miaWI W'' ' ' ' . ,f"fr- - t '-H;V?S,r,'" 'V '-, wir-i,TVJCl!-rfi"' - ic ,i EVENING PUBHO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY. PEBKUABY 16, 1921 15 -0T &4LL PLAYERS SHOULD BE SATISFIED WITH THEIR LOT REAL ESTATE IS HIGH HOW SHEER GRIT GIVES 1 Downtown Players Upset Westl Phillies Hope to j Win Titlo MMf plU'k ,inl1 flBll,ln M,iHt ',rt"l Sr'.;-.i Month Phllnilplnliln UlRli STsouthfrni. continued the r win- Si-Wphli. -TOlo 21. In nBnmc which .itorlv contested from start tn finl'b. Pr. nicluirt. Kerr predicted a victor.! . i .....1 titu tiri.illrttnti . Via hevs Ifll rrn aim - i .--.--. time 1 ..Vnml contest. AVICthPP HOtllll '"ni fieirHi i tie for the title and :n"' ,nf o opportunity of plnylne !.";,! mutest. Whether Kotith- V t Willnilplptiln In n ploy-off ror the ,i wniN upon tip ronilltlon nntl I'Vm of'rrnnK - IIIIrI. nnd uls-yvhat '"h V t 1'lillllM "HI I'P In for KmhI i-iiiiip on l-'rlilny. . 1 Vn Suiitliprn nlhlPtw s vvprc uitp ini tlipv nn1 surely ,,Kine M(irtP A Ml 9 . 1 "--. dtll T Altt Mllnz ii wonderful iinisu. '"'"". "I" Km nil M"h "f 1"'"' ,f0r ,llS ?"' .iiitimi to put ovpr n wlniipr when W h were nnlnrt him 10 to 1 . I"? ' .. ci iinlitlilnth. Welti- Fifvrr. 1'"' ':''', '., "" i T.'f .1 ,r nn.iflrn-n ."-" ......... ri n "" ,IK"1 " IT t i n ,n nnd Weiiistcin wore part oulnrly r. I"it Hip entire tenm deserves criht for Hip excellent MiowIiir. Frtnlifonl finhiB MrotiR Pmnkfonl High Is not itRRinR behind. r.-nkfonl ilpfeutPil NortliPiist iiikii, . Wn, now tloil with Central mi Mr"ipi '" ..;"...:,' ,i.;: ft , Pint and rrmikfonl will prove a Jorthy and .laiiBProus ojiponpiit for the ff.t rhmiri. ,i!i,.rr" ? r" z itralKht. arid if thc.v keep "" r',K,l,,.wn! .. rrnnklnrd ll', ""it : ."" kut plont mv afior tomorrow Gwmimtmvii IIIrIi's victory over Antral Ilish as not unpxpectcd. Ilntrliinson Hutlpr and Hurley did HoniP W fielil gnu -poring. mw out f nine loin poll - ii.iwt. i ' ; ; m lnsins many points in this cml of the tarao it fatliollp Heats Camden Brother .Tolm Hodip. of Wpst ."nth- Ai.p b i-lateil with the sliowinR "t . .. - .. ALI 11 tM f lllUlllMl I'dioh ijutninn t 111-iiii-i.v-. I.. .... "'- Hlih same Wet Catholic won, .U to in Mrimirj i"ii b" """ "; " the rlialkhne Mnllln nl played n rrritcamo Pnnidpn. jlint a short time prior to the Wet Catholic Ramp. Rave ihc 1'onn frpxhmen u hnnl battlp, IosIiir br a small .score. The New Jorney ohnol also has an exepllpiit rppord of Mwn!im'd with the leading tcamx m ills action and it wa no iiipan fpnt f,.r the West Catholic phi era to irimnpli ner the SkcptPrs. FrirniN M'leci iniiea in snip nie li-i-rfnue I ncioii r rieiiui icuni. lihrnsitors MinuitiR IS to 111. lliiviliini l:r,'l lloii;ins exiPiicu ior r rn-uun Ip!t. . . Chestnut Hill Acnilemy continucil its mtiniug streak. 'IhN ttnie I'nliujra llijli was taken into on nip. .'!- to 1!-'. fo think that Chestnut Mill, with such iilirer? as Taniow-ky, .IoIiiihoii, Sailers, lW'e ami liOiuiiH' wouiit iiiiiik oi nun; up the Ranie for laci; oi ma- mal Football Star Wins Cage (Jaine It hnpi'i'ns eer once in a while that i football tar wins mi important lias- kctli 1 came I im lerry. former enp- 'tm of the liiiilnor I Hull Scliool team. now plating Riiaid on tlip cngp quintet. mn the fame with llaverlonl hpiioni then he tiillud a field goal in the sec- M rxtr.i period necessary to decide The vutiiipr- Ai tia'f i imp it was a tie score at I" to 17 Tin ii each team scored a, foul San itni perioil follow mu the tirst rorflevs extra session. Ted's timely Itto-puinH'r i nine utter the foul. It l.'Jstiio vi nnniial ginue on the itadnor rosti r un.l the emitest winch linngH lirirf in villi Mctory than any other YALE GRIDMEN OUT Tad Jones Starts Early In Hopes of Building Strong Eleven New HuM'ii. Ciiiiii.. Feb. l(i. Tocced lojt innsth it, llunuels ami liRht sweut W't some linweuT, wearing the con Iwotmnnl moicsUn, rlRhty candidates l.or tin. iili. Mivsitj football team kr'nul pntiR football practice in the ""'nan inge jesterilny atternoon nail Vfnt tin i.iicti the lightest of enrlv senson Iraee The tnniiL'urntlori nf Imloni wnrlr In pMint.r f..r the football soiia'd marks K inn lati. a in ale Rridiron uffairs il'l it i t,i. lirNt I'lilistrni'llfi. uli.n F.ad 0V Tllll .loniw In t.l.t 'nlrt Knrtl ... p for.tba ' lh,nn. SOUTHERN OR! KMjgKgR1 Severest of cold weather tests have proven Prcst-O-Lite to be by far the best battery for Winter use. 0) Mlik feyy9&Cr MW.dK.d'J n . Official ii ranclvwino i)t. mcul p.O.Uto DUtrlbutor. How the Tvams Stand in Scholastic League TeiiniH Men l-nil 1, V, i 11 .71 :i .087 ll A I .M.I a n ,33.i . . :i n .s.i.i II .3.13 VoM I'lilliiilrtplilii ""iiuirrn uimi . lerittiintnitM IIIrIi .i.rriurilMi IIIKH Ontrnl lllcli I-Viinkroril llUh ye8ti:kiavs PCMIKS t moil hciiooi, i.i:a(uk Flrt Trnnn Hnnthrn Illkh, SOi Wmt I'lilln., 21. Jrnnkfonl Hlih, all Nortlirttiit Illtii, 2S. (Irnnuntuiin IIIkIi, 20i Ontrnl Hlih, sn, Hreonil Truing Soiilliern lllfh. IHi Wrl IMilln.. II. IVilnkfuril lllcli, aili Nortlirnst II,, H. (rrmnntonn, 31 1 Onlral IIIrIi, 17. OTIIIJt I,)IKS l,rn,,lV,'21"11 Ac'"'""'. a-' .itinri Itililnor lllVli. SOi llmcrfoiil hflinol. IH. IclikliitOHn nini, H Amliler IIUili. It. IrHln'n Sclieol (ilrl, Kill lllll'n ,s,l, 3. (rniiiintoun I', (llrln, 27 Nlimly Hill, 17. (irriimntimii AnKlrmy, 2.1 Ijinxlimno lllull, 10. CiillliiKHHuod IIIkIi, 40 Hnilitnn HfUhtft. UHmlnctnii V. S ISt rriffidV Select. JVpst Cntlinllr, 33i Cnmilfn IIIkIi. 19. ent Cntliolle Hi.. 17 Cainilrn ltr., 1(1. Ilarliy llljtli, S7 l'flrce Hclioot, 111. Baseball Happenings .. 5 "I'.V fj'liiin I" hnldlnu out nln l.ntt er Wally lefunc.l to jnln the llimlon Hel Sox twCHii.e tho club dl.l not eomo forward '? i.lls.loo tontrnct and thlB year he l tinlkine ni tho offer mndo hltn tiy tho lenkeei Selianir who rcKlile In thin rltv, titlniati.,1 ymtrrdny Hint ho would not Join tlio ankpe until they reach titu ngiirn. Stnio f ollrci., J'n, To Kiimoit with tho lnlv8lty of Detroit tod Morn added to tho renn Plate liaBeball schcdiilo. Until will l nlayod on tho home Held on Mny L'O nnd .1 '"?'." ',,1,0 havitiK lieen left open In I In orlnliinl kCliidiite lt"rllnop. VI. Tn tho l'nlernll of Wr mont 11 linnelinll pronram for the comlmt eniion, iinnounp-d tPVerday In A t ivd ;.'1.'Fr, .Jllr-. ttir nf thleilo. t'olumtiln. loins, Bjr.irusn und rlprinKllclil renriieiir alter vernl enrB' nhaencc. ' . New Aork Tlilrteen ritrhem nnd four rniehi-ra ontiwered r'oneh Andy Conkley'a nrt cull for haltery randldalen in Colum bia ieeirrday. floxeral lnflelder. Inrludlnir ("iiDlaln Jlmmv T.-dfnrd. Ilurk l'reeman. a iiewcomer. lro not In a workout after tho alimlaral of the battery men, Tho prnctlca lnstid nonrly threo hnura. .Ilnimy Wnlli, who played rlsht Held for tlio Athletic laHt year, haa returned his elKtied contract to the cluli. Wnleh will havo to comliat with threo other Playera for tho right field torUi thin jenr. aa Witt, ?iy'.1 .B'"' Johnon are rIo implrnnta for tho Joh. frnlneorille. nrcaldent of Ha. William V tinker. llvj rniladelt.hla National leaguo llaeehalt Club la hern to Intpeit tha .i't ." iriiiiiniK ..imp ui 1110 1 nnin?i. l!osnn-Tlio aprlne traluins aeaaon of the IkiMon Americans will include a tin. im mn eerlea with tho l'lttsburuh Natlonala at Hot Hprlnite, Ark., nnd u fortnlaht of piny with other trains on tli trip North Heierul dates are nt ill unfilled Syracuse. N. Y. -Candidate for tho Syrn. euo University hanball team reported for their Unit workout of the sear at Ihe base bill cairo in Arvhbold mmmislum voMleiday. I,ew t arr who nitnln baa th roaeiiliiK lelna la optimistic mtr tho prospects for 11 Kood team Manager M irk estnrdav announced that Outfielder Tilly Walker had inmo to tornis with the Athletlca and nad signed a contract for tho rnsulnic season. Cnmbrldiro. Mae. ('oarli Jn'k SKttry, of tho llunnrd liaselmll tenm hud fifty Pltchera and catihera in the imko .irfterdny for the firm workout To.Uy Inlleldem nnd outllHdnra will ttart short uessloni In the Kymnanlum. Clilrnco The American Asuoclatlon liaa adopt"d a JilH-cam" aih.ilule for tb" t oni inu eeason. reaching a declnlon on the llri-t riilleiill for tho first tlmj In the lilatnry of the organization. Tho plan to play the aaino number of Knmea na last ear met ill tl.i upposlilon. The season will open April 13, the same m the major Icuicucs, and cIoho October 'J. New York Iteport has It that Miller Ilueitlns la on tho road visltlnK Mirloui Yankees who do not Ixdlevn that tho aalarNs named In Ihelr new contractu are In kcup Ing with their hnschal! Importance. New York Tho St Louis rtrnwiia urouircd larce hobllnRa In the Hyracuse club of the International J.e.igu-. and will ..p. Tale the same l'rfsldrnt John t'nnwny Teali, of thu lenaue. announced jeMcrdas. Clnilnliiill llarlo Niale, athletic mm h at Marietta (.'olh'Si'. Marietta l . arid who wllti Jimmy Itlns win traded by the t:in fitinitl H.de t i'lillndolphli foi i;pi- H. v wired frl'Miiis hero conflrmlniy the Mory thnt be u a hold-nut au.iinat tho ternn of tho Philadelphia management. New York Hick from Haian.t, where he h pi 111 .cml w.eka. I Imrlia A innehim president of the New York National League club win busy today nnnnKlnc detail -f the (llaiits HPtinT training- In T a. M.m Ker Mctlraw, who la in tuba, wll Unie for han Antnnin on March -J. rmtaliurRliJnhn II. llnlllns"worth of Alcoa. Term u pl'chr has bei mcii .! liy tho Pittsburgh National Lencnio lntHeball club. Hirnev Jrejfu, tir.Hld. nt of th Pirates, .said tndnv that ll'illlnk'S,nrth had returned his rlffned contnet. rhlcaKOltellval of tho baseball nltiinr' bus has found favor with 'hj Anurlain Ai hociatlon innpnntea and the plen umy U adopted for use throus'hout that circuit at tho closing yeaiilun of tho A. A 1 lub owners' meetlnf todas. Brown Heads Harvard Matmen Cmnlirldgr. Mass.. IV 1 1 in Mlo llrown th" foi.i I. ill plaer and hniw.lght wrestler was tho choire of the Itanard wrestllnr team for raptaln yesterdai afternoon. Tho tenm for the IVnn State mei t baturdaj wa.- made up after a two-da trjout World's Record for Ross lh-trolt. Feb HI Norman Itnss, of the Illlnol A. C , Chicago broke the world' record for the ()ii-ard BMlm heio Haturdu night. HI time was I minute 4114-.-. see nnd. against tho previous reiord of 1 mtn lite ell seconds. Plenty of "Juice On Coldest Days Battery You can always be sure of tho "juice" to turn over your engine and to feed your headlights. Preit O Lite Service Stations everywhere at your command ANOTHER HUHN n juJV III JuSIKsJCj 11 Oi Ull O Son of 'W. . 7'.," Hurdler at Princeton, Is Rapidly Becoming Star at Squash Racquets A NOT! IKK Iluhn tins dawned upon nthletlrs' eastern linrlr.on. For cnrs wo had with ns W. II. T. Hulm. This enon tve havp Jack Iluhn, mali nger of the Onnhep Pltv Ino boolnv teiini, secretnrv of the Philadelphia Ic'c Hockey Lcasne, olfirlnl referee of the I 'Ii iln fl.tli.1. 1 It!.. .. . it t .. . 1 hiladi'lnhla District Scholnatle I.entrno and star wlnrr of the Itnchelors' Hnrco 1 ln.nl..... 1 .. . ......." uoia-.v learn: .incus lirollier Nnin. meinlier of he Haclielon' Hnrge hockey ii-iiiii. 111111 aii-aroiiiiii athlete nt Haver- lorn wclioo . To ton tin nroru-ot-fcnil el mine, ,. ,Ve W. II. T. Iluhn. Jr., ... - . 1 who is the victim of this drive. Ioiiiir I11I111 is 11 junior at Prlnce- oti t ulversity aiid is rated as the best hurdler in the Institution that produced a governor, a two-time president nnd a lot 01 famous Pops. ,)'' "' .'' ""I"1- dr.. is a regular athlete. This coruiti!' siirlnrr he Is point? out to v. In something for the Orange and lllnck on the track. V Training Stunt 111 order to keen in trniiiiiii- Ttnlin liccldei einh thN season that the best iiieiiioii to ili 1 uis was to plav squash inciiiiets. iluhn !s entered and has won his lirst-iouiid mutch in tho Penn sylvania state tournament now being held nt the Kiironet Club. Iluhn learneil to play the same nt the Merion Cricket Club while a student nt Ilaverford School, since he eh s been mi iidvornir. of the creut winter I giiine and h.is bocn itnnrovltiL' steudllv. .If has nil of 'ho ns..ets of the squash champion, nnd it would not ln a sur prise 11. nil m. If he landed the nmu teur title within tho next few years. Ilnhii's father was a famous squash player. Not onlv thnt. lint bo -na one rtt flirt I.i.lI ....I.. ..I.. !. .... .... I .1 :' 1 "-','""' '""-V" in ine rami) nvn in- mm. mi- pomes at me riiunuri- Boots and Saddle A claiming handicap at one nnd one sixteenth miles furnishes the fenliire lit Havana this afternoon. Mose Goldblntt has Frank W. well placed, while Kx hbrter nnd Hen Prince appear to be the ronteiidcrs. Frank W. showed cood class on the Kentucky tracks last year, anil preiers son roiur. or even a heavy track. The first nice is a three and one -half furlong dash -for two ear olds. Pin nacle, Pacilier and Trumpet Call are smart jotniRsters. Horses in other races in Rood risen 1 form are: Second Cavan Ho, View, Fickle Fancy; third i' nils, HiitracK, Miperior; fourth Klmont, Flying Frog, Kl Colonel; sixth, Sylvaiio, I.o Ilalire, Monokin. Tlic flii.il din for ontrlei in Kentucky stnkiw for the Ht'itnu meellnKH at Lexington. i.otiisiiue ami i.nt'.uia, trie udinv entries rnr tho rich Konlueki llerbi. venterdlty. ahowed unusuall) lark-e tlelda. The .Tockej MillHm: (iMe his boblied up ncalir In Man land The Maryland ftacn Arsni Intlmi baa s-ranted n hearlm,' to V-ll-tlnm I Noirl" prisldeni of tlie State .s.nate, who wislieH to I'onfor with the commission on the regulations to U e'iforced relatlie t.l the Rriintitik if Joikes' licenses, lteprc- senlatiie . 1) licnsoii also is appearing for hhllllnx. Tlie loinmlsslnn'a rule now proild' "I.U cerr.cn irrni t.-d bv the Kentucky state Itaclns t'ornmisii,o the I'nnndian ttaen Asck-Ii-tlons 1111 1 tlie Jo. Lev Club INew Yorkl'cntltlc the h'ddern thereof to the same priilleRea that iwrtntn to n Jorkei a or trainer' license irrnnteil bv the M.irjland ftai Inn CommlShlon and the suspnninria of all recoKhl.ul turf iiutlmrltlea sbnll be respected bv the Mary land riiuInK 1 i'inmlsl"r.- the licensee twlntc refui.. d Ihe priilieite urante 1 in the license during tlio period of the suspension." In lien of the two regulation. Ihe point I raised us to h.it would bo Shilling's status In -M.irijand should the Canadian As sociation giant hlnr 11 license, llnek of all the contei.nl. m between ihH Murvtand and New York lacing bnillea is the evident de. lro of tbe New York b-idv to force out the p.irlmutuel betting on the Marvtand tracks In Mat and iin.1 Kentucky, where mutiiel betting Is legalized on the track, the purse are greater tlun In New York itaiana and other place dominated bv book making admission to the ground nre les thai" one half charged In New York and th public patronage Is proportionately larger In New York racing is dnrnlii.itc.1 by the bookmakers where tin re l a "take out' of from 30 to ail per cent Where mutuel are Used the "take out" I about Ti per cent after which the publl. "dlildes1 the pot Hut boolimiker In New York are foried to pa track odd up to ,1 certain limit, u are re. nrded In tin tnutuel ma chine wlHinut paring down The result Is that bettor In New York hook who are not nt track wager on the room in Mar l.ind and Kettn. kv f"r the largrr nd.l while the New York r.ue are almost Ignored by the New Yor . r vtr.m .f the books. $10,000 Trot Stake Renewed lliirlfnnl. f ihhi . P PI -The Ch irter Oak trot s'ss of Ho ono will bo renewed for the lli.'l lirin.l Cir. ult at Chnrter Oak I'ark tr.nk t i i- nf tin i'alr Assncla'lon RIB pjr7;rx iiiiiii'""' WjPliTTi'iiiiii iiimii u ilHiri p """"""'"'' rWmgmmMmSm. 111 i ! wtm . ii 1 ilSA "'1C P'11"1 anc smPe reason ielYH I e8rf Ml why the Lclajid-built Lincoln 'HilB 1 ' tlMlcWi7 'll 1 11 1 i'V, ZBK I nloj vjl nas mct Wltn sucn an cnthusi- 'iv!H ' iBsiwm'iTll astc rcccPon 's iat mtor- (lnlS p) Vi I , clom has long looked forward McB I Htwn' to just such a caras it has proven Vwlifl 1 HHRfj itsdf to bC. n ! M(Vh0 EIGHT rSA0 S H ml "'" oHl vtViH Sweeten Automobile Company 1 i1l P 8PHSa '141-131 North Brood St Philadelphia JA S ' J& mtm otw HHHW-jr .flisjsjsjsjs- sjh sjsjsjsjjf- iii 11 ii 11, I 1 1 1 imiii 11 r i i i iIsii Will ! II r"V W V ' X V- K.VJLIIX1 RISES TO plila Cricket Club, ltryn Mnwr. Mead ow brook nntl Point Judith. Further more, Mr, Iliihn was nntlnnnl court tennis doubles champion with Jay Gould for a Iiiiir while. lie nnd Gould cap tured the world's title from Covey and l.yetnn. With tlltu rtntnpiint eonril vnnntr Tfllbn Is certain to Rtav III the snotllEht which bo has already created. 1 v I i'.ni.......4 v- ' 1 n 11 u .1 a n , '. i 1 B nuiitiics ui nie ...-.i p remaining matches of the llrst '"""" " me lennsyivanm smic niuiian pnnrii nfu mi ni n ninum rnutnr nv 1 ' 'i in in lum uiii in ilk iiuj vu . , on , till not amount to nnytling, so ine mnaii ..." . . ..-. - -. . ,, Kiiuery unit, saw tue i '. n. uiurK-.uurn- 1 ,cn Bft( tn()ny ell contest did more talklnR thnn wit-1 uisictisslrie tlio recent Dnvls Cup nw,"K- , . , , ,t .. matches in Auckland, Mr. Tilden said ihe main topic of conversation was (wxltP M(1K th(, ,.0Ilrt ,,,, whMl ,), Stanley Pearson. It appears thn . 1 RaniPS wrrt. ,,iI1VP1. tIl, to,,i )l()W of the Philadelphia newspapers wl 1 trf ,.nlH 4l, ,,m, (onir, wa one exception (mid extrrinr iiiodcst I ,m , , ,y , t)mn prevents tM.rnaniliiR the excepto 0 re- ,', ;t ,' , ,,,,, ,,. ported that S anlo had "en P'islicd , , , , mut1(,,1(,Mi ,, li-set match In the or lenitig round , , k , h . . . in iitnu :;n,7r,.n,,;,,lt 'veias fa'rt' CnM1 Rp7 T hih! on" match here Til nc had been pushed to the limit. "You ' .... . . " 'lnlL.' " "sto .. ,rf.U' '"... ,' ?. seem tn he slliuiln'. employe. Stanley's only eomebnek was n sin e. How enn vol 0 mnuic mei scores printed, in five f Philadelphia's I six great dallies? . . . " "p sinumary Wallace V. Johnson I'snnjil defeated T M Jackson. Oierbrook. by default 0. tl Heinaii Jr. Ilarquet Club, won from A. f'ross, Cum Ml. by default. S V ricevea. dermantown. defeated C. C. Jnnen, Merlon t.VT. 1S-H. 1R-S .. W P lturrlty. Overbrook, defeated S. II. Wheeler, lamuct nun. l.-i. i.'-i. "?... , c, n 1 lark iiermantown. oeieaieo K. Mitchell Merlon. 0-15, 17-10, 16-12. 15-13 Trot and Pace Notes Abner Deysher. president of the Central Pair Circuit, announrea tliat the annual moe'.lni will 1 held In Allentown next Weilnesday. Tho fairs comprising the Central Circuit nra KutMnwn. Ibannn. Philadelphia, NRra retti. Heading, Allentown. Iincaster and York, racing in the ordor named. John Hartmnn. Jr . of Trenton, will mnvo to the Mount Holly track In the spring with a largo stable headed by Ixivetlc. trial 2:10', bv Del Cornado. and Harvest Lassie (31, 2:2flV;. In Tlv Hariester. the latlci a Philadelphia trotter Abner Dcysher of Heading, will race a pair of most promising young horses over tho fair circuit this year In the four-year-old pneer, Don Zo. three-y-ar-old trial 2:1 1. and the two-voar-old trotter by Dillon Ax worthy. 2:10Vi. and out of his good race muru Wortha McKlnnev, 2.1fl'i. by McKln ncy, dam by Axworthy. Zombro Ttex. 2 10'; : Joseph K 8.. 2:10U nnd O. K. Todd. 2 I4' , nro n trio of likely record horse In tho West Philadelphia e'alilo of John Toy. who will race a stable of trotter and paler oier the fair circuit tracks this car. Hnrrv J. S.. 2.034. the great little Wil mington trotter, hns arrived at his new eiu.irters In Kentucky In fine shape. He will makn a stud season there, and later be re turned tu his Delaware, home, whero Her man Tjson will look nfter him. William Conner, of Pittsburgh, baa sold the -.rotter San Clay to Dr. John St-bens, of Dover. N. H. Tho llttlo trotter. Natlie Judge 2 1214 by Justice Ilrool, . 2.0. dam Native IJelle. 2 01, was a consistent rerformer for W. I. Hull, who racid him in some of ths V1000 s:ako events In this section last year, lie won ntno of his eighteen races, and was out of the money division but one. He was purchased b the foreign buyers last month, and has Just la., u "hipped to Denmark. ., , Harvey IJrnrst formerly of Ilelmont track, tills cltj. now of Ohio, has bred his (Irand Circuit race mare, Inia Jay, 2 OIL . to Uuy Axworthj (I). 2 leV !U.mond Hncdeki r. of Kirkwood. Del., Abo left tho light. harness horse game sev ial isirs a'n. Is now Jugging into form a couple of well-bred colts one by Iird lie.voy. out of Ilrstatli 2 01vj. and th other a two-year-old In ll.irri J, H.. 2.05'i. dam by Admiral Iii-wr. 2ill. Soccer Teams Want Game3 The David I.upton Hon seen r eleven, of the Industrial League would llko to book game during the remainder of the season, either on Ka(urila or Sundaj with teams having grounds. Address i oinmunlcatlons to Mr Nesbntt care of 1 I.upton Sons, Tulip street and Alleghein aienue Hunting Social soccer team, of the third division of tho Allied League will play at home for the remainder of the season. Teams wishing tills Hitr.ii rim kindly write to James King. 3J3 A f'f I street, or phone between l and 7 p in Tioga 114 Wolfendin Shore of tbe first division Allied league, aro open for Sunday games on their homo grounds Would like to hear from Tlelsher, Ilardw'Ick 1 Magee and other teama nf this caliber. Addres Davu Wolfenden. Cardingion ,. 1 1 .. . m, ....... 1 1 j"hiiiii"hi 1 .ciiiiiiu 111111 wen- 10 ..mi. ivii.Hinvu i. v ' 1 T jy M Dl UP World's Tonnis Champion Says Trophy Will Remain Hero for Some Time Kan Franrlvo. Feb. 1(1. The 1 'tilted States wilt bo able to keep the Dnvls ('tin for some time, accorcllni- to Wll- llnm T. Tilden. of Phllndeltililn. who. . ....... .. . . it witn William M. .iMinvtmi. 01 Mnn I'rnncisco, arrived here yesterday from Aui). u .,, ,, tho or,i's Internntlonnl tennis championship. Tlic cup was font to the I'tiited States Lnwn 1..I1. w Tennis Association in New York. Til- welcomed. 1 lie docks were packed and scores ,-;,, :."?" .t .; .-. '""", . '' " ""., V "1 v ' l llrst to greet the Davis cup winners ...!... ,1 .... I .1 .. .1... ....!....). nii.-ii iiirj si.-piu-.j iiun 11 i in- biijniii . e greet ou heart I', lie sillil, "nn, b.,u tlmt tbeoiipb urn two iniinif ,, i,.., ,, , il, ,f men America has cninetl the most coveted possession of the tennis courts nt tlic world. 1011 havp fought a great .i-i.. ,i ,1,,. ...i.-i- ..,,. t , ,o v... .. ..... .- conKrniuiiiten ior sucn rcprescniaiion. High official of Htiite and city, and leaders nf civic organizations and clubs joined in the reception. The military also was represented. The heroes were paraded in auto up Market street lined with 10.IMK1 Sun Franciscans, to the Olympla Club, where a formal reception was held. H whs the greatest demonstration to individuals held here since the w.ir. In response, Mr. Tilden said : "We expect that the David cup will rrmnin here for 11 long time. They haven't the young players in Australia or Fng land that we have. "When Norman Hrookes. who is as good os he ever wan, nnd the re mainder of tlie present generation of players pass out of competition, there seems to be no promising material com ing along to till their plnccs." Tin- tilujers report that th tour was everything to be desired. TJiey riic big credit to the New Zenlnnders for the arrangement!) In carrying out of the matches, and say that the Australians in general admit that the tennis ex hibited by tlie American team was the best ever shown In Dnvls cup competi tion in Australia. The asserted thnt the sportsmanship nf the crowds thnt viewed the Raines was beyond praise, und that the court nt Auckland wnu the best on which either of them ever had played in their enreer. You Auto Knoiv Soft water should nlwa be u'dl In the cooling system Chewing gum may sometimes be used in an emergency to cover a lenk. Kipert attention should b glien n tlv ft Justment of tho carburetor to avoid a i' rich mixture. When ou are nble to moie the fan b!:ut. t fre. ly ll Indliates that tlie an tu i t,n3, ' The best wuy to rlan the muffler Is to scmbla it und dean th" parts eeparntc s A iiuncrnt ralor. accompanied with tuie I smoke, from the exhaust, denote a rich mix ture To correct this adjust tho ainouui of gasoline or air To tt loss of compression crank the engine by hand and nute tho resistance of each cylinder If one olindtr hu le re slstance than the other it should be cor rected at on. e To mold trouble with clectri' w ir-s It Is well to Inelns- them at tho p .tnts wheie they are held to the Iron frame with ruble r tubing The tubing iiiuv l split to admit tho wire und then bn clamped to th tram. Baseball BUI Unfavorable .Irffrrson Clt. Mo. I". b ltl V Mil. pro. hlbltlng be'tlng on baseball grimes and m ek Ing it a felnnv punishable try tinprlsonrnen' to n maximum nf live -nrs was reported unfuvorabl b thn nous jurtsprud. in v c oni mlttee of tin Missouri Legislature Mm I her of the committee took the view thnt ....... .. -.. nn.nl. I.ll'. ft tl.n .(jSlll. I.utl., I to han lie an epidemic- of betting on bas. bell - . TEXTILE IN THE POOL Mermen Are Preparing for City Col lege Meet Friday Philadelphia Textile .School swimming team Is ReiluiK in hape for the clt college moot Fiiilny, Textile has a sure point semer iii Captain Irwin Kotten- berg, forinir lie Witt Clinton High t School vtne i ii .. 11 a school Captain Kottonborg won" the fiO I yard dii-h i linmpionshlp antl has been! u consistent performer In tlic water for scvi ml enrs He is 1 nacliing the Textile mermen, and Ills sipind contnlns many good pros pects. The team Includes Paul S11I. bacher, another De Witt Clinton boy. who will lompi'tn in the 100-yard nntl the futioi lining events on Frlda. liiine Oppetiiielmer, who hall from New Yoik will bo Textile's represent atlvo in the plunge, lie Is a member of the New Wk A. A. Captain Hot- tenberg s entries for tlie comiiiR meet are : fid j ards, Kottenberg, Peers ; 100 ards. .Siilzbacher, KcRitn ; IIUO yards, Iltendmau, Frledner; diving. Mnjer, Hutterworth, Hulzharhcr ; piuiige. oppcnlieliner;, rclny, llotten berg, Majei, Sub.bnrhor, Oppeiiheitner JUNIOR CHAMPS WIN First Dutch Five Defeats St. Mat thew's, 18 to 13 Attet sustaining a defeat at the hands of tlie ,'IC Juniors, the First Dutch Juniors, fortjierly Stenton H. C, hit their stride and defeated the fast St. Matthew's 11. C. at Fifty-third and Chestnut street by the score of IS to l.'t. The game wns nip und tuck throughout, the teams being tied live times. At half time the score win 8 to 0 in favor of Si. Matthew's. The foil -tun- of the jjanie was the plaitiR of Levitt Fats atid Foery for the champs, while Sin me starred for the losers. Line up: I'lrst Dutcb .Ira Archibald . ... forward Caih fo-ward l.e Itt center l'oer- guard Jones . guard St. Mathews I Sloaco I Malonc I Ham- y Cjnnslon i'urlowe j Archibald. f.vllt II. Id goil III. Br. 2. l'oers. sniane. .1 Hamse. fouls Slnane. 1 tame cranston, rurioA'e suostuii- lions Mason for Jonea; David for Lev lit Tltno of halves 2') minute: -Itefcrce SVld ers. PHILA. GOLFERS BEATEN Opposition Proves Too Strong at Bellalr Heights, Florida Hellalr Heights, Fin., Feb. 1(5. Philadelphia Kolfers had too much op position esterlay and as a result sev eral of them are out of the Washington Hirthdiiy tournament. The tirst round of match play began with some sur prises. Monday's medal winner, Cort and Vnneliff, went down nd out, suf fering a defeut at the hands of ,1, H. Ixetion, of Providence, who did not play the best of golf In accomplishing the trick. Tlie favorite is now I'llswnrth Augus tus, who won the same event last year. He defeated Wistar Hurve.v. of Pine Valley. : nnd 1. W. K. Harper, of Merion is out. George W. Klkins came through easily defeating K. II JelTcry, of Columbus, by .'t and ''. Klkins, who halls from Huntington Valley, has been pin lng ver.v good golf here this, winter. Percy A. Legg, of Merion, lost in the second sixteen, but Walter Flks came through with his match, HEDDON 18.2 CHAMPION Displaces Percy N. Collins, of Chi cago, In Final Game Cleveland. Feb. 1(1. Percy N". Cnl lins. of Chicago, wos displaced as tlie national IV'-' balkliue amateur billiard champion hero when he was defeated by Charles Ileildun, of Dowiigiac, Mich., in tlie final game of the tournament The score was Hull to L' 17. . The defeat of Collins i nine a a sur prise as lie was ph ked bv the experts at the start of the event to be a sure vv inner. I TWfl MATP.HF.UnR : LOCAL HOCKEY TEA! i Quaker City Skaters Oppose St. Nicholas Tomorrow and Bos ton A. A. on Saturday n, ...... ,,,, in , 1. . , , Quaker City will take part in two ice hockey Rames this week 'I omnrrovv V-5. .'!. f,n'"-," M- NiPholns ui 11 ( nitetl States Amateur Hockey Aso- elation Rame, while on Snturda night Captain Lddie II1II will load his (J. C.'s against Hnston A. A., tlie league lend- ers. Hoth games will be pla.ved nt the Ice Palare Tills will mark the first nmicaranoc of the Hoston A. A. here this vear. I They will be seen at the lee Palace within two weeks URiiinst St. Nicholas. The II. A. A. hns one of the sfronR est trams in its historv Percy. Inst teni's Harvard star: Incnlls, hist sea- son's Yule captain; Wylde. tanu Harvard Roa : O'Su van. noted Hon- ton Arenn star, and mnnv other hockc headltners are on tho club list, Hoton A, A. has taken two out of three riiiiics, from the Hoston Shoo Trades this Jenr. l.nr Saturday night it won from Quaker City, but Dexter. Hill and Sonder were jnt recovering fiom u week on the sick list nnd were not in condition to show their lsf. The Ritme between St. Nicholas and Quaker City is the one that was sched uled for lust Thursdnr night, but was postponed, as both Dexter and III 1 1 were unable to phij . Quaker Citv has beaten St. Nicholas three limes thi. senson, winning over Ramp b u one-Roal margin. Grades in the Ice Next wee- will h an active one in ice skating cir les On Tuesday special Wash ington llirthday games urd race will bo beln Thl.rml , .u.nlni. ,1... ..., ....b j enrn'val for the benent of th Hroomall llohdal Ifnllfn will lie Hlnif.rf n, .1... I.. Palate Then nn r"rldsy and Haturday the I Internitlonal amateur llgurc skating cham- Plonshlp will ,b" held In addition, u few , big hockey games will 1. arnitiRed. j Ml entrle for the flgure-skatlng tourney inusi oe in ine nanon oi rne cnairrnnn. to ('mmirolal Trust Hutldlng, by Monday I night A r.cord entry nlreadv ha been re- . 'eie,i Nathans Nile. Miss Teresa Wild and many other hadliner have enti red a I nn.nlme nt ..nmlan, 1.K 1 1 ,. .! I .k l .. .1..... .. . " " .' "... it-.. . ....n..r,,i.m enenre including Mr and Mrj Joseph Chapman Mis Margaretta Sharpies and C. Stanby linger.. Will (finiP le t Jack Iluhn maniger of the Quaker Clti Ice hockey team. Is one of tho most a.tii. mn In this branch of sport In addition to minuting Quaker city, holding down th. Job of seci.tary of the Philadelphia lc. Hookey League and refereelng all the gamr In tho Philadelphia district scholastic inn he finds time to hold down a wing post on . tho HaehelorV Harge lie hockey team Trnnk Oallrurbor. holder of the twenti four hour lontlnuou ice-skating record. Pnal v ha leen challengeil Tho foat-defi- ing mess-ige wu rieiic-t from Mepioi o'Hrlen. of 1321 Plimpton aienue, Ww York, a slxtj -slx-ear-old skat, r who holds many medals and records for eccentric stunts on skate O'llrlen want to skate Oillngror an dlranc. from one to .".nn mile or from eno hour to inn Oailaghir will make ,in official rcpl beforo the end of lh week Th" nevt scholastic Ice hockej game wilt be hell at the lee Palace on Friday after roon when linn Athn oppo..H Hwarth more Thu far the n(fidem bois haie railed through their tirst two game wlthou much trouble On form thev .should huvo no trouble winning the champlonhlp Willie Hoppe Here Next Week Willie Hoppe world's billiard champion will make hi annual pilgrimage to Phlta d. Iphla next week, when ho iioena a rhre. lays' strles of exhibitions at Alllnger's Ilil 'lard Academ This will be the champion' ' "rst showing here sln.e January of last ear. Brennan Scores Kayo lliirrMnirg. I" i e i n- nH . f 1 ig s orcd u kn i -n th ts d round of hi bout here with Spike Mrl-nd den of rhl ad. Iphla P AC KARD n The new Packard Single Six Car joins to genuine Packard quality the following important advantages: HIGH GASOLINE MILEAGE HIGH TIRE MILEAGE HIGH EFFICIENCY LOW COST OF UPKEEP LOW OPERATING COST LIGHT WEIG1 IT The Packard Single -Six Tour ing is now $2975, o. b. Detroit v PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY DETROIT V PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY of PHILADELPHIA .'119 North Uroad Street Mlatill.' tltv, llcilili'liriii, llrldgeioii, ( ainilen. IliirrUliurg. I.mii'iisler. Iiunl.crliiiiii, Heading, seiifonl. Trenton, V liiHund, 1 lllliimsport, ilniliiKlnii, Vnodburv, vrh Qsh the man zvho ozuns one, GERMANTOWN ACADEMY FIVE A SPEEDY TEAM Dlnsmore, Artelt and Conley Star ring for Suburban Quintet The ticrmiintown Academy bnsket ball team spite In of n few setbacks I received at the start of the season has .'.-''. " 1.0 i"iiu 1 .11 mi' ai'n-011 tins won most of its r. nt gnines and now looks like 11 eliumpioiMhlp live in action , Instead of tailendcr. j Aiming recent vhtlins of Gorman- 'town were Lnwreneevllle, SvvurthmofO Prep and Ilaverford Prep The shining lights of the team have been Captain Dlnsmore. T.d Artelt and J , ).;( rnvy, all of whom phived on 1 the gridiron team. Ditinmre Is oni. of the best sohoolboi at'bletes n tho Fust and hns a menu eve for the basket Last year "Dinitlc" plaved forward ' on the the, but was -hlfled to a guard this season because the quintet was tu ui bad way for bucktleld men. Artelt. the I running mate of Dlnsinoro. Is also a I capable Riiard. Artelt ued to perform nc rdei in nn athletic way for the Hordentown Military Institute nnd always "made Rood." The fiormnntown forwards are Hates and Itentd and although the ciiro Rumo '" ""l "' ,n,m "" """ ,lm' '""lu" " "' K""" The tenm has a number of capable substitutes including Hole and Deacon, forward, and Martin nnd Acker, guard. The remainder of the iteademi's games are scheduled to be pla.ved uvvii with one or two exceptions. A hard list of opponents still remain in the path of Germantowti. but If the combination keeps up the pace at which the.t havo bepti trnvelltiR a hard time will be ex perienced by their rival. To Ban Sunday Sports l".it Liverpool. (I I' b IH An ord'-nan.-.. deU...'l t. r p n' Sundn sport In r.nt Liverpool Im. k. d th. Minlsiorla' A-sO'tntlnn la Wlrg eoisld.r'd bv rl'v coun rll 'th. liw would 1 in Sundnv baseball and football and all forms of cotnnierclal ! 1 uniu. m m Piomoti of tti-eba'l team here .innounnd th'.' tn eient council pae ihe ordlnace, they will circulate peti tion for a r.'f. r ndum el. etion on thv que. 1 Hon . Yankee Enters Canadian Race Montreal. lVb. HI itnny of the lies Amerlcaji and Can.idlan ski Jumpers vrltt comt'to in the llrst open ski jumping cham pionship tn be held hers, n-xt Saturday. The outstanding American entry 1 John T. t'arleton, of Dartmouth, a champion long distance and acrobatic Jumper. Citizens Oppose Race Meeting shreieport. Ui. I"eb. PI A petflon wilt fll l n state court bv citlrens seeking an injunction t . preient the holding of a thir-."n-dnv race rneetln-r at the btate Fait giound b ginning P bruarv lit. Tho court will lie -ked to ccid. whether tho state bv forhid linrso nu Ing ix.ept during th state Pair j Creylock Just Oltt-a small ARROW Collar FOR YOUNG MEN Cludl.Pcaboiiy SrCo.rncTroyKY 1 I . i Ek AM m 8 IK WKKmiMSmmMmMtltm&KBfmm . -SS1 f , , t. . - . . - i - " - 1' ' - . : lr I . .' ' - .''.. ..'..'. 'I' K .VfMkwrrteM! (41M rmiitnty ,ll'l' "V1"!"1" trfVVfc"Ti.inM)ftri)iM.frtfYt'YiriP'Wj.Win VVlHwV rv-jptwtm vf t .