t ' - : h ( WS! . WWfajaBSs.aaa wwmin nn-.-wawM ,,sir '""V " -i - . t 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRlkAY, JANUARY 28, 19B1 f t i . It U ." '1 1 .' I " .ti I ' tt 5 I ;u ' r ' X i , h L fa .. . v i Grand Trunk Railway of Canada (Canndlnn Njtlenal ItnllwaM) 6M7e Equipment Trust Gold Certificated, Scries F nrK FKimi',nY i. io.i Issued nndcr the rhlladrlplilu rlun We offer thete Certificates when, as nml if issued To Yield About 6.80 The National Giy Company Philadelphia 1421 CtiMtnat SI. Telephone1 ill (H) Innl RAILS TAKE L AD IN SIOCK MARKET Group in Bottor Demand and Scores Moderato Gains. Stool Issues Soft Some Facts Regarding Liberty Bonds United States is by far the richest nation In the world: in comparison with other countr'eg our national debt is ridiculously small. More nearly normal money rates and industrial conditions will mean that United States' obligations will re turn to a basis where the yield will approach that of pre-war days. In the mean time Liberty Bonds are selling to yield more than certain standard issues of railroad and municipal obli- fations. f some of the tax features of Liberty Bonds are not clearly understood, we In vite requests for informa tion. Hemphill, Noyes C&, Co. .Vemoera ftmw York Stock Elchtrtf Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New York Bo.ton Scranton Buffalo Albany Syracuse Baltimore Riordon Go., Ltd. Twenly-Year 89fc Bonds These bonds are the obli gation of one of the largest manufacturers of bleached sulphite pulp in the world, and can be purchased to yield over S. We recom mend the purchase of long time bonds at the present time. Ask for Circular F-8 Harris. Forbes & Co. In Street. Corner William NEW YORK TH1LADELPHIA OFFICE. Wid.ner Bldf. New York, Jan. 28. Tlir- rails were tiromlurnt In today' early trnillnt;. There wad nothing at all Martllng ntmtit their action, but they wore In better de mand than for the list few days and scored moderate Rains, The announce ment that the subscription lists to the l'ennsytranla llallrond Co.'s fifteen year Mi per cent secured bonds had been closed, Indlcutlni; that railroad financing can be successfully Initiated, lintl a beneficial effect on the group. Howerer, with their labor program un settled, and Printline with dlffieultlM, .It hardly scent fulr to eipoct very much mnrketwlH- of the rails in the Immediate future. 'I'll" copper" divided attention with the carriers, Anncondn, Inspiration and Seneca all making fractional advances. Tli" steels weie soft and Hethlehcm wns under particular pressure. Mexlcau Petroleum came back into th" i(N tinder sonic aKresivp buy ing Offerings In General Asphalt were heavy and It hod difficulty In maintain ing Its opening price. i n iiiniiey ngntu was quoted at i per cent. LOCAL STOCKS MOVE IN NARROW LIMITS Rail Group Not Influenced by Success of P. R. T. Bond Issue Utilities Mixed The local market opened fnlrlv active fdny but with prices nnv 'tig within a narrow range. The nnh gain of ony sire to be made during the entire ses lon wns in American Store which, on an opening sale of but live shares, "cored a gain of 1 , points. While this wns the high price of the dnj. the stock wns In active demand and lend the mar ket In the mntter of sales. Trader In the railroad group were appirentlv little Influenced b the large siib.serlntlnn to the 1'cnhsvlvanla's snn.(V10.l)OO.bond issur for. while the .stock wiw In fair demand all day. the price suffered a fractional decline. Le high Navigation, the onlv other mem. 1 her of fh" rails to come out, showed miliar neuKness. T'tillties showed mlxeil tendencies Philadelphia Ilapid Transit. Philadel phia Trn.'tlon and t'nltel (Jas Improve ment made fractlonnl advances, the strrngth of the lat named doubtless being a reflection of the first hearing l.y the commission appointed by the Mayor to consider alleviation -f the citv I gas-lease conditions. At .Tja, the com pany's common snores were up a half. I The preferred was unchnnged. I He remainder of the list was tin i hanged to fractionally lower. About tne only exception lo this dlspjav of veakness .as In General Asphalt, which en very limited offerings was up almost n half. Philadelphia Stocks WHAT STOCKS SHALL I BUY TO MAKE MONEY? This outstanding question, or the many Unetor' Inquiries re ceived daily i y th- broker Is discussed in our ir-tUAL LETTER "CH" wh ch will be sent gra'ls upon request together with our TEAR END HEVIKW the la't-r being a tietise on th. snni . conoinlc s tLatlor. ,u it IT c'a s"curlty aluen and the position of the In vestor and tradfr Milton tieim& Co. Stocks and Bonds Foreign Exchange Members roti.nl N( Ki ,f j,- f 1622 Chestnut Street rhones Hell pr'ire .I!)i:-I39t heyntooc H 739 74 Ilrond.M 4H .111. V.r.. N. r Mumfiird. tenii. Huh 17 Alii Insur IV J'.':i Am Strs.. 4S 4 Am (Jim.. 30 V. 7 Am Hwys pref UOVi 147 Klec Stnr f)l)i .10 Gen Asph 10 I Co N A 2 17 r.eh Nov litl 371 Pa It 11.. 41, M) Phila Co cum pf.. 3.T :i7 Phila Klec 2'JV 11!) do pref.. 27 100 Phila IIT 17v, l:) PhllaTrae T.4 lOOtSou Pac 0Si 1HI 1'ono Ilel 1 fl, KM) IT, 1 . . .TJ.V, II do pref . 4!IT I'D ork 11 wv pref.... 30 11 w 18J4 4At 30V 20 V4 rw on 20 41 33 U. 22 K -7' 34 USVi It". 3S4 40 30 30 IDS Net P. m. chtt. lh.. 48 1U, 30i- fi 20',- 14 OTVi.. ll!l 4. ft 20 .. 1)0- 11 Vi 331',.. 22 27J,.. 17'H-f- K 54 4- 14 WK Vi 1,- K Nt chftnir mailf by enfnrarlsnn nllh last 1 on Nw Ynr StorK Eichantr Net PRATT, BREHM & CO. Cnrernmrnt, Rnilruad and Cnrporntian Honda 592 Bourse Building i'iiii.ir.i.rni Uimhunl. 2IP.3 lin .1SSI NOTICE I Present manneer branch of fice one of largest bond houses In the countr dsirei. connec tion in Philadelphia. Fifteen earr' successful experience tiandllnjr hlgh-crnde hnmU. C-80fi, LCOf.KH (JFI'ICK. Amcr. Agric Chein. Vi. 1941 Amcr Gna Co. 7s All Issues Southern Indiana Rwj . 4a, 1951 York Rwys 5s 1937 Bnrnsck-11 0.1 Co. 8s. 1931 Hcrjhey Choc. 7':-i. 19 30 Mowb&Cql tocu.tllUI Land Title Bldg. " Nru W.r ( .He !,! f'-innl i4 We Offer Southern Indiana Rwy. 1st At, 1951 BOENNING, GARRISON &C0. 8TOI K KXCIIAM1K III ll.UI.SH rHrert lrlul Trlfrrn t w Vork Mtintwr I'lilU, tHlufk l".ltlin-e ! U- m in 1IOND.H 1 15 11 ""n Jlluh Ijw p m '. Hell Tel 7s. 102 102 102 . Klei- A. Peo Tr Is 54 C4j Hi,,, '!'... Mb Ilonds 2d 4 V . . 87.30 N7.22 S7.2R .14 .1 l-.'i 3d 44s IKI.lOfsl 10 00. in .1(0 .'111 It-Ill Ith 44s K7.70 VT.34 S7.. .03 22 Vic 4,s.. . 07.38 07.34 1)7.34. . 2 Spanish -Am Iron lis. .. DO ) W) .. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Vork. J&Ji 2S The late decllne :n futures yesterday was believed to hive pretty wel' discounted the rather tiH.ippolntlny official llrazll cables re. .led this mornlnjr and, while there v.urt .m op-nlntf d- line of 3 to 5 points, h market wns bid up i couple of points ifter the call The market eontlnued to improre aid middui Mar'-h m-'IIdb to O.OS, May to 7 10 nml .luly to 7 4H, or 3 to ." points sboie the Inltia. flpures and net unchanged Wall street had bti)ine orders around tin ring for May contrnits and seelinj pressure seemed In be lacking. Raw Sugar Market Easy New York, Jan 28 Ths raw suir.ir n-.irket eont nues wuiy The following s.,lis were made yesterday 28 100 bags of i uba for prompt shipment at 3c, 1 f 1 1 an operator and OODI) tiass iv.r'o Ilicos foi prompt shipment At i ' c I f nlfo to an nrwrutor Iral i.flr.-rs took ooo.i Imfts Cuhaji for r ,mpt Mupment at Stic, cot nnd '-. irtt , 5:-") tjasrs Torto Itlcos for f,- sVprrrn' at 4 9c c. I f.. and ' ) hnKs San Iiom.nicoes afloat at 3c. i itnil freight Importations Inc'uded .""'ii fat nhas and M000 hags of ' .-to 11 con to 'he Ked-r.il Surar He- is '"'. Thfl loul r-llned market Is 'h.inired MINE STRIKERS TO RETURN Vote to Go DaeV When To'd "Hoa tlera" Would Join Union Wilkes Harro. Pa, .Ian. 2M, (ny A P -Miners v'io have been on ."ike a' the HuVr f'ol'lery, Pennnyl vi rin Coal Co. nt Plttston for the Ibh'. k. v.iiel Inst nlj'it tn go back to lurk Ssturlny on -"rlmc assured tliut dijbt "hmt!r" iKninf hnm thev p-nl(hted wo'ild jwln the United Mine Worker This it Is believed by union officials, will avert the strike threatened for Mutiduy Diphtheria Death Rate Cut In Half Miirrisiliiirg, .'an 21 -- (Vjloue! Ki. srd Martin, state commissioner of licalth, in a slutemeut issued )estenlay, leelnred Peniis lvanla had cut Its diph j tl.erla death rate In half, but that there were sonic "sore spots" In Pennsylva- mn which It Is hoped to abolish. Physi cians who have had high death rate from , diphtheria have been sent notes asking ' them to adopt nw methods of procedure I at once. Information as tn conditions ,a nlao heln sent to county medical Is'iiiletles. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Sain SI ion w sioo 1M 10 ioo 409 tut 10ft 1M 100 ISM 1410 in soo lint itoo (M 4l 1S00 I J00 SOO 7SS 404 UOfl lino too uoo into JHOO 100 100 100 1 1)0 MO 74V0 100 330 400 81 . SOO too 700 too ?J0 SIOO too 700 200 400 100 ?0 jon uoo .110 3000 1100 100 SSOII 70 100 200 3100 1000 too 400 100 330 too 00 100 310 17(0 100 100 400 1300 800 100 2000 100 COO 4500 100 400 1030 1100 3400 100 100 1000 1000 300 700 100 UOO 100 330 11700 160 SOO SHOO 200 100 100 100 2IU 200 100 300 100 300 2100 3100 700 200 100 310 31110 2(1 210 oil mi 300 Dlr. In I iiiah Adams Rsprea ...... SI 4 AJax Hubbar 301, .. Air Reduction 'U .. Allied Chem A Cye... M ., Allied Cham tt Dye pf 1M 4 Alll. Chalmers JIM 5 Am Agrlo Chem 41 10 Am Hoseh Magneto... lt .. Am Can 31 J4 7 Am Can pf 8Jt . . Am. Chlel 3 . . Am Drug Syn 7 .. Am Hide A leather .. 1 7 Am Hide A Leather pf 4H .. Am Internat Corp ... 4S 1 Am-U France Cnsr 'H Am Locomotive ASH S Am Unseed (OH 7 Am Linseed pf t3 .. Am Safety Razor .... Sit .. Am Shin A Com 11 H Am Smelt A Itf .... 3W 7 Am Smelt A Hf pf.. 80ft S Am Steel Foundries.. loU 7 Am Sugar net Siri 10 Am Sumatra Tob .... 81 Am Tel A Tel 9H 13 Am Tobacco 131H Am Tobacco pf new . . IS 11 Am Tobacco n US'a 7 Am Woolen (6 .. Anaconda Copper ... 19 Pi Asso Dry CJooda ti Asso Dry Goods 1st pf SDH Asso Oil 7H Atlanta Dlr ft Atlantlo Atlantic Coast Line . 84' ah nenninr 7 pt...ii( 10,Atl Out A W I S 3.. 71 H fl All OUf A -W I pf . . . . 1.114 .. Auto sales Corp .... yi a Auto Sales Corp pf 7 Bnldwln Locomotive., .. nnlt A Ohio , Hnltlmont A Ohio pf . , 2.S0 Barnsdale Class D . . . . IMhlrheni Motors . . , 8 Bethlehem Steel .... 8 fiethlehem Steel B ., . . Booth fisheries . . . , .. Brklyn Rapid Transit 13 .. Rrklyn R t ctfs of dp 8V .. nrown Shoo 41 .. Hutto ft Superior Cop 13M .. Hutte Copper A Zinc.. 3y California Tacking .. CSJi .. California Petroleum. 1 Cat Zlno A Lead .... 10 Canadian Pactflo ... .. Central Leather . .. . 7 Central Leather pf . 4 Cerro de Pasco Cop . 10 Chandler Motor ..., 4 Chesapeake ft Ohio.. .. Chicago A Ot West . .. Chicago Mil A St P., .. Chicago Mil A St P pf 4 Chicago Northwestern 68 K .. Chi R I A Pac 27H 0 Cht n I A Pac S pf R3 1 Chi R I A Pao 7 pf J4H .. Chile copper 1V. 1.B0 Chlno Copper 22 ( 6 Cluett Peabody 41 H 7 Cluett Peabody pf ... B3 Cooo-Ctola 23H Colorado Fuel A Iron 1 Col A So lat pf 40 Columb Clas A Elec. . C3 Col Oraphopbone ... UK Consolidated Textiles 2(H Continental Candy ... 3Ti Com Products Ref... "3H Corn Products Ref pfl03 1.30 Cosden A Co SO V 8 Crucible Steel H .. Cuban C.ino Sugar... 23) 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf 64 Cuban Amer Sugar... .K?'j .. Denver A Rio Orande IH . fvnver A Hlo O pf. .. i 1 Dome Mines UK .. Duluth So S A At.... OH 9 Endlcott-Johnson .... 62H .. Hrle "ii .. Erie 1st pf 20 8 Famous Players L... 67 Ii ..7 Federal Mln A Smlt pf 28yj .. Flik Rubber UK . . Freeport Texaa 18 .. Oaston Wms A Wig.. 4J.1 General Asphalt ' Oenernl Cigar 4K General Klectrlo 127li General Motors 14 H Gen Motors deb 6.. 8H Goodrich B F 40yi Granbv Consol M A M 2 Great Northern pf . , Gt Nor Ore ctfa . . , Gulf State Steel . , 4 Haskell A Barker Car 4814 .. Houston Oil IBM 4 Illinois Central .. (( (0 Indlahoma Ref 8' .. Inspiration Con Cop.. 33 IS .. Interb Con Corp 4H Interb Con Corp pf... 12K 7 Intl Harvester new... Ji t Int Mer Mnrlne pf . . . . 4SVj .. International Nickel.. 14U .. International Paper .. Invincible Oil Corp . .. Island Oil Jewell Tea 14 Vl 34 K 61 271$ 4 64)4 68 4H 30)4 . .118 . 43 . i)4 . 31 . 70 Vi . 4y, . 8K 28 H 7714 2U 33 y4 f-iV, 24 H 4M 834 Jewel Tea pf 14 K Low 31 31 li 37 AlH i 44 H (6 M4 88 K 38 H 7 on W lK K "8H k ( 8K 11 88 8914 30 W 0,1 8 (OK 11114 (S 117 67 MK 26 8i"a lOOVi 70 4.114 4V4 IS DO IS 341a 61 MV4 4 ii 7 6K I4 8W M14 1.14 514 8.114 364 6K 11I4 40J4 0214 .1614 8b H 60l K 28 49 Va C8 76 K 68 74 1314 2214 J1K 63 "14 21 40 Silt 20 V, K 71K 10s .10 S',i 2314 64K 314 114 114 K 14 K 13' 26 46K 29 IS H 18 4W 071-4 8(H 12714 lK cs 4014 24 77!4 21J4 33 4814 76 M'a A 36 414 1314 414 6414 16W 1K 24H 414 6 1414 li l:6n Nat lAtt Chsa. 36 4- 3 3614 H 81K- K H 14 3614 .. 4414 4- 14 8414 14 81K 14 8(14 .. it 7 OH 48K- 47 H .. 83H H li W 3 4- 8J4 V 11 8814 1 86i H 30 U- 14 13-1 81 H 6S 1 no4- IH (3 114 117 - It 67-14 314 114 i14 Hi 44 14 7H H 8414 '"V4 1I8V1 70 4814 1 414 .. IS 90 .. 54 K .. 1 37K .. 4 6SJ4 314 67-14 H- 14 "tt- V 8a- li 418 18K K 8V4 63J4 3614- 6 iieji- 4114 214- 3014- 7054 I'A 8DV4 14 8K 28H 44 68 27 63 -74 "'a 22 M 41 K S.8 -J3J4 31 40 63 54 UK- 14 2014 14 3tt 72J VA 103 - H 30 H li 88V4 2314 64 - 3014 114 314 11K 14 6214 13, 26 .'J47 2814 lM 14 18 4' .. CH tt 8(K . 114 K "K 14 68-1 1014 14 24-1 ?754 tt 2 14 14 32K. 2!4 4814 114 76M 1 0y4- K 6H, .. 3414 1 414- H 12 K 5tt 21-4 6815 14 161-4- 14 01K- 14 24' .. H .. 6K K 14K 14 'A tt! H 14 14 Sla 08 Soft ii itoo too 8ft 110 140 too Ml lift 609 300 111 110 loo 111 1II6I SOI 7800 8110 300 SOO It SOO 31 108 801 600 SOO 100 280 1801 100 160 106 100 3660 I860! 100 lfft 100 704 40)0 1460 1200 MOO 2100 1200 400 160 840 800 600 210 200 won 100 7610 300 300 400 2000 400 30 I 820 301 ZOO 100 200 100 1610 1600 3600 2000 100 1600 2600 700 400 108A WO 703 7100 390 1100 100 110 1400 200 7010 106 1 60 1370 600 800 too 401 100 20JO 200 403 200) 6100 3700 100 7800 4730 110 60 0 200 400 il00 100 300 100 10O 100 200 12i)0 son 100 100 80l) 600 401 Dlv. In I 6 4 6 i 8.80 11 7 1 It t 1.68 1.60 3 ir . ... xwyt lata tl 4tK It M :.el ... U (814 62 4 4tJ4 8.60 7 0 0 6 1.60 8 W 8 40 6 1 a 8 8 4 1 4 2 1 "a 8.26 8 74 11 6 II 21K 86U 85 W 3K . 11 . OSla "tt . 14 .tl6H . 4714 84 "14 10 4 11 8 6 8 8 8 0 6 4 4 1 6 4 7 4 4 a 1 8 0 Eill lllsh Jones toron Tea ..... tt Kan City Southern... tow Knyser A Co 76tt Kelly-Po T 46B Kelly-Bur T 1 of... 14 ICennetsMt Coppr .... M14 Keystoti TAR Lackawanna steel Lehlih alley Licsett A Mycr no LlRtett A Myers pf...loS Loewa Co ltt I-oft Corp 11J4 Manhattat Kiev ruar. (8 Math Alkali to Maxwell Motor IK Max Mot lat pf ct at a 8 Mexlcat. petroleum... I(1K Mlam! Copper 16)4 Middle States Corp... "tt Middle States rts.... H Mldvate Steel A Old., 31 K Minn A flt L new ... 13 M 8t P A St S M L L 68K Mo Kansas A Texan.. 7M Mo Kan A Texni pf. . 4U Missouri I'sclno IRIS Missouri Paalflc pf... 30 K MontR-omerv Waril .. 1BV4 National Acmo 2,114 National Biscuit ....107 Nat Enam A Stamp.. 62K N O Tex A Mex 8K New York Central.... 114 New Tork C A 8t L.. 4(1 K New Tork Doek tltt Now York Dock pf . . . 4414 New York N H A Northern Paclfio Nova Scotia SAC. Okl.i Prod A Ref.. Otis Steel 14U Taelflc Oil Co wl .... S7H Tan-Amer Petrol 70K Pan-American B .... 7tt Pennsylvania R n ... 41)4 Penn Sesboard Steel . 1614 Peoples Gas Chicago 31 U Phillips Pet 28 Plerce-Arrow Motor . . 25K Pierce Oil Pitta Opal Pond Creek Coal . . Pressed Steel Car. . , Pullman Punta. Alcgrc Sugar. Pure OH Ray Con Copper . . . Rending fiK Reading 1st pf 46J4 Reading 2d Pf 68K Remington Typewriter 34 Republlo Iron A Steel r.7) Republlo Motortruck.. 231-4 Royal Dutch N Y 07 JS St Louis Southwest.. 76)4 St Louis Southweat pf 3a Kanta Cecelia Sugar.. 4)4 Saage Arms ..... Saxon Motor Seaboard Air Lino Sears-Roebuck . . . Seneca Cop Corp Shell Transport . Sinclair Oil 2.1K South Porto Rico Sug 8 Southern Paclfle .. . 854 Southern Paclfto rta.. 22)i Southern Rail 28 ' Southern Rail pf .... 68)4 Stand Oil of N J pf..l0ty Steel Tubo Co pf .... 8114 Stewart Warner Sp.. 86 Studrbaker 6714 Suhmar Bont Corp ... 14 Superior Oil Corp ... "14 Termor Corn A F "A" 21 Tenn Cop A Chem .... 8tt Texas Co 48)4 Texaa A PaclCo 10 H Texas ft Pao C A O .. 3CJ4 Third Avenue 16)4 Transcontinental Oil. . 10' Tobacco Products ... 60)4 Union Oil 2214 Union Paclflo "Ott Union Pacific pf tnyt United Fruit 107)4 United Rwy Invest. . 1ft United Retail Stores.. 67)4 U 8 C I P A Fdy ... lar, U S C I P A Fdy pf 40)4 U S Fowl Products.. 28)4 U 8 Ind Alcohol .... 7014 U S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf. U S Steel Utah Copper 67H Utah Sec K Vanadium corn 38 Va-Carollna Chem .. 87 Vlvadon Ino 7)t Wabash pf A 20)4 Wclls-Fargo Kxpress. GV West Maryland 2d pf 17( Western Paclflo 26 Western Paclflo pf ... 6S Wcstlnghouse K ft M 46 WettlnghouBo A Brake (Ai4 Whltu Motor 3!iJ4 White Oil Corp 16)4 Wick Spenc Steel Corp 17 Wilson A Co 4.1 Willys-Overland .... H Wool worth F W ....1114 Worthlngton Tump .. 61 ' Wcli-nd. t KiTlshta. 17)4 4K 6tt 81 18 44)4 . 78 .108 83)4 Low 4)S 21 76)4 m 14 lltt mt 146 1ft KK lltt 68 SI K 7K 147 tt I8K la H i)4 " 4ft tt 1 18)4 31 "tt 24 J4 107 flttt 118 7t)4 46K SB tttt 4K 3Stt 3K "tt 36 K 76J4 tt 41 H 14K 38)4 27 M 2814 11 01 "tt IK 11014 47)4 34 tt 13)4 84 tt 40 W tt 34 "Btt 23H 06)4 36)4 38 4)4 "14 4K 614 ik 1HK 43 28 W ft 8)4 21K 23X 68 tt "814 81 31tt 60 W ft "14 21 8tt "14 36 tt "14 16 tt 66 K 21)4 i"K 00y, 186 10 6K "!4 44 Ii 2414 67 K K 103 2K 50J OK 37 K 37 ?)4 20)4 C314 17 26 00 48 4K 38 K "tt 17 43 8 111 40 tt l-.to Nat Lost Chta. 24H tt 26 7414- tt 4814 tt 84 10 U .. "K 44 43J. 146 101 - 16K lltt 43 - 20 8l IH 180 I8K- "K H 81 tt " - 58H ?1 18J4 38 "14- '8 1 ii 814 tt 107 Mtt 08K 1tt 4K- m 2114 881-4 3514 3K 14'A 7K 7ft(l, ltt 41 tt 14 - .1ft 28 24K- 11 61 "tt- 2K- H914 4714- 35tt "14 K 4tt 45 K- .14 r.7 23)'4 r.6K- 70)4 38 Itt-17)4- 4M- tt f-rott- 18J4 44 2)4 -08 A!4B 22 K 68)4 I08J4 81)4 14 "14 21 - 8tt 38)4 16)4- , U)'4 65JS 2tt "tt 66 tt 10814 lft S8H "K 46)4 tt 2514- H 7614 tt 'tt ltt IBS - r.3K 47K K 37K- 37 'tt 20 4 83)4 "K ?.i - 68 - 48 B4y4 .13 )i 17 43 814 1K ltt i l 14 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII STOCKB nid Cash noy "Jf MucS'iimnra , ,' MocNamnra Creen' JJ Midway 'J M tpah Kufnilun '; Muntai.a Zi North Slar " nucuo Eula si Tnnnpah Kitenlon IN Weal r.nd i West Tonoiah ' niVIDB 8TOCIvfl Alllrd Divide JJ1 Alto ntvtae rtlchr .. . "; lltlchr EiWmlrn 3 llin lur ,. Ilroush IJlvlds 10 Illilile Rtnslon 2s Iv.o Sjndlcate Divide Con "- U ldi,l . - Eat Plvlds Hannlll - lluhriiuck Dlldf Hhrh rilvld" . Itrt Ulvl.le "- Ileno Dlvido lUli-rtto '" Hlyr Klne ' i Teniuh Divlda , IH TanoiHih HaatiraucK O.' Victory Dlv de u Verdf rillde 03 2m 2' oji.nKint.n stocks 10 is I.' .1.1 .10 e" 114 i 20 n-i .11.1 0.1 .01 01 11 .so 01 Sa 03 25 01 III 01 01 .OH 01 1A .11 01 .01 Commodity Markets IV action li ii ".'.'. AtUnt.x niui Dull lion h COP ... omtlnaMon TrarKerla ! Dlntronrtflfld ut' I1ornci Ooldflfld C.in . . , Oolddfid Merr-r . llold Dolopment Oreat lliflil . Jumbo Hitmalon K vranaa Ixini- Mtr Oro lud ll'l'a ailvfr Pick Bi-'ftrh'Sd 'ill 01 02 .27 11" HI 07 .02 .04 r .09 .01 .01 a; 04 4 01 01 .01 .1)1 2s COTTON MARKET New Yurh, Jnn. 2H. Weakness at Liverpool caused n decline of l.'l to i!. points in the loral cotton market nt the opening; this morniriK. There was sell ing by Liverpool nnd spot houses here, which was absorbed by 'all street In terests and brokers Identified with Japanese concerns. Prices rallied a little from Initial quotations and at the end of the first fifteen minutes were about IB points under last night's cIom with only a moderate trnde and with sentiment rather bearish. Hecelptu at the ports for the day were estimated at Irf.OOO bales, ORnlnst 24.4411 bales u week ago. M.T24 boles a year ago and 27.401 bales two years ago. March ... May July Octobar . . December Previous 12.30 Clnie Open p m. . 14 72 14 SO 14 62 14 0.1 14 SO 14 A 15 25 15 0T 15.00 114S 10.35 15 34 . 15.53 15.45 . ... 03 1,1 i 111 Ol' US , , MlSCKM.ANP.Ot'8 Amparo Arltona r.rtn . . Mother I-od NVvjJa Hill V v flil irenpa Mlnlnc W'h.ta CP" Wllbert tJiili"! mil .... ISonder .1.40 . .10 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rkJIa'nunt mil ut th (waive rd . iij.ar,, l.anki ar al follows! Traa l.lb. Cgm'l tllirs 1 ct:t llonitn rnrr.Atpt 1) N- York I'hllortolrhla ( levelanil Ill-'imnad Atlanta Clucsao .J I tjijt Mlnnaapolls Knniiai CUy Dallao Ssn Franelsro 5' Ptr S.t ll 5V4 '0 6". 11 a til iH til II "h 5'4 5ln 11 til 0 td 5H 4 fl 11 nt on paper ffcurfd by il4 l,r tent ror'UVntra and 0 prr cent on pnper seeured by 4. psr nt and 5 per cent ci-r- tnlnceunt rate enrrseponda v,lth lntreit ate burnt l certlnratea plrdsed an ui lat- ceni in ine cms Cltr nnd e of Cleve land, nichmnnd Chlcaao and flan rrancl.co. GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Jan. i!H. Houses represent ing eastern Interests sold wheat at the opening today and the market was, weaker, notwithstanding the fact that some statisticians placed a bullish in terpretation on the report of the Fed eral Hureau of Markets and the Hu rcau of Crop Kstltnntes putting stocks of wheat In the I'nlted States as of January 1. at a 20. 000. 000 bushels, of which approiltnately 2W.000.000 bush- ,0 els will be available for export and do- 01 1 mestlc requirements after deduction for carry-over. There was a belti-r demand 1 no j nfter the start and prices milled from ?,?, the bottom on covering fti; March opened at 31.fl.TVii to $l.fS3, 2 against $1,fl4Vi at the end tsterdny, 10 onq tnovul to 91. 114 4. Sla started nt Jl.r.l'i to fl.wi, apilimt fl.r.i nt the end yesterdoy. and later sold at $l.r3Ve. Com was Irri'KUiiir nml trade lirht. Commls.sion houses were on both sides. Iteccitps iclnnlncd heav. May opened nt tWiC to l)7',-se, ngnlnst 0"ttc at the end yenterday, aud rco-dcil to lltl-'c. July opeind at 0STp to llVic. uttalust (1840 at the close JCter day. OmH were quiet nnd hteady t n shade easier. May opened at 42c tn 126'He. against K-Vji- at the close yesterday, and later sold at 42','jc. July opened ic lower, at -WiV, and declined to 42e. Karly estimates were for 20 cars of nheat, 410 cars of corn and CO cam of oats. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Vork. Jon. 28, Tho opt-ntn? Or urea for forelsrn cjtchantro showed rallies from tho nominal preliminary (lUotutlonM but some of the principal ex chansea wcro unilcr yesterday's final tbrures. Under t-xlstlnit condltlona trad. inc Is citn-lesl on to a very late hour mi.. . nee niRn quointion ror sterling nt 3.8!) Vi for cables waa alleged late yesterday. Tho openlnr this mnrnimr wan at a decline of a cent from that rate, hut waa only V4 cent under the , iirrviouB nun record or yesterday at tho Kninca opened 10 points lower at 7.03 for cables and 7.02 V4 for checks Lire startod 3 points lower nt 3,70 for cables and 3 09 for checkn. Tho rent of the market vnw lrreirular. Other quotation were: Chrlstlanln. cables 18.08, checks 18 50: Stockholm cable 22.10. checki 52. nr, Copenhacsn cables lft. 86, checka 19 75; ,-! 11111 iniiiM (.43, cncCKS 7 34U: Swiss catilca 16.00. checka 18.97 j jrullder cables 34.00, checka 33.90; pesetas cablea 13.95, checka 13.93; mnrks 1 77V4. VESTnniiAY's riNAi. quotationh Sierllns rrroa Lire OuMdera Kemnrd 8.N7U 7.11 .171 ft.1 SO Cable. . a.Ss 7.13 3.7S M.OO TODAY 8 OPC.N'IrfO QUOTATIONS Hterllns Pranca l.lre Oulldsrs C'ublea . ft SIVl 7.06 .1 70 Jiioo 10 01 6 58 0 N 6 K 8) ate burnt i ceruncaiei piraurg eral with minimum pf A per cent In nt tmilaAophla. Atlanta Kaniaa Dallas and f"4 Pr etat In lha caie DAR SILVER IJar sllsr drepped IH'1 today In Lon don to J7d This Is a new low record for the year and Is Hd below last year's low mark. DIVIDENDS DECLARED J Cl, White Rnalnetrinir '"n-Tiorntlon nur Itrly IVi Pr cant on , common and IV4 per cent n preferred, trtlh ptyable March 1 to tnr( of rocorrt rehruar 15. Onena Ilattla Marhtne Co., quarterly 75 rente on common and It 75 on prerefrad, h paraui April 1 10 atook or raoord rh Is joirpn'a ian iv Quarterly of 3B cents, payable March 31. j eeme alarel DANK CLEARING8 rtank clrarlnsu today compared nM, por. rejpondlnS day lnt two year. Hill 1020 mill Ittlla H5 hss arxi JT3 tflli.nao ! 13-' . hoatnn. 4S.2I7.H51 B7.s81.010 51.231.204 MONEY-LENDING RATES M.W 1111n Money' on call, both viiuv-n-e 01 cuiinienu. oenen tortny nt 7 per cent for Icndluft and renewing rim.AriKi.riii.i ril. t, per cent: Mme, 8 r-r cent , commercial pnper, three to fix months, C per cent (Note These are merely nominal quotations, us the leirnl rate of Interest In the state of IVnnsylvunln la Uni nt ier cent I'lus prenilutm and commis sions, time money for thirty to nlnetj days, Is Innned at to (j per cent while commercial po."r from thre tt! six months Is belnn offered at 8 lo 8U per cut ) Vulcan Datlnnlno Scrip Dividend New York, .Inn 21 Vulcan Detln tilnir Co. has diclared the quarterly illvl dends of 1 V4 per cent on the preferred und preferred "A" stock payable In scrip January 20. 1922, with Interest ut the rate of 6 nor cent a year from Jan uary 2n. 1921 Dividends nro payable .u imiin ui rtuiiu reuruary n. Pre viously, the company had boen liay'nir 1 si tier cent ouartr-rlv In rimu .... l,,v. classes of stock Liverpool Cotton Liverpool. Jnn 21 tpot cotton today was quiet with prices lrr(tunr on the basis of ft decline of 4 points for mid dling at 9 04d The sales wr 2000 bales. The receipts wore 5000 bulea m. cludlnir 4800 bales American Kuturos opened steady nnd then turned heavy Spot prices were' American, mlddtltie fair, lZ.Jld; Rood tnlddllnit 10 54d: fully mlildllnn 9.78dj mlddllnK .04d low mlddllnr 7 80d ; good ordinary 6,33d and ordinary S,4d. ' : 1 FEW CURB ISSUES OUnill APTIlilTV li .1111111 UlkllUII 1 Durant Motprs Moves to New High Maracaibo Feature of Independent Oils New York, Jan. 28. The market ou the llroad Htrcet Curb showed rt gen ernlly strong tone, although specula tlve activity was concentrated In about half a doten Ihsiics which for the time demanded special attention. Amonc these nut Uwrant Motor, which moved tin to tile now hlfh of 10H. and lirltlsh -American Tobatco, whloh mlrnnced to 14 for tlic coupons. Hlmtiis l'ctrolciim, wliich has been In active and quiet for ,a lonit time, wan traded in on a large scale, tho stock apparently being taken by the con trolling Intercuts. U ranged from 2 (o 2. Mnrocalbo CHI was the fedture of the Independent oils, tnnklng a fur ther an vii nee to 111, a new high for this movement. Standard Oil ot Indiana, now, alfx showed nn Improved tone the siites being at 70 to 71. There was a moderate amount of business In Inter pctrdleum at lGVi to 10. Ityon Oil wfm heavy. A number at mining stocks were prominent nnd made further gains. lloston-Montium was heavily traded In. but, after opening nt 7C, reacted slightly. iwurrrniAta mo High Lorr p. m. Acmo Coal 1 H 1 llrlt-Amer Tob coupons . . . 14 14 14 purant Motor 1H JilH tsu Haines Knlltlmr "A" ... lRJi lftji Uijl UMnm Knlttltj "II" .. . 1A4 13H lBji Itnlnss Knlttfcit pref ... BO't PVi HflVi inter J raoe .yarK iia va uo . North Amer Taper 6H tit 14 :;:;: ii lVrfectlon Tlj-o Odrp Sweets Co I' fl hlt a 0 H Hltam lA A BTANDAHD OILH .Standard Oil Calif fl04 Sn.1 Pi and oil vf Indiana (new) 71 701; Standard Oil N Y 356 334 304 393 INDEPENDENT Allied Oil Iloone Oil ltnston Wvnmlnir Car lb Syn tit uerv ii ctra Columbia Hrndlcats .... f-ufehlne- Pefe j. Denny Oil Mk llnsln Petroleum .... Engineers l'etminum .... Fertcral Oil .. Inler Petroleum Mararalbo Oil Mexico Oil North Amer oil Noblo Omar Oil Tennok Oil , Prod A Ileflnera Ranser Gulf Tied HncK Oil Ityan Cnnt Hlmma Fat Skelty Oil Victoria oil tnew) .... SIIN1NO Alaska. Ilrlt Columbia ... Atlanta . llnnth llnston A Montana Caled Minins Candetarla Mln rnfiM Vtrvlnla Cortet Killer Cresson uniii Hi Ss.vador t:ureka Holly (louinoia i one Ootdfleld Development . . rljvMnjtliS irinrMnre ..... Ooldncld Mlvcr Pick . . . ureal jieno. Hecla .MlnlPs Jumbo Ext Knox DUUe MacNamara Masma Copper Mother Lode fo(Ajr Lode (new) Nlpiaslher North Slar Ophlr ?Uvr Prince Cons Ilex Con llochcatcr Mines San Toy Silver Klnir Dhlde tit Croix S Sl.ver Lead flurrAHS Mlnlnr Tonopah llelmont Tonooah Canh Iloy Tonopah Ulvldo Tonopah Kxt Tonnixih Jim lluller .... Tonopnh Midway Tonop.ih Mlnlnc v.. TonopKh MKpah Tonooah Memana Tonet'ah lloecue r.uia ... U M Cunt I'nlted Eastern Victory . ... West End Cona White Caps Wllbert IIONDS Allied Packers Os Amer Tel fl. 101W . Anaeondii Copper 7a, 1020 Armour a i lleth Hteel 7a, 1023 i..K S...1 s. IDSr. Can Nat lly ea 7 Corro de l'aaco Hu Cona (laa S Empire Kuel fia, 1B24 nrand Trunk Hs l'cnn n It OH a ... .. Hears Itoebuck 7a, 1022 . . Hears noebuck 7s. 1028... .Sinclair 7Hs H O of Csllf 7s H O of N Y 7, 1027 S O of N V 7. 1B2S BOol.NYIi, 1031 Swift Co "I Texas Co 7 Vn-Csro Chem 7H a Wcntern Klec 7a v OILS in in 1 10H ".ft lft lift 10 ift a. s IB ill! 1A s 8ft 8ft 14 14 1 12 1 70 ir. 17 h; 07 ii 31 10 r 4M 7 17 IS 2iy 8.1 0 II s r 0 1A 8 l m H 7 20 r, 1 0 8 ' B7V4 H7H H7V. 04H oo HNS t)0V 102 11),'. ton A3 KSIS P7 DBS nivT 101s lOHi 102 10.1 Vi mm ons no t't4 14 13 sv; H 1 4 OS in 11 oi H 30 0 3 4V, 7 1(1 10.. 0 .8 H . 8A 17 12 m 8 7 20 r. 1 v 3 MM 07'. f7 04 Ufli 0SK nil. 101H lOIVi ino M 0'iS nml. 07 WON t'O'a tots mm mis 101 v, nH 0!ls (I3 37W 1)7 W 07 S 04 0(1 1184 woi. 101 s 103 100 S3 DSS l(in',i 07 0tl HI lots loin 102 IKIH ii'iH itns on ouH aattaauaMamwla For January Furnld At etlk roldrr PPt, tn 8 Flvs YaiH Serial rfot, fl cured by Nil 4Julek AiMts of 1,5 tlmisi and Nat TanUU Aaieta of nearly 4 tlmta the amount aal thai notes. To Yield 9.08 to DA2 Contertlbla Om Vaar 8 Nolst wtA Nat Quick AtMIs d 2.4 times and Net Tangible Aaiela aaf over 8 times ths Dots. , Attractive converti ble prlvlllge lata listed aommoa stock. .To Yield Hollistcr, White & Co. tneerporateS HtrLADRr.rNiA In American Haltoln rscsril n-Aiim I'eaelileaeA flptlafflel rittaOela rarl tT Yot llaafl 8 Income United Gas Improvement Company 8 Notes, Due Feb, 123 Price 100 and Interest Moore. Leonard & Lynch CTJSHMAN NRWHAIA. Mtrr Pond Department 1420 Walnut Street iToard tloom Ritz-Carlton Hotel ilembert New Tork Philadelphia Pltiaw burtrb Stook Exohangoa IpSStoWoSW' CASSATT & CO. has boon aiding conoorvativo inveat ora for nearly a half century in the no loction of profitable invoBtmentfl. "Caasatt Oflfer ingfl," a monthly liBt of conservative in vestment sugges tions, will be mailed upon request. Kfndlu (Uk for rtrcular K-1 CASSAJX&- CO. COMMERCIAL TRUST DLOC. PHILADELPHIA Htwvona eaiTtMOsie-PirTsausoH-scn ANTON LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chtenfo, Jarr 28. 1IOOH Kstlmatert re. ceinti. si.iitKj neaa; ieii orir. in in neni Market onenlnir 10c to 2Sc hlsher than yen terday's average; 110.10 paid lltht. quallir moetly sood. CATTLK Estimated receipt!, ftftoo head. I HHKK1' llallmated rectlnta 17 00(1 had. ritlahnrsh, Jan. 18. HOOS Iterelpta. 9000 head, iower. Heavlea, .Mirf ll.sr,: , heavv and llsht yorkers and plaa, 10.;:.( 11. 1 8HEKP AND IMTIS Ttecelota, 1000 neaa. mean. p anrep, e. o iov laniui, 111 CAI.VK8 llecelpte. 240 head. Steady Top. 110. Hast HiiffsJo. N. V. Jan. 38. CATTI.B Ttecelptl, .100 head. Hliiw, t'sUea, reiclnta. 1BOO head, 25e lower: R4TI7 2r.. IOOS Hecelpts, ll.JOO head. Slow 2n lower. Iloavy W,7!ltfl0. nilied tin 2ntf 10. SO; yorkera, 4t0.7f.- llatit do und nisi til; rouahs. Is.CSCtSnO ataKa. t.V.MliI fl "fl HlIKKr AND I.AMIIS Ifeelpta. 0 000 head; Hoc lower I.amlia. 10'; 11; ya,Un JdOS.BO; wethera ISffO.BOi eei. I28,7ft mixed sheep, I8.7S90. Knet St. Iiiila, Jan 28, CATTI.K He. eelpla 1100 h d vcne-ll mi. ; f . and cannera steady Top ateera, 17 0O; tho stuff tmrely steady! food eow lower; bulk ronnere, 48 fii- l,ull.i elov: -'.. nl feeders 2fle lowers bulk, l5.50Un.BS; feat calf ten, 12 00. H0(1S Iterelrta. IB OOO h-ad Active lf.c to 2Bc hUher than yeaterday'a averaae' T?F .in J,h.iv'!Tr!l M?.50, bet IrtJteher ton, 110 10, hulk llvht and medlunr. 19,85 010. Ill plus about ateadyi quallu- aood: principal action on llslil ahlpper and butcnerai only 1 one hlir packer operating. SHKRP- Iteeelola. 170O head Slaw. Nn Kmtr iiMHiiia. lower ijnaerione; quality Irn. provlrw; eume good wiim lambs In, Orders for Lumber Ekcced Output New Vork. Jnn 28. Wnat Coast .iitnlint-rn Afi'a AiannlatUi, .. ... mllln reporttil nctlinl production 1 82 iirr ctm im-iuw nurmni iiimi week. Al thouirh ordern and ahlpmcnt.s exceed production, thla does not fllpnlfy n. rrenaed volume of now lniHlnera Ilnll ordera were 11 trlflo over ahlptnenta, about 4 75 ir cent. Production for the weak wa .71 291, 4 B0 feet ordera 34,310.. 301 feet nnd shipments 32,015 35? feet I'nahlpiM-fl rail ordir for tho week amounted to J4B0 cam. Tho balaneo of uiinhlritd domestic carco wan 61 333 . BDJ fnot, export 11,087 204 feot. .Vow local ImKlnefl.s wns t, 829, 198 feet, while dellverleH totaled 2,881.136 feet. Deposits Exempt From Moratorium WaaiiiiiRiun, Jan 23 A calileuram received from Consul Ooncral Hurt at lluviinn, Cuba, dated January 21. Hiatus hnnk ilenialtu whleh hnv. t.n 1.. s'nee October 10 are generally conalil- rum ujr mo (iuuiik 10 lie exempt from the moratorium and prospective depoi. Itors have been assured of the fact by the banks, SpSCItJlsU IB OHIO MOTOR. RUBBER AND STEEL SECURITIES COMPLETE SERVICE ! All Forma of lavottBaoBl Main Department Investment, Brokerage Accamtanco, LiiWty Bond Foreign Exchange Statistical, Ohio Sectaritke Extemhre Prirate Wire Conntctlooa (r1enBsnr of New York and Other Principal Stock Exchangee OTIS& CO. InTitmnt Banter CLEVELAND Mew Tark Baelaa Dereeta CtaxUnall Oalambaa TU Akvaa TanrsJawn 4, atrit. InHace fMra CAPITAL FUNDS SUPPLIED To EitsblliBerLGointj Concerns FOR EXPANSION PURPOSES $200,000 to $400,000 Iiium H. A. STONE & COMPANY Corporation Financing Widcncr Bldg., PhUa. nirlilena'a PENNSYLVANIA COAL & COKE CORPORATION At a meelln of tie Ilojrrt of Dlrerlera it the I'aninrlvrinla Cyal I Cok Corpora Ion h.ld lhl day there waa declard the MHUli? dividend of I we It) per cent out ,,( ihi e I'umulatlva .rnlnue and eurnlua of 11 Company payable on I elirunr) H)h. Iti'-r to aloekholdera of reenril at hr cloa. "of I. VATl(i T. I January 2d, 11121 UK. I'rrslilnii, AMPAIIO MIMNfl COMPANV WitladflDhla. JamiNPv ift n. The Directors hale ttiln day dec'lared ih. reiular ua,rlerly dividend of ihr.s Per cent ), parable rrlirimry 0. 1071. to atock. Itoldera of record January HI, lfiji ","cl' Uhttka will he mnllrd. JOHKI'll H. WII.UAS, M'aLTreaurer, I lIKLillINT TUl'HT ClUlPANV ,p, l-hfiidjlplila. Pa Janu irV jj. 11121 Th Hoard, of lilrecion has ihti dv iptituXfrv. ,.!, vr.ii.oi.is, iMll&tajaMMMjuUL $100 Dfcnonr.nat.nn Bond Secured Gold NotM ?l (Sdort and loaf tern tnatariliti) ?lii,Jal,0,Huly rconlctl Publio Utility Compnnlr. Unconime.5 eamlnirBcoverlnff a period or yani. Unoucotlonabla mSiii?,' ad aecurlly thorouBhly B'a . nardlhtr capital Invested' 1800 and SlOOb Notes of these laauco alao Available. e" Price to yield &Va Clrctilorsjr W on requttt Fairman & Company Drexel Dullding, PhlB. KstaDllahed IBM A. H. Bickmore & Co. gi 'JJroatiwa, riaw Yoru ' saaaaaaaawaaaaniiii-rfffi-jJI, . " Pennsylvania Railroad etockholdert and general inveton will be intareated In "MOODY" ANALYSIS OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY." Copies may be obtained on application. EDWARD L0WBL.R STOKES 20 South 15th St. Philadelphia Oeneral Asphalt Company 10 Yr. I'ulille Mervlte Com. I'orn! !.'.'!.'" ! Indiana herrtee lat Itefc. Penn Marr Hteel ComDuny rreir Lev Irk Company ITrt.f.lM IteHnlM. i'.-.lL llethlehem Steel Co. r.x . . rorth Snrinnljeld Wnler Co ... (Anton lUerlrlc Company ... ' United flaa Iniprovemrnl Co . . Cllltrna" Htrret lly. of Indiana., Penn 1'nblle Hervlee Comnnnr. . . V. H. Tublle Service Comonnv Samuel K. Phillins & r MnBRRPIUU 1 STOCK WCHANo? ..v. uiic.iiiui nuvei .8". 1014 't. irlj UHa 5. mi 51. 1111 . ill , llll ". mil 6. lt fin. ifiti 1W f , Hit "s. inn s. IrJI If There Is a Market We Can Find It We hold sales of stocks ana Donas every Wednes- uy, timrging i.ou en. trance leo for each Item. Our weekly catalogues and post! card service reach ever- mar 5 ' t.i tnko P'easure fa lumiBpinp; quotntions. Barnes & Lofland Stock Drokera and Anctloneera 147 S. 4th St. Conservative Investments Yielding 6 to 8 MacMeekin & Williamson IlIlOAp AND HAN803I 8T8 pTortheaat Corner Memheni rhlla. Stock Ktrhanie GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON Otir Colly teftcr Bent on egunt Hughes & Dier Memreni ( Chlcaio lloai J N. Y. I'rodui J rhlln. Htock I ritthburali H arA Lf Treis ce I'.vrnnnn E Richimcr Ntock Hx-liitn 1435 Walnut Street Spruce all Knee 1IU Phlladelphi Marland Tank Line Equip. 8s Philadelphia Plan Dec, 1926-1927 100 and Int. to Yield 8 Townsend Whefen"& Co. Member N. Y. nnd riills. "tock Kirhmirl 505 Chestnut Street SALESMEN WelN known liouae, oprnlrc nrw I lepartntent, reiulrea tlie Htrilrri of aevernl lilih-Knule liotid unln. men, and tliosr wlio wluli to be. come aalratnen. Tills Is n rrul up. nurtunlty lends, ailrerllslnjr nnd ro-opera(lon. Nee Mr. fpolin, Iluom DIB, Rtork KxrlimiRe lllclf. Delaware & Bound Brook 8 Guaranteed Stock CHARLES FEAItON & CO. 333 Chestnut Street First National Bank of Philadelphia CHAnTElt NO. 1 . U. HAnJEB C. S. VATtM bailer 4& Stevenson ID ANP rffltBTNUT HT BONDS To Free. Yielding 4)i to 8? Stockwell, Wilson & Linvill Certified Public Accountanti Lund Title Bldj?., Philadelphia NATIONAL BANK desires the servlies of n man abonl SO years of aire to solicit nn'oiintil limit lutvo hnnklnir experience. Mtt ngr, experience nnd hnlury ei'ft,' C 184, I.KDdKIl OKI'K'K NUIL1U1L Safe Bonds for Investment HALSEY, STUART &l CO. Inc. SALESMANSTOCK An opportunity for one or two rellnhle men, An Hltriietlre prop oaltluu for the rliiht nmn. ',nl mltslon biinls. M'rlte for lot"' view. (MUg Ledger "J'iL-lt . ,i,,., ... ...., 'i nru Hn lUcellrat opportunity In large (lowJS twnk tor capable, eip.rluncecl airnorsB; under 26 year. Permanent poiltliii"; Tj yellem worklna condltluns, Uood iJ',ij luntlua. State age, eilucatloa, U'" ana aiarr expogiea, tvriis E. V, C,. nOOaf 701, M Watt 44tb St.. Naw York Cltt II IIUIIOI.I'II. atcretary. a IS39h