p$Wt$h$ip&$i frS&rr fEIPJSjfffif ,-s , "s-ffisprw 'T v'wrvfj fT?' r ma Jfl i.if w i "r i -: rfftt tStfS' TO c.i iw . ' n Stol 'AtL'i n '4U' :;v- dV31 W ' w. ivs i: M ili hi I?yW'N"'' t ir. . ft an It ft w IIP If HI mil " lit ill U f i ! illl Mi 1 1 HOUSTON PROMISES ' 10 HAIR S. LOANS Agrees to Await Deliberation by Senators ns He Faces Committeo GRONNA MAKES "THREAT" Ity the Associated l'ress WiwhliiRton. lYb. If. Seirctnrx Houston agreed todav with tin- Semite Judlclnry committee tint t. make nm nddltionnl loans to foreign govi itum nt no matter bow prcss'in; thr demon 1 might be. tmtll In- liml consulted th cotnmittoi' tunl c'VP'i " II1" 1'll,p f"p ''' liberation. The treasury seoretiirv pre ion i had declined to Rive lm pmmio tlmt 1 o vrould make tin further inHuim'i to tl. allied RovrrnmcnLs under oninuiitincnts which he declared bound linn in honor to advance mone.v when It was re quested. Mr. llou-ton appeared before the committeo for questioning n" to all t details of nnns nlrrail tninle t fnr ffen nations, liml pin tit tilnrly lis t" the legality of . aril tianiut on II.. VV.!S examined by senator need rendlnc bill to prolnb.t until. r 'f fin tin r ad Tinees ti fiileien tuitions Mr. Houston priiilnio.l II letter I" President Wilson miller date ..( (t. to bcr A. W. n-ktni; if Cwvlm-S nm Ida hud been reeopn 7' un.l vvlictlur tin trcasurv was authorized to tiinke loans to it. The White IIoue, he ni.. ",ip proved" the letter the next d.ij inul ''"'' first rptiimitnietit to that nation t.. Ii'-j amount of S7.HM,noO was autliorlrnl on April l!M!i. The i'.nmination of Mr Houston C' : onl ys far t lm loans to t'.c.-lm-Slo-Tukia, the hearing being aili"iinie. tintll Mnnda after it developed that Jlr. Houston had ti"t brought with him nil the data sought, fotnniitt.e mem bers Indicated tlte r desire to inquire Into hou f.ueign loans were niude before and after the signing of the nriiiintiee and how the were carried out. The House lu'l nutliori.inK partial pajments to ihe railroads of govern rncnt u. .cunts, was reported faorald toda liv the Senate Interstate com merce committee. It will be offered in the Senate ns a substitute for a simi lar bill of the Senate . nnunittee. Charges that the meat p.'u kers were "tryiug to stran;.'le" pending legisla tion" for got eminent rcgu ution of cold storage were made iu the Senate to day b Chairman iimnnn. of the agri cuhnra' .ommittee. lie served notice that he would call up the conference report on th bill .mniediate'v after dispoi-nl of the em re. n tariff meas ure. and that if a rc on it was not hnd it would not be th- on! bil1 tliat fal's ' Senator Kcnvon s.ml t li packers appeared to lie ' more power ?u' than the governm. nt Sees Further Cut in Cost' of Living Comlnuf.l from Tnee One on the tniHis of 10 S t.er cent of all workers idle and 1-.!' per rent on half time. The situation todav i worse than that in liM.'i as r.-gmds iinemplovnient. tin sniil hut tlie worker todav is better prepared to stand it. lie .jee'ared that1 TPports of the Societv for trgani.ing Charity h"vv that appe.i' for relief have doubled recent y , but that the , are not sn numerous as they were iiii lOlfi, proving that the worker has save,) Borne of h s high war wages. He declared that .mtn; aecoiititi nnd other agencies for estimating the nittiat on ii!k jirove that the man in Indutrv has been laving aside home thing for the rainy daj that i- uimn him. lie said the number of accounts in banks eon' nueil to increase from .I'll.v. last year, to January He de. hired that thero are in tins cotintt x :t ."no Hi nt persons idle who are numb' re.l .inmnc the implovd during good t nies. 14 Per Cent Textile In giv mg his figures, sert.'d thai in tlie t-l VMirhers Out IV Willi's as- : . I 'l."s I -I p-l ind '.'s ;,. r i . in ' in tlie cliemn .il I cent in" utii'inp oe. are on ha'f time biisf trades tin' situation i nlno-t as bul he said Mis iigures how 'hit H p. t , cent arc id. ami l.'i per . Mit ..n h.i I time. In tin- inei.il trades the t jntion ii better There aie "1 per cent who are i not working and is per cent who are' draw ire oti'v half time. The first step toward n resumption of activity in the building mdustrv i a return to "open legitimate .haling "ii the part of th..s,. w'.. hav- i i r-re.l II- lega ii' nan .loin ii'.. r. man tiger of the United Stat. told th nt "Amerii an iv . d. pnrtn I'naii.b. r of of illo ' ;'i..s ure b.'ng I oil 1 l' of balaii' pr.. will- g no plu.es f,,r 'h wo'K -vork-'. r t. liv clnred Mi ll.'.! JS'l. I. lit II. Ci progi. w i t!i. ii, g ' ,', 1. not be I workshops ll .1 sl !" effects. 1'- '. it todav v. amount i illl unite sei attention fin i'i: i Men f tr nt l.k - our "POOR RICHARD" REVIVED U. S. Farmers' Almanac Retains Much of the Spirit of Franklin Washington. T'nel Sam ' Franklin's P lit least let, IU P.v P .1 r It fuli'H nin n a IV ', mu h .ifr 'I.' 1 1 grnmii. itn Ii.iii ' e IlOllnced tO'l.l v I v I .,. Agricultiir. "Hrwure ,f fii., .. ..i one caul ion I i ii I i moon, hut g. r t1 , ! -i pare the . . 1 1 ! tl,' :, ! and moist ui. c d m. "The own. r ,1 i hnxe II '' iltln " i bull's hide." i- ili'.' The boo t i . nt i i -nil Ctfiu 'ii- I s ,!' I r I I. n ii. i i index is pubi can. VV e I I l. IT ll. REMOVES OWN APPENDIX Surgeon Reports He Is M.iUmg Sat l6factory 'Progreso Kune, l'.i . I (b Hi ' I! 1' i T)r. Fviin ' ' ' "I Kan' . i, s,i year-old singi mi of ll i. ,',i, . w. i yesterdav iiiuovid lus own m p. n,, n otli' of tlo most rem iiknb'e iiK. nl . Crnllons on ie,onl .1.1 nl i imnpir,! Uvely uvv Mgi.t I'd si t,i wild imi his bedsiiie i. "la il it le is f u .ili, i on ihe road t" n'',ir iliiu i. u.u.il I In liny follow ng nu "l" union fo t'c i ruovnl of ihe api'i lobs "Just sav iliul 1 ,im giiiing ulong all right. ' find the iloctoi t'llougli Ins nurio. "Mm be a lin'i lm i r on I w.ll jiuve a stut in. ni t li.it will In ,,f in terest. ' Dr. Kane is a graduaie of the Jeffei pan Medical CdUge vt nillndelphiu HPi-r r mm owi .llM s I Ipst.ilT and pnuuiiii'iit politirallv for ycai-s ,is I .tnr. lieiil'iiant of 'l)iit' who died toilav IN BERGDOLL PROBE Poll Puts BlaiiiQ Congressman on Republicans for Failure to Order Inquiry "PRECEDENT" IS ALIBI ( .j .s tf .if r hpoMto i( Wasliingtou. Cb. It! -Piscussion of the Ite-gdo'l i rise tlare.l up in the Houe todav when two in. mbers arouse to ipiestn.ns ot personal priv lege." over newspai.er article. f ..:. . 1'.... .i..l...... I Inn... . icM.-i-i.imiy- !,. ........:, crnt on the ru'es ciuitmttee toou ex ception to a stnt. 'incut In Chairman Kalin. of the milium affairs .ommit tee. who ha b.eii trving t. get an in vest gntion order, d. The Knhn htate merit wiis that I ni". rnt on the com mittee blocked c favorable report on the liergiloll investigating resolution. "On the .onlrarv," Mr. l'oii said, "the I)enio. rats threw n obstruction in the wav " lb' added that while mmiip .piestnm nun have been raised in the .onitnitlee n to mnniier of procedure, tin re was at no time anti-rule obieetinn. II" stated alo that lue opinion w.is re pressed that it was 11 Ind preo dent to investigate everv i rime ihat came up. Mr. Kalin said he had Iw'ti informcil that Pemoornts had blocked tlie reolti tion nnd that such Information was the basis of hi- statement. "IIovv could the liemoernts b'o.-l it where thi re is a mnjoiity of I to s on tli" i omni ttee ugauist tlo in'.'" Mr. l'oii asked. "Sometim.s tliere is jn-t a hate ma iorit.v of t'le commttie pre-.nt," Mr Kiihii renli'il "The gent'eicm fr n 'iilifornin ir.ferimB t.. himelfi was told that the bio. king was done bv the Demo T.'lts Ueprcsi niaiive t.nrreti, linne-see. Peuiocriltic member "f tlie . ..llinilttee, interrupted. "The r.erg.l .11 resolution VVUs repot I'd out bv tic rules commit -lie lat I'oi.gress nnd then has not been anv tine sin. . when the ihaiiman of the I'lltlim Mee i olllll not have l.llled it i up "' ! "I regie ' Mr. Knhn continued. "tl III ll'iv ll toill of the i o'llllllttee V I s t rdav pr vented an investigation into Mi. Itcrgdoll matter. Vlii'i t!,. n,veti 'gation ..' fie adjutant g mini s.. I i . g . i t. i . v. rt In 1" ss the n ,i, f.i.-t have i ic v. i In . :i brought out 1 t' ink tie v i ought i i he brought out sn that the inn, i :ht know whit'ir i 1 1- -Ii I I'lmiii ri sa. ki i can .' I .uv iv wlul po.t ii. v 1 -la. k. r i- h 'd in duriiii r.ilt.cvitig Mr Kalm lb pi1 seiitative libititot l'Miiociat. Tx.is. -ought t. ii iiIm i - ii on "er-oiui! privilege," bur s,p. .i!ei- lii'1. tt ru'.il lie ilnl not now siitfii s. nt i au-c and .'.nod his i. iii -t Mr r.'.itit.ui teiil from a Tons paper m iiitervi.w wi'h Mr. Knhn in with a I'll i.it'ir iharunl that ISIautou had Ii in ki'il .litem lust CuigiisM on the 15. igiio, i . -,i'iiion bv an obicclion. It .nit mi Is Tinned Down I'. op n V.ihg i bur vvhv ,e waninl P ll uik mil or v ih ge Mi .! ot I'. r. a I 'nun th' mi' 1 k a 1 I", t win ii the House ev id' .,..''n ii-' 1. vaiil, nnd inemb. is h lltlv -"' i. ns.- .in ii; ru i . vv th it. pub.i ,. I.i i,i r Mointeli iiii.'. I'liikm.. I.. .-,.1 o'l th. Ti ..ii Mr l'..,iiii"ii. tin.ing 'ii M ich ''. , lied This it,!, rv . . 'inigi - i , wnl, ... k i.g t'.'s r s'd'lt.oii Ulid being in ,'.. .ni w ilh tin di' iv in 'i .i,iii '.i, k-i' I w.iuhl Ilk. t' kno v 'vl v ' lb . ' i.iniui r jiii, s( A i Hi Kn'ii ' Willi "i th-n ! . ii. d ig.iui " ten lllg ' ns in . lus . ' , in,, us. Illll'i" "Did tin 'i' ' .at on-' ' S' ' 'i1 I .1 .I ' i . . u" ..ll , . Ill -s il ii. , in , I . I I.1 ll.e 11 e-ti - l 1! ii lit "II. I M 'I . M i n i ' i.j. !! ' iis.iited M" I ot I.' L'T" m il -i i i e( ti. i. o i a , .1. 's ' lb .h ,1 I I I. . ''. Illl .i-ui'i Mr. r i x - iiiii. It' ii I , I I II vv ,i .1 ' .1 ll' . . Mini "'ii I 'hill t ! 'Ii I' II !-. "Uratldii' M itm Mr P. . .oi, il ;,. It'antoi) il Oil si'lil' i Ii r i. "i .Nillieldlcil i ml ll. ..nit U st 1 1 1 1 g 1 HI i l ' i , I Mi M P. ii' 'i 1 1 I ,e gdoll 1 Mi ng .'i ri . ' it". ii hand n g I! that -a,, 1 1. 1 iivel., SOLDIERS TO RUN TRAINS Mexico Takes Steps to Meet Threat ened Rail StnVe Mexico ( it. 1.1. n A i .o.i. r. .v i o v i. v nl,. ' ,, . I . . t ' lm .tl ih.. il I' I '. .. bv ti . War (ilh a itv A P i f . nu i 'v rai load . d upon to eiiro'l i, on le i ti t; Ink' n f a ...ii1 o a Ih. i lnpl"', . . on t III III I -I'' '.' Ill' I Illl" III 1,11' - 'll.e Will' Jllllie ..,i, , In. i niglii d " 'in mit i' a- ii II1 w ll i the -llllllt I. .11 bv striker- w it It st, 'in . vv lm .t'lteineiu n a Iv to rep'ni ing would oe 11. 1 r,., ' ol operative- nnd i'i 1 1 I 1 11 f in- i, , n -1 nl 1 n" 1' wiia du lured, will DELAY DIS LAUD . V 1 lit ill ,, v 1 n, Illl Illl urr njllltar EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PfllLADELPHlA, WEfrtfiESDAY, TODA Y'S PRIZE WINNER HAS MADE LIMP1N- LIM'RICKIN'A SCIENCE Carries Notebook and Die-' tionury About With Him nnd Captures Every Idea That Comes i Award Is Made by Voiture of ex-Service Men to W. S. Stevenson, of Clifton I Heights, Pa. H ill Dream About Jack .Tin It's dingle lto seems to be nist what the kiddies wanted. Our morning mail brought us this let ter. ' I am eraav over the limericks aipl 1 will be waiting for the children's limericks to nppnii. 1 think all of the children will be pleased, in fact, overjojed about it. l'leuse thank thai little liny who wrote that letter to von .mil I nni going to try to Irenm about .lack nirri'Y m-AiK." lias YorU little girl or boy -tart.-d in this fascinatliiR game vet? You'll find JACK'S .TIXC1LK IM1X the third page from the back opposite the funny pictures. Ctivo It to the kiddies tonight. A 1'IMi: OF TK.X DOLLAKS DAY. Today's award in the llmpln' lltn'rlelt '""''"I " "l!,de b a jurj compose! I of former sen ice men who arc members j of Voiture Locale No. I. of I-i Soclelo tics tl) Iloiiimes ct H Clicvaux. during their liilllatlnn rercnionlcs held In Elks' .Hall. Juniper and Arch streets. A photograph of (he tellers appears, on (ho i bach nace. Tho award to ho aiiiiounred tomor row was made by oflirials of Temple l'ners!l and stmlrnts who arc taking federal board of vorallonal (raining i ... ... . ... ,,,.... ,t. , "' l ' ' "" "suiimon ,11 iiroan ami i iiri 117, sn i-eis, 0flp . Min) r ,,nor old bald heiul j, ,,, ,.r(,, Ip ((lPr niRh, nf(or ,,, mna .Mights and thrills which greeted I . . ,is when we went before a ur.v com posed of the members of Voiture Locale No. 1, La Societe des -ifl Hommes et 8 jChcvaux, wlio bad volunteered to select the winner of the ?100 limptn' lim'rieK I prixe that is announced to.lav. I Sounds of battle not even a kilometer distant ! Cries of the wounded while 1 snbii'i ted to various Instruments of tor- Itiire! Kriglitened fa. es of fugitives I from some hidden danger! I Tluse and niiitiv oilier r.giilfi'- thrill ers mixed with delights of the Oro nt in I the wav of luxurious cut. rl.iiiiment. all ons e lietore lis It (pick succession I llec "i-e. j nu see, the nci asion was thci i ni' . hi hi of new luc'i. I. ers to the so ictv ( in l"iK" Auditorium at Juniper mid An h streets, followed 'b a general en- . tert i inmcnf. Is it an.y wonder our poor old huid reeled? P.nt nevertheless, in the midst of it all. the memhers of the socitty forviok all the thrills and cntertniniin nt for half an hour while they devoted theni- s..;ve- to sol.., ting the winner of Limer ii(k N" .'I And after ill I lie votes mi'i teen i i-t t!." metn'MTs "f the "degree t. i'ii" wl liad been pnlting the new meiii' - through tin ii- intliat on (ere- I iniuiies which our profane eves were i imt permitted t view counted the votes that had been cast n.v tne mem bers of the societv . When the votes were finally counted we found that the winning line hud been vv ritten by W. S S(eenson, :i'J Walnut street. ( llflon Helglits, l'a. .Manager of Wells' Hat Store, at 1101 Market strecl. riill.idelphia. I'a. The 1'in'rick as i ompleteil by Mr. Stevenson was: Llmerirh No. ,"il Smt ii nhl ni n lfii"initoH will. ''in ioiik; tn 'i 'mi" i'i''i i 1UU; I'vr .1 irmi'lri.ul ilntl 7of u ill win linn. I 'iifni I'm a 'ilcci' thoiigh a little 'bear' still." Mr Stevenscn'- lim'r.ck was No. 4 ,,n' tl.'e bailor Tie other lines were: s;,, i Then with hills due I'll Just sav "Do. Hill." V. I. Liming. lOUl St'epln n (iirard liuilding. riiilailelplua, I'" .. ... No " -lyove "looms ns xve bohh-in the drill." -T ll l'leston, 41S South l'lftoth -tree! N- Hill's dead She wtis drcsscI t.isicr, White- up to nuit'sh. V. 'tive-tl hill. VV II .", And make "Frank-Ford new' thrill." John M. llltick. ,f K.ijsbv A. Maitison Co., Al.,, I o r Pa. il Add to dirss and gel ail from Hill. Mrs. i:. (1. Webb, v lie. I'll 11 ' tlress '1. . I Ni. 7- I'll "shirr" "gather" "liem iu will, cmli Tl III. lx !'-ik':'!' ','' I an 1 Tit'. Ilu 'ding. Philadelphia. In ,, s. it's ,i bargain liulf-nff sun- it will: -Jlnrrv i: Mathews, 11 Hi S,,-til l'olv-tirt -tieet No !i -I!ut she came "tiacu-iess i nlense.l wllli Ikt Will. Mrs. ! rank ' . ... . . . i !, i... . t.nvr -il Jiari'iver streei, nni"' , St.ivelv to'vn. l'.i ii o prn'Miscil Ihat (hey the iiuailrllle. Miss I'.lsie I N" inre tMoi-rs sum sjimtl, liflv-tittll street. The 'liin'ii-k bv Mr Steventon re ,v. veil hf'v four of the eigut.v-tvvo votes cast I. No 'J. bv Mr. i'res- i ton nnd liae N" s. h Mr. Mathews, .,..), ,, e, w I i veil votes, while line X :j I v Mr Lister, was given ix ioti. mid lme .. P. bv Mrs. Stove, .ind line "" 1" ' Miss Morrls; cuch l weie given llilee voles. IilliC' No. I, Iu Mi j..iiiiii'.' nnd line No. .rt b.v Mr I'.'ii' k each nil iv ei one vote. It vii- lu .I'ion it-lf to go uroimd nnd iiiierviiw the winner "f todav's iHin'ii'-k lire Stevenson litis llni'rhk ing down t" such a si u nee that lie was iii.t bound to hit that $1(10 sooner or ' His plan enl's for 11 notebook, a little 'pisk't di tioimrv mid pmier clips and the .iineiit 'iiiipin' liiu'rii'k. The lun'riik i I'l-.'i. d onto one of the pages of Ihe nolel.i il. nnd the little book Is , fiicd ato'ind i" Mr- Stevenson's vet , ' ket tho Ight r.ver time lie lias 11 11111 rick 1 1 whins out the lioou utid 1 into captivity before it nut. the nb Jl I nwtiv I i,i .de lili' In Illl hi veil. on bus The dii tloiinr.v is useii on . to 1 mil h up on svnoi'v ins. sinister plotting Mi. Ste Ind as bis partnei W hit.' liiiin who is unpin liti' 1.. a in tlo- bat -tore. too. Will run. "'it am gets the first he explained, 'se in the phi' e tdl'loll "f the p'ipei'.' if th, 1, was iinvnoiiv .. ... L 1,0, 1,11 I III" lilll'ricks I belli ve ,,,,'J loive to hut Up shop, lie ami I bu i lm u at i' ever s Pl'le lines for Todav s SliiO is goi" - lllce the lll'sl lOiliiitit'oii to have 11 Ills- .11,11 111 Hie II Most of It 1- 1 XS ll" K' Is ion il 1 to Willi -" .ensoii .lr , .! idviug f- k in 11 for. ign in India at 'l.e Wcleinn I'nl Mr sifvei)"f n ha- Ion; plauned One Hundred Dollars Daily For tha Heat Last Line Supplied by Any Header of the Evening rubtic Ledger to the Incomplete Limerick Which AppcarmVeloio ItULUS OF Tllli LIMERICK CONTEST 1. Contest In open to any one All that i required or ou to .to la to wrltn nn.l fni In your lust linos to tlie Limerick, turn for convenience the coupon printed below. Pleum write plainly, ana be euro to 6dd your name, and addrean, 2. All anawera to the Limerick which I printed below must be received at the office of the KvrvtNO I'unttu Lnootn fc ii oVIork Friday evenlnc. A.tdrej i-ojinnicc iiox number Riven on coupon T1IU W1NNEK OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL UK ANNOUNCED ONE VVKHU l-'KOM TODAY Cut Cut and Mail Evekino 1'i'nuc Lunorit. TO THE MMERICK CONTEST '. 0. Uox l.r,2i, 1'hilnMphxn. LIMERICK NO. 57 A fellow named Oliver Green Invented a flying machine; He said, "Pretty soon I will fly to the moon (Writ your answer Name Street and A'o. City ami State. tills use for the money, he said, if lie xvns ever fortunate enough to win it. To(lay'n winner is American "00 yeari back and he was born on the Fourth of July 1 The Stevenson liotne is in Clifton Heighm. l'a. liesldes the t-on ut We.slejan, there arc four other children. Clara is a public school teacher in Aldan borough, Mabel is a trained nurse. Joanna is married nnd now Mrs. j. :5. .iegler, and Catherine, the joungost, is Mud.vlng nl the Uni x'ersity of Pennsylvania. "Mrs. Stevenson ami I both believe in higher education for our young folks," our prize lim'ricker ouplnlneu. "I suppose we will both believe in limericks after this, but I must admit I haxe to stand a lot of kidding about this last -line business from m.v wife!" Hut. oh. bu ! If Mr Stevenson had been present at the iuifiation nnd en tertainment given liv the former service men who voted for his line he would have forgotten completely nil uliout his notebook and pocket dictionary. He cause it wns iMiito some entertainment. IV. Le Itnrre Icamy xvim the chair man of tlie entertainment committee, or "bagatelle," and oil can take it from us lie was some chairman. Hut the most popular member present, for some reason, seemed to he Dr. Amos 1. PulSell whose oll'nml title is "garde tie sacrc 'iu," whatever that is. He ulvvajs seemed to have a group of Dr. Dougherty, After Elevation, to Urge Beatification of His Predecessor Here ALREADY IS VENERABLE When ArdibWiop liougherty leaves Snturdaj for Itome to reieiw the enr dinal's hat from Pope Ileiieiliet, he will take with him complete information of the life and works of the venerable John Veponiuci ne Neumann, looking toward his nossihlt beatification. It is well Known among the clerg.v of the urchdiocese tlmt Archbishop Dougherty has been interested since he came to Philadelphia iu tlie cause of the lieiitificulioii of his predecessor. When he iiecnme archbishop he sped up the work of assembling dntn fnr fur theraine of tlie long process of beati fication. Wns Font tli Itisbnp of Philadelphia liislmji Neumann was the fourtCi bishop of Philiidi'lphin. from March L's. is.."'.', until his death, January ,", ISfiO. Art lib shop Dougherty is a popular siibieit of iiinvei-satioii at the 11tlcn11. Todn.v . sus an Associated Press dis patch frun Itonic, u correspondent lieai d (1 ple'llte say : "The .oul of Arc! bishop Patrick H.viiu must rejoice 'it Dr. Dougherty's ilevuti. 11 10 the purple as an honor confeir'd on the diotcse Iljiin so loved "Ai'hbishop Uvtin used to su . with tlie Irish w t for wh'ch he wns distin guished. 'I u'readv am a cardinal. As I nni red I shall die red.' The iirch-l bishop ''I the time was alluding to In- I led hair " I A eonin 'itee of twentv-five Ciilholii'l la.vmen i collet ting funds for a tesii- inoniii! to Arilibisjiop Doiighert . It is, understood the testimonial will be a purse I Plan Itlg Keception ' About Iiiiki lauiien will iiccnmpnnv 1 the iiirdiiiiil ee. t and his purt.v from j his resiili in e to the trnin Saturdav morning Thev w 11 lie members of Ihe Knights of Coiiiiubus. the Philopatnaiis. j Holv Name Soco't, St. Vincent de Paul. Am lent Order of Hibernians and nihrr I'liiholu- organ .iitions. I One hundred prominent la.vmen will I'lnit tin .ii.hbshop to lioboken. This . I11I nf e will lie tol-IIH'il loll gill III llli ('linn h of Si John the Ilvangi'list Judge John Moiiiighaii mid Juine.s ,f. van 1 .a pa I knight, .will head tin oniinitiie The Kcv. Francis X Wa.tl pastor of the church, will pre- 'de at tonight's inieting. The clerg.v of the Phi adelphhi nich tllme.e vest'erilav sent to Pope Dene tint 11 cab'e message of lipprei in - tion for tin- honor that has come to thej urobilin' e.e The message was in l.utln. the language "f ihe ihurcli. and vvu addressed to Card mil (luspiirri, papal surei.ir of stole A tiaiislalinn f,d ; low s : "The juieits of Philniklphia lug xour eminence to commiinicnle to the holv fatlier the grateful appreciation pri-s.eil in the upiieiiib'd message : "The e'ergv, both secular and ngu lar, of tli .iieiidioce. of I'll aiblplua, at an especially convened meeting, re ceiving with great joj the atiliouni eineiit of the elevation in "the lour future of our In loved nrchblshop tn tlie sil'Toil ' (vollege of cardinuW. grutefullv till e til's iicciisioii of slgllifvill2 to the sov 1 ereign p. nt iff their heartfelt nppri 111 -'ion nnd gratitude 011 belni'f of ll"iu lives and the people committed to the 1 ure. beeiinst of tin honor conferred "ti the ino.t reverend lirchliKhon, the anh dl'ic Hid the eitv of I'll lililelphiii ' 1 The car thut wi'l take tie uirdiii'il ele. t to lioboken will be III lllrlii', In a tram that leaves llroad Street Stnt " ili'uit s o'clock Saturdav morning I(. . (Millions liiive been lilllde 011 It foi all, lin'liilii is of the i le'e-v here I It wns liniiouiii ei today that one. otic r pr est will uccoinpanv the paii J the inrditilll elect lie Is the llev lolin J (irceiisill, rector of St Rd iiK-nd s Cb'inli, at Twenty third and M'fTll'i treets CARDINAL TO PRESS "HUNGRY" IN ROB NEUMANN HONOR; HOST IN HIS HOI i ( Anewera Ictt nt ll.e office of the I'v- MM PunLto Leisikh will Hi" M Ba mlnslble. 3. The winner of the O.VB HUNDRED lOM.AIt prlzu for tho beet Iml line to ench l.imerlck will bo anncunced ono week ntlcr the Mmerlck l printed. 4. In caao nf ilea. $100 will bo nwnrded to tach succeaeful contestant. B. Tho decision of the Judrea In each l.imerlck contest will b nnal. on this line.) members around him. He sure is some "gnrde." The members of tlie "degree stnff" of Ln Hociete ties 40 Homes ct ,S Clicvniix. who. iirrajed in their xvelrd onsttiine.s reminiscent of the Ku Kiux Klim, hud pill' the new members of the orgaiil7iitio!i through the enr-spllttlng "rdeal that ipiniil'ied them for member ship, also acted ns the tellers for the jtir.v and counted tlie x-o)es to deter mine the vviniie- announced today. The tellers and their official position's in the society were : Herbert II. Wiswell. nifiO Knox street, (lermiintown ; chef de gnrc. Charles I. lCngard, COO!) Limekiln pike: chef ,1c train. Kilu-anl .1. ltanhlii. 4f).." North Thir tecnth sttvtt; condiicteur. Dr. Amos K. Duliell, (501 R Ctermnn town avenue; garde de sacre vln. Iteiij.iinlii V. (iessleman, ."100 Knox street, (ierniantown : garde do la liorte. Vrnnh Ciordon Derr, ")."i4 Last Wash ington Inne ; cliemlnot. Wcm'oK T. Connor, 111S Chestnut street : lainpiste (ieorge K. KMi. ."21." Knox street, Cermaiitovvn , degree stnff. I Kolieit K. Deal. 4M.1 North Thir teenth street : degree stuff. (corgi x . miner. n,ui iiunicon ave nue, (iermuntowti , degree staff. Charles !'. Wahl, .r."il.'l North Mar shall stieet degree staff. Take Benefactor's Automatic and Lone Dollar After Eating His Food i POLICE CATCH SUSPECTS William P. Meekes. 22."li North Cnmae street, was reliirnhig to his home last night when he was accosted at Geriiiuntown avenue and Diamond street lij two men, one wearing an army uniform One was "hungrv and out of work." the other had suffered the agonies of shot and shell in Trance, the.v sunl. I Judge Has Charge of Contempt Having but a dollar in his pocket. nj.. ai,. Mceke. invited the men tn his home. , Under Advisement where he sprend out a light rcpnM mil Pittsburg. Kan., I'eb, 111 (l!v A passed the cigats. IM - District Judge A. J. Currnu todn.v lleing in militnrv company, the talklaM expetteil to decide the guilt or in drilled around to firearms and Meekes. I nocence of Alexander llovvut tunl five who is a former service mini, brought ! other Kansas mine workers' officers. our a .i-ciilllier automatic to show the service man One of the guests smiti lied it from his hand nnd pointed It 111 the heliefjclor. Tlie men took .Meekes' dollar and backnl out of the front door, slill kiep ing him niici-rd with his own weapon, Meekes repotted the robbery to police of Hie Park inul I.ehigh avenue station Lieutenant l.euitiistre recngni.ei the two men from tlie description 11ml sent three district deter tives. Waters. Ilellei mid Dnerr in search for them. Thev visited various lodging house, in the out nil district, and liniillv. hi Flghili and Kuco streets, came upon two men answering the description ami a thud 1111111 After being orrested the sijsiicits sanl thev were, Joseph Ilein, tvventv six enis old, New York; Churjcs I'sler. nitietiiii, field artillery, Cump iMx, N J., and .Insi'l'h Hughes, thli't.v time Slia. kumnxon street. A' cording to tlie police tlie miloinutii wii. found 111 Ilein's possession, while In mid I.sler both robbed Meekes. t a In iinng todav (ili nil the nu 11 were lo' a further hearing admitted having before Mnglstiate held without bit! February -H THE BALLINGER. COMPANY Sticcranor to BALLINGER & PERROT ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTORS PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK 3"LO South Hronil Street "bT.8 liro.ulwivy What is the engineer's, duty? He studies the practical features of a build ing or a process and develops highest utility values. Routing, improved machinery, power, lighting.labor-saving arrangements areamong his responsibilities. What is the architect's duty? Primarily, to design an appropriate build ing to house the process. He adds to the effectiveness of the engineer's work when there is full co-operation. We arc architects and engineers There is no division of responsibility in our relations with clients. Teamwork rules in supervising construction under joint plans. 1TEBBUABY 16, 192t SWEARS HATFIELD HAD FELTS' WALLET Witness in Mingo Trial Unable to, Tell Whoro Accused Obtainod It POLICE REPLACE TROOPS Ily the Associated I'itss Wllllamsoti. W. Vn., Teh. 10. Hid Hulflchl, chief of the Mntewnn police nnd one of the nineteen defendants on trial here for alleged participation in tlie Malewnn buttle last May, hnd in his possession, shortly after the fight, the wallet of Albert 0. Kelts, tlie slain lender of the llalilwiti-Felts detectives at Mutewan, according to Allen John urn, the first witness called today. John son is n rollrnud man. On cress-exuml-tuition lie said he did not know how Hatfield obtained (ho pockelbook. Mrs. Ixener Hatfield, tlie calmest wit ness yet to fare the Jury, testified (hat she saw armed men running through the street after the fight, which she did not see. She was not ipilte clear as. to who the men were, but she re membered that she saw Sid Hatfield and I'M Chambers amntij; them, Cro-s-cx-iiminiitlon failed to shakl the witness, but she admitted she could not remember whether Haltield mid Chambers car ried rllles or pistols. Mmglc Washington, u Negress cm- plojed In the home of Art Williams, one of the defendants, testified that Wil liams returned home after tlie shooting carr.vlng two pistols. Captain Avis, for the stale, uskitl where lie got (he extra pistol, us the witness liad previously said lie hnd left the house with onl.v one. "He said lie got the pistol off one of those 'big dogs,' " she replied, and added that Williams said "lie was most sure he got one of those nnd that Sid Hut field got several of them." She said she saw one man firing from the porch of Mrs. Mury. Duty's house. This mini wus apparently shooting at another man down the street "with a long gun." After he liad fired the man in the street fell. The witness said she liad been called before the grand jury and hop emplo.ver. Art Williams, told ber she need not go to Williamson. She also declarer! she liad ben told if she didn't wish to get into the nffiiir she hud better move uvviiy. This she did. eight or ten days after the light, going to IlrNtol, Tenn. Captain Avis wanteo to introduce an nnnnj minis letter received by the Ne Kress mid identified by her, but lie was,1""' '' '.' " ' ' f . ",ui l.ltterl.v opfiosed by the defense, "d .0W ' n'1 Nevv S cxico the letter was not admitted. .. V . ' i"I -'ico, The lust of the federal troons who l.ave been on duty In the coal strike re gion here s.nco November liS entrained this morning for Camp Sherman. Ohio. The.v consisted of the hendipiaiters conipnny, which has been Motioned In Wlll'ainson, and since the opening of the muriier trinls, thre weeks ago, have been on duty at the couithoiise tunl ' ounty jail. Colonel .Inckson Arnold, command'ng the West Virginia state police, ordered a deliichment of troopers to William son early today. Colonel Arnold will 'uive his hc.id(iiiirterH here. Kxtniordimir) effoits were made by Judge H. D. Hutley, of the Circuit Court, and counsel for both sides in tin Mntewnn trials to have the troops kept here until the jury rendered its ver dict. Charleston. W. Va., Teh. ll'., (Ily A. P I (iiiM'inor Cornvvell today sent a telegram to Senator Howard Suther land, of West Virginia, in Washington, In which lie said he "resented the at tempts to misrepresent his position" regarding the dispos lion of fedeiul troops thut liuve been doing guard duty in Mingo and which vveie ordered away "h. the secretary of war" in the fine of the governor's urgent reipirst thut they be kept theie. nCPICiniil nivl UrmnT TnnAV'thul the next "s"!""" -"" iviini iwurni accused of cnntempl of court in cnllln a strike nt miners. In addition. Judge Ciirran will hear tlie (uses of three union olliocre from Crowehurg, vvliose local union assessed a tine against two fire bosses who, when discharged, took their case to tlie Kun- ' -as Cou it of Industrial Ilelutinns. In tan injunction issued last September, Judge Ciirran prohibited tlie fining of union members for going before the , indin-tiial court, I Ilovvat utttnked the Kansas Couit of .Industrial Itdutions mid CJovernor ' Allen ut a niiiss-meeting of his fol Jlowirs iu a park here just night. Funeral of W. M. Morrison The funeral of William M. Morrison, the oldest druggist iu Itoxbotoiigh. took idine toil, iv from his home, fill.'! Itnlge avenue. Iiiteinieiit was made in Lever ingtnii Cenietir.v. Mr. Morrison was eight live veai-s old. He diet) Sunday iifler biiiig sjik a week. He was born in Maiiaviink nnd for man .veins owned 1 drug .lure mi Kldgc avenue ami was '11 ploiid'i- member of the lletuil Ding I gists' Association. TO FIGHT FORMAL PROBE Glass Sayo People Won't Stand for Killing of Bill ifnrrUliurir. Pa.. Tcb. 10, Repre sentative Glass, sponsor for tho resolu tion to Investigate prolltcering iu an thracite, today vigorously tackled Sen ator Crow, leader of the Henatc, and Senator McConncll, chairman of tho "pickling committee," and made a fight to get ills resolution out of the brine. Glass said he was assured that there was hope of the resolution, whleli has been adopted by the House, being re ported on tlie tloor of (lie Senate fol lowing tho Washington birthday recess. "Tills resolution must not he killed," said Glass, "tho people will not stand for it. 1 nni receiving scores of let ters from citizens nnd organizations in Philadelphia and elsewhere throughout the state demanding quick action. I will not allow tho resolution to ho pickled permanently if I can help it." CABINETPARLEYS Presidont-Elect Still Seeking Qualified Men for Throo Portfolios PARTY LEADERS CONSULTED Ity the Associated Press St. Augustine. l'la.. Feb. 10. 1'resl .!,o,t.ni,.,.t Ilnrillni' continued ills con ferences with the rnnking lenders of his party today unci it was indicated that completion of the cabinet waited only on definite selections for tlie port folios of niiv , commerce and labor. ll.v all of those iu close touch with the situution It wns conceded, how ever, that these selections might not only lend to considerable delay, hut might also involve some shifting ot tlie assignments already more or less definitely tixed. It was considered un likelj that any announcements would bo Hindi.' until u duy or two before inau guration. As tlie list stood today, with navy, commerce nnd labor vucnnt, it was understood to contemplate tlie appoint ment of Charles lCvuns Hughes, of New York, for pecrctury of state: John W. Weeks, of Massachusetts, sccretury of war; Andrew M. Mellou, of Peutisvl xunln, secretary nf the treasury; Will 11. Ilavs, of Indiana, postmaster gen eral: liurrj M. Daiigherty, of Ohio, at torney general; nenry aiiuce, oi ictilture, ami a. becretury of the interior. For tlie nnvv portfolio. I' rank O. Louden, of Illinois, is understood to be Mr. Harding's choice, but it is uncer tain whether he will accept and there litis been talk of trunsfcrring Mr. Weeks to that position if the Illinois governor definitely declines. Several names in cluding 'those of John Hays Hammond, of New York, ulid Herbert Hoover, of California, have been mentioned for the commerce portfolio, while James J. Davis, of Pennsylvania, ami a number of others are being urged for secretin-' of labor. This morning Mr. Harding again talked over tlie problem with Mr. Hays and later lu the d iv lie cxprrlcd to be gin u series nf conferences on the sub let t with Mr. Duiighert. Mr. Hughes, Mr. Mellon and several others high in p'irtv councils are expected here before the end of the week. Another of Mr. Harding's conferences today was with Ai tlmt- Woods, former police commis sioner of New York city nnd a former otlicliil of the Council of Nalloiinl De fense. A. II'. Smith, president of tlie Vn. York Central Itllilwnv. IllsO is ill St, Augustine mid will see Mr. Harding I within the next few days. j Thomas W. I.amont, of .1. P. Mor-1 gan & Co., who was one of President ' Wilson's advisers nt the Peace Con ference, assured Mr. Harding toduyi nilmliilstrutlon would lie f,, f anv international agreements, so far as loans to the Allies wore con-, eerned. . The denial of any Americnn pledge to annul the nine iniiion uonars Allien governments owe I'ncle Sam was called forth specifically by statements emanat ing from the foreign relations committee of tlie Senate. On Saturday lust It wns asserted in Washington, on tlie authori ty of an iiiummcd member of the Anieri. can Pence Mission, thut President Wil son hud promised in Pin Is to supixirt the llritish proposal for cancellation of Interallied loans. Mr. Liimoiit blew that nllegatlon out of the water yesterday. F.vidctitly the Pi ctddent -elect sought word upon it from tlie first coadjutor of President Wilson In Pin-is Mr. Harding has hnd the opportunity to interrogate Mr. Lnniont's reply was straight tn the point, lie suid tlie stnr.v wus "pure bunk." Tlie New York bunker so de scribed it iu conference with newspaper correspondents iniincdlntel after leav ing the Pnsident -elect's presence and before Issuing 11 formul statement of his isiuvei'sntion with Mr. llu'-illi:g. Mr. Luinont made clear In Mr. Hard ing that Mr Wilson nnd his associates in Paris, far from pledging themselves in favor of cancellation, "vigorously mid tinall.v" opposed such n suggestion. HARDING RESUMES JIXaldwell S Co. Wedding Stationery correct phraseology hand-engraved CHESTNUT AND JUNIPER STREETS THE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY is successsful because of SERVICE. Underwood SPEED The conifiny ii ainiuch Inlttciicd m kreping in fint elm condition the nuchm" it rent! 11 the maclnnri it telli, Rent jour Underwood from the tomfiny -mide it ind get the belt, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO., INC. 1000 (IIKSTNUT ST. .MISTER UPHOLD? GOOD SUNDAY GAWIE Snbbath Sports, if Cloan, Are All Right, Says tho Rev. Robort Norwood FOR EVOLUTION THEOLOGY Hundny sports of the "good, rloan variety" were uphe'd by the llev. Hob ert Norwood, of St. Paul's Memorial Lplscopnl Church. Overhrook, epcaklnz at tho Lenten tinnn service In Rt Stephen's Church, Tenth street ahnvo Chestnut, today. "The motion picture that tnnv savor of the Immoral; the stupidity oxhthtted In some musical comedy cnmpnnlo, or tlie vulgar novel which muv l,Dve '' vogue arc all far more harmful limn clean sports even If tlioe sPnrts he on Sunday," asserted the speaker ' Taking an his subject "The Klin, ilom of the Hody," Mr. Norwood ,k up an address which was climaxed ii his expressed favor of Sundiiv snort, and die excorintion of the vulgar notr-1 or (he stupid musical show. lie in title the point that, while t)0. Ibly some few moving pictures "mnnv lint lm of it,., Iwiut " il. ... .-'.'"" r ii 1 1 .' 1 si'iiv lenueniv ',,.fLUlP,.m.ovi"F I',,rt"ri ' ediirutlntiiil nni liberalizing In its effect. "Enrth Is tlie brother of mnn. nnd man cun only reach earth through the kinship of tlie body. Some dav we will have n theology based on evolution rather than revelation, und when Hint time comes mnn will be more sane in hii enjoyments and in the care of his bndi oflen too inucli abused." was another point mnde by the speaker. It was In taking care of the body the kingdom of tho body thut Mr 'nr. wood emphasised his attitude ns finer ing Sunday sports of the clean nnd dclrnble Mirlety. Father Hubert Brown, the reotnr spoke ot the noomlny Lenteu services In St. Joseph's Catholic Church , Third street and Witlings alley, on the text, "Your Work Shall Follow You." '. implored his auditors to forsake tliotr cvll wa.VR. "Thero will be a day of judgment," hn declared, "when our sins and good deeds will he weighed on the senle o( justice. Whether we nre Inst or saved in the next world depends on the turn of the impnrtlal scales." ERIE POLITICIAN'S SLAYER FREED BY JURY Verdict of Not Guilty In Case of Man Who Killed Magistrate Krle, Pit.. Feb. 1(1. "Not guilty." was the verdict returned ut fl:.'!0 o'clock tills morning In the ease of Hersehcll Urassfield for the murder of Alderman Fred F. Mornn. l'rie police magistrate and lending politician, who wils shot inn disorderly house enriy 011 the morning of Janunry 1(1. The case was given to the jury at 0:ii." last night. Few witnesses were called bv Mr. Loose, defendant's counsel, his main ob just heing to show that the fi'-ing of the pistol by Urassfield was accidental and that his e'ieut Ind no idea of shotlng the police magistrate. While this cose was being concluded in Judge Hossiter's court, Suniiiel I, (lilsnu, special prosecutor, was railing witnesses before tlie grand Jur.v in the investigation of the vice conditions that have existed in Krie since the KitN administration took office. Seven wit nesscs faced the grand iurv yestenlaj nnd again at 0 o'clock this morning Mr. (iilson took up the probe. IRISH PRISONER ESCAPES Sinn Felner Was to Be Court-Mar-tlaleci Today London. Feb. 1(1 --(II) A I' TV Dailv Mail ,veserdm reported unotliir lull-breaking episode In Londonde'rv Francis Cnrtv filed the bars of his rel' in the prison hospital and escaped liv means of 11 rope Udder PreviouH he liad been wounded Curly was bi have been court-martialed todnv Tliis is tlie second time the prisoner lias made his escape, having prevloul broken jail at Sllgo, where he vvss awaiting trial. Washington. Feb. 10.- (Ily A P ' The House .foreign nffuirs comniltt'1' refused today a reipiest of llepresentn five llurke. Pennsylvania, for 11 publfi' hearing on his resolution nropnsing rec ognition of an Irish republic. Member of the committee said there wns in probability that the measure would I" reported to the House at this session PRtTHS Mcl'X!)li:V .milV It .MvKADIU N (t.-vetuy. WeilnpMRV. Iljrury Id H''.'l Alinnlle riiv TunrHl nnnounicmi nt a IIAHIlArit. -'if .10211 (Iwiif st l'n fell. IS HUM IIAIIIIV f HMlMAfll s; l.uNtmnd of Tallinn (' ItiirliHch. In lint ,1 i-Hr It'lntlves nnrt frlnii nre In'n I 1 ih" H-ritces nn rrld.iv Kfternoon at ii'iluik. lit tho Oliver II Ilnlr Hid.- I1 Cnimnir hi tnlerment lilvx'e iii'mm-.ss iir'TMiirit Mr77 ANV ONi: utile tu Invent flmi to li(i in well ustalillHhotl liunlnem, palns' 7 lr cent nnd k share nf the jiroMti, c unniunlejl' vvllh A ll'.'!!. l'ilner (Ifflro ACCURACY - DVR.iBlLlTY z iaij 1. ;, Li- -