Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 14, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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Stor V-dltflr Kmlnc I'liMtc lrfsUrr
HE Clucnso Whitr Sd linsplmll lnb will be Matched
- niih nmrli ,i,i,.-ei tiot season. irtlliil v n now team
will br put in the lioli) and every one is wondering vvhnt
III happen. We Jinvo lieiirtl .o often nbmit the dithcultv
In prtlins cood bull pi.ijr from llio minor Ihnt wo were
beginning to believe timt n team suddenly deprived of its
Miirs might lis well go out of liusine.ot,
l,nt full eight of the Chirngo plnjor-i were implivnted
In n game-throw hig si-irndiil and indicled b the grand
jtirr Thej pnsrd out of the picture ixml will remuln on
the outMde unless they prone their iiinooetice at the trial
huh begins on Manh 11.
The White So were .hit harder than nnv eluh in tlie
limtnij of baeball .lnikiin and l'elseh. to of the het
outfielders in the business and. according to the present
Inflated Millies plnreil on l'mll plajers. worth lit least
Sl.'itHIOO. ari gone. So are ltuek Weaver, third base;
IJishvrg. shortstop. MiMiillin. utility inliehier: Cieotte
and Williams pitiher
Vitli .Milirau olTering SIJ00.000 for Honisby and
taling that as a standard prim, the missing members are
woitlt more th.in half a minion dollars. guitc a severe
. nllnp to rerono at one time Chick tSandil. the tint
baseman did not return last jcur. but must appear for
trial Thi-irfore the Sox have lo4 a good lirst baseman,
the ben thinl-MU-kcr in the league, a steady, fast -lidding
hortlop. two of the best pitchers, two leading slugging
outfielders, and a fair utility man
Take eight plajers from any ilub in lh- major leagues
find see what happens Suppose the Ciiunts lost (ieorge
T?um Kneh. Uancrofi and Kelij What would happen?
The team would go flooie. Tak( Uroh and Roush from the
Jieds. nnv two infielder from ih. ankees. or deprive any
ball eluh' of nnv two or its stars., and t'.seaou will be
n failure before it begin".
ST K ;'.)irM nrr html to ttml nml Ihr Mfivnnlri
lire pniitxr thry cannot br rrpUuid. 'or iit
rrnsnn tlic bin rmi OjfTcr.t nrr hrmu turiirtl dntrn.
'Imrri arc nealcd more than money.
Hard Job to Replace Star 'layers
mlllS ip not written with any feeling of kindness lowaid
1 Hie errin,' ball players who were discovered in the
tilthv scandal We hold no brief for them, and if proved
emit baseball will profit by their expulsion. Hut just
ti show what a tough break Comiskej had. we are taking
op the matter again
Whrre can he get two outfielder who aie equal to
laiks.u! and lVlsch'' 15aeball scouts hao been looking
for imr and haven t even rotno close. The same goes
for Weaver. Cieotte and Williams. Uisberg plaved a
gre.it game at shortstop and C.andil was one of the best
first basemen when he felt. that wav
Therefore, we eome to the White Sox expimeiit of
10"1 After the smoke e'.eared away the inticld consisted
pfVddie Collins Kerr. Kaber and Wilkinson, and .lohn
n,Mi'n. l.iehold and lMdif .Murphy the outfield. .i
mueh of a nucleus around which to build a i hampionslii)
rlub Hav Sihalk took care of tlm cat. hing department.
.. .. . oc hniinrp.l tlie other clubs in the le.igui
would help the Sot by turning over one player each.
K, ns not done. LOtnisKev Wd n iiiiiik " l-V
nr.p hot Ins brother magnates wanted plajers
rivils were oft . The Old Roman, who had
in his career fiom a financial standpoint1
o,t!. hnili nockeis stuffed with real
to spend it . ,1111
Therefore lie had on'.v two things to do He could
keep an eagle eve on the waiver list and trv to get ptom
ism- p'avers before the other .Libs released them to the
minors, or he could go into the bush leagues and get the
v... .1,,.,. .',, ..;,ili were willin: to sell. Si outs trav
eled all over the country, money
the names of more than a store
U the pa) roll.
irho have been ;kj.cJ up bp the Inn Irmiue senuli
tor irori. J'Wcn kt otrn won hunters couldn't
act them until the lianiial broke.
Shccly Was Passed Up for Four Years
FIRST base was the first position to b filled. Out
in Salt Lake was n man named Sheely, who had been
on that club for four years. He wan in the limelight out
there, was known in a heavy hitter, but nobody ever gave
him a tumble. He led the league in home runs each year,
always baited more than .I'.OO. fielded around ,000 and
his name constantly was before the public. Last year
he walloped thirtj -three homers, which is good in any
Now this mull, who had been ignored for four ycnr,
was purchased by the White Sox. He is only twenty-six
.vears old. weighs 1!00 pounds. i more than six feet tall
and an ideal first baseman. The otilv knock handed in
by the scouts in the past was that he was too slow for
the fast set Hi leg was broken some time ago and it
never was set properly. That gave him a crooked leg and
interfered with his running.
Sheelv is an experiment However, it would not be
at all surprising if he made good this year, because of his
hitting and all around plaj There isn't much difference
in the cluss of ball played in the majors and coast leagues,
and if Karl could make good for four .vears nut there he
should have little difficulty in sticking around this year.
Heavy hitting will offset truck-horse speed mi the bases.
Babe Ruth is no speed merchant.
ICrnie .lohnson was next. I'rnie once was with the
IJrowns and was turned back. He was shortstop nnd
manager of the Salt Lake club and made more money than
he could receive in the majors. Kor that reason, after
he started 1o go good, the other clubs laid off. Comiskev
paid ti good price for him and had to kick in with a good
contract. Kddio Mulligan, the third baseman of the satn
club, also was signed. That gives the Sox three men who
have been playing together to tit into the infield with
Kddio Collins. This is a wie move, and if the men come
through u lot of Glcason's worries will be over.
Pitchers were purchased by the dozen and there will
Is" a gang of them in the training ramp 'it Wiixahatchle.
Red Kaber, Dick Kerr. Wilkinson and Hodge nrc the
veterans and the others hail from the minors. Here is
the list: Mulrennan. Columbus: McWceney. Milwaukee:
McWorter, Richmond : Morri. Tulsa . .lonnard nnd
Davenport. Sioux City: King. Lexington, rentier, Kala
noo : Kiefer. Muskegan : Tcsar. Cedar Rapids. I-'ranks,
1 tica. and Haney, from Jacksonville.
rZS M just a .stmt. Others wilt be tinned ni
rapidly as possible and scouts in tour the
oiintry ai soon as Ihr season starts. A lot nf thise
ook in inll not make good, but carh in ( giem
n thorough trial.
Perhaps They Have L'scd llohum
NOW. let's get back to the old howl of the magnate.
'Von can't get plajers," they will saj. "Show me
will p.iv any price
thill's all theie is
ind the
the best jear
wa in the open
monev anil no place
was no oojei t anil wmi
nt athie'er. we,-e added
Til h"V rnmr rom all point' loid b'td and m
tliftrrrnt Some hair bfin un before and tmiir.t
hrrlt brraus- Hieu (nuldn't make good. In oth'r
,r,,is fnmiskri had to take the alii the phveis
where 1 can get a good player and I
for him. The can't be found, and
to it "
We have heard that same plaint time and lime again.
1'erhaps Comiskev pulled it on several casi.,ii. Rut
when he was up agaiust it and had to s(our arolind o
tmd a hall club it didn't take him very long. Kortiinatclv
for him. he had a well-upholstered bankroll. He tool;
off the rubber band and started to distribute h. lie
signed many plajers.
If he is successful this jear with virtually a new cat
nf athletes then the magnates have been pulling some
liokum on the dear old public for jear. A plajer must
learn the game before he becomes a star, t.'nbh. Speaker,
llurnsby. timli. Alexander, Ruth and many otheis bad
( learn the game, and now look at them
Till' trouble irith the uiodiin magnate Is he can
not "pair the time to del Won playcri. lie tcanti
them to br hitting on all ilindrri ichrii then report
'or dutu. This i ' sirill idia. but Coninkey had to
try totnelhino r . The .'J experiment ml be
'luiti uit'ii sting to iratih.
' osnr at ' I'JZI ti ''' c T 'tijrr Co.
--s LITTLE PUP. HAS , ''
"H trackgd All "jr , .
WMZ?? JAMIE Voove 6IMPLY '' ..
WMZZa Got To 3&t Rid of
''4ys havc hi AROUND J I,
'yyfr ' v. This houje S I
Wy if I &
' ( cs t. i a I
Ty Cobb and Other Notables Have Slipped From P'ln,
Will Boat Them Here," Says
McNichol Praises Ithacan
Five No Alibis to Offer
7 ir7.;..7. T7.,, Unhl 4nv Mn,tA, V.. . nu
Own Branches of Athletic Endeavor
It's ot a Fluke or Topped Mashie. as Many Invaders Figure.
Dixie Experts Play Approach If till Deadly
Technique Down There
I'lnrliiiist, X. ('.. I'eb. H.
lidl.K shut tn America is so
heartily criticized as the t'iiiehurst
shot, so-called. The I'inehurst shot is
anything from a low pilch and run with
a midiron nt 100 vards or more dis
tance from the green, to a putt from
2f yards or a shorter distance off the
In the summer season in the Notth.
when a golfer mis-es a mashie shot and
a topped ball skims along the surfac-.
runs on the green and stops close to the
hole, an opponent is sure to renin ik
that the effort was a "regular I'ine
hurst shot and not a good golf shot."
In such an incident the pitch shot was
missed hut it is a libel to class a tupped
masiiio with the I'lneliurst run-up shot
iioorpji mad In th- Tin VVhlslle jtolf touin.i
men! !. ib to handicap th plaern ror
i rcctl. for li tins n record of nil their
tnurtirftm-nt round. Vet lit In otti'ii fiui-d
with n diffkult problem, for some of the
I motnbers nf the Tin WhliUe are a bit tr
! rotic In tbeir Mav
I due of the most surprising cu"e of ert.itl,
ptaliiK Is illiloeU on Iho record rnrd of
It r Fownes. l!d, of Onkniont. son of W '.
I'ownert. former omateur clinmpon nnd cni
lain of ihe American International lni
V.ounis I''i,ne bus played In four Tin Whis
tle ei,nis this ear and tils ecoie- nun
dute follow Januarv IT. 1i Janu,tiv Hi
si). Jjnujrj- 2i, Ti. and fV'brujry 7. 7'.'.
Oilier meniliers of the Tin WJilmi's me
m.nvea of ronnlstency Tb most caniei
en' of nil i W I! Truesdell, of Uiirden
jC'iiv. foi iner eenlorii chntupton. Mr 'I'rnes
,t"ll h.is plived In elcht medi:-pln Tin
Whistle tournaments and In th qualify tn
round of the fat. nlentlnes tourniment.
e'll beat them when Mipv come
here Saturday night," said Daniir Mc
Xicliol. captain of the University of
rennsylvanin basketball teom, this
morning. "Cornell has a great, team and
is Hlmosl unbeatable on the Armory
Jloor there. The game was o.nc of the
hardest fought we have been In this
season, both teams battling every inch
of the way The floor up at Itliaea is
such a hig one that wo were sort of be
wildered, although Jour of us plaved
on it last year.
The scats unlike Welghtmau Hall nrc
nlneeil nlionl tvvnnttr fnnf lmi-nn.1 il.
onl-of-bounds line with the le'sult that ,0"?
we were unable to ptoperly gauge the' Sport
tioor wncn ut muting toward a barkel.
Time after time we found ourselves
out of bounds when we thought we were
going just right. Here the out-of-bounds
line Is virtually on the edge of
the playing floor, and it is easy to pre
vent yourself from running out.
"However, neither myself nor nnv of
( the players on the team have nnv alibi
to make. I ornell played a wonderful
game throughout nnd should make a
greut bid during the remainder of the
sea-on. 1 think we will ntnn their nisti
' here Saturday night on our floor. Wo
will have no long all-night train ride
to make and will be able o rest up until
evcuing instead of playing in the after
noon." Diinnv ns usual, was the star of Ihe
Red and Itlite uUhck in the L'O to 10
defeat sustained against the Red and
White. Durins the first few minutes
of the opening half he cngetl two field
goals ami four louls ami in Ihe .second
half five fouls. Al Vocgclin caged a
single basket while Pos Miller injected
into the line-up -in the second half in
placo of IIunt7.inger, snared two
According to McNichol. the game
was a repetition of the Princeton game
here last year. Two 'points was the
largest lead held by either team during
the contest. With the score tied at IS
all and every indication of an extra
period, Molinel. the Cuban captain of
the Red and White, made a long shot
from the center of the floor that went
"() memories thai btesi and iuni"
"O mocking memories of youth"
Tiro lines that every star should ham
Who some giay day must face the
Where Leonard, Jloppc and Ty Cobb.
M'hetc lluth and Dcmptcy in sport's
Will find the clamor of Ihe mob
h but a faint breath on the yale.
When the Gmls Depart
rnIIK half -gods go when the gods
- arrive," runs an ancient snw.
Hut what happens when the gods go,
O to
While it is true that the rilll-UP shot' II" round, all played on the ch-implonihip
is not asprettvtowat.h a n high pitch. 's'Jur fu"ow " 7n- s2- " "" sl su'
tlie run-up is not without merit and
requires a line touch to work out prop
crlv. Man golfers who criticize this
shot and insist they ate unable to play
it. but can lay mashie pitches close to
the hole on
lllil.rnson llltliei'. of Nw York h., lvn
innplKtent with tournament rounds of Pt
St 01 (10 !IU. fit. as haii T. 'Wheeler of
Auiruet.i Me with rounds of 101. 10 1, llif.
Hi'.' HH 10(1 and 102. !'. T KeMlntr, nf
.. ..... NnpinL. I ..L.t In ll,rn fcli.rl hj tift.ri .s
rass greens in tlie .ortli. I li s7
DRA W WITH L1GH 1 WlilL-ti i v v&
do not. as a matter or fact, get any
closer to the hole with their mashies in
the Not th than they do with their put
ters here at I'inehurst.
Quit My .'Mastered
It has been noticed here that the
renllj lirst-class golfers who come frrfin
ihe North, ate quick to master the
I'inehurst run-up shot and play it with
lii'iuncss. There is no more link in it
than in the pitch shots of ihe North,
and while every golfer profcrs to hit
a high spot, there is much satisfaction
in running the ball up dead.
Tin- records of the winners of l'ine
imist golf tournaments are sufficient evi
dence to prove that the real golfers can
i!, ."s well here as in the North. Al the
lit c scut tune the linest resident golfers
hi I'inehurst are Donald Parson, of
v, I'ungsiown. and John P. Olinpnian, of
in the last twenty jcars has
known a few such supermen as rly
Cobb. I'rnnk Golcli, Willie Hopnc,
Frank Kramer and Jay Gould, who.
over u long period of years, have proved
their extensive superiority above till
other rivals.
There have been only a few of these,
and still fewer icm.ilti, to hold the old
Frank Gotch is dead. Cobb last sea
son, with a bad leg, skidded back of
George Sislor.
Frank Kramer is still a star, but
others have moved up with him. The
unbeutnbles who began 10-1 nrc Jaj
Gould and Willie Iloppe.
I'hc Survivors
AY GOU1.U, who has outclassed the
court tennis realm as effectively as
any one man ever outclassed any one
field in nil sport, has already opened the
11121 campaign by proving that his olu
mastery still remains, whether an uma
lour or the best of the professionals
stood in his way.
In the same way Willie Hoppe has
been ruling the billiard field for seven
teen years.
For seventeen years he has been
without a rival. Rut while Could is still
holding the eagle's eyrie in his sport,
lloppu now faces in Kdouard I lore
iiians. the Rclginn challenger, a rival
who lias a chance.
Hoiemans is a marvel, with records
that no one has ever beaten. It re-
... ..!.... .........I.. ... 1... ,nnn l.,.t. I... . .1
clean through the basket. McNichol , , , ,. , . , ,.hallip;0 wi10
converted a foul try into a point, lint I , (lln , kUl, ,, liguUn
before the two teams could line up the ,,,..,..,.. , ,,,,, ,.u .!..,..
is as vaiuuuic as on s!.,...i..
Ruth. """' t
The Chamnlon
A winter gale, teas blowing fnrtu ,
along the street, " ""
The snow was piled in rfrid i.
the way: '" a'"
The copper's beak troi i0-,n ., .
stalked along hi, beat, " '
II tth no one but Ihe coal man ,,
gay; "f
ict the 1'oct sprang a tunc
Of the violet) and June,
Remarking as he penned hi, ,(, i
"Any pop:eyed dub can ji, ""
I ancy spring songs in the, snrlm,
dat" " '""' ' Wnrb'C nt ''
WITHIN tbc next ,, la, 9orM.
American i.engue bal club, .ml
be Htortlne Rnnli In .,!. . .' 'V "HI
;..li r" i-V ""'' ' iraincir.
Cleveland and New, Yoik
,.i I "r7 ,"ln('', "l0nV- somi.
w thin HlBht-Mc tig diitane.
nee o(l
piFTY per cent maj find in Wa, ,,
the top. but nothing short nf m
per cent will hold the said ton for ...
instinct lntci'vul.
Copyright. 1B!I
oi for an;
All rwhti rncnti.
4. It. llouker. of Woodland and c 1. .
Ilet.l,e- h.iie not shown such consistent pi.iv
llowk.'re worst tournament round was ni
'". ami lis Vst an SO. wheie.u llcckers
leconl lo s n n elRhteen-strol.. difference
tin .NovimlHr It) he took fill strokes In (hi ,
uponlni.- Tin Whist e tournament and on Keb I
ruar 7 so stroke. '
whistle blew, ending the game.
A itli Fd Vate riding a ponv like a
veteran and wielding a mallet like one
of the ranking players, the Fniversity
of Pennsvlvania's indoor pojo team
scored an impiessive 7-to-'l victory over
Yale in the armory Saturday night.
After managing tlie football (cam. Vnre
imbibed so much nf the tight of the
gridiron in his system that lie decided
to try polo. The result, as demon
strated Saturday night, is that Com-h
Conor has a sterling plajer who shoubi
hold down a regular pot all seuim.
Vate banged the ball through the goal
posts three times dining (he fray, lead
ing the Pcnn offensive. Itjck and Sex
ton each garnered two goals.
Hoppe can't hold on forever, any
more than other stars, nut in spue
of the llelgian's miracle runs there Rte
still tpiite a few who will string with
the wonderful Willie until he is snagged.
IX THF. meanwhile a new crop of
supciior champions may be in the
I making. One or two jcni's of leader
I ship hardly count Hut Sisler may be
dose to f.nother Cobb; Horemans maj'
I be another Hoppe.
j Hut when tine liguics Uie period be
tween 1000 nnd VXM. with its Cobb.
' Iloppe, Gotch. Ki inner and Gould
uriuj, among others, the period from
I SCO lo 1010 will be called on to aiise
.mil traveK With the possibilities in
Ruth. Uempsey. Ilnremaiis and Sisler,
i here is at lcust a running start.
Boots and Saddle
Havana has rammed Monday racinT
a euro oi six rarcs is presented
this afternoon Horses which V
be in good condition and well plated i'
day arc: First race JuMina 1' fir
cornn, Coltcx: second. Helen h.""'
(cm-go (oio Cola: third si?:
l-'hnniro Vel! Vn1..n i!.' .'"I,..lt
Hatruck. Driffield. Director fi
(iftl. Miss 1'roeter. Aigrette, &
sixth, Dragoon,
Duke Ruff
Victory A. A., of Westvllle, at Home
i on Tuesdays and Fridays
I The Victor A. A . of Wc-uillc
Watwick R. d, has placed tluec ! which has. bw-n lilajin
Amateur Sports
teams on the Iloor this jear. Two
junior lives, consisting of plajers rang
ing in age from fourteen to seventeen,
and ii midget aggregation made up of
players becveen thirteen and fifteen,
are the quintets. At the start of the
"ciisoii few of the members of the teams
wire able to handle a biisketbdll al
ml However, under the careful tutor-tii-5
of Mr. German, the coach. hua
depended upon enabled them to compete with the best
been tilajllig at home on
Tnesdajs. will also stage home i on -tests
on Friday-. having two home
games m the future cneh week. Danc
ing will aKo follow all the games.
Westvllle is a second-class team. The
pri liniinaiies arc plaved by the West
vllle Rloomer Gills. All teams nf the
this list one shouldn't for
cot Norman Ross, whose swimming
achievements have been as remarkable
as any other turn in the line of super
stai drini.
TS HORNSHY or any other ball-
1 plajer worth $::00.000;" asks a
(fan. Cobb has been worth $:i00,000 to
I Detroit. .Speaker will be worth SUOO.-
'000 to Cleveland before be is through.
And Ruth has already enticed in almost
Danny uhstitulei laint Ed
die )lahone. and
Dempsey. Referee.
F.ven-Hreak I ertliet
' t'l
.1 ler
till III
.1 I k lli'lllp-i V 10
I' .ill ' line' .,:uill
Hj Mllb H. I MIL
T7 FRY person in th' luii' ugh
JLj sessis. n no lure or several
n-hicii nr- trousiiid. ii-uallv be, au
r, mini--enees of it ..r them, bring oa
fnn,l recollections Hantiv Kr.un"!
that ' punchin f""' a- .i tie
winch lie brieves i. mm vu.iiJi)'
him than 'invtlnnj ,-" !' ,ei n
That pi, ture -now . U 1 I ).i ii si
in; off before 'l n,,i' h hisg' r .tnu m.
onnouent Willi tt ne.n wi-uni
pion of the wot nt.
the "o'e nt reTeree
th's wuv
Kramer nnd ,i i,nl"i ' air." ni.i I
nuii'h n: nurt.'is". II- ia,i nl
rr.ll kno ko its ,i"l
nated the fun on' ' i
Pan deeiiled ' n
hoving mnt' n lb
jn'av from ill, r m
lightweight binii ".
I'ddie M.ii,ner 1
rt ihe eo.l-t a-
his i it'e Maiinii, j
llere a Mitt I eteran of
Thirty ) ears' Ring Service
.la-I, Uriiion has been boxing for
nineteen Je.its. but that isn't s0 long
w i.oii ,1 i lOtisideietl tlllit Jack
Twin Sullivan still appears in
ring legalia The Twin defeated
in urge Robinson m Hoston last
wink and J.uk has been boxing
,-lo-er to thin vears than nineteen.
Hun, mi will have to eairy on if he
l,,.i,.s lo e.uililish Ihe real record.
Ui'iimiSh tew older men have held
ti'a -
First Anniversary Will Be Cele
brated Opened Just
One Year Ap-o
Cri-eti IV it'll Tliev fall 1),
to shoot tinder Ml practically every time J he regular piaying nignis ot tne or
tl.e go out. If tne same golfing colony gnni.ation arc Saturday and Wednes
was transiortcd to n Notthern golfing tiny for the juniors and Saturday after
center for the summer season Parson noons for the midgets. The Saturdaj
end Chapman would undoubtedly hold .dates, on the -whole, are almost com
their position nt the top. pletcd. but there arc many Saturday
The writer has noticed Hint on vet afternoon nnd Wednesday night tlatcs
. ..,- imrn ifhrn ine sunn irrei'iis wnn l vviiieii nil: ei.ii w " " ,,, ',-
seconil and lliinl class ami gin- lenins i ,ls aniounl to one tlub in one year,
desiring to travel for full xoi'iis4.-. , jj0, nsbj- is n line hall plajer, hut he
should cet in touch with F. W. Clay. I has yet (Tpshow that he is in the SHOO. -manager,
Rox T, Wostvtllc. N J 000 class. He has jet to show that he
C.An M
.,"li ,irau ran ii wuv will, ii,
.$10,000 National Handleaj. vcMerdir
t.,"v ;; i ' xV""".. "u '"..""'"""im
i Vi ' """" 'll,u 'vancner wfrt
out of the money. A tremendous cmwl
lu.viiiru mc iiuiuiiu course,
i-iiirririiuri, im., is to nave h rr mi.,
Inir of thllteen iIuvm .liirnil..,, 1.....
february it). It wan announced act njcbf
and horsemen tn .New Orfejna heimn inmZ
uiateiy to arranito for transferrin, t!,,,
stabtes for the onenlnir. Already S5o Si
S"." iSVohf11 "r 'I'-" me'ttne ShrrS
hundreil additional stalls nie belni ruihtd ii
the border illy fair irround- The i)uri,es
cram will conMst of six rares a iliy wX
e "
Tlie een two-year olds and the tWI
vear-old Tenlte. belonjlmr lo J II u,,fll
helm, of Philadelphia vv'II I shipped frta I
New Orleans to Hot SpraiRe lo bo f rtshectl I
aw. w of, -,.., vn,lie"ll,,l ,11 .114,)IAI1(
S. . rlojilon Is a liusy trainer ani! cmr
having eampalR-ned foiijllvo hnrwi dirtai
lULti. The vvlnnlniM for the ktrln ton ij
H8 "10 Ills leadlni; breadwinner viai nn.
let 1'ioof. with $U9Ttt to hla crcd t
The fuel that O W (ItucU) Poreimn Hi
not no to .New urieans vvitn nit toriy.hot
stable vvheie hi routivctlons .! the ttJi.1
tndlrntes that he In eettlnir ht n rn; rl
tenty-seen horsen In training d' llowfiil
the tiest nous, hie condition for the sprmil
ma-lln-d In Vl.iri'l ,rf 1, I m ...,, .. l..,l
j...!-,...,.-, ,.,u..iiu a, i n ,-1 1 hi cn
iinm sutniuiant move ot .Mr i orenian
Amateur Bouts at National
Th fourth amateur bnxlnir 'ournarrfnt ,1
the Philadelphia Terminal I), vision Athletic
jiBaut-imi'iii win us nciu on r curuary 'ji. it
the Natnn.il A. " A total of tuoitj
matches will bo decided. In, ludM en iiw
nrnona belnir special bonuta at fotlnwsi VTIV
nam ,,iuuen ve t rancis i-arnn Jam-a J
1,'oursuon s Tountr Ilrlnk SmoUer titmi
Katiln t Klvvapl Jlnir John 'on Paji;
Condon vs Judfre JXlce. Charles f FTuacli n
.lames wuiuer. .1. 1; ,eni vs vvu um r.
leveell. .Iiickle JleKlwee vs !!," Il-nneit
ivuilam i. Nineuiniter vs John diilijaii J.
Miller vn William Partter V n- Oallaht
vs. M. O Tananerl (Youn M kyt J i
Tomosttv vs .1. c. taohman, t c JtonntnmTi
ve. I'red lliirkhort. Charles w ,Shan n
Wlllliim O'Mal.oy. TliomaH C II01 mi l"rm
K r 1 tn
Moore S one of the leldinS lOtltenler
.- I.tn t 1 tit e .111,. vnior lr
1 vi ! in an . 1 1'
jllv Ills! I
t It ' lllgllt
i.itor ii' 11
wr.i I'uvv-
10 whro .'I
He hi ad -
VlUlcel siiiilh. .1 o a .n,kou; - " h;'S
'-urn N iv Hih will make h.s Pinuv Uitmi
,, ,- nlvtnpi.t. toiinrbt Jtis opponent v. I
1 l"or- of I'jlrmontr ,mmv .sum
v .1 w .la,k l'.ilrnor llirr ki "mj'I v
V W jiir an.l t''rane,o C.'i n l'i, s,, hi.
alt lyih, r uw'ile
C li..rle llei-iher. f v " '
1 ,mmi L'learv. ut Vljnjvufi,. ,n ttwir
f, inuer at tn Aaiioon
I'leir bout wan not o trood-
ml nann,on
,1 .,,! to d'ien,
uneni failed to
ip There wii- -utiii'vv liat of .1
boiwi-en ihe si.miliiinl and th"
i d m, 1 know
w mil 1 p hut th, ,,,ii'ir
I 'it ,1 w i- all iibiiuf
I inally ''io uiuhiiii., 1 -1 i-pi" J ,ni,
tie rin'.u.'l fTlil.lllieil '!,,' (ifiill' .imeni
of ihe rn.iti !ii!i.ik--r I inn- .inj "'
in tin- In, 1-1' win, vvnl -i,p up ii .1
i-tlhsti'ute boxer' .i-..,',l III" .ill
nounier A tew si, ,,t,.i ,,f .i.'n, ''. and
then the , a,i I'Ustii in" w "i -iirpri-,',1
to sen little lannv Imiiuoi ! his
ioiu and Ktiiri down n,, .,,- i,,waid th"
..1 . 1 ii,i,v .mtaue ill
u 1 v I'iglil , Iti'ight.
I .n i I'xpci leu, ' K turner
s .1 vubilili'ol tn -live the
.1 ,,, 11 r.iiind li'iul 10 U
II v ,. !, 1 t,,r I '.mm
, w,i u h. nil. 1111. 111,'iuit
b" ,w in I liglitvveighl
.-il,irtla nuh'
not no nvo s' ,,1
aoo-l bee.i,i-e lolll .11 O ln
lnrn Ituney iiunnnson e,ui"'i .1 ,"
ion kno.kiu' in ih- -,nd round when
.limmy .Meri'lo vl. unjti to nsvr Hie le 11
f,,r ih ihird i.nnrl It- njCeied fruetuie
f tn- rlirht jev .is j rnsult of om , f
Hut tiinnon iii tiu. ,1 U-nnv irieee iin.l
Al It-vn , 'i- or Iimiiiiv Jordan 1-.1i nii.
Sir 11 in an,. V I . 1 I, ,,,Jtfillhl 1 oulu!
llclitueuhl i
,-,,, O'll tl 111. I' M II
v,i. ,,r uin 'on .,i
v V. .n -
.. v m ' I)
l''t ,t, . s iet I,, bun
l.eu ..lot 1, llilia
-ni, 'i
a 111
w I.Xt
ll. Ma, .in I
sM 10 a' 'Ii '
Hupp lai K
, .. ,, , i.. men ,ti
v i t. r I'rorff, '
I, idl- vm H Ji n
V, ltl vs Ilairv
lies, id l ,.
even I'll V -I" .,
re-ii h iintl it , - ,
vv.is aci opted ii
show It wii
refi rer tlci
i vi n thmigh I
ihnt he wnn
l-iu 111 iiiuv. s, I. --ii. . "1 to' the
i, rf1 Ihe o it. lonlitt l.ovc
, Vuun In., K 'I"".. . Y tunu lu Tui-er vii
Pit nnv IX,. at, H,jbl,, 11 la-o.l V . .or
l! ri, .a l". K 'Ol,s H Innmy Kaatan VVIIllu
, Vli.1' ohv vs I mniv MiSjovein hildl Mul-
en V I ' r. U ,l,n JM nei iuo i-iin
.ids Vunni. c,iitio , Jiinniiv
I Jooi.nv Vljru.in vs .Ighnnv
llori'.l v Charley cj .Sen
ltl.'all and Jo
1 1 ,'
i hiimpinn nl tio I'.!' 'it ' ii-'
Well, th- b'ltti vv, i '
Kramer d d ' w i v
Jinnev. At in" tin n I
lifted the le-pei tiv
Krnnn r and .Malmiu'v m I
draw verd i
To have lni,il a di.cv nxiiii
lightweight w.i- ,ti,i, n n-ii i,ii'
liuiitaiii Tli" wo si.i- il.iii uigi i
runiv L.'0 I'rjH ill tne i Hits in Mm
mtlino I'.i't' vv i K i ii no'
M.ihcnev I s
la,illV Ii i- Hi, I' ' till' I" pl'i.e i
is ,,li cvhlhitimi ,il i ii.lliiii'l I'll i ;
M.ukel siru-t tn ni is'-vi'iiin
i i t mid
.I..! M.i-
l)i lllp-, v
aims nt
.itmg a
s a
i', b
The l.aiitain lllle of Ueiav,,ir- ,ntiu' w II
l,e Ueviie I ,", III al Ch'M-r allt'll Ivnl
.sunn n -e Is " lml cit.-v Allien
uial.er III ti ii n uatietl oil othi boats as
ulyw K , Yndi'l v K O Mainme
I ralil.l" llJlnc K lohnnv 1 1 -HI I 111- Mj -
,, i, i, ,,i It is- I IJ llonov A! Hi o
l..'t n I'-'l
.l.uk IH.11,,',1,,1 l.
,- .. ,. Il I, v, -'
I . of lilt 1 . , l , II
1,1 . 1,
I li'iueln rail. I ' '"l II I-.IHVV.
. i,,e 'ins,- , I 'ii Koin,' anvi,
I,,, son in Hie f it.i-
ulilli In Ulte
vv I an
un Hums oi
llurrv Kid llrnvvn
ii. -'
, I i ttdifi
ii. air II mei'i
lit uHli
v i a l , -on
Scraps About Scrappers
nsvter In ilierv Wile If fortnl
i V ' .- nial,aintf Ate Atte,l tiolue I
Ancrlo Drill is inatiuKinr no l.ann, tin
!)- tv JavK Liorato and Willi Uetu-i
liuirvy Kramer 1
ask to k- p up ,,t,
that he I " V ' "'
,,. v i ,t ip , , -
v.. ,t i , i- 'i" '
Kr.lfl - 'HP '
It rcirwb'e i '
dim nlPh '' ,ii is
iii-eta Roy -iloo
vm uvr the cl t
,i tin ii
lent. l,"'v
1 tnoie tvrqllie,
o I a ten round
l'oalon lust tea
llolih) llnr ni.io ii
II i, hi v llutihinunn
' i in n Ins I i t two
, .111, ,11 at 1 I' llliv ti
"U' Wl li a ri-l, In
Iturman i)i,,wel coon
airatttsi Ueunv
Jolniny T man. , ' n
t ii r ey tit , , a , te ei t
,o.s on on .i foul o r I a" n, lloan, c
Z7T. rounu, av jj'ra'j'c
'I his en-mil,; the fir! anniversary
'.lrnival of the I'lnlauelpliin Ice Fol
ate will he held at its peerless athletic
home. Fortj -tii'ih and Market streets.
Although th- indniir rivaling season last
,vejr was iiOLCbfjnlj eliorl because the
big rink was noi opened until February
li. niaiiv lonvertN tn tJie sport
ret i uiled I 'pon the reopening of tin
lco I'aliKi' sl.a'ir-. hotkey plavcrs atiu I
followers i.f tnnsi' winter spmts in
ritjscd ai ,4n tisinunding rate
,ltisi v hat mild iio shining h,is taken
i Inn Hi" s,r,i! luwrs of Philadelphia
will be i.-n ii night at the tninival. In
oiler I,, inuU'' ine oc.'..sioii the be-t
of tlm rear from the patrons' viewpoint.
sU.ttiug vvu! be allowed until rnidnighi
Sees Itriglu I inure
Ceorge r I'jvvling. who arrived
from l:,i.i,,n in,- mottling, li.nl .some in
teresting things in hay about the Ice
Tula' e Here are some of the subjei t
upiin vvliii-h I.f enlarged :
1 "Ii is un v a queiiUon of tunc wncn
I'lillndf lp,il.i t.il.es its place a One of
ll.e leading lie -haliiig and hocLcy erne
Hi Ann in a.
' ' li.ist'd ii)im n.e tig vires I have .1,
, hund Horn week in week, it n e.'is.v 1,,
I i.iiilersland why I'hii.idtlplnii will he j
leader Jt takes time and effort to
make mi. ie t titi'i'jiri-f gam ,1 foot
I hold and prosper
"lv ep' ne'i 'c in niv oui'-jeur reign
I as no ,inui-"iiicnt dire tor leads me to
1 lelii've thin tne sport is just ill its 111
I fain v I, cie. ami will require only enn
I iiiiui'it "floit .ind 'voik in older to bring
1 I'm1 oh I ph. 1 to the lop.
' ' fin -j Philadelphia is a -,,u
tt w 11 ' lint iho-e who s.iv this ,,,, uu'
, know P.iiliiih-lliliiil. 'J he tillens do in,
I. ill i.,r .invh ng in a huiry. Th" pi on
I 11, 1 iini-l h" tested, anil if found -.1"--fu
11,1 v PI ilndelpnu.is will hnv
l.spl 1 in.- I.iiilding
, I ,' llol htlii've it i- lilst ile.ii '
ll.e pnlili hovv Phlliuiclpliia h.iplieiicil
1 lu ci this .000,000 he-slviiting 1 ''
' Ii was 111 the eiimiiier of 1010 th.u
I w.i- upprti.ii hid about an ite p.iia,"
I loi I'tiil.nlelphiu I ubcri.)ed for 11
liberal ipiantitj of the stuil, m, mi -,)
the I'liginuTiiig job fiom tn" pioiiintir-
land a- th" wanted the pl.n e iipened
1 nur.ng the Christmas holulavs 1 vut
'out fur ti reioid in -peed 111 ,011-tit.
I lion
I ' We bloke ground on Novniber '
PU' We weie forced to enduie one
of the .severest winters on record mid
'at lust I had to I'hange mj ch-signs lo
hariiiouie with the Iniildiug material 1
I that weie available Jimt one car ag'i
Inll.iv. while the pill' c WII- not 1 o n
pleieli llll.-heil ll v , ,-'h aneeil enou ,' ,
to perm' la'n, tcil 'ti I'elmiarv It
jre opened with iiie Harvard VhIc ec
hoekry game.
happened that in the final offennB reionahe tniarantees (
.. 's't. Valentine's tourna- UUo'l I'ZSIThE'Z .,
hold pitih sbots and it was possible to
thoot fur ihe pin. Pnr.son and Ohap
iiiun can negotiate tho inashie piteli as
will as many of those who dole upon
tint ptow-ss as Northern golfers bin
..in. 11 iIiit fin 111 e to muster ine run
ui. .shot li
ii, nnd "f th
1 1 .11 l"ll-i'll mill lllliuunii vine i'i'- i-juies
.,..i Ii mined hard during this lw in
I iiiatth 'tinil th" gieeiis were covcinl with
I water.
. From OIT (nt-eii
, MM... v-,... .1.. s nil VV1IS IIMJIl'MS , ni'ii
1 , 1, no tnii'li for the pin was
Ul ."., .. "",'..,,,, Il.n.,.n,.l.
were 1 'in 11-s- At tne scvciiin m.' c ,-i
, '. . .. ..,. .ni, e irutn
I 11 tl iiiusin' .,..' -- . . e
...1....1. ......i- n few inches in front of
1 - . . .....I fill! llllU'tl
IMr-oii hoUU a-rhip shot from oft Hip
nn. .AitvitifPi :l lliiniurr uim
1 on ' ,
i... .....I IMinnmiiii
'".7" """'..;" 1 ..l..s a l.ullc. whin
Willi Mlllliti""n
fiiUisI upon to do so.
............. i.,,olviirs,t courses arc drv
VI IH'II ni" ....----
riiclicill 10 apprvm,,, ,,.,..
iiiiinii'nle with J. Ivaimiiinn.
lluntingtlon street.
The t'rvshelin Valley . A., of itouni Alrv
d'-frale,! Ihe Cliveden 1-' C bv ibe -tore of
It, t,, 0 on lot Thurmliv n.Khi
Ihe I' li. T. lien-JiiBtoii Shop would like
book hiiiss wen niat-viess nome teams
off Ihe green
On the ninth hob
could approaih
, i...,, , ,. . , .ii
i, nth nitc i. lor ll "" "" ---
, nl there is no telling whe.e it will
;n i. Tiiw '- wi' ,hp r"""1" r'""
,",s t'l'ii developed here as now he
ll-e .
i ,. H.-rkrr. who has cliarje of 'he
Willi thlileen-nfieen-year-niiis flvei.
halls Sam Schvmru. 1UI1 Souih
wren, e ttre,t.
irl.innle 'lub, of West Philadelphia li
.mxiuiis to book Barnes with team- plailnc
n.'H-ioiliK ate rulef Tho Tratlo Club
rutMlh nt et nnd Ohenter avenue
( midline II. C. a fifteen aixteen-yiar n'd
ouitlr wishes itnmfa with learns havite
, ,1 William Coma L'7I3 South Cevo-
mo i, Miiue
riiiBlit"8:l5 to 12..ronlRlit
l,-,lb uml .M.-cr!"' s,'", .
souvenirs '"l 'l1!? ,"r.V
I miry anil Comic tuKltimt
World', t.realest Inhibition '
Broad ind BiiubridfcA m
i ii viiii:
i p. mii: iiiik
Mlllt.l.T 'IDI"
seats on e.ile now. Ilolfl M itJtnn lunTet,
llroinl n ml l.otust SI". Hegiilnr prices.
Dam ine Jlverj Hie., 8i.t0 Srhvtaru Ortli.
Johnny .Dsli-rr Irls-i) Ihiwer All Meek
M inula j Connlrj Store ,t Knbc Misht
( ash 1'rUen for Ill-el Itulie Costnmex
lltmrlin; Contest 'Iluire Mil Cash l'rles,
:;n uiiiMis oc iiuuu iio.MNn m
! Burpee's Seeds Grow !
Ilurpeu's Annual is tho Leading Aniirimn Seed Catalog. It tells the
plain truth about the best seed.-) that grow. I
If you arc interested in gardening, lsurpce's Annual will Ijp mailed to i
you free. Just tear out this coupon and fill in your nanio below. I
W. Atij:u Bubpkb Co., j
Seed GrowerF, Philadelphia."""
Gentlemrn: Please send me a copy of Hurpee's Annual Fkkk. '
t I (OlJL-e- V) -
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,V4--, w,