il -ill Idiii. KSii it 'i i I .' .1 l. ' Ztri' T, s id . ' fell -r cl rr m; liiu'i im v:m;t5 z ri.1 -, f. .rnir r. in I'll , I."itT j." U uB TO! sfl Mft J I k S. ir - I '1 I It 34.', . Hi' m IWf .-il . .t ''.;' . k'..,. ' 'feft .jii". ...... ii- il,!- '?:t7 WtttiTf, . ,'ff s;n . t max m tlnlMI HL'S'Sl'l. tt IJk T B&b iM-i-wr IHftdli:j if.i( i; -i i ri rItiJH a.. JKHi 1 lv : ! i ' & (ilk I'll M 5i i fcilr I M(iMG AMt way, 'S'y wna r, fTjM' EVENING PTJBDIO aDOERIHlijApELPHlA',; WEDNESDAY; ffEBBUABY m 192lf FORGETS HE'S WED about. I litvo her devotedly, but ad verse ns I nm to women, ns noon oh tlir-y Hinllo at me I forget for tlic time that I urn married. Going (o He Stay-at-IIomtr "When I get out after this, belleo ' mi I nill he n for life. Iy wlfo has forgiven me itud will ilo J i4i ull sue cun to nelp me. n ' JUj'Thal otory about jumping over the "I Love Mv Wlfo " Asserts Al-t'nce aml running when the Depart -i uove my vyiio, ssens i- menl of Jistp(i o camp for Jnp , nil bosh. I Just opened up the lmel( i door and walked away to the banV land withdrew my money. In that cowardly? I'll tny It Isn't." II nm !uwl m ARMORY WHEN GIRLS SMILE ASKED FOR M loged Bigamist Arrested in Another Tangle TO STAY AT HOME IN FUTURE! BENNER ESTATE $100,636 "I love my wife devotedly, but J every time another woman smiles at me, i I just seem to forget that I am mar ried." This is the explanation given by .To nice Alfred Gallagher, manacr of n chain grocery store at 1034 Market i sheet, who will face United States Commissioner Mnnley Friday. Gal lagher was arreted ou a swnrn to by the mother and hii'bnnd of u woman, a cashier in one ot the rliain Mores, who is sold t" hove beeu taken ' to Toronto by the -tore manager. Mrs. Msrtle Wilkinnn. the woman. I la the wife of an ex-soldier and Inventory of Personal Effects of Lato Architect Filed An Inventory of the personal prop erty of the late A. Pcuroe Henner, nrchiteet, who assisted iu designing Cit Hall, und filed todav. shown a balance of SlOO.tVW.W Of this figure-, there n included an item of $00,000. port of the istate of the late Samuel T Ueu ner. The will of Charlotte Redmond. 502 South Forty-seeond street, divides a 7.". 000 estate between four sonb und six daughters Other wil's filed und otate valuations are: Frank A. HuNh- ner. olXH .ortn nrnncK sireni, ;;-v, I. AY Legislature Asked for Funds to House New Heavy Artil lery Regiment chauffeur. This alleged affair of theitV.O: Illanehe Hart. 7,10 Corinthian manager and cashier is 'aid to b- hi thiru tangle with women. Lust June Gallagher wus charged ulth blgam He is said to hue mar ried a Ml-s Stella Lnnguecker. rah Irr of n grocery tnre In Uo,hester. Gallaher at tbe tim had bi wife and rhlld living hre near Forty-third street and I'owelton avenue. h now llvet. in Germantnn. He "v'eastwl on Driiggfd non-nons" His defense was thut Ml- lng necker feasted him ou drugged bon bons and while laboring und' r t'ie m fluenee of the drug, he married li r His wife stanchlj stnd b lier hu- band and urged him tn return t the city, which he did The new err'st htill finds the firt Mrs Gallaher Imal. Gallaher savs. und he oxpe, t- b"r to appear In hi- behalf Friday "My wife is thp dearet thing ivi nginable." Gallaher said whil" wait ins to be taken to Moameniug l'n--on in default f ?HO bail. "It"s just ono affair after annthrr. My advice is to stav us far aa from tbe womon as posible. Thpy will break you -ooner or later. "Take m rase for instanee I am only twentj -two ?arv old and hae been married for th last live jears I have one child ami believe inc. the kid i a wonder. If nny one tells jou 1 don't love mj w.fe, tell them th" don't know what th-r are talking avenue. SH."; r.inn . nuun.iru. l.'OS Erie avenu", $n.i00 ; Maria Marti rano. 1501 I'assvunk avenue. -M500. and Amelia B. Mjers, who died in Os weso, N. Y . SrtOOO. The invontor.v of the personal prop ertv of Hrnrv K. Kurtz, banker and broker, who died rerentl.v. shows a bal unce of .?.14.1S1 2.' Letters of admin- istratlon were granted iu these estates; Lewis Bennett, -.V4 North SKth street, M0. "OO. Simon Abrams. 2."." Tulip street SSOSS. and Kobert T. Meinel, ail Vork street. ,GO00. W0MAN'SAUT0HITS MAN Miss Evelyn Mason Takes Victim to Hospital and Reports to Police , Charles Smith, sixty-four year' o'd. of -J4 Heger street, was struck and 'u lured bv an automobile vesterdav after noon when creams Lena street at Chel- I tm avenue. 0rniantown. Miss F.velyn 1 Man. 704 Loeut avenue, driver of the ear. took the man to the German -town Hospital, where physicians said lie reeeived slight injuries. Miss Mason then reported herself at the Ger mantown police station and promised to I appear for a heurlng when notified. j F.thel Wiejicr. aged three, of X:i0 Huttonwood street, was struck yestcr- ' d.t;. by a machine passing in front of i the Northern Liberties School, Third I street near Uuttonwod tiv a Ulatf Corrcsv"dciM llarrlsburg, Feb. 10. A great million-dollar armory for heavy field artil lery is to be erected by the state armory hoard for the uje of the Nntlonal Guard, in Mount Airy, Philadelphia. This will be a new institution iu Philadelphia a development out of the world war. Plans for the armory were announced Rf"ln at Knn Orange, where he has today by Benjamin . Demming, secre- I been In charge for ears, and also de tary of the hoard in connection with the tails relutlng to matters of tenchers introduction into the Legislature todnv I salaries to ue uisposeu ot. i uruier, me DR. BROOME TO TAKE UP DUTIES HERE IN MARCH New Schools' Head Getting Ac quainted With Aides Today Dr. E. G. Broome, newly elected superintendent of schools, today said be expected to be hero permanently early in Mnrch, In all likelihood In time for the next regular meeting of the Board of lMuratinn, on the second Tuesday In March. Dr. Broome made the statement this morning after n visit to the adminis tration building, at Nineteenth and Ludlow streets, where he mot the as sociate superintendents and the depart mental heads and conferred Informally with them for an hour. On Friday night lie will be the guest of honor at un Informal conference and dinner, at the City Club. Two conditions remain to be cleared un prior to the romlns of Dr. Broome. There are details of the building pro SIX MEN ARRESTED AS MOTOR BANDITS Elkton Officer Traps Alleged Robbers in Cafe and Forces Surrender of a bill calling for an initial appro The total cost of the nrmorv building proper will be upward of n million dol lars. This is exclusive of the value of the land n tract of about two and h half acres which will be donated to the state by a wealthy Philadelpblan who is intereted In the guard. The armor) board ednnot publish at this time either the name of the donor or the exact location of the site. This is nernu"? all the land lias not been no- national educational conference. In At lantie City, the latter part of this month and the first days of March will tenuire the attention of Dr. Broome. With these details "cleared up," as lie expressed it, he will be free to conic to Philadelphia and start actively direct ing educational matters here. Judge Cacsldy's Daughter III Suffering from an attack of append! ritis, Florence Cassidy, ulue years old. Six men, four heavily armed, who arc suspected of having robbed Jnmes Doolittle. of this city, were surrounded and captured last night In a restaurant at Elkton. Md. Mr. Doolittle, who lives at the Lor raine, Broad street and Falrmount nvc nue. was held up early yesterday near West Grove, l'a. The namms got .uuu. Nearly ?000, three pistols and ono automatic and a dozen boxes of am munition wem f-iuud on the six men arrested in Elkton. Mr. Dnolittic was halted iu bis auto mobile In six men In a car bearing a Virginia lleensc number. He made mental note of the number, which was communicated to the police of towns and cities wlthtn n rndlus ot 100 miles, Shortly before midnight last night Chief of Police Potts, of Elkton noticed n large touring rnr In front of Pierce's cafe, which is Just opposite, the court house. He discovered the number of the mochlne was Identical with that of the robbers' car. Potts saw six men In the enfe. He summoned Sheriff Reth, Deputy Sheriff Holmes and Motorcycle Patrolman 3Iornii, of the Maryland state police. The four entered the restaurant, whipped out their revolvers and ordeied the six men to surrendr. The men were so completely surprised that they bad no time to use their weapons. Th emen arrested said the.v were C W. Burrough, C. C. McCurley, Taylor Sleenmii, Aaron Tructenberg and Lelloy Mason, all of Washington, aud Herbert King, of Balston, Vn. iJXKsrKitt:""-.' Hi '''I1:''.'!-!' ..i ,iuLL.:!!itf Jillllil!ili'LJul!ili:..;,li : ....'. ..'rnu ,. 'i'. : M 'Mll m&-4 MMsj$m ii K"4 A Xcic Organization With an Old Xante m 1310 Chestnut Street SALE New Spring Frocks 2'00 m Actual 39.50 to 45.00 Values These are for Street and Afternoon Wear smartly fashioned of Fine Taffetas and Kitten's Ear Crepe Navy, Black, Grey and Brown. Some in Navy Blue Tricotine. New models entirely. The latest new styles. Sizes 1G to 12. None C. O. D. No Approvals. All Sales Final. iiii!iii,iiliitiii:i'liiiii'!ij.i;tl.i!!ii'i.'iMii!i'i;il'T7T !iiiiiiMi,i.:!;,''ii'i!.i.!ii.'...ii.iiii'i!ii.ii.i.,ii Priced With iOTV5' Because Priced Only One Profit - By The Producer Our Windows Are "The Glass Of Fashion THE Window is might ier than the Word. Simply look into our win dows. They are an Ency clopedia of Fashion under a plate-glass cover. Novel and sprightly Springtime Colorings like Nut Brown, Lovat Green and Blue Gray. Exclusive treatments in Pockets, Lapels, Coat Fro nts.The new wider-cut, fuller-draping trousers. The changes in fashion are great so are our values. 100; ALL-WOOL HAND-TAILORLD STYLED BY OUR OWN DESIGNER Vt y T ki lamNEv t7i io Hilton Company 121 1-121:5 Chestnut Street Clothes Shops in 'Principal Cilia k'ARK NEW YOKS uisuuisurt 1 niurvuti-i iii-v slS CHICAGOJ22J cation might result in efforts to increase Hie prices for the land. The land will be worth between $.r0,000 and STo.OOO, The regiment of heavy field artillery which Is to be housed in the new armory t in process of organization. The per sonnel of the staff is not yet obtainable The guns will be IS5 millimeter Howitzers, motorized. They will be drawn by caterpillar tractors. The peace strength of such a regiment is about FJ00 men, with a maximum strength of about 1700 men. The new organization in a sense will supplant the Old Second Hegiment. originally an Infantry group. the Municipal Court, was taken to the Lnnkenau Hospital for an operation last night, .fudge Cnssldy's home is at 101 West Chclten avenue, German-town. r- Is. 1 $100 IN CASH PRIZES II I BORAX SOAP Sac 5 "Wrappers J 1 1 n 'i " - , nllw 1 g-M Heywood Wakefield PERFEK'TONE Phonograph IT'S DIFFERENT REED, RATTAN AND WOOD CABINETS NO TONE RIVAL CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED Philada. and Atlantic City 1723 Chestnut SL 517 Boardwalk JOIN GEO. KELLY'S EASTER SUIT CLUB NOW FORMING $1.00 A WEEK will drcts you in a fine Hand Tai lored Suit for EASTER This Advertise ment it the only introduction you need. Join tomorrow on your noon hour and save a $5.00 Bill on your Easter Outfit If you cannot call, writ vl We will call at your home. Your Credit's Good GEO. KELLY'S 624-26-28 Market St. rf UT77 w- ffi uD Kirvfivttwwmmrti -v a-- v ! ' " israwra!rfV'ww' aw j 3L92fi ;' "WHae n Tried ftS TRADEMARK, DEO. U.S. PAT. OFP. U CHOCOLATE J is. "THE H NEST CHOCOLATE m ,. iMTf . 'ri.- HkffSV VV.T1 i?-. ''i A IA V IS.H't vi v . tjiw.'s-nvTLV aor r ri i-iktu'' msj a; tiML2f&mi& . i.:mj& . w i&vmmm.sjrh;jswm x i nu r r irmwnaMCLt w J'WiMB&W r . ,vaSe2R5 2m, 1 fjs2&zsMm$xzx "The Guarantee It the Bank for Mc." J f sz ,' , I ? . 1 I ' Poor Richard's Second Arrival "N 1723 Franklin arrived in Philadelphia, a friendless und prac tically pcnnilc83 boy. Un his return from 1 ranee in 1786 ho mnaeci in rnnacicipnia u suecessiui, innucntiai man tlie im mense change in hia station of life due to his wisdom and thrift. Wisdom and thrift go hand in hand. The wise man today regards systematic saving us the keystone of success. The man without money in the bank is prepared neither for opportunity nor the "rainy day." Start an interest-bearing checking account, or open a savings fund account with us now! GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 316-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET 1415 CHESTNUT STREET 9 SOUTH 52b STREET itST'Ours Is Exactly Ihc Same Standard Merchandise as the "Cost-More" Kinds of Other Stores vV ' f flillPSjM))iiiiiiiuiiiiiicaiiHiiritiHvujaij uiiuimJBBBMiRBaaBidiiiurjgisaTtTift I "8'sV"- Vtl! 7Harlffl0tj 0 SaIei pTTT ,,n, mi,,,,!,,,. ChartreA:ounts TmitedBiiilMn' Fi1UJHa5l55 I ( J?ale LlpiwfePqS m im m ir'si tm 1 1 1 ii and, in most instances, MORE than Half Off! 1 As Clearance is our object, cost and worth have been given little consideration! When you see tlie Furs it will be at once apparent that tlie savings are quite witliout parallel! Shop early in the Day. Here's Our Guarantee Read It Now! We. guarantee thu prices in this event to be lower than they will be nny time during 1921. We urge you to purchase now for next season's nerds. Take advantugo of our deferred payment plan. So certain are we of the values we offer that should you desire any other garment from our stock prior to delivery privilege of exchange will gladly be granted. Tomorrow Thursday FromlOA, You Can Buy Here BEAUTIFULLY-MODELED NEWEST i iL wrjn N-i I A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase ' in our Storage Vaults until required. Payments to be continued monthly throughout the Spring and Summer m Fur Coats Marmot I Full Flare Models) Australian Nutria (Smart Models) Leopard Cat (Jaunty Trimmed Models) Trtnch Seal (36-ineU Full Models.) Marmot (Jfi-iueh Raccoon Trimmed) French Seal (Skunk Trimmed Model.) Natural Muskrat (""- "ul AO-inch) French Seal Wraps (Deep Cape Collar) French Seal (HO.ivrk Squirrel Trimmed) Hudson Seal (Smart Trimmed Modeli) Hudson Seal (UlS-inrh Skunk or Beaver Trimmed) . , . Hudson Senl Wraps (Humlsome Full Length Models) Scotch Mole Wraps (Hiuidaomt Full Lenyth Modvh) Natural Squirrel Wraps (ry Fine Skins Full Length) Natural Mink Wraps (Full Length Models) lli'Killiirlj 1)0.00 125.00 145.00 150.00 180.00 200.00 275.00 295.00 .1.15.00 350.00 500.00 750.00 750.00 1195.00 2500.00 "OH- 38.00 35.00 09.50 74.50 89.50 100.00 135.00 125.00 105.00 175.00 250.00 375.00 375.00 595.00 995.00 Fur Chokers Natural Squirrel Australian Opossum 'luupo Coney Kolinsky Fitch Natural Mink Korean Kolinsky Natural Fitch Stone Marten Hudson Bay Sable . . . Natural Fisher lUtf. 1f. 50 10.50 1 (1.50 lfi.50 15 00 115 00 an.oo 75 00 150.00 150.00 Now 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 31.50 09.50 09.50 Fur Stoics 9 IlC(t. Now Hudson Seul 100 00 49.50 Moleskin "0.00 69.50 Jap Mink 105.00 98.50 Skunk I9500 98.80 Natural Squirrel 235.00 115.00 Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted Fur Scarfs Taupe Wolf . Brown Wolf . Black Wolf . . , Taupe Fox . . . Brown Fox . , , Black Fox . . . Nutria Cross Fox . . . Hudson Seal . Black Lynx . . . tuk. 30.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 40,00 70,00 70.00 80.00 85.00 1 50.00 Fur Sels It'E. Taupe Fox CO.OO Brown Wolf 05.00 1 nupe Wolf 75.00 Brown Fox 100.00 Black Lynx 150.00 Now 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 19.50 19.50 31.50 31.50 39.50 39.50 09.50 Now 21.50 29.50 31.50 49.50 69.50 FOR ONLY 4a k B & . Ai iia aw;.' SPRING W :& Hj,ia sjs TCI01! jruijMi i0Psta Era1 i (JldA'JcWl7 qMBMX V!fl 11! m;mmm vbxw nm WSJZWmW I744W That Other Stores Are Asking $30 and $35 For But You Must Come for Them Between 10 A. M.-2 P. M. Stately Spring Dresses of taffeta, satin, Georgette, canton crope and kitten's-ear crepe. New beads, silk floss bouffants, ruffles, flared tunics and sashes all inter mingle to make a most striking effect. Individual Spring Dresses Up 10 tydV.Vl tr A rich urray of fresh Spring models in pay colors " LOOK anil of the newest materials. Till: II Ml I O. TIIIHI) See Our Windows sfor Great Clean-Up t Sale of Winter Coats, i Suits and Dresses 3jf CENTS I ON THE. w DOLLAR 1?WVSlorc Opens 9 A. M. aud Closes 5.30 P. M.wsvvu Charge Accounts Solicited J .J .Vfcst&H ittA-Wi 4lJr( ' t MfcJiAa, Vtf- ilinm lHuthMUb jMAt.