it'R.J 1 V'lfj, , .;fi? t $vKyT.-r-''b.,&Ui'-''TtiiiT.f n. . vwft-Ft&i .n: -& II - m W ) R I m !P,1 .1 - i .If! .V ,f M' It. j ffi BX ')! , W Oor tlluntraled descriptive literature. Alii n.llahle." mailed free on rcuuest. Tint your order nt onr lo off tire fine treng ehlck frum our choice curly hatches. WE 1)0 Ct'STOM IIATC1IIN0 ttTo lour Incubating clone Mr emprtmente holding HO ecu. to,l el perls, bring SO, reur egg now, ORCHARD POULTRY FARMS (Largest Hatchery In the City) 30G0 Filbert St, Philadelphia, Pa. 1870 Golden 1921 Anniversary SO yens' experience i JCew Service Department 10,000 Spring In Stock srniNos ITT OV W1IILK TOl' WAIT Ilrlnir Your Spring Troubles to U8. We Will Trent You Right Keystone Spring Works, Inc. 1301 lo 1319 Buttonwood Street PhiUdtlpkie, P. We Are Mnnnfacturer PARCEL POST wHealthwaKlioro5r "Th L 50 Yens' experience Jff ENVELOPES JlEZRALEVINSQHnlw P 26 South 5tli Street I E Phono IxmibJrd 3374 pull. N j 1-hone Slain 8H37 U ' "" PAPER BAGS LIMB TROUBLE correctly supported by the use of COKIJNH LACED STOCK 1NOS. No need to suffer from Varicose veins, ewullen lens, weak knees and ankles or anr other leg tioublee which need constant, certain support Throw away torturing elastic stockings or troub'esorne band age nnd fniKet lex troubles. Corliss I.accd Stocking made to measuro. wlthuut elastic, wear for many month. Washahls and eunltar. light nnd durable. Cost only $2,73 each or Uo for the same limb W.23. find you'd gladly par much more for the support and eiee attained. Call and he measured free, or write for flf-mauromenl blank No. r. Store open 0 to 3 dally, alio Wed ti Hat Etga.. 7 to H. We also make abdominal lltn (elastic or nnn-elaallc) to order I'nnna. Corliss I.lroli Spec. Co. 40 N. 3?d Ht . Philadelphia. Til Formerly of 430 Heed Hide .EYES EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED SPECIAL GLASSES FOR $ 1 THIS WEEK VAXUK M.S0 All prescriptions filled ut a savins Of 26 to 80. Glasses rnajo on the premtae while you wnlt. MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. Open Mon. & St. Erg. Till 9 P. M. rUveYouGot Thuuannd of Pitle Are Ueinc 100 Kneloie ) JQf 300 Mieetn , Nlie (17 ' Snonllnl l MrtnmMnn llroa Th aboe atntinnery is printed with your name M nan nd buetnexi Uf any) In niui lti it fttv tiii iu trtrrn on a nonl Wh t. riond pper Owlnir lo Hie low orice of ti la etntlonery. ee mull llm t r-ii- f 4 linee enh line nor I - et i hes In length Hend tl t' with copy and ur order will be shipped i rmpi n H tnixe.! Namp e sen' n re ipt or - elamp 'Mm i. : : . '. "t: 1 9mnS.Meem KEEPS YOUR PAPER CLEAN, SANITARY, FROM BECOMING WET fit TORN L nitl II HTi'ltr - I..o -,0e HTi'llKI RMHENTIAI. K' 'It E HHV llni'SEHlil.l) TO MAT' H A.I I. tlOdlt HXTI ItV'S made UK H'Rimi n:.MPr.iiEi fir.i'.i. IN rni.isiiKii niiAss and omdized MITIIKIi i "ITER I'OM i'ITY IIOI'SK" AI'.MITJIENT HOf-EM AND Rl'ltAI VAII. Mr-I.IVKIir enl h) mull P Htae prepaid fiid-r now National N.w.i-papcr Holdpr Co. 1011 Chostnut St , Philn , Pa. A'll- "e-. "AN TI- I' Lowest Prices in town for perfect, nermenent and PAINLESS DENTISTRY You get the belt work nt mjr office end you pay the leait. Be thrifty, come In nd get cittmate. Filling, 150c end 91.00. Plate from SG.00 up. AMERICA'S LCADING DENTIST DR. HYMAN 9th & Market fiv8S' "I eJ"e.t 55vssa.-.s."? eemLicvaaESsi , miSPifK flhia&limB r&imM gfiii 1JHU5" ( , KADIMO zif Hiti ti(K-ni:iiAimii.NT -,,, ' " ' ..... MBH PARCEL POST' MEN'S HALF SOLES ?RnHga Heel. AOei Neplln Melee A Rnbber ileJle. IMS Liberty Itleetrle Shoe Repairing Ce. 1803 Point Itreeie Are. Oregon IKS rYourOldrl.tCleintd and Blocked 7c Good it New '3 LCHAS. CARPEN, 1232 Filbert St, f . . nnd (roAemnrfca (eenrfe). "atentS Write, Sione er tell fer Informalteii, Wiluamson & Williamson i Ancit rt.-. rnrrjAnE'.niiA Dally 9 to Si Man. and Thar. Rv. 7 te 0 Hnrlicr Scissor. Clip pers, Razom and Mani cure Scissors. AIo Safety Raeor Dladrt Reenarpcneil Filbert Grinding Co. .. io ntniniT t DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ilrlnir ua )our diamond! If you want to rrallte the hliheat poealble price for them. No matter nnat otnera ten you tney ere tvnrth a. I our nrlc before votl aMI. We pay 1.1.00 to 1100.00 for eacti diamond mire than ethra pay. B e u L.rA he convinced We buy any alie, ahnpe or color I'awn tlckete fur dlamnnde txmeht KltLLV A CO. CAM. B3J CIIJWT NtJT ST. Thnne Walnut 78-14 Halle 2 I'll Prlrnle omce. Zd lloor. orer Child' Reel. i.iai. AnNXtiTisrarENTci J DANDlillM lxurht from B. Orada'iy tea houio and reeinurant. Creditor call at IK I'aityunk eve, LOS0- A1TP FOTTNP DKl'OSIT IluOK Loll, depoelt book 249.88T with WeeUrn Savtnir rand Roelely, 1000 Walnut et. Reward Ill.N'O toet, January 21. a diamond and platinum rlnir, 40 email etonee and IV ca rate. Call Ogontt 071. Reward, WATt'H lxit. open-faca llnmllton waicli nnd t-old chain with green atone heant name on caae, "A. Hobruon"i preientatton watch; owner anxioua for return of eamti hendnome reward. Return to J A. McCar thy. Lafayetto Dldir. PERSONALS MIHSIND Wonted to know the whereabout! of Mr Jamea Smalley: laat heard of In l'hlladelpbla: about 70 yearn old and a tal ented coneerttna player. M S33, Ledror Off. HELP WANTED PEMALE COOIC wanted Steam and ranire cooklnir for 300 people; etate experience. Apply to au- perlntendent Itlalr Cimnty Itoepltal for In- aan Hollldaxhurg. l'a. 1'K l.l.I Nit Bxperlenced on men' coati Ap PU I)rfua A Line;, llro&d and Wallace itrtete. U1IU. Cookin and downitalr. 714 Conner at.. Camden. Phone Camden 133 J. MlLMNBItU, firat rlaaa. ean earn from 123 ID ., r wrrn. .. u.itiii. . k 4. ..,. . iln.l.I.S'KHH exp mvxl work and pay! no Pat wk. Delavsare Hat fn . 1Q?3 rilbert. OPEIIATOH8. tap. on children' whit dresr; heit pailnir work In town Roten- Malt Bone A Co.. 44 N. Uth et PRKSSKH. exparlrnced on allk ehlrts. 80 8. ISth at ihlrd floor STAMPER Wanted stamper on famy ood Apply Rureau of Kmptoyment WANAMAKriR'H 9TaNOOIlAriII.n Confidence. Cobro Man ufacturlnic Co 014 Hullelln 1'ldc TRLKl'HONE OPrTRATINO The Ttell Telephone Company. Juat now, hai poaltlon for a few younif women; but wnat la deelred la the rteht kind earneat and alert alrla who are ambltloua- In other word!, thla company wantn more airle like those j It already ha; prmannt pnaltlone to all ' who auallfr: thev will be c.ild while train- In, an excellent opportunity for yount womn between the aea of 1H and Atvolv n Mlii. Ktevenenn nEI.I. TELKPHONK CDMPANT 1C31 Arch !t fiencral 1IAKK MONEY AT"ltOMI--Xou eon jam from II to 13 an hour In your apare time wrltlnr ihow cArdi: quickly end eaaliy learned, no canrarelnir: we teach you how and aell your work. Write today. for full particular to AMERICAN SHOW CA7U) 6CIIOOU 230 ryrl Hide . Toronto. Canada. HELP "WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, hevlnu public familiar with tax reiuma I 11 experience. Sjl.ed Off, AMERICAN Red Croaa volunteer, part or full time Held lenrlce with Army. Nay and Marine Corpe In Philadelphia and Delaware. r .'lo. Leaner umce. DOT to work In newspaper llbrnrj mint be over 18 and have Rrammur eehool edu- tlon Apply Rotm 310 Ledner nidit. CHEMIST wanted, by a lanre flour mill lo cated lea than 100 mile from Philadel phia to take charge of laboratory; on who hae had experience In larre city bakery pre ferred. atate experience, alto aa.ary x peeled. c. 022 Ixdi:r Otlce HAnaiS PRKHS rORBMAN ONE FAMILIAR WITH H-l TWO COW1R AND.E-1 PHESHEM. ONI.T THOHE WITH EXPERIENCE ON COU1R WORK AND THOR O V O H I. Y KAMII.IAR WITH PIIESME" AND WHO CAN titW PRODUCTION NEED APPL.T: PERMANENT POSITION, WJTH ADVANCEMENT TO THE RtrillT MAN' ADDRESS P 218, LEDGER OFFICE MEN EXPERIENCED 11. ilAKINO AND INSTALLING IRON LADDERS AND ORATINan PLL'MnERS crai.'e nioaEr.3 men with mirlne exierlence preferred MACHINISTS outilde und UnVe UOILERMAKERS I'lJVMHS TURNKRH KLAVOE Tt IINERS' HELPERS 11LACK SMITHS hevy flretl HLArKBMITlIrV HELPKRB EXPERIE.'.CBD TOOL DREbSEn EXPERIENCED OPERATOR OK HOLT MAIClNO MACHINE IN 11LACK8MITH flHOP ANOESMITHft 4NOLESMITHH' HELPKRi i.IOHT SHEET IRON WORKERS COPPERSMITHS SHEET METAL WOUICERH PLATE TURNERS tor lom-tlme ahlpbultdlra job Leiarth of Job depend! on your ability and dealr to work OPEN SHOP COME READY POR WORK Apply "(tor 7 a. m rRAMPH1 HHIPTARD Emplojment Department RICHMOND AIIOVK NORRH . r SL EVENiyG, PUBLIC -LEDGEl-PHlA1)EliBHIA?L MgDABKUABY 0 102& HELP WANTED MALE COOK wanted Wanted, chef or cooKi' and ran cookliur for S00 people! l team late ex. perietion. Apply to aMperinterident piarr County Hospital for tnaane, Holldaybur, ENOINEER, eombuitlon. havlns technical tralnltur and practical exp. In construction and operatlnirj capable of handllrur mem must have exeo, ability. Anwr,tatlri ae. w.f mi,,. .,,i., n. ii . iipisir vuice KIRKMAN wanted. N. J. leene reoulredl muit be famlllne with nana, nrin; am urpny rumace. 13.15 per. oay; steady work. Consolidated Oa Company of New j-reey. uns nrancn, re, j. HotJHKWORK-vV colored mar. for tenerTl nouseworK; muai nav reierenoee, call rtarlnir. 7UIP. I MANAGER W want an eiperletioed man to act a mantiter in a lam retail jewelry torei only a hlen-cuua man wanted) !., no object to rliht man. M D90, Ledirer utnee. MAN Wanted, responsible man te bulls In surance, debit with Mew to rensrat atncyi commercial ana Industrial poltcteat natural death benefit, Nntlnnal Accident Society. 820 Uroadnay. New York city. Established no yrnrw. i, nyj, uniKnr yiiice. CRESOERS Experienced nnnneo preestrs on men' cost. AddIv Dreefou ---- 1 m .-.... " T ' Mreyious at I,, ant, uronq sea waiigce is. hai.v.h manauer Eiperlenre In eecurltles. knowltdee of adver tlilnir and capable of oriantxlnp; sals force, to handle htirh-irrac local aecurltleli splendid opportunity, for th rlrht man: references. I 1!15, Ledirer Office RIVETER HOLDERH-ON HEATERS Complete ranxa preferred SHIP KITn:RS and KHIP P1TTERS' HELPERS LATERH OFP KI10M MOLD-LOIT TnaTPLETH JOINERS WOODtVOIUCINtl MACHINE HAND KlIIP CARPENTERS MOLD LOFTBMEN MIIP-STHED MACHINE MhTN nendlni roller Mangle rollere Cold prtjimsn or frame setter t'l.ATK AND ANOLE ITTRNACK ilEN COMPETENT MEN ONLY Wanted ot once For lone-time ahlpbulldln iob Lenzth of Job depends on your ability and desire to work. OPEN SHOP; UNLIMITED PRODUCTION COMB READY FOR WORK Apply after 7am CRAMPS' SHIPYARD Employment Department RICHMOND ATJOVE NORRtB ST HALES MEN A house vlth en established tiii.ln.s mnst have n.1 least nstln-wide 10 salesmen for the atate or pennayivnnia ann .-ew jer y th r"jltlone ere permanent and the remuneration la on a strictly commission basis, wh'ch permits of liberal enrnlnes; the only requirements for theso position are rales ability, neat npp-arnnce nnd ability I.; furnish married men preferred nnd over 30 ears of ace Our men work Urn-iy erconi manufacturers and merchant whi hae bean pntronlxlna: ua for years To men who can qualify a complete explana tion will bo made and those selected will re ceive a-nple training; from men now maklnc a success of th work. Address, irlvlno; full particular sa to your past experience, to MERCHANTS' TRADE JOURNAL INC Care M 8.11 I.edner Office J SALESMAN AOBNT OLD-ESTAIIL1SHEI) 1XlHPl LEAP HOtfiH WISHES TO CREATE AN AGENCY IN THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA POR THE llEST IAWSE LEAP LEDOER EQUIPMENT ?Sr llOOKKEEriNO MACHINE WORK) MAT UK HANDLED RY INDIVIDUAL HA VINO OTHER NONCOMPETITIVE LINES. ADDRESS MrDONALD LEDOER IXX)SE LEAF CO . ROOM 8M, 200 6TH AVE.. NEW YORIC. N. Y SALESMAN Enoreetlc able salesman with a KOod njcord of paat performances to market motor delivery truck In Philadelphia, only thoae dealrlnc permanent connnectlon with rood compensa tion In wcordance with their ability need apply: while experience in motortruck aell In la not nltnsether essential, a venerat knowledre ut automotive mechanic I de slred Apply, statins! qusllllcatlona, P 210, I.rdser OKIee. SALESMAN for eastern part of Pennsylva nia (not in Philadelphia) for woolen Job bing and trlmmlmr house, prefer men experi enced In retail clothing or tailoring: must be an expert (alesman able ta sen to tne men tailoring trads: stair experience fully and an expert salesman alary expected or d eicu ui w in ,'ii.v, iir.ur iw altlon. P o. ixx to, .iiaaison square ma- Hon Now Torn clt)1 SALESMAN wanted to nil atock nf newly formed corporation: excsilint proposition! only hlghHrrade security salesman with good clientele need flee SALESMEN A iwrmer nt connection can be male on sains f.,ri'e with a strong, rsllablo corpora'ton handling real estate, mortgage securities pin' Idlng applicant can meat our requirements' only those nf In tegrity with strong references and sterling rharactsr need apply earnestness, steady application and stron determination to suc ceed eisentlal protn.ttin and Increased earn ing power assured to the right man; make npplliatlon tn riling etntnu full particu lars to unders'gnrd 119 Information or sp tolntment mad er the telephone. The Hmoot Corp. 421 Widener Ifldg.. Phlla-delrbl- SALESMEN wanted Large corporation will have vacancies fu- six or eight clean-cut men who nave ambition intrgrlty and char acter: executive and salts experience pre ferred but not ne easary, we offer you per manency, with good pay and your advance, ment will be llmlieit only by your ability; applicant must Hand dose Investigation! an excellent opportunity to the light men "te Wrtritt, lla Drexel llldg, SALESMEN aecurlly An established com. pan)' Is expanding lie silling organisation: we wish only men of (ha ruder nnd deter mlnat'on, previous sell'ne experience Im portant, but not nei-sa-.ary. Call Wednesday Thursday or Monday ov-nlng at 7.30. Room 00(1 Hullelln Rldg This Is th opportunity yell have bun Inol'll C for SALESMEN Well-knowrr house, opening new department requires th services of seteral hlgh-gruile bond salesmen, and those who wl1! to triime salesmen: this li n real OPportunityi (reus suviirii.iiig sng c'f-opern Inn 9ee Mr Hpohn Room 013, Stdck L'x casnge Rldg SALESMEN for automobile chemlral Unas nationally advertised to take charge of territory: must trntel sood opportunity: ons familiar kiwi our im preierrra Appi Apply be t.veen 11 and 11 a rn it iiouingsi Bth sn4 1 C'smden, N. J. HALESMEN capable tu represent e tnanufMCturlnc ronetrn. 1'hllailelDbla anil I'hllaileli vicinity only thosu nho know hard work and ho to nt rouuns neeu answer, r .ill l PER1NTENDKNT WE HAVE A POSITION FOR A MAN WHO IS QUALIFIED TO TAKE CARE OK THE OPERATING DETAILS OF OUR READY-Tti-WI.AR I M Kill. UK MUST HE CA PAIHJ! OF MANAOINO AND DIRECTINd A LAItdll Nl'MHER OF KMPI-OTESl AP PLICATION'S WILL HE CONSIDERED , FROM MEN WHO HAVE 1IKI.D THE I'tJ. I 8ITION OP FLOOR HUrERINTENDPNT IN Ie.ROE DEPARTMENT STORP.H OH FROM IfKN WHO HAVE ASSISTED IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SMALLER HTOnES. POSITION IS PERMANI.NT THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT WILL HE IN LINE FOR PROMOTION AB HE DEMON. , HTRATES HIS AiljMTV TO ADVANCE; THIS IS AM EXCULLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AOORKBHIVE YOUNO SUN. p 303, LEDOER OFFICE HELP WANTiTOMALB SHOES Flrat-clae trimmlnr cutters want. ed. Apply Laird, Schoher A Co., 22d.and Market, 2d floor. STENOORAPHER Younir man. excellent opportunity for advancement! must have practical experience! moderate a alary to itart. Apply In peron to Mr. Mauberrtr, rubllo Leilfer. 10R B. iun b, im it., 10 to iz a. m. References reoulred. TARN WORKERExprlnol plecer and atrlpper. card feeder, on carpet yartiii open ihop; hlihest war. P 131, Ledger OffleeL Oenernl OHEnNEWAT.b'8 A 8PECIAM2ED EMriiOYMENT SERVICC flOLICITINO A limited number of applica tions from tilth-erad men and women with en actual traininr ana experient clear record! absolutely no others ana experience and a v.iH. .c.viu, aiwuiui,, ,iu tuiisrni ttppiica- tlons from local residents) onlvf nfrice ihImp. lews only from 10 to 2. SPECIAL TREASURER, also a mcrstary Applicants must po exceptional, qualification for the official positions, bsrwell and favorably known In commercial and banklnc circles: alary commensurate with qualification; np- Eilcatlon by letter only. STIMATOR (Inside), experlenrod In fin- tractor' ernes. PRIVATE BKCRETARY, nan or woman n- emnlojment ervloe, MAIL RALl'.H correspondence experl, r. Toolmaker, Jl fixture, die OlUIEJt AND food onranlser. slesman, office specialty line; (alary. Wood nomine loreinen, Oreenewqld's Spenlallxed Pert Ice. 2S0 fl. lllh WANTED 1300 RAILWAY THA1TKIC IN. profession throuyh spare time home-etudri ay termsi 1100 to 1200 monthly nnd st penses uaranteed or money baeki outdoors; local or trnveilniri under blr men who reward ability! net free booklet N-SSO! Ettandard Ruslnsis Trnlnlnir Inat., Ruffalo. N. Y. ... ,..., .u, .. ....mumi (mi. lur nils SITTJ ATIONS WANTELV-PE1CALS WOMAN, refined, tntetllteht. middle t ery hard of hearlnr, want part ot full time work: Is oblts-lner, kindly and cheerful, rood reader. Plain sewer, very fond of chil dren and aged persons) doe no want to do the drudssry ot housework, but It willing to help; will travel If desired or would be F leased to work In an Institution up to the Imlt ot her capabilities: rsfsrsncea unqu-tlon-d. M B02. ledger Office. WOMAN Conscientious, experienced, Prot latent deslros fKisltlot full charire, earo nd handling ot smlll children, about March 1: rrlv, or Inslitutlon; only those with high Ideal need reply, A 802, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED KALE CLERIC Experienced ounc man desire,, po sition In hardware or sporting- good utore; hhth school graduate good reference. A so linger iitpci- GARDENER wantH situation on gentleman' place; Ufa experience, best reference; mar ried. M 032. Ledger OTflee. EMPLOYMENT AOEN0IE3 OENERAL HOUSEWORK OIRI.3 Cooks, waitresses, chamtiermalds, dish wash er, day worksrs, housekeepers, laundrts, kitchen fflrle. cleaners housemen, butler. Mr. McNally. 233 8. 0th t HOUSEWORK Young girl. Just arrived. wlshe housework or to arolat with chil dren! other first-class help, chambermaid and cooks Mr. Kenyan, 1005 Mt, Vernon street. THREE let-class female pastry cook, home baklna. white, exceptional wages ror right party. Mrs McAll), 233 B. flth st. MRS. HARVEY, 1010 ltlttenhouse q. Re supplied and wanted. liable help Locust 2827. 004 RAINIIRIDOE Excel, cooks, waitress, c'matdq. Infants' nurses Ph. Spruce 8037, COOKfl. purees, housemaids, kltrhenmalds wanted at Episcopal Office, 313 fl. 12th POR SALE BUILDING iMATERIAL Demolishing the great Shipping Uoard ho tels ot Hog Island, wo are now on the lest unit and must make it final wind-up of this camp. LUMBER Jolatfl and scantling. IS per foot: set our prices on all sons of material before closing jour contracts: loop new sttel factory win dow, factory and fire door, face and com mon brick, radiator, pipes and valve, ex panded metal, inital laths, hydrated Urns, toilet, wash basins, new cedar (hlnglts. lb por 1000. The cheapest place In the eastern market to get your requirements. Penn .Salt age Co.. 04th and Tlnlcum ave. Woodland. 4183. TYPEWRITERS DEALERS IN ALL MAKES Easy Payment Plan EXPERT REPAIRING REDUCED RENTAL RATES GUARANTEE CO.. 47 N 10TH. near Arch 0 ft loth cor. Chestnut 2d-floor front Walnut 0H21 Rare MiBS 1 Klllwrt 81B2 TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE 3 M03.. 18.00 UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Co. 803 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 2439 Halrr 32S GENUINE HUDSON $100 BAY SEAL DOLMAN $100 with leees full length, beautifully lln IIOO; also real coat handsomely trlmm ,1: J 80. Real opportunity Call all day Sun. ay. week-days from 0 ta 8:80 P. m., 124S N. 13th st. COATS OOOD WILI, COAT BALE Tio woman or man need go without warm wlntjr coat we will sell you one like nw fOI 00c the cost of rrDalrlnc mnA nr..ilns! If you h no monov vnu con work for one: it unburn i t,r iiring niatemeni from lour minister or physician, get one free; shoes, clothlnc. hnl, fr- thM K.l. f.ii... also furniture, flood will Industries, old i"" av. ana mm m am. irnnrt 2421 OPKICIC PUHNITfRE BOO desks of all klnda and cha r to match; vry kind of filing device, office tables In all slsee; 600 foot clime top partition, telephone booths, draftsmen's tablts and stool, typewriters, adding machines and other complete equip ment, all war furniture from out of town and has not hon much used: Immense as sortment at prices that will please you. HUUHES llth and Huttonwond All makes TYPEWRITERS Above all HlJ,0.pI!orlu5"':' ,, ls luetlon; 1 guarantee 3 dayir free trial: machines as low ss 128. DfrNDY TYPEWRITER CO 10B3 CHKCTNI'T ST """'" V-"'' HONEY at reduced price. Delicious xtractd honey; 8 lbs. for j u, u ids, ror al.70: or 12 lbs. for 13 00 delivered by parcel post: sat. '..';'.,lm unrnted or money refunded L. K Hojtatter, It F D No B. Lancaster; Pa! Office Furniture and Partitions Alwr In tocn 0',.!!,.C.E.r",, lefiire vr,i tmv er sill NATIONAL rURNlTURK CO. 0011 WAI-VtT. in ith PHONES OFPlCi; fURNITLTRE Large lot of desks afc. file, cabinet and general ifTRo furniture, store fixtures, .. rJ.'K)ft """ "'"' exehanire. PATTEN ITRNITURE CO., LOCUST 4070 11J7ARCHBT. RACE 2II01 Office Furniture, Office Partitions deska tables fixture. Pen exchange W filing cabinets, allxhtlv uied; 1".17 Race. chairs, s-ors w sill; buy. Walnut 88ao, OFFICE PARTITIONS Office fumttur store fixture slightly used and new Oil WALNUT. WALNUT 4134 PENNA oyriCE FURNITURE CO 0FRCE FURNITURE Largs assortmin' nf a better grade W buy a. d sell Central Sscnnd-henii Pur nlture Co , 004 Cnllowhlll. Filbert 41011 LAROE cablnit graphophone and rwordV lit:, va.ue 8100 RKIDER'S LOAN oA JIUri J'iw n'ljwi st IJVKnn refrigerator, suit restaurant or dsll- Caiefcsen bwi vi'iiu. i avii uurniij nerq room rhalr EehanK S. E ror. dih and Vine. ANTItJt'fc andiron, door knocker, cande! abra Parrot safe Ursirman, llos Ixi. 1 cusi si itiei'ltlMEHATtillR and fixtures for grocers and msit markets; terms If desired. 1 iArUAii. at i w , .i.-ii .if an si. ri A.o--Elecant tune: mahogany upright salt for 13.1 ;i8 piano cost 14C0: will Oeriiintone . 1 DIAMOND brooch pawned recently. Hbo" j sacrifice ticket Phone llelmont 1810 w SAFES lireproiif cheep! 100 slightly used", hll s.rfr matire biicb, i. .1 I'ourm MUSICAL IN6TBUMENT8 CASH wl.l be paid for used piajsr-planns and pluieis In let-class condition, to supply school rnnlrarts. worn and old pianos not wanud i' J Heppe A Bon, 1117 Chesinni st PIANO rieaiitlfiil new upright for sl at saerlflre I'.'t.l N OOlh St. HORSES WANTI'.U r" e-gullod. Iiorae Puitrifflru llox registered saddle "O," Eas'.on Md. STAMPS AND COINS BTAMI'U, PAt 1CI5TS. DLME SETS lJU''"'ns andupplla for stamn mlfeelor. PHILA STAMP CO , 21 !, 1 7T1I PT TJSED ATJT0M0BILEB - v '. i ' ' 'II' '" Tl ,L Paio-r Fjirrrimnnt pi1 rtUgC LATUimpm CalUernla top'rr cart Dlfc eel wheel, many extra! classiest car In illadelphlA! owner will accept orter. lloyai. v n, tiroan i-op, oojq. Paige Urchmont m wir. appreclatid. STANLEY AHTOMOI1I wheslsi esn to be ILE CO., iw n. iirnaq a-.. 'QPiar 720, I'AiaB -tlave Larchmont, nlth nrtcrsft top T n mooeii notn Tepaireu nna .hitt.i ;eu ensn quicaiyi leading city. "SJ"- i- ,Vyn 08 W. pAclrnrrl Twln n1' tod nw, Stanley raCKQra Auto Co., 10 N. Iiroad it. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forceful, hlgh-roworeo, convincing present lion, throug uruuan rign? cnannei. based on oris- ral, Intelligent aalea plans, will get devel. ppmsnt or not In record time, specialise en i r Working canltsl. In any amount. Ime. anl at minimum cost. n on everv nhase nf Ananclal writ. Ing and dlrect-br-mnll selling. Twsjv year' uccersful experience. Advertliln Service Co., Parkway llldg.. Tlmad and CMrrv sts, Telephone Oprnre 1030, LAUNDRY AND RESIDENCE Town BOOO population: no competition; bjil nee $300 weekly; Intestlxnte . C. F. BEAUMONT DOYl.ESTOWN, PA. 33 MILES from Phllu.: there I a flowlog spring; of pure water running B0 gallon a minute: unlimited marktt possibilities Ini drujr. grocery and private trade; a chanc4 for a llve-wlre. J. F. Reynold. WIIIom OroTe. Pa. OENERAL ator and postoftlce, fin, old tabllsheai, worm iid.vuui nns iec., Rucks county; splendid house, all com'., bam, garaee, etc.; cor, 5 main .roads; owner retiring; tock by lnntory. it. O. UailT- CAP. 129 S. West St.. Doylestnwn. Pa, OLD.ESTAUL1SHED baksrr, dolna? 3800 to 1700 business weekly! built-up section: cor nr property, with store, 7 room and bath; property, good will and fixtures for sale. A 8HL- Ledger Office. WANTED Lite wires oporatlng successtut butter and coffee route: guaranteed sal ary US per week and commission. M 016. Ledger Office FOR BALE Oriel mill and feed business; good location) prosperous farming com munity; leooo: will finance. C. F. HEAUMONT. Poylestown, Pa. BUSINESS PERSOlrALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT ALSO PAWN TICKETS DOUOHT If you want to b convinced tiiat we ar still paying 237s more than other for diamonds "'" KELLY & CO. 2D FLOOR (PRIVATE OFFICES) 032 CHESTNUT BT PHP. WAIs. 7844 DIAMONDS A safe neighborhood te call If you have ons or DrsTTPUT mnrt diamond you wlh to ill for cash. A. McCutehsta 631 Rial Estate Trust llldg.. Broad and Sin iiufi ,, uiiriv SHU IIf.lirs.10 to 4. Est. 32 years. Chestnut Its. DIAMONDS BOUGHT firheit prices paid: V4 to 10 carat; 10 to 8300; oia goiu, piannum ana surer nought. e Uiamond ihop xoTh".MeiSh.el 70 ACCOUNTS sent us aro collected: rea- son. everlastingly at It sines 1898; business and other matter adjusted! bank reference. Mutual AQiummeni t-o.. laio mi pert f. FOOT SPECIALIST No arch support, no bandace:. will lit or writ for booklet. Boom 364. 1B37 Chestnut st. - DIAMONDS BOUGHT TTARRY W SMtTH. 717 PANSOU (IT, ffiLKCTRICAL WORK Housa wiring. with 303 fixture complete, at tery low cot. A LagT otnee DRAWINOS and sketches; competent, trust worthy senlco: 1021 rate. 8. M. I. 1430 Cayuga st rhone Wyoming 4788 J, HEADS nnd nearls rrstrunv the French way. 40r. Crngru Co.. Room 18. 738 Walnut. FACIAL, ecalp and electrlo: hour 10 to 8. Annette iiergmnn. qua a. uroaq st. ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring. Room 103 Heed nidg 12M Filbert. Ic. 8183. MACHINERY AND TOOLS MACIUNF.RY ENGINES. Cnlllna Automatic. and Wive Valve DOILKRS. POMPS. Hoisting Knglnis. Qss and Oasolln Enelnss. MACHINE TOOLS. Lathes. Planes. . Sharers, Drill Prssies. etc. WOODWORKING Planer. Molders. Hand Saws. etc. ELECTRIC Machinery. Dynamo and Motor. AND SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS FRANK TOOMKY, INC 127-129 N. 3D ST. 50 V and 0 Power Presses S to 8 Inch atroke; also other make and J."NUTTALL, 1748 N. 5TH ST. MOTORS, 2-uhae, 0 cylinders. A, C. cur rent, J zu-n. i. veuneiiouse, i io-H, p, Westlnghause 1 70-lt. P. Westlnghouse. 1 80-H. P. Allls-Chalmtre. 1 40-H. P. AID. Chalmers. 1 10-11. P. Wtlnghoue. Can be sen at Hill ?t, rrom m. 100 1I.-P MOTOR and 03 generator st. 123 K. W O. 1J. A. C. Ml. 1 lanre duplex team pump. 14x7x12; duplex belted pump, 180 K W. A C, aynchronou motor, hand and power eieTnorrj. i neavy screw pre. T kauhi-i'-i .vs s n, oq at. LAROE STOCK rsbulk and guaranteed fn. irlns pumps, air compressors, hsater. machine tools; send for complete catalogue of ,oekUKMAN u WINTERER re Frant at.. Philadelphia. Pa niC.OEHS New 8-tyn wrm-j ear chain noists, piieunin.iu n. miiii. imi iiuiaors-on aofoot gin iwi Penn Satvue Cn.. n.n. and Tlnlcur Woodland 4103. WANT TO HUT an uri anoYei! must bo In i; must erood condition: give fun particulars. Jom McClatrhy builder, Land Till Hide. II SOD ll.-P- DBTUIY boiler, now In operation, for sale cheap. Apply W.E. ti. Dyor. mill .n'.lneler, IBIS Lend Title Hide:" Phlla.', ?." ELECTRICIWAE TOOLS. O'nitlBN MACHINERY CO., lip. N, 8D BT, PULLEYS, aafting. hangers, used: sslh.r. rubber and canvas baiting t Haddock Machinery Depot, 343 N. 3d at. itONITOR .IB'i-ft. hsater lot of Vi pii, raillators Yearsloy ft Co.. 324 N. 3d st. STORAOE AND MOVINO " ESTARI.ISHED 113 "" CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING Miller, North Broad Storage Co. Rroad ubovo t hlffti Phm Diamond 7480. Moving brlfk and fireproof slnnrs: packing, VICTORY STORAGE 6V00 I'llb-rt Phone llelmont 4070. for estlme'ee. Perc-Arrnw vane THE JOHN nilOADS CO. RlnenrY,. panunv movinr carpet cleanlnT. 4iM-fill I.ANCASTBH AVE, i'.r-- i-iiii.a MONARCH STORAOE CO.. 8870 LANCAfi- TER AVE. Al'Tll SERVICE, STORAOE PACKING. T-)NQ.DIStANCB MOVINO? ' Hauling MOTORTRUCKS to Mr by day, week or hour all slrss Phlla. Auto Transfer, 123 N. 20'h si Poplar 1784. WANTED CASH FOR DIAMONDS .-. ai nut n&v full vulun far ArA- M ?ia ?, : "1 J!JSX&'.& ,W.V ywM,ui .vvhi,u XJ sjhis IIFlMT At noussnoia furniture, store fixtures, office furniture! pa rashi rnnesi value. Phone us abouUI iiurei pay spot s sboutlt. Ia. oust 4314 Old o-.i-eh cor 12ih enTrn.rrr nilDDING, furniture. entire household wanled we will pay your own Price; we call anywhere any tlnvs Houthnark jeiirnl- tain st I'll Dickinson lau.y ANT I (I I' IS furniture, china, sliver, old war J?J -ni'nuJfc iil2 I'lnV "lust 'Un rx SCW1NO MACHINES ,,V.w. drophead. 7Be weekly: cost 143 eeklyi er. 8 .Iseahsro; nini fully curanted. ngsr n3 other. 8 to I15 ion n luin. OLD OOLD LoTjj gold, silver, platinum pUted war, r stvle lewelry, testh plalea Uiuifht for i I Bit 181T " '" C,,rk' rnn,r 80T Bln old. cash. Hansom, nepnrunem s.w.v- "W-.- ... ,.vv..,Hu ul III ini our dumonda and Jewelry lo us. w will convinue iu M. "" "; efc uiwre ror i hern than elsewhere. Established over B0 tears Hend postal! representative w c I T1I03. It LEE CO., 712 WALNUT Ve. " "' USED ATJTOHO&L'gg Daniels 8 Exceptional Offerings in High-Grade Used Cars DANIELS 1920 f-pissenier Touring, DANIELS 1920 flpuditer; rueranteed a new, BIDDLE 1919 4-pasatnger. Dusenberg motO'- RPIntd ahd nw top. CADILLAC 65 IJmouiln. A-l sbP. 7-pa. Plnt Ilka ntwi a extra tire. WINTON 1918 48-horsspower, 7-psengsr Touring. MURRAY 8 1918 4-ptssenger. CHALMERS 1918 Limousine, A-l shape. PACKARD 1917 2-35 Touring. Fin condition. PEERLESS 19,16 I.lmouln. Westloghouie air rlng. Mathis Motor Co. 674 N. BROAD ST. DISTniHUTORS OF DANIELB "8" Phone Poplar SOU STERLING TIRES In orlKlnal factory wrapper Fabric Cold Non-skid $10.00 12.75 .Xon'flH.d 30x3', 32x3!2. 12.75 $18.50 33x4 23.00 34x4 24.00 32x4J2 26.00 33x4K2 27.00 rw. linn 35v5 ..'.'. 37.00 11 Mail Orders Promptly Filled All Orders Shipped Subject to Your Inspection CRAWFORD TIRE CO. 1233 RACE STREET Hrruc 1910 Phlla., Pa. illMMlTOMMMWM IF YOU WANT Axles Housings Frames ' MADE REPAIRED STRAIGHTENED WELDED . STRAIGHTENED RIVETED. New Tube, I STRAIGHTENED IJCNOTHENED REPAIRED Welding ELECTRIC . ACETYLENE , llAM.MlSUBJinil WE CALL FOR THKM WE 'DELIVER THEM AMERICAN AXLE WORKS 13TII AND MONTOOMKnY AVJE. anMium Are You in the Market for a PACKARD CADILLAC MARM0N STUTZ FRANKLIN or any other hlgh-gnido rebuilt car? We handle uneil cart of tho better class. Cash or Terms We Trade Your Old Car Royal Motor Car, Inc. 012-822 N. Broad fitTop. C036 American Six, 1920 r.?X'lE'B we will dispose of: com make offer. Royal, ozo N. urciitci st. t-opiar tinau. AUTO PAINTING "OF THE BETTER KIND" SPECIAL THIS MONTH FORD BEDANH ISO AND UP 4213 TO 18 CHESTNUT BT. PRESTON 0128 BATTERIES A new Insld put In any battery for $15 GUARANTEED 1 YEAR Rebuilt Ratterles Always on Hand Phono Tioga 8H4S. 1024 W Venqniro st. 7 rfc CLOSED CAR CADAI.LAC Model 87. 11. R No. 2.-..1, 'Imouslne: ha been repainted a dark blue with black fenders; nickel silver trimmings nnd plush upholstery. F0SS-HUGHES COiWANY Plerce.Arrow Distributors 2 1ST AND MARKET STS. Vic CADILLAC TOURING. 57 D.D. Weetlnahouse air springe: cannot b told from rew esrt no reasonable offer re fusid United Auto Co., 330 N. llroad st Cadill&C 57 G tourln eari this car Is cannot be told from a new rar no reason able offer refused. Ro1.020 N, llroad St. poplar 008B Cnf-liHnr BS'ourlnir' '-Passenger: good -- ruiioer ana paint: cneap, Niamey .tmn u., niu ., nrnan a. I'nplar 7SVI). Cndillae 57 Y Victoria coupe; ptrfeol " mechanical condition! a barraln. Roial. 020 N. Rroad st. Pop. 003 0. C'ADII.t-VC louring type B7, speelsl Paint! cond Hon excellent. Westlnghouse shcrk ab norbersi prlci right 0100 Oxford, !N 1920 Chandler Sedan In beautiful condition, our shop: thoroughly KSOO. Just out ot guaranteed; HERBERT BROTHERS DROAD AND RACK STS. 1920 Chandler 4 Passenger Dispatch Reflnlshed and overhauled; California top. Excellent condition throughout, HERBERT BROTHERS RROAD AND RACK 8T3, VB CHANDLER COUPE 1018. Just out of paint and repair shop, sacrifice quick deal, Wixidlana 0037 M CHEVROLET, 1020, f,w- months old: 1930 If Id: 19 itllt rou bring caah Immediately, Marshall " 1920 Cleveland Touring ReDnlshed and overhauled Condition JIKe new, HERBERT BROTHERS IIROAD AND RACE STB. nnipl. rj1018' ""nt condllloni cheap Lanieis ofrTANI:v AUTO ,,',"" Rroad, , Poplar 73307 ' " "' wtf.I, exchange 76-dlaineml ni.nnim J'.r face for autornobtl coupe) nsckUcs cost I J380O, Phont WInut IJSI, " TjSED XUTOMOBiLES iwiiawiiiiiiiiiiiwiifliMiiiiiiiwi A SALE OF CARS AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE KNOWN IN THE HISTORY OF THE AUTO Pooplo hnvo needed money needed It cjuick they brought their cars to us. Wo wcro In position to help them nnd give them spot cash for their car. Wc bought the cars nt our prlco. Wo nro giving tho public the benefit of this, and for the next two weeks wo will hold n. sale nt prices so low that it Is almost unbelievable. Can for'?200 and up. A deposit will hold any enr till .Spring no chnrgo for storage. From n small storo our customers hnve forced ub into our large building, a picture of which is below. 1 lmattSaMo JnC' , JSXS '-Z. In this salo you will find Roadsters, Touring, Sport Models, Sedans, Limousines 1920, 1019, 1018, 1017 Models nt prices from $200 to $3000. Every car u bargain and a saving of 40 to DO per cent. Time Payments On All CarB If You Wish Roman Auto Co., inc. 227-229-231 -233 N.BroadSt. Established 100H jftNlllM MililliUm MHI! r a - vr a ti -rt t Used Cars It pays to know who's back of the used car you buy. If it's a used Packard, bought from us, you can rely on its value, its ability and its long life. Every Pack ard car we have is a vehicle of known merit. Every used Packard we send out is mechanically right and capable. Our reputation is in back of it. Among others, we liavc now for your inspection the following Used Cars, each of which represents an unusual value PACKARD "Twin Six" Touring Cars. There aro several models from which to choose, rang ing from $1800 to $3800. Somo completely ovei haulcd and repainted, as finely appearing ns a now car. PACKARD "Twin Six" Sedan, Paint, uphol stery and mechanical condition first class. An ideal enclosed car both for tho owner-driver and as a chauffour-driven car. RAUSH-LANG Electric, 5-passenger Brougham. This car is like new and has run BOOO miles. 1920 STUTZ 4-passenBcr 1920 STUTZ Roadster 53 CADILLAC Touring CHANDLER Touring 1917 REO Runabout 1918 HUPMODILE, winter top 1920 Peerless Coupe PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 319 N. Broad Locust 100 Race 3508 PJIMMiM iiMiram LEXINGTON LATE MODEL TOURING In tcry fin hpe. An attractive car that needs to be seen to be appre- "'HERBERT BROTHERS IIHOAD AND nACCBTS. DODGE SEDAN Lato model excollent condition; must bo old at once 1800 down, balance easy terms. United Auto Co, 380 N. llroad t FORD SEDAN, 1920 with aurter- cannot bo told from new car: no nasonable offer refused. United Auto Co,. 3111) N llroad st FORI) U-ton trucks, late models: flrsi-olasa condition: 10 at sacrifice, iOOl N. Carlisle FRANKLIN touring.' wire wheels: gusran tsed. Stanley Auto Co , 010 N. llroad at. Generators Starters SCH0BER MARKET STB. HUDSON SUPER SIX Luto model; very little ued, at a sac rifice, 1400 down, balance easy terms United Auto Co,. 330 N. llroad St. Hudson Coupe Jh 1 Mi perfect me- 'hantcul cnnitlilen ,m ery lltll". a snap Ronl. 020 N. llroad st. pop, iionil PAIGE TOURING .at model, A-l londltlun- 31,10, balnnce easy terms, United Auto Co . 330 N Hrnsd st J WILL EXCHANGE part nf my valuable Caulsy 1014 Wallace el. Phone Pop aitna lucit lur "jri":"--n HUMJiiluuiie y jiij. Mnvweille trds. Dolges. Herlpps-llooth aXWeilS Reos, Stutres Mltcholls. Olds mohlle. Chevrolet, Chalmers Coupe Nash Vlies iiupinooiies, uvsnanas. I'aiges All the abote cars are In encsllent cundlilnn. u-J clto service on all cars sold I STANLEY Al'TOMOIHLi; ro. 1)1(1 N Rrnid st. Pnn 7on Mercer Touring, Sport lf0 lnl "lei. Stan. ley Au'nmubll Co,, 010 N llroad st, ,m. nr 7"20 Nash Touring, llko new. hlanlev Aulnmn. bile Co , Olti N. Ilru.nt Pup thiiu I DlHcmnrii p SHan '. "'"'''I. . ire? .... .. -nhseia; this Is a beauty, will sacrifice, ROYAL, 030 N llroad st. Pun ""10. J Stllf7 ,,nl11 H -tpassmaer rliuinniy mid-""'- elcr mil sicrinct noyal, 020 N. llroad at Pop. 0030, t USED AUTOMOBILES I Agents Wnnferi P Ufflft 1919 Dodge Touring bump,? frontTSrA,n!i pa,i?, "k "" HERBERT BROTHERS . IfflOAD AND RACE STS, Paige Touring 1917 Model h ,n, ?05 rubber- nchhlcal eondltlon Attractive offering at $000. HERBERT BROTHERS rllfin AM) RACK STS. PEERLESS TOURING 1400 down'' h1l.,'rs,,,n '" "utc)t l"r"j Winton Touring Tri. w.hBV' mr nswl Stnnt'5'lin".inc.'' ,?'"" Automobile Ce niO N, Rroad St. Pnnlnr TH'in Premier Chummy Roadster rl"'!i7!.' M'0?,'",lo.n Stanley Automobli. S'-211 I?i-JLlig.ad4t Poplar 7X5(1. SCRIPPS-B00TH, 1919 iiitn r..wi,,.,i"ll'l,ic ?' "1- United Aiiln Co a:io n llrotil si BTEVL'NH DURYKA 1015 7-bassenger llmou sine, run txiut 8000 miles; nesrly nri ! f'."! .lf.?frt- mechanical condition. Phons Walnut ns.80. Mr. Hsnen, PIERCE ARROW SEDAN d!.wpnVofm,0;a0.;r-gop?lryi3vJ0'.0fn8' ROOMS FOR RENT IlllOAD ST.. 1734 Attractive furnish" room nnd bath, faclnir Rroad. Dick. sSR' CHESTNUT. 203(1 Newly furnished suite. sngle beds: also slnse rooms; genllsme n, IIAMONI), 1007 Desirable funi front slngli rm , gentlemetii bath, shower, phone PAXiiN ST.. N llH Nlosly furnished, large front room for rent for - gentle men. Call itfier 0:30 n. m, Hi'lTfi'i: HT mil l(i.oiii with prlv, lu'w. also d'.iibln nnl slnsle rmmi 10TII ST ,yN., Hill rm. hung.. 1 in incin room t'.'.BP fll-nlsheil. , fiJD ar.. n 11MI Nrutlj furnished room in ,..i,; r... -;,-- ,.....p ,.., fi Hniiiriiinii. KITH. N. turn, i 130. H I) T 1 I, It U II I C lie I. rooms, spotless clean, elec, )ieul dally A k weekly ratesl ron'v, lo stfttl''""' for trme1nsr .onle. Spriiee IP . n,- beat nrcnm 13TH. H 247 Rooms, turn,, Urge front. , doctor s orcici. Apply rccond noor. e (' i Ik I J .J.M .dm 'jyr f!V i,"v