Hi li.trl , ,.i . . .. . -----.-.. M.i., i, -i i.iiii
!"'"he ( '' -' , Alfri''' ,W. Holmes,
,n "'" s l.inR flol""'s' u'l" ''" Plrtctf
''.ili'tli .leanex, d.unjhier of
-' k t .icnncH. of "in
rn ' I'd i .. i"1 , 'HV, toa' f'Ji' Mom
.'"' "'v Jl 'i'T" !"'r,' t0 llD
Kr""H I'ikI leei, ii. . "inner. of UB
",e"- d. it Iter 'M.,,,r',,,,t',"1 l101""- "f
tf '".-Ms ,o retnr. 'ol,,, Warrinor.
"Jiii ri'jv "turn to her hoinu on
i ,n
Mis, i,
'"i .tj,-.
S J flOWH. lluilO'lltn.. -. 1..
rnVn '; 'i Iloss. of 1731 SprtK-e
"'s'' pa, t of ,'v n ""lirr Kuest tbo
h'" in rr ', ,x. wce'-' ..mihh i;iua-
10 attend the lien "0n 'Slu wl" -n
mo Beaver camp reunion on
' ills, .lolm Ordwav Wchsier. imnieily
of WashhiRton. vvlio has been i'ie rucsI
I of .Mrs, Alan il.icl 'onnlil. of "J i:.isl
! Johnson street, has Rone to cbliauo to
I occupy her new home in that ,it,v
ilr. and Mis P.obeit Ii.iIrIIcsIi, li.'lOl
(iRoutx avenue, will entertain Infoininlly
' al 3no al their home this cvenliiR.
IThi'iH will he twelve uuests
j .Mis. lonveis Hiittou (Jrnhniii, Jr. of
i I'iihIui Iiik stieel.,euierlnliied infoininlly
at cauls at her home on Wednesday
I afternoon,
i ilr and ills .lolm Tl. Johnson, of
HU Last liiirliani stieet, will entertain
ai dinner at Hie fed.iibiook Country
club on Tbursdar evening. .March ;t,
ilrs llarr.v Davis. -j;n; I-;jint IliRliland
venue, will enKi't.iln Informally at
e.uilH at ber loin,- on .Monday cvenliiR.
Iler Rticstri will Include ilsH ICatherlne
Hraddock. Mrs dial les Solly, ilrs. Wal
ter II lielsrolb. ills. Ldwaid .1. ilur
iiiv, ilrs. James ilycis .Mis. Jl.itry
llrown and .Mis Walter I'ltZRcrahl.
Miss Leila ilacltit.v re will entcrl.iln
Infoiniallv at hvir home this afternoon.
The, Ruehts will liicludo illas Dorothy
MiirIII. ilHH .Mabel Marple, Miss .M.
dred Simons. MIsh ICvelyn Lacey, illss
lieoi-Rina SklrvliiR. Miss Alice Sneneer
illss Anni.'tln Van Huicp, illss l-'rances
ilacluc, illss Kloia HIrIi. .MIi-h ilineiva
ilivde and ill"H iil.id.vs Davl-
Mlss Helen iloutsoinci cnli I laln.il
nt a Valentine pail.v at her home on
Tu.'Hlav .'VenliiK The Rtiesls Incliiiled
iliss Hlad.vs llreiinnii, iliss Until Paul,
illss Helen Shepherd, illss .letiuie Hum
ir, Miss Ksthcr Schelrrey. Mis-. Chi.'
S.lieiire.v. illss llelene A I. .Minder, illss
Mai-Rlilet How-els. Miss Helen T.ippeu
ilins Mabel .Marple. ills.i Doiothy D"
Mi, tt .Miss 1 .11 1 lit M Sullivan ami .Miss
li.iv Atkinson
dan. c iv as rivi-i. b Hm .I'm "i
Council of I lei inn ntow n of ihe CnRie
Ration uh.iMiM I'lieseil al ileicmnle
Hall on Tue.sd.i.v evenltiR The . .-iminlt
,e ill ihaiRc Included Mr .losi-j.li I'll
nliv Miss Mae Hurwit. Miss . up
laker, illss Kdlth l.ov.v, Miss Id.ll.i IJ
Hurvvllz illsM .leaiiette ImviiIsoii Miss I
i.'.'.imie lluuer. ilr. .Morns II Stair, Mr
biam Dllow. ill' ilonioe S, Im
ilr Max Lewis and .Mr ' "l!' v
I'he Sisterhood of Hodf-pii Sliiiloin
t'onKieBiition will have - '"ounly 1'iilr
nt Mercantile, Hall on Thursday evcnlnR
1'Vbruary '-'I to commemoiale the mam
moth bazaar held by tbo ladles- of the
coliR.eKiition In 187 to help build then
prrHont house of win ship at Hroad and
Mount Vernon siieeis
Mis Alfred M l.ev.v.
In- 100 nersotis.
ai.. nml vim I. isle (J. Owens, of 48:1
Vortli Fifth Btrent, are recelvltiR ion
Rratulatlona upon tbo birth of a dnuRh
ter. KlUabeth .Inno Owenn, on Keh
ruarv 3 Mrs. Owens was formerly .Mlta
Kllziibeth JudRO Macllrlde
ilr and Mi'H Abram HerR 887 Noch
Tvvcnlv-lhlid slretd, will lie ,n Hoioe
o, Sundav from J until fiocloik hi
b innr of llm eiiRR''menl of their (laugh
ler MUH.tVani.elte, It. Here to il. Sid
noy S. Good, of Wheeling. VV, Va,
Jr. vfliose m.irriuije lo.u. iice him
ninth have tetunied fiom their weil
iIIiir Hii IbioiiRh in nib. tn New iork
Mis. Ciidwillader will I nemhi-ivd .is
iliss Helen Waslibinn I r advvnl
bidee. who s, ive.l ovi'ls. a- Im tMi0ill'.-.
I. .im, llv lived al J W-llniRton road
u atltactive .ib-utiii.- luudieon unil
cud pattv was imv.ii on iloiidav; bv
Miss Doiolliv Mltini.b ol SlotieleiRli
Court. Forty -;lr-i .i.ol Walnut streets. t
The RUests In bided lb- f-dlovv iiik: Mi -
Mirlnln D. Al r-li.ilL i'l-M Doiotbv il, -
'lees, Miss Knin,., M, Dw , II. M Ks Mil
died Keebli r. Mi Helen .Mil' adden I
illss Martha liowi'ian. Miss an.eti, I
lluvette Mi - ProvoM. Mrs -.dR-at'l
Mortis and ilis- Doioihv Min.ilcb
illss I'ora St il'-s .mil iliss Theicsal
s.il'les daiiubleis of ills. liio.Re Stiles
of llai'ultoii out i. Thut.vul.ill. ami I
I'liestllUl stieet ". ale e.Ui lla.lllllR HI
lorn'iallv in In .due tin- afternoon.
M,. I:;,. I W'.iRiic of J0 Sou. 'i
I'l.ltv -sei olid -lleil is kpelldlllK A lliollth
at iilaini I'1-'
MIH liladvs Main of ilni W.v nnew noil
I, 'id ei.iei.ai'i'd a. lull, heon and liv'
biiiid'ieil. on T.iMl.iv The Riiesis n
rluil.'d Mi' W Fi.iiiUIIii, Miss Csi.Ik
v' ii.i-.-ii ilis A.cher Devclln. M.s-1
Mlldieil I'-, bin Mis' .Miriam Do.olln
M' "hall il'"' ""'' MClecs. Mi
.Mae' Uui ' .".'I M,!M Ikiiolliv ilain
Maicr-Huber Wedding
,,i, cv 'veiiiliiiR took ilai e on Thills
div ill. i noon .it SI Johns Itcfol ined
Ch'uH'h l-'orllcth .Hid si'iiiiR Harden
si reels ,t i .In ii clock, when illss Isabel
Mi 8ni I' llilbcr. of 3'IJ Halt. more nvc
I, . le-, in..' lb- bride of ilr furl IM
vvai'd M.i l'i'. of YoiniRstown. (i. the1
lev in- Hobeit fi'lloyle ofllclatl.iR. A
H.-e'ptioi. followed Immediately after the
eereiuonv at the homo of tbo briilc'a
The bride, who was Riven In tuaiil.ise
hv her father, ilr. John F. Huber, wore
, row n of brown net t.ln.nied with die
'mile a blown but of in aline anil sin
'" " ' . . i, . 1 III..... Cl... I
, -uried ' ipnena his.-s ,,iiu u,,ii n. .-.in-,v'
is alleiuled bv a MMer of th.) brldc-
.MISS Alelle ..liner, o. vv line
I'a . lis maid of honor. Her
was of bin.' lalfela, with bal of
iline in miiespoiiii. ami sue car.-eu
.ill k I oseS.
Mr John Francis Huber, Jr. brolliei
of I hi. bride a, led ni best man.
Mte. an ,'V.le.iMve wedillllR trip ill
and .Mis Mal.i vvi'l live al ounRs
niiin. n w In i . Ilnv will be at hoiii '
uftrr' il.iv 1
croon i
ll.iv. n
bow n
s.do y7i1UI)fiMMMi
merai'54"lll'MIft -mmmt-
ww wjta. m jm.-r ii"
Tlie ch.ilrin in,
will bo a8.sit.ted
KOI' tsbi
its always
ready ojt 27010.
Eau de Quinine
insures lustrous, fragrant hair.
Women who desire to retain
hair beauty use . this refined
French Hair Tonic faithfully.
The superior quality of ED.
PINAUD'S .'distinguishes it
from all other hair dressings. It
is trustworthy.
At all Drug and Department Stores
American Offices
Try ED. PINAUD'S LILAC, the Toilet
perfume for everybody.
" n
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A i
fy 'A
CiZ. VA-V 'T ''T-"-Z
1 1
"Well, it hadn't oughter taste so good!"
Poor little broken-hearted Man Ann! Her mothor had Riven her a
slice of delicious Victor Bread, spread thick with solden Louclla Butter.
Then in came the little heart -breaker Robby. who lives next door. And
bobby, who knows a pood thing when he sees it. rather bluntly asked Mary
for a bite just one Utile bite.
Poor little trustinpr Mary had acted in pood faith. Now. iust feft how
hobby has deceived her: Look at the big "pigjry" hue ho hns'tiikcn! And
im: iimi-pKiiiicm, nau-reseniiui little liobby s onlv alibi is
oughter taste so gnod'"
"Well, it hadn't
Dry your tears, Mary Ann, for mother will ri'vo vou as many ulices
ns you wish. She knows that plenty of Victor Bread will make her little
Sir! plump and healthy.
iThk "v&ItPmJ "- ra
Children tlirive on it.
Vittor Bread stays fresh from
Saturday until Monday!
Our big new Asco combination Grocery and Meat. M(k?' '''tifelt
So. 10th SL, PkUadelpJiicu, is filling a long-felt want in Uiat Ucd(. Wave
you visited it yell
Asm Stores nil over IMiiln. and throuchnut IVnnsvlvanin, Si Jeroov. )olavarr nml Mnrylam".
iitoijujtikw&i&tai-& .,.4.. - .......wM.yftsfli
l.aSt-.J.jiAu ...iW.AsvU.. I
, Xh&s.
. '!
j,'4WMW) ,
- :,
-v, MH '.Ail.
j&Mv.LiM&'ji . -, ti.wisS,'
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