"'"ViSl9"r,1itv vmyv-n- )en.mr?Ft ! M 'WW Ml Sffiry JBHDfW fit. II itiii U t: k & - ms v : r"i . . V!l .. & h e. '. Ll ! J, fa sm u . T AW J kl. ; vs A,.l' Wv ' 'i ai WW i mmm i m VWwi I hi mmm I hJiwl mm i Baa gffi bv ! 10' MRS. WILSON EXPLAINS A REAL FRENCH DINNER MENU i , , Batons de Caroline Are Salt Crackers Spread With Cheese and a Sauce Some Other Delicious Concoctions Translated i Mv Sins'. M. A. WILSON" I (CcpvrtsM, nn. hv lln. U. .A. troi. I l. an rtohta rcsriWJ rnflE bonne lemma of Franco knows 0.(VrV v11 that nM Ttrotnn Rn itlff ' Ititv tlist tho irm nftfii tin More tlifln half thit eating. Henre t!ie rtcKlrnbllity of properly prepnrinif, c&rnishlns and aerVlnic the food. 'to prepare n menu thht will have the elekanee of savory food nnd nt the name time be within the reneh of the tnodrst Sure Is not very difficult. It m even s within the reach of tlie bride In her tiny Kitchenette ntul Bhc can use it for A company meal. In the following tnenu noliee First. The amit.tizer -batons do Car oline. Second. The soup consomraa Tus- cart. , , If tomatoes arc expensive or not easily obtained, use canned tomutocs in preparlns the xmall fritters. Third. The entree of fish-v 1th fish h served the strchy vegetable. Fourth. The fote de vcau a la bour- That is made from calves' liver cooked in country style, lleef. lamb or jIk liver may be substituted &': pensive calves' liver Lay the f r i Mice of tont and then lay the cs tables around for a Rarmsh. I eas ami salnd nre served with the r. Dessert it sliced pineapple. vrLlppcrt "SJ t .nSSFSreo that Lctal'sord'etreofthismenuisto ablc the housewife to Mrw J Modest cost a meal that savoM of the elegance of the cuisine of a larKe cstao- UahmCnt' LK DINHT. , Batons de Caroline Celerf Consomme Tuscan , Barbue Braise n U Tartare ' role do Veau n la Bourgeolsio 1'ctitn l'ols I Salade , -.. 1 Ananas a Ja Curtet Cafe 2oir tllUtw tie Carullno , i .vi onlt cracker, about e inch wide"; they are usually P m. Kn-r n twins. Separate amt tnen prcad with pimento chec .then in n green sauce made as follow s l' very fine sufficient narsley to n-asurc four tablespoons and then adu . One teaspoon o; grated onion. One-half teaspoon of sa.t. One-half teaspoon of vhile pW . 3'tco tablespoons vf butter. Cream until well Wen led rnd then epread very llichtly over the cheew nnd ffirt with WW. OarMjh jk tiny border about the batou of i.jcij chopped hard-boiled ensu Consommo Tuait Prepare a good, clear l;';' "; ,. i.it Arm tomatoes In thick. slk i.r.d eolden yortlon of soup. Barbue Braise a la Tiirtare TJsc small fish nnd then cleanse well nd brush with salad oil. Broil, bast , ng frequently with well-seasoned 1 reach dfs1rveS "portion, J one small new boiled potato, with tartare tauce ol sn. Tartans Swice One cup of rnavonnaiie drcstmc. One-half cup vf finely chopped pas- i Tmi. I One mediuKi-JiJ-cd sou piofclc, chop ped fine, . One tr.cdiu n -sired or.-on, ilojped 7.tc, C . ... One-half teaspoon nf mcstarl. Elend well. Fole de Vcau a la Botirgruisie This Ib calves' liver, peasant .'!. "Wipe slice of the cahes' livr and then roll in Hour and bn.wn quickly in pit nty of hot fat. Lift the liver rr.d add or.e Lalf cup of tlour to the fat in vhlej The Question Comer Today's Inquiries 1. What ui.'.vcrty i r'-ar-iiug -. million-dollar rlubhouse and so cial center fur Its wae students nnd iilumnneV 2. 'When cutting u t'..:n m-ivial. such as georgette crip, jo can an even edge be made? 3. In decoratiug a bMro.in, -.aat ij a ciit-erful and attractive m&turiru to use insteml of ir-tor.re. for bedroom draperies ctd ciwh'or.s? 4. Descrlb'5 a convenient knife sharpener that will put a miracu lously ke-n edi'e m a knife. D. How is n tiny ha: f'r the baby trimmed? 0. In wliat way rcn tV." hee.s and toes of wooden stockings be re enforced so that hub's will not te worn in thtm sj iiuiekly: Yesterday' Answer 1. London helps its newly appi.lt.t'-d women r.iagiitrat's ti neeustom thcmselvis to their positions by providing schools of instruction for them. 2. A attractive fea:.."r fan Im.t is decidely new 1 made of stiff goo quill, and comes in u ariety of bright colors. 3. A vehicle which tlie iimad girl would love to have to take her dolls riding in, is u miniature sedan cur, with n conch handle attached, to thut it en., b'j pusUcd nround easily. 4. A simple method of tu ing a Urge quantity of coal is to place an ordinary fiow rpot in tUe center of tho grate, which v.u'l heut with the roul, u:;d buj t'.at much space. 3. A novel Lloiuv of dar': n terlal is made with a white plaitej est and rather high collar. 0. A pruetkal t irt of small tablj which wo'ild u!io add decoratively to the living room is n.ade of pnlDted rood, avJ ajd a flasa top. Dorothy says, "I always reckon how much Ancre Cheese we'll need, then I buy just twice that muh. And I've wver known any Wt on the table." ,flNCR 9ffAfMCenuiji&?urfrfJ7jtG' 1 and then eut each .lice inw m ,- -. tnree-quaners ui " ., , In flour and then dip in egg was.il an roll In fine breadcrumbs, lry i. brown and tcrve rco w .u... I GHEES& I It wni cookod. IJrown to n deep tna- hognny color and then udd two and one-half cupi of cold water. Stir to lilend. Add two cups of sliced onions, le r '" One cut) of cooked dt'coJ carrots, One-halt cup of finely sliced celery, One cup of peas, One cup of string leans. Cover closely nnd then simmer slowly for thirty minutes, season and add the Juice of one lemon. To serve lift each slice of liver on thin slices of toast, wen lilt around the vccetablci and cornlsh with finely chopped parsley and tn'n s"c f tomatoes. 1'etlN Vols Freeh garden peas, cook- ed. Until tender anil Konunnpil nml tin. vorel with butter and u little chopped mint. Conned peas may be used. Heat In little butter and add thJ mint. SaJbido Serve the lettuce with plain Trench dressing. Ananas a la Curtet Pineapple, curtct style. For each service lay slice of pineapple on a dessert plate nnd spread with syrup from the pineapple. (5nr nish with whipped cream and sprinkle with finely chopped nuts. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS 1 1 if , :ur3 ""son could you Mndly explain something which puzzles, ...- -v '"UKiw x nnvo canned toma. toes for years by boiling thirty mill-, utes, then putting in "irop cnfi. and ' Hammering shut. I can keen them for cars tins way. yet when I do the same thing, us ng Mason or Lightning jars, the tomatoes go to the top of the jar and finally spoil. Now, the peaches I put In Mason jars last year, using new caps and new rubbers, arc still good now, and what I did up last month are rising to the top of the jar. Is the fruit too heavy for the sirup? Some times they settle afterward, but look cloudy, although they taste all right. MBS. Ii. L. Evidently you fall to seal the jara airtight. This will cause the trouble. A heavy sirup will cause the fruit to rise to the tops of the jars. Use the cold -pack method and you will secure better results. ' My dear Mrs. Wilson Could you plmso let me know in your daily col umns which is the hot, cold-pack method or open-kettle method, in can ning ucd why? j, j.; 'I he cold-nark methoJ r'lmlnnf,,. handling the' product after once It is placed In the :ar. Foods conserved by , mis meiaoa nae oetter llavor and ap- peurance than those canned open-kettle method. i'i ice Your SouCs in Your Hand r.y ntvivn n. nArox KKOKKN HEART I-INU A. The broken end deerinli:g rnlit the head lln-. IhU Iridlrntes tliut heart trouble it upt to nCTcct the prnon'si brain. .. .,..! ,., ,t, .r.nn.c T-, .t,l Vd lit .w.. urn) w. ...s. .t,vu..w. . . t.tu case t.;o cjstoii.ary reaaing ib rm: ino rreal: '.a duo ! some caute relating to r- irnm' In cUAstlnn. Kir lnstnni s. If :-. .ruke". '"n 'urns toward Jupiter, too .-jn amou'on :a iuseiy 10 uv louna w ie t'.ie ctuso of the trouoie. Or, If the rs. of tho l":ir.d 1.) coarse. It i.ay mean that yo.-ie tf the grosse- temletielca of v.o Juplterlnn tjpo aro caufnif the de-f-c-. A f ndne3s for ovcr-er.lng In one of that : e n.ost usual te.idenclts. If ti.o broken l.ne t'jrns toward the mount wf Saturn, It probably n-cuns that tho h-art troubli Is complicated with tho rheumatic tenduicy of tho t-uturnlan tv And uo on, m regard to tno other :r.o'i.: tyi-cs, ui, dlrcusced In atotlona III to ::. 1T0 bs continued) ."H 1 fZ: 1 I f In i i i rv i u iy I KKOKKN HEART I-INU I . wr,.- 1 I 1 - .. I I Wil- li a-v line 'h nr- 'r - denl- i.hn remembered tnac sne a w rb'ui, V It in ".xt'nrmely boVlhS heart ' o l:to the clly today to lect her Hng lln. vrhe:,or It re'.ateo either to health ' There waaher Uneheon too w th J. 1- c- to affections. Often tho broken end dr"! Wurtlelt ami . uoiovo m.e tci. w. ml ' ilHft . .... N5 CAUTION f A A m I I B M k T. T t.A5 DO not accept any syrup for Karo that docs not bear this mark: (JM The ''bulls-eye" vitli the word "Karo" is your protection against imitations and your guarantee of full weight cans and Karo quality. Ask for Karo by name. Twenty million housewives do it over two hundred million cans sold last year. Helling Representatives NATIONAL STARCH CO. 133 South 2d Street, Philadelphia 4. M-: M EVENING PUBLIC' A SAVING iii iVi."", m &tf4' ,Ml KS5sliteai2H! It is very' good plan to havo your jtKMmaertytoiimmtM9am!6mMmt iiiiii iWrnaini mw ..wwi. JM ia.,';, 'Urn' M pr;; jM9 , -1 1. t -.fhtt 'i the closet doors. In the first placo, the room taken up by glass on A stand Is saved and, in tho second place, If there nro two doors to Ilia closet, they ran bo half opened and the woman who lilies her bach to look neat nnd straight can stand in the middle and sco herself at nil angles. And then tho reflected light makes tho closet brighter, too Y FIFTY-FIFTY" By HAZEL DEYO BATCH1SL0B ofirioM, i:il, lv Pu1lio Ltiser Co. Jerry Pace .'us osftcd Fraicco Car ttr to r.iarry Uim. CIIAl'TKK II Mildred's Modem Ideas EvyitY ONE had always Fpoken of Francea Carter us a very clever Bin. From her very earliest hluli school iUn she ha.l alwnyH known tpilto ilellnltt-iy 5.ral B"e l'"',ll:" ',Y "" "i .,;;; n.l ?Chat a rC. averythtntf had come ubout exactly as she liad expected t.'- nfia thn lilnil oi Clrl Who IS pretty' much npt to have thing her own way. and because she had a conviction that she could do things she accom nllshed wonders In n short t me Her 'dtlir was Indulgent and adored her. He- mother lonlted upon her with Eomc thir.vr not unlike uwe. r.n.l because she vus tho only child she might hr.vo been spoiled If she hadn't been moio than usually sensible. ov,. l,r..1 Viomi -nut of colleso two .t.rt -i t.n uIsa wfifn n. article c:. a tlmelv subject and suit It to ono of tho New lork dallies. it l.en Hlio wrote a 5n:ipi) was used on tne woman a ims " 'leca-iso It was bright and readable, tit; "dltor asked for more. Then came tin l lay when Frances went mio .-sew iu.ni , 'or an interview with that great man. nnd emerged from his otneo tho proud "ossessur of a real Job. Sho waa to i-o rect npp'nl to women ..... w.-... --- . WP.,,i "I1U . I- v ". lonif U...1 'll. v....- .-. - :.kught on and waa goinir -n. .Se did her work at home on a type rWt i v" tho-lm'er methol nd efllolcn tly 'J. t"8 tj0 ;n-5T a,,di.e- Tne reotlved a orj .fair taiarj.- ana e t.ndent working woman. That was be oro sho met Jerry l'age. whose whlr. wlnd courtship had taken her com pletely )y stern. , On the morning after Jerry 3 propoJU he awoke with the delicious sensation that something out of tho ordinary had 'jappimd. .ihe luv for a long time lUlng over Jerrys ioveinaisuii;. wiiu mc.i - hOUSd llierO UU WOrK iO UU UUII ,1,. n tii taougrui w wum '", - douche or com water. ut;urc jraiwiiji Minr work hud flways inria first. one 1,1.1 t,v.r thomrht that Jerry rniun; como between lierielf nnd her work. She had tliought of him as nomethlng qulto outside of her dally routine, uomethlng to be enjoyecf after her work was lln Irhcd Now It suddenly occurred to her 'or tho flrit tlmo that sho waa going to marry Jcrrv and thut ho might not feci tho same about her work aa cho did ThN thought tro'illed her nil the morning and she carried it with her when nho went Into tl a city to lunch with Mildred. Francos hail ulwayo liked Mildred because they chared much the same Idea of life. Mildred had come to the city from Buffalo to pursue a S skrS-aiEHjsvfr m ri'iltl, l 'I r'Jl' LEDGEIPHILADBLPHIA, TUESDAY, OF SPACE pier classes placed on the instdo of musical career, she had a tiny apart ment and t'avo n few Icrsona to eke out her expenses while sho was studying. Frances found her In tho kltchcnetto making mayonnaise when alia arrived, l'erhnpq there was comethlng radiant nbout Francea that morning, somo look that a woman always wcara when shs In chosen by man, but at any rate, Mil dred looked at her for a moment, smiled wisely and said: "What have you to tell me?" Tlio noun onco out, Francea could talk of nothing elie. It wasn't until thoy had almost finished lunch that Mil dred brought back suddenly that un comfortable foellnir r.mi'..H liml l.n.i earllerln tho morning. , "Of course, Jerry Is perfectly willing or you to go on with your wor!" Mil d'ed spoks with the conviction that nat urally Frances would not dream of giving up her career. "Wo haven't even talked of It, but, of course. Jerry will want mo to ko on with It" "You'd better havo m understanding ith him Immediately then.' Mildred re turned practically. "Mn are so nuto- I ,K..t (p nuve ., u,ldcrsltandln' fm vety rw crailc once they ato married, and It'a o j reborrow Frances telU Jerrr the plan, . ; ,an- FASHION BRIEFS lias tho high collar really taken? D-j 'hy uuch a c.utIou. mv il,.nr? . ,r i wily UUCI1 U CUfltlO!l. in- rTj.nT-7 , i (-Hire ! !... . 1..... 1. .t . . or bomo other brar.d. . - -- --..j Vllt. ItaJah Is a favorite lining, p! for tho homespun wrap deHUm hoiiieemin .- , panlculur'v ineri frtr tl .. South. Thebe hoinecpun caixH nr.v ccmo In tho most cxgulhlte colorings petunia, ro.e, ooftest blues, along vltn deft utrlnes and checks and in. aim in Ui favored trimming Ij often located In I lamb or caracul. Placo white caracul on one or inese iieHsert tints nf home bpun and you aro doing overj thing you talnlv, too, nothing could be more de-' llghtful than borne of the home3pun i sulta with a touch of caracul at neck and ilecves. Corlnne Ijtie, N. S v. f ASUU A5CO ASCO u as-. W.vJy,.,!!,.,.! They're more than "just n y -tnvi fto 'Rilht from the nest to - Arl ,:s'' r'C '! ' ' S! - C.I -oA ! M !: 'U 'A ' :.SJ Asco No-Waste "Asco" to make your i .l 1 TCJIHk i BFM?fiCMiBEBuBAMflHBHHHHBflL f wueua X ::A ;o: 4 f A pure web -on "Afco" Stores all over Phila, and throuijhout Pennsylvania, New SsCT ASCO ASCO V..MA.,llf;.'4Xs&,X:S5s,j.. ......Ai Pea5e Tc ATe Mza to Po By CVNTIIIA What He Thinks of "Innocent" Dear Cynthia "-"Innocent" cays she sees no harm In wholesale hissing. "In nocent" certainly la Innocent of it senso of decency". "THIS I'ltEUE." 'Kell y" Sungesta Remedy Dear Cynthia "Mcrccdeo" Bectna to bo unduly disturbed over her Inability to hold her frlenda for longer than four or nvo monthrt Uclng ono of tho oppo slto jex I might bo of soma lielp In cas ing her rnlnd, Cynthia seems to think tho troublo Is with our conversation. J hold that If your conversation wan at fault your friends would not Inst even four months. Whllo at thkHpolut and ngllinst ndvlen from enmn "hnart a. perts," do not talk or rntjier force the conversation to bo concerning the ex ploits of your friend. If ho wants to talk about hlmsolf, nil well and good, but don't force him. There nro still some modest young men. Do not try to Jump Into a friendship all at once keep your friend guerslnirabout your self as much ao possible: do not let him tako you for granted, thnt Is the ruina tion of many n friendship. Alwayn try to havo n smile for him, although an attack" of the blues In his presence won't do him any harm. Keep a good personality, yourself neat and most Im portant of alt do not let him get too fnmlllnr, granting privileges which coot you his rerpect and sometime admira tion. KELLY. Friendship With Oppoolto Sect Dear Cynthia I lead tho story about tho difference In rccts last night, and want to nssuro that young man that ho la leaving himself In for a "lovely" married life with that Jewish iflrl. I npoak from on Impartial standpoint. I, too, am Jewish, but nil my life I liavo had friends nmonir both tho Gentiles and Jews, nnd must certainly confess whllo I do not think I would intcrmnrryyet that does not cxcludo Gntllc3 from my calling list Any person who objects to another on account of religion Ih certainly narrow minded, and bliould hnvo lived cen turies ago when persecution wan in full bloom. How can ono seot obtain re aped from another If tho, one criticize tho other? (Sort of n tricky oentence.) I. personally, havo never como In con tact with a rflrl who was that small yos. Ignorant, for education breeds tol erance. Wo oursolven do not choose our religion : that is tomethlng wo must accept with other established facts on this earth, and I am ture It ia tho best way after till, for If tho choice wero left to us, we most as-suredly would be some thing ono day and another thins the next If this young man would Blmply for get tho existence of this Jewish girl, I believe he will be exceedingly well off, for If he likes and appreciates certnln traits of the tienmes. ho win eventually seek their company, and thcro aro Jow ish girls who are hrond-mlndcd enough to believe that "Thero's a great deal of good In every ono of us." There Is nn Increislug nmount of In termarriages hopp ones, too of pf.nrKo. ther l a certain amount of dl- l (tension bometlmeu, but Jf most folks did not liavo religion i? quarrel nnoi could readily find something clao. riV,. you say so? And furthermore, I am a plain ortho dox Jeweos with several couslnn who are well-known rabblu throughout the : state. D. M. Tells "Hide V Seek" to Stay Home' T.... r-vnthK-lleadln voup column ! ,.r.V...f::"r vV..- .!,. i.r notice to "HiCo 'n' Seek," wno desire COME HAVE LUNCHEON AT i ... . ' 7i . n &&' -r27 .. unI imffnar ?" MwlWKir'tfrd2Zti TOMORROW'S MENU Vefiefote Soup Choice of Lamb Pot-sue or Lobster Outlet Victoria Sauca tried Potatoes Roll and Butler Lottee Mhori'. drill nn ." CAFE OPEN EVERY SUNDAY rnlrkrn innn th .. m . . . 1 Our "Gold Seal" Eggs have earned their splendid reputation because they are the finest selected and graded egga laid. "Gold Seal" EGGS Large and mealy, und new from the nest your table" Strictly Fresh Eggs doz 47c Not quite so large as the "Gold Seal" beauties, hut absolutely fresh and every one guaranteed. Sliced Bacon To Bacon and "Gold Seal" Eggsl mouth water! Have you tasted it? Butter lb i You can .ilniujt taste the glorious sunshine in this delicious butter 1 Made from the pure, Pasteurized cream of finely bred, healthy, contented cows in the richest dairy sections of the U. S. Richland Butter lb 50c creamery print big value. x; r.sL.--".." "'a"v' en Ktinn cnr A5UO ASCO aiJ i-iwww WW rujj .JVJ ASLU Nrt"."'.'...;. .vr.?s.r.r.A r,,vr".'Kra a-r-...- " -...:. a.iwjfii . ffEBftTJAftT lo, 1021' WUATS WHAT ttr irvi'KV nf The popularity of Washington birth day fetes lit the United States a due chiefly to the patriotic veneration 1 which tho universally esteemed' Father of hla Country" is held by citizens of tho great Ilepublle. But there aro other Masons, mid ono of Uicso reasons is eeasonal In Us psychology. Tho twent sccond of February, occurring, as It does, inldway between Christmas and Master, comes In color ul relief to break the long gray monotonea of winter. In this respect It means to uo what tho Ml-Caremo or mld-Lent festa olgninca In F Thee"mtieIhat5chet'' of Parson Adam.' pleasing fablo and branches from the apocryphal cherry trco tlguro In chll dren'o i parties, but for dlnncr-dances, etc.. more novel designs nro preferred. Continental hats, minute men little knapsacks and otlur symbols of Itevolu tlonnry days aro most approprlato for Washington's birthday favors and place cards. Tho color scheme, rod, white and blue, may bo "said In flowera if de sired: for example. In scarlet geranium blooms, paper-whlto narclsal and bluo h aclnths. to travel on through tha world with only a few dollaru. Why can't those two young ladles leave good enough alone? Here In Phllly they nre among their pcoplo and kind friends. In a strance town and a strange land It Is a vastly different proposition. I havo been a globe-trotter for tho last ten years, only reaching the are of twenty-eight Many times has my heart burned with bitter anguish at what I had done. Again many times have I ridden tho brcakrods, all for that wanderlust feeling, I havo been to the frozn north of Siberia and na far -down aa darkest Africa, havo boon In China, Japan. Turkey nnd virtually every country whero human bclnga dwell. Girls, listen to one who haa been through the mill and tautd of tho bitter experiences of life and utaj" near vour own fireside, where, when things get dark and dreary and you feel yourself Kottlng lonely and blue, you will havo somo ono to comfort and choev you and drive tho gloom away Hut what a wonderful ospcrlenco I had. In every country tho peoplo and customs are vastly different than they are here. My day3 aa a globe-trottor are not over yet, though I Btlll have the feeling that I Svant to ro rome place there I haven't been, but a new hemi sphere will have to be created to satisfy the craving for wandering. 1 speak seven languages fluently nnd slnc.i comlnir to what wan once the "City of urotherly Love" last July In tho bust - i ness worm l navo iroucn on spienunuy i I holding down an executlvo position, but an yui, uiuiwuk" nu w. . nuiuufi.) . -.fc r.1l.bi . l hAtif, r n mitvt K.in haven't met what you would cull n real nice Klrl. Tlie way l juugo ute I'liua lelphlR girls Is that If you tiUrt one out a few tlmt-3 sho naka for your telephone number. Slh.s Phll'.y expects every night then. There aro any number of real nice ?"'- " -th?..-Cl K!-1 "'f."' Cf mm u.o iii witr iw uiuw.i. TIIC QLOUE-TUOTTBIl NOTICE ISpecitl Orders Lobiten, SteaLt, aladt, etc.. D:liered any art of city. Nominal n.i:. a J ' Waa'M &tM MSVlH m,cij tZnd;and vrAiitxiji -tn 75 c ana Peas and Mill! I'rlvitte Tartars tint! Kunniift m 'i.wi.ii i ASCO ASCO ASCO fresh eggs!" 52 Carloi laid right 20c pkg. il ' There's a combination 55 Jeraey.-Dclawnrc and Maryland cnA A unn .'..w.h. ASCO - a':i,!vjo,iM - . ttiAvsuiivrvsivi ...in.. i).uli".-fl.--TC.inw,K!yvi f WHA T DOES A MAN SA Y WHEN HE PROPOSES TO A GIRL ? This Is a Fascinating Question to the Girl Who Still Has the Experience Ahead of Her But Nobody Ever Tells "TyrOTHEIl," began the little girl i lVX whoso favorite age, nineteen, wan still nbolit nine years ahead, ' her, "there's just one thing I want you to Hell me." 1 "Well, de'iir. what I It?" asked 1 mother, with her mybcI'lltcllntyl- muybej-won't expression. "Why what doco a man say when he proposes' And she got the usual nnswer': "Oh, I don't know, whatever comes into his head wait till -yon grow up, jou'll find out in plenty of time." But, what a collection of funny nn swero sho might have given. In n recent come'dy this question Is nsked of a young man who declares himself nn nuthorlty on the subject. "Why, you say, 'Dar'ing, I " he beghn bravely enough, but his voice slid off vaguely, "I don't know just what ou do say after thnt," he admitted. "But if you get that far with u glr who has any senso nt all, sho does all tho rest for you!" TTUItESIDH reminiscences disclose i rannv nn nmuslnc wording of this proposal which seemed so stupendous at the time. "The first time I ever proposed to n girl," mused the middle-aged man, whoso daughter had just kissed him good night before starting out to a party, "I stood right in tho glare of nn arc light." , .... "It was wintertime, and tho fence was all covered with ice. "I stood nonchnlnut'y throwing little pieces of ice nt a telegraph pole, try ing to hide my embarrassment." He chuckled at tho picture of his former Fclf. "Thank heaven she turned me down, tool" ho murmured contentedly. T'LL never forget," said hio wife, 1 "when Edward proposed to mo you remember, Edward? We used to go everywhere together when we wero about nineteen and twenty : I can bee It now I was embroidering, nnd he wn( mil") "U""l.' AWWWO fc4S 4VW.M . I 1 . alone on the Bofa. " 'Wo'vo been going nround together for quite n while, now,' he said, 'don't ou think wo better have un under- standing?' " "I was doing nn especially difficult m Wow! Talk ; n Here's What nt United Beef Co. today, Wednesday and Thursday. Sea Thurd- dny'a evening papers for another hip surprise offering for Friday and Saturday. All OteaiCS ROUND Nice, Lean Soup Meat, m ktiaok-r.iAiinl Mammivnf olr Ino 3 B t,ou-vivruu .Huuuuig "-v.ii, m mo. 1 Gregory's Best Scrapple, 3 lbs 1 Rack Lamp Chops, 2 lbs ' E Lean Boneless Pot Roast Beef, 2 lbs. . 1 Stewing Lamb, Breast, H Nice, Tender Loin Lamb Chops, 1 lb. . . 25c 6155 Woodland Ave, 5540 N. 5th St. UIBEEF Caji fl 2466 Kensington Ave. 2G16 Germ'town Ave. 2975 Frankford Ave. These prices also at Woodland te I H m HOl'KX l'llIDAY NIGHT AT ALL STOHi:8 ' ) 11 1 l if w smmsm Why You Should Buy Tin-Packed Morning Sip Coffee .Morning Sip Coffee is packed in tins for ti reason to hold all tlie aroma and strength in tlie coffee by keeping the package air - tight. The tightly sealed tin cans keep all the good in Morning Sip Coffee until it is used. With Morning Sip Coffee you use less. Your pound of Morning Sip lasts much longer. Morning sip Coff e is always fresli its rapid sale keeps a new supply coming all the time from the roasters to your grocer. I here will be a round ot appreciation from every body when Morning Sip is served piping hot at meal time. Sold By All Good Grocers MORNING SIP "You'll love Us delicate flavor" Kousted and Packed by Alexander Sheppard & Sons - -.'.-. , Philadelphia Pa. t.i . rose, nnd I didn't even stop Rtrogcllnr with it. I said, 'Are you proposing t5 me, Edward?' " ' "And lie said now this Is wonder ful he salll 'Well haven't you notlcd thnt I've been rushing you a good deal TIIEUE, Is tho earnest boy tt eighteen who wroto out n passion ute proposal orf tho typewriter, on which ho had Just about reached tho stage of getting in nil tho letters of th6 words, but not in tho correct order. Folding up his careful composition with all lt nda'u nnd tchs and tovec ho presented It to Hie lady of his Krea nffection, nnd went homo to wait for her answer., It wasn't hcnrtlessncss that made her lough ; It was the lack of power to do anything clso for, tho next hour or more. ttmilKUH never will be any other girl in the world for me, if you won't have me." declared the lovelorn youth mournfully, realizing the hop; lesMicss of, his case. But he has hnd one two three o!i, n number of other girls in the worlj since then, Of rourso theso examples of "whtt he said when ho proposed," that fas cinating subject, were all unsuccessful I wonder whether any one wouM ever reveal just what he did say st that sacred time when she accepted him? Mflnlv'V'RiHMABiBmV Safe Milk F Infanta Iimlidt ooonNa Th "Food- Drink" for All Ages. I Onief Lunch at Hntru Offin ..j g. VUnC 7 X7. ' ' FountainB. Ask for HORUCK'S. AY0id Imitation! & Snbltitulw ' 'IKHSfnTFfTVsnnr wWflr5 i Wl IMMMBIBIMBIH M SB H M H About Saving!; 25c Will Buy 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c - PORTERHOUSE 4 lbs. 4 lbs 25c I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4501 Frankford Ave. 6005 Torresdale Ave. Meat Co., 6145 Woodland Ave. M slsfeilsi' ? i J i ,h- $ , c; t jft ti Jtv A LrJ,?ff&feVP'. , t . ,V 'S