''&$ r!MW ' 'irt!W,, --. fw --wwffsrRv- T,twf?ry i)iif y ,ffw " ?r ' ( i I .1 J 4 V I ' JBVBNING PUBLIO LBDaER-PHIIiDELPHIA, TUESDAY, - FEBRUARY 15, 1921 'WWWWri ,",Sffii I RIDDLED WITH SHOT Wounds In- rwtnr Describes flictocl in Battle at Matewan University Activities Scheduled at Penn Today 10 :.'!() o'clock Mcrxbnchfi' Club mrr-ting. Iloiistnti Club. I o'clock Ilexngnn Henlor So ciety meeting, Knxlnrcrlng IlulUlltii. fi o'clock Ivy Unit coiiiiiiltlci mcPtiiiK. Houston Club. S o'clock HcbciiiNfll of Mnok and Wig enmllilati't. downtown dub bouse. 1110 Quince Ml eel .TENSE SCENE IN COURT rem 15.- Ak nv (be Associated l'ri .... ' .. v. Vn.. Feb. "7: Wlon lh.uBh th, "'rfd o fclernl troops .luring tin- Mot-wan trial, udge trc,?rn, cSi'nrl for tho.rtate nnd i his morning .?"'" """ . . K?W'tfrJ feson,,1,v ' rtr. I A ii. .. ---..,, ,, ,..: the lirsi wi nc '"": v. OFFER NEW CHURCH 10 OUSTED PASTOR Kennott Square Baptists Who Favor Mr. Auger Join in Now Organization SHIPYARD WAGES WOMEN AIM AT FOOD COST Plan Campaign to Better Transpor tation Facilities Tin- women's lommltteo of (lie Itu rcntt of Municipal Hescnrcb will under take nn ilivcstiitiitiou of tnnrki'tln? fn. fllltfcH nnd (otulltioiiH in I'bllndclpbbi j mi u view in jiuiiiciuiig u cumiuign to better tbeni. ' Tills wn decided on nt h intetiiig to-! 40,000 Workers Notified of Re- llllv ftf fill ffltntililtrn ill till. Imtfwiiil nllicTH, r'nintdlti jlank lluibiing. Mt. I I.ouIh C, .Mnderiu wilt din if num. It ARECUT10PERCENT SELL JOBHOLDERS BENEFIT TICKETS' WILL FORM Mii brougbt out nt tbe meeting (but iriiiisportutlnn lurtlltlM nt nul aile- ipinte for tlic iinirkctH nnd tliat thfie onMMITTCCil,ri' many phttsei of Hie iltuation upcni GUMMII I tt!t impMnemenl 1 ductioo to Be Put in Force on March 1 REFERENDUM TO BE TAKEN picim;- ;p. ..,mnei1 (lie UOdiesi oi un-MW.Mln-FSl. detective, killed 'f ,n. J.Li, V Albert C. lVlts. leader o .'I .i . ndir Alb?" !..i.i.itlve. dp ...ItnnllU Onill. 111(1 ibe Wom'li E l.rroftwoof l,h; vo-ibi bave been fatal ti,,c mou ,niH powder burns 0ne V i 1 t tlie b u !ft hiil been fired mi fle or .l tol not more than T mel e aV. A Hlmllnr wound. ' '? in ." h"a.li Voul.1 liavc caused (,bin,,Xi n ess .aid. There . an -'It in the left am. nnd one in oibcr shot Itf right nr Snll he fniiiiil I .k. rlirlit -houhlcr. ' n-1r 1 '."": .."- 1.111..1 i... .in.. j.im-iIvcs AH nau ui-i-ii -....-. .... Pr .?..?.m on tbe uoiIIm of otber A i iiiuniiinll.v clmi'cli will lie estnb- lisbeil In tvpnnotl Slnnarn nml I III. tlntf. I ---- .j, t, ............ .... ..... 1 Kilns Auger, foimerl.v army cbaulain and dcpo.id pastor of the Kennett Square llnptisl ('liui'cb. will lead tbe new congregation. That is the Inlesi development in the ncrics of events which ended in Mr Anger'n tecent letiteuient from tlie Unptist ibiinh. nfler he had upset tbe quiet of life In Kennett .Squine by "i-oaKting" Home of Ii'in pari'sbinners and calling (hem .sneaks and cigarette nenni. i At rf meeting In Mbeity Hull. Ken City and county nfficehohlci'H real- nett Squaie, Sunday night, attended b dent in the Koity second ward todny . n10" '"'uibefH of the Baptist congregii- ....,,., . o. . i "on wlio still Hiipport Mr, Auger, witli leieived tickets for n benefit, to be ., f.nrP(, ((f pnMnH m) ,(.lltU.d held Mnnli ill, for the l'oit -second with tlie Baptist congregation but eager Wiinl Itcoiildlrni. Clnli. Ilnniit stient ,0 ""i1' anotlier church In the town, it IRE SELF-DENIAL Some Crumbling at City Hall Over Plan of Forty-second Ward Republican Club WANT TO LIFT MORTGAGE1 URGED BY BISHOP Vhct.imonv was most realistic , .iihwni with almost breathless MlriKC k, he nineteen defendants, nnd a court - , tir Saltmi Siliool Teachtr Watched Kvlrllons iiu. (ilmlis Comes, a school tciichci . wrtfiM Him he w-as on her way to HSI ono iIbv last May. when she saw Rildtrln IVltn detectives evicting inin ,,iind their families from houses of ik Stone Jlountnin Coal Co. not fur .' .i... i.,.ll,Hiiir u-lieic she tauclit. n,w Sid Hatllcld and n nowd of ntn walk up tle lailroaii track from Mittwan nnd approach tlie detectives. few minutes later they were joined kr Alarm- Testcrmnn Hatfield and Twtennan engaged Felts in conversa ion Hatfield demanded to know, she Mill, In what right Felts was cvk ting lit miner, to which Felts lep led tli.it tunas disdinrjing his lawful duty. The crowd was tbeie about fifteen nmutcv Miss Cnrnos testified, and tlicn Boved iiwni Later in tlie day. Miss Cirnc said, when echool had been dis mnl. she went to Cnion Camp, near MiKwnn to see oilier evictions. On hr wav she was met by Bnldwin-Felts iletfctiv'ex i chiming from I'tron Camp. and later seveinl mineis started for Matenan from tho same direction, HinnE them CliadeN Kaiser, one of tlie defendants, who, Miss Cnrues said, mrrinl a ulle Otliers of the miners i).n weie a lined 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES OWNED BY HANNEVIG FALL New York Commissioner Obtains Liquidation Order From Court The North Atlantic Insurant p Co. ttslhp l.llieity Mnrine Insurance Co., o! New York, were swept into tlie shirlpnnl of debt ciented by Cliristoffer Hasnevig, flwner of the l'nsey k Jones Co ami oilier shipbuilding nnd shipping 'ntfrPPts M'sterday when tliej' were onii-rrrl li(iiiil,ited by Judge Bijur in lh Stiprrme Couit of New York. Hnn tcrij jiersnnnllv and lliiunevig i Co. titeral ilms ago weie declared bank rupt The iiiniiiiiie ioiniinies were lilken eier b lesse It I'lnllips. superiu endent of iiisuran.'e of New Yoik. Mr. Hannevig is nn executive ofl'uer and mliialli the sole stockholder in both mmpnip Mr I'hlllips' petition de clired tlin' Ilanncvit; tnused to lie de posited in Ins prlvute bnnks upwfli'd of Xl.T00.tHHI about equally divided lie 'een the two companies, and these de ikkiK thniigli consideniblj leduied Wing IIL'll, now uinount to about fl. ".10.0(H) Tlie figures of the insurance enniiner .hnw llm ininpanies innnnt meet obligutions to policyholders with out these deposits. Mr. I'billips said llanni'iig wIiom' stur in the tinauciul otld He... hke n meteor, is suing the 'lipping board for $14.(100,(100 in ion tMion with MiipbuildiiiK during (lie r lie usentlr lefused n Kettlement iBerrepniliil lo lime been S7.000.000. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES and Old Yoik road. l-itcctions for mntking mone.i for the tickets nre in closed. Some men holding $l(IOO-n year offices received seventy -five tickets, encli costing ten cents. Other men. with $'J."00-u-.vciir olliees. leceived 125 tickets. There Is some grumbling nl City Hall. Most of the men who leceived tlie tickets said they would make no effort to dispose of them, but would just mail their checks. i was voted unanimously to establish th Kennett Square Community Church, .ndto call Mr'. Auger to be pastor. With determination to slait anotlier church, nexl in order will be formation of committees to, devise ways nnd means to estnblish n church building. There is no doubt tluit Mr. Auger will tukc charge of tlie congregation, as. follow ing his trouble in li!.! former charge, lie emphasized tlie r.td of another church III Kennett Squaie, nnd said he expected to be placed nt tlie head of il. The resolution calling Mr. Auger to tlie new "astnrate rends Very Rev. Allan P. Shatford, of Montreal, Says People Have Lost Moral Backbone GARRICK LENTEN SPEAKER Th- Vei.v I!e. Allan Venison Hlial foul, bishop of Montreal, was tlie speaker al the noonday l.enten services in tlie (Jiirrick Theatre today. Mans business men mid women devoted twenty minutes of their lunch hour lo near him. "One of the gient troubles with the wodd today,", he said ,"is the glowing It whs said Hint tlie funds raised "'In view of existing conditions those would be1 used to pny o ffa mortgage of I of us here assembled tit inly believe there S.'OOO. held ugninstO the clubhouse by I is n special wotk for us to do, and Charles W. Neeld, secretary of the Civil I believing In Mr. Auger, his work iinil Service Commission. his methods, ami having faith in him "I've lieurd tickets were being sent ns our leader, be it resolved that we out." said Mr. Neeld. "While I'm a give Mr. Auger our vote of confidence, member of the club, I've not taken an ' nnd stand with him in every progres active interest in its affairs since I was i sivc effoit. Also, tlint this vote be sent appointed u civil service i ommisshuier. ' to the press and proper lecord made of I iioiii a .xumi mortgage. i wive n. belli it for three .ic.irs, and it still has Trouble, it is declared, between Mr. two yenrs to run. 1 don't believe this Auger nnd his oflicinl boards of trustees affair is beimr held to raise funds to ' and deacons over tlie matter of church cancel the mortgage. In fact. 1 would ! policy brewed for months until finally it tendency to compromise with evil. ilo not light it as we once tin. We Tlie Approximately 40.000 biiwoikers in lele iniiN nlotig the Atlantic cont, of whom 'JS.(MK) nie einployul in ynrds along the Melnwnre liter, will have their wages ot 10 per cent on Mn I cli I, ncuirdiiig to n statement sent to tlie IimiiIs of the iiietiil I miles de pnrtnienl of the Ameiicnn Federation of Labor h W Smith, chairman of Hie Atlantic Const Shipbuilders' Asso- iiitiou Cmplojes iii'l'itcd. snvs C. S. King, xeiretary of the association, nie those niM'ied by the agreement made between it'itaiu (oinpaiiies holding memberships in Hi- Atlantic Const Shipbuilding As sociation with tlie metal trades depart ment of the Aineilcan Fedeiution of Labor YiiiiIk in this section affected, said Mi. King tntltiN at bis office. 1701 Wal nut elicit, include the New York Ship building Cumulation, in Camden ; t he Men hunts' Shipbuilding Co.. at Illini um n : the Sun Ship Corporation, of Chc.stci ; H. Chester yard of tlie Mer chants' Shipbuilding Corporation, nt Chc-lei ; tlie I'lisej. A. Jones Co.. at tiloiicestir, nnd tb l'nsey A Jones Co.. ul Wilmington. Ocl. Kmployes of oilier Atlantic coasl laids affected nre those of tlie I)owne Shipbuilding Co . Arlington, Stntei mnkc lilts effective ns of Match I. ns follows : l':esent-dnv iate reduced 10 per cent; existing allowance of 10 per cent over black -hook pleiewotk intes be eliminated, and (bat any question per tnlnliig to failuie of adjustment of rates be lefened to tlie boanl of settlement. Bethlehem Cuts Sooner At tlie same time (lie ltethlcheni Ship Building Corporation, operating four jards nml employing fSV.ilOO men, nnd oierutiug under a similar but sepatate ugrcemeiit. inlviseil that n similar 10 per tent i ul would be mude. but ef foctlve n of r'cbtuarv II Inslead of Mnnh I Tlilv in! ii i. iiiwl.ii slnoil. beenme ef fecLle .is iiiimiiinccil jesterdnT ; and wlffle referendum figures of Bethlehem cmplo.Ms will l(t he available until Thursdnj. it s kald that only ""0 em ploys In all four plants uppusul m leptiu the rediti tion. PUPIL THINKS VOLSTEAD ACT IS FUNNY VAUDEVILLE TURN lien .Ioii.soii. of Poetic Fame, .s Coded "Pussyfoot" and Grace George a Sister of Lloyd in Observation Tests nl Gernumtoivn Friends' School I disposition of the world seems to lie to Island: the C.eoige A. Fuller Co . 1 One ii,is hriiiil i oiiiiilcribl. talk ot tooth -pulling in tin- l.eiigin of Nations but It lemained fur n jouth of some llf lein V'nis H student nt t;,o (ierman town friends' Sdiool lo nil I'uul If) mans a "painless dentist." A few duis ago a lil of qiieiiiK wa giien to en li lu and girl nl tneMhool, Hinging in age fnmi eleen to eighteen j ear Thi". is mi minimi qui, nnd is called a cn'tiil infui mnti'ui tel It's great for the inemon find dem Cll-liute tlie .illl of oincuntioii of tl e student lor m numl.er of tcni the inahrvl nieiage bus been made bv ! bov ltilt loom a leloin of papers, gives Hie honor to Miss LotiNc S. Birch, n .loung liulv uf M'venteen Miss Bitch won with mi ntcinge of eight siv. Altojetlier the averages wne ej.ep tionall) high, and utie lad tif deu-n made "il o, whiili s u might line A. Walsh and Dr showing ag.iunt beys and girls uf ve en- I., physicians who til - teen and eighti"ii Pillowing the shooting! Tlie qui, was ihtlioill . but lm young- the autopsy, tet tied ; steis were gn'iie. Ji 1 1 1 w pen u, duiilit tliev tnul a i li nn e. Ben Jonson. he ot noeiu fame, fmeil tntl.er badly nt the hands uf looth. Mis identity lonbln'l -eem to be t'neil. audi "O Bare Ben Jonson" appealed vica- i liously es a piie-tighter. a black-lace TRIAL OF ERIE UNDERWORLD MURDER CASE BEGINS Grand Jury at Same Time Starts Probe Into Vice Conditions Kile. I'.i.. lib. 1." Disttid Altor ney C Arthur Blnss has i oinpl-'teil the jury fin the trial of Ilerschell Brass field, alleged slayer of I'olico Magis trate I'rnl V .Moriin, who was shot and killed in a Negio lesyit uu the nioining of January 1(1. The lirst witnesses weie called I i I he I sinnu at ine opening ol the conn 'ins morning Mi. I fieoige 1 1 Be tendnl Mmaii ami pei fut hum tnul iiejtti was i niiseil liv a blow he r. eiMMl mcr the slumiii h during the tight Hint pioceedcil the shooting, bill they said that hnd this not caused his death he would have died as a result of the gunsliut wound. I hey weie followed atiM'pt evil as here and necessary, nnd to go ahead and make the best ol it Instead of trying to stamp il out. "It seems tliut we have lost our moral backbone We have not got the spiritual iiiiisi e Hint we once had." he ndded. Bishop Sliatfoid declared Hint people pccil to prai tice sen-dental miiiglon. N. C. ; tho I'enneoln Khip budding Co . I'ensacola, Fla. : the Ala liiimn iJi'tdock nnd Shiiiliullding Co.. of Mobile; the Mobile Shipbuilding Co.. nl Mobile, nml Doullut nnd William . Shipbuilding Co.. of New Orleans JH.000 ICinployrd Here Of i he 40,000 tiour end piecewo.-l.i is on the Ma ml by Or. C M Cnnlo. ii.r comedinn and ibe niaii who is otlieiwise onei of Brie county. j known as "I'us.y foot." The piobe into the vice lunditions of Maybe tliese yoingsters ..e ;i bit otT l'l e oideud bv the court as the lesull when tliev gaie the name of the piesi of Hie shootiu: of Magistrate Moian dent ot Mexico and the liemociatic opened this nioining in the grand jury I'lesidetits f Hie t nitrd Stitcs siiwe t "We linve lost the habit of denying j whu will be subject to the eul in At- refuse to wipe out the moitgage, be cause 1 consider it a good investment. Andy Frosch could (el Ijnu about this." Mr. Frosch is Hie ward leader. It was rumored that iitionymuus tel lers hud been sent to Mayor Moore and Director Coven faulting their atten tion to the nctlon of tlie club. Duretl Sinister, the Muyor's seeietary. said such a letteer had not been leceived at the Mayor's office NO EVIDENCE OF MURDER culminated on a recent Sunday, when tbe minister toasted his congrega tion, ami is declared to have freely pointed out certain members and desig nated them as "sneaks" and cigarette fiends. The minister found Hie i hurcb doors locked against him Ibe following Sun day, and a few days ago was advised the church officials bad terminated bis pastotate. effective immediately. ourselves." be sui "In addition, we haie lost the habit of pimer. Tliese things are not good for us." The help which the beauties of nntuie cnii be to mankind was the moral of n set moil preached bv Bov. Kobert W. S'orwood. lector of St. Paul's I'tol cstunt Bpiscopal Church, of Overbrook, at tlie twentt -five-minute Lenten serv ices ut noon toduy ut St. Stephen's; Kpisuipal Church. Tenth street between Market untl Chestnut Mr. Norwood lutteily assailed the spoiling of beautiful spots throughout both tlie dty and Hie country by the IMH loom and Spedal 1'iosrculor Samuel L (iilscn began i ailing his witnesses, sixtv of whom will appear lief in e the! grand Miry . Ships Diverted Here Cungention at Kills Island lias fimed New Yoik port officials to order th" I Scandinavian-American liner I'niteil Civil War. but theie wasn't n bov who had to make a guess when lli" uiitiie of the tenuis i hampiuu uf the wmlr -':n asked I'r.i I i unci n' them -new Bill Tildeii's middle initial. Being a 1'rienils' school, most evetr one knew- who .mbn Woolman was, bit' . one small lmy t outcried on him the glory of tlie live and -ten -tent stores fit ace (ieorgo was mentioned ns the sister of Lloyd (Jeorge. and tlie nnme Tuskegee suggested Hiawatha to nn other hid. but Hie answers to question' on hooks and their i linrnctets weie re inorkilbly nceuinte. Quotations alone, intimated tlie tub and author, but few mistakes were mnde in I in Kens Unvid l opperlleld Sbnkespeiiii''H "Meidianl of Venice. ' Cerianti'"' "Don Quixote." Homer ' Oiljssrr ' or Mnrk Twain's Tom Sawyer." which speaks well for th irroundii'g in literntuie that these hov and gills rfieive. The qiKstinn n to what is Hie Vol stead net. brought n variety of gue,sss. uiie ut the most oiiginat being n funn int. played on tlie stage, by a inon , mi in tl Mi . Volstead." Seieiiil lommodltics weie represented I by the pliriiM' with wliidi they are Bd i eitieil. It was a piano nil. Hint which tend"- "Tlie instrument of tlie im mortal1. " that brought tlie piece de ti sislnnce. line wonder if tho boy yh.. answered "n utiija boatil" was kitliliiu or guessing One question piopoundcil. concernin; the title of a book and its author, wn answered loneclly by every boy ami girl. Tlie answers were suggested In naming the author, n former Ilhode" soholpi. whose book tells of distributing other books fiom a traveling van." Of course, one i an never tell of tin aspirations of men in public life, and maybe the little chap who snid Mayoi Mooie is (iovernor of I'eiinsyUnnln, ha some inside infot motion and is just n bit previous K ilniantdtfir uf iiilt irrtt.niiinnlti streets, too. he attacked, saying: ' 'enc. oi iisninginn. ine spi re "When we insult the beauty of tary treasurer of the metal trades de streets by (blowing rubbish in them, pattment of Hie Ameriinn Fedeiatluii uf v insult" (Sod by so doing." Labor that it would b-v necessuty tu intic coast ynfds. it Is estimated that ! states to this port. ,The slilp is ex bout 'JS.000 are emiiloyi'd in yards in i,n..i.,i t.-. ani tmlnr Hariiman, Camden, Cluster nml W0- , '',p vessel carries' si-sty -sen fust inington dass, J'JO second-class and 04t steeia;e I n'on offiiinls of the metal timles i p.tssengcts. It will probnblv land I hem department, advised of lli( intended' at I'ier 10. North Whntve.-. cut. effedivo ns of March 1. are idnii- ' Commissioner of Imntlsratioii HiigliPs. ning n relet endiiin to be taken in lor to at Hiis port, was notified of the shin's Hint date ipectcd at rival liere and lifts made nr- The yards have been operating under , g:mgiinents to have his full fotcc of m an agreement with the metal trades d.'- ipcclors on liuud. paitmeiit of the Ameeicnii i'' '! ' . of Labor, by which n boaul was cie j atcd to pass on all mnttcts of wanes. I hours, disputes and working conditions I Uu January J( Mr. Smith advised A Cyclist Hit by Auto When nn automobile crushed into the bicycle no which lie was pedaling. Harry O'Brien, twenty one yeats old. of fillM Ludlow sttee!. was thrown in ftont of the machine nl Twentieth street and Fuirnionnl avenue, tie suf- feted injuries to the head ami wascut Body of Man Exhumed for Fourth Time at Widow's Instance Madison. Wis.. Feb. l.Y-(By A. IM No evidence exists that Richard S. 1 .i-..i.n.. funnel' Denver nolitlcal leuder. killed by a tiuin here in 1HIS. md'biuiscil about the body was murdered, an investigating uininiit- i . tee of tlie Dune County Council an- ' noiiiiced today. The icport was based upon examina tion of tlie bodv bv Dr. C. 11. Bunting, Cniversity of Wisconsin pathologist, and Dr. W. I' Lnicnx. They said tlie clinracter of the WMiitnds precluded pon siliility of murder and tliat there was no evidence of tuinperiug witli tlie body after it was buried Official m tion in tlie i use has been diopped, it was no noiinccii. Allegations uf Lawrence's widow llinl lie had been mutdereil for Ins supjioeil tm tune, which was said to incKlde a famous diamond, led l tlie investiga tion, the body being i dunned for the lourth time. Mrs. Lawrence declared an unknown man hnd been killed by the trnin and his body substituted in tlie grave for (lint of her husband. Making Little Ones Out of big ooi)iH of drawlngH Is no birder to us than enlarging. Dlggcst plant In country for Photostating, Jlluo Printing und Commercial Pho togiuphy Imnieiliatc flenlce Call for a iiH'b.senger General Reproduction Company 140 North Broad St. I'hllfitlrtpl-lit .iffitii Family Silver -substantial wdaht Dinner and Toa Services Flat Table Silver perfect dinner demands 4fc0 SahedNuto, Favors, Bon.Bons to narmonize with the table decorations No Matter where your hand may fall you will make Xo Mistake in this met I. "Ilil Ihiri li.timii.n S3t:t Kustwlik nir Clll fi iMimn .'till S Uth SI l-t .. lijil lliilfimin fi and rompil u j y lliluii HI "tali I rt ,,.-orid Willi I'lnun .S V na I.ii ii i I, Muter HUT Ponelluu .ive V-irtanl v. h .(union 103:1 H. ITlli t mill rtarl I W.ilker, lulo ,IrfiMun m Man,. I- i k (V.iiimi.u. x v iinil I'lui ,'nt' f, s. imttrtil Hill ,stut.. nl n I nr. ..rt. I, rrerinont I'.i., un.l Annii IWiToda jti.'n ii,riin n,. oi'imaa i n! 4143 N -,h B, . , v.iJT".,' l-nl.inr. Atlrfiitli. ril J?2 u. . I'':,:-1 Mar.ton st . mnl fiilli Ilci?reT.X -'1"" M-ln Hifcernmii l i.i " ,!r. ,,:l w Mprlii8nM l unit t..,I,'jr.1.. "f1 3.', Hex ne "V "In ' 13011 S l.lili at ui.il M.il ' .S S lHmlti7n ul.. iii:,inWlllWllllli;iiH;irIl,l,'l,'ii'l!lllillll!l!4 BUYER 1 I... " ,.0,l wiints inikHIoii Tfn ri. rnirlfnr l'rsonu fnllawliiK, ft J ir.ix.cn orrici:. ,.y aOSAT Vllip 111 .i,.( n miiniiHiliiiiiijniiiiiin.ii urn iHiiiWiiiio ( N I YE ffcr you printinK with the addition of a complete copy writinK and dircct-by.mail ad V vertising service GARRICK THEATRE Sunday, Feb. 20, 7:30 P. M. Distinctive Musical Prop-am Timely Topics Philadelphia Orchestra Quartette Until V. Schmidt Louis Ageloty Dayton Henry AVm. A. Schmidt HON. OWEN B. JENKINS r. siHtc Srnutor of 6II1 DUtrbt I'r . Will Introduce JOHN W. DAY, OF ST. LOUIS A VITAL TOPIC BY A BRILLIANT SPEAKER ADMISSION FREE ....This is the first of h scries or orlcn meeting which will he of interest to every one. I niter the Au'iilrrs iif the Unltitrliin l.ii.nini' Umti- te Holmes Press. Vrinttr, lMS-20 Cherry Street rhll.J-lphtt. FOR SALE 4000 Metal Bands t for Baling loni,,,,,1,d?'.8fM.6 lilies conduit!!!' ml buck,c- In g00d "'"' Ml Vjmtp (0 illlek Htlticr Ste-MfcDI!,G,MFu lour MacDonald & Campbell Dependable Low Prices Men's Suits and Overcoats $35.00, were $45, $48, $49 $37.50, were $50 $39.00, were $52, $53, $54 $42.00, were $55, $57, $59 $45.00, were $60 $49.00, wey $65, $66, $68 $52.00, were $70 $54.00, were $72, $73, $74 $57.00, were $75, $77, $78 $60.00, were $80 $62.00, were $82, $84, $85 Fur - lined Gloves, Thee mdutlioiu include till our finer Overcoats, Suit Collar Coat. (Jolt Suit., Kumcodii. opruiB uiricom., i ur rt. Leather Coat., Chauffeur' Suili, Overcoat., Robe., etc. Put out of our mind the idea that our i high-priced store. Every day people tell ua they (Mil misjudged " 1334-1336 Chestnut Street Comparison Prevents Future Regrets Linde February Sale Savings of a Third to Two-Thirds Positively Guaranteed How mnriy times haw you regretted purchases n tlie years went by: A home, a piano, a piece ot llLS?. sucrtrjtKl-JZSFo- "tj'AfjKa-rj"fc'fr- zi jewelry that just didn't quite fill your expectations. , tM'ttQ'Kjp You always feel that you would have been so much VfsaiB better satisfied if you had only looked ,-. kWilrW Igs uround a little further. And von &&'tm$2&iir .-"51 SI, vt 01 Hi s!5 Walter chnlr or lorltei, iin Hi li Cictonim cimli Iouh Kxtru huge m.z plEnjfrr-ajSS'rjfJV T.JiA Ji1 1. I 1 I IIIIPJW I ' I , 1 JPV-r AuA J. WI i would have obtained much greater vnlue, too. Apply thit thought to yoar fufni rure buying in the February Soei. If there ever wai a time when com parison wat necettary for tlie buyert' protection, that time it NOW. Don't take any one ttore't word about either quality or pricet. Visit them ALL. See the goods. Note the cott. Then follow the dictates of your oti'n good judgment and you will be safe. " -j u Hs.WSC?: ..',. LJ --- - ft -ijry ;a sll i,iirlli SA This luutiiv f ill- 1 . I 1 i'1'li-ll Witt) IIIIIJUI ' 1 i'i 1 1 1 (.umforliililr lglJiJKi XQl3i.. i n; nurtli 3 11 l.ituur t.ibie in in.lioKiin I" in lone, heuw rol iiiiiii h.isi- .mil largj drawn V l H (l ! ' 4V luifTi' it in We km v i .uc lillili'lM'lllti'.' ruTj othci siiur li many, man tliotis.tntls oi 1loll.11. brcausf i li;ie made i lose comparisons otn rhcs Our mormons savings :iu daily bfitig lasted along to ItutidrctU hi home tiiakvis, wlm have pioxnl li loniparison 1l1.1t tin I. little Sturu pices nie iu below all others. Purchatet held for future delivery upon payment of a deposit. Wilton Rugt 5.115 00 seaitilt"- (KI-' n . $72.50 1.M00 Uoj.il "xlJ 11 .... 83.00 1.17(1(1 Finest S '10ii .. 97.50 KXIOO Kojal 0'M-' H 71.50 s-2- 1 IlllliiUlU'illl Sill, niirlll A 'I hm qlldi If 1 . H inh 1 xie' ""on 111 tilt li.iic tu ' rmnliK I IHmimI Iuim oot.igun .utiir urtHil ti 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 3.1, nurlli 111 iiuaileied Ions ininoi 55 1 otulliu! Roklen oak , Ksl2 in Brussels Rugs JJ5t) Seamless ' it .M6.00 .M 75 llest ten uiie 7 o" ft. 24.50 14.()() Seamle-s 2 ft . . 27.75 -to 50 Ten wue SJ.nIOo it . 31.50 tjcnu'rister Kuirs 5-58.0(1 hcamlcss " d it . $46.00 7000 neavv 11 .K1J tt 52.50 .15 (Kt lleaw dradt d'J it 23.00 7.' 50 Statuie-. lM.' tt . 62.50 Linoletim $. 75 (lest Inlaid .... $2.40 I 50 Fruited 80 I y:m$MA .. . II.. ?. aV.X " 1- 1 H?WiCKaZiJ3i ii-i .v. . r-. 1. fu . . t . tezsiih!m!fi ..-...r..:,i'4i W.iySe,V!r!i"v . i"Mi IJ.t, HMllll nii I'lllH in on .1 poiu liet in iii.il uk.ii i full si?, null btiuiiKiv Lm 1' Wuiuleifi vanu Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Until 10 a Clock HENRY LINDE 23d, Columbia & Ridge Ave. Splendid Sale of Perry's Worsted Suits Every one of them conservatively valued at $55, $60, $65 now at One Single Price The point is this: They are Worsteds. Beautiful Worsteds, all of them! Service is their middle name! And not merely Worsteds, but beautiful patterns! Blues, grays. Oxfords, pencil stripes and fine twills fabrics that will wear, patterns that will please, and conservative, manly models that meet the style ideas of solid, substantial Philadelphians. A Special Lot of FuJl-silk -lined Overcoats at $29 conservatively valued at .So.) & Slid Standard Regan fabrics, full lined with Skinner's Satin, rich Oxfords, Cambridge Grays, blacks: standard all-year-round Gentlemen's Overcoats in all sizes from 34 to 46 the greatest Overcoat Values of this season! Special Bargains in Separate Trousers 85, S. S7, were $7 to $12 Spring Overcoats and New Suit Styles coming in daily Perry & Co. Sixteenth & Chestnut Streets 1 WKHM BHIilH I m 0 Chestnut St. , ,-.v iilAalW. j ?jA-: jteifo ,i.. .vfctikatoafrUiu. i.s4srA ltirt)t &WW.1l m.a