Vw "7vS w y "TTTfrPiM j t tA Pjp9 f r- '- V' JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fluncy llynno Tells of Attendance at Opera Last Night. last Meeting of Opera Supper Club for Season. Rummage Sale Today TIIK iini'ir(lMl cliaiiKc In npnn Invt , VhV.nHin.lnnoo. for tin- Iioiik.' wui ,., It'll. "Ill '"' CVCr' "nC '"yW ttcrllv." I""' ('vrr-v 0" u,lM ''"l. ,, .' l.rnr .'Inrriire Hn-lnn. Of ?, r"c. .'i rscnt ninny mwiple lire In the Smith. I"i l,l," ,,n' ,,hvn'H, c.nro1,ul '" -V. t hrir Iioitm or KontH to frii'mts nrul :.. ,iitM lo nil In tlii'tr "D'-i'Mcc, nun, i.i,ii- ilmt. ninny of Hip uoxliolilCi'M i..f nni coup tiwny. ' "Vi. iiKiirep N . Uiiltls lirexel was llroxel hern, nml h.i.l with her Hip 'Join 11 1.1 r nis nnil Hi" llnrtliii'i- (Jussn ts. Ami Tr iJrorp-Mi-rniMriiH nlrrtnlnu I Mr. , ,,i Mn Momi TIioiiihiiii. anil thi'Stcvp f'nlliniiiw I""! Anna ami .Tacit C'lncliorn n,M1''l'nn!i'',,Mi-'. "win... Hnrlon won ultli Dr. anil Mr- !pni T-hIpm Hnlicr. ' tl,pr. were f pmirsp. many other nSrti'" '1'1-p I'mal meet III? of Hip Opr-iu Siinticr Chit) wns hehl after the per fo . info, anil all tho tftl.Vw In tin; foyrr wef" "io.1p.I. I h.)io thpy will ltppp intunt nililitlimiil nltrni't ion to opera oxt season, for It .ortnlnly U iiIpu to en mi'talri wilhoiit Nloppliif? lo Ret all iluBki'il mill nrrhi!-Mhi).'il up mill hnvr ii motor t" wiiiip hotel nml then Ret all uiislioeil (I menn Miop.I, not hIkm!) oik) iinclimU'.l hefore ImviiiR a chance, to ilaaee ami Mill. Vcn niteii In yearn roiio hy joti .'iit 'rtrnlfilit homo after opera, hp ,.IUkC ii was too math bother to ro somewhere for mipper. The food ha l,cun delieloiii at Hip elub. Hip mim c line anil the Hour iinexcplled, sy 1 do nope It will bejicpt np. MKH. PHANCIH UHANT 1h wearing u very Rooil-ltmkliiR black Heal coat irlinm'il with heaver fur collar and tuffs The coat is a short pony IpiirHi nud liancs loose from the-nhouhlerH. Her l,nt i awfully becomlne. too, and Is a lirlL'ht UIiip M'l.mr. with a deep upturned brim, "hip W .specially bcroiiitiiR to hr. I think, nn'l l".)l "o well with her linlit hair. DID yoit know that tho St. Nicholas Day Nursery is to have ft hucc iiimmnRO sale which will Ih-rIii today nnd last tomorrow and Iriday.' "'' lo me Hint tiiiniiuiRi'i have sort of died down this winter nml for that reason I will certale'v hie me to this one. fniiup whW Well, since there hnve not ,ccn so niiin there will have born more 10 contribute to this and who knows but I may purchase me a diamond necklace or a set of ltiisslan sables! You know the story of the poor husband, who boupht him a new ulster lor evening wear, lie forgot to mention the fnet to his spouse and simply liniiKi'd the old one from its ti'RUlur nook in the coat closet. rho It to his vitet for n present nnd buns the new ""well, his wife lind lone wished that he would get a upw uM.'r but hn.t found u hard to force him to the tailor, ho thought she I'll send that old ulster of Dick's to thp riimmncpjinil then be II Imie t" Im a new one." A din or so after the rummaec Dick ame home and as lie huue up his hut , , vet emit lie noticed the emptv book ,.,.. Hie ulster had been. "Oh Molly. , , he "iin miii know who moved my ulMei''" "N')v." thought Molly, Mb ip nmper moment." So she said: "Win. dear. I know ou wont mind, I it Hint old ulster of yours was such n sislit 1 just gave it to the rummage in- ule dm . because you really must i .i le-w- one." And then and only hen -lie learned that she had given in Hie sale n nml which nu further in- .ttgatloii she found bad been sold t, r lb e sum of 10. wlierens friend hus band bad paid $11)0 for it just two short u.-U before. .... , Ulin i all goes to show flint it is safe i.. . , nothing from your wife, and n'.o ,.nie-i thai Ifs worth while going in i ni-iige nle. because what is one nil s elephant Is often ft perfect lap ilng f,u ou. and who knows but what on iniiv tlud a In nml new suit for I Mm and a few other marvelous birgams there. The snle of whi. h I speak, by the ni is being li'-l.l at Seventh and I histnni streets, nud the olheers of the li.n Nu. er an- Mrs. Charles II. 11 u II pte.iil.nl Mrs. Wllmee Mid .l!,.tn vice incident : Mrs. A illiam Clin hi lain. nd Icp president Mr I.n , II Cl.itliier. Jr.. treasurer, and Mi- David Mllis. -per.'tiiry. NANCY WYSWn. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ,m li f lilt II I. Sli W.lU'lMlll Of Y.' n sin I ,. niir Hl.wi .Milr. will Kle run siimil.it .wiling. IVbrunlv 'II 27 li.iiioi ,.f MIsh Helen lliine Alison. dmiltiiMi ,, Mr. mid Mis Aim P Ml im vii, . ingngem.nl in Mr Hubert rt, tni i, is in i nl iv iiiiimiitu'i'd Mr Mil Mr- siteii.niN.in will also entertain n i ,Ihi. i mi Thurs.la.N. Febriiaiy -I-i i in In- I'.miiwil ai the .s-kntlng V I ., '! - .in, t F i 'ope daughter of Mrs " i I i'ni, ,,f .0.1 K.isl .liihllH'in Stlett. , i, it 11 be the gu-st of hnii-ir i- , iimi-i mi Tliuiidav evening to lie r i i.t li-is . .idwiil.uli i- -u her Imnip. ' ' .-I Hlli.-t Tin- IllleSlll will ln- M s-, Fi.uit.H F. Wlsier, MIhh 1 li 1.1I11111111. Mls.s Helen Cadwala i Mi llui ne .InviK Mr Joliu Wlieet- s'' "f lloslun : Mr. Hniibl S.itage rr Mi vi. is de Schaumsec. M .itnl Mrs' i:mllo C Opm liu will n'lii, ti.iii their wedding trip i.irh ' 1 i. . mil w ill 1 .11 ia hi nl the hmii' ill- M-llu's p.irPiitH, Mr nml Mr 1 I ! in i)-,,n II, lines ISIT He l.-im-'-1 "-1 fnr .1 j.ln)it time In foro iici-Ulit -c ili 11 honi" "Treg.irU-U," Devon trs ' 'tin In fnre her wnl.llng on Feliruaij ins Miss Cei-ilv W H.unes Mr mil Mih HaiiiuH and I heir hon Ii ILkinptnn II 11 lies, have left for a ""Ii "ir trli in FI01I.I.1, wht'ie they e '" ' tu 1 i-tiMi iii nl, uiil tin pii weeks An 11 i.n .si tig (leliuliintp of next sea o 1 ' II l,e Miss N.in.-y Htoughten, uMi'i-r i-f Mr ami Mrp AugiutilH U s'o mil.. ,1 ,,f i;.it Washlngioii lane "iiM.iiiwn who will be piesented to 'ui-icit in iur i,iit.iiH In tho autumn. Mi - lliiiin.ih M I'.lllou, daughter of "olon. ,im Mis William .1. lCllloit, of 17 Ki inn Sm.-i nt.ii-nth street, will lm "on. ui't ,f,.-inteil to hoi Ictv by her ri.jjfnts it a (,.,, ,.,iy I,, oi mber. Miss i I ion ho is at iileseiit a Hlildent nl Wesiov, i-, -mi i,.t, j, i, for the Hakler lOllilayu Mrs P.nliiir Inike and her two sons. Master AiiRk-r u lirtl.o and Master An- ""iy lli.l.ll,. Duke r Urvn Muwr. will 'i. ni- toil t f,- .m , ,.,, Fla, where iii I ni - mih hpenil nter.il weeks as '1i gii. .i ii M,M will,.,,,, Thaw at her iter , ,i,,i, ,t,s 1,,,1,,,'h .hiidren will 'Mnd tin rtiii.iiini,,. of this month with liiPtr Ki.tiiiiii.ii, inn, Mr. and Mih. II N "'ike, ,u f,t ptiorsbmg. Fin. Mih '.uk reiiii-1,.,1 MNieid.iy fiom a wt-ek-fna stay , inl vlirti Mr ,,,! .IS i'i,niies M. I,ea and W il.iinht.r .Miss Kalh.iiine .' l-c.i. wes'liii,,, ii, ton, who nie spending wbiei .it n, lielleme-siiatford. iu- ii-mm'""' 1,v Nl,ss Maignivt lleiu-lnil i' , I U: Walnut stieet, left tes- 'ikforr "'1 ''s,,'nH'Xo lr,l' through Mr .in j, Samuel Tlevlne Win-. nt I ' S'lUIll ClL'llte.-ntli Hfi..i. r 'a lain II linilK.. n.illt nl llt.il. on o .11 uoii. in,, p., , honor uf 'Koi' r Mih, Minim. Wiirrlnei , .' k-i mi nnd WiiHliliiKtiin lm il.it. 1 Mi i,,Ki. ,;,,,e, ,,, " 'I u ii find in oi-eupt tin " '-"'I. - pin i-nls. .Mr. 1. 1 nl .. ....... ....... ... ...... ' ii en f. .i- or "iii-onii II M.iwi. at tl,,, iii,oiu in u M ,1,1, 15 I'lnil nml I, I'll null, i n. 'II tills ntlulliuuii "S at " l 'I S "") iiituiumllv after 1 o'clock at 1530 I'lno dtrcft enrili Imvp lieen sent out, No Mrs, FMlvIn Tallinn flrahn.. n..1 l.M .laughter, Mlsii Oerlruilo A, II. OriUmm, of 1718 Hpruco Btrect, who hnve been micnillnK ft few dnytt In Atlantic Pity, Jiiivo returned to their home. Miss Urn ham, who will ho a debutante, of next winter, will be presented to society at a ilanco lo be Riven by her jmrentM on brlday eveillnn, October 28. Mrs, Hhennnn 8. Jowelt, of Uuttalo, who ban been entortnlncil nH Hip ciifst fJr ,a.co.'. of Mrs- A- I'lneolh Steelman, of 1321 Hpruco street, lins returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Inward lunperlch Smith, Jr. of Holt road, Wyntierteld, will Iphvp tomorrow for u trip to Miami. Flo., w-lioru they oxrct to remuln for several weekrt. i. ?lr" 1;,r.J!t"lT? .J- a'avc of Mnn helm and WMusahlckon -nvenue, (Jerinan town, and her daughter, Minn Charlotte Mne (IriivpH, who tmvo been npondlmr a week n Atlimtlo CMty, havo returned lo their homo. Mrs. I'opo Veatman, of 1118 Hpruco stii-et, wlio lia been vlsltlnir her huii, Mr Pout, eatnuin, Jr.. In Indiana, re turned to her homo lout nlKbt. ALONG THE READING Mr. and Mr. Joseph U JoneH, of Jen K ntown, havo issued Invitations for a llniicr, followed by-a dance, which thev will Bivu on Kebruary 22 at tho Old J.i .-f?n'! Countrv club In honor of ;.,,.. """"cui .iinmicu ana Mr. Daniel Wliltoman, wbohe murrliiBn will tnko l, S '.". SIarch. Their RuentB will In clude Mr. and Mr. William T. Uuck. Mr nnd MrB Uaynrd C. IMcklndon, Mr. and Mtu. John O. Kelndtleen, Mr. nnd i!r,-i.,,?i?! K K'tto, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ii. Mftthleu, Mr. mid Mrs. Howard W. AVnllon. Mr. and Mm. William C. Wll llamnon. Miss Charlotte Mclilan, Mies Marie Moe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph I .-ones. 3d, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Miller, Mr. Joseph Kerrll, Mr. Isadora Kolndel "? Mri Wll'ter Murch, Mr. W. King vfu- Mr;..A- - " Itelnliold. nnd Mr, William Wulton. "Mliia Iaura C. HalneB, of Doylestown, Vsi-Pp.n .nB.l fow wlo ns the guest of frlendj in this city. GERMANTOWN r..n r.??'l -r."- 9,,or' '' Uitnbrook. of j i uuveocn avnue. 41.111 l..n... tomorroue i BnAnj . .'-..- rr llnlai lit ii "" io WCCHB Ul inC i'?n.J;:?al.fonte" Atlsnlo City. Mr. cen? iRncBs. convalsc,!nt rrom hl r- itlr. and Mm. Slnnl.u irm.n.n mm lor n ii. .,' ..i"' i-ereuson .Mil- some .h1 n,Uh J!lnn-' nro. Jh0 B"0"1" for ,;m,,.tll,n,? of their aunt. Mrs. Hcberldn, of J24 West Gravers lano. r-1 ..,d ' ? "etl Pttri K ftnd "" ehower wan ..iV.. . '" J1,ssos LAngton on Hat Hf.y aftcrnon at hflr home. 4830 Oer SPBntanS".6' in. hmot of Miss Kara pnSSL.m?J.d 'i183 -I1"1 Bcanlnn. whose nounoed. Those present wore Miss Isa tfSl Mis. Mary Walsh. Miss MftB iw, Wl8h.' of 8henandoah, Pa. i Miss Anna. Mario 8canlan Mlsa Mary hcanlnn, Mls labcl Scanlon, of Oer ""''S" ! M'a Sara Scanlan, lilsa Anna .Scanlan. S Isa Helen Mullahey, Miss Mary Lnngton and Miss Klln.r iAngton. 2Irw,rMr,, Noll,on QuIIck. of Lr4mineSt VtrttnJ,,lrcet' entertained In forma ly at cards at their homn nn .Saturday evening n,, gug,,, ncludud Miss Lnwllsh Mr. and Mrs. William Mcncko nnd Mr. Wallace Cooper. Miss Delamour Furlon, of 3421 Kelm street, entertained Informally at her homo on Saturday evening. Among tho PulHt.s ,woro Mls" Mabl l'Mrlong, Mlsa H1?,01 J.InVc- MSB "Jol Brown, Mlso Mlllan Immcrman. rtlea Flora klnsel, Mr. I.eu Dalley. Mr. Frank Durron and Mr. Howard Furlong. NORTH PHILADELPHIA A surprise eweet 'sixteen nartv waa given Saturday night bv Mm. n v. uuck, or of 2429 West Cumberland street lu honor of hor daughter, Miss Jean- neuu uncus, oinnaay. Among those present were Mlsn Iaura Vlnlcur, Mlsa nose Qoldfarb. Miss Hoso Hlrshfeld, MIsh nuth Lapan, Mlsa Min nie Khalnlleld. Miss Bertha Hhamberg. Miss Mae Ullok, Miss Anna Ullck, Miss Henrietta Ullck Miss Klste Weinman, Mr. lipiijamln Hasklns, Mr. Julius Hus key. Mr. Harry Oottlleb, Mr. Howard Kolbcs,. Mr. Phil Hlmplro, Mr. Maurlco Schwartz, Mr. Jack Schwarti:, Mr Ixiuls Dublnnky. Mr. Samuel Dublnsky, Mr. Maurlco nrulcer, Mr. Samuel Silverman and Mr. Samuel Iivlck. Tho alumni of tho Hehrew Sunday school will give a dano this evening at the Philadelphia Turgemelnde, Ilroad street nnd Columbia avsnuc. Dr. U, L. Urown, of 1828 West Tioga, street. Is spending a few weeks at Palm Hcach, Fla. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. mid Mrs. Tack Auohlnleck, of 34CO f-ouui (inrnec nirosi, win entertain in formally at their home tomorrow after noon hi honor of the third birthday of 'heir small dnuxhter. Miss Betty Auch Inleck. Tho guests will Inctudo Miss Kitty Auchlnleck, Master Jack Auchtn leek. Mls.s Cathernne Marie Cnffery. Miss Agnes Adnms, Mlrs Mary MoICeon, Miss Rmlly Dock. Master Oliver BocK, Miss Mnrlc Qutnn and Miss Catherine Qulnn. Friends of Mr. Thomas Uooncy. of :M3G South Chftdwlck street, will be glad Irribthw lor Awiict- Modtrste I'rlcc -m:.tY tl Write r rhese It KarrTd r NiM BwaplM. i ROYAL ENCKAVING CO.. 814 Wtlnl U rasrK?KswJ8 1 Announces iJoMliiiP nifi, iltt and prr Iho lonattu tunerlntend maktnv 0 racn and extry garment. vj7V ---- m I A'fvK A K rVif SajKiB!iSBiiiW- EYflNteTG', PUBEIO v LmfeB-yHItADEpPHrA, WEDNESDAY, iprjasnsm&wypi- jfmSHL S'?!5rRsw?fr7rT'" -j to lenrn Hint ho Im recuperating from hl recent Illness. The Tim Phi Gamma Sorority, Accord Club, will give nn Informal dance on Sat urday evonlng In the Hose Harden of the Hellevut-Strntford. Thu following coin iiitlen and members are lu charge: Mlsa Mabel I.uker, Miss I.dltli Kirk. Mhn Carolyn Turner. Mlsa Helen Hcelzer, Mr. Walter Cleeland. Mlsa Helen Schneider, Miss Margaret McAllister, Miss Helen Lewis, Miss Charlotte Wil kinson, Miss Mary Pettlt. Miss I-ucy Penrose, Miss Hsther Hlch.irdson, MUs Helen Plckar.l. Miss Lillian Hrooks. Miss Gertrude (Jarrodd, Miss Mildred Gal lagher, Mlsa Klliabcth Dippy, Mlsa Mary I.aurer, Miss Allco Boardmaii. Miss Hulh Htonsbury, Mlsa Dorothy Scattergoo.d, Miss Dorothy Harris. JIlsii Kvelyn Decu man, Miss Vlr, Pettlt. Miss lCttello Plck nrd and Mlsa Marie Plckard, A miscellaneous shower was given on Mondny evening In honor of Miss Ve ronica Splauc. at her home, 1514 Illtner street Among tho guests were Miss Iletty Carlln, Miss Christina Lenti. Mlsa Mary Hplane. Miss Helen MoFarland. Miss Nan McFnrland. Miss Mitrgniet Doverenux and Miss livelyn MtBBlck. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Uurna nro being congratulated on the birth of a daughter, Marjorio uurns. mtb, uurna win oo re membered na Miss Madellno Conahan. WEST PHILADELPHIA LeH Olseaux will meet at tho home o Mlsa Kate Felnberg und Miss Frnncus Fclnbcrg, 254 Soutl. Fifty-fifth street, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Georgo Stiles enlertnlned Infor mally at two tables of bridge at her apartment In the Hamilton Court on Saturday afternoon. NORRISTOWN Announcement is made of thu en gagement of Miss Helen Dorothy Burlt, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Edwin Stan ton Burk, and Mr. Wilbur Knylor Mc Keo, son of tho Hcv. W. IC McKce of the Greentree Church. Mr. McKee lu a graduate of the Norrlstown High School and of Urslnua College. Mrs. N. Howland Drown, of Do Knlb street, entertained at auction brldgu In nonor of Mrs. J. Newton Hunsbergor. Jr., of Oermantown Mrs. Hunsberger was formerly Miss Florence Tinkler, of Norrlstown. There wuro twelve gubsts. Mr. and Mrs John Hoey of 324 West Marshall street, are receiving congratu lations on tho birth of a son on February 3SSSSS332S: pwMMvaM - " r --T- - -.- m The Rational Way to Eliminate Excess Fat The easy natural methods of the Collins Institute which combine exercise, baths, mas sage, deep breathing and re laxation soon restore you to your Natural Weight and promote buoyant Health. Trial Demonstration Treat went Gratis COLLINS INSTITUTE For Women Exclusively Bellevue Court Building 1418 Walnut Street Phono Spruce Gi8.', Next to tho Hellevuo-Stratford r.....uf.f.mmf.w.: M. .1. -. W MMH - - ' MB-; Willi wk n xmBmM ! mHlllllalHiwllV V &. BBBBBBBBBBBBK 4jx it'S V? t .??'?- & PdMlNlC lm Wdmwt St His Newest Spring Suitings at Considerable Price IMPLIC1TY is the forecast suit is giving: way to the strictly tailored with the tight, mannish sleeve. DOMINIC, originator of strictly tailored mannish coats, offers many new conceptions in which the appeal of beauty and individ uality find expression. Every garment expresses the master mind that created this style as well as the personality of the wearer. Regular $125 Spring Suitings $ ? ? and Sports Models, now iJ IncludiiiK tho newest fabrics from the best weavers both home und abroad. $12 and $15 White Wash Skirts, now $10 $40 and $50 Cloth Skirts SST'' now $30 $150 Silk Suits flatiiaT"" now $100 PllfflliJlffllililllilllllllIIHil m wy MISS MAMAS' TAYLOK Daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. William .1. Taylor, of IH'JS Pino street, whose en gagement to Mr. Charles Willing lias been recently an nounced. Miss Tay lor has gone tn Italy to study volco culture for several months :.wzm&i: i. h''m& Photo by J. Mltrhell lllllnt 12. Mrs. Hoey before her innrrlage was Miss Margaret Swallow. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Starkey, Mrs. Jean Goodman, Mr. Thomas Goodmnn nnd Mrs. Anne Solomon, of Philadelphia, were guests of Mr nnd Mrs. Horace Moer, of 310 Slantirldgc street. FRANKFORD Tho Y. W. C. A. conference will be held this afternoon at the Central Meth odist Church, Orthodox and Grlseoin streets, when Mrs. John Grlbbel, presi dent; frr, Hiirnh Miller, chairman of the Frankford branch; Mlsa Kstlier Hawcs, executlto secretary of tho cast-oentr.il Rely on Guticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles floite!f,0!stT!nt to ioi,TIca!ntw. dw,!l.IUmilMOfttU,Dtpt.X!Ul".'i. Leupold & Beltz Ladies' Tailor and Dressmaker (limns of All Description r.jccllcnt WorkniunMilo .Mndprutr I'rlffn 1713 ARCH STREET EUO flRg hop SPECIALISTS IN MUSCLE STRAPPING far flnhliy rondlllon nr rACK VIOI.KT ItAY HrAU TRKATMr.NTS KAPNEK & KAPNEK 1615 Walnut Si. a Phwi; Home 4201 JOSEPH PRAGER " Tailor lor Womtn Aftiici 928 Chostnu St. Prager Imported English Tweed Suits Now Rtidr to Tilor to Yonr Meinre $ IVIthoutn q u e st Ion of doubt, t h o s 0 garments rep r n n t tho lilKlieit aunl. Ity that cn be bought lo Ony for this low prlco. Doth Itdi'DS thoir out 0 tmm same dny. Your o it' ti riii(rriil tailored. ..;&tj..jy.xJMS3SK8BSBir Savings for spring suits. The fancy up Jzrxnwirz&rst ttiftw '-" iW jij 1 T"tn PL to field! MIsb i Lour Tfoun. city secre tary, hnd Miss Helen Ilutton will bo the .llenltem for Ihn nnnmlnr. fr. rinr.nl I 1 11. I)unt n will bo hoBteis. A llnner will bo serM-y, in chargu of Mrs, fi. M. Jeanl 1 son. nfter tho moetlns. nr. ami Mrs. r. J. Hang, of 1844 Or iliodox Mtrcit, hnve returned from a trip to Florida. MIjb Minerva Stlllwoll, of Arrott !:JX. J? "1'endlniT several wcckB In V Ilkcs-IJarre vlBltlns relatives. Mr, nnd Mm. Chnrles nunnet, Jr., are receiving congratulations upon tho birth of n daughter, DELAWARE COUNTY Dr. Martin W. llarr. of tho Pennsyl- m?i-i iTrn!nl$K School for the Keeble- minded nt lwyn, waB the fruest of i. ul "P rntertnlnment nnd reception lit. i ' ''e rncuuy and oincerw or the school on Wednesday evening. Dr Harr. iVJP. . I.''rn Krnnted a six rnonthi" cay of nbsencc, will sail for Honolulu Tr.n. itf0.r.'1 trl" throunh China and Cnlfornln" I:lwyn on Thursday for .A.i?.nnca-,;.ln 'M B'v,n bX 'he Junior nieii bera of the Woman's Club of Media on Saturday ovcnlnR Mr. nnd Mm Ticaa r rii,ia.Srnftnn r.n,A....l 7 I .. -""? . ,U,OVl,, ..r . ..".V". '"liner, followed bv a card ' iil ' ,1,olr home' I" Moylan. a fow .mi Wl" nf.0'. tllp Ku,Ht'' Includlnir Mr 4 it rr- . f'1 ,ocn' Mr' ""A Mrs- Kl-ard 1 i.M el? 1,on' Mr- 'and Mrs. Loul. Hoss .It Ip. Mr nnd Mrs. J. Pollock Murta I and Serffeimt Onllaghcr. A (lanco Wnn irlvm. nn Cn.ii.lo.. . !.' ," IY 'h'.lunlor section of the Worn an h Club of Hwarthmore, i'T.tl? nnnu;i1 mcetlnr of tho Dolnwnre L ntJ, .njroo, of Women Votern wns held nt the Media Clubhouse a few dnvh-Vi."- -..."l?" !h0!,e wl,o nttended were "Wn"ter W Pharo. Mrs. John Claud Ijcdford. Mrs, Paul Lackcnmaycr, Mrs. (..iHiird HartHhorne, Mrs. John I, Far r II, Mrn. Klwood J. nieUlnson, Mrs. A ,ntmV",..70'i,,..'M.r', Walter Iloblnsoi. ?!.." J!r.!'- Salter H. Corhran, Mts William Ward. Jr., Mrn M M. Young The Beautiful in Gowns Depends on Fitting Style to Type THE Springtime assemblage, of Frocks and Millinery, for every occasion , gives wide latitude in choosing the style that heightens individuality. Prices are moderate. r 'iqejqi rnt :nr- ifti-iwi .p----- H. W. DERBY CO. 13TH STREET AT SANSOM "PATSY," $13.00 nrown and Gray Suede Calf 'Such a pretty new Spring Pump and so reasonable." Prices Always the iftgini -aoaoi iiiiTOMiiiiii:irii I George Allen, inc. 1 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 I a . g! Delightful Spring Millinery I I on Display ai Allen's I 1 A fresh collection from our own workrooms of the very new- H E est French copies und recent desiens, all by our own artists. I g Lovely Straw nnd Silk lints in the new poke models new R snilors nnd turbans. They are very fascinating with their trim- S mings of fruits nnd guy Spring flowers. I $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 I Harvard Mills Underwear, Reduced 1 Glove-Silk Vests and Bloomers, $2.95 A "Peelnl purchniio ennbU-s un id clTer 'h's "NCiptlon.illy flnp Kriule of Olnvr Silk fnrtcrwrnr of n wfll-krran nuiho at this remirlni,i low jirlec. '-'"a,linu' French Chenille Dot Veilings I'hll;(li'litila'n finest niiHortmon' In 'v r. nt Mlen'H Dotu of nil Hl7.es anil klmlH on self.color ini'Hlira r n smart contniatlnir eltertH Tli Intcsl fuililon (1core.H of J'nrl. ,u I h. n nt 'Allen's. "rcin. Allen's entire been reduced to only neprnuiiiie kiuvph nr to iriililtiB re of tho best; tho proilui niaiuifnctururs. Tori.i H prioeti nro lower uy i the amorimoni m compieie. Scrap Baskets, Reduced to $1.00 l-'iim-v Scrap HaHkets and Japanexi Hamtn..i HuketH In mahounnv tlnmh They were formerly J1.60 iukI J ;o hplemlldly marto hasketi iiml muHll half prlco Allen's Wonderful Assortment of Ribbons have been reduced to replacement values When in quent of a illMeillt nhade of nhhon i.n th rijr ou Uiunv will lio hard to match, trv Allen's first, for Philadelphia's finest ansoit ment of ItlhhotiN h here nd Allen's are Uiioimi for fnlr prices Plain Dot l.lncerle Hilibona In while, unl and blue; washable of course, 10 yard pieces. No. 1 nldlh, 08e plrrei No. 1'J, 0o plecei No. I width, 1.33 n pleeei No. 3, ll.US n pleer. HiiHeliiiil delBii In line quality washable llnpiTle ltlbbon. 10 J'ftri pieces; whlto, pink or bluo No I width, UOo il nine) No. 1', (l.iiO a piece; No. 3 nlillh, J1.50 u plerej Nn. .1, 93.00 ii piece. FEBRUARY 16, 1021" Mrs. Hownrd Mndy, Mrs. W 1 rar.tu hatBon, Mrs, John B, C. Hnrvcy, Mib. AValter Iloblnson Johns nnd Mrs Alex ander U Oenry, Heuer-Dapp Wedding The wedding of Mls Marlon Louise I Dapp, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles I'ajip, of r,!M(l York road, Oik Lime, and Mr. Itlehar.lH John Heui-r, of Toil Wnyne, Intl., son of Mr and Mrs. Henry Heuer. of 116 (Inw-.u avenue. Mt. Air took plnce yesterday at 4 o'clock at the home of the brides par. nts The lte Mr Fisher, of the Lutheran Seminar... officiated. A small reception followed, after which Mr. and Mrs. Heller left for Ilcrmuda on their wedding trip, nnd up'jn their return will live at Fort Wnyno lnd Freedom Party Mr. and Mrs Vincent Vlolatitc enter tained at a freedom party for their son. Mr Pafuuulc Vmlniiti, In honor of his twrnty-nrat birthday on Sunday ee nlng a. 6 o'clock at their home, 190fi .South Fifteenth street. The guests In cluded Mr. Jos.ph Vlolnnte, Miss (Irace Vlolnnte, Miss Mary Vlolnnte. Mr nnt Mrs Antonio Mobillo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sil vio Oallo Mr. and MrB Joseph Puea Mr and Mrs Ilenjnmin M.itlo. nvmbni of the family, and Mr. Frank Slmlonc Mr Mndeatc Smllarl nnd Mlrs Mlllnn Slmlone, of New York , Mr. and Mrs Antonio Mnrlno, Mr Pns.iuale Aelnnpurl. Mr Knit st Kalnnflrla, Mr Frank S-ilnn-(lrla, Mr Henrv Knufrmcn, Mr John Persante. Mr and Mrs Lnilln Tron ccllltl. Mr and Mrs Joseph Troncellltl, ? iii nt i. n 1uVirn.- I Jim nifn Mi.'n n t SM nn llank s... j-,,,.,- I -7;- ED;Mb 1302 Walnut Street Lowest for Quality - iftT-tm 30E30! Glove Stock has new price levels ne r..inu it Allen B : material m.i t of rellalilo American and rre'ii. " " - ornparmon than an where in toun. Mr nnd Mrs. Vincent Troncellltl, Mr. nnd Mrs John Troncellltl. Mr. nnd Mrs, Joseph Ml In no, Mr nnd Mrs. Joseph nnrblrrl. Miss Lena Annstaslo, Miss Hose Aimstiislo, Miss Francis Pugllnee. Mr, Tony Pugllnce, Mlfs Mlllln l.uccl. MIks Helen Spina. Miss I!hsIc Uva Miss Thersa I vn, Mls Julia l.uca, Mils Mar garet McKay Mr F Mosse), Miss Arm s Tursl, Miss l,lly Jordan, .iflss l-niziilietli Jordan. Mr nnd Mrs .lolin lie Flllltil. Mi- Frank .Mniinavlto. Mr Arlston nlo HI I-iormio, Mr nnd Mrs James Fnleettl Miss I'oncettn FnlceUI nnd Mr. Samuel Fnleettl. I'lIII.AUI.'I.I'tMA'S M1ADINU Tltt:ATlirt3 Direction ,f LUIi . J J. Sill liKIll "A" SHUBERT $1.50 MAT. 1 Miritt l 1IMMl:IISTI.tN M 'no riu'.ir hit i if IN A MUSIGIRL COMEim ?!&&& ME. "I'll. !,. i,r Hi ir n uf M Hhnv 1'ui'llt l.lKif uirl ' Hlxs-lnl Mn( Witililngt'in s Illrllnloy vvVNsvl.vWv LAST 4 NIGHTS 'VS8SSN,V ?eir WEST i 'TH &GN rsyiDtPe CHESTNUT ST. y, 5 ' Last Pop. Mut. Todny ;$ I.50' 4 UJttK? ONLY sir's nui'MPit ro.Mriiv 'nui'MPit mm WITH HAI. I)HDK s,M ASH Ti11.111.sA MAxwi.t.i. fONovnn K".".'T,.'.V roI'l''K inUHMNIl TKIUIT MI.I.I. MAlUirnHITi: nnt t-'UAKK OILI. JOHV 1'AIIK JOHN DI'NHMrilK ANI) AM. Till: MA.VV OTlllIltrl Dlri-rt uftnr i monlho nt CnHltio Thutre,N Y. SEAT SALE TOMORROW JIniiil.MHt Wanhlnutoirii IllrthilHy LYRIC LAST 4 NIGHTS EVGS.. 50c to $2.50 () Snt SEf.WYN'8 Gl AIIANTUHU Hl'CCCSS BOrlAlD PtCCY RALPH I mm IN THE MCnRY MUSICAL PUAV D D Last Pop. Mat. Today";"' $1.50 NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW Mft"!" INffflOD-lHr CT UL7IM -INTERtST- 7AeSELWyNS present ylMI WL SmilitiThroutifT 'ia ,.,, . T- Holiday Mat WanlilnstonB Hlrthday Adelphi Pop- $ 1 .50Mat.Tomor, ltEU. 2 MAT SAT EVGS. 50c to $2.00 (,:;7l) Th Orcatijt Ciinifily Trlumrh InVi-in ;ikw&m THiMasr VfiAYItlAMUiXA SPECIAL MAT WAKH'TO.S- IllllTHDAY WALNUT LAST WEEK MATINEES TODAY H SAT T 16 HAmb"caA?torAb'"t WALTER AMPDEN faming of the Shrew Merchant of Venice Tonight n .it ir a ThursIay NtKht uturfliy Mittir F,M"yNh, Svant Hamlet in the House SEATS NOW ON SALE Limited Enpapement, Feb. 2 1 Mnlinrrp, TufU'liiv iW.inlnn . 1 ) 1 n h 'I x y I TlVilii'mMj nn.l Sulurdnv rnir,i:! M:ht.. st Mat nml Ho u.im. Klmt Floor J.'l nrvl ; n Hic . jn $; HSn. t IKI-rnp 1W.1 Mai Pirn' l-lnnr 52i Iin..- 2 -.n .' nn i -,n n nn r.v l'HONK oimi;ns si hol-hu in advance KlCHATin !.T"V 7-I.T V I'li.n't GUY BATES POST "THE MASQUERADER" cast HEi.wrrn rpR whbids Torn l'roiluctlon ln"'udc mailM- .! mb'c rFMilMnn MtaKm, tine ppIpI mc mnlrnl rrewt trlp.t rlfitrlcil equipment, run "ei th-ej iar to tmni-port now to ORHF.n n ii'ki.th iiy mail now Semi cl C1U or ;i.ii.f l!Vi v ne' nnl r In manutcr ot tho Walnut bt Theatre for the ! uinount or tit k.' l urTi h.. ri.rs u..r mi. of 10 pi-r rent Unciune rf If-uil lrew 1 MtampeJ enolnJte t iV'id er or "n lum or addresn. Mali order filled In or ler r ieled. You ii'UB OMild vritl'lr.ji in linn at the tlckai 'Nlll'IOH MOTIIDI'OI.ITAN Orvra tl i - Unr 4 i..H j timi:m d.mi.x- j .in mr 7 ,t n r.vjs Mhunii I'nurm n Nri-i htm of M3I1. IllIt.Jl.SH illll.xi DKAM.V Roseland Dancing Broad and Columbia Ave Oil I Ml I V lll.Ur rMIAIU:T TOMi.HT Ki.'UlN A NikM in New irk Private Instruction "k!,nonl, Inamoi .1 I JANE P. C MILLER , Conservatory. 1028 Chestnut St I nAlirUl-r'' "'" ,n, 1 uuhuixo ;;,',. Ii 'ilrrn'n rinmiaa mil l?llit c Dune- ' '"' I'l I'm l:ea 11-e.s i".(; n:n. .... MILtllsr FRIEDA HEMPEL llrl I'ki t Sopinni t,f Meiroin i.n, u,irl , (.0 Tn le'i ut AiinJmny mitl lb .pe a 1 IJU ''h 'IU Street A' H MY Ml II' 1 NEW YORK g SYMPHONY B! ORCHESTRA S I IiAMV.HSi'll , is'iiivrriK BIPFOPLES KKSHINl.TON AVCM'l: 4 s i rLurLLJ , rMMi;, SSI) STm.KT' I M VTlNKi: TiiI'XY BON-TON GIRLS CASINO FOLLY TOWN I WORLD'S MUSEUM llih 4 M.rt.l f I I ONTINl'III H It A M to III P M. , bomt'tu'vo nttv r rtiT wi:bh llKOCADLKO V.l,i ,L',S J'Utii4 w'"' Wl teirBMM f z S GV I la i (j Ml Pj ; MrMIPAC-I !l WM iypDoiii iit&iPZfS vg S 4SaEB9t5 JALKU30 zmntuv Wain II II Ail fllltl m m ,IHII3 ' 9 WOltLD'O MO.1T llEAUTIFUl. THEATpJl MARKET AT 19TH THIS Wl;l-;u II A M lo tl tfl P it. A l'AIIA.MUL'.NT I'IKBT HHOWINO I homas Meighan 1N A 'iAt'-'.'-rt MAIU.M I HUULCriON ! ronticr . Stars Udnl Mummi Aline Hon duprrma AMlllll'A'ri l-A.MULU HAMS UAIIlTONIl henri bLO rr VI Kl.ltl.MJ oi-AI, GliMH LiHoriilfl.j Nuriuuii.Jiiig i'ioarin. lneludlnt UL'tJ'U.ll KI.A1U.S In "Till. riCAHKCIlOW" Slunle i-o.ii-rt UrOicatru nml l'rolo0 It A M to u V. M -Entire llalcony 33o Orchentrn, f.Oo nvnNis'OH At-rnit u octiOcic t HATLIIUAYS AND 1IOLIDAY8 I llnlmni Mle , Liwn- Floor, T&o NEXT WEEK. nnST .... . I'llEHUNTATION rjHAKI .IK CHAP M "TIIB KID" CT A MTHM maiucbt An 1 lOTn J 1 rvi n i si N imm loiiirtPvM, f.i MARY PICKFORD v i-m-T rurprvTATiov of "THE LOVE LIGHT 11? ITIANCHS MAnlOM P A I A fC J2M HIAtlKr.T HTTtKBT CECIL B. DeMILLE'S r-m-ir'tnMi Pnrnnvmnt Proauctlnn "Forbidden Fruit" Asnrn Ar. Tliooilnre noh nnl XTor'ft HUnl'y nre In the Cunt N'i:XT HT.EK "PASSION" A P C A T A fhwinui st ni. tii AlVALlA in AM toll -.IS P.U. forn ri'rmnurleo'a Proluctloa "Paying the Piper" A Parnmount Picture With fire.it Cait VICTORIA ,Ar(n8,V PHrOND AND riNAI, WHEK ' Ci-ont.. I'ltfmaurlcc'n Pnrnmfiunt Picture "IDOLS OF CLAY" Willi MAR MfltP.AY nml DAVID POWKtf. Nxt m'm-"Tim oncAT iinDnniiBn" CAPITOL 24 MAllKrjT HTHRET AI.TCB I.AKB In 'BODY AND BOUL' RPPPNT MARKET ST. bel. iTTH lIiVL.lN 1 ..ao LONQ I.ETTT" r nnC SIAHKET BTHEET ULUDL ATJL'NIPEH Continuous Vaiidrvllle, It toll HANKY l'ANKV I.A llEItNlriA; OTIInitS I'HlI.ADEia'HIA-8 KOHKM08TTHICATnES il BROAD Tonight At S'lS Pop. Mat. Today nam, $j.50 "The wittiest and most soar- 1 kling comedy of the preaent 1 season. - ameiiican. ! MARGARET LAWRENCE I AND 1 ARTHUR i BYRON j In the Sparkllne ComeJy TRANSPLANTING JEAN 1 The One Man in Paris I Who Knows Women Best onl: year in pakis C ARRlPk" N""ITS AT S13 VJ-i.rJVwi. MulH To.lay & Hat Pop. Mat. Today nnw $2.00 "An entertainment that really entertains. -rcvo. i.edobii. DAVID BELASCO Presents With Original Cast, and Only Company CALL THE DOCTOR After 21 Weeks at the Umpire Theatre. Now York City Forrest Last 2 Weeks- POP. MAT. TODAY .2F.S, $2 1 HUj1IT HAUiiAlN IN TIII.ATRK WOULD GEORGE WHITE'S ! SCANDALS OF 1920 Prices to Suit Everybody ALL. MA. I O. 'C WahlnTton' ! IllrthiUr 2D BALCONY. 77c 1ST BALCONY. $1. $1.50, $2 ORCHESTRA. $2 EVENINGS. 2D BALCONY. $1 1st Balcony (Except Sat.) $1.50. $2. $2.50 Orchestra ( ) $3. $3.50 3 PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA CONCERTS (Hor "mi' win hnp nt l'ftn able to p f M t r th rcu, .r terlfn) TSCHAIKOWSKY PROGRAM Ui:i'I ITHi MilSIiAY I M'MNtl VKJ3. 21 ACADEMY OF MUSIC nnxiiMs nr.yiin.M Mr. 3 v iiNUll I'linfiiiAM Apr. SB mil Aciuimr Berkshire Hog Show First Regiment Armory February 16. 17. 18 (ipr h 'I ' M, mlnetiilny AdmlBIon 6W Auction Sale 60 Bred Sows 1111 DO V1TKHNOON, 1 O'CLOCK EITH'S THEATRE SARAH PADDEN In 'T11D CHEAP WOMAN" 1 MISS JULIET RUBY NORTON Thoa, V Mary IT. SWIFT & KELLY WILL WARD & amis: WILBOM imos oTiiunii Academy of Music, Feb. 22 II Ufl AIT WAHHINOTON a IimTHDATT. , ERNO DOHNANYA co IvASA PR1HODA CZE Ill'l.. 1 ,lll 1 1 Sk4 cojipoaEn- piavi VASA PR1HODA c"1in. Tlik"' I'" "IHeu t Heppe'li, 1110 Chtt. Bt. Chi-keriru Pltnu Prken, II f.O and I'llBK l'viimrrioN PICTURES HY WHARTON HAIUUH UilllCIIICR l'aintfd In the I'liivn nt Southern Alabm iii thu Adirondnrk Mountalns. on Capo Cod, and in Chter Valley Pa. Mon., Feb 14, to Sat. Feb. 2G Mel-l.l.KH OAI.I.nnilSR iin7 wii.si't sTnnur orpheum S!isBr ra KM V'T lMLti ( (a ViA . ' Tin na T itJ 1520 Clioiliiut tocOOpJrSveFJI? DUMONT'S 0TU Anon. et., iiU UUlvini -'Mala Mnn Wed., BaV. 3U EMMETT WELCH Minstrcb MINSmEL3 AND VAytJEVJLLH . i xi 1 'I ; V L L Ixi., J l4 .. 4 , . ),' ! ( .t- ..-..1 ft , t J ' I A