"&P'W? ,-jV' Jl H''b) ,mr wvvjb; $'""'i ' 'Vtwvjitw ' ; EVENIa PUBLIC LEDGER-PHir.ADELrniA, MONDAY, EEBKUAliY II, -1021 TJ OR. 6RAMMER HITS WAST E BY CHURCH Upholds Bishop Fiske in Criti-j cism of Episcopal Budget for Year I DRIVES ARE CRITICIZED, Th ticv Dr Cm I '' (rniniiior ici or nf Hi SioiiIiph'h ('liuieli. 'IVntli llrftt fil'"'' Clicslniil. loilny rntmiiriiili'il ,,o net inn of Hi-Imp I'i-ki'. of ntnil vv York. In iilticlzltiB th" I'oiinril hulls'1! nf llii I'niU'Miillt l'.ilsmiill ' 'tllini I'l-b' nlil nf tin- Riiwi'iimoiit f tlio cliiiiHi. im hiding Hip liicddliii; biOmp mill timurll with II" ! depart "" I limo Ix'i'ii m,rIoiil ill-liillii'il li.v the furl III" liinvli uns PiitiTing tipim n ncrmd nf rxliimisniici- in iiflmiiil-tni-lion nl 1 1"" '' ni'iii"'"' wl'pii tin ili' iniinil f f"' ,'ni",,.v ln liiwl'ics '""I iiioiliicMon. mill when we lire facing H"' Involute iii-iTHMliy nf cliinlniitlmi nf n.Al,. mill cIiiiiij!iiiici IhiIIi iiiitiiinnl and -tat'' " .. .. I)r (limniiier. criiiinii'iitiiig on the nc- . tlnn nf Hi-Imp n-lj sfllil tmlny: 'I'll!' illi"tliin Hindi liy Hi-Imp I Me , l ,, rM Iinpoitniil mir. At till- tlnn'., WIH'H tl'ir ll'HOIIH'P of tin' WIH'lll III. tBnl lii fi'i'il "timing inlHIiin- of Kii-I ,,,,. nml A-ln. mum pi'npli' in'i' iiu--tuiiiniS l1"' (idvi-iilillll.v nf innnv of tin-1 rxiH'tiditlltcs of tli' chill-ell ' budget j Wlilli- 1 iMitioi' mi' x.ciu in iihi-i-Imili'i- i ''"' VoiK. tin1 tiiilioii-wiili' HinpniC'i li'IH not "''lli,'l 'I'1 "i-i'l. coiiiriicil 'I'lii' ical tu-k of tin' chinch is n iciiiljii-liiii'nl nf it- lifi lo iiioili'in nc (N k lelinnee might to li"' "ii tin1 tiuili nml liclpfnlin' of il- iiu'1-iikc mid nut mi tin' l ! of (leguiiiziiliiui. Ii U iifiiftMirtliy t Ii it t thf li'iuli'i'- in ilif-t-tnniii'v drivi'M never lifing the church-" roii'- lend' li hem- on civic nil niption. "Hi-Imp Kl-Ke lull H'liilenil n semi e i npoiiing up the whole iie-liini for 11 tlinriiiisli ill-ell lull. Till' lii-tnry of the Interrhiiri'li Wiirlil Movement -linn-ih:d nveiliend i'xpeii-i'- liavi' il wnj of InMcn-ins out of nil proportion unless tn, in H iiin-tiiiit vigilance. One cpeiiilitillc by til"' Kpi-ropiil niiiiiul lo wlilc h objection wit- Mvjccd In tlii- ciiv I tluit of JI(l.0tl(l iiiniiuilly bv 'lie ili'piirttni'lit of ptiblicilj ILLNESS MAYSAVE HIM War Veteran's Deportation Held Up by State Department Til"" Stnti' Depnitinciil viituiill.v acuril inihiv that Alfredo N.'iiini onvlil In lie icn n i'liinii'i lor In- lite in AnHMi'ii a ' lianee lo defenl ill wliite i pl.icur I ii liiiieau of Immiur'it'ou m (lou icsli'i was notitieil bv the State He- mmc'it not lo deport tin1 tweutj -four- I ,ir o'd war eteinil nil I In unpen hi- max' In turn three -i-er- ami a hmllii r wlm liuv foiiylil lo keep Alfredo Vlllilli 111 Aineiica wei" told the kooiI ms 'j- llieir ntlorne M the oiitbii.il. of the war Viii n,l n'Pii in I'liiiaueipiiin lor nil''' 1'hilail fo :n- ll" went nae tril n lii" arun i to Itnh ami en Twite (In r iir lln VII ll liei aiue ( K Tin1 end of ho Mli found him uppaieully in Rood j lir.-iltl mil Ii" U'lurneil to riiiiiiiii'ii'pnia Net Itni'i nso lie ' 'iRuin ill and di- iuiiiH at Hie I'hilitilelpli'n Ceucial llixpii.il declined lie ha- p'lllnoMiii.i til ' Wii ii'ii-i The sr.id under the law he t hn- no Il'lil to he allowed in tlii- iiiiiii j n ,i',d si ii M I' I Ii ' deponed (liiei-i nnie iiied and he -i-ler- ami hiolher I'fitnn ii tiRlit to keep him here, The li'e in (illl unis stieet. STATE POLICE RAID HOTEL Arrest Proprietors and Two Women Charged With Selling Liquor j Mh'iilown. I'a.. Teh. II The Dan- ' "Is fjiinm Hotel, two mill- we-t of, i.iieili. w:in iaideilla-t iurIii In -even 'nie poltcemen. who nrre-ted the pio I'liddi- .lolm mid .laine- Coliin: a noin.in mid to he the wife of .hum-. Cnlieii and another Miid lo he in (iniiRlitei Two eases of whi-l wete Kl nl ' s Hie iiol'ue enteteil the hotel the I ntioiis. liuiti of them final Allentowu. Iti-tlilehi'in, IhiMon niiil Na..ireth, uiailt1 I nasn exits Miin tied in autoiuobiles. W ciuii'-dny and Satiiidax cvcniiiR pin-' fiot- at Hie iiolel weie common -luce He eeinlii'r 'llie laid W'a- lou-ideied llie til t step' ' break the l.ehiifli VulUn liipmr iiiir Tie bieakiiiR of the linx. il I- -aid. m.ij , Iniplieato mine olfii 'al. i The defendant- v.eie , oniiuillcil t'o iml tor a heauiiR KNIFE AND PISTOL DUELS ENLIVEN MORNING HOURS'$r Challengers in Both Conflicts Go Down to Defeat fter Halites ll ilh Police and Are Locked I to Inail Hearing ei Mi Hail and Mr Cu.i. ii '. 'lie nanus mil not e fnmlliiir. hut Him u'e a-puniits for the world'- ham P'oii Inp bi-ixitiR. widtlniK and diidiiiR h. I.I1- niRhl a tsled. It is vv hlpe ed. "' " Rlmsl named .lolm I'.arle.vcurn. Hi. v IiiiiiirIii hnttle and hluod-hed to the ''i and lluttoiiwooil sheds station Due round" Hint, who did not ntie '" '! Ins aneestral or ptc-etit addns-. - used a dud at Vim. and Darien sticet "iin it 'J ii i Im k this uiurniiiR. Ili- up '"in who-e incognitii wn- striillv 'im Limed, ha- di-appeaieil I. ail. iir svvurils, the win i Im n Usui pen- '- and. nil -what the didn't do w jj' tlioso daiiRci oits w'eiipon- H" was can led, protcstiuR hi- nidi J' 'o ro un with the lluhl. In the llnhneiniuiii Ilnspltnl, white eleven nit lies weie taken in hi- lied., b'li " id In .nl ami check. Mil the biRRc-t i-iuitPMt wn- stiiRul at Jeluh ami Olive sheets shoitlv alter V1"l 'Ixnoikout" Ciiach, who lalin-ii-toii. Ciiinac stieel ti- hi- home. "''Muled his title URilin-t nil . nmer- I'l'iohuan I'nwets. uf ili,. Tvvcltlh "id lluttimvvood sheets staliun. eulcieil "" "Iir with lillil hist, i Illinium tii.it "' "lv I"1" lull of the I'.iihhlden ""' ' li and endeavoiitiR tu take him "' He Million house '".nil led with it hluvv tu I he left law ""I Hun clinched. RiaspuiR the p.ttinl f - neck with both hand- iu the '" ihi oai h iiRam diove with hi- iirIii " towels coiinli'i ,., I iti, ,. 1. 1., ,.i , .. i -- - ...... ., ..ot, ., j, 1 1 1, .50 Glasses l -VALUE 3.so eluM.n and npec '"lies for itmllnK r IIImIHMIU IIu lltilnlu.. --.-..,, v 1 HH VJI It'll! n- l"(i. I nun fiti. ( j-,) HOME OPTICAL C0.L l(U N. nun si'. C-" ftrV"- w ' ru i no naorH orlll of rffrSr-t PLAN i I nlrnt on.l I nl uo i,l l(.N(K .IAN I'MHCKIOWSKI I' in mi r I'olMi pieinler nml niitcd pianl-l, wliu has airived in Niw Noili. This plmliur ipli, tnlicii to da, -linus dial political strc-s lia lell its iniiili on Hie ceiilii-. Hi IiiisIi.n hair has ulilteneil and line In his fate haw ileepencil TO SHIELD NO ONE "I Intend to Go the Limit," As serts Special Attorney as Grand Jury Meets flirr nl I) ,,,!, I. I,, i:,n,n I'iiIiIii l.'llilif ICrie. I'M.. IVh. I I. "N,, one will be pro(ei ted, Mihnill eveiy liil of evidome in the criiml jmj Unit il low been po--ilile to Riillier: I intend to go tin- limil." Tlii- wii- the r-tut it made unlay b Samuel I. (iil-mi, -penal district nttnincj appuinrt'd In llie mint to con duit tlie iiiM'-tiRalioii into llie Kile vice ami ciime situation, uiiieli npciiM at 2 o'clock tlii- nftei iiiMin. in llie gnuul .Miry loom. 'I hose ulin K 1 1 1 w Siiiiiuel I, liil-ou lealizc lluil uheii In- make- tlii- -tale infill lie intend- to do cinll. ulini lie .i-- Hint lie i- coiiiK to u-e cM'iy mean- uithni til- power lo liiiui; tiom the 1,'iaiid jury loom indict niciits iiKitiii-t lliose uliiini aie held a- le- -pon-llile lor colnlilloli- lieie. It i- e-- timated tin- mornum I tint at lea-t .-itj witnc-e- will In- Hilled liel'ole the i gmiiil jurj. Smile of llie-e nie pnlne olliiei-, uiln-m nie miiiiir iil- who haie liei n ,,, l,,,( ,,,, ; 1 1 1 liiileiliiiii of I'.ric h ic slate p-ilicf, woll.liiu under llie ill- jieilion of All liil-mi. i ,u said tlial llie uuii- lo he mill tlie meuibei-of llie ui and jurx In thc-o I iiii nj; Rill- would uiell a heail of Mote'. llie names nf nilliieiitial citizen- nie 1 1 j mi It'll In he linked wilh these stoiie- Tlii- enliio dnt. mii i- to he'uireil behind the dooi- nf ' ' iui room, and aie -i woiiiiiu. ittiiiR on that ju i.v ino.-l of them mothers When Special I'io-ii ulor liilsou hi'Rin- lii- itohe he foie the Ri.ind jiii.N tin- iifteinoou at the'-auie hum- Ui-tiiil Altniiir C. Ar Ihue lila will heRiii -elect iiir a juiy in lln1 conn of Uw-r mid Teiuunci-. he fore .IiiiIrc I I'. Ho iter, I,, tij ller - hell IInisi miilield. ihaiReil wilh. the inuider of Pol if c .MiiRi-tialc I'iciI I'. loiau in the crki hou-e of ill fame oinl'icted b I'leo IJiliim. at 1.1 Wc-I SeM'iiteeiith -lici'l The killiiiR oi, in i nl inih no the moiniiiR of .Inn.iini Mi. and it was Ihi- killniR liuil In it-'li l a head the critical nc ritual .mi. mil awoke the decenl cilteiis nf Ihi" to the couditiolis Ihal lime exisleil Ini' Inr the la-l live JIM Is. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES iml it,. .,iii,l W. Moinovil ."...'J I. I'lililiii' Al- run -t.il .' .Mtun .-,ili;ii, llill lil.olvs I' VIiiiii1.II. IMvvIll A Otilionii . u In, i.i t S lll.il. l ll.Wft'i . V .' i: Johnson n,l mil Alllt-11.1 M I let i I; .l.tliiiftiii SI Miinli'irfl lil.iiiliin Ithilit'l KnU. i'j; MliK. I llnrlinin Miillliiuer. s.'l" ir.i:i s ith un,l Miritin -i r.to . 'i.i X 'lull. , ir. him Morris Kiuiiii in" i iiiiu inn-nil si unit M liuil.- SI,,, ml., .'HI", nth si i In mm, it SiiihiI! 1717 Uns.-li Soi. i StumMx I"-'-' I"iihi All I'llll ml lll'.'l .N .So ill ii l.ilil.in 111'.' I V .N mis si Xliliuiv .VI llii '.'il.-.a S '.Mill II si 111,1 lilt ItllSf unit .In s(. Ml'llllie I'.isll, I-.'.' '."HI "I Chillies .-, h.nif. I Cllh. Jo III llllil l''l 1 .Vlvui.i .l.'lll S IMIi si IK e wallop lii'hiiul the em I oio h iiriiIii clinched nml iiriiIii cniplovcd hie fnuiuu-"-triuiRle hold" known' to vvic-tlcrs l'owei- mea-uicil hi- IciirHi on the i -heel wilh Cum h nhuve him At this I time ivvelve other men entered the tin" I at utice. Cuach -Ii'iirrIciI until) iiRiiiu-t 'odds. Inn thev weie loo innnv fur him ' He was linallv -cut duwn foi the ,'niiul nml iihiiv went hi- hopes lur the title Fiuir -tin he- iu the I In lim-iiiii ii ii Ilu pilal pat. In il him up siilhcieiitlv lu al In vx him tu be lukcii lo the station house Th he un I Mill I The two fallen hemes icRnnlcd em h oilier -adlv Tlnn MrIiIuir dav- w iIiiuirIi The Collins System is dif ferent. It takes the "err" out ot "exercise." Gives mind and muscles balanced, bum-' ant, health - augmenting ac-. tivity and cwhilaiation. Let us give you a demoiv ' stratum treatment COLLIN'S INSTI'll "IT OF PHYSICAL (TJ.Tl HK t nl. i ins nt tu: u vl. si i -i xi .i'ii. EI VICE PROBE FOR SALE 4000 Metal Bands for Baling 34 inch whip, 8 feel, (i inches lonir, with end inichlc. In gnud condition. Will Sell Vhvun tn Quick Itttyvr See Ml.'. DILL', :'d I'limr (iOG Chestnut St. IAL Eight Hundred Catholic Clergy Prepare Archbishop Dough erty's Tribute Today TO PRAY FOR SAFE VOYAGE Moie tlilin soil ineinbeis of the Colli olii elcim ,,f I'liiladelpliia nml tb'1 nine nearln rouuties pliili to offer a tetl inoiiiiil hi CiirdliiaNeieel Denni- .1.' 1 liiUL'lii'i u tlii- nftei'iioon ill llie clilllli'l oi tile lathe TESTMON TO CARDINAL-ELECT il.,l,l A.,i,.,.n,..e..ini,i (iTn linmnn no PTCUCMOnM i liii lomiui: ; .i.. ;... . .. ', inntni. was made In Hie ailoil- cbuiches Sun da ami -peclal pra.ier- weie mi Id for the safe jmirne) of hi- party to Ilome. The mull that will leave with the ' anlinal-elei l Saluidnv will include tlie III. Iliw. Mou-Ri'ior Michael .1. ! Ci"ine. vicar Reneial of the tlloce-p and lector uf the Church of St. I'Vancis de Sale- Hie Yen- m . .lo-enh A. W'hil- laker. S 'I'. 1. .'chance'lor. mid the fol itowiiiR leitoi-: The ev. Miclinel ,t I I DiuioMin. of St. Ai'iitlm'-! the Itev laine- Na-h. uf the Kpipham ; Hie Itev. 'I .1 llroiiRhal. of tlie A-cen-ion : llie ' It.'v .lame- , Mtillhi. of Our l.ail of l.oiinle-: the te. .lolm .1. ltoonev. of i St linhiicl'-; the Itev. I'Vnlnn .1. K '.!. 1 paliiik. of Si. Mnlaeli--, nml the Itev. lo-'ph A. Mi CiiIIourIi. of Hoi Cro . .Ill Ail lleai h I'Y.iiici' I'Vhiiiiiry '2H 'I'hi' will leave on Hie Holland- A iiciin liner Nienw Am-letilaui and aie -clieiliileil In arrive in HouloRlie I -in Mer, I'm nee. Kehiuar 'JS. The purl will Ro diiecllv to Iti Cable di-paiihe- Monday declared llie Natium had made ii known Cauliual lei I DoiiRhi'it was Hie onl. American who would he elevated tn the caiilllllll ale nl the Mnrih eonsistor . Atch-hishup- .Mimdelein, (,f ChienRO. and I Ia.ve-. of New VmK. piohnhly will te- elve the ted lull -mm, il vva- said, bur at a later i on-i-torv . Tlie caidiiuil-elei I will he welcomed in Ilome h.v MoiiMRiior Ceietti. paial imiler-eetetai of -tale; other pielato-. In. men mid meinhei- u( the American iidonv.' It is undei stood lie will orctip the same apaitmeut in the Ameiicau ColleRc tlml wa- in copied h.v Cardiiial-McClo-key and I'mle. Tin- ufinrt incut will he vacated h.v Aichhl-hop 1 Ia.ve-, who Is leaviiiR Itoine l'chruui'y -- for Naple-. vvheie he will ic-t a week hefoie icJurniiiR to Ai un. the di-patclie- filid. To he Nominated Match I! Aichhi-hoi IloiiRheiu will he uonii-i niitcd a prince of the iliuich at the se cret consistory Alaich .". and will le-1 icive the ted hat at the hand- of I'lipc rienedicl' XV al the pulilii loli-i-tory1 Marcli 7. At tlie -nine lime he will be notitieil of hi- titulai ihiiiih lu I he i Kternnl Cil.v i The pu'ilic iitn-i-toi v will take plan' in the Auieriian ColleRc. which is fit - I nialiar to I'liiladelpliia I '.illmlii's on ac (ount of Its former lector, tlie late Arch I hi-hop Lhoina Con-hohockcn lio-t when he !' lv"..i ,1, ,i tun!,., ..f i wiio wa- named to that vva a fellow member of Overbroiik Seuimarv finullv with Atcji bishop DoiirIm'I t . I licit a ouiiRpro fe-MH . I At llie meetim; I hi- nl'h'i noon in the (.'alheilral chapel to prept'ie a le-ti-nionial lo the c nidiiiiil -cle t Muu-iRlior Nevin I' n-her will preside. He is -enlor vnar Reneral and lector m tlie Cluncli of Our Mother of Sonow-. Il is believed the plans ileal with a Rleal demotistiatiou for tlie new csiid'nnl when lie ! ill n- hete DEATH ENDS SAILOR'S TRIP Succumbs at Naval Y. M. C. A. on 1 Eve of Excursion to New York I w.. .;.!.... ..:). i ti .lis,.... ..i. I..I... tl I ! ll II lltt II" III! l-'l--l , IIUIIII (lei . foil .vein- old. a -ailor attached to the leieivniR -hip al Lciiriic l-laml. wn- found dead veeidiiv uioriiiiiR nl Hie Naval Y. M. ' A . Thiiteeuth ami Sliunk stieci- (iei ami ten olhci -.idol- enRaRcd loom- Sal in da.v uiRlil. mleuihiiR to ro to New Yolk jesieiil.iv The were called at Ii o'lhnk. and every one with the exieplhm of (hi Rot up. Tin1 other- loll. thiiikiiiR Hint he vva- n-lccp He vva--found llii- murium; b one of the nttendants who vva- RoiliR to clean the room. (lei vva- taken In ll Metho Ii-l Ho-pital ami llicie pt mi u in eil dead PLEA WINS WIFE'S RELEASE '"''' i v...ti. wa.,,0,1, -..ee,. wi, . iclehiate then liliv lollllll weildinRllli- . . .a i . tot,..!....,... .i lllvi'l'-lli' IuiiirIiI Hoth lite hale nml Husband Appeals to Magistrate for h(,11t ,, ,,. .,,,, ,, tl,vi.at(.s , Drug Addict ! mmrieil hie Th.-u children nml Riaud She's b.eu a li.ilhful wife, l.t-t bet luldieii vvdl have an mfuriiial p- nil Illl, tllli'1. mid I'll see Hint she R( rsMloil lo them al llxn I ie. dical iilteiilinii Unit will cine her uf -r-. 1 llie ilriiR hah t ... Thi- idea bv In i Im-liaml. .lames He nan. iiiuvid lii"i-liale I Ini i lijiui. of the I'liiiil and I'e l.aiiiex -ire. 'is -littuui. lo ,Ms loll'IICC iii",nr. 1IUIIV l.'i lluw -treet iicir I ittx - ht-i. loil.ii. I'll! VVOII1 III WII in to-led Seventh I lll-t IIIRllt ml Clui- I Mi i ini i-!i v I ill tlie V i III" v -'I lion -Ii it. hv Detective- .111(1 .M.ll ll mpllllR I ho le-tihid she vva- nl l.iiv naii'ii'ii Iiiir- i UNDERWEAR SPECIALISTS von m J.6 W1 Corner lllh and Chestnut In Respect to of George Allen ( President of this Company) Whose Funeral Will He Hold Tomorrow This Store Will Be Closed All Day TUES., FEB. 15TH. George Allen, Inc. 12M Chestnut Street 121 1 University Activities Scheduled at l'enn Today I o'clock Art lure. Alibi1 Kine-t A'-miciatlon lee I Minuet, College Hall. I (."() o'i'Ioi l Hoard of ineetliiK. offiee of aeliliK tiustee piovoxt. College Hall. i ti o'eloek I'liderKNidiinte ell nieetiiiB, lion-ton Club ' 5: It" o'eloek Mei.baelie Colin Club bniild (iiiK. HoiiKton ('lull. 7 o'eloek I'enii-) Ivanin meetliiK, I lou -ton Club. T o'eliiek--Sli;liia Tan KiiRineerliiK Kiateriiit nn-ct Injj. I'iirIih'ci lti lliiildim;. 7 o'eloek- Tr.vnut- fuj Spiiiiili pbl.l. College Hall. numun mno. o i u.unoui. Friends Will Attend Birthday Re ception of Distinguished Writer Man dislinRiii-hcil I'liihiilelpliiiuis friend- of Mrs. Cornelius Sll'Vcn-im. will att'id a leception to be rIm'H her at the Art Alliance next I'rida. mi her -eventv foptlh bittlulay .lunivei'- v. .I...7 .: I... .. Ill I.. ts,, , , ,i I It 11 1 llllll- SUV "ill .,.- .' ...i .. i.i. .. i.. ii..r ,.r i,.u.1i .1. .... , s. in. ii ,iii il il i ii-iiri oi ii,-i-.-i.. ... ,, in luon.e bv Dr. H. Til It McKen.li. iiiomlneiit phvsician mid m tilptor. .lolm Cadwalader will preside, nml the pres entation speech w'll he made h.v Ml Amies Heppller Tlie bn--idler, vvliich will he framed. is twelve liii lie- bv eluhteeli illche-. amli -how- Mr-. Sleven-iiii -eatcd al a de-k u lit ini;. ' I'm n in I'niis, Mr-. Stevcti-on oh- I taiiieil In'i eailv ciluiatioti theie, ami hitei' lived In Mevhn She 11 .11 infill- I her of man -ctentil'ic orRatii.atioiis. ha- written a number of hooks' and hi tide-, is a uieinber of the Acorn. Civic and other women's clubi, mid of the Couteiiipoiai' Club. She received the academic pnlm ftoin Hie Trendi I (iovci iinirnl ns otlieei d'ill-ll ucthm puh- I liipie for her woik for Kiench war ie- lief, ami ha- been a member of u iium ber of coiimriiee- on umnicip.il leform. I NEW HEAD FOR GIRLS' HOME Staff Captain Smith, of St. Paul. Comes to Salvation Army Staff Captain liettha Smith, of Si I'nill. Mili'i . 'i.i- -hi ceeded lllJRiulie Annie Cowan i- superintendent of the Salvation Aim Home for (iirls nml Mntcrnitv Hospital. I.'l." I.atisilowne avenue, linyndicr Cowan wa- in ihaise of the in-tilutioii for twelve ears. Th" Ve-l I'liiladelpliia institution are- for imin.iirud inothets, piovidiiiR for mother and Imlie for a peiiod ol three momh- and then aidiiiR the mothei to obtain emplov incut. Horn in Holland. Slnfl Captain Smith joined the Salv.it:ou Army while Com mi ioucr ami Mi- Thomas K-till vvne londiiciinu Salva'ioii Army woik in that (llllll' l.al -he .iccoinp'jnicd Com mi Ion"!- and Mi-. INtill to .In pan and opelieil 111'1 lii-' iiirny lio-pitul in Tokln. Tin n -lie i Mine lo America ami took chaiRe of the I Ionic tor Citl- in Spo- Uune. a-h . wlieie -lie I'Miia.iieil ten M'iiih. Two vein- usjn Stuff t'lipluiti Smith look li.nuc of llie Salvation Ann I lulu-- tin Ititl- m M. Inn!. "MONKEY WEDDING" HIT Clergymen Say Ceremony Was Bur lesque on Christianity l'hllailelnliia milii-tcl- e-terd.iv ii' nounci'il the "iiuilliiiRe" ceietnuii n -nl 1 perl'oi in 'd at I 'iiliii Itiadi in which two ino'i'c.v- were the pi i in pal-. The pel fol innii," vva- ih.nactii ii'tl a- a "h ii'h'sipte mi J'hii-t an civil ialion." A I'liiladclphian. .Iiimes ,, V it tic. luipei-onated llie lerR.viiuni" nl Hi" uioi I, mm ria ;e Tin- patt' of lit iil -inn ial-. n-hei's ami olhci- of ihc "wiMlditiR kiiIv" wne lal.en h.v other meinheis uf the -o, ml -ei at I'.ihn Ileach. The Itev I'hillp i: (Nr I. Idol of the Clinpil of Ihc MciK.itor. l'iftv lit-i ami Sitriii -tieet-. -.ml, when lohl of i' : "To in" tin- tlippmit Iriatmeui of thiiiRs I li.it oiirIiI to in held -acicd I- cvidetni of a sciions limiRci i oiiliimtiiiR - i ' v the daiiRi'i of inal,iiiR a 'nocki rv of whal -hoiild he I ('Raided onlv with n limit. ll i one I en sin vvhv ihc inaiii.iRe iciemimi i- not li"ld a- a boh tli ur " Have Been Married Fifty-four Years Valentine- Dav nines iippiupriatcl iioiil'Ii fui Mr and Mis M. Stern- When You Build or Repair s Give a llioiiKht to careful mid cilicienl installation of all clcctrifiil work then get our estimate. When the job's completed .ou'll know what we mean by "A Fair Price and Satisfac tory Scrxicc." George Woodward, Jr. I In lrli.il ( nnlrailnr 1723 Sansom St. Sim u. e (Jh nuco jnC3 the .Memory ST. VALENTINE DAY IVES CUPID SWAY Love Missives Are Carried to Single, and Married Hearts Are Trump, AskA.dy Gump COMICS FEW, DON'T BE BLUE I'ron bank i'i'cs,i'iit- in K'liili uomeii. ri iidi most oM-iik ninideli- 1111(1 .Willi It- In IIhis,' il lh. lllRRI'St KHIiIrcs t)ie nil nie -endim: Miien- ""' " '"J" ''! '" J"11'' '""" i.oik r snopKeep,.,- ' t'llllil t'ltl iii.i.ilu I. i.r, 1. 1, .int.. I llllll 111' I laced cor-HR"'. ji licmt -shaped hoe l to llie vveiidesl uf cunih: valentines. I Hie missive- aie linditiR their wnj lliroiiRh llie mall- and h.v messeiiReis lo M'lehrale the old u-liini today The lloii-t- i Iney have nevet -old inoie rii and isllj Valentine Rreet-IllR-. I'h wei- of ladiant hue in beau tifully fotined hoiiipict- cnri.v the love iiiessiiRcs. In the confNtioners' -liop-tliele me lln le luarvelou- HiltlRs. Theie aie hea 1 1 -Imped ihocolatc can dies with (Ini nlv -URiir io-e- on llieiu Theie ate hcalt -sh'ipeil hnr,, l'uiid and ti i ft t nniiili'ii.-. 'I'lic ml simps have had mi uuu-iial ili-phi uf Ray led and while deinra Huns lui the Valentine hote . Hut be-1 ol all aie the valentine- them selves, 'i'h,. i penii.v Mimic i- almost exlani I'.nl time aie other omie lliat have pioved popular. I'eiluip- snine uf the pi c-eiit -da inii-liuver-v un the ipie-tiou of iiimiiici iitnl inutals ha- intlueiiced Hie tun hut ol Hie fulluwiiiR ver-e found beneath Hi" pi'lme uf a liiRhl.v (oluri'il maiden: llliiH ihHlui- Jvll till Bill 1 Ii. Nlllt.t. ,1 . MH! ( unl.l nil; i Hi,., un. imlnlt',1 liil uillikliH mini nllh pintn nml 1 1 it . 1 1 1 l ll'llt. mtfil f.u ii siillll " Theie Is another ilc-iRiied tm a l.ulcliei lo .-end to his -weetheail : Stum us- nil ox tnv lev.' f,n lli.-f 'I linn li inl.i lilt of venl: 'I le 'JKh sniiill thin.. ,,es. .is lilun. Ili, , I ,;.i i'lt my Invt. to stcjl 'lln- liisl thnti done, nml sutni-thliiir niu U"PH,.m1 m nf niv Htfcii I "h ih.-ii he kin, I nor shut llie iliwr kiiiii-i iv lioti'ilt'-s -liveii " (III the picttil'l. Illl'- lilies, vvheie I-1 Cupid-, hem is and nnows miiiiiiiiiirIi' 1. 1 l In re aie -mli -entiinenl- a- these; Thi- ,vln,l,ns of , our lirnrl it'if I ,ouil I niluht look tliiouuh VI ,1 nml i inrv little IK-.t Inst l,i thituKh fur t,vo ' Those teadi'l- uf olden legend- will explain Hint St. Valentine'- Dav u-loni- have dcRciicmtcd. In Id n -. hum lietoie Hieie vva- any Irivolon- air ahoni the diiv. there wa- the n-loiu of i liou-iiiR svvecthenit-. lln St Val entine's eve otlths of tin villaRe Riitheied roil ii il a sacred inn and each hew out a inline of a viIIiirc maiden Tin- whs virtually the -nine a- a In liotlial The v oulli then had lo put - base a Rift for his lad -love on Yal entitle - ll.iv . l'or mini Rcueration- the d.iv ha stood oat a- the one time when timid an ii ii ! ns iniRhl e.ptc then -enti-liient-. althoiiRh the were mil -n -posiil i, i ii t liu Ii their name- to the love llies-.IRe thev llliRllt Rllill culllllRi' lo -ml lu -oiue of the public - hooU the hildreii will hiive Valentine hue to da.v. and in mini St Valentine s ll.i.v will be the subject lor theiue- mid li sons In ihiiiches. ihih- ami Imnies theie aie parties. TO ASK NAVY YARD PROBE Commandant to Demand Proof of Charges Against Girl Clerks Substantiation uf lit.- chaiRe- made by Francis Ital-lun Wcl-h, n iti. i.iiiR the iillfiic uf the women woikcr- at Hie Philadelphia Nnw 'inid, will he asked for b Captain I. M. N nlltin. i oiuiiiiinil.ini. The i haiRc wa- inulaiueil in a lettei writ l.m tu CuiiRti'ssmaii lilanlmi. of Texas lr Wd-h said he wiole the lettei beiaii-e of lii- inli'ii-l as a bank' i in - iiir ruvi t imientnl cxtiaviiRaiice ,iii bed Inful uied of Ihc uilioii to In taken bv Ciiptaiii Nulton, be said he would rI.uII fitiui-li all ihna in hi- pu session I liim ilelci mined." -ii"l Cantaiu Vol tmlav. "tt a-l, .Mr. Wel-h that the ii poil he siihsiault.ilcd. 'I'm whole letlii i- lidicitluu-. There ai. no inoie eaiiiesi, icadv wuikeis ainun.' the viiiuiR vvuiueu uf I'hilaih'lphia than the Rirl- ai Hie nav.v .wild ' Jeweled Diumotids - Emeralds - tippliifes - leurls flcmaiAabJc br Gxceeitc of Design- Quafitj'arid IVot hnitin.liif NO ONE Think saving small sums week you'll be prised to see quiciciy We Pay on Savings Accounts i West End Trust Company Broad Street at South Penn Sojjarl :INTERCHURCH MINISTERS , JOIN FOR HOUR OF PRAYER Service at Old Christ Church to Be Conducted This Afternoon j A -erviie devoid! cx. lii-velv In' piu'ir will he allemled h.v iiiiliisiei1- "' various ilemiinlnations at Old Cln ii Chtinh, Siiutid -treet nhuve Mnrkel this nftcriiuuii. Tlie pra.ver Mcrvico will nuliniic for an hour. The mil was isited over the siRiia lute- of the following lei R llieli . Ilishop I'hilip M. IHiliielaiidei. id the diiiiese of I'enn-.vlviltlla : Hie Itev. A I llllll C Italilwiti. Chestnut Sticet Ilaptis'. Chinch. I'oiliclh mid Che-tiiiil stieel- the Hiv William V. I'.cir. Central CoiiRieRatiotial Chiiich. l.iRhl ecllth and tJteeli -Meet-: tlie Kev. ll vIiir S Chenowelh. Kir-t Chri-tliin Chut. h. Tt mli -tieet ami Hoo-evell boulevaid . ike Itev i'Mwiti Hevl ldk. St Matthew ''s Lutheran I 'lunch. Itroad mid Ml Vciiioii -tieet-: the Itev l.il waul iitc- Hill. I".i-i I'lesh.vteriau Church Wii-hiiiRion Miiare, the Itev (ilad-ti Holm. Itebohoth Mi thodl-l Chiinh. I iiinkfoid: the llev. !. M. h 1-eiiliHR. Tilnil) Itcfmnieil Cluncli. Iltond and emiURo -tfet--: the Itev. Chin le- l .liuoh-. I ie II' V. I'r W I'.eatIV .lentllllR-. I'lt-t I'lesll.VI.'llun I "linn Ii. l!et nianfown ; the liev Hi Cilllet Hi Im Jimi-, l"il-l l'.llpli-l Cbiiit h. Sevi nleeiiHi and Sun-oin l-tl'.'ts 'Ihc l!'v I'aiil S. I.euihiich. iditor uf llleluiin.il I hilicli Me enRei ; (he Itev. 'Alexainht Mm Coll. Senmd I'icsb.v- let inn Chun h: Ihc Itev. Natbaiiiel Mel ! hot ti I 'hiiti h of Inrin nation. I'orl sivnilh stuet and Ceil ir aveliuc : the I Itev IMfus V. Miller, -ectetarv ol I piilil 'at ami Siuida.v -chool lioatd ol ; Iteloiiiied Chin, h: llie Hex. W S t Mill lull. Cnlvar M. H. Chimb. I or- iv iirIiHi -treet ami ISiiltimme avenue; 'it,.. Itev .Inliii MuckihlRc. Si. .Iiimes I'roi' stant l''..i opal I luui I I mid Walton sticcl- iwciiiv- the Itev. 1'ilvv.iiil s Nitide. I ii-l M I. Hilicli. Ceiiiimiluvvii : t in- He. I'liilikliti S. I'aikiu. -"ii'l.uv I'eni.-.vlvatna ltible S v lb" Itiv. Aiirii-Iu- I'ohliiiiin. I'. in id.- l.iilheian I'hutch. I'ift -thitil .'Mil litre sti-et-: llie Itev Chllllec I.. .-'i Iui"t1ei . -iipcriiilcndnit nf the Ilome lt 'on I'ninrd of Hie Itcformed Church; ihc Itev. Hi. I.uiiis C. Washburn. Old I'hl'i'' Chiinh. Semiid -licet above Mail.it KILLED IN AUTO CRASH Father of Two-Week-Old Baby Is Victim of Accident The dentil of Daniel .1. Fostet. uf ."'Jl i Smith Sixtitth -tieet. i-terila.x ha- left e'lRht (hildreii fiitherlc Fn-tei vva- inlv thirtv-three cnr- old. He died m ' M i-i't-ii uriliii Hospital alter an autoniu ' bile incident at I'ift thinl ami Walnut -licet-. I Samuel Mi Candb . ul Filiv -evuith ami Maikcr street-, vva- diiviiiR the ma chine in vvliich Foter vva- u pa encer l and .1. M. IHrIi. of Norwood. Delaware unlit, wn- iliivtliR llie iiinclune tliilti iillided with hi- car. IIirIi nnd Mc- I Ciuidlc will be held lor the in tion of' the ut utier i Foster vva- an ! 1 1 n al unlractor. i The ages of his ihildieii i.iiirc ftum two' week- to twelve veat- The inothei i llv'UIR. Do you know why it s toasied To seal in the delicious Burley tobacco flavor. LUCKY TRIKE t "n "" SKjS Jilx tS WArS. Bracelets ( ever retired on the money he spent. 1 r over s tart ever)' sur h o w they grow 4 -O Interest LIQUOR SYNDICATE SAID TO WORK HERE Discovery of Carload of Whisky J J Shipped From City Starts Investigation ALLEGED INFORMER SLAIN I'ioiii both the N todnv . nine nsscrtirj I- the . chti'i nf -' thai is pnniiiiR Mil lib and ilu Soiilb , 1 that I'liiladelpliia gist wlnkv t inflit inns ot liouoi into New iml, and a-hiiiRlnn A ficriRht nir vvte.l; in the Halt iiinue tunnel some tla.v- ;ir.i .au-cil iiulioinl iiulcillN lo ItlVestiRnte the i unlet,- uf a nr shipped hv .1 HiilTiniiii. of I'lulaihl phia. to l-adotc (ilns-ei, o Wn-hitiR ton. In the ar was found a ititRo nf old lite- -,ii roiitiiluiR ami -afcRiiaid itiR I xx f nix -ix liiiricls iniitaiuitiR 'JOOn liuil is nf vvhi-kv. valued in the iipIrIi buihooil nf SlMMlOII This is the first ticiRhl ishiliiiieiit ot vvhs,v tu he inlet - cpti'il roiiir mlii tin- inpita l'loni New Yolk ca me tl hamc . - thin -oiilhern mouushinci- have bet n -luppiiiR linn piuduit lu I'liiladelpliia fur ih-ti ilmlhm thioiiRh New .Insev mid fur the .New- Yotl, i oiisiiniei . It is nllcRed that mo-f of it i- sent into I the -mall town- hi Delaware nr -tuieil il- fiirinlion-cs aid cr.uhui Iv ilil i iliuie I ' fi tun t Ii fin hv iiiitumuhile and motor ' ll in k I Till- illllIRe Wll- the liisi,, ,, h 1 v est Hint ions ut cotiiiei t mn with il,.. ishoutiiiR nf luitil, Uiilsl, I'ii me ami Vevxark buullcnL'. i . m wimli the New York pullie Ini x tuki'ii a hand It was "Even; Suit That's i Tremendous Sale of Perry Worsted Suits all conservatively valued at $33, $(i(), S65 and $70 and all now at One Single Price $33.00 Leave it to the Public to recognize real -values when they see them ! The other day, among a crowd of people looking at these Wonderful Suits in our Windows, were an elderly lady and gentleman deeply inter ested in the goods and freely commenting upon them. Finally she said to him "Why, any of those Suits would look good on Jim. -They're certainly remarkable for $33.00." The opportunity continues this week for "Jim" to come around and make his choice! Several Hundred Conservative Overcoats Made of Standard Regan Goods, full lined with fine Skinner's satin, all con servatively valued at $55 and $60, now at One Price, $29 Rich Oxfords. Cambridge Grays. Blacks; some with velvet collars, some with cloth collars standard year-in-year-out Con servative Overcoats, good this season, good next, good whenever and wherever digni fied, conservative Overcoats are worn in all sizes from 34 to 4G the Most )Yonderful Overcoat Values of tlie Year! Special Bargains in Separate Trousers ! $5, $6 & $7 for Trousers that were $7 to $12 PERRY & CO. Sixteenth and Chestnut Streets piH mil Hint in -nine iiiiailer- Hie thcoi of U hath I- thot im wai rivlntr In foii.i.ii ..n to the district nttorncy of N"i York find wa -hot lo "tdop-tlie; '"id;" -Ii is known thur Hip opefn-'i lions of men in Walsh's pasitlou have I been tm n largo mule, anil that there' are well-oiled organizations for diss tlibittiuc linunre This is pointed lo by the Wnhvi iiiEton police ns evidence that (he J'llll- ' adciphia shipper of wlilhv has a I tl. .....I.l.. ...n..,.nllAH t l.lu -Illooin ,,011,1111 uitiiiilituouii til. inn Miuiiiiiiml. else he would not dare tn -hip 'JIKMI ipiurls In the District of Columbia: and that. lmvinR llie organ -llition. the eKpeiise of It makes It ncc e-sui thai it he kept bus. ,Y I'oilouitiR conti-cution of Hip whisky (!lascr was held under $i!()00 for a fuither henrmir on the chiirRC of "ll- ' h'Riil possession and storacp nf whisky." 1 Tlie transfer of carpo rcxcaled the whl-ki. bul it was allowed to procrrd ', into llie District after removal. LOPER BAIRD LEFT $140,000- Attorney Whose Death Was Fatal to ' , Widow Leaves All to Children Anions; llie will- probated at City Hall tin- mornuiR was Unit of It. Loner I'.and. altornc. dOll South Fifteenth meet, who died rehrtiary - His widow, " Hlizahcth II. Ilaird. named ni one of' In- beiieliclaiies. died two days after -Mr. Hand. The estate of $110,000 is I divided amoiiR his children. Oliver II . , .. ... ... t. ,i i.. . t- Lt...n i"' .11 1 1 ii iiiiii .virs. i iiiuies i niiiuii aii.i lii- Rraudchildieii Othei wills piohated weie those of Mav A Mi.Nally. '."il( Salmoti street.. S.Vtori: .lames ('. Tnvlnr. 71.2 Knst WII--lard tn el. S7I0(I: (ieoiRe W. Ilnte.s, ins (iiiwen avenue. Mount Airv, SO,",, i H id Htnma Sieven-on. died in llelle Vi-ta Sanitarium. Chestnut Hill, $10, ol)tl. Invenloiie- weie lileil of the estntes of Cln.v l.m H. Mm can. Sll."i.fl2'J : Dob niuh It Uobitis.m, S(i7,R.'!."t 04, and .fo--eph I' Sp!UI.v. S'js.02.71. a Knock-Out!" the Universal Verdict in this m 1.1 M miirs&m&m ftmiiiiiiiiirrnUT' t N. t I v-J - t '. . .,. . mmmmmm