, W "' -1 , ' VJ' rjgjffgggggggkLi - Bii'ToVj ifnrfcrt IM - rv . filvanizcd Boat Pump $200 Near-Seal Coats Beaver collar & cuffs worth $300 Fridenberg's Loan Office . C0r Olh & Ilultonnooil Bin. Washington OR Baltimore's War Tax 8 additional Sunday, February 20 Br0d stmt Station 7 w A. H. W" ' RBTOHMNO I.BAVK8 B',S.m.Urr.lon.r,rch20. Pann c vlirani!! ucf Am 1 CILWI'imi'tt juiJii lj.fl M. .UtVKHTItKMKNTB kstati, or mama hailik clax- t.i .Weiisr! Letters testamentary lea On above eslnte having been granted to lt" undesigned, all persons Indebted lo the ir.d thA h -v.ng claims to present tho name. Irlt-oiit delay t .... .,.,,,, Executor, 302 Sprucj bt. Or In In it tornev. ft Ifl liTM I i.eiiin- . iui-. '""H' lTATK OK JIAHY K. NTAUNKR. deird- loiters testntnentnxy on tho kVira estate having boen mmeu in ins fcndjnlCTMj ill Persons Indebted t- tho said truta are requrstel to mako payment, una aow Having cia-ms 10 yrc.vuv mo ......ii:. IHioul t"iay. i? .-.. . ,,,,. ,MAJW.11L1 . 1'SVUIVJ.. 1201 Arch tit. M It-- at'orn .HaTCKT T IIAUEItLl-. 121ft enmmonweuiin mug. I LOST AND FOUND in lout, a tMailert hair. iMntaln'ne piifxH on Vest (Jhester-lTillailolpnia Inta hatur.lay afternoon. Mrs. !'. C. Our- l.r 1 ltfiivelle ae .Snarthmore. In. I'AT Ix' lotiB-halreii yellow cat. Ileward f ffluriicil in I. I )niu, Jittl SCIIOUI 1A. ITwne ile'iniii'uvin ilm . ij)t or stracd, police tint;, anttuera f to lie r.ime of "l'rlntan." Liberal reward Ifrtlurnn no nueatlona asked. A. Hnellen- fca-v t nur n roaa auu aerponiino lane, fVnl',o I- S'XWU HilhLTS Lot tnctnorandiim sheets raVd HharawM Club. Itewnnl.2222 H l'Vllnn i,EL'Irii:c'l loat. a crosa fox neckpiece. vrltn t'o ncaas. l'tiuay, between Hryn lliwr and evon. Uewnrd if nturned to Iv.is Arjie Tliompon. Morrla avc. Hryn ' i'avr PERSONALS ftVIM. NDT Nt reapuiMlblo for any debts un. i eniunieten by tnyfeir nuer Koo. n. 5!l V, DKfinrt. Jr.. "lrt Walnut. HELP WANTED FEMALE COATUU wanted. 305 M. I HUM ,u THU KHANKKI. tn ItllyLIIlKS TUB HKltV lrh) (IW A CAI'AJILE I'l.OOIl- H'OMAN ON'K WHO la ACCIIB TOMl;i) TO TAKINC1 ("II VKGi:. MI'I.Y IN I'KIIHON OH 11V IT TKH KIIANKUL1 MILLINlhlT -1101' khu.VI AND DAUl'HIN ST.LI T-" I'.M.IM lev - Experienced mllllnerH: (rood . I potltioii iicht airy workroom. Krunkel ' nillnry Shop Kronl and Dauphin rts j iPERATOISt" experienced on ladlea" ttraw I His Q-'i plialy of work; best prices paid. 1 r-renea Hat ro., 2. i;. 7th at. , FEIlATiiItS IJjp. collar aetteni on ladles' 1K ma "otton shirtwaists. L'rown-Cao-' rt Ml Areh at. iPSItATpr.s exrrienced on sill; waists. "'i'iv unrn nnor. u rw nth t-l. t irailATOHH on dresses: also saibolo mkrs. yurowlllan Dreus .t. Waist Co.. 72fi MM. j 'rSPK'Ty J'0" WOMKN TO THAVEL I 'tlllcnnii Mrm doln ft nation-wide bul- I Plani an extenalv proirram of ex-! '"??" durlns; 1021: thla will create Beeral nnL3 ' All mIau if.er.nt !,, ... ...Ill I pi1 lo ell Mucnteil. nmhltlmiH wnmn ";5;i,,;J,aVi '?.".? .? must i ?iiTili N TKitntTortT this wiS-tkk , 9vii.Vi. . " "rr Permanent, witn upiendld ' l h-.h,5"0 T0 im VKli MONTH P wiln acceptable appllcantfi nt our ex- EeJrJt.V-. .J',r taw o "tart In addition to -. -..s.i.uui pnnn ror appointment. W. . McOOWUN. llOOM 1102 HOTEL AUKLl'IIIA ""!!t7l?ArVhan't?'''1'0U"a d7cer,a' fourth ln!'.'-VlnV,,LN r Wanted. 2 woll-dr-cTsed ,-....., w. ftyyU prrsonaiiiy. wiiri n.riiin.1 3" LHcoUe trnhilne- n.ut have bunt- btlr it i I. r",-"o"! i.ucricncrj uo not fall . ?ou "r? l"tflnf for a.posltl.u with CIKin n.. ' wu HTV nnionioud to earn irk h.u.r.y m,!'e unJ willing to study. Kj "tl er i J." ,n ! ? ")lructron. then i-mb r. you ,il.Jr' '""-dated with u S ,h-fc.c!'rn'",.?,")?" 'at cur In this I'm .. -. ill "I. .... IC7 President of our company Is ' i,."S1'lp1"1'. 'or. tho purpose of in- I . "0 iiave the mcessary Ittatk ib ,T V9iS"T.,V"'A..r, '""' 1 to 3 sALV.SVtOMKN - nd U daju u. wicltj 1 4 t it nn- ..,...,. t ... .. ... ., rr eoiBDjiVii ..iT.. ' ' " a" "epnr-.ments pi uiiioirei.t .lletrAniniiit tal... ., i.k ... .1 ibLi'i ,' ?..'1.H', a '- to busliess: MM' e .ineVJ, r7rr:, "" A0" '". thor- '-I. A5. . ,., ",7'V'n". ."""re n OP" '.-.-r.U(. .,,u... tiurU-AU, I .'.UK KINK CO. d-j-02i Markut si IW-WWliMnv iraijuM ,m, . Lxpcrlenccd mllllnoryi ml P1 e -t looM .pr.i nons but cxperlencd help i Tankr: Millinery ShJp, Pront LU'Kupt ftOl-itU-lUll v. I b.f... !... Kir)riftnrj.1 "' l"...7i7T"rr! lj"l no. i tritntned und untrtmined hats: ! g-od mlar to compcieiit i M'litnery Shop. Kront tmd ' I'r.n. I.lth'n . n"ovH iK,,u,,.BS,-,l.L',.i:,TnN- HINI K.t H-ri4.'i.V;.JiB1 Kl 'ALLY inn - , ,? r'T..,1J1'!,'t1.-. s-ikolisu '- D AND LEHIUH. 101. Ply Ulrl nxpi r'ont;ed bch tier & Co., perlorators Ap- I 22d and Market, I l fj, . Li... v "nograihr .,, t.T, "i57?.rr.!" o-N BtnVra " fn".' l'iult for r.7i '.' u'",d ofnes; good on- ; w.l si,(-r " I""',''. ie uge, experl Kr flfdrl rx '-Peeled, Address M itnq EtMun. , ;,T-"."x llhll '...., . ..'- r : Sffli - t -?C. ' . uu" lady to ir..t.isli uIik L. wn"'.ewile drug houae. KAVes.""-iJfflL?-, i.u' . i.a,;.."t;. .-( oiiico work. Ad lr'c' lei(Mr"r.a.,?n tape und nurrovTfab: Kvo (sii-r.""" r w, ii.ur.-i .jSSiLown i ,""" ao,. nfur 18tliond ?'' lrV suburb.1; "i'lne"anj downstair'; '- i" 733 ,."tjtnt pref.rridT '" "jTfwa 0 aa4 12 a, ra. an n. sa bi. fM Round MHf I .ENOcmAPHi.ll I (rci-T,. "'"- xistod, to l J.,, HELP WAWTED-.gRWAT.T! "YOUNG WOMEN evw! openlnga for bright, well-bred ,, Apply Uureau of Employment WANAMAKEIVa flenernl ..WOMEN" WANTED 1". ..,5! AND ."" PBr WEEK .?:?. ,0 P"1" 'or cxeeuf vo positional S ? Jw'S.?.."?1 n,e,sfy " wllllnir to dovota ? i.7j?.ur" """ "mo ""' vvecls at home to learn Important .technical knowledge For Interview, without 'obligation , irit. For fVffFivn SKiiviCH nunMAi: u iHAnsmiiTATinM Til.no.. p.tff.A. newV.eTU;. ce)5lv' "two time. WTltlne for XSyjW&WJS' .'tuUentnuraea, at ftato board: atudrnta nr cnulopea for nit branehca of nuralnei oubatatit al and 111 rtifiMerea nurno! vnrnr ,. n.i. S'.,cai!?"..b'i"'" auperlntcn.krtt Stat'a Voai ... . ...IT...w, j-H KK MONEY AT froS i i t . 1, .n.lu.5. J iFilii..i.: ""."""' ".'" "?" n .. ., ruuir oarda! oulfklv nmi ttii iniea; no cativatalnri. we teach you how ana eu y partli-ulara ur worn, wrivt today for full In- AStKntPAM uttntv ninn PU1WJI. -.3- ----.,. . U..U.. .(...fc. ''" i-yria iiior.. Toronto. Canada. CIjIiJ'aK8,' ..er 1"' for rtl h'U acrvlcorf .-" " i'ini qiifcncnco unnoccaaary i or frto tmrtlculkra of cxamlnatlona wrlM oAi Lr.on'1l. former civil acrvlee examiner). DM2 Kqultable Uldg.. Waahlntton. D. C. HELP WANTED MALB "V'.Li"11 I'INCOLN roo ta the topmoat k S..."10 ' BUCC in hla chosen profusion Si..,MU Sf earneatnesa of aplrlt, almplo dl VS ?.CM "'. manner, culat conddenco In his ability ftjld a nflftnBa a numA... ih.M QtUilltlea are absolutely necejuary for uuc 22! ln Jf ?'1V: ' : we ur? nt present r?L8s.cn,ct' by ""n of this tyyo and have room for moroi now. because with tho present outlook for sanely adjusted business condi tions and n lone period of unprecedented prua pority ahcud.Nvu are preparlns to placo our aelvea In position to tako advanUso of favor J.n,'!nica. If you think you poascaa the quailltli-n outlined abovo. call, from 10 to 4. Hulte U03. Vnn Dam llldif., loth aud Mar Ket sta. Al)VKimAlNU 21A.N Wanted, bv reliable manutacturlne. concern, expert advcrtlsliur and merchandlxlns man: capable to tako full chara-e: must have excellent record; alto aomc capital: slate full particular ln Unit lotti-r. alH H. Coneatuga, at. AirfOMUHII.IJ mechanics, rrpalrmen and iraracvmen, tend fvr KitKi: copy Afnoflcan Automrbllo DlKoat: contains Illustrated help ful. Instructive Information ou need dally. Am-rlean Aulomoblln nincst. 220. Clnrlnnnll DOCKMASTKIl Kor drydocka and marine rwys. : capablo man required tor lat-claaa ship-repair plant. A 403 ledger Office. tii.KCTHICAl. HAI.KHMKN Co cunvaos Vaell Inetan, 13. O.. un lilKh-clasi clothes wash ers dish wnahera nnd manslea, on itood commission buaiHs nrst 2 wceka' expnseu covered by falnry. .Meet Mr. Jluddlmun nt oftlcii of Mucbelli Uvuru tliasa Co., J722 Ludlow at.. Monday, between 4 and U n. m. -MK.N 1:XPU111UKCUL IN MAKING AND INSTALLING IKON I.ADDK1W AND UltATlNua ,t ... GUAM' L1GGKH3 Mcr. with marluo cxpericncu prcferrcil MAClIINlbTr' uutuldo and !n.'e UOILllUMAK'lor..-, , , MVUHQK TllllNKltt, l.'IANOK TUllNKltb' HKlJUJl'.b HLACKHMITIId (heavy llrcr) 11L.CKSM1T1IS' IIULPUl..! KXPUHIHNCKU TOOL DIlllbSKP. KXi'i:nn:.cLD opKitA-ror. OK IIOLT-MAKINU MACIIINi: IN UL.(JKtlMlT;i SHOl' AMILKSMITII!) AXaLLSMITHS' UIILI'KU!, LICllIT shki:t IKON WOUKlins COI'l'ijnSMITIO UOIIT SIIKl!.r MKTAL WOllKLHa Kor lon-tlir. ahlpUulldlnK Joa I.cnpth of Job dependu on our ullllty und dcolm to work opk:; shop lomu iteadv koh woiii. ' .ppl; after 7 a in. CHAMPS' UIIIPVARD Hmployment Department RICHMOND AHOVJi NOP.HIS ST M'. r- KTAHI JbllllD INVEflT .AIKNT HANKINCl j'm.M. WITH OKKK'KS IN llIILAHilLPIIIA UALT1MOIIE AND WAHIIINOTOn: HAS OPENINUS Wn SEVBJltAL KXPKHIENCED MEN: BXCKlU LENT OPItlRTCNITY KOlt PKOlC KU PKIISONS: IlEPLIES CONKI DENTIAI. W. T. If . lO'C WIDENHP. 11LDU. ' V"C FlfESSEHb Exwrience'd"' " nnltThed presseri on mon'n coara Apply Dreyfous & Lan2. road nnd Wallace ats. ' KIVbTlwRb HOI.DERS-ON HEATERS x.o.np'.eto uanss preferteu aiHPKITTERS AND SIIIPKITTElia' HlSLPUls I.VTKHB-OKK from mold loft tciiipioti JOINERS WOODWORKING MACHINE JI.N"Dd hHIP CAItPBNTLT.3 HOLD LuKrSMKN SHIP SHED MACHINE JJliN Kabrlcatlng thop Uendlng rol'e's (ship shell plaleuj Mangle rollers Cold pn.iis.-nen or frame settorn Pl-Vrn AND ANQLU PUItNACE MEN COMPCTU.'.'T IIL'N ONT.y wa:;ted at once tor lcnc-tlmo ahlpbulldluc J ,o Tenntlt of Job depends on you ublllly und deslro to worl. OPEN bHOP. UNLI.MIT13D PRODUCl'Io., COME HEADY KOH WORI5. Appl after 7 u. ni CRAMPS' Sn.PTAl'.D EMPLOYMENT DEPARTAILNT HICHMOOD AIIOVI. NOHHIS ST. PUBLIC' HEL1 WANTE D MCAIiE oiilhB?4Sr.,ln'2dby a la"-'. oldatabllshcd manufnS?!71JvTllln'r'. nnd ,,r" trlmmln th?? iirtu.r,crLmul,t l,aV9 lonB exporlsnco In m?Ji i?f'i rV oroortuwiy for th rUht !S2t 'nmnlSJl d,un " r'ncii and wlierr lMiJmp ,?'erI'i. corroapondfnea atrlctly fonn. nrrtiai. A f.33. Irdarr Offlco. aAtrKtnAc,.,"r"nc",. " re,Rll clothTTf bt?lnn'..lr.lr'im,n'' J0h""r h"ua. doln with iK mJ.nly. ft6'!1 Bmilo IJnea placc.1 ?;;? r"LmPn .'. '"""IK trndol ned an J'K' 'Jl0' In rhlladelplila)! muat ft ao b f?!?.-0.' "'" woolrna dlrrct to th r?H?riihtn Vrixne ,ra fu" information ETO?iPi5 P.r!vln"9. experience, salary, ete. Srn.".p1.'c"l""J, w"'lnot eonaldrred. Ad tffn?J,w0Vorl(6Xc.t,vn M,d"0" 8,Uar BU" L?!jril.,i.,0C llmor. JobbUir houaaj 5?lih r?K,rr-,nltywf0A.,he. r,ltnt "" Addreaa. IlltOS. CO.. 22D AND LEIIIaU. AH'-!V,BN' 'efHr Ati established com--?JSlJ" C1ihandinie its aelllna orjtanlxatloni JX?.w.!;h.onl' mn of character nnd klter 52.VK,Jri,L.lr,'0U" "limit experience- Im ??,rbt I".1 "',y. Call Wednesday., TJuf'JJay or Monday ev.-nlnff ut 7ao. itoom 6??,'VIIeiln u.14-. Tnl ' " oPPoftunlty nu haebn looking for. DAI.LMMAN Ktperlcneed man to sell stock of tone-established Philadelphia manufao turin concrtii must oive references! com mlslnn basin, y 2;3. t.igcr OfBci SALESMEN WANTED ih'rn-iV-0 '!Jrre manufacturers of tutthalj hlnilca and prepared roortnes. th!s,a'?n:tn 'arnlnM of our salesmen for mi.ir .182P oedeil llO.tW): atralaht com rn.Cn J """ wl" cdnslatent drawlnr ac oS5 u!i,m."r .'rnlnc power limited only by our ability to sell and our ability to Bhtu. rlVin,lrv.'J 'nV-nstrnted your ability to sell alBLhi? JX. "M.ln materials to dealers In ?reilnKr lf T0U P'" Initiative, nro limn IItfand ""ourceful and hva moro renLlrTn J.ry ftni"lon ard en meet our tSnUwfth U0.WU '" fln'1 a mM' cpp0f- b-'rCwh'3miv'Jl'ntB na"y mlt the num. r wno may properly apply for poultlons. them01,w?i(2 .?.no ."t ,fc fow "ho do meet tdu?i.S.rlieiu.,i.'v,n! 'u partloulara about eonhdni. " rv,,"E'"",n treatea In strictea' c'inuaence, and an earlv lnt.rvl. m ,. bo nrrameu ror Intereatlns applicants. Wo Nov liavn t. H..i. ....... Now VoVL- ..... aanaoio in nchtertl ?w..or' eAstern 1'nnn.vivoni . .,i n-c. em PenncylxanU win w.iN-ncoTn co.. inc ''Secuth-o orrices 8S Pearl rt. Hoston 9. Matt. dALUdMLN f estaVlLijed investment bant. Inc hause with ortlccn li I'hllu. delpMa, Da'.tlnwro and Wali IiiKton; excellent orportunlty. CALL 1030 WIDLNLU BLDO SA,EHMEN Well-known hoiinj. ox-i.-,ng naw hleht'crim,0"L!;c;,ulr,i!'i.he 'vlcfs ,,f 've'ral K .l ?.aM "M'tiion , and those who wish to become salennen; this Is a real on-ZLly-J'1 ? vartlsln and co-operation. lHdg sPh. Hoom (115. block KschunB SALLSMEN Wanted, experience I or iimT- pcrlenwd a:erlnlty mer to Increase present force; crew managors' positions open for any who ran nullify: permanent, profitable on- SerVlc" Co.'th,14 '-"taA,0?,""""' ,Wn,er riALVIHMKN If ,ou a- e-.iplojej In a fai- -,toS!?t yl'.Y1 llSKa number of men are im ployed r.inl Mil extra money, n Iho Ire 5"ni' l?"fe '"0,?J-.':'0 " ' Apply Adler. tha tiotiild- llh and ?tar'et bts. SALha.MI'.N V ,a want salesmen that nu slh'n and full t,t pep- If jou qualify nnd nre otwn for a real nro;mltlon. call and l'HV It i-xpls lied bctttivn tho houri of til Mid 12 a. ni., or 2 lo 1 p. m. 71U Wldencr Hide. SALESMEN opportunity :o make i.lg money. Call after 3 o'clock, 231 Arch i.t.. Camden. N. J. TAPKSTIty HKHIUNKK 'WANTK1 ri.MM . PAIAI1I.T1 111 TAnTtKft (VrAllrlt. .r t-ife ' SIflNINO IIOOM: ONLY KHlST-CLASS MAN NEEDKD. STATE KULL PAIlTICtlLAUH IN KIltST LI.TTBII. INCLUDING I'llEVI OUS i:PKIIIIS.VCl. AND SALAIH EX. I'ECTK.D. A 324. I.TSDOKH OFK1CE General . MF1N WANTED ?7S PEH WEEK KX.ECUTIVH POSITIONS Vhe opportunity of a lifetime for a perinn- ment future ut a eulary ranging fiom (3000 to $10,000 per year when able to Imndlw the '. I .." -,".. 'i,'.V."-,. Snv7"., '".".'. " I over 21 und hao common uchoolfilu-atlon, be willing to loam In their spare time and have unlimited ambition, determination und Initiative; no experlunco nccessirj If wllllnB j to deoto a few hours each v,ecl: to learn I important technical knowl-lg, u fuw chosen I Till bo trained by experts and ns-ilstrd to positions with salaries according to nl.llltj : Interview without obtleatlon by appolntmont only. Wrte rtYienirrTVf? Ri-Tivrri" 111-nii.Ti I TnANSPOUTATION ni.Dfl , PHI LA. HETTEIl PAY, ohorter houru. easier work and other advantaBes can b had In Govern ment positions, which nre easy to secure now; ou owe It to oue)f to llnd out If ou tri qualified, no uxpt-nee; Just Hend name for l.jrm NM 377, free. Earl Hopklnu. Washington. D. C TlTTUTTtPQlJ Ul-nVln.! ft . .1.1 . .. m n.,.1. i A.wi...-.'iju .,. . .v .. v.w, .... l-tllti Al.lO. ' - ACCT8. Office Manager, exe. : I3UOO. ASST. CP.EDIT MOlt, Iletali trade; 11000. CLKItlCS HavirtB sold knit Booda; 11300. CKKD1T Mtill, Ilr Office A ret . X30t up. DRAFTSMEN Arch, estlmat'g, talos. $tnd(i KKflU. Itun stean. elec.. ref'c plant: llc'd. ELKCTHICITY TAt'OHr oy expertu. earn whllo jou learn ut homo; electrical book and proof lessons free; your succe.-u guar anteed and position secured: wrlto today, Chicago Kuginevrini; Worku, 1800 Uunnyaldu, Chicago BAItN 2,' weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, mugaslnes; experience tin necossaryt details free Proas Syndlcuie. S.3, St. Isiuls, Mo. MEN wanted to qualify tor firemen, brake men, experience unnecessary: transporta tion furnished Wrlto A. Scoles, superin tendent. St Ix.uls. MAIL CLERKS Hundreds nre needed; ex nmlii.itlotis (.ocn- (a'ary Jl40 to begin Wrlto for frs' Infdrmntlon, Fodarul lustl tutt, Washington. D C. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE DRESSMAKER wan-s cnBagenienti. by du.: I experienced A 022 1-ilger ( ifflcc. ' WOMAN, reflnrd. Intnillgeut. middle aged i cry hard of hearlnif. wants part ot full fun work: 1 obliging, kindly and chierful, good nadar, rlaln sewer, very fond of chll dren snd aged peraons, does no want to do thi druJijeri of houreworl;. but Is willing to help: wl tr.yi If desired or would be i ples-eri to work In,, hi; Institution up to 'h. I limit of hor capabilities: references Unrjuu. , tloncd. U f.02. Isdir Oftlcs. I YtiUNi.-'w'OVl.VN of excvptlonal experience ! and cxecutho ability, who has been with i preient employer over 10 jears desires . rham:. ; familiar with olflce management i and bookkeeping, uls.i stenography nnd tPi- wrltlng, H necsss.rj. Are you In need of nl(.h.rtHs office - ' . I. in ItftW 111 executlie? Hun-v tin per week. I 210, ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTED MALE V.HSIHTAN' ' AUDITORS for government In ,nni- tax reveni'e scrvke: lalarles JlfitO to J2740 Wrlti for free Infnimatlon, Ked -ral Ini-tltuto wilh iii-ion, u l Will) KNOWS HOW "ITi ACROSS "IllfJ (HIT TlflNilrt JHT" ONU WHO HAft HANDLED nid PROPOSI TIONS WITH SUCCESS ONLY A tllci JOU CONSIDERED M HO" ljeilw e i Ifll,. SALESMAN and ux-cutlv. wnnts position I lines aBgrenHic I rrn.lnc" results A. lib Inltlnilvu mid can Md, I.dBr Offce. I' i-, . -T,I. . V . C l(n , . traffic munuger I uuule rec-elvhw, shlppmr vij iii-u .... "'' ' 'notion with ri' II' houi. rvulHblj . nV.-V Address M (117 Ledge- OfrW TOUNcl MAN. gfidiiiiie of Episcopal Acad emy aim " "v... n ,..,.. ,.,ii Mv.iiu.il, ii-onrn posltlorr with future A C3H. ledger Office. " EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. Ml S loth st, Spfuce 3401 Positions wanted for Swedish or fur Swiss Ef.glUh, Irish bulltraoxhousemen. cooks, kitchen maids, cbambirmalds, waltrrsi.ns, laundresbeti, vLltdnume, maids, hougeworl. girl, etc MRS, NICIIOLI.S, 23( S. 20th, wants oou ph3 cookit BteBd clrls, !ioussv.rl.rs. cu EVENING ciIAUri'l'e'H and iiiivh'inic.O venrs' driving I ,,.., i,,-,, . ,v . ,, .,,,, ', ; : ono 14 no-ep.. r i'.i.j nnl shop experfence: r, first-class 2W " VIi 'HtJLA I. ' ' ' 'J-1'"? . . "r'aeh d.ub.t- i One io-hnrsepi oi ..!-!.... . i,.aru! rfereno from last em!ilo.r; whrte, '.'"Th f?"i". l,T ,V li V.''i '.K0;,ll' ,hla l , "utli pracil.ally .. good in net . o it .11 Mx.VVll l( nr rHMlHtrn. nvi.,ei. I i.inn m. , .- ., m,.- u., . . ,,,,,, . , ,,,,r . ,.... i. . i . Js:.Ti .SVrted lieXeJs. AU!, r'n '. 7 LlT.STimY T Cikr notf . - ! "1 ffffi'. !' "V ' i .'u,,. . i- , r . . -- kj ..inm. ..... t .ba i.n.i n ,,. .. i. ... :.. ' iittiii.tu tuu,.. d.iiu .u. vuiiilii.ii. r...ni,i,.i.. ....... iltmV IC'TI llU'l'IITIUIVll T.v....T.m l?ilO l.i-.nu .. t 1 ' , i'iuii.ii irv . w v.---- w... .. ni.u. . lil( 1 OSL LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, r r : EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES POSITIONS wnnled nutlrrr, valeta, liouao men. chautreurs, coupleV Unrllah tralmd Infant nuroo, lryrnch . chlld'a nur. ladles' maida, clrla for trntnlnici wanted 2d chauf four (I'rot.) Mra.,ltoaf.ra ai.1H.Vnth, MltS. IIAnVKT. 1910 lllttetihouao fcq. Lhefa, cookt, waltreaa'a, chambermalda. FTflnPh Ti.nvllah lni1t Inol.li. Mn.lna m.M. Lrf..;:.. i - r" ".:.- "-."- ."" ". p"'"i ouiiigp. umirn, nouacmen. ciu. Q LBN OAK, 'XlZi Oxford St.. Poplar 11121 reliable colored help, male nnd female: references. r WANTKD Compt. I'rot. rook, ohamliermald. . waitress! r'try: ref, ret, InlB llnlnhr dire. WANTED, at Episcopal Office. 812 S. 12th . Cooka, waltresent nurses, kitchen malda. 1II1S. HARVEY, 1U1D JllttenlKiuie aquaro Deslrabltt help supplied nnd wanted, AGENTS 8ALKHXf KV tlorn'n nlri monnvfA. ttTnA ' klddlea at the very least: small staple articled. . very attractively racked nnd low delivered price: can bo aold to stationery, drut and depart, a'.ores: no territory as signed, but decent tnatment and Rood com mission on sales and reorders: checks mailed weekly on bills paid not ono cent bofnro. Frank V, 'Austin, 1S20 I!. CCd it., CM cage. tSOOO A YEAH Is your prollt 'from 4 tales a day: Neptun. tho Automatlo tjcrvant. Is a sensation wherever Introduced; every family wants ono: practically aelts Itself: big opp. for men and women amUttouf to earn food Income; wrllo irr iuii iiin cuiars. rtpuino croauet Co Dept. 682 aii, Hlnghamton. N. Y. AOENTa wanted to sell Hale hoslety) (1 buys 4 pulrs ladles', 0 pairs men's or 3 pairs children's: all lisle: eaully mid for double! Euurantced strictly perfect or money refunded; .cash, money order or stamps. Ooo. Neumann & Co., Importorn. 1C0 Nassau St., New York. L'HTAIlt.iailKD company wants stato dis tributor to open office nnd manaco sales men for article needed by every merchant Sn.i. factory; blB proposltbm for rlBht man: r.0 to $ltn)0 required. Contract .Manarer. 171 N. Tarborn nt.. Chicago. 130 tu jgu WEEKLY In your apara tlmo M dolti special adiertlslng work omoim tho families of your city: no experlenco neces sary; writ today for full particulars, Amer- IPun 1'rnrtllr.fi. tr "Old Am.!...... i.i 2040 American Uldg., Cincinnati, o. BALKHMEN side llnoof staclaltv! n buat. ncas ln voilp own town: liberal commls- ston. llvo artielo. THE (JKAPPEI.O SfFO. CO, QIC Monroe. St., Chicago. I SAl.KHMAN An A-l stt.esman for Nuw Lnaland la op-n for sprlns lino of Booda, only quality lino wanted: state full particu lars In llrat letter. Iteply "U-es." P. O. Iiox HSno. AOENTS wanted l advertlso our roods and dlstrlbuto frio stmules to consumon 00c nor hour, write for full particulars. Amer ican Products Co,, 2U30 American Uldg.. Cin cinnati, (). MAN to work thla city reflnlshlng chando llers. brass lwds, automobiles, by now metliod; J10 dally without capital or ex perience. Wrlto Gunmetal Co., 232 Elm Decatur, III. UNDEIIUELL retailors on an artlclo every body need and hu,s. sells Itself: no com petition: over 100.0IN) nld last years 100 per 51'it.P.ro0t: 'J 'i,'.25 dft"J ea,v- HaUorsen, 108 West I-ako, Chicago. l'EANUT vending machines; tulesman call. Ing en candy, cigar and drug trade to soil our "world's bert" pnny ondlna machine; 15 com. vald on receipt of orders. Kelsen ;lil Candy Co Iipt. tar,. l.ouimlfi i;y- AOUUBSHIVE Hcetils Wonderful profits oor talnly come easily selling l'rlscll.u, fabrics, hosiery, undorue.ir, universal demand; ttbl cral monay-back guarantee produces busl ness. Kltrrharles Vi Trenton. N. J, ltEPUESENTATIVU wanted by estab. mfg. corp.; open loi.il odlce. meritorious prop. IsOldVj merchants, wlmletalers and retulloni; I should iit-t JlO.OnO aniily.; about I1IKIO can I req. Pri-ilJent. S22 ltcap.'r Illnk. Chleacul WK WILL start jou In tho c.canlng and dyeing bualnesj llttlo capital needed; bu proilto, write for booklet. Tho 1: n-Vono ybtem Dent. 2SS Charlotte. N c . HOW TO HTAItT" IN Hl'HLVEdS ivT YOUr.BBLK A Mule boo'c sent fne to mn and women siiMous tJ make money bi working part or fu.l nine. Clnwa Co. I'hlla- rielphla. rt. A PKOKITAIILll, perm. b. iiuickiy biiut selllmr chewing b m to retail stores: sp"nr- mlnl and noel pufkigm; wrllo today. Hl- met flimi Co 2J.n I -i licsHlilg ., Clnclnnntl, UALEtiMEN lne.P"rleced or experlenctd. city or trnvelltiB- wrltu for Hit of lines und full pnrtlcu.nrs. Mress Nntl. Halcsmens' Tr. Ann.. Dept 277 OiIchko, III. SPEtflAL!'! 10.000 publishers wum d'"i forms. sampl.. r.islstr ?D, Olobo Syndl cats Atlantic City, M'KOtALI'I Inch display adt. ISO ma"Ba-7inei thrice. 113. -Wood'p ."ervlce. Ktlnntlo Clt . BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY til, 1 Uli-rn iiisi, coNvinclne prui.tiui- tliroiiBli rtuh' chanmli, bused on on-t- Intelligent sulrs ultiiin w.tl m.r ,!.ivl. . tli'i !inl. (.,-inieni ,,r vornig capital n nttv amour: , I In record time, ml .it minimum cost. We MPociiiiEu on owiy phiisu of HnanuUl writ- IfiB end drerl-b' mall ni.ll'nt? Tu.. Iv.. liars bt-cjeaslul eip.rlciu. Advtrtlsl.i.t . iv.i-o vo,, rurmviiy mo r., jironii vaau v n rrv sis. reieprons snruec iv.-n EXECUTIVE WANTED 'Li -o busJncjj man. prcferubly one with saeH oxperjenco, wunied by an estublluheil oor- l"r?tlon; good preanlzutlot.. III stand thor. ouj-h ine,tigatloii; will d-il with prlnelpuls only, to whom bink refercn j will be fui nlshed: requlrot xiu.ooi) to ItS.ooo: all nn swvrs will bo treated strictly confidential. -V r.00. Ledger oft.:.. . . r, MAN OK PARTS ao to r,o, college ni.ui pn fsrr. d, us sellliu agf-nt for nationally knon 'urresiinmlriu'a school on unusually Jarge marKln, must bo financially ablo to await tush receipt-) coming In on monthly liioullments: S.'So nionthly unconditionally guaranteed for training period: averagu eiirnlims 30 men over JS00 nionthly each. Wrlto Mr. Powern. hullo 307. Departm-nt A C. SO N Mlchlsan bouleMird Chicago. t'.'SU.UilO CuItlOIlATION waliiB cnpublTmrTn to open office and manugo rulesinen for hlEh-clasu new devlccu e ly home u pros pect: blR rnnney-maklng im bllltle- for rlrht man. otenlns In cvor Ity: costa 12 ri-tulla 13; moo tu $2000 mces.ary to llnanoj ex clusive iiBency. Mr. IliBurw, 103 N, Cluri: t,t., Chicago WANTED, hv reilshf nianur.Kturlrig con cern, export advertising and merchandlslni; man. capable take full i-lurge; must have excellent record, aluj .sonn capital; mute full partlculara in fir. t biter. S1H b, Conoa- HiK HI S10.0O0 WILL 11UY haif partnership In u .n .n . . lhd and wi-ll-paylng- cmllt clothing huulners, good drawing salary; will bear Investigation, no trlnurs: the best (hance over offered I' 312 I.cLrtgcr .Office. WISSA1IICKON .i-et u M(in nnd dwelling' peerless locn'lon ft r high grade men- u.t.t trreen goods store; lo lOxlOO corner. muk. . a stores and ( fla 110.000. WESfNEY - 201 Libert Itlili IBOOii WILL lll'Y . wi-'l estibllshod cndl't clrthlnR bualiin-H -onslillna of S73CO worth di niitn; iviii inciunii rxiures ano gooa will rtiuncn or a uretinic ii r ino riglit .'lit man. V laehlni. re a 1 1 i-pg t- iiirii-ii VUU'A.XI.Nf: C. uil,liifiH.,n mi. uairn ooois. -ires. Aji-iiiug niat-s riihti.T- molds. Details Universal Vu lliHo Creek. .Mich. praetlcul training In our free school. triM; ieanl.fr Co.. KINANCLVL asslhiiiiioo to buslnend men. MaurlCfl Llchlmv" 203 Colonial Trust I -ii.is. I qui ii mi it.i. i-i pui ucr it, , NEW Ocean Clt li .ardwalk btori-u for rei"t . ready May 13 11000 for entire reason M 334, Ledger (iffic- PARTNER wanted for u gi.n liusln(jVpro..o sltlon to Invert frrn HO.OOu to tin.OOc cah A 42.1 Lei.g.r u trice, f043 HUNT1NC1 PRK 'AVK Klno"""HUt( accessorv lorail ii t ssesslon, Enill Bchurgot 4227 Gilo uitowu no IJAltO.VlN -iluT h dflnr Ji'lOu a vTui k tl" s. II stock llx'ur i ti.d good win Hni Ioubo ' n S Philadelphia b a rr.-ll 7 1 1I S 20th. CIVIL ENllll des ti connect Ith ciHitrucf or l.ldr; w II iij. wiri. nnn A 303 I. ii WANTElt $2iHfii ililrd inortgiu;.. high TC ti rod! SHf. Jrive tm.'iit Al'i. Ledger Off ADVERTISE Hale book in -II. d fTceThtiv;id nrd Adv Agt-n. y .'idli Victoria St.. St Is.lls !?W. IllFtllU 1 1 ranged. Todd', 130(1 ArTTi guar 'rl Si Si I 1'IAM S7. CiMFI Il 0110 tlollur w.inl. ...- ' magntfl. tuit l.l.'O I'l ino. been used, tl.-'.!!)...! b.-irgulu II II 'I odd I80l Arth st Open1 fndl. Prul.iy nnd Saturday evenings, J10O STEINWAV upright, cuat i30, guar niitced splundld lorillllm. II, H. Todd, 13HH Arch !"! Mn I'd and hat. evgs CASlf will be lell frr used "liyr"-'nsiui und plaiTos In ls:-c!i.rs condition, to vupply school lontractts, worn auu old planus rot wanted ('. J. J lepue s. Son, 1 II"'C'ieitiiij(st PLAYER-PIANO iln.st make, new ' .st jer, t.wucr must sell soun, cush only. M doc fe'lglT Oltice LUdUERI VIOLIN 11Hi. I'ri.iiinri i . .i, . . gen . lev ntlir Trob. iii instru 3S S li'.tn PIANO Ileautlful new. liprlght for kalo nt sncrltlco 1JI3 N, lioth at. OLD GOLD OLD gold, silver, platinum plated ware. old. -.tyl,'-.$w"',. ,,X'h.pl" '? hoUKl,t for rash Est. 1B17 .1 L. Clurl,. rentier, t.07 Manaoin ZiPJUPi'iIE3 UAHV CHICKS, ,Hni "rucli, snft i,viite7y Buaraateed In ll. s oeierul kinds. Infor mation frc;. Natlonnl Cbl k to., bJ '.' Y.ru r.!fo Pfdir icnru i. MIieinAT I XTtil. 1 ITU nKTmr. I li I. i i-.uiuuaii .noi.iuiaiiiiQ i FOR SALE BUILDING MATERIAL DmollshlnT tho (rrcnt Bhlppln Iloarcf'holtls or Hoc Island: ve are now on the last unit and must make a final wind-up ot thla camp. LUMBER JoJsta and seantlln, &j. per foot! Bet our prlcos on all sorts of material before closlnit your contracts; 1000 new steel factory win Jowa. factory nnd fire doors, fac and com mon bricks, ridlatoru. plpea nnd vnlvos, ax ponded metal, metal lath, hydrate! lime, il",,!JiJ",? byln. new cbdar shtnrlea. J8 per lopOj th cheapin plico In the Uaatern market to net your requirement. Penn 1 di"l3 sn 'rlnlc,,m a0, W'0"1' TYPEWRITERS Dealers in AH Makes Easy Payment Plan HXPL'IIT IlEt'AIHINO REDUCED RENTAL RATES OUAUANTEU CO.. 47 K. 10TH. near Arch; 10 H. 10th. cor. Chestnut. 2d floor front. Wulnut 8H21. Itaco i0V V. Kllbert 8ir.2. TYPEWRITERS RENTED riSIIJLB 3 M03.. $8.00 t UP Factory Rebuilt Typowritors "Soo Our New Machine, tho Century" American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHB3TNUT ST. . Walnut 845P lit In 82 DEHKH. steel lockers, ilrawlnc tables, telfr- pnone booths, partition railing, fireproof sifes nnd oftlco cqulpmspt of every descrip tion, unusually large usmirtinent and mostly modern1 rumllure In lth mahosany nnd oak and all delivered In rst-clnsi condition at prices that will please you: ROO deska to pick from nnii 6or C0y feet of partition of one pattern. HITCHEH. 11TII A JlUTTONWOOD I Everything for the Office j'eskv tnblei. chairs, illlng cabinets: all L .:".. vl'. new nnd slluhtly used; J5 ti.LlJ""' Interior (ahlM work. S. WEISS & CO., 1037 Race St. V Mnut 28no niee 1130 m-llliV WTTIlinmi MIp fO'Tlflttl Office Furniture and Partitions Desk-n . rlinirs e'eel flllnir Ciblnets. secretnry oJ'i uim, lVAIi I-'UHNITUHB CO. u , " .'.Pdt Ileth phones. . HONEY t reduced prleeo. Dallcloui extractod lioneri n lbs. tn .1100: n lbs. for J1.70: or 12 ,"' '' 1.4'0: delivered by 'parcel poet: at- .. .. ,w'.' -1? ' "ni'nj or nioney rerunaeu. r.. K tlOMti Iter. It. V. D. No tl. uncaster. I'a. Of' rKK'B f deslia. l.'ltllvtffnM Large lot of deslia. safes. Illes, oohlnits and N o bnv, sell and exchange. PATTEN KtlltNITUni CO.. IICI'ST 407(1. 1127 AltCH HT. ltAt'll 'Ji.ft OFFICE PARTITIONS l"urniture ttcre fixtures, rllghtly used A n. -v PEN.VA Ot'KlCW KUItNITl'ltH en HI I Walnut st. Walnut 4184. Main - A IXILDINU AND INVALID CIIAIHS rJli 9A1.U Ar.LI iU 1IIIIK Theatro (hairs, niovlng-plct. machines. ..t hchool disks thurch pews and pulpit chain CH lit EXriIANOE. S E cor. (Ith Ik Vir. riJAVl'TS TO YOU J1V PAltCEL I'Oht" l'ane h ind-plolted tl-lb. bag, tl: 13-ib. 'm 12. He sure you get jour peanuts frini rm: am nmcAN. peanut co. P Q, Hox 111. Tfrnnklln V. ' POlt SALE 1020 licknrrt Twin Six, tourm model, completely cqulppod and in I'Klt. iieTy c a;rvprT;, Sl?,ourun i?orpr"r: tlcularn addrenn P 220. I.edgor Of' Jl'MIIO PEVNITS Postfnld, tost m known -.belled, 4 lbs., ls 11 lbs f2 Mi unsnuue.i o irm , i; iiju ins , ia .tl vri- puioj i ruiiiinon-. iirniicuMilB. a. UUI'KET costlr-B 180. wa will roll for tl. round extension in ino, cost I2i. will sl b'.slu;il'ul!i?"1..h5ina.n,si?w J1 2110 (lermnntov.n ne. is ((,'. SICOND-HAND upright piano: Hon. xi::a. Phono between Z nlng. Poplar (I7i'd J. good SOI I and 8 .-. l'OWKHH. (1 oompleto w til coinpensj ir puily to nm, in p-ffeet con lltlim, '7 1123 ls-npird rt , p.nr I'rutit nml Cirnrd ' UEntiaEIlATOHS und r.xtures for n.-u.o and meat markets: term- If deslreO. HAND VIA. & CO.. 331 N. 2d SL lll'ti. Oriental. 10x12. Scr.ipt, (1i,i ru .j I Muo: exceptional xalto: will sucr.ii,-,, i;;oo O. Derlan, 3727 V,alnut st Pniston .".111 " PIANO H egant tono m.ihoginj unrliht piano: cost ftnO; will ssll for 133. 21H! rurmnnlnwii ave. .miKm wTiTi 0D11 Miyi-i ZZT. 7 UJ'2V' V iL.,t.u. S(4.h!- ."' .K"isj for ..,25'"V.. '.7 L ' """" ---ri. ix-cutt lull SAXOI'HU.NKS. cornets, trmnrw r.e-. nil latest Ms? inr. Fm- land: nioaeis in uiflino, t. (,. i.onn Hi rtnn-l.neeiu ii.ii Mnrltet st. 2d II mc.xii it'r. niicniiu-, niouol Mo. :i. -erv 1 tin um-d: tho machine way In shorthand price I3ii T. Parry. Ilex Co.. Phll.. Hours-. AMERICAN s Icitvr machine. f,n wind tun paston Slicing Machine Co . I3if) Arch ' SVKE.S. fireproof, cheap, liio"sllBlitUusjil, oil .lres mak-s, styles i x l'nurth st STANDS, i iblneis, etc , big liuTgiiln Philadelphia Printers' Supply, II s 3th st. AMERICAN slicing in u bine. I,ni."7oT,(' Jin,' Duytnn Slicing Ma-hlue Co.. 1320 Ar-h. BUSINESS PEBSQNALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT " AIO PAWN TICKETS L'OUOHT ' If jou wxnt o bj convinced that wo arejitl'i , paylmt 23ri moro thart others for diamonds "lat KELLY & CO. i tu riiOop. (PRIVATE lil'I'K'KH 0M CHHSTXl-T ST. ,1'HO WAL 7.S 1 4 DIAMONDS CA,: oafo neighborhood to call If ou fcavo ono or BOUGHT: more diamonds yoj wish to iei; for cash. A. UeCutchaon. 031 Ileal L'stat.. Truut Hldff.. Hroad and Chestnut s's. Hours. 10 to 4, Est. 22 r.i-i DIAMONDS BOUGHT ,. . -.1 U. II a. 1 i ne uiiiiiiunu ouup .oth h,: .':.... roi ACCOUNTS sent L: ro collected: ria- son. sverlaitlngly at It since 18DJ, buelree. nd other matter i auju.tedi bank reforen.e Iutu.il Adjuitm.rt Co , 1213 KillcrY st 1 Mutu I LAN rj-ii.i. iiu now me unattractive fur. i nlshlists of jour home can be mads ut tractive and ll1 show ou how yoj can d It: nominal charge for advice pi, Url 71 ' C Pf TRIfAF HOUSE VVIRInI fires. 1430 N 17ih st Poplar 2403 DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY 'V SMITH 717 SN-tlU T c. l'ACIVL, Anneltr i i p an. i ectrlc, hours 1j to llergnun 302 s IlroaJ st. , HEADS and t-'arls n' miuhb tho Knr.'.i waj I 40c l!i'iu .-1 Itoom J3 727 WhIi.ui' , HEATKlis latige. rooting & spnufiiur rens ! Prlo e II Pentland l.Vjfl Pu-rlsli, Pop.iwj MACitlNEBY AND TOOLS Dynamos and Motors OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER & CO. Office: 926 N. Third St. W.MlIillnl m. .1. b.K'P b.'S-an-SJ NKI.Ilt 1IM11D fcTUELM GAS ENGINES"" of stock iikiIman I. INT KRKR I'llll iil.dphla 013 0 N. Kront i Pa. . C1RCUI.VR and it.- iiws uith l.-.ni. -... end inotln power, cumil.t , 3o 'takes i,A.i. I Oil aril 1123 .voiniru ii., mur l lont and liVe NEW and nbutlt mnrli. nv.iu s, i;s to 30 horsepower, a.jo r. ialrl. .. curl Engli.o Workjc'dun',rch j-j SOU It -P. DISItllY boiler" nm n ip-ratton for sale w'liviip. Apily W u, , Dior mill engineer 131s Lun 1 Ti.l If.Jg. P.illu., pj,. PULLEYS. HANllERs" "sll VPrf.Ntf7TT7.l' PRICE. WK DO MILLWIlIUHriNll Motor Exchange d.'" Nijik. Tnini ELECTRICAL M iTolt.- l Vi'lllS'l.; POWER Eul'lI'MENT TcJUl.h OHRII-IN MACIIINEKV Cu M. .v an ST PI''. LEV h. -luiftlnn hac-eis ieil lea"i her" rubber and uiiiviis bel'lig i,t U.ul, ot.k Miu-liiner Deiioi 313 N .1,1 ,.i ' tK WANTED wheel 2 N ti. (1 .Monogram binw. re. wool I, !.e,dnm Co.. Ilrlsitii, i. Thns MODl'.ll.S machine shop, i-ma I n l..ru or. ders, w .Vilo nilllarlg.nlng 2tl( N i'ront, ALTllRNATINll i.t.d direct curreni"mo7oVir neiv nnd irnil Mink jt iV Jjs' Ith s MOS'TtOH. 33011, hoatcr Tot ot I'tpFp' radiators. Yearslev & c. 221 N .Tit m I.TEIINATING i . and uj i nnd direct M(b. i '. -jrr. ni motors, lib .t. nignes. rri-TN oai.i -n 10 iv carats: Sin n ii- inn ikxm. 13300: old gold, platinum und silver bou'.l.t'. , "MS,.r!.r EEBRtTARY 14 1921 - - . : ITBED AUTOMOBILES a it n vou wmnt If so, and sou on uso o, booJ used truck of stnndard tnak", do not fall to Inspect the trucks wa aro selling. THU ATLANTIC HEKININM CO 8111 I'assyunlc avo. Martin-Alexander Process of Automobile Painting '-""tlnetlvo and In a class by Itoelf. Con v.11"!" "" lustrou' finish, tho magnificent, durable nearlnc qualities under all weather eoniiitlons. and you hvo real economy words cannot describe tho baklnc process of rennishing automobiles. Come and km. Martin-Alexander Co. AKTOMOHILE HnriNISIIElti, ., . . izo-i-viao Itced at. i Dickinson 22M Main 70 FOR YOUR REPAIRS No Job Too lAtut No Job Too fc'maU nepalrs to frames, welding all kinds parts nooies, tops, motor, grans, frames, axlss, radlatorn and fenders built awl rebuilt. PAIN'nNG Quick and Efficient Service AMBUICAN flAHAOM & MACHINU SHOP , 1411 Locust Street Pjiones linre 24.1 Hpruco 0.1 f J?CTi'TaiIiE3lrTl'll'im''lfibllM pn lii,'iH.,!mail!rtr31Kini,BTt!Wl WE OFFER 1 A,v'r, i,ae Hudson town car eabrio- S lef. wonlerful for lilch-cl.iss tuxi B ncrvlce at 11100. M FANNING MOTOR CO. 1 '.nnHoham Dlstrtouforj !fl HI'Ht'i'n n.m. iiii A1.u'l.!T, t-T M smwmmumumMmmwmnam AllTO.MoiriLK owners, retalnnen & garoge nvn, end for free copy American Automo bile Digest; contains Illustrated, helpful. In struetlvo Information you need dally Amer lean Automobile Digest. 22d Cincinnati. Biddl p Ijito model; cuarantoed llltnfflnMIn t lltO Stanley llroad. Automolilln Co.. 010 N. Pnplir 7S20. BUK'K 7 pass lilz Six; perfect; had excel lent care: $130. B27 H. 00th st. Carlllliir hedati. vclour upholstorlntr; euar, vuuniuu ,n A-1 coj maniey Auto Co., illtl V Hrnad Dnninlt; Tourlnir. ln wonderful condition, ' i-'aiin.ia H,,..,i-V ntn in im. w itvn.i Ponisr 7K2D DUPLEX TltUUK. ll'.i ton. stret aump body; line eomlltlon and good tires: $1200 cash er JSOO cash und balance easypaymenta; this bi a real opp. to get loixio truck for 1200 (iarigo, 2111 N. Marshall M. Hitrlcon Limousine, cuar. In A-l cond. 1 iUUoUIl Hlouy Auto Co., CIS) N. llroad. Poplar 7H20. lit. . V. 4-passeliBer tourlnff ear riied fr I demcnstratloti purposes; car Is It perfect ' mechanical shape and carries ismo guaran ' tPe a1 a nw car; the most economical car .on tne market to oporat; greatest nilleag- i n gsso'in nnd tires: cull Wulnut 332" ' r I demouutratloii; car can bo seen ut our tuk-i.. riutna. II. C S. Sales Co.. 13W Walnut tt. , I I kl.VI H l'nursntns ltH9: wire wheel, tlmr I nughly o or hauled and In (l-st-cla.a me- , (Icxnl-nl condition; looks like new , .1 bark'alu, ' (Ti v I - ii .un . t ..tmn.ll. . Il(,i, o-i-. Locomobile Touring. guarknte-J. Stan. ,, """"" lev Automobile Co., ulb N. Ilrnid. T'rnlar 7S2II , mmiKimssxsanmmmvissi WE OFFER A 101R Itebullt Murmqn. 7-pa.s ns-s-, will bo p.-.lnted to suit purchaser, ut l.0t. FANNING MOTOR CO. Cunningham Distributors SpruiM (S31 "031 Msrke! t . i. . IVlarmon Tuurlas. all modiM. mulv ef- Proljjon,'.'' -l0 ' falv 'N- t Nash 0"rl2r'' lite model. n't tell from new Stanl-v Auto Co . mo xv iir.,1.,1 Packard Tw.ln ?'.? '"onew. , , " Automob a Co.. nil) N. Ponlnr 720. ' ' Stanley 1 llroad I Paige, Larclunont J?j !-. po'rt P;tESTO""OPTKIT cr miJ-Tn trXtTTZr.- S7T n.palri tanks exchange.!: r,nn 71 ..'H V DanMs 12Iil W Mil t -).- -.--.- v .siiii.n. Olrard ave. SELDEN Tltl'CK. 3Hi ton iTodT. 0Uv;RJlor'S payments, prouded soj act promptly- trf. 3. N':SM'naa.""!" " 211! . ; i- large siuke bodf otudebakcr 19,-0- ".',h,- tops; nko new, .troad st .. .. wm,,- ,-imo c;o.t uiu Wl'llton J01V;'n. ' , cannot bo w.'rf, wheels, i-nrd tlrts; i told from new. Stun. Ilron 1 jt l'op'ir 7m-q ..-. .un vo . uih . STOBAGE AND MOVING IISTAHLISIIED ipt CONTINENTAL ST0IUGE WAREHOUSE 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING fn Mif lift l.ltltP attinns. 1 . J ,n U :"" ." "17. :: "!" v "-' t BinrirA rn,in.. SAh"KrY .s-ioRAai: OUHKS SATISKAC- TION Miller. North Broad Storage Co VICTORY STORAGE-" d Ki.v.eit. for es'lma'ei I'lerce.Arrmv ,.. a load or nun o TnT.i. tJn't-. ctll lmm,l ,; " '-. .tnr . iinn l.ldcu ave .",,i .,1.1. i 02 1 Siitisfai'tloli g'lnnirit.nl THE JOHN UHOADiTcc MILLBOUllNE Jpu-nB. VUt.) ' uns. Vt.y tln anYvehrm fi.'nili miired Qj-i trmif "'7 MONARCH SlXjliTtlE CO.. 3h7i, r.A?."- i"j IEI' . VI. . - ifll ShRVICK STliilArx - 1-ACKlN'. I-iil-T)fSTAM'l VfOVl ix-i--. . ;l haiumI h. Vr, . ., ,.'r.,' .,-.', ..VV.?1" f"-.on IlM'I.INd ut reitui- 'Send c.rl '. l.unstead Auto H.preaa i.'i.i. lii.IJTi' " ' "' 'r'l2".ir, t"7.X0 J "ill.1'1:-r1'' .'.,w: " i;r,'L by . Fy&. v, hour- 823 .; '.c.'b . Porlir 1734 '."" 'vuio lransr--. CON IRA. 'i n ANTLD for new r.-tw j.i,r o ArriA tr. 1 toatform body rV" .?. djher. owner bonded A 133 ledger Or, e. H Mt 1 -Mi " ' v"1, .''.' lCl)" TGAMM .. Lit i Dlkin.irj 'itl-io j. S, J. Ju. i -4 wanted" CASH FOR DIAiVIONDS "" Tf - rll.l r '. P-.' f u ! h.j. for d'ati'iiiios, . id gold and liver ihe department stores -v h-'.I n.t 'aimnend ui..' I nrlng v.iur dial oids and )r w Ve lil conv iii-l t.u ion. im rtn g, t nior in. , them than .wbev Ha'alllshej ,,,".' '?" yearn Sf n 1 I nta rpresentutl". n d . '.'' -riiiiv. p til jL. i .1 Tim ti ...'.'.' van sr WANTED- l.inii lirintoii trlcoletto nm price. P.arltn K .It Works, SJi i',rI, ', iiuiiai i- i "ii uiars ant ctil- a Vu. "few urnnsw') -h j WW PVY-in- hull,'!' tir" -Jj for7,fd "gold" silver, pa-nurr. bro... n Jeaoir 5"i'' toeth and d.Atnot.da. apiirals,; of esut ( i. ei. Kuin.it" -lltSancom st WK WANT nt o.n.e. household furniture. store llx-.urea ofl furnliui-.. ...?"".": cash; l-oii..t wlu' Phots us a-.oui It. f. rust 4214 Old r"c,.ch cor I2ir ar.1 tinsrr? SEWING MACHINES J30 NEW I'ltul H.C.VD 7.-0 v.,-,1.1, , ,t 143 cikewheie -Hnur him! others, fs iu 13, fuli mi.in.-1'o.-.l 1.MI N 10t. ' STAMPS AND COINS STAMI P VI Kl.T DIME SETS i.'init' ii.li,, I Albums and supple-, i I'HII.A. HTAMP . o 1 7TII o T. BOOMS FOB BENT HVRINO ST . I 43 J w.ll f n 'i rm- . c-r i" bath. naKpg . i c owi,-r J,ir,MJil!iH J. CH Ivm TNUT ST jooo IJesliuMi single rn ml 3rilH CHESTNUT Kor fit, iiarcTi 1, ,Ji floor, large rooms with nori'h and pilvate bath; also third Hour fiont suue, with buth lllli.lll Q.llOIII. cilKSTNUT, 203(1 wI7fiinu"ecrT7uTr. , b,.i. vo. in. im... -iii.ii.. looms; gentietnen I DIAMOND 11)11.7 Desire Me iurnlbhe.1 front r.'om fur uentlemenl. lath tliower-', nhniu. HAMILTON ST.. S417-CoinfortTi,ly-furn-lehed, ckan, warm, clieerf.1 riora c m venlent ti oubwsy srd ' 'rn' . (-. . . f.n ' a 'i t'OUBEKEEPTNO APAUTM"rT8 , , WKMT I'llll MIIILI'IIM THE BELVIDERE 4517 WALNUT STREET .. . Kendy for occupancy March 1st. liiicJi apartment containinj? reception hall, largo living room, dining E room, 2 largo main chambers each with tiled bath, largo pantry, M "-- usI llittlU t3 iWllll Rental, $175 Monthly Reference Required IIARKISON N. DIESEL. Owner. Hnrlnc 7.-17A WJImTfH lift 'if L.m.llif Cl,ift,mrmiiiif rTW.ftWifirirlfiit.iomnrU'flirwt 'wiIIIIIiIIIIiMIIIMImMW BOOMS FOB BENT d tbw: HAZEL AVE near b'tth; ,. 40,'iO Cho't rms, yrlv, . gentlemen. Wood "' Hl'HUC'i: HT . furn. j com IU3I Largo, cut" I rm . well lo sunwny; else Daring H4B1 SntUCE ST , 13142 slnglo warn und cozy r.".ym' Walno' 7tlfl SP.tUCE ST.. 1(110 A 1(136 Extremely des, rnotriH nnl suites; hand, furn . prl. baths. BPItt'CE ST. init--Two sinjle, warin and reKy ronn s Wnlnu' 7210. WALNUT .-.001 Well-furnUhodroJSisln corner homa for Kciitleinn. .-le. t nelih borhnnd -verv modern eyienlen. ltT.!l. H- I25t" Ncwlylurnlshij roouipr.ono Wnlnut 7434. 18TH ST.. S.. 23.-. KurntsTi d r.."innrfuVior 3 gentlemen; prlat rellne 1 Ju,,n lfiTH. H, 17 Hoonic furn . Iirito front doctor's offices Apply ffion.l fltor IflTH. N.. 139. II OT E 1. L U It I Cllea" fc'VfnirSom!' "A5,0"" clean elec. h.-w. heat: dally . wteklj rates- amv. i0 htatlonv best nccom. for tr'ixellni' inle Ppruce lnri4. ATTHAfTrVE furn pN nm hourekpg! Sherwood Ant A gen. 1334 Ualnut st ONE or two well-furn rooms, kltrhenttte": Pr'li 1'2L. Jlhnpjivrbrool. ns30 W, 24TH N, Mtv-stnglM rooms, third "noT.r. tnodorn miienIei.o'i. tCHSon.il.le Poplar (102(1 IKKM NTO WN Ol.it 1'UI.AHKI AVE Irfirgo second floor front loom, furnlsheo. balh. clu trie. gas. atrnin l.eat. continuous hot water. Wyoming 1'KN?svi.vxia simrnnAy a Varnished TAHTEKULLY furnished cnrnr room "in l" llBlitful private home: til; absolutclv mod ern. slect lo'-atlon brenkfust lf desired 1. mlnu'es Cllv Hall. 2 squares enst flltti st ti-nnli siL 3 Marlborough rd Mlllliurn VITtV JiatsllV KASIHIRK ATI.AVTU! CITY UOOMS Vilth bath- modern. Santa M-,r'a M S. New Hampshire ave.. cor. Euclid av 30ABDING -UKCI'NOlt.- 10J E. Wn!r.n -n.J .. aeiunttui u u. cor. rms.; exc. tubb . Indi vidual service, bom ckg. , com to train un trolleys, rates renMitii.1.1, . ilermantt, -n iissj 07TH ST.. V. 2v-Krunt r.oin nndbord I iijmj. mn or nus'niij couple; prlatu fi.ni.i. 73 .1 f IIOAUDINU 3IRECTOHY hlratflnss ro and board ran be ohtaln-1 in W:t t'.'i!. Dins dlphlx 4314 ixntr.' nvo. Waollanl 11S I oak i.m: ' LDOB.UEHE. Ill or. York nU. wnf, furnished roui.ia with kooj boarJ I Lan 1333. t.M) APABTMENTS NORTHWEST CORNER BROAD & N0RRIS .".o a Iloor, (I room j arl .1 . n.oJern appointments, c7ourc, .cry attraitli'-. 2 t.ths; tXJU'll- 1 I00 st month. Itobert E t-'ibci ;7i7 N i Most Attractive and Reasonable ' 'iff ". w. n$rrzz: f1" ,,""t'l,r J-a V" ,U." ""' ' l"-t JStV'" lAh'";, r"-rirTV?V mlng 277.1 W. t,r II IRVIN 7J1 Win-i! 1 1-1 j tiMmiii"i. 1SU PINE ST. Laisv"".ivlrot?oom."w:in flrnluee; brt patqtn.try f.onrs; sjn all 1 di"- larire bedroom mo" modTti r-f bsthi ier and v-rf-ct it'tcln-n. llou per month month, unfurnished, 1 1420 ERIK. AVE. h-eotiti t!. 1". -I rooms and bath: third floor, 5 room- und Inth: ho. viLter heat, olcctrlelty. n.Lin baths clc -ent reduce! App.y l: Ilbnon, 3U2S ..'. llroad I'IjSIUAPLE central lo atfin ' lltieiy fuT--ilhhed. elev-itor. 7 rocnu 2 Uiths, 3 ex- ,.-i..ur.i, 1 ;-ur or ni"re 1230 monthly, ref- nues exchnnired. M ,13i; I.lgerOfTb-e, W COR 15th & Vrrmiig- si I r 3 r 1 und bath, "tiam hvnt. l-c lights; tttilshed tr wnlt-i and mahoganv. pmate cut.: 573 I-ltANKLIN" 1 1 KPIT.ER fc CO. Sll.'S .. IIFtOAfi Kle rn, mi U,tf tu.vrte ,.-r ). bot-wator hoii, i.t'rlclti t'L Aipl 1. Hoi son .1I12S N Troul ,t bi.vi.iiai. .i-room an.i-ns-.n spartiuenti room anil-bsth n'llil tint 'till..!- l.lHnUHIOIl llllll ntil. Murh 1 Ulvhinn'i HeuP; i i , Wa.nut 2iIPs. HKI'i. ap ii rooms un 1 b..t!irf7acinr"l'aTr mo'itit 1 url. all outsid r'oms. r j I.'ll'M' 1112 Chestnut f I'llpe-t .',-.s- HKl'd, i.,; 3 Inri'H rms.. bath nn, nir-li tl. i-nnis.. 1 . i. t'e, m l-t.i...... . Tiltl. u.l i,.'- .': Jt. '.'i: i2 cii-iti di nio.V'3s VPVV. IMllNT Hfc.VlKJUVUTEP.o Cenlrul apirtm-rit a Meiuli. blier-tood Aiiarthii-ni Agent 1 3R t Waln.it s'. I i-.'.lll'.-l. i npartln i ( owner'N l.nnv TwT-:i.prH n.r 17th Virnisb-d bm hemr . 2 rvm, 'i,: bi.th. mndr-n. to oilier 'ri rf. p SOS f, ti n l.xiil Imr iiiifur.'. ' e -r. !'j rtlntious t,i ri oms a e -r. 1' '(liter, oSrt, r p'jj" ri - i sJ.VS- 14TH--IV 1 Ut ".' Illsncd 7 4 roi nis in .1 a-.f :'- l.'ur "i 'in 1 . 1 A .' r" . u lilt IiAKI.SU ln.ll unci tan e. , v. ' 1 i j-i U.1I b wuu j-iu'i , v. Ml. UNT VLRNilS, ineiits- nil .. n - Pre. 1 lftl-22 ('. '1 '.'I.k VV CYPRESS, rnw ..-,. .ritu. i ; i nnruie ! PI on Wi(n.t7ft'fi VKVANuo ST - nMietl t'hi. 8 i -.nu I .tl . -, ji JRIH. r, I1I.17 nri.ng HAKIM I. ill. II ..nil l.lo n 4 In th Ith KHib will furn I A .' r 1'res VVLsT lll.tllLl.pijj V liANliSUMKI.V furnished n ,.. (- "',rB. modern prhu'.e home, e'.t-tri,- Mgi t" i,, n.'nw ( t. .It Phone lli.rti ,. 411 Il.iil S .7 Til Well furnlshi.l ,M-t . .'li. '-oi, I fliMir l.i at in' nt i -. pb.J V ir ,KLi.roj;3710 Mn-ta- s- lIoCl'ST S'l .171 1- Ilan.Hiimh "u-, .., i. ro .in ho is. keep'ng ipirtm-i.i -i . 'XTJ'L'"- ' " r '' r a S-. i. 2di; in 'i V MH-lt('6.M-ird-b.ith apartment 2 i orch'es yeux.y leu.e. Ifu pt.r u. i.th. Phar.e ( i" ,anl ll.'d 3,- V il.'ir T -K (- eh irt lease Jilo S'Cpll"" ll I S-.1 IlluK ro.'ir f mil' u 1 i ntli I'h tli Vpp.y fcii . ''lllMWTinU LKKICIUNl'Y hiuri ko -ping Miartri cntu 1. .ig. nnd Cl'litir, " m i'i 1h1,..,i t .tlllel rr.itii , Mill- 1 rag' .1. an I g.i K .or wl.it- , hurdu t.i.l tliU kltvheii-'t. -l. rn of I .' . preriilsoh I I., 1 links -fun-iu Jlroa.l and c.i.i flimi r.s' t-i,:!, "i. -njl it -..tin,, I'H Old lllll. I .. , I .'1.1 rnnnt- I) l'oiiin.ii . i . , :. Ut til APABTMENTS WANTED WANTKD end of M ir !i ipent or i mail ho it b i lluverf. ri msrrli 1 n u, P 214 I .dg-r Oftl... 1 urrlsh.d u;rf ' i Wavns and t i. ilil.Jrtn - APABTMENT HOTELS Park Ave. & Dauphin New Cof. u b h I v n:o.eni at' rums and lath, atm-ui'i'-r i : ir. , f.7 ru. in 1 an l.tr-.i i. s. ii;iy i j ir.3 r - nnr "i 1 1. et'oli Jr 1 unl'l '' i n tin u. In , TI Jc'HNoON nut Sprue -Idil :--ri i' r i ,- rae i t 1 l-llOBt 11 HOTEL COLONIAL '"It I i K AT I1TH K-P lslxtrutiiul) .li i.rab.j 1 rom i ml tail airt meiu, furnliht or unfui i.l.lnq, Americai rii.il. i ii ii .-t niivr a jr Mgr r THE GLADSTONE" 11T1I AND PINE ,TS . ABSOLUTE!.. PUIKPIHiuK THE MARLY.N. Kith und WaTiTut sts. Abst. luiely fireproof 1 room u.t-l bulh. tjf iilshi'd. slsii 2 moms nnd bath to sublet uri-furnish-d. Amerlesiiiilnjii,j.x,iiCr,t .,..,.toJ, , Horn iiamIli-on 1334 Vi"i7iUrs7" (SS,t I .f Hro.ds-A qulot ions, vitlv botul -' -a t r. '-' 1 as' "n' .. ,. lJS HOTrsKKEEPTNO APAP.TMENTS '" I- MS . I !! t MUST PIIILMU'.LI'IIIA m.r iftaifT.. MTY HOUSEKEEPING APArMENTS 'inifl . .-. . . .. . .. ,'H2 N. IB20N ...- ... j,in ... fl rms. ami n. . 2d nftor.inn lNh st , 4 rms. and b. . 3d floor. RO l1if;'.1!".h fms. nnd l.; ; i2!" C-,"i!;ibla "V.- . 4 r. Hnd b., 'SJr i' !J 'J "t : t " nd b 1 .'Ol.'N. i.ith st.; 4 rms. and 1 ; 3d floor. fiO 3d fir. 7.. A tloor. 70 3d floor. GO HUGH F OI IIMN wn 'umbla ave. V ' Vtu"M'n 200. Park4dlA 2ld N 17TIf ST Modern houtekeeplng apartmo I'lVA rfvirn an.V lw..t. , All lafgo outside room.i LpWAUD LUTZ, 210 N 17th st J I'llE Ant HIIKD. It. W. cor. Ilrond and Heed (i rms anil hnth porch front: unfur.; Jsi month Ihnne Dickinson 27. THE DICKINhON. N. E cnr. llroad and 1 rms, and bath, unfur Dickinson 267. Dickinson Ant nlh-.l jor. tnorf'h. BOOMS WANTED YOL'VO COUPLE desire ono room vlthont or two rooms with light housekeeping priv ilege, well furnished, rettned family, with no othi-r boarders; w.thln 10 minutes' walk of s. lrtth etui Chestnut t suto price and phone. M (111, ledger office. OENTLE.MAN wsnts "rmwltirprtrnt7""37w Uh family, Iiioad in-1 Oxford- references aehanged. A I lid. Lcd.-er ufllos BEAL ESTATE POB SALE CITY ENGLISH. SPANISH AND ' COLONIAL HOMES 1702 to 21 Koosi-,-ult IfoutivarO r itiiH .arqu.'try. floors. 2 baths i eh mer, Ine porch, laundry und r. ti ' ! " fir Mlliur.l room. In basemont; I iibj garage lln."h to Mill; lot 24X170; ii. Plouk from Krinkford and Mldvale iv. tr ley nisn p. It Summ-rdale tv-.on Hsrni'l'' house furnished Open for ii spectlon 1 to Ti or hv nppnlntment. Phono Kens. Ill ft";. East 031 Bargain Prf'ce, $16,000 T. A. MANN Mm?: - , a lv.'-, iJHUEN. 21 nJonn-. 7 baths. JiC, " spring Oardi-n 12 I" itns :fiu ijrren 12 rooms wicnnt, b'-'nr; t std rerkloni n 11 rooms vacant. ' 221(1-1 (Jr-n 17 ro.,ins 2 baths, 54x1 17'.'1 Mt. Vernon, 13 ro ins 2 baths vacant. 23i2 Creen. 10 rrmnm a bath, vacant. lf32 tVallh'-e. II rooms r imfnrtabl horn-. If2t-2d N lOlb. apHrtm-iitH tfldo yard. (170 N. 10th. 11 "I'oni- Mu.-nt ir.23Poplir. 2d -ooTis 2 Laths, vacunt I 1720 Mt. Vernon. 13 rooms 2 baths, vaunt. 771 N 2.V1. - rronii- b-ownston.. InmilEItD It WnitllHI I. ("11 S.V. N. 17'.h ,T0 CLOSE ESTA1E 2424 N. 20th 3 ttor; 0 rnorr." 2t2'l N .'flth nor, , f room. 2423 V 2Utli 3 ttory. 0 roonn 2143 N. ."(th 2 sto. y, H rosmo 2447 N. L'Clll. 2 H'l.t, S root; i 2110 N. 20th 2 tr.r... s roorf.s 212 Olenwoml hp. J ty. 7 room A I-' HI'hSKLL l.'tl ti Tnr'ier h's. CITY PP.uPli.TtTY 2400 rillTord. 0 rninu brimnstnee .S423I 2343 W. Ilerks. U luorra aca . . 1000 1KKIN 2.'lh. 0 room" Inrne um.. . XMl lSrit N ltuckli'il, 7 rt cms, acant . 2303 Seral of th atsne uit bo pjrehused wl'h JliiO in.r-i. bititnc, sa.'ie as rent O'OVNNOIl 11." 1 s if.-. 'ti IHsmonil n.'fiO J 2418 SPRUCE STREET 1 "el'ent chance for hoti ' yrs, moo ' order, price -.ttrai ilva 11 WEN'S SONS lUlP ColilinbU 11 rooms. WM. L. a.e. TO CLOSE ESTATE 'i..:-5(3i-ri4iii itivreNr sr oij portli-front ilw-i lies. 7 toom K ".U.-Sl.LT. j-.th aid''V,..e1 i HOMES $100 CASH EDW ' M P.RAMAM S2 a. Broad .t upnise 7312 jnlrt i OLUMHIA sio.-e ..nd dv. e line. 2013 Nlcl.dliii 7 rr.jm 1 1A3 N. 17(h 1.1 r.,r:in. iraT-.'. , Very i.ttrxct.. oni' li 'Uegi J23.00I. I WM I. c -".A h N s . iv-l 2010 Columbia I TO CLOSE ESTATE , 2124 N. Illtl. st , 3 jI I 2048 N. 12th it 2 ' Hl'SSl.l.T . reh front. 10 r?r. ' ' 'frnr. b rna. h A Tn ler sis. 2726 GEORGE STREET Ol ; irtunlt- for ' h ni lei. er 2-ct try itwe 1 It g ' 1- url ;.rk.- r.-as.innhle VM CRAVENS -oNS 201) iolumb!aave COI.dltF.Il llT'Yl.lts-lf sou have sfnu" am unt i.f carb unJ war; to miy, -jig havs It li any part of th Hv. PIKRt'E Room 202 U,UelIldn j413 S Ilron.l ' MUST SELL nr rem immediately S21cN. Newk'rk 1 '.wstn- heat, eiprjrieity In closed por. h. i" -o rooms and bath, 2 Morj I, I'HANKKI. 30J-1 lWks I'hnim' IMS-DT S. I7TllVf Lr-rTi "building. evu tor, hot-wati r tual dectrl,'lt. eta.: su" xhle f . r Barag" prl." X12,00n- ;ot s2 8x70 fj llu-tnn c himor 2Qth ard Pasmuik sve 2i(.'7 N. I'lto.N r S etor store and dnelllne.- 'I, nt tr.- .stnirnt. Ibinn d, rs-i i,,hiiI, ( ii. i mi i'- n. ci Jrai.tj U 'i t 4J2'( Du.letlu li.dg. li!3 I'uP.iiVT. i t.1" I'ssmMi st oner- 3 ri-ionw .Ti.l bath, he.itr r.( od condition i, i S'H' A. Co pc 4th ,nd ( ullonr.m' UK.2 "vV cr'liil.lll.ANP ST. store J rt nips i ni I i'l( make offer i; c s)P U1L' A '( l'cl--anil("i".i-iy.Mii'p,- ' Slis l'TriiKKvl. T -TVii roima. cl.-etrlcPj h -v h. n- irr newly renoioted ' ' , i;h.. r .ly.MMF.lt 417 Wfiartan hx Ki.' N -in - u rooms i,rl 'th Iiut. .i Li 1 i .et 'rt lluht newly rapcred. mod -r i ciinetilrr . 137eo jKT our list of modern 2 ami 2-sts home N. M s v- J.tOOO up. son e vacart Irs V Thorn.- .'11 3 ' L. h'h ne M -nf,i ' AC VN I' ll'l f Inucrioll -u . rebuilt, S-mv. li rn s l"ith l- lights a. I ennv. llttlo '''iJSi1'"' - i'x'15.''-,?th Tliqmnmn its .'l.'i. S PL' (VI) hf --i'o" rw h!l t. ri-. ins 2 balds nun . .-ant, 514 (ski ' L' ''': l'''h A s.r.'Her nve ' V . HAV1 ii"ni)r'le- for i'n: from M-nl-a ..u coii'd riioi He a iva.i an. I den (.otioj I'rj kdr H Srot.-r A C. 1 -,. v-nwugu. J.i-3 rl'il (SAUDL.N s'l -It'nt J12i."thu 112 VMi l-rorlri. -..'4 Wrlnur Loin 132.-J,.-. - I'ltn.VD ST "--I. room"-', jt lATiTiA tVKj.T IL.3 WV.rt.lr si " 'T.1!. ,' ".low -i in: r.r liodroomi: ll.-.CO ;-twal. -on '.337 N.Iflt(,. IhiCVIi'lt s.1 s.iiiu i. . - T' la'th 113700 - "i'."l l.inll S.'.Jrgi, '.'7 ()..rm't'n av Kiclorles M.000 SQUARE FEET . Ith r w.thout r Inrnodlaio rosjtki J. L. Stevenson & Son 122-24 I.al.. l'llle Itlds M.r -t ,e . ,rl.s" I 1- .'Sxl'.'l , elevK e S 'lilt I t! rentrsl Jiilv I. rlns,iori MAR0NEY & DILLON rsr 2 m KLA S I ' hTifl n'.DO, WAHEIK)IrSKS. J-Tt." 1 I .11 111 V ' I'Ai IOR1ES .im IILKKNESS & STETSON JiAD TITI.TIJILDU INDLblRlAi. I ianis v.ursh0UvV raL. road anil riier fr. ntuua. ". rae.- J:L. Stevenson & Son 'tuM.'Jg INDUSTRIAL IsilE 7th b. I TloVT'l't. 'abTTu't Vj acre all Imols Islilu. m.rt m... ...... i. i un tnn.ii.i,. cc i . i. .:'.:.'. i. ".'".Vn --"iTKa-'"-1- "" wiuioA rALl OKIES AND SITES , "fC11!" Jil T'.'MLIShON Lincoln llids lb. i.s.tn itiDiii. .V I. rifirTTp f,i,l' 20il'l'I.Ml tL cheap Vorriuj'M.N ITtb i K--ri.u-piKr!v-',r7'87 wilssjv5-- llnMni- , Proi.ertli- rmd Mores Kit. i M ii'un io Wii'.r.-feTTieu 1 arehimsrs. Mfg. lloers I r - 1 fc. I