7. STWI'Vf ' 'WlV'MfcrtfJ.K'..,i-j 3V r " VWTlf Jf If " ' 1 If i Vt T T EVEOTNtf PUBLIC (LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBEUABY 15 lifel 19 BROOKLYN THEY KNOW SPRING IS. AT HAND WHEN UNK WILBERT'S ROBINS BEGIN TO CHIRP .tC-i ' ,mrW" if - IC -yr'TVJ SQUASH GREAT GAME TO CONDITION PLAYERS Experts Show Fine Form in Matches for Pennsyl vania State Title at the Racquet Club , By spick HALL. nQUASH HACQUET8, which lias M grown to huge proportions of popu larity Mncc the national title first came kere in H07. l tho Krcntcst ,n,loor -Inter sport to keep athletes in condl- .! The gn""1 's partlc"'"'5' K""1 in keep lawn tennis players In shape !,, t out on the turf or clny'roiirta In X. earlv sprliiR. Any man, and there r n.nr ? them in Phllndolprln. who Si. nlsyed through the leaKuc season .S3 In the various tournaments will find himself all set to make a real show -? at Inwn tenn s as Boon as he has Kome ncc"8tome,l to the "feel1 o the tennis racquet after having handled the Innnoh hat all season. Haunsh racquets has a big two-fond ulue. H keeps the player i In shape for he miring, slimmer and fall sports, and I fa K It-elf a real pastime There is no lame In the world that develops the . better than squash racquets. The fh.nng rsi-l'llty with whlcl. the little rubber pellet travels nrotind the four walls compels a plnyer who wishes to become an expert tb develop a "follow ,,e" The squash racquets player who i. n" keep his eye on the hall instinctively Ants the same In other branches of portn, and this is n big asset, because roDe is so fost. rhjslttil Developer Saunsh racquets develops virtually try muscle in the body, besides elv lnr the regular player enough wind to enter any kind of a contest, When one watches Wallace Johnson or Stan. I,v Pearson play it Is not surprising hut when they step out on the tennis courts in the spring they arc able to rn the limit. If necessary, in any match and been none the worse for wear. Another fine feature of squash for the tinnlH plner is that' it develops the backhand equally with the forehand. t imvn tennis most players, even i,. rrent little Hilly Johnston, have nnlv a defensive backhand, but in ..!, ihi hnrkhnnd stroke Is lust ns ,.eh nn offensive slap as the forehand While the backhand in squash is not nimllnr to lawn tennis's hnekhand, it tenches the tennis player to realize the value nt developing a kuu, ihuiu-wiu .in trnkp nn tliel eft side. Speaking of Stanley Pearson, he is onf of the favorites for the Pennsylvania title. This tournament began yesterday fternonn nt the Itacquet Club with mi.-tv.tun entries. Most of the first miind matches were played mid the athers will be nlaycd off todny. Tomor row there will be no matches, but on Thursday piny will be resumed and the tournament will be finished this week. In a match played today S. F. Ilecvos, f Cnrrnnntou'ii ('. C. wns a winner over C. C. Jones, a Mcrion ('. ('. player.' The scores were l.-7, jb-H nnd li-. Stanley Penrson won his match from W. (i. Myers with ease in spite of the fact that the final game went to 18-15. In the first two games Pearson was the master throughout and he made many points by his speedy shots to the corners which left his opponent flnt- I Villanova Forward Replaces i Logan for Individual Honors in Cage League A a result of tallying fourteen points in the only lengtie gnmc of last week, Al Shubert. Villanova Preparatory for ward, went into first place In the senr Ihr records of the Catholic League. He displaced I'.ill I.ngnti. Purple and C.old forward, who wns at the top Inst week, llcsiih" lending the league in i-coring, I Phubort Is nlsii the lending foul toscr nt the circuit, His great work From the fuiil line really won the gnmc Inst rrldny fioin I.u Snlle Preii. It has also kept him among the loaders through- out the sensou. Scoring records: fi rd a, 14 111 11 20 111 S 17 II VI 12 10 :i ii n g. 4S 37 4.1 .1 II .1:1 l is o T Shubert Vlllanoa . 7(1 l tffKn ( atholic Mcllenrj Went Catholic. . Ittnnenlierirer 'lllHnova.. Mulltn West Catholic Murph St Joe . . i Cultej, I'atholle Wake West Catholic McNall) l altialle . . . Tn Villaho,t Martin St Joe Shaehler I a Snlle Millie J l.u tUlle llanlxan '11Ihho.i . .. Urnlln St Joe 1irUln I a Salle , n-Wte V l.a falle UnMe, Vet Catholic Ponohue Cnthnlle. . ... '1'iwen Ij. Salle .... V'nw k Ia Millie Clirthatt l.i Salle ... . Iradlev St Jo fil Klli)ti Weal Cnthnlle. ""Mtterit Catholic . . 1 rr J . , Salle .... K'ntiKly Catholic Qjlnn, Vlllanoia Jloilii Catholic Puian ,St Joe Lynch Jit Joe Itarrett l.a Salle Sullivan, I,k Salle unnlff St Joe Samuela West Catholic. . Wmala, Went Catholic ;,. Wett Catlin'llc. 'folloran Writ Catholic. . . lofhford l.a Salle Je'y Kt Joe I)ony Villanova. Hin.y. .a Halle "!" l.a Salle on 7 13 tl :in ns 30 -'I -' J i J3 is is 14 II 14 111 111 r, II n n ii i t t t i 12 o 0 .1 I o ii 0 4 0 0 II Ilasvhall Happenings i.n'j f the "fi.-. i. . rr ""'"" new mnnnger of ne?,i h" lh''"itlnnal Iairuo team, an Dili T.,i, ' .X"V ''la team woul.l train h M",,11 Columbus, (la nnle said CliereHiiL'.i' "'fond base o the team. "i-.., ."' '"" ieiiri inai no would lie u ' Tier, nianacer , N'' lork "J'eh,, hv ,' Mllaauke Alio V flnt,.-,n llm ..!,!. n- auk... .'. I".'"'". '" " ' the Viii v.l. V-... !.... i - 1 ilsn.T . ,.....' """ ''"sociauoil clllli. """iced i ,!:. '"-' contract. It waa lleaiimnnt. Wn.r ."''.' "."Her ("II ff ) Schaller "Utnelil,, ! , ;"!', ' '.' American IrfiiEU- ' "ti rueimi .."T '"'"n"'"" Tt xns Iaau- IV "'in based from I'ortlaiid. of "tuilsl ,,"luA'.n,'!lW- "'" "'" pl" I'"" 1 i i'i r J. i " ",,H summer, avcnrdlnii ...... ,,, ,, niiiiiiiiuM elied today b tho local , lull. (hie, 'm.,1. '".r-"fn fh. , I.. I. -- ... "rnnu, . ... " "U Am.,-,.. .. . "'.' V"''rr' " '"" for ,,::". X.. ,n"1 '"'rc. '""W I" .rr Ih.i ..'; . '' "eiisun inoicat ons '""H be ',,,"" ?.rnlMl"- '" ls Kamea "r, f,Vo, '' ."J."'"1""' "ome of the club ""or, win L.11 ISI-K.ime sr lediile. The ml"t l,,L1u.n'l,;n Ar" t !' date of the ""T 2 nrnvlV"','nVK' ,l'"' close nbnut.Oe "fried oui .;i;',,.,,l,I,1,,?K',m- ,1'rosrain " i resiiinu Ulckey said W xer t0 Qlve Dl8lon Soon v ''ni.n"."'1 ';:' ' -l-rsrik linker third f i'ller In Vh.'V" r nmne lrtmJT.',' the Yatdi.A .,vi.nur, ""I. s..i,nr. ""lie- owner-, made publlo Mill bltiir ' In .,C,'rl dais u.i, WPU let them know tn " wl,fthcr h would return to NOW TOPS CATHOLIC SCORERS National Championship for Germantown Club Tho Oermantown t'rlrket Club seems to Im RTtUn it corner on national rliiim Plonslilrm. Not only will the tuttlonnt lnwn tennis slimles hr pltireil nt Mnnlirlm this Jew, hut Ihr squash racquets till will lie tlfflded Ihcrr. These, will be played shortly after the 1'cJinsrlinnln, tite tour (lament Is llnlshrd. Ml. cities will enteri rhllndrlphln, w York, llnnton, Haiti more, lletrolt mid l'ltt.biirsli. footed. The scores of these gumes wcro both 15-10. Among the other contestants who arc expected to make strong bids arc Wal lace F. Johnson, national lawn tennis semlfinallst: W. F. Harrlty. Frank S. White, former national champion; W. II. T. Iluhn Is one of the young players who has developed rapidly nnd Is likely to give the best a run. All of these enmv through their first round in good shape except Wallace Johnson, and he did not piny. He meets T. M. Jackson today. The match between Frank White and I). A. Ncwhall was considered by ninny the feature mntch although It did not go the limit of games. White won the first game at 15-10, but his gnmc was slightly off In the second and New hall took full advantage of- this and won at 17-15. In the third game White enmo back with a rusli and won nt 15-8 nnd annexed the final nt 15-li! nfter his opponent had obtained a good lend. Game Comcbacli One of the gamest performances seen in n squash racquets match iu years oc curred yesterday when Stan Pearson's brother Forrest defeated II, A. Haines In u limit match 10-11., 18-14, 15-IS, 10-18, 17-15. Iu the final game Unities lin.il Penrson 14-8, match point. Unities evidently figured that he mircly could put over a point sooner or Inter and win, but he reckoned without his opponent. Penrson instead of giving the mntch up ns lost put forth nil of his energy nnd skill, tied the score then ran the game and match out. It was n great performance nnd Pearson de serves much credit for sticking to an apparently hopeless cause. The match between ('. II. Jennings and Frank llrndley drew the biggest gnllery of the day. Itradley finally won out nfter five sets hnd been played, lintli men put up n skillful exhibition. The rallies were, for the most part, fast and prolonged, as each Is n masjtcr tatlclan. The Pennsylvania state champion ship matches this year nre sure to draw far bigger galleries than ever before if yesteniny's attendance can be taken ns n criterion. The gnllery was large at every match and enthusiasm ran high in the close contests. The summaries follow : C. II Jcnn'ncs ilernteit F. Bradley. lX-lO. 12-1S. 1.1-0. 1.1-17. I.V 12. IV . T Hjhn Jr.. defeated I'.iul C. nrbmnn. l.VS. 1.1.4, lli-7. Stanley YV. I'enreon defeated W. O. Jly. em. 1.V10. 1,1-10. IS. 1.1. P. TearKon defewtrd It A. Hulnca. 10-1.1. 18-14. 18-ta. 1H-IS, 17-1.1. H, y Peacock defented O. Zlnn. 15.11. 18-12. 1S-1S (. I!rewter defen'.eil W. Heed, 14-17. M-10. 1.1-7. 12-1,1, l.-.-fl. ' Wntson Mnlono defeated 1,. H. DetAine, 15-12, 1.1-S. 1.1-10. V. H White defeated D. A. New hall. m-io. 1.1-17. r.-R. 1.1-12, S. P. Clark defeated II. Ilreck. 18-1(1 1.1-S, 1.1-11 II, M. Vtllco won from II. II. Kndleott by default. S. .Samuels defeated n. 1.1-13. 1.1-12. 12-1B. lfl.1,1. jr. Edward. Boots and Saddle S'stcr Susie will start In the fourth race at Havana today, well placed. Currency nnd American Fugle nre other sprightly ones in the four-nnd-u-half furlongs dush. Hows In the other events showing good recent form are: First: (irey Uuinp, Sttirkniler, Hhadnmes. Second': James, Frank Iturke. Douglas Fair bnnks. Third: First Consul, Arthur Mlddlcton. Senator James. Fifth: Iiocnlr. Huntress. Uthollck. Sixth: Night Wind, Attorney Muir, Mnthcr. 1he I.mplre City riHClnir Awnoclntlon'a etakea prouram provides for alxteen fea turea. which carry a value of JI17,.1()0. The meeting will occupy a part of July, beirln tilnir ut the close of the Aqueduct meetlne. .Jockey II. Marinclll, the crack HshtwelKht apprentice, nrtounded a lare crowd at Tl- Vn.n !7l? ,.hl'r ,,ay ,)y wnnliur five races Jlarlnelll h victories on llarhara Shllllnu and J. J. Jlurdoik were coinpiiratlielj eaay but he waa comnelle.l to put up eensatlonnl rldee on Krmaiiinna. Irish rald and Yukon to pilot them to victory Ilia ride on trial, Jluid waa dcicrll)d hi particularly brilliant. The drat tr.iln'oad of horsea for shreve. port left New Orl-un eaterday. to be fol lowed tomorrow and Thursday by other con. HlH-mnenlN. Tin meetlni; will open on Kcb ruary 111. Kicks and Dribbles . ,"".. !J',"r'I' hp semifinal of tl,o Kohl febl challoiiin, cup aeries between the linn inoi I. makers and Snellvnhiirir. who drew bo In tho firm round, will bo staged ,m the MiriMin b.istbill (jrounda at Tuurth ai 1 Ilerl.s s're-ti llnrdnlrk A Ma-ee will now face the I lilMher Mirners In the scmiriiml rounil iVm Binre ibn t mi team in drawn In an llled nnmtiur cup content next Haturday ihlu ris?"i.f,,Wuh;Ir:,usor.tal iup iu ,' Kiirlillek drsen.s rrcat trrdit for the J.....i... n-V. iV... """ii i. ninrn .n,.iit. , ,,., i, m, airtei team lit. imo him for its defiat. cannot A rliiuniloii e.ui Isn't alw.i,s pin)!,,. . baiiipionehli; ball. Take Suiulav's enme i tween the VI, trlx and k'awi.od. The VI o sired elein .a a much stronger team wt tho dowiitownera gave It th worst Irlmnitn It has had this season, ncorlnk- 9 goalL "o !" Ijlst jnir's double rlmmnlona. ,r J Dobion. bus found Its soldo, and surprli-.l the local fans .here when It scored i i.i. to 2 a-.'alnst .New York I ' . on Katunlit uohHon iitlll looms .is a tin unmlvur cup again pos lib, wlnnir of this season. Next hiindaj- afternoon on the i;,j'nood Kiounds. at Thirty-first arid liieklnson slrittt. a bncflt mutch will bn plajed bt twein K i j wood and West I'liiladelphiu All ytara The proceed will K i on', ,,f tlit Kaywood plajers. who waa smerli Injured In a recnt K.ime Johnny Moroan Beats Callahan ljincilMer. I'n., Kob tS. .Sul.ntltutlnu for Johnny WoIkusi In tho Up. round feature tout nt the opinlni,- show of th liii,,,,w.. i A (' . lliittinan and .Mllle, promoters. Lew Si hupp made u highly irediiable showlnv ak-aliiHt Johnnj Hill, of York llolh boys lliilshi'd siromt and no 'l.inmu... wan dun either Johnny Moraan. of Philadelphia and Mllllo Callahan sae a kooiI exhibition In tho acmlllnal, the liunurs Kolim to the lultur. Dreyfuss Gets Prized "Valentines" ' ritl-buriili, IVli IS. - A pair of rain itecl.H. sou i lilrn of llileii mliiK days n laseball hie. waa the mi M prli:i,i "aleu tli e" reieU.-il esl nli.y b Itarnev irfuss 1 lesldent uf lh- I'lt'ahurKh Nalloniil l.euiin club. A fan sent tho checks On,, hid l-n attiicliid tu .i ticket Isaued for the Invt name played In old Cxpoalt on Park. June 111 lllllll The other was datid October S llluli the ilov on which the I'lratta upnuil u worll (.el lea wl'li Detroit Madden Stops Sailor Maher New York, JAli. IS Tiitnmv .Madden the llrooklju llshlweluht. kmuked out bailor IMdle Maher. of l.unii Island Clt, In a lwele-ruund tout nt tho b reeport Audi torium. Freeeort I. I , In the semifinal tout, I.ee Wlllctts defeated Kid laa'ka after eluhi fftt rounds Hernennt Touo was knocked out by Happy Kuan In the fourth round. In another ilx-ruium tilt Lou Kel ihell received the Judte'a award over Larry Murray , SCHOOLBOYS READY 1 Northeast and West Phillies Clash Tomorrow Swim mers Active The scholastic track season is now on In full force. The dual meet between the Northeast High nnd West Philadel phia High athletes In the Wcst-Phllllcs' gym tomorrow will be watched with much interest by all the high school athletes and track coaches, for these preliminary meets usually snow the way the title meet will go. Next Wednesday a week the Central High and West Philadelphia athletes compete in the West Phillies' gym nasium. Oermantown High and hflutn crn High arc also on the program for meets. The annual championship meet will be held on March 0. The freshmen arc holding their indoor track anil field meets and have scheduled their title meet for March 7. Swimmers to Compete The swimming teams arc preparing for their dual events. Tomorrow night the Oermantown High and West Phil lies' swim in the West Ilranch 1. M. f A. nonl. Tim Skvnrthmorc IntCrScllO- lostlc meet will be held next Saturday afternoon. Tonight the West Philadel phia and CJIrard College swimmers com pete in the Olrard pool. Many of the important and final ban ketball games of the season are bclnic nlnveil nt thl lime. Hrown Prepara tory School athletes visit Wilmington tomorrow for the game with Salcslanum High and will find the Delaware boys a worthy proposition. Ablngton High plays at Lower Merlon High, while the Ablngton girls visit Narbcrth's High gymnasium. Villanova vs. St. Joseph' Villnnova Preparatory School and St. Joseph's Preps play a Catholic League game tomorrow at Villanova. After the closo call with La Salle, the Main Liners nre not going to take any chances against the strong Crimson and (5rny squad, and It will be n hot battle from start to finish. Villanova, with four games won and only one lost, has nn islgo on nil the other teams and will not lose this advantage if it can be helped. West Catholic High's athletes are putting on their finishing touches for the Trinity High game at Urooklyn next Saturday. Following the Camden Illeli names today the West Catholic (ltiintets will put in some strenuous practice tomorrow, and then take it easy until after the Urooklyn fracas. Trinity High will get a chnnce to nlnv here, for a return game is listed for Saturday. February 2(1, so whether the locals win or lose there will be a chnnce for another victory or revenge for a defeat. It's a pretty safe bet the Catholic High athletes are not looking for an easy time of It when they play Ln Salle tin Friday. These two teams are both 'comeback" quintets of particular class. It will be interesting to note which team has come back with the greatest force, and ns La Salle made Villanova hustle some to vin the Pur ple and Gold anticipate n battle royal. FIGURE-SKATING DATES Three-Day Champlonehfp Meet to Be Staged Here The schedule for the international figure-skating championship of Amer ica, which will be held nt the Philadel phia Ice Palace Fehrunry 2T, SO and i!7, has been unnounccd by John Lewis Kvnns. chairman of the championship committee, The championship, the first of its kind to be awarded to this city, will be held under the auspices of the Philadelphia Skatiug Club and Humane Society, the oldest organization of its kind in the country. Schedule : rBMlL'AnT 20 8:3ft a m. Womtn'i Junior, school fsurea. 1:31) p. m. Women's Junior, free skatlne, U.UO p. m Men's Junior, school figures. KEimi'AIlY 20 8:30 a flcures 1 .00 p ures. 7:00 p, 7::iop nkatlnk- S .00 p m Women's championship, school m Men's championship, school He- m Men's Hinlor. free skatlni:. in, Women's championship, free m Women's chiimptonjhlii, free i skating 10 ao a ll.no u 11:30 a lT.nitUAHY 27 m I'alr skating- ihampior.-slilp, m WalUlna- championship, m Ten-step championship. Physicians Watch Rawson Im Armeies, Calif.. Feb. IS. Physicians were watchlnc closely today the result if an operation on the brain of Ueorgu A, Haw son, amateur athlete, of Seattle. W'asti.. who has lwon unconscious since January .'0. when he engaged In u boxing bout at Pan dena, Calif The operation waa performed nt a I.OJ Angeles hospital, late jesterday. n was stated at the hospital Kawson wai "oolnir falrh woll." W. Va. Rejects Yale Track Date Morg-untowii, W. Vn.. Tib. IS An Invi tation for i dual track meet Iwtween Yulo utn Wett Virginia l'nlerslt has been ro fused bj the .Mount-iliievrs b-cause the ath Idle field here Is not In good condition. Y'als asked that the West Vlrain uns Btnge a traca inet during the third week In March, leu as tho field which la being Improved, will n I not ! readj by tnut lime, tne inviia'.lo: was not lioiepted. Collins and Heddon in 18.2 Final t lereliuid, F,-b 1.1, - t'ero Collins, of Chi caco the champion, and Charles Heddon, of lowaac. .MUh., former title holder, meet here tolllKht In the final Kami of the ni.tlonal amiteur IS, 'J bulk'lne billiard chant pionship tournament. Trot and Pace Notes Miss Marque, SilO'i , bv Hlr Marque, be raced this eur b John Toy, of city, who rates her hlirhl). in thh. Th( local trotter Dugout 2x8U, by Axworthy, will be cumpaluned this Dillon J.1SOP us a tcur-x'.ii " I l.i ii Iiry has a rovally bred two-rar-od aoirel till ln iralnliiK. aired by Ktawah, u,lv ai.'l '"" "' ,hB "real race mire Muda ilu. S.ou1. b Uuy Axworthy, a.os'i. 11 Coe of ,N'awlaek farm Paoll. Is nomination the foal b Worth) IVter, ! us1 out of Muda Ou, In tho futurities. Next Saturday the mvmbera of tl.e Mount lliill M.illnee DrlvliiK l lub will meet In that town in transact business of Importance, Includlim the election of oflliers for the com Inn n-ason's work Sexen reat stallions are ut (he fanioiii Walnut Hull stock farm: .Moko hiaI Walnut It'll 'J.os't , l.u Princeton "J III owi.ed b llarlon Pardee, of Atlantic Cllv. Peter bcotl. ill owned by Henry ollor, of I'llislniruh. Pile'r Volo, "J .02: S.HI KrillU'laco, 2 07'i , ollil Jluy Axw.irth (I). 2 .OK'.. It has been announced tint II K tiev cr.'ux ureeldiiit of the (Irnnd I'lriuil. Is the ii. w own r ef Arlun Hue CD 2 01',. wlunei of last s i sun's Kentuckc l-utuili aim without mishaps should pnn u brilliant memUT of t''" -Murphy strlnu. rdwaril V tleers the noted rHinsuiin wlui celebrated his seventieth blrihda las month, has elithteen head on the moe, w bleb will be prepared for an aclhe ciimpalKn tbb season Peter June la lielne headed for a fifth trip our Ihe (Irand Circuit This jear'u Coal, Iron and Oil Circuit will consist of Apollo, August 4 to 7: New KVn .ininnn. Dullnli. Pulaski. Puniautawney Ccmneaut Lake, Ilgtlcr, Tlltisvllle Dayton,, gUiueboro and Nw Catlt. ' F RACK WIEETS West Phillies May Win Title Today fest rjildujelphla nnd Honlheni llluli elnah In a II ch School I-asue basket Rttt !".T. ' "flertioon iu the, Soulli 1'hlladelnhla High gymnasium. I'.rerv Ihlnr polnu to West rhllarielphln, le try. us the present leactie leader ore !n..ftront and hate n good srlp on the title. A victory for West l'hllndelphln will mean possession of the Dutch Company trophy nnd the HUh School Iniue basketball championship for 1fUl, If ttJiltli I'htlllen pull a surprise, then Weal lilladelnhla mnst beat Frank ford on Frlduy to rapture the title. CIIKII.K FOR TODAY HUh Hchool ICnitiie Northeast Illrh at Frankford lllsli, Oermantown HUh at C'entnil tilth. Went Philadelphia at Mouth Philadel phia. Other (lame Itaverford Hchool at Radnor Illxh. Oermantown Academy nt I.andorrne Dish. Iladdon ltelnlits llltii nt t'olllntswood wAt Catholic vs. Camden Illtb nt K, of C. Hall. Ambler tilth nt Jenklntown Illsrli. GENEVASEEKS REGATTA Start Move to Bring Poughkeepsle Races to Seneca Lake Geneva, N. Y., Feb. "M. Hesldents of this city have sent n letter to Charles II. Mapcs, chairman of the Poughkeep sle. board of stewards, nsktns him to come to Geneva for the purpose of in specting Seneca lake as n course for the intercollegiate regatta. If Mnpes finds Seneca lake suitable for the regatta, the Chamber of Com m,i Is reniTv tts'nrbmote the scheme. Copies of the letter addressed to Mnpes nlso were sent to ,Tohn Arthur Hrown. of the University of Pennsylvania, nnd Chnrles E. Tremntl, of ( ornell Ini - Versity. both members of the board of stewards. I & WSil s1i9fMsB 1.. 'i'.,i-s ;:':';' HiflB rMfi. yALr ' Wli Ml ! sfet vf ?. py r'';i:V:i:iUlyuVi V'-iEiiiiaHi tUMjLLiw It mm 'VmMtKA , ,7v-r:& s5)v $UJl w&&fi&iMMiv ' Id'Wilw- ffi- ... ; i , UMl Ml ''m ! asBBlnTT' 'JVslLl WmHf, LsV llll limir Bfti in i i J sTO &r Ifl'N t .' ' : :;:: i''?I:: :-::: ::;::::i:':!::::A ttlr1 ?lL ! !J:'i " MIIU I liTA'Trit.i A'l i7'liiW-lrTL!J er77f"vf--- " pAll l iisVA''i' -: I ' ,i-.i:-!iU:.V::"-'!'!'!'-'!'i!i'l:-':'irJi:M FTJfSrtfffl'C " .. -sfc- Drawing from a pltotorxnpli by our Mr. Gary, Li 1 i S: l ?Hi -! aiU :MU-sU"-t-s- M slmifc1 iUsss! yMw' H Mcskk I MSEE? fu' 'UrWBiOvHs'1 showing the loading of Cavalla (Turkish) tobacco jjmJ-I'lHiinitjiilliitiiSjililiJ'J'I'JiB Wil3HlVWtsi JKMBlLJT jJffMFsaP aboard lighttfS to be transferred to the ocean VjK .V jK::::HHiiHy'lM-S:-Uf::lT;l! ifll:imUt&VLV Us)rii"n ssl(jJ2ttrjfc liner inmid-stream. The tolnioco is picked, leaf xtllilV'i-l-nUVliiVi'i'U'l JZlj& s? ssfjao by leaf, arM tiphtly packed in burlap bags jK tfM i : ' : 3 :--: i -i Nmil-iVtil tilUlsll llvVsVut K 13tuslw " weighing from fifty to a hundred pounds each jl inAV:ia;';MilV'ilH ii" ItiiiiiMWI IP1 'il irT I 1 "lilHIillf Amateur Sports The Sixth ltcglment armory will be the scene of nn Important clash tomor row evening when the West Ilranch . M. II. A. five will oppose the Central Ilranch, of the same association. The gnmo will decide the Young Men's He brew Association championship of the city. West ltranch has dropped but one game during the entlr1 season. This game, however, was droppetl to the strong Wlldwood quintet. The Ccn- tral Ilranch also has been playing a I good game of late. In p. preliminary clash ,to the chom , pionship meeting, the West ltrnnch I Heservcs will meet the Post 117, Amcr i lean legion quintet. Dancing will be held immediately after the game. Large following of both teams nre ready for the "erooclal" clash. The Mount Cnrmel llor Heouls would Ilk. to book gumes with twelvo to fourteen iar old nves havlnir halls, Danny Murray, SOU Jackson street. Tlie Vnndalla C. C. would tike to Ret In touch with second and third class ncs, either In or out of tho city. It. Wldener '.'330 South Chadwlck street. The IMmonte C. C. after running a suc cessful dance, I now looking- for a clubhoute In which to hold Its meetings and use as a clubroom M. llosus, earn of St. Monica's C. C , Seventeenth and Illtner streets. The Cleartlnw captured an easy win ner the llcdemont A. A. the other nleht by the score of Rl to 2. Kensington A. A., a ftrsvclaao tra cling aggregation, would like to arrange games with teams of the same caliber offering re.i. snnoblo guarantees. J II Dalley, 71U Ilel Krarte street . . The Twelfth I'nlted 1'resbytcrlan Chnreh has placed two teams on tho floor for the rest of the season. Oame will be played In thx church hall on Tuesday and 1'rlda I nights against all clubs having -econd and third class qulnteta. James Oreenhalgh, 1 27.11 Helen street. tist with ni , h"lmt.,h",i' I 'The Unl'ei Cumberland: A. V. desires to scnenuio eon nrteen to seventeen year old me Vincent l isner. -non men- erUv limit Club would like to .hear from second nnd third class riultitMi 'houad"e.ru?da7'aaVmem"j,l. I Devltt, 2312 11ns street, Rare Turkish tobaccos give distinction to Chesterfield's blend AVALLA and Xanthi; Smyrna and Samsoun world-famous for their snicy aroitia and delicate flavor certainly they make for a smoother, better-tasting cigarette. But bring these fine Turkish tobaccos over six thousand miles of ocean blend them with our home-grown Burley and other choice Domestic tobaccos blend them care fully and shrewdly in that can't-be-copicd Chesterfield way then and not until then, have you got the real smoke the smoke that makes men smack their lips with joy the one smoke that can and does completely 'satisfy" C-H-E-S-T-E-R-F-I-E-L-D! LlGGLTT & MYLKS ToHAGCO Co. Mill.. .hSNlii IK (,lli'''i!.l'' 20jor20 cents In air-light packages. Also obtainable in round tint of 50, yacuum-sealcd. nrMMnmvTmn ! rLHI1lLLrI ltf.HI ! INILLINMttl Coach Robertson Will Send Ono- Milo Quartet to Urbana on March 5 Leave March 1 I he riilvcrsily uf Pennsjlvnnla will send a team to the nnniial Indoor relnv carnival of the I'niverslty of Illinois i'i. he held on March ." In Crbann. III. Die lied and Hlue, nccorillng to Conch l.awsnn Hohertson, will he enlered in the one-mile I'niverslty championship , "" e"N reipiestei in the Invitation sent io tnc nest I'liiladelphiu institution. The l'enn team will probablv leave' heie mi March 1 In order to try'oiit the slx-lnji trnck nfter two dnvs of train riding. In the meet, nccorillng to Conch ! Hohertson, nlmost all the events thai nre on the Penn outdoor relay curnlval list, with the exception of the penta thlon nnd the high and preparatory ' school races. I'vcn tl decathlon is held each vcar. Hrutus Hnmiltmi. tlin Olympic winner, being curded to de. lend Iiis title won Inst winter. Severn! special races are on the program, but t.oacn uohcrtson think that lie will restrict his entrants to the one-mile relay. Saturday night, in New York, Karl Hby. the Hcd and Hlue skipper, will meet Cutblll, the "speedy parson" mller who gave .Tole Hay his first indoor de feat ln yenrs last week, In a special 1000-ards race in tho guarantee meet. Hby is running in top form nt present nnd should give Cutblll the race of his life. The distance is u trifle longer ,,1, . ...Am v&a TMf? PI Ii (ft Ii lift 1 1 lm DiP fell I ill if m i V- iMwL mm W 1 mmm ill 1 WtZJ W: WmmlU iM ult M b rHP I JilT lit JT ksWrnrnml M "AIM IJl Mmf pli IP1 CIGARETTES than Kby Is ustsl to running, the hnlf mile being his usual limit, but he thinks that with the proper training this week he enn get Into form for the nice. Several other Perm athletes nre expected to enter the meet, although Coach Hob ertson has not ns yet decided on juct who the entries will he. Franklin Field presented n busy M'l'tie of athletic activity yetcrdny nft ertioon. In one rorner of the field the pitchers and catchers were working out nnd In another several of the fielders were taking lime by the forelock to get n jump on their brethren. On the wood basketball court, In the northwest cur lier of the Held. Tommy O'.Mitlley. Hud Myers. Hverctt Sinnlley, Tiurold Lever and Wlnsur were iilnylng the indoor , '....,. j , ...... enme with n hunch of astilrttig basket cers. The track men were circling the ciniler path and running on the board i t rock. BOXING AUTHORITY DIES Frank Morley Was Well Known In This City and London Frank 11. Morley, nt one time nn nuthorllv on tuning, died nt the Phil adelphia (Jenernl Hospital yesterday afternoon, after an illness of about tun years, Jir. .Money wns oorn in imiiiK . iff... lLu . mi a h nt It,,, .t.iuuml ll. 1VI1 IllLV'll' lin llhu, ,mv .t,-, .1 III." greater port of his life In I'liiladelphiu. .. ' .,. - i . . . ADOUl Illieep jeius hk" i w.'iu m London and became engaged in new- paper work there, devoting most of his I efforts to pugilism on one of the well known weeklies. lie remained In Ijii- don until after the wnr. when lie re turned to tltis city . About two jenrs ngo lie suffered a stroke, from which he never recovered. Seeman Wins Refcreo's Decision New York. rb 1., sil y'mnn former national nmateur featherweight champion. won the referee a dTtslon oer Jimmy JIlut. of Yorkv i In the tweha-round tout at ti o n" " "" Sporting t'lub Judges foiled to apre i i the bout's termination, forcing th referee to doeide IliL w I II 'wit rii m i i-imaii?nTi w-jmnmmMmmvjmw w r W 1 Tmm If lMf and the blend can't be COpiW HARRY "KID" BROWN WINS Phlla. Boxer Defeats Carlson In Ten.Rnllnrl Hmit of FlAsInn 1 Hoston, Mav.. Feb. lfi. Harry 'Kid I Hrown, of Philadelphia, won the deciion oxer Ilnrrv Carlson, of Hrockf ton. In their ten-round bout at the Cnrlylo A. C. Carlson Is for from being the per former ho once was, but at that did the forcing In most of the rounds. Tie took n (.cverc body punching nnd in ... ., . .... 'C lourui went to tlie mat with rlghU nnd lefts to Jaw, in llm third round Hrown landed a left iook low, Carlson clnlmlne n foul. lie wns exnmtncil liy the commission- er s plijsiclatt, who decided he not hit hard enough to do him harm, and the bout wns resumed. wai nnj" "WT" CIRCUIT INTACT . ; League Meeting Approves Schedule of 168 Games York. Feb. I.V The nlajine New schedule adopted i"i me scnton oi 11)1 vim nt the meeting of tho Intcr- national Lengiie (if Hnsehall Clubs, , , , , , . . ... . w,li''. 1,op 'rr" Jcsterday and will be .continued today. X ,.11(1(.0 1,P circnit WOSMin- , ....,, nnh(. nftrr n,iil,r,,nui "t. (lent John Conway Toole stated "tricru was not even a ripple of excitement during the session. " Provision wns mnde for playing 1CS games during the sensnn nnd the 'full schedule is to be made public next Monday. Offers Leonard $20,000 for Bout Milwaukee. Wis.. Keh IS. Jl.nny I.eon- ard. lightweight champion has been offered Vjn.iiiin ny iom Andrews local promoter to mee- mtehle Mitchell of Milwaukee, herA, som time In March Th bout would be sv ten-round no-decision affair r J0 IW M.l U AeflKi'Mft fill rf 'fi , . 'miS&itmi ,)i: ..fcJ.t.'.asjU,M. ii.ii4n.