Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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Senators Notify Treasury Sec-
retary to Halt Payments Dur-
ing Committee Inquiry
bj the Vedcrul (lovoniment which led
NAUY nit I IIP TO QCWATpfhesj. peopU- to Wlli!V that tnimey vtilnej
NAVT BILL Uf IU btMM I Clb It It onl? came from the govern- '
. ' ment.
i "While we contributed to the win
I Ily the Associated Press ' ning of the war we created abnormal
Washington. Feb. lf. Secretary I conditions and raised the expectation
nounton wns notified formallv todav by j f profiteers to heights from which the
l . . i ji , i.. - ...,. k. llTP "ou descending The.se war romll-
the Senate Judiciary committee that he , tl()ns Wf re intoierft(;lp ftn(1 iPft n uftrr.
houId pay out no more money on w
count of anv commitments of loans to
foreign countries until the facts have
been submitted to this lommltfe and It
has had an opportunity to ronalder the
same and teport to the SuiHte "
The committee's action wax by unani
mous vote and was tal;en on motion
of Senator Heed, author of a pending
resolution to stop all advances by the
treasury to the nMied governments.
Decision to take immediate and dirert l
action was mad" bt the (ommittee after jdentalh tncrp nll)af pe atl intrease in I
'enator Rrandegee had Informed it that government tax.' at once so our obli
Air. Houston re.ntlj had told the , 3Qti,ms run be mt. No ilvlllzed nation '
foreign relations committee that he felt Q( ,,nir.t iar repudiate its debts
In honor bound to make additional ad , ..Tt fs u gl,0j ,iI1K to scl lons.r- I
Tances to the governments for which , ,nf. In.c tllill tofrl.tt.,. r, should hold
credits had been estab Islied if those , anotIlfr 0I1U !Uld wlPC nJt () ,ier r(.nt
COvernments asked for the monev of ,,, ,arv, m . ,fatutP bo-)1H -,.
Could Have Advanced fc'.T.OOO.OOO ' or suffnring trom too many laws and .
SenntorN Ilced and Urindeee said
W7.00D.0t10 additional could be ail- '
ranccd to foreign governments
and '
Senator Heed derlared the set retary
should be prevented from making any
advances while the committee was con
sidering legislation to stop all further
Examination of Siretatv Houston on
this question. Fchd'.tled for today. wn
postponed until tomorrow, as the secre.
tarv advised the committee that the
papers in the fiW of the tteasurv had
not yet ben assembled He promised
to appear tomorrow and blng all docu
ments referring to loan negotiations
sclth foreign countries
Senate' Outs Naval Hill
a) ,
The naval annronriation bill
Adopted in tne Mouse late ye.sterdav anu 1
.... ., -- 1.
today pas-ed on to the Senate carries i
approilmate'.j- ?.)., OOO.OttO. and In so
'ar as its nrlnclpal features are con-
ai I at tlnA(t1 fata ftiPAa & HAn . I
1 erned is vlvtually in the same form as
approved by the appropriations commit
tee.. The sum of $90,000,000 is provid
ed for carrying on the naval building
nrogrnm ciurinc tne coming nscai year
but none of the amount U to be usee
uui nimr 01 itie amount i 10 u'- uinii
for ships on which construction is not
ret started or for shins authorl?ed and
for which contracts have not been let.
The tariff question again was to the
front in Congress todar. Sharing in
terest with the announcement by Chair
man Ktirdney, of the House ways and
msans commItte, that It was the in
tention of Republican leaders to revise
the permanent tariff before attempting
consideration of -nation legislation at
the citra session was the statement
resterday by Minority I.ader I'nder
wod In the Senate that he had been us-
Mired that President Wilson wo'tld veto
Mr." Annie Kirkcr, of nuttermilli 1I0I-
jow. ifecemn-r . is sun at large, ana,
Irani Pino, of IL44 I.ombard ntreet, I
end Dr William Wright. ..Mf resident
physician at the Howard Hospital, !
thinking P'no might be Thomas rt-'
ported t'te iiw to the police
This morning In. W R. Het..el. a,
surgeon of th Columbia RiMpitnl. Wil- !
kensburg. who performed the operation
on the murderer annoum ed r.ftr an
cxamlnaliun of Pino 'hat he was not
"The v.o ind in Thomas n-as tight
above the heart." aiiid lr H.irtel.
"while this muii's wound is on the
'ther side ml muih I'srth-r tj.fV Th
nen ar of similar sbe nnd r.bMUt the
.same age, and it h 'io to be wondered
at that your uuthoritles beanie sus
picious. This m in 's prettv ': jj-t
now nnd ijnab'i to plain ho- h re
ielveu his a mini, but di':bfls wi'l
clar it up in n few da "
An ofliier from tt.e Second jo!i e vli-s
tvlet vlo lias b-n 011 d-.M nt Pino s
bed'lde s nee Sundni .a-i r ailed to
day aid the s.ar, ), f,, Th nun -viil
Governor Signs Bill Providing for
Lewea-Cap- May Service
I'tcntoti, N. J , l'eh t." Viewing
to the pressi:r oxe.tid bv ..-a-hur' re
ports, (iovern.,r Kd" anU todav hp
proved th' It-is'ic' i,ii fo- Tien.ion of
the highwav srstvr to Cupe Mai Puln
and fijeration of l.-rrl 'ici-osh Dj'ii
ware bay .mm 'ing with f'u Dduwnre
1 lghwa rsti 1 fit l.e" e
ThN b'.r is identi nl i'o one I
disapproved one far ago l.ri nuM it
win allegu! t'int il v,n p irely lo.nl in
its general purport, being intended ! .1
no other p irjiose nci.pt an improe
ment of the Cape Mu' litv habor "
aid the governor
"I bt. asrt'ir-d nnn ri.n thi meas
ure, when put 'nto prtt'ti'al - ution.
will be;ieht ,cir entire At'a'.t' c.nst
tront h.r making n verv mati-ria' redu
tlon In the d'Sthiiie between n'l ihri
points and Was1 .iigt..n. stlimt,-.! at
not lef.s than -il i.r seient.v Ji- miles
K"or this reason and he, uum- of it being
n henelit to ft.t , n t r, -tut" it nieit-i
with m' approvj'
Coal Union Leader Fights Against
Arraignment 1 Overruled
Pittsburg, lias., V h 1.'. -il'.i A
V, ) Aletnnder How a' and li utcei
district iitHnT. of tin I'nited Mnc
Workers of Kansas olmraid with .,11
imiit of court. In tlulatSng un Injun' -'ion
restr'Uiiing them trom 'fillltix a
.trlke of inlneis. win- to 1 1 in 1 tl.,
Attorn'Ms for Howut toight stub
bornly ngitinst going to tilal but wre
OTfrruled as M'ired'Jr us thev entT'd
The courtroom anil adjacent iules
wera crowded with sne, tutors, mnnv of
whom had come to PiMsburg from thc
surrounding mining terrltorv
All coal mines n the strli were
idoied today. i.c.-,.rding to n statement
at tne Cosl Operti.er .0' Ia'I-'i)
...i .U...UW.H.... ........ .....,... v , . ..-.r .. ...... j i on m htfn elected ns tne trj(ii.p t llroad street were nllnu-n, tn l """""" '"' " "" tlon ot employers nnn eminoy is . jor ij
tertVvoo lllwr
he taken Woreljoumn, Ofght , m ' "V , n , U hThadwo. "" '.urd Riddle, president of .rT
PHYSICIAN EXONERATES ! 1 7 t'm ' ' U ..J-Sr-,.0' leV' ' :;1. liS-f ffli,,.nnidf-1 ThC " "" Vr l ,V'? bUfT iC,SJ.ermln...jjn
'there being a total of lt.ll permit- v n0r J,1 j, order to get 1.N or her in cmmemoratlon of be soldiers wo N-,"',!ton', $C """'h"'''"" of agrl- ,,e "ell-belng of the om:.lre, nnd he
..t.ent With Bull.1 Wound Here for ,,f t'd'wCV &fifo J - ft "V'J ,f ,""1 WIU 'D lL Ttl &J
Not Wanted In Pltt.buroh '"."I! n l 't'- I tt.uUn'n C to thV waning" IWri k " orde The Kmerson InT the Phllomusian ' M. (T SU ? W "ht..of M iUS
Joseph Thomas, wanted by the ,o- , been this Some honest man. ? w otlV" V" II "" 1 ' tin" lot:n-C flub, Bap lunc lieonti tudar. The Em- ''luMatlon of the-Rank of North Da- war"
l.'ce of Pittsburgh for the murder of .L1.-- . .., Htl, .iliion ..,..,! -. I Ulat w.' "'T' ,u.,.uV"i,nk !i '.i..'.. .,, i-ii,'. .. h.1,1 , ,i . r- . iS hotii, or Its riiluit on to a status slin- New political alignments were fore-
wno has Deen under SUrellr4nce since' .... v,1,l,,r ,n,,t nb it nfT his linnits -, , ..... .1. . .:!, u Thc I'hllomuslnn Chih Innrhenn tnnlt
nH.r !,- 1, .r,i .- iirm-r.i ."". .1 " ,.. i. .. . . . .." . ""Bneu a.i.-i in- .. ...i....- ..... . - - - -- - --- --- - wnicti was iinltcn last iiecpinDer tor lacu ' ,M, cics Hcemed to Have rencne.i u en
Hointal Rr id and Catharine streeLs T .,"' . , V . i . !.- , , TX. Several vecks ugo Dr. Rates toil us '" ' r, ". ." """ 'V'" "' ' .'Y'l "f fnJs. would be completed, it was nax, nnd It appeared the stability of
S3 ? "- "- '-, K W,11S tTju SHhU, of the bankers which fc tJlLtl
hL Pin? wng prepared tor bed' rc:,;n,rtXaS and
hi. chest. Joseph Thomas, a-se.i of s willing Vo lend money on mortgages X' -aw M- nam among those w it ? ton. whoread from his "My Old KVd. two yea h -rtuin to center about Ireland amdl
the mnril.r hu.l v.-,,.I fmm ,i tins. .!.... r.v,.e. ,..n.llil, The hn.islnL-1 ?. .." ' !. " Ladj - London ' ; Roy Hilton, who read r. "i... ..i.....i?
nltal In AVilk.nnburg last week after a situation in Phlludilphlti is not as bad nl r"n h'" Pf lm- "'" J"ne" "' !''ft rtKMn k been sold Members of the'"- the premier for futui government o
hnllrf 1.",! .-!... f...m I... . i..r . .. i. i, .. i..-.. .ii.i w i,v- l,.,r,l ' Hut He JI VKst the .lury Street,' and Mrs. Mary Rose Collins, ''.'''",''!",.. ...... ... IL. i s Irish neonle. Kormer supporters n
. i" 41 itiii' ii a. a w aai n vt-1. .an 1 L 11 tl - usr' II 'jruii ici . (i-aitaaa -41 -- .. ....-... . fiiirnn 11 T-a in 11 11111 inrn v ) 11 111 lie
Adequate Wages
Urged for Worker
(ontlnnr.l from I'nire One
to lower tin- costs of mnteilals (or mn-t-ttviotltm
lilts "Cost-l'liis" Hun
"There arc those who )riitl(ril bv the
10 Per cent plus plan during the war."
the Major snld in bis ntblrcss, "who ure
iioHth to giv. tip th- system. Thcj tc
I those Kitting Mx wng under thut
system who hot.- to siv it up. Then-
nere wonderful i-ntitnirN entered into
math of worry aud trouble and abnor
' The debt which has been left will
be a source of worry which muHt be
met by generations to come. We taught
many eniplojern nnd employes that the
government could continue to do any
thing and gu on and furnl-.li mtans
wherebj the period of high prices might
Iteturnlng to Normal
V now faco the results of the 'war
nn,l nmt r hi.,tt i,. m.rtmil InM.
Tl'1:. '!ttn-v jnwmnkcri
The city has been doin
' ll " "OIK on" lt- '' prepun-u
iu uo iiiucu more (lining cuh '-uuunx
year and jet they say this i.s not aj
con.structhe administration. Take tin I
bridge, for lnstAiic. It will not con
net merely city and city and state and
stat. but will give facllih of uccss to
the whole people of the I nited States.
IJrldgo to IVoUde WnrU
The bridge will give employment to
all kinds and use all sorts of labor and
materials It will be the largest pas
seuget span in this country and perhaps
in tlie wotld and will cost at l'-ast ?!'.
(XM).OOO. "Take the I'urkwav. which has ul-
readv cost $lW,0ix.UM.h and which is
still untinishel ; the great art gallery
,.a,,.. i,nt ,.,, .s.
,llllMIn-s ,,.lli(.h Pfln i,p ron'structed on
hill, the great
. 1, ',..,.av ,..h.n ,, cut thc red
... . . . a
tape, including a convention hall. Thin
wtll not be an uvenue for rich or poor,
but un evenue for every body.
"(.'ondemnution proceedings are un
der way fur ground fur a City Hall an
nex at llrnart and liace streets, u len-
. . ., .... . , -, .
" ? bu W ng When h red Up, Jh
cut we will begin with that. We have
a million dollars in hand already There
is another opportunity for thc use of
men and materials
"There arc the new piers to be built
a'ong the Delaware waterfront at Chest
nut street and between Market and
Cherry streets There Ih much to be
done in the matter of highways nnd
sewers. The l'ublic Works Department
report, which is not yet printed, shows
rruuri, which i-j ion tri iiiiin-ti, n.,,.-.-
the contracts which have been entered
into in 1W0. vet they say this is not a
constrictive administration.
; bought a $12,(iO( house
mi .OC") mortgage and he
,np trust commin.i or other mort
a lot ol now easy it is to ootuin a gov
ernment built und owned house
Wants Private Competition
If von stop the government trom
building and owning homes und tuke
the government out of business, many
btih,ne men would agu.n begin to corn
pet Wo hive, .1n4 m'Hl iluellinr houses in
Philadelphia now ounting one dwell-
ing to evrv nve persons, that would
provide for n population of nearh 2,
OtiO.Wei persons und. icgardless of our
boast, the lutesr census "hows we have
not that m.in.v
"There it!" enmish houses in the city
right now for ewrjbodv According
to a pollc enu recently taken then
ure "Join 1 va'unt houses in Plilludelphia
Ten jr agu thne was n dwelling
fin eviv fi-e persons and there ts u
die'lllng for everv five perMins now"
Albii It. Johnson, president of tbt
Chamber of Comm-rc-. said It s nn un
pr" eijented thing for a Chamber of
I'omnieri of nn 1 it t.. tube part in
disiusMons like that interiting the '.m
f.renie II" raid thev usiialh 111 '
afraid of being grmiinl betwe n tb.
uppei and nether millstones
.lohnsun for '"square Deal"
The public ha leirn'd." h 'on
tumid, "that it is not serd bv the
mcredsing spiral of blglur pru's Tnnt
1 an only ptoduc" paralysis and those
who uffei most thereby nn thus,' least
in position to do s,, I mean th' icut
iinisses of this lountr)
' Tin -a'" ' 'i. "f tin 'vuri'rv 1- to be
sought in a u"ru' reduilbn of
Mr loud on on linleit hv , uiiileniu
ing aiteinp'" bv tiny one 1 lass of in
diistrv to ft mut" than Us fair share
of prclit" in a propoxlt "ii where several
itiduatrles wer concerned He ex -
l.ri-sfx-il a iiojie mat tne conr.r.n.e
vou'il iieterii.ine an enuiiuoii- iii'iiiici
tlon of protits
I lire, tor aven. of T'llmi v orl.s, o
c'.ired his department is anv mis t" pJt
to work verv dollar an.'rd d it bv
I'olIIH il.
Wlrn n the nxt ni"fith.' h. said
4,. bop.- to a-k tor bids on ..rK of
h ri.tv it v ill tak. in arti.aus of
ill ilnsse- I urn told 'hut ;ir ' have
.Im-MiimI I" '.'pr "lit nnd that uorkus
ar iiutting ,".! i-et untm.ir. .'..rg, into
tii. if- work That makes n total of 7"
per i.nt III the deilllie of f.ni es, villi, ll
is nrettv good for this old . i t v
I'lirford II i 'oimelh , stut' .minus
j on' r uf Inl'"" and tndutr tutnl tl at
l'emisy.winla ha- iiioi- p ,c. e .ii.iu'd
in .iupiirtin to It; p..i ulutimi tliun anv
ntli.r state 'n th' niuntry II- iiiiid"
it plc.i thnt the present deadl... I:
i on. i- I. ndlnif be broken mid that '
in.ui and oonl'deni hIhhimI be fnstni'd
to piodu. u r-'iivul of iiid'i 'i
'the a" iimuliitlon of a find inula r
niM I Igis1iltliill to be i ..pi ml' J f.il
I piill. notl.s due ng ' slai I; timc-i" en,
lolvocat.il bj Otto . I Mulb t. i h.urn, in
of th" l'ennsvlvnn a indu-trnil board
and tin- lt siienkcr nt the noirnln,; ses-
i sion.
The i cinferen' " w n trnu-'i rred t,, tl.
i nssemblv mom of tin i lan.ber uf ( cuii
mere for the cnnd e ton thla after
Dr. Bates Thought He W.as
Being "Kidded" When
Informed, but Has Laugh
on Friends Now
rr n n .
(' CrOtS l'n
s rnze, out AJissca,
Meeting Jury at Frank & ,
Seder's. Who Made the
Award to Him
Are Your Kiddies Jingling?
Have jou showed 'em .Inck'a
.tingle l!f.' It's a limpln lim'rlck
contest nil their own and it will
keep them happy and busy while you
ate working nut yout last line for
this contest.
(Jive them the second half of the
p.iper. Show them the Jingle Hoi.
It'n on the page opposite the funny
plttures, nnd the rule that govern
their contest are the satnft nsj those
that goern this. So you can ex
plain tt nil to them.
Don't forget that .lack is offerliu
Ten Dollars a Dav
Today's award In the limpln' llm'ririt
tontest ua made hy a Jurj' of employes
of Mip Trunk Seder store, Ktcvftith
and Mariirt streets. A photograph of
the Jury appears on the buck page.
d , , , h popiIir Votc
h enterialnmcnt if "Volturo I-
fll. No ,. Socifte, ,les -10 Hnmmes
The award to be announc pel tomorrow
et 8 Chpaux" at the Elks liome on
Anil street.
' He laughs best who laugh last"
may be an old saying but the longer this
llm'rii!; -ontest continue ltt appcam
the more people begin to believe that
whoever It waB thnt first started this
t. lying was a "wise old bird" and cer
tainly "said a mouthful' '
You see, fans, there are so many
people who are being "Itiilded" uud who
have been "kidded" about their lim'
rlckin' that when n jury finally selects
them is winners, thev refuse to believe
It at first and we have to talk and talk
in order to convince them.
Take Dr. Rates, the dentist, out on
Fiftv-second street, for instance. He
is the winner of the X100 awarded to
day. When we entered his office and
told him of his good lutV, he tried to
give us the "hn-ha" and osked ua,
"What are jou trying to do. kid me?
Who sent you here any way V"
Now that's not our idea ot n hearty
welcome, but we couldn't bl.ime Dr.
Rates, because he had been "kidded '
so often before on this subject that when
the "real thing" appeared before mm
, , ,-. -.- .. -,,
I h' 'f"''l "4 b"Ii"( that "V tr,lc
And the' worst nart of it was the
fact that after we had shown him the
line that he had sent In to this omee
It 1ms an t,,,,)!,.,! out until after we have seen tnci"l" South IJroad street, with thc presi
cannot hold it. wnni.r nd , onvinced ourselves thnt he I ""nt, Mrs. Charles K. Rurber, pre-
nr she is- the nerson whose name was
ttVI. vour name is in the paper
but von are no closer to the $1(10 prize
than we are, whose names were no,
even on the nallot " This and nth-r
slmi'ur comments have been heard so
often bv Dr Rates recently that we
t nnnot
blame llm, because, at lirsw
when c saw him he was very mucii
inclined to join the ranks ot the "doubt-
Thomases- lie iigrtcil. However.
before we left his otllce. that at la.si
he has the laugh on his friends who
I Iihvc been joking with him for so long
I Dr Rates gets the $100 prize, but
one thing that he didn't get was the
1 opportunitv to spend a pleasant hulr
1 hour with the jury composed of em
Iployes from the Frank .t: Seder ( o.,
dealers in cloaks und suits for women, at
! R'eveiith and Market streets. And
1 wbi'e w rna invv him a little bit be
cause be bus carried oft" the hundrel
bucks, we sure ure glad that we were
I able to get a ' look In" ut that jury.
Yon can take it from us that it wus
some jullv crowd'
. 1 . 1 1. .1... ...; Mil..., u .-.,' 1I1A net
.nu Winn- '- .-" " :- .".
.vi r
111! IlllsV IM-lllg lill.ooj.in, ........
a . 1 1 .:... .l...f..,.i.alLlii,il .1
b id "f th. advertising depurtment of ' '" l;urpse bv the I
leV tre and well, she 'counted the.'""' Mfrln.P' """ '
,,es c V." whlH. ine had won th """I r'',,,ttj,1r ,mo,
Vl m We ,!, sh would help us here she will be is
.Vm.' n ...r mries. hwuuse she didn't "nil .leauslng stntlo
got ..ft
ii one
with .Miss t line.
,, . ,
yV.V u ' ,,ri..s lw.iV.se she didn't
wiin iii .... ;- -,-- ,---..
this Mnfnrtunat, fa. t too mucn- esix'
. i.illj when -v are as uttrnctlve us
Miss t 'line' We yonder If sho wunts
anv on. to lidp her with her "ads"?
W',11. at all ev-mts. with the help of
Mis .'line as we suid before, we
iinalh- iiiutited the votes nnd found
that the llm tdat hud reiMved the
most votes had b'-en w rlttcn by
lr. ( linrlrs; V. Hiltes
."..-.-(i lie Iinrri Street
j,fn nniies at -M North l-lrty -ses-onil
fir Hate
is a graduate oi cue i ni-
w.mtv ..f l'cniisvlvaiiin. linvlng studied
his pr s'-'il profession of dentistry Inl
that institution He was u member of
the Class of HM.'i. While atjPemi he
was iotiii.s'te.1 w Hi several musical
. lubs oriiiii'-d by the students. He
l,,is th Isfottuiie, however, of not
being "Inn n und bred" in the City of
Itrotlierlv l.nve 11" is u native uf
Willi- s-Ilair-. pu
The liiii'rl.li us lompleted b Hi
Hates n u
l.lineilcli No. ."0
s',i rf .1 ir.i.n'cii fellatr nim ! lot
I H ii In' 'i m u l inn. '
iri( lira "u c WI '.'("
1 hn' (III II i '' il in flit i'i
'f I have Jaed 'sjili.-u'. plumes' for Hell
ir i it -s' '.in rii 1. vi is .No :: on tin
lullol The otic i lines wer.
Vo 1 doe's Utr. got (he Yau 'twas
solo Lugi'ii" Harne.l .Ir ;;u7 North
Tl 'tteelltll streit
No '.' -He'll tua'ie some swert "muse,
slih," I linim.--Samucl Todd, llux 7,
fireeii'vood. Del
No 1 HI a pun, l'liuller Plum, 'ra's
ml do. -C, lt lliirniws filil." Cheater
N'o i Hul poor dsh' Kirn scales
;;;',, mind whether ,,r head "U,," ,-, pacio'i
,)(ll, or not nnd.,i,e!0" Xel''"ters "and delouslng'macl
,pt,.,. we dont U peoi le o notice lndlul,d in h,.r nv UtlngH.
One Hundred Dollars Daily
For th". llctt Latt Line Supplied by Anu Reader of the Elating PubUe
Ledger to the Incomplete Limerick Which Appears Ilelow
Coninr jpn to any one. A!l tlml 11
iwlrl for Mu to da Is to writs nntl
eot.a in rour latt linen to the Mmm-K,
n'ng for convenience the coupon urlnteJ
Mow. Picam write p!lnt. and be
ur to edd your nam and addres,
A'l anawern to tha Ltnitrlek shWi Is
l"!ntcd ts'lcw must be reocUfit at tin
o(Ile f the rM-io 1'cnLic Luiioan .v
'.'. 0.''"i.'?rl' Ttiursday evenlnic. Addnes
ut. 011.ee iiox numufr aivcn on coupon
Cut Out and Mail
nvirmr, Pt'iiuc LuDocit.
'. 0. Dor JoSl, J'hlla3tlpla.
A chauffeur sped out on York Koad
At sixty, and never once slowed; ,
He snid, "This is fine
But the fine won't be mine
(Write your anawer
Sai,,c .,
Stieet aid S't . .
C.fy ado State.
caused him wop. Louise Morehouse,
1'ennsjintnia Hospital.
o. (J If my notes are protested, I'll
? V. . Rurr. Stephenson St Co.. 145
-North Fourth Ktrcet.
No. 7- ll I need is to let my hair
crow. Theodore .T. fJreen, Uelanco.
New Jersey.
No. 8-The harp was a "cymbal" of
i'.f- .,:- A Watrous, Kingwcmrt,
thirty-sixth nnd Chestnut streetH.
:o. l- Syncopate the do-niy.s, to
ralw dough.- Mis.s Helen G. Ileaslon,
411 Last Seventh street. Wilmington,
No 10 -And "iaws" all the "black
olonU" "" - Snmuel l'atton,
21,10 Rnst Rlrch street.
Dr. Rates' winning line polled seven
of the votes cast. Line 0, by V. .
Rurr, took two votes, while Line 0, by
Miss Helen (J Hesslon. captured thc
other two.
The members of the jurv who se-
Committee Contends Vendors
Privileges Throucjh Politics
A protest will be made to Director
of Public Works Caven by thc com
mittee on municipal urt and tree plant-
in f el.. C'l.l.. IM..1. ..! -.I..I..1..
", T T '"u",!"- """
""'ium nii'-'i Diuuur
This innttr cm. I,., c,. .tic.. s .
llils matter came up for discussion at
a inectlnz of the ciimnilt-fnn f. !..,
the Civic Club, l.'UHi Spruce stieet.
Opinion wu.s expressed thut vendor
Th KA(rilflV f'hih r.f Wnrni. itiivo
n Vulon 1 1 n rifirtv thin nftrrntum to
th.. (imMinrh nf Mia Ifmlnnr fnwnHhfti
uM.y...ia f.a irAnb.. ik,,.....- ,.i. .. i...... 11
PMII'Uir, I'll - It' ll(al IM'l I CI 1 t)J a tltitl
""-" "1 ","-' : -"i'. "; """1 1''."!", , "
I ..ffnlr.
V,IIUIIII1HII Ul ll'-IIJUUU . uiiuiiatvi iv,
The Phllaiiflphiu School of Design for
Women will have an exhibition of work
of several members of the faculty In the
department of tine arts from today to
March ." The opening lerjcptlnn will be
held this afternoon.
N. Y. Health Department Will Give
Way to Federal Authorities
New York. Teh. 15 (Ry A 1M-
Th! Health Department today began
preparations tor turning over its tight
iigainst the typhtM menace here to fed-
- ....n.i 1,v,..,i,im
L'llll lll 1111 Ill uuklliri III, i'i
u,..,ol.l.. Mlnnuinl. I.M.n.H,,.1
, mr re....,,,, ...,..,. ;""'
Mirpi'se (,s wil- lllli-rilULlouui .ili-r-
tiring equippeii anil
ing to (inurantine.
n hn.n unn u lie used ns n fieifioHiot -
"' ''causing station for third-class
o. ssi risers on Incomini steamsnins.
ous medical
hinerv are
Ite'lef from the twelv-day quaran-
fini imposed on all Incoming vessels us
a ire. uutionary measure against furthet
exposure of the city to typmis. may i.p
expeiteii, sieamsiiip men sum muiiy, as
result of additional quarantine facilities
ullorded bv the Minnesota.
rvbpus claimed two victims here ves
I terdav
Murder of Policeman la Laid
Suspects by "Tip"
Two Negroes were churgc-d todav
with the murder, Januury 'N,I, of W.
.1. Ibivis, twenty -nine yenrs old, nt
Ifll'.'l Noith Hope street. Davis wus
asalgned tu the Hunting I'aik uvenue
With I'ulbcmun Unrmlej he m
tcmpteil to urn ut two men they found
loitering near Thliteenth street mid Al
b-glu'iiv uvenue. One of the m.n turned,
d"i ing u chase, nnd shot Davis.
S'everal days ago un iinunuiious let
It'-r was te.elvid by the police, charging
'ilii Arthur .Shaw and .lames ILuviv,
who give residence uddresses in l'lilrlilll
xti.et nem WiiHlilngtun, ulc responsi
ble fot the shncitllig
Auto Guard Not Vigilant
.I. oli Ku'miin. of d."H North Var
rmik strut, told the poll' e tu.lin that
paying n boy to guard his aulomoblb
(while he w.itiheil a bolng mat. h. bift
night, fallnl Io prevent its theft He,
said he parked his i ar ut llroiid unii
Vitwiiter streets und gave n bo.v u
punter tu ivntch the cm hen li
nme out the boi told him two men
came up, claimed the cur nnd drove
aw av
With Stands on the Cn OW hill street ,l. .:... .1. ..i.n I..I.UVUU, w.v: iUj. ... ... - -1---
IWIVIVUM Uiniil' U ft IMIUUVIUIIIU nilkuvn'i I
Answers lstt at tl a oft ce of the Tut
MW I'tstio Licoin will lo It ad-
3. Th wlnnet of the ONB TIWfDnBD
i)OL.IJVIl prtxo for th bent latt Mm to
each Limerick will be anntunc-d one
week afler tli Mirerlclt Is printed.
4 In enso of ties. Moil w.ll be awardad to
each aucctsful contestant
8. Ths d'delon of tlin Judges In each
I.linetlolc contest will 1 nnal.
on thli Une.;
let led the winning lints were:
.Miss Emm.i Salem. 008 Hnruce street.
Darby; superlntcndent'n office.
Miss It. Squires, 540 West Moyamen
sing avenue ; stenographer
.Miss Anna J. Sternlck. :i00 North
1 Rotiglxs street ; bookkeeper.
I .Miss .lennln Soulres. r4(l West Movo -
menslng nvenue ! inspectress.
Miss S. l'latowshy. LM3t South
Hutchinson street ; head inspectress.
Miss Sue Lemer. 2100 North Eleventh
Ntreet; bureau of adjustment.
Miss E. Relnlsh. 14t7 Noith Jlar
shall street j office.
Robert . Marshall. CW3 Willows
avenue ; bookkeeper.
Rcnjainlu V. Rullock. -171 I Horel
avenue ; bookkeeepcr.
Maurice M. Kaufman, H010 North
Hutchinson street: purchasing agent.
W. . Thompson, 1-J20 South Kitty -fourth
.street : office mannger.
Nonpartlaan Leaflue Loath to Drop
Industrial Program I continued from rare One
Rlsmarrh. N. I).. Feb. 15 (Ry A.)whJfh tl,ev rfceiv(. government assist
P.' The reply of the North Dakota Unce if they arc out of work.)
Nonpartisan League to the proposal of
i " ... u .
iTwIn-city and Chicago bankers forllqu
' t..i. .. .... i c .......
,""" " ni ": r. iiiuKiaiii ui min-
u.nn,i !n,liirl. . o-,.lf.H .ir siw
nillllons of thc nuthorked bond issues.
, for state enterprises, totaling nbout
donment of the state home building
llii rt n m vat I .vhilllj tinnb .1 nil nh in. ... 1 ..l ...t. 1l.a.lli.i.innt tArtUi.iifiililiul
ua r u Auini rtiiv.- ijuiiii uiin uuuir Niinniiu imi unnii 1 ni 11111111 111 nueuiiiuini 1
project and bond Issue. The state mill1 Opposition to the Llovd Oeorge mln
und elevator nt Orand Torks, work on ' istry nnd discontent with many of Its
.... L3 .. ...t.ll.. !. I..nn 1.. ..
MiUP ijI'IlltH', Milllt: illC JllU3tT J" Villi
ir01,Lu W OI'POni-iiiH.
prominent Nonpartisan
lonir them Lieutenant Gov-
I Wan. Tdeclnred the terms
! i... ..L ..,. .....i.i.
. fTMl
J '''ffVU'rH, amrtnff
Tiior Iiowan,
II. Ill' (-UilllHUUI
if the Independent Voters'
m. which opposes the league.
no offer in the nnture of a
be would be acceptable to them
1 Members
. . . ..
iic jureu
compromise would be accep
I -
olOMCVUIIDO nu ODCCnCDe Ingly went fur toward .llslntcgruting tne peers. '1 In n camo the Prince of nle.s,
CAHrstT WAHb UN brbbUbnb Upp(lrentlj overwhelming majority held piei-edut by nn ollicer of the household.
,bj thc premier in the House of Coin-I win, coached him tlnuughout the iro
Refusei to Permit Autolsts to Sign uions. .,,,.-, I .eedlngs.
n ,, n . Collapse of the Lloyd George legune Js,, p,.r.-onulity In the 1hi,v of the
own Han donas u jjnt frwnHli nR R is foreseen he Rouse attracted more attention than
Magistrate Carney declared tmlm pmbtiblv would be uble to control enmigli i Knur l'elsal, son of the king of the
that he. personally, would b'lak up ' votes in Commons to currj through his HedJ ik, win, occupied a. front seat. He
motorists' practices nf speeding on Pair- ministry's plans, but it was evident that I wore a civilian suit with a reuiaiknblo
mount avenue nnd Spring Garden the premier would be called upon to white headdre-s.
str.et in holding in $1500 ball each Ojrlit in his most vigorous manner It he ( .
three men whose automobile struck und was to come unscathed from the strug J)llTlls
serlouslv injureii a mini at Twenty-
second ntreet und Fairmount uvenue nt
10 o'clock lust nlghf.
The magistrate he'd Duvld Naghan,
driver of the uutom.ibile. of Hollywood
!,.,, r,..e T,. nn 1 tel h ltenliirnln
""' '",,.,,. '
uuuiernoil, , ,v uilinuiK uinmr o,'r
i 'ihlrtv -elghtn street, unu .insepn tiar-
' t n . Cabot street near 1-ltteeiith. re-
' rnu n. u eanoi.r trior riiev- rie nerni r
' d t sign their own bull bonds ft
n fiuthei- heaiing next month
Tin three men v.ere riding went iu
a two-passenger coupe, contrary to law,
n Kalrmotint avenue. Hutrv O'llricu,
twenty. one yeais old, of oW.i Ludlow
Htie.'t, was i rossing Fairmiiunt av.-iiiic
, T.i,.,,t, -si-innd street und was strue'e
,in,i km.ike.l down hi the coupe II
was taken to Laukenail Hospital
Convict Who Killed Hla Child Dies
In Prlaon Yard
.liisenh !reen. who has served about
to tli-ven years uf a maximum sentence of
twrnrwllve i(ir8 in th Dt-Inwaio
Con,,,, Prison, nt Media Pa., for the
murder of his intnnt child, dropped
dead vesterdaj in the yard of tne
prlnn. He wns n trusty and collapsed
in the aims of Warden (Seurge W.
(Jreen lived in Clifton Heights with
Ills wife ami several children. (In
the night of October l'J, MHO, he went
home Inloili iitnl, and, Urtorixlng his
lamilv, 11 red several shots ut his wife
A bullet struck his loungest child. ,
'Ireen wns sentenced by Judge Jhn
soii to lroin sevin to twenty -live M-ars
lie proved u liuidel pllson'-r
Hospital Campaign Begins
A campaign to raise .-litHi.fMJO j,r
West Philadelphia Houu-oputhU Hos-
piul wus opened last night with u bun-
quet- in tin- J'li tcher Mi I". Church
Piftj -fourth und Master sticets A
gtoup of -IX women wnrken, who will
canvuss the Twenty -fourth. Thlity-
fourth, Purtv -fourth and Korty-slxth
wards, atteiuled thc tunctlon and were
given final instructions Addresses were
. mude u tne nev, uienuril iindi'llnT,
pastor; r.awaru .n uurrin, cuairmnn of
the executive committee; Kdward O
Lewis anil Htiruuri Scutlergood
Two Sinn Feiners in Attacking!
Party Killed by Soldier
Hy the Assoclaled Press
Curie. 1'cb. in. l'lve mnlc ptKscng;er
and one woman pas.senger nnd two
members of the Irish republican army
were killed today when n passenger
train cnrrylng troops was ambushed
near Klnsale by republican forced
nrmed with bombs and rifles. Six sol
diers, two tullway officials and two
women passengers were seriously
wounded and several others slightly
wounded. ... . ,,
. The train contained forty soldiers,
who replied to tho flio of the iinibush
Ing force and a fierce battle followed.
A relief train with thc dead reuuhed
Cork this afternoon.
Twenty members of the Sinn teln
dr legation to the Rrltish Parliament lire
now in custody. The twentieth mem
ber ws apprehended in Dublin yester
day when N. .T. Crowley, member for
the north dltWon'of Kerry, wus ul -rested.
Cork, Feb 15. (Ry A P I Street
or house-to-house collections of money
for anv purpose nnvo uecn promimi-u
by Major (icneritl Sir Kdwnrd Strick
land, mllltaiv command of Rrltish
forces in Ireland, but ft is Indicated
that permlMloii will be granted In cer
tain cases.
The body of an unknown man was
found In the outskirts of this city yes
terday On the clothing was pinned n
placard bearing thc word "spy."
Washlnglon. lb. 15. (Ry A. P I
Counsel for Uonal O'Callaghon. lord
tnavor of Cork, soujht today to hnve the
State Department reconsider its decision
that theh client wiis without rights us
n political refugee nnd subject to de
portutlon because of his arrival In Amer
ica as n Htowawav without a pussport.
Department otllcerB wild careful on
fcldcrntion would be given thc claims
of O'Callaghnn's counsel, but lt wus in
timated that the department still re
gards the case us one for the Dcjiart
ment of Labor to pass upon. O ('at;
lnghan has been clasped ns n "seaman
bv Secretary Wilson nnd was ordered
to leave the I nlted Stated lust Friday
lie is now registered at a hotel here.
Violence Can't Aid
Ireland, Says King
A measure will also e introduce,! in
tne nouse oi i omiiions, mc kuik cm-
II.,iia.1 ".I.Qltnir ...ltd tlm Mafptrnfirdltlir
"-. ..""".".." -" -;"
nf esent nl Key inilustrlcs ot tne roun
' f n.t ...ll, i..ln hw-Mm .,f unfii r
; j Si unnorinal usU.ul competition:' I
.1 "K :!!x
nfter b recess of seven weeks.
the conlltion noverninent weie union
rhnsi. most bitter In their comments on
the Irish situation, nnd appeared to be.bluo ribbon of the (iarter across the
un ted with thc opposition. breast. She also wore necklaces nnd u
'f 'lomestlc situation, centering stomacher of splendid dinmon'ds.
nliriiit linemnloyment nnd high taxes, ,,, feature of the occasion Interested
' brought new elements ti the side of those
opposing Mr. Lloyd George while the
policies the premier adopted relative to
trade with Russia and ncceptuiicc of a
I Rrltish mnndnte for Mesopotumin stem-
Pre-ar rspieniior
i rvrtmnnlen incident to the opening
,t l'nrliuinent were invested with ull
theh ptc-wnr splendor, but the pag
.,nirv ,.f the duv was shot through w'. tit
u fillister note, as elaborate ptecautions!
bad been taken to protect , members of
the roval tnmiiv irom vioivncr uuu mi
prevent untowura luciuent.s in pom
Vlhitors were exciuiied irom galleries
and lobbies in the houses of Parliament,
and heavy reinforcements of constablesl
-- . . . . .. ,
and guards had been stationed at the
upprouches of estminster an.l tnrougn
, Whitehall At strategic points sharp
shooters bad Pecn pia.eu to ciicck any
iitfemiit ut disorder
The line lent prnitlce of searching
vaults beneath the Parliament build
ings, which wns Instituted In 1(10(1 us n
result of the (Jit l-'uwltes gunpowder
plot, was .arried out with fur greater
thoroughness than usual this morning
hv yenmrii from the Tower nf Tindnii,
who wore their pbturesnue uniforms.
Iliindre.ls of thousands thronged the
streets of London trom curliest day
. ..' i ilPli,tl. !.. thox mU). 11.1,1
- ()f ,, ,rom w'h,r,, tn ,
i,llni,.se of the Kln2 and Queen, thc
r, j ' of wBln-, the Duke of York and
" ; ;
J.E.Caldwell & Co.
jeweled Bracelets
King's "Former Subjects"
Voiv "Fellow Citizens"
tn hit speech from the tin one In
the House of Lords today. King
(leorgc set an apparently new preee
dent. Speaking on the question of
unemployment, the king referred to
"hundreds of our fellow citizens.
Insteud of cmpli.jlni! the usual
phrase, "my subjects." The ox
presslon may be regarded ai an II
'lustratlon of thc growth of the spirit
of democracy In England.
other dignitaries on their drive to the
Parliament buildings. King (leorgc and
Queen Mary left Ruckltighum Palate
shortly before noon, and entered n
gilded coach of stale drawn by eight
black horses.
This coach wan preceded b) five state
landatiK, each drawn by six bays, cnrry
lng members of the royul household and
state officials. The Prince of W ales left
Bt. .Inmes' Place nnd drove In a closed
carriage over thc route of thc rojul pro
cession, arriving ut the Pnrlauient
buildings uhead of the muln coutlngcnl.
lie received tumultuous npplaue from
the crowds ulong the way. .
After arriving at the en ranee to the
Parliament buildings, following th eir
drive down the .Mull, along Whitehall
nnd to Victoria Tower, the king nnd
queen were met by committees from tne
House of Lords, nil thc old-time pomp
nnd circumstance Mux curried out. 1 he
monarchs were conducted to the roDin
.,.., ... (,!. ,H,,ln the rolll Zllllery.
by thc Lord Chamberiulti, and ImvinB
ussuined their robes, proceeded to the
House of Isolds, uttended by high offi
cers of state. .
King (Jeoige there ascended tno
throne and members of thc House of
Commons wero summoned to hear bin
mujesty's Bpeech. The Prince ol.Wules.
gorgeously robed, silt at the right of
the throne.
Ambassador and Mrs. John . Davis
and L. Lanier Wlnslnw, first secretary
nt the American embassy, represented
the 1'nllcd States. The Spunlsh,
French, Italian and .Japanese ambassa
dors Intrriiluced nn Innovation by driv
ing to the opening lercmonles In their
state coaches.
An ay ul In Scarlet Robes
A rojnl opening of Parliament is a
ceremony which never loses interest be
cause us a spectacle it Is Hurpnssed only
by a (oronntlon, unu Lecuuse ot ine
assemblage It culls forth of nil the high
officers of state, thc membeis of Par
liament, the judge and the peeresses,
llefore niwn todiij the llyor of the
chamber wus pucked with u block of
peers array e.l in their scarlet robes with
white ermine b'inds, flunked on both
sides by peercs in multi-colored decol
lete evening costumes, with tiaras
llabhing ou their heads.
A group of bewMgged judges, some
of them In Muck, untl others in red
robes, wus seated just before the throne.
In nn enclosure to the right wus u block
of diplomats gorgeously uniformed and
with u plentiful display of decorntlons.
Only John W. Duvls, the Amerlcuu
ambnssudor. In the front row, nnd Dr.
Sthumer, the (Jermati ambassador, be
hind the American, wore black evening
As the roynl procession entered, led
by thc officers of the household, the
"$ Z IT?
i w,;ht't..e,Virr,;:es" tf.i.c S;
feet after then', bowed formally, lirst
to thc right, then to the .enter, nud
linally to the left,
Monarchs Take Plarr on Throno
livery one iu (he chamber stood ns
the king led the ipteen up the steps,
win re they w-"-c seated mi the throne.
A moment of ilem-e followed while us
many members of the House of Com
mons, headed by the spc-ikcr, as, could
be accommodated, crowdtd into the op
posite end of the chamber
"My lords, be seuted," said the king.
As the assemblage scutcd itself tin
lord chuncellor, who was having trouble
to nvoid stepping on his gown, bunded
the king the manuscript of his speech.
This King (icorge reud slowly, while
the lights played ou the grcut jewels in
their mujesties' crowns.
With the reudlns coiiclud.d, the lord
chuncellor took tin"? manuscript, the
king and the iiicen aroe, uud the cere
mony was oyer. It hud occupied only
ii ipiurter of un hour.
After their majesties had bowed again
to'the three sections of the chamber the
f I procession tiled out nt the left of the
f I throne.
I Ouccn Mary wore und. r her robes nn
i evening gown of lemon color, with the
the House more than the prcseni e of
the Pi inc.; of Wules und the Dul.e of
'ork. 'lho duke, in tho ruins ot n
, peer, cnterid a few moment before uoop
land took u scut in the front row of the
, Moiut. -on ivo -,. iuji
ut Ir i late t- '
''"il.-e illilo Over1rt)l.
'1"HH. iiirerl 71 i-iiK
in r.i vs til I e a: veil
nvv. JV.MHH s-,
Uue n.'tle of iu
vil. IUSdN on FA, 1( JuIlN T. his
l.nul r.f tli,- hit" Marc 11 (ilo.a.,n K.I.
liven an! frlnl mJ nil roektli'. ,t hlch
Thurs.iav nt s :io ,. m ln.i resilience 'nor.
iW.lt rnlZ. T"1
i. ns a menu r. invii'O to ruiifrnl.
Piiss i em
WI1.IIXMS oi 1V1. il i.ivmi i. i
Wll.l.lAVS iiai.l T-J U-lAlK.H uiil fri nJrt
uttfriil ftir.ttrtit nn hna Thiieudu n ..
: -- -s . .,,-,- uui rw I. . 1. I1
"i ' ' r"i.i.ii. .!.: v. nt t i--ri.-i.i.
J1 ";nci,'',::i",',;,""" 8 t0 u' "" "r v
iiituitsiib t-vt. n l.wv wWnw nf
.m'ik'iiii ..I iiromipi. Hjeu ri vfurs Ilel.i
tlv uinl frlniulB nr lniliM to atttnil fn
Hfeu r.l
1 livll"0
nem. Ktvi'i'H
1 ile i.sl.lMni
imirsua. ii f
in ,
at h.r
Bi.il roMeiton
mci: iinv.it.
lUniil.l.l, Krb 1 4 Hijj. WII.I.IVM
i. I)I',,',-,1,'. "' the rejllfin.4 uf his .laus'litm,
Mrs WllPain A Smith Mountain nv sn.i
All r.l ialt I.ant Due nutlce of tl. fu.
nersl will he ulvtn
IiiJ.VOVN Teh ja nt.IZAIti;TII M
rtaUKhler uf niu.ili, ,i the lat i-nrnal'lus
liunovan. . avr .'1 P.slutlv,., an,! fn.n.ii
hI.u It
V S-iiluiitv ut th. Asc'iislim
He i.vltnl to ilIi.ii. li fn.,.-UT
riiur. .
Thurnlav S 30 u
friirn nuirliMp.u ...
.If ine. nil" cirin.s ,1
lllali mass nt C hur. h
uf th. Aki .Mlloil 111 n
Sepulchre I'eniter'-
inierni'ini Ilolj
-N-.lN - 1.1, I) u.Jl AVVA I
l1'i7',r.81r.r.V tu" ,! u'Un'V
is '.'mil i i am.ien v j ", "Ar,"', ,',.;'"
'.ll'.; iSTl"!!l ,loT" ' ''r'-rs may JI'm
..iineaj avinina
iiiun ui tf'.itii tt, iunmn fttffM
mam nn
L.uin l ii.
Wholesalers' Socrotary WoiVt
Testify in Senate Probe -n.
volvetl U. S. Officials
Ry the Assoclnled Tress
Washington, IVb. I.-, .n ntt.nim
was inutlo todny by the Sennte ..t i-
vestlgntlng committee to pm dnni,
charges that govcniment oflicinls n,)
railroad evecntlvcn iirollteered In ,.,)
during the ishortugo Inst summer but
(leorgc 11. Ciiwliliig, seorctui-v nf i...
American holcsulo Cool Assoclati,,
who made the original allegation; re
fused to testify without first obtaining
ml vice of counsel. He wus given until
2 p. in. todny to obtain that mime
The cominltHc made formal dema',,,l
upon Mr. Cunning; for the nnincs 0
thn railroad officers and gocnimeni
nltiebiltt hut l,i i,nWl l,A I....I 2 .. ""T
his original stntcment ns " Hnuge)'
iiiui nun, nu ii.u uui. uciiee trliniiiantr
Senator Ktnyin, Reptiblienn. Iowa
declared the Activities of Mt Ctishlnr
lestllieii to when he was befott tli
(ommlttce sotiio time neo wen "iioililt,.
more or less than gruft," if substantl
11. C. Alvord, n member of the fej.
ernl ttndc coinmlsslon stuff, nskisl t,
testify, saying his mime nnd that of
Hugl! Kerwln, director of conciliation
for thc Lnbor Department, hnd h(.,ri
mentioiied in connection with Mr
Ciishing's previous statement, nnd tint
they wanted t deny uny churges n ih,.
kind if Mr. Cu-hlng or iin)hodr else
made them. The committee nKn ex.
ciised him nnd Mr. Kerwin, who tm
present, until nftcr Mr. lushing t tt.
Thirty-nine Loiterers Reprimanded
Magistral Wrlglcy, of the Twentv
fourth district, today telenseil thlrtr
nine young men arrested Mnndav br
the police when they were found in
groups near Cramps' shipyard, the
strike district, Mnglstrnto Wrlglcy rep
rlmunded the thirty-nine for fal'lnj
to be nt work untl Informed them that
three months In the workhouse wnulil
be. the sentence if they were nrrestel
again. Anthony (lore, of H.Yi'.i y,tii
estmorelnnd street, heenme nngry nJ
was sentenced to ten days for contempt
of court. After thc vest hud been il
missed, (lore's sentence wus suspended
v 4 -0- 4
703 Chestnut Street
Send No Money
Hoffman House Bouquet)
$2,50 Box of 50
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. ta..H. 1..I I .mil Mltnfl '
(.il mm
nnisl ninlliin melivl l.lie.in
iiinurd ir nut aatlhluciir.v.
Don'r Mi,s Thin Life-Timt
Mull Orders rrmnntlt, l'lll"i
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m lliinttil Ml Oir the ounir
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"' ' ','A .Hi' i 'i
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it Will ii1 wii -
imm te
IIS mm
iwii!iiitii' I f. if M
N. i
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tAnA.". .