Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 02, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 15, Image 15

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Maasuro Would Give Eminent
Domain Rights of Streams
to Corporations
p7 a Rtnff OnrrMnWflf
ff.rrl.toiT. ',' 0. T"lP-t n the
M nrwt. T-nt'v 0-nini-n.i. 10 -
" ... . 1. iinni. Tilnwn-p for
the wn"-"
. .AfHM AlA.4yti.nl
the ""..'.. ,.,.. ..inwv. tens shnrnlv
&l fo'lnv hr n MmJ of Sumter
.V.rfrto-flHon of the rt-Hf of omln-nt
SnmMn to wiitornowr onmnnnlen. The
Mil wa o""'"1 ,n thp 1ale scflston y"'
torday nftcrnoon.
Vrrin views of the nlU ht offered.
0.' clement, the conervnt'onldtR.
.ppeur lnc'ine.1 to retard , the bill w
T;.a(I.-- -iM on the vpt"""w "f the
e'' Other, nr.no the bill yijl open
K, wav for nn nereaed and "beno
iflal" tine of wnternower.
Wor Vnre's bill repeals the act of
TH1"'IV " " " " " 1 V
. -11 13 1005. wlilcu proviaew mat
A rleht'of eminent domain, as respecta
waVrsl' of the lands covered thcrebv.
.hall not be cxerciscu Dy wawr coin-
r ntffnrd Pinchot, state commissioner
ef forestry and one of the foremost cx
nanenlR of conservation in the coun
rt if not In the world, is not here
fnll'sv At his omco it wn stated that
'of conrse Mr. Tlnchot will oppose the
Vara bill."
The bill was referred to the Judiciary
welal committee of the Senate, of which
Bwator William 0. MeConncll. North
nmbcrland. is chairman. Senator Mc
Connell ofTercd a similar bill last ses
sion, which was buried. Such Win In
other sessions also have been killed.
Condition, however, accentuate In
terest in tho reputed plan to use the
upper Delaware for wntcrpowcr pur
poses. This project is described as fol
lows: Plans to harness wntcre of tho Dela
ware river, with a g'ent central plant
at Belvldcrc. N. J., and twelve supple
mentary powerhouses at such points as
Bashklil and DinRman'a Ferry, In Pike
countvj Hanklns, Nnrrowsburc. Barry -villeMonBOup
and East Brunch, N.
I., to supply the vnrious public utili
ties of New York, New Jersey and
Pennsylvania with hydro-olcctrfc
power. Tho project had been developed
to a point where only final action by
the Federal Watcrpowcr Commission is
needed to have actual work started.
Paul T. Brady, one of the leading
fiiuiM in the Westinghousc Co., is said
to be the prime mover in tho propor
tion. Further, it is satd that almost
$1,000,000 has been spent so far In
acquiring sites, making surveys, plnntt
and drawing contracts. It !s nNo an
lertcd thnt approximately $10,000,000
will be pent n the next ten jcars.
Continuing the descr'ption of the
project, n review ct forth tho fol.ow-
"The centrnl plant will bo designed
to generate 300,000 horsepower, though
ot tirvt only half of that power will be
available. The Public Service Corpora
tion of New Jersey has indicated its
wil inness to purchase from the Dela
ware ir plant whrn "t is in operation
a great percentage of the power It
Because of the big Interests involved
it ii probable the bl I wi'l attract nine!
ntteti'loii throughout the state, for th
repealer would affect other sources o
wate-ncwr t''iin the Delaware river
The Varc bill repen s the act whic'
as pinso'P(l by the late Governor
Pcnn pucker, who wns n rhamp'on of
nnturnl resources. Ho Instated thnt the
rlRht of eminent domain should be jcal
ou-ly ptinrded and thnt power eompnn
Us .hi u'd bo prevented from "appro
priating" the natural resources.
0 d IceN'ato's hay that before the
enactment of the Pcnnypacker net big
interest, enriched the treasuries of po
litical organ'zutlons in exchnnge for the
right of em'nent domain, or, as some
called It, seizure.
Those In favor of tho bi'l say that
Cnmmrrll poo raphy? Pho-
torrarhlmr. coDvlnir. cnlnrplnr.
reducing or printing done In tlio
arcet plant of tho country!
lino outside nfrvlre. Our plant
tneluJs 4 Blueprint machines.
3 2'hotnytat machlneu, Mflfitentf- r
fervlce. Cull Locust 2070 or
Itace 3010.
General Reproduction Company
140 North Broad St.
ASK roit KDITION N(). 4
Reliable information about truia
ei rupture and its treatment. Alio
$2 JL .
nV. L... 'ip.Mi-V- iif
whrn nil
fall. Can
attach to
tnoat ony
inlfia tV"". ' nrnmnro lint rnr nrrr
Sti in ,"" nni Bupportrriti of napcrlor
. .i ...
if u.!1.1.'.".' n Without rhnrite
.'in On' iinil Krrp for llefrrtnrr
Ycs,Mrs. Smith
It i?ilalw'nys kr' n J"r on hand,
troubln C?1 thi!lK I know for kin
0 Sand f'milU.r ,11S- ""'l it i8
&t fot "IU,1S00thiK It i excel
tt i lCUt.''' burns' or sres. Wo
I I Vftl
mo United stales bubnuiuw L-i,
Varc Bill Taking Domain
of Streams From State
Tho-Varo water rights bill reads
ni follows:
Section 1 Be It enacted by the
Sennto and House of Ucprcsentntivcs
of the commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in Ocncral Assembly that the act
approved tho thirteenth day of April.
1005, entitled "An net providing
thnt the right of eminent domain
as respects tho appropriation of
"treams, rivers or waters or tho
'nnds covered thereby, shall not bo
"xercised by water companies incor
porated under tho law," Is hereby
the right of eminent domain merely
gives the companies an opportunity to
get what they could not othcrw'so ob
tain except at a prohibitive price, at a
price more nearly 'normal.'
Ordinarily, when a bill Is referred to
tho judiciary special committcec, it Is
cpnslderccd the mcasuro hus been
''pickled." In thin case, bh Scnntor
MeConncll, chuirinau of the committee,
offered a like bill InH session, it felt
no special cn;ort j8 bcIn ma(, t0 u,n
tho bill.
TTnrlonbleillv fhn mir.....i nt t.. l.
subject of public hearings In which the!
wholo project wl.I be investigated from
my wj upuom. According to the leg
slatlvo handbook, S'nator MeConncll
is an officer in several water companies.
The Senate, after Its session luct
night, adjourned until Monday.
Harrlsburr, Feb. 2. nil's were in
troduced In tho IIouso as follows :
Dunn. Philadelphia-Providing eight
hour day for guards at Jails and prisons.
Phi'adciphla appropriation bills:
Hpmo for) etcrans and Wives, $33,000:
,es.1 Philntlelphln Homeopathic Hos
Ei1500?0001 Salvation Army Home.
WOO: Good Samaritan Hospital.
$1 25.000 j Home for Incurables. $8000.
T,he, PaJ.x b.iM "wthorlzing tho city of
Philadelphia to issue bonds for repay
ing was referred by Speaker Spangler
to the municipal cornorntionn commit.
tco as soon as it reached the House.
i jii ...J? (p
rJlaaaer and Stomach Troupes
Why Suffer Longer? Drink
Valley Water
Tho famous curat ivo water from near
Hot Springs, Ark.
Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St.
.... . I'hone: Walnut 8107
wrr'd at leading Clubs. Hotels, Cafes and P. n. R. dlnln i n m
Sold by flrst-clnss crocers, d ugBlata etc.. or direct tiv ui
I think your
is just delicious ! ' '
So many ladies have made this remark, that
today we use it for our caption and as a reminder
that Meenehan's Exclusive Electrical - Baking
Process is just as good for our Cakes and Pastries,
as it is for our Bread and Rolls.
Electric Bakeries
18 South 52tl Street
2601 Germantown Ave.
:1133 South St.-
SfilliLliimifflimi & J 1 4 y j
m x jvwvUshasU
Yes, It's the Tailoring
Opportunity of the Town
FOR your unlimited choice of any fine Suit
ing or Overcoming in our Merchant
Tailoring Shop.
No restrictions all clotha, staple and
otherwise: former values from $67.50 to
A feature this week.
Wanamaker & Brown
Market at Sixth for 60 Years
Bf iMaH aTi) JUL maMntiMirniBH
!.!. n.ac.cu near -,.... ,m., a.ler
waie river pilot boat off the capes
Submarine Sunk
Off Capes by Ship
Continued from Pare One
At Brlgantlne Iulnnd tho lookout t,aw
the flab and heard tho deep rumble.
Norrls Smith, tho guard, said today:
"A few minutes before 2 o'clock the
sky was suddenly lighted brightly, and
I turned quickly and gazed seaward, but
it was not repeated. Somo seconds
elapsed, and then came the rumble of the
explosion, deep and long. From the time
elapsed between tho ilah und tho rum
ble, I Judged the explosion bad occurred
some mllci off the coast. I nm inclined
to connect it with the blowing up of a
tenmcr or warship."
Tho guard at rft..tion No. 120 at Little
Beach, nenr Ilrigantlno Island, also
noted tho ilnshaud report.
Itcports of the incident were made
to Captain John M. Ilolilzkom, com
mander of the Atlantic City station.
"We have eeon no evidence of a
wreck," he said. ' The exp osion, if it
v,rh one, could have occurred at hen
r the light could have been reflected
from the ma'.n'nnd. There was no
storm at the time, und It is not llkelj
it was a 'Ightniug dash and tlmu
The lookouts nt alt guard station?
arc keeping u sharp watcn or bits ol
(lriftwo,od or othcr cvidcnco ot a ea
Job Wanted by
Advertising Man
Thoroughly trained in all
phases of publicity and
merchandising; s c v cNn
gears' practical experience
'n constructive advertising,
"cllinff and organizing. For
'ntervicio write C 802, Led
ner Office.
14 So. 60th St.
1009 Market St.
being struck In tho dark by tho Dela-
Governor Edwarda Signs Measure
Sponsored by Mrs. Van Nesa
Trenton, Feb. 2. Mrs. Jennie C.
Vnn Ness of the Essex delegation hns the
distinction of being sponsor for tho
first law of 1021. Governor Edwards
approved her measure, House Bill No.
12, enabling women to bo appointed
overseers of the poor in all municipalities.
Among the bills presented to the
iri,tuvt to k v uiHnui t niuipiii;ii uii
Mrs. Laird to repeal tho Edwards '
3.50 per cent heer
T bill of 1020. "lie
governor has until next Monday to sign.
veto or permit tho repeal to become
effective through Inaction.
Bills sponsored by Majority Lender
Rowland for women active in tho work
of the Republican party have alto been
fn-nnrded tn tiie executive department.
the blend
be copied!
20jor20 cents
in air-tight patkagts. Alto obtainable
in round tint of 50, raatum-ualcd.
He Is Sooklng Crcatpr Patron
age in Legislature) for Fol
lowers Horo
By a Rtnff Corre'pendfnt
Harrfsmirr. Feb. 2. Big "Tom''
Cunningham's hlf secret Is ont. Tt wa
'earned toilnv that one of the reasons
for his zealous attendance on the ses
sions of tho state Legislature Is a desire
to land more Jobs for Phlladelphiana
in the plan of tho leaders to build op
,the Job combine.
For one thing they are after the va
cancy caused by the recent death of
Tames Sweeney, chief of tho bureau of
standards In the office of the secretary
of Internal affairs. They nr alio hope
ful that the Governor will approve of
n contingent fund of about S30.000 to
bo used for the employment of extra !
item in tno two cnambcrs.
Tho Phlladelphlans fuel that they did
not get a square deal when the commit
tee assignments and legislative patron
age were handed out. Hence Cunning
ham, Varc leaders and others in the new
?om,bInoJ'ron?e stage i strong come-
uul;l'. luc ouice oi mc cniui oi ourenu
of standards and a comfortable slice of
tno contingent ftinrl would alleviate the
hituation materially. There Is a fear,
however, that Governor Sproul's econ
omy program will stand In the way of
the usual contingent fund.
One of the reports is that Cunning
ham and the Vnro leaders aro working to
have Max Muyer, Vara lender of tho
Xhirtecntu ward, named as tho succes
sor to Sweeney, Mayor is now chief
pf tho scalers of weights and mensurcH
in tho office of tho county commission
crs. Mayer hns been active hero lately.
It is believed that an effort in being
made to nlaco either Mayer or one of
his friends In tho vacant post.
Cunningham, In chats with friends,
showed a lively Interest In the recent
reports as to District Attorney Ilotan.
Cunningham does not believe Hint Itotun
would consider being a cnndldato foi
Oovcrnor. It was exp nlncd thnt when
tho last mayoralty was under consid
eration by tha Penrose lenders, It was
proposed to tho district attorney that ho
bo tho candidate for Mayor a'alnst
Judge, Patterson. Mr, Ilotan refused,
It was added. According to those who
have ta'ked with Cunningham, the lat
ter believes that Mr. Itotnn would
nther be district attorney than any-
hing olse.
Leaders In tho new combine do no'
'hlnk that Harry A. Mnekcy has a
chance to be tho harmony candidate for
district nttorney this year. Close friend
of Senator Vare frankly wild that if
the "bit? fellow wants Uoton to be con
tinued there is no hope of any one else
rutting him out." By the big fo low,
of course, in meant Senator Penrose,
an Intimate friend of Mr. Hotnn.
You'll probably find just the
kind of a job you want in the
Help Wanted Columns
. of
aa jpifl $ B 1 RJBtPPXJffiATS'JEffil fcjJ
You know 1
I wliat you've I
I always wanted I
I a cigarette to do. 1
I Chesterfields I
I They not oriy I
I please your taste h
I (otlier cigarettes 1
I do that) but they
do more.
1 They give 1
1 to your smoking
I an enjoyment
I so complete 1
so full 1
I so entirely different I
that there's only jm
' to describe it QKmm 1
"-' "'' Vftffi
Would Continue. Military Programt
Until Disarmament Pact
Waahlntrton, Feb. 2. (By A. P.)
A warning against pacifism and unpro
poredncs8 was given the nonse nava'
affairs committee today by General Per
iling, who appeared to discuss world
rilf-armamcnt. Whllo expressing ap
proval of tho propoal for n world dis
armament conference, he said the
United State should go nhead with Us
present navy and army programs unti1
a definite agreement hnd been reached
by at least tho Ave great wor'd pow
era. "We should steer clear of drifting
'nto a pacifist state of mind simply be
cause wo arc discussing; this subject,"
General Ptrablnc; asicrted. "Nono of
us wants war, but we do not want to
ho caught unprepared if war comes.
'M'ntll some agreement is had I
tvnuld say that the safe policy for the
t'nitnd States to pursue would be to
lontinuc our army and navy program
and not allow ourelvcs to be caught
unprepared, as we were at the beginning
of the world war, It Is unsafe and
unwlRO for ono natioD to disarm n
inly 91 fimttKH
tf , '!"
" ' W-' H"H miw r
such a time ns tlilo utile the others
do likowise, I think I nm In a por
tion to know, better than any other
man, what unprcparcdness meant nt tho
beginning of thu war."
Repair Parts
All Popular
Makes of Trucks
Passenger Cars
nxerptlonslly Lsrrn Soppty of
Etc., Etc.
Nw Parts Only
A scnviri? THAT CAN'T nn
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2116-18-20 Market St.
IJrrrjr nt 17tli hi., Uurrlibnr, r,
Thim service applies to Owncri,
Distributor and Repair Men
' fyj