Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 16, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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Some Templing Ways of Preparing Fish Fillets of Shad
Chanticleer With Pascha Sauce and liouillabaisse
i " "
Hy .MRS. M. A. WILSON ! sumo tinm to minnlv Iiinwlf with the
(Cobvrtoht, lift, hu Ur. Jf. ,t. Hilton. I most toothsome vintiils of southern
.ui M0I1M rrATt'if.) wators.
TO TIIK rrmlrrs of the poimopolltnti lied snappers and mllKIi nn t!n fisli
kitchen I am tendini; Kimm INli nml ' 1,nt r' ""iinlly uiril'ln witithrrn sen
fruit recipes frnm Klnrltln. You know ' '"Ht towns for tfii iIcIIcIoiim iIWIi. but
tho old sleepy Spanish mission town of " '" ' I,'lll'" from other vnriitirs of
Ht. Alienstlne Is imp mi-pen for tup "
winter tourlBt. IIitc we have tnmi)
splendid vnrlotirs of fresh ti'h. inrlml
Ing the toothomp shad of Hip nortltprn
Trnters., which pvldotitly romp south to
hibernate or luxuriate in the warm
waters of the Florida roat.
Fillets of Shad Chant Irlerr
Split the shad nnd bone. Cut tn
pieces about the sire of linlf the hand
nil trim to shnne. Mnko a tioi-kcr be
tween the tish meat and skin and fill
with the following mixture, (.'hup very!
One-half iomi onion t
Hit of garlic,
Benson with
One-half teaspoon of irhile peppti:
One-half teaspoon nf milt.
Pinch of gumbo poicder.
Mix nnd use. Flatten the fillet of
had nfter placing in the tillini:. by
prcsslnc with the hand. Itoll in dour
and then dip In u thin batter of Hour
and water. Itoll in line crumb and
then place In a baking illh nnd bake In
a moderate oven for twenty-live min
utes. Haste each fillet with n little
bacon or hnm dripping; juct before re
moving from the oven lay a strip of
bacon on each piece nnd mtvc with
Pascha sauce.
r.iM'lia Saw e
One-half cup of thick reiim nivf.
Tico-fflirrfj cup nf thick tomato puree.
Juice of our urn! one-hilt large
Two pimento, chapptd ;ii.'.
!Ttco onioiM, chopped fim .
Six olirei. chopped fine.
One-half cup of panle;i. chapptd fine.
Mix nnd when M'lildlne hot add the
Juice of one-half small grapefruit which
has been strained to remove the sifil.
Fillet of lfci tliartres
Hone out the lillts and broii. Rii-ie
frequently with bacon fat and then pre
nare n dish of Minchetti by cooltitiK otie-
lialf pound of spaslirtti in boiling water
for twenty minutes. Drain and place ,
on n lint dish anil rover with
One cup of irtll-hcatr-l and sewncd ,
thick tomato pure- ami then xprmkle
with finely chopped parsU'j.
Tiro onions,
JVo mWtifov. !
flour nnd brown quickly, then nd .
One cup of tomato puri,,
One cup of Itoilinu iratrr.
One-half tup of findy choppid "n
Bit of garlic.
Simmer low; for one-La '.lour
and then add the seasoning to taste.
One-half teaspoon of gumbo poirJ. r,
One cup of thick cream taurc.
One-half cup of .'inelu hoppul pars
Uy. Servo on tont.
ThU is a typical tis.iing .-hoiMicr. Th
seacoast folk from time immemorial
Cooked a delicious hodge-podge tt"v
which is pculinr to their locality and
In New.l.ngland a c:..iwuer wnica is
wi.illv n thick siitiii was made of cod
heads. The thrifty folk disposed of the
entire cntcli and thus used the heads.
But the hnppv son of I.attn blood lmi
his stomach too well to deprive it, so.
be the cntcli large or small. In- will
alwnvs pick some tis'n n ilesirahle and
not to be sold, - ith these he will regale
himself. Th- native son of southern
Florida is trm to In- Spanish and
French nneestrv : !,c needs '-erj little
aftPr his nppititc is nppeiHid so I.p
osunlly manages to do eiin'ich lishii.g
to bupply hi ri quii in' nts and a the
I ilMa H it I ifl ti One-half cup of araxcii .vnetc i-loniiu suiiii uri'-sing.
I iWA : I! iil JW tm' I'r'l'red tlllet of tih ti Kloridi Salul Dressln-
il'-; W fpaKhettl nnd serve with tartar sauce. ! 1 lorld.i Ml.ul Wressln,
ft.'VH ll-"W Ited snnpper !s trulv delicious, and i .mice of one-half grapefruit .
hflttM ' V ''Jj enten as prepared by the Florida -luice of one-half Wmov.
'IVfm f. people it is delicious. .uwc of one oranoe
VUM . T Cleans- the tih and wasn well. Ct lieo-thirds cpof irah, .
UWiM' ' lift in pieces. Th- bones mnv be removed Onr-half cup o suaar,
Wr?iPM i i?i ' ' : j....r :..i.J ti; ;n Three level tahlewooni of cornstarch
r:i nzuircLii m r". -r:. nf nnr l wi iih iiii,. ij.nr-. i'i . iti ... . . .
I ;cir Kind of School
A prea. in
is starling u
. :- in tiling
saj s DUl vie
newly weds' s,.,n.'
wrong with the hmi
Jifed more of tli.-m
Jfcnniy would aj . '
. lie
ii firs' -i
:.- littl
las. left
Htndnl complih'i lit
AVell, don' I we de. r
courses to learn to tj'
i ' i i
. to f:
.r s iak'
when It
a f i'i-
to perfect tlieniselve. in tne
ways of mukiiig n living I'.u'
I'Oini'H to marriage i.i.d Lou
which evervbinh now adtnits i
lledged profession, they em
trust to liicl: to "take to .t.
How can n girl "take t
balanced, well ked meals
i-olltellt to
the other d ifn- "f muieiiui .er : u
more thun she um :- to' '."!. in,
hooks in an otliie or r inning an uudm
"Well." si.ine m
' i.V-
her tlin'1. 'When she i- lis .
mother she will do a i"Ut
nnd darn socks without '.nam
The people "ho s,n 1. 1
actunlly Intend y for a ;.,.,.
rfginp saying of n t' '.ephon..
"Chve her time- in tiientj
will be nble to g t m'U a
III .- hel
lo a t .rn
, '.i r.ot
.: iin-
opi rntiir,
yp;us she
in. 'iiber,"
or of a seaiii-tress "Whnt do jmi e-
pectV In ten or tiff --. muiis siie nil
no longer rum mcit luiit.-riii' "' i
Does any one -n ''". ,i a iiiiihi.
"(live him tiice W'liu ue is lis old li
tis futher he will bria; l.mi euoi.gli To
ieeil the cbihlren nnd pnv t..- i-.-ii' :
lien .why should w . exiieit to ' uu.i
lith murder in our jobs'.- Ai 1 n t.ier.
isanythihg T.i..r- nearij a:
r.iai .i il. U
rutin" .n
,'s( Of
i" ' :."
, I wnr.t
not sig-
murder than riri food - ..
domestic builgi t ..r. nub-id.
lump 111 Olle s,.i k W.,e-e it
away a man's tle-i, and bbm
to know It !
Itecnuse a iM.n.an ioU- le
nt a Jane of All -'i'lii'l' -' doe
Jllfy thnt she t-iin get on being niitre--of
'none. Even tin- abililj to pa to
hnve the actual worl. done does not ,
free her of the iu'H'.m tor being nbb
to do it herse'f Ewrjlmdj kirn" s thnt ,
t Illllllllge servants so,-, essfqlly one
must know at least as u.u.-ii about the
work ns they do tlioiuse.i es.
The Eeagiie of YVoini li Voter- i
fightlng to make slateiinlnrsiiii s pem:
as much for won 's wrk in h
economics us thei spend lor men's n.
lit ngrll'llltlU'e. Alluod Ihuoett .lit
girls trained for two c.n- for tin ro
of wives And it would inn . t.
To make an fittnn tne Imiue a i
must know s thing of i-i.lur and an
To maintain it so she must know huus.
);eeplng. To Iti ep the ship nliout Mini
iter husband from ruin she must know
budgeting and accounting. It lias bo u
nld no man can make hcaihwiy against
an extravagant wife. If the truth wre
known the word 'careless" or "ig
norant" might '.ike the place of "ex
Irnrugnni" a- the supreme mcnii c.
Then it woimiu should know- wluii can
be done will i i.eed'e l-'i iuciit,i rh.
turning of last year's into a new
w .atiov hu s'vca ns Brent Impel in
Havp four slices of two varieties: such
as hake, cod. sturgeon or other season
able tlsh. Mince very fine
One-half dozen mifoii'.
Hit of tjnrlic.
Six brnnehen of parsley.
One bay trnf.
and thru add
Tiro -third teimpoon of thpi'ie.
One-quarter teaspoon of allspice.
Huh the fih well with the mixture
ami then dip very lightly in Hour and
brown oiilclil on each Hide. Now lift
the full with a cake turner so ax not to
break it and lay on a platter and add
Sit level tablespoon of four
to the fat in the pan. Mix smoothly
and then ndd
Tieo cwni of intml tnmntoi.
One-half cup of chopped onion.
One tcupnnn of tnf.
One teaspoon of paprika.
Tiro talilcp()tmi of finely chopped.
I'ulii of one li mon. I
Kit tablespoon of emnjai .
Ore-half cup of rold trufci.
Add the fish and stew slowly for nnc
half hour Lift the tisli on slices of
toast anil pour over it some of the
sauce ami serve.
I.usrious Florida fruiN arc now in
the market. Try thi drink and realize
how good It is.
(irapefruil Ambrosia
I m' small fruit for this drink. Itoll
the fruit with the hands tn soften and
n the iuiccx, then ream out tin
juice ami -trni:i
euWi grapefruit
Add to tho juice of
I iro tablespoon, ;. prjcnd , t.jar, I
)'iiA of mi tint a.
Yolk of one ran,
Ile.it to mix thoroughly ami then fold !
in the stilily beaten white of the egg.
Add two tablespoons of finely chopped
ee. Turn in a tall thin plus and dust
the top with nutmeg.
(initclrtilt Salad
lirapoiniit ai.iu
Kemove the imlp from a large grape-
fruit and add one apple diced. Turn In
a nest of lettuce lenvet. Serve with
gar and starch and
brine the mixture to a boil and cook
for rive minutes. Now add
Yolk of one eijg.
One tablespoon of buttf
Heat to blend thoroughly and then
fold in the stithy beaten white of egg.
Cool, chill and serve on salad.
Dear Mrs. AViNon Kindly give
recipe for nu grntin potatoes mid
bow to pn pare sauce for mussels.
I u v most all jour neipes.
Mrs. .1. C. V
Potatoes an (iratin
I"ii. two and one-half cupsnf c,)M.
i boiled i.Dtatoe-. dieed. in n bakinc dish1
,.,..,. ',,r Ver two urns f
tltlek cream snip i
and iirinkle with
Fice titbit Apoon, of fine crumli.
Tun tablespoon of prated chrr.se.
Ituke in a moderate oven for twenty -five
Several s-auces mav be used for the
musseN. Describe which kind you do
sir" and in tin- nieuutinie try this:
Yolk o onr ttj'i,
tour lablesptioin of melttd buttf,
line tablespoon ot Union jm,e.
Heat t.. the boiling point, then sea
son, nnd serve.
to tne tan. i
for nn.". us iir.yining lie
u'.d have done th.it day.
make lis nieiils a thing of im m-
.f ins-ilt and injury to th- man
win. look- foiiiard to them a woman
must he a good cook ; nnd to guard Ills
health she should know di. tetics.
Wit li i-hildien she must I e a first
aid rurse. n perennial story book, a
pedagogue, j idge. jury and psjeholo-gi-r.
It takes more than two years to
train a tcui her with whom the child is
oi f n score tor about four hours a
d.ij IIoiv much training does a mother
in ml. for whose fingers the clay is wait
ing to I ' P'.ollll-ll !
Vith tins kind of training we will
of'na" O'O "O .' ilioic iioiin-s. us imii lev-
. I . ..t .. !.... .
i ret, ii irieim lias remnrKcii. nut our
women wiil hu
.i .... .- i
in.- fcii-oti-t ii' i-i hi
their work that the
aid happiness, n
loiinl has over the amateur in
am work. Alo by elevating the work
f the home, by putting our traditinnnl
, .i-i Ml l l, 'll "O ll I'uro "l ....'.,.,. nil
t thin of any other o-cupation we will
.... .. .... k ,. . Oi.-i.m,...
,., r,b of its meat the old argument ngniiisf
i.s thnt women ..uit il" .i'itile tne ,
home. Tt is the hoiin amateur who
lias given our work its -t'giin. The1
lion." professional wi.! inal.e it n recom-
mendntion '
('III'.. "'" ,-i- ,,... - '" " '
- .
Wiliiiii miumi4uAt Jj
TV7TA t'tj'tetW ''V&rWZ.. :l
1 i. i m.
"Step ou a iiHck. and ou break your
mother s hack." is a ridiculous super
stition which almost ever youngster
has put faith in at one time ot another
h) hopplnj; over the crack in the side
walk. Didn't ou do it V
You must never step in a footprint
that points toward you.
The girls saj : "Three in a low i
the sign of a beau." Four in a row
denotes a disappointment. If four girls
walk abreast the otitid" girls will if-c
'''r sweetheart.
Yhen you are oijt walking nnd a
spiderweh strikes you on tin fnce it
is ft "'" that " il''' K'l,nB "
joiiroej .
If you are walking with oung com
panions of the opposite sex at a time
when the so-culled gossamer threitd
an' (touting In the air. and one of
these fibrous veils sweeps b nnd forms
u band between you. it is a sign that
teelings of a tender nature will spring
up and hind you to each other.
It is suid to be unlucky for two per
sons not ti go the same way, if they
start from the same place and mean to
meet at another place.
i orvrloM. I'Jil. bu I'nbtlc I.cducr Co.
Iir,-,i Pane ua7:s Francrs tantr ro
Miirrjy him, and in the excitement of
thr ,-MooiM iin'itf J-Ymtccv oriifti to
speak to Jtrr;i about poltij; oa vlth
her icork.
Breaking the IScivs
F COCItSi: under the circum-
x-' stances. J.-in- oughtn't to Lave tho
fllghtest ibjeetl. li. You don't have to
work In an office ,nd your time is prac
jii-.uij "ur "'" ""U'V ,. u'nh
1 .11.. . .. .. MIIIa'.i tiinn It'll 1
Jnur work
icurauiniK. nut u .!. ' " ",
1.'.. .....u I, U'Al il i.. niuv
, f.i'r to shnre
i-i. in..- i "" - -v..-
son.e of the expenses wnn
Jerry. Just think how much more you
rou'.d hnve if ou went fifty-fifty en tho
furnistilngs una lens.
Frances' eves kindled.
1 'AVhiit a perfictly splendid Idea
' "It's what I would do." Mildred pro.
' ceded. "It Heems to me the only tair
l w.iv of manngiiiK things when the wife
Is a wage-earner as well as the husband.
Certainly theie oughtn't to be nny false
pride nbout It. Jerry ought to be clad
that vou cnn make money, lie should be
' as proud of vour achievements as you
I are of his, ami. in n sense, Krances, you
i will bo helping to blaze a new trail '
Hy th tim- the meal was over 1 ran-
ces had begun to look lit herself In the
light of a pioneer She would be a bright
I and shining example of the new woman,
and she went to meet Jerry with all tho
1 doubts nnd f.ars of the morning cntlicly
banished from her mind.
1 However, Jerry' eyes when he met
I him wero strangely hungrj. Ihey
I robbed her suddenly of initiative nnd
made lu'-r feel delletousy weak and do
' pendent. That was oniv for a moment,
! but Prances was ashamed of herself for
that feeling. She would r.itlur be a help-
mate to Jerry than a ci nginB vine ipe
of wife and she. hugged hlB arm close
ncalnst her as they went together to
aelect the ring.
"Do vou know," she said lightly as
thei emerged from Jerry's oltlee build
ing Into the sunshine, "last night wo
never sa'd anything at nil about my
work '
"What was 'here to 'i about It."
Of curse, I intend to go on with It,
t- Jt.l.l .oOrklv.
Vh of course. I never thought o:
anvthliig else," Jerry turned
Tn.niK you ior uiiii'i; n. '.--
ances said soft.J ou see. I dot.
want to 1
i.O-I.lsniiiiiir.i ii'c .' .. ..s.
I want t
i . nrs ,1,. si. mm i more wmi our u'-i- "
in nrr,. -l ,.:.", I I, r
i, ...... no with tnmzrt. ami wo
. . . ,,.,, tn h.iv. a.
, make mom-y to ... I t t h
?, ... ,i,h mui '
". ih. but that won t be necessary.
i.l mlli'Ki luiil louoc.i i.-.
... .1., ns il'
like with. I couldn't
. J Oil I w v - i,, ,1,1 ..iinnufil
have J-u use ,t for household ejiponsea
- that Is tnv . rtlTr. j do. really. I
' - xl, (,.ifr,.r,.. t, and I want you to
. , i,rr, id enuupl '" things my way
,jC, M st.e If v.e ini.'f n.a.te ourklnd of
,,'iarr.age a sueeess, won t you?"
And all the time Femes was toiget-
urry up and
say TteenjsMJJ, to
your groceryman
because it's
buckwheat time
and tbe new crop
is ready
S4ct on cc ci.i-a.cfc
and you. hveak uouf
cJoihcrs bach'"
Wish and count 'the -lone', oa the
sidewalk and sny : "Yes." "No," to
each until you come to the end of your
walk, and if it comes "Yes." on the lust
stone, you will get Jour wish.
Do not pass a Imliunt without touch
ing it, If accessible. Water keeps evil
away, and touching the h.tdrnut is an
uppeal to the water
If you draw water nt a well Ud see
your fine rcllected in it ou must
drink two or tlirev drops or you will
die before iM tin- twenty.
To drink water out of a gourd dip
per handed to jmi by a stranger, espe
cially a woman, i the best of luck : also
to drink water trom a rusty tin cup, If
bunded to jou by a stranger, is good
To be caught m a gist of wind por
tends n fright.
If you beg n ilrinl. of water and the
person who hands It to you accidentally
pours some of the water on both your
hands nml his or 1ht, jou will be fust
friends for life.
Had luck intends a ptrson who, meet
ing another face to tuee, tries to pass
while the other does the
same thing.
so that both are stopped.
. iinjr that all the nen nl.-.v . -i... ,.-,i.i
' could not make Jerrv other than he
W'aS. II WnH R I11.1M HIHl l-ll.. ...no .. ...nn.
.- .- ...... ..... .!., ,, nun,1
nn. Ho wanted to be forced to work
. In "rder '" Py for her extrava
gances. Mnn hns been nt the head of a
family too lone for him suddenly to ad
mit a woman Into equal partnership.
ho. L,a'heri..1'1'a.r,? of ,hn homemaklvg
and he has hl.. but her share has noth
Ing to do wltli the money end of it:
that is his Job.
However, Jeiry loved Frances and
ne wanteii her to be happy. When ho
IU , " i"!C now works out," ho
. t .t iiiti.in J
ia iiiuiiiriR more oi a concesu on flmn
i mwicn ivaiizeo. no SIIH U':s lru ov
T.-h.. h...... II . .... .
i ult.-int over h..r vi,.inr,. . ,.it... ;.
thinff but the fact that she was in i
a ehnnco to work out a beautiful Ideal
of marriage. As Mildred put It, Hhe was
to blaze a. new trail. The Idea was In
toxicating. It made her feel so free and
unhampered nnd Independent.
The suggrstlon nliout
Atu. !.... unoan's daj i I'. op... born on
this day need never fc.ir povertx. nor
will they pain great wealth. They Mil
travel much, rnnrry bappllv, be i-ktlled In
metllclne, surgery, geugrajihy and mathe
matics; will to fortunatp a.s naviRators,
agriculturists or prlnteiH and may be
come worneis In prtcous met.ils. am
bassadors or ihurch dignitaries. They
will be subject to catarrh, toothache and
colic and thilr lips may become nwolleii,
nnd thev will have a blemish In their
eyes. They will love llf. and will live
to be more than sevinty
Tuesd.15 (Mars' day)--People born on
this day have a lolng thuugli quarrel
some disposition, short Ued and skRl
ful artificers They will, have a desire
to gain a fortune In an easy and some
times fraudulent way They will be In
iVinger of wounds en the head and hurts
fro"t steel Instruments, They would
make good gi-iurals or military engi
neers and would be mudi thought of by
men of the hlglu-st rank for their brav
ery Tiles w u'ni excel as surgeons.
bakers nnd eo ills They need not fear
sudden deat'i nnd tn,i live to be scv
enty-two 'i :h
nnd will n.t b
.w'l tnuriw only onc-i
many ililldren.
in in in in mi hi iiti
Eat food that
will work for jou
is not only ood to taste
but contains those nourish
ing elements which make
for Health, and energy.
Children and grown-ups
thrive on this ready-cooToecl
blend of wheat and malted
"There's a Season! for Grapeuts
Made by
Postuoii Cereal Company, Inc.
nL,i."l Cr.rTii. Ts1".
iJd.LL.te L-lCCrv, X
Please Tell Me
What to Do
Congratulations to
T. B. P."
Cynthia It very sure that the y.'.,lu"! "
frlemlB of the "HucU J'rlvnte" "''"'"
her Pi extending a very warm welcome
to "liuck Private, 2d," or whoe nr
rlvil In town "T U. V V.n!,,w.rlr,1
her. She extends to "T H. '.,""'
"lilllle' her warmest congratulations
at the nown. And don't you ''Inn, l
It. 1." and lllltle." It would be n i
to let Cynthia have n snapshot or that
wee Rentleniun some day soon .
Hho thanks you very much foi our
i.i... ...,.i i e rrlmi that her lit tl
...''... '.... .l'..i... ... ,.u nf OSP to iJI
when vou needed It. our letter will
l-e published latet In t"e week,
thin wantul to welcome "''..'
tho moment she heard about him.
.. :"
Does Ho Want to Know Her?
IKnr Cynthia - I ' " "'VVom
render of your page, ami now ' ' '
lng to you for ndvlce. Not long ago
my girl5 friend told me there wiw a
fellow who liked me nnd . !l'll1'
link me to go with him H b Whiw
liven across troni my home 1c nlyas
tries to attiact "'V, ,lt,c,f , 'l ,"
always near the window-. This fellow Is
tall and t am tall. too. Vo ou think
he wants to go with me M'11 '"
If the oung men wants to be friends
with you he will n-k smnn mutual
friend to Introduce htm. You can do
nothing about It
Praises the Column
Denr Cynthia - I have been a constant
leader or "or helpful column, but have
nevtr wrlt'ten bc'ore I slmplv must lme
a ","opev',l "h!!.ky'yo have a nervo
wrltVng'o.e 'u you did "bout Cynthia s
column. U there nm . k
''..".. ... I,,,.,,, So one nsked
nesiues v yi" .r ."-""i"" ... .-...,. fr.. will
vou to read It. it is oi ji "" ,,,.
that ou do It Vou sign your name
nonev"" well. "Dopey" you must be, to
l-,V .', mi Ins di a wonderful column.
Sonrthlnkihlu 1- gouig to .top
li tuiiniiisii vou said to. 1 will e viij
"i 'hrVom jpu th Iheroj.
SmS f you hae ?.,.. to say about
thin Utter. When vou. are In moil . oi
this letter.
advice drop Cynthia ?,'
help you
.u .-
Says They Don't Take Advice
Ie-.r Cvtithia - 1" view of the fact
vice to tno . """J1" 'Vfi . . ,.nmn tho
. ii im i wicii vu ....
. ...... -Ami.. tf 1h
irlvllecre. us a consi.im " - ," ,
us .i .""""- ,.. , Inst
Kvbnisu rriii.if i.t.""-" '"' ... u. .
..- vor.. tn express my iiio..j
Jfna"Mngmvse!f experienced the rav
-n, .your bread andwa or .,.---
niyseu "i"-"V '' r, ,, whatever
.. . .. iniii ni'niiiLi:
rTls' wonf Pl 'an '. slands for no in or-1
unM. ert i.r human attempts i to ajsiHt j
him are of " avail. Ilu will alwajs
?,Vi" mnreme I know. Your advice
will not change his plans,
..'... ":.i ....... iiini 1 nm wrong, iaii
.-,UlUs...h ''.-, -,,..,, rai.
nr... I lie OllL SHI ........v..
tinuslv Intrust matters oi sucu iiuiu
nn anonymous Strang r. """';" VV;
nr lirr IcleniUV unu rr. .. v.v.-. .--
tniiter low ill explain. d. you can
never get the real "Inside stuff- In tiny
case It i which 'u specialize. 1 am of
the nluch misjudged male ;.rp!.M
I attempt no apology cumu.t j.
From Madison, Wis.
Dear Cynthli
I have been .
stunt render of
iiir column tor
n Hod o time 'on several occasions I
hbou. tempud to write .to jj.ur
column, nut at e.u-o n..., ",v.,
t, do o "Kopej's" recent letter to
vour column has caused me to cease
lielng merely u reader of your dally
C0IUrthl'nU thnt "Hopey" is sadly mis
taken about It being ridiculous, to ask a
newspaper, which In this case Is ry,,.
th'ii for advice along the lines of love.
I think that many times n person In love
Is confronted with jiUKlitig questions I
b..lt..o that the average person hesl-
i from a friend in matteis of love At
oi.-l. times we find Cynthia, n perfect
U lOllg limn UeiOie il-HK iivi.iv.-
i stranger m us u'l l believe, ready to i
1 ... .....i . 1 ,lcl,... In nil Hilrh
i;ie i;uoo. i.on... ... ---
matters. Ilemember. "Uopey, cytithin i
merelv offers advice, and then it Is up
to the Individual whether that ndvlce'
shall be in pted or not I believe,
"Policy," that In making that decis'on
I It Is access iry tor tne inuiviuuai con
cern .d to use bis Menu: tn.n is. ne must
diclde In h.s own mind the bent (.oursi:
to follow
In li. v brief lifetime I I.ii.k ago de
cld.d that tew piople trouble theiiiselxcj.
to rend ar'lclis that nre uninteresting
to then. With this In mind. "Dopey,"
I do not understand how you can be c
"constant nadir" of Cynthia's ooluim
unless mui are Intertsteil in It. Person
ally 1 li-llix.. that If tin- column wet.
eliminated as you even suggested,
you would be one of the tlrat to ml'-y it
1 surely do enjoy the column ; 111 fact
I consider tt and the sporting page as
belnc tl" t o best features of the pap. r
I am pii'i- many of the "coni'tant re.nl
eis" wi,l iis-iee with me.
Demands Strange Test
1 1. ,.- i within--I am n voting eit!
sldi-r. d ieri- pritti by every din
I an
!! lull
with a fellow who doubts
m I'
correspondents I
'hlH fellow
I In worth .vliil.
, nn.. no-lv .
to bother with?
wi nt to .1 dnnct nnd i
m ii' 'ii
in1 in in imiaa
'"i cmi Cm.. tejp
. "-ONOMV 'V,
it,, tiv i'iv niirtr
.Vobodv approves of tho man who Is
uhut .a discriminating Kncllshmnn
would call "n pompous ass." In nn cx
ngKerntlon of severity, Chesterton scored
.or etpial dislike, "n womnn who Is not
dlgnllled, 'and a man who la."
N'o matter how manv honors bo mny
have Inherited or acquired, the well
bred man contluuev to abide by tho
schoolboy code of bis kind, which holds
puttlnp on side" to be nn offense pun
Ishnble nt sight. This preserves for him,
oven through tho sedately silver years,
a certain half-boyish nnd wholly win
nlii simplicity of mnnncj: l'ompous
mnmtrs nre bad mnnnerai tho man who
assumes them is acting a pa't, and,
Justly or unjustly, every one suspects
thnt he affects the toga of dignity merely
to .hide tho lnslgnitlcnnco of his real
"hen we came home he told me he loved
me and asked me If I loved him. nnd I
said "yes," but he doubted my word and
he said "If you love me you will go over
Nlngar.i Falls In a barrel." nnd then I
toM him lh:it t cared for him n lot. but
I had yet to sec tho fellow for whom I
would go over Niagara Falls, and now
ho says "I don't love him," and ho won't
even speak to n.e
Cnn some of your corrpsismdents
please tell me whnt you think ot a. fol
low like this, and If you think he loves
You are making a mistake, clear, to
notice such a nonsensical question. The
boy Is only plnylng with you. No nor
mal person would ask such tt foolish
question In earnest. He ! having fun
at your expense, nnd you are quite right
in saying that "lou had yet to see tile
fellow for whom I would go over Nia
gara Falls'' It's really too silly to Hive
It a second thought.
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. When making a short negligee of
velvet how can piecing be made
hi a good-looking way if the
material is too narrow '!
'J. Describe a novel letter -holder for
the desk.
.'I. When there U no nutcracker
available how cnn nuts be
I. How are some of the newest und
pM'ttlest white hiindlccrchicf!
.". If it is necessary to have the hat
box in place where it can be seen,
how can it he made nn ornament
for the room?
li. What shade for hat or afternoon
dress is considered smnrt and is
now being worn a great dcnl?
Yesterday's Answers
1. The University of Michigan is
planning a million-dollar club
houM! nnd social center for its
women students and itluintiiie.
". When cutting a thin material,
such its georgette crepe, make an
even edge hy lirst basting the
goods over a piece of newspaper,
which will hold it down firmly.
!. In decorating a bedroom, a cheer
ful nnd attractive material to
ti-e, instead of cretonne, for the
draperies und cushions, is checked
1. A convenient knife sharpener Hint
will put a miraculously keen edge
on a knife clamps to the edge oi
the table, and has four teeth edged
with grindstones between which
the knife is passed.
". A tiny hut tor the b.'ibv is trim
med with two or three rows of
ribbon made into small points
standing up all the way around
the edge.
j. The heels und toes of woolen
stm kings mil he re -enforced so
that holes will not he worn in
them so quickly by sewing pieces
of dark material on the inside.
8r',' sjhs",.vv'
These Hens Have a Right to be Proud!
The hens that lay our "Gold Seal" Eggs are justified in their
pride. The brand "Gold Seal" has come to mean a guarantee of the
finest fresh eggs laid.
S s
'Right from tlic nc t
"Asco" No Waste Sliced Bacon is now only
"Asco" Stores nil over Phila.
..., .:.'j.....t,js!.i, .
Because Somebody Else Heard It, Dramatized It and Repeated
It to the Person Who Would Be Most Concerned by It
SH1C was skntliiR with another jjlrl,
and they paused for a moment at
the edge of the Ice to rest.
A man and girl went by.
"Oil, there's Jack Harper, isn't it?"
exchilmrd pup of the glrK
'ps: I didn't know yon knew him,
answered her companion quickly, tilmost
stispielonsly. ,
Tho first one smiled the kind of tens- i
ing smllo which this kind of hnlf -nsked
question always calls forth. ,
sl,p,(laug ,ed .'drl'lV'" 0,,, benU ' ml"C ' I
"W r came another quirk
question. "Did you know, thnt he's
(,".?.'!K,." thnt girl with hinw- j
The "jilted" girl clapped her hand
to her forehead In mock horror.
"Another one gone!" she gronned.
"She's pretty, Isn't she?"
THE groan came from no deeper than
her vocal cords; Juek Hnrper had
noon nn more to nor ' " ; "" ' ' , I
ipmintunce In the same office, who had
-i.i.i.... i .... i. - .. .n. ,i. nneo
riuuen uoilic oil lite 1111 "" '-' .''
or twice and danced with her at the
einnlovps nlcnlc
Her words were mere foolishness In
spired hy the joy thnt skating brought
her. nnd the desire tn tense n nine
liut the other girl took her seriously i
perhaps she didn't tnke her seriously, j
but she remembered her words.
And as soon as she saw .Inch's tlnneee 1
she n hinged right into the sunjoci.
'Wil liniii-thrciikor! she gn
Well lienrthroiikor she greeted.
"You've made one girl pretty unhappy,
anyhow." , .
Of course the engnged girl wanted the
store and. of course. Sh
got It with I
plentv of drnmatlc element added to It. I
As' it happened, this fiuncec of Jack's
A Flat Fingernail
To , l dior of tyomiin' I'ufle: i
nie'wharXiracteristiris indicated by
tint tlngerniills, without the least toft
m ...,., f ,J( IV, ii '
olS... i..'.,,iinloiiM thai nre to come of'
lleur Mndllln -Ulin your jnuiuo. l
1 "V . . .. ,..!.. 1.. I...1I. .nfuO llV
"Vour Soul's in Your Hand" will go Into ,
the matter of. fingertips, leuuiK j""' .',,",
1 . . . . . . I . .-.,... mmiitlriii Will lie
iui- nuui - in ""--:--,,,,-, ...i,,,.
each kinu meiiiia. uu ,.......- -
answered then.
Some Games to Play
To H.r r.tUtor ot Woman' Paw:
Pear Madam An I am a dally reader
of lour valuable column, will you klndlj
answer tn- this? When li gathering of
girls nnd "fellows, ages about eighteen
to twenty-two years, get together whnt
games can bo played that tho hostess
can BUggest?
If you will send mo a self-addressed,
stamped cnveloie I will send you corn's
........... .l,o M-lll lioln vnll out. It Is
ilw'iys fun to plav the piano nnd sing . Is nothing serious, but should be nt
wheii a crowd of girls and boys get to- tended to by n doctor, who will have.
gether. nliu it mere lire noi nu muuj n
The Real-Fruit Dessert No extra price
"Get JifTy-Jcll in these days
the quality dessert. It is
due to you and yours.
Here alone you get the real
fruit juice condensed and
sealed in glass. There's a bot
tle in each package. "
Jiffy Dessert Co.,
10 Flavors 2
"Gold Seal"
II il SH. l.l,.lll...JW, .M,..,, , , , III l.l.-
Only the largest and meatiest eggs are
selected for our 'Gold Seal" brand. One
dozen fine, big, fresh eggs in every carton.
Strictly Fresh Eggs doz 45 C
Not quite ns large as the big "Gold Seal" beauties, but abso
lutely fresh and twelve good ones in every dozen.
Two More "Asco" Bargains
Rich Creamy OieeS lb 29
For the afternoon bite for the "wee snack" when you come
home late at night when the unexpected guest drops in there arc
n hundred and one times when this rich, delightful cheese will more
than fill the bill. You'll enjoy it.
Pure Lard ,b
Very best open-kettle rendered lard,
price for lard of this high quality.
anil throughout Pciirmylvaiiln, New
had too much sense to he jealous, nml
Jack was so completely astonished and
so contemptuous of the Idea thnt It nil
blew over before any feelings wpre hurt
And besides, they both knew he tell'
tnle who dramatized the Incident
It would hnve tumlc the brlde-'tn.hp
rntlicr tincomfortsb'" If she hail believed
It all, for no one with nny henrt nt al'
rPv im to feel thnt her linnnlneM
has brought pain to some one else
h "np ,l(,p'
TJONV careful jou have to he with
JUL vour Idle remarks'
.Von 'never know" wln some g,,ipr
$Z t A$? '" "tf
" k' X01,irnr"1" ?'.&'' "JL m
"-,".;,-" " '" ""V ,' .'r.
"I'll get him!" cried a mn'n who I,
still n good deal of n boy,
I'erhans this wns a boyish hnnst, with
no Intention behind It whntever.
Hut when ' hoy he liml been talking
about was found dend nnd he wns sus-
pecieii or murner, some one who hnd
henrd his "threat" remembered It an
. , . . ,f ,l" " ni
torn anoiu li.
Ann ins line remans wns MtirlM
bnrk nt him with double force.
.. .i i.tu iit.il- i.ti .
THESE things we sny to tense or
honst or merely to fill In (he time
nre the most surprising kind of boomer
angs. .......
They come bnck not with their own
rntlicr sppnt powpr. hut with thp nddM
I'oryo u. nuur ' oescripuon.
You never can tell whnt Ininortnne.i
somebody Is going to nttneh to n tneoh.
foolish little remnrk thnt you hnvp for
cottpn before it Is hnlf out of vour
So bo careful whnt you say nml where
you sny it.
i Is nlco to make some candy out In th
t kitchen. Hut the ganien heln In ri
you get Htuc't. I have aome quiet ones
mm some iiui.v umn nun may inane tn
....l.l, , ...... .i-i.n.lnp l.til .Sm. .. . I...- -a
oviHiiuu.n iiuii...., uui cov, ill v luin O
Doctor Should Be Consulted
' ' '"" r.a.or or h avian s rant-:
I ... s t... w . .. .
... ... ..,,, ... ..
j near .wiuiiini i imxe nppneu aimol
everything to my lips, but nothlmr stem.
i to euro them.
' Thev nre very ugly lookliiit and m
coinfortnble. due to a thick skin whle'i
comes on them and makes them seem
swollen In tho morning. Do you know
f any reason for this'.' Some folks stv
it In a fever. Do you think It Is?
You would do well to consult a pliypi
clan about this. It Is evidently pom
condition of your system thnt causes till
swelling, und you should have an exam
ination made to determine what t
wrong. I'o not let this scare you : p
a count:!? iu iiciouiinp me ivhbuh iyr i
Today it costs no more than
old-style quick desserts, with
flavors in dry form.
. We supply dessert molds to
users. Also other useful
things. Write for catalog of
gifts. Tell us which you want.
Waukesha, Wis.
Pkgs. for 25c
' I
. S:
20c per package)
1 4'
extremely low
Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
1 Ni