?." fftTOlWi! -" V "I . I51 " "J X ai"l -, jiSiNG OF WE DEPOSITS 0,1 Prevents Politic.il Fnvorit (sm and Gives Funds to Banks on Interest Bidding ...r,nT fC CDPnill HAS SUrruni "- . ..wwa. , lit (JROICOK NOX MrC'AIJS n .!... f-b. in.-Tho hllnrioUH. V nrnfilnbli' Knn'f of "mhikhir hip ' tree mn.lo fn.nmn b Mnttl.ow J i Oimr "i" "" ,, "' "" cn'1 ',5or"Uli:raft.BrbWi.l:l1ouil.h ;rrofil 1 1! ' -mi- f'i- "d ,i,e i,,,rcs, Tr! bill prrontiMl In tlie House li ' . if.ii...p. tinii mnii of (lie 'TmUlec " bnnklnp. lifrnnii'M n low M"1" "... .. en.l to tbc smnilnK pub- It . . P.-i 1- .!..- nriinU', tlUlt nt micrviiiH um ,.. .he nt ion Ulll.Ptn'n. !" M' IZ fnrO jonm have cl.wtcre.1 "" j d,e vtnto trcustirj Thll'lll t o .noro irogrdir, frnn. fte.Biwv for nfficlnli to fnvor certnin Gal", bv Klvln" thorn 1nrc deposits nvei r:?,nr.. .i,f...l In Auditor Gen- SrH'H'W'-, Th- . .t fonturo of It Is llie eiiininiwiiii ? K'PK "-.r-m of noyim, lint .. tier tent on Ntntc deposits. IS U ?. 'is P.npo.ed l hullo bids from banks mm i.- " Ilriwills Mll'JWt to HhWIllB i..fmi.itnrles would be dome ,, ,d from nmonc the bmibs nnd trim! Snios offeritiK tbc hlghct rte of UtXt deposit- to be amply protected Vi uvuiin bonds Tli're wiii " " "-- - '-- dMIOlWries klimwi is n..i- .tier The active bnnlts or deposl LM Mill be those inrrjlnc n cli.'cU- 1....I.. .lenosltories will receive stiite i ..j, ah permnneiit deposit, hut sub utm withdrawal upon ten ilnys no li" . ..;ii i. i:.ti,i I.. c..,.. .innneiinni'., will ill' imii.ss., umber nnd .outined exelusively to the Jink, trut fonipnnies or pnvnte taking torn ems Hint offer the hidicst Iniwt itli the Kiontesi uinuunt of """' . ., .. ,.,.,., 11m oiintiinek oi no- iinv Imll be nnpn ' to tliose wim ui-xire i fcr rliMii lion"! nilmlmstrntion of itatf fiiml KilK rolilltal Tilvllefie n uumi will it be possible for xtnti loJiiinlK kite elu'iks nnd have notes liiffiuntiil on tne sin-iiBin in mm.- u.--reii in leitiiin hanks, as it uus m ollw rnr" . , . IVIitiinl fomlilnntimis ran no loiiRcr Itatnt b the eolleetion of n smpliM la'eret moi nnd anove tlie icuni inie. The Mlieine or polilical invoriies nakini; ileiici-its in stieh depositories, iv.n niorcliiiwinc their nu'ounts, ns lj. been the ease, will be at an end. The nnennt device ot ootuininc me l-.i!ili.il n-Mstnme of hankerx nnd biiiil; lire tors In throw me tliem u sop in the ill ot -"Kile i.eposus cm ii no iimre oe nerled Mn'ioir i he Kiline of putting out f.tate moni'N ni an indui'einent to oniiKh to laioreil to discount notes of oflielnlh tnKre-teil in business enterprises on the ld, si luis hieu done in tbc past, will le t nn end A repetition of the Quny-Havwood jnilal will be ii'ndered impossible, III; Hetiirn for Stale A d.ioi deiiMiil-elect Lewis deeluies iWJihfieclh that if this hill is enacted tto la nnil is honestli nnd jiidieiously unil into 1'IIeit tlicie will he suilieient joitional iiiiiiii paid into the state rcaun to im the luiiiiiiiK expenses of bat ili'iui'n 'nt of the state covern vnt 1' nn while t'oi (lie pcciiile to ieinini unsuiei .iiisrwiint that ineaii-.. I n ml.iii tnnjil f;,i'i u tlini thp till! lull not in it nnj new positions or ripow ini niliiitioiuil expense on tlie hmmnntt ilili 'I'he lemul of nil tinns- lions n'l Imls and awaids aro to be lpn lo I,, imhli, I liaiikuii; niii'i'iiis Mill lwi ucLmi I'roiifii .inuiitspiniiitN In ilnih news- lafrs to si,i,t i,s f, Ktatt, ,i,,,ositH llra-il "litlll. tin' would hill on ii kI.-v. rapci iM an iiiL-ineer on n stoi.l in'ili Ififaiki fn.ioi i . '" i "in 1 1 1 here , ' BVBUiy PUBLIC ILEDdEB-PHILABBLFfeA, WEDNESDAY,. BRUJJY' 10, 1921 -.. .. . . . . . . j seek CLOTHING THIEVES nninnnr nunnnnT I uw by e.u(,. t ,. .,Mrtn. ,hM. L VIIUIJIIUI li?.urih' flf!n !xl. "cvtnth ami clKhth r n Splvak Robbery Not Due to Any Defect In Alarm System Police are still lookltiR for thieves who etiK'ied the tailor shop of 1,. ,T Snlvak, SOU Walnut street, tho night of I ebruni '', and stole n ipinntlty of clotliiiip. TKe thieves punched a hole tliroiiRb the wall to one side of the door, thus elite-ring without coming Into contact with the electric wiring of a burglar alaiin. It was nt first erroneously re ported that the device had failed to work or that the men bad discon nected It. Mr. Splvak sn)R that If lie had had tho wires extended through the wnlls of his shop, the men could bnve not gained entrance without causing an alarm. ItNKUi BEATS SPROUL FOES Failure of Effjrts to Harass !i .-----. ,; nd.ii,, nn,. umiiiii ,'""' cues oi mo -nira ciniiK, Dorouxnii, towns nnd tonrmhlpn cMiihllihlnK on eluht- iioiir tJy for iruardn or keepers In county Jll and prliona In countlns of tha flrat , '. I Provldtnpr for an offVlal ami for the state iJfiwrtment of Health provldln for tna construction of brldm-s on stn'o hlili- i irirn and apportlonlne the rosta the VeM- i em Btata penitentiary appropriation bill, al lowing counties to remoie abandoned brlde dlrcctlnii the publication of the pamptile' i eontalnlnir tho nomo fliti and forestry Ihws i, n lnR no'iniv on weasels rrnm tn SCHOOL BOARD BILL TO EXHIBIT BERKSHIRES CALLED IN QU E SIN Luncheon Opens Three-Day Conven tlon of Breeders Here A luncheon todm in the Hotel l.oi rnitii' opened n cnincnlion of bleeders Administration Program Indicato Pact ll.no, crantlnir the State Health nepnrtment :!- n ai,.. d.,' h. ' ney Ot-tit'i n , tci nni additional quarantine powera reuutiitlnir he CritlCS Call mOaSllrO PrOVldingi , ,. usa of caustlo acid or allcall preparations for l.egisliitllri' unjiim mi househoMu,. anil provldInK penalties rats l-.- Pn n( Mnmliar. I..u. i. .. SCHEDULE GAINING tng the amount of exemption of propertv in uisirees prnreeiiinffs irom ;wu lo ooo. tnsk Init the )ienalty for settlnir tiro to inv piiblle bulldlni inooo fine, and Imprisonment ot not less than fHo nor moro han twentv jeare, amendlim the .Alterhenv rounty juvenile W w court act lo Increase tho salary of the thtef ( probation officer. NEW UTILITY BOOY OP 10 EDWARDS ? Jersey Governor Mtiy Appoint Board of Throe Under Act Just Passed OLD ORGANIZATION OUSTED -iti ltd o for iloposii l IM I 'lit nf tin. tnful ini'intif ,- m,,iU st.uk. sui plus and u'ihiupii n .His "mills to Ite .Secured mi' in isi i., given !. ,., ,,.,,, "HI'S 01 intuitu lii, II. .i.l. ..'.I. ' ., .. ill.. , ., "iiiiiiiiii iriim nine I'Posite '"'"""it of state iiionejs Tic si., , I,, ,,..,,, n,,,, , "iretnrv . .i '.! .'iiriiii, l on, """"'""iwealth mid the ''!" tlie ,!,, W,,,,,,"- ...... "-.." "'''"".' imni. Will I Mill ir.i , . 1. - 1 t Imj .,.,, b i me ilistritlllt oil "ne oilici um. ,, ., , , . . rMn ,. - .::."' . "i'ni ,ni l1"ms i, sol,. ,, i '" " ' U,"M"B llin '" U iL'dli. 1 1. ........ .1. ' . I'lMiixnitiniMl ... .. .."" ". '" ". :denan,; ..;:. "X''"i "'"" IM,,K" I'lnt'il In i . i. . ' . '"'""'Pi'u np- v. , ,-, r :,"" uo'v . iit i , ., .. : ' " .u" '"' hi f . """'L " cnmpieie Iiih- ri m .in,, i ,:.."" "''' "ii Htanil- W" "t ,!,, , "iiin r.s a nil eor lirr.nnm. .. .."""' "'"' i nn' and il s ... . .. "" l"'"" for am- Huie """ "' t an other "H Vlllllinlsl....!.... I, '..i. lli.ll ,-sIM0 " s llOS.ll.l.. .1 , ' ' 'el' II., " "li" '.I "" l,i" ,,M is. ,iud.. . " ,.v r ".! " ' .,,:;,.r, ,J? Itn i "' " " "'" ""', eter riM in,,, ... ." "" . '"''."'nil As Innlii.i. --iKiii'M to hlil.it f.,'..."" " F'lnii ,l si,,,,, ,, ' ,"' "' "" lliailipu- s""l lodin as h.. ki,i,., , tl'inia l.,i. ".""I!,M. "' .'''"" lre..e, ,.'.'.. '"' lion, tlmt he fnrii.,. i ,, ' """"' ' i "in Muintoi I ruci , l ii 'Mr 1 , I u.i.lre knock out hill lias heen as illMI., ,, ,..1 ., , "' ' III. .11 I an or in" i ' """ in deusini; air h'unli:'" T ."" "i..plctel an, h" said, lias the in- llniuirt.i ' ,.M""' ".n'l" . This Hrtemi.nf . " -'"". lias tie in IWe !.;... "," .:"lor nnd the fui-.n L 'l"""1 s a.iuiiiiMi.itioii for PLANS' or I mi ..... '""" "'Mien.1 s',!l,,,,!lV:,,:;,'""' '""' "UNSION !f I'.lllllt M l I. :i t. ''i iviiKincer 'I l.oiiinl i;hi I Sprelni lupnlr). In f.'te.iitio PuMtc f.eilotr Trenton. Feb. H, It is now up to Governor I'M wauls to determine just how much longer the Rtnte shall be without n legnlly recognized board of pillule utility commissioners. 'J'lie'Sennte Wallworth hill for n new hoaid of thiee, to be appointed by the KOpinor, passed tlie House last nlKlit. It is cxpe.ted the hill will be delivered to the governor today When the decision of the Court of hriors nnd Appeals, oustlnn the old Hepulillcnn utility coininlsslonerH. he came known to the l.cuislnturc, the Wnlluortli hill, which had heen held in the Sennte's citstodj . was mslicd to the Afiscnihlv for n vole I'nssalc lepreHentnthes led the otiH formldiible opposition to il Mnjoritv Leader How laud bad se cured suilieient iilodcoN in a s,ort lte- liubllcnn conference to insuie passage of the hill. Salaries Raised to SI 2,000 Favorable action on the ineasuie in dkatCM the Hepuhli.an policy to te inoe the utility board horn politics. Although the appointment of the thiee new commissioners ih left with the kov ernor. the Republican Senate, which must confirm nominations, will insist tbnt competent men be nnmed. t'nder the bill the annual nalnrj of n commis sioner is increased from .7."00 to 1J1-, -00(1. The hoard members cannot he return od from oflicc, under the Wall worth hill, except h Impeachment. A new board will llnd inanj impor tant enscs awaiting solution Trolley companies lime ten-.ent fate applica tions on file nt the Statu House and various other utilities liae pioposcd security issues. Following passage of the Van Ness prohibition enforcement act, tlie Anti Saloon League offcied n companion measure prescribing legulation to gov ern transportation of beverages to be used for medicinal, religious and sacra mental purposes Th" incisure! would extend the poweis of the hoard of pliutinnc and ghc it supervision over issuance of penults for the tiatisportn tion and use of liipioi for purposes legal!) recognized b. the Volstead act. Drys Must Figlil In Senate I'lohibif'nnlstN. although successful in getting the enlorcciucnt net through the Assembly, do not discount tlie fight they must make to gamer sufficient of livn'iiitivc totes in the Senate to out the ineasuie through that leglslatUe hiancii. Retention of the oiiginal section for Nttmmai-t iitmigiimcnt ot "bootleggeis" in the Van N'ess bill will be the Ktoim center about which the liberals m the Senate will ninkc tin ir fight. The bill as adopted bj the House included the ptowsiou for piosecution of violators of the eighteenth amendment without tiinl by jury. Introduction nnd passage of a lull appioprinting ..,"ifl00 to pnj the pie liminnrj expenses of the soldiers' bonus commission wns an example of what the Leglslntuic can do with a situa tion commanding cmeigeiuy aition The bill passH both houses unanimously. It will enable the commission to employ some thirty foimer soldieis as clerks nnd to pit) for necessary printing and other incidental expenses. The bonuses will be issued within a few months. Substantial increases in tho liicnsc fees for motortrucks is pioposcd in u hill ofTeted by Senator White, of At lantic The new fee would be buseo. upon the weight and .enrrj ing capacity of chicles. Tlie Senate passed the House bill appropriating $.I0,0(K) to the Uepait ment of Agricultuie to indemnify own ers of cattle condemned under the tu beiculosis test The mone will be ex pended uudci the Iliiieau of Animal In dusti.v. Am'cnble settlement of the depait mental dispute out lontinunuce of tlie stnto aichitect's department seems as sui ed with amendment of the Senate bills to ghe the Department of Insti tutions and Agencies tho right to ap point its own architects Man Found Asphyxiated Roheil t'laik, fifty-five jears old. was found dead in the sitting loom of his home in .'100! I Tilton stieet. at fi.-.'IO o'. In. I. this moining. He hud been as phj slated as he sat tn a locking chair Samuel Stcehnnn. uho looms in the ( 'lilt Is house, found him when be smelled gas A jet in a small stove used to bent tin silting loom was open. Dr. I mils r Harlow wnn wns Clark's phy sician, was called in hut was unable t icwvc him Hv n Staff Correipnndfnt , Ilaiilsbiirg. Feb. 10. Informed po litical opinion, which Is gaining con siderable curt c ney and Is being widely discussed toilnj. is to the effect thnt the real rnson for the failure of sev eral recent attacks on Governor Kproul due to an understanding which bns I been reai he1 between the Governor and Senaf'. I'etunse education of this is nlleged to he found in the small ole mustered by opponents of the state adininlstintion, nnd most patticulnrly In the Governor's telegram to President -elect Harding, exptessing the hope that the report was ttiie thnt Andrew W. Jlellon would lio tinnmil ou unnlnwt nf llm tfnnuiirV It would not surprise any one to learn 0,j"K bildegroom today. "1 expected that the Governor's wire to Mr. Hard- ' ""'' "olll,l kt"0'k "ly l,,ock 0.ff "licn l illL' fnllnived n ln . ,1 let nn tnlenliniie I got llOlllC. IllSteilll III' loOKCll tit Hie. conversation between the (Jovernor and grinned, and said. "Congrntulatlons. Senator Penrose, who wants to see Mr. Mellon named. This also would be pleasing tn George II. Oliver, who Is supposed to be at odds with the Gov- for Election of Members Unconstitutional FINEGAN IN FAVOR OF IT II II n Staff Oflnr.poit.rnl Ilarrlshiiig. a., Feb. us Rcpre sentative Philip Sterling, of Philadel phia, sponsor for the elective, unpaid school hoard for his home clt, wns "DAD" WAS GOOD FELLOW Eloping Son Pleasantly Disappointed by Father's Congratulations Frank Milcy, Jr.. twenty jeais old. of 47.M!I IMtmmcl street, who cloned to Dover, Del, on Monday, with Miss , suddenly confronted todnv with state Ida Ferguson, eighteen jeais old. of menis that his bill might be unconstl 'JVHI Pratt street, bad one pleasant .lis- ' tutlonul because of tlie classification appointment when be letiiriied beic ...visions which make n distinction bc wltli bis hililc jcsteidny. tween Philadelphia and Plttbtiigh. ne expected to "have his bloik Two jears ago," sUd Mr. Steillng. knoiked off" hj Ills fntber. He sns so "the Supremo Court decided in two himself. Instead. Milcy, Sr.. took the I uses that placing counties in the fifth sensible view, said lie was satisfied with ' and seenlh classes was unconstitii his son nnd son's wife, nnd extended ' tlon.il. M'liere lias never been a tie tlie hand of fellowship and forgiven- , cision on u similar question with ic ness to the boj . Spect to school districts. Roth of the "I'm tickled to death," said tlio t J-.-ilonH in question were based on the imi nine me new cotilitj classlllcntlons STATE ASKED TO REPEAL LAWS AGAINST 'SEDITION' Civil Liberties Union Tells Governor They Restrict Free Speech Hv n Staff lortrrtiiomtittf ' llarrlsburg, Feb lit Appeals weic,"f Kerkshires thnt coiuludes on I'ri tccelved loilnj l tlie Goeinoi. Att.u I ini'iubi'is of the pcnl f I be v-liile Iuwb dciillng with sjndiialisiii" nnd "sedition. ' enacted since 11117. on the glolltnl that thei nbtldgc nii.l iiiterfeie with the rigtits of t'loe siucli nnil free asFcmhlnge I ho iiiieals wcic sent In the AinCr dnj Al II n .biik tin-, celling the pub lic will lie allowed to enter the Fitsf Itegimeni Aiuiot'N. lliond and Callow lull stici'l". when' ahoiil half a hun dred Jle"khires from the finest heids III the ioiinti are on exhibition A meat cutting demonstration will In- giwii b 1'iof. W II Tiiinbnxe. of Petins.ilvanln Slnte C.iltpg. . and Mis Mni A Wilson, food expert of the I.tMN(, I't 111 K Li. ikii ii will lectin u lean Civil Libetties I nioii. I.M8 West on the prjpnration of pork dihis and i nirteeiiiti stieet. .ew i oi k city, n nicir ii'iatm rood nlues tiallonal fi.e speech otgiitiiatioii wliub Time nic twne ns main llerkhircs lias lliaiigurnted n iaiiiialgu for the lib- icgisteicil in P. niisj Iwiiiin than in inn rogation of similar laws in tblil -the "Hii r stnl. slates Albiil l)oilcr. tlitci lor of the union ACT FOR STATE CEMETERY House Passes Bill to Bury Veterans In Valley Forge Park JlaiiMiiuK, Vb 1(1 -Tin Ho Pissed the Dunn hill todnv lo create .i state reineten for world war .loan" ir nlloi I- oigc Sei.ral hundred ncies of land aro "Wiled b, ,,e s,. ,,, VtilU Icuge winch has been made into n state park TO AID SOLDIER BONUS State Senate May Ask Congress to Pass Fordney Measure ll.it I'lsliurg, Feb 10. Rcpicintalie 1 Diitin s ics.ihitum calling on Pennii ' I'nmn u, . i, I , ernor. All this is pointed to ns explaining win cffoits t luirrnss the Governor, even though his teim of office is on the decline, hnve signall failed. Of course, there is mm h discussion as to the terms of the nlleged iitideistanding between the Governor and the senator. In n general wnj. it is understood by manj thnt the senator will not obstruct the Governor's bill submitting to the people the question of holding n (olisti rties I nl. ,ii .ne Piof I lit 1 1 I' Ward. of New orl,. i him man, .Icantiette Rankin of .Montana, ntnl Diiiiinii M, Donald of Illinois, vice ( liairiueii WILLIAM K. HOPPLE DIES tiitional coiiM'iitlnn Further, thnt the , "Dad" Milcy bad stinted for Klkton i.o.ornor win get tlie nililllionai icve- arrived there after his son mid sweet Hues lie requites; Wn fioni an inctense in the itiheritame taxes nnd possihh also from n tax on billboards, The hill providing for the latter Is going through the leglslatixe mill nt this time. The mntter of getting nddltionnl icve nue fiom n tax cm mal and on amnufne turlng corporations is regarded ns de batable, with the prospect more fa vol -able for n tax on coal than for one on manufacturing corporations. It is believed heie in icitain cnclcs that the understanding between the Goi ernor and Senator Penrose will he worked out in more detail in the recess which has been declared for all of next week. Senator Penrose probably will re ceive teprcsentntives of the Governor, if not tile Governor himself, in confer em e at Washington. MMiero is n livch cxpci tntinn nn nil sides that the Ciow bill, providing thnt tho constitutional convention will be icported out of the Senate committee and started on tlie mail to passage shortly after the Washington birthday recess of next week. PROGRESS OF BILLS Merc not justified because there wns not a sufiiclent difference in papulation to make the separate classifications expo- sou; just be good to that wife of yours "" m '"' wo"" "mle and evcrj thing will he all right." Points to Dlffciciire r,iT1.'P '"i,'0' I'""'", nri' ot quite tin the other hand, theie is great dif- filled with joy to oierllowiiig, as rt feren. e between the population of the at least Mrs. Mile. could not. or would school distiicKof Pittsburgh nnd I'hlla- iiot, be seen todnj. Il Is understood I dclphia and hence theie is justification Mr. add Mrs. Milc.i will live with bis for the separate i lassltlcatlon. and I nm wife's fnmih, pending tlie acquire- 1 1 ertoiti the courts would so hold. In mont of a little home somewhere in the fact I don't believe the question will u-va,. . n,,,,, ., d.,ii,,. ti-l.i northeastern part f the city. "ei he seriousl or effectiiel raised." Hc Was ln CharCc of Pullman Ticket Milcy nnd MM Ferguson went to, ''e Smith, ilinirman of the House Office In Broad Street Station ciiuianoii (oiiiinitlee, sniil he nppioied , William K Hopple, for n'most critL'T-nr'T,!1"!:!!''- ;',!, 'cfelKi""" " "" '" Smith, "1 would snj that the mem- , sjlianin Railioad, at the llroad street lierslilp nf the hoard should be five office of the coinpanx . ditd nil 1 m-s- II.'m..!. """." . t .1 I """ "f"1 l'""f "" - l""" If I lire M Wlltkiiti uiioiiitMer nf rhn Iliireati of Publication and Child V1 - f ,0, Ki,"S street. Geiniatitown asseits tlmt nil these laws mined against radicals nic "opposed to thnt concept ioti of fiee speech which our fotcfutheis wiote int,, lite .otiMilutitiii mid wbiih has ii beiu thoiouglil established tu law nut! pinitkc as mi alllellcilll llgllt .1 e .ail Mint .ill. li ion lo the tin vaiiin sinaioi nnd .'t.eM,itaties to sns the hiiei tit.it ibi legislation in j Washington to wmfe fm the passage of jour state i not iil opposed to our i the Foidiie.x soldiers' bonus hill by Con traditions nnd law. but that jl iiNoIkicss U liefoie tin- upp. i . luimltei fm has ft II luminal i fleets Chief mining I ai tlon todm. tticse is the driving of radical piopn- The m solution set lorth Hint Penn gntidu iiiidetgioiind. where it iMtiiiot be "'ImiiiIii ranks siiomi hi tlie list of met, ns it nni whin left free in the mtes in the tiiiinber of men and women open I niestiiiteil flee spec.lt is the supplied to the mined furies, nnil thnt safet) valve of d.mocratic itistilu- , '"'"I "f J7I.!1 icsidents of this suite tions." i would be entitled to benefit bv the ndop Aiming l he olh.eis of the Civil Lib- , "" ,,f "'' Foidnev bonus bill Klkton. expecting to he inairied. Tliev tnld' the truth as to their ages, nnd were icfused a license. Tlie.v inline diatelj started for Dover. Del . wh I the mill l Inge oeicmoiiv vvas perfoinie.l. in the interests of tlie . ........ . ...i in-iiri nun siiuieu nir xiovvi. nun iiiuifn)p jM I,,,,.,, oung inairied uuiple wcic hnck in I siniinniiiii Philu.Ielfih.a ahead of the father. ...,. prollI1,lv ; ,. 0,,,cctloll, , he bill" said Mr. Watson, "but I AUTO PUSHED INTO QUARRY ,l0"'' ''"" thei will reach serious p,- poiti.uis- I believe If is tlie conviction Costly Touring Car Little Damaged ?'mT.! I'iT10 in I,'1,iln,'''P1l' tlmt the ' " o cm should Imve an elective board. whoo by Thirty-Foot Plunge members wnuld alwnjs be mindful that A S.M.'UtO touting car wns pushed over,tlu' were responsible to the oters. the edge of a qunrrj pit near Glctisidei Salaries .Mean Politics Inst night nnd now rests nt the but- "The tendency nl! over tlie (outtiiv tout of u thirtv -foot qtnurv hole has-been toward smaller boards, and Residents of the swtloi. found the' J'"' ',','li r,,fls" ' tbink an organization . , , , .... of seven members would efliclcnth linn machine less than an hour after it was die affairs in Philadelphia. Hxperience pushed into the quauv and notified the lias also shown that the best direct. us OI.H...I..1. .!.!.. .....I ...,l.... 1..... ..nll..n call lie llloillre.l when tlinri. la tin unlfii. . .mil, in, nni nn,. -iiiuuiuuii . iiuiii-i-. i . Vi i ineiiiner oi scveiin local irnrei It Is believed the car was stolen in ",! LJ ' " ' ,m'T Vm" ,"" ,"m"!""1 i K,nimi,,8- Uo is "'vived ... ,.,,.,,. . , .! .... isalarles are attaclied the board enters i ..,.,. sjnrnb nml one .nn c: either Plilla.lelpl.ia or Atlantic City., the realm of politics, wl.i.l. would , JV'",L. "IHl"m "" '"' possibly by jojrideis Tlie nr canicdi undoubtedlv icavt lo the detriment of ' t the time of bis death and foi n iiiiinb.r of jeais past. Mr. Hopple hail heen in clung., of the Pullman tickit of ti.e at llroad street station. In thai capacity lie met and knew men fiom all parts of the country. He entered the service of the Pcnn svlvania ltuilrond on June J.i, S!lt. nnd held various l ('sponsible position until his final promotion to In: heatl tnket agent lie wns Ivorn in Milleistown. I'n . about fiftj-live enrs ago. and the bn.l.v will be taken to that place for intci -ineiit tomoriow. following seivitcs to be held for the friends and faiiulv ai an umtartakitig establishment, ;n4ii D.iiiuind street, tonight. II,. was a niemlier of several local fraternal ,,i - bv his "tge l. LUC STRIKE "it's toaster CIGARETTE No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Bccauso Lucky Strike is tho toasted cigarette. I ('?' 1 C ) lyis r jw ' .!.. ...1...1 ... . (t 11(11 -film Mt'iii, ur inoimiH u. i inojrnn. h into Minor leniiylvanln lie iim tn 'JOIJ.uO: on uio iront hhiiwiiiimii uus n laxicnD, intniiiHlt f niiM0M .i.i ..i... .'.. ... ........ .,. ...,.v..,.,,,., ,..1. L,,... (lull license issued in Atlantic Cltj . I while he hud talked over the bill with Mho machine is not so badly damaged i .Mr Sterling and agrees with its general limn the full. The car landed "nose- I idea, he does not want It understood liist" In soft mud am! ashes. The cn- 'that he is uiinpaigning in behalf of the Hai'iidiurg. Feb II! The bill in- leasing the mcmbeislup of the Dela ware river budge coinmiss-ion by tlie np I ointment by the Governor of" two ad ditional memb'is wus favorably ic potted from cominittic hist night. The measure would make tlie Penn svlvanla membeisliip equal to that of New .Teisey. i'.stsi:r in iiol'sr Hi'llcvliiK constables in couttllo .if Hi Mxth i'enlh nnil i lnh'h cl(n.en from innk Init rrtum to court lmi Miej Iihvh to inloriiiitl.in to Imp i rt prnvMliir that lior nuli mm (unct the nhnli lost of utre, t I linprnsi'indiih wtier, n , foot him, ini, iiih .ire made fiom iiiiiprts uwneis iiliu'tlriu t ' on I ho ImiMoveniPlits win re lietltloners r. 0- Yniinn Wnmnn Ahn fnnlHri't P-iu townttnir thre-tlfths of the numbi-r nf feet Tung woman WHO lOUian I fay In iU.-tlon for the Improvement, nn nmenJ- h-. Tm,i. Meurnolc ineni 10 ine trt roncerninc toMimtitp pro t ..- ..-.,...w ..wH.ww. Ji''!"f 'tey."?., .'"?)!'"? .1??U.?' !. Rose .ipfaiblatt. the voting Camden ila' personal notice th.v nhiill ho Kiiiltv of i Bill held under Slii(K) hail following liei u mn.lcmeanor nml llnlile to h tine of JSOianest for riding ill tnxicahs and failing to liny iici fan came fo me nnd out lined his bill.' said DrAFinegati. "but I have never seen the druft. At the savne time I nm heartily in favor of the Ar STATF AFMRT Y iIni' uarf stl" wu,l "1"',1 n" police unraMiic in VI mu nOOUlMUljl ar.rjVcd, but the mini, or men, respon-i "Mr, Steilin I sible tor tlie nil was gone. The quuiij is owned by Chatles A ! Ambler, of the Ambler-Davis Co , of .1.1.. ..I l :.. .., .1... !....... ........ ' ... .... , . . - . nun ii,. ui, .i iii,niK nit- .i.iut. lunii licence ixiniii mid i um niso m svut- roud. about a mile fiom the Lu Lu patliy with the spirit of the time that Country Club, uoith of Glcnside. i lends tow aid smalt boards. Ilowevei. The quarr.v t'nuits ahmc the loadway. , m,t vvant it understood that I am with a sheer drop less than ten feet backing tins patticiilar measure. It is south of the roadside. To ptevent teams n Philadelphia question mid Philadelphia or pedestrians going over tlie edge at should decide it." night two tvventv -foot lengths of tele- graph poles lire luid nt the edge of the pit TAXI GIRL IN HOSPITAL upon conviction provldlnir thnt where town nhlp rommtHs-loners tmrrou money thev eh.ilt not p.iy more mini il pel cent Inleuit ni annum I1II.1.S rtlO.M committki: Conferring on Hecoml-clnic. i lt!en In rjis. of emerKencliH additional powers to hu an.t more the necesultleii of life Includtm; food and coal and netl to reHldentu of thni- cities prohibiting racliiT of motor vehicles to ftrea. p.irklnK of cars In tlie vlclnttv of tires nni the drlvlnic of mo'nr velikles oer lines of hone, tlxlni; the Hillary of the treasurer of i&unttetf of the'flfth clasa ai KiOtlo per an num and prnvtdlnic that the kiIiiiv he In lieu of all conimlaslonn and fees extending the chat ters of certain manufacturing consira- ilnns tli.it hnvo nna nrsntiizatiuns in kooj fal'h nnd paid fees to the secretarv of the n An...... I. .. n nnn.nl,.,.,. ..it . .. w In., u I I ,iiiiiiitfiiwri..i,t .w u.'i.nu,.... ...o ...a in..o ,,. ,,i,i t . .i , , of the commonwealth .luthorlzinu th.i levy Claimed kinship with Hie phjsician vvas admitted lo the fennsyivniila Hospital toildj . !SIie is siitTering from ttaumiilic neurosis, ph.vslcians said Tlie girl's nttoine.v sought to settle the Quaker City Cab Co. ilaims. which amounted to less thon $10, when a de tective exhibited a telegram fiom New York sn.vlng the girl wns wanted theie. Ir also is alleged she may be respon sible for using tlie iliarge account of n well-known phjsician, whose wife has been ictelving hills for ildei she savs she iiter had II was said tho Kirl When You Build or Repair Give a thouRht to cnrciul nnd efficient installation of all electrical work then get our estimate. When the job's completed you'll know what we mean by "A Fair Price and Satisfac- J tory Service." George Woodward, Jr. Hrrtrlral Cniilrnrtnr 1723 Sansom St. Sprme 0110 Itace i;C3 MlASS 9 Engagement Rings Super-QuQlitr Aulhentic Styles faaluon fhfora I ho Poialiod Girdle Diamond for tiiia imporlaif ring ffloIKilaararMfgl (uminaie.i ny weirmir our non inelnlllo fe itherweleht arch sun. nui'ers MAIM, roil Mlllt IN- en nn ,ti, luiii iii.i;. T7IJ aro th" nilnlnators and nntv millers In iniiii ueuiB in mm prop ,'H, 1 , mil Mil,.,, kiintuirlni Is mirte Me Kiiili;iiiee lmnir.lliitr comfort tier liilereMiIni; hooUlet sent (in rciueM. ALFRED C. MAESER 0rlVnV,lf in -ii mini niitgr 1 rilr.M. w riioiiei Hiilnut 40Hi y v Founded in 1865 The House that Heppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 Downtdwn- 7- II 1 9 Chestnut Street Uptown--6th and Thompson Streets gpipilillll $785 illllilllii"iiillilllil,llll BUYER g nf hul ' conn vinnts l.otlllnii Ten R g jears enperlfiire remonnl full, mint, it ; i.i:ii(ii:it iiiTin:. a-s.7 s t ill lllulllllull'illllHIII t'll 'llilllllni 'I lli'iiLiUlllililil'llliiiliil!!,! Ililnlll'IIJIiiUwIi,,'! Iuli WjDERWEAR SPECIALISTS j tQIt MEN g 1 &se9 liAfl SZIiilLtl Clmtnut The best course you can take in building up will power is the different Collins System. It strengthens youi will by giving ou a fresh stock of vigor and vim, elli ciencv and enthusiasm. May we mail our booklet? COLLINS INSTITUTK OF PHYSICAL CULTURE OUU.I.NS llUHl WALNl'T 8T AT 18111 A HEPPE PIANOLA-PIANO embodying all the wonderful exclusive Aeolian features, at No More Than You Are Asked to Pay for Imitations TO possess n genuine Pianola-Piano made by the groat Aeolian Company of New ork embodying the famous Aeolian Pianola player-action, guaranteed bv the Aeolian Company and by C. J. Heppe & Son, and securely protected in its finest features bv valu able patents, is to know that you own the best player-piano that the piano industry offers. When you stop to think that all this excellence can be had at $785, why should anv intelligent person buy an imitation? He aic the Aeolian ugentg in hiluitellhia If yn,u-I'layer-f'iniio tiovn mil come ruin cone's, ir is uof a yeiiume I'tanola-Piaiiii. The HEPPE RentaljPayment Plan enables you to make ft Miiall down jinyment nnil pay the balunc.i nt meio lenlal rates, nil tho rent npplyiiiK toward tho price whenever you desire to purchase. Call or 'plume for full partiru lars, or when writiac, use this coupon .--a I tt" www C. J. Heppe & Sonl'ViV.S.VrriPliiladelphia rUavn Mild um full pnrtlcnlau ahniit the llPie I'lnuola I'nuo ami j'our .1 jer Heutul raruent 1'Ian. "The Time has come "To Talk of SHOES" FINAL CLEARANCE WO Name Atlilftli Ledger 2-1B '.'1 --".. MEN'S BOOTS $1.90 Worsted Suits made to sell for $55, $60 and $65 Now in a Big Sale at One Single Price $33 A clear saving of $22 to $32 on handsome Suits that can't be duplicated next season for any thing near this Sale price of $33 ! Fine pencil stripes and solid colors blue, gray, Oxford, brown; silk mixtures and fancy mix tures regular $55 to $65 Values, now $33 ! Special Lot of Full -silk-lined Overcoats at $29 Standard Regan goods, full lined with Skinner's silk: blacks. Grays, Ox fords wjth velvet collars or with cloth collars. Fine, conservative Over coats that are good most times, most places on most men ! Separate Trousers $3, $6, $7 were $7 to $12 Xew Spring Goods coming in! Perry &Co. 16th & Chestnut Sis. Formerly Priced $6, $7 & $8 600 pairs on Tables Third Floor Your choice of ' Grey Kid Boots Fawn Kid Boots Brown Kid Boots Patent Colt Boots High and Low Heels Yes Come Early to Avoid the Crowds! " 'Tis a feat to fit feet" BIG SHOE STORE 1204-06-08 Market Street HI y MB f 'I i:i if THE : I fjih I .lllliiM!! ', i nil I U il WHIM IWW IIIH WlhlMpiirfirfli ntim "How I'd Like to Have That Picture" I How often you hnve siii'i iln. uhen loiikiiiR nt ii iu line in the newspitppi. If the pietuie has appeared m the Public I.ldokii, Sunduy in daily, hi the Kvlmnc; PfiiLii: Lkuclk, youi want um be bupplied, if the pnpur mvns the riKht, by uti 'n iinrj itddresspil to 4 Ledger Photo Service I Independence Square) b PliiladolplitH I H r1 ' ""np-iifn f I 1 liip.i S' .. vl