Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Image 1

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    WJ VtVi.r,
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"hat Fellow in the Car Isn't Laughing at" You He's Just Thought of a Lim'rick-See Page 2
Cuentncj public ffiefrger
Probably fair tonight anil Friday
rising temperature; roldcit tonight
about 2" ilcRretdi northerly winds.
TKMrnuATpnK at each noun
.""hi o no m.nz.l 1 1 a I :u 4 I n
VOL. VII. NO. 116
i p I
Wynne Admits rromng
Report Man Named
"Al" Was Slayer
Lte Meets Check Trying to
Connect Fatal Bullet Willi
Prisoner's Pistol
: r . i
testimony Weaving circum
stantial Web About Young Stu-
dent Fought at Every Stop
few in the Trial
of William P. Brines
n (r(lvniinm P. Brines, U.
f I. fopbomorc.
.. .him mini Elmer C. Drevvcs,
IrriniV friend, a senior nt Dart-
,1)1-1111-' , , .1.,t.
mouth College, lou.ii nun.
October 17 on Mnscher street near
Mr Line. Oak Lane.
- riue of trial Kooni 053, City
Jlldje- William i-. rrrguwu.
f.nnui Tor the prosecution,
i..;iaiii District Attorney Gordon ;
for the defence. Wllilam A. Gray
trial started Monday.
A mistrriou' "Al." und not Willinin
k Brlii". I'nii vnfiiomoip, sicw Klmcr
Drcic. Dartmouth CoIIcrc senior,
rrtrdinK to the line of defense indi-
iM today In William A. Gray, eoun-
1 for the defense.
Mr. flrav broujlit out this staitling
twj: at the openiiiR Kes-!on of the
nrlh daj of the trial before Judge
irjuion in loom 0."". City Hnll.
It vrn in his iom-Buninntion of
lijoj Saniuol O Wjnuo. chief of tlie
twtVdtNtie', that .Mr. Oiay hinted
t a solution of tne murder mystery
hieh would entiiely upset the com
oneulth's rape ngftinst Ilrlne.
Alstanl District Attorney tiordon
mjht hard to keep the name of "Al"
:t of the ioookIs, but his objections
question' put to Major Wynne were
htrnlfd. and the .-hicf county detec-
ke, lm hml linrsc of the murder
( for the district attorney's oflioe,
11 forced to admit thnt he had henrd
".M" and lind assigned n mnn to
Th senution mused by the mention
"Al's" name wnv duplicated n few
Inutfs later when the prosecution sent
w witness stand Dr. John Albert
lilnvr noted blood expert and pro
lor of bacleiiology and pathology at
I iiitrisitt of Pennsylvania, who
ftiM that the blood found on the
'Wof Klines ,ttr Was human blood.
Tflli nl Hi lues' Surrender
Major Wynne, who was testify ine
ffnthe trial closed jesterday, win re-
iM for eross-exnininntion.
Do jou recall when T saw jou in
Nfction with this cnfce?" Mr. Gray
'M. e. on Fildnv Octnlio ".
'W(? if Tridns I nrrnnced the sur-
Mer nl ItrJncsV" "No, Monday
pnins. '
I trranseil the fust linm m I'ri-
lijl" -Ye.
"Tktn thioi.gli un .irtniiL.emcnt ultli
"a If was surrendered at tin- Green
"t entrance to the park nt 1 :1." p.
loe folli.wing Monday .afternoon'"
"" 'aid jou anil .Mr. Gnulnn iimdn
'""I trips t New DiiBiandV" "One,
' Jinuury ,'!.'
WhcifL" illil inn n.i.,J,i .,,.... ...
-- .-" " , v tm iu
lttord, Conn., and nowheio else."
Jo the t'olt ArniH CoV" "Yea."
,Jty were in entire churge of the
"Wgatiou for the county detectics,
H under Mr. Guidon's iiiHtiuc-
'J'?' 'ea."
'Were J(, looking for n man named
charged with the commibbion of tliiu
fiuser' ''No."
At.no timeV" "Never beaul the
iJVm'Y"1 not bioking for a woman
'L ' ,'r bo"' 'M' '"" Jm-ii
Htf, '"udentally?" "No, 1 don't
li!?.50 "ot ,C('n" having asHigncd a
i'a i ,"."ut rret'ive liifoiinution that
imtJi between two women una
Sr J 1"'"aI infoi matlon to the
'broK'r.' ra,,,,,, l"'r' 'M s0- 'Al'
'ohe. i this matter'' "
u C.illed Idle Humor
jj'l,,!;0"1"11 mlli' vlgoious objec
,'' ut was merruled.
a.,JlaM''' of Jl'ik kind," ho bnid,
iSb mL" ?Pt,"" ""(,! of rumors. It
'Material whether we were looking
',,!'" iinmed 'Al' oi not."
.I'riieraurt',,;,!, "hut I
'in ,. tnl" n"ll0'(' nl"8 that line
'Id Him ,J n f.miior man, who
"itliii . V)iw"",fn im(1 ,nt,t '" "
but i,a "' ,I,ero '"'' 'k about
Kr f, ."HN R.' '"definite that we
"Dli ' "Mt nl"Mlt '"
I hV'u i""! !",Hl,IM'i- men mv
'"un i-li""1 l",,',! M,,( ,0 " ''rtiilii
"'' , i ,,"" l"1' """"' ,lld "d
' to 'ii'"'1 ,"" "" M'"d a del re
atf.w Unit wonianr' "I believe
'""I nalde fiom riimorn. didn't tn
"UJ vn I.,,, Tnr-Mt, CIuoi'd 'oV,
Enlc..B.co.r.r.tnro..,;, PhlUOrtphl.. P..
aXa j ctyj W
, t u C
, JlXtU.
i i
AjkAjJ' V
V :q
i .
LcilBcr I'liolo Uenica
Who is "Minniel Magee." the man who wrote the murdered Elmer
Drcwes the letler icprodiieed here? Are "Samuel Magee" nnd William
I. Urines, the man on trial for murder, the same? The defense say.
handwriting romparisons will proe that Urines wiole the "Magee" let
ler. luring Drewes to hisilcatli. The fateful letter Is shown at the
reader's left. Ileside It Is the copy of a class paper turned in by Urines
at l'onii
Shifting ew Jur.sey Sands Blamed for 'Quake' by Some, While
Others Search Rod: Strata in Efforts to Explain
Main thi'ut'ic" have bivn advanced in
icgard to the supposed eiiithquake which
wiin felt in sections of Philadelphia and
partK of New JciM-y at t!:ll o'clock last
rollowiug the suggestion of thw ltev.
Prancis A. Tondoit. In charge of the
seismic laboratory nt (ieoigetown I'ni
versit.v. Wnhliiiigtiiu, that the settling of
sands ulong the New Jcisey i iiiim rather
than a ipiake, innj have caused the
shock, comes the theorj of Dr. George
A. Iloadley. piofessor emeritus of
physics at Svvarthmoie College, who
said :
"It seems to me that the quantities
of shifting sands along the coast would
not be sulliclent to cause ticmors at this
distance. It is mole likely a local
"The fad that il was felt in West
Philadelphia and at the same time,
down near Fourth street, mignc be due
to a strata of lock. Vibrations are
can icd n great distance along a certain
Hosemnn Saves Infant Son of Man
in Hospital When Home Burns
Robert Piodoelil, eight month -old
son of n fireman now undergoing treat
ment for injuiies, was overcome by
smoke nnd leseued by Iloseman Joe
llnckett, of I'ngine. ( ompuny No
when flames swept the hiisement
kitchen of l.to Piodoehl's home,
Tioga stieet. at !l !10 o'clock
The child was in a babv carriage in
the kitchen. The (lie. originating in the
basement, swept up through the lull lien
floor, driving the child's mother from
the limibc before she could icscue
Pinnies were licking up thiough the
floor direitlj under the unconscious
child when llosemiiii Hacked went to
his icscue. The child's father was at
City Hall umlei filing tieiitnient, for in
juries sustained at a uncut lite He
ih ii meinhei of l'ugine Coinpnnv No. 1".
The lescued baby was taken' In St
Luke's Ihjinpital 'I he Hie caused S.iU0
Tompkins, Convicted of Killing
Woman, Tries to Hang Himself
George C. Tompkins, of Philadelphia,
convicted of (list degice minder toi
killing Mih. ndiiiund I lliiinphi ics in
the Itliilr County Courts last week after
getting n change of venue from .Cam
bria count), iittcmpted to commit mii
ciile in the jail at Hollidajshmg hist
Tompkins, nccouling to his guiird, ic
ninveil Ills hell, made a noose ami
fastened it to the lion burs nf his cell.
Just as he slipped ills head into the
noose the guniil, hearing a noise, tuiiied
Nharpl.v and in Ight Tompkins liefoie
he was able to lliiou himself
After Ih" bell was taken avvnv lutiit
llllll, i'lMIIdlls lisllll.VCll un 'f v
temper, trilling his shiit fioia his null,
breaking his tnntlihiush and comb and
liurlin? them through tlio wicket of the
.iron door, the gunui said. Hxtrn guards
Iiuve been placed about, hi celt.
1 rjuT,. .
" '
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, "
"It is peculiai that the .seismogiaph
at Swaitlimore did not register it. as it
is a M'fy sensitive instrument and has
been known to register the passing of a
motor truck nearby."
. A film, when developed at I he col
legcbv Dr. John II. Pittman, professor
of mathematics and astronomy, showed
only a straight line.
I TMnlic II .iVs ii Omilie
Samuel G. Gordon, in chnige of the
minerals collection at the Academy of
Natural Science, said "It 'is probable
thnt it was a quake. T did not feel it
nij self, but from the description given
me by a gentleman living in Westniont,
N. J., it sounds distinctly like n quake.
He told me the shock was much moie
severe than explosions they have hud
down tlieie.
"I doubt that shifting sands was the
cause." continued Mr. Gordon. "More
probably it was from a deeper source,
und further inlund."
rnntlniiril nn rnur Turntj-onc. Column Four
Peter Maurlo Charged With Com
plicity In Murder of Joseph McGinn
Peter Mnuiio, i hinged with compile
itj in the murder of Detective Joseph
McGiuil, last Oilohei, was lit Id without
bail by Coroner Knight today to await
the nition of the grind jury.
Mnurin, who is twenty jcurs oiu, and
livul on Wharton street near Ninth,
.was aiicsted .In unary 1 in a house at
l'ift j .second and Jefferson streets.
Mi Gum wns killed while making a
inid, in conip.iiij with other detectives
of the Second und Christian streets sta
tion, on an alleged gambling house at
eighth stieet and Passjuuk avenue.
Pivo men weie later icitiudcd up nnd
olio confessed to the shooting. The
other four were held as netomplics..
Muurio was the lust nircsted
McGinr v.ns forty -three -jcais old
and lived .it Second ami Montiose
Spontaneous Combustion Blamed.
7 Cars and 12 Coaches Burn
Chicago, Jan. 'J7. (Ily A. P ) The
Height car eict ting "Shops of the Pull
man Car Co., Nt'ven fi eight cars and
twelve inaches weie destroyed by liie
toditj, J It. Weaver, one of the vice
picsldents of the company, estimuted the
loss at SI.'tl.tHlO. The shops coveied
an men neuilj two blocks square.
No night shitt is npcintcd in them
and the oilglu of the the was not dis
covered. "Mr. Weaver's statement ad
vanced the theory that spontaneous
lomhiistliin iu the tool rooms was re
sponsible. Skating Today
Com muse hike.
Merion Cricket Club lake.
Haverford College pond,
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Judge Thompson Suggests
Structure May Be Used Later
for U. S. Courts
The erection of a federal building on
the Parkwny, to be used ns the govern
ment's stuieture during the proposed
world's fair in 1U1M and theieufter to
house the Cnited States louits heie.
has been suggested bv Jiulg.. J Whit
nker Thompson,
Judge Thompson suggestion was
made to Andrew Wiiglit Cinwford,
trustee of the 1'nii mount 1'uik Ait
Association, who disclosed it today at
a meeting of the members' council of
the Chamber of Coinineice, held in the
The proposed building, Judge Thump
son stated in a letter to Mr. Crawl'oid,
would relieve the piesent congestion in
the Postoftlce Ituildiug at Ninth and
Market stieet, would serve as
America's exhibition building nt the
fair and later, as a temple of justice,
would provide accommodations foi the
rapidly growing business of the fedeiai
Judge Thompson's letter iu pint fol
lows :
"Those in chnige will no doubt applv
to Congress for an appropriation, and
will ask the federal government to take a
prominent part in this exposition as
lias been done with those in the past.
The buildings erected nt government
expense, after serving the immediate
needs of the exposition, have, in most
instances, been tnken down, mid noth
ing left of peimiinent advantage either
to the city wheie the exposition has
been held, or to the government. What
I want to suggest is a plan wherebv tin
money appropriated, or as much of it
us possible, ino.v be of permanent ad
vantage to botli the city and the United
"It Is known that the supervising ar
chitect of the Treasury Depctut incut has
had under consldeiuticm for some jenrs
the question of piovidiug adequate and
proper accommodations for the Cnited
Stntes couits, either through additions
to the present Postotllce lluildlng nt
Ninth and Chestnut streets, or thiough
the erection of a new building at some
convenient and proper location. The
time seems to have anlved when tlieie
is a public nceessiu for making such
provision. The business of the Cnited
Stntes courts lias been coustautl.v in
creasing, und the piospects ine that it
will continue to increase to gi eater
volume. The increase in business re
quires larger staffs for the office's of the
clerk, the niutshiil mid the Culled States
attorney. All of these othcials aie
crumped for spnee for their working
force and for uiopcr tiling space for
their iccords. The district i ourt lias
not at its disposal a stifhoicnt number
of rooms for the grnml juij and the
petit juries, nor for the uecominodation
Cuntlnuetl on I'nuri Twenty-one, Column hit
Man Says He Was Paid $1000 to
Fire Factory
Jamb Skullnik, of New ,oik cit.v.
ai tested jestenlaj on the sixth lloeu ol
u burning factor), confessed to having
been paid SlIMK) to set tire to the phut,
und wns held today without bail for
The factory, at lo.'l-It" Noilh Seventh
street. Is owiicel by Joseph Klehlci &
Co. Sullnik was fo'ind by tiieinen hid
ing on a shelf, and wns placed under
The owner of the plant mid one of
his del Ics, Morris Weisbrod, of 12U0
Stile. stieet, weie grilled privntelv hv
I'iie Marshal riliott todav The ' hit
ter iciiiscii iu uiscmsc wiiai Humilia
tion he obtained, but said that it would
prove of great value In breaking tin the
nrwn ring winch he is ronvinccil has
leeu opemtllig here,
y? v M
- iH
I Efforts of Politicians to Confine
Their Activities to Welfare
Work Denounced
Women of Philadelphia nnd Mont
gomery counties were called upon today
to organize to end banditry and lawless
ness. The call mine nt the annunl mid
winter meeting of the Montgomery
County reiteration of Women's Clubs
nt Ardniore. Spenkeis denounced effoits
of politicians to confine the work of
women to laws pertaining to themselves
and rhildien. The clubwomen were
utged to "do mmo than right." get into
the politic-ill ginne and insist Hint pies
ent laws are enforied rather than cam
paign for new laws.
The meeting wns going nlong pence
fully in the clubhouse with Mrs. U. j.
Holston in the chair, Mis. II. D.
S'cMvnrU, chairman of the Montgomery
county committee of the League of
Women Voters, took the floor nnd ex
plained the battle he- organization is
making for legislation. Mrs. A. M.
Snyder, former president of the federa
tion, finally sprang to her feet and suid :
"This sounds all right, but you have
to do more than mnke new luvvs for
women and children. You nil know the
conditions of banditry, beggarv and law
lessness in Philadelphia. Th'ere is n
terrible Indifference in men and women
regnrding the enforcement of the laws.
Philadelphia is u lawless cit.v . Itnndltry
prevails nnd liquor may be had almost
everywhere Go into any of the railroad
stations nnd men and women will offer
to sell jou liquor. We are getting to
work on an oiganization to enforce
Mrs. Schvviiif. leplied that her asso
ciation was inteii'stcd in home uile, and
home rule meant "enfoicenient of laws."
Then Mrs. Ilolston. the chuirman,
said: "It is only natural tliut even
fair-minded woman wnnts to do right."
"Right?" said Mis. Snyder. "Yon
have to do moie thnn right get nut and
fight, gel into polities mid stop letting
the politicians sidetrack the women in
only handling laws for women and
children. Tlieie is only one solution and
that is' to oignuuc mid light."
Mrs. Kate II. Hrusstiir, piolmtion
officer of Montgomery county, spoke on
the need of u municipal hospital for the
county. She suid tli.it present condi
tions in hospitals weie intoleinble, due
to limited spare, and cited numerous
eases win-re children, confined in these
institutions, have coutructed scveiul
Miss Get trade Klv. of this city, spoke
on relief work in Dm ope. .Mis. Fiank
Miles Day, chairmnii of the League of
Good Government, was the principal
speaker this afternoon.
Mrs Holston, of Ambler, was ic
elei ted ptesideut : Mis A Hamilton, of
Cjuwjd, vhe ptesideut. Mis. Georgia
Fowlei. Narbettb, secietaiv. and Alt".
I'l Gudebrode. tiVasuiei
Committee Will Discuss Proposal
With Labor Board Tomorrow
Chicago, Jan. 'J7. I ll I' )
Members of the labor committee ot the
American Association of Itailwa.v Ex
ecutives today aie on their witv to Chi
cago for a meeting here Trillin to dis
cuss with the Cnited States ltailwav
Labor I'onul the possibilitr of wage
reductions for employes on the leading
railroad s.v stems of the countiv W
W. Atti-rburj, of the Pennsvlvania
Railroad : C D. Lnnmts. of the lliiuh
Valley , and M. L Hell of the Chicago.'
Hoes. Island and Pncitie aie among
those expected to attend.
The inilrond executives, n is said,
are ready to submit to the lailwav
wage board their figures to show that
nt the pu-sent railroad rates the prop
cities are not earning (I per cent guar
anteed bv the transportation ,u t , that
the rates now nre ns high as the busi
ness can be expected to bear, that fonts
have been cut to the minimum consist
ent with safe operation, ami that a re
diu-tioii in wages is the onlv leinnining
place for a reduction iu expenses
A decision by the board is expet ted
l'riila.v on the ease of the Atlanta. Iln
miugham nml Atlantic ltailuiiul vtliiih
posted notices of wage reductions Itep-
resentatives of the railroud brotheil iK
brought the wage reduction iiulu i' to
the attention of the railroad Inltnr
boaid, asking that the board older the
niiUoad to rescind them. I'icsideiil V,
L. Hogg of the i.iilioad, dec hired that
under pie-sent operating expnises the
mad was losing $100, (KM) a mnutli
Act of Rector Who Married A. I.
du Pont Under Scrutiny
Los Angeles. Calif., Jan L'T - ( P.v
A. P . Tiinl of the ltev linkci P.
Lee, former!) lector of Chi ist Chun h
here, befoie twelve of his puis in the
episcopal church, on a chatgt of viola
t'on of mi ecclesiastical i-amui in hnv
lug pei formed n mniriage ciiciuon.v for
AJfied I iliil'out. luillliuiaiie powtlei
uianufactiiier of Wilmington. In I , und
Miss Jessie D. ullll, of mis Angeles
was heliirf considi-ictl todav . according
to chin ch othcials.
A icsolution was adopted nt the con
vention of tlu diocese at Los Angeles,
iis.uriug the Right lev Joseph H
Johnson of the suppoit of the couveu
lion should he decide, as bishop of the
ilioiese of Los Angeles, to e-all Mr Lee
for trial
I Tin- ohaige, il was said, would lie
violation of en non -ll. which foihids
pi'tforniance of the marriage ceremonv
bv un Dpiseopal i-lerg.vnian when one of
the parties is divoiccd und has a former
spouse living.
Mr iliil'ont's mniriage lo Miss H.iH
took place hen- lust Sntuiihij.
Wounded Man Held for Inquiry
Audiew lleeck. of Poplar street be
low Dishth. applied at the Philadelphia
General Hospital vcstculav I'm ticnt
ment of n gunshot wound in Ins arm.
lie refused to tell how he had received
the iniurv and Is being held pending
liivu tiv'li'1"
t'uMlnhcd Dally Except Hunday. Hutmrription I-rlc $U n Year by Mall
Copyright, 1U1M, by l'ubllo Lwtleer Company
Lim'rick Prize Goes to Haverford
Thpie. was n Rood deal of mys
tery about the winner of the ONK
lim'rick prize awarded todnj.
You'll see all about it on Page 2.
The winner is:
College Avenue, Haverford, Pa.
Cried Robu-t, "Oh, sweet
little Claire,
I adore your rick tressex so
. rare;
One curl I implore
Ami "' .I'll lea ne ijou -no
Now Rob's heir pulls, the
' hair of bobbed Clair.
There's Another Liinpin'
YoungtWoman of 17 and-Miss-
ing Marine Fbund in
, ' Lodging House
Marion I. I.Uler. Cnited States ma
rine sergeant at the Philadelphia Navv
j-artl. and his seventeen- ear-old wife,
Hazel, were.fouml. hulf stnrvied today In
.. ...,.., ,,. i,f,ij;uiv Utilise ilt 1 111 .MI1HI
t. .. -
I llteentli stieet "- ''- -"i"-"i "ii- ii"-"i ""
Litter, who had been absent without virlOI-v '"kl f"11 1,ns hv f'l,1l1,,,0,1 bv n
leave from the niivj vanl since Jununi v I s""'"' of lllp difficulties und ic-poim-15.
was lyiuv u. loss a bead, weak from I uili,i' s "f "if next four veai-
His wife.
iv suffering
lier nttractive fine
marked hv
. was seuietl besnle ,
"We haven't eaten .hce the night
before lat." Llller told Depnitineut of
Justice agents when the) entered the
room "Mv wife puwiieil her tunhtts,
and liuullv I pnvvni-d my mm ine over
coat for Si and we bought oiu last ineiil
l uesiinj niglit
,t Hie office of the I niieel States
marshal in. tie I-Vdenil P.uilel in. Lil-
ler sm'd tie was married hisl Febiuuiv
it K)M-r. W. Va. His wile, who was
Ha.el Tlioinisiiu. daughter of a fore
man ip the stce vvoiks tlieie, was n rn
ens i itormer. he sunt.
He saill his w-ite i, line heu I'llMIl
K) set on .liiuuni) 1.,. and th-v vcut
to tin- rooni mi Noith Pitteenlh stiett.
when, thev wt-ie able to live lor a time
on moiiL') obtuineil bv iinvvnlng their
personal belongings.
"I wmiteel tti'pfiwn mv uiiifoiin n--it'iduy,
but I hud nothing else to wrai."
Llller told the nuthoiities after food
hml been given him and his wife
He se-ivcd with the murine's in Ciaiiie
and was hndlj gnsstil time tlnvs be
tore the uiinistiie. He re-enlisted in
the niaiines in Diie-nibn ami was ns.
signed Januaiv I to the uav) villi I
ben fiom lee raiting dii'v .11 New ink
lie is twt'lit) thiee je-ais ,tl
Lillcr was turned nvoi to the navv
vard othcials His wife i being e-iieil
for b) 11 thin liable -m it tv and will In
sent to her tutlu 1 nt Kvi 1
Wife of Californian Kidnapped. Rel
atives Are Informed
l-os Angeles. Jan ''". Mis lilnds
Witheiell. wit- ,.f S Withere..'.l.
picside-nt of n loan nntl invcstuient coin
pan), who ilisnppt.ir d from her houu
here Tuc-sdii) nighl. has been kidnapped
unci is being held foi iuiimiiii. nicoitliug
to cnmiilllliiiul nils 1 u-il bv iclative.
today und believed bet slide b tin police.
frerdtosE moves for cloture on tariff bill
WABSHfOXOK, Jan. 27. A petition to Invoke cloture wns
circulated today by Senator Penrose, In charge of the tariff bill,
and more than the required sixteen signatures were secured. Some
senators eaid It xoulrj be Impossible to get the necenrary two
thirds Vte.
CHICAGO, Jan. 27.-Jttmcs Schuup was held by the police
today on suspicion of being the leader of four meu wanted for
stealing ftrelve baps of rrgfotered mail from a government truck
at the Union Station January 18. TUb capture followed a spec
tacular j8Cp Uet Vrirlay night, when htv eluded the police, aftei
a running pun battles over roofs and down fire escapes. The police
etald tire pistols "wrre found In Schuup's pocket?.
'Union' Hours Sign at Police-station
Did Not Refer to. Patrolmen
Persons passing the Maiuijiiuk pnlm
station late .vest erdn.v wondered whctlni
a decrease' in the prevalence of crime
was accountable for 11 sign' winch Mood
in frtuit of the place 01 if the point
were just tin-d of working long hours
In twild lefters, a sign i-etuvi-vcil the
information that "we ilose at fi p in
during tie weel, and at 11,0011 on Sulur
dav." '
Investigation IimUisi, ihai oui'
.prill U ,il i"l 1 1 I ml 1. 11 1 nil Ii .(..;,,
nwnj iiiiiii h f"ei im iw 1 tot, nl me
nnd placed it 111 flout of the station.
Cartllml CJWihnni. Urc All Ratholfei
te u Hi. MANI'M. nV IMtATKIIH.-l-Ado.
Liin'rick Today Sec Page 2
Harding's Heavy .Responsibili
ties Temper Spirit of Lead
ers in Washington
j Snr C'nrrfsitnnilrnt t.cfntnr 1-iihllr Ir.lcir
' wpvny", I'Jt, 11 i'UWOC I illy, , ,., .
Washington. Jan. 27' Tin- elation (
and confident e among Reptiblicnn" here.
I , . , - .. , , . I
'lit- lin .iMl.,l (1...4- f.-.1l.....n,l f ... I.IOHI I
lille uinkiiig of the cabinet bv I'ipsj.
l.i..... ...... .,...,! ..! -t
tieilt-etei llltltlllj III illlts 11 st-nsi- oi
anxiety that lie may fail to sutisf) the
publie itemiiud for big ntlvisers. The
split between the ugricnltuie of tli
West which wants n high tnriff nntl the
big industrial interests erf the I'ast
whii-li tlesiie ii low tariff or free trade
is distin bing And the immense prob
lem of reducing taxes mid finding forms
of taxation to leplnce the excess profits
'..'"' uiiuissing
Phi- reaction which has taken place
was moie or lens inevitable No piutv
I could leuiuin long in the mood which
follow eel the election Anil the more
chastened spirit of toila.v mnv be help
ful to Mi Hauling bv lelleving the
piessine upon him in till his cnbinet
with politital appointees You find bete,
now "iegulau. of the u-guhirs who say
that the Piesiilent-elei t should appoint
Heibert, Hoover to the cabinet . though
they pufces at the ame time then (lis- j
like for the food administrator ,
They I'tpit'ss it-giet oVel the lepoited
ehoicf of Chailes (i. Dawes on the 1
ground that Dawes 1, too mm Ii of a
politu ian tv be seiutarv of the tiensmv
and that tils suppoi 1 foi the olliie. I'red
T'phiiui. tie.isui t tin- ltepublienn
National Committee, and Colonel Wil
liam 11 Thompson, of Xm Ymk. is too
politniil They cxpn s. ( oiieei n et too
nianv politicians be named foi the phu
lrm. lining to be tilled and who sU (lmt
Mr Hauling should huosi a union
labor leader as seetetntv of lubcu though
thev dislike oigiinred liiboi mid have
publiclv opposed it.
P.ilt.V .Much .s-ohfiul
'linn- is no disposition in 1 tnni.c
Mi I Lulling nor is an) doubt euesed
of his rupncitv to meet the ilitBi iilties
Hut theie is 11 soberer partv hen- in
Wushington than was here six wis-ks
Tlieie Is 11 .ene of (he ,tlnill l.iwlnell
tilt Pleslilenl elect has been siibjei tt d
and 11 ooil iiiimv Kepiiblii mis .tie liv
ing mil nsuiiisi tin political pressine
leiillnuiil nti I'll i;r I'mir. I iilnmn luii
West Virginia Legislators Contnb-
ute Money Saved to Religion
Cliailcstou, W. ,i , Jan -.'7 1 1 1
p 1 When the stite f'apitol build
ing lieu- was burned down, the West
irgmi.l Ilmisi ol Hclegates dii nr, t,,
Imld sessions in the ttapiist T mp,
and 11 was agieetl tliut ns meetings
woiibl be belli in 11 ihuiib building,
tlelegnis slionld lefunn fiom smoking
Pllitl to ailjoiltlitiielir vesleuliiv the
IIoiihi' adopti d a lisolution uinlei whnh
the iiioin , siivul oil 'hiukis" n ill JP
contributed to the ticnsiuv of the
church The renotution comnienileil ilie
self reStinint on the part of the delegates,
Trapped on Third Floor, Fire
men Rescue Two Families
From Death
Two women nntl six enildreu were
rescued from file enrlv thin morning
by pntiolmeii nnd firemen who enrried
Ihem ileivvn ladders through flume nntl
smoke from the third-story windows of
n bouse nt L'OI 1 South Seventh street
Tie (lie damaged the llivee-stniv
brick --tore and dwelling of fctnnmicl
Kuplnn at that inldie-ss. Those reseuetl
are Mis Kaplan nnd her three eltil
tlren, ltesii., eight years ohl Louis, sir
veni's old. anil Yelta. four venrs oltl.
and Mr- I'sthcr Teppcimnn nnd her
three chitilien. Hthel, thiiteen m-ih"
old Tt-ssie. seven .veins old. and Io".
live venrs old.
Kaplan tried in vain to find some wnv
to leud the two families to snfetv nnd
reiiiiiiiieii with them until thev were
lesruetl bv lliemen Then he unveil htm
self by elnshing thiough smoke nnd
flame down a hack stnluuse.
The two families wire tmetl fro bv
Great Teamwork Shown
"Pat ' Hicks, hosemnn of Kngine ( 'oui
puny ,"!l ; Patrolmen llimmelsteiu nntl
Melurgnn. of the Courtli stieet nml
Snjder avenue station : Acting Captain'
"Hob" Simpkins. of Truck 11. nnd
two brothers. Kcllormnn anil Pnrnelj
Smith, ladderman of the snme iniiipnny
weie the heroes of the file. P.y swift
nnd fearless teamwork thev tmrieet the
eight endmgered peisons to enfetv
though the tire was spientling fiM and
the smoke stifling.
The Hie began some time nfter 1
o'clock this morning in Knplan's store
on tin- first flool of the three stnrv
building. A man passing si the flame
und turned in nn iilnitn. The shouts of
neighbors moused the oiiupants of tin
house. The Knphuis live on tin- sei nml lleien
the Teppeimans on the tliiul. Kaplan
sought to find a wnv to lentl his wife
and children to safety when he was
awakened b.v the noise, but tin flames
hail sprentl so tpiiekly that lie realized
he would be unable to get the frightened
woman and childien down the stnir
way. Tilt Teppei minis had been awakened
also, and the mothei and children weie
crying for help on the third tloor Kap
lan led his own fntnilv upstniis. nnd
the nine persons eiowded to the front
windows to esenpc- the smoke that Was
pouring nti the stain ase into the 100111s
The engine tomptinv and the pntiol
f lom Kouith stieet anil Stivtlei avenue
iirriveel at almost the same lime, and
the trews set to work to u'sciie the en
eliiugeii'il iei soii
Clamber I p l-itldeis
The lliemen shouted ucmiiiigiiiient
to the gioup trapped oil the tliiul floo
nnd a tlmtv two-foot ladder was et
up Hick" was tirst to spriti" on the
lower mug" and went niiuhlv lo the
top Pntiolmau HliMmelsteiu. who
would not wait foi another ladih-i to In
phu etl in posit mti sinletl the tront of
the building bv wnv of a cm tin c I'a
tiolmun Melmgiiti bieaking into the
stoic, held his htt'iith and made a dash
for the st.urs, which weie inoking and
Inked bv tlames. but still s.ife mid
duheil upstniis. bursting into the mom
'wliei,. the women anil children waited
Tin- 1 lew of Trut k II ei up ,11 1
lliultleis. anil Cnptaiu Minpktiis and
the Smith brothers, swnimed up llnoug 1
the smoke that poured fiom tin win
dow The woik of iisiiie was dime uuiik v
Hoseinau tl i K- gm Vettn and I'.i -stf
Kuplan. making two 1 1 1. through the
smoke The two pntiolini'ii brought
down Louis Kaplan and linsc 'leppii
man Captain Simpkins and the Snnih
luotlieis hitiiight down tic two umtlii-is
Knplun wnited until the women nnd
chlhlltli wtie siife then siivul hinisi 'I
He had found that lie . milil get dnwn
bv til' bin k stuirvv.lv, w m 11 In was
looking t"r a ineiiis 10 u-sciie Ins
fainllv but feuied to lake tin women
nnd ' liihli 1 11 out thnt w i
Hi ''ink a dei'li buath nml d um-d
ml" I III' slnnke He 'll lllnilgii 111. I
Snt .nit at iln le.n
Police Car Hit'by Speeding Limou
sine and Overturned
I'W O IUI1 lolllll II llllll , III. UMI llllt
II midnight lust mglil vein n nn mil n .
I11I1 .in-liid into tin iinlne , 1 1 1'fl if
tin I'll 11 il Mum 1 mil 1 an 1 1. nil.. ,1 n e
sin 1 inn at I'miiklm nod v im -iu i'
Tin- pntiol vuis taking John llilko.
fifteen unrs old, of I'lnot 1 , 1 m ar
lillliul live one. In tin Huns, ,, I Ii
ti'iitinn after la- mu-l mi .linn;, nf
nttemptnig to rob 11 Ninth 1 nun -tuet
I he linionsitie 1 .muig -mill on
IVllllkllli si ret I ktlnfTiil Jin piuol
luiitmi tlmtv teel ii nnilislii il ,111 ,1 1 11
nig mill iifwssHi mi, I 11 ii-li.'d 1 1I1--
pliev u iml.iu Tl e '1 1 11. wii- ik.-
iilid win 11 il nee 1 tui in d I'liiinin'i ihe
lliiie pali ..Inn 11 mid linn' pri-i'in 1 "H-
Ici uetitii
'llie hie wns pviuig'iis il ami Pn
11. ilim 11 Huh anil I 'in 1-.11.1I Itilknuiii.
sent In the I luhiit niiii'ii lln-pirnl lor
iniurii-s w I111I1 will inn H"u -I 1 in is
li.lin i ollnpi driui ot il" 11 ii' I-' If
nl Tenth mill Mi Keiiii -tutt- wits In 'd
III sliiiiu hml 1 mi I.. Miuistinle
Meiliuiv in (tiitiul .-Mnii oi tiiiliu A
man nml n wnmun iniin.' m iln linniii-
siui at I he linn "1 tin ' ui I petl
ill the ee iti'ineiil
Offer to Carry Wheat for Starving
Children Free of Charge
('lew-laud. Ian '.'7 1 It' A P -
I II. Ill, Hml Ulllll IlltVs o Unit , ."ill
nun nun IiiisIh Is of win at in in ii.. mii' 1
bv vw-slini fill tin rs -tn- linhi- nffiit I
ItV the thief ext'CIIIIM's nl I lie big lull
mini In nlhi'l sIiiiihN wnhiiiit 1 lunge foi
1I1, mi 11 s hihoi tu IL iln rt llonvir In
tjiilige of relieving -laivalnni among the
liungi.v inilliouH of I. in ope und China,
I Inirtt NUlit nl ll.aiu Vrt. tiro til & (J
I & (Hr-'t'l
V - loni.ni ojuveniri purvriii
. '
' . ii (
'";s-uhT, ,
3rAh 'hntil
"- y - yt
,,,s'vwjV 1 1 -i