Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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South Priiladelphia Foroignorsj
Lost Millions, He Tells
. ' Legislature
I- 1p
not ii
HnrrWmr;:. Fob. I.". "VtiiH
errilir-rt us n lmBf sinnilfll. n
.i-.ii.. in nffot ni lrnt. I"
i i .. ... n, Thilndi'Jnliia
Inir ImmlrivN of thniinnd of 4I0I nr..
would be invcHsntPil by ''". ' " ,
turr- nrror.llng to tlio tonn-j of 1 roso ,
lutinn offfrp.1 in ill- H'"' 1,v Hll,,r-: '
Trnlnrr. of l'liilaiMiihm. w of tin
It I .linrgr.l thnt fnroijno in I In -atlelphin
Imvo ni.li'ioJ mnmw mmiI Iff
thoir friend- nn.l irlntrv in 1 '';
n ...,.; n,i Hip new 1 ojintrii""
....(..I li.,.'.n tlio world wnr iind tlmi
monPT norr rem-hr tlio. t.) wlium H H
ordered n,t Thi I." '""' ,'I ,,t
nnlv in tlio lo to tin- l,liiliicl.'lpl.i;tn
hi often in the ile.itli und rtnrvijtlon of
the petcoti for wlmm t lie tuiuU w
Inl-nilrvl ll, i hars-'il ItiriiiiM- in:i'
when tlic morio U revived bv the m j
IcRpd trnhvtmtteiv ihv di not rfive
the pronoi nnd full into of lotrisit 'x
rrmno-o nnd thnt their- fundi nl-i rue
H'Od fcr "peculation in funMRn e i
rhnDRi. vliuh in the iii-f nf iimnv l
tlio neuer ouutriex. mid csperiaml
RitFsln. i n i-iy niufitain mid tluitti
ntinc quantity
TlirouRliont the 011111 1 tin- loi !
forciti'K'i'i r''idi'iii Iiimp i iud to run
Inlo the miliums The evil lm Iiumi '
cnpprinl! ur"nr in Ne Yorl.. wlirrc
IPKlslation ! tinder un to i-mii'. t tin'
Riluation nnd .end the Kinln tn inil
iilreetor Tn-t 111 . of tin Department f
I'tlblii- Welfare in Philadelphia. hn
been looking into t li conditions in
South Phladelphia. an, I it xaitl to have,
found tbfni nppnllinij
llif invrtiBatins eominitsion pio
Tided for in the Trumei resolution
notild iei-nnimend the pinsvi utioti of
RililU pr'vnle bankers nnd Hteumsbip
aEPnt", if nn.v. nnd innke reommendn
tlcns for state leKitlntioii by March 1"
State bankt were nlso im luded in t lie
rope of tlie mvettfgntiun whiili. lie
rordmp to the termt of the lesolution.
mild be onclmted bv ix lnninl,eis
three from the Mouse nnd three from
the Senate
"Hundreds t tiiniiMiinN of dcdlart
hnve been lot Mine the ni " nnld
Trainer, in disiussing bit ieolulion
He said he subni iteil ihe retolution hi
the tequest of tiunieiou permnt ill
South Philadelphia, ome of whom bad
fnllen vietini to the nllejed tiefarioiia
whemes "This praetpe." suid Trainer,
"destroys eonfideiue m our bunks and
I believe it to be a proper Mibjeei for
legislative inquiry "
It n the hrt liieHsiiie intiudih e(!
bv 'I'ininei
Important Measures
lipfore State issembly
liepresentatlve Sowcis recalled his
bill, giving inncistrutes jiiriadittion
over their home district prisoners,
and hud it sent to 11 committee,
where it it expected tn die.
(Sliiss coal probe bill came up in
Senate, but was sent to the judiciary
Keneinl committee, w lilt Ii it known
as the "pickling nt."
Hill by Senator Vaie. giving iIrIiIs
of eminent domain mer state witter
was to iirivate coiporn lions, sent
to (iiffotd Plnchol, indent ruiieivn
tionist, at lequest of (Jovernoi
Sproul, who fears something "11
SteiliriR bill to up mil Philadel
phia Bontd of IMucation and have
noiiKiilarled inembert elected I hit
year gets sppeilv action when intto
duced in House. Public hearings
being nrmriged.
First ntfiuk on Spioul ndminit
1 1 .it 1011 fails when two bills of Mi
Aletamler. Delnwaie aimed at
making (iovei nor nupph details of
deficiency and highway bond mens
Hies. Weie defeated
Combine Leaders in Council
1 Would Withdraw Ordinance
to Forestall Veto
Enforcement of Federa
With Partial Search and
Seizure Are Provided
tin ,1 vtofj tout tpOM(cHf
II.111 ishiii'c. Feb If In iotifctem.es
between Itlchaul Weglein, ptetldetit of
fity Council, nd other Philadelphia
lenders todm , It developed thnt the
pieslden of roiincil lint miggested to
Mayor .foore thnl the ordinance 1011
tnlning the million dollnr item for the
palace of justice be withdrawn ft 0111
the Miooi's hnndt. Aiceptnnce of the 1
suggest ion (i the Mnyor would ere
two purposes :
Filst, the lonibine would be sated
from facing the Mntor't veto of the
Miinioipnl Court item.
Second, ihe Mntor miglit win Council
to bis tiew of the luatler without a
Weglein s piopo-al. made olliciall.t in
last Saturdot evening's llnee-hoiiv's
lonference with Mntor Moore, in City
Hall, is that the bill be withdrawn by
Council, nnd that the Council start nn
Weglein :n he would gel all the
. ih'tntls. ttliuh. of 1 nurse, is what the
LaW.Mntor wants. Weglein would go fur-
uei. ne mi s inaKetne sane Kind ; ,,, o( i-otv
o nil iiivi-.uKUi ion luui 1 ue lit-,- nuiiu.'t
and nit gallery projects, which, like
the nnlncp of uistii e 11 ie to grace the
Pa 1 k win
ngaluct the bill A sample ot the let -tcrt
being received In opposition (o the
daylight saving measure is the follow
ing: "Hon (leorge Woodward :
'Denr sir-In tho uatne of IGOO
school children, of whom I am n special
I teacher, mid In the name of scores of
6ehool teachers wbote rest would be
seriously shortened by the daylight snv
Ing. 1 beg you to vote against that fool
sh niciiMiio when It conies up nt It
seems likely to do soon.
"Doctors have declared that aged
persons nnd the young, hnte been crl
otilj impaired In henllh by the lots of
I lie early morning rest, nor do these
wish to go to bed while it Is jet light,
' Plcnsp use your influence ngnlnst the
Invt. once thrown Into the disenrd and
now advanced ngaln by a few inter
esteil persons who wish to thrust It
down the throats of tin unwilling ma
The letter is signed by "l.ydia S.
nil I oiiocn, nun 1 uui imp i ouiicu stari. hi:
Ul I investigation to determine ulml tin
fslj I paliiie of nistlce will lenllv cost nn
UILL "',al 'I"' lomplele plans foi tlie pnlnci
Senate Sends Qlass Measure to
"Smothering" Committee
Hi (i Staff Coirfipofirfeitl
llariisbitrg, Feb. 15. Iteprcseuln
iie (ilass' resolution (.ailing for an In
testigation of profiteering In hnrd coal
was sent to the judiciary special com
uiiltee of W Senate last uiglit. This is
the pickling 1 oinuiittee- the bourne
fioni whiih bills seldom return
The hnrd con I opernlois had tlirent
ened to hurry another tescliition
thiougli intettigating bituminous prices.
Hut it looks at if peine reigns in the
lit nl ioal camps. At any rate, there
wiit n long luiifcreiiie between Senator
Ciow, leader of tlie Senate and Sena
tor Vote Theieafter, it was nunotinced
that Ihe (ilns-i tesolutiun was going to
ne picKiing committee nnd it went
seconded by vure
An agreement to "enn" the coal
Buried Loot Shown
Schuck Murder Jury
Contlnnrd from IV Ont
point for the defense In the ciot-ei-11
initiation todny of Dr. Frank II, Stem,
the coronet's physician. Dr. Httia
described the wounds on Paul's bend.
Hy cross-questioning, Mr. Cnrrotv
brought out the fact that the blows
could not hnvc been struck except trcini
In front, and the attorney for the de
fendant made plpain to the jury his
opinion thnt from the position in tvhicli
Schuck wns sitting nt the wheel of the
automobile he could not bnve struck
these blows.
ScliiirU Helpt Lawyer
Schuck bellied his attorney conduct
the examination of witnesses today just
ns bo bad helped pick the jury yester
day when the trial begnn.
hehuiu's exhibition of steel neive
astonished nil beholders. It wns in
marked (outract i th( collnnc of
.lames when the latter was tried.
Schuck cinne into .V courtroom n
0:30 o'clock, bright and Btniling, neat
and 'debonnair as yesterday, and. if
anything, bearing nn air of gieater as
surance. He look bis seat at the conn
sel table beside bis attorney, very much
as If he had been another lntvyer in
the case, instead of a iiinn whose life
hnngt In the balance.
St limit Kxamlnes Photographs
Prosecutor Wolverton opened the
pioceedinr.s by offering in evidence pho
togrnpb( of the spots where the body
of Paul ttat found and wbeie it yns
llrst thrown after the bank messenger
bad been shot nnd beaten to death.
"Mnt I see them? asked Mr. ( ur
row Thev were hnnded over to hlin.
nnd Schuck bent eagerly to examine
them , ,
The defendnnl appeared to be more
interested than moved ut the sight of
(he pictures. He crooked 11 nnger nnu
ll.ni 1 Wuiis. Feb. I.V iKt A P 1
The bill to cnfoKe provisions of the Vol
stead prohibition Inw was iiitioduced
lit Hepresentntne Martin. AllegliPiij. in
tlie Hoiisr Insi niglit
Ant ,1? ink Mintaiiilng mnip ihnn one
half of I per 1 ent of alcohol i defined
ns inlotii nting Violntiou of ihe pto
visions is made a inisdemraiior with n
innMliiiwii penult t of SodOD fine or three
jenrt' lnipriniiiiieni . ur both
left In the disiTctiiiti of
minimum tin
I the 1 oun
I'liyMsKin llllil lle of lllllol ill pi'uaie
1 hollies toi t'n in 1 l.t usp or etitPi laiiiiueiit
of guests is pi rnnttid
I A pldi'e wlieie li(iior N 'xild in tin
, latiotr of the Inw is d'Mlnied n nui
j anci', n bp ilen'l with ns tn Ii h ihe
Si-nn-h and i-miie hi tidatitniiuii of
tlie law now ill fuice in this tnle
ngiiitisl gumhling i pmttdeil fin In the
The isMie nf not uaiioui lo enii!i
a )i'itate dwelling without conclusive
piuof tiiat sin b n dwelling is being used
for tlie ma mi fm til re or -sic of Honor
Mayor 011 tin. ml for Tiap
'I'lie Muioi will html t the proposal 1
illlefllllj Willi the objectt of molding
anttbing like 11 dap. Weglein insists I
that this specitic ptoposnl, ns well as
general effmts tnwuul hniinntij, are,
being made in tlie "utmost good faith." ,
Friends of tlie Iajoi s.it that lie inn
avoid all mips, if time be nut , bv teto- '
inir the ordiii'ime ami that the 1 omblne
will be unable to oteiride the teto next
Thursday beuiue of the absem e of
Coiiiicilinnii Hur h fmin Philadelphia.
It it iimletstooil that linnli would
tote with the comhiiip on ibis subject
! lie were in Philndelphia. '
In ilia nipji nu M, the lnu,t niipe.
,, ...-.. - .,..u
I lie 1 tifitilnir of fteni-e, I Ilnltnes in psiilmil
probe pointed out certain features of the
it in tutct in 11 whispered consultation
its in 1-nter. ns bunk oflicinlt were pu
were tbe witness stand, one by one. tc
V. "- .i. 1.. .l, Ilio i.nsp. defer
nere to miil.e Ihe ngiceineiit euective, in' gruuii"' " , ' ' ,.,
tbcii lepicsenlntitcs. ,-ho are alttats I and bis attorney tvere in coiistnnt con
plentifully in evidence, turned their nt- 1 sultntion. II was t '" '.'H les'
tentioi. to lining up totes ngulnst the! tliat the his witness wns -eca led o
f.li. ii 1. IliI.i 11 t l.inul tin nKrltnul
IVI i Hill til i 1IUS Uilll V4 (lit III1'1 -.-,---
loiifciences of nil the his interestH In Later, ns bunk oflicinlt were put 011
.1.- , 1.... 1 1 ...1 ...Fm. 11 .i. ir,n.-a utnnil. one hv one. to lay
1 uc l on 1 uinii-s .iiu wiiiic 1 uc y were i,,c " , -- --- ,i.,,ii
1,..,.., 1.. ,i. ,1 -..,.,.,.,( ffoi... ihe groundwork for tlie case, defendant
hard nnd soft.
Chief Postnl Inspector l.eoiiiud :il
the Federnl I!uildiug. nid thin while
he did not question the possibility thin
foreigners hnte been niulctid of thin
money, it wus not tluougli the use of
the postnthVe monev -order sjstpm
".My department bnt not incited a
complaint from a forpirner nf moiiet is foi bidden.
being lost during the last two tears." ' Proof of niHiiufnituie ami -nip rinses
he said "(If course. I do not kimtv if ,th" piesumptioii thnt the di-nk made is
these agencies, which, it is dec'ured, I for liever.ige purposes The law plni et
aic doing the swindling, me using tin- the burden of pioof to the coutiait on
mnils ns n mentis to obtain business the paitv an used
If su'h londition inn be i-siiMisIipiI. Tlie bill n penlt 111
they are punishable fm using the mails
tn defraud, and a prompt investiga
tion can b" assured by mv depurtment
If we rereive u smile 1 ninpliiiiii lo lil.lt
effect '
llurrlsburg. t-'i b I." Among hdN
presented to the stni- Assemhlj since
the sixth week of the present 'cession
Marled 1 .-1 -r night .up the following
tt'issdntird. rhlljdelliliLi, niirui,rl itlnn-
Jwlnh Hopral ;ior punt jsto Olio
TnHe'1a', Hit ,,o., , vitnut til lt,i
p 11 Jinoo Mil" shi 1 ,(n I'milo i,r
manlonn It np 11 ltd InMensi-- $7" lino ,
i:h!ldrr 9 Aid sn t ,,f Inrs, in a J17,"
OOi) liuii ,f G'lcl Shepherd 1.11 mm rri
'nl-n Hrmi IJ-rmin.mr t7'"n I'rc
di-nr-fl tt"ritul lloiMtiin
t'.tttoil. IMilliidf llddii li'ib, inri ,, -oat
ItetnuA svitfin 1 ,t pawnor, ksi nc!.
f50O h ''i I" llis'il l, rlrl s gf .nui"
Pa wnhrokTH ma, rlirn- mvrM, ni h p'
rnl rr ir an-J t'a cr rr (," niontn
for other ' hft rz
iisu. rniiuiiripiiLi ihfii rv tipim' nn
f Ih'Ji of Ut'
r.'.ald.t), IU
' tnmVs on
; ilp, 1 tu- .
Hi unks inw nii'i
wipes uui Ihe entile lc eun . t -ii-ni
It is i, i bis nine effect ire sixt.t dms
after npp'iiv.il In the limernoi o
protision for iiiiditioiia! nloi, eiuiul
nun hinery is made
of the bontd ot i-ountj coininissioncrt,
with regard to the pnlaie may be a
preliminary to the recall of tlie oidi
unncc" by Council. The leason tor this
thought it t li nt Holmes will be unable
in answer the questions fully nnd the
Mntoi can then tnke ndtniitnge of the
offer to hnte the orilinatnc withdiawn
for the purpose of nn tniestigiition ami
lo Rei tlie kind of "iibstnutiiil nnstteis
Day light Hill Hubs Ip
.senator (iwrge Woudwnid nf I'hiln
delphin. seuf out nil S S Mill today
for 11 rally of public sentiment in favoi
01 1 lie tint light sating bi,l He snid
'i,. lull would not bp passed until the
pu pie make their wishes plain to mem
bei nl the House and Semite
Senator Woodwind's bill is now in
ihe Senate judiciary geneuil 1 iiiuiniitee
and the wat the majority of thnt com
niittie now feels the bill will siny theie
1 mil il is dead Senator Woodwaiil
will make etert efl'oi I to gel the bib
fill nf (oinuiittee and would like to hnte
nssisinine (Iiip of those in Plnlade'
ph;ii win, is helping Imp seunloi is
Aithur II I. en.
The 1 1 nn lil.- is, 11, , -nrding to fi lends
of the bill, that the House nnd Semite
nte being deluged with pionugnmlll
ptoposed t.11 on cos
Measure Giving Away State Stream
Rights to Be Amended
Uu a Su3 Cort'pondtit
lltui'ishtirg, Feb 15. Henntot Vnrc
nnd Clifford Pirn hot. head of the stntn
Forestiy .epaitiiient. will confi 1 todny
on tlie Vure bill ttluHi would restore
the light rf eminent domain to wuter
power companies.
It it proposed In Ihe lonfcience lo
discuss a modification of the bill which
would nllow tlie sl.ue to have full con
trol of the power of eminent domuln.
Then power inmpanies could Acquire
land and water, under tlie nu.'pii es of
the slntp. nnd the principles nf the
Penntpnckei 111 1 of 1!K)5 wotllil be
It is beliett'd Seuutoi Nine nnd Gov
ernor Spioul will ngroc. mi n modifica
tion of the bill which would preserve
tne state't cont 10I nier the power of
eminent domain nnd nt the same time
promote beneficial development. How
ever, it it miide clenr that the idute
ndministrution it not indorsing the pro
posed upper Delaware power project,
at ihe iidministratioii does not know
enough about j to determine a stand.
Senator Vnrc said ho had no parth'if
lnr interest in the bill. He milled thnt
the ideas nf the (ioternnt nnd Mr. Pin
chot for hnndllng the situation would be
mceptnble to him.
Bill to Bury Hero Here
lliiiiishurg, Feb 15. Itepieseutniivc
Holder lnti niglit presented a resolution
pi milling for burin I of nn unknown sol
dier 111 Independence Square. Philadel
phia The measuie was luid oter tor
had been little late in having his part
of the money ready for transmission.
"He didn't answer when 1 Rpokc to
him, and I knew by the expression of
his fnic (hat he wns tnnde, ' snid the
witness. He added that Haul "some
times gol thnt way."
Paying Teller Testifies
Fied Mlclienrr, of Collingswood, pay
ing teller nt the b.uik. testified thnt
Pnul hnd .foTi.OOO in cash in another
latter paiknge. wrapped In blown pa
per and tied with siting. He exhibited
Ihe bank's day hoik In evidence to piovc
the cuireetness of this amount,
Schuck and James at Odds
Mi. Cnrrow m cross examining the
witness tried to show that Paul some
times carried even larger sums. He
succeeded only In having the witness
to state that the largest amounts car
ried by the messenger were on Mondays
nnd TucsdnjF llecnuse it was on n
Tuesday that Paul was murdered, this
bit of testimony wnt considered espe
cially unfortunate for the defense.
John V. Rockefeller, of l'nlmyrn, a
bookkeeper In the Ciunden bank, testi
fied that Paul left the bank nt 1 :."() or
- o'clock.
Albeit Hauls, tlie teeelvlng teller of
tbe Ciirnrd National llnnk. of this city,
testified Pnul was in the habit of enter
ing tint bnnk about 'J o'clock In the
afternoon, but thnt on October 5 be bad
not nppeaieil and wns never seen there
Hnrry Paul, son of the uiuidered
mnn, identlllcu die wnllvl which bis
tn his confession, used at his own
trial, James hud asserted that Schuck
had tttrued In his seat nnd struck Pnul,
who was lying on tbe floor of the car,
in tho rear.
Prosecutor Wolverton tried to qualify
I)r. Stem ns nn export on the preserva
tive qualities of cedar water, to ac
count for tlie excellent state ot the
body when it was found, (en days lifter
the 'murder. He did not succeed in this,
however, because of Mr. Carrow's ob
jections. Tho phj-fllclan was permitted,
however, to testify that tho body was
buried in sand, which is known to de
lay decay.
Cbarlc" C. Morton. 11 game waiden.
idcntijled the $SU,(IIH) Jumcs nnd
Schuck arc Hald to have hidden in the
Schuck family burial plot In Kvergiceu
Cemetery, Camden,
Jurors K.tcs Hulge
The luiom' eves bulged when they
li.mv ll.n tl.lek nnckets nf bills of large
dcnominittloiis. They weie marked
"Kxhlblt S 17" and "Kxhibft S. 18."
The witness told how Schuck had guided
him with Detective Parker nnd several
other detectives, to the spot tit .T o'clock
in the morning of Sunday,. November
7: how they had searched with the aid
of flashlights, and lecovered the money
by digging at points Schuck indicated,
finding the money In two holes, one
pucket of $15,000 under it geranium,
tho other packet of ifl'O.OOO burled
close by .
In cioss examining Mr. Cnrrow
stressed the fact Unit Schuck md
father hnd cnrilcd, nnd papers which it aided thJ autboiltles In lecotering the
monev nril otherwise nnu assisted 111
the solving of Ihe mystciy.
Schuck looked curiously nt the monei
ns Prosecutor Wolverton walked with
It fiom the table where it lay with
other exhibits to the witness box, to
hand it to Ihe gumi warden for identi
fication. The defendant then tinned
hit eyes nwuy carelessly us the warden
I Held tlie money up 10 looit ui 11.
' fl,.l. ,..1,1 stllm. u-1lAau ,.u n,,l f.r.
ni, ,.,,; w.mii ,..i-,T ,,- ,,,. .,11
the stand after ins cross-examination
bud been finished Schuck hnd thought
of another question for his lawyer to
nsk. and It proved to be the beginn ing
of 11 stubborn fight to delay the proving
of tlie monev carried by l'aui
Identifies Ocposlt Slip
F.divnid N'orcross, nn employe of the
Hrondwut Trust Co.. where Paul
worked, wns the first witness, testifying
he hnd known Paul four yenrs nnd on
the dnv of bis death had seen him stnri
out with tlie package of currency ami
checks for (lie Girnrd National llnnk
In Philndelphia. Tbe witness identified '
n deposit slip wrapped around tlie
checks and Paul's locker key. 1
In ciott-etuii'inntlon the witness
testified Paul would not know how much
monet was in the package. He had left
Uu. sinnd when Schuck asked Mr. ('ill
row- to ieajl him und nsk him wliai
soil of a package it was in which the
money was cairied. '
I "About eight Indies long and u 1
inchct deep, me witness imsweieii
snci-eeiliiiz bank witnesses were cioss :
questioned senrchingly by Air. Cunow.
mnnt of the questions being piomptcu
by Sell 11 k
Money in Ktldeme
Charles It. Anderson, of I'uinden h
bnnk deik. testified he had given Paul
one package (ontaininc $5000 in old
bill". Tills package wns another of the
exhibits. It now contains only SIC(X)
bowcvei. The clerk testified be hnd
counted the money remaining in the
package on the first day of the .lames 1
trial. He knew the money, he said, be
iniife it wns old and worn und some of,
Uu bills which were toi n bad been ie
imircd bj him in n peculiar way which '
he easily rei ognized '
T'nder cross-exnuiinntion the wittiest
said Paul had been in a bad humor
when he started out because the witness
Defense Muhcs Point
The defense scored n point in the
cioss-cxauiinntinn of Dr. Friink O.
Stem, county physician, who examined
the body of Pnul. Dr. Stem described
the wounds on the dead man's bend ns
he had described them nt tbe James
ttinl. He said there tvere five wounds 1
on tlie right tide and one on Hie left.
flu, lnol mimed n ilepti u-nntwl tl,!..1, l,n,l
1,,-nt.eFi the knlt mill pnimed dnnti, tlie stand bcfoie udjouriiuietit. This was
On cioss-exnininntion Mr. Cnrrow deoige (liberson. of Inbcinucle. who
broiigln out the fad that the wounds found Pauls long bank-runner s will
were iu a position which Indicated thnt ' ''' ''"' along the toad near I rick s
thev had been struck from the front 01 iCnttsewnj. in the neigbbot hood of the
a point directly over the body. The nl - j "i"" u'lim' tl,r Ul"v WUH 'ourid.
tornev for tiie liefcnilunl pressed his 1 Schuck bus "fallen out" with his
point Hint such blows could not hnte foi met "pnl." .Initios, becnusp the latter
been stimk by Schiiek, sitting in the is to be 11 witness nguinr liit'i.
dritet's scut. .lames was brought inlo iniirl yes
terday for the. ImiVisltlon rif ,s7n(77;'i
but littstlce KatKuibuch wllbhridW
toner because .liunos was lo aiipVrf?
n witness. ' nr
'I'liottsh Schuck Im.l !,.. . . .
from the courtroom Lnrrt,,. 'cn,,iv'fl
l-.l ! I.- !... ,--,---.. .Illllipi, to.
This elenred up any llngerin
1 nve iiiiii iih to '
would take tlil-
led in. he lenfned nflerwunlo 'hi, V
penrnncc nnd of the justice's . , "
This elenred un nn.- llnin. I. 1. ".'"n.
inlebt bnve bad 11. i ...1.' " ' '?
t 1 1 1, . . . "miner lit
ilnnd ngflin.i
Express Appreciation of Elevation
of Archbishop to Cardinal
Pileslsof this city, m B meeting to
dny. sent a cablegram to the p0.)(, .
which they expressed as-preclutinn ,
the coming elevation f Aiclih.bn
Dougherly to the catdinnlate
'Vho cablegram was inldiesse.l 0 Cur
d nal HaspafTI pnp ,wrctrjr f l
It rend as follows: ""'
"The priests of Philadelphia be. T0...
Kmlnenre.lo communicate to the iri
Father the grateful appreciation"0 f
piessed In the following messaKC.
" 'The clergy boll, secular ami rfm.
Inr, of the archdiocese ,,f Pliad,nh.
nt a specially lonveiied meeting reeci,:
Ing with great joy the ntinoimo,,,' T
of the elevation In the near fmrJ
our be'oved nicliblsbof) to the vir-i
College of Cardinals. Jnyfully'i,", ,
occasion of signlfyliig to the Hovereli.!
Po.il 1 ft th-elr beat trfelt npprcciatlo"
grntitinle on behalf of thomsclcs n
the people committed to huir' cT.
because of the honor conferred In ii,!
most icveiend fircliblshop, the nirli,l
ccse and the city of Philodelpl,lR
It was announced todny thnt nnotl,.r
priest has joined the putty of (lor.,.
men which will accompany Archbi.J'
Dougherty to Rome, when he 1PZ
Saturday. Ho is the Rev .fhn 1
Crccnsill. pastor of SI Ildiniimr.
Chundi. Twenty-third und ?!'
streets. . "Ini"
Fire Arouses Hospital Patients
Patients in the Municipal Hnsnital
for Contagious Diseases tvere nrnWii
enrly thit morning when a brush ii,n,
the Hid Cnthcdral Cemetetv Sj
and l.tixerne streets took fire The ,0,.
pltnl Is 11 bundled yards from the eenn
..--r, ..-.,,-.. 1 ir 1 -ii w - 1 rr
or birth and ilit unii u
mnt of pni 'it ( 4m i
deparTmnt t lialt h
Wafr, -Nimorrl.irnl
nyh!H nf Hdw ifd h I Jr.r
M'hllfrn, tllrehrii. Ma .a
rn rorni.,r auj Tt,mar-i t t
of roun f linn
WiMHlw.irtl. 1'hll.nlf Iphh Rsj 1 nn
rttnlnc nf t'lKi f a - l :,. f 1
Of fJrl 1'lMFf .n fhl ( ' -AitiV-'ii Inn
ntiy ifti ia dK
provide punishrrxri'
ordlnnnrs m lino
'II author zi'k'
nnr for rnunif j
sni forbi-I'nff v,
silllfr, NfiniffM-t
rnpn ti 1 it,M
t ' rt,HlOii of nt
e t flf Tert !& 3 :,
-n n vf jafonr."
--... t 'or- of -Turoi?
IIH -Hlllrf HiiQU tini V"
trr she p kil tt 1 1 rw t.. j.'" ffi
n-p nnd ltf ffii i:riUM nl.fcp
MarbliMll. Xfiiiinci r t ,,
milltnr fin' mn' pi A j r
-. b I
nuvfoni '
cr rutin?
out niutfr r ri t i- -
nf 0't f uiii .n 01
Gibbon. I.ufrn pr r
Wny H(p''ii i mi Ih
MiafTer, uliiinbl.i -Aim
Idli n h ni, 1 r. r'
ta rdi'wmr f it ft ,
cilect... ry h m rru 1 k
h rouh t n1 ' r it 1 x
ent o' d hv
.itlliK J3 '
1 ftt;
i. y
f ti I -m d hx
rorrifii .a or
1 ol'rtfirii " r'
rnfcrtinir ' 'nip
wrv -n 11 ti tnir "" hhh .nt r jronprs nn
0 i i1 in he rot r r 1 oft i'
llnirl. rhlliilflphLi V;i r priatlnr O00
t 'n li j.1 r 'iiiui r i a lfipnia
lltfurr, ( fntr 'i '"i r.At t x UL o) .
n.. ' irf" Sidle Ilmpr-t ftr Phtliiysu j
i i o rp a 'n,lkien',v In t ,ii 1 ar
lllcln, d.un Al'o m(j s.-jnl-' 1hs 'i.ti i
iu; s ip- ' Mor at J I'm' 1 i.h ounsVo
rnn pnr, tn J u la fot nttpnJ'r un
Dltnhrimpr. riiU.Mtrltihlj np npnnf.ri
lf 000 U I'm K jh- t. HJV'- Ih. H-i
SlrrlliiB Thll Klr-Ipbt 1 ei ji iiiiv J"
000 in ttifj Suti id K.i Hi .S h u. n Io.n
t wp
llrnilji. riilluilflplu 1 xwmnr.attnr (Mi
Jfcri t, tli hint 1 1 1 m j lJnf,nti ii
hiiHd phlH
tatlunder, Xtkuhrm 1 m t 113 nn' -
TipfeTt'J Mini iu lunrftuptrv proc'tc ns
'hr month- nrimriM t- th limit of cJa'n'
Imitlnt; int ni tttnv c dim ovi ofh.
ciirn to U rt nicmlM 4
Stpnlltf UrKhc11j I fjrihr nnc 1
IMJ tor rft Pf'cdl r .a'mni Onwtufii the Hlt
Mfd cat t jii it aim 1 u'lTiii.w of u her Rt-Utff
liuhlfr, Ickuiinii 1 uthirWinc pibrr n
vnnifn to expeut- frn of .it toi nc ft
1h fonfMira nf 1 . am
Mwkhoijht. riiiluiMphlii - Appiopridtlns
U'OO IA)0 'o St MtMtb Huiptkt, IhileiJl
HUll.imlpr Allfclifii) Ur.,'ic ih li.'.vfu.
lot tlf imi"t for tn i. t ion ' tnon-v
It pr 1 pnt v h ri no ft 1 'n 1 in 1 .1 i in TttBd
(noli, lurk -l'm ilin r r 1 hi .inurt.
JRHf )(i of till il I "J
Utioti t,irrn Uiii r 1 r ui i Mas'i'
rs t,t nil 1 Ji,p 1 n m . 1 1 in-m r ,
PO! 1 ( r I M V Ili'N ,rt ' I .1 ',!, v
V t ' '" 1 1 i ,i ni t t t dX' s
llnnl. rhil.idflplil.i I t 1 u. 1 it w t s.t
arl 1 r fimnr ,m rw of 1 CiitlMn-
urm iu uuftt 1 hjiuk rnui Ihdti l.Vi Otut
i upUlft lor
until, Inntfitiurr.t uproprIu( nt $ 000
tc thw Jluntyotnerj M upltul nf Nommown
Martin, AllrttliPMj ft' 'juliinfc.- thut l-arbm
nl'taln a luinna freni w Htutc xamitiif lioard
rhlllll", ('JnirilddIncfebuiui: tl.-i length
pf latrulj rallruadR
Hohlrr, Iju-kiiwuiinit lo proid for th
tiaj of aftlunn at l(u l f"r h t efr
narefil upon ' pit-, vini 1 Mr
ioncurrrni rf-u'ti -i on m , 1 u rh" n
po nlmcf fa w 1 'ft- .
of Cnlllpli ni; H ' ' n'l f w
tho car of.ilie ii -f ti.r h tt emi rip
protliono(r.'ti or rip km of U' rourts of
Cemtuon I'litii to Uvi hendrut lndexM
nAm condeJntd by puhlio and prtva,tv 00
7 licr and build m lAlaryjviiU
of I j Jj
-X X X JtL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. XJf -t-. X X X X X
Are You Hungry. Fdr Orders?
then :
telephone Walnut 5641
write: Rapid Addressing Machine Company
or visit us at 1208 Chestnut Street
Most businesses have a crick in the neck, today from twisting their heads
in search of orders. Apparently there i$ no royal road to deflation.
But, you have taken your losses. Inventories have been reduced. Liquid
ation is about over. Business generally is clearing the decks for action.
Just ahead lies a great cycle of sound growth and sane expansion. Heads up. Let's gol
Belknap Systems of Addressing are life savers
for concerns who need business
Economically and effectively, they go after business and get it. When depression first
set in to the tune of cancellations from all points of the compass, lots of concerns were
able to keep things going thanks to the facil
ity and celerity with which their Belknap
Systems enabled them to turn a vigorous
broadside of direct selling effort on every worth
while concern in their line.
No. 3
With things beginning to look up on all sides,
the possibilities for its profitable employment
in your business are getting better every day.
Get busy! Begin to tell people about your goods.
Under any circumstances, and in all times, it is
very valuable to have a wide acquaintanceship
among the folks you ought to sell. But, today
their acquaintanceship and good will are abso
lutely essential to your continuance in business.
Let a Belknap Service Man explain to you
our Systems in detail from our 98 Guar
anteed Lists of all trades to ways of reaching
the concerns represented by these lists
inexpensively, systematically, and profitably.
A telephone call to Walnut 5641, or a letter
to us at the address below, will bring him.
Better have him come; you are paying for
Addressing Efficiency many times over in the
leaks and losses of your present inefficiency.
And, it is .all so easy and simple.
You are half-equipped for a
Belknap System now!
Any business that owns a typewriter and a stenourapher
to operate it is more than half-equipped for Belknap
Addressing Efficiency.
Your reRularoffketypewriter isthe only machine needed
to cut a Belknap Addressing Stencil Your stenographer
can cut it, just as she would address an envelope.
After that, it is just a question of using the stencils as
you need them. And when you need them, a Belknap
Addressor will speed through the job for you with me
chanical infallibility and more than human intelligence
at the rate of 1500 to 14,000 per hour, depending on
the kind of machine your business seems to need.
On request, we will gladly send you a book tell.ng you
more about Belknap Systems of Addressing. But, a
personal talk is generally more satisfactory. So, if you
want more business if you are hungry for orders
call Walnut 5641 for a Belknap Service Man to call
at once or write us at the addess below.
Rapid ADDftESSiNG'MACinrsE-ffi.
Offices and Agencus
In all Principal Cities
Jm Stlbjtff '
I repeat!
Thii No. 1 Moyif
Drive BalVntp Ad
dressor address)!
15,000 to 2VO00
names a dr.
Just a few of
Our Guaranteed Lists
of Names
IS913 Agricultural Implement Dealers
37047 Bankers
13416 Booksellers and Stationers
30104 Boot and Shoe (Retail) rated tU'W
and over
19316 Carpet Dealers
10S43 Cement Dealert
3861 China, Crockory and Glassware Dtl'
40555 Cigars and Tobacco (Retail)
7500 Cloak and Suit Dealers
31318 Clothing Dealers (Retail)
3764 Coffee and Tea Dealers
35433 Confoctioners
3198 Contractors (Heating)
6039 Creameries
5113 Delicatessen
41489 Dentists
1930 Department Stores
45333 Druggists
3832 Wholesale Grocers
30466 Hardware Dealers
33035 Jewelers (Retail)
7551 Laundries (Excluding Chinese)
5587 Men's Furnishings
1538 Oculists and Aurists
39533 Paint, Oil and Glass Dealers
Full information about our other
guaranteed lists on request