V "I fKPtf'1 1 SW '"' W'.S8fCTr'iiWf f i,W nrJ,ft 4.nf SF, LEpamt-PHXLAJDBLPrIiV, MONDAY, FEBltUAlW.! 1921 L "" ' i , , , . GOSSIP OF THE STREET iuu.i. tm aloe!: murkct at tlio chic of the week hiiovvciI u gooil tleul, rtMrrotil-r:ty in 1'iico innvcment'i mill ,. Jn etookH. oiitHl.lp of ltcaclliiK. ended tbVvvook without much net ehniiico. the prcstlon of murket opinion umtliiutil 1.11 llsh. except from (hut cement tlmt I ft, boor. iHwIrtrutlj committed to the I At "hie mid N understood to be heavily ' short of MirloiH group of stocks. In -o ludlnjr nmii iecliiltlea. Home of thin croup re underxtood to linve been the . hcMlet ptlb of HeiidhiK till through I'tiilm nnd to imvo ucen ii'siiuiiaiuie. for the hrenl: of i-i points in.Jtho price 0f thnt ptock. The operations In Heading were based -holly 0n the published Blatcmcnt in rc2rd to the details of tlip liluu now under con ilderution In Washington to cam out the older of the Hupieine Court to (lixxohu the rompony. They hud much to mi about the virions MufMs of itorlc being cnlhd on for the nn went of Ml) u nluire befoio ucchlng .utiltlis in the 'Hunts of tho company, and were ttrcmely lgoroui in etprcs loim of opinion Hi to how low the) tilll be nblo to mako Heading com lxon go. A tow dnjs before those Ktutemeutx tvere pub. Wild some of tliii' Interest prcillcted thnt Heading would be forcd down to 70, but in the Ftatements made on Krlihv the predictions. were of even loner leels b. Ing reached on this tell In? movement. Jt Mu nutter of general undertand In? that the KttitcineiitH publlHlud about tiit point of the plan were vlrtuallv correct but It Is Insisted by some of tin if full; informed about the Heading iltunltoti that it nhoulil occasion no giirpne if the plan now under consider ation should be disapproved bj the Supreme Court and suggestions made m to other steps which must be taken with perhaps direct lustruitlon as to 'lie n urse to be pursued. In iioint circles it is InsMeil that nlien dissolution comes the Heading encml mortgage Is, the Jersey Central inllaternl Is nnd the two classes of pre ferred stock will be paid off nt par and that the ussots of the Heading company tv ill he distributed to the common itock. There has been some borrowing of leading in the stock loan market, but it has been easily obtained for delivery. It bus been frequently noted, ion pro ious occasions, thnt Heading Is nlwnjs lei jit easy la the stock loan market, nnd that sales of short stock are virtually united. Orderlj Htdiutlon In Selling Prices Much is said about indications of lu.ii.esi imprcienient in man) indus tries and it Is Insisted by some that tho industrial recession tant was reflected In uncmploj merit all over the country iud been intensified by those wlio Mcmed to believe thnt oversupplj has Uen so extensive that there would be no iicceslt) for new production for n unz time to come. It is said by some, of those making i stmh of industrial conditions that a a mutter of fact the surplus of fin iihed product in many Industrial lines does not really umount to more than a few months' uverage consumption, while production has been retarded foi t. far longer period nnd business hi lacnv lines interrupted to n period dating buck to last summer. Those who hrlieie in improvement uttnch much importance to the fact tlmt wage rfduetious huve been accepted general!; .n good spirit nnd that an orilcrl.v re el lotion in silling prices eun be made without nn.v further unscttlement of the LuslncriR situation. No Let-up in limit Offerings Within the next week according to prominent bankers, official announce ment will be made of the sale of .'.",- 000 000 of long-term Chilean (iovern 1 ieut bonds to a group of New York bunl.lng Interests. It is stated that the .o-iiillcil South American group is iimpl) waiting for continuation of Its terms to the South American lepubllc leforc making official announcement of the conclusion of the transaction. In the trade, the opinion is expressed that these bonds will go will with investors, because it is expected that they will carr attractive, features us well as u fub"tHntlnl Income retain. The MOl ,000,000 of otic, two, three and four jenr notes of the Copper IX I ort Curporutiou authorized for the pur ose of ilnonclng 400,000,000 pounds of oppei, which is to be trusteed uud re-' moved from tho market, were well re eeiuel in Investment circles und little ilitEcultj was experienced in placing them with investors. As a matter of lact, the demand for nciirby maturing obligations has been better than that for longer maturities recently, with the re sult that most of the short-term pupir has beeu taken out of the hinds of dnlers and lodged in permuncnt ipinr ters. 1'iiIom there Ls n let-up In offerings of new securities in the near future it is regarded as hlghlj , probable that the loud market will pass into u stnge of fliilaroiii. because it ls evident that the ir; issues which have rccentlv been put cm' have not been properly dlstrl liiitod, ns is evidenced by the fact that irli.s for them, almost Immediate after the closing of the books and ulot Bient of the bond)., have decliuid to be km the subscription quotation, Tiiis clearly Indicates that there is nil orcrsiipplj of issues at this time uud, vhilo the public demand for securities 1 ei optional! lirgo because of the t e.'iillar circumstances obtaining, it is i"t ilhelcnt to absorb the continued 'pouring of securities with the ns rjranrv of their being suu essfullj lodged n 0 i Lands of actual investors. I'lH.d men fully realize this phase of ' uitlon, but, as .vet, have failed to tal l.cid of the dangers incident to ircrowdiiig the market or otheiwlse Men would c n cessation of new Issues. Ibiniig the Inst weik thcro have been itisid.rnblv more than $100,000,000 of i!W or notes offered for public sub rlptiin, nu nmouiit which in ordlimrj ' is vvuild be looked upon its tre ti.'ml , i 1 i rin i' v.dvo" is i aid to have f git alout a lurgc increase in sav - 'Ks b mk accounts. n coreling to tin ' ids of tnese institutions, rorelgners " 'argilv in the majoiltj In the list n r.irnN to the saving habit. Mnn J ' I iv i i.u i lici king aivounts and bine 1 ' i a liking u prui tii e of 1-jrrj ing "'"iiinl lii tin ir p.iiketh linger sums nt 1 i'v than thev hud nnv neeil of, have e '! . uliiinied at tin friiuenc of 'lil ujis and are ib positing their sur us tush where" it is kiuV before soiin "'ht nu u .hiiiiee to tuke it trom i V.iiliet Opinion Heel.ir ( o. The market is so ilv i.r.f, ,iiml time is no t.lun.i mt t i u, nt nn iiuuiu lit tor a "ii" 1'ilille interest is nt low ' i. spli, of whieh btnrlsli nttuiU " I h oiih temporal v success 'I Ik " t e i. in kit 1ms nsistul b.ul news, i t ,. ii 1 .lv bi e n plentj ol it since ' iliiilimtii. i ot the J.muiirv rail., is t nnu'iv in its tnvnr, while specula xlr" V " ,,,,,f,";(l 1'J its piofissional In, ,i r' i''.'",' '"I "" lo,ll,t H"'t f'l'l n i t,.l , ,,1,1,1, itlwajs go,, tii In the r ii. ".V st",l,1" '"'IToving. and ,,,r 'ir,7 ""n more tlmii as relating Mi- iiilli.uiN Till; THADIJl!. 0 N. Y. Firms on Open-Shop Baal" wV,'i'rl,Y I,b U -M,,ri 'hun 100 ulMli ,. ,lr.n',K ""einbiT. of the allied a Unfl7.",ul illlll't'''. announced in a.1 thnH,n,r"".'nt m,l,1,' I'1'l,ll .,,Kf''i woa 1,1 i '"Blntiliig t.iiuorrow their shops ttin " ni! "Rul,lNt u"lo r nonunion Mr t, i.i! I """ouueiiiH'iit stipulated a Mfft1' wktaB ek and uo s una m wrigys "-MjirSlSi ii,i KiAt v - 1 t N WMM SSS-rr SERVICE BUREAU Work of. Finding Positions for Unemployed Veterans Now Under Way MORE MEMBERS SOUGHT 1I1 n", ,i",,1,ntIn of thf thoroiighnrns ...... ".lieu tne I'lillndi'Iphia rnuntv committee is undertaking Its work In thin i'it,v, H In rstl inateil that the e pendlttlres of the committee will ap nroxlmnte hetween SS000 and $10,000 during the present enr One of the tapks that is being pushed vlgorousl, plnrlns mi.i Inn .,." '.. .'""'"Pioveii loriner under t ' "' I"";'1,10"8- Thl vvmk Is gage,l i PJ '"""n'ttoo, Who has bee, en thlH serv U '"" '" "'ItlOHtH. I'reviouslv J' Si: ,V's wnd.n.,1 gratultouslv Hrliin v"m C , Mnch. Jr.. of the the SrnTfHXMiI,th0.c"'nn,,tl,,p tl't we ie Informing this dutj tehoulil mo ViWll"') nml ''"oto his entire time, to the proposition. crmmlm'L,'::. t?. ."" -nlnx the my in in. next ten mnnih. .m,,. .. ,,, . -oim..i-ruM- ."::". :,,B "um iu do , --"""'c m .-rense or inembritiiin vi. ISn.V.r ivr brn t a" w : theeo who ha,, not ptd ju or J?? "hou,J '""mnnl.rtiH eftort In this not T.OnriT",Za,,0n, 'rh? ,W",B which h. .. ? '? i,ctm' "'"' 'ie county rlan Previously have fallen Into line. In fact. rP J,,"nV,l,". f """ "'"" ' epte ii .K "'"'"''"CH. t eHrty loet. m?i. ' ,;?"'rmn of th" welfare com mltte. A Neein Detrlch, of Henry II Hourtun l'.idt. Vo, n, Oemmnt.mn. la chair man of the .harter cemmlttie and A. Ieerj, if the William n eltle) l'oit. No 13 1- the permanent upwlntie for eecre larv l'-itrlcli P Croiby of the T.omen W) lost .No r.O, haa iltlln,.l the ehalrnmnehlp of the entertainment roimultte for the ear, whlth crate a ,acancy MIkh Chm hy did aplendld work with tho prevlnus rum mltte Her services will to mtased meas urably In a news pub.lcalun by the Prlnce-lorN-a Post. So T. of nhlch John H. Hecker la commander, then, committee appoint ments and other offlcrs an, announce 1 flubhouse chairman, Juhn I) Diesel, 8030 Springfield avenue nnturtatrment thalrman J Vin Oil. hrlat, 0100 eilbnon avenue J J MiTodtin. 11 I.oekwnod. John Wetzel and II Wlndleh MedlenI aid chairman Dr. Hi bert C. l'r rlah. BS01 Chester avenue Ur Joseph I I'urn ard t'r Joseph Mclver House chairman Thomas A Jtc!va. r.31 Srrlncfleld a,orje ItkharJ llruic and Dalph Darker. Memorial chairman, John J Mcl'adden, Jr.. lam South Korl sixth utreet , Membership chairman, Mont:i."uO Morris, 800 Chester avenue. Kdltor of the Matenlnir Post, A. II Trjon, iTJl South Seventieth strict employment ch.lrmati. Will am O Murnch, SJ21 e heater avenue Publicity orricer, Ham Vlndlsli. fi03il Oreinwra a,enue N-VMi nnd meara cnalrman, M 12 Gru ver, ll2il l'arranut ttrrac Insurance offlcor 'Iliomaa II Morris C5 Ksst Essex menu l.ansildwiie Ya Amerlcsnlsatlon chalrmon Ijnn UlUhrlst. CIuO Olbson avenu- Athlrtlo chairman Char!s II Mejcrs in North Second stteet 1'arb;-, l'a Ilellef chairman, A 1 Taxts. 2H 15 imllh-Austeimuhl nulldlnir. Camden, v. J . Patrick Meehan and II M Jordan Communltv srvlco clulrman. Karl A nitlmbrnder. 1000 fouth tt Uernard street Iei.l a'd chairman Isldoro IJaljsen, EMI) KlngsesnliiK arenuo Carnival chalrmnn Herman, A Hawklnif 113(1 South nflv-aerml trcet Grievance chalrmir lohn C TV'etzl, (1035 Klnifaeajliic anue Harry Wlndlih, Lhas II Bauinan iind Walter 15 (Iruver S-emeart-at-arms VMIIiam II Ilenrl. 17 North Tront street Iarb l'a , I'rod M Jordan J011 f.outh riftl-e'itlitli rtn-er 15 p A nnil Maillnrr aper Boxes qlcfr and Mailing; Tubes EDWINJ.SCMUfcllLbCU. 333 N. 11th St. Philadelphia FINANCIAL WIi7kUS-1I VlllllJ COI.I.ll.KV COM 1"AN nilST -VlOlirGVOL 0 M.H ci:n r siMtiM vim hold HOM)S, HI'K lO.'l. lurfluant to termi. of mur'piTP 1.tod beutember 1. 101" 111' "" uf bald bonds, numbered as lelov,. have. 1 een drawn for le deuiptlon b the Sltililm' l'un.l at 101 and acctuM I.vterest. n of Vlurch 1. 10J1, vis Id 12(i 147 J'.O 177 31') r,n 18.' v -'Tl H.l .IN'. 7S 113 110 .7J .Mil ISiO U7 Above bonda with . I. unm .tured mpons attached should be presided for payment at olllre of Trustee on or aftir March I, 1UJ1, v hen all Interest thereon will oasc (.IKAlll) TIU'ST COMl'ANl, Trustee. (Iixmai: II 8TlAltTiH Tionmiror Philadelphia 1'" . ' obruarj 11, 10J1 nnuiil MiTtlnns s-Ti Till! ANNUAL Ml HP rlln(OVTU ltnlltDR Mills Wll VO lien "li u- ui.lBO Of 111 com nam V'!' DrcxeJ Hull lluir, Philadelphia I'e iisylvanln on Tuesday, rebninry 11. Iflil, nt U.bO ii m.. tor the election of five. . ftlnctoro to terve for the eneulno :ear and ' ipr 1 1 uch othci busli ea) aa may b bronsbi le""'e Ul ii niiBfrrr L.iiipnrri f.qt. ZTllW. ANNUAL MIILX1NO 111 IIIK IkCT faeocliholdirs of the Aldrlrh Pumn lompauy will bo held ul tho oftlce of the hSmpan'JUrMliu.-d.na. Philadelphia, ii in., for tho clottfon of flee Dlreotois to J.rvo for the cinulne year and for sued other t.u.l,VH,,.iWi!,uaS, U ,K rz l'hlladelihlit lVbruary Hth lnji Jrfir i m: anni'u. AiKriMi dp tiii. .ItotUl.oM'i" ' HIIMnni rler A ( o, M niriiorutnl, will I held at tho oitln. if it,. roinnain Id111' Hamilton t n MomiI.ij, IVbruiir SI. H1. i't 11 o'.lok ii. in. ir JUSIl'HH WinriiKI' v, nre il Meetings "iHK Kl.UUI.tU S1A11.1) .MLI.II.NCJ ..r th Dlrcr'torA Of tin, All. .it...... 6" .. ...... ....... ...I I I .. ...1.1 .. .1... ..Mi - '., M itoliiiiM in., v .. nu,,. ... mt. uini.0 or ,ne loinjuny 203 Uroxel llulldlne Phlladclplifk Pennsylvania on rumd.ij. lebrunry 13, 1011. ut 1 1 M5 ii. in. '" II UPHhr.LTellUDHl.KS Fei-y fetr illlJ ULdUl.AK WIATKII Jll.I'.TIMl a-" of the Dlrettora or tne AlilrloU Pump ( ompnny "111 be hell at the office of the Companj 253 Dreel Ilulldlnn, I'lilludelpbla, Pennsylvania on liiesdii, lebiuury 10 10 'I , ut YS o'clock iKMin. ii mrssr.LL liuuDnna Btcy. Illvldenils I nf PIIILAIII.LI'IIIV I.I.I.ITItK (II. 1000 fhretniit Mt. Plilla Pa l"b In KiJl 'I lie lloaid if Lire tura have this Jul il ured a qu n ! dividend of one und llirre. uuiirlrrM (P!) per (fill ebeliiir 11.73 trills n sliurr) ill on the common upttal HtiiLic uf ihls i' uinan piiMille M.nh 13. ltl.'l, i m tit holders of re-mid 1 rl.r lar IS Id.M "" 11 i Lie A,S 'lieasurer rill", pun. vni.ii'iiiv l.i.Lciuic to. 10(111 t hestllllt HI. PhllH . l'a Feb 10 IIUl The Hoard of lilnctnrs lino tills dav le cl rid a ijuarterly llvldrml of Iho U) pel , rut, Ibelnir BO irn.a iv share) uimn tho ieut, Ibelnir 00 rn.. aimrei uioi nreferred lapltal stoiK ut this Comrunv, able Marth 13. 1W1. to alookliplejar; ul r Febratry IB l"2t f LUCf T raLOrd Tn. as ) 'Ju - t - lKf - ' - .'l ' " ' m.!aieei r is the Reduced Rates During Present Season THE BREAKERS Atlantic City, N. J. On Ocean Front Fireproof L'nuiially attractive durlni Wlntir and fPrliisr Haaaons. llurmback on the Uich, Golf indoor Swlmmlntf and th rt PonuUf "nclllliB Clialra ' on Doardwalk. .uxurlouily aiipolntd I.obbtfa and Bun Parlor with afternoon muitcale anit tompllmentary Teu Eer,lce, which IutUm rro,-riion, Ainericin ana European Plana. )e5rvt& I A ATLANTIC CITYeN. J. I AivAmcpjcaa Haanopd. i ri uiMmaiLmandKjeaicomiori i capacity 000. WairerJC&acivX wmmmmm awawa aaiaj Let V Mnt,e Yon reel nl Koine" la a kiit ni i.ouuet iiriinu HOI EL MORTON Oe(in Und Iri Inla Arc. Capae ItT 30O. "I'lcy of liaiiiiet neniiu- H7UA v. iifi.i. ft i-Aiii. at. reirri. Prop. GRAND ATLANTIC Vlrclnla aic, nnd beie.li. Hot nnd cold run nln water, l'rlvato baths. Hates 14 day up sneclnl neklv cupncltv 11110. llnnkiM oscau n. paimi'u HAnni.i)Xxi)QN j Tho Srnnfnr Mrrlnlu Ave. ut llimril incocnator ,lftII( nrrrm,f. spend Wnsliliixlin's Illrthiluv nl the hhnre. tie fill rate from Nuliinlny mornlnir lu lues.lii) venlnir. $tl.iin, merk1111 I'lan. Wire., Minnie or Mrjtr VlrBlnli Ave and llench. Cap 3'i0. l'rlvata baths, rem. water elovntor. etc. Atner. plan. M KI.I.I' 1 inner. N. J C oM,INti,atKT. marlborounTilcnkiiii Hnlel RnnrnViol Kentucky Ave. naturn. noiei doscodci UCCllont tal), ii7.30 ard up workly. Phona 117. A. C, MAI5ION I.VKICVVOIII). S. J Hfe&M Laurel-iiitlie Pines LAKEWOOO.N.J. Situated among tho Pines and overlooking Lake Ccrasaljo Naw "Palm Griir'-lUholo Coif Couria. Koraobiclc nidln. Moiorlnr Pletureaqu Walks. Music Private Game. Naw Electro-hydrotherapy Hath ayatea KANK F. Nil VI K. Manacer Branch pmeeof GEO A HUHN & SONS Members New York Slock Exchauca LAKKVVOOI). N. Hoolelet Wrllo .1. In (be l'lnes, all sports. T(IWNMII1 ( OMMITTEI7. miiTi; hniriirh wrnrNos J,U!X!:-H,"'P,,"B ePHINas. w. VA. tioi.r. im: nTim ami iniAi.Tn. JArnON si'itimm. w. ei JAtKlO.S Pl'ltlMIH UOTUL .lacl.aun hprlnus. N (J. Near Plnehurst and famous xolf cuureet 8aa so now on. a.olf. Jlotorlne Huntlnt. QualU ducks and wll I turkey. A modern hotel In lha middle south Modern rates. Manmement M. Curran dummer Keason. Illlia Park. N. T. (KI.KX ( Q h '.PHIMil. VI. QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL (Ireen Cove sprlnirs, I lorldii I'lreiiruiif holil with modern Improve metita and conveul. nc.s Hot sulpho iniBiiealH uprlni.s unl baths coif, bath liic casino ti-nnla liuntlnir Hate. I', pr daj upwards, fumtnor connection Hotel Uuumore I.al c ljunninrc t HOMO!? V MAHVI2I, ronT myerb. n. Hole! Royal Palm ' - ort Sler 1 inrlda. Jan a. is Hole elolf ruhlr fwlininlni. Pool Hverr llr.iln " III Until T I, Nh't.'-llN MinilKr ru'MtWAiru. 1 1. UI.KI.AH INN. Clearwoler. riorldu. Modern in Detail. On Bai Shore, oolf at ejountrv Club, tt-nnls boatlmr bathlnH fish lag. huntliiB. Wuali season now on. Heason fjove mber m Tune Hates upon application lll.l.I.LAlU HKUIIIls, lI.. Tin: iiri.i.i.v n:v llrllei'lr llrlahts, I In. T1II TION L Until r ffenry Q 1 ( Z Jl&wmeifcr Itvas cftteJ by Henry 0. Haivnuyer that an individ ual') u orth wast not rejrc-' senttd by accidental wealth but by practical attainments, 11' v"ii wuulil attain the b u . i ii c s accoinplibh-nicnt- th.it will mako vuiir life scctuo, uu must tllilv I 1'1S 'Cllueil offcit tiravtical e.Jiirsf m" busi ness training that will prove of threat value to juu. Kieji on i Hiding Mr. Educator's talk. mm l!W..I-yH r-CTiwt Chestnut i iladelpmi msM llTA aail;i Cost Accountants Are unionc tho luiihcst jiuiel of inofossional niun. Thoir vvoik is not only con btructivu it is vitnl to overy great ineluatiy. Iloro is a Held of uuineas ured pobsibilitics for men of hicn intellitjenco nntl ilrst rato ability. T1 :ou lme) tliebo cumlifi catioiib vu can train you. international Accountants Society, inc. 509-511 Widener Bids. Phone t Locust 3410 .... . tit MflUtrl.u. 6-1 'OaaaaaH F L.i. raMaaaB 'Jg ! tZZZ jiyBiiKt.tl aaaHaB w w i i ft aaa tSSntT0e3Ss!S i w2ku- . SLICK HER UP nil over for th ftciimtn Ha, o ollr lioat Man out looking her vcrj bent Nothlnir will elo It llko lmlnt A.111 mini; ror a nont F.VANDERHERCHEN'S SONS 7 -, r Htrpt. IMiltiiitrlnlilii " It tho fltn of tho Half 'fit r CT '.. b ..wvwm Transplanted SunliqhQ Him h rbeerrul .lune-llka atm rhere tn any alore. t'neijualed for dlsplajlnc mrchanrtls, cere- n ror ellsr - fl ' ;', ' ?V,' ,' e.010r lieips es.rs uy i.iv dayllgrtt brlghtreis without rtnilnit l.in. Not tho chei I est unit, but better light with less rurrenl consumption, unrivaled lor offices, drafting moms, pub. ltd htilldinjin. etc. No eje strain It In just like natural daylight. Siil sketch or description of any lnteri r unl securn nur IlKhtlnu ie jiuiiMi lui Ions nnd pjlces Also ue iliehi for youreelf nt our I'liiludclphla Showroom 821 Chestnut Street Cheerful Restful Keeinomlea! l.lirCATIONAT. lloth Hrxr BUSINESS Schooi UULJUEbitL, NlBht School It's the School for You T'nsiirins" .1 In Its thoroui.li ," 1 cit t ea hlnif o' these coune ' HoiKieeepInx At-rountlnir. Seen' tnrlti. ihorthnnd Salesmnnshlp, rvnewrttlritf e'lorlenl. Ital Hs- tit, I'enmrnshlp Hpantsh. T'ach- r'3 irainlni; course, ejlvll fcerv le.e etc. 12110 MALM'T ST.. 'I'lIILA. A (IOOII PUMTIOV AWAITS OL Htud t lm a Bt norathrr or a bookkeeper eiur courses rn mplete In overy detail IncludlnK ollte 'ratnlmr. Individual Instrin - tin. prv r nii;ht elas-.es Our refer en es arn exceptional Cat ilog piiii.v nrsiNFs toi.Txesi: nnd (olleite of tuinmene 1017 (heslnut St. rhlliiilelpliln School of Music ll houlli Kill l Temple University f,rtlu ,, A, Ul.'l I-ehlith ve. Alt llrnn.lict nf Muslr. Hen! nners und Aelvanreil I'liplla. t'utiilos. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY eilAMllKKM INSTITIITII. New Classr lomilnir. Day and Kvrnlnc. 2010 Arch el SInny cood (eachlnir positions ntlll otrn In l'a.. N. J.. Ti 1. Md. nnd N. Y. free en rollment. L sioDi'.itv rnAcinjis' iirniivij KHjJ VIAKKLT STIli:i7l' sii,vmnii niior.M milA. WA.. X .AxVW WHITE STAR LINE ft OLYMPIC CHERBOURG SOUiHAMPTON Narr TorU' Llveroool Celllo reb.20Anr. 2SIr Vr,lo 3lar. C (3d clnsa only) Ceelrlo 5Isr. UApr. 10My 21 AMERICAN LINE and RED STAR LINE " V., I'lj iiiotit Ij, ( lierlioare. Antwerp l'lnliiml . . ,1'eli. H,RriHinluml . Mnr. G, eeliind . .rpb.SOjl Inland ... Mur. !C( New Torb Hambnrc DIRECT SERVICE Vlaiirlitirin "Vlur. 3 Apr. HlVIaj-Sfl Monirollu ... .Slur 17 Apr. '.'HlJuneO Mlnnrknhdtt (nevi) Mnr. Jl (3d Class only) Triple scrovv, 17.2.10 tona. riillnilelphln (Jlasiorr Onlahntl Veh 17 Eaatern Sea Feti.'jS Flilladelphln Hamburr wathena Oaawatoml ..rb. i . .Feb. IS EASTER CRUISE Tnmn.i. ir.. r.l.al. mdte tar line Meenntlci T,nra;ei.i -. .- - - ,"",, ..n.ii.nvi iumi HUM . iiuiun mnir i iuiiii i .""'. '"r r" r ' '"""naerHi .Speclnllv Selectnl Ports of nil! No l'i iiK!" s.ruln0'',J ".rk'. Ml,r -" Lneter In lliiviina Msltln ii! V V1""'"" ""V Antonio). Martinique, Piinnma t mi il (Piinnmi Trinidad, Vcnrueli. lreln Ulunda, lliilll. , , lVri.KN VTIONAI. MUK InsSencer Ofllcr., lliu Mulnut M llillu. CUMMINS LINEQ -' U. S. Shipping Board Steel Stenincru asaaaaaF Regular Freipht Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM & ANTWERP S S "ARIZPA" ..Feb. 10 S S "LAKE HARMINIA" ..Teb. 25 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN S S "NAAMHOK" .Loadinc; For Mpace and rates n;i).v A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St., Phila, Pn. Lombard 4127-4128.5467; Main 1348 NAWSCO LINES Direct Service Hlthoiit Trnns.sl Ipmenl Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR. SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND s. s. S. S. S. S. Y.il11 Murclt 3 t-i-t Iiluta .Alanli 21 rtij,':us April S Uilsut rtioind dally, Tier 10. North, ilrlt line Di lurry flORTH ATLAiNTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. .-,. c i- ,i (?. nin06"' n'is BMpotnn Hoar,! 130 S. I'ourlh St Pliila. Phone Lombard 5701 .. m,.i.. ...m, , s - li.. .u i l. .1 tf in . 1 . I -"-- , , . '"':. ., 12 ,,,,. l.J,",..Ii-1,."..U , .'-.H."... .?. 'of t. el F.ilon No ,(. I 11 E W.. i.nd Ifi aVXy-iil'.X .. -.m. aaaaaaaaii t ,."ij.... .... i...,,. .. .V" -"umr ;rr. ..' '""' , "i': ''.' ' ' . " '.""' bonier i einpl" es oi mm -.ny jam are InvlU'i "V 74l.PBAtfflTirl I HlVllaJXr aTir!"! A arssr -a-ir - 1 ,' ' " " ,,;,;, .."'""'riiii, , '" i"i ' '""." " " invre.i to attend to attend funera. rr I i i Tun 2 p n- KiS V (OllSl-.llRClLJ-Wll lll T I- A M QUTD f IMP r.L "",' rii'",i '.'K .in r"ldene'-' l-lorw. funeru- iervla Tu.s J n, mo'her a t hla late r.lden .'nisfi "IwV jn Wll; vWW')MTWrX-,'S 3 I JjTj.Virjrj lr I llll l '" Htl..l e. in resld.ne m 7 W s Pirs. , m ,i,rm.,n .private ltemaliie tiuiy hi Mwd Mon eve SV&f, &XiyAWxnS J1 IU. JilXJj IIAIMHVCH Feb 11 1"lR11V1U ,I,T.- ' -I't.Tvi ,m"' K!.1",",lfl, M 'ilMmi ev ' WIN'WAHD -IV1 I.' lli.'l ANN V I f IP iHyiSfmW fMll'lillHRIIV Regular Fi nrc. P..- I r- . i AIU.1H eld w uf i.'oraa Ilaumbael n , rr . I',roNA1iI, . ,."b -, ?- JOHN J wtf of G".,rn, Wlnw ,rd i,i1 m IVnerm ffiBt'f PMnwInl I ill P II 1 1 m S v r'?;?T0"t ' aenger and Freighf Service 1"' r " ,n 'U"' anl frlinJ'' r" " tuL.P iSr?r,J Cr?"i M,"" ". - - " "' re.i-.ro.. tii V )M mifflMm ""--"'''''' -- ,l:'' ..,'.3i,;,v-.,-,.,i,,-:;..r, SKSrlSft-F mz p?&8& W 1 I Wm "''iraf seionl a 4 thi ' , md fnm 1 sl o .vi JtvvV'.ibi' A c.m '"" " " n In II, ly 1 ea fr m lis .ate residence Flee Hurdrer" . V's' 1 ! HK-ie h ' it ami se mu a Imltel to fui ir. 1UJ j , rrt.ii.iiJ '?',( ,s ., , , , '.nITtr i mlf aver i nTiissua.. r fl PI I ,0 uny '"""'"r lU-cnej or 'tu Inf.1;, '"ii,,; 'Urns may rM fri,in li.vlt ;1 to a rMces A e 1 j u" I ' ,. . , f- ffliQ 'w Summer nowjh) mm wm arTiiItlfilrltillMllilMll 'lLI.v o pi iilllililllli!llllj'JMCm I I II IIIlXT' t&OTlVlDtO 111 (up urktt.i3 illlilltf iJkJI Ktyttr BJdg.t Drexel Baltimore Mobile refw.J , , fill'AMSHIl' NOTirf'H UNITED AMERICAN LINES ivumroiiATi:!) JOINT SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG SS SUDBURY Feb. 26 SSMT. SIDNEY Mar. 12 TlinOVCH lltLI.M (IP T.AMNO VIA llAMIltnel ISSt'I.ll TO AM. Scandinavian and Baltic Ports UATK4 AMI lTKTIIMt l'ItTICO- Unt ON ATI,irTION to INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Lafajtlte Bldg. Tel. Lombard 3G33 UNITED AMERICAN UNES iNConroiiATMi Freight Traffie! Department 39 BROADWAY, NEW YORK TEIXPHONK milTKHAT.T, 1020 327 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO BERMUDA Two Hay 1'rom New ork In Ilewnud you may lazily rest or play your favorite sports of coif, tennis, rldlnc. drlvlnir motor-boatlnr. salllnc. bathlnit und Ilshlnit or danca at tba cay parti's at tha many modern hotels. o Vassiiorta Krqnlrtd for Ilrrmuiln Two aalllntts weekly duiinir Teb,, Jlar. and April, vli l'ast. I)e I.uxa Tnln Kceeev Mtenmera S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 11 ono Tom Displacement halllnj from Nev Tork 1 1 10 Jil. Martli 3. 12. 10 0 S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11 000 Tons Displacement balllnc from New Yorle ,b Id 21 March - 0. 10 SI 10 Semi for iJescrtpttie literature to 1 i'iimws mrmirnv mnii SI hlleball Ht New York IIlh'', U1TIIY A 00.. Ltd. 11 urm. llhi.. Phlladi Iphla l'a DIXIE STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL MANCHESTER, GLASGOW S. S. Monomac EXPECTED TO SAIL MIDDLE FEBRUARY siiii'Pixo noAnn n.vins HARR1SS, MAGILL & CO., Inc. 113 Lafayette Ilulldlnc. l'hl I ml el pUU Lombard C220-1 Main 1U70 LLOaDlKMLBHjGE BELGIAN MNDr Pniladclphia Antwcqi SS NERVIER Feb. 18 ltltll. T7NUUH S. CO.. Airenta IlOUltsn ULUO.. I'HILV. . Imbiril 20OS Main 3350 .A Marcii 11 Apr. 20 May 14 ADRIATIC... Apr. C May 4 June 1 Nevr Vorlt Tin Boston Aor Gibraltar Naples Genoa. Cuimiilc (via A Ik) . .. 1 rb. 20 Vpr. J3 Cretlo Mnr IB May ID Philadelphia to Liverpool Hivverfnril .. . Mar. 11 Apr. Hi June 3 N. V, llnnilir -ia Hnmliurc Gotliland Mnr. C'Apr. 10 (3d Class only) riilla drlphln Antsveip Wathena i reb. It Osaivntomle Teb, 26 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia Lcnilon Mnrjlaml Slahopao . jrucLlnnw Teb. 10 ,rb. t .Jfnr. 20 Most ( omfnrtalile ( niKInr 'teinien Kntlrelr 1 I'lirxiM miC, 111!) S J4W Itlnc llnrlnidoa, C ubn. ,.... . I lul .-. ..1. r(, r.nrll-r -s illinar lbru iry '.'l. VMH.i: MAItlMl (.'OMPWY Preliiht OOlir, 403-111 llourse Hide. 1'hlli. S. S. Loiffli S. S. AVt'Ht luKiis S. S. ItniHli . April 20 "Maj 5 Cvntril iu. jilon '-- " . H,UIII UmUm 1 . j MUNSON STEAiMSniP LINE 8:'.&2 Ueaer Street, New "iorK Buildint? Philadelphia Si. Louii ConHiy Blelf., ClJcaa n'tfaea, , t. .i-6we.iAv PAItOEL POST lori'Kii KiriTi,i:s AHtTlelllT, made of extra beitvY Hsl'e pure, siillil. cold rolled ropper Complete In ever detail with npiiniied U'ali rovers guaranteed lerfeel. enu iJ money In ad value Mlien the kettle -rrhea pur AmeHesn Kxpress toinpuny prlie b-lon plus etpreaange. Hhlif led In extra henv wooden hosea, 4 gnl. abe, M oiii (I, ail 4,1 1 H H ait in, f'l (17i IS, air. (Hit 211, fill OOi V3, 2tl.lKi no, SIO Olli rrtlnneii Inside, SOc iwr gallon extra Suerlal prlee to dealers In uurntllles. The Teoplca I ulr ritore. Ilept. I'. II. 2(Uo H. Madlnon, thlcngo. Upholstering J'arlor and I.tbrar Knlls mad like pen, fa renpholater nnythlnr. Oct Our Katlmitea. CharkH II. llclficld 10A N, lltl. St.. I'hlla, rhone Walnut 6SI0 tSWEETAIR": TheModeraMelhodof Painlesx Extraction of TEETH "SAIli A3 SLKIU'" One to -u teeth extracted minout pain or aancar. Jut tn.. t ulnar for nervous pe vie . I I 1 Petfl follow ltH US'J me In for examination Monday. DR. MOSES S E. Cor. 7th & Market SU. foetnefly on ttaff nt prominent fosallol "s saar"! a ? i save rive a , IVovelty Wrappers nfrprMa I ' If Jru W lmctvjlauis I mJHm IVUtOUa 1 ncv . ce.-'Ui I t ; 3 5 $100 in Cash Prizes will Je awarded to the Housewives who send us the best article as to why slie buys and uses Novelty J Borax Soap. Each vritten article must J be accompanied with 5 j Novelty Borax Soap Wrap- pers. , s To those not successful in t securing one of the 1 7 prizes offered we will re- fund the premium value of the wrappers in cash. t Content: Closes Feb. 22d ; ?,swsV-sivsvsWs.s.s.s.s,s.sssi Goods Out of Ordinary Ladies' Shoes Direct from V b O t Sizes i ti T Cordovan h I tc h ton sreirtinBT shoe onder ful bargains. $3.00 Pair il School Bags, 75c Army luri K r o n n d s bait cf extra "trom and a o f t eiullted material, with a henv;' rnnvas strap, J other Solioo li a gr lado tl equal "lcrn far doj. 'lo tl e nn ney 2r to p'jnd iard ,i i 'luvo u t - e n u h fu.ipi-e. iirto i-iuuKli or tlrn ir our k la ioj cr Klrl In prltnarj cr other icfcocl should It without o I. e. I lxe ut and PRICK 75 CENTS i.eiv Parcel Post, 5 Cents L'xtru PROTECTION t AKHINES, U. S. Aini SPHIXtiriELDS Hhoot i'JOO Ta-Ij $3.50 . re, led on thi so ffn s i fie r i.u War and In tl e I h . p. I A ir i ,p. the film rellar o In ' iirMv-t y(Ur loin urd famMv 1 i I.O t keep li thi house ur i mt imohlip 1'IIOI'ECT YOUR HOME RIDE IN SAl'ETY 1 Jtht tin e of tl s rl, no si ie In j m are s f n f i il t ii this t ii li f ,i f , n yj t.tlilire CartrielKes, 3c each h t , ml II in of thesi i ubj " i. he lu let Ihntw II sloj jju, 1 i e 1 I i in 1 hi Irtn ard ul N VMI MAI. 1'I.ACejl'H.s IIUl i "M KISil .TAM. e .rs I AMI lIL (llllll KS KI.Ll.lM-.lt. SCHOOL HAG STORE l2t ARCH ST., PHILA. IN MMIIIltlUI I r n em r o' r . H-MV 1. i. vi, n , i-vr' tils I il iik 1 ii nmri 1 1 lm- "ul sr ml i hi ir . " nit m,mi ry , f ,, ,r ii u 1 fbrmr li ii" Mil ni tl fi IiRi-nHI.RS AMI SISTKUH V ill lliptOl I. ur i UHUUii: AI 1.1. V busbar.! ,e T I Hi -t II V lll.'l i er il i hurl, l'l i t In. i rd In'erment pr 1( vn All V .in I. i V I .,j, r Willi nn V.iHtlnn I . I P m risll. n- 1 I iirr W I'll Ol tt h II r in I,n..'.r ".' '"", CheHliut" J 1 rlends ina can t e el 1 jo i.i ii st i nnid.n Tn.. . . in iir inn HirUlKh d n lues 7 tj b l m HOW 1.1 S hul lei j Ji OH VI. FF i.u. lm ml son uf JuiUH II ltelatties ml frlenils . I u irui f Jl Ii e 11.... I 111 Vlirv A. Iluwleu are uniiHii l() t1(, ervicea in wninesiiui loell t t his late resld ini'iii inn t i.IM nunnnet et I itrriiurt t Mt pea i t eineterv Frli nda inio vk v r nnitns Tuesday evenlnir IinEAREY - Kt Cheallhurst, N J Fb 1' UK HA' uhbu t 'at Msr i1-,ir,tiiifj.tr-,i.. 1 pluc4M(Mi hl wifliuiiuLW m it. f " a I) . (( In v.3. v J0 ). ,-e t "p '' ' "" -' HHIU7I UDK f- ,Un rt 1 li H !V . ', ' Te. i. -- ":. ., . .... J .. ..- .' "" i 111 ,..-,,, .. i, . "m ".1 r H resilience lra Tl'rarV I KIIKItTAKIlLiI ICftM II. ... 4,1 -, C.UII-1 I II II. 11 Itill I. !-...! H '-. I 1-ruMU. .. . .. . .. "I 7' '- " .. . . pjuiHI DICATHt llreari aired 8" Choalllmrat M I Celn , Phtla Services Tues 10 a, m., CI urch lnt (Ire-ntnoum MRRVNKH -Il la 1i21 eir.oitcill II , belo,el husband -f Vtav Ilrenner (nes Kirk) nnd ion of Harry an! I.llanbeth l!rentir, uged 2 Itelntlvea and friends nnd all or Ranliadona of hlch he was a inembe , In Jlled to funeral Mrvloea. Thurs . 2 1 rn . Jute residence. 050 K Wlshsrt at. lnt (lriciunount (Jem. IVIendi may call r.ed ev . llttOCK 1'alrview K J. Teb II inai K7HK II HltOCK Tunerll serv fi s Kalrvl.. , N t int Aabury U !-' Oem. , IIIIOWNKeb IS MA11V U. wlf of Walter llrown (nee Htphens) llelatlvea and friends also Racred Heart t,eaKUe. In vltel tj funrnl. Wed H ao a. m late residence 707 llutlr st Holemti reiulem nnss Kt Verontea a Church 111 a m Int. Ho'j Sepulchre IIKOVV.S- rvb, 12 1021. BAIlAIt n, widow of II A II llrown. llelallves and friends nro Invited to tho servlcs. on vVedneslsy afternoon, nt S o'clock at her lain r sld-net 818 N. 10th rrt. Intorment private llfi'HsN'AN' l'eb 12. ANNUS vvMov of TAllllatii Huchanan Itelallves and frlMids iilso HrlKht I tar Uxlai Ko !l. 11 nf b of 11 . Invl'ed tn funeral services Wed 2 EO li in reildence of son ln-'.aw l"relerlek Hchelble 84H7 Jaerr st Int. prlate Vorthwiol torn. Vlowlru Tucs 8 to 10 P in nriiHMiit. r.b 12 iCATitEniNii wiaow or William Huehler nirnd 74 Iveu lives and frli nda als 1 iniiniers of ni I Minnaei n rierrnan Lutheran hurch ann 1 land friends rre Invited to attend funeral. I irom ni laie rtsi.ience JV3I N Illth st Wed 7 a in. High maso of reoulem at ttm Churih of Our Lady of, 'ho lMy bouln I e'AltlLll - On I ih 10 1H2I MAnriAHHT CAMTLH hervlce on Tuesday aflern ion at 1! 30 o'clock at her rstl-nc(. no Nortt 51at s Interment it rrnwo(.d iVmrteri .' ',l l,.?n f'1 '-' KLI.IH huslanlof rTIIAIIIN'r, ( IHK n.la'lv-s friends and all orean'zatlo-is if which lis was a member are Invited t tho service on Wed lira lay aflerno' n at . o.. k nt hla late resllerire H24 W rirth si Interment at Mr Morlah ( erne', rj 1'rli-ndo ma call iuesda evenlnir fOLtt 1! ia SA1VAII n dauKhter of lute Thomas nnd Ada A i .ile llelatlvea and frln!s aln, Heilmi.n eouncll No 140 H and D nf I. , l,oal Ilendshlp lyidre No I el fi I, M t are Invttrd to attend funeral Wed , 2 v in. late resi dence, 3VJtl New ejueen at Kalis of iSclvyl lei I Servlci Iti (. hurch of St. Jamea the I-ese 'i ; m Int In adjoining, gruundo. Ite mutna ina bo letted Tues eve. :rnim: i-eh 11 iuai. iimiliu be loved wife, 0f William T Currle (nee I.er. M.all li,...,.. 4 ... .. ...... e.. neral. Tues . B 30 a m . from her lats rest- dence 13ft w ludei st Cltn. Ileculem mass at St Trarx-is of Aistal Clurch 10 a. . m Int at rotor's I DACON reh 11. JOHN, husband of late Anni Lacon. formerly of 21f 8. 10th st Relatives nnl frlenda ulso Penman V.ub and Hth Ward llrpub lean Club. Invited to ;.-, Tl,,,.". f, y!,:r"lcVir?,f? LadUs All Hn(let are Inilted to MtenlL MM'Iffl Feb. 12, 1IAHI1T VfXiniinKI, funeral servlies WVd 2pm at her liiubnnd of Anna Tl. Verier and son nf Mary late resldenrs 1 .'24 B st Int North redar ' and lair Henry C Veckr, aa-ed 82, Rala Hill C'em Homnlrs may be vlevcd Tues i (Ives and frlinds Incited to services lues., after 1 m I 11 a m Rt. C!ment' P B Church. Int. nf.HT At Atlantic CltJ Ib 11. COH- ''-' I.ajre! It'll (m Krlends may rtatl NKLIUH H lltlll uaed 40, beloved hue-, Mon. e Albert Moore .121 N IBIh st. band of Ada Iluib llelatlvea and frl-nds' MllCKnilT l'eb 11 VAHdAnnTHA T. end etnploes of Abbott H Dairies and mem MF.rKnitr (nee C erhanlt) v.llow of Henry lra of Mlnnoota Tilhe. No 2J8 Imp O It. ' " Meckert llelatlvea and friends are In M. are Invited to attend funeral Mon, 8 I vtted to n'tend funeral. Tua . 7.10 a. m. I m from his late reJldeni-r, 8102 Atlantic .Kt" resldei cr, 1141 W Somerset rf. nve Int Tues l p. m Hurffvllle N J ""lulem masa Rt Ilonavrntura'a Church. tlln s- Hlah riii,a of requiem Racred Heart ,'', !r?,.ir"T" "' "V." i0. V.t .1" Churrh 0 10 a rr, Int Cathedral Cem ' ,'rh'' Tues 2 n m , from her late real- DAOLH-Ab"!! VA'nnn.?. of , ft?" H.e'ivfe1" 8tl ""ntow' aS'ir.nvUlce'Tu'e7;" "" -Kb"" aCTo2I, HANNAH O. nemalna may be vlev-ed I M0n . after 7 n, at B?rr..!denSf la'o Pft WtJnSx3-a& DL.N.N At MtnoilM lCplKonpal Hal rnnntnvvn !!. M AIJIUAIL IUKK uK-1 h 1: MCIIUAT On rh 11 1P21 AN-?fA I- . '-s.n nt vni' JltMIIV. Ae-lliluv. ri'lU Kl:ele aves Tues, II) .111 tl. tn nraaclBBl DUTI 1IK11 ,a v... .. nu n -i mad I.lanerch .. .tea .iwiiir u- fi "j Tn am T.'- slei inn iiehtha II wife of Iank W. butcher . ''" rr-w Aav. H'ail llelatlves and friends are Invl'el ti 'he service on Wednesday mornlnr at 11 o'clock at the oiler II Ilalr Bide; . 1HS0 2bestnut at Interment rrleate , DUTTON Feb 18. EMII.Y TOWFI.T. I wlf.' Of Qeorare S Dutton I-Vjneral services We,l 3pm 328 V Hehool lane Herman (own Int private K'ndly omit flnne-s P.ATOV A' Riverside J , Ib 1" lfi21, JANLT, daughter of Ilaro.d an' Kilia leth Itussell Ilaton, aired li mos. Puieral Tues, S j m icrandmolher j resldenrc (.nils Mnesesslnir a.ve I'hlla In. Mt. Morlih e'em i:i.ey reb u. ni.sin :r . aushter of John Onlns and Clara K Kxley In her -Ith year iieiauves and friends are Invited to tuneril aervlces Wed, ! p v from ' pa rents' residence 6811 llotanls ave I r rlendu trjiy call Tues eve Int. Arllne. I ton e'em i TIKLDIKft reb. VS. MLT.IiOURXC P I) son of Fenwlck M and Marwaretta J l-'leldlnir. In hln 28d etr Tuneral services Wed,, 12 noon, at his parents' residence, 11 Lnkevlew ave Oaklyn. N J Int. private. Krlends may call Tues . after T p. m 1 ri.RMI.Nel. - Teb i: MAllY IlLIZA 11KTII wife of Thomas Albert Vlrmtnr and lajich'er of Tavlor and the Intu Mary 3Ish llelatlvea and friends are Invited to attend funeral services Wed 2 p. m at the reel- 4 dence of her brother Tnlor d'sh Jr , SOt!) I J; fith st int private. North Cedar Hill Cem Remain maj be viewed Tues eve. 1 niiJilT?' K.'b 12 lb'1 'ORilB I'AL'STJIAN.N Sr runeral services Wed a I m precisely late residence v yi.av.mont lave Iloxburouch Int irlvatr Fo.Ti:n sudi-n. ib ia danikl, I husband of Mare-vr. luter (nee Me. lumen) llelatlvea und friends all societies of which he was v member are Invited to attend funeral Wed ft 3o a m , late real den o 'Ul rl 00th at h-olemn reaulem na'.s it C-vrthairj Church 10 a n Int. Hi 1 tross Cem .MX On Teo 12 10J1 HIRA IXlUISn widow of Ueorae IV Tox. Relatives and friendi ard Invite 1 to tho service, on Tues daj ufterroon at 2 I' o clock at her late ri-aldeno 4H" h'ato rial cnv.yd l'a In urinirt prl i.ti v. mtjitiw villi t ejrwjd stutlon o i;ie- train leaving- Broad St Ptntlm .'10 p rr. ' (3AI.L.KN I el 11 PATRICK son of late Thomas and i atharlne elallen Relatives aiM friends Invited tn furenvl Wed , 8 8n u in . brother s residence 121fl 8 4fitn st HlKh masa of reiu'em Church of it. Kranla de "ales in a m Int IIoli C'rosa Cem HRlr-KIN 1-Vh 12 HAIIR1 H husband of Mary I, Qrlrfln nee I.lcil) sued n runeral Vel J p m late resHence 20) - !lfith at Camden N" J Int private lrlends mi cill Tues eve III HT.sril Keb 11 11,21, ROnERT .jsbind of i:iliab..th ilrotlssch (neo Ilohe-v 'el ael ii-l Itelatlvej and friends a'sr e a -iut hu'ta Kocrtlnic Co Invited I ' eral servUea Tjes . 1 p rn at late r lens-., 1'S3 Oa-den ti rrl-.ate. a' Mt . e-i n iem lrlen's ma call Mor oie HAM -Teb 1. lH.l MARY J v. If oof 1 fer. " Ju ,11 . fr 11. ,. n . ,nn, ..rr .mi, 1.141 - nrier.. n , f . reat ll'ii.IU urd friends also are I ty Cr u tl .o ute:,d furral It'e fie 1 Ti-i i A 1 '! th 1" 1.1 Of I. ej , i ail ; m . .381 S 11-h at trureh mi, and !. prlvati Vl.wl'c i.s b r . e J p in Ii. lues Kfte- 7 p ni HAVIMr.lt IVb 1! OKe..noir; ram 1--KI h. nuenani or Mary lUmiier aeed Bs fii-mv r ni i .i nun aiej ellipn)ea o" f 1 lum.p iro lulled tu attenl furert Wei 1 p m reede-ice 33-11 I s, int' e h"ltin IUHh i em 1tnalrs tnaj 'rv,fi Ttes lifter 7 pm, Hltr.EJ.I. l'el ; Ui2l ui.fnrv M hualcnd of . I vuri Ha-'si'i Rela. ihes and fr uuds Wo l'huenlx le d.e So Uii I nn! A M mil 31-1. 1'ille litnt' are livlted ti atter . fur-ri, ervuv6 Tues S p m ut hla .t'e r Je i 23ij i ISth h' Int private II.WK - 18th rt 'IiAUIKH a hust.snl o ller'hi. I l(u I'rl.iids ard a Meres of which hi wan a tneni i - 'rv e t. ;nlM in Wed at 8 ;. m vt his :,. r sldmci lf,J'j S- w h' l--,r ert Ihjn da i in IlllU'hs lil.IZMll TII 0-.ill.ll wllm of hilirar M Ilonpes v I mlna ' r i. oi. sun lay at I'n'vervfj ItisUtal 1-uii a. Tu'slo. at 1 U. p in f r. m Ut r si l.n .'.'! elllpln ,u Hlmuimi l.-l Interment private IllVV IN -r.b 11 WkM.l T T i-j.bin.l ' rilialeth Irw'n nlntlv- a , fri u, ii V li in 1'iln Ti nrlv l..- ,' "' nJ. I II (1. and M I s" , ,",,n'1"'J i.i 41" lire Inv I ej t, h,nl fiinen. 1 30 v m fro-ii Mr.ini.ii . ei 'v.is'r,-tor iv iu, nj ra, 1, el M.I I ufte- 7 pm, KFFir TAMI.MIN e II lb 11 1(J' JAMIaeiN wtdni o' Jut n Jf-in I.. lies end frludB or irlted tn th srIce urn 1 .levin.. e res d nee it ;rlate. fc.-.M..i., ii- . 11-Ol-C SI he- ,-.', '.""' ' t Inter 1 rler la niu ca M m Saj i. n I JFHSII' A V.db.r N J i i, i iJi'lIN S JIlsrfn R,.,,u,, ir,I frenU vlso 1 rler Ishlp r" re Oo nf VVn dl,ur In- i 1H.-II in iiiiirri, ii-i 1H I i u jf i.s'den e nu s HiiikI st Woe 1 nun He Il t l-.uuntfion ecu inrnjk uiai 'i l in .ues JOHNSTON -V it ri! 'er-. I2f, I,a. m.ind st r.b in HII.v. J luit'.r ,f the lit Vr r 1 Wll'..,! nn 1 snrel i: Isa ilelh Juhiiston He atlin at ,j frIeJs i ltJ to funerai sirM-es Mcr J .. rr iiimtrl ot Iiavll H P In, er 'li dc llr.ii 1 mil liiiiiuni 's Int rrlvat. I JOHNSON Teb 11 e .IlIARirfL J-UH wUl ii of eirWnd i J lisfi .lied SI Rela tives unl frluiu'd uro lin'til ,, utiend fj rerm seri u-ea uni i a m at ni-r lata wife uf "Allium lamina f rletl Is 1nl It -1 to H nlces uom her 11,11 r h resident. i,riiii ftj'ij Frank! ir ie i.i.. i - i to ii at -.'svj - Reisfl ., JOSEPH husband of Ilella .1,1 'ffir ot ? .?, Jr.J,U.,.'.ff ,J . u,,d. A J I--V I . .v- ""'"" ami irieims ur.l Invited ti attenl funeral servlies Mon 10 30 a precisely, at parlors of .Morris Rosen at tens s Hon. 2P0li V iiroan st mt llodeiih HhMm,i;ln.KI".11'1' om,t f'vvr 1 l Jl'MVfjgTT At Drockl'- ' l . ... .."-. .,,..,. V .. JT- ' ' sjuijiaas k- J .fcj , t. Ait IIKATIIi 11. 1931. IIAHOLD M IJlVlltCCnV, ttela lives nd frlenda tire Invite 1 to funeral, from the resldenc of his father. Oeorae A Llpplnrott, 20 liroad st , Mt Holly, K, X, Mon . 2 p. m Int private . ..MAOOmiJ Muddily. rb 1.1, J051. MAllY T dauirhler of lart William anl Annie Morulre. Itelallves and frlenda r tnvliel 10 attend funeral. Wed , fl.30 a, m., fro-n SSld Rprinir Garden st Hofemn recutenv insss 81 Aratha'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem. MeCANN Fei 12 ll, PBTKll Ma JjANM llelatlvea and frlenos also Dlv. No. 8" A O II and Llncoli NVsf No 1031 O, of O . are Invited to attenl funeral, Tuei.. J 0 a m residence of Mrs Mary Me Ieuahiln 210(1 N r.-e st HlBh reautem '.n'!M.. '"Nation 1 hurch lo a ni precisely Int Ht Ann a tern . MS?.!1 On Teh 12 1021.ADn I.AIDL T , daughter of the late Thomas and Catharine M -Orath Vuneral on Tu day mornlnif at 8 M Vlocle from tho rl vr II )llr llldr.. 1820 Chestnut st. Hlah renulem mass n at AUKUsttoa'a Churrh. nl 10 orloek IIcNARpr Pel, 11, WILLIAM, husbanfl of Catharine McNep (n Ilafferty) ana on of late John and Ann McNaspy. Rela tives and frlenda are Invited to attend tu ners!, Tus Ram from hla lata reel dance. 147 Morris at. Holemn mass of re. qulem at th Church of the Barred Heart 0 R0 a m. precisely Int Holy Cross Cem. MBKHAN (In Vrh 14, MAItaAHKl TKIIIIHA, dautliler of Patrick and Mary Itehnn aajel s 5 ears and 2 months rl neral Tucsdav. 1! n m frnm hrr narnta' r-Kicence, i-erj uicxinron l interment i'riai" rjstatid nf Harali Ann '.fonnrdl Ilelallvefi al friends Invite! n Sffrvtces. Tls , p in. residence r,200 It "lire ave. Wlr sahlo.eon lnt strli-tly private. Trtenda , tnnv rail Mon after 7pm I .MKItKLI. Feb 13 ANNIB T MKnKKL. aael 7.1 llelatlven and friends are Invited to attenl funenet Wed 2 P. tn., from th residence , f her brother John II. Merleel, . '.SI.'. Iiltinan st Wlsslnnmlns. Trlends mn rail Tims 7 to 0 n m I VBI.LKNDO'IK - At Iielaneo N J. Teh i 13 IHIIBNIA A . widow nf tste Henry Mel- lenaorr ieeinties anil rrienua invnen to iu neral Wed 1 j, m Ijelanisi, N J. Int. Odd Fellows' e'em . leurllnrton N. J MlLLBIl-rob. 12 WILLIAM II, hua band of tho late Josephine 11 Miller, Fu neral lervlres Wed 2 : m M.10 Hare st Int Mt Morlah tern Hcir&lna may Im viewed Tues eve MITTON On lVb. 11. 1S21 MAIIT. wlfn of Job vl Mlt'on llelatlvea and friends are Invite 1 to the services on Wednesday i.fterroon a 2 o'clock, at the res'dence i,f her on, Joseph W X'onihaney 1517 Kouth '.3d st Iiierment at l'ernwnort Cemeteiy, Frlerds may call Tuesday eenln. IKjOIIK Suddenlv, on leb II. 1M1. TOSRPII MOORB. Jr Kunernl services on Tuesday afternoon ut 2 o'clock, at hla lata reslderre 1821 Walnut at Interment pri vate l'ienae omit flowers. MOIUttsOV Teb 18 1P21. WILLIAM M MOltm.SON In his S'.th year Funeral servlies Wed 11 a in precisely, late ra. tenre 0113 Xtldsa ave . Iloxboruuah. Int. private ; I iierrritAM reii. 12. 1021. HA;iieii-rr. "Wow- of Tnomaa Mottram. ne-dBl. Hela- MAHI : illllvhla r Tnhfi ntssT XT.. XTei aaa sa . .... . "r, i r, ivriif.k.v'-n iinu tririiuH are I lnlttel frt til f flaf nl .-.-.---- ' on Tuesday mornlnrr a. f H nft o'clock, from tier late resldnu 23JS Tarrlsh st Mass of solemn riulrin at nt Krancla Aavler Church nt 10 o clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. . MYI.OTTE Feb 11 JOHN A . oon nf David and late Delia M-. lott. in.,1 ia n.u. tlves and friends Arcl bishop nan Cathollo Club and mplo s of Morris-Wheeler Co . nro Invited to attend funeral Wed. H.tn a, in. res dene of uncle Dsnlel Cavanauah B422 Klna-sesslng- ave Solemn ro.u!etn mae Church of Most Hlesaed Sacrament 10 a, m. Int Holy Cross Cera NEF-K lb 12 ANVA M -wife of John M. Neff Relatives and frlenda Invited tn funeral services, Tues 2 p m , 1139 N. I-Yatter at. Int. private. Remains may b vlwd Mon eve. NEf Fb 12. 1021. n br 1at rsi- i'SSS, V2.1. N .S'"RUV': ".' MAHT KMZA. BETH NElf widow of John Neu. ard 01. Relatives and friends nid members of Zlon Evan. Church ar I all orejanliallona of which ahe waa a member are invt'td to at tend funeral services Tues 2 p m at trie Zlon Oerman Evan Church. Kranklln. be low Vine st. Int. Mt Trace Cem PAfcarAI.CE. On Feb js.. I.UIOI TAI QL'AICE. beloved husband of Mrs Coneettn, l'asqunlre. Notice of funeral later rATTERSON. b 12 I1?.NJAMIN (. B . husband of Josephine Rodaera I'altersnn and son of late Robert and ;ilzabth Olllls Patterson Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Tues 11 i m , at real dene of sister, Mrs H II Huiuenele 105 Franklin rv , Morton Pn Ins., private On view Mon , 7 to H p m POWEI.U Feb. 12 ANDRrTW J. Jr.. huebard of Henrietta Pow I (nee Marriott' Relatives and frlenda ul. organizations of which he waa a member. Inltd to funeral sen Ices Wed, 1 30 P m, 2t37 E Boston ave Int private Friends may call Tuea, eve OITIOLET. A Wayne, pa . Feb. 12. RICHARD A QL'iaLEY Refitlvea anil friends Invited to funeral Wed , H 30 a, m , residence 222 W Wayrs ave Holemn re e,jlem mass st Catharlno s Church 10 a. m. Int 8t Mnnlca'a REED Feb 11 lTiANK C. soi of lat.l Robert and Jan Heed Relatives and xrienus aioo enipioye oi A M ejolllna Mfa- CO , Mnvlted to funeral services Wed . 2 p. precisely at late residence, mi', a Watta ct Ir.t private. 1 rlenda may eall Tues ev. HllSSEM. At TInmrnorton N. J. Feb 12 DE WITT O Hl'SflBI.I. aced Nl. nrvl Ices Tmcb 8pm laf residence. Ham monton N J Int M 1'eai.e Ccnv, I'hllu.. ed , 12 noon HEIDEI. t Olbraltar, Pa on the 12th Inst HENRY CLAY fiEIDEI. aired 70 ar Relatives i ml frlenda are reapect fullv Invited to att.nd the funeral, without further notlf from Ms late residence, at Olbraltar. l'a on We.lin.sday mnrntne. Februarj 10 at 11 o do.-e. All services at fie house Irterment In John's Cem e'er, Gibraltar Pa Triln .eavln Broad Street Htatlon at ti 10 vil'I stop at Gibraltar nn da if fjn-ral - HIVM.--l-ob tl 1-RAN, is If hujlani rf late E.lei, sma.l ( Iiivnny). Rela tlves ail frlelds alsi B V Sndil l and Ho'i Nam. tie. let: of th Transfaura. , uo-i a--u -. 4 -II. s -ocic'j Invited lo l4S..'i.i. 'ru.niua m resldenc r,24 Vvalton r.v Polemn high mass if renule n Ohurc h o tl Trarstlruratlon. 10 a in Int Holy iroi,s eem HM-Hlb 11 MARIE wtdJW ot John Smltii I.cUllves aid frlerds Inv te I to funeral .ues j p m residence of nor. Edward C. Smt'h. 1.2,1 Orejlock st Int Mt Morlah Com Frier's may liill Mon ICHI.l'TH Feb 13 vIIi.ni.ES J hus hnd of Ma Schluth nee M.Garrltii for merli of 412 S lilth el R. iatiies ard frleni'a ar Invllel tu attend funeral Thur H 80 u in late reslden e 17H.1 llufnnl st Solemn hlg-h ti aen of re julem i hurch of t'.e elesu 10 a m Int Ho inss Cem TIMAI.I. A' F.irt llllas Texas Feb - Certain MOHUIS It TIN'DAI.I. M I I' S A nusband rf Kllrileth H Tlrdai. a d son cf Joseph II anl Ute Hannah W Tlnda i Kelatt.es end friends lnvlte.1 to fun-ral s. rMns Til's l 30 r m j ttl resdiirie 1117 1 lull si Irt prliate, TRAMS - Feb 11 Till .At. hueband O' U'o Sarah I' Travis aired m Relatives ar 1 frten'.s of th finil u BJ rails of Scluy Kill Iida No H17 I e.i O F . In ilieii ic fuieral services Mm 8 n m . nt rest liti- of Us daughter Mm Walter A. N'uske 12.1s Harrison at Franxford In Tues nt -onienleice of tho family, a' 1 Ieerliielon LTeni I WAIII. tludlellj on Feb 12 lrcl iIEOl'.ol- I Mist a-d nf F l-.ibeth nrau i I W il I .' 17HI N Alenle-n st HelaMveH 'tin' fr. nds ilsi ill et I.idc. , Vn (101. V arl M ai ' .mi es of luidaln Ixi 'i-iinitl e w oi p fir Inil'el ti the service. i oi. Tjeftla-i nf'ernii t J o'clock at tho i' i ...... .. n ..v i. iirviniji s Ii tement prnat. uUi rra view n tnsliiH Mm. 1ai ei i ir I "Ul.lER-Vl 11 SVIIAII M. wife n the .a'e Jacul I. Walter kaed 80 eara i Funeral servl.es Ties '. p m at resldenc of slater Mrs A -ompton fOI2 Thompson s Int. IVos' Uiiirel inn run. Friends .a Vtiin eienlnir frun S to 0 V.KIANT F.b 11 MAHI.t. H eon n Llls-iN-tli and "at" Dull 1 Welant. ajod 53 Servl-ei i.i 1 ii irlmt 1VFIANT Feb IJ M.r.Anr.TH, wldoTv of Davll 8 VcUn aued 77 Hervleea ur. 1 it ni Wat whn'nas -i. it j .ir. wrr.T.rA! WENNAr anel "' r,li'vi and friends ere tn ttl to attet . fum ra Wei. H 3u a ii late resMtn.. US E Toinona (er rue e.erman'owii Snlemi re lul-m nine. HI Incent de Paul ii uhui-cl. ly a in Int Italy Sepulchre Coin WHAT --Feb II IDJl CITaKLKH J L te loved huslind t Mary f ".ley (is-e he.' i utid) llelatlves and friend) also member of Ie el I'nlon No n I 11 E W. i.n.l einplies oi i-nu e -..ny jam are invlU' 1PJL UIL uiiu VI Uar w MS