m., .,. ...jjmb r . , ' - . a:;., JLuaK g. j !. ". T vWBT JXtb&aK !.-S'"l'fyA iaiV ft rr- 'VJ'V i ),&-. ',?,-,' . ft I- I J If. M 5 i r-. j. r if."' V ', s Vi 11 . I U Euenttt0 Bubltc fedger PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921 TEN DAYS OLD. Another addition to the family at the Zoo n f o baby llnma, -hown with the mother, which stood with heal erect as the photographer made an exposure t V"" I hoo Seru, THEY TESTIFIED AGAINST BRINES. At the left is Henry J. Fitzgerald, an export from the Colt Arms Co.. where the pistol introduced in the murder trial of the Penn student was manufactured. Eldredge W. Stem is the handwriting expert who told judge nnd jury about the "Magec" letter and other handwriting that has been admitted as evidence ivir ihto stu. INITIATED INTO SIOUX TRIBE OF INDIANS. Such was the recognition given Miss Cyrena Van Gordon, tin opera singer, for her work in gathering funds for Indian charity. Her Indian name will be "Wau-blo-ho-wnste-win" I'ndnrwood & I'ndorwooc MOTHER AND CHILD T h . .araque li than two vech- c' . ti, h. rr -thei nvnkc, a' P ax r iAf . U'UAIION PROGRA m.nunie .it 'nc e.xo i-c "VI HAS HISTORIC SETTING. Pupils of the Robert Morrid School, Twenty-sixth and Thompson streets, appeared CLASS OFFICERS. Nearly two hundred girls wore graduated from the William Penn High oon. At th Bird, Jack . held yesterday afternoon. At the left are Carl Wright and Ida De Beer. In the "Spirit of '76" group arc John School last night. The president of the class is Katharine B. Roscnbaum (left), Gloria R. Bright and Norman Brown differ rtioto sen l Glenn, vice president (center) ana Helen S. Cottingnam, secretary IOdcer I'hoto Scrwc PRESIDENT Or THE c I Vs k herine M. Ean -son, of ht et Phila Je phi.i High Sihnol for GirK ARE YOU RKAIm : . The ladies wear s i i irnati K MDEWALk ,'u shots in r jral u , r OUR CUT'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO CHAMPION DOGS J in.c., .mui Willets, Jr., Krrtdy WiHcta and M try Gladys Willets, at the i -pcualty show of .i Amtrioan Spaniel Club, in New York MISS ALWIDA LOBN1TZ skiing at Murren. Switzerland, when English hociety folkh are revel ing in the winter sports I'cntral Nowi Ihoto LARK1N CO. GIRLS JUDGE LIMPIV LIM'RICKS. The.se employes in tin premiuii' department of the Latkin & Co. building, at 1920 Arch street, picked out the winning lim'rick that is announced today. In the picture from left to right ate (front row) Miss Toss A. Iiozaith, Miss Sadie Jones, .Miss M.irMret M. Stiles, Miss Marie E. II. Flach and Miss A. F. Shelton; (back row) Misi Mary R. Dougherty, Miss Marge V. O'Donncll. Miss Svlvania Hartm.m MisJ Margaret E. Witman, Miss Josephine J. Welch and Miss Margaret Hynn !. ! r mammmamLJimMmMMM?r 1 mWSXMw W -i!lHKItSSSBHBB semaphore sentinels l m80Sm the beauty corner ROUN'I'l.N'. Hull I t: l'LAl'l. IMn ' IR i I n M U .n. B . I Vollltttfti i. gn. i. 'In- lirst i i t rito ii' mi !' i uir g Mm- i uon nt i d.l i il,it. "Tluj arc wnrkcio in tr.i. Kestuiio lioi'. v Wur. , i" I n r ",i . i 'o- i . .-., rwo i -.-i . .s ii mi, urn i i ', a ill pi.iy at tlii i .'i i nt I'n 'hi- St. Ignatius H"j,-o and Faim for L mmployird Men, on January 31, at the Metropolitan . .M,, i iillOMlAN j.hllOY C K EAGLE, ii Ixwlith and Maiket -tncts He lives at 77:) North lniiv-nght "triet Keaglc is married and has oc child I oi nine ytuio ho has been a inembei of the police de partment i i r rv, ( u mGIU'SSMAN SOON T(J BE RU'OltTKR. Reprcscnta tivc I a.. i R KlurwooiJ, of Ohio, wi'l M.n nit Ohio paper in P i gillciy n , . , MnB MISS FANNIE KILPATRKK 1022 North Eighth street Philadelphia tvl " L 1