y ", " " ""vi j.e -"' - ' ; "vpirv- ; vwwfvio m.w"y- vei'-n " "rC - ' - " v, , r. -. EVENING PUBLIC SEDaEK 1'HILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY !i5, 1021 j l- 18 fP .s''3KC,.Mr i TtT-'Ia:l I'll 4LL &S F0 Tffi LEONARD-TENDLER BOUT MADE DURING THE YEAR OF 1920 ARE NON-TAXABLE mmim r if - &'" -r" i i: r f( M wiP'f life ? m& Tii M. iff i v STI - i VfflM: J ,r 1 k.v . w p. V-!'" Bi'M , Hi . 'I! l m r . . ' LMf i 1 fflJ"' u. i'nr tiff w Ill is! V ".' ft. . MIT.' 4' , lii 111 iff II;' -r STOP 1 ! J M'CORMICK, "MOOSE," NOT JOHN, SINGS PRAISES OF THE AMA TEUR; SAYS "PRO" SPORT IS WORK By HOIIKKT V. MAXWKMi Sporla JVlltor KTrnlnt: fubllc Ledier AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN7 THE number of professional atlilctrs of the present time who, harlns dropped out, niraln will takp up any branch of uporta for the love of it can be counted on the fingers or po.lbly the thumb of a onc-nrmed man. Tint there In one urh man. lie loves sport for Its own Mike. always d(d and nhvavs will, yet nt one time ho wo a major Ifopie baseball player This remarkably rare peclmen of American athlete l Harry McCormlck, known to the fano of CooKan's bluff as Moose. Moooe McCormlck. during his stay with the New York Glanta a few jc.ir? ago. made a reputation as a pinch hitter that will live a Ions as baseball, and yet during the early clays of his athletic career he was not rated as a ball player: In fact, almost tho reverse, according to his own Morv. "'I remember the first time 1 came back here utter I jolnrd the New York club " said McCormick. "I wa calkins alonx Chestnut street when I met n friend of wine. "Well, what are you doitis: here?' ho uked me I'm here with the New York club.' I replied. "U'hatdo you mean the New York club?" he fired back. 'The New Tork Giants.' I said. 'Aw. go on.' he reiterated, 'you can't kid me. you ain't no ball plaer." "So. that's the way 1 was considered when f first broke In." the ex pinch pounder continued. "I was always lucky here, thouch No matter who was pitching or what he had. I could rack 'cm a mile in that old rbillies' Park." McCormlck has com ba.'k to Philadelphia to live fter a fitful absence of man years. At the end of his major lenpio career he tried out the managerial end of the game, piloting the Chattanooga club of the Southern Association, but he didn't like it and went with an Iron concern in Pittsburgh, lie didn't care for that partlc nlarly, either so Harry 1mall landed back In Philadel phia and is located at '-MM Itace street with the Vulcan Brailng and Machine Co. This coming season McCormlck intends to manage nr lay -with some independent club in this vicinity .II "ST rem thk res or it. TF 1 1 del mz TOOSi: made hit lalcil drhui i rhtlivlfliihm tnnrldnm nt thr recent IDort.1 irrtlm' hannurl. He iras a late arrival, nni at no one knnc that hr icouM he--there until thr tcmfc blrir. he ifd'n . colffif upon fo maHe an i desultory rrmarki. McCormick Was an AU-Rouml Athlete WHEN Moose appeared on the athletic horizon of Phihi delphia he was an all around man. He could do any thing and do it well. He became well kuown as an ath lete at Oirard College and later better known when he entered IJucknell At I.ewi.sburg McCormick played half back on the football team, and while performing on the gridiron he became a close friend of Christie Mathewson who also was n P.m knell athlete It was through Muth ewson that McCormick later got a trial with the Giant' and made good. It Is worth mentioning that McCormick is one of the few major league stars who never played minor league baseball before his entrv into the select class. "Playing major leag-ie baseball was all right in n way." said McCormick. as he began to get really rcnn ais'ecnt. "but i prefer amateur sports. Back In the old days when we sometimes had to pay half of our own ex penses was the time I really cnjoyi-d it. I know many times I've been out on baseball and basketball trips with Jack Itoden when we were lucky if we came out a dollar eighty to the good. 1'nt we hud the real fun. As long as I played for nothing. I had n great time, but as soon as I tot paid for It it became work, and you know work is work, no matter what the character of it." Tho teams referred to bv Moose were the old Spalding Athletic Club organizations of South Philadelphia. .lack Itoden. who is still a popular and well-known figure in Philadelphia sportsdom. was manager of the Spalding football, baseball and basketball teams They were re.ilh amateur in those days. The Spalding football team won the amateur cham pionshlp of Philadelphia in HJU. Among the Htnrs on that team were McCormick. Or. Mike Ilennett. Cniver nicy of Pennsylvania, now coach of the Hcverford College eleven; Tom hare and Uonachee, one of the best quarter backs in the country. Uonachee never went to college and therefore was never a nalioual figure on the gridiron but ho was a great player and many i alleges wanted to get him to nintrlculatr. Tho Spalding basketball teams on which McCormick was n guard played in all of the chief sports centers of Pennsjlvnnia, New York and New Jersey, besides meet ing tho best teams in Philadelphia. Among the notable achievements of McCormlck while he wns under Jack Itoilen's wing was a basketball game lit Ilridgeton. That lltfle South Jersey city had a quintet that went unbeaten for many .wars until the Spalding five met them nt Ilridgeton one night. It was n, fierce battle, but Moose went goal -crazy. Hesides playing n fine defensive gnmo, he shot nine field goals. Ills work turned the tide to n Spalding victory and the first defent for Ilridgeton. WTcCOnitlCIv trlh a story of the Upaldwfj team " Qointj to Ilofboroinih one rold, unoiry, blustery mght. When they arrived at tiic hall there teas nohody there and no linhti. They had to go home m a blinding blfc:ard and the can weren't riinnina. Finally, after scalino and sliding over the mountains of Mannyunk. they reached Philadelphia long after midnight, having tcalked all the in!;. Wonder what one of the liastcrn League players today icoiild think, tag and do if lie had to go through vich an experience Reports Nettle Won't Play Here K1CPOKTS from Marietta. O.. arc correct Phila- clphin and not the llcds was stung in the recent deal by which the Cincinnati club passed over two men for one 13arle Neale and Jimmy King for I'ppa ltixey. Neale, who doesn't, wish to play here, so they say, ami who hes been angling for a big ralso in his pay as a col lege coach, has got the raise he wished, has been offered plenty of money and is ready to give up the professional game. That leaves the Philadelphia club holding the bag and Jimmy King, as the deal Ins been dnlv ratified and proclaimed. All responsibility is off the shoulders of Pat Moran and August Herrmann. Neale didn't wish to go to Philadelphia nnd was anxious to get n transfer to Pittsburgh. The Mnranville deal, leaving Pittsburgh short ono outfielder, mads him doubly eager to get Into the Pirate camp, and he started a string of letters to both President P.aker nnd President Herrmann. He urged Maker to make some deal with the Pirates and he nslced the good offices of Herrmann in n rearrangement of the Cincinnati-Philadelphia trnde. Neale was Informed by both magnates that notiiing iohIiI be done, nnd then came the head of a big safe com pany which has interests nt Marietta, the lively little ollege in the Ohio town. This gentleman, so the story comes from Marietta, has engineered a deal whereby Veale an stay there through the whole college year, oaching baseball, football, basketball nnd track sports. ATE.tvB ii to reieive a fat salary and the propo sition appenU to him tremcidovslu. To add lu 'ealc's grievances against exiting baseball condi lions, it it sm'o that lresident Ilaker refused to icmc his Cincinnati pan. Xow Aoe doem't haic to play ball unless he gcti his figure. Abraham Lincoln Real Sportsman THE celebration of the I-mancipator's birth nnniwrsiry at Tia Juiina by the running of the Lincoln Handicap was participated in by the governor of Mcxicali. Senor Manuel Halarezzo. who occupied the seat of honor In a box draped with the Mexican colors of green and red. surrounded by the Mexican Iloyal Hand, which ser enaded the throng, mostly Californians. Was that kind of telebration altogether out of plate for the memory of Lincoln? It should be remembered that Lincoln took a keen interest in various kinds of sports and excelled as a wrestler. Hack in Illinois Abra ham Lincoln traveled miles to accept a challenge from the "Carey boys" to wrestle with the champion of their number, and in a rough arena in the woods the athletic woodchopper threw his opponent and pinned him to the greensward 'llie sport side of Lincoln has been greatly overlooked by the public. 'op'jr tf''". '3; li 'uu..r htdvt Co S25 SFTCR YoO StT RJR HOUB5 In) Youfl OFFICO GAZIMO IN RVPTURe S.T HER PICTURD -AMP WMCNl sJM-GMTlMP'S JAV IS OsOR YoU MJCiM- RcecisJnD ovefsj CtT) crJOM HER -amp ih Trie evGrsiisjuS at Horvtc You rcMP thr gmtirR. nverJtrJG LoomKJAT IT WslT PRCAMINJC Tm NICEST TrllMGS AMD THGrs) you KICK Yourself for scmoimg HBP THG MOSHr LCTTCR A3 You kccas-u ts Few; oF IT'3 MUSHIEST sSLUSH- v TS. Akin TLOR I-I-IWj2 ViTV '" . .AigJjift TUDflMP ATTDAnTCn - AMD Y9U aPOWP HALP THC WKTHT VURITIKKi HBR A LOMG MUSHY LdTTGra 3 sSHC It Get IT M VALCNTINE'S BY But NexT pay corses the MUSHIEST UETTER FROM HEIt THWT CT-MUSHBS THG OMB , Yoo WRoTG- OH-M-M-BOr. AIN'T . T v. -...---V-7 ? f 18 YEARS IN BASEBALL, BENDER STILL GREAT Famous Indian Hurler Released by Connie Mack in 19U But Still Could Hurl in Majors and Win Majority of Games DAN KRAMER WINS ON FOUL IN THIRD OVER ROY MOORE Southpaw Awarded Victory on Technicality When Referee Brennan Disqualifies St. Paid Boxer for Butting. By LOl'IS II. JAKF'K a QMM'" IJULNNAN proved himself a strict referee last pight, nnd it looks n if mittnien at the Olympla will have to watch their "p's" and "q's" ; in other words. bn according to Hoyle, or rather the Marquis of Queensbury. After warning Uoy Moore, of St. Paul, about tbe Illegal use of his head on six different and distinct occasions in his bout with Danny Kramer, the- referee waved the latter to his corner, indicat ing that 'the westerner was disqualified, nnd left the ring. . The climax to this scheduled eight round contest occurred with twelve sec onds remaining for the finish of the third round, lleginnlng with the open ing session. Moore showed a tendency to push his head in Kramer's face. Brennan immediately warned Iloy to be careful, and after a few more Hlmllar moves on the part of Moore the latter again wus cautioned. During the rest period between the first nnd second rounds Ilrennan vis ited Moore's corner nnd for the third time, spoke to him about his butting. Koy nodded. Hut when the second scs connecting with some terrific wallops to head and body. Al Wngncr, 127. knocked down anil defeated Harry (Kid) Stewart, 1LW, in n hard set-to, the lat ter staging a great uphill battle. The return mix between Frankie Clark, J04VG. and Dick Stosh. L'W, was fast and furious for the half dozen frames, and the latter returned n winner lifter piling up n big lead. A new rule was cronteu nt the uiym BY ICtJARNIVAL Skating Palace Cetobrates Its First Anniversary by Staging Many Unique Features Uy GKANTLAND KICK Thry say the world will reach its finish In something like two million years; All sin in ages icitl diminish, lAkneiso all sorrow, pain mid tears; I know, with disposition sunny, -l bush league bard with bush league pen, Jvst when I'll coin a bole of money; Hut when will Kilbanc fight againt I know just when the labor question Will be considered down and ouf;. And when each city's raw congestion Will b relieved without a doubt; I know when groft will pass forever, When boxers will not charge a yen for any championship endeavor t Hut when will Kilbane fight agamT WITH Carpentier, Gulllcmont nnd Mile. Lcnglcn, among others, sticking around, France at least has 6tnrtcd on a dream of athletic great ness. A snappy national temperament ought to help the rest of It along. In Jlehalf of Illinois DKAH Silt Somehow Illinois has never hit your fancy. Yet in jfoot Imtl. In tbe eirht vcars Zutipke has coached. Illinois has won (he Confer-. ence title three times nnd tied another. In 100." Illinois held the championship in nil four maior sports, football, base ball, basketball nnd track. .TumVnovr the Illlnl are Conference track cham pions. Since 1DV, when Harry dill came to Illinois, the Illlnl have lost only nine out of fifty dual meets. From 1K1K1 to 1020. with George Huff couchinj baseball, Illinois has won the Confer ence chnmpionshtr eleven times. You mny be Interested to know thnt the new hasebnll coach is Carl Lundgren. Ztlpp ke in football. Gill in track, Lundgren In baseball. Winters in basketball, with George Huff overseeing 'em nil where can you beat it? Ii. M. T. The announcement that "llllnoln had never hit our fancy" was news to us, because we had always had an Idea that wc held more than passing admira tion for the records of Zuppke, HufI nnd the entire Illinois delegation. At nny rate, with that coaching stnff on hand Illinois doesn t have to bother about the t. ,... ii. i.v .. i.w . it. i streets, kit was a ni mnsmie trnnne. ilia iUHl muni, r ivc tttji-uiiua ut-ioru iuv ,, -- ort- , , , .., v: , , ----.--- bell sounds beginning of a round Irom ,:W o dock untl the whistle an -whistle is blown ns a signal for sec- I nounced lucsday morn Ing. the glitter tig onds to leave their oxers' corners. 'tirc'-oo" " " " " " During the evening's entertainment, 1 Scraps About Sarappcrs " patrons hrul many forms of nmuse- H HI. I incut provided for tbem by George F. 4 . ",. i . .,,. . i j..c, , . .v Pawling, besides skating. The Mullers AiiiSrioVl1nlWwU"Artl?M.U.lofhnd Miss Crogcr gave unique exhlbi Wtt X'nmr. inffts Hoi O'Donneii. of Fair- tions; costumed guests paraded: prine r.'?""V An,.r ,r.n.nl."v',r'?,Lr!."d": waltzes were held and cver thing was florae Oriftoii in th mini. Tr prttims: s had to make the occasion long to be waiter Jironn vn. iTnit -iar. .ionni-7 rcmelnlicreu j.-racucr r liucu lltuiy sua s,mi.iiiuiiii ilitrh , lUrry Smith. The first anniversary carnival of tiic TMiltmlnlntil n Int. Tnln.A ipflu .rttnlirfifflil last evening by a gathering of "OOO' ?l WZ' "Cn ,,.'"sh skating fHns ut the borne of Quaker City hockey, Forty-fifth nnd Market , mm of tlm Wonders . rjUVKN years have skidded by since. WJ Connie llnrrr MutusMI. nn Kndish bantam hni fllon opened Jlooro resumed tlir vaine, thffe nhores in .January of 1920. nnd MttiM GERMANTOWN SEEKS CLEAN HOME RECORD Suburbanites Anxious to Go Through Second Half With Ten Straight Vic tories on Oun Court s. li 111 Kleif.-I. s ..".o p m J A !l V. Ilutterwortb GERMANTOWN will eniertiin tn Phillies t 'lis eeniiig in an Vliistern league basketball game at Auditorium Ilall. Chelten avenue ami I 'hew street and the (.urburbanites n--o out to win and boost the number of -truisht limn' victories to six. Ha'.f "f the seccmj weries has passed into hi-tnry nnd the mbnrbanites lmvn u 1 1-nn slate nt home. The followers of the li.-nn.s nggrega iion have a hum li tbe team will go through without n defeat The h"m games nfter toni?l t are two with Tien ma and one ea-'. with Ciniden ni ! 'Coatwvillc Thi- legu'iir lin"-up tl' he on hand with l'lnie- K.e and Nat Holmnn at guard Meeh.in at enter ai.. Olasgow and cither Hough ..r Fi.imkle nt forward. Manager Rennis i- nls.j niter nnorlier ae.w man. and while 1 Sk not senned him ns vet will t.o 1-hiV.t have him for tonight's affair I'.eruiis lin been on a UU hunt for .ne p'ajcr and u trip to "New York ..u S'.nday bnmsbt no re sn't. This evening'- zarne shoulil be hard fought as i'k- P .'s at- pluyinir good ball. Manage- tcs ,s undecided on his line-up. but born, to come through with a wtn ami crusn 'no nn- "i 'i- mantown in n"t losing uti tne nrm in this half Same Old Morj With "( Jt'' "The Contest il'e tailend'i- cironp1''! another clos" game last evi-i ing to the Iteading Heat' h th- - oi. '-".) to 'J! The homo lub -taged a rail in the closing winufs and wa, rtpnlly over hauIinT th' Pret'-s vh.-n rlie gong ended hostilities 'I'.je .ontet was r 1 The home p'.r.er- hd ih liarde.t tind of hiek with tli.-ir shots and at leist three that wen- :u the basket im n..1Ulnlv nroceeded to 'Inin out again The Hears had S.-!.w.ii and Maicme at a tnoii -rnatn . I .u.. ..h..p . mtiiii ttirriiif-li ii.'. .- lorwaru unit m- ..k. . . .......- with two baskets, the unlv j,'als he hah scored binee tiif fi.st gan at Cumden several weeks itg'. Schwab, as usual. ame through with a trio of shots and la now wcM among the leading scorer For CoHtesville. .loe Ilerger and Jlmmv IJrnwn i x.-elled I'.ach lumlitl n nalr of field goals while Merger llrcwn ind Powell did well ut tossing the one polntsrs. A large crowd uliended and .ana away satisfied, even though the home Clllb was foi.el to how t . defeat for the uiuth time in the second half. Pmsou and Iierr Take .Jump Dave Kerr and "ChlcUy" I'uhMin are beadllnr in the week's averages in the Eastern Husketbull League. I hey n. not lead, but are premlng IMdie Dolirj wighty hard fr first honors nnd if the tall center of the champions doew not keep up his goal-getting campaign. Wave will pai-s his tcnmt'inte nidging ly his success in making two-pointers 'Kerr au 1 Passon were tied for sev- Triple-lleader for Cage Fans Tonight l u ,,nd half pennant of the Munuia'ti.iers' Ilasketball League v ill l h. ided tonight at Yonnli Hall -Tl'T AVest Columbia avenue, hn the II. W. Ilutterworlh five meets .1 t .1. Dobson. A viitory fur the latter will necessitate a pluy ..ff while if l'.utterworth is victorious l-v will have finished the second cries witho'.'t a defeat and will ne. t ISaldwin for the , luiiipionshi!'. The league officials in order I" . uiiirdote the s. Iitvlule this iven'ng i.nni-inc three games in this order: ;:'.'" p. 'n Flcishr s Mono- K (J liudd VS Gclieia J Dooion TROOPERS WIN IN CAGE Cavalry Quintet Defeats Penn Dental School Five The Cavalry buys again lomped home ti) victory in last night's basketball match with the Pennsylvania Dental School five bv a score of 20-11 ut the Thirty -second street and Lancaster avenue Armory. The Cavalry team displayed a well balanced passing game, which nllowcd itn forwards inanyopporunltics to score, of which they made the most. This ictory marks the senile quintet's fourth straight win Douglas, Calhoun and Hedelt feat ured for the Cnalrj team, while Yates and Dessen started for the opposition. In the other gnme the girls repre senting the Philadelphia hockey team scored a.decisiv" lictnry aver the Phil delphia College of Osteopathy sextet I lv the margin of l!i--l. The play oi '.he Misci'M Madiera nnd McLean proved the deciding fuctor of the contest. Misses Itrnndt and Fox managed some i.evei work for the collegian? tactics. The spectators began to yotce " ""rn ,-- Vi.0.?.? in "?,',. their disapproval, and once more ,co Mlnn W,H ilt .h oiympla Ut nlslit Brennan stepped between the little bat- ' mid Issued a clmllcnmi to Danny Kramr. tiers, hnlti'd liosllllties lor a moment i and implored Moon: to give heed to his warning. The third round also found Moore falling into close quarters, with his head coming in contact with Danny s chin. For the fifth time Ilrennan ml -vl.-cd Moore agaiust his tactics, this time more strenuously than ever, and finally, when "Slim" found it neces sary to intervene once more, he sepa rated the men fiom a clinch, stepped away, motioned for Kramer to go to his corner and hopped out of the ring. P.rennan s judgment uppareutiv met with the approval of the audience. And "SlimV move no doubt will have n tendency to make boxers give liccu to his warnings in future contests. While the bout lahted Kramer was out in front from the opening tingle of the gong. Danny kept driving his ter rific left to Hoy's head and body, but it was not until the second round that Kramer succeeded in finding lodgment with a telling blow. Moore was on the defensive and handicapped the local ntr from showing his bent form. A-left uppercut in the uecond seb-ston shook up Moore and another blow to tho nose started the blood Uierefrom. Dannv was trying his utmost to stow away' the St Paul man. using his left mnil n most entirely. mi inc. ex Jack firrrtistM-k. Ilnrllih HihtwHuh! wha ltiparcri here In ti numtxr of touts ptjI '(re io. I plannlnc another toui of Amrrlca. IIs Is uilKCted to nlr In the i'tutis Bonm time nnct rtionth. Martin .ludre will nppar In the tar l.um 't nt tho cjermiintown Club on Thurattav rWM. .Tohnny Krauii lias paired oft JuJmi with Iloundj- Donahue. WIIIIo Houclc . Tommy Hudson Is to lie the bctuI. Other liuls: Hilly Mainell vs. Johnnv loldi. Terry O'Urlen - Wllllo lonirdon und Vounu- Terrs" Mcloern vi Joo Scully. Jon Mnlth taken hlii ffTT In hand and write. "Tonimy Iauehran never lefuned a loyt with loh.in MctHUihlln. and he is rp-n to m-t McLnuffhlln anv tlire. IUBh lun Is matihrrt ultti AI Nelaon. of llaltlmore, in that cl'i, rebruary "1. lddle Mullen will itet hark Into actlnti m Krlday n!ht He will m-et Mlk Crdell at ,h Cambria. Willie McOoVfrn boes Iran!,l (K. O) Smith In the emlflnl. Jlmmv Kan t. Tommy lloldrn, Terrv Ilanlon vs. Ilobbj l.obUlctiU and IC. O. llrtnnan s llarr llurkn urn other bouts l"red miton la niBtened with Ttoua-h-house ' Ware, a Nerro, at Allentown. Kebruatv ?L' j franklr 'ooley, 118, and Johnny Jlase'. I 11? am w-orklnir nut dally with their trainer manauer. Tommy Hayes, letlred boxr I - - Younc Tom Sharkey will met Phil Jtloo-n cf lliook'vn at Tremcin, N. J., tonliht I J.11C uuuu v;ji. ujp u tuukutuuu-t m;iii:3 or selections, varying trom tiic jazr.y, dizzy ten'sichorcan compositions of to day to "Uver the waves,',' the "isiuc Danube" and other dreamy waltzes of ' jestcrday. For the winners of the various events, numerous silver cups and other hand some trophies were awarded amid the tumultuous applause of these fiends of frigidity. The festivities were prolongctd In order to give the steel-footed multi tude plenty of time to indulge in their favorite pastime. ' Corley Again Defeat Shanahan ' Ttw Corley Catholic club of .South l'hlla-' rlelphla airaln handed nut defeat to Hhnnnhan C C . In tho C Y. M A. U. Indoor tourna-1 mrnt nn Sunday at Hhanahan'a elubronms The nonpareil combination of Johnson and 1 Clean caklly donned IUdxway ond Ilennett of Shanahan C. C In pool by the rcore of I 100 to 72 In pinochle tho two Corley lioya I rainn Ihrouzh aa usual and won all thrpn names l)ut Will Mahar wae oiertralnfd ' and stale und was dropped for thren In (lfckera release. At that time Hcnder had served the Mnekmen for eleven years unci Con nie may have figured that not being overly robust the Chippewa star was about through. But here, a matter of seven years later. Bender today could step out and 1 win CO per cent of his games in cither major league with any batting strength around, provided he wasn't overworked. After eighteen years of active serv ice, tlm Itlir P.lilef t.na l.-stu il .. One nnd the Old Hop In fat ill'. stuff than CO per cent of these operating in the polito circle of Oil game. " Some Manager TACK In 1010 Bender took charge ,f J tho Itlchmond club In the Vlrrinli League and bagged n pennnnt. He reached nnd held tho top by win nlng most of the crucial games himself Last season he went to New Haven in the Eastern League nnd landed another pennant, using the same fnncy Bj.tem But In the two years be also nrnri-a 1.1s ability to direct and l.andlePmcn 1th n minor league managerial record of this typo It won't bo very lone before some major league club will be on hltt trail. You can't keep a keen brain down forever. T ItHMEMBElTrking against Tr 7, ,ob!t t,le firat car hc broke in." said Bender n day or twt ago. "IoW he could hit I He Xvas n Itld, but he had more confidence In himself than any veteran. In pitching against him you had to work all the time becauM he was working nil the time hlmttlr He didn't give anybody a chance to loaf and ho ncter has through tht fifteen or sixteen years be has been nround. If it wasn't for that bad kate he'd still be up between .880 and .400 making them nil step to beat him out." "TMD any ball club," queries 8..T.F., - "ever have two greater hitttri on nt one time than IM Dclehanty tml Napoleon Lajoio?" No. The closur nppronch probably was Detroit with T.r Cobb and Snm Crawford. But as hit' ters Dclehanty nnd Lajoie head tb combination list for any one team, How True ' 1 ballplayer easily led Miquld sleep on rWtfoinlVit bci. Bud WllHatns, FIKST call for "the team that buU ii-i out " (Copyright, litl. Alt riphts reserved) Welling to Benin Training Chlrnao, Feb in. Jo Wellln, the Chi caao llchtwelcht, oorompinled by Kddlo M honey, a l'aclfle cort lS.I-poundar, loft tier for lint Mprines. Ark., to train a tii ir, preparation for hla elaht-round champion chip contest with nnnv Iecnard In St loula. 1'ebruar" 2S. Welllna will flnliH hla tralnlnz In St. Ixiuln. Aquinas to Play 48th Ward Aqulnaa C. C. will play tho Forty-ol-ht, Ward Club, of Hnuth Vhlladelphla. In the former's hall. Klchtoonth street abovo Mor rl. tonliht. Aqulnaa will hava In thth llr-up, Deltrlch and O'Kel), forwards: J Hmlth. center: McOuckln and llenrattj iruards. Aqulnaa will play tho atronr Hiiuth l'hlladelphla A. A. on Thursday evening-. Base Ball Managers! You are specially invited to call and see our splendid new line of Base Ball Goods, Uniforms & all equipment. Send for samples and special outfit prices. Marshall E. Smith & Bro. 724 Chestnut St. I'hll iil.ix.mnii has algnd for motrh' for i 1 Tendler. Ilarrv (KIA) Urnwn nnd l)anny .,: ,.r ....I.- n few iubs and a hook Kraiw-r In Milwaukee, February Jd Opt 10PV" "V," "i.VniiT .W anr "!' 'r "" "" have not been selected , UNION FIVE WINS A. In enth place last week, but tins wtek the fumdenlle has jumped to second poauiun with sixty-si. points, oniv four in thu rear of Dolin. who tops the i lit', with seventy. Keir. by the way, I luis .. ored the most goals, twentv-five! all told, ami Uolin is one in the rear i with twenty-four Jimmy Brown H steadily creeping up and now has twenty-two two-pointers to his credit ' Parson, although one of the joung et plavers in the guuie. has snatched floor the foul-tosHlng leml trom ai noi- man. i nu'ti uaasra """.'"' one-pointer ') thirtv -three for the l',..m.ninifn tlnsh and there is very little diflercn-e in the number of chances thev hae had. I'asson i aUo No 1 in ahsifls. The individual lee- otd1 follow J,.n Caniflen J1 Kn i mden l'J llu.man Jrmaeion a U, r'teele Oamden. 10 tlrjwn. cojtes..l.e I'.on J'Miu 2 J. i,rb lled'l- s Ho,- - H.jcilnj WrUht J'nua or two. Danny fulled to snow an? punching powers with his right. The match wns made at ll'U pounds ringside. Kramer cumc in at 1-0 pounds and Moore a quarter of a pound lnor'' ... i r Maiie AVilliamson. 121, and Joe Dorscy, I'-'O', put on n hard battle in tho scmifinulT but it failed to please the big crowd, after seeing three liur-: ricane pre'.lmr Dorbcy went out in front from the outset and he never wuhI headed Joe won handily and by a I wide margin Williamson substituted r, Mi.iiret Smith, of New l'ork. ut the ,,1,,1'f.iiili hdiir ! !! Iillon, Allcntown bHntam laexpnti-d "-'' ..... .,i-i i. -I.'lrt li lnr mif.rlll. llln 111 fLn li up r I hj rli v u:i ikinripn .iuk ... -.. .-. ...-.- . . .t Jnhnnr Ilnir l clalmlnr; the f.-w.i,chl , hami'louiihip of America, en tlvi atrenuth of hla nfu-en-round referee'a derlflon over l"ranlclj Stason In New Orleaiu luf. week, IHllr le 1'w and Hommv 8eltr will c!n i "i a featherm-laht elimination contert st il.s i liardm in N't.- York tun.aht. . JurLW. Urke l mjtchert to meet Frank Mavulre. ten rnundo, at ijhtnanduali, I'a, I Friday nli-ht Jaik MrTnrron and Sllnt Martin bo In Iln'll)n fifteen rwunda to a rcf reo'a dti slo'n on Frldjy nluht Defeats St. Matthew's A Hard-Fought Game A fast nillv in the M-cnml half enabled Cnion i'ltib" to defeat St. Matthews' Club on the hitter's floor by tho score IS-in The totals were nip and tuclc throughout, until uitmn a lew minutes .i,mnn ullnan. n.. suauni .im ,..,lK,r, i., v. i Fulmn cm rl-an uo of the nnisn wnen, onion cageii inr " I'nlnier. HI, III u torriu nimir, m1 i unit i.-. in iiuib teuu arounu nerc field goals in KUcceislon and held the advantugc to the end of the game. I mioir i,rmer.t n iu e'-n. Uurmanl n i narin Trenton !lKha,n. rnataavllle Dark. Conleeillle H . , nt) m Trenton . ' fll'r I'l I a . owU. oatvu.(! 10 lileK.ia'i ran-.l-n 10 li'erfuae nadlni . Whit Trnt' n ' "ern TretAon 10 IUpM, Oimanioacn i 1 rjnuv 'l-rmiinloiTn l i roi I'llla .J Mavtrrt;' ll1tni lo Morrln. Redln I mi, eav- . I'hl. ' Iterttman Trenton -uijarman Camden 'i Mnlone Readlnit , J Mihmeellc Cuateavllle r, franrk.e c) mantown ' Ioiard c oatwDVlll 1 Tome Trent" 10 McXIahen I'lillo ! Kln' l'Mla . ! Helrh Iteadln (aller lleadtn 3 Ifu-it. Uim'llnit 1 l'i.rt,,T ' tr I e ' f ian ie M i ti t ,. n -i usl man Ca'pi'ntown 1 Wainer a'e lue 1 Fui" it. tt '.t I nft T.r, -,'V k I ;;4 .-J 4S s 70 -I 1H JS 7 C1 ' ill r.a 41 in JO 4 41 l 01 j j 14 j; a ."'S U 31 11 u BH 111 J l al 4 f'li 15 J4 41 4 ;i is 'jj ai i 1: n i jj fi t.a 17 i.' i!: 4 4a 14 10 JO 1 43 ill ii I.", 11 4'J J3 13 .11 J S'l 11 10 I'l 4 IS U yi. ." 3 38 It IT. H 4 37 n ii .M 4 a: .j :i 5 3:, ii : .i 7 si s 17 :r. 4 .13 II 111 J I '3' 1J H Id 4 !IJ 1J 3J 7 .' a 111 ii 3 '1 I l'J J7 O J4 9 IS 7 Z 3 IB 0 -'1 1. 1 K I ll .1 It l i 17 r. 7 10 11 17 J 13 J4 1 17 r, 4 in r, e. 17 o i 4 7 3.' - is 3 a J'J 7 li r i i.i 4 u :-j l ij 3 4 . I 10 8 1 I 0 7 J J I fl i n 4 ci r. i : ii llitl n i 1 u .' i 0 K. OF C. FIVE DEFEATED Tri-Couneil Cage Team Loses to St. Francia Xavler The Si 1'rancis Xnvter basketball toHsera sen! th" Tri-Council, K. of C five down to defeat lost night by Hie score of '.V to '-".' About n month ago the St I'tatui (Oinbili.llion was walloped by the K i ' O. Miund. After this viitory the Tih'it in a claim for the Catholic (lianipinn ship of I'hiladelphia Allentown Dundee a Winner McHeehOort r., V " IB Allenl Ti'ini vvaw ii t i a i.oxi r for .lonn Ward, of tbla it y and nfe.tcd him u j ten-round twut at th Majantlc A I ICE SKATING AT ICE PALACE Ur. r.i:M:n.i, admihsion Hat. NIcliM, H.OOi nil other nlahta. ,3 tt i Kie rX ti) inr HfH-ker All Other llrnUx TIIKKK KKATINII KK4IOVM nAH. If": IKMlir-Y KTrilIAV Mfllir llKKll CITV n. HUSTON A. PALM GARDEN n.riN(t i.vkiiy r.r... sjmit. si Tonlnht Truvniore ' I lllh rtl llnmr fio li.orine Conteat Tonlxht Thurwlai Joannjr Colter, Friica Dancer, All Week 3!1TII MWI 1 HTS PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN'S HlhlNr'SS MVJN'.s IIILIT1I sHTI M Flesh Reducing IJody Building lloTlna T .nalit -llanrt-ll ill llov' rni c MAItlhON MIl'Allr". I.RI1KN. NI'.H aflldt S, K. Cor. 1.1th a Cheatnut Ma . l'hlla AUDITORIUM A. A. & TUESDAY EVE FEB. 13T1I : RotMis or ooon iiom.m, j TTnUTT ;YI Experienced smokers quickly recognize the value of a cigar that is the product of seventy years of manufacturing experience. Be sure to try a Henrietta today, Henrietta A 'DM IRA LS F.I.ShWJ.Oim'S MASTBUPIECB 15c straight Pet feet o size 13c 2 for 25c OTTO EISENLOHR & BROS.. INC. ESTABLISHED 18M WHITE 100,000 miles is ordinary per formance for a White Truck. Many have made 200,000 miles; some 300,000; a few 500,000 and they are still in active serv ice, doing a full day's work. . Spread over many years, your investment in a White Truck becomes a very small item in the cost of hauling. It gives you at once the cheapest and the most reliable transportation. Business needs that kind of machinery now more than ever. THE WHITE COMPANY, Cleveland Philadelphia: U'l North Ilrojd Strict Wilmington: 802 French Street TRUCKS .......u ,,,., ,. jf$idk- i . otUWaijM9fSAi $.