MHHMI IHHH f-iui wytgw - "M W-r " rr1 """VlPtyftfc wpwp t plNBOWL FIGHT HiBLKbSUMtU Campus Institution, Abandoned After Fatality, to Bo Loss Dangerous MAY START THIS YEAR EVENING PUBLIC? IjEDaERraiL'ADELPBtA,J TUESDAY, FEBRIJABY 15, 102X a.3 DR. SHOREY, OF CHICAGO, TO BE HONORED BY U. OF P. Teacher of Greek to Be Given LL. D. at Penn Graduations Partial programs for Alumni and Uni versity Day, February 21 and 22, have been announced at tlic University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Tuul Hliorcy, pro fcraor of ilreok nt tho University of Chicago, will bo the only recipient of an honorary degree, being given an Ai. I). Alumni Day, Monday, the 2Ut. will be opened with informal visiting by tho "grads." A Bpcclal chapel will bo held for uch as caro to attend iu Houston Club, nt which acting l'rovost I'cnnlmnn will conduct tho services. At 2 o'clock the nnnuul election of otii rcrs of tho Alumni Society will be held, followed by n meeting In tho Iloueton Club. Tho day's program will closo with a banquet of the society in tho Hollovuo" Stratford, at which George V. Wickcrsham, of tho clous of 1880, ut tornoy gtncral In Uic Taft adtnlnlstra tlon; Fletcher ". Hikes, a nu-mbcr of the state tagialaturo ; Dr. l'ennlinan nnd Thomas W. Hulmc, proiident of the society, will bo the speakers. 'i nr graduation exercises of Univcr HONOR MORRISON'S MEMORY ... ....! howl fight, staged fot T1" , between the freshmen anil " 'TclawM nt tho University o ,rl"n?rru which was ordered repnIfnn MB nftcr a fatality, will be rtpppri I 1" ' )c pcrmlwlon of Acting &!t Wnnlinan and the support of Wffion favoring the resumption ". 1 i; the Unncrgrniiuaic uuuui-ii HI5, nrotrnctcd meeting. The matter ft"A.p?.i nn by a body known an aVi iBiiitlonal fotntnittec, compo-rj oi nity Day wl open In the Academy of of tho four undergrnduatcMusr at 0.n0 0.clockt The program Btinbtrs mtinw" ".. nr.,i. renort wni f'ttM; consideration by the Un Vfn tin iir j MRolutlon 'Efi' e'Jor'atlon of the light Z Sriotinedyertcntay. ? I" "l.u,c,; will W the formula .. 1B!,u'i. I eliminate the danger i iu bonl fisl't. one of which w 1 5blybbcl.c-llmltjn? of the numh er 111 mber TCadfnM participating. Whether the .iIU be tMumcd this jenv or next lint win c' . .., in(,,i I? Ml,,c ,Z", Penniman several .2li IB9 announwl his approval of SJatanf for the resumption of n "safe Q'aanc" bow ngni, or the exercises has been arinimcil us follows: Invocation by the Hcv. Dr. Alcxnn dcr MncCoil, of tho Second 1'rc.ibytcr Inn Church, who will be Introduced by Ihe nrtint? nmiiwt. T)r. Nlinri.v will ' ll.lltvAn ntl n.lilKAo.. nn li..,n1 Unity." The conferring of degrees and tho presentation of the honorary degree will follow. in! pane X ton fo " V mt $?,nHhtw f MTine reKu(ntions: The sopho- tVu tlelit. whieh un- ueqn n 'i' IM wiown'b -,""- t)in .lefensivc. C3 UP folliUy around a huge wooden fid pliMil in Uip middle of n conye Ast orn vpaee. Tho purpose of the feknr nt to get through the pl.n S?i ind !"v their hands on the bowl if ibeend of the fight. tE smiroved strategy for tho fvcM.- ,; to drng thdr opponents nuuy C t ho bowl and then, at the Inst moment, lo rutJi in and get Hold of it. The faUlity occurred when William fifeon. seventeen yonrs old. a fiesn. in broke through the sophomore 1 nc "uhe beginning of the fight and tried "maintain his hold throughout the nty minutes set ns n time limit. lie wis siiffccated in the mud beneath tho itrerelins frnis o( 1,is flt-smatcs n",'1 ,,Xnd lifeless when U.ejight ended. MAINE SUNK 23 YEARS AGO Twenty-three years ago the bnttteship Viine wnfl Mink in the hnrbor nt Ha- una i "'"" !"' , .' ' i t t t . thnnheri.ry wm ne ura. jKi3 ic Citv Hall will be extinguished to Jlrtt from 0:40 to 0:50 o'clock. LEAVES FUND TO HOSPITAL Ella McCord Provides for Upkeep of Room at Presbyterian The Presbjterlnn Hospital jceeives nn endowment of $lii,000 for tlic main tenance of a room by the terms of the will of Klla McCord, who died at the Aldino Hotel. She vlt $."000 in trust for a niece, Annn M. McCord, and upon the deuth of tho niece the $5000 will go to the Presbjterlnn Hospital for the ninlntenunce of n free bed. She also left $1000 to the Y. W. C. A. Other wills ndmitted to probate to ilny included those In tho estates of Mary Hlckennon, ("007 Catharine street, $100,000; Edward It. Twnddoll, -1203 Chester avenue, $100,000. and John Kelly, 1-122 South Seventeenth street, $13,-100. George Allen Burled The funeral of George Allen, promi nent Philadelphia merchant, who died in London on January P,0, wus held from the Allen home in Overbrook to day. The hervlces were conducted by tho ltcv. Dr. John (Srnnt Xewman, pastor of the Chambcrs-Wylle Presby terian Church. Interment woi made privately iu West Lauiel Hill Cemetery. Bave iou Dined and Danced in THE box ? AT THE RITTENHOUSE 22d nnd Chestnut Sts. nvNri: to'tiik music or THE TIERNEY FIVE who rt,AY mmiNa luncheon, DtNNKIl AND SUri'KH. Lwfhf"n riattfro, "0 rnt no. Also Srf cltl SI Lunchrott uud (l.tS Dlnnc or hfnlce a la carlt. A Real Bargain 7 is Handsome Living Room Suit THIS handsome 4-piece living-room suit, consist ing of 7-ft. Davenrort, Arm Chair, Fireside Chair and Stool covsred in Tapestry or Velour or Tapestry and Vclour"Combinations. You may choose from the greatest line of furnitur'c coverings in Philadelphia. This suit is filled with choice Louisiana 4X moss, sterilized black hair and white felted cotton. Hounded or swell fronts, full spring edges, spring Iwfks. spring arms and loose spring cushions. The workmanship and construction of this won uertul suit is the very beat and backed by our guar antor. Entire Satisfaction or All Money Returned Our reputation for honest dealing is known to the People of Philadelphia. This suit goes on sale as an "oiiest advertising proposition with us, and this Wholesale price is even less than in prewar times. People having in mind tho beautifying of their fun'8, aml lmvc been awaiting A REAL FEBRUARY , ARUAIN W'U find in this sale an investment never before offered in Philadelphia. This handsome suit would add beauty to the best furnished home. On Sale This Week Only $ 1 98-5o W AUNenP0l,ts made any size. No extra charge. ee Auto Delivery in Philadelphia and vicinity. You ,. . savc money by dealing with us. Wc Are AInnu- an i 1rcrs and SeH I)irect- Wo take pride in our work ui to make every piece a sample. Smith & Brodhead Manufacturers Custom Furnitur """siS?" aio iri-.M. c - s i.l-u- ".a u..rc fftfiur.tjt. 4 Northeast High School Alumni Me morialize Former Educator With the unvellliiR of a tablet and the dedication of Its new nudltorium In honor of Dr. Andrew J. Morrison, tho class of 100", of the Northeast High School, Inst night perpetunted the memory of that diRtlngulshcd educator, for twenty-two yenrs principal of the school. In his dedicatory mldrcss, the Uev. John It. Hart. Jr., president of the class, prniocd Dr. Morrloon's work nx nn educator whose vork rocs forward In the lives of those lie taught. Kvery pcrnon iu tho assemblage of more than 1000 wore a red carnation, which was Ir. Morrison's favorite flower. Mayor Moore, who was scheduled to speak, hent n telegram of regret. Simon Grnta, president of tho Hoard of lMu ration, oIho was unable to attend. Charles II. Kdmunda. who represented tho board, praised tno work nnd in fluence of Dr. Morrison. Other speakers Included Dr. George . V. Stradlfng, princlpul of the North- I oast High School, and Dr. l'rcdcrlck I Gowlng. j SEIZE LIQUOR IN "MOVIE" "Raiding Parson" Gets 280 Gallons In Chester Theatre While the audience watched the hero I of the "screen drnramcr" outluck the villain, the Iter. It. V.. Johnson, the "raiding parson," led government agents into tho cellar of n Chester motion-picture thentre ycslciday and con fiscated Kcvcn barrels containing 280 gallons of liquor. Mr. Johnson said the whiskv was hidden in n room especially built for concealment. Ho declared the theatre was owned by a man who recently bought n Chester hotel, which had been raided a number of times by federal officers. Tho liquor was brought to Philadelphia. -. WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WAN AM AKER'S r Making sure your painter is reliable We can rfer you to hundreds ol sntUdecl customer! who know thnt every clement In Q WlUon painting Job li ture to be up to the Wilson lilgh stnndnrd of qu1lty. Have you bad thnt satisfaction In your last painting Job? We have been satisfying customers for the past 70 years. w; GOOD fr hi ruBULVtr &uiinoi; 4WBr mNOJ X Will stand the testoffime. Established 1051 The Feet of Mercury Sec how they bend and point stnd dive! How straight the toes, how raised tho nrch, how the whole foot flexes and curves with the spirit of joyous motion. Well may tho modern woman envy this ancient god the beauty of his feet. Such perfection hns now dis appeared almost completely due to I the. mischievous effects of the stiff-1 soled shoe. Fallen arches, cramped and misshapen toes these aro the common deformities of 859J of the women of today. Hut there Is still a way to pioseivc the natural '.uty of tho foot. Wear Cantilever Shoes. They huij tho nrch and support It. Tho flcxlblo shank en couragoH Uia musclcu to excrclso and strengthen, thU3 correcting and prc vcitlns flat feet. The Natural Inner sole-line keeps tho toes pointing straight ahead, as Nature meant that they should. Widths AAAA to K. CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street Over Cunard Office !0.18 ,9o.lllT ('jililnctj fits In small Knnro. r.nnmrl nans nnd nalli-Is. 1(9.00. ronnccted free. February Sale Gas Ranges-Stoves Refrigerators Every gas r a n c, rc f rigcr a t o r and heating stove in our cntiro stock, which con sists of stan dard make a p p lianccs only, has been greatly reduced l n price for this sale. The most unusual opportuni tics await you as this vis "Trian- is tho greatest f.Minre nV5n. V Slc WC haVO CVer liSTJ" ..inD !SX lieltJ- Wc invite nrnel nan and .. nnnei. ?i 75. c o m parison of (onnrflnl free. :. j ,,.iif,, with any other store in Phila delphia. Your old rnr taken in enchant; at n cain allowance. -iX"'- PerJiinil. PTOmPt doltvory Mn.,!. la'rir.r.e. and connection S.I9.M). service. Three Stores Hi fMsy 13th & j 1026 Arch Sts. Arch St. 263 So. 52nd St. TUi Httrt Oprrt Man., Fri. A Btt Ktit. aY'Tne rool lionielerritnr slinni" HAIR BEAUTY distinguishes women who are faithful users of ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC (Eau da Quinine) Both men and women who choose the good things of life turn naturally to this French Hair Dressing because of its rec ognized merit Its pure and delightful quality makes ED. PINAUD'S safe to use. The scien tific blending of costly ingredients insures exceptional satisfaction in its use. Frees the scalp from dandruff and stimulates the hair roots. Fragrant in Odor PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD American Offices ED. PINAUD BLDG. NEW YORK For Toilet Perfume ED. PINAUD'S LILAC is veil chosen ElJJjJl Wanamaker s Down Stairs Store Wonderfully Wide Choosing Among Pretty Spring Frocks at $10 to $25 U m s( UMIW M sue (Dpi Fine Toilet Soap 75c a Dozen 7c a Cake Good toilet soap in violet, geranium, lilac, violet glycer ine, witch hazel and palm. Water Bottles, 90c Good red rubhor ones in 2 riuart size. ;V worth-while sav ing at this price. Children's Gingham Dresses 2to6Years)t$L25 Charmine; little affairs in pretty checks nnd plain colors. Canary, blue, pink, rose and the like, all with snowy white collnrs stitchod in color. Also, at $1.50, n cunning frock of tan, blue, rose, pink or frreen chambrny. Silk Blouses, $3.90 More of those oxccllent blouses that wont out so quickly. Mostly Goorijotte crepe in flesh-pink, white and ton, but a few in darker colors. Also some dark satins. Evcrv size in the lot, but not in each style. Amazing Strap Wrist Cape Gloves $1.85 Women's soft, brown cape hkin plovos with slight surface imperfections that will not af fect tho wear. Long enough to wear happily with new Spring wrnps and suits, and substantially pique sewn. Lustrous Taffeta Petticoats, $3 Women will certainly appre ciate such good ones at this price. Plain navy, black and lovely changeable hues, also qut'lnt checks they have ac cordion - pleated or ruffled flounces. Good Muslin Drawers, 50c Made in two styles for women. They have lace, tucked and embroidery trim med ruffles. At .$10 alone there are over a dozen different styles in navy blue serge dresses! At $15 you can choose from serges, tricolettea and taffetas in a variety of pretty Spring modes. At $16.50 to $20 there are tricolettes and taffetas in navy, Copenhagen, black and beige. The tricolctto dresses are trimmed with contrasting embroidery, stitchery or odd drapings. The taffetas are as fresh and Springlike as you please. Scores of Dresses at $25 Soft, simple frocks of crepe de chine in navy blue and black. Taffeta dresses in cheery gingham checks, in navy blue, black and Copenhagen. Plenty of them with eyelet embroidery. Serges, tricotine and twill cord frocks show the gayest embroidery or sleeves and insets of bright blue or henna Georgette. There are dresses appropriate for women of all types and ages. I MitrUel ) Clearaway of Women9 s Coats , $13.50 85 coats and dolmans of ve lour and silvcrtone, mostly lined throughout with silk, are plainly tailored or have collars of scalino fur. In the same group are coats in gray herringbone mixtures in heather shades that will be good for Spring. $16.60 Just CO coats and wraps in this group. They are of ve lour, silvertono and mixed coat ings, mostly with collars of sealine. All are lined with silk. Sizes 14 to 44, though not in any one style. (Market) $12.75 $13.50 $17.50 $8.75 300 New Gingham Frocks For Girls of 6 to 16 $3.75 to $6.75 1 VnMiiilh 1 I pu.0 Delightfully fresh and pretty frocks of stiiped and plaid gingham and plain color chambrny. All are of fine quality and charm ingly made ome showing hand-embroidery, pipings of white pique or contrasting mate rials. In brown, green, blue, yellow, pink, tan and cadet blue. Many of these arc bloomer dresses. ?3.75, 3, .?G and $6.75. White Regulation Dresses, $3 Of fine white jean with cadet blue collms and cuffs, the dresses arc box-pleated from shoulder yoko, front and back. They are trimmed with braid and emblems and have shields. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Navy Serge Skirts at $5.75 Box-pirated skirts for blouses or middies are 30 and 32 inches long. (MorUel) FURS Half Early-Season Prices Uolt scarfs, taupe or hi own. are SlT.od to $50; sets aru $35 to 560. Japanese i-io fo sets are $37.50. Skunk. caif arc $J'J.uO to 1536.75. Natural incoon scarf ate $14.25 to ,28 JO. ( ontrul Women's High Shoes, $3.50 Fashionable and serviceable and tho value speaks for itself! Black dull leather walk- ing shoes; ( Extra high black or navy suede shoes; i Gray, brown or black kidsbin shoes. Not all si.cs in every style, but good choosing. High Brown Shoes Special at $4.90 These arc among tho most pop ular shoes m the sale, proving that women and girls want sen sible high shoes. They have 6traight tips, welted soles and low heels. All sizes. (Chrttnut) Men's Brogue Oxfords $5.90 These dark brown brogue Ox fords went out very quickly and plenty of men will be glad to know that we have a new shipment. They have full wing tips nnd broad low heels. (CliUlerr. Mark.t) ra&tt iww hm'wi : .'. :vfcvv r..i l hmvjyi' . ..' vlf .rr - "' y -a v B J--swV"a .A ; at' ;-.: .y-j it i mmm , e . ;.-. T '. '. ts;. mil,,' .l 1 85c $1 $1.50 $1 85 51 ' i dsBi u HP- m , -GX s ii , 85c $1 ' :-:-! , - . - V 37 Styles in a Planned Sale of Polly Prim & Bungalow Aprons at or Below Regular Wholesale Cost 85c $1 $1.50 $1.85 Aprons for young lolk, npion IV i biuuvafur the hum uiuun, npions for bachelor girls, apions for mothers. Ltiu Frivolous aprons and .sternly k mi- Aprons in colors and patterns jirett tnough for a port and in other mom sober colors that will show no traces of earnest houi'koeping. 2100 of the best aprons wc have had m munj a long dn at such prices as those: 85c Polly Prim and bungalow aprons in 7 s tyles. $1 bungalow aprons in 1 2 styles. $1.50 bungalow aprons in 1 1 styles. $1.85 bungalow aprons in 7 styles. Mo.stly of line peicalt-s, but hew and thou' on.' mis quite a (harming gingham icprc3cntcd. Necks aro cut square, round or in V shape. Itiek rack, white pipings, broad panels of contrasting colqr, ruffles nnd now anil then embroidery are used to trim them. All fresh and new from a specialist manufacturer who wants a plnfe in the business of this busy Down Stairs Store and has made price concessions in ouhr to get u (Crlitrul) 80 Different Styles in New Spring Skirts knockabout skirts for eeiy day; plaid skirts in infinite vatict.s; Manuel skirts in many colors; glistening baronots; hilk failles and wonderfully interesting novelty silks. Not a new material, not a new color, not a new mode has been overlooked! Prices start at h 75 for a .-imple elour skirt and go to ?25 for a handsome affair of silk Four New Skirts Are Sketched All Under $20 S8.75 for a knife-pleated skirt of flannel-finish serge m a bold black-and-white plaid. $12.75 for a creamy flannel skirt with stripes of light blue, emer ald, light pink, nay and laramel. SI 3.50 for -oft and shimmering skirt of white novelty silk crepe. S17.50 for a prunella skirt, in blue-brown-and-tan plaid, finely pleated. (Miirlu-ii Modart Corsets The front lacing, the careful boning and neat finish are pointH that women like. A now Modart model for average figures, is ft; another is for tall stout women and is $5. Uo'Jt are of pa If pink bioehc. Fitting-, are 1'reo of charge and will be carefully and quickly done in the little gray lifting rooms off the Coiset Salon. (Onlrsl) r .12 ' Wf.ftf.(. r,t .., X1 Kt-i l .. ik4. ! iVl' sM f