hw vlM 'Pr: i . .- N I JWENIKG PUBLIC LErJaBRr-PlillJABlDlillHlX, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1921 23 JHEfrg WANTED MAIiE MACHINISTS outoldo ami Inside DOii.BnMAKnnD vlanob TuiiNBng riiANQH TunNnna- liKLrnns DIAClcflMrrnB (heavy flrei) I1LACKBMITH JIELt'EftB iHOHT STEAM HAMMEHMEN ANOLESMITHS ANOLE8MITU HELMUtS UOKT SHEET HION lYOItKEns COPPEnSMITHS SHEET METAIi WORKERS PLATE rLANERS HOLDERS-ON MVET HEATERS with boiler -hop experience wanted at once for lone-time ehlp bulldlnc Job Mntth of Job depends on your ability and deelre to work 01EN SHOP COME READY FOR WORK APrLf AFTER 7 A. M. CnAJtPS' SHIPYARD Employment Department RICHMOND ABOVE NORRI8 ST. nESSEHS Experienced finish pressors, on mn' coats. Apply Dreyfoua A Lan. mart snfl Wallac ate.. Mnlford Hide. RIVETERS HOLDErtfl-ON HEATERS Complete range preferred TANK TESTERS CHIPPERB. AND CAULKERS Hand and machine .LINERMISN SIITP FnTEItS AND SHIP FITTERS' HELPERS IV-ERB-01T from mold loft templets WOODWORKrNO MACHINE HANDS JOINERS ' WOODWORKING MACIIINQ HANDS SHIP'CAnPENTERS MOLD LOFTSMEN CRANE OPERATORS . SHIP SHED MACHINE MEN n-ndln. roller Mamie roller Cold prinmtn or frame eettere FURNACE MEN niQOERS Mm with marine experience ERECTOR niQOERS COMPETENT MEN ONLY Wanted at once for lon.-tlme shipbuilding Job '.ruth of Job depends on your ability and desire to work PEN SHOP; UNLIMITED PRODUCTION COME READY FOR WORK APPLY AFTER 7 A. M. CRAMPS' SHIPYARD Employ.runt Department RICHMOND AIIOVE NORItIS ST. '":,mMi.JHWKI,Kn?Trour mo "ne r i '.'im J'wl" wanted at once, on ape-r-m ,ri.;orki I,Vm"n.rnt poaltlom rb lie"" i....1. men w,1 wl" 'vorl' t roaaon ihtJS!' Jini,,l.,op,.n .,ho'"' "' Pront 'nt labor dlfflcu t e but n trouble. Ilos- fttmWMy " Co'' a" WaihlSSlon at". Vn5H3II:?f The consistently steady erowth nd development of tho sales omanlJatlnn 1!ni ;"!a), ''pKlnjr Institution J pro" room i at the top for many men who nvlirJ in .1.' ,nW. n"X ..vore comparative 'ITU ot'.J1'" llng, fl,Mi .,,le B'ocptlonal ' er Jea,?,""1"?,.1," P'nK the way for mi'V'i ambltlouH men. who ore 23 lKriv 't,'."?" how tn WALK AND on't U ' fin''i' T!IB TIIUTH. ami who it m.,,1""1"1 i""". "rnlnse short of crthJ t ? .K ,v'"'' ,th"nco t0 manaiterlai "unit? J, ?her ettr"ln. this l an o"' essli. m7n'h na ') llvv ennclentloua. ai wrtm,,T."n ".Pn? reslHt. this Is h iremiliTo ri. 7 ,, "V '"'' ?'w"n l" and 4 at the tl.li, ri, ii mJ iV.'i"1 i,.yD,., nu"o 003, '" iin , loth nnil Market nt. rKB,B.N ft". ?' !' company. li h.i.i .iV. .' u,"r"iseu rammodlty r ..?' nB5?.rc,,ur"nt -"""''S dsslros the LX?,.'?"X ,0. Interview! reinune ration m T u" uui. U(Kir III s ofl;ce In T lew rw ,Ktt" ' 'I'.".'.?. P'li.al In- uiicls , V . "" '"IB "" roon ai ! York,,'i,luO,',.t"n'l fentr.l Palace. I,,...,, HAI.KHMKN " " '"ln P??lP,r'L'!n '", ""t'nnal scope. In iisiii "t force, can tmo men Jarn.n?'5?.M";00n P" ??r or ovi? i V'"n'" or district managers, the nroil ln. natln'n. Viy ".""'' tor the abio Inunlty V.?f-iyi Hlvrtlfdi unusual p V.VP. W &: ..ft - "An?;!'? wil ' tfW7.YtroiiJ5; F" ln,r' HELP WANTED M ALE HA''Ki'l,i:N' There iiro n fow positions open a?el but ?. X u" "0,,ln O'Porlorreo la an tn ,? om.ml","lon'' .nro Konorous. Call !!L T on Monday, nfter 10 o'clock, on In tho evening at 7100. 60.1 Ilullelln llljg. STENOflltAPHER YOUNO MAN ...OF OOOI) AHILITY AND BOMB HXPKItlKNUU t....A,'so MUST IIAVI! KNOWLEDQE OF IIOOKKEETINO APPLY " WAA'I'ACB WILSON HOHIIIIIY CO. 4308 WALN ST., FILVNICFURD WAHPElts, nonunion, wanted. Apply roar of 2431 N. I'ont at.. Tuesday only. A p, m, WARPERS, both wot and dry. Apply nftor . o clook, 2700 OortTWiKown nvo. YOUNQ MAN. Protestant, itood education, exmjMttvo ability, office mnnj some experl enco m hardware and nerlcultural Implement linn iVwIrahle. 1' IB32. Ledatr Of 11pp. Oenrnl . , SCHOOL OF BALi:SrAN8HIP A sales organization, hlah standlnir, oponlns school of salesmanship for men who nro at Present omploycd but ambitious to take up salesmanship aa a profession. Wo are nlvlnij a, three-week oourso In tho ovenlnit, 7 to It; admission frees thnso qualifying will bo given a position where rnrnlnif power runs to ioii a weeK or more. Ailil. 1' mi:, I.rd. On. A TtTAMIITf t- h.nWRHln- .hI.m... .. " rairemcn: send for FREE ropy Amorlean Automobile Dlitrst. conlalnn Illustrated, b'lr ful. Instructive Information you need dally. American Automnbllo Digest, 122(1 I'lnclnnttl. EARN t23 week y, sparo time, wrltlnn for nowspapera, mnirazlnos; ptp. nnnec i do- talls freo. Press Syndicate. 333. St Louis, Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT will prepare nnd nil out In come tax, state tax, reporta; ntso ects of books kept a fow hours dally; books opensd and closed. P 1133, Ledger Office. OFFICE MAN. 84. correspondent, eccroinn knuwledgo of nccounta, capable, Inltlatho' refs.. available at onco. Call Fkil. (Ill, WOODWORK1NU SPECIALIST. 32 'years of ace, single, past 10 yeara cngag.-d in shin and passenger car Jolr.er work, also mnnufac turlne of general furniture and aton nxlurcs as machine hand, cabinetmaker, foreman, asst. superintendent, draftsman, designer manager and production engineer; n man with highest technical education and prne- iioai exnoiiuin-u. iii.iiim.vu itiiuwieiige or mou rn production methodH. cost nnd cnpnblo of iandllne men to highest advantage, full of pop and fond of carnost. connclentlous worK. acsire 10 CTnnrw wun motiern pro gressive woodworklns plant. Address C S3 1, Lodger Office. YOUNO MAN last year's collcgo graduate, desires opening with n manufacturing llrm. T 1-.il Tttrftf. fifties YOUNO COUPLE. Japina, want positions na butler nnd maid, F. T . 1333 Porter st. EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES HUTTON AOENt'Y 31U 9. Hmedley Cooks. frst claes, Cnthotli nnd Protestant, wish positions; a lnrcu numhor of Proteaiont nurses; 2 slaters together; best references. I1UTLKRS. housemen, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, housework girls; Protestant child's nurses, etc; wishes situations. Mrs. Kano. fill S. 10th. SpruPs.BlOl. WANTUD Cooks, general housework girls Apply at onco. Mrs. McNally, 235 s fttri street. -MRS. ltoaURS. .11 :i S. 2Uth. supplon only nrst-olass servants, every capacity, malo snn lomnie. COMPETENT holp wanted In every cnparlty . ........-n n-'iviuni. ii'ii, iiiiin.ii ...Kti. OLENOAK Kmploymoiit Agency Colored and white help. Pop ar Ol'-'l. MRS. NIt'HOLLH 23(1 H. 20lh. (Irst-Plnss help supplied and wnnted. Loc. 2130. AGENTS MAN OF PARTS 00 to 80, college man preferred as divisional manager for nationally known correspond ence university on unusually larwo profit margin; must bo financially responslblo nnd r.lle to furnish JIOOO working capital, tho safekeeping of which Is fully guaranteed; JIBOo profit unconditionally guaranteed for first 0 months' training period; nvorngn earn ings of more than .M) men exceed SSOO monthly each. Wrlto Mr. Pnwors, Su'te 807. Dent. AC. .10 N Ml hlaannivd.. Chicago. I WIIL PAY 1110 woekly for 3 average ra n coat orders dallyno delivering; m Invest ment; B dozen patterns; "2-ln-l" revcrslbles and rubberized overcoats featured; samplo to wear free. Parker Mfg. Co., 44UO Hook St.. Dayton. O. MY MEN nro making $20 dally and up with tho best nnd moat Inexpensive nutomohllo traffic signal on tKo market; If you aro a llva-wlro, got myl'proiioltlon right now. Batcs-Dutcher Box 722. Yurie. Pa. ESTABLISHED company wants ntntn dis tributors to open office nnd manngo nalim men for nrtlclo needpil by oery inorchant nnd factory: big proposition for right man: $mm to tlOOO required. Contrnct lunuuur, 171 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago. MAN to work this city, rellnlshlng chande liers, brass beds, automobiles by new method; $10 dally without capital or ex perience. Wrlto Ounmctul Co.. 232 E ni, Decatur. UK AGENTS Wlreloss unmbroll.iB. I'll pay hustlers $2 an hour for orders for this newest Invention, no Investment; write Tor 8-stylo outfit Parker Mfg. Co.. 3300 Tont St., Dayton, O. AGENTS 200 por csnt prollt, wonderful llt tlo article: romcthtmr now; sells like wlld flxo; carry In pocket; wrlto at once for free camplo. Albert Mills, Koncr.il manager, 2331 American Hide.. Cincinnati. O. PUNCHHOARD SALESMEN 20 cash com mission; newest complete line; also peanut gum machlno comblnnt'ons; greatly reduced, nutmeats In glaiBlno baas, llurto, 3U2U Cot tage Grove. ChlPaco. , EARN steady Inoomo IhroiiBh sales agency Davis inadc-to-measurH clothea. Hold direct to wearer; co-oper.itlon and protection. spring line ready, write elvlntr particulars. P. 11. D.ivls Tailoring Co , flnelnnatl. , AOENTS Wonderful selling urtlelo; used In every one; sells on sight: freo samples nnd particulars. O. D P Co. 15 E, Saratoga St.. Baltimore, Mil. j. SALESMEN. Inexperienced or experienced, city or trnudlng. write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat' I Sales men's Tr. Aesn . Dept 277 Chicago. 111. CHEWING C.I'M Sell to dialirs: prolit- nble business built up qulrk'y; Spearmint and popular flavors In iiomvI packages. Write today. Helmet Co . t'lnelnimtt O J80 AND UP wikly earned nulling our trees plants, ehrtlbs roses, etc; permanent po sition: exp. unnfcesuary: ijy weekly: outfit freo, Keystone NurirJj"jljejiV''-r- Falls r.i SPECIAL 1000 co-publlsherH wnntid. sain nio terms. leBlstrutlon. $3 lllub Smll- caie . ai wm SPKCIAI Inch display adv ISO innaiistnes, thrlco $18. Wood's Servlci s. Atlantic City MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REDUCED PIANOS Wo have recently reduced nil used plnnc in,l P ayer-planoa 20 per cent below til ormcr low Prl""- 115b "PPllto every ust orIll.',' . ,.,.- tln.irs. Ine n. hi, ..n . inos nn.l rilByvr-V'tu'we r.w, ' ,,- "- .i-nnv ine lormcr io '""-:. -;-,-. ". .,-,,:".'.""'" inttirumeni on im ....., ......iiuiiik Uji re but and rcflnlnhcd planoa laiialiu; from MBu to MM); also all uoed pluyer-pianos from ,3TbalfamoUH lYanreMn Plaer-rinno has ...Vntlv been reduced to (.!K 'Ihe nn.st :,m StrfS value offered In Fhlhi today. This Sfano reprodu.es ths world's best imuie wun perfect expression, froo from nil mechanical ""cslT'oV wrl'tn" for large Illustrated cata loeiies and list of used Instruments with leiclal Plans of consilient pam,nt. sreciai pi . L.,)WN STORES CORNER SIX"'"" ANI' TI.I'i.MI'Si i.V STS. viptiioLA IN Including (I 10 Inch double faco records (12 M.lei.llmil. so in. this t n hnnftsome machine wlih liiiest Improve ments" $1 60 U' " lv,,''i '','"1 -'h .V IftCJMnut t)pen Mc.nJ-.l S.it. v V1CTHOLA IV. with ! Ill-Inch double-face records, $3'i.l. tin) utlli for nrvi looking for a good inuchlno nt sm.ill cost. II II Todd 1300 Ai'h and KI2.I Clitsinut i (pen JndaJfrJdaya'.1iL !5""-'.r '''.'' "v;nlriB. ijofl KNAIIE Aiigolus player: mnhogiinv case; cannct I." told froic "''.' '' terms can lo arrange, li II l..dd liio Arch st Open Mou.. I- ri d .'mi hiks 300 STORY CLARK. I'-mile plavi-r- piano be.iu. cane, ueed li llorl hlle. cost tlbn; terms can Is- iirriii.ged. guar II. 11 Todd. llt(lAlhJe.lon . I rl .Sit. evgs. PIANO $73 "casli $.1 one dollnr week, for maBnlflcent $35i idni. been used, decnlct bargain. " 1 Todd 130. Arch si. Open MondavFrblavand Satuidny pvyiilngs vTcTllOI.A-YlT with (I lii-lmh double. face records I n l: a lipMiillfiil mitUt for little money ll T.idil. I3.nl Arcl, st- iii-i Chestnut ii.en Moil . I'll, "nd Sat evgs. flOOi) HTEINWAY iipilKbi; iuii fl.Mi, g.mi. anteed "Plen.lld .ondlilon II II Todd, mnil Arch, open Mem . Frl end s.n em. i"M t'FNNINiillAM upright piano gu.ir- antoed good loielltion II II. Todd, 13IM Arch. Open Mn.n.J'il and JSmi evgs tlfiii i---i7KSrilll up.liilil, comI f.'VOO, uu.ii'n.i teed good uiiidltloli II H Todd, 13IIU Areb st Open Mori., Frl a c 1 Snl i'ibh VIOLINS it'cellOH, collect'll old lltlll.ill l'ng. Ilsh German liisi'm'ta, sacldc. ,1H loth pV"rvi;Tt-l'IAN" tlliesl slaililird milke. 1,111.. used ortn-i must s. II this l llrlllN 7.., PIANO lieautlful new upright for silent sacrifice. 1213 N. inn lib Ht. OLD GOLD OLD gold, sllvot. platinum. Plate.! ware, old style Jewelry, terth plates bouvht for cash Est IstT .T. I. Clerk letlner sn7 Jeitjom CAHTrTsidf.1'" ubl gold. bIIm i ami uiilliii. "locks R.-grre. 13 S 17th. I...r..l 1 - I u DOQS, DIIIDS AND GOLD FISH DOG owners Textbook free Willi I weeks' trial Hill rlplinu to Ameni'n a leading Ken ,i weekly valuable advice feeding. Ham Ing. SeiI 2So today Sportmnoii's Hovmw 220. Cincinnati. BUSINESS PEIISONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If you want to be convinced that wo are still paying 23 mors than others for diamonds call at KELLY & CO., sn rrr.(Vm 032 CHESTNUT ST. (PRIVATE OFFICES) PII.rWAL. 7844 PlTAMflMnQ A ' neighborhood to LlrtlYlUlNLO call If you havo ons or Rfil IPr-JT more diamonds you wish to UUUU1 A sell for cash. A. McCutchen, 31 Real Estate Trust Did.. Broad and Chestnut sta. Hours 10 to 4. Est. 22 years, DIAMONDS BOUGHT Wfiol,,'.rlc'?.,"ll,di.w t 10 caratsi tlo to moo; old gold, platinum and silver bouiht. Tllf DiamnnH Slmr. N. 10th si. rket OWNER wishes to sublet for balance of ncirwi o-araieu .Moiropouian urana opera box, Academy of Musle, oommenelng Feb. 1. Apply an.lD.exel Ridg., Philadelphia. Phone. Lombard 1004. WINSTON .Stenographic Bureau, 407 Stephen Glrord llldg. Call Walnut 8301 for an? stenographic work. At your scrvlco, hoar. " "i i-ci. .iniurrais pricee, LADIES' and rhlldre.n' coats mado to order, nny stylo, with or without your material, nt very res, prices; lst-class workmanship rh. Wdld. 720n W or call 1S31 s!. Cecil St. PRACTICAL BUILDER will no your altera', tlons. brick cement, stone, plaster and carpenter work: reasonable; day or contract Henry, 34 N Frazler, W. Phlla. " HEATERS, ranges; roonng and snouting! reas, Prices. H. Pentland 1B20 Parrlsh. irt in. .j IIAOY systpm for feet, no nrch supports; no .. ' ,'-. '.."""iii'HPii wruo ror booklet. Room .101. 1337 Chestnut st. AHFNT1 wl" rcceWn talephono orders or r, . ,.. ,n,,V f(1r. r0": bor month. Burton Wesley. Broad & Chestnut. Wnl. inn HAVE now 12-gaugo Stevens pumn gun to trndo for a 20-gaugo repeater; wrlto or Phone. P. L. Bustor 1820 Wnllaco st. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 HANSOM ST. FACIAL, scalp nnd elecs hours from 10 to 0. Atmette Bergman. 302 8. Brood. METAL weather rtrlp.i, hardwood floors, old floors rrovated. 300 Ashdalo nt. Wyo. 8781 TRUNKS SUITCASES and BAGS repalrod. Market 2083. 4S N 7lh st third door. HA1II tlntlmt a spec; realp trrat'g. Begins A, Shields, 1 133 Chestnut st . Room 201) . BLECTRIC treatment nnd manicuring. Room 103. Heed llldg. 1218 Filbert, tnc. MM. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE PRESIDENT of a going manufactur ing concern ($50,000 capital stock, $211, 00.1 Issued) owning 'tho controlling Inter est ($28,0(10) Is a lilgh-erndo salesman, does not llko tho manufacturing; end and wishes to turn over Ida Interest to a cnpablo man; ho will tako over tho entire factory output, cuorarrtcolng buslnoss for tills voari which will show $10.(i(K) profit; our product Is sold all ovor tho United States, factory now lo cated In good Pennsylvania town, but can be movod to Philadelphia as lease expires (with our option to renew) April 1: this In terest la offered foi" $12,500. payable half cash, balance In merchandise; a big oppor tunity for n big man; highest references given nnd required; principals otIv. For Interview ndilros M 423. Lodger Office. SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forceful, high-powered. convincing presenta tion, through right channels, based on orl' Inal. Intelligent sales plans, will get devel opment or working cnpltal. In any amount. In record time, and nt minimum cost. We specialize on every phase of financial writ Inn nnd dlrect-by-mull selling. Twelve years' eupcessful experience. Advertising Service Co.. Parkway BIdg., Broad and Cherry s'a. Telephone Spruce 1020. $3000 WILL SECURE substantial Interest nnd position board of directors In old established, thriving Phila delphia manufacturing corporation, with or without active services, splendid money miik ng opportunity for energetic enlesmnn: connection will lend to certain financial In dependence; hlgh-grado proposition meriting your Immediate Investigutlon: references rc nulreil tlrst letter. M 420, ledger Office. BIG OPPORTUNITY for dFstrlct manager, capable of distributing marvelous .;ev add ing machine: retails $15; work equals $350 machine; adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, automatically; lightning spied, errors Impos sible; 5-year guarantee; unlimited posnl bllltles; wrlto for details now. Calculator Corporation, Dept. B 3U1, drand Rapids, Mich. CONFECTIONERY nnil loo cream store, with property; mod ern; pricu $10,500, cnnh required J 1500. F. H. TRIBETT Liberty Trust Bide., Broad and Arch sts. PRINTING BUSINESS WANTED ould liko to get In touch with medium sized firm desiring to soil business. Or would bo willing to form partnership with lew to purchai-o outright small, up-to-date plant. Mu-it stand Investigation. Address C pu, Ledger Office. STATE DISTRIBUTORS wonted; new Inven tion, rooking an-l hcnti.tg appliance; no opposition, large profits; $1000 capltnl ro oulred to carry Muck, write for particulars. Macy Electric Co.. 40!) East Bay st.. Jack- e-mvu p, r is, IF" INTERESTED In manufacturing, lands oil or gas. wrlto Basin Chamber of Com merce, IUhIu, Wyo., f-r free lllustrnted book let from center of largest producing gas lb-Id In world. AM LOOKING for dry goods or kindred store with retail following or future possibili ties: healthy location desired as am family man; spot cah. Moose, 2 Marblchlll nvo., New York city. ANY ordinary I'.-room house wired with neat copper fixtures for ?155, linger houses nnj bull.ilnb'H wired accordingly; satisfaction guaranteed. Cumpl" 11 Electric Co., 11)12 N. New kirk st. Hell phunc, Columbia 1573. ItlirO Vlniit Intel lew with party looking for something n w In the lino of houve hold articles of in. rlt. Into patents. Call ftt 3s2S Luncaster iuv. TREASURER'S position open for young m.in who can Invent JlO.Ooo In established cnlllMly, C P02, Lodger Office. RESTAURANT In t.icto'ry neighborhood, fix tures Included, '--ro.m dwelling, good op portunity for live man. real bargain, jij ri7li .( Trnnchit-lln. IQO'i S loth M. WANTED Four men with $2001) each to HiMHt In 20-mllt- suburban nutobus line; must bn nolo to work with It. C 110, Led ger Office.- MAN living in Frnnkford, Phlla.. I'a., has an Indention to turn'sh pawe- for g. iterat ing electricity without .steam in.wei' or gas Power; runs continuously. C 017, Led, Of. PARTNER wnnud for new-Mile automatic lunch room; u rare opportunity for llfo- tlnu- 121 Market st. See Mr, Houho be- twi-n 12 'inilJJ. PERSON. Avlttl $12 000 to imnst lis nntlve pitrMicr In ii pining establish. .1 bunlness beet i'-f nun red nn.i gl-n. O 723. Led, (iff vTuNDERFUL opportunity for young man with $20.10 lo litest; technical griiduute with inching experli-ncn. C tillo. Ledger Off. llll.l.l.MtD room .uul ilgar store, a live-wire propisltlon; no trlll-rs. J. P. Cunnlngh.im. 5707 I'l.'si.'f aye. . (ANDY mnnuf.icioi v and bikiy. doing large Puisne . will r-m tine -torv conur bulld- in-f J. lJ'uiinim:him. 5707 Chester nve: Ali ERTISE Rat- hook mailed free Stand- 111 d Adv. Agon. . 5011 VI. toHa , St Louis. W.intnl V .N PK1) 10 buv. If pi ico Is (heap, a luisi. iv mil. lu.ly eoulppul. huililing not li 1U-I- il but l.'IISe li'.IUirid. that could manufacture nun's lice lju r 1; In n...-dle. li inner or hi -at A Williams miiclilin-s only ;Ha -inch cyllnd-is. about An or Ho knitting nun bines, with olh-i niulpmt-nt. M 122. Ledger Office. STORAGE A-fi MOVING EhTAHl.lSIIEll iyl2 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING Miller, North Broad Storage Co HlOll I .il"'. Miiln-r ,r" I e'.L-b iM.llll -ml 71, 111 etorng.i, i..,.-k ng. VICTORY STORAGE 5200 Filbert. Phone llelmont H170 for rati oi'ites P'..ice-Arrow vans. Till-. JOHN IIIHIADS CO. lnrage. parking moving, carpet cleaning 4t7.Sii i.AsvAwnR.v:.uj:s!jMinA. KtONM.CH"S'l"'lAIE CO 5170 INCAS. TEIIAVE- M'Tii SERVICE STORAOE. PaCKIN'I I QS'.t DISTANCE MOVINIl MELBOURNE N, 32d. llel. 4S2 Aulo l.illH. Any time. nmheie 11 mils jnwiiiiin in ininsii .. 1 r-Rn-l'-!.. NStor Co 5230 K'Tiigsessii,, ,,. 1,11 nl long-distance niov'g, storuao . .iln- I'liw any tlini Wofili,indl.'7 lliliilluc M,V'iiRIUCCKS tn lilie by day. week or Phlla Auto Trim-fur 0 oil 1111 ... s- in'.-11 s- I nblf 1751 11 vt'iisil Miinlid fur contr.ict sollciteii, a. ' j .liuKson. !' N- 13th " H'amond 2(110 J, PAINTING PAPERHANQINQ PAINTING llavo your liuuii) painted now mil fe4ve monavi riiurgea reasonaue. wma Kuni-uireu. stnu po.tl.1 Albert Alf 324 N 5th ."ll Mkt. 223S QOOb paperlinnRlnti ot reduced prioosi sat. lilt on' Ktn'i-ber-f, 1320 N. Ilth. Pop, 0U0. ..... 1. .... ... -1 USED AUTOMODILES THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO SECURE A USED CAR-SAFELY WE DEAL BOTH WAYS Quo way is to pny spot cash, sccurlne tho lowest spot cash "price. The other is to poy o portion of tho lowest spot cash price at tlmo car ia delivered, plus the cost of ueccssary insurunco and tho bnlanco distributed over n period of timo which best suits your convenience. Wo mako no extra charge for interest or financing. This plan was inaugurated by this company somo timo ago and has resulted in tho complete satisfaction of all thoao who secured cars from us. If you intend buying a car in the spring do so noto and savo yourself u very Important sum of money, as there will bo a shortago of used cars, and prices will be higher. This convenient way to secure a used car is sure to be appreciated by all thoso who will call hero and investigate our methods and plan, which wc guarantco to please. On a used car to cost from $ 800 to $1000 pay $450 at time of delivery and $100 each month until balance is paid. $1000 " $1200 " $500 " " " $1200 " $1400 " $550 " " " $1400 " $1600 " $G00 " " " $1G00 " $1800 " $650 ' $1800 " $20Q0 " $700 " " ' $2000 " $2200 " $750 " " " $2200 " $2400 " $800 " " " $2400 " $2600 " $850 " " " $2600 " $3000 " $950 "' " " COUPE, SEDAN, LIMOUSINE, TOURING CARS AND ROADSTERS GIRARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Peerless 2314 CHESTNUT STREET FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES EXI'LIIT nni'Atiuxrt REDUCED RENTAL RATES Underwoods, L. C. Smiths, Etc. OUAUANTEt: ('.)., 47 N. 10th, near Arch. 3D S. loth, cor Chestnut. 2d floor front. Walnut OS-JI. llace Kilt.'. D Filbert 31B2. TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISII1LE 3 MOS.. J8.00 & VV l'actorv Rebuilt Typcwiitci'3 "Sec Our New Machine, tho Century" American Writing Machine Co. S02 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 2 1311 Malrr 32(1 Dl'ILDINO nnd roTtracttnu materlil for -olio Ilavlm; purchased land, bulldlncs and materlnl of lb- nothlohem Loading t;o., wo offer for sale, lumlier, mlllwork, sashes, doors, newer and wnter Plpo. structural and corruBnted Iron, translte. plumblnK ilitiir's nnd supplies, electrlei,! material, railroad ties rails, poles wlrlne Itltrhen rnnKe, eto. Wrlto. cnll or ph'ine (Mays Ijindlnc l(Ki), I'. Qordon Miles ft Cn , Mays Lnndlie.:. N. J. mls TYPEWRITERS aA,;1 niK opportuMtv. $10 to J15 reductton: t year I guarantee; 5 davs' free trial, mnehlnes as low ns 20. HfNOY TYI-EWniTUIt CO. I 1(103 CHESTNUT ST. I Office Furniture, Office Partitions desks, tables, flllnit cabinets, chairs, stare fixtures: new; sll-thtlv used; we sell: buv. excJianite, Weiss. 103T Hare Walnut 3830. Office Furniture and Partitions . Alwnys in stock Uet ifur prliet b-fnri- you buy or sell NATIONAL I-THNlTl'ltE t'O. fififl Wnlnui lioth I'liones ' oKi'ifi-: I'lUNrn'i'.iC La ice lot of desks, safeae, til's, cnblnets and Ktnernl office furniture, store fixtures. We buy, sell nnd exchange. PATTEN riTHNITUHE CO. LflCI'ST 4070 1127 Al ICH HT. HATE 2ani. Office Partition,RaiIing, Furniture Btore fixtures we so.l. tuv and exrhjnro PENNA OFFICE FL'HN'ITrilE CO. IH1 Walnn' it W-l1:"' M:i' M" "--i-l'LA: OFFICE FURNITURE t-rn- nsnittnent -f .- li-t- .irel' W buv nnd s-ll. CentrilS.i-ol, I h in.l Fnrnl- 1 tore ro . IIH4 fallimhlll st. .F'!' -;'. FOLDINO AND INVALID CHAIRS I FOR SALE AND TO HIRE Thoatro chairs, inovlns-plct. f.ia. bines, etc.:. rchool denks. thuri h pews and pulpit 1 hairs. CHAIR EXCHANOE.SJjcor. . vt2T ItTiTs 8"0 ne'v. -H'lil''. h ll12 l.r -i-.-ls. ' $13 50; 0x12 seamless inn1 evets, J21 5": 0x12 Axmlnsters $. till' Axmlii-it.rs ll-j bargain prices r-lnslel,, stornco to SI." 1 rJHhJind Spring OiiMen ts i'bll SALE 20i. 000 ft. "f concrete center ing lumber, llrst-clas.-i condition; linmedlnlo , possession. Applv (limn iy-Schuiu 1..-U- . liltijindChestiutsts. DIN 1 NCI room unite. 10-p ece, ri-uiiIii -vul-1 nut Qui en Ann"- latest -ilyle; $275. w..nli $3011. l-'elnateln Storage, S, E. cor. Uth and Spring Oarden . 1 ilAROUN All platinum diamond necklace, 1 70 white, diamonds, cst $200(1; sell ,'luuii Phono Walnut I0S-L . . . lU'.FItttlERATi'HS and ntur. s for arocer.i ; IANI) ST. .4 t6. 'MI N.ri.t- .-.--c.-r.-. . . -.,i,.T7rnr.t7eo.;. 'ep,n,'n,it, . lui.iiiih" .!-' " --. ;,; ... ;. '. rlutlt-tianil 0en, cm-.iii. vie-i. 1. u.H,i.ini, : 1 i; . .,.. .. i jinn i. oiumm,, iii. T.-.-.i, . 1 .1.7 sun Oreuoti llr. 1'rriKh 10 0110,1 ' and' 5-paneI doors: nil slJ", nnd 200 porch columns nn.l ntiuriiiiir,i 5 ....J. inn WATCH Elgin ni'ivemont. 20-vei,r B,i,i filled cases, value $20. It HID hit's, 12- Market sL Ml'WINO machin-. i'.clei & Wilson, dr -t. ' bead, llko n- w. all nttachments. 1330 W. Columbia ' MODEL hot-water ln-iitlng boli-r, rating J"5ii ft good condition, cheap. Cleo. T. (lriihMmOHl(.'il.inla vsL rfFHICAN. walnut, Quen Ann; .vple.o dining ioonsulte M0Sldthst STANDS rnhllut" etc : big bargains, l'hll.i 'dtijlrlnleis' Supjijv ll S5t.li s.t. 113 OVERCOAT Man'" f.ir-lln.d oven-, .it. ' good eoiiilltlon. Ill lDEJl.',j-jk Mark- t -t 175 YllN.l Diamond, nbsiilut. 'y pet ! i-t. (73. alui. 125. Ul-IDI.'lt.i.PJWMarkJjt iiiTi HIXC1 Diamond Tlffans. pur- white; ' uUije JR10!UEDjyt'Sl.l!S .Mill ket-L . THREE good fir-urn if s ifes medium slie. J. Ostennnn II'- N Hull st. SAFES, fireproof I'h'iiP I'"' !' Kht us.-d. iilJHlresmak'- s--lis ,2 N .iinh ill.l'.CTItlC "rle-ui-r- mi.ril ".Vh,S V.""'1, $10 off rujul". prl. . i-iiim I In N. 11 hi. MACHINERY AND TOOLS Dyne amos and Motors OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER & CO. . Office: 926 N. Third St. WAltEHi'l'SE AND Mini1 P2S.30 3'.' NiillTITIJlRDSTltF.F.T I ARi7lT"s'roCE r-lii.lt and gviawmte.d .11- inn piunii" lr compress .is. li..t-r- m.i.-hlii" Uiids, send for lotnpbto i'at:ilnu "' l"U' llllllMAN 1. WINTERER (113 511 N Fiutil.Nl Phllad-lphla..P. . BELTING ' 11 v aii'l i"' '"nl hnul. pn.es ""sY.:u..,;u-1" 437 N-:.j t miiXiivH HAs.t.'n-- ttii'"iv- mi.f WE DO MILLWRIGHTING PRICE Mi 'TOR .'.-SCI.1 X.li. aj7 N 31 ilALLS'U Plll.SS "F ! it-ii ' power I al-r. bolt drUeii, loo po.mds cutn-n i.un capi , ltv g-ml " new .'l.'ll IvenHliislon eve. Teioiihmv Fi-imkfoid3I2U WAS"rED l.oopira. Ilrininu rlbberi knlt- tVrs S IV 2IHI .' '11 n. 1 s 1 , 1 , 1 ln-12 11 spines for tarltihii. win peri. C 013. Ledger Office. t,,ll I'll for ml", l-uil. mt al. On 11 p., Hlii ml. i-- "" ' L Ituih .v Mm- W.i low C,rne. l'-- l'l l'CTItlCAL MOTORS. MACHINE IOOI.S. I'1'1 POWER r.OCIPMENT O'HRIES' MACHISI'llY I 0 H'l N 3D ST 1 . . . . . 11,1.11 li ill. , .ill liltiltid MONITOR Hill ft In .I'll lol nl H, I iill.iton - ! 2.' I N 'I I n Al.l'r'.itS TINii .Hid illr.-t ,-iltt-nt niolors, t.ew ami us. d Mink. Co. 'j.'7 N lib ht MllTi","iN lll.uhllle sllnl' "III ill H 111'... 01 ilelH. 1M do llllllHilghll'IK 2Pi N Fiont ALTF.HNATIN'il and dliert current motors, new and used. Mink Si C . 227 N 4th st STAMPS AND COIXS STAMPS, PAt '.I'TH. DIME SETS Albums nnd supplies, for stamp collectors, PH1LA. STAMP CO,, 21 b, 17TII ST. USED AUTOMOBILES " $125 " $150 " $175 " $200 " $225 " $250 " $275 " $300 " $350 :in;::iii:iirii:iF!!i!L!nii!!'!irii!ii,i:iiii!iiviiii.iiiiiiii DANIELS 8 1020 fnui-pa'scnuer. practically new: mlleaifo 4Rf,0: rnlnt perfetti 2 new spnro cord tires. If you sro this car you will buy It. HARE'S MOTORS. INC. 2311 MAUKET 81 'l-lephono 150 Iicust. Tffliniii!iBiPi!iPjiinMiiiiii!ra The Word Painting ioe not .lescnbo the etautsKe lomr-iifed. iustrous nn sn or the jinrttn-Aiexanasr baltlnif process of nflnlshlne automobiles, and tho smiill extra cost Is tiothtnv com pared to the nl-nsu-o In ownlne a beautifully finished car nnd the servica you will receive. Inspect cur work, tret our prices, or cill us on tho i honu und wa will send a rep resentative, Martin-Alexander Co. ACTOMonii.E ncFiNisunns 120-12S-130 Heed at. Dickinson 2231 Ma'n 371 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS" TAKE ADVANTAGE of our ipecla. Inlmr offer durini; January, or our ipecin. ini..r otrer during January. lubru.iry. March o-i nil make-, of cars, n-j .) ar- -p. i Ull-t.-i mi nbu.ldlni: till tM-es of motor-" Also Authoribed Ravfield Carburetor to Service Station Il.iMi your , arl.tir.-tor adjusted fro- Mac CARTER & lC0.. INC. Automobile I Ing piers. 2112 Sar.soni nt. Phuti" Stini-e 2173. FOR Y0UR"REPA1RS " .inn 1 ' i.-irne ,o .on nn .-m(iii Hennlrs to frninPi upl.llnrr ..li tdn.U nnrt.i l,-iille, tops m t.irs. rfe.irs. frames axi-js, I i.idl.itors ,.n I r. ,.' -tm. 1 ui'.t und rebuilt. ,..,. . -v. . - -PAINTING Quick and Efficient Service AMERICAN OR0E K. MACHINE SHOP 1 11 I l)cust Stlcet T'honcH It nn 2I1--Spruce 03 WANTED Ford & Dodge Sedans, Coupes jit'sr mi; iv a-1 I'. iviiiTin.'.' Stanley Automobile Co. ft'. V 1 'p. i n-r i-oi r.Mt 7s"n AUTOMOBILES WANTED MC ST UK l.V A-1 rtiVDITlliN Stanley Automobile Co. (H'l N n-nml st. Pinlar 7S20 ITR.VK. Ilirobll, 1UI0. food eo-i lltlon. n. w . "H'"' ;."'" .' M'BSUm nl... ..... . . J. tui .n, i-ith st two- , a, 1, ,1 ri'10-.tlil. -- - ,iiiiiiii.ii. ... . re ,i.'ii-,vtv. .--i.x. kuoij as urana-new. owne "II tako 30 por cent depreciation hefnr Smulay. "lu Hrond yt. Phone Pop.ar ,: IlCICIC. tourlnff 5-Pissenger. 1017 15 Jil.-.O. 11 i' .,:.,."'-,,,,,"'.'!;""."'.'' i.i.i.iii. Wulnut st. ' ' ' I Hlliclr r .: .' c1-' " l"-" ' ir wonderful1: UU1L.K. coiin-lUon. STANLEY Al'TOMO- ! 1'II.E ill.i: t'O mn N, Uroad st P plur 7M20. HI'K'If. 11)10 touring; full ripjiptnent, guar-, lr'd"''i'i-,-''t","IOn '""' '1U'''' 'll'u"n- Wood-I in 11 iv coupe, ;te model, ox, llent nindl ll.oi .-'TAVI.EY Al TDMOHII.i: I'd HP.) s. Mr., id Innlnr 7i'.'D. llt'Ii'IC nee,) looney oulcklv. "W.io.lt ire-sTi v .Mr Hud,l Cndillr 35 tourln-r. ac passenger: good ri.lillur ,l.l unit.,. .!.... Q..l M'.. ''" flL-y-,VC?LI'-rb.r 7S.ii. iii. it-ii. h 1 iti.-ii t.n-inontb. .! :iiui if fc-d-l irune ll-it-'v j 1 in it 1 1- 11:1 s Dnnielsj- n."ANi.,.isrjI.Vb"r 7i7rwh..""7. ., t.-e.t Mnl(i .Mi- . i'o. 010 N llr...l st. lnltDAV linn ! l.-Hinc prl Mtlut 1 Mirpt I . 011 P '." ""i--'.-1 "' "' s' I'upii nn hiiI ts n Motors ill LcxinRtoii . oitring. late moilei stnnlcy A'P 1 Co (lit) N p. rind st. I FXlNilTnN, till, .xoi ,.t,i , , 1 i ., W. t ,. . , rltlce .piicii I lln rinur lltn i'XiNilT"! t ,. . 1 rl Mnvi.'pllc !.' ,"1"'' l""1-1'. ScrtPii-ltooths. dAWCHS I'..,. sinus .Miti .". nlds. rinl lies. CI .rol.ts I'liam-i dupe Nnsh elli-s, Hurmobil.s, ovelliinds. Puigt-s l the a . i, c.r.i urn In . oolle,.t con. lltlon W'e give c-lie o-i ..'I ,-irs so. I STANLEY Al'TO .'.I. mn NilV;id.st. Ph-ne Po,,.7iju MITi HKI.L Mill" h new, ..win r will- tak .1 1. .-r ... ni .1 -i-i -.-I iti in p. I,,), r 111 Nasi I'.il'ln.t. liko Hew Statllev Autnm. , ,- 1 0 (HO N. Hrond i'op Ta.O Mi'I.l.VB LNIi.HT 7-pnser.gei touring, best in il-n 11, ,, in .dltlon. 5 ulre ibeels Mnd i id tir.s. i.nwly l'l. Ill nl nil iu top Silioi I't-i,- Spru.-e 2713 ot call a: ir;i i-,.i,t nut si OLDSMOI'lLE sl. lilts, louring. Jrt.'.o ir c p sali-a Co . 130U Walnut si Pack RH 1UI7 li In sis, 'I u 1 I ii Ho Inv I III) must sell before I-ackard Jwm H.I.. 001,,. Htnley I'.VUii: s.'.l.m lie wl Have o,,t .is yt taken dn.H.ii will h-,1 for J27UO T M iuBr 53 1 ."l-l i Telephone Woodland 3772 J PXUIE I'Hi Lai. innli-l, I0IS llr.-.di.aniis I not "g-i niu.t sell bi foro Tucsdai. Wan . on W ' AIHE ROMi-I'KIt .-ii iMunt coliil M I n"n"liiv iiiiiinolille.ii .JIM) N llroad P,nijrS20 " PIERCE ARROW'SEDAN V li painted, make otf.r. si uiiey Aulomo b I, '. 010 N Itnadst P-plar7H20. Wintnn Touring wire iiheols new tires it iiiiuii .. eHy julnted. sacrifice, Stan Jcy Automobile to,, Oil) N. Droad t Pop, 7820 USED AUTOMODILES WATJTEt) CASH FOR DIAMONDS If wo did not pay full vnlun for diamonds old cold nnd silver the lartro Jewelry and de partment stores would not recommend u brlmt your diamonds and Jenelrv to us; v will convince vru that you can net moro for mem mill oisewncro. estannsna over .-n i yars. send postal, representative will call THOB, It f.r.'B A CO 712 WALNL'T ST WE PAY the hlrthest prices for old noln ! silver, platinum, broken Jewelry, false teeth and diamonds; atipra'sat of estate je elry. Karmati! 711 Sansom st. I nr' " "' u".c,"- ijousenoia Iurnuu store futures, office furniture! pay sput '"I'Jr."9, ,v?.1uu?: ihon: U."...SU,U i!; Lo - ki". --. --"i, -."in- j-",. in, hiiii nerry WANTED A Monroe calculatl.nir machln" -,,. w iu uij it-i.-i io iiiiv, , ,i--)aiuiis iron and Metal Co., Wllllainsport. Pa OLD cl.thlnu. shoes hats; hUhest prices pi I Ph. Dli li. 0155. Friedman's. 1141 Soijth SEWING MACHINES $30 NEW DH'iPHEAD, 75c ueekly; cost $15 i-lsevvbere, Sinner and others Js to $15; fullv B'.iarnnteed. 13i N. 10th. rooms ron rent CilBSTNUT ST.. 2003 Slnzle andTdubl. rooms. CHESTN'l'T ST , 1004 Lara., rm. with r7lT b.ith, ul-i sliii:io rms , steam ht.. elec , ref. L'tlfcHT.NL i. i-oan Kewiy rurnlshrd suite, Bnt.'le Ii iU i.'.n sin'e ro-i'ii, yentiem, T1. NICELY furnished front room! for uerrtle- jninn near ;l'JtiHt L. Preston 1410 J. 1 DIAMOND. 1007 Woil-furn."hoatOilfrmit jrm ; gentlemen; bath, incl. shower: phone I POPLAH ST . W 3021 li.autlful fuTnfshod I front roam: electric light- plenty of hi t water nnd hent: private family. Call eves Sl'lU't'E. 1.112 I.ari;e moms, piiv.it- tati, rurnlnu wa'ir. -be . suit onr ;i- two nen- a i si'UI'CE ST., 1(110 & 1(133 ExtrMrTii' rm, ,i suites, hand furn prt"- hath.' 3tuFTi viM"M-r if-r--'- -.VT ---' ' hr llLll.-.AItI) ST. hi, (near 40th and llaltlmore; Comfort. Ud-eton- r, ,..,. I udorr,4tT n "' "":"' tJ":l"K Phono i lFlH. N.. 130. II I) 1 h u It U It 1 c lleau I furn. rooms, spotless clean, elec. h -w' 1 hrat; dally weekly rates: conv to s'atlons t best necom for tray- ngpeonle. Spruce 1031 It'.TH. N.. 1401 Itooms, bath. It'nettifurn I r nnftirn n'nge rrin $j lo ej, f - (i ,,' I SiiTIi T. N . 2"l0d--Neiv"f jfnished room- I elietrle conveiil. peen .,", p r --,-.,. IIANDSDMELY furnfhd "rooniln large I modern private horn. eettrlr light- t,i I mlnufs to Citv Hall, Tel. Paring 415 'cW tinftirnlnhi il mmlcrn A-itai i ', i . '.P.. I "o.u V 'J.Jl J!8l,,H "o.ii in . ,111 i .-, ,n.,, .1,,., 1 psu p n . iv , inn I 1051 ; ANTRA- TIVE furn. apts , some housekoc Sh-rwood Apt Agenev 1331 Walnut t ni:w .ir.itvr.v- jr.nnitn ATLANTIC 4-ITY ' ROOMS lth bath: modern. Santa Maria 11 S. New ll.'.tr.tishlre uv.. cor. Euclid a-. ROOMS WANTED WANTED lly married co'inie. room and kltcbem-'e furnished, room to bo used as living and bejrooin. ebctrlc light etc Mn$v "." t'? r'n'-f b-V "'""' b" rcu"onib'-- liKNTLi: vT .lee rm and hd ui MriTtiy prlv. fat ... rif exrh c sn, ,,j (JI BOARDINO WOODIU'RY N J lit (111 mill tinr.e.,1 -. ."i I vhi faxnU . homo coolclne. convniont ., , railmiiil j.j... n. i-"ih'iit trttin H"-,r. I i I I r.Ii-1- A1-A M'.iDiHdlrU V 1 IIU . ... "' Ihury 133 W ' """" "uo'J" -ii.iiu'i.Mi 1 iuwi. 11 111 1 rirsl-rto. rn . and board inn be obtained n West Phi:... 1 ,a . 1.1. 1... I, .11 w.h nn 1.' , .. ..... ' ', la tiy teleph r.lil nc Woml a p d I I K J 1 HOARD for I or 2 g-nts: rellned iirlvftHi family: nenr N Phlla. s-adon Jt 50 -i motnlngs nnd 3--i 2(145 N17thit PENNSYf.VANIA SI'lU'KHAN . GERMANTOU'N Cretnor. 102 K Vnm-it lni' Attrni-tl.n 2il-lloor front, doub e rm Individual service, e.eel table h me cookin. Uiir.i renni'i nome ror mnnn, conva'- en-ent and elderly women, p'niiician's count v resldenc-. nurses In nttetijanc i 1531 Ledger Office uu"c ' : I . BOARD WANTED P-EFERES'iE EXCHANGED Y.il'S'ii MARRIEIi riiCPl.l: DF-.ini-II'iARI. IV PRIVATE FAMILY WII I I i'v 23 A ttLKK PREFERA I.Y Ni, V-fllKI. HOARDERS C UlM LEI 1 Lit . .FK T " " APARTMENTS 3135 WALNi'l' rfT - il m,i,oni..7v. t ,. , .. ..... .. ., ... , , 0 . I rous'k - i'ir .- ,ipa: ! ""ih" k.i.fenT. .-I'lte r;:r,vf '-' T .'' .'.'. w- ' ,L 1 initY'tD " aviT 1511 M-di-d I 1 1. ..... . . .'1. .' i. "'. ' i"'aie,j. rm. ,1UIU,.' r..n l.u.n... .....1. 1. . " i ii'Ji:.,.' '""' "-""..aii ni.oft-'in corns. linn 01. a. ii.-.-ii,iu irf.fir,, ,.,-.r; , - -..,, ni i,, n IMissesslon me, it 1 r.vitnj I..,,. t 1 . ...... H.lllo, !.,. SIS ms I iiuHijkeeiitnu rm, O'd Hp.ut '. li ill f ,r llierus; central ap.irtmnt hi V P'"r .I'hontl.ocust U7H0 w Mill ft PINE STS. iT, ,,,. ,,,' - .,, 3 large tin.. ro..tiM and 1. ith for, ,. ,' 1 ,1. . t, Plio.o. Wain,,, 2510 AVar,m.n,B7o''' WILL subl. t apartmi it No . 1 1 ,. , , rain 152H Unrn-e fir....T... '". !.'" tr'-m-JUL.l.-0t. . P J-00 -. .. r-'iVrT',,".'' lot ,t very large ro-mi nnd hat). 1,11 -,. .-r,i eonveniemo. ,-,.,,, nr f.s Fr,,?. IjllH Sol'-et Co l.'.OO V,.,,,. r,,,K '.'ll'ill .V 2HTIIjST Ni'Uty fuiiii.h. ,1 hou keep,,,. a..Pjjffint. i.tni-nlenc. . ""Urp APPlv on nrwj-ls. ,. l lrl" unui'.n AVI'. ... . . ,. '. '.-' till . nriip... . , ,,.. i . ... i, ,. o ,- ,,, ,), ; .,, K'liheo.tt.. snt bath M modern', .,,- 1M7 ilTti'P 'nVV" 'tpartiinnt. .' r Tun l Tit v i'i i- I , tr,. ,, k., ,, , inn i. i- . 1 LARE ROOM furnished' with prh.u.. i,..h" t.h';:,-.,",'lTir"i,,".t:,i',J""B '"'" ..I ,. , '', - --' ' !1'J.' Jl' . iia.i CIII'S'INI l'--.'d floor i-oiiior'",,".,".,, -, 3 ior.ni. ii-dlmb. JEtii. T.jK.r ',, ' 'V,, '.I"iri- .. KD ST N .l.'-X,-r .itlru, nw. -l-.lrahh loc.it.-, I 3 r nms and tatli ',' ."'HNHlAIH-:i' lt-.il Ksl,io Trust , .' N. PARK AVE.. H27 Ve'rv d.-"slr"iiblV, ,.,, 1itiar-i1 linl Uit. r h-nl .1 ...- ..'. " ' Janitor's service ,-..,... ... .'.""- " "hiiih nnil h.f,. IllisltxSi.l k-Ail -e ' "i"iJ ,'- n-"U"i , Xi'VRTMF.NT HIIADIHARIKRS " Cntral atiatlni Ms a kp-,lalt Hboru.. XiMrtm Xu l . i.ii. t. i inn- it AIT desirnl slid iiJnt. .1 i.h.!'.1 "'.'". ' ,.".! .papei.d ..ii, ...,.,, , ,,,,-, ,j SMALL, roiv nphrtmelit with private bnth !H1. .n liroail st Phoiw Tioga 4037 ii.xniNo. in.Hi 11T1 k ioth 1 "'. r b with l-ii' 1. .,' 2270 XV KAIllNU4Tr'l. it 4311 H. 40th- lTral"", h wRn kttJi will turn Pre. 2270 tx CYPRESS AITS llYl SPRFCE ST" luo rooms 1 nd bath. VI one Win nut 70M 20TH N.. MO Cheerful hskpg. apTTfarn" bedrm & kitchen 2.1 front. SdulU ho wk' APARTMENTS Most Attractive and Reasonable Heven-room-And-tlle-bath apartment In Lo grin: will transfer lease; r-nt $115: present tenant leaving iltv Apply Jnnltor. lion ennnon Ar-' 52fm N. llih i lm." I'hon Wyoming i'7Tfi W or It i' oitVIN 71 Walnut st., city. Walnut "7. Frontenac Apartments IIIIOAIJ A.N'I) OXPOltlJ STS Tor rent, furnlshe.l nnd unfurnished, 3 nnd 4-room nprtmnts mold, elevstor, dlnlnir mom service and electric Huhts: also apartment suitable f.r n doctor's office Park Ave. & Dauphin "'.m' modern npt , if r"nm nnd both, rlibo r itel fin 4h..il, souihi-in exposure, front nn-1 bn-'i p r-b .in rseh ni' . t.-nt-n:s, JMt) to 1155 per month op. n fir In- snertii.n ilullv jni.i ! t- m. i n premls.s c II, JoltNsuN 1120 Ch-st-nut. Snrure 41(1(1 181H IlITTn.VIIDfSi: SfJ .Smith) M-st nt tractive suites i1 nnd il rooms nnd bath: all s.re, JfiiKht ro-nrs moit modern appoint ments, door and mild se-.e. -er reas rents Open for Inspection dally, 2 to 4 p. m. J. C. FULLER, 10 S. 18th St. HOTEL COLONIAL !",,r:.'',:.A -r..- delrat)!. ,lr mn iml bath unfur nishi.'i epu . "if A- ' r.. in plnn. (' I'll.MA.V i...i:k, ,Ir., Mirr. vv UlT I'l.Ni. .. i'. "" W'mlu rm. nim "'"oil' i nnrn-l-.trv tlr,ns: nn n'.l ilav; Inre '.droom. ninst modern of liaths I w th shnwer -.nd re. fed Itl'chen 1115 por month, unfurnlsbei 210" N 17TII ST. Modern housek-rlnff apartment l-'lve rooms and bath All larpe outi d.- roems ,f nrnvAHii t.r 210 n irh t 1 ll2(fi:il1E AT:'--Hecnhit lloor. I ro .m's and bath: third floe-. .', ro-jme and hath, -- nun-i ii'-iii .;r-ii'ii- i,ii .,'iu u-i 111 ' 1 . rent reduce,) li Ilo1,- n 1C2S N fl-osd H'lUSKKEKPlNO spir'm nt, C reoms nnd tintn; faeinv Fiilrmeunt rnrk: nil iu'lo 'Tims n .1 KLLKTT. 1112 CHKRTNUT ST Klllrt 3S51. i IIOI'SKKHEI'INO iinntlment. 5 Iniye rooms, bath and porch, with all modern conwnl 'ncs; 1 sn from Tilrm unt I'irt'. K J. I KLLI'iTT 1112 f'HKSTNl'T. J"l l-rf 3s5N, W'I'.ST I'ltlLAIIIlLI'lllA MOST DESIRABLE APARTMENT of 7 room nn1 '2 hathn, 4 Ti : 1 1 i'h"fnut pt fth Sattrrt''' Aiurtm'nti thurouuhl nif"l- rr: Itnmediato pnnnMnlui rnntnl lino monthly 201 H. ?2'. neron'l flnr np.in . ihnrr.uhlv modern 4-rMf.m-urnl I nth m.ir nin' nn?n- dlato rngnrFi'in WM. T. DICKSON & CO. 201 S 521) MT. Ile'.mont 7101 Most Desirable Apartments 203 s r.2-1 st entner s -I on-l !l. and both, thoroughly moilern Ipuose.slon: rent I75 n.M i t rooms Imm d.ate irrsff t- niritertM rs WM. 1 . DICKSON & CO 2l 3 32-1 st lJ-ri,nt 7103 S1IEHWOOD Modern cornr npar'ment. 7 rooms and bath southern exp.suie jan itor service. Apply on premises. 121113 S 57th st. (IllllMWTmvx EFFICIENCY huuseljeepinit aimrfm n1-. I.os Anses and .'hl. a. plan: p-i.- e-l In enamel white hcrdwo"! floi rs. tin, t bath rooms and kltchenttes, vond-rftii , unn w'th l' acrs of lanl nnd o'd shad. Linage on premHes. 1 b'iKk frtm ioi:riry eliih and irolf links MACIIAN. DOLMAN & CO . N E cor Hroad an1 Chestnut stu. Pr.NNSVl.VANIA l"lTT7tlTN ELK1NS I'AIIK. second fl ,or, 4nlrife room's and prlwite beth. hmis-keeulni.', in.t.wnt-r heat elec'rlc light; 421 A'h'i-Mf u- mad 5 minutes E.klns prttk Slat on Melrose 1401 W new ii.k'-ev .niinm: ATLASriC I'lT . N. .1 FLOntDA AVE. S. 141 Furnlsll.-d ap.ir't- ment o r-nt ti -1 -.,, tr, .,;:,. t , electric light, steam heat; terms to suit. APARTMENTS WANTED irSINF.SS MAN WISHES FinT-Ct,AJ FCHNISHED APARTMENT 2 RO'iM! ND HATH. WALKINO DISTWCK inn ANI) MWlKhT STS. STATE PRICE. trVKIlY'lIIINfl IV FIRST LETTER P 15U2 .EDCIEP. OFFICE. VANn-iD Sln'i.l furniiiheil apurTiii-nt for I or (I weeks tn g-n-'l n.i gi-bori 0 d tn V I'lll.i . b t v- 11 Market n-.d Spnn - -n-. .i '' "I.'- -r 2 r 1 ins ,u.-l l.m, m.r.. i- 'fe fi m , aors adult- r J"iL- lg - oft c WAN 1 ".I' Ap.iitn.ent-, 4 r' oius" ml I ,i"i7. irefe-illv suburbur m dein. klv-lien tto. rhen i;i 1 ninn'ow n 5311 v. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS C. HI. MID AVE . 1233 frVn-ns 3 I T.oorT for light housekeeping po eh.ldie-i. reference VJT PIIJI.MIEI I'lllA 'HA'.Tl.r.iltl-: Vi I ,..", .7-, . 1 1,,r, 5 rcoiii, both, reientlv tn'-e-fl -.1 i-vli-.e-t. . car-., Jil." Rleh.i-.l P P.-Me .. :-0J S. 52d FURNISHED APARTMENTS' 5035 WALNL'T l-T Hand f-jrr.l-ie 1 -.', hot lmme. houtekeeplnc niia-tmen fi r water heat; all n- kUtii t .in-.-niei dlate i-ossesslon APARTMENT HO'-LS THE GLADSTONE 11TH ANI 1 I'lVE ST AllMil.l'TKI.Y FHC'.'I'.i ! rm: mahi.yn p h, i.n 1 wa , it r- ,i,. lutelv tlripr-.ol. 1 n 0111 and 1 ., t!.. fur I rth 1 .1 . 1 " ims it. I b -th t , -1 j . 01 I X m --'en -i o .i. - , - . ll'iTEI. I'AMILDiv" 1 i"' "m " - ," of Ilro.id -- l inn ' ' -i - r 1 ' . . -. 1 I ' -"tlfilll- fllTl'' e-1 -ir, M-" ,. I - ..I l'l HNIHI 1, . pnrtm- 1 apartment ho'.l, to .o' buth. .Vorrla Apirtmn.' 1 3 r. , 311 REAL ESTATE TOR SALE ( IT 'ii'iiiiiiiiiiriiiitKi'ir.a.'iiii!1' iiiiji'.'ii:!'..':: ,11 u,. i 1 917 WYOMING AVE. M SIX 1t(iHM AMi 11 : n H ..-i.(i WILL FIVAN I. I SAMUEL FINBERG fi , 1 ; w u s , - " P, .inii.i:,rr,:j3ii .' , v , 1814 PINE STREET 12 HO11.MS. J I . I ii.- .; A. J. SANDERS " "TO SETTLE ESTATE ,,,,1 137 A Li MV, 111.. ,.7l.'"V. . li 1' .-l'l DEI '' ' V I .f . W UMI! I. .-nn.' '. .,' I -1 h, at p.i-i-jiin : lliniu 1-1 HLI.F I II Y ' li is. p. .:. r. 1 - , HOMES $100 CASH EDW. M. GRAHAM - I LOAD I'll I'd' 7: ; I.lolt 1' 111 ,. ' V ft ,1 , Tib i- , . 1 .1 1 la 1 i n pr - - ' '.' T II MA'i.SS. To .. I.i'.ii: -1 .. 1 .' I .7 II I. I P-intf 1 le- 1 VM(,N1, ;T ,...,;.. ,, -ton. ! u ! 1 1:1 In '.. I'm in.. S'. .- 11 Lomlrd IM7 1!.m;."37 17 I'M .'I 'l.i . . ,te. I . , .1 ...ttHil- f-r A Mil -.11 - I HFUTOS c SIMOS .-, P-i.iii-i. , 'i.'ing. -'" N " ' ' '..v. ' -. ,.- . ,. lot II nioins r i. LI .11.1..-. a -' A PAHXH 'IID'H AX I XN 1 . 1 ''il , r n aV.'li. fllH Xl-Ni: Vr' F.i-ii .'-.I , - ., o xl -' batis.lt saIi, .1 I .hi., !u-. nll''-,' v 17"1 "' - - ,i.i. "alTs-i bleu, . ,.!., i,,, laita imper-x i t, , p.'ii mil. ,EI 1... I -t "1 . L-v'-srir-nitiiir. II- o , . ,., ,u .IvKu.ll i l'd'1 ..'I Ji'.7n. .,,1, '. - i i int. ."3 1 S i 51MK) EAi II r. ot $15 - I. m ;ii boue. III.',- 1 nsh i.iiu -. t t- , I, XXI I- a i;. 1J' V "I' I 'ill I'-Sioltx lu.i -iliii , oil, , ''.' "'u in t. 101a Xll'lui II . i.ltne. S5il'i 1 .' lb i. it t .i; 233 N lih o f..lft LOMHXRD ST. I til ..i IjOi, 24X12IL.I 1 -'.$ 1 1 ' '"i Hi". 1 ". 1 ,, 1217 Ml' VI 11S..S T l CD -. 'V It.". .- I P lie SPLENDID hotnn for sal southern section of rln imniedlate poasenslon .11(3 s pnh '.'OililN ilAJCCItolT new p. unt .ml p,.r M l IJ.-I. a- ..V , ' f 1" Cl.osl' AN I'STAII - 3.-HI1 N Kit'," Win .so. Ilei s Mom I.-i.'il ,) -,u,ift Kst 2tl'7 S xim i; h,4 1 i,j H -1 v 1- 1 lli.in.BIi"rdon ft .0 I .I7 V rli VACANT, 1437 SVoeilM Tr p lviiewly pipsred painted. Themn,23t0 Xji Lebltih HEAL ESTATE FOtt SALE f'lTV , Hibberd B. Worrell Co. H SOU Oreen, 15 roome, ,1 baths, lit l,r'"n rl'"'1 and npirrtnen's. .21". 22.1. cor., br-nvnstone, 12 rooms. loo. fireen, 11 rooms Ipd Mt, Verniit) 15 rooms. 2 nathis vacant. I. Vt!i Sprlnit (Ini'den. business locality. Hlil f-rhli.men 11 r-oms. vacant, 2023 .'iprlnif (lardn. IS room". 2 bathe. I32S ill nidxe nve.. stores and dwellings. !'" W'allnce: (I n-rtmnts, new. l2n Ilrandywlno: snr.iice .'(2x70 feet. S2J0-1S (irc.n, IS rooms. 2 baths; 51x170. 2011 tlr en 12 ro. m i. mi 71 N' llith n ro'im. vacant. 152.1 I'oplnr 20 room-, 2ri tIS. parage; vaB. (KIT W Luray fillh ft Iloulevnrd). T r.i van. 14 HI V r IKxili . ntrn. 222d Mi Vernnn. 1.1 rooms, kooiI order. I3"5 'ire n in r,erni. c-.ntrai. HH.1 N. ltiih, 5 r'.tn. acnnt. S'.' ! i". '',",' '" 1"''1". lir.iwnslone: vacant. HI I X 15-h. 12 r-oms. 2032 Mt Vrrnn-i 12 ro tns. 2 baths. SiiiMiiffiiniiiiiMBraijifflraiiiawiB NORTHEAST CORNER 2IST& SPRUCE STS. A !HWrnc with rt immoi posMblil-il- ha ft home, n dnrtor s residence fir Ha nn nriArlmaiil hnnM It ip rial fPHt-irm fur all thru u-"i m 'am, Kiit iAHTrrirrAnfl rnirK wii.i. n; ATTRAfTivr: EDGAR G. CROSS 1 H nn ai.ni"i' rf.-. a j&wrtPiimiiiiiiiiiHiriiiBiiiiiiiFEiTOiii'ffliiir'iiiiiciifimM I iIWi1illliiMIWW ' ZI DESIRABLE PROPERTY 33 1 7 N. BROAD ST. DwcllinB Lot 25x160 To Hoar Street CHARLES KAHN 1 121 t'llKHTNM T ST. L-ii-uxt 2100 Ilni-c 1STJ rtj . I emlnKin BwmimEKira IDEAL ARRANGEMENT I I'ult ' II YM IAN' 1627 SPRUCE ST. 13 ItOO.MH. 2 11ATHS KLMTItie LI 01 ITS 1'HIi'E IS LOW KSO'.'HII 'in ATTHAf T INVIl.sTORS EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 wr.;-r ,r, S 'rmrinHiii'nmm;t'niiriH:rj:ii;TuiTimjiir4iiiHM-m'imiir.i:uirjnHntii!:iiiiHin:i!nnmffil &.wiwi,i.,i!i::iiiii:iii;rii!ii:i'jiii!iii,i uriiiiiimiiaiiwsyiai.mmi'a I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 1810 PINE STREET rj Attraetive rertd. n-, suitable for d apartments; steam heat, in good order Bj throughout. P EDGAR G. CROSS gj 1411 WALNUT ST. rr inr hh i- h . ni; r . : i : : ' n . .' ! in tnmi Tiimr h:i ! (Pinof in: i rt p: h i iiJ n :i ;:n :s i:y: rn m. ?K 'I!tHi!tllwml!ri'HU!.fll!raLinffilr(M!mmHS'3.l;lmHnJl;LTmm.::EL,Bs PALE B 1533 PINE STREET I 11 ItoriMS, 2 HATIIIIOOMS. 1 LAV- E ATtiRY. ASSESSED $13,0.1(1, PIIICB gi f 15 C'.e.. g 3 WILLIAM I. MIKKIL i M W1DENEI1 ULDO. H M!lllW!llill!IIIIWIICfliillll!il!ll!P!llipM ITALIAN buyers 1020 S Randolph: $1300 eh rep, -11 ns- i QIHH. ,-,ii3 i hestnul. 3'ils N FAinilILL $210(1 eish requi-oij. thos. n num. r,nr, chestnet st. llillldlng lit rorto-y Sites, r.tr. LuT: CORNER 20(1x200 II. D. MiCOLLL'M 1211 Ch-slniit st SITES iiillroad. I'enna snd llesdlng. $2000 r-r rr.-' t, up. DIETIiRK H 737 Walnut. 1321-1310 EIDUH AVE. Central. 3 fronts: -.0 Win ft,: cheap Worrell -,-,3 X, 17m. liiifc'nt-HH I'rii'iertleH and Stores VICINITY PITH AND WALNUT Ilulldlng 4-sty front. 2-sty rear. 31x233 to r. ur st , asuess-d Jso "(10 $25.(.0it Inu. 1st rr'i? jil" o-in rmssess on. llltl N. 03d. Ove--broiiw 105 W. . , Vli INITY lol'H ND WALNUT I ulldlng 4-j!i front 2 stv rear. 31x233. to liar st . n-'il in itdtl (25 OUtl auhjeet 1st re,t. in-, I-.,. , 11 ir, y nad 0e-'. 11".", j.it',.oiHi Cult . M-xluli. lust oil Maik-t St. 75 HO" Central corner. 4(ix73. Walnut st. HXIII & CO. 737 WAI.N'CT ST H e nnri It, illni J20IH) r.17 Welnut. DIET'-II ti'H. '1'- Floors J5M.'!M PHI SALE AT SPRIN ! MILLS. H PA I.AllC.B Fi'T iltY 1'LlnlS H 2V2 ACRES OF LAND g PK.SN.iVIA VNM -'l-INU. POSSES- H FOR SALE ' & A CREAMrlKV ' N ' KNS'-i YI.VANIA H PRICE. $3500 FOR SALE I UAP.ACE. H 17'MI 1 I'll ILADELr- g PRICE."$1 2.000 I W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N urn ST r 'ict 1 en a l :;:::ffl"i1 i,iiii!ii,iiiiiii'i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:'i.iiiiii.ii;i':ii;i.n!ii DYKIN.. ANI) FINISH INil PLANT 22 mid so. ft : iH-tSi'Ssl n Feb. I iiwner vl.l finance : l. STEViCSSOV 4 .11 i.V l-ind Tl' IE It,- "Sale FACTORIES Rent " WAREIinCSES FLOORS TRACTS OF lilMI'ND WITH R V. MD.NO AVD LIVFR FIID.S'T MAR0NEY & DILLON .. C-'T "-I1 l'l IMP'Rn H1I l'' I- RIES" W Mil M . l'.--'" ET HERKNESS&'' STETSON 1 ND Jl'l I'LF 111 llil i Sun III 'plfll.AHl... I'll' v ii.mi.ifii run. ei.-er 1 t t y b. o . iml. .ling, spur track ' fr.pi p an-l It . n v 1 ,ng um'I ,,y a steel 1 1 oj.jct.i 1 mpiiiiy. .1 LEE PATTov I T isco' V PI In; . sl'lli'i E 7211.' ;' 1.. .-'.l.E "le.ip 1 "1 I'-i-k fa lory ivi'.'.br g 'o-tnt 3 S--...-1 ;.' n-. f iigot: e-i.. t ..ii.r i- unt. in r nt. I . !-vat ir about 25 0ofi --n .' '.ill ! si n .111 - i.-r. 41 v I Ph, -i ...nhi 1 IS'il.'STIlfvl. PLANTS ..r. ,-a. rall 1 ..- ' lr ft 1 I'fe VMI's !. STI'V 'SinV SON i.'.' i2l Lao, I T--'e II lg 1 1 4 i .. ' ft I T W ' S'I'T v . r- I W 11 U 1 253 I HO, fl 1. 1 d L.lustrlsl P.. n E-t.,t. Tru 1 el IH ." Hid'n 1' Kidinj, A 1 11 7H7 W ' M'T ST FA 'l-il. rn" . 1 e ..I i-l- an tr"l"PI'.ll 717 Walnut st .. - - -i. . 1 - r.o ;,i-tlons. '..13 1 " 1 b: i .4 fronts: :-. N 17th Mores uiid Iineilmie. I'illl.A 11 - i. and 7 "rtni. ; 1 -- K'.ud o- ' t m:! :!i.Hi "e. Fo, ,',ii 1, XXI.iT PHII.MlEI Pill .... - U. .Ai XI , .' .' 11 .h K. i. t I o I . . , i-t ti, posi. H . ip.ir dntn a, I I. an-Ion ne ave. '): XUD AVE c , ., ir.ig f.,r 2 11 ii -ti linn elm F J. Lamb-rl. lm s 1. U ! IT ,- .(Till ST - il 1 ' r 1 l-l 1 k 0 rounill 1 1 1 ' .-' t htteei 1 , ., e rlaht y .'! ritl i 1 o , 11 1 otn si 1 lm rX.Si 'm . 1- 11 r uns an-l tialh eleo. il pi J I.KE PX'PInN Lincoln llldif. p. .WELT ..V A VI-: 12 rms 2 baths; ! ,, 1, ur .-. e'a Mi- lui u . If B. 40th. : ,0 1 1.1 on 11 ii- 1 in -ins pon.i. - , 1' - PI ;" rll 1 Cwtharliie st ChDXP AVI "west until ,t Only $3866" -, - 1 1. --1:1 - i. - 11 'i'i If XN!- X' XI Nl T I beilrnnins, stt only lii-nil .X I Ri .'.'ill elf limit st 1:1311 sxN.ioM ST Sn,. rms und "bath. ,eeiu. J i.i-.k 1 in.'.x i.tncln Hide, $frdn- l'-l N DfTH HI' 3 rooms, ran rented $15 lli-cLFItfc! CO, 1 SiL .at I k: b. 12(10 CASH 1211 N it'jd. 0 rms & bath 5 I .lis ...- M.i.inyy 3 N5llh,Hft3oi, -il . oil' -i. . 1 y mod . U mo. , rasv terms, I'.rr.i-ie Tr is- Co 44th I. Lancaster ay El.CO.XVr cor home Karae both mod- ern u 'i - alien 5433 I.archwoodrtVo. 3237 SANSUM ST -3 sty house 18000 col reouirea. .no. n, uiud. ooj cutwnut it. aA i,W ! Pii 1 j , f ,. 1 ( ,.'. '';