r ra y IM SB 'I M-rais w? wmn, i& WI J.nKfr ftl wmsmf ??, ftS KcSKHr'Mrf JHS tjiffti iivvrii-Tn- 1 1 IX'; a v-wi; t . ei ViM - uv i 1v i( t m mm r.t'; J - i ill liiPI n r.i li'ifil 111 alii IS IHI (V Aliening ubUcHcgcc PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY CniUS It. K. CURTIS, rncsictNT Chftrlcn 11 I.udlnutiin le I'ri'slilenl . John " f.r(ln, Trrnou-rr (inil.'(i A Tih Sei retnrv Philip fl Collin John II Wlllliunn Jntiri J Npurgeon, Gronro If clohl mlth, David E. Smiley, TilrMtore EDITORIAL IlOAnt) Cues H. K CtnTis, Chairman JllVID B. BMIMCY.. EJItoi JOHN G, fATlTIN" fli-inn-ivl nuslncss Mnnmrr Published thiliy at Pl'sua Lraxirn Bulhlllip lnJciirmf nco Hquarc, PhllAiU'lphlii, Atlantic Cut Frtss-l'nlon UulldliiK Ktit Yonic 3(11 Ma.lU.m Am Dbiroit 701 Ponl nulM.iip St. Loch 613 OloboJirwecrnf llulhtlne Cnlciao 1302 rrfldiir. UultillnR NEWS DUItEAUS: TVasmmoton Dcnrju.', N. IX CiT. Pennsylvania Ave. and 14th St Kiw Youk IIMpac The Sun Uuililliig London Ucnsic Lon.lpn Tlmta SVDSCniPTIO.V TERMS The EtENIWI I'l'kUU LctxiEX I tarvnl to sut crlbore In I'hllsildphla and surruundlnc towns at the rati of twelve (la) cents rer vrreW, payabla to the carrier. By mall tr polnta outsldu of Phllr.delphla, n the United Mat's, Canada, or United btatts pos jtssalons, postage free fifty (SO) cents per month, Six (10) doll rs per enr paab!o In advance. To all tor Inn countries une ($1) dollar a month Noncr flubserlbert tvlshlnr address changed must rtvo old as well ns new address. BELL. J00O TAIM'T KF5TONE. MAIN 1000 CT Address all communications fo Evening I'uMlo Jtfdpcr. Jmfcprmfrnrc Square, Philadelphia Member of the Associated Press THE ASSOCIATED mESS exclusively en Htled to th ujr for rrpuMfcaMon nt all itfut rftipnfchcs crrdilril fo it or not cthmeim crrdlt-il n IWj vavtr, and also tha local ncirs P'lMdlird therein. 11 rlfffits of repuoHcatlo'i cf jpoo-'cl dtipatchts herein flr olio rrtrnrrf, I'hilailrlphli. Ttfjnf.dr. Iftmury 16, 19J1 AMATEURISM BY THE JOBBERS IF Mil. WKfil.niN'S MiRKcstl.m Unit the oriliiiaiu'c ftintniniiiK tin millitm-ilnlliir item for tin' Pnlnt'i' ( .Itixtire l"' wlthtlrnwn from tin' Mm or InuiiN i. imnl" In coixl faith, it i-" (litlinilt to cc uhj tin- Idi-n vhonhl bo fiinipl'cati'd with iniiirv into tin' Uutui of tlie I'ubllf I.ibrnrt nml ;:if Art Mtisctim projft'tH No mjitiT) nrriMiiiils tlicr iituIortiiKiiiK' Thi miiMMim i in liiirci' of tin rommiioii- f.tn of rnirnioiitit l'nrl.. whilf th uitnic tion of tin- library .tipi-n i"ftl Iiy thn De portment of I'tihlir Work. Tin1 iilntm nri peoitio ami iiMiilnblo iintl tin- opiiriitioiit oro prot'iMMlim; strlftl in m rtlnnci' wltli ti frank nml h liniti' prnrain. A. mi .itti'inpt to roiifii-y tin- iih'. thf InoM' tirp'il 1)J till' prrxiiirllt of Colinril to rtri'nte tin- jobbrrx from nn ftubiii r:i"liiB situntioti b iisuinnu tbnl oipml illsi rniit nttarlic to nfliiT l'nrkvn cnterprl'" lam ntnbly uniniiri'il. Then' no rt tia in mh'Ii tni'tn-. ami if i lmiehnbli' to i mu ji'ix thnt tin1 Mn.nr or nnj othrr opponi'iit of tin Mtinif pnl Cniirt ( lirmi' roiilil for a iiuuiiriit be ilrliidcd in i liinminioti so obvioin. Tlir ilrrnm palio i' ra-i1 tmiiN ili-arnri'-fu!l. on 1 1 o n ili'inorits. llmipbatic.illy the bnl wn. in risht it i to ri-jrri nil inpi'f fltiitli's iintl to fori'i" a ihowilnwti tliintlv on thii mutti't' in liaml. A GREAT CITIZEN Wi: Vim.ADKI.l'IIIA.VS an- (iii familiat' with tin' Urn. Ir. Itii-vrll II. Conwi'll antl what lio tin- ttii- in tin it that wo tin acoiivtonii'il to take him a- a ninttrr of eonr-i'. His fami' outiil of thi ity. In--ovrr. i- -o gn-at that In' i wi'li-oint'tl with 'lltlitl'iaiiii wlirni'VPi hi' uppi'ar in otln'r coniniiuii io. Wp renrnd utir-elvi-i pi'nod :t!I . In -ever, "f uliat In' lui (Ion.- and tln-ii m crntulatc him. no of tliow iii-raioti a last nlulit, when tin- -I'Vi'tity-iMchtli mini -verary of hl birth wn oli.crvi'd by hi" admirer- and fri'-nd-. II" ih-i-rvi'- all that was said of him. for 1m- i- on" of tin' cri'Mr-t citl.cns not onli of I'hilndrlphia. but of tin United State. GEORGE WINDSOR SPEAKS THI' r sirniiit and .Imr uiivciitional't) whirl) ii-uiilli hnrai t rize nival ad-drei-i'- from the l!r"ih tlnone an- eon tallied in Ki'iB lo'.iru'"'- - Ii to both hnu-e- of I'ai li.um nt There is a lmveltj. Ii.nvevei. in the phra'-eiiloi.'v It i- lii'iirp' Windtor rather than "llenrge V , t!o liraee of find, lireat llntain and 'rilaml and of the Hriti-li Iiiiiiiinioiis Hi von I the Sea- Kins. Defender of the r'finh. I'mpvror of India," who mterjeet- in hi- address the s'lnihVnnt phrase, "i.ir fellow oiti.on Tin form just n isrs beinif urti r!v ileinneratie. "Mv" would lomph'tf tic tiaiisformatioii. neeord inK to Ameriiiin prehh ntlal stainlanN. "Onri If" and "we." however, have van idlieil Tlii'.v iip the property, tavvdrv and inilTeilive i noi irh. n William Ilohenzollern of Diiorn What rmw tr. i-t hi his i orti of Cousin lieorsri. loisvvean r of mtland verbal pump! v. Miinj kings Iiii. i ! parti d Tho-e ! maimni; -iieiik like ativ .rd'Miirv i .iiistiuiiive exeetitors of the pupulnr will '1 lie world i oilher ni Inn; m Iml.He inu 1 1 - It in nn adjnstiin nt wit), i hui, is nt ihimiiioii eti-e and inn llitfi'iit prmtri I' - .ill in tin' point of view A GOOD WAY OUT Till! erl ii'j s, iio,.i bo.nd n "ruMiu.iii mil lull vvhiili siim- ii liav, tlo ipport of tho-e sieKin." '., i ,ire tin ilin alioiml ill from iv hi Ii t, w iip i- - i'Ti r ng has th, Kreat meiit of iniitiriiu Its pi ov l-lnti- to I'hiimli 1 1 1 1 ! : l Si'liool-b mid r'nTiu mis ',, :i b.'HKul in the pnt In 1. 1 1 ti, pri in .v .ippiies t,. Pittsburgh n- v !, - . I'l i.idelpMia, and the sjstim mil,, w in Piiisl.iimii Win 'In r in tin- I, ,ii. run an ihitiil hoard w ill be bett' i iiinii mi .ippiiiii'i ,1 hund. -ni Ii as vvm have n i'l . " '.ir r, ii., i ,nrs. of 1 1 ni' ,"l ''I '"i nni.i! a ithnri v ver. i eiirn t,i, ii ih i I tii,. phm i rtiiin!v p ,1- 'In -nt i '! of tl.i i m ,ii imnnl in the h.llnls ,,' 'lie pi ople ll In 1 ..ilifhl tn make it i-ispniLivi to pnpi.lai' s, imiiietit Itnt .t- . Ii i f inlv.intii m tl present Tiki- III- ill II- I tTl'l t i.ll the pl'l -"111 -rllon' hoard Thai b.u will d-iippir i mn iln new I il i- ,, tid if 'he nil pu.. 1 1 - l.l'JJIsl.l'lil' '1' ll TM 111 VI - Ipi I lll'l till, 111 of i'hi!- will l.avi a in w i ill ami wi), I., abV to t,ik. 'lie h'lid in wnntever i i.ii ni;i - he mav think lit to iii, Tin lull piMViih- I"' 'l bo.'inl ' -iviii mtiibi r- -living fur ., i,im .,f -i leur with ll.e term "f part ,f tin memhi-rs it pirins i if iv ni,. .,ir- .. ai.ii- i- in ! paid ami 1 i 11,1'inhi r tnnv imld utiv otln'l' pi-bln "lli, i It ' hi riisht kind "f men an not i lio-i ii Me ", - i ri-ihi' r u i" ' ii a i , -t n the shollnb r- nf 'in pi iph Mil In- 'i - ISLES THAT LONG FOR US AMIIUH AN i-piin'i oi- in 'in A...HS ,,,.. si riinifl v ,,, a - il l. n I'n n. h imil mil. (Jeiliocliitii Nmiv.I.i 'Vlll ', IV .il b lieve- tl.nl 'In I in'i il .""fill- -ni,- to ii quire a naval ba-i m pi nt i I ii ig obi A- it is the bi-torie i u-inin f,.i gnat nitwits r., lire "Ii small one- tin I n in b vnu of our aliibltwiis - not aliog 'Mn r urpii.iiig As n milt Is r of fin t bo vevei , t. ordii.ar. piiici'ilurc I- in tin- m-tiiini n,.iti,i Kvi r hincc Poiila D. 'gid i via- i- il ..- an Amen enn nnval bine In tin wir tlwn-.nid- ,,f illlifibitnnts of tm A.op - Ii,,,. lavond imt morel) naval oin ei.ioii- tn tl,. I in'ml IstnleH biitintiial uputloii bv tin- ounti v UH tilt" Id' I" Ill-Ill. 11 plo.p. iiiv Portugal i- neailv IIHIII mil. s i i . : rule of one of the liveliest and i m-- lirtil. group) ot islands on tin globe h i In en -..p.. rlfic und indifle.eni Axiui'iun- m hiigi urn i hern emigrate to New laiglnnd. and 1 1 lalra which Ihese neweoini i-. ii vigorous and uVMrnblp ,'!,ri' ,l'" "f "i'l" '' 'o'"1" s i1111' "' (.ua huunt the iioiae-dwcllura ou tit. i iniiw',t,?,iT'j,n'",i' " i' r - EVENING MlflinrlH, Atigrn, Kn.val, Tcrciira, Pico nml (iraziiiKii. IlecailltiK liow tin Porlo Ulratis imc IoiirpiI for Amerieaii ruin unci In what n erltleal spirit they now nerept ll. then I seatit probnblllti that this nation ii lmnitrr iiiK for moii' Islnnil possessions. It le nut tin policv of tin I'nlteil Stntt'i In tliN matter whleh nIhhiIiI eoneeni the Kmieh prt-si, but rather the funev plettire of Ainrrleaii necro nianey enlertnlned bj the Azoreani. It 'vill be yean before thej foritet the prodlalit,v with whleh the licet erews spent the tnllreli In the fat tlayi when Potita I)el(ada and Ilorta niomentaril.v assumed metropolitan airs. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PRODUCE TOO MUCH Mr. Hoover Shrewdly Points Out That the More We Make the More We Consume a "Mil", members of the Federntloti of l'.tiK'i . neerli! Societies evideiitlv knew what they were doing when they elected Herbert Hoover as their president. They perceived the economic niiii through which the' nation Is passing The wele aware of some of its causes and the.v knew how the country could be culded, tlu-oii-'li In economic pciils. Conseiiuentl in u line public spirit they united their societies of expert' in a federation and muumoiiod Mr, Hoover to its head. These engineeri nie in touch with all foimi of industry. It is possible for them to assist the mnnaiters In tin solution of their prob lems, if the moniiKcrs will only take the ad vice which they an ready to offer. Tin council of the federation has alread.v organ izeil a prellmlimrv survev of miiiio of the weaknesses in our sj.stcm of production, and It will make a repot t in the course of time. In his address before the council at its nueting in Sv mouse this week Mr Hoover pointed out some of the weaknes-es. His teinnrks deserve the attention of business men as well us of Congicss and the State Legislatures, not because be said nn.v thing new or strange, but because he is the spokes man for a group of experts who have et out to applv to c.i-ting conditions old and es tablished principles. Mr. Hoover laid down the gmor.il propo sition that flu ohlef source of economic wati i- underproduction : that is, failure to use l In- resoumes nf the nation to their full oap.icit.v. . This i- th" rhief (rouble now. Th untrv is tunning from III) to 10 per cent below its capacity. I ivcrprodiictiou is impossible, snnl he. a statement which innnv will he inclined to dispute until thev discover what he mentis bv it. He insists that it is impossible for the nation to produce too much. If there is a surplus in one line nbove that which can be loiisunied. then part of the labor eniploved in that line must be diverted to another line or th" consuming power of tlie nation tnut be developed. Civilization Inn progres-ml through the efforts of men who have made necessities' out of luxuries through t,,. sum o-s of a cam paign to divolop the ta-te of the people and to im teas.' tin if earning power so that they cim giatu'v that taste. The automobile the telephone, the phono graph were one 1'ivuries i vn for the rich. Thev are now luxuries only for the poor. When labor i- productive! oniploiiil to it- full uipaiitv there '- no limit to it- con suming powei -ave that lixed b.v it pio ducing power. Mr. Hoiivci. iliifefore. hn- -"! out to summari" those conditions winch limit the power of pioiliietion in the hope that they may In cured to the piotit of every one. lie reminded On eiigin'er in his n'idi"m thnt our transportation facilities arc in uieipiate for our normal proiluetivitv. that we in 0 inndeiiuatel housed and in-ufli lentlv equipped with public roads nml pub- l-c utilities and that our svstem nt power siipplv need- i in-truetion and that our waterways ncd expansion. Vet ill -I'lte "f the demand for ixpatision the -trei t- are till, d x ;li bib men! i lur iin'tlii ient organ. .at ion ii illn-irnt"d in th" great wast m industries operating upm mi mini i emnrilv wide scn-onal thn -'iia'ioii Mr Hoover it'-l the b. luminous . mil imbi-trv as a ci-' m poiiit, an Ir.du-fv in wl.ii h tin men .-.re iinpln.vid only n pi r "lit of their time A proper oi giinv.'itn n of tin- ind i-trv wo ild r"lea-i n large number of iin'ii who i mill In I'ngilg'd iii i "tivi rtlng sme luxurv ,,t toihp in'o a in'iessifv of toinoi row And t . , .ii I1 be doll" without ii tl attempt to mitrol coal prni- or pH'lif-: although, n- Mr. Hoover -am both producer and siuior of anthrin it" would bo on a soundi r liais than thev iip 'oilav. I If eiiiil-se. he referred to the ei onoiini w.i-ie oecasioni d bv strikes and lockouis. The only wav to avoid these is through n i rganiiit'ol) "f I lie whole euiph'V meiit ri liit'oii-1 ip m Mr Hoover's opinion The old rilatinn betwem eiunlover and worl-mi'ii 'hat ixisted when tin two w i-t,., ii i.ii i "iii.. it ha.s hein oiiig'oui. b. 'i .nisi i the expansion of industry and tin giowth if ipiiintif proibn thai A new ri'hitiou innnot le i-t.hli-ind v.nh n'.r cnrif'il -udv of all he eb in i.'- in th" ipilih in. but il is bei inning iiicroii-iiiglv ivi i"in thnt if gnat wa-te i- I" b iviid"d in lie future both einplovei- mid nip'ovnl mu-t ilpprom h the pinblein iii n in vv -pi'ii mil with a ilesire to in rive nt a mutual uinler- iiiinliiiC Ci,n-ei vn'ii'ii I-: 'oil i- n nrv ihiougli 'In grenter .1 il boll I'd M'ltlll t 'ill' 111)11 toll- "l' II-" rim be' vi i oil I nf el. 1 1 g 1 1 1 "1 11 J irn it v mi 'h "ii-tei n I - I ,'IVe nl mlv e-l 1 ', nun linn ainl '.n nun -,n eil ni lln- win In . Ml M 'I in -i ..' ,'i ii ,'igi in . ', , lln.Vnl bv ll, in , 1 1" II i llg.lgi l 11 i- i l ii -.in ' ill-li ' tin-' le . iii.-o tin in i il v .1 bii-in - "'Mm Mr Iloi.v r i. pel nil " ii n pi. d i,, ,,, . iii.i;.'i-h P.it i - I :i ' i' I ' lit ll.lnl.g'l Poll .Jl.-I ll . ..v. r d"- I. I' i i.l il ' b.-in .. in m' ' Til im n in tl." pn-t I.ii' that il on ll b" i ni- ' i lame an nppoi t mil v .iiii "t th" f' tin Ml, ul. I' ml nv Hint -iionbl of ,n. b'. if In for in I a of be WI till go nl. Mi pi'- -U. null i., hi- VOW- lie wo ,!i nor. toll nilii'i fovvm d tin llWlhll" bu-lln . w b. i ' xpenein f h. pi'ivcd lire inhip'ed He ul- i 0 ' inlitn.ii- I . i.gl - I...- d.'in i --p. 'iin oi pr..gii -- nv ii lamui It- 1 i v - hnv. In , ..in i- hut in ino-t in-'ii , i. . . i a .. n i.'' 1 1 in a leht to dinii th" ni pnral'wii legl II ' llfol'i i-d bv M.e ii i - tho i mil d" ri Iv a hiiugi in .lulu.'' w ill". ut nnv -illlllf ioIi nf a man - Inn .1 i an It pr. v. nt him ....cnili'iii 1" tvvi i n -nine line of bn-i i invesliil ihc ill I.l'!- nt i- ii' -- ' 1 1 al i tT t ' II" tf"in '! l I'lilino' legl- ll" 'i. t i "Html of In- Inn!" v inn In. m hi lligillg al. i . '. V.ll W I- I olnpllllll'f ill Pi in - in vv hn h his . npitnl Tni t i.i -n v lew - -..and gr, ii i win ti" innlei -t.imling ..i , in. i u i- - ' oinprehelisiv i i, ml hi if the iv nv oi.t are on Mn whole -i tha' tin inuiitrv iniiht to be allowed to prof.' bv I l- -will '.r. tit I v hi In I,' in ..lb" "r ' tv ii -- ill publn .'III. i- It si rv 'i e nnv wav . vv hetln r .lit nf it A- the pl"-ub'lll of tin l'i deration nt I'tl gin cling Societies In ha- alreadv begun to ip-Viilf himsi If to lui 'n-k with tin -nine ,. , V I, H l In' -Iw'Vill Win II lie Viilllll'ii -ei to In Ip fi'd 'he Hi Igl.lll- li Mr Ilnrding should make llnowr - c nin-v of Him pi In would h" in n posi tion tn hud Mn mtiv in t 1 tloll ill tie fullest possible u-'' of II- i -uurees ill produ.-tlve iniln irv with tin bast pos-lhl wusle, aud lit- would hatti thi; gu-fperatiun "tv v? tvf ' PUBLIC f the one or two hundred tluiusaud ciirI ncers who are now fottowlng Ills lend In liclr own federation. The appointment might not please the politicians, but it would gratify the general public more tlinn the appointment ot nny other man whom Mr. Harding can call to his nnistance, GOOD-BY, "DOC" AND "PROF"! IN A sense, (he professors of fiddling, x.vlophon. jar.7.. pugilistics, vciitrllo Milium and niugie are on the eve of victory, Th Held has been yielded them by an or ganization just formed at (ho I'tiivcrslty nf Virginia and committed to the role of honor ing custom In tbo breach. It is the avowed purpose of the Soeietj for the Ilntlinnli7.atlon of the Title of Doctor to conserve that ascription for graduate pliyslclann nlone and (o urge the abandon ment of "professor" by all scholastic cdtl cators. Custom hns nmile of It a property of easiness. ProCi'ssori nf Itabylonian ciineifnrnii are doubtful of kinship with "professors" in eoniiuaiiil of jnr.j! orchestras. Tlie growing inritv of plain "mister" I" .seductive. "When every one is somubodj. then no one's anybody," exclnimed a penetrating English philosopher. College professors evidently realize (his keenl.v . Thnt the.v are not pessimists, however, and are not without hopes of (li.stlticthm is Mcn in their advocacy of u term now of n chaste and elegant senteity. Put that the usurpers of the stnuc the side-show and the dance will accept this back -handed rebuke meekly is by no tnenni inevitable. "Mister" may be popularized anew. In that case the school men may seels surcease from competition In the simple grandeur of "The," ocrnsloiinllj seen in all its uiafest in tribal terms like The O'Connor and The McNab. PICKLED alHK bill providing for a lcgi-lative nues . ligation of the coal sitiiadon has been referted to what ii popular known as the pickling committee of the Senate. It is usuallv Impossible to get any bill out of thnt committee when once put in Us lolitl'ol, Whether this rule will prevail this car will depend on the popular ilctnatul for an inrpiir.v into the admitted abuses in the pro duction and distribution and pricing of coal. If the people are willing to submit in silence to fut titer iibiines. nothing more will be hcatd of the measure. It is doubtless the unnnllnous opinion of Judge I.audis and Supreme Arbiter I.un dls that the reason no man can serve two master- i- that -ooner or later one nf the masters i- going tn make u kick, lie prob nbh wonders just why he deducted the amount of his federal snlnrv from the amount offered by the ba-ebull magnates before ac cepting the job. It was a sacrifice hit that brought tiobodv to the plate. Wo lannot believe that there is any great grief at the plight of nn eminent jurist In the hearts of the membeis nf a certain well-known cor poration thnt long ago was ordered to pa.v the larges' due ever recorded. It may lie they iilwnv- hoped he would muff the Inll. It 'must be admitted that when tin Judge admitted a bank clerk, alleging thnt bis cmplnvoi's were le-poll-llile for IiIh peeillll' tions bv failure to pa him a living wage, he put a low prue mi honesty. In extenua tion it mav be urged that his lieait spoke rather than his held. lie pulled n bone Tlioiigli he may reign in the hearts of the baseball fnti-. Senator Dial and Ucpre-en-tative Weltv insi-t upon calling blin to a federal itccuinl. (inine called on account of icign. i John I lav- Hammond has voiced ideas com einlng Immigration which, while not new. are so timel and so clearly and lucidly presented as to de-erve earnest eon-ddorn-nun. He favors th" plan of Commissioner Ciiininetfi of examining each emigrant in his native environment u number of lCllis islands abroad instead of but one in New Vork harbor and advocates the scientific distribution of immigrants admitted. Most important of all is bis suggestion that n national immigration commission be given n. certain degree of d'si rotionary power to re strict immigration dining periods of uncm plo.v nient and to h" lenient in in'erpreting admission ipialith atwiis v lieu there i- -harp demand for labor. From this it is but a step to putting I'liele ifcui on the basis of an etnplo.ver of labor who milv admits into Iii- workshop those vvlioin he can imiuc dia:il) put i" work. 'I he inn x !- of Iloopesiovv n II! , gel- a snlnrv of fifrv ci nt- a nvir. and a nioviniein is nn foot to pnv him .? a week Hut. of i iit-i' nothing inn v enine of it There aie publ'i -piriteil men in tin' town who ni" piotestiiig again-l this shameful waste nf publn lnoiiev Thev point with pllile to the fait thnt t In President-elect is prop sting ag'iinst the move to deprive him of the right (o iv an income tax. oiva has undertaken in pi.nl.v New Vnik He ovub'iitlv doesn't think much of th" l) llnvvie did eighteen vciirs ago. The iivii-iirof ion sns there is no -ucli thing n grn It II" is anticipating press reports of In- mii'tnig- lie oli pits in -milkers. That - his piivilege. The oblut to Volivn. lb miv- the eaith U Hat. We venture the gin that ii is no Hatter than tin ie-ull ot 111- 1 e v i v a 1 w ill be. 'Iin- i i mil') i- unable tn affm.l umie than mod lb d s) nipatb) to the Ni w i ork -hipp ng linn who 111 I" said to he -hoi keil at th feib-tal twclve-dav ipiaiaiitim- to tight t n1 in- level. Doner linn n ("iiiiiii pn enger ll" III nn mivi iiieiiceil tlinn that a tvphn- i tie aTinbil all the cmnfoit- of In.iin : better tha' lln steam-hip I'onipain - -uP"i lo-s, r-gi-' liable lli'iujli it be, than that tin cioiti irv Ik -i oiirged. Tlo iini'lilplovcd of Svillnv s, W , mobbed the governor ami normed ilie 1 lii-l a few (lav- ago in Mus iitv ..g run ilnvvu bv an iiiitounihile nml hav pol -. rn.iislv iupiieil rim aunu'l. ami hn ev-iv-hi.dv in -gbt Itotli n.iublil- an ..like in tb'ir bliuilti' . foolishness .mil iiim itnble 1,1 -s Somn r or inter w, 11 blumh i into a wav of s abili.ing indu.siiv ami do awav w ih the pnssihilitv of um mpluv iin'iit ol men willing to vvm k. Tne Miisaciiisi lis l.i'islniui,. ,ns v . !v deenbd to rel'iinn from i mn ting a law i iiiiiii,' the height of hoi 1- ..ii w n's shoes. I'h Massachusetts ( Kteopathin Sn.-iet), uliiMi fathered the lull, m.iv h.iv. wisdom mi its side in ho far as the In. I- are com erneil, bui '" attempt t" invoke tin law in ilu- mat ter i- meat fill' fa ice ( mm 'l.v rutin r than for iwrvdnv life President Wil Im- b" n 'iill"(l an into, int who ib'siied Hi rob the I 'intcil States Semite of solllo of its I ,-l pnvvils Indirect efforts of lb'' Scniiti fonign p latious com initfee I" gel contlol of funign ib lit- I ml i -i nle that the peiuliil mi '- -vv iiigmg and that Congress will do it- be-i to make Mn , nL.f executive a mere ligiireheiid The ex-knlser i- ipu.t.. ivmg that the -VVOld of peace VV'l- Mill. U nut ,,f his I, mid- bv bis In ; friend- P. i haps he meant that ii pn 'f -wnnl -link to his hand afli'i his fiieiid I hi nv lind In slid It in . ,,i . max hap. hi wii- in I In -tertoiilnn fa-li mn ineiclv i mb iivm nig to pi..ve the vvisduiii of being foolish; or Mn f.. ..f being wise, I'lolii Plttsbutgh ( mills th" sioiv of a illllli'll lllb'il f'"' 'be Jlisf lime m fifteen vein's In, .til-i' of licttspnpi l inheilisiiig Tliere Is nothing hiirpii-iiig m the I'm I A g I ml will nil ani churih. hut it will leipiu-e a good prciU'liei and g I - i n e to keep it full .V ll ad dinvv- ii t ' Ii 1 1 ii to g good-; it can't -ell bo;"; slulT she 'niiilae twang i- du. ton bt.v jaw, -ins the prop ' "f livgl'in at Welleslc) ('olh'g1 The liinkoi Invpi iau, he mi) k. fail- I.. fnU f.u ' n aigh in in in iilatlng Wc lake It that il i he iav law nbijs u la..v lv i Ml iai ' n ugh nml -luiiimli'H a trille the fvvniig vv 11 di-iipp' n and bt repluccd h) tli buuuk of u Buxojvhott'ii l,-vSH7,'4 ii)j"V,' -"' ' yv'f,s Rtjjrif"" rn.d-fvs LEDGEfc-PHILADfiLPHlA, WEpKEStfAY, EERUATtY AS ONE WOMAN SEES IT The Grievousness of Social Life, Where There Is a Plenty of Talk, Much Cackle, Gobble and Quack and but Little Conversation My SAHAII I). LOW It IK AFTT.K n peculiarly stupid luncheon (he other day n friend of mine stopped in to what she called "rest her face" before she took up the white man's burden at n tea nt which she had been asked to pour chocolate. She said she felt obliged to con fc'sti (lint both for heiself and for (hose she lunched and "ten-ed" with conversation was n lost art. "We cackled nt lunch and wc will gob ble, gobble at tea and at dinner we will quack, quack, Imt (here will be no good talk, theit Isn't any. And since the Irwlns have died there Is nowhere nny one can go to get It !" I mn glad I know (he Irvvlns MI."H Agnes and Mln Sophy for ninny reasons, and perhaps most of all. becnn.se the.v made one aware what good talk was. It was not that they talked superlatlvel) pr talked much; ( was that they understood and practiced (he agreeable nr( of conversation to perfection. They stlinulaled roliveriitlnn and kept it within n pleasant compass, nml thnt. too. without a (ouch of profc"rioiml ism or masterfulness. Neither sister was one to endure cither fools or bores gladly; .Miss Sophy was harder on bores and Mfs.i Agnes wan harder on fools. I'nrh had her own amused wnj of eliminating finds and bores, but i( was not ens) to bo foolish or egotistical in (heir atmosphere. One fell natural and simple and at the same time keen nml observant. As their range was ver) wide and (heir knowledge of people quite first -IhukI, it was nl-o easy tn get be) und one's depth wilh (hem. I some times thought, when I was with them, of what mi old dark) I knew snhl of her colored preacher: that be "alludid to mine things than lit done had Vpericiice of." YOI' were somellnies so enger tn have nu opinion because they hud such thought ful ones Ihut )oli innde one up on the spot, "thought on j our feet." as sniue of the extension lectin ers ate accused of doing. What made them great teachers for they weie that, though the) nevei drilled (heir pupils through examinations with mix in ward or outward alacrli). never ipked all the questions in the book or cared for all jour answers; never, in fact, made the test of getting you Into college the test of their success with your miml what miiiTt them brilliant and compelling teachers was that thev hi ought vour miml on tiptoe to meet their minds. The)' never talked down to )m. As for standards the) took jon (usually until you failed in iiianuers or in I'oiiimiiii sense, when )ou were brought fnce to fnce with what was expected of mi with a Hash of liisli temper that )ou never for got nml Miinetliues never foigaic: but you learned jour lesson that dm in innnners or in I'ommon .sense nnd jeur.s later showed jour appreciation of it b.v teaching it with tin same accent on the cseuiials to some other ehihl who was oaioh-s or ignorant or both. AI'TF.I. nil. to the girls who me eventually to be the women in this town who bring the gracious things of life music, hospi tnlilj . loving kindness who make art pos sible b.v supporting it. who believe In the value and elinrui of backgrounds and fore grounds for any beautiful possession, and who have leisure from the mere act of living to see that (here is more abundant life for odicrs such girls do not so much need to pass a cojlrge examination as to have the vistas of tlie life the) hire to follow opened to (heir careless joung eyes. And no one can do that with the same effective ness who has not eoinmnudcd the gracious tilings of life bj possessing them. 1 think so innnv tenchers of girls fail where the Irwins succeeded bemuse in (heir eagerness in piepaiing thein'for college (hey have overlooked iircparing them for life, especially for (lie immense!) varied and re sponsible life an ordinary woman with social obligations him to Mvc Kaining vour living lis a teacher or a private seiretnry or a business woman is simple, compared to accepting the duties of die wife of n rich man. lleing your own maid of all work en tails much pin ileal strain at times, but it does not touch, phjslcully or mentally, the -Haiti of being a community woman of nil work. Heightening up die collar win re von me i.- one tiling, but brightening up the (it) where Jim me is quite another. WHAT tlie Irwins did and one has only to look in I he iiliniiniie to prove it was to educate lenders. Their peculiar tal ent was to give the girls who went to (hat school on Ie Lance) plin e taste to even tually ( hoose essentials. That is what the) themselves cm ed about: vvluil was esseu tiullj good in music, in ml, in letters, in showing meic). in dealing i-llv. in iiutn iieis and social intcnoiir-e. This nil comes buck to me today with leiy clear vision bei,ni-e of a proposition pill up bj the Irtish is of the school which the Irwins left when .Mi Soph) Irwin dbil in 11)1.", to place ih" institution on a per manent ba-ls b.v raising an endowment fund b) mi appeal to the nhiinunc. This fund is to be used for the piiieliiise of the orig inal house in which tin si hoot uim been for so mini) )ears mid (In one next to it mid al-o lor the relitting of both houses for (lie -."il pupils and (cachets thai now overcrow d the old quarters The am. mm to be raised, Sinn. (inn. seems a pi--il" sum, and the piovlsions for its evi mull reditu lo the Alumnae Association should the school cease (o function are wise and pinelical. The present blinds of ihc m Imol. Miss Natt und Miss I.uvVs. mid Ihc trusties who control its management nic wmthv of the trus(. The standing of (he si hool is ver) tine, mui h of the tradition has been carried on. so far as the tjpe of gnl goes. None of the prestige bus I n o-l ll is stil! the mosl distinguished private - hool m (lie town ami il (leseivis it- i. puimlon outside the eil) and the slate It is too valuable an asset in the life of Plii'iiihlphiii to disre gind or to fail lo -uppi'i t The aliimiiae within a vmrot the Irwins' lentils nil-id a im mm hil fund oi more than .s.'.'iin.llllll for ihc pen-inning of retiied leachei-. ll i- '" I" ho .eil that Ilu case nnd guileful M-pmi-( n. that utTuir will be duplicated in lid-. For a'tluuigh the per pi uniting of the -.hool thm -MM bears I In ir n :i tne can In no -' n-i In legauhd as uirrv ing out an) speiilud vvi-h of either ulster, ll does do honor to ihc work Mint I hey uir-i-h'il on unniileil fm' nil their brilliant. Inter (sting lives, the work of teiu lilng joung gills how to think, how lo ixpliss them selves inspiiih and in ml, hniimiih!) mid lo a purpose Anti-Tobacco Talk V , m tli Ni .i Yiiik I . In Tcniios-(c the lull u pealing the act for bidding the sale of i i','mi pes pa ed the Seii a(e on Jailiiarv -l! ami win- signed bv liov ernor Tn) Im. 'I'l. i I nii"il Si at m Senate ii'ii'iitlj icfii-cd lo main smoking in goveiii iiient building lib gnl In Topcka. Kan.. Capital Post No 1 nf the Amen. an Legion I-. planning to inlrmlin e through a legislative i oniiuittic a bill providing for the repeal of siicli- parts of th" pi. -i in mili-i-lguii tl" luvv IIS lipplj to tin Mile of clgni-i ties tn adults. The.e would s, ei., I,, di-i ouingitig Items tn till' l'i fm I.ll I- but III Charles (! Pl-IIKC, in sklent of ih. i.iisiiiokeis' Prop ctivc League "f Ami i i. i -nv Ih v ii i ! i -ii I v torn pornrj m lb.uk- In mint, Di. Pea-o. who n few (lavs ago nn- a-'.eil for h'.- views "Yes. (In no t vn -vn, pinna, would seem lo be a M'tbiuk. but i ln-i aie onlv temporary. Theie Is nil im-' ' u toii working for this gleilt lefoini, in-' a- there was an unseen r,,o,i wnlkiluf fol I.l i.l. ihll I, it. of (in. int. Lit,., I ,.,.' ' r - i .ins mid sb "t nn oh"! Thde is ver) little li.L'isbitive vvmk In iinr done iu-l now bv the jlllti- tobiu co -oi lelii - It is I'liielh ll work of uioi'iil tune nml iiuliviilual ticllou, though of coui'M1 all tl.-i -i in- have delinite legls- lative win k a- their i fut i ul pin post'. "Nicotine is far inure injuiious than abn linl. While the clTcits of alcohol me iiiiine iliate, ii'siilting in inebriety, the results of tobacco nie b ss immedilltelv distressing, hut far more deb h rloiis. TobiK ( o is niiinv times .L ....1L ... ll.,,,. 111,1,1,1. '' I IUOI I ll.lir..l",l- IIIIIII "" ...... ; Whs un of the world Ihut smoki s i 1 niive Ii is ilitliinlt in tell, after talking witli 1 Us. I'tiuu , . -'J J3 57iwwa ri ayttF rtUiinu'r rwvJe'J"r",' ,v SVtt-s-n rV to the. 5r" ' Jf of 'If.s.n'r V j,w. - .sllilliji"."; lilitHHiriiBl. ' Uiwt wmMmmmum 1 cn mnm w .- !!'fin j-iKiEffi.ffirWifflj m ;r- yam ' ,- . m nffilB WI wr" l-'-;U-:.,!'' !.. ti&tnsim it :ff f.-'i - . t. . -.. i4:H'';i ;,,..'.'7, , '-ncunh:!,' A Speahlng on the quest Ion of iiut'inplnjinenl. the lilng referied lo "liunilreds of our fellow rillens," instead f einphijing the usual phrase, "my subjects" NO W MY IDEA S THIS Daily Tullis IV ith Thinking Philnilelpluans on Subjects They Know Best DR. H. R. M. LANDIS On Periodic Medical Examinations IF I.VFI.YP.ODY went to a doctor twice a j ear to be examined, mail) serious ill nesses might be avoided, according lo Dr. II. IE M. I.niulis, of the State Depuitiucnt of Health and director of the clinical ami " """" , . .. sociological departments of Ihe "''nrv Phipps Institute. "Keeping well enough .... . and keeping enlirel) well are two abso lute! dilTeieiii ihlngs," lie said. "Man) think Ik cause they manage P keep out of ld and attend to their dnilv work that thev are all light." -")s Dr. laiiulis. "ll i- not at all unusual to hiar ti paliein remark, oh. I have not mi ed a (lav in venr-. I am nlvvajs Hue. onlv now I am suihlciil) eoiifioiitccl witli the pioblcm of liiiving to stop work altogether because I seem to have biokcn down lompletcl). "People appricuitc acute illnes-c- readllv enough Tin) aie qiihk to comprehend an epidemic like the in'liiciia epblcmic of two or three vein's ago. Thev immcdiatcl) be come p.inic-striikdi nnd are most eager I" adopt an.' prevnliie ineiisiiies known. Hut tli" slow, insidious diseases Ihut bit In bit impair lln ellb ieiic) are prone to be overlooked ullogether. "This was tonlbl) brought to our nolne r uitlv in nn cxaniiiiation of the police and Im men of this ill) which Ihe Phipps Institute conducted at Cil) Hall. Ad mitted!) . thee nie ll sclu'icil gloilp of men. rather above than below tl verage in phvs. nl hintiihii'ds. Hut of the entire gimip ol po'iceineii. for instance, at least VJ per cent weie di-" ovcrcd with major defects mid 1- per "'nt with suspicted maladies. One ot the most sniking fails was that mil of (la lift) -five cases of diabetes eti i iiiiuti'icil twentv -live vclc discovered for (lie Hist tune nml llu-e were cntiiel.v llll-sii-pcidd b.v the patients themselves. Plea for Fairly Diagnosis "In an iiriule ou dinlntci lanlj pub Hshi.il n stun,., iileu for cm!v dinglio-is i- niude. ll slates Mini real luadw.ii against the ravages of a disease begins with it pieveiilimi l ill In r Mum with lis tiealmenl. for die ie-iilts. if less striking and im mediate, jire nime sine and iiupoi lanl. Sitiee In the I Ii i t f ll States, us recelitl) II" l!ll,"i, the annual iluilh inte from diabetes itloiie wn- eight' en per one bundled thou sand living pd-oii-. die dele thm anil cine of the disease in its iiicipieiicv become im perative, nob cil "In (lie fill lx slllge- theie l- Us Hindi possiiiMilv ol pn vi niliig clnonic ili-uisi's as llieie is in pick tiling in nle Infei lions dis eases. The pii volition of the foruii r i less s tiuu'in', pel hap-, but eipinllv if not more nice--. n v Main ailments could be lofi-ri I'M tor veins if diagnosed in time It i fieipienllv po-sibh to pnvelit their oe- curling nt all through an carl) i guidon ol Ihelr s)inil.uiis. "Tllle. ibis "lea nl I't'eVcllllM' Wolk I- inil new ; It bus bun i Milling for soiae bfij or sixtv .vim's al Ini-i Hut 'ihnii is not made in an bmii m a dip, nml, to u-c a favorite expression ol ihIm "ising men. tluv have in be 'sold' tlu-i Iau- tballb ciln inter- and d.Ktoi- mil social worker- must lilcrnllv force tlu-e thing- home. "For exninple: In do itnlin-t i inl held mini) an cmp'nvcr i- lonvb 1 of the ne iis-lty lur icgiihir beallli i vaminnlious for hi- cinplovc" long In fmc tin woikmiiu liim-.-clf is wi'lillg lo accede lo (lie iheorv. Mo-t nioilein cmploveis lealie that tin- well-being of tin- individuals of hi- Im- i nml- favor alili mi his oigani.aliou In pnvinliiig lo ..f time, milking tor im nasi d i fl'n icnev and in iiiniinierablc other vvu.v-. Put the woik iiiiiu bus the Idea thai hi. 'boss' i,' foisting this scheme on linn l"' pieieiit III- gelling a job or bis holding mi to il m- hi- In ing in Hue for II llil-e. Ill thoughts of Ihe present be liniikl) lo-i -ight of plans lor the filial''. "'' 'U'glcet- iiillielv to take into i onshh lali.ui lb'' fin I that his uld iniite and omit unions i timing power is nf fieleil liio-t -climislv bv hi- ph.v-ienl coii illtiiin A cough of toilnv, if neghctcd re pinlcdl). ma) nisilv develop into a pill nioiiiii'.v tiibcrciilosb' "f imiimrovv; a per iii'tuiil i-i iiiiMtn-"' and iuabiliiv to gel along with coworkers iimj be bill the beginnings of a mental bieakdowu or some othci patho logical p-.vchosis. Priilll Accrues to huiphi.vcs If t In mi men (mild onlj be emu iiicnl ' tbnl do' pi'i'tll of health exaniinatiun- in I i-i-uc to liii'ir i-redil ns much a- t i die culu 1 ol tUdr tuiplyjcrf! A jmiu will suLitull, li '19L '"ows Mat?" 'PmF: ninic nisil) b.v far to an entrance examina t if in Mum to u pci iodic examination after he is eniplo.ved. "The larger orpor.itioni have demanded (he lormir: the men have gindiiallv nml iinwittiugl) come to expect it. Could not the s.-ime unconscious education be brought to bear to develop among Ibciii not only a ; '" ,"' 1"1 " '" , I doi.s but an liileiest so active (hat men , (,ll( (( u,1llt,st ,.mv" j ...:..'. ..( ...i....:...: :...!! I.... I THE DEAD I OIL Ll'CKY buddies: um we left be hind : Who fought ami fell b-side us in the light ! For .mui lie clo-e to l'liuicc'- moiiiiiing heart The Hag vmi loved limit- o'ei join crosses white: (iir names ami vvbcic joii fell are vviit lf 11 theie : "lour du ds ol valor lo die world nie Know u. And in vour native land, in loss the seas, Arise tnoiiiorinls of fietleil stone; Hut we. who did not die we nie the dead : Yes. we arc ghosts, who inguelj double men The men who eluded Us on die Avenue. And wepl. to see us. IllllillU'll but Inline iigmu ! Fm us. iln chimin- now lias died nvviii , Fm- ip no longer, even - pint,ei-V ink! And We 1 e 1 1 inhh ss heie. or sightless theie Ponl- ghnsls nf nn 'II vv lio did not die -mid Ibink! We 1 1 1 hi hi.- inin. perhaps, mid hiiiiul their In am-! "Pool' fellows! siimcihjng leill.v slwuld be diiiie ! "A slianie!" diev tell ciicli oilier ever) ilaj . "N ''l no man seems to make our i-au-e bis own : So we 111 .' In I tli , I flolli die sight of men. And we Iii helpless heie, poor bioken sth ks. While Ihe) ivbii been il, iiiivv lillhs, fill gel -fill. bv. And Congicss pl.ns tlie gnu f politic-, lluloli: wcinvv oii who fonglit mid fell. We eiivv von Ihe graves wherein joii lie '. I 'or we wi in, bin ghosts thai in. uble men : We. Ih" in Inn ml ihnil who did not die: Itoselle Men id .Mmiigmnci), in (be New oi i, 'i mil - CONCLUDE JUGO-SLAV RELIEF 'Ilie lo tin I in pi iv . 1 1 ihlioll- in .lugo Simla ami lo do Im-iiiiilimi of u government li lief oiganiat th. p. two Jugo-Sliiv e- lief soi a tiis m Ann in, i have iicenll) nil liollllieil I In li dl-i iilitlliiiiiiu ,.. 'I'l,,, Aliierl cilll .lllgo Sim Ucli, f. willi il- lieadillllltl rs iii New 'inrl; iiiv. .1,.- d n i ..-. linen,, her 11. and the .logo Slav Hi lief of Chicago is now vv llllllllg up ii- is II ii 1 1 The Ann i it .in Jiigo-SIm Hi In f p cratlll ilosel) with the Al -icnii ll. . lif 1,1 lulliislrudmi nml iunii-ihi.li il nnnu ilrm .s.'iTll.lMH) ol' the M.I1IV.I xpelldeil 1.) Mini oigaiiiaii n feeding mid elolbiii" the i hildriii o Jug,, Slav in AH ,,f tiij lnoiiev vva- npiilui! iliiedlv in ulicf wmk. the iiibnliiistiiitivc ex -i-s being pmd froni funds donntiil fm- thm (-pn-mi pinpn.,, In addiluui lo tins,- coiiiiihiilnuis p,' Mi" Alliellclll' Itebel Adliilli' -I I lit ion, n, m but) tons of clothing ami a ling, iininlil of quills, sin gun ilies-ings ami wool ,vmM ttl ,.,. sent to tin hospitals mui di -lltule' people ,,f Jugo-Sbiv in. and 11'- wa- ginn tn i,e Ameiiiaii Friends' servi uiioidic in bin .Igrieilllilial liiipleuiciils ,ir J ugn-Sin V lefu' gecs. Tin purpose of do Jugo-Sliiv lb lid of Chi eago was soiiii what dilfddii li iiiulcrtook prim ipnllv to dclivci piu-kii'jes in, in imp iIiIuuIm in litis eountrv to th.-ir n Indies jn Jugoslavia, bill nw, expdi,ci iilioui Vjri, (Kid of its contributions in su,,iu.h p, , ilisii.biilnl mnoiig the mo-t in nil MilTcid-s mui Ijitiiillll was conti iliuleil to rein f -m idles in Jiigo-Slavia. The Into I value ol i.iatcilal ileltvcinl ill F.lllupe eiccidi d S'J.'ilMIOII 1 It.tn ill Imgi hnxis being acceptnl iv t iiiiii pnl'tlltidll ill one laolitll. Before the Bust l'i ni i . v V I II Tin Col of Living-Well, I got to pikei i LcuL, uiijivuj. I ay UMiau. v . i isftH wxpiirarxtuz-MlUKSiXKUX 1 1 UM 11 tl:: i : arU'tr'i'- ,t ,' .! V .- ry . r4r.''. m WfMWmmmmmmw.?y:-:- -" pMJliVl i 'i'lj fliWt?5HHffi!tffit5liKHWH 'j ' s a vapsiraniiismww-' 'Jr mm (va nWmmmm PiPir Miiifiriie .1 I'iro. .- .'itft-v HMJimunc ntom-iooooitii tin' ' ( j .LmIZWVaMttitili " IH5ffiiTHHiI luigr .-7,;.r fj'if jmsmMBBmsHF.a'fflw v- fiLjjL-rfw-r. ir. ' ur ' SHORT CUTS The Hergdoll pot o' gold is still :i bilit' Wonder if Old Man Winter has sworal of! snow during Lent .' Shorn of frills, the Harding teloRraiwI to I.HIIBI' ami .iionclell read, (ict biiHy'" Yes. Sophroniii, there were ilrydotlil in existence long before prohibition ueram, .-il lo .-,it-ll, CIICLIIVC, Politicians have now decided that N introduction of the underworld bill vvns vvontl than vviched; it was foolish. "I'll -ay plenty when the time cntnci," says Judge I.nndis. Has aiivliml bfcnl charging (be judge with linseemlv reticCDCtll Incidentally, it will be noted llinl tho-f who liung nu t their l.lherti Hoatls are not worrjing 1 ause thej have I n below pit It st i ikes nie ns rather odd. retrarW Deino-'lu nes McCinuls, that tin- pinbleu 1 enn most i-cndllj solve aie iiivurliihly tlioi of the olliel' fellow. Jilib talk of the next war takei ti cognUiiiico of the fact that the n npli' vvert I'd fo the belief that the hist war vvaibrai fought to cud win. It is wise uppiceintloii of changed con dilions (bat prompted (ieorge in i.l-i-pofrt I" I'oi'lian t (o speak of "our fellow citi zen instead ,f,"ui) subjects. Ileiitlc query iiiodetlj put to sinpll mil denies of u M,f peine , How n Kuropc going to pnv America what it owis if tier man) docsii I pa.v for damage done It's ii en r,i waiting (he g,m,lilir ar having in tlie Twelfth district 'I'be ivord fiom Hiiirisburg is long in nmg Tt' word ex ted is "(io!" Hut it mart! "iolle!" The allowance of .s,0iiii fm nu v jn;roi is not enough, sajs Major (ienei.il Syuier. ami iis;s lor nu aiipropriatlmi of W'tflOO Ihrowiug iiioiic) to dm bud-, In' .-u) U effect, is (I lie ecolimnj. II' hat Do i ou Know? QUIZ I Wlui'l i ilu luuhlle nan .i J itn D Koikefeller ' -' b.il is the tpli of th, i i 1 o' 1 l'i I ..il llllellt of .lustn .1 How many ihhgaies sign. ,1 I li i "'ilu' lion ul the Fnlli d Stat. ' I What Is die dlftcici'i e lietvnui tpecull- Hon and liv dilution ' .'. Ulril is nu mil by siijiiib that n shipl" nan pr.'iiuiur . (1. Wlial Is a naval bolul.iv ' 7 What Is a llabu" 8 Wil. le was tlie Land of Jo li. i '.i 111 what narl ol Iieiim.irli - t if Su'lil cvf sjhuiit'Hieai J's ' Hiunl ' I'1' In In vvlim c. iiiur.v did ilu rum V. M' I xi 1 1 n Itoine and Car'his'. ur Answers to Yesterday's Quls I Two l.'uiopi'iui capliaN I"""' ll " ' ?t are l.omloii, on tlie I.- ''"I u'S Hi Ilu III. ami Cop nliaffi ,'uVni n.irllv no 111., islnnil (If S' lI"l liinttv on Ih.. islam! of In .lrr .' Main Is an aiicbnt I'dsiai' ''".l"1" .led b.v lite king, ilcprvr "1 by ol"" n ( ni.,. ih.. mint i. ilia.leni or n III IIIIIIIL'llllll lllli'lit-, v. .1. Tli.. word Hhuuld be pronnui. d "''" ',, 111'rft "U SollliOHl 11- " "" I ,j ... , ... ... . . . .. iii m and Im audit on m liililt' , ii- , i mor- t King rlliur. tlo Icgi num ' , ,jis tilth, is said tn ban liwl '" "" iiniurj .x i , ,.,., 5. In ills IMderot was a c. 1' In n i " oliilosoiilii.r and writ. i. I'''' 3" 171.1-1 IHI fir f' li A piilaiiqulll Is n iivti.tl a " , I.. Imll.i ..ml Hie K.'hi. 'r""' uhU oy mui ui pi oe " . ,, I 7 A nlbinb Ih a lib .10 m ":'"'".,' ul Illiih'lUe, lllllli -iiing '"' an i '"' PI .Met'.. I. and usuallv m" ' ' s ,, ot the Koran Homt'i ' BtlP merely a slali or lah illicctlon im S 'Hi a- :b- hdiiml l""" i' ' h, rf0al mn hill Sculidlnavian' " i bunder. I . v i ! Mm ttui vv.ii, i i' l'i lldijaiiiln Iliii'ilsini on'fl in Moii.ii li In d" cUHlum 'f ,.'." w()rj!jl till!' llUNlMllll 'It. ,",,"l f I oni Ibe I ll cob '''I"" "mier," "r.nUrosi," umn, II10II0. Ollti Ll-LJIL..i-.'..,.':;,-i'J:,'-'?i''l- - u ' ,' rjpw1.i-itto3itt - --.-A'ces'A-.lifuVl ittfA'siWM v, , ii i??0H,k:ii,. . . JS ''Qij ( L ,,fc, - ,., sS rAmWtiw$ittlt&l3''-'--...