ft u. fisl H j T Pffl lW!f It ' !' . f v . If K U k w i WINDOW SMASHED MORRIS EXPLAINS IN HARDING'S CAR JAPAN'S PROTESTj Rook, Boliovod Thrown by Small Boy .Shattors Pane ' of Class CROWD KEPT FROM DEPOT ' Hy Iho AiHKlalNl I'rcss Jacksonville. VU Jan. 'J2. The Jtlawi in u window In President-elect Harding's stateroom of his private cur, broken by n rock believed to have been tfcrown by a email boy, was replnccd when tlio train Mopped briefly here today, en routo to St. Augustine. Mr. Harding left his enr only to I ahnkc hnnds with friends on the rear platform and them wns no demonstra tion, crowd being excluded from tUr depot yarcr. . St. Aitffustlne, .Tun. 2. (Hv A. P.) A, program of recreation calculated to inrurr immunity from the worries of the Presidency nwaited President elect Harding upon his arrival here today for n six weeks' visit to Florida. Putting his vacation at once into ful' Bwlng, he arranged even befnre hi train reached St. Aujnitlnc penl this afternoon on the golf links and to put out a few hour later for the limitc boat fishing rruifr thnt U to occu(n th" . ncit IVSO weeks. He also mnde it known that durinc his stay in the South he intends to a ,.,,..,.,, cept no invitations to public functions. As soon as the fishing expedition is over he will return to th. St. Augustine Hotel, but ho expects to be kept busy with Important questious relating to his administration which must be de termined before March 4 On the fishing expedition, which !s expected tu begin late today. thi l'rpi dent-elect wl'l be the guest of Senator Joseph S. Frcliughsen, of Now Jer sey, aboard bis houseboat Victoria. The trip wi'l take tho party down the eastern sbore of I'londu ns far as Palm I?eacU or Miami. Atlanta, Gs.. Jan. 21. (By A. P.I. Forced to a quick decision ns to whether they would jump from the mov- t,- -vt. ......., -... u.i i -.i th. Jin- .uutui n iniit nil iiuni nil iiir i i., f !,., i)..,:.i.:,...,i... j,i 1,1. brief stop to extend n welcome. Mr. was in the midst of a brief reply to the welcome when the train got in motion. Before tho President-elect realized the situation it was too late for 1,1s Harding invited them into his car and , . ... - ... .. n'x.ctd tn imr. nn.i !,. ... . ...... i M.mn muni, m.lo- nn- Tln,..r.r he prevailed iinon the conductor to stoii ng n the m d FoY a 'speech or would ' nt,rprr,r.l as appl,ing onlv to furnished ballots containing lines .which o to t a, of you Jn: we can ----- - -- ;- hear him through, althought it mean. - PlMn.Va dlnmlna: ' Mr& r" oVvr.rTheST Hnri 1, " c .JVork'.lay Vid' nigh? and in be? ylopc-or on th'o same piece of paper, being his unwilling guests for at least' ent- " 's m a sense a (liscrinnnn. ' ativc or tliose fo "',', n , " if ou so desire. Send 'cm n utiy wa ; part of the trip to Florida. Mayor Ke .,0- "r, Pwl'l' better, a selection of were printed. t'i "" " ' u"on' I they'll nil be considered. and other prominent Atluntaus chose the , ,1""'" whVf". fn'' "'"i 7;"!'0"I0P "i10IV,pl" 'lroC8' !'0,amt ,lu ' 7i?n liters were i I-ettcrs From IJm'rickers I Helen V. S. Do Laud. 10S Snnsoin latter course last nlirht. we are willing to admit to the privilege could not know- who the writers were. .-cucrsi rom ""'""""L, ,. , c,trp(,tTired of inn sendlnir in so some distance outside the citv. (.overnment Is not complaining Derail so ... i.i. t i i Japanese al ens resident in the l nited knMIn . Pirn i"f Un" APCnC,nmMn States re ineligible to American citi holding itself aboio sectional and par-' ''"'., h tisan divisions and making secure the "a"'!1- industries of the whole nation Mike, i Toliio .Vslis for No Favoritism was bespoken by Mr. Harding last night , ..Vnr , ,i, ,.nVernment of Jnnan nsk- inn mP4iifl7ii ti inn nAiinin ti m snn hi. The ineV'snge-written at the reuert!"'S I?r lU rt7:""i. .. of Clark Howell, editor of th iKiiui v. uiiMiiuiii'ii nnu LieniiK rain- national committeeman for Georgia. "" ""n"'" ' 'K'"' -' ""' " ' ' ". n wns made luiblh- h'ic on die nrrivil of "Pn"- ,,l(" pnneiple that un. state ims the MSS w'hieb Vtnking the Pr7,"K,it 'l 1- "gbt to impose rea.oi.uh ; rcMri,--elect to Flor.da It follows in part: '. "I"1'; lll, lro-t ngh ts . for "Of course. I have no message to tho eigners who choose to lijo or pursui people of the South that I would not, 'heir ueuupatiniH within its borders, gladly utter to al the United Swte.,. I "May I "k Ji therefore to nott PerhBDs the South ronl.l lie Iniere.teJ ! ill the second pU?ce that inc govern- to know, howeer, of one umbition wblch I cherish. "I want to be the Instrumentality it, establishing that complete concord of union which I hold to be essentia! to the Ameriean fulfillment. 1 rca.izc how the political solidarity of the South followed the unfortunate days i f the Civil War f know how that solidarity has been eneourazed on the one hand and I think I understand the desire to break it on the other hand. "It i- nnt specifically n Republican ambition It is rather to be accredited to a desire to establish u complete mil tua'lty of purpose and oneness of am bition in America." MINE BREACH STOPS TRAINS Discovered Just in Time to Prevent Accidents PottMllle. I'n., Jan. 22 - mine breach, hundreds of feet dei p nnd about Blx feet In width on he urface ap peared under the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks on the Uroad Mountain ln-nr Krackville toda. The forem-h wa- dis covered in time to prevent ier,d'nt and no trains were allowed to run over the dangerou -pot, all paengers be ing transferred .I'nsseuger trains fr'm I'ottsville ran up to the breach and then hii I, again to this city The t.rea.-n i funnel shaped nnd will requiri: a !arg nmoiint of till ing in. 8pangler Named Opera Manager Chicago, Jan 'Si -The appointment of George Miir .Spancirr as Imnuevi manager of il.e rbiiuuo Opera Assocn tion vvas announced informal rete-dn by Miss Mnrv timlen. 'Iirector geniiul. He succeeda Herbert .lohtirtu. vrho ie signed last k at the some time as Gino Monouil. tbe former director genera! when Mies Garden vin ap pointed to supreme authorit m the epera company. Lafean in Hospital Here Daniel .1 Lafean, formei state bank ing conim.ssiouer. has been admitted to a bopital in this city for mi uperu tiou. Postponement of the trial of Charles A Ambler, on charges g -owing out uf the N o i th !' tin Dank crash, Ims beeu ordered because of Lafean's con dltiun. C. P. .. Owes Trotzhy SW Back I'ay for Work in i. V. Now York. .Inn. 22. (My A. P ) The C.iPHdl.in Pn -iti- Tlnriwu) owes I eon Trotzky 510 Tin- 'vas ndmitii"! Willi n smile bv I,.,rd 8haughnesv , of Montreii' chairman of the board of the lailioiul sv-i'nn, at n dinner of the Cauud.an ("lub here lat niuht N W . Howell, Canadinn delegate to the .ivcinbl of the 1. caput t Nations, was speaking of V W. Beattv . the new president of the railroad, who was also prr-cut "Mr lteattv is not the only young man of prominence Lord Shaughnessv has produced Uur gueat mav not lo so proud of it. but when Trotzk lived ui New York be also worked for tin Canadian Pacific Railway here " "True." interriiiled Lord Bhaughnessy. "nnd we still owe him $10." Doclaros Tokio Fears California Will Extond "Discrimination" to Personal Rights IS POLICY WISE? HE ASKS IS.v the .Wwlnle-1 PrtM New York, Jan. 22.- Discussing what he (ermed "the California issue-' iu nn address todaj before the I'nlversity Club. Itolund H. Morris. American am bassador to Japan, declared that the Japanese were fearful that California, liovlng devised the plan of classifying aliens on the basis of eligibility to citi zeuship, might use this method not onlv in proper. rights, lmt also In persona-! rights' Ambnssndop Morris, who Iin been Miii tictiiig tho tiesotiatioii.s uiili Harou rhiieharn. tlm .Inpanese nmhavsador. jvith inN to ij,1R th(. ,nso, uf a treaty between the ritr,i stnte.s anil lupau, further declarel that the .Tan anese protevt nKnint the California iilitl-alien land lau reented to the American people th. definite question of whether in the Iniger view of Amer-i'.i.- relation with th,- drient it I ii to rlnsify aliens on the basis of th' ir eligibility to citizenship. I re.vrnting the isUn Involved in the present negotifltmnu. Mr. Morris asked " , r - ' ' ill-' tiriri II'. M IT lir hnrnn Jn minl i:,..t tl. . t ...., a,j til (i Hi idii' I III' till 11 mir-n wore nor rnm'iiimn. i,..n i. national- rri(prt in ti- t'tiitrcl mtnv ur" ""'iismim n rtfl7lisl)ip. lint nkiug ?,n? Kroatrr .ri5Ill's fnr "utiotmK'than , innse foiiceupil to other aliens, not hum. tioning the right of the fniterl ,,-. vioyermnent to pass, mibjert to treaty obligations, legislation covering admls siou or reMdcnre of foreignirs. nor seek ing removal of present restrictions on Japanese immigration. Japan Oppusos Discrimination The Japanese (ioenimeut. bo added, does contend that It is unjust and unfair to pjrk out a particular group of alien who l-n llnHrr fprfnin iinlltitfit disabilities nnd depriic them of rights' wau'ii mi oilier aliens are permitted tocouraging punning eujo." of course, ilie choice is up to the "Japanese n'lens resident in the juries, but fome of tho puu-hunters, United States." said Ambassador Mof won't realize this und hold us indi ns. after asserting thnt he was not dis- , vldimlly nnd directly responsible, cussing the merits of the issue but Its Toda'v's choice was made by n jury definition, "are not eligible, to citizen- of nuVials and workmen of the Ncel- iip. our natura ization laws Iinviiir , ut Ameriean citizenship. i ... . . . 1 "Hut it is clearly not a ilisenmiua- i 'inu,of u oliara'";r "llio11 coulirproperlj ' uv "" '-"-," ' ' -:ri"' ,' " .-, niniinn t- u inuA niitinnale tsj inlit hn nt . I "foment hoe nationals might be ex- oltirlccl. No government would consider' it; ProPr ,';r ''vdwat to protest be- ,"li"" 'ts citizens were not permitted to cxnatriate inemseio;i .MnV I aKOI. therefore to nolo carefully this point. The Japanese, ... . .. .. '.y'anv greater lights than those coneedeil ,,:" i to'othei alien-. It neccplr, und in it" , ., , . ,.:.. i.u ,.,.,,, .,.., ment of Jannu 'Is uol in an pnu -is questioning the right of our govern -meut to pa.--, subject onl to it treat obligation-, any legislation it ma see tit covering the admission or residence of foreigner: umong us. "In the third place, therefore. ma. 1 a-k von to note thai the Japanese government nnd people arc not c'aiuor ing for the removal of nnv of the present restrictions ou .iiipiiutM- uu migiation. ,.,,, What then Is this much talked of Colifornla issiieV. Of what does Japan comnlain? Let me try to answtr those ."estion": As 1 have alrcidv -tate.l. Japanese alien are eligible to citizenship under the administrative lnteriin-tiitiou of our naturalization low- Hut personal proper! rights thev have shored equal' vvitli other alleDS. In WVA, however, California devi-cd tho plan of clasifvlng alien- 'en the basis of their cligibillt to citi- 7. : "' .: -ii;iw,. ..f .Vrtil.. those who were Inelig c oi eriaiu j.,a rights previous, ened b "In 10-0 this legislation wnsampii- lied b on initiative and referendum ad tither states are now seriously considering similar legislation nnd tin! , people of Jupan nrr fearful h'st tin- method may Pe use, noi oniv iu prop erty rights, but h1-o in per-otul rights, i "It is against this method that th" government and peop e of .Inpun an most igorousl and enrnenlv pretest. lug The cnnteivl thai it i- unjust ai.d unfair to pi k out a particular sii'iip of nious w Ivi in-e under certain poiitica; oi"a' i'iih s jihi uepnv-e ineui "t lights v i.rli .ill other aliens nni, permitted to enj'iv An I the Japan- ii!i.L l,r-'-tU TO 111 uur leuin.- our tins very definite ipie-tion In the larger v i. v. o: o'jr relations w itli tlji , rn ut i- it vvj-r tt is to clas.-ifv aliens on ihe lifi-i- of then- eiigiblllt to it'-. Zlllilllp It i- not foi ire to ant-wer tlni .,n . -rum The uiiswir must be made' li. tin) Anierieiiu pnopln tinjk.n, il.io-igl, the r-i ionized ovuns of their guviinineut Put it is important that n i -liou.il Keep i-learl betorr l- JUBt w i.iit the i-suo is so tnat we i:m. moie iniel'igi ntlv determine it in the light oi toe tacts ninl arguments which are lnia siibmifti I to us''" TOKIO PARTY URGES FRIENDSHIP WITH U.S. rol.in. Jin 22 ( My A P -Immc d.nti ein ustiou of Siberia i.niver-al Miflfragi and insistence uron Japaa's n'lifi, in the California question were liiiiiiinibd in resolutions iis-eil ,n u fin ml n eeiing of tli KenseiKv the i ppii-ilimi pii't.v of ,taiii" '1 lie puitv he.d ti irci'ting prepnrutorjr to tin- r opening of Ihe .I'ipiini -e Iiiet .md in addition to the nhove demand urged tluii mmnlenanie of fr.rod- . with the I nited Stall- be mnde h busic poll' (if tbis nation, nnd also nub i t-d the league of Nation- Htld .1 lunwel o( 'Ii' Anglo-,lapiiiie illliiiiTe m tlie in i ! ri si of world P' ii'-e 1 Ihe L'ague of Nivtions n. favored 1 !iv isioutit Kato li-ndei nf ,. iiirt.v. nut li regretted the fact that Auiencu n not a member. He approved of ihe plnu for restricting nrmainints, but considered .lupin's mv.-il prognini us the mnumiiii lo be (Und fnr toe national defense Takeshi Inukui. leader of the Koku iiiiuto. i r uatioiial part)-, addre-sed n iiieetiug of lh.it orgiiui?ati"ri, loiidenui ing Japan's policy toward merien. (Ihinii und ltu-iu. dei lanng n n 'rsowiue the seed for future trouble.'1 jEENINGF PUBLIC LINE WITHOUT A PUN CAPTURES TOD A Y'S PRIZE FOR LIM'RICKER Jury of Ned-Cadillac Offi cials and Workmen Show They Do Not Prefer Obvious Ways on Words in Verse L. Ii. Hopkins, of Narberth, Wins ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS With Neat Line About Beatrice G. Till: OXK HUNDRED DOLLAR ltmplu' llm'ririt prlro awarded today was oled on by a jury of officials und worlimen of the Xrel-Cadillac Co. A photogr.mli of (ho jury Is printed on, the back ps'te The nwanV to be announced Monday is being Mitrd Vjti by h Jury of girls in Hie main ofllee of tho Keystone Tclo phono Co., t.l.'i South Second .street. Watrh for it and tho photogrnph of tho glrLs. Wonder how many of the fans will heave a sigh of relief as wo do to daj nnd sn , "Well. Uiank goodness; there nren't io many of tliove puns in the lines today, anway." Vitnni llilncr nhlllll1. 1IIII13 : tllOSe who fall iu to the habit soon lose all sense nf " " " --- uronurt ion mihI I par nod tvwM n wnru until it i haHK rroosntzable uithout We're liml ii lot like thnt " uinKmm. rr m tnrtimrs t tn1 u s several miuuies to puzzle tliem out ourselves. We're mighty glad that today's prize is won bj a lim'ricker who didn't use a pun. You can rouslder it n play on words, if you like, but it isn't one of those torturous things thnt make you groau in agon when you do finally get it Thin will, we hope, convince the non punning fans that we were perfectly sincere the other day when we aid that wo hoped and prayed mat sucu a hub would win. just to rid people of the impress. on that we are deliberately en fi.imn,. Co As is our custom, we The choice fell on i i. n. ilonVin.s. t Chestnut aenue. Narberth; with Scott Co., Drexcl uuiiiiing. i ..... . iri Tfa llm.rirk ns com nopkin9 was . Limerick o compieieu uy ."r. SO ' C"J V.l.nui.I tn Jlsntrif Cm.. nh. ram a in my rfirrrr trr 11 flee. Rut, she ar.strirrcd, "Ao, Aaf; I cnmiot no that: IBrinn a ring, not a rattle fnr me.' Mr. Hopkins's limepck wns No. 7 on th-ballot. The other Hues were : o. I To flea, glial, a hug I would be." Ituymoml Ldclmun, J., houta Twrnts first street it. Nn. '2 When jou aulo (ought to) have both our iinas free." C. C. Shanfelter. 12HS Noith Broail street. . , II.. ... ... tt -so. .1 ion vp no IHUII.-S- i ik iiiiv, me." Ilobert J. Pitiger.-ild. 111!!! Sny ,ler nveniie v ,,., ,..., . i0i,i for ,e " Wi lia n Sj Savage Room No' -ij MoVvrc -.ti-ect ' o44. 1-U1 Arcu streei. No. Ttl'tl ratlier iw itoiimni pn oar knee." Itobert Mr Arthur. Jll est Airy street. ;Sorristown. ra. v o ,s n fiver your lllvrrr's N. G." Thillip H. lloff. l-t Callow- hill street. . 8 Can't elope? (cjinteloupe) Honey do f honey ilew). plealed he. ' j; 'yictorlne ltoiiilloii, "'.) South Kit tjp(jl street. No 0 You'm a llrens- for IJr., not - ., J, T Morris0n an f?nrri"'',;tr(,p uarieu sirtn. , No. 10-Can til. Kord or you cm, t .Konl me." Albert It. lute. J-10 tnrket street, Th. mPnibei of the jury from among tjf oCj,,inls and workmen of the Neel- pnfiiun,. Co '- -nlesrooms ot 142 South jjrnnti ftreet nnd the service statinu at jjj0 -vallace street wcre A nnrtley. nfll7 Pprague trt. Germantowu; pnvaio r, "'"s.. , JZ? ot sales promoi ion. C.corge P Parlser, Glenhlde. la.: nss!stnat superintendent, " Tnhn C. Cripps. 40.'! est 1 isher nvcnue: purchasing agent t: T .lorcenson. riiw nimnec, street accessory department manager. II l: Ilr.irher. 1410 Wnllnce street : cr- ice salesman. PranrN Jan-sens. 7"0 I.ocust street; in'tructor. ..,...., t- . Dnvnl Camp. 1114 South forty . ii, ftreet . superintendent of jerltiiniuli oeparirueiu. fTnnter Moore. -."01 Olive srert fnrPmn nf miehine 'shop. .o.orica t.oeble. TM Shamn avenue, rvilincdalc. Pa : -'" foreman ,lohn Davies. 4CH.I Noi lb Irse street test department. .1. K Ruby. ',mr' Me,lia v,"'"'t. ma chine shop. hont Totla's dinner The winner of th" i " pri'c ir-inv snrs thnt be will prt 1 -is c the en-t .....v.i in Hec'ullnc what to rp. -v.th ihe, t. llnnLlns. who is the In lis. !?-, '., ihe'scutt Co. effi-lenev enii - ncers nlth oftires In the Drexe Muild In" Fifth and Che-tnut -treii.. snid tl't the little nvatirr -ilioiit deobllng low in spend the Si 00 has already b'en i'et'ed bv hie- wifl" nn(1 ,v" 'llic''iers. When Mr Hopkins told his fnini'v u. i :. ......!, i, him ill t Chestnut me wn-i "v ."". .-.,.. Vi.rhel-tll. till! hr v, going to enter this contest, thev agreed tinoni n eiu.lv that If he should ie sr fortiirnte ,.r to will the prize the- were best ti' ,od to spend it. So il.re you nee Vice bow such thine- nn be sett'en without a dispute or the need of nrb; tr.ition. Lots of people "lire ore will im to heln you o'H when it mmc spending S100. Mr Hopkins -unl tl it nil of the nn nloves of the Set (V, are ord i" lim rick fans, even thosi wli' work i' u,e Chicago branch of the mn.pap- He explained that inch dav it- soon ns 'hi KrviMt Pi hi If" I.l.fifiKll i- published he bends several ."i'ie out to the ( n cagn branch and vhni the lim'ricker nut there think thev Ii iv H tirst class lino thev iel"grnph their lines ti I. s office. Thev re what v e a" leal fan Just goes to sh iw ou what n con tnglous die.isi this urn i h kins i nn wav Mr. Hopkins was born m New Fi land, but hss lived in this r.ty fnr number of v-"nrc He hfliee that h' must have a special genms for writing lim'ricks since this line brought 1 .i S100. while other people einploved the same offices have sent in answer almost each day The all say that, like real dyed-in- pGDGE$ - i?ffli;AI)ELPHi'AV SATURDAY, One Hundred Dollars Daily For the Best Last Line Supplied by Any Reader, of the Evening Public Ledger to the Incomplete Limerick Which Appears Below RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST 1. Contest is open to any one. All II thnt is required for you to do is to i w rlto nnd send In your last lines to the Limerick, using for convenience tho coupou printed below. Please I writo plaint , und bo sure to odd your name and address. I 2. All answers to tho Limerick which is printed below must bo reeehed at the office of tho Eveniko Pt u- MO Ledueu by t! o'clock Monday evening. Monday's ond Thurs- i day's Limericks should be mailed ' to P. O. llox ir23, Philadelphia; Tuesday's und Friday's to P. O. llox J.-21, nnd Wednesday's mill Saturday's to P. O. llox 1.121. An swers left at tho office of the E I - l niko Prriuo Lcuanu will also be , D admissible. THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL RE ANNOUNCED ONE AVEEK FROM TODAY Cut Out and Mail TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST Evum.no Pfnuo LuDOErt, r. O. Hot lo2j, Philadelphia LIMERICK NO. 36 Miss Polly McFurlcy McFcc Said, "A queen of the screen I will be; I have studied by mail, So I know I can't fail CWrtlB jour unawer en Ihls line.) .Vamc Street and A'o. . Cit'j and State. !he-wool liin'rirkers, they are now going to redouble their efforts and try to swamp us with their clever lines street, writes complaining mat his lines ... .. i,ave not been put upon the ballots, and jet ne claims uiat incy arc ocuer mini .i. i ii 1 it. mne mat ao go ucioic me jury, ur submits several ot ins lines to proc tins. If Mr. Morris will go over his lines carefully he will find thut they tin not "scan" that is, they are incorrect in rhythm and therefore, are not lim- cricks. Tho number of syllables in the last line should be the same ns iu the KPof.Vn,,' Tnit"f i 1 KlllLUUV I UUt, Says She Was Wed Con tl mini from Tatr One velvet hut and had thrown an expensive fur uecknierc Over one arm. ,- ..1 r MA...f.r,l kulfl (t ,1 fllk M .'....U ...WI.F, W .v... W - - uuii?ii no .miuiii"! i ... .lil couniv is uni inseiy 10 come lo more legal (piestion whether his client coup tU S12.000." prosecute the defendant because hi' liiiil onlv borrowed the money "invested" Had Several Aliases 1 ""' l'' B"" hW ...6ther notes to cover T1)p W0llBn ,,,, ., aBb ac. the amount. .cording to the police. She savs she is ni)f jinEjptl.ntr Mrcleory rulcl that thirtv ciiiht vears old. but looks older. tpchnirallv he was the owner of tne , invcttrir' money and thai the war- I rant would have to stnno;. i ne mngis- i trate consented to a further hearing so that ii further investigation can be made. V j-mitij man in Central Station who rrfusecl Ins name said he recognized Mrs. Hon! fa"e as a woman who "bor rowed" Jfl.'O from hit, mother recently. The prisoner, lie said, claimed her fur- niture had been sold by a storage house and that she needed tb inonev to be- "ii rn 1?U0() for the $l."iO borrowed. Calmly Walks U to Cell At the end of the brief hearing Mrs. lloniface walked calmly bark to the cell room, apparently unconcerned at the revelations regarding her financinl deals. Prosecutor Strolman. of Gloucester eountv, prepared extradition papers to lay for the woman. He expects to have them completed, honored and the v-oman in the custody of the New Jer sey authorities unless the Philadelphia -lbe prefer to prosecute her first. The Gloucester count authorities say hey will not consent to bail pending the completion of the extradition pro. merlins fVinntv Dolcrtlvo Strclman -ml today the woman has n reputation a "bail jumper," and n the put has found it easy io rnie s cn-o unn, i. h she bus abandoned without com p-metion. "We believe she is th" daughter of a Philadelphia! named Chambers," said Detective gteelfnan tods'- "but do not know bis first name or addr'ss We are trying to run this end of the case down. "Not long ngo she visited women m South Jersey from whom she had ob tained money, and told them thnt their 'iiievstments' with her alreadv hud earned .$:W,000. She could not pa their winnings at the lure Mic said, bcausn of the nbseive of one of the officers "f the banking firm whose sig nature wn- needed on the chcr,. "We find that she wus nn extremely smooth' article, n veri good and con- vineing talker, and not ut oil bnir.cn I,, hec metlinds. She won their resiert I,iriipii she took tutu- iiinncv. One of ,iici - habits was to seem vc-r.v reluctant Inbout inking any inonev to invest She , would speak of her dead father ami tell of how he mude hi- fortune on inside, -tips' in the stock nnrket. Out of re s,,rs't for his memorv she snid slie ' wnnti-cl to be vcr n f il about taking imeetors nione S hen thev did nt .... ....,..- .. ... . . ' : Ill-' Jirivail on Jir 'O lliur some Ol tlcirs to Mn vest' lie h'vviivh let herself ' " -m , I IJHBtSpusJ ti,ll!liiJil,,'A,U- lf!llifc!!!!jWHIi!KHMMJlwBwBBB I - .i ' " I ' ' T-r-rmnrjIl 'ivf. ft "f'jVV.- The winner of tho ONE HUN DRED DOLLAR prize for the best last lino to each Limerick v III be announced one week lifter the Lim erick its printed. For cxnmnle. the winner of the prize for the Lim erick which nppcars today will be anuounccd today a week.. 1. In enso of tics, prizes will bo awarded to each successful con testant. For exnmplc, if tho judges decide there arc two or more an nwrs of equal merit for the piizc, the author of each answer will re ceive ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS. The prize will not be split up among them. The decision of the judges in each Limerick contest will be Mini, tirst or second line. Mr. Morris' lines are almost nil too long. ' A. Renhauff. r.Ol Colonial Trust many V Nothing like it: hone you'll keep i ,, ,,n(ii , ,.i vnJ. U !- ,,o onlv i.t iiwliiiiii: nil permissible, but very pleasing to us t'o nae coniesiunis answer 'em every nigiii .1 nnu no muny unsworn to cacn as mey want to tend. . Ralph Dlsplgno, 700 South Ninth street The question of nationality can hac no influence with the limerick juries. The lines are submitted to tliem ! without names or addresses, so tuut they d0 Ilor kunw'who the writers arc. he coaxed, and then swore her friends to secrecy about the transaction. "Wo ure lnvet igjtlng her move in I this countr. Wo may develop some bad;rheck charges against her also, as several persons huve asked to be no tified when she U liroucht into the stntp i M( tllPV CHn 1rT t0 j,ieMtlfy her. The I ,,mmln ui. .heliet-e she pot In filoiiee-tnr . . .... S1)C pos(( nB "society womuu ot Kraukford"' a couple of weeks ago on n visit to Major Moore's office to coin plain about tbe alleged incivility of a Prunkford nalrolmnn to her sister. It was this visit, nnd a chance description , which came to Director Cortclyou, who has a great memory for the faces of 'i-ooks uud suspects, that led to her irrest. The director described her to Captain I I fonder, who recognized the description - llllll. HI II MII1!I1U IUI "UUI1I lilt' .-I'W Jersey police had sent out "fliers." Tin. warrant nnd arrest followed. BANKER'S WIFE MISSING Mrs. Stedman, of Boston, Missing With $10,000 and Jewelry New York. Jan. 22. Hcadojuarte-s detectives and police of the West Thlr- lleth street station made n tour of bos pita'n last night in a search for Mrs Margaret Stedman, wife of a Boston banker, who is said to have arrived. nere late rjicruay nuernoon ironi Hartford. Conn. She was last seen in Fifth nvemie, just north of Twenty I thiril sirn.r. nhont a fiVlnrk. j jt wftg hHi, tUftt relotiven who ne compiinied Mrs. Stcdmnn here reported t() ,10 police early in the night thnt sin itfln ncciistomeil to call nf hnsnitsls for treatment without revealing her iden ' tity. She Is about fifty years o'd, wel dressed, and is said to have had $10,000, in jewelry and money on her person , when she disappeared. She wore a diu ' mond ring worth $5000, the police vverc told. ARMY OFFICERRELEASED Captain R. B. Harrison Believed Ac quitted by Court-Martial . New Yorlt. Jan. 22. (Hy A. P I Ramon II. Harrison, formerly an army captain, has been releasexl from con tinemeut after bis court-martial on (Jovernor s Island on tbe charge of having sold an army tug lout for $2,100 . when he knew that the city of Newark i N. .1 . had offered $10,000 for it. Actual findings of the court martiul cannot be inodu public until they have been approved by officlala in Washing ton. A paragraph in the military man ual, however, rulea thnt a prisoner shall be releused upon his acouittul by a :.. .i.i ....i.. ii. i... ..i,. l-O'lll-UUlllIUI, nines.- lui-iu in- uuni barges, pending against him. - JA&RY 22. 02t ' I F Operators of Plants Ask Res toration of Aldrich-Payno Dutios r MARKET NOW OVERSTOCKED Ry Iho Associated Press WiMiIngloii, Jan. 22. Herbert Hoo ver's wartime ndvice to the people to cat fish, with the resultant effort of packers to supply the dcmaml, has glut ted the markets, representatives of the Industry told the House wuys and menus committee today In urglnc u higher tariff. Although there were several import ers before tho committee Reeking free entry for some kinds of fish, operutors of fishing plants were in the njajorlty. They asked practically a restoration of the import duties carried by the Payne Aldrlch law as a measure of allevia tion. The operators pictured a disrupted in dustry coupjed with a declining national appetite for the article ot food. Plants are closing in .treat numbers in New England and along the Pacific coast, they said, ond othera will closu unless the market conditions Improve and pro tection is given. When Mr. Hoover urged a policy which Representative OWfield (Dem., Ark.) described "as Friday three dayp n week," there was 'ittlc production of fish iu Europe, the witnesses said, but with a gradual re vlvul of the Industry there tbipments to this country havo become heavy. The present merchandising system In coal would bo destroyed by tho Caldar bill to regulate the coal industry, George H. dishing, managing director of the National Wholesale Coal Association, told the Senate committee considering the bill. Authority proposed to be given to the Interstate Commerce Commission to rate coal mines as f their right to transmu tation facilities "might tend to monop oly ns 1 view the commission's policy in general," Mr. dishing stld. Reprcocntntlves of the anthracite in dustry received permission to delay their appearance until Monday. Ibo Houso resolution tiiiug the peacetime strength of the army ot 17o. 000 menO by directing the secretary of war to stop recruiting until the force in reduced to that size was adopted to day by tho Senate and set to the White House. A similar resolution whim has been before the Senate was. abandoned. In tho usual course the resolution wilLbe referred to Scrtary Raljcf, who, it Is'undcrstood, is prepared to recom mend to tho President that the resolu tion be approved. MIST AMI rot XD BltOOUIi. l.ust. diamond brooch, t-tuaii .vim una Osage .nil 3'-'a nnd lv Uanoi-y; 1irral rcHrd Ujlpli I.. aolcJsmllh. 1317 Wlilenor llulldlnK. I'htlmUlnhlii. IH.ATH'' KJJQAK. Jan. i'. lVi. LJVitnEHT IIOU- i.vu i:dcimi. .m. ii. .on or tin. iiu wu- .liim nnd Celsle MIrs Ivliur. lelutlvr.s and frlnrti luvllfil to atUnd (unrrnl frv lecs on TucadKj. nt 'i p. iu., t Ills lute rcii iltnco. -faiu u'aihurliui utreiil, lntirnifiit l.rlvaie. LANC ,lnn. KI. 1021. Jli;N.IAMIN I.VNC. son ot T. Blrcli anil the lain Tanin-n H. tflkrllnc. lleUtlven nnd friends. IyeUra No. 4S2, J", and A. M. Temple Chapter .u. "t It A. C . CorltilhUii I lians.iiir. rm mniidvjry No. f.a. K. T. . l'hlla. Cniml'tory. I'hila. I'ouncll No 1. I.u La Tr-nDl. A A. V) N M. si Invltrd to tuner h I en Wdncdaj-, .' I'. in . at Ills lute rfHlclrnrc, 111 llditl incrH ave Irnerrnent iirlvsU. or Tue. 5X15: 25 ? Mcaueuiy mimc .sii-7imiroi.irA.-s iii-r.u, iii.iii-aisi nOM rARI 01 Mmca. l'onsllc, Ger. uun tAiaua (lon nnl0y ,qn ilMlus. Mr. Crlinl. DeLuca, Uldu nii.i.l.nn Uuil. I-Aml I'anl Tickets Arsilemy and lleppe . MID htnut ' INIVlUtSITV Mt'PEI'M. SiL'.MIAV. .130 , Free Motion-Picture Lecture Era BE m m '-..'.Ei?. toffis m mi m tm What Value, $2.50 to $7.00 m u ir: t!K m i ',-i I ! PROTEC NUHI INDUSTRY I lij j r BRITISH SUB AND MEN LOST . i u K-5 Gunk In Channel With All Hands Had Crow of 66 London, Jen. 22. (Ry A. P.) Brit IsU submarine K-fi, Commander John A. Oalnes, was tost with nil hnnds Thursday at the approach to the Eng lish channel, the admiralty anuounccd this ufttrtioon. The disaster occurred TOO miles off Land's End. A full complement of of ficers and men was aboard." Vessels of this typo usually carry nix officers and fifty men. The "K" class of aubmnrlnei in the lntest type of Itritlsh wibmendblc, the vessels being 3.18 feet in length, with n Mirftico hpecd ot twenty -four knots nnd u speed submerged Of nlnu knots. They carry eight torpedo tubes, one fndr-lnch gun and ouu thrcc-lnrh gun. The cause of tho disaster is not known. Polito Young Man Takes $125 While Obliging Pharmacist Servos Customor HIS NUMBER UNLISTED Dr. Herbert Lilly, proprietor ot the drug store at Twenty-ninth and Thomp son streets, was robbed of u wnllet con taining $l"- late yesterday afternoon. A well-drc.scd youn; man entered the store and asked to use a telephone. Booths were busy, no the obliging pharmacist conducted the jouns mun to the prescription room, wlicro n tele phone wos placed In n smalt alcove. Dr. Lilly left the prescription room to wait on a customer. Ho snld uftcr wurd ho heard the man in tho prescrip tion room Insisting to the telephone op erator she bad called a wrong number nud advising her he "would put in nn- other cull oh koou as lie hail consulted the directory." The polito stranger came out of the prescription room and Or. Lilly, still in obliging mood, handed him a phone directory. The man turned hurriedly to n page in the book, scanned it closely, thanked the doctor, expressed disap pointment nt the ssmo time, "because the number of my friend's telephone is evidently not listed." Then lie hur ried from the store. Dr. Lilly recalled thnt a smnll office safe in tho proscription room was un locked, lie hurried to the safe, found the door partly open and Iho wallet, containing 51",", gone. "He w-iis so exceedingly polite about it till, nnd so apparently n gentleman, that T just could not help being obliging. Neer again," said Dr. Lilly today. TELEPHONE ROBS STORE SAFE J. E. Caldwell & Ca JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS STATIONERS CHESTNUT AND JUNIPER STREETS DIAMOND BROOCHES QUALITY ORIGINALITY You Have Waited For! A Sale by the Manufacturer! Tbeto ihlrt now on talo at thst factory vrore mado for tho b(t retail trade, but are bs-ing iacri&cd at lets than cot before any new (took can be made. The na'mo of the maker, Nathan Facgen nnd Soni, inmret their quality and workmnnahip. Every article it backed by our reputation of 35 year and by oqr cunrmnteo aa to fit nnd fait color. Buy here, NOW, for 91 what you'll pay $2 for elsewhere. SHIRT 7 Up to $2.50 These Shirts Appeal to the Most Particular Dresser Serviceable Dark Woven Madras ShirU .....$ .75 Striped Corded Madras and Oxford Shirts 1.25 Finest Quality Striped Corded Madras Shirts..... 1.50 Striped Philippine Repp Shirts ... 1.50 Striped Woven Madras Shirts 1.95 Genuine Imported EnglUh Madras Shirts 2.50 Silk Stripud and Fibre Silk Striped Woven Madras. 2.50 These Shirts Have No Equal for Sport Wear White & Tnn Oxford Shirts, Collar or Neckband .$1.50 White Alpha Oxford Shirta, Collar or Neckband 1.95 DaUj Fron 8.30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sale on 2d Floor 11th St Entrance. Exceptional Values in Night Shirfc and Pajamas piece goods aastfffiis isy2c NATHAN FAGGEN & SONS SHIRT MFRS. IN PHILADELPHIA SINCE 1885 FACTORY at 1 1TH & RACE Southed Corner r-tr KELSEY IS WLLIHG " TO SEE DIX CLOSED i ii Burlington County Prosecutor Want3 No Camp if Commander 13 to Bo Autocr,at ANSWERS WAR SECRETARY Jonathan IT. Kelsey. public prose eutor of Burlington county, N, j i not dismayed over the throat to 're move government troops from CVimn DIx. made because of the fight he u eadlng against whot he calls tho "mill, tary au ocracy" of Major General bummcrall, tjio camp commandant. If tho people of tho borough of renibcrton havo to submit to a die tatondilp bv the military which dou rinf. rivittivt nti'll 1ti nn,i -!,.i..i- .. constitution"!! rights it would be betTer to loso the ramp altogether," said tho prosecutor. "decretory of War Baker's decisic, r?c.U ,'LP j?""0! Hmnmerall. p,,-,. llshed in tho Evening Puhlio LeuocV yesterday, eontaius the pertinent as sertion that the general would give" no order that was not Justified. "I hnvo tried to get the ceneml i Justify the order whtch kp??ho io ! dices of Camp DIx out of Pemberlon, but without success. Unless ho wishes to be open to the charge of spiteful, iicss, he thould either withdraw the restrlotlons or give me, as the an. of ficer of tho borough and counfv. ha reasons for his ruliit;. " "When there wns complaint tilMiit conditions nt Wrightslown. the "on".' pla nt was specific, and the remedy easily nnd promptly applied by mo." A conference held yesterday at Tren ton between civil authorities of 5?" Jersey nnd military officials of Ca.im DIx" accomplished nothing towards en ing the IioMllitles It ratherin ' ensifie, II feeling nnd brought out the fact that the government la seriously eon sldering abandoning tho site aa n ncr mancnt camp. ' Tho conference ground itself to piece upon the roek.s of n verbal battle be tween two of tlm prlncipalM. I.teiiteii nnt Colone' Dennis V. Qulnlnn. of fan DIx. represent ng tho judge advocate's office at Washington, und Jonathan It Kelsey, prosecutor of Burlington county. " Others nt the meeting r-(.rc As'luisi United States District Attorney jopa0.' thou W. Acton nnd .Supreme Court Justice Samuel Kallsch. who preside over 'the Burlington County Circuit Court, which has Jurlrdlctioa over Hm Cnmn Div territory. 5 Colonel Qulolan openly charged Mr Kelsey with misrepresenting the fn'rt" "The camp may deny that I'eniher ton Is boycotted," said tho prosecutor "but ou can watch the guards und mo for youMclf." Value, $2.50 to $7JOO ajijiij M 1 lis eun I II jO IUB1 &tm Il JJLS - i , -v 1.$ .i. ''tSBm r-aif'itr'aBirtwjjgtjfcy'- -?' i - -j& ! x-v i mmvUjz?n3rKd2itL&&Xi v ,- V