'-' Wrtf"' i'WJfi )' v-, i rVT?K! 'i i-ew v. hj,i l..:ji wwi .ipjfcww -rmr wi.-. WMiTiS!! " c' & 4V r T.ii'" iip WE V. 'T-f 'J PVi .- 1 IV I 7f V ' ,v. j'l,- -'r'- ', J h. 'l r"'' P1"' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEEr-PHILADELPHlA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1921 .2 How to Build Up a Fortune by Sytematic Investments REGULAR, systematic investment is the basis of most large for tunes. By laying aside a comparatively small amount of money each week dr each month, every man may build up a comfortable fortune. For example, $10 a week, put by regularly and invested safely at 6, will amount to $20,000 in a little over 20 years. Study the following table, which vividly shows how small sums amount up into comparatively large ones in this way: II vrrk (3 n wrek W n vwrk Jia. of 3 Savings .. 1 A " .. " 6 Bonds . . ., I 3 Savings .. 4 ' .. 6 Bonds . . ., ( 3 Savings .. 3 U " .. Bonds . . i Savings .. 5 8 10 15 20 I cm "70 ,3 i IO 6 3 4 '6 4 So "70 $52.84 53.05 52.84 107.28 108.24 107.28 163.37 165.65 166.40 280.68 287.53 293.07 470.28 489.45 $158.54 159.13 158.54 $264.24 265.23 265.74 536.47 541.17 646.44 816.92 827.26 842.81 910 n WMk f23 n vrttV $528.48 $1,318.94 530.45 1,325.28 531.48 1,072,93 1,082.33 1,095.64 1,633.84 1,656.51 1,691.96 2.825.83 2.875.39 2,998.74 4,723.94 4,894.66 1,327.94 2,677.74 2.704.10 2,736.81 4,077.62 4.138.62 4,230.57 7.005.58 7,183.86 7,498.36 11.737.71 2.228.81 321.87 324.29 326.40 490.14 496.94 505.38 842.08 1,403.51 862.50 1.432.50 Bonds . . . 293.07 893.47 1,493.69 Savings .. 470.28 1,410.90 2.351.58 1.468.27 2.435.17 Bonds. . . 515.39 1,570.94 2,626.91 Savings .. 606.43 1.818.95 3.032.34 638.04 1.914.00 3.190.22 Bonds . . . 686.49 2,093.37 3,505.30 3 Savings .. 984.47 2.953.05 4.922.66 4 " .. 1.075.75 3,227.25 5,378.75 '6 Bonds... 1,212.84 3,706.58 6,208.20 12,440.13 31,112.45 3 Savings .. 1,423.21 4,268.28 7.116.46 14,262.37 35.521.38 4 " .. 1,601.86 4.805.58 8.009.30 16.018.60 39.628.37 (6 Bonds ... 1,922.94 5,873.19 9,839.12 19,717.06 49,309.87 This table is a sample of the interesting material contained in our new booklet "Common Sense in Investing Money." The many interesting features of this booklet make it valuable to every investor. It will be sent by return mail, without cost or obligation, on receipt of your letter or post card. Write today and specify BOOKLET No. S08-Q S.WSTRAUS&CO. 5,271.05 13,182.44 6,086.55 15.135.71 6,380.47 15.940.95 7,025.91 17,572.96 9.870.67 24.571.15 10,757.50 26,615.80 ESTABLISHED 1812 INCORPORATED NEW YOnit CHICAGO DirrnoiT Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia Telephone, Spruce S62S UUFFALO IIOSTON RAN niANCISCO CLEVELAND INDIANAPOLIS MILWAUKEE WASHINOTON riTTSIIUnGII MINNEAPOLIS Thirty-nine years without loss to any investor CcpvHoM. 1021, Iv S. 1C Straus A Co. Bonds of power companies have increasing values behind them It is estimated that there are 14,000,000 homes in the United States still to be supplied with electric light, in addition to an in creasing power demand from hun dreds of manufacturers whose plants are being equipped for elec trical operation. The constant increase in the in dustrial and domestic use of electric power is leading to the centraliza tion of the sources of such power. Such centralization tends to greater economy in operation with a consequent strengthening finan cially of many well-managed power companies. This is reflected in earnings over a period of years. However, the increase in price of Power bonds has been in most cases only in line with the general rise in bond prices. A fuller knowledge of the strong position of good power companies and a realization of the tremendous pos sibilities of additional demand for electricity should lead to still further increases. Some very good Power bonds are: Price Montana Power Co. 1st and Ref. 5s, 1943 86 Penna. Water & Power Co. 1st 5s, 1940 86 Georgia Ry. & Power Co. 1st and Ref. 5s, 1954. . 77 Niagara Falls Power Co. 1st 5s, 1932 88 Edward B.Smith & Co Yield 6.10 6.27 6.72 6.55 1411 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA ESTABLISHED 1892 Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 165 BUOADWAT NEW YORK AUXNTOWN pottsvillb EASTON WILIiAMSPORT NEW LONDON - . . a GIVE YOUR TIME TO UP BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS LET US WORRY ABOUT" YOUR ACCOUNTS YOUR credits ore never a certain quantity. Right now they are more doubtful than ever. Post-war conditions have made many lines of business unstable irrespective of high prices and apparent prosperity. Credits today ore largely n matter of Kuesswoik. Commercial ratings' offer no protection. Col lection agencies pay only what they manage to collect. But A Credit Insurance Policy in, the "London" is an absolute guarantee against loss from cov ered bad debts You are absaluttly jure of get ting your money on any covered account, and you know Just thtn you'll get it, too, whether we collect it or not Give your time to promoting your business 1", ,,',e worrying over your slow accounts and bad debts. It's the surest way. Asking us for particulars won't obligate you OUR SUPER-SERVICE Losses Paid In AmericanCurrcnty 1 lvr Trrf'kii' iL AT YOUR SERVICE Established Eighteen Sixty-nine LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY LTD. . "R. A. IRVING. General Acent ntXoahtttmt 8LTMtt.BM,. V, PHILADELPHIA. PA. -. .- , ....., i, .h.uu. rmTmuuinmwnmuiumwti PRATT, BREHM & CO. Government, Railroad and Corporation Honda 592 Bourse Building 'iiir.M)Ki,i'iii Lunibnnl. '.'IM Main, SCSI GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON Our Daily Letter Bent on Iiequm Hughes & Dier t rhicnco N. V. !: ) I'lilU. Si V l'lttxbur Itantsl a! -V-...1- -- v. -imia Uembtn & tt3?'i,.S' 'lfffthnrvh Ktni, rrt... .--..- -.....-, sutuiun 1435 Walnut Street RorOM Ml nc 1IM Philadelphia ,mt General Motors Fund for our rclal lfttor nn this stock "20 Payment Plan" Scott & Stump Investment Securities Stock Exchange Building )I.II.A.)1SM'..IA, IA 40 l.iolmnir l'luce Jjew York PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. Members I'hlla, Mock Kxthuu U2I CHESTNUT STKEKT P1 " GOSSIP .OF THE STREET Neiv York Bonds tSAIXS IN' 11000 Keen disappointment will bo felt In the financial community If nomcthlnR big does not turn out of the Important coun cil of the Allies nt Paris. Thcro is ft strong impression that the keynote for the solution of tho European situation will bo found, or at least agreed upon, before this important gathering of the rcprcscntutives of tho various nations adjourns. The settlement, nt least ot t(ic terms of Germany's reparations, will Jiavc the groundwork for an early ad ustment of the perplexing foreign cx chnngo situntion, and thereby open tho way for a resumption of trade. in tacr, some observers were or inc opinion there was n big possibility of tho deliberations of the council of Allies becoming n potent bull factor in the market situation. No one was pro pared yesterday to pin down just on what basis this idea wns built, but there wag an tinmistaknbly hopeful feeling in the air that borne good was sure to come out of the deliberations nt Paris. It was pointed out that it wns cer tain, In all events, to clear up n num ber of uncertainties now clouding tho foreign situation. This alone would bo certain to promote a degree of eonfidenco that is now conspicuously lacking. As a result nil advices from the council chamber were read with great interest during the day. nlthoush it wns ap preciated that it may require Rome few days before definite conclusions nre reached. More Litnio Ducles to Cans For There nre reasons for believing that sevcrol more of the lame ducks left over from last year's pmnsh-iip In the market have been taken cure of, and the hold ings of these injured traders have been transferred to strong hands. It wob learned yesterday that one block ot .1.",000 shares of General Motors was taken over Inst week and there were nlso several Inrge blocks of Mexican Petroleum taken over nt pri vate sale. As these holdings have passed Into strong hands tho market situation was strengthened to that ex tent. No doubt there are other largo holdings awaiting adjustment, but tho market situation is considerably dif ferent from what it was in December. In all events, there is ample evidence to indicate the urgent liquidation Is a thing of the past. Some of those who managed to hang on by their eyebrows through the December slump may find it convenient to lessen their commitments on every rully. which many undoubtedly hnve been doing blnco the turn of tho year. The major operations have been satisfactorily completed by the market surgeons, nnd the few minor cases awaiting attention arc giving little con "ern. On tho other hand, all indications point to an automatic expansion of the short interest following each drive of thu reactionary party. This results largely because of the innbllity of the bear crowd to dislodge nuy considerable amount of long stock. Today's Steel Meeting Quarter nfter quarter little attention has been paid to tho coming and pacing of tho I'nited Stntes Ktecl dividend meetings, which in former times were watched with i;ch acute interest nnd exerted n great inllucnce on inurkct con ditions. It may be said that more attention is now paid to the statement of United States Steel fpr the three months ended December HI, to be published this aft ernoon, thnn has been shown for over n year past. The belief prevniled that much of the buying of steel was bosed on contldcnoc thct the statement will rIiow a good surplus over dividend re quirements even after allowance is made for the many cnncellntions of orders and reduced output. United Stntes Steel is now believed to hnve nn income from investments amounting to more thnn enough to pay the full dividend on the common stock. Stiidebalicr Dividend neg.irded S.ifo In the opinion of competent market observers, the recent btrensth of Stude baker foreshadows the maiiftonance of the 7 per cent dividend rate on thnt btock. In view of the unsatisfactory condition of the automobile industry nnd tho steps taken by other automobile concerns to conserve cash resources, there lias been more or less n ecul.itlun as to the stability of tho 7 per cent rate. It is reported the company is maintaining its 800-cnr-pcr-week pro duction schedule, and the management is said to bn confident of a revival of business in the near future. Tho financial position of the company is said to be very tronc, with tf 1,00(1. 000 cash, against .$S.r.00.000 loans. The directors nre scheduled to meet tin- lust day of the current month and hence n week from now nil doubts will be re moved concerning the dividend. Accumulation of Union Traction It wns Ienrned yesterdav from a usu ally reliable authority that much of the recent offerings of Union Traction stock hod been nbsoibcd by what is popularly called tho inside interests. It is known thnt one of tho intluentlal and largest shareholders has recently been quietly accumulating a considerable amount of the stock. In fact, this individual in terest has virtually been the principal buyer of all the stock offered. By reason of placed scnle-hu.ving or ders he has been able to accumulate quite a lot of the stok, especially the odd-lot offerings. The llontlng suppl apparently has been pretty well elenned up. This was suggested at least cs terday, when the quotation given from tho board was HO to .11. but onh a few transactions wore recorded at 110. It is understood the largo stockholders nro confident of their position nnd lellee the Supreme Court will uphold the ruling of the Superior Court regarding the rental question. The most forcible manner of display ing this confidence is in bujing the stockj and this, according to reliable reports, they havo been doing. Tim THADCR. "GAS" PRICE CUT2CENTS Indiana Company's Reduction Fol lows Drop In Crude Oil Chicago, Jan. 2.1 (By A. I ) A i eduction of two cents a gallon in the prlee of gasoline wus announced here todn b the Stumlard Oil Co. of In diana, as a result of decreases in the price of erode oil At wrvice stations the price dropped from twenty-ninu to twenty -seven cents and from tank wagons from twenty seven to twenty-ilvo cents. Kerosene wns cut from eighteen nnd one-hnlf to llftcin and nue-hnlf cents a gallon. A O'd M ev D 2 in Amn Aurcul & Chem D 1 044 8..... onu Amn Arc"l Ohetn d B 2(1. S3. 1. 1. n. n. 40. 10 Amrt HmeltK & n'B 6 1 78 1 78 Am T it T (is 100S 100H 100 V4 100H 100 , 100H 100S 100 'A on on tiKTi n4 on o 10 7RW 7 78 Nth Wn'n Hell Tell 4tt 1 7U4 Nth Wo'n Hell T1 7s 2.. . H'J 2 82 82 82 MT4 0 7 1. 7. 1. 1. Am T tc T fls 10 I'" 1 00 Ateh opeka ft l'-o 4s 1 4 .... a 2 Atch Torx-kn H'a. K cv 4 1 00 I, ctt 71 . 71 U 4s SO B0 U Rwltz'd rets B ... 102 r. ... ma 1 .. 102H (1I Trunk rets 1.... 102 2.... 102 Hud & Man fd I (II 10 (3 n ... nam Hud & Man In B 2HV, 2 ... 2H III Cent'l B4 1 01T4 Intboro M 4ft 70 70 78 , 78 A Coast a a A Const .1.. 8.. Atl'o Fnilt 7s 1... . 70 Dlt 4 Ohio cv b on 20... . COh 11 A Ohio !IHs 2 84 Dalt & Ohio 4s i on l . . . . on Unit & Ohln r.s l oni n t o p 1. 1; & W Va 4s 4 OB'i. 1 OftVi VHO 8n US 1 78H n 4 O Tol 4s 1 . . BBV, Ucl T 7s rets 2.... 102 1.... 102 Bkn H T ct Ti 17... . 17 0 47 1 . 1.. B 10 . 7.. 4.. r. n o. i.. 20. 10. 10 10 1 R IB. :t 21 21 20 20 i 204 204 Int Met ct 4 4 20 SO.. .1 10 10 1. 1 . 23 17 'i 17U 17 17 17 17 17 17 07'i 07H (17 S. 07 V. 07 n7W (17 H 07 V 07 K 07 n7V. 07 4 07 V. OreKon 8 I. 4s 1 . . 81j OrK-Wn H Co Navl Co 4 s 1 74 1 .. .74 1 . . 74 rnr O &. 1. ' 4. . 77 r.i rt irm 4Vjs 2 . . 81 i 2 . 8P4 1 82 t'n Hit 4Vi 21 00 rennn. II II Bi 1.. .. 01W Pcnna 11 II 7s ID PENNA. IS I IN LEGION LISI State Ranks High on Roll of Veterans' Organization ' Throughout U. S. I D'OLIER MAY BE CHOSEN Dellefonte Central Pays Dividend New York, Jan 25 Thu Dellefonte Central Ilallroad Co lias deelnri1 a dividend of 60 cents, pnyubln FVIirunry 15 to stock of record January 2.1. Divi dend wan passed on Jndary 17, 1918. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Ocn'rnl Asphnlt r ouartnrlx of l' per cent (II 2 J C'r share) oil tT"trrrel mihM Vorrli I tci slock nt rr"ord February 14 Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Jan 25. There wns llttlo demand for spot cotton today with price"! Irregular on tho hisls of nn ndvanco of II points for middling nt 8 90d Tho sales were JOno Imles Receipts were 7000 bales. Including 4300 hales Amorl cnn. Futures wire quiet In the early drillings Spot prices were American middling fair, 12'Md, good middling, 10 6(d, fullv middling (i74d! middling, 8 fl!'d , low middling 7 74d , good ordi nary, C 24d, nnd ordlnnrv. 6 49d Intboro RTH IJrkn narld T, 7s ct Bta 1 8 (2 2 . . . . 42 S.!' . 12H Cal O & 15 6b 1 84 Canadian N'niKan N'n Hls relsl 1. 20 BO 21 21 B 10 10. n 20 B. n a 1 1. a' r. B n (1 r. r. 1 1 M Marine as 1 81"H 1 ... 81', Jni tlove't 2nd IS. . 71) M, S5ij S.1K nS S3 . S.'i 544 tm; B1 BS BB SB B44 B4H nt'd 54 . .14 S r.4 r.44 B4; B4J .14 r.4 r,4H r. ... 7n'i, 1.1 . . 7(i .lap Clovo't 4 CO1, 00 I'.O'i 00 4 . 2.. 1.. 1 1 1 101 103 V. 10B4 1WSH 10SH 103 rhll County 4s 1 07 '4 Phlla Hlys 4s 1. .SO Pitt Cln Chi &. 8t I. a Bs 1 .... S34 1 ... hBS Pitts Htecl Bs 1 .... 84 Hep'c C Bs Mlt 10 ... 7HS HIA&I.44 1 1 1 St I. & 8 0 at i. ft s 1 . .. 1 B nsvj 118 K 08 u V aj CB'i K In 48 , 48 48 Mi 484 48H 4S14 1. 3.. St LIS Kran Si-rlen A n 112 H2 Oi'i 112 02 Vi 02 C2 CIS Sb'si I. & 8 Fran 4 r... o T . 1 . 1.. 101SI r.ni; 30 V. 10m 101 Ctl I'aclOc 1st 2.. 74H Ctl PaclOc 3 "4 3 77'i Ch'k & O 4 Vis 2... . 77H 2.. 77 v, C'k ft O cv Bs 1. .. 83V4 B.. .. K1'4 1 . . 83 1. ... 83 v; 1. 83 inli,K Helrlum Ob 101 101 101S, 1 . 1 1 .... noi,8t u 1 . 01 '4, 4.. IC DelK'm 7l4s 12 . 1 24 1 1. 1 4. 3 CO'4 Serfes C .. 80 . .. 80 Swn en . . 01'4 . 04. 041, 07 St I. Kow'n 1st 00i 00 n K Ilelirm wl 8 100'i no'il nn' 1. .. 00 , .Seab'd (0i 2 ... Seab'd 0 .. 10 B 1 3 B 100 1004 100 100 100 Beab-d 1... 1 . S'th . C ft Alton .Vi.Kliurdom I'pn Chi 11 S.. IS. 3. 1 1 C 1 1: I Ct 4s, 1 39 mar ct 8b 80 1. . . ('8' Q 4s B . 08', 07 11 ('. 07 10 . 08 07 '4 2 . f'0 07 1 . .. CO 07' 10. .. OS'i 08 08 V I. aj . 38 V I- fd . 414 . 41 I. 0i . S3 . S3 N All Tlnnniii'limnin clntulu tlilrd III the IM of stntes In number of posts of the Amcricnn Lesion oiRnnizeil tliroiiRhnut too I niteu ninn-. This fnct is con tained In the Is sue of the Week ly, which i ns re r'elved by lcRion nlres in this cit today. The list 1 lieailed by New Ynrlf. with U'U posts. Illinois is second with 00(1. IVntiurlvnnlii tlilr.1 with 1")!).") and JOVVIl fourth with mH posts. William O. Murtlock. tho state ad jutant, declared Inst niRht that pres sure Is being broiiRht to lx-nr on nil povt offlleers to remit dues to depart ment Iieail(uarteis tor m.i liiiiiieuini.- le un Hint the inelilhoruhill rolls mnv ..'..mnnre li-ill, 10"ll mill tills StrttO IllOV maintain Its position of presticc. In fact, the department is ncnunK tor st.- ..n.l nlunn mill If (d tllO nillllltlon (if I'llll i.flv , ..... .1. J Commander David J. David to displace Illinois during the remainder 01 mi term of office. M.nsaehusetts led In the matter of or canlzlm: women's nuxlllirlts In 1020 TVie lll bo lncrenwil nrtlvity In IVnnflylvi.nl v clurlnif thu prtsent yiar, due In th call -f a rnnventlon for nmen which has Jui bin Issued by tho stato cxicutlvo commit tie Tonight the county committee will or ganize, for tho new ear by adoptlnir a constitution and lectins officer. Ther.' hns b.en an ffort to p. rrniado Franklin I) Oiler, former nitlnnal commander, t stand as a candidate for county chairman It Is doubtful as to whether he will accent the, plao. Blnco It will make such ft draft on hlH time and 1 neruy. Much will be ex peeled of the committee this ear. and much work will tirewnt Itself to the officers The other leaillnu candidate are Heulnald l lliwan and Thomas F Mielian The meet Inir will bo h. Id In Kuitlcr's banquet nmm Fifteenth street north of Chestnut, an I there are l'ii) de!cKulo who arc ellulblo to attend LONDON STOCK MARKET 33 KlnKdom Nor way ct Sh Chi ft C W 4s 2 .. 32 20 . B2V. Chicavo Mil ft fill' CV 41-, 8 2 . . 71 3 . . 71 Chicago Mil ft 8tP fd 4,s 3. 1 1.1 .1 10. 1 1. RRla '30 a . . 04 L S'n raclflc cv 10. . 78t4 6o'n Pacific fd 1 .. . 7S 10 78 So'n raclflc 4s 3 . .72 S'n Pao cv Is 1 .. 78 V. I 0 . . 78 IS .70 8'n nallw's 4s 1 . 01 S'n Hallw's Bs 1 SH'4 00 Term'l H H A nn of st 1. 4s 100 mo 100 on ' 100 71 Ti 1 1 1 C 4 1. 3 c n 10 .. . 10. . c 11 1 ft 04 114 '4 04 V4 Nwn 3 '4 s ... OH 08 Lake Rhoro M Third Ave aj I ft P fd ns'4 08 'A P 4s 72i Chlcag-o St P'l Minn ft O Us 1 ... 102 Chlcaco Union Sta 4Vjs 2. ... 82H . 82 Chile Cop'r C a .71 1 . 73 1 73 City Cop's SH 2 .. . 74 '4 City Paris fls I 2. . 00 1 . mm C Zurich rets 1 . 07 1 07'1 Cl'd Cln Chi ft St Louis lis 1 . .. 00 8 no 3 4s '31 4 . 31 1.. .. S3 1 . 32 3 83 B . 31V-J I, ft Myers ,1h 5 . 31 'A 1 .... 84 H, rnlon 1'ac cv Lonic lid It fd' st . HI I 1.. 00 I 0.. 83 Lou & Nash 7s T'nlon l'ac (Is 2.. 101 1 S . 101 Mln ft St I. 4s 1 .. 101 4 2 42 IT K of O llrlt Mr, K ft T 4 i I'd 1021 .10. .10 4 10 . . .10. Mo Pacific 4 1 MM f.3 B.1 3.1 r..i. 00 . ''9 . 00 HO (10 f IC of O llrlt ft I'd 1022 1. . 03H Cons'd 0-rh 7s,N Y C 100 B . 100 Del ft Hud 7s 2 . 101 101 12. 1 Sin Tac Bh '23lt' K of O llrlt 14 92I41 ft I'd 1'J1 llont'a Pwr B 2 M' 1 804. 8 . 8S 1 Ml'41 2 e' N T Cntl H'-is't' K of Ci llrlt 1 1.1 .ft I'd 1U37 N Y Cenfl fl t . HI 1 01 ' 2 hrt 10 .. Ol'i.l' 8 Mexico 4b 1 ... (H ! 1 (10 10 ... . 01 'i L'fd H'ds San 1. ... Out. F unct 4s I .... 01 I 3314 0. . . 01 U 9 IC ft I 3s 7s rets, L- 83', 3. . . 101 V S Hubb'r Bs 4 . . 101 ' 2 78 5 . 101 U K Itubb'r 7s S .. 101 I 1 .. us I 1 lm T7 M Hub 714s 100 Stei I 3s 103New Ylt I)k t" 10 Den ft H tl fd I.... 04 U'd 10. . 43H N YOUVii 1 Den ft H O 4s 1 01 0H4W Y Ilw 4s Det X' 1 I 01 fl.1 It 44b . lit 4 01 N Y Hwvs .is No French Loan In Prospect New ork. .Tun 2G foncernlntr the rumor that u JIOO.000,000 French loan Is to ho tlonted In this countrj, Maurice CiiBseimve. minister plenlpotentiarj and director ituniral of I-'rench services in tho United .States, Mid thero In no ne cesslty for such an operation it tills time Tho French Government will pay on Kubruary 1 tho unsold portion of the French cities loan amounting" to 123,. 800,000, That government vvtll also pat on that date to the United States Trcas. ury 110,000,000. beltiB tho semiannual Interest on the 1400,000.000 bond of the Frenoh Government held by tho United Bto.te m ft gunrantea lor payment 0f materials purehsed from tho American armj', Do fan 3s '21INw Y IV BT. 1 C ft 10 004 3 . 00H 3 ... now o Canada "in 4 . . 014 Do Canada '2i 1 . . 02 0 .. 02 Urle H H cv A 1 31 I 2 . ... 30 No n Pac 4 4 Hrle It It e II 2 . hi 1 30 I.N'n PaclOc 3s Erie It H cv Dl 1 . . . Bill.. Host 4 4a 2 .. . 4'l 1 ... 43 1 . 41 2 . . 41 2 4.1 43 W'n 4 . 70 4 in. 10 Nflt 3 3. 03 01 01 01 1. 3s 80 00 .Is 81 It 21 . 80 V t'nlon 4 4s 1 . 8"4 W I ft Mfe 7s .Ct.ib V iVa HallvV 1 . .. VVnb VHh 44 1 .1 4 1 1 10 rt 3 1 1 00 00 00 00 lH, OS 4 0K (IS 0-1 Oovt F II rtcsiN'n Pacific 4 3 00 I 1 . . . 7S, ,1il4 i Wits n Co ll I I'm, 00. 11 1.1 , ,, . IllKll !)' a in Liberty i II Vs Uii.'JO HL" on ii'J.iiil Liberty 1st 1 ' i h . . SS.'.Ml ,ss (is us L'( l.ileiiy M 4V(s.. ss n, ss.OD ,ss,i'j I.ib'ity .'id -i's.. 01.00 !u in! in oil l.itie ty -Ith -I'jh.. S8.U .s.s :ti in Vie Notes !i!)4s. .. HT.JIO (17 'Jtl !I7 .til Vn. Notes --,s. . . U7..'l(l .i7.'-N :7 2s Raw Sugar Market Steady New York, Jan 25 Tile raw sujt.ir market continues quiet, but steady on the h.iHla of 4 He. cost and freight equal to 6 39 cents, duty paid lluers are in clined to hold off for the present There vvero no hales reorted vesterdny in con seiiueniv Arrivals Includul .'3,noo bapra Cuban conslBtied to Arlmcklt- Hros The locul rellmd maiket ts unihamred l.al est HdvkvN from tho Wist ,ire that the California and Iluwallun and tho west ern companies nre quotlm; 7 55 cents less 2 per cent, senbonrd basis, nnd the American Suar Hennlne i',i u Knld t. he meeting thu price of 7 55 cents west of the Mississippi river, Including Testis RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PVCIFIi' Third week January. 13 llol noo iWoi.I jt.nui.rr i-january i-i io 13,-v noo 4311.000 KANSAB CITY HOI'TIU.IIN Decembiir irro $2.01.1 B17 J48.1,73il NJa .liar .bvam .1..,. n. '.'.. '"I "-. .--- . 1... Uf III, OOI Twelve months' ktcbb 22,US3.2,.'0 B,74h!2IiI i-iei aiirr lazes.... a,48.1,S3B 1,054,172 BAR 8ILVER tn'VoVr Urt ,o,M,r ,n Lonaon Wc announce the opening of our Philadelphia Office in the Commercial Trust Building, City Hall Square, under the management of Mr. Rudolf Smutny Wo aim to have available for tho investment of. National Banks, Savings Banks, Trust Companies and Corporations, Short Term Investments which will afford profitable employment for funds and will com bine: Security of principal, adequate interest return, and maturity to suit individual requirements. BANK AND BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS U. S. TREASURY CERTIFICATES MUNICIPAL NOTES SHORT TERM RAILROAD AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES EQUIPMENT MORI GAGES Wc will be pleased to send our daily quotation shcclt upon application Price Changes Mixed and Trade Devoid of Snap r-oiidoii, Jan 25 Chnnffes in securl ties on the, stock exchange were mixed today and trading was again devoid f snap. Ollt-edged lnveatment issues werw firmer as the result of a cessation of realizing and on further improvement in tho position of the various exchange Home rails wero dull, and the shares of South American roads wero heaw owing to selling from tho provinces Dollar descriptions suffered additional losses In smpathy with New York cv change. French loans showed fresh hunvnncv with the upward tendency of francx Belgian 3s were good on the success of the $30,000,000 Helgian Issue In Xew York. Oils dropnod Shell Transport lira Trading was 51? nnd Mexican ICagle 5. Hudson's Hay was 6 6-1 6. Kaf firs wero flabby beciuo of the move ment downward in the price of bar gold. Discount House of Salomon Bros. & Hutzler Members New York Stock Exchange 27 Commercial Trust Bldjj. PHILADELPHIA Telephone: Spruce 7591 27 PINE STREET 35 CONGRESS STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. TELEPHONE JOHN G300 TELEPHONE TORT HILL 6G40 Financial Briefs uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu;;ps::OTtrnuuujuuuuuuuuijnf Hllj) BilH Rears. Iloehtifk & Co in the annual re port for the year ended December 31 shown net earnings nfter all charges nnd reserves of Hll.74G.fi70. equal to 10 C5 a share on tho $105,000,nno com mon stock af tt r allowing 'or preferred dividends, as compared with $20 Osi -067. or $20.03 ,i share, earned in 1519 Tho Transue & W'llll.ims Steel Purg ing Corporation In lis annual report for tho year ended Deffmlwr 31, shows net i at nings after all charges and taxes of $670,734. equal to $fi 70 a share on the outstanding capital stock as compared with $735 ss or J7 35 a stinrc earned I In the prl-vluus ear flross sales during ' tho year amounted to $7.55'l.S71. u compared with $C,!iJ4.777 In 1910 The average price of twenty active in dustrlal stocks declined 14 jkt cent to 74 77 jesterday, while twenty railroads gained 20 per ctnt at 75 68. Bankers say that suhscrlptlons to the new Helgian ft per cent bonds totaled In excess of J fi'l. ooo.OOO The lHue wu liberally taken bv small investors, vvh werj attracted by tho 8 per cent coupon rate. Local 'Change Names Ticket .iiiiiiiiihii'ii-i i"i vmvvin nun KUt U li nf the l'hll.afivi.ihi i Sto U Kxrh.tnK 1i.lp t. ...... ,..! ... . 1' t-i .- ... William I) tmnizfi , for frrrf t.ir trennurer. U(ir." u Iav for chairman JainoB T IiZHruH. Ktri W Mas;ill U. ., it 4 iMiiii.ir- rur iiirtuiier o J i,u,Cllll,t, .,, 111,11 I Vf-r . ,ll . iar- tln. Clarence I. Mover Trunk I.. New -burger. Cushm.in New hall, George K tkciuy, r reuericK i uisiine, josepn it Straub. Harry C Thaer Ilenrv Ii Wleand The el.rti n will be "held March 7 Tax Free in Pennsylvania $50,000 Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh 4!2s May, 1957 $38,000 Indiana, Illinois & Iowa 1st 4s July, 1950 $40,000 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 4s May, 1931 I'nces on Application Blodget & Co. Real Etote Truit Bld(f., Phila. Hoston Chicujro NiwYork Wulnut 1C0C iaee jo;! THE soundness of Cassatt in vestment suggestions has been tested by an increasing clientele for over 48 years. Securities suggested must pass the searching scrutiny of expert". They must be such that wc will buy them and own them outright ourselves. We should be glad to extend our service to you. "CASSATT OF FERINGS.'" a monthly list of investigated conservative securities, will be mailed on request. KINDLY A.-K l""i: CI1H"CLAK K-l CASSATT V CO. Established 18T2 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE NEW YORK PITTSBURGH SCRANTON r'l CITY OF PHILADELPHIA 5 Bonds, Due December 16, 1970 Interest jjail J,n u.irj ,m July Kt Price to Net About 4.80'', HARRISON & CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Members Sew York and Philadelphia Stock Exchan ges 1 1 n i "j iiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii rr U11J i UUIUIMIIJU, 3 We take pleasure in announcing that E Willard R. Ginder, C. P. A. I J lins lirrll mtlliltti-ll In llieililiri".li in (u, r, l,' Horace P. Griffith & Company E I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS IKIL KM, 111. IK. riiii.iin i i-ii i v, i-. 'Tii'rrT mTri rrrro miT ni r nnTTw Kingdom of Belgium 8 Bonds EDWARD L0WBER STOKES 20 South 15th St, Philadelphia Baldwin-Philadelphia Built Locomotives All Over the World When'M-r r.uMi-. .m in fipi rutuwi ilu u.Ml , "HaliJ MU, Philadelphia " i.n- utll ltnown n, UMU. fiu'turi-d pioducl lifv- ilotii innri- to ((instantly udvor tise the fanui of our i-ity in "'1 he Woild's (JrcuU'Ht WorUbhop" than tin- .". 1,000 li.ci.rimtivi-s which wo have built, thuubaiuls of which an- used m foieign countries. THE BALDWIN I .OfOMOTl vc unot-o i PHILADELPHIA .W I t V !'" J'i I J k('4 E "fl T U'