Tv--9i!rvvfn''" yftimnWW f'Tt'&$i!&ffi0'?tif.r Efevi Ey! -f 18 EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, EEBRUAKY 16, 1921 Kmmc- U n ( Ml i & ti ft1 in rif HUti ir a- frl m .' &g It' :& ' ; n; tt. tw MirtS '1 vd ..n , ' i. in '. i hia.. r.- 6rWWf ft WP. iit ., 3a ZyVYQ2 Copper Export Association, Inc. 8 Secured Gold Notes Onr Yenr Two Ycnr Three Year Four Year Offered when, at nntlif I m !?, priori in ileM nlmn' 8rr to 8.30".- (according te maturlto Circular on rrqunt fnr V r.-33 TheNationalGty Company Philadelphia 1421 Cheitnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Block 1225 Boardwalk STOCK LIST RAGGED; PIES IRREGULAR I" NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS I CAR GROUP WEAK ciibo. in AiiTfiinr Tni niiiti INUMUKAUINb 4- - Good Will 'and Good Luck What portion of the book vnlues of your securities is represented by these items ? Many boom-time promo tions were excessively cap italized but clients of Moody's Sen-ice do not buy securities of this kind. Moody's Investors Service analyzes values, interprets the trend of the market and assists investors in many ways. Investors will be inter ested in Booklet 18, sent free upon request. Moody's Investors Scrvico JOHN MOODY, resident 1121 Ileal Estate Trust Illdg. rlllljdelplll I. I'll. New lork Huston Chlr.ico Business in Reading Lacks Yes- terday's Forvor Other Rails Listless New Ynrli, Teh. 1(1. In the absence "f anything noteworthy In the Rcnernl ! mur'sct, which mis togged in oppear unco iiinl irregular In inclement, spec illative interest whk caught by the rush f sterling to ii new high. The pound touched ;i.02a. more tluin n cent nboic its close of yesterday nnd within hull ing distance of Jj-MM"-,, its peak for llVJti. ' There n i fu'r nmniinf of biisine- in Id inline but it Inched complctolj tin- fi'ror of lestcrdny, TIip common ranged from o to "(tM., ns pomiinrril with i nt yesterday's close. The lirt iirpfcrn il was down '( nnd the pii oml prefprrpil "s. TIip other mils were 1 I sfloss, with flip PM'pption of Southern 1'ncifip rights, which, under some hcniy l silling, to'iehed u now low at l"i, I Persistent rumors t lint it mnv not lie I bin; before fienernl Motors will do some ii"w financing Iniil rn unsettling effect on the motors, tieuernl Motors itself wns off frnotlnnnlly. Stiidebnker. I hough, continued to lip in 50ml demand 1 nil got nliove fi'l. (ienerul Motors' mi nimi report will not be mnde public for some time, hut it Is reported thnt the 1 nliinep sheet will sliow notes pniiihle -f nl'cur S7."i.00ll.0l)0 nt the close of lust rnr. while ciush on hand is placed at S47.n00.000. The steeln lacked the resiliency that I'as featured the late tradltiR. t'nited States Steel declined fractionally and the independents nil ct below their 'neninc iirices. Haldwm was nartlcu- larlj weak Anier can I.inseed. nmonij the spc- inlties, which was close to 57 nt otic time jctcnl.n , touched a low of fil thin 1 moniMii; hefore it recovered to around 1 ms stoeK has oeen inlluenced bj the reports that olistaeles are lielns encoun tered m regaril to its projiosed absorp tion by foreicn interests. The siijjaii showed little life and the oils moved In 11 narrow range. LEHIGH SAIIGATI0' LEADS LOCAL LIST 10(1 isnn 100 t7nn too MID 21(1 tOil too 11,1,1 J-Jflll IJOfl 2000 100 .10(1 .1.1011 1.110 ;io 100 mo Ti 1(1 401 ."JO 400 1710 1710 .till) 100 I.1JII .(no too 00 ill! I 100 too 100 100 1.10,1 J0) .:o inn h'JIO 000 1011 11 n I . . Adams K.tprcss . . . 4 AJnx Hubher . . Alaska Juneau O M. .. Alllid ciiem & rye. . . Allied Chem & Dyo pf B'i Allls-Clialmors a:H ItlKh .10 3331 40H Am Asrlc Cliom fi Am Aprlc diem pf . . a Am Hank Note 8 Am Ileet Suear 10 Am Iloch Magneto . . . Am Can t-i Am Car & iMy Am Cotton Oil. . .. , .72 , 7(1 40 . 40 , MM , 30 Ji 22 INK . S3H , hO . Ti S . 10'4 . 44 , .10 "4 , E.IJi . 81 V , tOOl4 ,t31W 7 Am Mule & leather pf i$y3 .. Am internal corp. . R Am T.inpcod ' 8 Am ixcomotlvo . .. .. Am ItadUtor . . Am pnfety n.T2or. . , .. Am Ship & Com. .. 4 Am fitmlt & lief... a Am Steel Foundries 7 Am Sutrar lief 10 Am Sumatra Tob.. 5 Am Tel & Tel I'J Am Tobacco 0 Am Tobacco nf new.. Blt4 11 Am Tobacco IJ USJfj 7 Am Woolen GK .. Am Zinc Lead & Smlt 9U . . Am '.ncS. lentl nf . . . -iOW .. Anaconda Topper ... .. Ascets realization ... J Asro Iiry Goods 0 Ateh Top & Santa Vo Atlantn Hlr & Atlantic 7 Atlantic foawt Line. . 10 All C.ulf & W ISS,. 7 Atl Itennlnff 7T, pf... . . Austin Vlcholas 3 Auto S'aIcb Corp pf... 7 naldwln Ixcomotlve. . . . Haltlmnre & Ohio. . . . 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf . . 2)0 y.f.o Jlanisdnlo riass B. Uatopltas Mlnlnc . . Bethlehem Motors . . n Bethlehem Steel 11... 7 Bethlehem Steel ",. 8 Bethlehem Steel 8Tn nflO.VA .. Booth risherlew 8J4 .. Urkl-n Bnpld Transit IHJi . . Brkly n R T ctfs of dep DJfc .. BrIlTi I'nlon rjas.... Sti 10 Bums Bros son Uutto Copper & 7,lnc. . iU Butte & Superior Cop 11?$ Gains 'J 7-8 Paints in Active Trading Reading Common Sells at 75 . A Comparison of Present Prices wlth quotations of standard -otocks and bonds a year l ago, indicates that in spite of liquidation caused by t widespread deflation, the J market for well-secured , bonds and notes is stronp;. t As deflation continues it is '-.reasonable to expect even .-a stronger bond market. ' We therefore invite in z'f.vcstors to send for our r" r-romrnendations of bonds I that are being purchased today by the more con servative investors. Write for Circular 77-55 Hemphill, Noyes CS, Co. Member JVetv York Stock Eichanfe Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New York Cotton Scrantou Buffalo A!bn Syrjruic Baltimore gtTuj'JU J jJrytnrauT3"jluu'31Jr t-ttt: J iOCVI'11 '-" " "" ' ". C C 1 J M T 1 1 .v P X V offer "u tin? ailwit' tage of '.nvctmciK counsel that ha be hind it nearly a halt century '5 experience in investigating -t curitie- W'e s'-a"! 1 r u!a,! to scnr yriu a enpv nf t'l current "isue nf "( 1,. satt 1 iftf ruua v 1 '1 describes the j , , !',.,! ad antat'e : i nlw.iy F 1 1 - T I st 1 !' gatiV.ns. -. r CASSATT V CO. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDt PHILADELPHIA tALTlMOet- PrtTlBuesM - Km ontoh L t.hiKli Navicatin nwus Hip rrntrr of i --...... lion 11U inr i"i in 111 41 1 ti i, l'"iJl ( the demand for the shares ndvancinit the quotation to t!vTC nt which price it was "Ts points ulxnp lust night's close The close on Mondaj was nt I1.V', . The activity is ubscribtd to the favornblu enrlv report that came out the other lay. The Minehill urn S-'hinlMH Haven Hailrond, whieli had become almost n 'tratiRer on the local list, as another issue to make a cond sliouine in the enrly mnrket. u sob- of ten shares beinc made at 40U., n Bnin of ". from the last sale mnde more than a month ago HuntinKton and Itroad Top preferred was heavj and on n small turnover lost points .at 17. Ituffnlo and Susiiue hannu was taken nt l.'t. As for the lemiunder of the list, it was a mixture of utn hanscd iiriees with a number of iss,i,.s mining frii'-tionalh hiRher. There wns no evidence of unak "ss m inn section. Electric Stornitr ucnin movod back close to in.", rinla delphia Co. cumulative preferred was in fair request t K.uln ,,,- Nll with I'nited (ins Improvement on mt limited sales iniiklni; a biinilnr advance Lnciil traction isiies were icflected. The lr,it MJe nf Keildillft COIIUIIOII t,, ! mnde her., since the tiling of the secrejjatiou plan was at 7ri"'. al oss f 1 points, and putting the issue ,,n a plane with the ipioinrinn v. York Opinons r.ii,,n:. t,e Iteniling's "piriPRimon plan vnrj wnleli Wne wire e"t lif.t estirday with ipirnis f'nm local ),,, uses to tlie'r New York cfirri'snondnnls and New orlt was J'lsi as ilisirmis nf the ideas of bank- rs here iarlj everv man ipieriiv) I ml 11 different opinion of the plan. The ,iiiiirKc.c din rni take kindly to the pio , posals, apparent! ns frm ,(, kt.irt I'll" Heading sues were hiibieit to the wildest t:raii.iris. the common, which was the target for must nf the attacks, I" ins nt one tun.- ." points below the pen ns price The opinion was almost niver-il th it the plan wns twntisli nn if leiisr this p.irtn iilai- is.i f t1P Itead njr's stock, a'tlioiigh at the close f the pessiiin n,, on,. ,las scr tluin a lii 11 trade started. Vhat11- n,nj ,1Vf. HI1 ,h,. jri,.M of the holder nf Rending Mocks the bond issues tterc MrntlR. The Miles of 'he cnmpanrs -Is ran close to slOO.Ovo f,,r the day, the high being "."'j ami the low vllii, The opinion is epriss,K tint the plan js prejudicial to tlie boilers of the general mortgage bunds and rimt a 111 w clause, bearing on the position nf these securities will have to be prepared. mn no 1701 .'00 1) f Oil I Oil 40.) Ollil I Oil Mil 101) too t (111 .1)1) Mill 2.VII) 13,111 21i) 1 Hi) 31)il 0)i) too 70i) .10i) 10'J .'111 100 1.60 Chln Popper nil .loo '.Mil ,)U?i an 20 K S3 54 fl N1H drt innii in 14 Of '2 3',4 m 3534 ti 3Ji At) 90 I (ID 7)11,1 100 Mil Mi) 411D) 100 7DI1 0 Cullfornla Packing . . i.l 2 Cftl 7.lno & Lend.. . 1M4 . California Petroleum . 40 10 Canadian Pacific ... lis .. Central leather . .. ,19M 7 Central Leather pf. . sn;4 flO Cerro de P.isco Cop . W' 10 Chandler .Motors . . 71 1 CIlCFiipiake i; Ohio... JO . . Chicago A; Great West s'i . . Chtcnco Mil ,t St V. t'H . . Chlcnco Mil & St V pf -."4 5 Chicago Northwestern 07 H .iiiiv copper i-"4 . . 2.1 Cluott Pea bod. . . .VJt-4 . . Coca-Cola .. . . iZ',i 3 Colorado Fuel . Iron 'is Vt Columli Con R. P.Iec. 6(1'? I Col fjraphophone . I0H 7 Consolidated "lgai . it 7 Comiolldated Can . J 3 Consolidated Textiles. JllLi . . Continental Candy .. I'j .1 eontlnental Injurance 1 4 Com Products lief. 7'.'?i .10 I'OJi rv :zH 21-2 101 210 10 l(t8 . ess 100 2.80 Coaden & Co.. .1100 Cruclblo Steel 1100 7 Cuban Amer Sugar... ion . Cuban Cano Sugar. . 200 I Davison Chemical . . . 200 n Delaware & Ifudton. 100 10 Del Lack & Western 4 ill Denver As Itlo Grande lM'i I Dome, Mines 'Il in i:,itman Kod.ik 10(1 7 Lmerson-Brantlng pf 700 6 I3nillcott-Johnson . . . W'l .. tlrlo odd .. Hrlo 1st pf 100 .. Krlo 2d pf oi) n I'ainoua Players L. . I0U in TlHhep Bodv .. 2 HI . Plsk Itubber 10(1 Kreeport Tcxns lull .. Gaston Wma & Wig 205)1) . General Asphalt 700 'lineral Asphalt pf . 3100 11 Grnrl C'gir HM M Klectrlc 40)i 1 General Motors 200 11 General Motors pf ifti) 0 (Jen Motors deb ",. 100 ; Gen Motors deb " CV 100 . Gllllland OH pf. lOOi) 0 Goodrich B V 100 Granby Cool M & M .Dil 7 N'orthern pf . . . OilO 4 Gnat Vv...;i Oro ctfs. 1.00 . . Houston oil .11.1 I Hupii Motor Car... . ."HA . Intirb Con Corp 20(1 Inierl) Con Corp pf . 100 .-, Int. r Agrlcul Corp pf fili' MOO 7 liul Harvester new. . . 10(i, Hill . Inlir Mer M irine . 1.1' fiOO 0 Inter Mir Marme pf. Jli4 10 7 Int Motortruck 1st pf 73Ta 100 .. Inti rnatlonal Nickel.. lATi 20)0 .. International Paper . . OOH IO10 .. Invincible Oil Corp.. 23,', 1 nv 30 11 t" A?4 DII'4 .17 S05S 7i 40 A.I 30 14 is; 32 4A4 7'4 .11 SAl; '. III 4.1)J ..tllli l!3ti S0 100 IISJ4 H7H 07 n iiu .! 39 i 1 Ifl'fi '2 n S3H 03 ! I00'i 10 14 no 34 ,14 All .A'-i ?i 3Ji AS 90 IOAV4 A I3J4 sJi Al!j so A "4 I.1H 1.1 l(i 40 117 301J so 3s JO 53!4 sU 27 1 2 42 07 1? fiH, 23 .V."j t:U 2S C0J4 lflls ;H to! 4 1 C4 j a .10 0A 3I?4 H 355 101 210 r in CAA 3Ai (,1'i 10'j I3H 1,1 1. 1 ao Last 30 33 U - tn itH- Vi .17 ao4 70 40 4St-A3H- .1014- 124?, 4Ai',4- '3 '4 - ham - V2 v, H H'4 Hal's 100 300 210 200 10(1 too 300 A00 I Oil) 200 1011 .. tsland Oil . Jewel Tea . . Jowel Tea pf . . Jones Bros Tea . . Knn City Southern .. 4 Kanmio City So. pf.. 4 Kclly-SprlnBlleld Tiro. 2 Kennecott Copper , . , . . Keystono T & P. Lake Uric & West. . . 100 Ilubber Tire s I 10 - H I 14 l '-4 30'4- " ' ti3!J- U , M'S 1H 100 .. 13114 4 1H f'l'j H8'e4 Vt 1 07H- H 0"4 '4 , i9 .. 3J9i 254 4- ', 2fi!4-t 1 I s2'4- HI -i ' 4 I t.3'4 4 1 0AJ Ti , looli- IH ! 10 ; B0?4- 1'4 34 I A ,10 .'A'i "4 100 3. so Lehigh Valley 300 2 Loiwo Co 100 . . Loosi-Wlles Biscuit 000 12 l-orMlard Tobacco lOo ? stanhnttnn Hlev 1100 .. Maxwell Motor 100 . Max Motor 1st pf 100 8 May J"ut Stores... OA00 12 Mexican rctrototim Itluli '4 C 30 ii Vi m "54 40 10M I4H 12H 3114 S3 tiw 4'4 "Ti 20 34 iH 40 Yt 40 l4 148 nvk 2114 A3 , 40 144 lOlo 1.00 Mlddlo StnteB Corp. (runr C4J4 AH 70 1G3W I3K 100 2 M id vale Steel & Ord, 100 . . Minn & St Louis... . 20ii .. Mo Kansas & Texas.. 300 .. Missouri Pacific .... 100 .. Missouri Pacific pf... 100 .. Montgomery Ward .. isoo . National Con & Cable .loo n Nat Knam & Stamp. 100 0 National Lead .100 . . Nat It n of Mex 2d pf ion ., Xev Con Copper. 3i)il 0 N O Tex & Mcx 2011 0 New York Central... 100 2. JO Now York Dock.. 31 X 1114 3H IS .19 !' 18 C4'i Ji'i an ni 7A!i :t:i . 13'j 20 'i . 138 HA' 4 &3HHI s.i'4 . I4?4 H . 17 17 . -" 71 110 CUi .132'j "H . 71 Oil ' 1 77 . 00 10 2.1 7fifj 30 73 13',; .1 14 H 24 Cllf-a 10914 &9H 1.11 I4U 71 Oil "4 77 90 39 '4 21 70', 29H 24 1.1 "4 A I1'4 A0 ' j tit 1A S3! 4 7.V-4 1.1, AfiU 2214 33; AS -00 IOA'4- A14 .l 0 'r Al44 ,iH4- A4 . 13 .- u.i 4- (!' - 40 - lls : "Ul8- sH - VI MJi- AHJ4-s.14- !4 i 42 (17 !4 ! - . 23 -A2'2 . 22 Is 14 -0OJ.4 . I0U- 10 f 20 ','4 1 -04 11 -30 -I 9(1 ''4 - 33 2AJ4- ! 3J&4- ! 101 1 210 4. 4 14- 1 10 - I 0AA - IS 3S4 4- i;i, - 1.1 !4 4 20 H 4 13H 04 Ji Wi 4 14 17 2'2- OOJ, h I09I4-V oi!i4 132 4 I4?i 71 ' (l'4 77 U0 f4 70t? , 30 1 72 '4 -1.1 ',4 ii I Hi "4 'i '4 'i' "4 ' I SOD 400 Silo 339U 100 200 20 100 1011 lllli) 22,1') 70,1 0,)il 10 1011 ODD 400 tl)i) l.'nli) 2i)D 11)1) 400 niiii 200 Jilt) 2001 700 New York N II & II 20 H 4 N Y Shipbuilding 7 Norfolk A Western. 7 Northern Pacific 5 Nova Bcotln a & C. 40 Okla Prod & Itef . . 2 Orpbeum Circuit . . 8 Otln nievntor . . 0 Pnclflo CiBb & Klectrlo 47 JJ Paclno Oil wl 0 Pan-Amcr Petrol . . . 0 Pan-Amcr B 3 Pennsylvania H B .. Penn Senboard Steel. . . Peoples Gna Cblengo Pcro Mnrquetto . . . Pero Marquetto pf U Philadelphia Co . Plerce-Arrow Motor . . . Pierce, OH 8 Plcrco Oil pf. . . . A Pitts Coal 8 Pressed Steel Car. . 7 Pressed Steel Car pf. 8 Pullman 8 Punta Alcgro Sugar. . 4 Pure Oil 2i)0 S 20 Itoyul Dutch N V 200 i.3A rtnnd Jlln Am Shnres 33T4 Ihil 1 Ilay Con Copper. .. 134 15A.10 4 Heading 70 Ji 300 ; Heading 1st pf 47 4(l 2 Beading Id pf 48 100 . Itemlngton Typewriter 34 ',4 MOO 0 Republic Iron ,: Steel 07 614 21 2SH A'i A 10 SSI4 IS 41?4 24 1. !4 ''4 4?4 lit 1 U t l!4, '4 1 o tin) I20'l ADD 100 2llil 100 100 41(10 70J 441)1) 100(11) 30 J t:00 70(1 AIIO B200 I Oil .1)11 10,1 200,1 100 01)0 HOOD 100 2 100 000 A00 1S00 700 OKI a too 3 .103 100 A00 bono 100 200 1210 40)0 1100 . . St louls San Frnn . . . St Louis Southwest . Santa Cecelia Sugar. . Saxon Motor Seaboard Air Line pf H tsoars-Itoebudt Seneca Cop Con1 ,71 Shell Transport . Sinclair Oil 12 South Porto Itlco Sug 87 6 Southern Pacific . . "S'i .. Southern Pacillu its.. IAJ4 Southern Ball 22J4 7 Stand Oil of N J pf. . 10SH 4 Stewart Warner Speed 33J4 2 Stroniborg Carburetor 39H 7 Studebaker AOJ4 . . Submarine Boat Corp sJS 2 Superior Oil Corp... , Ten Con & Chem. sfj 3 Texaa Co 43?i .. Texas Co warrants. . 42 ( .. Texns & PacllK; 2.1! I Texas & Pacific CIO 29 J4 60 Times So.unre Supply. Il'i .. Third Avcnuo I8"4 . Transcontinental Oil . 0 A Transuo & Wms Steel 4014 Ilia OHi 4U 143V4 84 ?J Ti 84 10 1 61 (4 1.1 j 31 "Ji IS .1014 IB m l4i 71 '4 AH 1174 ni 71 i on mi .12 99 W e3H ivt H 37!'4 13S 47 T4 30 'A 70K 71) 4014 I3V4 AS 17 3) 33 94 20 U 1 04 70 !4 S8'i t'24 9AH 107 494 ? 23 ti 1.1 '4 7AH 47 47 34 1 4 117 nt?; 21 2AH 1 SO l.nat 4 0T4 20 244 40 -lH4-I4H 12H II M 40 141 4 A4J4 A!4- 8?4 70 4- I81J4-l.ljj- 31 HJ4f 3H 18 - .104 4 18 - 3H4 AH4- il'i . 7S4- 34 71?; 4- 14 !4 !i t l!4. Yk 54 M 14 !4 32 lOoU , fH . 3715 . .194 . 2J!'4 ,12s 31 70 4014 131-2 .18 17 3A14 33H 2CH lfl?4 7''4 S'4 114 SO 1072 At 3414 0 Tobacco Products .. Union Oil ... 10 I'nlon Pacific. SAi 111 47 I071j I0J4 All fnltnl Drug lht pf 12 I'nited b'ruit ... . United Ilwy Invest United Ilwy Invest pf 2.T.4 S United Betall Stores.. A74 . . U S t, I P A Kdy. . . . . I" S I'xpress . U S Food Products. 8 U S Ind Alcohol 8 U S Ilubber 200 3.1)0 U S Smelt & Bcf 100 3.A0 U S Smelt & lief pf. 144 AO'j , 111 1 4 73 ? -1.1'j ' AS'4 22 H - U 1 1H 100(1,) BUS Steol. . OOtl ; U S Steel pf. 700 1) Utah Copper 100 4 VuJiadlum Corp . . . Kin K Vu-Car Chem pf A0i) Vlxaudou lnc . . 211 . . Walmsli UK) Wvl la Kargo Lxpres IA00 ,. Western Man hind . 200 . . Western PnotOo 310 7 Western Union Tel M0 4 WeMinithouse V. & M 1100 .. Whlta Oil Corp . . 200 4 Wick Spoil! Steel ( orp 17 IA III I Willys-Overland s 100 7 Wool worth l W pf.,112 100 0 Worthlngto.n Pump . . A0; 24 H 701; 70;; 34!, 43H 84H 111 A0 37H 30H OTi s 0A 10 20 hJ 40 ir 4 Ti 10 SSI IS 41 H 2.1 CO 7s3i I A 22 IOS94 .1.1 37 "4 8H J4 , U s',4 4.1H 424 22 27 11J4 1834 11 3 4 A A 21 Ti i2;$ 47 107 10?4 23 r,j; 12Ji 0!i 23 Ji no 70 4 3414 43'4 84 ! Ill AAH 30 b no 0?4 H CA 20 87 4AK 14 T4 10?, lii 113 014 22 4 1 20I4 U 33 4- 1 100!'4 l'4 4!4 Yi 37144- 14 3M- Vi 37 "4 . 12S 47J4 4- ',' 301-4- 77 W 4- ','4 71) 4014 . 1214 14 3H - J4 17 31. - 3 33 K 4- Y$ 2!4 .. 104- (4 7014 .. A915- 14 03 Yi- M 08 - 1 107 - t4 A0 - 1 33M- (4 235 4- 14 I3T4- H 70 4- 14 47 - I 4S - !4 34J'4- lyi 07 - 14 01 9- ',2 21 2AH H S!4 i 's T4 10 881:,- 'i 18 14 Hii- i 23 H- H !0 -.7 78H- 'i is4- ?; 22 -: i', 10S54 H 3314 - H 3714- U4 8J- "4 fci4- '4 OVi-i- "4 8I2- !' 43?4 V 14 42?; 4- 1 23 14- '4 2914 4- T4 114 3 94 1 8 '4 4 14 - n 39Ti- 1!4 SAlj-t- IJ 2IT4- !i 121 J- 1. 47 t 1 107 - ?4 H . 231,4- '4 A7T4 4- 1!4 I2M4- U 0)4 4- !4 23 '4 .. "!4 4- 14 50 W- 14 34 4 43M4 '4 84 1-4 - i4 111 -1 1 , A0 r l4 30 '4 - !j 00 H- 94 o?4- H 8 ! !, s 4 a4 - U Reading Rights Soil at 15y4 to 14i2 Mining Issues Strong" Now York, Feb. 10. The moiement In the Issues of the Onril) group on the llroud street curb todny nttrncted in crensed nttentlnn to these corporations, there being little demand even nt shnrp declines for ony of these issues. Cnrib 8ndlrnte, which after being cxclinnged one hundred for one for the old (dock nnd selling nt nround 52 nbout n )rnr ngo, ranged from l)ns to 7', find Co lumbia linernld, with 11 similar record, except for n Fmnllcr multiplication nf lis original shares, sold down to 2'y. Outside of the movement In these stocks, most Interest wns attached to the large trndlng in Heading rights, which sold nt 15 Vi to 11 V2. ro for. there Is nothing tangible for n trading basis for tbesc rights ns no official no tice has been given of the privileges to which they nro entitled. Mnrncnibo Oil. which hml been strong for the Inst two weeks, ranged from 11" Vi to 22'. lljnn wns pressed for sale nnd declined to HW. There were miles of Lehigh Coal and Navigation ut Ui to (ID. Durnnt Motors ngoln sold nt 18!i Inter-Contlnentnl Ilubber was traded in nt 12-1; to 12M. Sales of Hen Motor lruck were mnde nt 80 to 75. Sales of l! I...l f!l T ...It ?.. 1.. nilllllllUll Wll I1II1IUUII, I1CW, UIC IllUliU lit till'J to TO. There wns activity and strength in many mining issues, Huston-Montana and 1 lorence (Joidfield being strong fea turcs. INDUhTllIAI.S 20 -i 87 -Si 1 "4 . 17 7?4- 113 T 60J4- 94 If 1- 17 in in ! in '3 I' .11 I I'll iladelph in Stock is 1: fIW 1 n i 1 1 3 E. H. Rollins & Sons I oiiliili-il IH70 Investment Bonds 1121 Chestnut M.. Philadelphia l'hun Sinie :, 1li(l 11 l-i.' I , fosfon Hol.'tmo , .' h m , i ' I ra 1 1.11 Conemaugh Power 8s, 1930 Price 100 & Int. la yield 8'! Niagara Falls Power 61, 1950 Price 89" 2 & Int to yield 6 83ro uijuirica .Wi, lnl 17 17 (1st, ir.'j in', 71 .'1-' 1.1 ! 17 17 Us 1 . ('.7 W . KH 71 .'I'J "1. 1.: 101" 17 lfmh Am Sirs . .t o'-l ".'. Huff & S t pf. , m in '.I KleeStnr lOJ'l. Ill) ( II .)s I! T pref . 11D b pf 1 tf of deb V, I Co N (:.'.- I.eli N'av 1" Mlnelr'l ..77 I',. It It In I'll Salt 2nd I'hih, Co 'iiu pf' . 7 I 'In 'a ! 70 do pref :ti P'n'ii A West pf 1 Jut Head nit . 'J. I'n Trae. lis U U I . Hi do pref 110 War I&S 1" York Itwj pref ... .10 - - hunir.. mini- t 1 ei. V. i V rk StK Rxchnng- ,' in IIOMI.s 1 1 . . H'jth Low p 1 Lloc A 1'eo Tr Is I'lBf. I l)lil I 1'IM 17 Jsl . (1st;. iin... I'n, 71 i2'. J7T. 1 ;, LOCAL. MINING STOCKS "V"..H HTlH'KS W.J 1 Hal- J j' il", Jim Ku'l MurN'mim r . , ,ta, .if.i 1 n 11 , ni MU.. MUpnh Lv Mont a , NorMi .str Ilearu KulJ . . rir.ii'.ili Kit U'ecl KnJ Weat 'I liupah DlVIIiK STUi'Kh A. lie! riv..le Alto L,ltn lle . . ... H,rl -r llV lien II .' ItroiiKii l'ioa Jill lle Kxt mi ,.u n!inii . . Kdf I'.lKte llnrl HaalH iek T' ill" IflKlt I'llW! Hunt Ulvidv Hnn Plilil llowtl.i .slper ICinK Ton.ip.ih I'litdf Tonnp.ifi llHaiiroLi' Vlrti-r Idvlild Venle tn lib' iuni LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS f IiIciiko. Ii b 1(1 llOtlS KatimntPl r-. ',r"""',,-"('1"; head, left oler, li 7s,i homl Verv lime Joint;, few aaloa wBk to lie loer than jatrn!n s avernce: Jlu 13 1,1.1 Qu.illn moatl nood. eilJTU:T.E'i"rn15'1 ''"'eP'". 1"0 tiainl RIILI.I l.stlmated receipts 17,0in) he nl (.1 .o.l 02 :i Ho 12 (.' ni 1 1.1 in nl id HO nl 113 nl M JS ' III III 111 111 III III'. IK -'3 I Commodity Markets COTTON MARKET Ne 11rk, Ieb. Itl - The cotton mar ket was irregular nt the start today at 12 points iidwince to 17 points di-1 wt,i,h ...h T, ,, . dine. Spot Ionises ,.ere the ' nrlnrlmil an 7,,,,'.,.?h' ,..ln ' .'oa-ir''jr'!PJ sellers ut tl npiiilng, while Wull street, iytJ ,T! rUr ilslit orlem aiid plei" tll"i i.m,i,llnn ..r.,1 . ...... f.. I. I'll 4U ..', ,,,.,..'.. ti,,,. ,,n,- ,ii 111,1 vi u lull I Sill. 1. 1 VI) f IMHS n 1 , btliers. Liverpool sold, despite a favor- head StemV To'.''hie'p. l5.Bo7top I'amlli" able lullng of English cables. There ,n(vn. ..,. , was also considerable belling for protits jis w'w-a """ " head, sioady Tot. t).i recent purciiasers, hut this cotton I was soon iihsfirhe, mid tlm st 10 1, 1 "'.". '" '.'. ---- -- ..--., ...... . .. - . ..-.. I (,,, . fs, u ., iI.riRKUj SsToi U- Hill . :i.ri " l!l7. Ml, 7.'.Ts no 1.. - .Ha lf's .10 l,i'-s :tni,i ,'ii-ii l!Ts S .111 "impsr tnr wtli M'ar' I1IU" lul lluolh ' O I' . oinii FT, Mji ,r.i( karjaik DlnmoiidrHld H' Jly KliirHrci rioUlfleld 'on OoMMe'd Meruai lOo.dlloM Vr llreat Hen.l lumlsi Ei . KcMnnua I Im fiar . iro tted Hi: sine' Pli a 1 sp,.,irh'an I M Ii il' , l 1 ' . - " 7 7-10 I. ib Itmid 2d l',s.. ! 1 .. 'Id l,s 7 .'MO ith l',a Ji) Vic 4:'ls. . ." I'eiinu Co ('.' s . . I !l 1(1 I'll. In i:ie. 1st .- S-.-I Amcro r t Unite! Ilrten lnihr l do 1 s'aa in Hills ,...... ... sjeiadu W mUer Ml SI) Mi.hS Ml mi -.(Id Tempi MtnltlB !o in no in 00 ii- 021 S7 Id S7IKI K7 lil-e H7 .'12 !7 21 H7 21 s.",i: i (ii Whim 'api W.ll-rl nl liul. ' '.i id .in o'J 07 2. on 07 3 KI.I.AM'Ol'. 1 -'Ii in Id A IT. O! .JI 11.'. 07 il 07 nil', O'J OS '12 III 11 o iili.j U.I Irj II (if! Os till'? 3 no 1 All II.' 'r loua 10 30 f'lua.i Open a ni 13 HO 13 0A 14 10 14 111 ll'.Vl 14 A" I I 7. 14 SO 1 ('.' IA In lfi.lU IA 2(1 If, H2 IS 2H 1, VJ 15 J J il'i 03 2 ' I'" MONEY-LENDING RATES M.l 1 CtltlC Monev oii'ctll, ,' 1 ot collateral ojicni d todnj at nt for bnillng Hnd rinewln'if is. Atlantic RcfininK 6 's. 1931 Gulf Oil 7. 1933 Tidewater Oil 6'':s. 1931 Empire Refining 6s, 192 7 Copper b'xport 8a, Serial LHG. 1.8s, 192 3 General Asphalt 83, 1930 Herahey Chocolute 7' 2s. 1930 Danish Municipal Loan 8s, 1946 ifyncr. Agric. Chem. 7' za, 1941 " ...woile commercial paper v o iprie to Uxul oiw land Title Uldtt. "' Hi Isiv n ontlis, la Inlng offired at 8 to 8 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates litfl-Ul rullac" imi r ilea Ht the twelve 1'ed. ' -rul luwri lui'aa .ir a followa: 1 Ufa Iinnda Pillar Aiifi' -l. U 7 Pill! WiI'M'IIIA fall jor oni . n tl far cefit . conimerclul paper, tlirie to six months 1! sr tnt (Von- Tin se uro meiely nominal ,iUitatlons oh the legal rate of interest in the state of Pennsylvania Is tlxed at h pep ient Plus premium ami mmiula Kion time monoi for thlrtv to nlniti ravs Is loaned lit 8 lj 8' per nut il til 11 u , iti -1 -,... .r , I I'h'lndelpli.i I. I.I.-I..I.I Ii 1 birionil 1 It'hnii. 1 'hliMtfo .st Uh Mll.l.aapo'la )lina I llv Dall.ia Han r.itiela' A' per tent '" lpr "iur, I A1, j.r reni crtlflii and A per eent en p.ipnr Heiui,'l 1j i per n'tit and A i. r tt'nt ' "r Utl'iiii" MM, ui t rai' urn aponda 'sith l-eriat rule tsirne l, , , rtlll ut.'i, pli-dv, ,1 ua colUt urn! i illi nilnllllu i of A pi'r ent in the c.lae il 7 il A ( ' ,"., H il il l, A'v 7 il il 7 f .1 ' T il i. 'i. Vj ii r.i. it ii n htmdj Im' r mi the basis of 1-1,50 for Ma-. I'rnate messuj;, N again reported n better business nt Manchester. Contin ued stiength in foreign exchange- was one of the bullish inlluencis. lleceipts of cotton ni the ports for tho day ure estlinnted at 10.000, against HOI! I bales a week ago, ltl..'17t! bales ft year no und l.H.! bales two ycurs ago, Mn -Mi.) Jul. (icl il , r lie. . ml' Jut. ,.n GRAIN MARKET tliic.iKo, l'eb II!. Selling of wheat was fnirl ni tile this morning und the market was weaker. Iteiirish sentiment was modilleii mer night. It was the theory in some quarters that the recent upturn wns due more to u strong tecli iic ni position than to nn real nlarm over the spread of green bugs. Some coiermg i nused a partial recover) from the bottom but the feeling was nervous. Mnnli opened at SI. 7". to SI. 72, und later sold ut 1 7."Aj, against $1.7riV at the i nd M'sterdaj. May started at SltS''. to Sl.iPJ.'i, uguinst,. i jeateiday's Inst price. I orfenngs of corn were more liberal , and the market was easier. Colder 'weather In the far Wist wns expected : to improie mads in the country and ' facilitate the movement from farms. I May opened nt 72'e to "lc IniriiinHt 7l";,c nt the close yesterday. Juh started at 7-1 Vjc to TiDic, ugainst 74r'sc at the end yesterday. Oats followed the other grains. Mn i-turteil at Ul7sc to 'Hl'ic, against 17 's' .Msteidaj's last price. July was fpioted at Iftc to l(H,c at the fiiitM't, against 17r,sc nt the end yesterdni lli-ad )"eh. 10 l-ATTIJ. - i,.i 5fi .. r; :..".""" '."''ii ' iii ii. , . '" ninnyr. o in no. JILKJS His ept jjot, head Steariv. .N. ml,,.. "In 5,', .r.r:.J!r.i .'.'" '"". Ill ')1fi n . " "- l-i iu IHTlil J'OTKCrH l71.-,r,1?,i,,,'l0iv,"r '-e1-25. ri. ,i.i, - ....- i.tiiiie?, 4UU I, IU lllhers un. h., nk-'J JU .". Arm ("nal Allied I'arklin; Hrlt Am Toh ioup Car I.luht ('otumbla Kmetald . . , Purant Motors Tarrell Coal Haines Knlttlni; "A ' Haines Knlttlnir "11'' HaJnea Knlltlne pref Inter lhlith Val C ft N I'eerlees Mntora . . . Iladlo Com Itadlo Cum pref . . , lteadliv rrshla IteadlnK Coal tiweeta co . '.'ii f S Ship Corp . . I U ,S Mcam ... . . . ri M.:D.tKI OILS Anrlo-Amcr Oil 18 Ohio Oil . . . .2SA Stand Oil of Ind new 70 .Stand (HI of N V . . ,.1A1 High 04 lii', . . 3 ... 3 ir- : H mi . 12; . IH :.: M lAivr ,55 ,i 2 IS, 14 I4'i till 124 07 U 0.1 2', . i 1 10 ii 131 1S 14 ,41- B0 I2S nn Ml iS 2'i I IM, 281 Mi '4 3J( is'. JS.'i l'l, 3.M iNncrr.MinxT oils IS V;,.A?.ute. j:b..-"..-fATT!..- hi..,.., n- . Vi . "'" rc ifl ana jne ris'er Top Is 7,".. h k ITIBTTK !....", i.u : iii..K.iu v..o. z: r ..y.""r.,u" ..7. : . . '. "4y . "si i-uwa. tois a.7n and Allen Oil Allied Oil Iloone Oil lloaton Wjomlnit . Cnrlli Hind . . cities frenlco "JI" clfe Ciiahlnft Pet Denny Oil Klk llnaln Pet C.lenrock Oil . llnualnn Oil Plef . ... Int Petrol Marnealbo Oil . Mcrrltt Oil Mexico Oil ...... Mountain Products . . Noble Producers ft Henwra . . . lied Unci! Oil Jtan Cona Halt Creek now Hltnma Pet M,!lv Oil . . fn TeIHs Oil 'lrlorla Oil new . V Oil .minim; Alaeki llr Columbia Alaska llold Alaaka Mlnea . .... Atlanta ltotdnn A. Montana . Caledonia Mlnlnv Calumet & Jeromo . . . (andelarla Mlnlns Cona Virginia irie. Siller 'reason Hold Crearei 1 MacNamara 1:1 Saiindnr . I'nim.i Silver . . I'ureka liolb Gold Cona .... Gold Iieiel Ooldlk'M I'lorcnce llold Kevvanaa Gold MlMT l'lcls Clold Zone Great ilenil lleoia Mlnlnn . ron Illoasoni Juiulsi Kxlenalon Knox IMildo Mai Niunara Marsh Mlnlne . Mother laidn Mother new Muira Men Nlplaslnk Ophlr sillier prince eon Itav Herrulea Hex Cona . . . . Stand Hllier Lead . Tonopali Caah Hoy . Toi-ipah.JIni Puller Tnllopill .inninB . . Tonopali MUpah ronopah Montana . I s Com t'nlti'd Kna'ern . iion ns Allied l'.irkar fia Ainer Aon Chem iVj a Am-r Tel da 1U2I Annciiida topper Anaconda Cop 7i 1020 . . Armour 7h , lle.n r Hoard 'as lleth Steel 7. 103S Chile Ceil a w I C rrn ,l Pasco ha I'unul.i, mK. )"'eiu,er Kxiiorta Si Diamond Matih i Si a Oaleni Slitnul Oil 7s llorernl Aaphalt Sa Goodrich Tire 7 . Grai.-l Trunk rtVj Heinz Co 7a Gulf Oil s llTIi . . Kennetolt "a . . . MorrlH Co 74-a Pal Amer Pet 7a . Seura IIih-Iiu. k 7 1023 Sin. Iiilr 7'3 Soliav s S il of N Y 7 1U2A S o of N V 7s, lH2n H (i of N V 7a. 0-: 4 (lot N Y 7. 1fl30 5 u of M Y 7. HJ31 Saifl & Co 7 Texas Co ia Culled in of Havana Va i 'am f"rrm "''in .Swedish Os la l H' 1 1 211 -. iti't j.-iS hri 4'4 1 S' 1 A1 Pi IS I'm ,sl, L'U iSs! S' i St. rS 1' 1.1 I". 1 s, 2H in'i 113 l-'4 IS S'. 1 K'. 1 1 I 1 US lit 11 11 IT''" 17A 1. 70 07 Vi 1 IS 17 i' A n a " iJ. lit 10 10 4s ' II IS 1(1 A3 r,'s'4 0 11 ll 0 4:. 10 II 17 in A1 A 4 A 7 h' '. ft 17 Is. II 11 II .ll "l 1 lls II ,7A 44 7'i I'a 17 . 3 Is. Hi .if' in 14 17 HI A.I AT S'li ft 0 17 '.-!, h"her 0tfI-- '' "ml feed Liverpool Cotton IHH.S uie un.! in, r.'.K. Hums in 4113 p.ica.r sows alpadl lo,r oualltv e,l ,H'!.",!-'i-.T'.;r',!''"" . 00l Head ..-. ...... siimiir -i) .( h irhar nt !f Rfift k..j if.i.. 1.1. iu.k. fieailvH. 10 f ft 4(i l'(H. HIPUQJ' JO il,i iTiirly nr. aa r j . S.-l.l.uVmV rn,ed,,u,rn,e.oW:rJ:d.'f00'J """ Raw Sugar Market Active e ,.ri(, Keb 16 Considerable nc nv.t diiidopeil in the raw sugur mnr lo 1 late estrrda .Hales are estimated at from jijO.OOO to ,100,000 bajrs of CubiiH und Porto Itlcos with local refiners the ,,J.c ill lew Of the total s.U. upwmd of .0.. iion b.iKH were C'uI-iih for prompt -hipmeiit at 4 14 fnts, cost and freight ei,u,it to C77 c.nts. duty ; 001000 li.igH to 70.000 Porto Rlcni ... k -7 '..... 1 tf i . , -.. u., iriiin, i . uim iipiiroximilteiy 25,000 buns Art .11 AC H7'i H7 H7'4 UAH WAS DAW Sil'.j Sll1. Sll', P.l'j ' ll.Vi I'.Hi H7 lll'i'a Oil'. 1111 H0 Hli" on ni. ha 00 CS'a 90 nn i3 in'. mm, tni. 9nl nn". ns', iis, im, ioi4 ioi". nn1, 111 K!4 H3. ini Hit im no', no no tir, iia ('".'. H7 07 P7 II7, I17'4 7'i 117 S Wi (US (1111-; Jlil'-i Ind. nsv 08 ns 03. Il3f (13 V. (IA'4 03V. UA's U2 III', HI'. liio inn inn 101 WO", 101 ini inn, ion', inp, intv? ioh-j loi' lOHi 101H ms ldJ lie, tins cihj ft a 4 lis'I UK's l'S'4 (ir.i-j ot 'u in "4 SO SO HO I K.ll, . ; , "r" '"r iMuiiipi snipment at 4 1.; 11 ms Apart from the ndvance of j.-, points In tho price of refined b tho Aiiiiri'iill Suear Hefllnlnir in 1 r.n Ii ss . per cent for CJLsh. tlio lr,l . I in d m.irlift is unchanged. The b'edenii and rbuclclo are still withdrawn Ar in lis of raws Included 20,000 bugs of ' 10 .in Importer. 16,000 bags to' tlm Uni-iier Co and 2000 lings San Dumln K to tlie Amtrlcan Co , Prices Heavy on PariB Bourse Hiirla, l'eb 10- Prices wero lu-ai i on i ,,,' imuiM' louay i iirce our cent renti.u jetv J'oiA Tif. C:ititrfofi, Cuiki ' -n ) t ' l.i Is ,11 i I 'I' n 'ii. a a itininj delpu , Dallas and lull Pel a i. eland I I Iterponl, I'Vb 10 t'jajt cotton was I t,8fr C5c ; exchangs on lndon 52fr 4Cc euHier IMS morning Willi prices lirm nn r, per eent loan 83fr 95c. The dollar tlm basis of an advance of 31 points was quoted at 13fr 30c for middling at S n3d. The sales were . 5000 bales The reolpts were 800 ba'es niwinruni! ncei .arn none American Kutures wero steady in DIVIDENDS DECLARED the eiirlv dealings Spot prices were i ivderal Mlnlnir i.nd HmelllnK Co. ouar Aiitfci'iciin miuuimg lair, u ini , kuuii teriv i per can, no proierreu pnarua Mart mull ins 9 87i fu 1 m Ml n. la. m "w "' '"" rsmvnry va . - ... - .. . . ...,. ' n,i,bi r nni. n n nr ,p 11. 1 7(1 7di V 11 iddliniT X S2il low mllldllnir Uuasri "n ii ,lv ens l'i per, rest II Klllling a Will, IU llliuuilll., mmmnii and nllirlar v I U. nr ,..,. .... rod oeolnan' 87(1 and crui- ;ff,rrid hn.h , at as 31 lo ' stOsk of ' jCWru -ilS J r 1" Copper Stocks Pointed Definitely Higher? Recent market action and announcement of plans for Tinandng a large scale copper export movement would seem to indicate that that is the case. Certainly the market posi tion of the coppers ban become little worse vrith many dividends passed and -production, for the most part, cut to less than half of capacity. Market possibilities of a number of the leading copper stocks in the event of a renewed demand for the metal arc described in our Bulletin PL-41. Copy sent upon request. No obligation in writing. DWRLEsRClflRKSONfiB 66 BROADWAY NEWY0RK TElXPHONESiRECXOR AGG3-4 Exceptional Opportunities For Investment in Underlying Securities of Corporations of High and Proved earning power. Bonds of established cor porations may now be purchased at prices afford ing most attractive returns over a period of years. Conditions brought about by the period of industrial readjustment in progress at the present time will lead to much higher prices for investment securities. We advise the purchase of high-grade securities for investment at this time. Henry I,. Doherty & Company 001 Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone! Locust 1419 Progress in the Development of the American Merchant Marine lias been a subject of general dis cussion recently. We hnve had nn opportunity to secure first-hand knowledge con- ' cerning the important part the Atlantic-Gulf & Pacific Steamship Corporation plays in the development of our Merchant Murine, its business nnd outlook, through n search ing investigation nnd thorough study made by us. Th,a study Is mailable dlxrlliutlon. Write, for a copy A. B. Crouch & Company INVKSTMIINT IIANKITIIS 1036 'Widener Building I'll MwlDKI. I'll l. Telephone: Locust 38i II FOREIGN EXCHANGE Neve York, l'eb 10 Tho foreign e cbaiiKo market opened nt general nd vanes r.inKliiK from H cent In sterling to 11 isiints In guilders The paramount Influence was the strength of sterling, which leached new hlch records nt 3ii2 for cables and 3 2 for demnnd. Francs, at 7 49 for cables and 7 18 for checks, wero 3 points aboo any prcilous record on this movement and showed n iraln of 1" potnlB to 10.70 for cables and 10 fi" for checks Other quotations were Guilder cables 34.00, checlis 34 CO . pe tetas cables 14 24, checks 14.22; Stock holm cables J2 65, checks 22 A5 ; Chrls tlanla cables 17 91.. checks 17 85 ; Cojien luiKt'ii i nblea 18 70. chocks 18. CO, Bel gian cables 7 S2 checks 7 81 , marks 1 75 VnSTKHDAT S 1-1NAI. (Jl.'OTATION.S Sterling Tranca l.lro Gjllders n ( f'l'l 7 3K II Ml III An ( aides 3 02 7 HI 3 71 31 il '(lIi.Y.S OPENING yl'ilTATlONS hlarlltii Trains Lire Oulldera Den. and 3 OS 7 IK 31 Ml Cable 3 tl2'. 7 10 . 31 OH Brazil Loan Goes to London rw York, Feh. 16 I'rlvate catile advices from Ionrinn Indluie that linnklnif lntersts either huvo closed or nre about lo closo with tlm iirnzillnn state of .Sao P.iola for t0.000.0iiu loan jjetuiiH oi ino operation nre lacking, but mention the n.iinn of Schroeder Ai Co , lntcrnntlonul banliers us hnvltiK the trnnuactlon In band at the London end More tluin usual interest d'taclits to tlm loan In lew of tho fact that tho u-uilli'd South Ainerliun bank liiK itroup In New York carried on ne gotiations for some time Inst fall, ei'd the d"al was about read) lo bo closed when an eleventh-hour bitch choekad Its consummation Thnt loan was for ap proximately 130,000,000 and huh to run for fifteen lo twenty-tlve years, bearing a coupon rate of 8 per cent. PAR SILVER liar sihcr drooped ',d In London fo iliy to 34d This Is n new low record fr r the var and the low st piles touched slnco plS. Spruce 8200 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED Louisville & Nashville Equipment G ' a 1 022-36 Chi. & Northwestern R. R. Secured G'js 1936 bUCLUITILS ULPAIITMI.N T Commercial Trust Company Member federal Itctcrve Si.tem City Hall Square West Difficulties of the Past may havo been avoided if you bad taken tho rlsM road nt the beginning. Some roads nro long nnd straight mid lend to the laics of Success, while "othcra are narrow nnd rough and we can go but slowly and prr baps never reach our nought destination, Havo you chosen tho proper road? Have von Joined with tho bank most suited to your purposes Convenience, liberality and Intorost In your business are all potent mattern for you tn consider, and- wo nro giving nil these to our customers Conic anil sec ti Third National Bank In the Center of Things Oppobitc Uroad Street Station AScrvtcei TB4T nu A fTHP4CTlM( L tTOCI I XsOKBf 'IF,' 'AND' and 'BUT.' In cliool no were (nuslit In iljss Ihese words n lUurrs of siht.Ii iinjiiiiitlniis, If ne rtnieinher r eelLr, In Kolnir llimueli life their srlin I islle drdiillloiis nre lost upon lis nnd we le.irn to rerocidre them its lljiirrs uf eipresslon, no loncer In i "rnmni itleiil sense. "IP." "A MI" and "lll'T" nlmt mlent lime beem u priti'llcnl e lirtssron uf relief or reiret opor- ttmllj cnlned nr lost, A SIT.CIAI. AHTICI.i:. illneusslns lids sulijert us It nlferts tlie In- .eresls of the Inieslur nnd Iruiler, Ii is been prrmirrd Ii' oar lldnni- II, mill Dept. for frrj distribution. Ask for Article "LR" MiltonHeim&Cq STpaS-FOREIGf" EXaiANGE-BO.VOS ' HtMBCffS PHILArJEUHIA STOCK EXCHANGE COHSOLinATED STOCK BCCh7mWr: 1G22 Cheitnut Street I'lionrsi Hell, rlpruee A017-I30O Keystone. Horn 7AU 71 llranilwny & 48!" Ath Ale,, M. V fprlmtileld, Mnns. Stiimford, Conn, Wc have orders and solicit inquiries in Louisville & Nashville Equip. G'js (iulf Oil Corp. 7s VJ33 Atlantic Refining G'is io;u (ienenil Asphalt 8s 1930 I'nited Gas Improve- ment 8s 1923 Moore, Leonard & Lynch ( 1 S11MAX NRWIIAL1 '. ffoiuf i'rparfrnc-it 1 '129 Walnut Sticct flnnrd Hooni Ritz-Carlton Hotel .lfembers New York Philadelphia A lvt burgh Stock Uxcliangts Wobstr Coal & Coke .'is. 1912 Louisville Gas & Elcc. 8s, 1923 Coni'wcalth l'r., lty. & Lt, 7s, 1921 Amer. Water Wks. & Elec. 5s, SU3J West Penn Power 7h. 191G llrazilian True, Lt. & l'r. Cs, 1922 Chalmers Motora fis, 1922 Monon. Coal 5s, 193G Morton Lachenbruch&Co. 12 IIKtMIl ST.. N.V ,,,. i.i,ii nv. i,.nhni ,i Wulnut A4H7- I" I'm ite Wires lo 5f' " st I.oiiIh IMt'stiursh Ditroii Urand HnPlds I'tiim" lee ano GHO.A.HUHN&S0NS BT(icnn ANnnnvpi Iemlri of Hie rhlliirtelpliln. New VoS "nil Chleniro Stoek F.irhanm Neir York tvtlnn WtpIissw Commlsilon Order. E"" All th. Principal M.rb.U 14 IS Walnut SI. New vonit MFi-irn 111 llroudwar. ew rli I . J Ii' IUIMII VVIBW"7 PAYMENTS Onj cri monlh liuy any Slul Ut orslbocJdM-ntBK, GuTinuij a MVQavuiit HENDERSON & LOEB Members Neto York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1410 Chestnut ac. Lucerne Co. Gns & Elcc. .Is, 19 is Consnl. Trae. of N. J. 5s, 1933 S. S. White Dental 8h, 1930 B0EHHIHG, GARRISONS CO. HTOril Rl'll.N(li: IILII.DINO DU-ect I'mutr, lilepliune o .Sew otk Meinour. 1'Ullu. Stoik i:cUuuJ Stockwell, Wilson & Llnvill Certified Public Accountants ! Lar-U Iitle Eldfj., Philadelphia STOCK SALESMAN Mtlh nr wllliinit folluiilfiR """' einerliiMid and hue V I ''n J ,.,11 on ileiin im hie bi 11 few u""1" and form proiiiln, ill ronnrtllon H " 11UI1. 1'liune L'uniili-n 31 1 ' Mm' llirni. Safe bonds for Investment HALSEY, STUART 3c CO. Inc. l-( hi. i !v" 1..