4 a ,-tr"" fJV- ljft -Wft 'V IS EYENING PTJBCIO KEDGER-PHIEABEDPHIiV:, SATTJBDAY, JANUARY J20, 1921 f JMV) .. Mn SWV2VF DUCROW By HUNKS ST. JOHN COOI'KR TiTH SrATJrfl Ti77 flronr Elisabeth Ann Ducrow, known as "iunnv," tells Vert Jackton that sho intends to mako something of hcrtelf and ride n motorcar soma do. They both worfc In o plolco factory. sunny live oh Jr ffrum&Jj aunt on !, meat street. Ifunperlnp dr a day (ii the country and having no money, Sunny and Vert ting on the street for eennies and are arretted. At the court ouss is LaUe itontreseor, octrees. Si, t impressed with Bunny's orig inaUW, end ortnge nef to Max iom mlnoioay, theatre manager, who gives her a small part in a revue. Vert is taken on, too. Bunny has rare merit Ji a born aotrets while Vert'e atofc .card stupidity la mistaken for real acting. On her first appearance Bunny Motta her lines, tut, ever resource tut appeals to the audience to be pa 5J.ni and 'give her a chance." ller refreshingly original speech makes a hit" A bouquet concealing a dia mond pendant from Lord Dobrington i handed Bunny at tho close of her first night. Bhe returns the pendant, hcrt outline o ptot for a new play. Sunnv lnds tto pounds to Mr. John ton, of the plokle factory, and has a aU interest in tho business. Dobring ton nets entangled with an actress und goes the pace. Ills mother calls on Bunny to save her son from ''that iromait." Bunny looks up the career of ailltl Casson," with whom Dobring. tti is entangled, and finis that she is oil cx-convict, having served nine mbnihs for shoplifting. Bhe confronts htr with the story and forces her to nlcoss Dobrington from any promise ht may have made her. Bunny calls mi Uotrinpton to Mfloln her action, mid finds him regretting that he has meed to marry "Oilly," but regards hit promise as sacred. AND 11BRE IT COXTIXVItS qUKNY'3 cj-ch flamed. ''Dob. you'M w whltol" blio Bald, "ncftl white, nnd 1 love you tor It! I didn't conio hero weaning to do It, but I'm going to ull the same I" Sho stood on tho tli3 of her toes, sho rut nor nrm3 round his neck, and guvo him a Bounding kiss. "Thero'a your latter, old dear!" she Mid. "Head It when I am gone, and then then - sno jaugiicu. nuiu up your head and keep smiling, Dob." Sho turned to tho door. "Sunny 1" ho said. "Sunny 1" Ho wns starlnK at the handwriting. "Sunny, nio back!" But alio laughed at him from the doorway and kissed her hand -to him, and a moment later sno was Bono- . Runny curled her feet under her on Iho sofa and beamed on Lady Blesscn- dale. "Then then you havo actually suc ceeded, you clever child?" her ladyshln cried. "Sunny Ducrow, you havo won 1" "I meant to." Sunny enld, "and when I mean to, I do It gen'rally, and It didn't cost such a wonderful lot neither; fnero aro two thousand pounds chango for you I only filled It In for three Instead of five" And and sho took It was content; he will. ot attempt to-" ,,, "NolIMn Bunny siuu. " "'",' car for him, and ho wan fed up. fair worried to death! Only ho asked her, and, being a gentleman, he dldn t cce how lie wiw to break no promises. I left him reading the letter from nor Tvhlch tells him sho Isn't going to marry liim. I'll bet It's the nicest letter ho er hnd. and 1 11 botcher." Sunny went (il, "that he'll bo popping round to aeo you before tho duy a out, looking as harpy in a sandboy. Oh, It's all right, all risht, and It's coft thrco thousand ! "You wonderful child!" her ladyship said. "Sunny. Is It really truer' "Dead true, sure as I'm silting here, Sunnv ealri. "Ho didn't reelly lovo her, ho told mo; ho'd gono tempornry mad, but lie's conio to his senses again. Oh. lio'il hn izlad all right, you wait and pee, and now I must pop off; tho way hi been neglecting my own Business is simply shameful I" 'Sunny. I want you to do something for me, Walt!" Her ladyship sat down, sho v,roto rapidly for a few min utes, then came to Sunny. 'Sunny, dear," sho said, "I I want jou to keep tho change; hero It Is. tno thousand pounds, and never wan the money better enrned. Will you take It. dear enlld, with my most grateful thanks?' Sunny turned red and then white. ; sho rose. "1 I'm sorry." sho said. "I spyse 1'xo been a bit of a fool. I 1 tnoughl 1 was doing it friendly llko for -for vou I don't roallzo that a lady !ilt you wouldn't want to tako a favor from a girl like me without without paytnir for It." lvly Itlcssenrtalo colored; slowly she tore tho cheque across and ncrosi. ' bear," sho said, "you misunderstand n c IT nr-eont what vou havo (lone. and I phall regard It nnd remember It M. fho net of a a dear llttlo friend. fchu nut her arms around Sunny ana held her tightly. Ten minutes later Sunny went out; hrr feel scarcely secmod to touch the paicment Her fnco was radiant, her rrd lips smiled, her eys danced. Then iho raw hhn Sunny looked round ; she taw a doorwav nnd darted Into It, and stood there till Viscount Dobrington had pascd Sho saw him ascend tho steps itio ramlly mansion nnu ring iiio ueu. "That's all right!" Sunny whispered. 'That's all rights C1IAPTEU XIJ 'llio Doouilnr "f "John Crow" My good girl, my dear Sunny, Trng ! ' You with your excuso mo red lulr and tumed-up noso and " "Don't vou worn' about my hair. Sumy safd "As for my noso being turnrd up, what about Bertha Bnllton? Don't h, r nofco turn up nioiv'ii m Inn If snjthlnp and ain't sho 'If In trageuy or an thing else, come to that?" ueruia IlaJilon liu t sunny i tictow , Arthur Plirllu nnlil nLeauB Ktinnv nuc.ruw alnt provrcl hal kIm fim ,lii nml BeithiL Uallton lias," Sum,' tnld. "I'm for tragedy all ! tlmo Artliur Ho llurhnrf If I knnlfA In tnrulilu'A nbnUt It. he'd han thrift ilm'" tin until. "on t you vorry; you let mo inn o him about it. I'vei got tho sketch :ce, and Bert wroto It." "It'll hn n rni-rv." Ciirtla said. A lianed wrltton ami notd liv Sunny Du- prow, iti ho a screaming rarco irom MKlnning to end! Hang it. I don't r.ow that It would not bo a good movo '0 put t on and advorliso it as a tcreamlnir tnrcn I" "do It'" Sunnv said: sho smiled, "You Cr't rlln mn Arthur!" -M dear child, I'm not trying o ni J m luit irvinir o snow you com Inon firnno !' V r.amnln out nf vour stock." she 'aid "warranted not to run In the vu IxjoIc here" sho sot hor small "th this hero sketch la going to be iaed and Sunny Ducrow Is going to ') it Kee7" Til haf TlftretnTn nAVflf TIUlB On n kctUi that you wrllo and In which ou want to net a tragedy part, my tlrl ' "rietoher!" Sunnv said. "Bntcher"' , rt me havo the thing!" Curtlassald. ii ii amusing to run uirougn in 'You'll snllt vour Hides with laugh 'I Sunnv fnlil "With vour sense of ftUtnor v.tnMI lniiitl. umiraolr tnnrH nIIIv than ou am now !" ''' ins have it. anyway!" he said; . held out his nice white, well-kept u for the script, )ou read It and It'll do vou good!" Vliny ald "I'll look back later 1" She MtS lllm IIia Dplnt ntl.1 U'Miif mil ,H'io felt ft uttlo angry, but sho was M1,"" that sno had not shown It. THE GUMPS Poor Andy, Poor Min By Sidney Smith "ten ns finished. The "Thu Price of His inor" nBd been touched up nnd 'Ufhed up ajrain, Mio nnd Hert had sat iff It fftn I,. i.nl ImtiH rMnnllii l, ; i ituuia u vt jivuiw 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ima told ono another that It was . unu further meddling would do it '. so they loft it .ounny went out Into the street. On I'UBlt I, m ..... .... i t. 1I..M. . th I WU IV KIUUI UVtMUIIIK ( lllll n ii ar'""B lluG red letters struck her "'U I'JCS, "John lkuw Janis, I'loklcs. Sauces, Ji.hr h!ll" "s mother muUeit ouim i row- lellllH ,iurny . Rce thnt )uu , i ii " hr'hm'"1 ,111,' uvcr London, imt a board. K ll'lt'ked the name glad tidings j '.iner-Dy. uunny stood and stared. "That looks good!" sho said "Botcher John Crow's going to boom Mossy knows something!" Sunny hailed a cab ; sho gavo tho man directions, nnd a quarter of nn hour later she ntood In Cutwny street Mr. Johnson was In his oMco ; lie looked radiant. "Hello, partner I" he shouted. . "Hello I" sunny said. "How's It go ing?" "Strong, Bplendldly orders rushing In I" hu said. "This advertising scheme Is beating us hollow. I don't know how we'll keop up with tho orders 1" , "Oh, you'll keep up with 'em all right 1" Sunny Bald. "Next thing we've got to consider Is a now factory." "My dear glrll" "I'v got It in my mlndl" Sunny said Just outstdo London close to tho rail way, of course. Of courso wo'll havo to build, and wo'll run up a. hundred cot tages." Mr. Johnson stared at her. "My my dear Sunny I" ho said. "Anything upsot your mental balanco7" "Not ns you could notice!" Sunnv 1nld" ,..9n,y yu don't look ahead nnd I do Wo'vo got to find a tract of land und put up a factory, then we'll run up cottages for tho work people. Wo'll call It John Crow Town, and It'll bo a place for folk to como nnd see. Swimming baths nnd clubhouse nnd reading rooms nnd laundry nnd " i,urir:,iJonn5?n n,,,b0ll 'la hands through vJ lr' o Ko Bteadllyl" ho gasped lou swoep mo off my feet!" ,w.ni"y JaUK,.1S'1- ' 8eo ll tt. " you um JL1 i"h1 n ? "What's more, I know ..ii,? ' 1? lnilUs ,0 lo,Kot; It's to bo got i iJJi '. ,0' bec.auo tho chap as ,lt be nS? t0K2eu nbollt wlth his eyes shut I" ittiyly?" ho said. i,,,.?70"',!1'8.111"1 thl8: ho land 18 about rftrt""2 from lhe rallwny lln?; If It wero dead on tho lino, it would bo Sut'h-UrVIH!?" ,H".fl h0 "V" ft Iiij.n2if ift H1"0 fnt a wonderful long l"liasneCe0!"lOhe"nidl,0U',' tt tradt' ls lt7' thiny'l-'su'sam.5'0" "" SC0 SOmc- i.i.3!l?iJ0!? s.lx I,crc.s' ftml ho wnntn n. iilVi th0v!?V' lhlrtJ' "cms liclouglng to wm ,CihhJ.Co. a" '""C.hlng this six. Wll want that, too, but tho other chap's !iT.Hjr.y' f cl.l,e ho'd not want money end My-rtA?iyh0Jv' I," bftc,lcr ln lI, end t a got all at a hundred an acre. "But tho money?" .JT!.at." ho tl,r(5 thousand, bIx hun dred !" Sunny said. "Then there's tho cost of running up tho factory. Well, that won t bo muoh, hero won't bo H.i5?H'iifor no, thing; It'll bo just a low building, taking up about two ??.?, t0 8t,nrt w,.tn- yv" ca" add other buildings from tlmo fb time. I reckon wo can Btlck tho first building up for say two thousand that's five thouband, six hundred. Thon tho cottages, we'll build 'cm In palm. Twenty pairs will do (inougn to suirt with, and I've reck oned them out at two hundred and fifty i1 r.&r.'k,. that's another flvo thousand, lsn t it? "Stopl" Mr. Johnpon said. "It's u fOrtUllO ! Wherfl'q Ihrt mnnnv rnmlnn from. Sunny?" "uit. ill mm It nil right, don't you worry. Of couro. we'll have to mako n company of It! First to limi. u-o'ii want twelve thousand pounds, nnd say RV ... l""V"'i 'or noiung-piant nnd tho like t till t con thousand." "We shall novrr get It!" Johnson said. "Belcher !" Sunny said. "Botcher wc II hn moving In this day twelvo month !" "I'll bet you a now tllk dress nnd a hat to match wo aren't!" Mr. Johnson said. Sunny nodded. "Bctchcr!" sho said 'An overcoat and a new hat and n, pretty new tie ngaln3t my dresa and hat I" Sho held out her hand. They thook hands on It. Runny went bnak to thp Benlm : she loft Mr. Johnson a llttlo dated. "That girl !" ho muttered. "She's a wondei ' Thin time, however, sho has bitten off moro than sho can chew!" Sunny laughed to horself. She had made her plans, nnd eho meant to carry them out. "Klrst thing, I'll get nn option on thorn thirty-six ncros right iMiig aw.iy'" she thought. "Aftor that, I'll get to work! Woll?" Shu opened tho door of Mr. CurtlSH" room. , "Woll?" ho nald "I'vo read it, Sunny; you you didn't write It?" "Not all ; mo and Bert wroto It be tween us !" "But hang It !" ho said. "Oh, hang It If you like, but wo dono it all tho name !" "It's not bad btuff," ho said ; "in fact, it's good ! But but, Sunny Ducrow, I can't s-o you In that part ; it's a sheer Impossibility!" "Belcher! ' Sunny said "You'll fee mo In that part all right I" Ho h1ioo1 ht-i head "Hnjtowo wouldn't dicam of It' You'll do all right for rue, my girl, nnd for protty. pretty little songs nnd nice bcenlc cf fects, but when it comes to sheer trag edy, you'ro no go I" "If you'd seen mo working ln the pickles, sticking on labels, ami looking nftcr tho boiling," Sunny said, "you'd hao said to yourself that girl's all right for this Job, but put her on the stago with a pretty, pretty song and nlco scenic effects and she'd be dono and out. You'd hno said that Juit because jou don't know That's why you niv talking thli vn ' You don't Know, nnd you never will Know until jou i-co !" "Bnrstowo will necr llsttn to the suggestion!" ho wild. "Ho'll do moro than listen; he'll Jump at It! Belcher that sketch Is on at the Realm before two months Is out, nnd that Sunny Ducrow will bo playing lend 1" "I'll bet you anything you like " "No, I'm not betting," Sunny said "I'm fed up with betting. Ol' mo that script over; I'm going to get Barstowe to rend It!" "(In won't!" Sunny smiled , her llpj framed her favor! to word, "Betcher," but". Mio did not utter It. "You d better givo In, Sunnj'. Don't aim at thu Impossible ! ' "Nothing ImjiOAslblc i?o long hh jou hold your head up and keep smiling!" sho said, CIIAVTKU XI.II Currnn's nnd Hm'berrlen Sunny utffiiped out of tho train and looked about her. Yes. it was nil right "Bnlmer. for I'otshall nnd Copping." Balmcr, that was tho namo of tho sta tion on her ticket It wao a glorious morning and a Wed-nosdaj-. Barstowo ncvor wont to tho Realm on n Wednesday ; It was u hard-nnd-fast rule ho had mado years ago. Wcdnosday Ixindon never saw Barstowe On Wednesdays, Saturdaj's, mid Sun days he was no longor Barstowo, of Barstowe BealmB, but Squlro Barstowe, of Potshall, or, If others preferred It, Farmer Barstowo ; ho did not mind ln the least. Tho Realms wero all very woll. thry wero a gigantic success. Barstowo had nroved htmhclf to bo a man ln ten thou sand : ho Htond at tho very hoad of tho muElc-hnll piofesslon. To bo hooked up for a uealm circuit wan tno ammtion or all tho lesser music-hall stars. Barstowo was a namo to conjuro with In the mualc-hull nrofeHslon. But for three duys of tho week, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Barstowo sank It all. H put on u shabby velveteen coat, corduroy breeches, hobnail boots nnd gaiters. Ho put a straw betwoen his lips and dragged a disreputable old hat on his head and became Squire, or Farmer, Barstowe. Ho talked crops with other fnrmera nt tho IjIoii and Onrtor. Pots hall. On Wednesday- market daj', he pinched pigs und felt tno limbs of borsrs. Ho talked tho Jargon of tho horna trada, of tho cattle market nnd of the ngrlcultutlM, and to look at him ono would never think for a momont that be hnd over been inslilo a musto ball In his life. ,, , rtnrutowe led a double llfo. but It was a very Innocont ono. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays ho was Bar stowo of tho Realms, Barstowe, king of the music hall world. Barstowe, who en gugud stars at Hi'M'rul bundled pounds n week npleco and never turned ii hair Wodnci-das lm was Farmer Barstowe nt 1'otxhall Market, and would arguo and tight nnd cheapen a cow. or a pig, or t beast, nnd stand out. If necessary, for tlircr qiuincrH in tin nmir umt ii iiuiiiw of thlity shillings i (CONTINl'HD MONDAT) j Cetvrlaht. llll. bu Qtoret V. rutnam t Sow, i r1agsJE.UVS VJO-AAH-VOO CERTAIMU trm-rEP IN THE BIGGEST 'fORTOHE H rrllPP cr I fvPrtc ic vMi li At, wtie.M r., r.-i ii iuu rvrvi' 'n.G E-5G O0 WOULDN'T GlVc. T N CrAANce. Tt LA.V Tl-- i . i u. - - ---- . - - . - nil ii ! mmy . ii ' i -m -" f VE.A., VZWL e-u S " " - 1 VOO'RH UPPOSD TO BlttE f I TT-P Yr AMRTeWw -rrt RP'eH'T TWS 66ET ?AR-T OF 1 ?i?r7A. J.kVr Reipk-4-- V vr rAtoe.- oue our ufh. pa.hN6 h. AHt ,IwlC:.. owned a sank J i ..TTvTv. xJt.r'.u.'. ,.. i ( ":' ::z..., -.? ,r .. ,v i t ou'd go HOKt lz i ii i .Jh.r i mlxi t-f1. niiMi i tjc iiniMt-wrT. irvi &- t- i i . - -- - - . .-i r . I WOW PO OV UKE VAOiM-c I UfsP , . - llffNVF 0H ) ' V Uf: os peATS? tHNTSAW-v jafe open J M certajnlv C SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Gloomy Visiitor 1 1 ti i i ii p j- By Hay ward Golly, look at this :dmiai6 I'VE seeaj amy AGeats iaj here But this boy's the sadde.st LOOtflM Om I E.VER WELCOME VlTH THE Toe OF. MY AUJMBER H3UR C30LLY,HI5 FACM (.. S WE& VOU THE CREEPS ' i ft )1. I I 1 KJ V IS,.. . - - cr .c-J 6OQ0 M0RMIM6, 7MISS-IVE CALLED - t i i tm. r-- J I ''A 'f1 I f , SMM' r3 J WYT) SSki f C rJTELLIM' HlrA rr-X w, ... . ?$i ih " NiMTH I j ULl r,fSS Jjj VeH-THAT5HlST0R BUT HE ISnT ' IN -DOK'TWANT TO BUY AMYTHU16 TOO BOSY TOO 5Ea AMY BODY- HE CAM'T RF DISTURBED BVl CHEERFUL HEOPi-t TELLIM HIAA FUAmV stories - 4 V r 'f jj, ByT- J OOUT WASTE BREATH MlSTfLR- J. iA"T -TCJU t-A.H t Ott. niM vajhat's Your? (Same aaiyhow? Yoo Look like TheoriG iajau xi.CTPO fLOOM VNHAT DO TOU 5E.LL-3(?AVr DIGGERS TOOUb - ELECTRIC CHAHVS -vax LOOK UKEBADfrV J -n liHx VwIlfl hA iiWiK nn JEWS. umM tm " Stem Mwif K M V AIO-IM THE -Mtw COLLECTOR MISS - IVE CALLED FOR THE- OMER DUE INSTALLMENT OA1 1 "YOUR HUR COAT. 7PJ0iR hL)R CQT'l ' &.-C-H4i,ia.RD -2.9 ' T( The Youno Lady Across the Way MR. HENRY PECK Bg FONTAISE FOX SCHOOL DAYS liu DW1G The young lady across the via? s-ay-i we don't seem to have states men any moro of the typo of Abra ham Lincoln and Daniel Webster nnd tho other signers of the Declaration of Independence. y m ill HI wyvs H ml iliJ t-ii 'I I "oonr cake if k ,r isrr Lit'. IVe told You MVBtK To Bring TfAT VILE SMtlUtiQ PIP? INTO THIS DINING t?ftOrA V Ii.' s 1 j lIM80rlOEr CHEESE -SANDWlCrl ? ''wwwxmw y" s. Nrt.HgNRY'PecKJS A VICTIM OF WHAT Ybl MIGHT call A Rank injustice. -1W ffl .jS -- v. ' VJ PETEY These Days By C. A. Voight (TeEVHe- BU5IUES5 S 1?0TTfkl WAYCU T WAO A COSToMRR 1M TVO VfFEs wo ost stTriuic 7 AROUWP HERe- r -fy s". h2?y ' WZJ 'OlMJfMTa - f MIGHT JUiT AS IViELL ftE W R.ORIDA AS MOT AMMTHIMG i Hate is To kc IDLE AT?0UVJ0 AW OFFICE - r 1 SJjfi & jk , '' yx ,d -r ss riMmz Tuc OMLvf THIMC TpAt Keep coim'A"ROlH' iHE1?1 TflU CtOCK AMU THU REHT 7IWG0E5' HMIr4CS ARtOW- x$y LUJJo J' oo V ll' KSUI -iM,-.-y -jr - vvi-iafj --- -x gKCWWl - M Mf TeCeY PEAK OO I VNITH ME To- I M0RK0rJ AMD I Help Ml f. Our A HAT ) f SAY 5o Vou Ihiui- ( AKJ LCAVliTTm OFr-lCE AMD TtfoT AROUMD VTK ou" SAX utc" v- x-l LL THE CLANCY KIDS He Has Such an Open Face, Too By Percy L. Crosby w anil I if JHl-C i II - Ht' whVapp Vou CRYfNG THAT WAV-J MBOV- 1 i -ryrrw"Tt I'i III ii mi ' CAVSC Tf TM6 ONLYLUAV (KN0U now. i3tai f I